w,_,,_rrerof1?5-4 Michiga-n '''I" Gonorol ''""'"" Awocdrros5J_b~~·_l 11.11 ~- -9'~·h_\ a'_!!1 ...., ..__ ~0 u nty N Give Dimes and Dollar~ whon - ews Mothers March on Polio Ninety-Sixth Year, No. 3 Mason, Michigan, Thursday. January 20, 1955 3 Sections • 24 Pages Ttm-J)ol/ar Pl'l! Officials Name Sl'l Under /.,ight Directors Book /lave You JJfet? Mr· and Mr ~. HIPho~rrl fl.ltl [)J'ivln~ .11 r•; .. c( 1 :1~1\'P ~pPPI ol flO I West Colllmhin BIJ'I'el? Public May View Plans Hoffmeyer to ilii!JIIgli IJrP llllliWr 11•~111 dl 'I'IH• llrrlls r·Hme lo Mnson lhP IliP Jlllr•r sr•r·Jr<lll of ('olurnllll Wade Carnival fir ol or NovPmhcr· unrt [JUt· ollHI IJJP ili'IJ•IS> 11'111 I'!ISI ,')Ill, dr.r~l'tl tile Adam Snyrl!•t• Coroner Post ('fry 11 llllc' 11lllll'l, W!'lll hon11• flcfnrl' 1omlng lo Mnson For East Side School at '"'" " hiitlrllt· flflllllid', lllt.:-111 At County Fair t l1ey lived In Lanslnr,:. IIIHI fdrTlP 1/tl( dglt Pillg th,ll Dorr f Toll II 1'\'1'1, " mi•mhr•r of ~II'. !lull I~ employed as a $111 h ,,IJ1111I rlgl1l lh1• l:or•.IIIH• H11ni IIlli II :,fall for In Dr.lrolt Ibis wee!< dit'l~clor~ 'ilr·.mrln lur 1liP Wine Dh;· ~~ YPdl~, ]', I]J(I fHW {'fll'fiiWt'. r l<Hlllld .r rtrd'"' d·, 11f ·'·"I; of 1he Ingham county fait· signed Meeting on Wednesday li'lhiillng r 111nn.rny of Lun~ln;:. ('11111111' ollit 1.1f:. l'ilill'gr•tl Willi Mill Wns IIJP fll ,1 ill jl'l\' fir• up W. G. Warlc's No. 1 unit for lit> fs a memht>t' of lhe Masons llllln1: IIH• l'd<'dlll'\' lldllll'ri Jfoi'I'­ wr•nl lillllllf'lr II ,11 Ill Tu,•srJ,I;:, rlrr. JH!i:i midway. August lfi to .rrrrl AnwriPan Legion. llt> W, !\cady t'ot· public view next Wednesday night will be IIII',YI'I' Ill fill IIH• lllli'Xfllll'l[ lmm .ft1sllr•1• ol 1111' i'l'di'P il!IV 20 IIi fall· week • sl't'VI'd In P.nglanrl rlul'inl-{ tlw and of pmposed of W It 1\' r:rJI",IIIll' 'l'lrllt.•Hia;. Adnrns Sd!tl F'1rsl World Wnr. Durtng his skelches cslimales of cos! llle E:asl Side f;o1ng llll'!lllf01 on Ill<' lt'rl L.1st yenr Wade sent both his r:orslllrr• li'"·' lfollnll'yl•i''s lll'nlh· No. I ,mrJ No. 2 units to the La· cfHtll' limP Mt•, llalllll<es lo rio elemenlat·.v school. School officials will display I he skPiciH·~ I' I' In law will ( 11sl P' 1•n 1nn1'11 , m IVI11• Porte fair In Indiana, held the \VIIIItiii'Oif{ing- and discu~s plans al n public mecl ing in the sc·llool nurJJ. r:o1 .IIIII' rlrl'ri ol a lrr•atl at tnd' snnwlmdl''li llfP, ,JiJdl~l.' Ariarns I so~ me wer.l< 11s the Ingham fair. J\Ii'S llall lwlnngs to 1111' la•,j J•'rlrl<~ \' ) T1• h,HJ hC'Pn 11 1'01 o \VIII'nerf lol'iwn. The mcetuw; is Hchcdulcd lo slat·! al R o'clock. This year he rleclderl to l<eep the Anwt•lt•nn Ler:lon Auxlliar~, Ill' I for 111111" 1111111 :JH Yl'di'S. Masn;, dale, playing hei'C before ller lwhhy Is painting, Evet•y resident of the school dislrict, and all olhcr:-; in- r:or·,IIIH' \Vds firs I l'il'r tr•rl in l')~(j orr,lng to the Upper· Peninsula fair lcrcstcd, aJ't' invited to at- 1 · illlrl w.1s IPf''(lj !I'd (1VCIY 2 .vPan;. Boy Is lnJ·ured nl Escanaba, f [I' lli•f:olll a llf'IV IPt'm ,)anu;ny I. tend next \~edncsday night'H I Executi.Ve Shows AI thr. 1!155 Lngham fair hnr meel ing, s1ud Sup I. Jame~ I I. I 'f'IH• •'Pi'"IIIIIJH'nl of llolfmPyi'J' Wh H" B ( ll<'SH rac·lng has been bool<ed for r!IIJ', IIIIIIIIJI•tt•mlwr :ll, lfl!i(i, I It y Criminal Trials I loiii!H'\'1'1 rs .r grarlll.rll• of Jng- en ar Mnnrlny, Tuesday, Wednesday vandet· ven. Hllri Thursday nights, 4-II nma­ Srapotl, Prall llllllhu~ ,!'.'How.... Agency Funds Jr;lln'f'oiV!IslllpAI-{t'lculiural Q w T s h I ll•llr show on Friday night and Are Scheduled to 1 s<'lwol al D.lnSVillr• Jfp was horn I n ay 0 c 00 Spi'HllarC'hlter·lur.rl nf 1\alamaZ<III l'<rllil'ill'l Jr,J\1fnr liretill• Serve Communl"ty al i'l,llnfll'lrl a11rl .riiPrHled Mlll- tlrr. .Jimmy Lynch thnll show S.lt­ urrlay after noon and night, Mnn· J~nsl Slrlo ~l'iwol. 'I'IH',I ll'l' \\'lit Ic- vrlll' sr liool IH'for enrolling al ,/PI I y fl.osirPr, !J, 11.111 .r narr Ill\' Resume Monday e ,rgPr .Joy 0. Davis said. Tractor· Ing 11111 plans tor H l'i<'lll<'lllat·l Hldtatd llil',>s, l'XP('IItlvr• lil'r'· fllllSVIIIr•, fir• II'IIS grariLtoll!•d f1om eSrd)JC flolll SI'IIIIIIS III)IIJ'V 'J'II!'Ii pulling Is scheduled for Wednes· Cln Ltlt r:ou~t lu1o1s are due 1o dass rooms, a hlg- l>lnrlerg<~l'lr>n Jl'lat,l of the Lc~nslng Corn­ till' IJ.rn:,vrllf• sl'iwol In lfi:Jo. IIi~ day mornmg al 1111• rnler·ser lion rl.ry after·noon and horse-pulling IIAIUtY 1•:. CIJANIJUm will become drlel ol th1• M.tson poltct' ret Lilli lo Mason Monday wlwn room and a lrll'kPI' room Thr muntl,\ l'hP~t. told Mawn J(J. IVIfl' Is 1111• former flel!•ll Gorsline of CPdnt• alld Colllillllla. Ill' rnn dep11rtment beginning 1. llr. n:pln<'!'S Chief R.tlph I I<Ill nn Thursday and l~rlday after- l~ebruary criminal Jury trials Will be re­ locker 1oom will Ill' fn1 us<• o[ wanlnn~ 'l'lll'~tia~ night how till~ of Willulmsloll. 'l'lwv ll.ti'P 2 Into lire path nf one r·.1r .rnd noonR. who Is completing 18 years of police work In Ma~un. lfall will SJ'JI'e sumed. high sf'IJOoi' atlrlclk lt•ams usrng ellllllllllllily .tnd nllrcrs near Lan· lliildrl'll, 'l'nm, I:J, nnrf Janet. 12. dud<ed •m. y only ro llr> 1111 hy 1 fl.cpt·escntlng the Ingham fah· lhe l'ity as desk sergeant under u new pollee Sl'l·up .1gr•eprl on nl Athletic fiPid wltwh arl]11ins tlrr• sing proflr from Che~t agenl'ies. 'f'IH' IH'\1' I'OI'Oill'l' \\'.IS long anotili'J [[P was rf'il'llsC'd from the city council meeting Mond11y night. Wcdncsd.ty mutning ,Judge new sdwol srte. Community Clwsl organlwtlon dl'l rw• in of Mason Gi'JWt .11 I \Vr>rlncs· hoarrl at the Detroit convention ·~llnror ~hnmher· IH1~prl" In the plclur·r· Chandler puts the emph.Jsis on one of i\l,lson'~ Cluull•s II ll<tyden CXI'Uscrl The sdwol drslllr'l bought IIH• 1tesults In eco11omy and PHI· C'mnnH'J'I'P Ill La11srng. lie Is a lrtay mm·nlng whnn csaminalions nf f,dr organizations were Davis, ~top ~lgns. teplo~ec IUl'OJs until Mundny Emery Klr· site l.rst ye,11 • 11 Is bouml1•d 1111 l'ierwy i11 fund talsi11g, Hlcl<~ llll'nllwr of l'ill-{i'lrn Congregation- I evealrorl 1111 hr olwn hlliii'S Otto Hartig, Clarence 0. Puffen· new It's red and white and In limP wtll tltP herge1·, Frank Preuss, .Tt•,, K. G conventional yellow and white signs. by waived llll'l' Irial. Albert Van lhe south by Atlllellr· field, on said Overlwo~d in united <'•lin·, ,II rhlltlh, Lansing f\iw,mrs clllh, \. , ilif' ·ill' , lr·e re Camp h,lrJ also waived jury trial lhro easr hy property llonring pargns, lw explained, approxl· Amlll' lodge I' & A M and the ' 11011 1rng 111 ' 10 1 Brown, Derwood Dickinson and ChanrJier joined tho Mason pol tee clcp,lllnwnt , in November fo1 Thursday No court is gcn· Jiall boulr>var·d and on the nmtil llldlt> on<' l111it nf one per· <'t•nt, r () 0 )~ ' ' pori, IIH• bfl\ 1\'.JS 1111 Ills way to Clay Hulett. with an unclelslancling with the city police committee that l1e would · · sl'iwol \\'o~ll{lllf~ IVPsl on ('olum· <'!'ally ~cl fm· Mo1son Fridays. hv property fl'llnling Ash street whrle sepa1niP rlr·rvPs often tai<P Proh,llr• ,/Jirlgr .John McCil'lldn, bra. )If' 1'111 oii'I'IIS•. Ill IIH• 'Ollth D,1vls, who completed his term hecome pollee chief upon the retirement of Ball. Although Il,IIJ ('ollnll' ('IPJI\ (' llnss lfillrard 1\irhy, charged w1th !Paving There is ~n enlranl'r. on StN•i<' 22 pe1· tent ot tl'r'Pipts as president of the Mlchrgan hasn't retired he has agreed to turn over the chief's dulres Jo .r 11 rJ l'rosJ•culor Challes P. Cham- sirle of ilw ~tll'rl and IIH•n dmg the scone nf an acctdcnt, not only str·eel, at thP end ol Elm 'l'lter·c Ifieks lislerl tho nllmhl'rs of Assocration of fairs, presided at Chandler. waived jury tnal, he waived serv· is .tlso a lighl·of·ll'oil' 1llllnectinl-{ inrlrvldu,tls ,IJ1d families sPJVI'd lrr·rlarn llllder 1111' law harl the onall\' oll'l'flliS Ihi' Slllllll (I sl.ltlon all the sessions, including Tucs Desk sergeant is a new post in the Mason polil'e depttt I mont Ices oJ <1 l.twver.
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