1950-03-16, [P ]

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1950-03-16, [P ] .•x- Thursday, March 16, 1960 EAST CLEVELAND LEADER Pa<a Ela^r, AUTOMOBILES F0i SALE Rummage Sales FOR SALE— Household Goods foywo■ i Your Northeast 15020 ASPINWALL ave. .Wednesday Overland 1938 PLYMOUTH. 4-door, deluxe; yood PT A SHIFTED AnVFRTTSTNG RY DOO. Hack snd white, long haft, Rest Willys Dealer . Condition, must see to appreciate, evening. March 22 and Thursday, DEIIT a UfACUED March 23rd all day. PHONE_________ — 75c MINIMUM. CASH East 222nd and blvd. Call REd. 1-6222, Scdee Service Parts first $250 takes it. IV. 1-3077. WITH ADVERTISEMENT — 60c 7’HF, Euclid Jewish Center Sisterhood 11C 111____ "......... * V.._____wW ____________rUil.. .du M-----. ...Jt-.x-.-------.. CI.. b ---------------------——----- OPEN EVENINGS 1941 CHEVROLET, 2-door, de luxe will hold a Rummage Sale on Mon­ MINIMUM. MI ST BE IN OI R sedan; A-l shape, all extras. LI, day and Tuesday, March 20th and <)FFI< E BEFORE NOON WED- 1-1674, between 4 and 6:30 p. m. 21st on Aspinwall at 150th st. Mrs. _NF.SD 1Y_.___________ ______ live MonQis Rental Will Apply on Willyi Demonstrator Can be seen at Kozar Service Station, Albert Kogan, 571 East 222nd is WHITE table top Grand stove. $40, East 152nd st, and Waterloo rd. _ chairman for this project and has good condition; white breakfast set, Geller Body tS V.-Ton Pickup. Driven Only 90^ 1936 DODGE, sedan; good transpor- the entire membership working with porcelain table top, $15. IV. 1-0295. Purchase of a New Washer Miles, N.w Car Guarantee. tation, $100. Call RE. 1-1075. • her. Anyone wishing to have their 5 ROOMS modern used furniture com- Save $300. HAVE 1936 Oldsmobile; would like to rummage collected may call Mrs. p 1 ete, or separate, cheap. IV. 1-6746. WE REPAIR all MAKES of WASHERS Fender Shop make deal with someone buying new Kogan at RE. 1-6682 or Mrs. Herman 21171 Goller Ave. Car. Cal 1 after 7. IV. 1-2485. Katz at RE. 1-5649. To facilitate the APEX washer. $35; blue Anglo Persian pickup many members are invited rug. 9x12. $20. KE. 1-4414. Television and Willys Jeep 1950 NASH, Ambassador, hydromatic; to bring their rummage to Shore QUALITY gas range, A-l condition, Ofl East 200th St. 4-Wheel'Drive 1947 Model like S«W, 2000 miles. $2100. IV. 1-2260. _ High School. Sunday morning, where 1‘2 years old. Call KE. 1-6217. _ 11 TEFFT Washer Co. 18,000 Miles; One Owner. 1949 STUDEBAKER, 'i ton pick-up; a truck will be waiting from 9:30 GRAND stove, table top, $30; Apex Radio Service CARS PAINTED bright red color, only 7000 miles, to 12:30 a. m. washer, $15; Vitaiaire 100 lb. ice box, I Same Location for 13 Years Tenn*. Trad*. driven solely by owner; $1050, or (_ $5. 15919 Dampn ave.______________ WRECKS REBUILT will take light car in trade. IV. Expert Guaranteed Service Oe 11315 Superior Ave. TY. 1-3939 1-2738, after 6 p. m.______________ AUTOMOBILES FOB SHE MAGIC Chef gas range. $35, good con- AU Make* QUALITY WORT Henry Muto 1948 PLYMOUTH, special deluxe, 4- dition, PO. 1-2841.________________ 1948 “ee” OLDSMOBILE, club sedan: PHILCO 6 jcubic ft. deep freeze, new REASONABLE PRICES door; radio, heater, etc.,. $1200 or light blue, white wall tires, radio, Free Estimate* BEDROOM sc*. wait'. do :>!<• »,<-r: coil Sales and Service. Inc. best offer. 19321 Renwood ave. last July, perfect condition, will spring innersprinc mattress, chest 15000 Aspinwall PO. 1-1670 heater etc., excellent condition, best sacrifice. Wickliffe 997. Jacob Strekal, FOB SRIE—Household Goods and dresser, excellent condition. $65; 1941 CHEVROLET, very good, must offer accepted. 282 East 208th st. Chardon rd., fourth house east of sell. 737 East 232nd st. RE. 1-5485. KE. 1-7445.________________ ' rug. 9x12 Axininster, broadloom, like IVanhoe 1-6413 _ W h i t e s. _____________________ Domestic Appliance Studio 3 RUGS. 9x11, 3 burgandy, 1 blue new, $25; living room table, octagon, 1937 DODGE; just overhauled, $125. 2-PIECE living room set, modern, ma­ twist. A-L Call EV. 1 -2310.______ can be used for television set, $10. 19068 Lake Shore blvd.___________ roon, good condition,, cheap; also 718 East 200th SU cor. Mohawk KITCHEN sink and cabinet, 66 inches. Wickliffe 967-W, 1941~FORD7' Tudor; $375. After 6:30 Westinghouse electric sweeper. IV. Call RE 1 -274fk____________________ SPINET desk, $12.50. small walnut 3 p. m. and Sundays. 19^14 Shawnee _1 -0484.______________ ______________ IVanhoe 1-8383 drawer commode, $12; net bedspread _ave._______________________________ 18th CENTURY kidney shaped daven­ RADIO - phonograph combination, port, hand carved frame, down cush- for single bed, $4; several pair SPECIAL BUICK, 1941 4-door sedanette in very piano, coffee and occasional tables, Kitchen, dinette and bathroom cur­ Ralph Stewart Buirk WESTINGHOUSE electric range, good ions, very reasonable. KE. 1-1186. f;ood condition, $650. $275 cash, will hoy's bicycle; free Westinghouse condition. Call MU. 1-2266 tains. single pairs of drapes, $2. IV. Chrysler Products inanqe balance. Call owner, GA. sewing machine; floor lamp, lawn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in The i-1813. ___________________ 1-3777. After 7 p. m., PO. 1-4631 mower, washing machine. White AMC Spinner, good condition, $45. RE* SCOOP, Euclid News-Journal and EASY washer, spinner, large copper 6 Cyl. .utility cabinet. IV. 1-5504. 1-2081. East Cleveland Leader, reaches 50,000 HOME OF BUICK BARGAINS AND FAIR DEALING 1949 CH E VR OLEf“T-dooFdel uxe'sedan. homes for 75c (minimum for 15 Y?^UUI11 CUPS, good condition, Ring*, Installed DINETTE set. 5-piece. table top Grand __J25. KE. 1-5029. radio, heater, undercoat, blue, 7,500 TAYLOR Tot, $3. 26951TMallard ave. range, in good condition. RE. 1-8348. words). Just phone GL. 1-4383 BE- miles, private owner, $1500 cash. _ R E. 1-8134,_________________________ FOR E NOON WEDNESDAY. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in The ; DINING set, 8-piece, walnut, good SCOOP, Euclid News-Journal and BUY with confidence POi. 1-9328. ___ NE W 9x12 green expensive carpet, DAVENPORT and chair, rust frieze, East Cleveland Leader, reaches 50,000 : must sell. S65. Dealer. HE. 1-8167. condition, reasdnable; gas stove, with slip covers, very good condi­ FORD pick-up, good condition, $95. cheap, other furniture. PO. 1-4711. homes for 75c (minimum for 15 i _ 15 823 A read e_aye._________________ EASY mangTe. automatic control, floor tion. PO 1-7054, after 4:30._______ words). Just phone GL. 1-4383 BE- See JOE First RUGS. 9x15. 9x12. 8x1'6; mirrors. 2 The following cars have been thoroughly reconditioned 1938 OLDS 6, factory built opera coupe, __size. IV. 1-5722.____________________ FORE NOON WEDNESDAY. all extras, 'low mileage. 855 East PIANOS, in fine condition, at reason- chests, end table, clothing, 2 Jove Save 20% On All Repairs and carry the 30 day Cleveland Automobile Associa­ 140th st., suite 8. able prices: ..iso tuning and repairs. seats. FA. 1-2742. tion. Warranty. 1937 PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan, very H. W. Borgsteadt. 12805 St. Clair ave. DINING room set, walnut. 8-piece. WANTFO TO BUY good condition throughout, solid Shop. LI. 1-8407; res., MU. 1-5712. crcdenza buffet, ref rectory table, Joe’s Auto Service body, $79,00. 13339 St. Clair. GL. _pads GL. 1-8446._________________ WE buy scrap furnaces, iron, brass, _1-9U8_________________________ •___ CLEARANCE sale: Regency davenport, gray frieze, was $175, now $1.35; 2 TABLE lamps, gotud shape bases. copper, lead. rags, waste paper, cot­ 1070 E. 140th at Rugby Rd. 1947 Plymouth 1947 Buick 1942 PACKARD Clipper 8. radio, heater, three 2-piece living room sets, gray, $3 each; solid maple kitchen table, ton mattress, pick-up services. SK. spotlight, good condition, $575. 790 green and rose, were $225. now S18a; ref rectory st vie, $v. 558 East 232nd 1-1107 or SK. 1-4555. Rudyard rd._IV\_1-2196L Duncan Phyfe, blue, high grade st. RE. 1-5506. 4 Door Sedan - - Spec. Sedan .. v * • ® BABY crib, fu 11size.Ca 11 EV.I-5537 1946 CHEVROLET, radio, heater, good Matelasse, was $185, now $145; odd BUTTON COVERING BUY scrap iron, brass, copper, lead. tires, body, motor A-l. Berish's Shell chairs at half price; all new, guaran­ SEWING SUPPLIES L-nk b^Henes. raS>: pick-up. Call EXPERT Service. 845 E. 152nd and Plato ave. teed workmanship. Barto Master Up­ SW l-<630. 14. 1-98.39. holstering. serving Cleveland for 35 SEWING LESSONS SEWJWG MACHINES 1947 Buick C19QIJ 1947 Chevrolet CO QI? 1936 CHEVROLET coupe. A-l condition, years. JW00 Waterloo rd. Domestic Sowing Studio AUTO BODY rebuilt motor, 4 new tires, $175. IV. 2-PIECE living room set, good condi­ 566 East 200th St. IV. 1-8688 HERE IS HOW TO SAVE! WE BUY ANY Super Sedan- $IfcvY 1-8227. ___ Club Coupe__ tion. Call GL. 1-2459. _ ELECTRIFY C15 AND 1941 HUDSON 4-door sedan, good 1948 HOOVER sweeper. A-l condition” MAPLE bed and coil spring, $16; ma­ AND CONVERT ifMiVUup Sewing Machine transportation, $200. RE. 1-8035; attachments included, very reason- hogany poker table, 3 tables for rec­ lor Y°ur R- °- _able. UT. 1-3189. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in The reation room, 2 porch chairs. RE Befor Materials Advance v«»! drop-head Singer FENDER SCOOP, Euclid News-Journal and GRAY carpeting. 50 yards, 27 inch, J -7199.___________“____________ - 1946 DeSoto COOK East Cleveland Leader, reaches 50,000 new, left over in building, will sac­ BOY S suit and coats, age 12; girl s Suburban Calls Made homes for 60c (minimum for 15 rifice. Dealer. SW. 1-5168. REPAIRS — RENTALS — SALES ■I-r-6sX<'c....$1045 Sedan -............
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