w,_,,_rrerof1?5-4 Michiga-n '''I" Gonorol ''""'"" Awocdrros5J_b~~·_l 11.11 ~- -9'~·h_\ a'_!!1 ...., ..__ ~0 u nty N Give Dimes and Dollar~ whon - ews Mothers March on Polio Ninety-Sixth Year, No. 3 Mason, Michigan, Thursday. January 20, 1955 3 Sections • 24 Pages Ttm-J)ol/ar Pl'l! Officials Name Sl'l Under /.,ight Directors Book /lave You JJfet? Mr· and Mr ~. HIPho~rrl fl.ltl [)J'ivln~ .11 r•; .. c( 1 :1~1\'P ~pPPI ol flO I West Colllmhin BIJ'I'el? Public May View Plans Hoffmeyer to ilii!JIIgli IJrP llllliWr 11•~111 dl 'I'IH• llrrlls r·Hme lo Mnson lhP IliP Jlllr•r sr•r·Jr 11'111 I'!ISI ,')Ill, dr.r~l'tl tile Adam Snyrl!•t• Coroner Post ('fry 11 llllc' 11lllll'l, W!'lll hon11• flcfnrl' 1omlng lo Mnson For East Side School at '"'" " hiitlrllt· flflllllid', lllt.:-111 At County Fair t l1ey lived In Lanslnr,:. IIIHI fdrTlP 1/tl( dglt Pillg th,ll Dorr f Toll II 1'\'1'1, " mi•mhr•r of ~II'. !lull I~ employed as a $111 h ,,IJ1111I rlgl1l lh1• l:or•.IIIH• H11ni IIlli II :,fall for In Dr.lrolt Ibis wee!< dit'l~clor~ 'ilr·.mrln lur 1liP Wine Dh;· ~~ YPdl~, ]', I]J(I fHW {'fll'fiiWt'. r l fs a memht>t' of lhe Masons llllln1: IIH• l'd<'dlll'\' lldllll'ri Jfoi'I'­ wr•nl lillllllf'lr II ,11 Ill Tu,•srJ,I;:, rlrr. JH!i:i midway. August lfi to .rrrrl AnwriPan Legion. llt> W, !\cady t'ot· public view next Wednesday night will be IIII',YI'I' Ill fill IIH• lllli'Xfllll'l[ lmm .ft1sllr•1• ol 1111' i'l'di'P il!IV 20 IIi fall· week • sl't'VI'd In P.nglanrl rlul'inl-{ tlw and of pmposed of W It 1\' r:rJI",IIIll' 'l'lrllt.•Hia;. Adnrns Sd!tl F'1rsl World Wnr. Durtng his skelches cslimales of cos! llle E:asl Side f;o1ng llll'!lllf01 on Ill<' lt'rl L.1st yenr Wade sent both his r:orslllrr• li'"·' lfollnll'yl•i''s lll'nlh· No. I ,mrJ No. 2 units to the La· cfHtll' limP Mt•, llallllls, l'XP('IItlvr• lil'r'· fllllSVIIIr•, fir• II'IIS grariLtoll!•d f1om eSrd)JC flolll SI'IIIIIIS III)IIJ'V 'J'II!'Ii pulling Is scheduled for Wednes· Cln Ltlt r:ou~t lu1o1s are due 1o dass rooms, a hlg- l>lnrlerg<~l'lr>n Jl'lat,l of the Lc~nslng Corn­ till' IJ.rn:,vrllf• sl'iwol In lfi:Jo. IIi~ day mornmg al 1111• rnler·ser lion rl.ry after·noon and horse-pulling IIAIUtY 1•:. CIJANIJUm will become drlel ol th1• M.tson poltct' ret Lilli lo Mason Monday wlwn room and a lrll'kPI' room Thr muntl,\ l'hP~t. told Mawn J(J. IVIfl' Is 1111• former flel!•ll Gorsline of CPdnt• alld Colllillllla. Ill' rnn dep11rtment beginning 1. llr. n:pln<'!'S Chief R.tlph I I 1111 hy 1 fl.cpt·escntlng the Ingham fah· lhe l'ity as desk sergeant under u new pollee Sl'l·up .1gr•eprl on nl Athletic fiPid wltwh arl]11ins tlrr• sing proflr from Che~t agenl'ies. 'f'IH' IH'\1' I'OI'Oill'l' \\'.IS long anotili'J [[P was rf'il'llsC'd from the city council meeting Mond11y night. Wcdncsd.ty mutning ,Judge new sdwol srte. Community Clwsl organlwtlon dl'l rw• in of Mason Gi'JWt .11 I \Vr>rlncs· hoarrl at the Detroit convention ·~llnror ~hnmher· IH1~prl" In the plclur·r· Chandler puts the emph.Jsis on one of i\l,lson'~ Cluull•s II llvar·d and on the nmtil llldlt> on<' l111it nf one per· <'t•nt, r () 0 )~ ' ' pori, IIH• bfl\ 1\'.JS 1111 Ills way to Clay Hulett. with an unclelslancling with the city police committee that l1e would · · sl'iwol \\'o~ll{lllf~ IVPsl on ('olum· <'!'ally ~cl fm· Mo1son Fridays. hv property fl'llnling Ash street whrle sepa1niP rlr·rvPs often tai

Iii!' hLulrling rs L r·nllr>rl Ill c·;rscs of deaths when of Mnso'\J schools merly of Stocl;brldge, now gen­ las Langham will continue as night offic!'r, Emery Colby will , '· . , • s completed. R1•moval of clcmPn pen!' 1e,, l-I~c· 1Ssthilrty tliHt fie<~tli MIS. l

GALVAN~ TUB $1.79 AII·Sets of Dishes and Open Stock lrwfluliug Ba.IIMina lO'fo Off WASTE BASKET • • 59c· STAG Appliance STEAK KNIFE SETS FLOOR .. ·MODELS Reg. $12.95- $10.95 Easy Automatic Washer Reg.$ 6.95- $ 4.9 5 ·~··~·;. ~i:l.!);j wa.~ $2RO.o5 Special $189.95 FANCY CASSEROLES H•;g. $11}!1.05 $2.95 H••g-. $2.!l:i ·Maytag Gas Range $119.95 Cheese and Cracker Gift Set $1.95 ... . R•~A· ~29!1.95- Full Sht.•\ WPsl.inghous•l ""A'· :i!k Eledric Range $2,19.95 PARING KNIVE~ 29c 'Millville S·thool N~ws I:P):;. $1.!)1') · Slxni Grad~ · Ucg. $a!l!l.95 ....;. DeluX:t~ Westinglu)use. Mr. amiMrs. Chnrles Collough SHOWER HEADS Eledric Range $299.95 • .. $1.19 and Rannie 'I'homas of Lansing 'r Wlll'e callers of Mr. and Mrs. Orn Com hinatiun llousdwld r Buller Sunday afternoon. H4!g, ~819.95 - Wi>stlngliouse Mr·. and Mr::;. William Saunders . of Ann Arbot· wr.re Sunday clln· Screw Driver - Hammer Set 49c ner guests or Mr. and Mrs. Lm1is Refrigerator $229.95 Swoboda. Mrs. Henry Cllnl'l'on and Mrs. Values to $14.95 .llrhl Saltstrup Ann Arbor of •~uw•rmc IRONs ...... ·...... ,.$l0.9a called on Mr. and Mrs. Lou is 011t man sow Swahoda Sunday. . U11g: ~8.80 Chroine Platecl . · · ·Tricycles - doe• tiro work Mr. nnd Mrs. •red Honicltel' Kl'fCIIEN TOOL SETS, ...... $2.98 . · ' !!SJ!Jy f(f'.g. $2.45 · ChUdrt~n's . . , . man visited ·Mrs. Mae West and Cam· olo.lwo raw. lly Sunday. UJNCIIIUTS ...... , ...... \ ...... ·...... $1.05. · . Colin Curtis spent Sat urdny Reg. $5.95 · · · : · · · lOo/o Off a(tcrnoori at Ellen Bailer's hil'l.h· KROMJ1JX SPICE SET ...... :.. :.. , ...... $8.95. .. day pai'iy. · . Ueg. $8.50 . . · , . · · . . . , · · The ope1t house held hy Rev. KROMEX WASTiD BASKE'f ...... :.. :, ...... $2.95 · Whihl 'l'lwy Lrlst ami' Mrs. Franit' Cowie!\ was at­ llOXIlll . . ' , . tended uy 125 gi1ests. Those as· slst!rig .wt>re Mrs. · Clat·e Bal(ei· ,JlJJCJtJ 'l'IJMBU'.:RS ...... 6 t'or 79c~ SCREEN. DOOR COVERS l~loral J)eslgn · . . 89c 27 Pound; ••• 4 Horsepower with Mrs. Fred Briggs· pom·lng ilnd Marlene War!le at. the Pllllch T.UMBI~ER SETS .. :...... Sd of 8 l'hr R011 ·I 'L-inch CO!IJIIll'ml •·More Power Per Pouncl Than Any Other Saw· bowl. Eihel ,Plaunt hall charge of lteg. $3.69 . . · · · . . the guest register. MEDIOINJ1J CABINE'fS ...... $2.79 'TOW· CHAINS Mrs. Helen Swanson and chll· U~g. $fi.95 , . •. • ~. :$3.9.5 See: it ln action. Let us give you a free demonstrati~n. Thls dren of PlainWell nnd Mrs .•Jerry 1 JIAIR. DRl!JtJU ...... :..... $5.29 itiJg. $1.25 · :new saw •• , built and backed by Homelite, manufacturers 0 Com1or. ahd dalrghtel· of New Imported lttlg, $8.25 ...... Hudson Were callers of Mr. and .· • of more than 3'00,000 gasoline engine driven units ' 1 1 i• . COOKIJtJ ,fAitS ...... ,... $2.5!) Mrs. Orii. Eial{er Sunday. TOILET DRAIN AUGERS .•.• 98c . _che bemf!'at you can buy; . . . · The 'fdrrilly, of Donald Wilcox called nt ·the· home 'of ·their pur· ents;· Mr. iuut Mrs: Dick Wilcox, ·sunday: ·evening. · . Mt·. and·. Mt•s. · George Poxson of Moriroe nitd Mr. imd Mt•s, Ca1·1 SILSBY . Niethlllllmer, and daughtet·, Caro 61 East Lansing,.· were t•ecent guests ;of :their. parents, Mr. and ·• . .bl'lplem•n~ ,(:o.{·.· · Mrs·; Cllarlei(. Nletliammer. •. · · ' , · . . . -; .: · · .,. · /.Mason 'Mi'. :and. Mrs; .Glenn:Bravender 1 ai~d,·son, ;Lyi1n at Holly visited •••••••llillllliliiifii•llllllilllllfil••lilllli•llllllillil•••••ill•lillil•••lll!!ll•!lfl•••••~•••lll•llfill[li•l.ill,lllillllllillil Republican Chief Release Denied Weather lnghurn lf!Siilrmt~ stol111rl tlwlr l1n•1; II Jlllln ilf'IIVIPJ' !hi:; Wl!ek IHI To Outline Plans For Mrs. Jordan tlw mP!'l'UI'Y tnol\ n r•onllnurnt, AI n mcwllng nl' tllfl nr.pilhllr•un drr·Jinn t Ju·oughmtt fiH• \Vl't•l(, Unless the stutn supt·eml! eotn·t 'l'ht'l'" Wli!l no prt•l'lpltutlon l't'· 'l'own l'lllh l~l'irlny nlf.(lil V, 1\. d111nge~ Its decl~lon, Mrs. Mnr· 'l'i'lquPI will Jll PsPnl plans fnr r·llrdPrl litis IVI't•lt nnd 1111' nvc~t·ur:ro garet .ronlun of Mnso11 will haVl! !PIIl)ll'!'flllll'e 1\'Jifi 21 ugalpHI 20 II lf~r·rultlnf.( Jllli'IY Wnllwr:-; anrl to remnln In prison, 'l'he high l'f!VItnllzlnu IIH• party fnr IIH! , ('Olll'l Monday clunlod the Musnn l'f!t'lll'rlt•tl Ill till' ~ta·lng t•nmpnign. liP 1:-; t•luill'mnn woman's nppll~nllon frn• llunrl to dlH[lliHal plant of 1111' ('l/llllly l'lllllllllllf'P, rclense IWI' penrllng uppcal. ~he 'l'IH• mcor.tlnf.( will hP .11 llw Is In till' Dutrolt IIOIIHP of Cor· !.lin. !\lux. Womnn':-; diill liollst• In Liinslnf.(, ~ rcr•tlon, sCI'VIng Jmrn :! 1,~ lu 15 t:l slrullnfi Willi d hohromlttn nl li::lil. yeni'S on a munslaugliler l'imrge. 1R :t-1 La Donna Ml'Corl, Ltllhlllg so ,JaJil1rii'Y 1·I .~II :tl A Jury 111 tlw Sr.ptemlll'l' term •f.lllll:li'Y t:• Ill :t~ 111 illlo, dl'l'Oillflllnlerl h\' Mrs .•ro or drc•ttll r·oui'I r•onvl~tt>rl hc!l' nf /\1111 HPr•d, will sl11g .ranuo~ry 10 lll :111 euuslng thr. dPath of Lcnwoml .fUIIIllli'Y 17 1:1 2fl !'Inns 111'1' hrolnf.( m11d1• f111' il Stowe, Alalr.don fanner, by slrll>· .lantllli',V 18 t:l !!!I hit: llllendant·P al ilw ltrsl rnerol· .,~ lng him with her r•ar·. llr. wus .lilllllill',\' I!! :I _, Iii/( llf lllP 111'\V ,YI'Ilr, W.JII.wi•: nl Aluh'dnn wrnt· St'llltl•, ul i\mcrlf'll, will Ill' lll'ld Marvin .r. 8.11111on rll'nll•rl thP mo· hl'l'fflt' ,lw.til'l' "f tlu' l'<'rll'l' Roy Wt•rlnrosduy, .J;tllllary ~li, at 7::m lion (tll' a nf!w trio~ I a 11 a ppr:tl \V. ,\li,uus lusl 'l'hlli'Hlhl)' lu piPad p. Ill In W1•st .lunio1 lllgl1 •,r l10ol \VIIS lal;l'n Ill tlll' Sllpl'l'l110 f'lllll'J. ,:llllry In t•·lpJ>Illl: ll'illiullt u H· uiidlt11rl11m, Lansint~. w•t•orrllng to Ar·r·ol'lllllf.( to llmvru rl i\. 1\'fl{'ow •'•·IIH\ I :11 •'II !til. <'iu>ir.l' Ill l>tl)'lnr; Lyll• 11. llan•, rlislrir'l l'!J.drman 1111 ol Mason, Mrs .•Jorrlan's al lll11' lillr! t•n• l•f u1 $'!~~ Ol' HPI'Villl1 H da), Dal'm I '!'his IIH'l'llll)! Will ill' lljlf'll Ill In!-!· lrll'IWY, ill I' Ill Ill ill II lo 1oil•t"l' Ill' I' i11 tall, nul( lhl' llnw. ltlllll rllstrl1 I S('(llill'I'S illld 1111'11' 1111 IJIInrl will ltro l'l'lll'IVI'd IVitil Ill!' SAME OLD CORN IS NO JOKE-W. R. Olney, 110, CJf Hoch?stcr, Huylll<\ltrl I!Pdl'll of Jl.lasnn U!J· WIVI''l. II 11'111 IIIII Ill l11• it dllllll'l' hrll "' l'XI'l'Jlllons Is llll'd with lltr N y cnnnecl the corn tw·~ belnK furl by Grnnd il>IIIIHI ··~·''' Ill t·il'l'llll t'l)lll'l l1unkcr Hill and Slocl\bridge mel in Ingham town hall, Dansville, Lo gel Hllpplles and shape I If) Iii. d. Jhtld< lit lilt in I !l!i I 1\'f'l'l' NplipfH'll plans J m· the campaign. In the plclltl'e, from left. to l'ight, Mrs. Fmnk 'l'mpp and Mrs. wllli IJynallllll' tlrlvl'. .John Willmore, hol11 of Stockbridge; Mrs. MaUJ·ice I•"elton, While Oak; Mrs. Don Dilling­ Area Blood Bank. 1 >:r1 1d Mat•::lt.!ll rd ~l,i'lll ham, Bunker Hill; and Mr·s. Jear·l McCabe, Ingham, a1·e seated. Slancling at the map , )an·~. :Are Ready l~or the f11SI time this ill' j>JC.tdl•d IIIli (illlily IJI'fOI'I' pninl ing out sectOi' hounchu·ies is M1·s. Curtis White, Stockbl'iclge, a1·ea chairman. Unable Seeks 10 Pints llw Syl'arnuc ahnVI' 1he .llliiJ!I' flrl:llns Saturday, tl11• I rJ lw PI'escn\ at the meeting was Mrs. David Diehl, village chairman f'OI' Dansville. 'I'll l'l'fllllf'l' 10 phil'' l>l' 0 llf'J(fi· HII'l'f'l IJI'irlgt• g-ullwrl 11 solid r· F~r ·Da'j_ry ·Banquet I'IIUI'gl' lming MSllll illlll IIUIII'i'Y· tlvr• hloml whlr-11 muy hP reqult't•rl ing nl' ,,.,. dl Mu:-;on. l•'11rm p No ll't~li ll.t~ ht•r•tt sl'l I ployrnclll sPt•urli)' ('()mmisslon ft.l' a Muson womun, tlw Lunslng illld lalI' tile pa~t 2 wcPII~. At In allrar:llon nl the Jnglwm f11>1'1Pd ~t·lih'li during lltl' WPPk State Seeks Men nll'lll of 1onsrorvatlon flrold nftke, Officer Chandler Idrln11rs. 'I'IIP l'llllll'lhullllns may liP HayiU'I' purk jliJIHls In Muson thC' nly rlult'Y hllmJII<'I :owhrclnll'll tin rH,, :, .llltlt~L' 1\d.uns' <'lllll'l Ill' IJy Wl'illng to the Mid1ignp jllnHII' at thl' Lansing o~rr.t ('C'IIIPI' Sllrlt~ll' is a !Iiiii' t'llll[~h 'l'lii'SdoiY liUOII, Fl'lllliliLY I. Wl'l't• li•.lt•d hy !tim as: for Park Service slnll' l'ivil -ervlt•P r•ommlssion, Stops RunaAway lllt Moitrluys fl'tll11 II in illr• fr>l'('· rtlnn~>r·. und pl'llgmm will Ill• F. J, 1finsh:tll', J.:usl 1.nnslng, Lt!Wis Cass Builrhng, LanBtng. llllll/1 111 li in llu• PVI'IIing Ill' al In till' Lesllt• Gmng-c hall. ilh•t:nl jlllildllt~, $:! 'J'Iu• Mil'llil-!ilfl Slilll' l'ivil sr•rV· Appli<'al ir>~1s should IH• I'I'IUI'III'Il On II lip 11'11111 lin ttnit!Pnlilif'rl flilll>rlllllli>ilr> slr.p,o; illlYWill'l'l' ill Herrick new ·color movll' will I>P wr• 1s prPsl'ntly li'Clllillng men to llll' l'ivil St'!'VIr·p ot fil'f'~ by tnollil'ist, Offlt·Pr Han·y Chand· tlu• l'oUnly. wn In ,mnjunr•tlnn with a rlls· M:u·stwll \'uunr: . .r.Jilllurul, r1111 l11r sr•asonill Plllplr,ynwnt in slaiP r.u~slnH IIY. Dr. <'arl lluffman nJ ni11g :.top sq:n. .r:lllllaiY :lil, 111 ht• cliglhlr• !111' tlu• II'!' Ill llu• r•ti.Y polir'l', pll'lwrl. up A. ,f. JIPII'ill'l' 11 1 Mitso 11 salrl $:.. p:11 ks itllrl f"r·r.st s. 'l'lw work of· I'Xdminalion givr•n 1111 l•'l•l•ru;tl'\' d thr Mh-hlgun Stall· eol!t•>:'· llal1 y .lamPs I. 1.1111'1'1•11, I.Hn~lllt(. il· ,Yillilil lrom 1111' Boys Vcwatum· dnnliiH nwy m:dw aiTs S[if'Pd of 1 t · · 1 ll•ts .lfl oppotlllniiY lor a sum· rlf']1Ul"I011'111. f('git )IBI' :1111:. ~:._ 12. i\ SC'l'IIIHJ l'Xillllilllllilfil lVIII llf• :d sd1ool Wl•dtH•srldy nftct·noon ltlllough h;m 01 Willi ill!• [{r•cl 1111 • I ol IIIII rhlll I' iH' I iI' II y. Munisif'l' spc•nt the WPP.I1 l'nit ,at gil'l'n rtn Man·h 1~. i\111111 r.llCult:nlgil, 17, was Wlllll· Cross blood hank in Lansing. llw llohrrl t•'t>lloll ilflrnt!, Also .~rhedul<•d for the 'l'lll'~rlay 1... ~1•'1' Lal'':oll, I amint,', run· Economy 'J'\1'11 1\'PI'S ol tolls will IH• avail· Ill[' l':tsl flll l~asl i\sil slll'el. near . . . clinncr wlll IJP rCI'ognlllcu o[ I hi' ning 1wl li; hi, $1. .thlt•. OtH' gr11llJl of emp!nyPr•s 1111: 111y limits wlwn Ch.uHIIl'l llloorl .han.t l'Xf'c•ultV!'s aga111 Linda Sli'ohc·l Sfll'nl the wrrl; t;cr 1· ·, til' Iill r v~ 11r 11t 1 ... > ( s I I 1 I > " .-r l : '"' ll.tvld t•'o!ll,nPI', 1 'olnma, IIJPf!:ll will IH• ll'sponsillit• lor tlf'll'f'llng pid · tl kl ~vnr f ···t slllmp in UI'J'llllghtg to1' th1• Infant Does Not live I [It• S~llll'd I~IIS 1~(•1'1< ~·ilargP ••ra ons rna ng an" .,·ug1!" ~ patlirng, :>:!. NO 1111'1'"1 lit't•s :1nrl organizinf.( Ja· 1 tlu• sdHIIll 1•,JI'Iit•r Wf'rllli'S'iay. Is 1111lrlt f111 l>lonr.l II'Cjlllird h_Y ONI•; willingly wislH•s lrt f{aynlilrHI LaWI'Cill'f' \Vt•l•h, 1 • • • , • I ht,spllals. i\ Sf'l'Vll'l' l'llai'J(l' IS Sli••bel. . l('nsl ~00 lh ()[ hlllll'l'fal tlurln1; I•'I'Hlll\ Van ~;clir:>l'lll!lll, l)lwmn~. llnul ll'ihnl1• lo a lusl nil«' ~·t•l •·iltlir•s in an :ll'Ca lor tlw tH'I'· 0111 Mt·. alllf ~Irs. Stnnley Kurtz 1 the Yl'fll'. 1'hf'H' will nlst• l>P 'fll'l'rllng, $H VPilllnn and suppression ol for­ lwrn to Mr. :111!1 Mrs. Ll'e L W'.'"" ~ll c.u!llll·l~ll . 1 ~ fl DeitcH I: Jnftr•n marl" hy hnspil:ds, hnw· nl'll'll f'umily linunr•r•s d••l;l,;llrl at tile Mason General lwspil.tl II< w.ls Itllllnrrl. to the Boys I'Vr•r, ii was polnll'r! o111. r·allt•d 111 IIH' .laC'oll Strobel homl' I J:I'Cognllionof lh«' top IIHA hc~r.ts \Vtllllll Ifill, .Jat·lo;on, ~pPedlng, lhuf l'I'OilOIII,V ht• Jll'lll'iit•t•rl. \\'r• PSI fires. 'l'lwsr. JOIJs haVP a dvll 'l'lii.'Sd.Jy lllt;hl. ' in the COUJllY. $16. I flil! )JiPadt•ll not guilty lo st'I'Vir·<• tilfI' I rial later·.) 'l'hr :~l'<'nnd type of joll i..; riHughler of MHx Plil'sier. Besides Ullll llll'l'f'IIIIIHJISI' 111'1' 1.\'('111 l'lf Ill Bowling ll:>)I'S honw at ltomr.o Stlnrlay, 111 !1llUill 1'•>lllll)' ri!Lhy CJllt'r•n. Sli" l'rPslon .G:tr'I'Pll, Lauslilf.(, fall· 1111'1'1 I hut ur•l•rl. l'h•asc• do not Jotnrrl at :! lcVl'ls of employnwnl. IIIC parents and rnaiPi'lWI gmnrl· Driver Suffers Injury 'I'IH• ltrsi I1•VPI tnvniVI's main· tallwr, thr Infant is surviwrl l>y i\IUSIIII \VIIllll'll's l.l'lll.\111' honnrinE( Mrs. lfamlin's ulrlh!lay ,1',~1(1 heL' :-r'Ollll'l ~Vlll.,•·;t~nti·l~l·''."' 1111' lo Iolii)' wi1ilin :JsSLII'f'd df'fll' ht•sllull• In I'Oilsult l'l'llnldy 2 sisters, Marie Elizabeth, ·1, anrl 1\PnliPih .1. ('ollly, ~!), Ma~on, Mt'Carn Olrls .tnd Ware's rlt'llg 'lllllii'PISUI'Y Mnque1. 11'5P.ts 1111 o1Vol ,[ l .II r t· ·r ·j I ~2'"' with us. A l'uru•1'11l t•un hr• tli:.;· IPnatll'l', rntnol construelion anrl was r'lll nhout his lowes anrl ills ' · · . Lhe 'extl'nsion offkro. ' IS ·IIH " lrtll · .'' ·'· Dlnne Louise, I; a hrother, slol'e t'aC'h won all :1 noinls from .John Dunavm ;;pent pa1·t· o . _ .. __ . . Donnlrl .1. HI! hard~. .laf'k~nn, ullil'tl wilhnuf hl'ing l'osfly. ••nlol(J I Past nJ Ol;emos ro:'111. Drewry's ami Wayne Miller Salt's SuP a11d Alo~n GerhaniHtl•in wf'm (!ampus,'To'ehrlllll'l' 7·11. ''i'~'Pthnt:. $S. a1 10::10 Thut·~clny morning a! --·---·---- park in the ahsencc of the par·l< l':tl'il took 2 points from their OJl· week end vl!litor~ of theit' gmnd: :.:.._:....;....;.;.~~-·....,.------·-----­ JEWETT n1anar,er. The lowrr lcvf'l whil'h Ball-Dunn funeral horne with New Citizens Are Expected tH>IIPnls, !\lilts Slot<', lnHmorc's IGi\ and Mason Golf Mr. and MrH. Elcln•1! House an Course. McCarn Olds wus high ritizenship in circuit cotll'l in jLeam fol' the night with bolh l'illlrlrt>nl'allecl at tl1e Loyal Rhn mPn and wnmen who have com· Mari)yn Swaninger was high .Jr., visi!Pd M1·. and Mr.~. dot)' pl<·lr•rl 1equirements. They i!_re: bowler for the night with 1!14, Ambulance St•rvlcc .wd night. illlnOUIH'Pnll!rtl s for a II of 1h<•se Grovenburg lio11se Sal urr!ay . Ambulance cquiJJJ)t!d w1th nXYf'l'n .JosPph Amable Auger, G7, 2~ne 202, 176·532. Other high SCI>I'e~ 1111d Euu·r~on lt''Hl'-cit.•lnt, ' dvil servir'c tobs cnn be oblainPd fmm IIH> nearPsl Mi1'11ignn em· M1·s. llo\VJU'd Nm•fh Sluilherl, 2G, anrl Grayee Ehza- were by Joan Bennett, l(i(j.,tJO; M1·. and Mrs ..rncoh Htmhel; 13Ptsy Ann and Dllnnie. visitert Relatives and friends cn!le1! helh Crawlonl, 5-l, all from Can. ,Jel'!'y Griffin, 166, 18Q.• .lane Mor:-;e, 151; Lu 1hPit· <'hildi·en pre~enL was held Volume 96, No. 3 e~'t municrl .January 17, Hl05. Theil· Laurin, 28, .Junzas .rnl TI!IIIISBAY Af'J'l:I!NOONS IN TIIR CITY anrl Elena .Taksonas, :i3, Lithu·! Tsabellr Whyte, ,122; Merna prior to the clepartiltg uf Nell OF MASON, MICIIIGAN 1·hilrlren William Hart, M1s l-Iar olrl Meyers ,md Mr~. Even•lt illllfl; and E1 na 1-lerlwtg Gerstung, Murlgr.tl, 154; and Millie Pl'itzet, West to tlw armed fort'eS on .hill· C,D, Germany. 1110. twry 27. r.tr a net. Mrs. Ttllh~L;I t:rllt•rl"'d ''" ru•·unrl t•lu~h 1unll••r ul Jlor~lolflt'fl, Mur1nn, MI•·hif~nn, t:r.tl~r At!l. Hoose made ilw arrangements. uf Mur•·h :!, I S7tl Mt·s. Clarence Leonard and I -- - -~- · Team sliinclings an• as follows: MrHJI'e "' Wrst 'lkanrh .-wrt'l' 'l'cam W L prr•srnt ;1lso . SlJIISCIUl'IIUN !!AT! S •roan and Mr. nnvenltlg with Charles Rathbun. 'l'ut'sclay Mrs . .11111 Mrs. Dmwin Churdl nf Lan· Mr. :~nd M1·s. Millon llurhmn unt1 Calvin Wf•nt to Holly for a visit. sing WCI'I' Monday niglil Rll[l)JCr Hobrrt. llm·nld l{rrnlflr sprnt ·Flats - $2.98 Mr. :mrl MrS', Hnlph 1-l.lrl ancl guests of lhcir [J:ll'l'nls, Mr. and Sunday ufll'l'noou wilh ltiJhPl'l duughlcrs visited at till' home ol ~Irs. Frank Church. lluclson. Mr. and Mr·s. g1mcr Gee in Lan· Mr. :nul Mrs. Rohc1l Ji'ot·eman Marl in Showers spent Hunrllcy - $1.98 sing Sunday Pvcning. anrl dnuglllPrs were guests a! night with Mr. and M1·s. Algct· Wedges Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swift of tlintwr Sunday or Mr·. am1 Mrs. Bowt"n and family. Lansing and M1·. and Mrs. Clair Vi~ Otis <11111 sons o! Leslie. Saturday £'Venlng guests of Mr•. Swift and tamily culled at the Mr. and Mrs. Clcy Foreman at­ n11d Mrs. Canol Glynn · and Heels $3.98 home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lcndecl a hirlhrlay celelmllinn last Dorise were Mt•. and Mr·s. ·DII']( - Bunke•· nf Hastings Sunday nfl· Salui'clay night at the hnme of CLARENCE DYE DunsmCJrc and lumily. crnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Foreman of wllh aJigse• jockey Oye,"jack" Mr. und Mrs. llowartl Wll:;on Ml'. and Mr·s. .Jim Swift re· 1 We.llberville. Unfgwful Hight tg avoid (lrcuecullon- and Shm·on spent Sunday f'Vf'· mained at the home of his unci<~ Soutt;wesl Whe:ttlleld .. exten·l almtd robbery nlng wilh Mr. anti Mr~. William Men's Boys' and DUnl, Mr. and Mrs. Clnil· sion gtoup mel With Mr~ . .Tune' DESCRIPTION: Ase 44, born /euly '· Uowcn and Kay. Sunday evening guests of Mr. Swift, for lunch when they rr.· Shr.rwond Wednesday. 19 1o , Pa d , W, Va.; I1e1g . I:t, ,• eet 10 turned In the evening. inches; weight, 140 pounds; build, me- and Mrs. Dorwin Wllllums and $4.98 $3.98 fumlly wet•e Mr. and Mrs. Mel· M I M J H l 1 J dium; hair, brown; eyes, blue; complex· 1'. am I'S, ames ar p an In• k ( ommunl't y f ville~ Titus and farnlly. . to leave for BrooilsviiiJ?, Florida, I P J ion, Jir; race, white; nntiondily, Ameri· can; occupations, waiter, cook, bartender, Youths' this weel1. . · Ag-rws ltnwn •hill Jitter, welder laborer; sCllrs and Mrs. Dorothy Barrett and Mrs. , . , marks, several small pit scars over fnce, cnARJ.O'I''.~IARim1'lil · Arlene Stricldlng attended the Mt·. ancl Mrs. Rolland Snider scars over left eyebrow, blue >Car over Hogs-' ~~'.$18.00 lo :uS.70; $2.98 Farm Bureau womeu's· commit· spent Wednesday evenltll;i, with right eyebrow, small cut scar on right mixed, $17. ~ to $18.40; rough's, tee meeting In Mnson Tuesday. he.1: index finger, tattoo of initials "C, D." on $l7.00 dowil',1·11eedr.r lll~s, $12.25 paren~s. ' I ' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fulton nnd I he Phu School. Communlly risht forearm. 1 • to $18.50 each. . .'.' Jimmy were dinner guests Sun· Mothers club met at the school A Federal complaint was filed nt Calves-'l'op, $25.00 to· $.:13.00, Sp~Cial· Selection of Wo.men's da~· at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. house ln!,;l weel1 and tied a qull~ Akron, Ohio, on November 9, 1951, few highel'; seconds, $17.00 to Don l{lng. Mr. and Mrs. Kel] ns a means of earning money Im chnrgins Dre with unlawfulllight from· $25.00; outs, $12.00 down; dea· JULIUS CAESAR cons, $8.00 to $24.00. cwl. .. ',Cuban· Heel Boots 8TAftft1Nta Mitchell Dnd family of J,.anslng school ~grpund .equipment. T)le tl1e State of Ohio to avoid prosecution . . . MARLON 8RANDO • JAMES MASON vlslted them In the nfte'rnoon arid next \neetlng wtll be Fcbruary\3 for the crime of nrmed r!!bbery. Lambs-Top, $20.80 down; other lamb~. $18.00 down; ewos, JOt,IN GIIELGUD • .LOUIS CALHIERN remained for lunch.··. nt the ·l~9me of Mrs. William Dye h prolltably armell rand ahoulll $1 FountDin. Co·hosfesscs wlll ' be 1 Itt e,ontlill~rcd extr•••ly dDIIIIIOlll. $6.50 down. ·Only IEDMOND 0 18RII:N · Mr. Dnd Mrs. Bernard Blshop IMrs .. Daisy Smllh and Mrs. Dawn Cnttle,....c-Steet•s and GARSON • .DIE80RAH KIERR attended the wedding of n niece Hulett. · $10.00 to $24.00; best beef cowll, 1!1 ~nglnnw IDst wej!ll. • · __,;_;, ___ $9.00 to $11.00: commons, $7.00 M11, and Mrs. James Hart Clark vlslted the James Harts to · $10.00; eu th!t's and cannel's, called·, last week on scveml Frida~•. Mrs. Hart vlslted her sis· $7.50 down; hulls, $13.50 down. , neighbors. Mr. Dnd Mrs: Shn ter, Mrs. BIDnehe Pl'l!ndn1ore, In · Stockers and .te~dt:r.!I-$W.!)O to Clarl~ and Mt·.· and \Mrs.· Wllllllm ·l·,ansing ·Monda~·.- $2•1.00; . ~ llI~ ' • ' • ' ' • \, ' I 'J'rotll Revealed PAST 'CJnl!lfS. CLUil MI!Jl!;TS I ' · Mrs. Mlnnln Thorburn enter· Betrot/1(11 Tolcl tnlnod H mcmbcl'a of the Pnsl Parties. Honc)r. Chiefs chJh Mondrly evening nl n .. SociaL 6venb anJ Persona!J pollnel~ rtlnnor, J.llollnwlng n hnsl· 5-Year-Oid • • • ne1111 rneqllnc the group plnyorl i • • • cnrrls nnrl vlsllerl, Prizes worn 1 Mt•, 1111rl Mr8, Dun Vnndm·Voon, won hy Mls~ Nellie nrown nnd .Tt·,, entertnlnerl Sumlny honoring Newlyweds Are Oil New Stork Shower Mrs, Minnie Collar, the fifth hlrthrlny nnnivet'8nry of Yorl£ City Tripi • ' $ their sr;lll, Gary. . Guests were Mr. nnrl Mrs, IInr· vey VnnrlnrVcen of Grnnrl Hnp· · Fetes Mrs. Ware Librarian Tells Ids, Mr. nnrl MrH. D. H. Vnndcr· Vccn,. Sr., nnd Gnry'u slHiet· nnd h1·others, Bnrhm·n, Burry nnd Catholic Women I Dnvid, · Wcdncsclny evening the .vnn· dct·Vecns gnvc n hlrl hclay dinner About Services which ·also feted Gm·y, Dr. and Mrs. filchurrl Wallwr nnd David ot I


II Is ttu·lfl.y and smart In g-h•e your clothes l.h.c hest. of ctu•e nnd ortcn. 'l'hcy \Vmu· Innger, fcJll lmtlcr and lmtlJI the It• g·uod loolts.


Modern Cleaners


KODAK - ARGUS At WARE'S \ ·Barbara Bunlter, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Bunlwr of ·ANSCO Hastings, and Clnyton Swift, son Prescription of ·Mr. and Mrs. Clare Swift of Mason, spol1e their nuptial vows Nort.lnvest J..eslle Monday In the Hastings Baptist Members of the Northwest Lcs· church. Rev. Russell Houseman Service lie 4·1-1 club met last Wednesday performed the ceremony. T]1e Flash Camera nt Sanders· school.' Ronnie Arras couple resides 'In Hastings. COUPLE SPEAI

BrightonMt•, and spent :rvrrs ..Friday Orla. ntshtLm.tg with·.oJ ~ew..' ~r:. Y,or·k\ and:Mt·s.~ .. •. J?;:. Lee. . ~i\re.. .left •' day.Grand with Rapids Mrs .. spentMaude last Richards. 'l'hurs: oflind Mrs Mrs. .. Leonard's Lewis .Guernseyparents, Mr.of ,· .w·'AR'. E''S' .: ... .·oR· ·uG· .·. ··ST.O.. RE:':.·····:. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Celand Lamphel'e Sunday for. Hollywood,· l~'lorlda,. Mrs. ·Bn1mes and Mrs. Rlchai'li~ ~;~oughtonjLak~. and family. They all nttendc~ Ute where the~' wm· spend. the·rest ,of are ,slsters;~sunday. evening Mr. ·. Mr •. and ¥rs. Ralph Simone and • wedd!ng of Miss .. Allee .. Lang to ..the winter.: Tlicy:,are. staying at lind. Mr~ .. clare. Dexter,. arid . 2 ta.mlly entertained Mr. and .Mt·s.,1 . Phone 5411. !~!!~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~-~~~~~.. ~~~..-lll~llllllllllll•••'. ~~~~tc.~::~;i~,~:?; In ~f7~· .~~~.. ~~~l~·~,~~.:... ~~~~:::_:~r~l.~~~ ~~~g~~~:.~t 1~s11:~ .~c~I,I~d-~~·,~,~~; ·.~;~:~~~~~~~~~~r~l.ly. ~f Lan· .~..·"':'·~~~'---+~~~~-~-!"~-~~~.;;;.;.~..;...... ;;.;..;._-! 1\lnson No, 1 · ¥ Crumhalrer presenter! the les·son Families f'o Join 1n FLJn Mr.rnhers of tim Mnson lll!len· on living with teen-agers, Rlon cluh No, 1 will meet wlth Mra, Mllilrerl Greenough, Mrs. Mother Purchases Ball Ticket Mrs, L, H. Minnis, 210 S, ,Jeffer· Clnrn Vof{'t, Mr13, Abbie PnrJmnn Af Mason Saturday Night soil, TIHu·srlny, ,Tnn·•nry 27 nt nnd Mrs, Ann Wlllclnson snrvorl 10:30 n, m. '!'here will hr. 11 illtRI· refreshments, All mcmhers of tile fnmlly, tho H·l Servlr!n dub nrr. wnrlc· ness meeting In the mm·nlng with • • • To Boost Polio Relief Fund from Ynttngstnr'H on up till·nugiJ lng to mulw tla1 event LIHJ most n potltwk luncheon nt noon, "Liv­ Hllt!r!r!HHful yet ILIIemptorl, snlrl Ing With 'reen-nger·s" Will he the In llllylng hm· tlclwt fnr I he lelll]·ngers In fnther nnrl mother Mrs. Annette Sdmeffer, home Township Leaders i>PIH!JII pnrty, Mrs. Collnr ex· nnrl even grunripu anrl granrlnw, rlr•rnonstrntlon agent, riiHcttsston topln frll' the afternoon. Those nttenrllng nrc to tnlw their prr·H~r·rl tlw nppr·eclnllnn of hm· are expceted t.o .Join In l•'nmlly 'l'nldng up tlw advisory honrrl Chosen for Drive I own tnhtc service anrl 11 dish to liiiHhanrl IIIHI hr.r·sclf for the nlrl tnl!•.!agm·H." township clialrman, tlnur.rt 11s an out-patient. H~ IH The nnnnnl ewmt Is helng .Members of the 1-I·I Servlr.c I.;tfnrJ. ltruul * Dlstt•lct captalm; in Lansing •;till l'r!r:elvlnr:: treatment 111 the sponsorerl hy llw Ingham Agrl· elt!h will IWIJi conrlucl !he rwtlvr! Ml'll. Wenrlcll Crippen enter· town~hlp nre Mm. G11crdnn Cur11ll1•t• Wort< !:lhnfJ In Lmwing, cullurnl Extension Advisory <~om· ganws nncl cntertHinlng stunts. lnlncd the E;lfert Roucl extension Scott, Forest roatl; ·Mrs. llm'l'~' 1111 agf!lwy sn ppnrtflrl hy I he Reel '"l'lw l•'f!fl liH'l' fLIIHI. 111illee, On the progi'am will lm purpnsc of the party," ex· dub n weclc ago last 'l'hursday, Jury, rted Ccrlnr; Mrs. I fe:·hr.rt gamcH, stunts, movies 111111 rlnnc:· plalrmrl Mn;, Schaeffer, "Is to Mrs. Crllipen and Mrs. Sleven Gronnm·, C n m m u nil ,Y: Mrs. .TetTrey's rlr::ht lcr:: nnd left nr·m lng, both drde nnrl squam. Com· rlenwnstrntc thnt ynunr:: anrl olrl Yozar gave a · dlscuRslon on David McCuuley, llon;.bntary 10 ILIHI II Elaine juice, % teaspoon of almnnrl ex· Mrs. Thelma Thorburn led the will extend to the nlley. Future the· pennies !or friendship are. many gifts from a bassinet, after plans call fnr the removal of the tures to go along with the will lmicr, com.· extension group will meet Mnn· pleting one term as ruling elder, riay, .January 24, at 8 p. m. with was another who hart to he 1~1' Mrs. V. L. Wright. Mrs, Jack General IGlcctt•ic Spacemalwr 36 All the Story pincer! because nf the new provi· Dorer ami Mt·s. W1·ight wlli lead Was $269.95 sion. E:lcr:ted to fill the unexpired the discussion, "Living with Teen· DEAR SIR:* lerm of 'Elder· Hood was Albert 1 agers." Automatic Discount $80.00 A regular advertisement shnply can't tell the full story of the coming lecture-concert series number of the Muson Kiwanis club .. , so we'i•e writing this letter in- New Uses For Milk ·Pushbutton Range stead. . · , . · 1\lollcl ,J-363 GEAN GREENWELL AND PAULINE PIERCE, ·famous concert-duet duo, will entertain at the Mason $189.95 school auditorium Tuesday evening, January 25, at 8. This spectaculat• combination of chm·m, inspiration General Electric 11 .3 cu. J'f.. and music has received tremendous reception in many automatic dPI't·ost of the largest cities in the country, It is certainly one Reg. $.399.95 of the best entertainment features ever to be presented in Mason. Its quality is far beyond that of most shows any\vherc. . Discount $110.00 · The Mason Kiw

' t ~...... , ... ' "

Phone 9011 for Ads that Sell (or Buy)

• Wt•thJNiilay nrtt•J'IHIIIII dl'atlliun nu l'l:rssitit•cls e (Jlassil il'cl clis(llay ntls HIll (lr.r' hu•h

e ·111 wurtls fut• fiOr•- Alltllflunal worllq In c•:wh e Oul' 111' Mil'higan's lnt·~-:r·st •·u•·al wnuf :ul src•llous

t'ALVJ~S lll'i!'lollls :JIIIIIo •IIIII Mfl.f( iPr. li1•s1 niiL'I' lll'<'epJPrl. 'lwl PI', $:l•n n1 wlilll'ulll' for Jll'oflurlv 1 Alii lit I. ill\' I1om llOAilS, 2 r<'glsteiPil llampsldii'S i olllll one spolll'd l'olllilfl CldtHI, ,! t' Nl'lhtlll, plilliH' D.tnsvilll' I 111'111' Jlolt 0, 1'. l•'rml, ~!lii!J S I :11, I'J 'lwl Ill~ I·: I•' SALJ•; 1<'111111 IJIIIII'II'I', :!'It•, ( '1•d,11 l'lllld, phtllll' IillO I 7!i!ll wl'!gli I If lin :!:.!!i lo 2">0 JIOIIIHis, Michi,{!;an I lllnrl lfiiiii'II'J', :me l.r•slir• ,,.,,.,rJ •IHwll $J;j Pddl. 2 IHI'rl Ytnl1shlr<' sows, \V INDM ILL :l:> [r "', g11nil 1'1111· Jl.rii'IWI, plillill' L1•sllt• ri:llrl j A J'Liricial Bl'eedeJ'S 200 (0 2~0 fllllliHIS, *•Ill .Iilii $'ill dlilcrn Alscr 7 sl:lllf hilliiS Ll'rl I :Jwtl Also Ulll' YflllllJ~ ~1111111, $1'i. ll111' 1<, 1117:, N11lllc ''"""·Williams- 1 fRrt ('an~ lngll:lln Mnsnn Lru•:ll [l. [)IJJI rJrJ S!'I'OIIIf fallll SOlllil cJ! t''"' /\-1 1 1 '"" l'lullll' !il~l'!i :Jwl Apple::; [ 111 Ill I dJIS IJ.I IIIIIJII i\llrf'lllls t'PniPI 1J1' piH>IIf' Aui'l' fills :I!.!O'l, :lw2 DO \'011 SAVJ•: MONJ.Y '1'11<•11 rl11 Mc•IN'ItiSII I!Jo:l.[('j(J[JS' Big· Saving'S ( 'ltai'ICS HI'OWil 11 now. Onh'l lltal C :111rl 1: Sl'll•:S IIIS('IIIIIJ:illll lll/LL ('ALF lf11hiPin, IIIII', <'li <'Oll'llg:tli•rl sldVI' Silo lo1 yo111 J) ] L , () I I Jo'tlltD 1!1!11 DPlllflllslioilcll" 'l'u J 'IIIII II' 1\J ISO II 2 I'll li glllli• Ill ll'glsll'l', 11111111\ IIIII' grass sll.tgl' f'ul llHII lnr:. !'filly oe ( eJ' s l'e Hll'(. ildlli'. Solllll tan 1\imh Hnrllo, 1I Wl'l'll '''" Mal\ill r:Jynn, 0111' onlf'i dlsl'lllllll SolVing Ill Y<•lll I r, llllii'S Solllh ,,, ]J.tnsvilll' lil'llll'l', pii!HIIt• IIIIPI'IOI' trim, I JAN. 17th to 23rd 111111 lillll• IV<·~I of VollliOII 11 1111 Jlowt•ll JIWli, fo'mn:tll If lidl'llll' wlll1 Jr<>W<'I I Jloll •J:!~.HI •lllwlf 1 fo'mo, lfl:i2· Both 111 I'XI'Piit'lll J si'r'fllHI hllt•r lJLLfc'I'S 100 WI11IP l{cll'll :1111! l'flllllillllll dllrl IJ.Jrg, t Jlllf'l'd 1 l•'••hlli:tJY Alv11r L.IIIIJslt'lll, ~~m IIA\' Fils! linlll' !irlHI '21 WillJalllSI Oil I Ri Ishy ltn pI (• mp nt ( ~0 2 II 1111's Sfllfl h "' ~Jason on US·I27, ~ 2K•12. :lw ,,, I din, lif'iiii'J" .t nrl Ol'l'lfi!IV!' I:~ :Jw2p ~ ' ' ' 11 1111h· I\! sl "" 'lllrn.i·lsiJIJ l'o.tcl I 11a 11ice 1·HE FARMERS BANK - 1211 W, Slnlr. Pilon!' !1141 ''wll A . Many morl' 10 dwosr• 110111 1 Olclt•si Haul( ill lugh:uu County 1\lt•llliH•J' 1<'. B. J. C. Jr't•cll'l':tl Ut•SI'l'\'f' Syslrm SJ•:ND JIOH I'HEE lilfflrmalion I I ------·------I I I ~WI r ~ utomottve We hr1vc. sevf'ral 11 ud;s on Do.tnt• I' !'Siglll'r poI' I .till I' , r IIA y ~IIXI'rl h Jic•d h'l" Ml'i'h• us~cl I ~·- I I ( N J 20 1955 p 6 lunldings. Sal'!' "'wllmrl '" nnl'· Nrw Fold ll'actoJS, wo Hnrl Hool r I . J'n \v. ,,·~·1 1011 I l from l'.~·ton to ·~·Inn JlH·mps '8 'jd' M t , I ngJam ounty ews anuary , age li'dl fill ,YOIII' lltlllrilllg f osls 'I'll S!'l'ii'S nnw on displlly. I 'llllllll ' I II~ '' "es Pric·es hnVI' been reclucecl on ""' Ul lng a en a ' I' S (' . "!I'll Si'VI'I d gcu d IISI'd l•'rnd 111111 Iif'. l'hrnll' LPsiJP •17 Jl. 2w2p Jl!l!il C!IJ•:VJ{()J.J; I' lf:~wlynwn li!JHilY lllJitltY - lltJHllY, CClllllly 'dllll .PI\'ll'(l o,. . , f .. J -- • I ( )( I I - I VP"'WR f"' n 13130N'' I 1\N) ('I •. , I Stoll llldd, L:tiiSIIIg. !'hom• Lan loid·f•(•J'gllsOilllilllll!S ' I si,JIOII W.rf~flll IJ.ts,J,HIInlll", r·, ,., T' >'.11 r '" fori'' t l!'ilfl ""Y )f' srl'n at Sill I' 7 I'IK"l llwll Milllll'.tpolis·Mrllillf' %AU 1~">2 s I ItA \V 21111 h. ill's of S(J'a\V, I und I~ I'CJili(l]Wrl will! .til {'nrd hr.t!Pr, l':tcli" lllllsidl' 11111 lurc•s, 11111 ''"11 ·" r.,, plllmhlngltypewJitrr,, G:il' apiece. lnghnm rnqu11r or 1,;nw1~' F1rrr, phm1r I!J:il Suppr· c llli(•J'n.tllOII.il wlllii(;!'IJif':!' llc•Vir•r, phiJIII' 1\JIISIJIIII'IJI~. llollh'l 1111111, IJII 11111'1' :IIIII Yolll' l'ilf'IHlly Foi'cl nr:ill'l' .IIIII S~H·cl lrll'l.tl fl", \'lllll, II\Vll Connly NPWS, Mnson '7Wtf[llolllSViiiP 2C,Hf. :l\1:! 1101 F'eec1Pl' Cattle l'llillv, . :!:i!lll'l, :1 mill's l'llsl ol Mason 1111 IS \lilllr.no,1t1•d f'ritl'd lo Si'll :Jill SJ.rll' Sli'I'PI, MHson HJSIII.Iling .rnrl •.a\1' I I l PI Jill, ______. --J ____ . 1!117 AVI'IY wilh plrm IIIHI r IIIII I C'olumlll.l '"""· 2WIII Will oli'("PPI olrll'J' mnrlr•l ds p:ll J'illllll' Mason !Hill I J.) SJ.rlc• sli!'l'l, ~l.ISIJll. l'hvlll SAfi'F.S- All JnlliC!'S, lypPS ancl' Savino·s c alol'e SPP cruJ' s••ll•llloll of 1110 111 li(lll v.tlol lc lJPapl -·-·----~lin! paynwnt. Cail J·:vrl\', J(i7 ,o.; r:vf'nlngs '!'ill fl · S:11. Till fi sizes. Hough!, snld, opener! 1111d' ' ~::> H lh good """'''Y wc•slt'IIJ '"""' 1 OthPI' Jmv·Jil'lt·<·d linl·lor·s I S'lllAW C,OOI:nge hail's oi I'IP.tll Di.unond 1no~d Phon" :J.:J~I7 o1 ------, llAilN 2!h2~ w.111i a llx28 '"·111·1 repnliNI. vaull doo ·s, money I On Appliances t•nlws. Nt>w floll.lllrl 1:\!lhuslu•l !"I'll wlu•ai sll'dW 720 Phillips llldli.IDi.unond wnd P!Jon!' M.lsl>lliPLYMOUTII--lfi'IR busillr's~ In M1s Ftt•d ( 11111111 D,lnsvJIIr. rlir.sts slPel deslcs, ll1 1ng rnhJnPts 1 1 We• 1a11 1111 you1 llidPI" soon rl spll'.lll<'l 'phr.nr M.tson 27t7:J 2w2 2 ~RI7 PV~1 w u l A P· ·t I!110 O!dsrnnhlll•, in ~~IJflll ( f>lllil rai ers I 2622 Cedar rnacl, Lansing, Micll YP.tr wari'HliiY on all pailS Bim I LansJng; I mc·Lot• and,·.', II "'," M' ·, sec uto al s liCJn $7:i Pl·iv.tll' 011'111'1 l'l10111'1- i"flll Located '" mile SOUiil ofl pillS Syi'dl' \\'tll'l'tlllly Oil rrfrl· J~',·anklin · ( u ltrll JW, Jllflllfl nson'·.;"~7'' .... '" •· I · bl ~ • I • 1 f . .. flJu• mi!P wPsJ nf M.tson I,1 · t (' ~7wlf AllrnaiH•s nf c:u~ to r·hnosf! f10rn ~J.:J:i Lr11s1ng 21il~ AuJ•efius Phone Holl 43241 • 23wt1 Ho~ngt· wrro $1.'~~ t. Swlf l'linne Lnnsing 2217S of aJI,dla. Will sri! fly IJ,tf<' or Wl'l'clwrl rars J'JI!l CT!EVHOLE'i', club eoupc, Jo,HI :Jw2p ______.• Now :j;, 1 In :iwlflllil ll.tl'llltl N1• II, :;r, I S ./111 kson Pir.k-up Service r,ulio and lwniPI', good l"llilhel FIREPLACE WOOD c·ut tn 01 1 S 2 ·, 11 II. PliiiiO DPillxr• l!l'fll D!JJU)(' IHI.tls :11HI gills Nlf'l' . - -- -- ~-•ICI.trl, 1\lo~snJ\ 111 phone Mason .till! nwlhollllCal conrlilton, \rtyll!OlJSI~ f'l{i\ILI fl l'lSI JO:Je:n, del. Also cord woorl. C.ulylt• C I gelltlor, w,ts $27~.fJ3 srlt•c'illlll II 11111 I <'/!ISII'IC'" sloe-fl. flOG FE:l~DFH -30 hushel Pax I i701 2wll I\eith Auto Pal'ts goorl p.lint nne! g-enPral .lppe:u· 2G fl. Must IJ.; 'fllrl lllllnt•ch.tiPiy Waltz, :J90G W. Columbi~ I Odd, I Ncrw $1'1(1 !J:i 1 1 1 11111 LaWJ'!'llll' SinlJ~'Illl, pile, liP •1~~1 •If , ' ", -:.r. . p lou - , , , 1,. . . 1 .1111 P, nn rusl, nrw lllnl HOAHS ,111~1 i>rl'd gills rhr Jnl'~t Will I' Simpson, phone •12RI Ma 1 Llo til l!ammond 1lhOIW Dimon· 462.1 Ellioll fio:trl Mnsnn on Columhl,l Jo,lfl p!H,nl Ville. 3wl BOOKS-Used books hougl1l and !l,:'i fl T ' 1 211111 11 :~~1:! l111rl

1 fl. tJ c K r N n Rtthhlsh .1RI1es, ] ~irn Jc'l'anklm leuvrs h111sh 111111 ,JnrJ nwlul I h•ensr.d IJeuleJ s, Mason haulrtl Rl'asonah!P 1ales Lour!Pn Pl1nrw 2 R'll L Mason ~lagPJ f t llllllllf!, Sf' I v1rr. Phone 12Wtl Mason 2 2114 J JOwl f PhoLo Rel'VJCe ~Jlf'l llliiWlg Ill ' Dnhy and ymath pholngtnph~ ' < ,lnclld wr.rhlmg phnl n,;r.q1hs • C'omml!l'l 1111 Lester L .•Johnson Abel ' I rt•td Pns~pm 1 rnpynw I'IJOr,P. (,M,I\ 41:11 01 il'i80 Heal ~state Livestock '1 rucking I c, ('hm lcrll~ on Mondayll 'I n I .trlcson on WcrJnr>sdo) s llen.~onnhlf' Hnlrs

A J•J'f N I ION l'gJ P1oclnr.ers - lite Cen11 tl Mlrlugan Pm11Jry P1 orlur.e1 s t 'u oprt atlve has a LI ur.l< prdll Dl'illing· Livestock rr1·ucking fiJI I he lovely flowers 3w1 I'Jicl,ly Lilli II MU111J I Cit 11lrs Gauss trras1nm, While O.tJ, All :'iiU·~ Df'llrtll - M0111lny a:nd Tursrlny lTALJ:Y-I w1•h In than]< my townslup 'il w 111 2 Bl~DHOOM lnll'll, .11tudu~d g,t JIM Ll:NON H rll h• ( 1rei< We~lnesday fltends and relatrves fur the S< lwul l'lljllls wgr. WrallwJ SP,ll storm,wln Phonr hMA :12~7 t',lll noon anrl evP111111r c.u cis nnd flowers, the V F W NO'J'ICE l!l'll laxrs pa:,ahlc r.vl'ly Saatmcluy nl thr Lero,\ s.mcill Co~ IS not lllrnltllg dows a111! ~Cli'P.nH only $1,850 n1 nnyllnw S.tlll!do~y 01 SuJHiny unci A mel i~an Legion fo1 find do\vn or· woulJllllg lor .I he1h oom mellnun pili I'll WAN'T'F.D - All lwuls of 111111, In Ilurry J Smith, Melvin Bat T't•hr u.u y 28 J!l'jS Also dog II ruugil an llu f rmtl~ holm"!, See C'hallt'!ot Johnson 01 allllllnnhlles, .tlso old f.ll m Ill! llge, Lr.s Smalley, Orville Wood lf!nses m·c payuble now ('huiles !'red SIHelc Ilr.lt liJl Ill ,YOlll pllf'f' I hu~ lngr(jn, William \Valine, Les Pal uter 'lOwil SI'C Olld Sf 1111 Sf I I I r tfiCI ~ Wlillllg by sc.11e wright James Wlrlllo~ mr.r, Max McCarn, Fr.mk Evan~, 11111 sprllmg 111'1', D.lllill siii'P.I DlllSVIIie, MASON 'I'AXPAYERS I w1!1 hP Mrs 0 A Sh1w illcnrlcil lliP. -:LeslieReal i~state- PJ.AS'I'I~RINC:-Alll 111c c 11ng Jlru1 s oilsE 01' 3 herh ourn ll'ling done; patching .t speC'ial Till~ l~INI~R'r Stubhert, Dicit Brown and Bob fo1 thl' rity ol' MnRon MomllY homes 111 li rooms ,lfld ly H.obP.tl S Bums, l81l AurP FOR Le~hl', REN1'-WallpnpP.r-s,eamer Colby fo1 oHmlng hlood dona tluough J'ullny hum 8 In I ~0 p ""~PPII'I Lunuurslwly, dec01ated, In gone! ln~n over Schnudt s depnt•tment stme en burg church possible and to luu t, Am·ellus town~hrp I teas G.ul and Te1uc R1ggs Ru~sell Phone 671 W frept on above dates sponsmcd b;:. t hr Robbins schonl. Georee VnnDem:u•k, b~asm~r 1'hrre will he no school Ftl 2WU day, Junuary 28 Ingham County News Jilnuary 20, 1955 Page Q LEQAL NO'l'IQJPI\! LCQAJ, NOTIO~ Court Actions Legal Notices

Council Proceedings

ALL· CAR BOB's GARAGE I oc uh d ul West InnJlh IIIHI 1'1UI1 Sl1ccls (I 111 1n1 1ly IIIII on & lth hurd~ Uult l1)

Hr Llu s J~c Lnll'd l~ngnll's 0\ c rh.ullccl ·~11~1111 s '1.'11111 d Gc•ncr.ttoJ s OH'rh UJic d \',the ,Jobs Tutnsmrssrons (her h tulul


Opt•ratt d R~ Bob Betcher Husmc ,s I•horu 2-5341 llome Plwnc 2 flhlll Open For Business

A I rue Go\ y c Ro•• lllll~rd lnKh rn County Clerk Oy In"" L Swo r lr Her lle1 uly CounterHIKt ed treatm Inez L SwnnloRcr Dc1 uty Clerk Wllllurn H Wl•o Attor cy for Pl11lntll! 6118 MichiK or r-Iot lor •I 1owor L•noloK Mlchl~un

ORDER OF PUBLICATION St to of MlchiJn 11 lr the Clrc rlt Go ort foo the Co tillY of lnKh 1111 In Gh 11cery BERARDINO GOLANt.ELO Plolntllf vs MINTIE COLANGELO Defend ont ORDER TO APPEAR Snit 1 endlr K In the Circuit Cit trt for ORDER FOR PUBLICATION the Gour ly of IIIKhnm 111 Ch u eery or FINAL ACCOUNT the lith d(IY of J IIIU ory I UGG ORDENS-February 10 11155 St te ol Mlcl lg Tlu Pro I ntc Co 1 t II the ut ove entltlt!d c \UISV it 1 IJIUHtr fo1 the County of h gJ m nK th t the dufe11dnnt Mlntle Colt IIRclo AI 11 ••••Inn of Hnld Co t held r n I• not" !CHI lent ul 1111• State and thut It Jannury Ill 11165 erm not be UHCOI t olnod In wh t •It to or i>rcoont liON JOliN McCLELLAN crlur try lefendo nt rcold., therefore on JnriKc of Probo to motion of P 111l C Youn11er Attorney lor II tl c Matteo ol tho E•l tu of HILDA tllnlntlll M ORDENS Decea•crl It I• ORDERED lh•t tho d•lend1 ~~ enter her 1\IJIUitra nee In KO.Id c tU8tl on or boloro three months from tho date of this Orrico nnd \hot within 411 diiYH th1 lhllntllf c IUdo thla Order to be I ubll•hcd In tho lnghc m Count, Newo 11 nowot••• per tmbll•hcd ond clrculoted wl!bln said Copnty • hi tmblleotlon to be ~onllnued once In co ch week lor ulx woo~o In •uc C:t.!H~Ion Doted Junuory I~ 1016 I ,,I• IMrs. Mae Graham Passes Janu11ry 20, 1955 The Ingham County News Part2i:. 1 Following Long Sickness ------,------;-----'---~------;----:----:--:-:-:-"'· Slci< for 2 yroam, Mrs. mthr!l Ill!!' of lhn Mn~on Pn~shyiPl'lnn 00 1 lk I f • I h f cffor·t Is ll!!lng mario hy the t!lmter w G B k Sho won her rr.leaMI! on hond Mn;r Mnc Gn1harn, 7R, rlierl nt thn church nnrl had servncl. as prusl· B k 1 s to fl!lH!h thoHc penple nl 11n l!lll'ly I a n Ormation S Oug t rom Oman Oes a( ll, 10",1:1, when the stnte Muprermr Jrnllown.v nursing home In Mason rlcnl of thn Womrms Hodcty of llnurR ilpnn Jn tno Jmhlln nt henri .. eour·t agreed to hear· 11n npjllml, last 'l'hursrlay, ShiJ hurl tmlcrerl the chureh, She was a past £'h!Pf rllllll'l.ur·u hrunllh, lru~hum Cnunty llhrnry, Mnntluy Lhruul{h Hutunluy 2·5 ;flO; 'l'ua11· rlnte, Miss Paton will emno to To fl.nl'sh Term The high court sustnlnecl the dr'': tho ltonw the; wn(!l\ hcfm·c!, 'l'wo of IIH! Milson lnrlgo of Pythin,n duy nnd 'l•hurHdny, 7·U I'· m, i Srllurday Persons Ad Opte d 8 Michigan In the l11te wlntl!l' nr cult court vordlct, unrl so Mrs,, 10·1~; 'J'uudny and l•"rlday II ;ll0·12;lJO fOre 191 0 yt!UI's ago slw suffernrl n Hlrulm S!Htcrs nnrl 11 past mat.ron or llw Cdul'lng schnnl yonr), ~ 1mrly spring nnrl tall\ 'wilh ns l311lley must go bncl< to complelo.• · frnnr. whldt slw rllrl not com· Order of the !~astern :->tar at Mn Men and women who were ol' ndoptlon from the point of rnrmy nrloptr.rl nrlults n~ pos:>lhie, ShL•rll'l' \VIIlarrl P. 13al'lles unrl her term, '' plctr!ly l'l!r:ovcr. son. "It wns my greatest pleasu rc Mrs. Bnrnes returned Mrs. Ehdnl! 1 nr.lopterl before 1810, anrl who are view of penp!P. who hnve brwn Others may write theli• stor·les to 'Pill! Lnns ng wnm11n wus con1 ' Mt•s, Gl'ill111m liver! all her life Surviving Mrs. Gmlmm ;n·e 2 1o observe nature," wrote .John now living In Michigan, are helng arlopterl, and IHts colleeted life her. l'l!ellonBailey toThursday, Deti'Olt House of Cor· vleterl of dehauchlng u teen·ager<~ In and IH'nr M11son nnrl Leslie. sons, Gerald Graham Hnrl J{r•n· .Jnmes Aurluhon nhnut tlw time sought oul by the Life History lrisl!ll'ir!s of mnny such fl'rrtll sev. Shn WHH horn April 12, l!l77, In neth Graham, both of Mnsou, lw cnme In Amerlcn In 1803. II is Study Center in Phllariclphln. 'rhe er·aJ .~tales. Those who are inlei'estetl In lhiJ Mrs. Bnlley was sentenced to Alii'C!llLIH, a rluughlnr of ,Jnhnn· and Ci gmnrkhlirh•IJil, t.n this love of nniLII~ that the center is directed by Mis~ .Jean M. Sine<' Mlr:hlg:llr was one of the rc~enreh nrc nskod to write In se1·ve from t8 mnnths tn fi years Clarks Buy Angus Miss Paton nt the Life Hlstm·y thnn and Allee Dolbce Hllnt. She l•'uueml fervlces wr!n• eon· world owes Its most fnmous bird Paton, who was horn In Detmlt, ear·llest slates to experience arlnp· upon eonvktlon of clelmur:hery, Lyle & Lor Vesta Clnrl< & ·: nW!IHh!rl lire Aurelius school. On rfuctcrl at the Baii·Dunn .funeral pnlntings. Their painter also gave adopted anrlraiscrl hy n fnmlly In lion on n large seale, anrl hccHuHr! Sturly Cenll!l', 222 N, Hicks St., Plrildclphill 2, Pa, All lnqLiirles · · ·-· ... - Sons of Mnson have bought H .. March :JI, IH07, she 11nd George home In Mason Monday after·· hb name to the Audubon Society, Ypsilanti. For more than a year 1 of t/H• advmwing age of mnn.Y will he answered,· shl! snld. II is tlwlr entire ~torir.s in first lctter·s. purehred Aberdeen·Angus cows Gn1hnm WP.re married. He riled noon wllh burial In Woodlawn a nn lion·wille organlzntlon of bird she has been eng!lgecl in 11 study whose ilisloriP.s ar·e lmpnrtnnt, an not necessary fell' people In wr·Ite Qucslionn:llr•cs will he sent to ancl a regintcred hull frorn Harr.v.: .. a year ago, cemetery, Leslie. l1t!V, Samuel B. llrrrSl! who request them. Harter n! Olcemns. fo'or rnnny years Mr·s. Graham Wenger, pnstor of the Lr!slln watchers.Interestingly His told life bystory 2 other lws beenhlrrl •L.,-•••••••••••••••lllll.:~••a••I.OI•IIil•••••••••••••••••••••••a:.••••••••••F~: was ar~tivc In lodge affairs and Congrcgatlnnnl ehureh, orr!· watchers, Mnrgnret nncl .James was also widely lorown because dntcrl. A. '!'. Ingalls, Walter .1. l

Jo:tl1.11tJC'Ih is fedlu~ well. A different kind of nnlmnl hool( is 1\alwyu's ANIMAL FROLIC. The amusing pictures arc from • ~·-·--.--..--.-.------=--======~• nn nnclcnt Japanese scroll. 'I'Ircre I s!wulrl IH! writing I iris with I ~te. It began witlr soup. W,e is no narrative on the scroll, hut tlw hrost of writing moods; .this J Jlftlsttlrc'•lraevei."tnl~Jit ".·'r'lcl•e,.l,rr.. ';'f,n_m;:::~~~ry~ a modern writer has written a Half o) " a I I ' ,, hrlef story ahout the pictures. I rww IYJli'Wrilr•r; a happy Ill e has 11 and it's liw hest soup; Bill On hoy hehinrl me; anrl lhe most de· clear, with !hin noodles. CSusy WillCIRCUS Llpl<.lnd RUCJ.;Us and Illustrated written hyby lidous smr•li of haklng pc.tatoes says she wouidn'l r:are if I here Nicolas Mordvinoff is another floating In fr·om the llitclum. Bur wasn't anythin~ Inti Gmnrlma's funny mrlmal picture honk. • HOLip In cal. I 'I here Was I'VI!I'Y· and Interest on·Debt Won't Build Highways r :nn hnvmg trouble deddlng thing else yoLI <:auld imaginr! and Tile lovely colorful pictures nf what to write. When there Is sn then some. She harllixetl breadcrl Tlhnr Gergely In WHEI~L ON mul'ir on my mind, then It is I veal, which is my irlea of whal THE CHIMNEY and the story of h'll'dPst tn wrltr!. And right now good eating is. Margaret Wise Brown follow lhr Governor Williams' demand for a half­ ' .. · i · fall night of the storks from well-developed program, a program that the 1 am dn1r:k lull of things, events, I M~ sister·, ~lagdf~l.~nc ,'llld he~ I Hungary where they have nested billion-dollar bond issue for playing politics JH!npie, places anu so many 1 husiMrHJ wue I hue from . De on wheels tlecl atop the chimney,, state itself insists must be mapped out at 1 has placed every mile of Ingham county's things. Life surely Is not dulll 1tmit.h WI el .wrirr'l .seen\~:~,~./\~~~~~~ to their winter home in Africa least 2 years ahead. This money was in­ lCr ac TIIUI'lCs Ill a · · '' 1 ] ) ·I t tire wheels 011 splendid road syste1p in jeopardy. arnund lwre. f·II F ·I·I II bonros llwt were anr mc< agd n o . vested to give good roads to and keep good Sundav we wr•nt In Capac to brol.: -·" : ~ ·: : '~. ' . ~- • \ . ' .-, '• :- , '' : . , 'J ' .' ~ ' , ·:I -: :1,, . . - • ' Ingham County News January 20, 1955 Page 2 South-Bound M1•, nn1l Mrs. Lewis F't·aar r.n· Mothers Support 1/dn ( ~~'"' Missionary Society tPrtulnPd Mt•, nnrl Mt·s. l~lnvrl Me· C'nln an1l Hlll1, Pntc•r, of l•'lfnt 111 OES Stages Meet Porch Light Drive Tourists !·lave dhllll'l' StiiHIfiPl'Jlnon. lntllliC'l'K murl'i1 tn suppntt till' l\IP111hl't K ot' llw Woman's Mi•> Mls•, nor!:; J.'nrtmnn of IUVI'~ I DHilhVIIlc• Clmpll'l' No. !)[) 0, E M111 1h o! Dlrnrf, cnmpulgn will Kokornolt•l A I(IHII! Vllt'IPIY nf rtloniii'Y Sol'!r'ly nf lhu Jo'J'('t' MPih· Mrs, Helen YoUitO - Phone 3931 \1111 I .lcllll't 1011 wus a sattll'llay gup:;J nt S, fwlrlit:; J'(•gulal' nwr.ting 'l'huJ.'· ltf' hr.ld 'l'hut•srluy, .Tnnum•y 27, 1Ill ill'S In fo'lnc ida III'P wJI:,j dHII'r!h lnt'i 'J'IJIU'slllly CVI'· Mr. Httrl Mt ~ r•:lmf't' l'orlllHIII. rlny I'V<'lling In ttl!' MIIHIIIlll' hall. Al1 7 n'diJI'Ic tltll llt'f' siren will occllltll'd h> Automo ning .tl lien hnnw ol Mrs. Allt'l'd Flnyd l•'ollmun ot' Mason WIIH H 'I'IJP lll!'Piing waH t'IJiiPd In nrlic•!' l':xlc•nslon llt·nur• l\Ic•Pis Huunrl nll' lhl' rvenl. '!'ht• t'lll'lll llllliAHA('()IJS hill' l'lcti1 ,if Mll'ilignn. Slwrmlltt. ~tlllrl.ty 11111111'1' i(llPsl of tiJP Port· l1y wnrlhy cnnlt'c>n, l\1rs. llnrold Panthers Triumph 'i he mnmllPI'h nf I hr. honw I'X nrc us muy !Jf' I'HilVflsSI'rl in I hf! 'IIH• IJI'IIV,\' Iiili'S 111111· Mrs llnt'I'Y Mctlil'l', prc~idPIII, JtHtns. Wing llu~flli'~H rnc•Ptinr;- was lwirl. tr.mlon group licfrl u S!HH'Inl nfll't'nocm. <',11<' llu• rollll'~ Jll!'· Jll r.sldecl IIVPI' I liP httslltP:.H tnl'l'l· c·ommunir'nlfonH l'<'arl nnrl t't•pnrls M1 anti Mrs. Ma~; Cituhnm of IDI'PIIng l•'rirlny nfiPl'tloon nt 1111• '!'hr. lll•utrnunt~ to oJgnlliZf' l<•ttt•rl hy mnsl cno1n1 l11g wltl!'lt lollowl'cl lhl' cil•vollons. nf f'flllllllilif'I'S gfVI'Il, Over Aggies 55 .. 34 I.IICII,fllJ~, 1\lr :end Mrs. Cnt'l lllllllt' flf MrH ..lt•flrl M"CniH•. '!'liP tfH• hPipem will )lp Mrs 11uvid l .. lls 'l'IIP.V di'P IIIP Mrs. Llnyti llnyhru• t'C'JHH'Ic•rl lh.cl Pin n:; WI' I!' mwiP to hnld a <;'""anti Mt .ttHI ~lcs. Horlcwy Jli'IIUJl lllllriP J>.tdH frll' the• r unrr•t IJI II t tl II 1 fJ 1 · pi<'IICI'C'S(/(If' ('II s I I' I' II IHJ~I'S 11! l'llllhln[.( had 111'1'11 '•1'111 sJit•lll aJJI'IIDII Ill lhP Ill'~( lllf'I'I(I\V, Dnll"VfJII' rlt'C,JlJICIJ Iii<' lifllll I' I or If' VI 111,!1' (I IllS· ( 'loil'll of M"~"" •·.clil•d nn Mt·. and ~ dlnlc. Anyone whn hns old il M J) 11 'V II(J(S1 f 11 IIIIIIP, wlcidt winds Io llu• Oalhoulcl t•:tll Mt s. M<•C:t:lw lis illl' II '1 pf ill " · t 1 II 111111(. lnngtl(! Jmtrff>lg i'llllllif'I'S 111 :i l (J, "J'H. 1 P ,>C'I'IJI 1'1' fll' If' triilltr'cl dtulrmnn of lhr r•omtJJII· ccllc•llon. c•c:, .tllrllhost• tlihiildllg rvc•ttlltg cllcttu•r gcu•sts ol l'llt· and r tl!l'lns during tltP r1r:.t um1 thltrl southl•n.~t. 11'1' 1111' llw World Dny nr Pl'IIVI'I' A lift• l'l'l'lillc•atl' IV.ts JII'I'Sf'ltl<•d VJSCS Has Potluck lllfi\\1\IIIJCIIIIIS liJ'IVfng, Mrs. l'orc•,J W:lil,c•J'. 1\lc. Addl'\' quurlerk but fallet<'rl <'llflllgh 111 'l'hrrP will Ill' 11 nwntinf{ or all whit II will lu• l•'f'lllttary 2!i I '11l· lo 1'111 s. l•:dl'l lil'lllllan hy 1\lrs ..1. 'l'lcr· \vt•sll'l n 1on II', !I'll 'l'hnrs1l:ty lor· IIi<' a1r locc.",, till' SI'Cr>nd and ioll!lh (jll.ct'll'l'~ At R ul Meet IVOJ'IIl'I'S o[ Buulu•t• !!Ill .end lng· 1nwln1~ lhP lucsinf'lis lllPI'Itng .c ll. Dallc!lt In liPh:clt of 1111' l'iuw Will if' ~~~ 111111 •; (1111!(('1', twsc• :cl Slc•piH•!t'·VIIIc•, Nt'Wi'olllld· f01• thcl :;tl'flltg Slrwkhc·irl"'' tr•ant eg i.lr hfllll 111\Vtlsltip:, rtl till' ~<'ltnol tJt ogc 11111 on "Sit'IVfll'dshlp" w.c~ lt•t·. Me··:. IIHIIIl:CII g:cvc• 11 I!'HJHll\sC', ll'lj Ill\,., .thflill IIJCJ ]11/lfi, IVIif'l'l' Iii' i< :,J:ti\Oill'd to wall< off wltlt attolltr•r '• illllry. The: 11 ·gular mrPtlll[~ of lltr Mnnrlcty, ,lantuu y 2·1, ut S p. Ill, J!l c•:-;t•niC'rl, '!'Iii' Ill'XI illl'l'lllii~ Will Me~. A .•1. Milll'l' W.ts insJ,cllt•d : /IIIII' :IIIH>IIIll of dill'· !toss (:ft'PII of Ml1 lliga11 SLt((l 'l'he ArmJr rlc•l••nse: \\'a•: c•H·I, \\' , ,. i f C'l rl ti I MoviPs of !liP wnrlt rlPt'UilljillshPll Ill' .tl the• ltonw or MI'S Mllotc· liS IV:! I clc•t' .111111\.CI'Y ~li IIH• C'111111 b/j • • tl\llC/1 ·; )riC I' 1 v () l • s UTI . Dl Ill I speclnlly t'nod al tinH% ln11 n 1 · · · · - · by tilt' MHI'I'It of tnro~ w >r i I CJ' I i I 111 • I'OIIPgP \-V,IH ,1 \VI 1Pk l'llrl ~nl(l~,l oJ ly AsswJatillll .J.IIiliJol'l'l' will !11• conBlstmll 'swr'lng pllnrlt unc!L•t' ·''•'1'.'icC' was ht•l•l W~rhll•,tlay at 3IHJWI1 with mnlrl'l~ls .:111'1 In tor·· 'IIH•tc• :11'<' lillil,llllll I'll!' "'"' 1\lc·s c '.errol! (;lynn. lil'lcl otl Arh11111s C'IJ:cplc•J' iu Lun· the haslcel wa•: m•P. ;;r., with I1IH:. Gr•ot'g!' Mllt•hf'li, ,efi'PI;hmPIIIS will lw sr•rvrcl at 11.1\'1' IJC'I'tl 111 will Cub Scout Committee' 'l'ltotll(l'il!ll mlll'cl c;altitclllV 1111 ( '. l'ic qd••t •, rCC'IItiJ( as I'll hoslt's"'s. Sjlf'llci /ill())(' Jlolll uf Tho hoy;, who pl:cyc•d IV<'ll' , o·ho:;tc•:;~. A potlttdc llhiiWI' with 1 dH! ,•Jose nJ' the mCI'tlng. r\ I lu•ltl, 11'1111 IS ill lhP illliV<'I'sJiy All l'll:cplc•rs lit lhc• C'iilllii,Y :11<' lili· wlni<'l' 111 J•'lolllln. Meets at Diehl Home· iJfl'•l•ital 111 Ann 1\tlllll'. iiiVtlc•cl gttr•sts. Bill Br·nvt•tHler, Dttl; Btn:oJ(:;, I tho !'akr hollnl'illg I J!p;,Jdcnlo nC the vlllagr• whn A ('uli SJ'Olll I'C>Illlllillf'P tflPI'I· P\t'ttill" l,'llf!Sts 1ol Mr. 1 Junir>r J{frby, Don ~l<'l nlir•, huyP blt•thd~\'· Mr~. vfr,h tu t•ontrilJllll' lor this musr :-io~ICJt'dd\' h /(Pfli Sillllfilllh \VPI'I' ~.P)'VPd 11.\' Douglns, Don Btown, Lnrry !{()',(! AnriPISilli \\'US ~ervr( lit<' c lllllllllll<'<', Mt~. Mirw Oit•., SoU!(!,iBob Whltniwr, Bill Bo\'11'11, llnr,ll. I ighls llll'llP.II 011 111. n whHP !'!nth llllli~ ·" lhP hoiiiP of IIH' <'ll:t\1' llll'lllclt•cl ~lc 11111 lilt"; ll111i l'l'i<'l' Mrs. lvu l'niWill anti ~Its AI llllJII(J on lhP rlom· iowh. 111.1n,Oihl'tH lhlVJd pr·est.mt Dil'hl. Wl'l<' u .; 111d iltllcl) , , !.allsiug ~Jet~rTILt~lOII;skt 1 1 ~311:~~·•·: 1 'l\lr~ 1\lo~;lall c,s.: lC' gg r•s Pay I u: r ccs husitii'HS nJ(•C'ting WUY opened hy[ Mothers wh11 will marcl1 tn tlcP .M,·c · ,.,, ltl''i'llttlt'cJtJ',tii'C'J'I't••.c•ctl.'c· c• 011 · 1 fTie I II I 11'1 II I 11111 11 llil'ilutn.v l'ru·ty <.iwu g n Je r new gym t .r•s· lilf' rli!Vollons, It'd hy Mrs. A Ill c ;illagl' lll'P Mc·s. (_;l'OI'gP Vogl, ,Ji•, h • •• Wil'.; it ,-,11111 1ilj. I Vflfllllg 1~111\S 1 u 1 lie)hls Fr·lclny f'\'l'ning. I'Jitompson. A dtapl!!t' of the 11rs. Bernard Gr·unwnld, Mrs. liVI's, Uocc Lt•orwt·cl, l'llh Stlltll· lu•t· cccollu•rlcc l.cw, Mrs ~li11:t Mr. anrl Mrs . .I 11'•1 en llmdy and . --- mudy IJOok, "C Itrlstlun Ity an• )~nrl Briggs, Mn<, Boh PrlcP, ~ lllds(fll; C~eoll:~~~ Vngl, .Jr, !-:t'llj'~ 111!•,, f,unfly WI'Ct' i:I\I'S(S :tl d SUI'jlri~C' \V, 0. T. U. Will!Ut•L'l \1 eallli," was l['Viewrrl by Mrs lfrs. G. E. Manning, Mrs. Ilaroltl l,t.JY·Irc·asut·rr; .lllhll HHl~·IPy, as· 1\lr ar1d ol 1\lr :tllrl 1\lt·s. Hoy 1!1111.11'1 Mt·s. ciuy .~nniV<'t's.ci·y al lh1• hon11• ttl will ll• the date for a mPeting During tlte tusmess m!'etin 'orl'('St Wallwr, Mrs. Alli'PI! cCJIIIII11s',iull('l'. ';'''lll~t· 1\lilt·lic·ll t•o~lll'd 1111 llu• 1\IJ' and Ml:; Atnlu ttsl' Bmdy ol theW. C. T. U. which Wl,ll,1 U(' at 1t was voted to repair tile bulletli herman, Mr~. Wtlliam Nls· 't'l1ey mude aiJlJiimtiull lui' tlic Jtl,(,.cJ·t:. Stlncl,,y, Mt·. ,(((cl M1s. Slue ldtl'idgc• <11111'1 J~llt''l~ Wt•rc• 1 nom.: of l\lr~. ('lite homp· board of the church. They als ongPr and Mrs. David Diehl. c flaltr.r· Jot' till' l'llslllll~! ~""' .11td Llu~d Jlrlluks :.Jtl'lll \VPrltu".tl:t.\ Me•,•, HPI'IIdcii'IIP Hi".ccly, l•:dw,JI'II • nt 7:30. Pollowtng the bus!· voted to haven famll 11 night m Irs . .Tear! McCabe Is f'itmrman ;ds.J ::trl'l linn Hmcly, I~Js meeting there will be a \Vcdne~dny evening,· February of thr. campaign for Ingham l{t'lltll. 'I'IJP Dt•JJ t<111llit'r:: a1·c· M1:1. ~lc s. c :r:11" 1\11111<' llllr!PtWt'lll :ell 10! Sll!lldilcd"''• .1ncl Mr ..ned ,t:;;:am. Mts. ~lfrrcl Sllonm.m 23, a\ tlw town hall. At this township. l;. J•;, l\1:mninJ: and Mts C'lllt"l'd ;;tllgPc) J.~sl 'l'ltinstlu:, at tlu• Mt '• ll.tyllllllld ( :IIIJlil'nollgh "' I ILl be in duuge of the pto·j meeting there will be a potluck ·J AIIPII. :-iJHoJJ .. w lio~ptl.cl, ! .. llhing. Wtllio~tllhlon. 'l'lu• lcflslc•" ~·''I VPil 1'1'111' illlH'IIIs ol if't 1 ! lPdlll illlll ~:am. Isttpper followed by the showing H ' T t G' 'J'IIPI'<' well l>t' 11 1 'tilo :'•'uti\ ""' k Mt·. """ Mt·s. ArtiJJJt' lldt'l'bun -.- nf picture~ of the Holy Land by earmg eS S JVen · 'I' 1 1 ,. 1 t' 1 M t•.clllc Slct''•'''' I~ iII. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Showcts en· balcrd goods sale on Saturday, Hearing tests wcwe given 111 1\lr . .c1cd M1: •. !Jo(( :cc1ll "I sJtPIII Sctcctl.cv with Mr 'l'c•n 1;ir1 s""""' wl•• 2 I ~:c•rlc•ldl LP~Icr• 111 1'~1) tertalned Mr. and Mrs. Alger January. !l, with Mrs. Jo'm•rest grncles 3, 5, 7, 9 anrl 11 of Ing· DtiCJUR lumily ''' ~olnl'idll'lclgP •·o~lll'cl ncc ac11l i\lrs llc~vcd llo~kt•l. dnzPn coolw•s '" t 11 tr•ts wltidc * 1 1111 Bowen and family of Wr.hbcr· Walccet· In charge. ham Township Agricultural '{::; CONSlAUCIIDN -IR\If\C M1 and Mt's. Way1cr• 'l'aylor St:cc· 1\lr. .ecce! Me •:. ,Jf'llson Jo'c·lton lhl'y tool< J; s1 I\'C'I'ic. Tlwy Jlll'l 1 ville at dinner Sunday. The g1·oup dcclcllr•villf' wc•Jt' Sa lilt' \Vt•I1IJ1 rvlllc• Ill r. allfl M1 s. 1•'1"\'ci Jlrid!Pd I liP ''""Ide·~ '"'' . ltucl~· rru,l'IJ· wtllt Mt' :lllcl Mrs. C'lwriPs WPPI;•. evening dinner· gtiC~t of the An committee in charge. showed Impairment will IJr. giv('n ------t.11nlly, l 'a'·"! Bhll'l, M" I.Pwi•, kc• :end •,ott ,,f \VPIJin•c vii If· l'allt>d Monday, .lantwry :.! t, at :-~::ill p. dersons. Clothing was c·ollectrd !ot· a u pttrP·tono test latrr. Stale· Mrs. c. A. Diehl ll'illl'lll'li front Mr nnd Me·· H<'tl 1\t•nl ancl l•'rert: und daughtPrs and Mrs. AI t.n llu· I•'PIIorts Scucrlu\'. 111. lll:.;c'Cissiun lopw well hi' "So Mr. ami Mt·s, Melvin Ba1tige Mc•thodist boys srhool in Tennes· ments were sent to patents of Ann AJ·IJot· Suntlny wl((•rP she ,,,, 11 11 J llaslf'll \\t'l<' Sundo~y vtst· 111•d Slu'I'IIWII un1! l'ltllclt'l'll .tl· 1\11' .• nul Mrs C'haclc•s Wilt'IIX <'ial Sc••·ut·itv rot· Jo'atnwts." Hc·cll·c• and daughters sprnl Sunday SC(! and will be' packed and sent ear·h child IPsted with the OLII· has been 101. lhl' pa~l 10 cluys. luc•. 11 t l\11 .lied 1\lt·•, 1\1\'l'"ll c'rn· IPmled lhP dtapPI c'l'tlsttdf• .11 o~nd loillllly 111' Millville• sJH'Ill Jo'ri· Ct•angr1· ~~ill show pic•till'l'.~ of with Mr. and Mrs. Fled SPngcr soon. The IIC'XI mertfng will he come ol the test imllcntrcl. Mr. Diehl is •:lill in tltf! !Jntv<•l· wen Sp1111g Atliur c·oi!Pgro l•'riclay t'Vt'· day ••Vl'tllllg willt 1\lr .• end Hoslun unci vcc·uuly Tlcc•rro illlll' Mr~. 11 and family of Cassopolis. ut the homP of Mrs. Iva Corwin Motllers \Vllro~ram were Mrs. Don :-:I at·, c·onVPI'IC'd lltllll'J' J~c ly Me .trul 1\ rs .c•nt J:P v ogl, .It·., . _ _ -----·- and son, Ray, of Lansing eallcd ' ~> 1 MrH . .Jamrf> Wri~~ill rd L:cn· tJI Ann Arlior :enol 1\lt· :tncl Mcs. t;t.chnm's ministry appP;II'I'Ii Ill artcl llti(Jgl.tss IV!'tP Sulutrluy t•Vl'· l'IIHhiC'ing aJJiomohiiPs in DP· on Mr. ami Mts. !~reel Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gauss ~~~~~~~·~;·n~{~r~~.'' Snydl'l' :tllll sing, daughter Ill 1\li. M\'s, l'll'cl S.tgl'c c!l ('ltl'l•f',( 1\'('l'f' Sccn· jlf'l'sun. llill)( clitiJCPI' J;\IC'sls ol Mrs. VOJ~I'•. lloil lor ;,~ yc•ars, the· (',ulill:ll' 'tel 1 1 Sunday. were Stmclay evening ltUtchr.on Lawton Gauss, dJlJlPUI'l'l oil " rl.tj "' Mt " 11 .1 l'llrs ·1 n M1 .•uccl Mrs. Willucr Slrllc•c tlll•lltc•J· Mrs Vi<·l111' l'.dnwr ol Motor· C'a1· IJJvlsion ol CPnc•r·al D 11 C 0 f D I I Copprr 1\eii!P prngt'lllll Ill'!' I 1J,oj ~~IJP,I:, e OI'Wlll uram SJll'll guesls o! Mr. nnd Cat·! Nel· Mt•s. ,Jess Bu 1·hman l'lllertalnec! 11111 accd Jamily of M.;suilWI'I'P Maso11. Motors t'l'Sponsih!P lot' tnlnJ· Mr~. 1 Suncla~· I~ motllersev~ral dayH last 1\'Pek With liis ~on. Mt', ancl Mrs. Aethr.n Witt, Mr. WM.IlMW·TlV'fFrildOayii.Js ' guPsl ul 1\lt· .1JJd ~lc' i\l of .T.trl\son on Mt·. and Mr~. Vernon C'ook f 1'I M 1M 0 B 1 Mr·. an.d Mr·s. LUIVI'PJJC!' B.liwr ·Atnold ol Gt'PI'lll',l' wr•tl' Sunrlay Mr. anrl Mrs. A. C. Berr:rr·wt•t'f' IH•t· p.Jt'l'llls, Dr. anrl Mrs. I.Po~~irks liPing II'~P•-nsill!P lor man1' and .Mr. .tlld Mt••;, William anrl Mr. and Mrs. !{cnneth Cook ~~~~1 y~f /~~~~~~ 1 g, r~t·. ~~~:;! ~~~: nne! Ianuly 'nl VanltiWll Htui_Mr, dtlllll'l' f~llesls ol Mr . .tJHI M1·s. 'J'twsdny Vl~tlor~ of Mr. .Jill! Mrs. DonnPIIy and Mt•. and Mrs. Louts ntlll't' automotlVI' first~ now in Huntj'!r of Durat•r! were Saturday ol Lanslllg Sunclay. 'Ronald Wallcet· nf Bt'iglltnn and and Mrs. Forrl Asrllmr of Ma· J{nsc·op J\J!Jolri. 1\l.curirP MonruP of WPI>Ilervilll'. MuPIIPI of DPII'IIil. t'ornmntt' inrlu~lty-wcrlr. usHgP. illn9~Sunday gu~~ ~vening ofMts lunch Cot~n r. on Mrs. Goldie Wnrd mul grand· Bud nml •J r.rry Bar tlmall at elm· ~nw~r.Sttll~yewnlnggU~IUof Mr. and Mrs. ,I B. Dalto II. II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ guests of !'vir and :i\!rs. David daughters, Diane and Patty, wem net· Sunday. Thr ocC'.a~ion hon- M • Stlll(ln " tltt1nl'J' gt!Psts· of Mt·. "ll

Mrs. Bessi<' Turnbull attenrlrd II.ctch of .Tacksmt Sunday. (lnllglll "·'~l'", Dr.bot·,·tll K·•y" u"llll DaiP Main r1f Lanstnr;-. the wecldina c1f Mt'ss Pol>r.t·t:J '·I E 1 .., 1 t 1 M Sandra Ann, hnrn 'l'htll'sday, Mr. anrl Mrs Lawtrm r;act~s ., ' Jv ts. .t gar .oCI' !1 er anc l's. J 1 'l M c · 1 1 I' r.l G 1 lie I rl fttiiPt'al Pringle to llulwtl w. Jolcnson at Plcclip Scrtplet' spent Weclnes· anuary , . rs. zape ts I W· um '1 c .Ja cs~ a m l' the M'etho!11•,t eltlll'f'lt in Wtlliam~· day wit It lhC' Jailer's mother, fcll'mer· PPggy Dr'\Vey, claughlrr set V1ces lor tiw l.tllPJ 's sisl!•r, tnn Sntunlay afternoon. Mrs. Clarrncc Pulwt· o[ Rivc•s ot Mr. uml l\1t·s. Haymoml Dt>wry Mt·s. Aria Van Sir·kil', :cl T..1nscng Modernize Mr. ancl Mrs. Donal Pari<~ anrl .Junction. of Alma, fnt'nH'I' rrsirlrnl of Tnes1Jay atlernoon. Bill of \Villi:um;ton c.cllccl on 1'111·. Dansvillt>. Mr. Ullll Mr·s. Alvin Slw1 p 1Jf Mr. nnll Mrs. Floyd McCain and Mt·. aml Mrs. ElmPt' Simons Ml'~hig··rt C'Pltlr•t· ''''''" Sclttlla•· nnd Mr~. C>lt•n Sharl~nd SLtllll:l'' I' t 0 f I'f' t 1 ~· 1 '· u o evening. J son, P cr, ' ln vere .,um ay wPt'e Sunday dinnet· gur~ls or vbitors ni' Mt :lllcl Mrs Ill•\ evening luncheon guests of Mr. Mrs. Betty Benjamin of Lan· Glov~ ·. Mr. and ~li::. Elhri giwn to its arrangenwnts :.uul dcc01·ation , .. Saturday visitors of the Wests. Mt·. and Mrs. Nelson Ilernry and family ol Jackson arc rtow to save stt'!JS and h1• ns eunwnit•nt, <•omfot·t:tblr, and <•n,joyabl<• a,o.; you can Miss Hazel Woods nnd George ----~· 11ossibly mal<<' il.. Seymour of Fowlerville called living in tho tenant hoc1se on the Saturday on Mr·. and Mrs. J. C. Nelson farm. Charles Woods. Herbert Not•t•is of Potterville Mr.· and Mt·s, James Wright visited his mother, Mrs. Lena 1. S'l'AR'f Wl'l'H AN Ul./n~A-1\IODERN COOKING CENTER , .. wth family of Lansing were Sun· NOI'l'ls, at Sunset Haven Sunday. a new automatic range and flanlu•d by convt•nimtt worl< surfaces O\'IW eli riner guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Opdyke of bast• cabinels fot· uiPnsil stot•agp, 's parents, Mt·. and Mrs. Mason were Saturday evening A Flexible Plan Lawton Gauss. Mr. and Mrs, Carl dinner· guests ol Mt•. anrl Mrs. ,\jelson spent Saturday evening Bob Hess. 2. PU'J' IN A WELL-PLANNED S'fORAGI~ AND SERVING CEN'l'lm .• Ball-Dunn service is a com· at the Gauss home, . Sunday dinne1· guests of Mr. built around a new modern rcl'rigm·ator! Couuectt~d to the mnge by pletely personal service. Even Mr. and· Mrs. Louis Yuhas?. and Mrs. George Mitchell includccl am11lc countt•t· S!laee. 'l'his MUter not only mal,cs all food st•rving and family of Holt and M1·. and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mil<'hcll. t'IL'ih~r· but giws you the ultimate in food JII'C!Iaration. the extended payment plan Mrs. Rlcharcl Kehres and family Mrs. Ronald West and l'hildren we mal~e available to those were SLtnclay' guests of Mr. and spent Saturday with her parents, 3. Mrs. A. J. Miller. ADD A 'l'I~m-SAVING PREPAUA'fiON AND CLEAN-lJP CI~N'l'Im who request it is a completely ' Sunday cllnner guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Met'edith of • .• Slllllllied by constant hot wahll' t'rom ru1 automatic wattw htJater. flexible plan; payments are and Mt·s. Paul· Decess of Lan· 'l'hc sinl<, l'rorn which this endless SIIJillly flows, should be locatt!d near always scheduled to meet the sing included Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Miss Orrene F:·pm· and• Miss thtl otht•r• two centers if possible. gvelyn ltl with Mrs l'tnll ti. tulw tlwiJ own ltthlc• sc•rvic!l and llc''"r v.1tlons nnve be<•JI mudP SehnfiPirl, "0UJ' Ur gPnl untl Jm HUHh luke, lilllill/t 111'1' Hlo ktii'H'•· hy ,lOll fHH sons fo1 I ill' meul. Sc•t V· n dish tn pii~H Pol.tloe~. roils 1111<1 mcctl.lle Nocrls ;" Hny PPrltlns, A storl~ HhOWt•!' will be given ~II' nncl !\Irs l~llwutci .IPI'itlulnnwnl will be pro Needs;" unci William I~ Dnr l, Ml'. unci Mrs. Georg!l Van 0(!· Qt Mr~. C,lW., ~nnr.lt l•'rlday, ,1,111· IIPJ' g11r>~l' nl !\It nnd Mrs, !.II· vlriPcl unlit the pr og1 dill lmglns In "ln:;tJ•uf'llons to Ou1 Cunvnssers.'' JniHI\ nn, lr,, nt Pmlland tile f;IIJH ltiUI,Y o!l 7·1~ Mc•mbPt's of lhPe•xP.eutlw c•nm Sunclny nl cJinne1' !\It·. ntul 1\h'H, twshnlenl~ of pupC'nru, r.nnoly, np 1\h •, f,I,Jillc•y NPWillllll ch·ovc• lo 'J'hPJe will he 110 sullr·llnllons of mlttec for llw !'tLtsncie am ltex Hohe1t FPiton and fnmily, Low llt'VPI' Col'inthluns R4•1ull Ch,lt'ie>s van Dcmurk und Mr. and pll'~ 1 Ull(l IUilJ!I'l irll'~ II' ill Ill' 1111' IIJtlvi'J'stl,l' IHJ!.pllal fell' tro•111 funds al this mc•Ptlng, ~.lirl HPV il11:1 fnill'th. (I lS:!l. ASV.) Slilhley, Nefl, Wllllnm I? twrved, lllf'llls I d IY~ of lllsl \l'f'l'f\ Hnymnnd L Norton, whll'i1 is D:ut, llilllln Zldtgmf, Glen Coon, II Col'inlhiuns 1:13-lH. M1s, Chid; Spc•ecJ 11! l'Je~> Soli. 'J'JW. W, S (', S, 1111'1 HI tlw lll'lllllgCcl frll' lhl' flliiJHlSe of CX• H.ty Pm It ins, t?Janl; Neth.tw.Jy, It ts srurl that when I he great Central church In Honolulu Mr. nnr: Mrs SpPc•rl \VI'CP over. pt.dnlng In Ill!' rnc•mhc•J ship .mrl unci Eimer· Sclinflcltl was umlel' conslruetwn, the architect said to the pasto1·, nl~:ht guc•,ts or the Vnn Demar;u; homo ol' ~\r.H, Chnrle~ Wt•llh i<~st WllJ'tedog Dl'str'lct IJIPrtrls 1111' way lilt' fund J.tislng MembeJ•s of the r·unvass c·om '"['hel'e ts to be an lnscl'iption on the pulpit stand. It musl Suncluy, r'l'iday u.ftt•bJoo'' with 12 nwm· f'I'Lff;,llle Is In he> f'llllflliPiecl, Ullll m111cc• :ct!' M1. nnrl MJ•s, Leland have eighteen let1e1's and spuces, We want you to select thl1t Gr·o~ngc• will mrrt 'I'Lif'sclay evP· lwr~:~, ~hi'! ~ ttucmi~J Jllt>so>nt. !'Inn•. l\11 ~. 111. V. llnlloll' why It is lmpPI'atlve for the ALislln, Lynn Bullen, WIIIH'J t inscl'iptinn." nln~ ••Jamuu·y 2!i, nt 7::JO p. m, wen• mndl• f01' n Vall•ntlnr• Jl.ll'l> eilllf eh to hullrl ,ulrllllonnl rooms Cummings, ltohot'l Dt oschu, Gil'n IIc !mew that an inscl'iption suitable fm· the pulpit stand Jr t' n Jmtludt suppPt', l:luHinl!s~ to )H! ltelii l,chruary 18 ,11 litP r.l! ,JiJd M1" Eus•PII Stm•r•t• "t lid~ limP Dunn W. 0 I IIlli, MnJ·euo !Jnnnu, WCHIIcl have to carry a message for the VUI'ious experiences nwt•lln" will lollow. The lreturPI' home or Ml'ilt Hugh Mut l'ilfJIISf' f'llll'JI.nnrri Iill' J•:l Sltlllo llk!'t·•wJ y wu, a .11 1111 II 11"1111' 'lut>:;rlo~y. Dr Ail' ~a nrlcr· Sl ew.u·t, 11 mem HohtH I Lenn.tl cl, (~len 0Pslc•IIP, I h ll COJllt' to the mcmbci'S of the family He knew It should olllTHILIJHt" lhnt hi' I'Xf!C!C!I~ In lu•J' of tile' llo.ml of No~liono~l !\lis dlnn~a· gueut ol' Mrs. l.uc·y lrJII\1 1\l1 .ltHI 1111 s. 1..1\I'I'I'JH f' 'I' Mrs l'J',tnlt l{ulhlllll'n, MPivln I 111: ' sutlahle lo1· IIoly Commumon,' · fm· funcl'llls' um1 wereIll ngs, IHtve Kc•nrwllt11H• cc H1own,y ugent, 1111• ns~IHI·to rx· ~11111' ol I he Ml'lhucll~l clan ch, Stroud, HohPI'I vVIIII\CI •IIIII llPn 11111 111 111111 l,llld Mr. jllld Mrs. Lylr.• f11'0W :IIIII ~'lrtillo, \Vollllll olllll Su•,JJI S]JPIII Will rlitc•r I I liP er'liSIIrtP Which Will \Ve.tvet• lor pellltents unrl lm· those who would come to WO!'shlp. pluln tho' r.u·mrt~ bl•riPty srcul'lty M.u·loh f-llltHJny. · . Ill(' 'lr••·l~ Prill 111 illl•n· 'ullage• .11 •·ontlnue until Sunrluy, .IJutunJ y Aller conslclr>l'ablc praye1· nnd cfiOI'I, the pastor fuwlly plnn Mt·. and lrll·s. lamPs c.unphPll ''r:1111t L>1 '"' l.iltl' n( I' ll.tk• Mt s II S PulveJ' Is c·lmir man of lilf' f'lllll'('h CXIPeNnll Jlr>poil'l :·!0 lie will l1e lnltoriLH!'rl In tilP selected, "Love Nevet· Faileth." I Robin Allc•n : and Mr· 1111<1 [I;Ji 11. .r ,1a1,. Jlr,g,•; 1.. 1111' ""''' Iilr '' I'J'i< cml. which provides Cot lhc cllnJJeJ hns Willi' fl11t11 l'ltli.uiPipilld lo ,Jiso hP 'i shnr t t.liks hy memheJ s mer.lmgs. Mrs Fmnk 11nthillllll hnve l<~tiPrl ,\•1th .Jesus, with Stephen and Paul, and with gJunclpntPnt-;, tvfl untl Mr~. Cnmpbo\1, Jr·., and Jt11111ly loo~vc• J\11··· l '.Jrtl•• r11ggs .111d Nc•va ol lhP l'iturdt. ~f'J VP ns r·r /ISLIIIIl/11 In lltr• M,JSon moVa.'li itHo thu ta1·m hrJIIs<' lluti.•J r•,oltl'ol • n ~lis (',f,l f{lf'I!S Is C'h,dt mnn of a hosles~ commit Methodist htnlclt11g lllllcls r•Ju tlwus,lJlds ol others But has Jt !ailed? Ilislory gives tC'sl l- l•'loyol Don,Ji. ltPx Slt·lhli!} Will lw muster of tee huncillng invilnllnnH nnrl 1eser rnony to the lact that, given time, Jt will succeed. It is tlw l\lJ' unri M1s. Hr•J'ton .11/hnsun, Mts. Lu"y 01'11\V sp~lll ,1nol 1 mnlv •• und:1v "I o•nlllJ• cc•r emonJPS .IIlii spe.tl; on ltw snh snrtr• liP 1s t'Xlll r !I'd Io lu• "I Thllt$uart wHh Ma·. and val ions. i'hutsclo~y night's rll/1111'! nwPIIII)~ lll'l'si• l(mu• ol love 'ts m·lnilcstccl in Jesus and othe1·s liutl Allun anct Jc•unl" t•ntrJtnltlrd Mt·, • ' - '' ' ' 1 I I uml Mrs .lnrncs .Juhn~on, lilt·, anet l··~·i!ltlt l!'relt.>t1nll!ll.' Ed ~ L 1 N r·atts!'s us to tl'spond today. Love may seem to le tw ong Mt:;. w.IILH·c• .Johw;on anti' Ml~s •'Lt~rri' (~r.e SJH'H(, Sf!I'I',IRI oi,J~s • en J(~l00 CWS ll'fi,Y .u·ouncl, hut II ls I he only way. IN••va ,John~o'' at u hh Lhd.ny illnJ fltHt woe(( ~t'hiM ~r>ll,l(!l' Ul llu•lil 1'11111 l\111111.'1', l'ul IIII,YIIIHIHI I What the Churches Are Doi11g l'ltAYJt:lt J\CI' hCIIHoJing Mrs .J:imPR .Jolin· lalq1,'o ,\ , 1 0111' l•'uthe•J, we• Uumit 'l'lw•• for 'l'hy IOVI' she•tl llhl'fiUtl lu lht• son nnd Ncv.1 ~LliHiuy. , , I v I '-':'-- r• .'- ~II .IIIII o'vlt '· 1'~111 :.;Ill Iii's nncl Wllllumslon i-ii, l{uih••t irlt''s \I'll lid 1h1 Clllgh 'l'hy l-ion, ,J,·~u~ C:hrisl. If lVI' know 0111 ill'tii'IM, 1u Mrs. DPxtPr 'I'hot'l)lon is srr'· l•.J•isc OJIIll, Nrllnt.Jn K111Zir, vlr•uJ B:IJ'IH'S Slii'PIS e\C'I'Y Sunrid\' oil '' I~· D' t • t, oillllil\ \I•Jir•d ~11 .totrl M1s Hay· cl.er 11'1' tm·•· 'J'IIPe·, hut only llt•c·uusc 'l'hou tlldsl lovt• us fli•~o;j, lrl•lt• ou~ly sld' In LIIIIVI'J ~lty lwspllul, R 1n11""t tr "lr'tiVIIod 011111 ramtly Sr•t vices anrl l'lan dt sl'hnnl, I I :00 II a. rn. SLuHI.ev sr IHH>I 1s llf'lcl _ee~e~ . 1$ fl( s.~t '"• 0 (,ocJ, 11ut o11ly Jo lul'c 'l'ht•••, hut tu Jli'OVt• tllil' hiVI' fur 'l'hc••• Ann AtiJC/l' , •' • 'FJI~lOi!l'r ~. Ill d I\ ( oi'IJI !'•' ;,,IIIII's d lld lllmlty 11 m first 1111d llfth Sunclo~ys, dwlng the SPJ vrc·es 1111 p11p1h up to the olf(l' 11[ :20 \Vf'ciJJI'Scid) I'Yt' h) IU\iug IIIII' IPIImv me•n. Aml'n. ~11s !Jf'Jton .Johusou 11011 M1~· 11"11, tl Iill Ill ' lo!IIIH\' 1111111 It Sund.1ys, llnlt EuchnrJsl. ' Ml';; ·,Wayne Ui'C'J' r,ollr•l 1111 111, tnd fll• H 1\'tnoncl 'l'ltlr·rl Sunri.J\', mo1ning nlng lllCPtlng oil ~ o'c lrwk Ill THOUGHT FOR TilE DAy Lo1s I .. 1i;cJ .1 t IPJidPcl leader~ IUHIJII'~ · d · ·, mPrtlng 11 thl' hmtlP of Ml'b, Mrs, k ll.,l1tltlon Sunrlu,\' f'\P ol lnsirr• l'tlt' Stllllric~v J'lc•nlnl~ 11nd llldll} eludes IPSIIIllflllJPH 111 ChllsiJ.In Love mu.v seem to be the long way m·oun ' hut II 1 ~ 11 JC r lPIPn Whit tPmorr• Jnsl 'I'Ltcsclny Sctcmr. he,dmg A puhllf• 1r.HIIIlf( only way.- 0 Kyle Lnmh (AI'kunsns) nlnt{· cilnllo'l r:'"' .t ,,f 1\lr .tllll M1·s. room IS OjlPll oil tIll' <'h 1/llll '1'1'1} Plalnltf'lcl t•xt••uswn f luh nwt H t} lt.J,\ n1uoHI 1;, "'i-:'' .uul Put. lluil llnpl1st ('111111'11, Ttc>v C WednesrJ,Jy .tnrt So~lu1rl.1y !1om..! Wllh hfrs .•Tacit Donuhuf' M•nu1.1~ M1 o~nd !\Irs Nn1n1 \Vm1c>n .Tames P.tsm,l, po~slor Sunday I to I God's l'P,ICilll< ss diHi Willing lltfll'S of MI. anrl Mrs. Don Okemos and Vicinity I'VPning 'wilh 12 nwmh,·r~ pr~~ 111'1<' !' rfllltl,,, "'< 11111g rtlnnPJ' nloJ'rtiJJg II'OJ'sh1p tO 1 m ; Sun Sill I IJolmf's / · P.ni. ftug hilOitlng i~> the e·urJcnl ~~"''Is nt 1\!1 ,IJitl IYIJS .l.tmro~ JWSs In lu•,JI sic kncss olllrl Ill Pastor and Wife ' I Cl I L t\11 s. \Vulle•1' Jlc•:clhruun rl.1y sdtool, I I a m , Young clay, .Js l£e ri1rl 111 Cl111st .IPsns I\IIJ anc Mt~. 1at es uy wc•tr I [JI'Oji'Cl,l 1\io!lll<, "' .ontl '1'11111' P••oplc•'s ChtJstJ.Jil Feilowslllp, time, will hi' sf'l lrHih .11 Club· SallllfiUy CVf'lllng VIsitor~ ol Mr Fllllf'l,Ji SCI VIC('S W(!t'f' Jl('lr] for Mr.' ahd l'lfl'S Mlilwut·np GPPt I:,,,, 1: '·'" w.t . .olo ·"Ill 'I h111 srtn:.· IJ.t!i p Ill; Sunri.e) Pvenmg serv 11,111 S<•Jcnr•e Sl'rVIfC'S !Ills Slllllld\' Have Open House and Mrs. Dun Holmes i\!1 s. Aria VnnSvr l~ Jtum IIH• I'IJill· 'I ltoso 11 It" ''''"lll'ri "A" in munfty utjt'nded the f,u t'll'l'll srwllmg 1111 IJ IVIPI.s tf'sts last 1 l.Psli•• . F1rst ('ongt'Pg.tlwnnl, Sunri.l\ olllf'lllOOil ftom :<.00 Uti ilr.tng given Burin I wns in Piall!tleid cemetery, Williumslrm C'••n It• r ilr••l hot list, I S.lmLtcl H Wt•ngr•l, mJnistc•t• ttl ;; :Jo Tlw followrng WPte ubsent PwnPI'r L·tdles wrll meet at the p;frty, ft;Jr4H ag"ent, II·' I Lui, oil' l'Jifi,J~ Ill. [',II i{cJYIIlllllll Linda FowlervUie. .1'.11', Hart Is IP:JVIllg FP.IIl'l, Sllll ir'l !\lor 1 is, 1\rnny J lilt'"'''' James, pastor. Worshtp II Se11•icrs C'lllll r h Iii lion I, 11: li 1 !rom school part o1 l:i'l we~l< home nl llobm t and .Jessie Turn 1 A•.ststmg the host and hostess for 'I'hrr.to Rivet~. .utrl l{,•nn,l C:l1 1111, r,IJ} llnrle•t· •,o•r VIC c•, 1::10 .1 Ill ; l'iJLil I'll Hf'hooi, rn ; mmntng IIOI'Sillp II d 111, 111 sctvlllg were M1s. Freel flue In siel1ncss: Dott~ IILIIlllle, PI' Wcclncsday, ,J,tntl.ti'Y 21), for a 111 {(J a m ------· II flflri dllfi CitC'J :\I l•'p IZI'i llnhby llub .tJHI Youtll l'l'ii sc1 VHes, tO 00 a. mg' SPill'S entlllf'ri "'llw i'nWI'J Ill .nul 7•:JII p Ill , dnll r h st•hooi, er mceltng Weclnesclay evenmg fLJI Meet' ' Inst.dl.illoll of ollke1 s o~llenricrl lite .tfl,lit•, sonw ol r:dwnru RehC'II:Jb lorlge No, :207 Th~ ;\Uit.lllls Buptr~t Lndws co~mc• Canaan School II :00 ,j Ill ; fll'oiYt'J Sf'JI'll'l' whom llllm DeiJoll anri Yp 1d Okemos lor· 19'3'3 were·in~t;~lled Aid .wjll fllCCt at tim cillll< It dl 7•:JIJ for new yP,Lt .11 lltl• sllan11. \VJ•clncscl.ty, R.OO p m. -- 1\'0l'Shl]l S~Vf'lllh Gi'llcle !:iaiU1day evening hy deputy mm·· WecJndc~ijy, l•'ehrtJaiY 2. DlnnPt' Jlnll I'J•t•shyleriun, Rev. Ve1 non I AfiPJ' an Jnspc1·1ion of the pm sh.tl, .M,u y Bidwell, and distl'iel will ~l.~erved at noon. Ch.th man M1·. and Mrs Hobert Shergis of deputy. president, Ilelc•n Webb, of the fooU commillee Is Mrs. Bendix \Villiumslnn St J\lar·y's Cuth· T. Smith, minis let• Church set v I Ingham <: i I' ( u i 1 son,Jgc, gUI'SI S WI' I I' Sl'l'Vecl !l~hl H.oyal Oalt visited l\IJ' and Mrs IIolcilng ollice~; aJP: Noble CPorge Gl'!!en, and Mrs. \Viii.Jrd CJiil·, lli'V I'i FranCIS Mnt tin, [l C' 1 spent pnrl of last wecl; Wtlh llls next meeting wtll hP held 'l'hLn's· "I cam, cake untl ~oll'ee were and family' vislled Mt and M" W:1s $1R!l.!l!'l study anrl pr·a,;cr· mceltng, 7·4.i mecl ,IJlr! dllend lhf' 'llildJ•,IJicl gJandp,urnts, Mr and Mrs Mer· day, March 17 scJ vcd by lhe comnllltee .Albert Whitteplol'e nl Romuln \Villuunslon \\'t•slt•yun iHc~thml· p rn rally ill the D.msvillc l\!Piilllcilsl . on ltl(f', ,mrl Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cat! and ------Sund(ly• PilUle 11 al 7 lO. ist, ltU\\lt•), llf'V, Cml Coffc:~ The Vantown W S C. S held family VJsileLI Mr. and Mrs. Law· Mr: and Mr~. W. D. Orr nnd p.Jstor Chureh school, 10.00 ,, f't hb , I St. ,Junws Cullmlit• Chur1'11, Ill. , . 11s bus1ncss rnePiing wtth Mts I'Cn~c Butges:o; and fumily Salur- I c urg his ll11111, MI'K, Rqlie Bhuflc:r, VIS m ; wot sh1p seJvlce, II ::lO a m ; Rev MsgT Char ies J\c,1t111 g, p.tS· Lclc•n Lfmll'cl l~t·••tlu I'll, I£eJilcr I •\IJce Mnnwe oil \VPhhervtlie day evening. !Ut•s, J1yJe Grow Het\ reiativ~s in' Lals, Kaby Seyfarth 'I Susnn accompanied the Boy Suhd~y gu(lst.s of Mr. and lilts Home Appliance Williumsluu nuplisl, Harold Im .11 the chtllch. ev.mgf'listJc hour, 8: l'i p m, fnrn1ty Ill Conway Sunday, and Lois Schneeberger. Sr oul Explorers to Rush lal . . 1lny evcnlnll' for the wedding uf A 50th Anniversary Gift ·· ./Jetrotllal Told Ilnhertn Pnullne Pr·inglc of Well· Dr•. D. H. L!!lilhrlrlgo 1111rl Glen bcrvllle nnrl Itoh1•rt w; .Johnson Coon, mcmhnrs of the Mnson of Lnnslng, Hcv. Louis IGIIJngr!r plnnnlng eorntn!H~ion, spol1e nt 1110 Mnson Cnlil'(.(l! dub mc~ntlng performed the rintthle·rlng r•cm· Monday eveninfl" at the home of mony ljt 2::10 p. m. In tho Wil· Children Publish Mother'~ Poems Mrs. i\ Ifred l•'lll'elll!, llnmston Community Mr•thnrlist church. Tile men rllscqsspcJ Mnsnn's Capt. Guy Lawrence unci his I Mrs. Cruce Allen nnrl lwt· f•'ollnwlng her grnduatlon !rom wife, Ellznheth Northrup Lnw· rlnughter, Miss Bcrnh•e Allen, lll'Pris and prohlmn.~ lndtHJing In hlglt ~chon! and lwfnrc her mar· The hrlrlr. I:; tiw rlnur~hl<'l' o! their tnlk wlwt lilt! c•nnunlsslnn renee of Wure Neck, Vlrglnln, rc· ilwve received 11 vo!Uml! of "Spin· Mr. and !\Irs. IInrry Pt•ingle of l'inge, November fJ, l!l04, Mrs. was sr~t up for, Its rlutteH nml fll· cclverl 1111 unusttal gift on their drift." Mrs. LnWI'I!nce Is Mr.~. WchhervlllL'. Mt·. nnrl Mrs. Ray I~1wrence taught 111 the l\lpp lure pluns. '!'he r·nmmlssinn IM recent !(nlrlen werldlng nnnlver· Allen's niece. ~ehnol. Thf! poems cover n wide Oswalt of Lansln~ 1ll't! the bride· sary. It wns n publh;!wcl hool< of Both Cnptuln Lawrence and groom's purents. r.stahllshr.d by Mll'iti,;nn lnw nnrl mngc of lntm·csl and experience. is· cllre!'led In Its duties hy the poems. Mrs. Lawrence has writ· Mrs. Lnwrence once t'l!slrlerl In Some were wr·ittcn nbout fnmily ten poetry ever since her hlglt Mason. Both III'!' gmduates of For her wcrlcllng lite bride wore Jaw. Incidents, r1lhers about events, a gown of nylon tullo and ilil· school clays In Mason. Some of It Mnson high school, Captain Law· sights nnrl hnppc!nlngs. Durinfl" the cllsL'IIsslnn tlll'y hus nppenrcrl In newspapers anrl renee In l!JOl and his wife In ported rose l';crls !;eel' over Halln. stated that thf' c·nmmlsslnn Is In A daughter, Mrs, Pnul Croel1· 'fhe fitted bodice of lac•e CX· poetry mn!(nzlncs. The volume Is 1!l02. With the cxceptlrm of a few ell of Humpton, Vil'!dnla, and pmccss of mnl2. Mr. Joltnsnn is a g-raclttat<' of Lansing Tecltnieal higlt sd1ool, last Saturday. in all rlirections until the required VanderVeen, Jr., at dinner Sun· Lord's Pt'ilycr." n- There's something about bait· size is reached. Then pici< up the day at l11e Country Kitchen. For her daughter's wcrlcling Elects Officers ~I * ~~ Mr. ancl Mrs. C. A. 1\losiH't' II'Prl' lnll' a good pic! Every woman 1111CI waxed paper and double the crust Mrs. Pringle dwsc a navy frnci< in fi'lint Sunday to call nn Mrs. I Representative for (.(irl should add that ability to her ovet· on itself. It's easy then to Sixteen members of the Patri· Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zanger trimmed In white with navy and Moshc1·'s aunt, Mrs. lllinniL• J(ot h· assets. Not every womau hns transfer it to the 9" pic tin. Form and family spent Sundny in white acccs~ories. 'Mrs. Oswalt mmcll. 9 Pi no's Music Shop - Lansing mastot'erl the art however. A vet· It Into the tin. Fold the edges of otic club met Friday at 1 p. m. Charlotte with her hrother·in-law wore n black dress with r·ecl and Mr. 111Hl Mrs. Howard ll!d'"watt cmn homem;tlI!IHif:IJJ'o~ will ho rllscwmurl h;r Holt News Mill'HIJilll Cliarpoll, Mrs. llnrll11y lfilllC!S, Hr!V, V. 'I', Rmllll, Howard Mrs. Alton Kinney llllss nnfl Wlhm1 Knrlwl', nonnlfi :iaf.:l! will morlt!l'flln the panel. Jli•lmlhnl 'l'ulil Two Holt Lodges Ml', iillrl Mr,;. Murh! ~ilwp;ml lllrl hila~· l'aJ'IY 01\•l!n liill'f' illllllllllll'l'ri 1111! nnl-(flg'mnl'Jil Mrs. (;<'oJ'f(C' 'l'lllllllngly <'nlc•r· of lliPlJ' rlillll-(iJir•r, Slllrli'Y ,Joy, lailll'rl Salurclii,V evPnlnr, 111 a' Install Officers lrt Ml'lrloll n. Mull, HIIJI of Mr. IJirl hrlny party honoring hr•r hw; anrl Mrs. Dwlr:lil !'1·11111. of Lan· 1111nrl. r.;ut>sls WI!J'P. Mr. nnrl M1·~;. 'I'Jw J. 0, n. !·', lcrlg" N11. ;,ri'2 Hllll-(. Jlolh ill'r' Hl'lllors ill MJi'hi· ,John 'l'unnlngly of LanHinr,, Mr. and Holt Hl'lli'IWII l•Hit:l' No. •l·lli gnn Slnlr• mller:e. The l'llllpli! nrul Mrs. PIJillip Tmmlngl~· 111111 held Jnlnl ln~lallallon ol llfl'il'l'rs liiiH no! :it>l n li'l•rlrlillfl rlnlc!, 'I'hLII'Hclnv evening nl lli1• l11dgl' son of Alprna, anrl Mr. nncl Mn;, lliiJ.:h I•~Jlsworth, Mr. nnrl Mn;, hull. William Mol'I'Y wns 'i!J!;Inll<•d 'l'nld r•:ngu~-;· 1 ·m"ul flpn llr'nrllsh, Mr. anrl MJ·s. Norr·IH 1111 nohle gmnrl or 1111' Odd l•'pJ. Mr. 'IIIII Mrs. Halph \V, !lam· Wy!'l II, Mrs. fva llnss]I:!J' nnrl low lnrlgr! nnd 1\lr~. Ann llarlmv lin flnllolln<'<' lhr• l'nf.(llf.:l'rllf'nl of Clnvl11n Quenhy, all of Holt. Tht1 WIIH instnllr!rl IIH nohlr! gmncl of tiJeir dau~-:hll'r, Mary Lou, In l.(l'll.l!Jl spent llic! ~~Vr!nlng plnying the Ilc!hl'iwh lndgc•. ,lall!l'~ ll. lloffnHIII, ~1111 nf ll1r. l'ill'rlH. ,John Bullc!r, rlc•pill~· J.:l'ilnrl and Mrs. l'larr!nc·r! lloffmnn, of muster, and Mr·s. Lrll'ililll' ltol'ic· Lnnslill:· Tile !loll Hn1m; will play llmv· on Men's Suits Like This! wood, dlslriet cl1•pul,\' prr•sicll'lll, . l!ll I•'ridny nlghl in . tlw hl,::ll ~;:~~ :~;,~;:r ~~,:~~s~~~·.~~;'~' \i::~:~·,',·~·. r;;~ i !'ll~·~r;;·n~t~;~:~~ c'~in:.~:,\';~;~s;.t!~::~:n':i: s<'\';:;.~; 1~1;.::~·,1 troop No. •In will deputy· gr;IIHI. nwrslwls. Otlwr was n•r·Pnlly IHIIIH'il honor man sronsot· 11 p; 11 waiH• s11ppm· to h:• Hl'ilr.lwh offki'I'H lw;lall<•d 1\'('l'f': ill !he nwrllll! I'III'JlS rel'l'llll rlepol liPid r~ridny, ,fiiiiiiiii'Y 2'1, ill Ill~· Nationally Advertised Vl<'l!·J:(I':Jncl, Mrs. Mnry Jo'ir•rllr•r; in San llii'J:II, c'alifornln. lnwn hnl!. S<'I'ViiiJ~ will lw fmm Alterations sl'en•lary, lli'Vil lti'IJHII'; lln.twial 1\lrs ..lo,\' Adcm:l\ will lw ho~l· ; In H p, , '!'ills Is a fllnrl ra·~;. We Plan 111 s!lr:mtar,\', Marllm David; il'l'il:i· , •.~.~ 111 till' Huth drL'Ir! which ing pro,ll'r't foJ' Sc'nlll c·amnlng. I urt!r, Snmh CJ'ysl<•r; righl sup· nwr•ts 'l'LIC'sdny, .Jantlary 2:-i, al Mr. and Mrs. Howard BaxtPr at rnrt to nohl

end of llu• sPmestl'l'. 1 LJiwria, arlrlrcssPd 1111• !Ioll 1\i· Pflo. Lyll' \Vr•ldon, of till' ll. S. J•'cn·ly·f•.'ur Jll!rH

See Our Big-Big fda~~·~ tHe~ 1«/4)~/ . ,, ~I . ... . " , ' , , . ' . , . ' '· . ·sale· Bill ': 't a ., for

:I' Fo·o.d .·ValUes


. : ·. ":t lnuham County News January 20, 1955 PiJ{JC 6

Clara C. Strange

IWIII, l'llrs. .lohn fYJitdJP\\ llllc\ Couple Narrow~y 1'11111 .111pp, ns 11 HJIP.dal r·ornmll· Ilf'P lo di'J'IIIl~f' )OI' liJl' C'(•Je\il'il· Lions Club Plans 11<111 11f fliP !lfllh 111111\VPI'iilll'Y of Escapes D~saster 1\11• 1'/illi'C'h, will hl' dsslstr.rl hy Construction Of (',J\nu•r Wlttllm, Grill'•' Ann\11 Mr·s. D. <.'. ~{f'illllf'tl'h nlnwsl 111 olllfi ll. D. Shall. It \VIIS decided Scout Building f'niH'l'l'lll lc>\r•phllilf' <,1\J 111 " 1.1'~­ 1\lrc•slrlc>nl, llnJJ lle physic Inn "' J:! :111 I' 111 ~:uJJ· l11ih on Ap1ll and l~a~ter Is !1, llnlnws, and Sc·outmnstr•r !~111 I rilly lliJCinlllil!•rl\,1' looi\l'tl 1111• li\f•S i\pi\J J(), I liP 1'[•\Pill'lll\on WC'P)< 11f' ill'I'SI'\f 11111\ \11'1' llli'lttri,\JC• Mrs. S<•:~nu•n ''"' I1 Jill' piJCIIIf'. 11<'1 IIIJsltoiiHI II I'• Will Be Speaker ,\II'S, I•:JriiC'I' 011~ fnllllri llllliJIISl'l< lis Ill ll11• Ill IHJ: l'nflm. I,11111. \Va~. liii\Pil In At PTA Meeting IIII'•Ji\1.11 !•'1 iday lTPJ' .Jrldn•s•: IS' :-it'<'llli•l IJ,,,,, IV Psi \\'lllg i\lrs. 1\l.ll'lln 1\ illll's 11! I .111slng \vas d SunrLtv t dlll•l .tl I liP Hoy LoiiJ(Z IIIIIJlf' Bowling Childs District Ml s W1 Ills .\d 1111~ 1·: 11111<'11 I Ill· fll'IIVI'<\ II ;llll Ill' I I 1'1 I'll( lljll'lllilllll .Husuu llusiiii'SSIIII'Il's L<•a~;nr• l'rll's, Lt'CIIi!' olohu~lou Ml' and ~II' ]>'" 1H'l 1 I'''" t'lllllll l•'a\slaJI' I11J\\ l<'rl Jugl1 11'11111 'J'IIC' Childs Cor'll!'t' l'illll'l'h i~ a111l gll·i~ lVI' I'' ;;und.l.\' rlilllll'l' game and Sf'l'lf's fol till' nlr:ht JIO!JI 1-(lii'SlS ol MI. olllll ~lrs 1\r•iildl'd Leslie Clmrch Has R23wIt hand R20 22!JRand lor·2:1:!8; s<'<'iiiHI 1!1 K.JIHI I as 1111M.1· rJ ,-. .:.:.:..:..:.:.::_..::.:.:.::.....::.....:.:.:.:..::...... :.::.:..::.:._:.:.:_---_O_t_ls_·_a_rl_rl_s_,_,n_s_. ------­ 90th Annual Meet Three New Members son E:II'V.Jior ho~rl i-111'1 .111d :.!271. '1'111' 1(1'\'l'll'Jill :-i.llllll<·l 1: gPt' lf'd !/JP cli•Vnllllll td IIH• !IIIII\ .loin EOTC Group IJI'I'~ of Ills 1 • 1111 n 1 c·J~HII11II .IIIIIHI Wavne• G. Feighner Jug till' dilllll't P'''''' •11111: 11"· !Ill lit :JIJIIII;t\ llll'l'illl;; Ill I ill' I,,., A tJI•f io114·r·r Ill' ('lllll~ll'l::lll!!ll:tl <'IIIII'< It !..''' W<•t\rwsd.t,l till' 1·<·1 '''''"'"!: "' ·I· lowslup h,t!J J:o•o <'Ill 1111 llllll'ls .1<1 F:lt'IIJ :tll(l lloust•hold ~:ri4'S ·r llliiiJ•d to 1111• dllll'< l1

<'nil Mason !!tiHX:r OJ' l•:nlnu ltnpitls :rtiifi - f 'oJIJ•t•l

Complete Agricultural Sales Service' Livestock Dispersals Farm Auctions Farm Real Estate LI\'J•)oi'f'()('J\ IJISI'I.;I:SAI.S: Eill11•1' JHIII'irlt'ris Ill' 1-;l':tli<'s ill'lrl at 1111' Woi\'f'l'int• l'ua·!'hl't•tl l.i\'l•stol'l' Salr•s l'a\'iliou .,,. nl you!' 1'111'111. 'l'hls is IIIII' spt·r·ialil~· nnrl 1\'1' <1111 l'l'it'l' )1111 In )'<'Ill'~ nl' ~IH'I'I'SS in this fipJrJ, lloJsfl'ill Sllll's ill I' Ill' Iii II II' st't'fllld Sailll'riuy nl' ••u•h month at fill' l'lll'ilron.

FAit:\! AlJC'I'IONI'i: Wt• will i1U1Hil1• auy lal'lll •,:J!t•-luc·~,, 111· snJUll-sc•llin~ fill' Jll'l'~nmal Jll'lllll'l'ly ulout• 111 <'OIIIhill<' il wilh thJ• l'f'Ui t•stnl<• lwiug oi'IPI'Pfl.

FAit!\! ltfo:AL ES'l'A'I'E SALES: \\'t• will hi' pil•as••rl lo lull' with you abnul listing ,YCIIII' I ann wilh us. Our widt• cnu­ ltlt'fs with lll;'l'ieulhu·uJ pt•nplr• \1 ill ill'lJI yo11 111.11'1' ) IIIII' 1'111111 liS l'liJiitiJy liS pnssihJ1•. 'l'ht• SJ•liillg of IUI'IIIS al Jlllhllc au eli on is guiuin,_; wide• Jlllllllial'ily. 1\'p ol fl'l' yon lht• OflfiOI'Innlly ht st•ll t•ilhr•1· ut lll'll'illt• IJ•t•aly nr Jlllhlir· 1111!'1 iou.

OlJit Sl•;ltVICJ~ IS COMI'I.E'l'l~: \\'1• h:uullt• all ch•lails of' )'IIIII' suit•, Our urlvt•c·tisiug fH'o:.; I'll Ill will :tSSIIJ <' J 1111 of with• l'!l\'el'llg4' In inl'nl·min~; ll11• huyiu:.; Jlllhlit· ol ) IIIII' ol'ft•l·iu:.;. \\'1• euu makt• 11\'Uilllhli• ltdc•cJIIlllt• finanl'ing lo t'll\'1'1' un.r und nil s, COLID, Assistant Salt•s i\lanap;t•r· a111l (lla1·1• 1' 11 m·f h ol' ort Oltt•mns I'U:ttl 011 1ht• August ,Jahs l:u·m. 1 mil~ ~Iasort of Mr. and Mrs•• John Mitchell ! RcctPniJnn ll•agu<• at the Mason Hcnl Estatt• Sal1•snwn last Sund_uy. 11lle~·s Sunrliiy, The Milson team 237R St•ntinole llr·i\'1', Olit•nws, Michigan :1 P.M. SATURDA V, JANUARY 221 P.M

CATTLE• ,, I FEEDERS -IT'S NEW- Phone Price Brothers Phone Mt·. and Mrs.. r. Russell Bng­ .... f:Prly \l'l'rr• hosts Ja~l weel1 .to Mason Auctioneers Stockbridge llu·n '"" nne\ 111'11' daughter-tn· J:rw, Mr. o~nrl Mrs .Jame~ R. Bag- Master Mix , Vl'lly ol Cliirkston. The bt·idP is 2-8761 Maurice & Bob 17-F-111 t iH· lo1n1C'1 l'vlargaret Louise II.J\1, rlllllghter of Mr and Mr·~:. llobo~rt M. llal\ of Long Beal'i1, 1 ';J\if•Hnin Mr. Baggerly teaches ill 1\w Clarkston consolirlaleil Beef Supplement Cattle Machinery s!'!Jool. Mrs. Bo~ggerly is a grain lit•ift•r, 7 munlhs oltl I1Phrnrl the Methodist parsonage. 1 l.ois Bc.t lornly of the Leslle·Lo· •llol'ltlliu lll'ilt•r, li nwnlhs uhl ) leMe bt• on linw ns lluwr :n·r Iowa State college has found the following results from 1·:rl Hcpu IJiica n stuff picked a :; Bangs 'i't•slt•d 110 lllnllll :u·tidt•s lfnorl-sized bouquet of pansies. this hormone in the feed: Mr. nnrl Mrs. John Mitchell., Oblong Dining 'l'nhlt• wit.lt iJ l:ultlt•r·-h:lt'lc 1\lrs. Gertrude Discnroth, Mr. anrl 1. Increases Av~rage Daily Gain_s by 19o/o 1 dmirs Mrs. A. '!'. Ingalls and Mr. anrll Household Goods 1\lr's. Oscnr Ohlinget• attended Hh·llseyt• 1\lnJih• HJ•tl, Urt•ssinJ!; 1'ahlt• nnd lunernl services for Sewell Lux· I 2. Increases Da.ily Feed Consumption by 5 °/o chair· 1on in Mnson Tuesday. Mr·s. Mnttrcss John Mitchell and' Mrs, Olsen· r·oth were cousins of the de· 3. Produces Gains with 11,-o Less Feed nox 811riugs ceased. Mrs. May Graham, widow of 4. Reduces Feed Costs by About 11o/.o the lnte George Graham and Not Responsible for Aoll is liall 11\'1'1' 'I'IH• j:;.j~ lllillgln In !lu• firs! fjlllll'll'l',' 1!1:1~ Ram ers Ro on Ilr!IVr•ll, ;)!I; Maso11, •If) ''.'".' win i~l l.fll' III'\V J(,YIII. ~~l J!J:\K, d!olll(;l'rl hoiiiiJ" SI'VI'I'IIf lilllf'S ill' llams IIlllS I 1111'1'1 .til 11lliP1 !Pains Tli1• c '111\H'Is rrol1•s IVI'nl 111111 ,, sJ;rll Mr•t'l'loll 1111rl sllp]lllllllll'r• .lim Till· gym. Tlial is lhf' linw Vnllghll alllljljlltillllllil' /11 gl'/ 11\\'a,\ IIJall.l fl'lllll !111• ).(olllll' Willi il'SS !han fl .IIIII Ylllilll( II!SII sr•l'illg oil'! lOll 1~111 IIISI 1'111111'111 .. r 1111' li.tll 11'111'11 lir• Ill I ill• g.lllll'ds :null ill! l'l'hllllllri siHIIIJ( llllri r·:rJ 1\r•lw llll'n lill'ir 111111<' sh11!s 111i11111r• 111 g11. llts dPpatlllrr• Sillr·r• 111111 linll' MIISIIII '''IIIllS SiiiiZ hroJ((' Hp till' pnss. 1\'lll'h of (,II',\' ltllfirH'iWI' whlr•li fifth 111111 si.o,;lh f(l'ollir'I'S illosr, 1 i\lllllill'l l'l':l',orll l1tl IJ11• ilolllls' 1 1\llllid IIIII hoil'l' lllllrfe lillY diifl'l'• lillVI' jll!l'ltl'.\'l'ri lrt ('h.ti'Jitlil' o\>!riSrtll's 'l'rtl'illl~ !11'1' rlill\'1' ill •lf:ll~! 1 , l'll.l',lli'rl /[l(•,[{:l~ns.lill'lll!~li~• J•'ril' !hi• fil'sl lillH' lil).(allizr•rJ IVIERRY-GO-ROUND-Fast try tror thr· lio~il ll.v '"''" ly .111 • .,,_ 1 .,,,.,.,," W<'ll' 1111' /1111l· '"lillliilil'd "II'''' 111 lltl' lt\1/r·onw, lltollglr, as 1'VI'I,Y ,YI'dl' !IIIII 1',11111' lillllll' Willi 1111 I ill• iii'/I'IISl' ,11111 Will)tjll'd IJ11• lrt, \IIIII!.\. i{r.Hfltr JICJ ,\Vols fill. I! liaslll'lliafl is lic•J11g hl'llll).(hl Ill cen,t·cl (JI'IJcJIICt:cJ tills llli'I'I'Y·!JU·Ili!Xll(l Ill !lie JlaJlllll [•'lit'l'< \ol:lll' III\' 1111• < 'ltllll'ls. < lllll'lrd•. 1'1111::111 1111• ltar11~ 11'1'1'1' l'lllllillllahly In 11 11 11111 a vi<'llli'\' M.IIIV I IIlli'S M.!Srtll l111ll llll'lrllgh lfll' ltrHIJI 1 filii \IIIIi 1~. 1\ll'i'l'lrtll lnlltr•d ' flllil f'l'tHIP sd1111ll li11ys. 1•:,\l•h gmrlf' lllliJOrnls) :wd UCLA timing a rel'•'nl 1111111 li"'" Cm11d Lr·dr:" 1111 :211 1'1111• till!'," IIH• l1•.trl. , ; WII!IJd lio!VI,' !111• Jli;IIPI' /l'iilll .tnri 1\l.l:illll IIIII ill 11'11!11 ;it;,:/ ll'ltil 'J'III/JI' llllil'l'il'rli:J jJ;as a •l·ll'alll il'agiiP, SQUUIC Gurd1•o, Nt•w Yorlc C1ty, li1111s wllill' 1111l,\' I 11'<'1'<' <'tll11•d H~td~tr•I,PI' did 11 good Jllh Iii 1111' lu•llr•l' n•r•rtrrllllll slilllrtSi• 1111ly !l Si'l'llilll~ 11'11 'l'l11• Urilllr•s l'~tl' 1111• VrJ..:ngs .li'I'I'Y liollsf'l Sallll'rlay Jhl' Spoll'llllls IIJlSPI •ll:llillsl I loll Till' ltatns lllt1d1• 'or11i1'1tlllll!-' 1111• hrll•ilho.tl'rl!: 'l'h<'• · •· • lrtsl. i·:tll ""'rtf Iiiii!' hr·llll'l' iiii•Y l'rtllld ltlllll•'i'l'iil'lty Wilsrtii\VI'I'I' fill· hig lhl' Wliill·als lillwilh 1\larl\ \Vhil· H" hi d w· I,JI/.'IIJO!t IIWII Tr•;,\JI:-i Wll\' ( 'ollll'ls \\'('J'" ll!'Vfll a hie• to gpf ... " l•'iid.ty lligltl'• j,,.,,l'l'dJCf•J' 1\'.tS ::1'1 lill•li!ill rlitll'nllii• """;. gllll~ in''"' Vilrin~: n/1,11'1<. I•:.ll'li lli'Y riiiiTlfling in ·1 jlllillls. In lhr• lg an ers In ('11!11'11 Mlllll'ill' !-ililtll's Sl'\'1'11111 1111'11\' 1111111' 111.111 '""' shot .11 a ;, '''•"" Vl•·lot·v. !11 Sl!tl'illR S/11JZ Jo'rid.ty 111ghl M:~:~tn will ll.tVI·I Jtllllll"'" in II prtlitls. ll••nn L1111i1, r11h••r Iillh gradP r·otllr•sl !Ill' !'""' t•rr:lllli gl'rlll<' ll'.llllS Jtl•'l\••d 111• I IIIII' l<'d Willi 1:1 '"""'"· lllt\Yii·ll 1'111 Ill 1111\\'('lf 1111' II h.lillr· will! 1111• llu· Jl'llllilli: ~1'1111'1 IOI' lht• Vi· llill'itt•yr•s lniiV('Ii ill/11 a ''" wilh As Mason Folds WillS 111'1'1' :1/ ('Ji:tlillllr• '1'111· Glovers Are Ready fo'rido~l' night !loll ln,\S Its l'il'llll !Pr·l•'ri 1~. i\11 W••ll'ltllr'h h.11:gr•rl llighlr!IHJI'I'S. Maso111 11ill Jill'•' l,tllgs,II'.Jslurltll'rlll)lllj liiPil.!lll Jh•• ll:1dgc•i's for firs/ pl:ti'l' li)' 'SI\'1'11111 ~:1111lr· 1',1111 :!:ll.! willt lil'lli'd 1111 IJH• IIIII' •lf:.linsl lliiW· dr•/PJI'.r• d<'visl'd In s/11jl htm. liP r•iillinr: r!ow11 thl'l BadgJ•rs 7·~. I s d H If j·''i'l'l' \Vtllr•; r rtlli•tllli;~ J:o points for lansing Meet I'll '1'111• lliglilllllrir•rs haw .JIISI . h 11111.1' ):1'1 :tll'ordJ:, IIIIIJ o< II'· Jll'lilld ~11'1111111 slai'IPd' Ill I II'I IIIII I IIr•aillllllll I Jtl' "" 'I'IH• hamsl llli/S('OI'I'I I I I H' v·I· . '1'1 11' ':''.'r• Ili'I'S 111.fll 11 '1I II }('. IIOilS pl:~y. Tit!•('(• is 1111 gatnf' 1111 I ill' I [Ill' .,. 1111111',\'' :1111 '(' II'II:II'V II, 1 1 11 1 Ingham County News litl' g; m • ., s IHtl ilu• ill's! mliiH'I' 1,. 111 Jin:: Lnolr ,111 r1 llmtltllg liim 111 kin>:~ lfll:l and IIi 1:1 in llw l:~sl !PI'S 1K·1 I 111 a 1111'1111'1' lo ll'lnrl IIJI ~:l'ill'rliill•. 'l'uPsrl:Jy nigh! Masoll' A ( J s Tilts .l'"·""s C:olril'll r:loi'Ps "' liasl\<'llillll l'il hi' I' /f'IIITI [,,., ''"' loWPHI Sl'ltl ,. '"' It liS '""' ·"' 2 JII!I'IIHls '" win p;oing away. Salun.lay's. play. Boil l•'ol'l'ill' ':"· will swing ill ill :Ill ion in II niH! , ' "I'IIIII,IIIIIIH.III January 20, 1955 Page 7 11 I s orne ~.s oar '""'." .'"' ':'""','. 11 11 pl.i,YPrl, was a liard lollgirl '""SIJII. Till' will was I he fitlh sii'.Jighl ~ll'ri 1.2 points f11.r .'h•• ,c:'.'fl~H 1~ lr•aglll' g:llnt• llYP!' ar llrlsll'/1, 'l'lu• ,J 1 '':'"'.'~'"'."· •· 1111:1 n" 11 ss JIJ,III I J.Ii/li• ,,,, 1111' lVII,\'. J•:vl•ll IIi•• 1'1111 I I I I I(' II lill' lhP Hams willl lllliy llil• holi· ol!HI.i.llll.lone.~ Jlllkrrlnp,) lrH '"' llllllrloi',S holrl a "''<'isillll IIYI'I lhl'l Gi'.IIHI [,r•rigro ll'oll'llll'd 11[1 lui II [itllllll rlts!'''' lillillPII•ns """ 111 1\<'n I, II Ill'( IIIII •"'''I'\' i\ '"'' 11111111111 11 I . I ' Jl I I' I h'lllljliiiS II I ",,I' '11'111 II .,,,,,,., '''''''''' ,,.,,,.,.,, llir' · g',ltn•• lllllll'lilll/i•rl· '"'kl' Ills lt\VII will sr•t a ll'l'lltd. \Villi lltr• e·rltlllln I I I :Ill·' lll!tsL I!Vol Jl aymg· Sill' f ll('l', Irilsn n•holi!HII'rl wPII l{r•x ~lc•tTioll 'f'h1• Vild11gs hiiV<' won ~ l'irlllil Will go• against IIH• . Gnplwrs allri. m•Pdcrl lo upscl Mason. II'IS won S!'IJI'lng· ll'<'fllc 11'1 1 11 .'II Jlllllll· d :1 111'1'.' ar<'a I<'IIIIJS ""' lllllniH'I 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 111111 lllll).(l'IVI I Oil !Ill' h:ll•i,IJoa!ds inlhe sC('Oill) sprl'l', J[js jJI'I'VIIIIIS lllliiJ\ 'If hiiXII' hoiS l'isr•n :••als :11111 'I lrou/ sl1111s lollrll'l• ':!lll'll:lll;~·nl , 1." 1' ll~f' It!'~./ ('u:ll'li 'I'Pd llillll'i's Vikings :11111 uwnl, Hllll l':llsons. who'""'' '"'"'· II'!' lroad of 15·1<1. In 11 rough anr11rcal'il fill' l'<'t'IJTd filial. 111111. L!l~tn '"'JIIIIs .11111 :-il l.lllll' Tv Tir,vanPsi;,n's amns rilrnflsl IJVt'r for MPi'l'loll. i\llliol!J(Ii l'o~r· T St p th lumhlc sei'Oilll qunrler the 13ull., T-!11well cnulrln'l r•nmc up wilhi'" 1 ~' ll'lll~' 11111 ~ lo liw IHIXIIJg 11::lls s\VIi)ljll'ri haslwls rluring IIH· nrsl sons \Vols lhr· smrd)Psl pla,Y<'I' Ill I d. M I 0 op an ers dogs pushcrlthc lead up /0 2(i2:J. ~ lliing in !ill' 1\'llj' r,r rll'ii'IIS(' Ill 11,1 LllllSIIlg '"' lite fllsl lnnr• !tall', liS llu· Vil\lngs Jeri 21·2:1. r•ilhr·r· linr:·ll(l lw mPUSllll'ri IIJI lrt n lans' assacre '!'hal was all for Mason. eVI'Il sluw Ill(• ('IIIIII'IS dnwn AI Sllll'l' I'JEl. I • • {'r!idway1111 inllll' lhirrlqlwr·terfrPr•· llw sllua111111. He gave·llw Itamsl I Dansville didn't have whal il ' .. At lhe start of the thirrl fll'l'iorljthP end oJihl• fnsl pe1wl Cranrll 'l'l,'kPis ''11,11 ilP 1! 11 ~" 1 'il:l~C'ri Ill '"w•: hy G<•ttrgt• A ill<'! 1111I and l\r•n IIi<' halriiH'I' and. poi.sl• tlwy IH'L''.'·"·" Blackhawk Tr·"lbe 1 wlws In stop Stodtbriclge and McMnckcn went into action. Ma·l Ll'dge was ou1 in fmnl 2~·G. Lallsnrg al 1' 111111 "11 s ~~ 11 " 1 ' sloi'P lll.drll'l\11111 <'Vf'IIPd IIH• 1''"1 '· Then al gu:uri loma!nlrunlll<" ga;,. 111s finally wen! rlown to a 5:i-3•1 rie· Hlrl would gel one shnt at 1111' !~rom tlH•H• 1111 in ('o,ll'h Bt•n/111111 Ill Mas~m at i\1 ltwr. Clielm IWrt 11111g SI'IP<'II·'' " s l•y nnh l'r'<'f' lhmws Wl'I'P. 1ilso <'llllnl<•d all r fPal J•'l'irlrly nigh! nvet· on till' hasll wr•l OkPmns l;rpl clo>:c behind the Panther court. lhe second half Mason firer! 111 1111' lOin! so.tre•rl Unlv Ill ihl' 1.1sll · d~t~·kPt' fiLII lhl' Hams alwr1d In •·omr, fmnl·iunning Slol'irhridge Pan· The Panlher·s have won evet·y till' hasi •·ol· is pnssiiJIP they can do il. 'l'hcy arc being erected tl;is week: Vic Gillett and Jim.Ear~ lopped '.",r~vcrP ·• ~e n;m·t:i ';,' l_l 111'! Mason will play over al H11ysl' l11r lhr• lirsl tlrree periorls hut 11 IPclerl 9 poinls. Lr·.~he will linvP rhc lwnot· nl The new flom· is 3 limes larger I he Howell scoret·s Will! b pomts ": _1 " 1 I he_ s, 11111 ""n llh gym. 1 Voealional TIHH'sday night, .1:111· $2i'i!l.!lli ~------.~1 llr•ing I he first lcam lu play lhP I han I he old D·lnsviilc court The each. Eldnn Hailer adder! 1 I anrl r . . ll'll'l 'J() TIH• l'lllllr• will slat'l 11 1 ,I /\""If'S· Ill· ih<'tr· IH'W gym l•l'lfl.l\', , rlt'l'fr•r"nr·n r'tl "t'ze' · Will pr·oiJfliJI"· CJ'I'fI \Vooc lh ans pump~r• 1 ·Ill 13' lo lace1 lillie lllll ('110111 tis : g~v? I~.Jghlnnderfi OIIH'J'l\Jotll•ls l~addHinrrl t•rrnll'lll Jlllls sonw li'IVe Ill 1!" IIJIO\"Il 'l\V"Y wi1e11 h.!l,mced scormg allaci(, • ~ Gl . f . "OW was !ill' tOjJ senrrr II<• 1 Golden Gloves I \,; v { H ' 0 • le {I( 1Iii 1OI'S 1lll\'(1 til 1ur 1 to to • • I slirlrpslirutlillg f1om rHII on !hi' Ingham Crnmly lt•ams play there , S!nlz was ,lllgh fo1· Willi log1 1 a win l.rr , sPrlsnn. Jlllllil'rl in 11 I"''"" on fi lil'lril Ma~on ~ 1111 As Luw As lhHJI' sprllr•el defPal lor /lie lllaf'i;. until llwy gel used to the sizl'. 1.1 DJCic Wlll'eler SN· Williamston now0 lirts" l'l'('llid l'nals a11rl 2 lie!' iiii'IIIVs. Nilll' l pt~Jnls. wa~ 111 11gains1 Ol;emns. The SlocltiJridgc ran away with In the Mason mmp Will! wins awl , lossr•s playl'l'' ltp;11rr•rl in !liP IIIIWI(~ nnd. 0 2 1 f\las~r11 Boxing rournaments I Cliil'ls p!IPd up a 2:J,].J lcnrl.in the Dansvrllc in 1he ser•nnrl qli:I!'ICI', lnllics. wr ! ·rl ''"' long lir· SI'OI'illf! I 'J~owlcrv 1 J1,, 11 1 fil'lil pe•JJorl a111l ncvroJ· l'l!lin· 'l'hc Aggies went inlo the period -·---·-- -- fore mn;" g its hid nrghl J(11ggmv again was l'op man i11 $149.95 11 l~llrlay if. Ill<' lilllP thro Plld of I railing 14·11 and a[fm·alllhc fi1·· Tin• ll'ililt•d ·, Jhr• lltP Lllingshurg g.mw. '!""' January 27 - February 3 - February 10 Iqllisi~Prl B~ Glmliulnr~ 11 '!'hi~ 1 ~~": ill's! lt:ll.l, I'~Jill'rl oli'Ollllll !he 111g' was over Jill' the·quartf'l' I~H'.Y sc·oring by II fr•w poinls ill 1'1\l'il lit• l'lllll'!:lrd .10 Jllllllls ltll ) frr:'" I'IWI>Ili~N AIJUI'I'OIUIJJU, I.ANSINO Wl.lll"amston Wins ! ( l11els led ·llo·.lO a11d al IIJP t•nd !II ll'lllil'd the Panthers 2'1·13, piCk· 11 1 lilt' fit.~l :1 pr•riods lhr.ll lri1·ri gorll~. l)tll Dtl'lz lil'lprd out wrll1 ill(' lhirrl quat'ICI' IIH' lt•.ul llilcl ing lljl just nne nelrl goal ['(JI' !he Battle f.or Cellar lo nmiH• a gtlllll' or il ill ''"' lnst N pninls with li Ill llll•lll 1'0111111:· , (lr'IIC'I'al Sil'<•lr·hed lo 7(H0. Plllirc period. quartet. Tmw r1n nul 1111 IIH•m ftlllll tlJr• foul litH' Atltnission $1.11) f~I'SI'I'\'1' lji J,(iij - lji2.2() 1 The Bladdwwlts were h1indi· J5ansville stif'f'en<'rl in !he third ai'IPl' llwy had c·ul llw lmd by ~ Mason lH•shnwn Hl'l'lllg l)('lioll mpprorl hy wrlrl shonting. In II\(' period hul the damage hac! lwen Fowlerville lost em! Fridny poinls. II<'I'C 'l'orn Clipper, Hnrl Crillridr•r· JIISI hair liii'Y aiiPmpled :3G shots done and the Panlliers conslerl in nin'hf in its allempl to climb oul Willie Gal'fnt•r loppl•ll lhc Wtl· Hoggow, 1\like IIoll,ronl,, llil'l~ 1' MASON 111111 Jllll'l\'ri llw mrshes .o!l G lo the victory, or"the IQgham Cnunly lr.ague ccl· li:unston sc·m1ng wilh 1:1 potnls. Dar! Si

During 1954 Bud's Bought 378 Wrecl(ed Cars for Salvage-More' than Any Other Dealer in Central Michigan. That's Why Bud's Has One of the Lar­ gest Parts Selections in the State. Undoubtly, He's Got the Parts You Want.

·There's a ConnectiOn Bud's AUTO PARTS , Phone 6110-9-2154: South of Ilolt,- 2 miles- NorUa of Ma.11ou. LtJltern·to Editor Onondaga I dates will he helpful In me," he gr1ests of !heir nncle and at~nt, snlrl, "In apprnlt;lng llw lcnrlr!l'lllJip Mr. unci Mrs, Fl, IT, Fluid. nll·s, Jlm·ton Dnllhvln Annapolis Wants Applicants qua lilies nnd soholftKI ": nlilllty of Mr~. Cnnrlum Lnughlln uf Mn· l 1'111!11 Cllllllinllfli 01'1flllllzml these hnys. My nornlnntlons nHISI son WIIH II Sti!HJIIY gttelll of her At the mocllng of lite fHtlln he suhmlltorl In lhn llii\'Y rl<'Pilrl· rnotlwr, Mt·s. Lollln Luwll 111 tho Locke Resident Tells About Podunk rlrlve wm•lwrs 111 the Ononrlagn For Alternate Appointn1ents 111CIII jll'ifll' In l•'chl'llllry 11, lfl:\:1," Curl Wnl'lll!l' homo. town hall Monrlny night, !he fnl· CongJ'!'fiHIIllln Don IInywrll'lli hoiirrl nf tlw lll!ilrlemy In orrler Mr•. 111111 Mrn·. ,Jolm IGrhlHJ' nnrl SlnC'r. l'l!arling 111 )'IIIII' Vllhi!!rl ------"'----­ lowing mnlllct·s voluntecrerl their has caiiPri allcnlinn In the far:l that till' aullwrlzcrl tnl11l numhnr Mr. IIJHI Mrs, CIHII'Ies Davis mlumn, "Down by tlw :':i,Yr'11· South Aurelius and snrvlces: Onnnrlngn town~hlp lhnt he Is aulhnrlzorl lo nrtmlimlr! nf mldshlpnwn mny he r·om· Hllll'led Snlllrrlay on tlwl!· vnen· mol'l!" In 1111 IHstll' of lael IIIJiumn, r.hnlrman, Ill'll," wllil'll for· with Mr. Conl~'s father anrl moth· si1me of General Gr•ant's experl· MrR. PHI l3arr unrlm'Wcnl sur­ nwrly was a lor•al 'l'irriH•rlown il(l· er nnrl thc,V ton hellcvc that holh cncr.s. He also ought.·to slurly lhf' gery at Grace ho~pltal In Dct roil January 17-23 is national thrift weak! JWflllillll 1"111' liJI' \\'l'fil sirlr! of slrlcs should alwnys he prest!nlerl. nels of Henry Morgenthnu nnrl on Monrlny. make A&P your 11Thrift Hcadquartcn"l Willlam.'illlll, llt'I'IISS n .. ,.,. l'l'l'l'it. 111 a I'PI'r.nt IIPWfijJajlPI' was a Hnrry Dexter While, who used Twelve members of the Pilgrim ID1111'1 !1'1 ll11rl kak i11l11 jll'llll liS plc:lun• and an ar:r:nuul nf ftnbcrl American money for tllC hcnellt fi'el!nwshlp grnup nf I he On on· Willi:lnJsl11n b ''<'ill' 111111' nnrl wr• lll'r.htel, 22, of Pottstown. Pa .. ex· of nussla. dagn Community ehurd1 went In 11f!VP1' llf•ill' of il illl,\: lllllt'l\ in f;wl ph1lning hnw fw filoorl al till' Tlwre are mnny good .Jews. St. Johns Sunday to allcnd 11 SUPER RIGHT, SHANK PORTION It is II II<' 11f 1111• ni1·c•:llgll il was 111:ar 39c nlurlcnlfi. law. rnmlly ahrl Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smoked Hums II~ hnnl-:s. Yo11 rnn.l' print this Dirln'l Sr.niilor McCarl lly · FROST UPDI.II'I' rr•;rriahll' Lil!ywhile of Owosso. 8-0Z. ~. Lll. one, l.ler:hlel horrnwed srlml!onr!'s Northwest Stockbridge PKG. 25c MAX 111. r;ItAIIAI\1, r·ar logo home anrl gel bonks. He Mr. and Mrs. Gcmlcl Martin Bologna Sliced Bacon 47c Williamston gnl !lis rille inslearl. l\lrs. Guer·dun Usher nnrl family were Sunday dinner r::lleslfi anrl mllers nf Mr. and LB. Jo:dilor's NoiP-I'IIIIIInll's his· .John NohiP.'~ pir:llll'C and Hlor.v I I . c• t Smoked Hams SUPER RIGHT, BUTT PORTION 49c Pork Liver SLICED OR PIECI! LB. 29c · · · · · IT • 1 11 was r ~t'IC 1cr 1 .,unr 1ay n 1g 11 a 1 Mrs. Lloyrl l3nmgr.r 11nrl family lory, ll11• (,rallam \'f'I'SIIIII Wf!l'f! Ill Ihe eamr• e lor1 1 y II ]•' •II ·t · II. I Ifin gl' liP ' 1111·1 Jt;~;ne. 'llld Mr. anrl Mrs. Glenn Batsfonl Pork Chops ALL LEAN CENTER CUTS LB. 69c Cottage Butb; nhrlll~;"l'll,· ·ts Sl!l lot•lll· on lnr.w• l , 1ww 1llfl, (J( lll mr.n are 11r.p I 1n s Iav- 1111 II1 e nWfi lljlMlllv!'IJ 1<1 . "SuJJrlllY o BON 6LCSS, SMOKED La. 89c , •I 'I ',, . I' .. ·. . I I I Ill , ', Willi r go 1.o c of Wlllinmslnn. On Thursday I 111 , . l 1.1 111 dlssJ,J, dill 1nw \\Cie nights to Youth Fellow~hlp. !'!venin[!, Arthur McF'nrretJ ancl Spare Ribs SMALL, LEAN LB. 49c Ground Beef SUPER RIGHT, NONE FINE~ LB. 39c W. S. C. S. will go lo Millville Diane nf Okemofi were callers at hall Thursday at. 2 p. m. to begin the Martin hnmc. Rib Roast SUPER RIGHT BEEF, 7-INCH CUT LB. 73c Turkeys II TO 15·LB., OVEN READY LB. 53c Icy Spots Add Extra Hazards 1he study of "The Master Callcth Mrs. Iv~h Rr.ln visiter] her hus­ Fnr Thee," led hy Tiev. Frank h,111rl at. the Veterans hospital In ZIPPER SKINS, SIZE 176 Cowick. Dearborn on Friday. He Is stead· I Mrs. Maude Lantis nnd Harold ily Improving. 1o Streets and Open Roads Lanlii> and family attended lhe Carl Zellz visited his daughter, wmlding and reception of Ro· Bni'llnrH, In Adrian Saturday. l•'mm now unlil ~prinr::. icy lure breaking of r:hains, but lhe berta Pringle and Rohert .Tolin· Tile Mnslcal Notes, a club com­ l ooz.49C spots on JIHI'I'IIII'III~ oft'!'l' a ccntrifur,al [orcr which s!aps son at tile F'rce Methodist church Tangerines ooserl of Mrs. Brigham's muslt; tr~:;H:Iu•rfllls li:Jt.ill'ci lo nwlorislfi, loose lire chains against l!JC road at Williamston Saturday night. "'llnlls. met al lhe hnme of Mrs. MICHIGAN, U, S. NO. 1 C!Jil'[ of l'olir'l! ltalpll llall surface wilh great force. This The 1-1-I meeting al Mrs. Lydia FLORIDA GOLD, FRESH FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Bernadine McMichael on January 15·LB. BAG wnnwrl. mai\P.S them break from impact Criblcy's Wednesday night hus til. There wns n huslnes~ meeting 5 "A safl' "!"'''" IH•fnn! you gr•l faligue." been postponer! !or a weclt rm held, after which refreshments Potatoes 49c: . &A~·$1.29 Orange cAsE oF 4~ to llw icr: won'l he a safr• sJwer!l Chir.f Hall snirl the br•st plan account of exams at school. were server!. oncr. you ill'l! 1111 il," hr. sairl. "II is to pul chains nn as snugly as Terry and Christine Galbreath Mr. and Mrs. Tinhert Huffman 4 75 FOR $ • talH•s :1 Ill 12 linws as long .to possible, drive a s·horl rlis.lance, spent Friday night with Cleo Hnd family of Jackson were Sat­ Grapefruit FLORIDA sEEDLESs, s1zE 64 4 29C Juice slop 1111 JliH'I\I•ci snow or glan! Ice anrl then tighten the side chains. and Diane Townsend. nrrlay evening guests of Mr. and Pas~al Cetery FLORI[)A, SIZE 24 STALK 19c J-L6. CELLO afi. il rior•s. llll dry connele." . "Man molorislfi will he sur- Vern Walker of Lansing tor1l~ Mrs. Gale McMichael and family. Carrots CALIFORNIA BAG 10c JO:v<'n wll It II H.' aid n [ rem- . y 11 Mrs. Waller Bauer and Mrs. LB. .. · . , .. · . · . pnsed to learn they can usua y Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawlclns and " CELLO fo11.erl till l.lioilns, w 111c 11 l1c1 - l's f "i'rle Daisy Walker to funeral fierviccs Oranges FLORIDA, swEET AND Ju1cr 8 BAG 49c Radishes . . • 1a 1\e up one or 2 11 n ,, o ,, snn of Lnnsln[.l were Sunday din· CRISP AND WHOLESOME BAG 10c eommllll'l' otl Wlll.lcr r1 r: 1vmr, elwin afler driving a short dis· for· Mrs. Wall\cr's sister at Pon- 'lf'l' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred I·QT. hazards of 1111• Niilln!HII Safely . , .. J·f·il .. ·1 "1'hc ·1 - ·n·· 1lac Tuesday. Brussel Sprouts FANCY PACK BOX 29c Endive <~nee, 11 ~ [l;ildwin. FOR SALADS HEAD (• -1 1 f • 1 ,, s.w. c,1 10c .. oUJH'I l'l!r·omrJH!IIr s Ill' maxi· have adjusted themselves to fit Mr. and Mrs. n. Sar,at•t called Mr. anrl Mrs. Dan Hoffman of 'Jil Oranges CALIFORNIA NAVELS- SIZE 200-220 DOZ. mum safely, Hfll'rrle, ~hrn_ilrl .be the lire' after being driven, and Mr. ami Mrs. JeHsc Camphcll Milford were Friday and Satur­ 39C Cabbage NEW GAR[) EN FRESH LB. 10~ lwld to no more Jlwn 2.1 miles .111 ·. • · , .. - .it n· e'J"Y •rt c Monday night. . 'l~ . 11 11s m.JKLs 11g1 c 1ng , ~ . 1 11 day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. I I 1 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sagart RORIDA .lOIII' Oil' g are.'~'!', ~~~~~ : ' ~I es you're set for several hundred SI~eet Weller. On Sunday, Mr . Green Peppers 3 FOR 10c ,Jn. hour 011 _JJ,JI rl (1.JLI~r:rl snow, ilc. If ccessary and will get eft Thursday to spend 2 months nnri Mrs. Delos Caton of Char­ NEW LOW PRICES Clnef flail ~alii. In the r:11y, or Ill ~ax~;.,um'\vcar." ' in Florida. ·-----iiriiritii~i.--- !wavy lraffw, llll'y should be , , . . lollr. were callers at the Weller SURE GOOD-NEW LOW PRICE Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fox of Mar­ home. ·Jess. lie also 1:ame up with srnnc I h1s technique, he saiCI, ":ill ·;hnll spent Sunday with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Bush left on PREMIUM QUALITY A&P COFFEES! helpful adviel' on the usc of tire llou~Jic or even quadruple .the life Bessie Fox and Sunday evening Mild and Mellow chains. of lire chains. But even wllh well with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Town· Tuesday morning for an extended "1\cr•p your .f'iwins tight," he ml,juslerl chains: he warned, mo­ :;end. stay in Florida. Margarine 2~.... "i. 39c sairl. "Snug filling tire dtains tonsts must sllli reduce speeds Mr. ami Mrs. JeHsc Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Gale McMich&el EICHT O'CLOCK A&P--NEW LOW PRICE wc;u· s11hsl a nl ially longer 1h:111 for safr. winter driving. called on Mr. and Mrs. Guerdon entertained at a family dinner on r:hains thai an• loose, on any Usher Wednesday. Sunday to celebrate their son I·LB. BAG 8 9 C 3·LB. BAG $2.61 Rmlneys' fifth birthday anniver­ kind of surfaee, hul particularly Hoytvl'lle Mrs. Jesse Campbell, Rev. Apple Sauce over Si'l'l ions of hnrc pavemenl. F'ranlc Cowlcl\ and Mrs, Hazel sary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rich and Full-Bodied Vigorous and Winoy Ietball game at Stock­ Keyko Margarine for Lamonte, Missouri, near the bridge J?rfday night. Mr. anrl Mrs. Dawson Burl< will ~-oz.10c!CAN air base where he is stationed Charles and Gary Nelson of be honorer! at a. wedding shower Butter_ Beans SOLID 2 l·LB. On Friday they and Mrs. Helen Lansing and Mrs. Dale Switzen· at the Onondaga townh . hclnR put Into J.ll'OflncUoit, fnmll); of Leslie . . . .·. '. .CA~_=':_ "'l' .:'· . :.,( c '. • • • ' • '.' • • ' • • " • • ; • • • ' • • ' • • • ' • • -~- ' '· • ~ ' :' I' .. ~· " . . '' . ' : . ' . '. • 3 Loc~e Resident Sets Record Straight I ' II Ingham Hamlet Bore Name of Podunk · The Ingham County NeWS Part 3

BREAD~ Cast importantly in "Tite Bounty Hunter" are l'larlct Do­ lores Dorn and Marie Windsor. nlitdc to Sltlisf)' The blonde Miss Dom and ht·u­ nette Mnrie, it is understood, en­ gage in a ferocious bit of femi­ nine. fisticuffs in tile film. Re· ported!y, 'tile fight is one of the ·•ruu I most fiercely fought ;;creen em­ :1, • broglios ever· seen between :l girls on the screen. No\'t~llst 'l'ur·ns Adm·

... _~r..tJI~~t11!ftlnuouo from 3 P. M. Fridoy.Saturdoy 2 'ohowa from 6:30 P. M. Mon. Tue. Wed, Thur. 2: ohowa from 7 P. M.

Friday and Saturday, January 21-22

Michigan people may be loos· ing a good thing if they don't. en· courage their schools to tal•e part In the new government special milk program ... That's the .. opinion of Agrlcul· Styling .that's stealing tural Economist Gerald G.. Quack· enbush of.Micl1igan State coll!!ge. He points out ·~hat the· program reimburses schools 3 to 4 cents per half pint of milk they se'rve. the thund·er from· the SECOND HIT' That means, says Quacken· bush, there are 1,5QO,OOO chll~ren Sa\'agll adventure I.Ji diamonds and drut~er who have •. the best opportunity ·.~·t ,Johnny Sheffield as Bomba in evet· to get plenty of mill•. And . If mill• consumption can be high-priced cars! I·doLl bled In schools, the Increase ·. would be about 1% of total pro­ Killer Leopard duction. That's nearly a third of last ' Tbe styling spotlight blazes down on a Sunday and Monday, January 23-24 year's milk surplus. engine or the two new "Blue-Flame" 6's. But now only about n third of low-cost car this year-for the Motoramic . All this-plus the e1ttra-cost options of Put Uil a reward and he 1mt on his gults Michigan's schools are taking ad· Chevrolet is stealing the show from the Powerglide or Overdrive and a full range vantage of this government help. high-priced cars with its subtle sweep of . • I Ill II -, Most of those schools serve milk of power assists. Try a 1955 Chevrolet­ #spowe1·ed . •It a charge of 1 to 2 cents to the Jine, the brilliant sophistication of' its now-and you'll know why it is stealing . Europeari-type grille, tbe bold rake of its to run rz'n9s ·: RANDOLPH children under the special mill• the thunder from the bigh-~riced cars. . program. decp-cur·ved windshield. around the rest/ .• In the past, says Quac:wnbush, .: one of the Important reasons And there's. even more excitement in MORE 'l'I-IAN A NEW CAR •• , A NEW . scarr schools didn't participate In 'the ... ••ftE. the way it drives-the velvety comfort of . school !Linch program was that CONCEPT OF LOW-COS'l' MOTOIUNG . school officials believed the cost Glide-Ride front suspension and outrigger .: of milk ·Was too high for chi!· rear springs, the handling case of Ball. • • . dren. He· found that In a survey Race steering, the flashing pcrform:lrwe . lim of 833 schools. . tv -: " of the new 162-b.p. "Turbo-Fire . VS" .• • HUnter·~-:-·:m:;- ~$;~ WARNERCOLOR Children's

lliH DIR£CI[O BY DOLORES DORN ·MARl~ WI ·ANDRE deTOTH Sped all Winter Paradise- Cartoon- Latest News 4 Permanent Proofs In a · Tues., _Wed., Thurs., Jnuary 25-26-27 LoveJy·Baby ~ook Clyde Beatty and His 3-Ring Circus 1 Micl,ey SJ,illane (a movie star now) $3 Pat O'Brien 1md Marian Carr Complete

CinemaSeoJ)e lind WarnerColor ~ : .. in \:andid weddin.s . Ring of _Fe'ar We~d~l~.425-lip No Travel Ch~re NEX'r WlmK:-Rm·y Calhoun-(Jolleen 1\flller ln'FOUR GUNS TO THE BORDER In Teclmlcolor with second feature 8ImUR· Everythin/I's ·new .in the motoramic CHEVROLET . · RISK; Tony Curtls·Giorlll Deilavcn bt a• great comedy _..;,;,______.~----~---·······.. ·-··············--·-··-·----······-,··- . mu8le In Teclutlcolor.SO TillS is .PARIS; VIrginia Mayo· . ;, 8imder11 In KING RICHARD ·AND Tmt CRUSADERS . •, . .• ' . ' .. AI Rice Chevrolet Edito1·ial Page Education Was Serious Motter in 1894 Janu11ry 20, 1955 flaqe. 2 ' '·Farm Lane Needs Extension Tea(hers Institute Lasted 10 Days

LOOK~uNo Hands! Oo the clor.k when you Lank Ly m4il. t·lext lime you're too bu1y to ~el to fgwn, don't let cheds pilu ~ 1 up. Bank Ly rnDil and lui ' unde ~.,n do the foot. .. a,~o ~[r'\ ··~. ;:!{ ;~. ~.~~~, I ~~~~~NIENT •• : ./fJ~·\ ;~~ ~

Open Friday Nighls ,Until 5:30

------.. , The Name is Seiectove Paying l 1/2 Ofo Dart National Bank Time Certificates Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If Desired Interest from Date of Deposit All tleJJosils iiiSIIJ'I'.«l 1111 l.o $10,000.00 by Fetleral llr.posil. lnsm•tmr.r. Cot'JH.olttltion

• --...... You can


-tell an.

Newlon S. Brmr.nl, (ll'llfPrf. fot• Alllel'll'lm wm; at Ann At·bm· fot· :30 years. liP limguor prevailed, be WOl\ld speak about. a wide place in the uppll•s, ;road. was 11 1-iffiUI'I h11l iii Wehbl•r·vill~! I , . ,,I ' high sehool und :1flcr finishing 1here al a 1endrr· age he Wl'nl tn 'J'ransylvania, Lexington, Ky., where his Undr llnhrt·t MnrH·nc• wns preRirlenl.

Al'1~1· 2, yr.m·s n I 1'm nHyl van in young Bement tr·unsfer·re!l to I lie llnivet•sily of Mil'higan, gradual· Ing rr•om 1here at 1he age of Hl. He entered I he nrmy .at onee and after service l'n l~l'ance In WWJ s1t1died Fr•ench unrl ot het• sllh· ' You hear it of! en lheae .doye-"'flwll'. goes a new Oltls." ·jects at the Sorbonne, ami lhal'~: Most distinctive of all for '55 n ·long ways off. from Poduntc A nil no 11:onder. First of all, yon can't miss the Amnrt plus the 1nost dynamic performance,'too- "flying r.olor" llnir ll.rot's llu·ning lumds ~~Yt'rywh~•·r. ll'~ . .. BO tlul'ingly new tiJut orily Oldamobilt: coul~l fushion it. And of col1rse the .one, the only, Oltl;nnohilc I ther~~li tlu~ "ROCKET" 202 • "Jlocket"-202 high•COIUJII'CSSiou hor•st:!lllii'Cr I'Caily to ,, t•capond)nstantly 'to yotir every COilllllllllll! Come in! 'l'ry au exciting "Rocket" ~ide ·at om· illwlvroorn'llolv! ' ·. . '•. . \ 511 YOUR. NIARIST CHDSMO BILl Si»hl ofi!;Jrun ltuprqH \VI)I't' l:illll·l SioroJ(!Jrirlgu visih'HI M1•, 1111(1 1\rl'r•l'l, Ferris District clny' i!,Venlnr! viHILOI'Ii nl the (IJun I .r•r1 <"llynn l•'rlrlny nrtm•nrHlll, College Students l'lli'H. J.om Oluoy J Williamston Webberville Ofnl!y, Sr., lnrnlly, '!'Ito 1-ioltlilwcRI Whoutflelcl e)(· Grace Smith Join School Staff Mr.·:, 'l'llf•lmn I•'llllilt' I!J ski; nt II'IIHion gro11p Jlll!l Wuclnt•Hda~· Mrs. Mvrl Graham - Phone 66·F·2 lir>t' homo. willi Ml's, ,lossn SltrJI'WOllll, l~ntll' pr·nct Icc I Dfi('IIC!I'H fmm l\1t•. a1ui Mrs. Llo)'rl of Mrs. Jtolanrl ,Jnlia 11111 1 Lauralrn Olney wem vlsllnrH of ht•J' pai'I'III:J, M1·. nnrl playPrl thr> 11111slcnJ gttlilll' und ltnrXJll'elrrlly of 11 llP.fll'l utlncil 111 ,John 131'1llman 'I' tll t' 1 1 II 1 Spni'I'IIW hosllli:tl In !.anslnrl. sllJIJIPI' Satnrday, .Jnnuary 22. Gnlll(l Hwlms nt. Y. \\'. ' . i\. olll llf!Y " ~ans llg en er I 1 Stanton high sl'itonl In ifl:il ancl 'J'WPIJIY·Illllr. fl'lllll WPhill•rvill<' on ills pal enls Monday, Partner in tlu~ Gorsllno·ftund· the following fall rmrollcrl at Mrs. llolnnrl Gi'llham, D, D. fill' '111<1 '1!'•,· Pl1illlp" 11111! I P., anrl vldnlty nttcnrleil the lir•gi11· ·' " '· ('lttt·~" ,, 111<1n funeral home since it was Mlr:hlgnn Stntr• r•ollege to ohlllln llltrl offlt•ers, riPpuly wu!'riPn, Li!u ~Iii(<', lllll (Jiiwy nnd Char•lcs lngbam County News January 20, 1955 Page 3 r•stllhllslicd In April, 1!l2:i, Mr·, n tmrl'itcr's t•ertllir'ate in Vllt'a· Molll'f!' dPJlllty sec'l'l!lary, Mrs. rwrs swimming l'inssPH illlri nrl· ·--··-·-- ______,,__ __ I :mHilnr> sul'cllmlll!d to ill!! tltlrd tlonul agl'lt!lllt Lll'l!, llo Is rnnJ'I'ir.rl Net 1lr!' Monr11 e; dept·; I y II'PIIs· V~lllt'C! dussr.~ !wid a I I~ I<' !': IV IH'Ill't Helzurc In ns liiiiiiY ci(lys, nrul lias " 1~·111onth·olrl cliiUght£~1', LlrL'I' 1\ll'S, Mclllula Cllm<'r" C. A. lnst I• l'lriiiY 111 " "''·'"'•\ Ills wlfP, Mlll'tlia, 111111 rln\lglller, Dougl;w r'Pt'l'it•r nltcndPrl high r!Ppl;ll' l'ltnplaln, Mrs, Holllr: I'J'Iie r•lasH uiHII nwPI l'lll'lt Vrld:>)' MI'S. Gwr•ndolyn .Jf'sSPII of IIIIIH· Hl'illlol Ill Montgomery. Wliilf' In Mput y musldnn Mrs. r!vlmlng for n JWrlllri 11f !I wPc•l\:;. Milrln•ri' llrtwley· sllilllst' Mrs. Anwng . thosL' llltr•nrllng lr01111 iltil<', wr•rr• with him. lllf~h Sf'hool, he worllf'd 011 ills ArlhH! Matthlr!SC!I,l' and orll'jllliY Wl'hherv!IIP IVI'J'(' Mr::. J•:lll<'SI llr! wus strll'iwn with the llrst gmndfathc•!''s lflfl·ncl'f' fnrm. l'llill'rllnn, ,\llt'l' Ciltlin, iri· illld :.! dauglttPrs, rttul'il Parly \VPrliii•Hdny After high Hcilool itf' S!'l'Vl'd in tltr• ln~·ldl' Monmr~ .rv~l'" ,~ morninr~ stulli'rl tltr• following 11fflr•e1'H: l·granrl, Mrs. daugiJtcr, Mrs . .Jac•k ('avanilllgh Bl'"lnllillg 111 till' funt'l'lli IIIHI Jlamslon, Mr. Gorsline maintaiiH'd I <'li'.··IJli'.".'' ,.,,,. '' l1trl r•f II>' Interest in Willlnmstoneven after rwr · Conwr nnd daughter, Mrs. Li'>'li'l' I .~ lllliiC'ial sl!<'rl'lary, Clara IlnHI;iiJ; Ill Williamston, Mr.,,., Corsll11e,, WPnt !~stnhllshmr.nt of Ills Jlal'lncrsltlp I .lild( 1\J'Pilll'l' rlltvnrlr•d M:trlc•ltl' l\llrilll'llf!, l\llrH. ltll'iwrd I :mnr·lt, ln•asUI'i!r, Mrs. lli'I'IHHIPtlc !Jas· 111 L:ursing In l!l2ri to .loin ClyrJP In the fu11cral busineos in Lan· IIl g II st· Iwol. /If ter gradual I on, ilP Mrs. Erncst I fill Moll !'Ill', Mr:. 1 1 · ldll; Wlll'rit•n, Mrs. Mat'i{PI'il' Os· Hlllll'iman In I'Hiablif;hnwnt of till' sing. I fp wrts a direr•! or of PPoplPs I wor,((!r on sr!~PI'il 1 r.ln1r,v fnr:ms. illll'll; mmlur·tor, Ml'!i. Marian Loyal SltPpln:•, 1Yil'H. F:li'lllllII'I'I lll'ar·ly ;ro Y<'ill'.~. A nwmbrr of thl' Mkhigan Avro·l lgan .'it niP to get a r!Pgr·rn ill :tlli· Hight suppo!'l lo ·"""'" grnlld, man, Mn;. A rlilllr l 'hilSP, ~1 i: .., At Ids tlroath, Mr. r:or!iline still nuc MPthr~rllst cliurr·lt In La.nsinlg, n,,'c:~~.~1·lvi.~l>la.',uylir·r.A.ftl'tJ'I gl'llliuatll"'l Myl'l (;rali•ml; ll'fl HUJ>JlOI'I to Carol /\IIPn, Miss l'ltPr'yll Iilii:<' .. , ..1 ;, . 1 , 'G .. 11 Mr. Grll'slnw was :llso lll'llve I' .• cr "' ....tiS Ill H! army. I>' II N . M not, Mrs. Mnl'iilll Mal<'ll a111l Wol!i .t Jl•ll 111.1 Ill I It CJIS Ill' I Ll . ·I I l-li·1'l Cl I . I l'i'IUI'lted to l\lkltigall Statr• tlu•n 1111 l I' gr:llll'1 PiliP lllll'lll'; Miss .Judy MI'Cioll'illl. llJ'IrliJI'I'S fllrlliltll'f' 'llld fllllf'l"ll I II' OilS C ll J, - U l, .till , . . . ric:lit SliJlf>OJ'I Ill Vi<:P·gntlllf, I . , 1· .· , ... 1 ~·Villi· ..1 ' othel' Ma:-;onie orders. I-Je was lo l'ill'll Iilli l<'llehcr's r'f'l'llflr'/11<• 111 I:Prtrurlp SIIIIIVC'I'Jn:tll', IPft Hl!Jl· >rrllll lllsllu sH .I v .l!ns on. ITT I I I A I I I N 'lgrir'ultUJ"Ii l'rllil"lli II This l>pi·mtion was IH'J'llll ily Iris n 1 liltr:r w 1 1 m 1Y, ~or ge 11 • ' - ' '. '.' • • prrrt to vir'l'·gmnrl, Iliilllc! Mrlll· Mrs. Myra (Jr•!ill'!'ll' \l'li' t:il;~•ro 1 11 11111 fat ill'·1 1'1 01 "''A 111· ··1 10'1 '1111.1111 1• !i:ifl, I•', & A. M., Capltol ciHI[liCI' Don Gillette Wols luu ' I'IH'', insidr• "tlarrlinn, Gl11d.vs .Ia· lo the• hosplt;ll liiHI Sllllriil,l' IIH, il.lllg11ts Tcn:w . dsrlllvllle .. llco g.~·Hiuntr•d lro~n ~lattliii'IIHPII; 1\lusil'ian, Clr•r• llrll'll lo l\1!'. :rtlil Mrs. IO:I'IIII"Iit vivlnt' lll'lrlhPI's l'hudl' A· 'lll'l·[lar, Orr!Pr' of !~astern Star, Amlly lngh sl'hool Ill l!)J:o; nnd scrvr•d Ill C'hnsr•; and drapl;lill, Mr!i. Cr':ll'l' l'asr• il !illll W<•rlrll'sday, .latlllill'l J) II' , . (' ·.: . ',' [ W'l ellilpli'l' No. ·l!l() lpllsl patron!, IIH' army. lie alil'JHIPrl flrrpi' c·rri· l{rrss 12. 1 11111 110 11 1 1 · ·~· 1 ~·1 11 ·I , If• ·J·1 11 · · · 1111111, 1Pgc In IlollatHI for n ''C•ar :Pr'l~u:s. ~s".'~:ra· 1 Gr•lll'l'lil Motor!i prorlur·r•d II, Ill:>, wit!J '!Je-lcer'i/o.e$·statt yovr en,ftiJe .", • MJ: ~rrrs~l.l~l.' .w.~H 11 '. DC.a~·~r·mlnly IPiigll<'. ill' WILS 1111 nul· dallgiiii'J'. lrr.tls dull nwl at tlu• IH>Illl' ol 1111 1 1 111 0110 l'ilrome plalt!rl clir! <'listings in . . :. lit,'.'·~'.' Sll trl • . • I'll, I~· Jlll~l .>;( IIIII Iing l'il I C'llCI' \\' i I It I he \Vii· I Mrs. Ml'li nrln Conll'l'S las I l!l:i:l, along with :i,(llili,O!III tni,; llli.liiX dllllil) Ill limn.siOII li'illl1. IVI•dnr•sday 1'\'('llillg. ~I,J)S, ~lllllliCI W'll' t w· I1'1'11/llll'llliS l'iii'IJIIII' pliill'd p:JI'I'. liJster-at an!/ temperatvre. !fevents \\'l·i~l·l.l ,.'II' W<.lS .'nt:·~·?sl.e<.l' w.;'.s 1111' I Bosirlrs lilf' widow, II diillgllll'r I I lams on ms Mulng.111 C.llifrllf.JS c.i,lllon,. and 2 hroliWrH, he is survivl'rl hy ---- 111111 lw wns a P.nst. Pl'csui.PIII ot :> gmnri<'ltill'ganiZillii>Jl. Hrs par· MI'H. LI'HII'J' Bixlty or \.Villiams· ver ow ervl e III'IJliillrHI In tis programs dated tort and Mrs. Dnnvin llrrffnwyPI' If Wt' 111'1' not t'PSponsillle rm• the' I hottgh Is h.al'i< to srrron nlt~·r Ins .first eiPc:· rrf Lnnsing. In il iliitth• for last pliil'l' in important t!Jege winter o'ayg," 111111 iJ.s t'r>J'Illll'r 111 I!W>. flr. was l•'IIIJPral .>;cr·vkes wen• liPid IIH' lnl,"(ham Cl>unty lr•agUI', \Vi!· Jlwl pass our doors, we are at ll'llsi r't•spnn• rr•·PII't'lt•rl r•rrl'lllll'l' :11 l':ll'h Slll'· from !hi' Gr>rslinc·ltunl'il11an fll· liamston (>Uslwd Jo'mviPrvillr· .'i'l'r\NIIr\IW WJJI'l'l•: CnowN Premit1m Gasoline hoA stepf1Ctl·np r'I'Prlim: c•lt••·tion, inc·luding the lli'l'lli honw, Sundil\', ltr.•v. Eadl'n dr•Pper• into the ('l'llilr with a ·II :;iliiP fur· IIHlSI' '"" 11drnil 1111d enlerlain. volnt.ilily for winter, 'l'hal nJCnns split-second Rinrls P.\'1'11 in l!<'llfrill Vlllr• liisl N"vemlor•r. Ills Dnvis, pastor 01 Mi;·hif!illl Avr•nuP :l~ vic·tor~•hilllC'.iliL>;lwtiJall gs B. Nr•\l'r'frlnlr 111'11' :!·yPar tr•r·m IH'>!IIIl .January l\1Piiwrlisl Cllllrd1, oiTiciatitH;. i~layed I•r11lay 111~111 111 tl11• W1l even down lo 20' below, nr atolls cowed by cnrhurct or il'int:, <'il hor; I, i!l;i~. I' 'al . S . · lwm!ilnn gymnasnun. 111 1 111 1 1 'f'ltc "De-Icer" nddit.ivc lakes cnrc of.tbnt. And, with octm><' lnvdH Mr. c;"n;litll! waH illl Hr·t 1'v'• J>n, ,'y·,· · Wits ' umml cr.ml' PI'.\'. 'l'hP Hornc·t~· ran up il J;i.( first w , 1 lmmston. 1 1 1 1 1 1• J 1 I' ,. 1 'lO , . ICJUHrter r!ar fllll "' :.!:!. :1 HI t II' I hr• l>it(hf'HI. in our history, 81'ANDAllD Prcminm is wan nr I Jan •. yf'al'!i, lau!lr IlmV:lJ'CI Gors· hulL With <'l'llll'l' Willy Gaffrll'l' 1 11111rr~ C Gr~rsl1no, yn11 Hmooi.h, knocl1·frco performance, Stop ut Slnndnnl and h:rrl Hf'J'VI'd many I imf'.>; ilS a llnr, (,fen SpP!•rs, .1111' Spl'l'l's, 1 · · , · , · · I \VII EN \'Oll 'I'IHNI\ C,W INS II I~ A NC!i•~-'I'H!Nfl OF st:dr <'IJIIVI'Illion d<'IPgale: Nr.xt 10 Cl "" V·l 13 ·r . !·I . llllrng L1orn the Inside ~~1111 I otlny for u Lnnkful of quiek-at.nrting,. , . . • •. . .Y • n ur ~~. 0 J. 0 wrn rn guarrl Dalt! ll:lr:hmilll clmppnw <.. lttoss llilll.lld, <'ounty clerk, clren Lester· Bi(IJ>" anrl Dorwin I · ,· ' l'r•'PW·prool', nnti-knoclc gasoline.: / (' .. ,. I. I I I . I ..' . J' 11 li'lll I'Om 11 11' flliiHif 1(', 11' l 1 . 0 .Cil' Jill' t.H ll' d l'IIUU!y ntrice llnltntr!yr.r wcrc palihcarrrs. Jiamston tonk n aS·24 third· Mr·. ancl Ml·s . .Jerome Ht!lllmY

111111 tltP vi<'C·prcsident of the In Brandcntr-n, Florirla. 1 IYii:·higa.'~ ~c.n~~·rPnce Weslr!yan Mrs. Mab!'l Ocstcrlr. is r·o11·! Mrlhorlrsl r.hlll

ou can tnl~e om· word for it when· we But bold new styling, of cour·sc, is just one getnwny or safety-surge ncccl erat ion, but Ytell you tillS: · · reason for the scnsnlional success of these insta~ttl;v, and with iufinife smoutlmtiss. The first time we .Put eyes on the··1955 great curs. Buicks, we. really raised a cheer. So you cnn see that just looking isn't enough, New power is pm'l: ol the picture-robust' You hnve to taka that VI' heel in yom· hands, 1h top the looks o£ lust year's Buick-the new V8 power in record might-236 hp in try that power, feel thnt Dynnflow take· car that. moved Buick into the top three of the CENTURY, SurER and RoADMASTER- hold surge, sample thnt Million Dollar the nation's best sellers-that was something. 188 hp in the low-priced SPECIAL, Ride-and check the hnrd-to·pass·up· prices we're quoting. Tlmt gave us two hits in a row, we figured New performance, too-f1·om the dynamic -and it seems we figured right. · ·action of Buick's Val'iable Pitch Dynaflow* We'll glndJy.help you do nil that. Why not Fm· with these stunning new 1955 Buicks, that gives you fa1· better gas mileage in nor· come in t~is.week? . *DY""~rirv Dri•·o iJ sramlurd 011 l?or:dJilt/JfeJ', n/>fional at c.\'1~., cost we're getting even more noses pressed mal dl'iving nnd ct'llisin!~- nnd full·powel' OII'DIIJif Se·ri,s, . . YOU Pllllf ~ uguinst out· showroom windows thnn lnst 1 1 yeut·-und more folks coming in to look and You "'"' .. ,.. ..,. Mlfwt·wll• ... lliil shidy und drive and lm;v. · , . · · · · · · cau .. htll¥1 diiiiiCIIt.,. ,_ llflpllfr. lit IW • .- ' .. ' lnavre agalnlt ._ •·••••. ' I ,' 'tt' llllmiN auu STARS fQft 8UICIC-S•• >h• evl~l·But• 5\Qw Allilnore Twiiffl•t'••nln;~.·------WHEN BETJER AUTOMOaiLII All iuiLT aUICK WILl. W~ fi!IM ------H. Chappell Agency 1 • , ' ' ' ~ ' ,I', ' ' 4a.J1 \V. Delhi ·· l·lilton ·&. · I Richards• Bu·ick1 ,fj 1 1· . , I H11y Prices Are Down I"GHAM ·.COUNTY· j NEWS flalcrl lllfalfn hny In Mlchlgnn I~ Reiling f01· nn uverngc of :ji2P Avery Gives Winter Farming Tips , n ton, nccorrllng to the Crop Re· porting Service, Thnt's 11 rlrop of lrll'n to wnri~ In the woorls 1tlnnc, Don't Jet your sows· get too fllt FARM· SECTIO.N' $2 In the past mnnth. It's $3 Winter Is tho best. time to tnltc while they'm carrying their helow lust yl'ar's price HI this out ficmfi or dying shnde traes young, time, urnund tho l10mc of your com· News About Ingham's Biggest Business- Farming Give fl mtlon high In nlfnlfa nnJnlty. '!'here will J1e less dam· nncl oats, Jlghl on corn with 11g-ing In flower hells nnd lnwns. enough protein supplement, min· Yuu r·nn IJ!lt riel of diseased ernls nncl vitamins. Dairy Groups (lllrls nnd lnsrn~ts by burning the Be sure they get !lXerclse. Benson Gives His Ideas State lnspcetcd For Wholesomeness diHeased nnfi lmwct. Infected With egg , prices down, ·It purts. tnlws con:;tnnt llncl< culling to Give Reports Ilere's n gnml way to prevent lwep loafers· from cntlng poultry. nnemin In young pigs when they men nul. of !JtJslneHs, On Dairying Prtlp Program am r•rJJJiineri. If a poultrymun goes 11 gnocl 'J'ry a satLo·ntr.rl snlu11nn of 1 For Month Test fi'L'l'olls sulfate. This cnn he , ob of culling, he can cut egg paintr•d rlnlly on tlw sow':; udder prorluetion ensts shurply, .T. M. Moo1·e, extension JlOUltrymnn ut to give lhe lmhy pigs enough Mlehlgnn State college, asserts II'On nnd cnpper to prevent nne· that. costs can he sllcecl hy 2 ml;1.A cen t s 11 rI ozcn if t I1c rate of lny , Mlehigan State college swine can he rncren~ed hy 11 dozen eggs r null illonlst, .J. A. Hoefer, also per hen. suggests thut putting gonrl sod rJt' black dirt Into the pen each He point~ nut that It tnl((.'S 35 dny will help. Iloefel' says the 1 In •10 cents trl produce a dozen rlirl is nwre effective if some of eggs If a IInck nveJ•nges GO eggs lhP fcn·ous sulfate solution Js dally per 100 hens. Thnt's 20 to spl'inkled over it. 25 eenls 11 dozen for feed costs You cnn also fcerl the pigs Iron alone. lablcts to Jll'event a ncmln. Bul, Aim at high producl ion, he nrl· Hor!fer points nut, thi~ meilns vises, A hard wnrldng hen ents handling ench llig. only a little more than a loafer.

Ingham County News January 20, 1955 Page 4: Wayne G. Feighner Auctioneer

* l?ltrm 110d Household Sales *

Rou!tl 1 gnton ItllphiH "CASU l'Oit YOUlt JI}I.J~ A8SI~T8"

1\lnson, 1\llch. Call 30711 Coiled FREE


2. 0 Hl!ILDING RETl'ER FAUl\l HOUSES WITII SEE ·us FOR CONCREUJ. CEDAR 'I'REATED . 3. 0 LABOlt SAVING CONCRETE DAIItY BAitNS. STEI~L POSTS { END '1. 0 11\IPUOVJm POULTRY IIOUSING WITH CON­ J~LECTitiC Citi~TE (Also wim-f1•neer~) 'freated Poles - 14-16-18-22-~5 Ft. 5. 0 CONCRETI~ MASONRY FARM JIOMES. Fe:.ce - Barbed Wire - Lawn Fence Gates - 12-14-16 Ft. SEEDS Livestock Gets Any of these booldets free of charge to you. Just mark lllummut h Clover Canadian GJ•imm Alfalfa the S1111are OlliJosite the booldet you want and mail llledlum Clover Certified Rllnger Alfalfa Higher Prices as this cliptJing to us. L1ullno Clover I Timothy - Brame Fei·tlllzer Orders 'fnken Demand Remains

GJ~NUfNE OI~GA COAL I~~!;~·Stove RED JACI\ET Stolwr COLONEl~ JACKIIOitN STANDARD BLOCK LOl\IBARD CliAIN SAWS and !log Fcecll~rs - Waterers - '!'roughs - Stoclt Tunk11 SUPPLY CO. Eden Elevator •172<1 Aurelius Road, Lansing Phone 2·1173 l'hune Lclille 216~ Phone Mnson 5680 We Give Gold Stomps Look Under e Hood Auction Sale . I · lla.ving dt~eidl'tl to quit fanning, I will sell at public auction at the tllaee 1 mile north of 1\lason on 01\emos road on the August Jabs farm. 1P.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 1P.M

Phone P'rice Brothers Phone Mason Auctioneers Stockbridge 2-8761 Maurice &. Bob 17-F-111 Cattle Machinery Guen1sey Cow, 5 years old, due March 29 . . . Ferguson 2-14 inch plow in good con· ditlon , lfolstein Cow, 4 ~'ears old, fresh and It's power that counts ... not fancy trim, size oil O}Jen ' . grill or length of hood. · 1 Holstein Cow, 4 years old, due A11ril 20 Hay-Corn-Oats . The Allis-Chalmers Model CA ls all tractor - 1 HoL~tein Cow, 4' years old, frmd1 and from the powerful 26.62 horsepower 4-cylinder 0}1eD 500 Dales Clover Hay engine to the offset final drive of Powcr·Shift · Jersey Cow, 3 years old, due April Hi 350 Bushels Oats wheels. . · 1 400 Bushels Com · ll following Jll'opr•rtiP.~ of fnl and museul;n: ne(:essary two thirds vote, If the get11m· nnri former! a r·n·op. having nne r·ent pe1• pounrl rle· wr!elt; th·•·'ve also found 1111• n . tlssur•s 11nrl rPr:or·rls tlw lhi_clmr.ss referendum doesn't carry, price This m·op is lot•nled Just sr111lh rlll!'lf'rl from his rlcliveries to the Pnymcnts to Jll'rlrhlc·rr·s will he 1 of Hemlor.ll niwul lfl miles we•'! plnnt. 10 days to 2 wcciPort pr·ogrnrn . $16,650 uurse to send her three brothers to colle~:u rate fnl'mula of SIIUsnge In order 1.on11tr•d 2 !IIIII'S l!•rth ol' Sausngr• mnlwr:; lir•f'nsr•d I o to mmply with Mklrlgan's· slriet low prir•rs IH'OW!!rs ar·r• gelling acan change. corrnl enoughAnd II 'Hvrrtrs even to mal rer:!!r11ly when 11 shipnwnt nf nn ft•nrn a s:liesmun of 11 pal'lu•r· un· lfolsh•ln ami c;ui!I'IISI'Y t•nw.~ 1111111 who eJ;tims that farmers In 1111 almost certain presidential oulstate padwr unlicensed hen! lir·ensr•rl in Mi!'11ig;u1 (jlllllllity National n.11d 11 grro1l llolslf•lu hull, I H his stair•, Colrmtdo, aren'l rereiv· vote. January, February, March a 11111111 hs old. Nhw. l'msh l'nws, Ci ing pmrluellon ensts for the po· WIIH put under sldZIIn• il,Y tlw of liilllSilgl! r·ontaining rnr.ats 1hw in 1\Jurdl 111111 li 2·)'1'11Nthl Ia toes. Hog slattghter sl10ulrl decn!asr ·,Janual'y 31-Fcbntary 1-State Farm Muchinet•y Con­ Mir:IJignn rlcpnr·tml!lll of agrir·ul· 11'/iich till' Michigan rlepartment I Farm Loan hred hr!ifi!I'S, 'I', II, 111111 lllurgo; ,, • • seasonally during I he nrst 2 ference, I<~ilogg Center, Michigan State college. lure. lnf ngrfrouitun: ruled illegnl for tnslr'(l, 'l'hP Sflll.'iilg!' of , ·Jl fmm mal, rr.- Clrnl'lotte 1111) llusill'ls nf 011ls r-limate nf our soutlwrn str11es. fall pig crop Will push a lot of lege. ', cleciaratilln on lhc Jahel of lh" !Jlll!'es 1111 Pstimal('rl H,lliiii,OOO tons 250 llrLir•s of All'ull'rt and New e11t1le breeder.~ found Brah· hogs on the market in the next ·February 10-11- State cherry pic baldng contest, · llronw II uy man t•attlc !'lin adapt themselves few months, A big number· of Grand Rapids. : 250 llllll'.'i or Wlwul St r·aw In r•oirler· elimatcs liy growing/ hogs from fall crop will he mar- · February 12- Founders' Day program, Michigan State Page No mls!•elhllli'IIIIS u.nms. Cnmr! 1hil'ki•r· and longer hair. Research keted in February and later. college. :. :::~:~ ~~:,; '~:::""''.''':::,~:y"~~ ~' ;'~~~~Jy 5 j,_l_a_B_,_v_._A:_~~-~~-~.~-~~_:_~:.-~:_ 1_n_r_nl1011_ llltl'ly pPnplc found this peculiar look. ·• • • 1 · . Febt·uary 14-16-School of Agriculture Symposium, ing breed or cattle raised in no~t}~· Record !]Uantltles of mlilt anrl Kellogg Center, Michigan; State college. Elmer Gardner, Owner Pl'll Oklahoma had a coat 17.3 ;, eggs were produced In u. s. lnst February 18-19- Michigan Association of Soil Conser­ lnn~:Pr 111111 H.:J•;, llrl~k~r thnn year: milk was up 2'/r from 19;,3 vation l;>istricts annual nieeting, Kellogg Center, Michigan ,Jill! llny, Aul'linru•Pr c111 tic of Ihe same slram 111 south· io hit a record 123,800,000,000 lh, State college, 1\1111 oJIII'!illll, Ch!l')( ern Texa.~. * ljl ljf and eggs lncr·ensed 5'/r from 1953 lt. ,J, IIlli,· Cr~o;hiPI' March 5-13- National 4-I-I Club Week Wotldi mO!f fJOWru[ul ' Cl iffm·d !lope, r·anldn!( GOP with a record lay of 61,600,000,000 ~ picl<·u~ '------I Imemlwr nf lhe house eommlttee eggs. ------~;,:;,;,;,;,;_;;,;_~..;,;,;,;:..;,;,_;,;;,.,.;,...;.:,,;,;_;.;;,;,~ Il may he Hlgnlllcant that on .January I the number· of polen· Government Offers Indemnity provP.! ~owm- in ~nnal NEED A WELL?? tlal layers on farms was almul what It was n year ago; a few I Can Drill months ago there were 4'/r more Up to $50 fo~·r Bang's Reactors :i and iJ inch WI~Jis for farm ancl homo potential layers around tlwn a Pilmt Pook climb I year earlier·. 6, 8 and I 0 inch W«!IIS for air-condition.Wg Farmers with .Bangs reactor in infected herds. is still avail· lJouuncrcial and Irrigation cows can now get cash iridcm· ahle. I~armcrs clo nol have to Everyone ~eems to believe therl' nity from the . federal govern· sell reactors. But, if they want will be an incrensr. in feed grain ment. to iteep lhcm, the animals are output this year, assuming aver­ The indemnity· is paid if the !]uarantined and branded. S. W. HART age weather, of course. With the reactors arc sold for olaughter. Right now, the only farmers l'hmw 1\lnNun lii:H 1\ln:-~on, Urm'c I, Box 8D reduction in support prices on It doesn't amount too much but. getting indemnity will he those Surrth uf lllason on US·127A at City I,lmlbi feed grains, prices for oats, rye, at present low ~laughter prices with herds that. showed rrmction '' barley and gmin sorghums are it helps. In last year's countywide test. expected to go lower. This will The indemnity is one·thirrl the Other farmers will have t.o make for henvier feeding of live­ difference between dairy ~alue wait until a new countywide test stock. Then the question comes and slaughter price. Maximum is made. Federal vets aren't say. up: "What happens to livestock payments nE $50 for purebrerls ing when that will he. But, prices if more hogs, cattle and and $25 for grades. evenlually, they hope to give a . poultry are raise() to consume the For exumple, if a cow is v;llucci countywide ring·test every 6 larger supplies of feed grains?" at $200 but brings only $100 for months. Herds that show rc· S1andard Dodge Y2·1on'pick·up truck wUh sensational now 145-hp. Power-Dome V·B slaughter, the difference is $33. action to the ring-test will get engine conquers world's most rugged driving condlllons In unpreceden1ed time for trucks ~I lfl ljl If the cow is a grade, the own· individual blood tests. t4t/t!etl,IJI'OO/' ••• proof that you get extra power and dependability! See us now for a demonstratto~ I · er would get the maximum pay. Farmers who suspect a cow Miscellany, . , . Scientists say ment of $25. If a purebred,. the of being a reactor should ask ·of a better de aI rain Which f111ls has been up in owner would get the full third, their loeal vet for a blood test. lor the man at the airf for 3 weelts; IIthey I ngure or,$ 33. If lhc cow reacts, a free herd I! wuter t·om rleep we s s often Indemnity is payable. only test will be given under the the wheel with ... DODGE~~~ TRUCKS nun to ill h1•allh I IIIII l'm·r~cd Jo diSI'OIIIiiiiH! Illy dniry OJ!Ill'lltfOI! over 50 years old .... A well-de· when the whole herd is tested. federal program. Reactors will A PRODUCT Of ~ CHRYSlER CORP, ·and will sell ut puhlk lllll'tion ut. tlw Gab 1•'111'111 locrtled 8 miles north signed shelter helt of trees and The dairy- value of the animal then qualify for indemnity if of .Jnlillsou ou l\I·!Hii to llll!l'ldirm l'mtd, I hen 1 miln 11or•th 011 Merld· shrubs will catch 3 times as much Is set by the veterinarian. . sold. ian rom!. snow as the best snow fences. . . . The rest of the Bangs control Questions about the program Sweet corn has a depressing ef. program here remains the·same. will be answered at the county PHILP MOTOR SALES feet on the !]llality of succeeding Free vaccination of heifer calves agent's office. Sm·vice 1'hat Satisfies 2.27 N, Cmlar cropsnne! beets, of onions, ... Hens lettuce, lay tomatoesthe most ·------_;_------eggs in 55 degree tempemtures, Mason Tuesday, Jan. 25 but a range of from 40 to 75 do· Comrnr!rrl'ing ut. I :00 o'docl\, 'l'lw following descrlhecl JII'OJJer•ty: greesmany, wilf, . , Noproduce butter almost purchases as --;1-1-~~-~!-ru_l_u_f -r.-1,1:-.i-st-e-1·,-_.l-1 -~~-n-ls-·t-ci_n_l_lu-i-r·y-ell-,-,.s-n-nl-1-h-e-if-e-rs-·-c-·o-m-p-1-et-e' 1were made by CCC In Decem her 1.>. 11. I. A. ·,.l'l:m·ds, l'alfhood vtu:cinuled-T. n. und Ulln"s tes~'l!l- to support dairy prices; it was Gmu·11nl1!11 nil hl'l!d cows rtnd hcil'm·s In h1! s11fely settled."' berthe first1952 fullthat month no sincebutter Decem· was J. J(orudylw OJ•mshy Lilly ltus1•, Iii. Gab 1'hci'CSII Fob1!S; 2 Yl years bought to boost prices ..•. Stoclts II years old, fr·1•sh null II!Hlll old, milking, due Aug11:d 21J of all feed grains were higher on 2. l.orrnl Al'l'!!S 1\. 11. 1\llleln, fi lfl. Gr•1111e Holstein Helfer, 2 Michigan farms at the first of the yea1·s old, mlllling·, dntl An· Y~>III'S llltl, clue June 18 year than a year ago. Wheat The. first person to ide~jtify this farm g·ust. fi ' ' . 17. Guh IJuuloggln Wnkefleld stoclts were just about half what :J. H11h Ormsh)• ,JI!Illl Cllr·ruttion, Sully, 2 yc11r·s olcl, due July they were last January. correctly will receive .4. FREE .THEA- a .veatrs old, mllllin~r. rhw 18 . ,June 21 18. G11h ltl!.lldhm·st Uobby Burke, TER TICKETS. .· ., . . 4. J,ois ltnth l'lilllndor• Or·mshy, 2 Ylllll'.~ old, due August 17 6 yeur·s old, l'l'l!sh nn1l open 19. Gab Ot·msby J.lndy ltose, 2 Good Ewe Care ·r,, Gnh ShPIIII':tllll Alidn ,Jnd)•, :1 )'ears old, due August. IH yt•ui·s old, mill;lng-, tlu" ,July 211. Gub Shl!ll\VIIIIII Allllla nutty, :n 2 .vmu·s old, dtie July 211 Will Pay Off + + + 21. Gnh Ormsby l\lolly I•eiter•t,le, fl. Aur· Sus11n Emprt!ss, 10 l''l!tu·s To get strong, himlthy lambs, old, fresh nnd llill'll 2 ye11rs old, tine ,July 5 22. Gnh lnlm il'lhlnight. Uoill, 2 it's very important to feed ewes 7. J.tll'l'ol lnlu1 Cnmulion llet.ty, carefully during the winter The family who lives on the identified 3 Yl!tl!'s old, mlll;ing-, lhll! yr•nr·s old, due ,July 7 oii!IH! 4 2:1. Gub Ormsby Down Fobes, 2 mohths. The most important item farm will receive: a free 5x7 mounted 8. Willow Ur•onl\ Alii!in, HI Y<'ttm old, 1h1e August. 2!1 in a good ration Is high !]uallty . ·:. ycurs old, I'I'Psh und oJII!Il 2·1. Gab I.nln llelll! l'eltm·t.le. legume. hay, according to Gmy. · D. lte1~dhurst. ElllJI!'I!.~s J,tll'l'nl nurlu~, 16 months old, OJJen don Blank, extension shee~ enlargement of the farm. 2/i, Gnh lnlm l'uullue llm·ke, 14 specialist at Michigan State col· : Ac1·es, II )'eaus old, lhH!. ,Janu· lege. ~ ur·y 2U months old, open Ill,· Grude ll!llsll!ln, li Yt!lll'S old, 2fi. Gnb Or·msby Rosrtlle nurke, About one month to 6 weell!ll fi mont.hs old mixture of the 2 per head dally, 2D. Gnh Alicia Allee. llurke, II should be fed depending orl the 13. G1•ade llolslein, :1 yc11r•s old, mm1Uts old mlll!lng·, dun. Se11llllllhc•· HI condition of the ewes. This will Whose Farm Is This? '-.. U. Gnb Bn••lt Dnnloggln ,JIInc, 3 HO. Glib Ph•hwt.,le Lu llurlm, put them in good shape for bear· .___ r-"' H months olcl . Y~trs old, mllldng·, due ,July ing strong healthy lambs. ;!O. . :n. Gub Inkn Starlight lltll'ke, Plenty of water, salt and a :J mmrU1s old moderate amount of exercise wlll do much to .Prevent pregnancy HOW '1.'0 SAY "THANKS": Dairy Equipment disease Ol' lambing paralysis in il!lii3 l~nrm 1\Jrr.slt•r Side Hom· 8·cnn C!lolc•· ewes. Ewes carrying twin lambs These 4 Ingham county farm lllflrdmnt..'l h:wc ttr­ Eden Elevator ,)IJiiH Farm lllltNim· Surcingle ·tyJJe, 2·nnlt milker 111111 often have a tendency to become ranged for the JIUblication o: 52 "Mystery" Jlictures. )lllmJI .12 ne.w dnlry stulls 1111d slnnchlons (III!VeJ• nse1l) paralyzed and· die a week or 10 It's their tribute to a No.1 industry in Ingham coun· Sl~~m - F'Jmn - COAl, The IQgh~m County News. ty. H you like the farm pictures. tell them so. 16 i\lllk Cnns .iays before they are to lamb. Irlm'I'JLIZJm - F'ENCB - Complete New.s Coverage lli·Gallon me!!h•lc Wnler Uentei' 1'081'8 ' 1 Wush Tunk cil Rural Ingham Counly We Give Gold Sllamtrs AUC'I'IONJIJm•s N01'1~::...... 'l'hls is un oulstiuull.ng herd. It will Hatching Weekly. l'hone Leslie 2Jfi.J - lllusou li680 COMMERCIAL PRINTING be well WO!'th your lime lo attend U1is s11le, Phone Mason 9011 : '~ AII.Winter Watch for Your Farm Pullorum·Clelh Chicks A' ·new "Mystery" picture ·will appear each week. Yours may be ~ext. No one lmows whose farllls Mason Elevator G.eorge A. ·Bailey, ow.ner have been J.lhotogratlhed;....not even the photog· Producers· Co-op·. raphcrs-lt s up to you to. ~ome through tvltl1 the Feecl - Send - .Fcrtiliztlr Gulliver~s H~tchery answers! · · · :,Joe ·Day - Auctionee~ Phone 3881 Eaton Rapids FEEDS 845 W. Columbia Phone 3341 Elevator. Co. . · , ' · MIL'i• JOi,DAN & R. .J. IIILL, fJierks . y, mile; &out,, 011 l.\1·99. Williamston . ·: · ,• · ·. l'h.onl's :-:-orr let! .,, liH - .neshlmii·e • ·llllil'i ·U111Ui71i . '. -, • I Mason , ~ 1'.. ,r ,, ~ J <, t " 1 • I '•.' ' - ' ' , '' , ' ' ' , • ' ' ' • ' (HdiilllU, flll.ll lli'. Fntllll 'I'JirlH: lr•st ('OIIrllll'll•d llll.'i shown .'iliC'h nwu jiiiii(Jiug; u.t lt·ust unl.il al'tl\1' Uw Miehlgun l"armers' Week progr·um, Sixty· MlsRourl i\grlr!llllllral Expel'!· planl pnpulrtlloll lirerc•asl'd, prr· nine C:OO!llll'a tors from 21) COUll· C!. Whnl h lfiPIIrylsllllii•slr·oJ'! IH!III'I'il~. Uait·y' li'ood l•'1•stlml whieh elusPs Felu·uury Jl), In Farm Crops 1111!111 Slatton. r•r>ntag1• nf erucic• proll'ill !11 1he• ties huvc 728 August·fnnowccl Jnsc•els SIIC'h as Illes, lice, In tlwse te.~ts, r.nnrluctefl fnr·j grllill rlr!emasPd sllghlly. II. IJI<'Iii,l'lsli\IH•!·:Ir•d Is 11 syn· (!, lluw long· shnulrl ~lllhr·~l•·ul On 'f'Lwsdny, F'cbrum·y 1, tile Ingham clail'y banquet p!gH ent!lrecl and we!j?hell. '!'his worms ancl lu•r•li<•s Wf'l'f' Mkhl· 2 yeurs, three hyhJ'ids wen) 'l'hc! stnw•r l'l'<'l'ivlng no nitro· Ill I! I i" <'IH•nli<';l\, \I is It<. l'llloll<' hi' 1'1'11 lu iH'I'f I'UfiJr\ I'm• 111111'11111 'f will be held at the Leslir! Gt•ange hall. F'at•met•s' Weel{ at l'll£resents 7 hreerls plus eroos· hteds, Over 50 cn·opemtors gan t'nmwrs' 111osl I!X[lf'llsive plnntc•11 .rrt fmu· rales unci giwnl gPn !tad 11 f'l'lldl• pt·otl'ln l'onlent lllw JIIHI wiH'II lii)l•<'l<'ri inl<~ 1111 Michigatl Slnte college will he rrom I•'e!Jruar·y 7 lo ll. And lllllllllri ill .'illlfic•if'lll :IIIHI!IIil.'i 1'1111 1\. It has IH• nf npprmdmntcl~· lllfllllg)' r\I'JIIII'lllll'lll. nitt·ogen npplleut!nns \Vf!I'P Cf(lilV· IIHilllilln nltr111e• f'ljll\vnlc'lll ll't'r<' «!. \VItal 11rc· h11r·nwrrc·,·: '"illH' tilal gi'PIIII'l' I'PSfHlllSI' Is 'l'lu•irs was a IH•f'l' ~I.e'\\' marTiag;c•, 210 lh each. On eTop,; :rl111ll! tlu• itwr•t•l lniiC :llenl to l!iO, :JiiO nnrl 7511 pounrls nddf'd, the• protPin <'lllltmil wns qill ;iHiislntwr•s 1.. r 1111.\' fpr•rlinJJ: pllrifl on ,rtll Jll!llH i\s more lllll'llgc:n was npplwrl, jrising. flal'!\ \11 l!l:t". tt'IIC'ldllillll'cl IVilll'lt rf'J'HI:il<• 111:•11.1' "' 111 ' lui:\)' llilll I'P<'Iie•J·~ el'i,,·eolil'ttlllf! LIS!' or· 11 I I · exhlhllel!. 'J'Jwy C:llllsc•c\ II !IIIII\ loss of III· i'l''C'S. '1'\i.\:1·1··'111<'· t'rlllll t.il":• t'et•r\ l'lllllllillillg Slililf'Sli'CJ) •Ill Ancl Uw mat'l'irw.. :,c instt·uet.ot· ottgll! lo wow, Jeenuse most $:J,flliii,IJIIIJ. llw proll'ln liH'I'I'ascll--wllh lhl'llonn:•ge• was six JH'I' e'f'llt of till' .'J'ho .lurlging of rnarlwt hogs 111,\'f'llid t:i:JIHI IS 11{1 1'\:llil)dr•. 1\'llill·lici{Jrs IH•fiii'C' S)llllgilll'l'l, Shll \VaS !leVer l'lllll'l'led. I•;ggs los1 ill'"a11sr• of lnsl!tls I.'XeP.ption of lhl' ·r~ll-pnund appll· Inial and liy 1!1~11 II l11ul rPrtl'ill'ci wtill'\1 11111s1 .. r 11·: :11·•· t:~JHIIJ:~r. 1 • d · l' IJ~glns at R::JO a. m. Wednesday lllllf;LIIIil'ci lo WP\\ 11\'e•r $1,11110,01)11. mt!on whkh jll'llrilli'C!d corn wltlt 1JI.:\ Jll'l' r'l'llt nnd is sl.l\1 r:roii'IIIJ!· . j 11. llru•s slili"'·'lr·ol ul'l't•e•t llu• Glen Slwl'lanc! is doing a great .io!J wil.h lis iiii'Y .m·m IT)orn!n·g, l"ehr·uur·y ~. This will F a I' Ill p r o d t1 e· I s in 1~!i'l llow slrlli:·.,lr·ul e•x•·rl j e•ullle• l'ro l'nr·m lu nn Clli'Ll•t• rcoad. 1\:rn 13rOII'Il made• t.t'l[1 out to Fl'tday 11. elo"~ ~1 1 riull or 111 a ~lun'R 1?1! tlw lurgm;t swine exhlhlt QVI!I' alllOIIJlll'd lri ll)l(ll'oXilllllll'\y $Jri.­ lis h•·uc•l'ie·ircl •·11'•••·1 ll'h•·11 l'e•cl n . , • af'J.et·noon lo tnalw at'l'illtgcments tm· the dmry tout•. held 111 Partners' Woe!( show, II '"I 1111 111 11 I fi00,001l,ll00 i11 Midtigan. e•ullle•'! I lagged \1'11 ••o;;wll\' IIIII "JII~'s IIIIWII aJ, 1.111' h:tt'll SWI'f'JlinJ.{ C:OhWiliiS,u 'itt'e those lncllv!duals enlerrd in PI'IIIJ:d•l.l' ill :! 11'11,\':,; "ill', 1•.1' Ill· 1!. llo''' s\11\w~lml inlhtr'lll't' 1 1 1 11 1 • 1 'I 1 t·n·asillg lire· :ll'1 "rt::111~ i11 sl{l'b 11 IIH•I gr;ulr•; IHIWI'I'e'l', sul'\1 hf'llf'· . Pi~oduce will then hi! judgPd 1111;1 WI<.Y "·' ''' iiiiTe':L"' ;:r11II'IIL fil is pm\Jalily clouhtful and flecls itR ~.''DOd"' .r~I'OOilllllg. (liaced on r.xhihit the fnllowinr: um; '1'0 A NI~\V 1\m'I'IIOD IN 1\IANliFi\C'I'liHINil, •!· In ~\'hal lwub. Hllel I.I'P<'S ~·t . Isl'""ld 11o1 lir• . I'Xilf''''""· . Ken claims 111111 Glen was one of his best1 students· l bacl<· day... ABLI~ VI~ l'llttuns 1s til•· t•·•·el11r:~ ol sir!·, 11. i"houlcl st 1JI 11 ,sti'OI '"' '"ct lu when the Vetemns Adminislt'alion c:oncluc:l.ec a !arm l'lUil· .. Following the sl1ow nf c•m·r·ass WI•: i\Itl•; NOW 'fO SA YOIJ FIWlH $11.011 '1'0 lic•.o;trul Jll'lll'ilalill''.' ! hl'l'i' IJI'f'e'ciiJig' 1'111\'S Ill' tu lu·Ire•r·~ ing program al Dansville. A lot or hoy~, •;ccoi'Cling to I~cn, harrows, will he the lncllvidu;ll ~;~W.(HJ Plm 'I'ON ON AN\' ANALY~IS OF 0111: 1 iutJ•tull'cl l'o•· hre•Pciill~·y attended lite c:mu·scs with Glen, but dtdn t lcam a lhmg. !JaJTows, then pens of :l 1111d 111 1 Bi\WliW Fim'I'II.IZJe;n IN qiiAN'I'I'I'Y AI\IOIIN'I'S. II. '" :dl r:~li<• 1 " 1: 1 1<: "" Glen learner! because he wanted to learn. That's whel'c he t·iwmpior)shlps. . . lii•t•l( l••.'ll<•d in lli;•.li grain I'll· i\. N11. II is nol known llml }' 1 t ·:.All rnar;cet hogs on t!xhihil wilt OIIIC Nl•;w FI<:It'I'ILIZim WILL HI•: FIII,L\' Wl:\1~­ lio11< in lilgi1 no~J::Ii:l::•· 1·:1li11 11 ,, lin• 1,.v •.•I ed' sli\ilf'sl:'oi rcl'Oill· piclwd ttp llle irle11 to f'OilVI'l't !tis stanc: 11011 lill'll o a pun I)C. sold at auction Thursday, l•'rli· :\ N'l'l<:t•:n. in 111>:11 r:1·ain l'llliucn tile results ,A special swine pmgra111 is scheclulecl at 1his 1i111e. Holi:ll'l OI:Him NOW 1\NH 'I'AIH: AUVAN'I'Am: OF q. \\'hill l,l'p<'.~ or hc•l'l' c·allle• lllf'lll s e·onlai IIIII I! sl illu•.'il rol. of tht~ Dr~l.roit Fn!e P1·ess poll on whelltct· m· not tile "rani{ Jones, in charge of swine work 1 JI'I};C:OIJN'I' "''·'ll'lllci to the• IJI'II<'I'il'i:el Pft'PI'is I 1!. Slioulcl stillu•slf'lll IH~ re•cl to and file" of Jabot' likes the idea of a guaranteed wage. ,Ji\NIIAHY or slillu·sll'lll'.' elni•·.v <'1111's'! at· Purdue University, will ill' IIH' 1 Strangely enough, !hose polled thought. the idea was just spe:~lter. His suhjcct is "13rcc•f!· 11. t·:.,l\1 ;;te•<•i·,: :11rrl ilf'if<'l's•'l 11. No. grand. IHg. to Produce the Meat '1'yp1• ll:t\'f' ht'Pll lJ~;p/1 ill !Psis \\'ilh Hog." As judge of momlng m;u·. f:IVCII':Jillr• rr•snll.,. '1'<•;;1.': 1il1cs fnl' I C!. Will slillu•strol e\nnhlf• 11 'l'alw anothl'l' lnol\ at ilw mystm·y f:u·m llichll't~ Ico.t classes, he will also f'omment on J'a)!;t~ li or this ral'llt scetion. H's lll'ing; J't~JII'intt·tl fin lh.e swilw exhibit. have• IH'e'll \inill•·cl '" ll'"igi:fnrlry specialist at Michigan I Dr. M. J. Green II. i\li."'IUIP\y 11111. 1-:vPn wiH·II nwus a)!;J'f'l'lllt'llt. Last \\'f'l'.'{ t.hf•J'I' \\'t'l'l' 12 answ•~•·s Slatc! r·r,llrgr, and fornwr·ty f:·em1 Fuwlf'l'\'illf•, Mit•h. stiliH'slnli 11 atul 0111 " 11s dirrcrcnt. . Vl-:'1'1•:1:1 :-.1:\Hit\ N qualify~·•I suppll'llll'nle~rllle r·ont;tlninl,(IIP~I l~lclt ~ Ill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ preiiPin, vilumins anrl minerals Tt could IJ~ that. the phot?gl'aphCl' headed. his plane i~lo N. ('c•cl:rr :-;r. ~ fllSOJI In pn•pr!r lllliiiUirls f11r ncnwn Clinton county for a stray p 1et.u 1·c. Or pos!-allly the aer·ml !'hone• ,,Juson !l7!11 liacl!'l'i:~ anrl t'or tlw r·;rtl\co thr•n1· pic:ture company, located in Jowa, sent us a pictUl'e taken itt sPIVl's. Iowa. ()(- maylle it's right lwre in fnglmm and we just can't l'incl it. So iake another lool' at·ouncl yolll' neighborhood 1his wer!k nnrl sec if the myslc!'y farm isn't here- some te Farm plrwr\ If I hail tlw winJ,:;s of llll :uig;t~l ur c~vt~n a Jll:uw, mayht~ I cnuhl find it 1\la;rlu~ that's what is nN:c·s· c:uts rates sa1·y to illm•tif,y tlw fat·m. lloc~s anyhnd.}' have~ lL ) 11laru~ '! Having sold our farm, I will sell at public auction on auto located 2Y2 miles south of Webberville to Frost road Cronkright Cow ~~~~~~~~~.ee~f~~J~; Valley, a regis· and east % mile. l let·ecl Guernsey owned by Hugh Sets Jersey Pace Jo:llsworlh of Holt, produced fl,233 Ill of milk and 517 lb of fat on 11 11'11 Cronkright lws a lop n·:~· reeent 305-r\~y test. This prorlue· istered .fersPy ilcrcl in lile 1.011 n. lion represents approximately 1:00 P. M. 1:00 P. M. . 'H2H quarts. Retu was 11 5-year-ole\ Saturday, January 22 Stat" auto is now!\ better· buy 'lt·:; l•'arm in~urunce ly. She i1:1s .\liSt mmp\etr•rl II 1aml was milllr'll 2 times daily. tl1an •.-ver! !.ow rates irave just been lowered even laetntions witlt 102.802 Ill of milk I ------HHII'" \e, wiled Uw eareful driving record~ of mem· land 5,2•1'1 lb of hultr•r•fat. Her· ''""" i11 I his nn.-n. And you get. the unexcelled protee­ .:'i:~~" 1s oona L;ilnc c1an1 Mar· farmers' Week tiron a< HI s<·rvke· for which Stale ]?arm i~ furnous. Implements She wr1s born in l!l42 and is in !Jer 12th lar!lation al 14 yc•ars of W"ll Sh N See me for details! age and is still doing well. . I OW ew 1945 John Deere Model B Tractor International Corn Plante•· with STATE FAIIM High prm.iuct ion, £.:oupled wit ".I . John Deere Cultivator for Model B fertilizer attachment longevity, is tile type of foun· f' d Bernard Wilson dation cows most farmers 111'1' p t 1 e John Deere 14-inch 2-bottom Plow looking for. She dmpped a bu!\ ro I a5 ' . Rubber-tired Wagon with Flat Rack Nearly New 20-ft. Grain Elevulo•· Agt•nl. r::ilf Deecmbcr·, 1!l5•1, whleli with H. P. Motor l'hillll~ :!·Hili:! Cmnkrlghl thinks should IH• :1 Manure Spreader, steel wheels % INSUIIANCE ~pending good registen!cl sire for 11 .le!'SC,Y New ideas on wise \JI'C'C'ril'l'. for more profit and how farmers International 10-ft. Double Disc Log Dray Altt/,r,rhNirepro'sentMil•e, can do a better job of mm•itetlng will be among I he ·highlight State Funu ;\1ut unl .·\ ulouaobilc lnttUI'UIIte Cornpnny Two plant tour trains pow· Prc.•rl by elc!etric tract·ors helped topics clming F'armers' Week at J-/uull' <•/fin!: ll/umllilll!is MlchiRon Pl·os& AIH!ncintioll ltlw ~lnl'l, lw s11id: M. ZIPglc>r g:JVf' Mldtlg1111 11 1'1111' Billet• ccltnPs of w:n nn• rr.· "llill'l's torm11la would IIIIVI' ll'hl' till' hlglt\1'111' dolhtl' Is 1101 SOillldfng in lhP Jlii]Phiglln SCJ111(1', giVI'II Dc>moc•rnls •Ill' r or IIH' illll'illl' ilu• marls 11 was lniPIHic•rl Horses Return Nnw as them, Vll'inl'ious D£•111o· c•ommillrr• llH'IllfH'!'Hhlps, IIIII thl' ' ' I Ill II I'J"l 1 1 cl'lliH nre trying to slrPng!IH•n Dc•rnor•t•nt•; hiiYI' only :l:l•, of lltr• ill Jli'IIVH '• '11'11 \1' I II' · ·' tiJelt' lwnrl In till' ]Pgisla!ull• SPnHiot s" gllsolltll' t.1;.; IHJIISI. To Spotlight Hr•rntblleii!IH wltn h11lrl majo1 ity "Silll'l' 1'110, 1111' cnsl oi' illilld· nn the commltiN! on c·nmmiiiPI's, Sndal il'gi~;iatlnn will pill)' It lng highways Ita•; IIH'll'oJsPd I·IH',, rirfiJy sirJl'Sil!(l]H'd li>P llliiiWII Vl'l'. m:tlot role in till' 111'\V lmvs of ilw 1n~5 session. 1111 niiTIIIH( lmpossli>Jc• sislanc•c> llv· Sonw •,Jighl I(Hins ltnvc> 1!1'1'11 for "prop11rliona II' rroprrsPnl a· lng will l>P 1iu• firs I lo hf' C'OII· llliHII' 111 tltf' pas I 2 .\'1'111 s wltc•tt tic,n" for Dr•mor'l'rtls 1111 all sland· s]dl'l'l'd, ill a Iii]] S]lllll'•lll'l'd by 111111'1' ]l'df•l'/1] llla Is 111 tllllt':J',r• cdd Ich1• stnlc '·, htgllll'ol\'s 11(1 111 llllld· IH•Pn glwn IIH'tllill'l'sllip 1111 f'lll'il Ill{ I' IIH',islatll'<' II IIIIi I Iily i'lll'c'il• I' I'll 'l:lltdoit'ds ol 1111' c·nntmili<•Ps whll'l1 musl .tp fi'IIJI) ol IJl,J);Jilllllll PIJ ]II $SIJ IIJ11J ' I I, ]lrovP alllegislalion iiP]oJ'<' il go1•s ]Jf'lll'fils lot· IIJosP I'I'C]llliilll' nwdl I I low lo 1111:1111'1' 11 '' 111 llu• l11101 lor 11 lull SI'IHIIP Vlllt•, 1,1] (Jr•alllll'lll fl'lllll ')Hil In ~!Ill, :l.lc•g]I'J' •,del ill' '""'• 1111 .dll'l'll.t· "SoiiH' 111 iltl' ]H'o(l]l' 11'\'illl{ t111 liVI' lo rrd,illJ' till• •i,oll' I(H~ollill' ]ll']•llhlli':IIIS tinily l'l']l'f'il'd 1111' P]\1' IIIII II Jiving 1111 lill' ]II'I'SI'lll ]tali :JtlnliiJ•t ~~·. llthillg l]u• IJ.Ii:Ji SAFER, TOO -Policeman in ll'l(ltf'sl of fl:ul and tf'lllilldl'd him lll.tXIIIllllll~ 1111 , Jl'.illv :IJ:.llll'ol llll'l'"' ''"'' glll1111 111 1:"'' lltllillll:.l•: Home, Italy, directs ever-i~- Iilii I lll'lt1 111 ,.,.,l.s wrrr• lc•ss illdlllt'd ' 1111 I r' •uls creasing b·umc through Rome s wull Jlno~nc Ially," h.Jiri W .1. ' .\ "· 1 1'1 • unclcnt streets from one of Ute lc; slt:n·c• c•ommillf'l' ,lssiJ(Illlii'IIIH MJIXc'Y, statc• Wl'ilat·c· clill't'IIIJ. c;ov \VIIli:tll"· SHY'• lltl' Jllh c'llll new traffic control plnttorms wltPII lltPY Wil']cll'd ihP polllwal " · ill' ct 11111 • ll'ilitlllll 111ntl' l:txl's and which at·c bolted to Co111ers o! I whip '1'11 1• ]:Jsl 1111'11'.1'·1', il'tllll $fill to 11Pfllil1llc•:IJts :11 r• si"'l't ic ,Ji, I'Vell many buildmgs. They leave SPn:Jior c'n•lgillotl 1(. ('oil'llt.tll $711 u 11111 nt1J 1-111111 • ill t'J-,~. 11111 ,JIHIIIilurw '" lllt.llll'l' llu• Jll"l"''"'d more room !o1· the curs ;md at I IH·Balll<' CI'Pr•l 111'\V Dt•lllo I' Sill' 1111 1111' I\ pill lo.tii1Ji l111 IIIJ:IJ· IIIISII'I'I'S Wt'l'l' (lli'lll'd ill, 110111' C'l'llli<• Si:JIC' iirlllllnislr:llii'P IIIJ:IId 'J'Ju• ]JI'OfHJS;I] is ilitl'iu•Ji lo Ill 11\':1\ I'IIIISillll'lillll \Vc•']] ]llllli.tliiV '•t'<'IIH'd In hc• c·m'l'l'l't. Ou (HLAt' r, wliid1 g.1vro :! mi11111 il,\ HP]IItlilt 'IPoisr>s fill' IIHJSI' Jr•c•••ivlflg .tid 111 ltnw 1111 ittl'l't'a•.c• 111 1111• f(:J•,olilH'· of' (ill• flll'lll Sl'l'iillll lhl' pil-1111'1' is t':lllS SC':tls llnt•adt of :;i;-; l'llllllllll· IIH• lilillrl olllll diSalilPd lll:ll'l\l•ls I:Js \Vilall'\['1' lt.IJIJII'IIS \\'(' IH'I'cl l11•in~-: l'l'lll'lniPcl. 'l'ulw uunl Ill' I' tcrs. whidl c·:n1IH' iiii'IPasc•d liy :ultl1tlllilu· '""ci', ~1111 1111\1'" luol' al·cuuul your uei~-:·llhnrhood "Till' fol'lllllla was :Jt'C'PJIII'd isllalivc• :11 lio11 it thl' lllilli• l11ll - nllll sc•t• il' till' mysll•ry IUI'In bn'l IIIPI'f' n11d 1 tli111k il wn1tld 111• fait' i'"''~'' I Buii·OIJ·Whecls l{eci>S Busy I ilt'l'c•. '1'!11• myslt•t•y I'IU'III hus a lo tiS£' it ill I liP sC'Il:IIP," lit' said. llt•lcl 111 1'111'11 IU'I'nss I lit• ru:ul, a With oliH'I's t'IIIWritng lhP p11llli I ('ilari<". liJII\\'11 lll'•I'IIIIII:Jiot 1'111' whitt• II'Usil hiiiiJ.\ onl ill lilt• hnl'll· Hc•]HJIJ]it·:JIIH ICIOIIC'rlthal llf'll1· t•,l] lll'l'lloiS Ill l•all]c• 11\'1'1 IIIJ

. . I ... Lillil' lllil'rll:ilinll

C'crll I li'\'l']fl]i1lH'llll lllLviu~ sold Ill)' l'ar·m I will ~wll at puhlic• aul'liun at the· ulat•t· I ll!il•• c•:1sl nl' 1\'luuilh on lht· Walc·•·loo macl to llulll·nllll•l~t•l" mad, suulh Yi nult·. 1:00 P. M. Saturday, January 29 1:00 P. M. Phone Price Brothers Phone Ypsil,lnli. 'l'llf• c;ll>ll•. 11:1\l' lwitt Mason Auctioneers Stoc~bridge ci,IIJghiPJ:,, II':JJII'ill' """ 111111 ·"" zanlll' ]{IIlli. MIS. Vl'l'nlln 1'1'11( 1111' nnci 2-8761 Maurice " Bob 17~F-111 I<:~chi FJH'IIi Siillltli<~.\ will! M1· and 1\lis. Winn HoiJinson of GI.llld I,Pcigc• Mr. :mel Mrs. ll.imld 1\alz 111' .lnt:I\Son ~[11'111 Sund 1y wilh M1s. Eldon 1\alz nncl fnmily. 21 Head of Cattle Farm Machinery Mr. dlld M1·s. D1111 Dixon \VPI'P Sunciny guc•sl~ ol llwl• daugiiii'I', f{c•gistPr'~tl Jlt•r·l'l'm•d fJow, 7 yt•:H·s oltl, c•al.l h.v siclt• I!H 7 MI) ( llic•sc•l) 'L'r:wt m·, in ~ontl l'ollll itiou Mrs. Jo:vt>lyn lloiH'I'I~on, ,J11ci l:nn· l~l·gistl'l't•cllfPI'I'I'ol'd Cow, 5 yt'lt!'s old, thll' m ,JuuP lui c• ruatiurml l'oi\'I'J'Ii fl Cull iva tor·, Ill' a rl.~ Ill'\\' tly 111 .Jill·kson. Jlm'l'l'tll'tl fJOW, 1J yt•:ti'S old, tlut• Ill r(lllll' lnii'I'IHI ticmal l\1 u unl1•tl Cu I'll l'la nl t• I' Twin daugltlel's WPI'I' htJI'Il to Ht•J'I'I'o•·tl Cow, 4 yt•:u·s ultl, chu· in ,lunt• lull••·national lll':tvy-tluly Sidc• Halil', on l'llhh1•1', Dr.C.J.Hubbard Mr. and Mts. 'l'om,,~ IriC"Iisc 'l'iiii'J' ,~hou• Jnduaon 2480U Omaha Uadc, l2,000 ntilc•s, in good eomlilwn •'120 1!.. Dorr)' Rd, at HODrt•tla Dtxon Fridny evening Jor a pot· 2 Huhht'l'·lh·t•cl Wagons :llld ChnllJlt'l' Hnx1•s . - H.. 1. Rtv111 Ju,;~ocUoD ., iLtck Sll[l]lC'I' ;md hu~illC'SS JllPPI· 1!)4R lntc••·•mtinnal 'I'J'Ut:ll with l~at•l!, Ci-111~· I i r·c•s 1111 Nl'w llolhuul Wa~on lJuloadc·r· ing at 7::Jn p. m. l't'lll' ,John Ol't'l'l' 1\l:tnuJ'I~ Slll't•atl<'l' Mts. Ben Pt•itclwrd and chil· drcn of Ann Atlmr is szlctuling AWJ'Y Manure S!tft':uli·•· on l'lllrlrt•l' pnrl of this WC'I'k with het' par· ,John Ot•l'rl~ Corn Uintlt•r ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Ford Millr'l', lnlt'I'JUttional llc·:Lvy-dut.y llay Lu:uh••· on •·nhh1•1' Attention I Farmers~ Mrs. FUI'Il MiiiN• and family. Ho·useJ,old Goods lllll'l'lllLf.ionul 7-J't. HouiJlt• Uist~ The Munitl1 Mr.t'l'iclny exlrn· 2 W••c•dm·s · 1·1-fl. J?lal Racl• 'l'ltlw Advant:tgl~ uf •lnnr.l Miller, who allencls sian gt nup will mel'I with Mt·s . 1\elvhm to•· TJrluxc~ Ui•l'••igt••·u1 OJ' ICuhhm·-til'l'tl W:tgon with (lJ·aiu nux 1MoiHIY Blhle mstitute il1 Chicago, Wayne's Ne\v Bm•f Calli!' Eurllc Cavcndar Tuesday, Janu· Dining Room 'l'ahl1• :11111