News Leader Classified Ads If You Want Quick Results Mil;

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News Leader Classified Ads If You Want Quick Results Mil; V , :URSDAY, JULY T, 15S4 CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER PAGE SEVEN lUff News Leader Classified Ads If You Want Quick Results mil; CLASSIFIED AD Automobiles For Sale 5 Services Offered 8 Houses For Sale 30 Houses For Sale 30 Lots For Sale 31 Ml RATES FREE GOLF INSTRUCTION AT Hill and Dale Golf Range behind SERVICE INSURANCE & Hjjjl Minimum criarge GREATEST, WCHL, Highway 15 and 501 by­ Select the location for Three Lines pass. Also full line of golf sup­ FOUSHEE-OLSEN MOST SENSATIONAL plies. Hours 10 a.m. to 12 mid­ REALTY COMPANY your future home from ‘ Count 5 Average Words night. REALTY COMPANY ideal building sites ^ To The Line. USED CAR FOR ALL KINDS OF MASONRY OUR LIST IS SHORTER, work, rock walls, drains, walks or Greenwood ^ One Insertion SALE WE’LL ADMIT 20c Per Line loundations, call 9-8288. Whitehead Circle SAVE MONEY, BUY REGULAR A VERY SPECIAL HOME because we’re selling for someone Gimghoul Three Insertions YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN gas for only 28.9c per gallon at AT A SPECIAL PRICE everyday. If you have property to Durham Road 1^: 18c Per Line Hi-Way Service Station, Carrboro. sell, list it with us for quick sale. Milton Street across fron ;LSix Insertions SUCH VALUES BEFORE ENGRAVED AND PRINTED WED- Radio Station A most attractive and unusual TALKING ABOUT 16e Per Line ding invitations, reception cards, THE WEATHER ... SERVICE INSURANCE \ IN USED CARS! ‘ informals. University Printery, Be­ home, has six rooms, with 3 bed­ rooms and two baths. Ideally lo­ you order your ad for two neath Suttons. Phone 9-7701. does very little good. It’s much bet­ REALTY COMPANY cated right in the village and ter to enjoy a home prepared for ■ more times you may cancel SEE THE BARGAINS LISTED DEPENDABLE WRECKER SERV- convenient to every place. BELOW AND COME ice 24 hours a day. Poe Motor Com­ it with screened, private porch, A REALTOR WITH TWENTY-FIVE )ur ad at any time and pay attic fan, good insulation, on large ° * ily for the number of times PICK YOURS OUT TODAY. pany. Phone 6581 YEARS EXPERIENCE NEW CONVENIENT shaded lot. For winter, automatic __________PHONE 9-419 lat your ad appeared. USED REFRIGERATORS FOR oil heating keeps every room com­ ’51 FORD 4-DOOR. BLACK. WAS rent by the month. Bennett and 4-BEDROOM HOUSE' $1195 ____________________ NOW fortable. We would enjoy telling Farms, Sale or Rent 32 ate per line of white space Blocksidge. Phone 6161. you more about this home in wood­ Has big living room, contemporary IF YOU WANT A FARM, LARGE the same as line of type. $1096 Female Help Wanted 9 ed, residential section; three bed­ or small, I have it, or can get it. kitchen, one and one-half baths. rooms and bath, study-guest room I^e News Leader will not be ’51 STUDEBAKER LANDCRUISER. Convenient financing. Thomas A. Thompson, phone 8433, ACCURATE TYPIST. WORK OWN with bath, living room, modern P. 0. Box 695, Chapel Hill. N. C. sponsible for more than one Blue 4-door, hydramatic, radio and home, by hour. Give education, kitchen. Convenient to bus and correct-insertion. If your ad- heater. WAS $1145 _________NOW experience, hourly pay rate. Write SIX-ROOM HOUSE school. 44-ACRE FARM ON HIGHWAY irtisement is wrong notify us Box B-4, News Leader. 86 about six miles north of Chapel $995 One-haH mile from the center of ANOTHER Hill. 1740-ft. highway frontage, id it will be corrected. ’49 OLDS “76,” BLUE 4-DOOR. SECREfTARY, MUST BE EFFI- cient, experienced, perfer perma­ town; pretty lot; in excellent “WEATHER-RIGHT” HOME old timey house, good well of Hydramatic, radio, heater, white condition. water. Price reasonable. See LL KEYED ADS are strictly sidewalls. WAS $895 ______ NOW nent person. Salary over $225.00 well planned with exhaust fans and Thomas A. Thompson, 103 North nfidential and no informa- to right person, commersurate with If you have a phono listed in your name, screened porch on shaded lot. Three Columbia St, Chapel Hill, or l* )n will te given. Please do $695 qualifications. Write Box A-2, c/o bedrooms and study, 2 baths, liv­ phone 8433. ’49 FORD CUSTOM V-8, MAROON. Chapel Hill News Leader. your credit is good with us. HILLTOP HOUSE t ask for it. ing room, and convenient kitchen. Radio, heater, newly overhauled DO NOT ANSWER UNLESS YOU ON EDGE OF TOWN Vacation Places 33 motor. WAS $795 NOW are competent bookkeeper. Simple A REAL INVESTMENT Commercial Rates THE PINES MOTEL AND APART- $595 set of books. Extra good pay for High location, excellent view, nice This home ideal for family needing ments. Arthur Crawford, Chapel right person. Call W. D. Basnight, Houses For Rent 28 Houses For Sale 30 shade trees, immediate possession, i space or family liking home and Hill native, owner and manager. jrnished on Request. ’47 PONTIAC GREEN 4-DOOR. 7332. Radio, heater. WAS $595 ____NOW PRICED AT ONLY investment in two apartment units. Special rates and a tiearty wel­ SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR come to all Orange County folki. $495 FIVE ROOMS, BATH, UNFUR- Total space: 8 rooms, 3 baths, on competent secretary who will take nished. 37 Rogerson Dr. $65. $5,000.00 large lot with beautiful view. Phone for reservations, Myrtlr «rgitomobiles For Sale 5 ’50 FORD CUSTOM V-8, MAROON. an interest in work. Pay commen­ UNIVERSITY (Beach 6751, P. O. Box 56. 5 - ROOM FURNISHED HOME IDEAL FOR AC'nVE FAMILY Radio, heater, new seat covers. surate. Good working conditions. available for summer. Purefoy j WAS $895 ________________ NOW Gall W. D. Basnight, 7332. LAND LOVELY NEW "niiGET BIG SAVINGS Road Within easy walking distance of $745 BOOKKEEPER, MUST DO SOME school, business, and campus. A Painting SERVICE INSURANCE & CO. ' RANCH TYPE HOME NOW ON ’50 DESOTO BLACK CUSTOM typing. Desire someone $250.00 and brick-veneered home with living up. Capable, efficient. Write Box and 4-Dr. R&H. WAS $1195 ____ NOW REALTY COMPANY Phone 9-2941 room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, "late model A-3, Chapel Hill News Leader, On Farrington Mill Road, less than and 2 baths. $995 stating qualifications. PHONE 9-419 LIKE LARGE CLOSETS? three miles from center of town. Papering On two acre lot with good eleva­ AMAZING PRICE OK USED CARS ’49 FORD CUSTOM V-8, GREY. Wanted To Rent 29 This one has them. A three-bed­ — Free Estimate$ — room house locateM on the edge of tion. Spacious living room, three Radio, heater, new seat covers. Male Help Wanted 10 WANTED: THREE BEDROOM Only minutes from town, a home' CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE, WAS $795 _______ NOW Carrboro. The house is all new large bedrooms, large contempo­ Phone 8-3751 anic eye, powerglide, power UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY — house. Occupancy by Sept. 1st by with large kitchen and yard and rary kitchen and bath. A medium on eighteen acres. Handsome house \ ing, white sidewall tires, radio, $495 Open immediately for married Reverend Maurice Kidder. Church screened porches front and rear. priced home that is priced to sell with three bedrooms, large fire- j ’42 DESOTO DELUXE 2-DOOR. women who cannot accept ordinary of the Holy Family. Call 8-0427 or Glad to show it anytime. fast. place, small lake. T. G. Campbell 3r, low mileage __ $1995 9-8981. Heater. WAS $495 ________ NOW job. Earn up to $50.00 per week. FOUR BEDROOMS LET’S TRADE Box 1045 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN, $395 No collections or delivery. Age 22 Yes, if you want a four bedroom A CHOICE SELECnCN button radio, airflow heater, to 40. Call 9-8326 between 8-4, Houses For Sale 30 house on a good street in a good It may be arranged to TRADE-IN Chapel Hill ;ed black------------- —-------$795 ’46 DODGE BLACK 4-DOOR. Wednesdayjuly 7th. Management OF THREE AND FOUR a building lot on an attractive home WAS $495 ______________ ... NOW 12 ROOM HOUSE IN PITTSBORO. town, let us show you this one on opportunity for those who qualify. Two apartments upstairs, three Pine Street in Carrboro; it even ready for occupancy. Why pay taxes ' (| CHEVROLET SPECIAL 2-DR. BEDROOM HOMES and rent? Let’s talk it over. clean throughout_____$795 $295 rooms each, and bath; one com­ has two baths, a dining room, and ’52 FORD CUSTOM V-8, MAROON. For Sale 18 pletely furnished, the other partly a fireplace in the living room; We have several spaciobs and love­ BY APPOINTMENT we will be .. MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN, Tudor, R&H. WAS $1295 ___ NOW FOR SALE: TWO POWER DRIVEN furnished; hot and cold city water. screened porch front and rear, ly homes for sale with three or JNtl condition, radio and heater First floor apartment has six large lot. more bedrooms, two or more baths, happy to show yoU any of these $1195 lawn mowers, reel type 18” and •and other homes not listed. l&lkn ________________________ $695 2e”. A. B. Whitfield, 9-5103 dr rooms and bath. Located on 2t^ INEXPENSIVE HOUSE! panelled dens, handsome living ’49^ OLDS,. “98,” BLUE 4-DOOR. acres, 2 acres in permanent pas­ areas, contemporary kitchens and —^CHEVROLET 2-DR. DELUXE! Hydramatci, radio and heater. 9-2946. For only $3,890.00: A three room SERVICE INSURANCE & ROOM AIR CONDITIONER; USED ture. Up-to-date chicken laying house with bath, located on a quiet screened porches. “"j*. Push-button radio, aireflow WAS $995 _____ _...:__ -.____ NOW house and other outbuildings. A Groucho jr _____________________ $745 one season. Will sell for half price, street in Carrboro; $1,600 down, $795 Phone 8-1919.

—— Preview end. ——

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