► At IV AtAvr u aanrKw fy>wia TTTisnAr, Kr)vm nneit»L''i< iOatirlitBter lEtttning Iftralii TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1980

CbapUitAr. No, 17, Mra. Eleanor L. Colby and Wil­ B^Ulam M. McBridi who re­ The Woman's Miaslonary Socie­ chairman of the eommittee wlU be Have Your Chest Checked Before the Drive Ends Dec, 8 PlAAblAd AnArloanBan WarWi VotoranA liam F. Scott were united In mar- cently returaed from Um mlaalon ty of the TalcottvUle CWigrega- Cljorus as Guest easieted by Ernest Bush, Raymond l a ^ T o ^ win moAt thlA Avanlng at Atght rlage last Wedneaday evening at field In Chile, South America, la tkmel church will open their an­ Smith, end Sherwood Robb mem- HATS CLEANED o*clod( At thA SUtat Lana Oom- the Center Congregational church. conducting aetVleee nightly at nual Christmas heaaar at the bera of hie committee. TverageDally N et P ress Ron The ceremony was performed by 7:45 at tha Ooapel haU, 415 CM- church tomorrow afternoon at Qf Rotary Club AND BLOCKED . OMM 9t tiM The young people who aaaieted In For the Weak Badtag The Weather efairch win held Rev. Clifford S lm ^ n . Mr. and ter street. This will be the fourth 8:80. A cafeteria sUpper will be the chorua of the Minstrel show Mra, Richard P. Foater, of 199 wrack. No eervicea wrlU he held aerved from five to seven o'clock. HENRVS Rovaai|tov8S,lMe raraaeat at P. S, Waeikar Benee Its HdatUST WAtlRir At T:48 U>- Ifyatio Rarlaw, W.B.A, membera The Mancheeter Rotary Club will wrlll be the guests of the club to­ Shoe Service .Dry TTraatag ■ ■awwr «T«tlnC tb« church. a n roqtiaatad to meet tomorrow Main atreet, attended the couple. Saturday evening. night. Avenlng at aeven o'clock at Sum­ After a brief honeymoon in New Mrs. WUliam E. Hunniford of meet tonight at the Country Club 349 No. Mata St. -Depot Sq. Taday. clMdy and oNdw. maw lU t. 9rporstlon todsy made sn undis­ Gloom Cole. Mra. Harry Connolly and the UnKed Nations Oommander. said MacArthur's devislon to 1 a u k s, Cxmverge on an elderiy Norwalk woman on the placed. French criticism centers closed wage offer to the CIO H«lht«r StrMf School Mra. Claude Porter, will aerve tev CHRISTMAS bead with a monkey wrench, and "It has been necessary to leave launch an offensive a week ago coffee and deaaert. around what Is described In Paris control of operations very much United Steelworkers. Union Pres­ Kuiiu, Through Which Audlforium “CAROSEL” why, reported today they received was against the advice of both the As Red China BAZAAR For This Wednesday, Nov. 29 as MacArthur's "tendencies to mix In the hands of the United Natlone French and British diplomatic ident Philip Murray promptly only “no comment" for an answer. military and political affairs.” 2 U. N. Divisions Made Membera of the Army and Navy THE MIRACLE DISH TOWELS commander, provided always that missions In Tokyo. called his top policy makers to­ DECEMRER 1 — 8 P. M. club are aaked to meet at the 8AT„ DEC. * Nevertheless, ho was booked on In Britain's House of Commons, where his plana might Involve Terming the news from Korea gether to consider the proposal. Flouts the U. N. (sood Their Flight Donation OOo clubhouae tonight at aeven o'clock, 1:00 to 6:00 P. M. WITH ASBESTOS HBREX five charges, including aggravated Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin questions of general policy there from where they will proceed to “exceptionally grave," the Inde Across Chongchon Riv­ CAKE SALE Knights of Columbus Home aasault, in two towns. " said there had been "some mlsun- must be proper consultation on The log jam In the current steel M am — RefreshmentA the Burke Funeral Home to pay derotandlng" about MacArthur'# such matters.” negotiations broke suddenly with their reapecta to George Tedford. 188 MAIN ST. Box of 3 Both These Stores Will Give Mrs. Idonah Slade Perkins, 65, (Ceatlnaed on Page Two) See-Scant Ho|m> of Local­ er; Foe .30 Miles from Hand-Made Aprons, estranged wife of a reputedly Murray reporting he was calling Handkerchiefs, Knitted Goods, .98 69e Each wealthy lawyer living In the Phil­ both the USW Ehiecutive Board ising Korean War; Churrcfl Pyongyang Candy, Home Made Foods, ippines, pointed at Sul from her and the Wage-Policy committee Wu Antugonizcfi Noii- "White Elephant." Booth What a wmnderful gift—eo practical. Dryt more dlahea faater bed in a Bridgeport boapital last State Is Set to Ask View on Rent Into session. Seoul, Nov. '29.—-okesman at advanced U. S. to look at various properties as firm that sn agreement has been Eighth Army Headquarters said possible real astote investments. Was Shinbone Hartford, Nov. 29 — (P) — The Tax; Fight Statehood will *peak from his office In The children will love these gay printed towels and face clotha. reached on the union's demands the Ntato Department one Communist column had cut "Pistol Pete." "Mistress Mary," "Brother,” "Sister" and others. From Rogues' Gallery pletures, State Government, vriiose financial for "a very healthy and substantial within SO miles of the former Red JARVIS Hit JWHAIC CORR police say, she has identifled the condition was the subject of con­ Washington, Nov. 29.—(P)— wage increase.” Korean capital of Pyongyang. other man as Joseph Jaraako, 31, AidP Says She Treas­ siderable argument during the re­ President Truman's appeal for a Lake Success, Nov. 29 —(/P)— R EA LT Y CO . MaNCHMTHi Ceuw The Executive Board of the Sen. Owen Brewster (R,, Me.) He said the Red force was near O' a Bridgaporter of no certain ad- cent political campaign, la getting stop-gap extension qf the Feder­ USW Is composed of Murray, two United Nation* circle* privately Binchang northeast of the old cap­ 664 CENTER ST. dress. He la being sought. ured Lamp Made of ready to float a 810.000,000 loan. thumps his fist an be rails for the CANNON al Rent Control law ran up other Interastlonal officers and 33 use of the atomlr bomb agalnet expresed forebodings today on the ital but did not disclose Its sin . PH O N E 4112 SuL 88-year-old ax-oonviet iden­ ‘ Governor Chester Bowles has au­ district directors from all parts of chances of localising the bitter Ko­ At least three other Red Chi­ tifled by police aa Uie “silent part­ Leg and Tattooed thorised State Treasurer Joseph A. agatnat Increasing "let It die" sen­ the Chineee Communist troope at­ the country. tacking U. N. foreea la Korea. rean fighting In view of the Chin­ nese columns were rsported toll­ Q GIFT TOWEL SETS ner” of a Norwalk real estate Skin; She Denies It Adorno to borrow the money to timent In Congress today. ese Communist*' unyielding atti­ ing down through th* Tokchon o Arm, was arrested late Monday make up deficits In the general Hit Faster Tempo (AP WIrephoto). MKaaa af b S k * ^ Senator Maybank (D., S. C.), The Wage-Pollw<^mmlttee con­ tude. gap In wide sweeps against the boMm (oaccatraied night aa he checked Into a Bow­ fund cash account and to enable This feeling prevailed even In Allies’ exposed right flank. in little lady Deb CEHOUSESSW ery flophouse In New York. Two Augsberg, Germany, Nov. 29.— the state to pay its current bills. said, however, that the critical sists of the E^tecutivS'R^rd plus ^ Aa a I IM (P)—Guests at s birthday party representatives from USW locals those Non-Cnmmiinist delegations Hit Left Flank OVPBatC MBL detectives posing as vagrants Adorno, a Republican who was turn of the war In Korea may help' that had urged bringing the Chin­ AAly Its * HALE'S 1.98 Set W E GIVE ^^G REEN STAMPS made the arrest. for Ilse Koch declared a lamp reelected In the November 7 elec­ from coaatTo coast. » Giant Bookie Thia was where Oommuniat at­ made of human skin and a human push through a brief continuance The |Wage-Policy Committee ese Reds to Lake Success In the plw fed. Mt tion Ih which Bowles, a Democrat, of the program. hope Mme conciliatory agreement tacks earlier had crumpled thre* Smart packaged put up with 2 solid color bath towels and 3 shinbone was the most successful consists of tbs Executive Board South Korean divisions. face cloths. AU coliolors. went down to defeat, aaked for could be worked out. Headquarters gift of all, a witness at her trial permission to borrow 17,600,000 Federal rent controls e;cpirc plus repreuentatives frofo USW Ring Raided Peiping’s spokesman, Wu Hslu- Another Chinese* force was re­ Danbury P. A. testified today. late in October to meet state ex­ Dec. 81 under the present law. ex­ locals frjom coaat to coasL Chuan, blasted many of those ported attacking for the first Urn* POR The red-haired widow of the penses. cept in communities which vote to The Wage-Policy Contmittee hope* In the Security Council yes- on the extreme left flank, but the Miia'a a tM qr foa'M lone to pkk. former Buchenwald eoncentrotion At that time. Governor Bowles, keep them In effect for another group puls the final stamp of In the Bro)p^ tsHgy when he made It plain the spokesman did not givo ths.loca* to fc iiljr far tlw Iw8i8as deb, thia Club B urns camp commander Is on trial be­ campaigning on a balanced budg-. six months. Mr. Truman haa aak- proval on'iaich momentous'Tnatf^ Chinese Communists had no Inten­ Uon. fore s Germoa court, oocused of td ter a 90-day extension m ' the as MtflhlgVvcontract wtOiXU. S. jAifcili^ soulsd bvhMc billi s topped wii "My Blouse Is A JUDY BOND" et plank, said the request was tion of withdrawing from Korea. A Chinese breakthrough in instigating the murder of 45 in­ "purely Mlltical.” current toort Msalon, pending a Stsel or going on striks. oVse- Officer Says Coitibine Informants felt his stinging at­ foro* to th* YsUow Beg wowd seal Ifce Ptifi— i l p y y . Fetched attractivel mates, the attempted murder of Ifowles Olvaa OK new study of th t Issue next >ear ctolon, Murray has giysn the pub­ tack on United States glides In off large elements of th* 110,000- Blaxe AcroM from Fire 185 others and brutality. by the 82nd Congress. Jitop dto bettfc, dto dtiqr ia actatllf a Yesterday Adorno upped his es­ lic the results of tbs Executive Is Biggest Operat the Orient widened the gulf be­ man force lighting for lU life In Headquarter* Brings She served four years of a com timate of the amount neceasary to Seek Key Views Board’s meetings but he often tween Mso Tze-Tiing’a regime snd the nortiiweat. jpri»f|B A ipiceaceaBBfceoceiitiatedi muted life sentence on a U. B, war $10,000,000 and the Governor Msybank heads the Senate keeps the decisions a secret until ing in New York the Non-Oommunist world. The Chinese Red attack was parAaM ia the heiit of ifae Dower, la ad- Heavy Damage crimes eonvietion. The Germans granted his permission without a Banking committee, which ar­ after the Wage Policy Committee Watch (ksmmnna Debate mounted by 200,000 or mors are trying her for crimes alleged­ public statement. meeting. City; 6 Men Nabbed India's Sir Benegsl Rsu, who dhiaa. it awy be detached fiom the u p of r a n t a closed meeting today to troopa with more pouring In Danbiwy, Conn., Nov. 29.—(P)— ly committed against German and Philip H. Coombs, the Gover­ get the view# of key administra­ haa been expected to take the lead steadily from Manchuria. ^the bottle aod w on as a beautiful acces- The Polish-American Cltls^ Austrian nationals. ^ nor’s economic adviser, said that tion officials regarding a tempo­ New York, Nov. 29—(P)—An In conciliation efforts with the HIx Chlneae Armies Joseph Ackermann, inmate-sec­ elaborate bookmaking combine Chinese Reds, said he had no plan iofjr oa the drew or carried in the h»nd- ■ club located in the second floor of Adorno's request in (^tober was rary extension. Scheduled to tes­ The spokesman said six Chinese a two-story brick building at 8-12 retary to the camp's chief sur­ premature and was rejected for tify were W. Stuart Symington, Michigan Poll doing busincaa estimated by po­ to confer with the Peiping repre­ b s( far A f-ktig glamour. lice at 8250,000 a d»y—was raid­ sentatives today. armies now have been Identified Ives street directly across the geon, Dr. Waldemar Hoven, told that reason and not because of chairman of the National Security In Korea. Elements of ona Chinese a three-judge German court .of the politics. Coombs aaid it was de­ Repourcea Board; Alan Valentine. ed last night and seven men ar­ MORE— atreet from City Fire headquar­ rested. Britain, which Ilka India recog­ army known to have been in cen­ Ranges, Refrigerators ters was g u tt^ In a general birthday party and said he had sirable to defer borrowing as long Director of Ek»nomlc Stabiliza­ Sparks Again tral China ay, week ago. hs said, EMBROIDERED alarm Are early today. been charged with seeing that the as possible to save Interest pay­ tion; and nghe Woods, who aa Aaaiatant Chief Inspector James nized the Peiping regime, also has lamp was sent to the Koch house­ ments. Housing Expediter is in charge of R. Kennedy, who led the raiders, no Intention at tills stage to con­ were attacklnjt.tfae Eighth Army’s Washers and AU Four establishments in the made the estimate and said "there tact thf Chinese Reds here. A northern front. Xround floor of the structure suf­ hold. Borrowed Recently the rent program. Re-Elected Governor MANCHESTIR DRUG Ilse denied all the charges. In advance of that meeting. Is no doubt In my mind that this British source said his delegation The first observed Chinese Red Other AppUances PILLOW CASES fered damage from tons of water The new borrowing will bring the Is the biggest bookmaking outfit does not with to speak or vote In tonka were reported acroes th* 707 MAIN STR|!ET hurled into the building by fire­ state’s short-term loans to a total Senator Tobey (R., N. H.), a Says GOP Tries to member of the committee, said he In the city." the Security Council this after­ Chongchon, rumbling from the men as they fought to halt the of 815,500,0(^. The state borrowed Swipe the Election noon unless circumstances develop west on Aunu, eastern anchor of N» MOSES, Reg, Phanti,——T^L, 2-4S41 iwJW.HAMm.. fast spreading flames. These were 85,500,000 several months ago. thought earUer he might go On an annual baaia—about 878. th* shrunken Allied line. i Pair, Boxed along with an extension but now 000,000 counting the Biindaya with to a point where such actions a storage p ^ t of the H. J, Hey- Organize New Coombs said the Governor’s of­ would be necessary. Kunu was the ssuape gate man H ardm re Company which fice still was of the opinion that la "Inclined to let the law die." He Lansing, Mich., Nov. 29.—(/r>— no racing—Kennedy's figure would added: After a more or less gentle time pale Harry Gross’ 820,000,000-t- through which U. S. 20th and Pastel colored embroidery and all white embroidered cases boxed. owns the building; a tailor shop Incoming tax receipts, due in March Second Division troops poured after Good quality. operated by Simeon Nlckoloff and Church Body "My observation ia that the ma­ of It lately. Michigan's merry-go- year gambling ring In Brooklyn, and April, will more than make raided months ago. croeaing the Chongchon. The Rads f ^ e r D. Zalla; the White Eagle up for the temporary deficits and jority of the commitee seems to round over Its- governor's election taVem operated by Vincent Wro- feel, the same way about It." spun fast again tod^. The ring raided last night was Living Costs were attacking from three sides. put the state back on a pay-as-you- reported by police to have been op Kunu’s tote was in doubt. bel and tha Danbury Used Fumi- Group Represents Thir* go basis. Adorno and other state Sees S9-Dsy Extension • Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Senators Brlcker (R., Ohio) and Williams accused the Republican- crating at its Bronx headquarters Tbs U. S. 24th Division last was Co«np*ny opwated by John J. officials have disputed this view­ for about ten days. GIFT HANDBAGS O'Connbr. ty-two Million Com­ point, contending there will be a Flanders (R„ Vt.), also membes controlled Board of Canvassers of At Record High reported In the Pakchon area north i ------—I------of the committee, came out flatly shenanigans” and a power-grab Kennedy, head of Police Com- of the Changchon. guarding an es­ TOP deficit when the fiscal biennium miasloner Thomas F. Murphy's Top handle atylea In faille, auedine, broadcloth and plastic calf municants in the U. S. ends next June 30. against any extension. In refusing to certify his re-elec­ cape roiite over the Anju river Also smart new party bags. Maybank told a reporter he tion. Confidential Squad, aaid the com­ General Motors Work- bridge on the far we»t or left side VALUE Cleveland, Nov. 29.—(P)—^The thinks the committee will approve Immediately, Republican Secre­ bine employed men both In New of the Allied line. National Oouncil of the Churches a short extension—perhaps for 80 tary of SUte Fre!d M. Alger, Jr., York City and at racetracks ers Hope for Three News Tidbits throughout the nation. But the Eighth Army spokes­ of Christ—manifesting “the es­ Pleven Fights days. He said he expects the chairman of the Board, replied (Jent an Hour Raise man said no enemy contact was 2.98-3.98 Each Cubed Proi|i (A>) Wires sential oneness" of 29 Protestant real battle to come on the Senate that Williams was being "terribly The raid was on a store with and Ekwtem Orthodox churches— floor, with “plenty of opposition” premature.” false walla Inside, and green made Wednesday In the 24th Divi­ ' Plua lb s was bom today. there to a continuance. The three-man board, consist­ opaque windows. The bookies neg­ Washington, Nov. 29 --(4')—A sion sector. PoUoe torow roodMoedu

, . J. >«tt> MAiT/mmerrTD rnm e Trnran*i^ vnvnilfltRP»l ‘iT'-w* ^T*'yy

"H ' MANCHESTER EVENING HBKAJLU. MAMCHC8I1CR. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 19M Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MAivc,iiii.oii:.ri, wOisih., ifiuu.'iiiisDAi., i\oVEi.iKKu 29, luso PAGE TinuMi < ty of the Bridgeport Public Health chief source o f Income is by the the president, M n . K ay 'Thompaon. that the city*# 1861 budcat bO *».• END* TODAY Nuraee Aaaociatlon, the camp and ■ale of Easter seals. There are It was voted to hold only one 8KS63, a record high. Approval Camp Director Jarvis Buys "F L L GET B Y” —4tolor such axlata, la a matter tor eourt Uon of the Charter Ravlalon Oom- pmeetlng in Mur- vacation last July and August. In a letter to Mayor Harold A. legal opinion to that effect waa of time, and might Involve court the cafeteria at the William Hall rested at' 9:30 p.m, yesterday by approximately 20 acrca of land n u fi dation of the General ManaTer". I recommended • by the General that all officers appointed by the at Its recent meeting, providing phy'a Restaurant an illustrated High^chool In West Hartford. Fourteen coiinselera weic employ­ Police Lieutenant Raymond F. Turklngton today. Attorney Introduced at the second Novem­ am very much aware of the Inten- , Manager, subject to the final ap- comprialng the larger part o f th? Board of Directors continue to for a joint statement of fact to (Oaatlaued on Ihige Fourteen) talk on the work the Connecticut Three More Cabins Needed ed, yoiirtg college students for the Griffin on Center atraet. The ac­ former Boyla farm at Mancheater ber. session of the Directors. Society tor Crippled Children >a most part Interested In welfare Charles 8. House resigned as town 'nils caused the Directors ' to Mr. Greene said at the prhaent cused was driy|ng a trailer truck. Green. The alte la bounded by nouoi counsel, which post the mayor doing for them each aiinimer at work, or therapy. Vernon atreet. Middle Turnpike vote tor re-examlnatlon o f the La­ thia camp. Formerly the proper- time there are four cabins for boys Mr. Greene stated that boys and Other casea disposed of this and some members of the Board Belle appointment by asking each and three for glrla, a n d ^ t least morning were: Gabriel P. Sellg, 31, east and Greenwood drive. Jarvia o f Directors assert he has contin­ glrla confined to Wheel chairs, or alao purchased a amaller parcel on nominee to file a statement of three more cabins are neRed. The who are obliged to wear braces re­ 40 Harvard avenue, Brookline, rStoiy' ued to occupy on the basis of a le­ Greenwood drive from Marie C. "facts" which then, for unbiased SKEIVlM64ill1MnMfv quire more attendants, and are not Mass., overtime parking, |3 bond gal opinion which claims the ap­ decision, would be handed to aome OPEN WED. AFTERNOONS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! ^ 0 0 forfeited; Hamdi H. Uzdizar, 31, Dalton. pointment 'earlier this month of admitted at established private The larger part of the Boyle out-of-state legal authority. campa tor children. E ve ry tl^ g 83 Beverly Hills, W’est Springfield, ^ Attorney John D. LaBelle was not This course LaBelle has refused Maas., overtime parking, 13 bond farm fronting on the existing ' in order. possible Is done to give yiem a roada haa already been sold off to follow, asserting that any lack FEMAIE healthful vacation, and to provide forfeited; James Danston, 41, 38 At its organization meeting and built on under dlapo.sal agree- 2nd BIO HIT of form In the appointment, If entertainment and recreation both Redding street, Hartford, overtime parking, fined |3;. Myer L. Isen- menta worked out between the New Sectionals for Young America fiM MAMOi indoors and out. A t the close of lio.fs Boyle eatate and John R. Allen. It 9 burg, 60, 190 West Seaman avenue, Don’t ‘doae* yeimelf. Rob the achiag An you troubled by dittreee of his talk he answered many ques­ ,w lov- Sl-'V " 'f nd Unbelievably Low PriceJ.'As Yoh Con See; tions, Indicating the Interest of his Freeport, N. V., overtime parking, la the largo Interior part of the for 3-scction sofa . . . includos pwt wan with Mnatarole. Its. past ftmsls faneUooal psriodio dlstuH» tract which Jarvia has acquired. tlB-raUeving medieatioa spsedi (rash eoeMt Dom this maks you suSsr audience and their hope that they $3 bond forfeited. a editor section and a right from paia. fsti so nervous, tirsd— A warrant was ordered Issued tor To Start Work at Once Slood to the palaful area, briniiat at such times? Than M try Lydls ■. may be able to assist In this and left arm soclion. worthwhile work, and in promot­ Victor Dowling, 27, of 301 North This morning Jarvis said lie amaalDt raliaf. U pria Is iataasa— Ptnkhsm's Vesttsbla Compound ta ■will start at once to develop the •a-a» W buy Bstra Stroag Mustarole. tsIlsN such symptoms. Ptokbamli ing wider use of the little seals at Quaker lane,'West Hartford, who erbn eH’S property, as soon as a layout has Gossip Behch SHOE STORE bas a grand soothing efect no ans the Faster aeason. failed to appear on a charge ef A * * 1 - of woman's most important orysnsl Mrs. Frances Taylor, vice pres- , making a U turn, been drawn and accepted. Several 82S MAIN STREET iMUSt er o LE ident presided In the absence of > add two The Herald Angle st. hd. streets wiU be laid out from exist­ $ 3 2 - 5 0 inUE.rillKIHM’Si!SS!!^ ing main road entrances tO' the property. Jarvia said lie has not Diinmn rityfo style similar to yet decided on the type or size of IlliistniUon, but with a pierced BURTON'S...FOR BESTe ■ — S|- . house that will be built, noting biu'k design nnd full length seat that this decision awaits further roverel In pliistlc. Shelf for consultation with the FHA. tcleplione nnd spnee for direc­ Since a ban on the small four ivhen you crutt tb/U tory. room house with two unfinished rooms upstairs goes into effect B U R N S I D E T r here January 1, some other type raiTMia I Mtn m4 MAiwaMTia "ttU, durk *nd handsom^’ fooling may be built. However, Jarv.s pie- 1 TOP HITS—a OBIiAT STARS SANTA SALE! IT'S A GIFT! vioualy has Hied notice Uiat he I t'erMi Wilds daas Wz-aiaa wilt fight the ban In the courts U you wear a Kuppenheimtt it is imposed. Such action might Llada Uarasll Kirk Dsaflaa not be connected with the new de­ That iwoet old guy with the whisker.c has been crowding us "2 FLAGS "The Glasa CLASSIC velopment. WEST” Menagerie” out of our QUgrterB! So out comes the mark-down pencil £ Until a survey la completed. prices and bringing you .some of Burton’a famoui OUR Jarvis said today, he will not a;M - ia:as ajia I know Just how many lota will be BLUE I laid out in the tract. ^ S>«„ 1 p. m. A Or«at Kids Shaw NOW COTTON QUILT Sna., “ rU Gat B)” —la calar MATERNITY DRESSES...... Values to 10.98------6.00 I i i Dalai Treasure EASY FBEi: PARKING DRESSY DRESSES...... Values to 7.98.. . . 5.00 iNj Toled to Safely DRESSY DRESSES...... Values to 10.98 6.00 841 MAIN ST. EASTWOOD $1 Reserves a COACHMAN'S IConttooed from Page One) KROEHLER A DRESSY DRESSES ...... Values to 14.98.. L A N E C h est ...... Values to J6.98.. men*, recruited from higher class j 'a n e LINDA DRESSY DRESSES .. Tibetan families. The report did not WYMAN D A R N iX L Modem, Colonial and 18th Ota- tury styles . . . walnut, ma­ make clear whether the officials KIRK JOSEPH I DRESSY DRESSES ...... '.Values to 19.98.. ROBE hogany, maple, blonde flnlshsa had gone to fight or negotiate. COTTKN DOUGLAS with solid red cedar Interiors; ...... Values to 10.98.. The newspaper report said the For thosa fraquant TEEN-SIZE DRESSES Chinese invaders, composed of "The Glass "Tw o Flags liiino's moth insurance policy la Ineluded...... Values to 50.00.. about 10,000 men, had reached' Menagerie" West” occasions that prescribe a SPORT COATS ...... S::s-«:SS-t;55 1:4S-I:2( Sachuka, 175 airline miles cast of "dark and dressy* suit, there’s STORM COATS ...... Values to 39.98.. IS A WONDER! Lhasa. Advance units were in the. vicinity o f Gamdia Dzong, 120 nothing like a Kuppenbeimer LINED RAYON SUITS ...... Values to 17.98.. miles east of Lhasa, the States­ SUN.: "riA l GET BY"—fiolor man said. Qassic Blue to give you poise, SPORT SUITS ...... Values to 40.00.. polish and perfection! This deep, SPORT SUITS ...... yslues to 65.00.. at only Europe Fears New rich, vibrant blue does a quiet SPORT JACKETS ...... Values to 16.98.. World War Near job of dranutizing you; Kup- penheimer's talL trim ^yling B AJN C O A*$B ...... Values to 19.98. (Conttoued from Page One) works mirades. WOOLEN SKIRTS ...... Values to 14.98.. m pendent lim es of London said "this General Eleetrio WOOLEN SKIRTS ...... Values to 10.98.. latest stroke has set the United I Nations in the field and at the ...... Values to 7.98.. 8.98 ELECTRIC WOOLEN SKIRTS ...... coupcU tables a veiy serious prob­ ...... Values to 3.98., lem which may be full of forebod­ BLANKET NYLOijN S W E A TE R S ...... ing.” BLOUSES ...... Values to 4.98. . London'a Liberal News Chronicle t OUR WONDERFUL COTTON- declared: "The International situa-| $ 4 8 -9 5 JUNIOR GIRDLES ...... Values to 5.98. tlon haa been Immeasurably wors­ <5UILTED BEAUTY WITH ITS ened almost overnight by the de­ Rich, fleecy blanksta, 75% Ana FAMOUS-NAME GIRDLES .Values to 10.98. liberate, carefully prepared, but wool, with deop ribbon biml- SWIRLY SKIRT AND DEEP quite unprovoked intervention of Ings. Launder beautifully. Set the control to desired temper­ Chlneae Communists divisions In an investm$nt in good appgaranen You can arrange ature and you'll sleep anugly CAVALIER CUFFS, HAS TWO Korea.” warm. BURTON'S CHILDREN'S SHOP BIG COMFY POCKETS! and re-arrange 4-WAY SNOW SUITS ...... Values to 19.98. . . -16.98 HAVE YOUR PARTY, You’ll get a wonderful thrill out of BANQUET OR HUDDING your living nwm’s individual smart­ STORM COATS ...... Values to 22.98.. . .16.98 RECEPTION IN SHE'LL LOVE ITS WARMTH CkHOllSESSOia ness, when you furnish with section­ FELT H A T S ...... ' z Price CAVEY'S als. You can really show off your flair WITHOUT WEIGHT , . . AND a V t iii 'ixAMp/ New Modern p r i v a i ;k DiNiNcr r o o m for decorating. Be.st of all, these are THE GUARANTEED WASH- PHONE SMt Sectionals that are kind to your bud­ Lam ps get. A 3-a.ection sofa in tapestry is ABILITY OF IT ALL! only 8159 . .. in boucle only 8179. And we have Kroehlej-’s new suntan finish ■ ------$5.95 NOW MdlcTiing Arm Chair $59 table.s that are made to go with sec­ BUY IT IN QUAINT CALICO tionals. See them all . . . Thursday! [STATE p l !a y i n g New arrivals in modern de­ PRINTS IN SIZES 12-20. sign lamps with decorator SPECIAL GIFT PURCHASE styled shades. Lovely new pastel colors. Hurry ini Use Our Lay-Away To Reserve MULTI-FILAMENT , ROBE DEPT. SALE! a-women your choice for Christmas THURSDAY ONLY! CASUAL , CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' Red C ed ar CHAIRS W ardrobe f r CREPE SLIPS RUBBER BOOTS $ 2 9 * 5 0 $ 3 8 -8 8 Regi:lar $49.95 value. Big aisa A new and more that holds dozens of garments, with added storage space IM- comfortable version low for blankets. Solid rad of this popular cedar in natural finish. Shop 2.98 ^ A chair: ideal for soon. cocktail, television AAADE TO SELL f OR SO MUCH MORE! i h tl f ‘ ^ r . I n d » f »1 parties. r R«9Hlar 4.00 VoIim !

• A LAVISH COLLECTION Chadran's SIim Gov. Winthrop Style Kneehole Style • BY FAMOUS MAKERS SPECIAL GIFT PURCHASE 5 to 12 • HIAVH.Y LACED . Miss#*' SiiM $ 6 9 - 9 5 $ 49.95 • NYLON TRIMMINGS A standard size desk with FOUR ser­ 18th Century full pedestal base desk • SUFIRBLY TAILORED pentine drawers . . . each with keyhole With six deep roomy drawers, including PEARL NECKLACES escutcheon plates. Automatic slides one double-depth filing drawer. Salem ByffMtmi-HUtHIWlOW support opened lid. Authentic pigeon­ mahogany finish. A generous size work • WHm OR PINK. hole interior. Rich mahogany toish. table top. Special value! DARRYLF.^UCK JOSEPH L. MANKIEWICZ • s u n 8M4 P la s T a x , A pietura • pm iCT FOR GIFT GIVING .'.i ■ . 1 BUDGET TERMS: 1S% Down deUvers STORE HOURS: Open Wed. ARem ooM by day; "LONaY HEART BANDtrS” Through a fortunate torstory porchaae, wo are able to giva you Items of $50 or more (no money down on Until Christmas . . . Open Thurm. ’t* 8 P. SL a Ilf bt at VALUES TO 7.9B PLUS. outotaadtog value! Two popular atytea . . . with Instep Items under $50); IS monthn to pay. (other days to fi:$0). Open eveotoga by ap- night. . . 1.98 GOLD FRAME MIRRORS haa a 8- • HUNDRRDk TO CHOOSE FROM strap on aide . . . pocket afe«p . . wam^ Bned. potetmeat. Every w antd aize, jihape, from way switch JUST IN TIME FOR SANTA ... A WONDERFUL SPECIAL GROUP OF TWO TO STX- HI BOYS AND GIRLS!.... • G P T style . . . never has our selec­ for 3 de­ SH(AND PEARLS WITH LUXURIOyS .RHINESTONE CLASPS . . . SOME HAVE ANOTHER KIDDIES MATINEE BUY NOyV AND BE PREFAKEDI tion o f tnirrors been so varied # J W OP MANCHESTERMJ grees o f $ ligh t .. RHINESTONE DANGLES . . . THE MANUFACTURER’S ORIGINAL PRICE TAGS ARE e A.VI IB K A V aTAKT* AT 1 P. N. and 80 complete. Wonderful 14.95 Choice-a* STILL ATTACHED TO THESE AMAZING PEARL VALUES! g A T U K I / A T door* o p b n a t u noon values! aubjedte JEW ELRY DEPT. R O Y P O G IM In "MUY THE KID RBTUMiS" HENRY DICK SHOES FREE FA R K IN O in oar paved Mala S t Lot beside the l i h ^ s m PMs: KNMI Ronw — Fotliloa Show « k l C orfo t * store . .. . drive In. Ills MAIN ST OPHOSITE HIGH SCHOOL n p TO PARCNTS—C0 3 IK ALONG ALSO—JOIN IN THC FUNt 749 Main Sfrtot Stato Thootor RoHdinB WTWH A » ^ At A %f4 «■ I IIUBIV^VD r*rt\TW TL'OT\ A IT A,,, »■*

-HANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVB^MBER 29, 1960 VAOE F IV E MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1950 er in the State Labor Department tor»-alttlng In, continued until 1 discussion after a 12-hour receaa. P & W Strike building about 4:30 p. ml yeater- a. m. today, and at that hour a He would not comment on what Christmas Bazaar day. apbkeaman for the Board aald the progress, if any. had been made, Carter's WANTED wmc - I MM Is Called Off The aesathn, writh federal media- parties were going to resume their toward a settlement. V. F. W. - ROCKVILLE - IM.1 At the Citadel EXPERIENCED «**! - * forfar’» R a d io l, z * l« WORK every TIIURS. • “ ■?• ______. WTHT - IIM SHOES Lanl Minute Try by Me- w o i » - II Th# Salvation Army will hold CLOTHES CARPENTERS AT8P.M. its annual Chriatmaa bazaar at the FOR THE fliatorg Successful; To citadel on Thursday, December 7, For Painters, Cnriirnters, For Innide and Outnide WDRC—Dr. Christian. Seek AgrcenienI Work—Apply at v rb ftc—strtk* It Rich- WHAY—Morton Gould Con- commencing at three o'clock. Par­ Here it is. Mother! Plumbers PRINCESS BALLROOM* Rockvillo WTIC—BacluUKe WJIe. ducta. ticipating In the sale will be the ENTIRE FAMILY Hartford. Nov. 29. I». M. WKNB— Mtw«; R«-rn.s W. llhin’ . A real oil-Ttatc WKNB—Sportfc WDRC—Harold I’erry Show. In addition to the booths where • :| 0— aprons, crocheted and knitted FOR All THE FAMILY director of the Federal Mediation w all paint co v e n 4:1 goods, woodcraft novelties, "Aunt Service, that It postpone th- WPRO—Tank** Kitchen. WDRC—Mr. DUtrtct Attorney. molt lurfacci O n e WTHT—Mr. President. Jemima” doorstops and other gift WOMEN’S acheduled strike pending "furthei with one coat. wnC^LortMo J«w«- Items will be offered for sale there study of the issues a^ stake.” WHAT—Ncwo; Polka Hop. WDRC—Bing Crosby. WONS—Family Theater. . will be a food table, a iiarcci post LUXURIOUS SATINS Chlng asked union •flielal.s to :S »^ and a "white elephant" booth. meet him In Washington Friday 10 :00— WHAT—Newi. The basaar will continue Quilted and Novelty etylea ■ morning. They said t h e y would. WTHT—Hall of Faro*. throughout the evening and re- The union and company have Phon# /W ens/. Than corns In ilS-* WHAY—Newa: Moonlight Mati­ freahmenta will be served. . All colors. Felt uppi-ra— been arguing about wages since to sign and gst esah. Don't bor ACAMPUtt OF LOANS WTIC—Tounf Wlddar Brown. nee. ON n MOfflH PAf MINI riMa early In the year. row iinopcewsrily, but if a loan to ICiMh WTIC—Big Story. Hurd or Soft soles. The State Board of Mediation pay bill., for miHlical eip rn ie., iit.ft 278 JO S40.M WDRC—New*: Old Rocord Shop, Vi»«i opt WONS—Frank Edwards: Newa. and Arbitration, which announced CARRIAGE repstra. stc. ii the an.w.r, plion. Rapav »WHAY—Story Qti*en. WDRC—Boxing Bout. Monday that it wa.s going to take | /k n e w / lixlay. O i com * in. Wi, Monthlv $4 $ ia llOy* VS'THT—New*: Storyland. LARGE SIZE— REAL SLATE A laan •1 1100 caiti I/O 40 wkso 10:15— "one more crack" at ending the | MV “Ymi” to 4 out it( S — .ml geeioptlf IN If roM- w n c —When a OIrl Marries. WONS—I I-ove a Mystery. Doll's All Metal WALLHIDE tspoidfitlal««*i(i »f IIOOI aoeh. dispute, brought representatives ! p r o ^ l , ^ Issn . 83* to $S0O WONS—Mark Trail. WTHT—Guest Star, for only aAf*rt<8i fa loORi esemo* f'** of the union and company togctli- ' FLAT • SEMI-GLOSS • GLOSS •fi tIffiGtur* Alono »*r ^ w BtlS— 10:80— BLACK BOARDS WORC—The Old Record Shop, WTHT—Newa; Symphonetlc. 1.97 HIGH CHAIR w n c —Richard Diamond. fNf roMPAN ri IMMT URtS T6 say YM" w n c —Portia Faces Irif*. Why Thoasandt of Ooctera storkline thinks of everything. See ail the new feature.-! for baby's .safety and IrW/UC P/!//\Yr WHAT—Meet the Band. WONS—Jack'a Waxworks. WDRC—Music. prMcriba pfoagant taatiag Mother's convenience! Streamlined all-rhrome running gear wltli plastic adjustable Pittsburgh Paints FINANCE CO. • B:S4— handle and white rubber tires! Nylon-never-otl bearings; 4-wheel brakes! Two-tone Ind Floo, • STATI THEATRI BUIIDINO WTHT—Black Hawk, 11:00— News on all stations. MEN'S, BOYS’ 3 - 9 7 grey naugallt* upholstery with interior lining and .5-bow hoiai. Available In other 733 MAIN i m i T , MANCHIITIR, CONN. w n c —Just Plain Bill. Dial 3430 • C ..19. H.iki,,, YES MANog., WONS—Challenge of the Yukon. U ll5— r a n s s t / m covers to order! See this and other Storkline models at Watkins Stork (?luh WTHT—UN Highlights, Operas - Everetts BUSH HARDWARE COMPANY lien, m.df I# loitmli .1 flM tufiAundinq t.wni w n c —Mindy Carson Sings IBS M AIN HTRKKT WDRC—Curt Maasey and Mar­ WDRC—World Tonight. OFFICE OPEN TllllUSDAY EVENINfJS I NriL 8 tha TlHon. ■ Brown or .Maroon. 3.97 o Full Size— WONS—Jack's Waxworks. T«'o Tones. Sizes 6-18.' e Solid Oak Frame t a t t m t w n c —Front Pag* Farrell. 11:15— Win hold ^lewmaireeiee) WHAT—SporU. WDRC—Public Service Pro­ 28'’ D on e Traverse Instructive Roll Fkwoisnf acts at ones. It not only •s“ — gram. ruuevea auch coughing but »i«o WATKINS STORK CLUB WTHT — FalsUff'i Fabulous M'HAY—Sports. Soft Felts At Top o .All Steel loosens up phlegm and makes Ik Fables. 11:80— Confitrnctlon earner to raise. poruBsm is v n c —Music. o Slate Folds Down To Form WDRC—News. Felt iippera. sa/e/ Mighty eljective for old 11:55— •i? ’4 Desk e Individually and young! Pleasant tasting/ WTHT—Bperts Headlines: Joe WONS—News Leather sole. 1.97 OinSd Show. Packed 1 , 18:00— o Book, Pencil and Chalk WHAT—News, WTIC—News and Music. MISSES’, CHILDREN’S w n c —News. Frequency Modulatton Holder e Blue with WON*—News, WI''H.\— lOS.T MC. Floral t n * — — WDRC— r a 08.1 MC. Zipper Booties Transfer ' - i ' Charge Accounts invited WDRC—Jack Smith Bportscsst.. P. M. SHOP MANCHESTER FOR SERVICE AND CONVENIENCE 0:30—Sereno Gammcl; Weather Red or Blue with L or Lay-Away Plan WDRC—Jack Zalman. 6:45—Concert Hour, Leather soles. 67 WHAY—Supper Serenade, w n o —FM NJi MC. w n c —Strictly Sports; Weath- MlIRO—FM On the Air 1 p. m. ■ Noveity Group I t I • I I I I 1 I I I . er. 11:85 p. m. Fast! Doodlebugs ^ 1 - I'M WONS—Sports. Same as WDRC. Over 10 Different •:|M— M’FHA Styles! 'WDRC—Record Album. 0:15—Farm ReMri; Waatber. Better Values in •:S4— 0:80—Western Mrenad*. HIGH BOOTIES...... So, WTHT — Sereno O a m m e 11; 0:45—^Keyboard Kapera. INDI.W HEAD ...... Weather. 7:00—Dance Tim*. WTIC—Emile Cote Glee Club. 8:00—National Guard. WONS—News; Evening Star. Rat‘Tat-Tat»! Sparks From Mumle! 8:15—Guest Star. 4 ■I*-’ 8:30—Marine Band. OetMore for Your Mmey^with WDRC—Lowell Thomas, 8:45—Lett We Forget. w n c —^Three Star Extra. WTIC—FM On the air 5:85 a. m. Scale Model Racer L WTHT—Weather. 1 a. m. O SUNDIAL Shoes for MACHINE GUN is-*'. Same a* W nC . boys and girls combine good 3 u/iicUaA/^! WTHT—Edwin T. Hill. Telerielon looks with longer wear, built WNHp—TV. in by the world's larg­ WDRC—Beulah. P. M. est shoe makers. 23 in. Long! WONS—Fulton LewU, Jr. 4:00—Homemaker'a Exchange. Harmless! WTHT—Pick e( the Hits. 4:80—Vanity Felr. WHAY—Symphony HaU. . 5:00—Lucky Pup. ■ w n c —Here's to Veteran*. 5:15—Time for Beany. G-Man submachine gun that Is rugged enough for anv for Youngsters IM— .5:30—Howdy Doody. Plaatle body, metal frame, sturdy boy. Amazingly realistic sound* and aparka Big, uu- ttTHT—Music. 0:00—Sidewalk Interview*. oressive! 1:14— 0:15—Song Shop. ... foshlon-wU*, budgat' fawt motor. .WONS—Tello-Test 0:30—Faye Emerson Show. wl8* •xcluslvanast you to 14 years of age WDRC—Jack Smith. ' 0:45—Musical Thsater. w ent moot all around IiS4— 7:00—Kukla, Fran, and 0111*. tow ni Junlor-perfecI, one- WONS—Gabriel Heatter. 7:30—Roberta Quinlan. Kiddies Love the Realistic Dial! MOTHER’S WTHT—Lone Ranger. 7:46—Newareel. plecsr combining rayon tiswo WDRC—Club Fifteen. 8:00—Arthur Godfrey. HELPER M m C—News. 9:00—Somerset Maughm Show faille with Minx Modes' pur* silk 1:44— 0:30—Plainelotheaman. "Ribbon" print. Blue with novyi DIAL PLAPHONE MfDRO—Edward R. Murrow. 10:00—Boxing; Wreatllng. Christmas NOT when winter’s over WONS—News. pink wiili hluck, M m O—On* Man's Family, Slze« 0 to tS. Excluelvely Popular moccsiio t0(| • lUU ■ here 410.08 Itutdjr tad Party Colors but NOW! WDRC—Mr. CSiameleon. 1 AUTO REPAIRING comforublt. Tico Bright ' WONS—Hidden Truth. Plated Bells! ■WTHT—Amtrican Agent. SqrlUb soft to* with ptr fir sad wesr* in WHAY—Reaary. 1 ABEL’S SER. STA. sbilicT. wnc—Hall* of Ivy. 1 24 Cooper St.—Rear Size* 18J^ to 8 11 g :1 4 - ■ E*L 1881 Size* 8'/] to 18 CLEANING SET Gift Dre sses! WHAY—Jerry Gray. A real looking toy tele­ phone writh natural dial Wont she bh happy with her own 4iKI 5.45 claaalng qeeda? For a *tarry-eyed little action. A pair of these I t^ill keep vour young- someone on Christmas >9f hours! morning! Cinderella’s “ Magic Touch” brings r — TIIURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY PAMPER HER WITH fabulous gift frocks. Fab- .1 riejt s_q fine, 'detail so dainty— and priced sur­ PRECIOUS i \ prisingly low! LOOKS KT Ding Dong GIRLS’ COATS n DR. & NURSES' KIT Sizes 8 to 8x...... 8.88 V- YOUR Bell Sizes 7 to 12..:...... 4.88 anJ COAT SETS WINDOW # Bright Carrying Coat Twp Famous Moktrs a With Medical Utansili Every con^ is virgin wool covert. Interlined with Tl'R.V HKK CliltIHT.MAS DRLAMK INTO KKALITY U ITII LX- wool . . . All with extra large hems in sleeves 5^ WHERE ELSE CAN YOU and bottom for an extra year's wear. Colors are QUI.««ITE INTIMATK APPAKEI.I CIIOO.SK FKOM A FABI - SHADES! I BOYS’ STORM COATS Wine, Green, Toast, and In Checks. 6CT FIRST QUALITY Hobby Horse L 6 U 8 g i f t s e l e c t i o n o f . BEAUTIFCLLV FA.SIIIONED Smart — Worm — Durabla NLirS AND .MGimVEAR OF SUPERB QUALITY . . . AT WhM Yew Windows EXTRA SHEER OriginoHy 21.98 to 24.98 CHIMES A WIDE RANGE OF PLEASING PRICEH! Silos 3 to 4x Kldf wiU by"MIGHTY MAC" elnatad theea - 15% aylen end rayo* In COAT SETS A. Fashion-perfection In n slip of flnr quality unique kits. In- 1 7 «« Junior sizes 4 to 18, fully rayon crepe, tvlth aleneon lare bands at lop and (ormatlvt. inatiue- nipeon lined—^Tlmton col­ tivt ana Tots of bottom. NIzrs up to 44. White only. 4.88 The Meal poH toy. w e ea rn a eei lar. Green, Grey, Navy plete One of belt rtaglag paU teya. vhML and Brown. AT SUB-TEEN COATS 10 fa 14 B. Exciting style news In a slip of wonderful ny­ Set B I T H--' lon trieot. Wlhllr, or blue. 4.88 to 1.88 Pins S^eetioH of Doedrmted Pioeost Orig. 24.98 SHADIS 1 9 »« 41-18 extra sheer dark 24.88 C. You cant’ bent a Rhythm slip for at, workman­ Prep Sizes 10 to 16 You Know You Hove aeam dressy premium 31-PIECE TEA SET to 29.98 . ship and dainty loveliness. Nylon or rayon. quaUty. A 1.6» value! The lost! 4.88 to 7.08 PreHy ColortI Gey FIgares! MtfolL 24 D. A gown with a nattering empire waist and . . loconso wo moot- Group of STORM COATS 8 to W arthtit! 14 sweetheart neckline, edged with nylon lac*. urt and ent .thorn oe- 'SNO-FO' e Fully Alpaca not’* Tniit th* Lsm i” . ' I 8.88 to 8.88 curatoly to ht ood *1 by bceol o Oabnrdtae or ' Cavalry Twill PQyB SQMTOniWQ * XMAS LIGHTS 19.88 tboroby bo • crodlf to Cavalry twUl in Oreea er E. The new quilted silk lounging pajamas with WHITE 4Md FANCY Tnope — Oeaniae Meotok Wofo 25.00 rayon satin pants. Slaea 18 to 18. 18.84 WHITE BRDADCLDTH collar — 108% alpncn Bn- ywwr wniOTWvo tag In aleevee aod body. DRESS Smooth metal that Staeegto U. won't break! 1-19 f, bright col- Tour Guarantee ef CertIfled Value*: Money C o i Us For The lost In Window Shodosl SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS ellt beked. Toa'n want a few ^.fhpae aetn at ' back wttata 4 day* •bould the*e values bo this kpsr p * e ;‘ Oatdebr esN sUgbUy >< « 4.95 mateked Anywhere during tU* week. Fine count white broad­ 1.79 cloth, full cut “Fruit” tot- LAYAW AY TOYS NOW WHILE OUR •miSON PAINT CO. loriag. The Ideal Xmas Baoforlaed tameoa *T«eky gift ter every male In the Boy.” Kegular 8.88 quaU^! family! «iaea4-14. STOCK IS COMPLETE — 10% HOLDS TIL XMAS '■tMINilKl

\ .1 ,_1 ' \ ,-Aoi. , t BIANCHEOTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1960 About Town T h a n k a g t^ g day, November 23, at ten o'clock at a nuptial mass In ]Large Aiteiiclaiicc Frank J. Mansfield Marine Corp Rogers’ Case Xmas Display League Auxiliary wUl meet this St. James's church. A reception Obituary followed Immediately at the home At Whist Party' evening at eight o'clock at the of Mrs. William L. Conlon, slater Army and Navy Club. Coming Up of the bride. At North End IN YOUR After December ..UO, Mr. and The Military Whist given by the i Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ I Mrs. Hague will b^'at home to Washington P. T. A. last evening j anth win conduct a Military Whidt ’S- Death* this evening at eight in the Ma- WARMEST MANCHESTER To Be Voted on at Na­ ' their friends a t 140 Colonlsl street, was largely attended by members ! Improvement Group to : Hartford. Conn. aonic Temple. Mrs. Blanche Pierce tional Convention on I and friends. Mrs B erth a A. WUcox Again Be in Charge of and Mrs. Ina Mankiu are. co-chair­ The first prices, spun aluminum ' Mrs. B ertha A. WUcox. widow men of the committee of arrange­ Dt^ember 28th of Auguatua J. Wilcox, died yes­ Lightfi and Decorations^ WANTS ' salad bowla with fork and spoon, I ment*. ^ Chn$tma$ OJishes I About Town I were won by Mrs. Hsrold Tedford, I terday afternoon at tfl« home of A lfre ^ R o g e rt of 1163 Middle 1 Mrs. Leroy Carlson. Mrs. Roliert ^her daughter, Mrs. Paul Helwlg The Christmas trees an* decora­ (Mavo* Harold Turklnfton tod«y of Bell street, Glastonbury Members of St. Margaret's Cir­ * Sec our beautiful aasortment of Chenille Rohea—aa advert laed in Turnplke/^ast, a sophomore at the Zion Lutheran church women Donahue, and Mrs. Harold Clen- Bhe ' tions at Depot Square will agaui cle, Daughters of Isabella, have SANITONE" Bt«d Hiat Bine* then appears to daniel. Booby prixe winners were had lived with Mrs. Helvvig foi the ', be put up by the Manchester Im- "Glamour” and “Madamoiselle” magazinea. a a n ke«n aome misconception of University \p f Connecticut, will will hold their annual Christmas been invited to attend the iniiia- Mrs. Harold Hubbard. Mrs. Hal past two years and before that proviment Assoeiatlon. Fire 117, will meet ed by Mrs. Raymond Donahue. A special convenUon will be i^ih^n oT M.nehestle r. I lights be made before December 5 with WHITE M to 44 ...... $6.98 ^ e Board of Directors who after held December 27 aim 28 at the at Oiange hall evening at 7:30 Christmas wreaths adorned the nf tui ncd on over the week- Thot finer, that dirt dispelling dry cleaning tkof's first choice with of Branford, and n ilh a n . R. WIU [ Miss Esther Crankcr, Uncasville, consideration, sought a legal University of Pennsylvania chap­ and proceed to thV John B. Burke walls, paper Christmas trees were Conn. RLUE SIZES jinion as to the validity of the ae­ ter house in Philadelphtm to' dis­ Funeral Home, to pa"' final respectrts on the stage with Santa and red i cox of East Granny; a bi-other, ! activities are again folks who INSIST on the best -a- yet, "Sonltone" cleonlng COSTS on Of the Board of Directors in bells. In her table decorations she Richard W. Winkler of Rockville: 19>', to 24H . . . $7.98 S cuss possible reinslatemem of the to George Tedfori, I planned by the Im provers In coii- Members of the Ladies Aid So­ NO MORE! .. naming John D. La Belle town coun- UConn chapter, which was sus­ used green bougha and bayberries eight grandchildren, snd three P EA ^H member of the lodge. I iicctlon With the annual Christnirs ciety of the Emanuel Luthentn EXTRA SIZES #el. In seeking a legal opinion on pended from the national (rajLernl- and the prizes were artistically great grandchildren. ! |iarl;,’ on ChrUtmqs Eve for kid- the matter, the mayor said tO^Jay. and festivsly wrapped. Funeral services will be he'd church are urged' to bring their AQUA 46 to 8 2 ...... ty for pledging Rogers. A Ph|\Ep- , dies in liic North End. Cliief Mcrr donations for the anqiial Christ­ $8.98 10% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY he was Joined by Directors Lappen, silon Pi Grand Council, black rail The Motners Circle of the^cred Mrs. Perley Tromly. chairman of Friday afternoon at two o'clock Heart will meet tomorrow^^e- , said donations will be asked mas sale to the church by Friday Bailey and Firato. against the local man brougr th# whist, thanked all who helped St the John B. Burke Eiineral j tl-.rough the mail. Donation con- nlng at the home of Mrs. J< to make the affair such a tre­ Home, 87 East Center street. Rev. evening. The sale will be held at For Pick Up and Delivery CoU 2-0030 The mayor said that the legal wideapread public attention am tainer.s h.ave already been tUslrlli- the church Saturday afternoon opinion obtained does not imply reaction to the'case. “rignano, 9 Middle Dimplke Wes1 mendous success. Clifford O. Simpson, pastor of Refre.shments of cup cakes and ; uted to N oitli End bi:.Hlncssmeii. A starting qt one o'clock. ,that the general manager, having Threaten to Resign (embers are reminded to bring Center Congregational e'liireli, dinner and dan- c will be held \\ ed- the power to recommend a candl- Members of the UConn chapter j Z'^cles for Iho "white elephant ' jffee were served by Mrs. Robert wHI offiiJIate. Burial will be in the (ahue and Mrs. Alton Holt. nesday, December 13 with all pro- The Cosmopolitan club will 1 idate for town counsel, has the and members of Us Hartford sal^at this meeting, for the bene- Windsondlle cemetery. ! cecds going info the party lund. Friends may call at the funeral meet Friday afternoon at two I right to dictate this choice to the alunuil group have voted to resign! At or^the Christmas fund, : The Dubaldo oichc.atra has donat- o'clock in- the Federation room at I Directors for their confirmation. from the national organization un­ ho o after seven o'clock this Children evening. ! ed its services for this party. th e Cener church. Ool. Jam es H. j Mayor States Ilia Opinion less the block against Roger's In- past Chiefs of Memorial Temple, Once again the nniiuiil eomiini- McVeigh will give a talk on his Jta lie understands it. Mayor Itiatlon is lifted. Dr. Nathaniel L. . pythlan Xlsters. will niert tomor- ^n,ly sifig will be held. It has been trip to Europe and espq,ciaUy the I .Turkington said, the general man­ ! Uubtn Hartford alumnus, said the ' ^ow cvenlii with Mrs. Catherine rkev Today .;.Tic-j led 101 Wcducoday. licccin- Passion Play at Oberammergau. j ager's recomnwindatlon may be re- ! alumni will resign in a group un- | parkins of 23 Airtumn street, who ,cr '20. S'ii ml children from Bow­ Mrs. J. D. Grant will be the hos­ ■jected by the. Board, snd any sub- less the convention reinstates the , ,„i?tsd by Mrs. Sarah Children of \the Washington ers, Holll.slor. Buckland and Koli- tess. I aequent recommends tions may be UConn chapter and gives permis­ Tomlinson. school liad . reaXtreat today - a Admitted yesterday: Mr.s. H' lcn ert.-ion will hold their cYwi.stmii.A CLEANERS & LAUHDERERS rejected until the candidate is sion to initiate Rogers. i -V . .turkey dinner. Tw\ hundred of, ...... Hill, 18'^- • ...... Main street; Susaiv Fer- - sing on Thursday, December 14. named who ia mtitually aceeptable The locsl man's initiation has A daughter, Linda Marie, was I them were on hanXto enjoy It. . Rockville; Susan Betifo. 51 HARRISON STRKET MANCHESTER to both the general manager and been postponed until after the con­ born on NovembeXlS to Mr. and ' while ordinarily aboulNslxty take Horton road; James Barry, Rncl:- the Board. The mayor does not vention. according to chapter rep- Mrs. Lester W. McIntosh of advantage of the cafetma privi- y*Ile. ,.Ira. Anastasia Drcn. South Pul>lic KA^eurds tjiin'k that the Board has the right rcsenlalivcs at Slorra. One, mem­ Thompsonvllle. t h X p » t e r n a I \ | W indsor; Mr.s EI.sle Taylor, 217 ber of the frate.mlty said: "We to Mine a.,lowti counsel not first grandparents are . M r\ and Mrs. The meal consisted of roW tur-| Union street: ,Mr.s. Theresa Bell. Warrantee Deeds recommended by the general man want A1 as a full member of this L H. McIntosh of 2l \ Summit itey with dressing and ^avy, |103 Bl.ssell street: Mrs. lioiise. We hope oiir national con­ Robert J, Smith to Helen 11 alter. ,l«M-oli \. Voli A\ alter ttnisliii street, and the maternal Wandpar- cranberry sauce, mashed poflRo. Miller, 36 Luclen street: Mrs. Ma ■- I Jans.srn, property on Wellesley u That la the burden of ttie legal .\sat. Treas. vention will hold the same view. In ents are Mr. and Mrs \Arthur and carrot sticks, rolls Center street. road. Asst. Troiis. that way the words in our cliarter opinion the four Directors obtained Starr of Thompsonville. butter, and each child received A\l Admitted today; James Klin- I Johnson Conslruetlon company from the H artford law firm of we recognize no difference in cupcake. They were served in re- oball. 48 Drive A. Silver I.jinc HARMAC'S li i-li H Hatlia'.vay. pir.ildcnl Me started his hsKlng career with . I to Albert and .Marlon Gustafson. SMpman and Goodwin, he raid. I arc or i rood will come to have a Tlie charity sale sponsored \ by lays. i H0 Con­ street. road. r o T G ^ C.IJARANTEE Manchester High schooi Joined the Co. as runner In 1929 advaii'Ttig to W e i M i i i u s lingford will be held tomorrow eve-1 necticut Valley Broadleaf Tobacco Birth yesterday: A daughter to W. G. Glenney company » lo GREEN STAMPS In Loeal Cni.«li staff of the bank in 192fi, starling diaroiiiit elerk. For several years nlng at 7:30 at the Masonic Tern-I crop, termed tlie biggest since Mr. and Mrs. Edward Memttt, Johnson Construction company, . as runner. He worked up through here he was head of the bookkeep­ pie. 1923, when sales'began yesterday. .Soutn Coventry. \ property on Greenwood drive. A minor collision si Middle fh* positions of liookkeeper. teller, ing department and more recently Hague-Kellihcr ' discount clerk, chief clerk and a.s- has had supervision of tellers, Mr, and Mrs. Edw ard D. Kelli- \ Turnpike, east, and Vernon street her of Providence. R. L, announce yesterday afternoon involved cars si8tant secretary and asaistaiU bookkeeping, transit, proof and treasurer. He Is a graduate of the I service activities. He Is a member the marriage of their dauglvter. MARLOW’S IS THE TOY CENTER QF MANCHESTER! Broadcloth Shirts driven by, Mrs. Truth E. Paisley, Extra Heavy S3, Of Tankeroosan road. Vernon, American Institute of Banking. | of Rockville Lodge nf Ellis, Is iiini - Miss Kathleen M. Kciliher, to Carl •While mill and Mrs. Anne Mlnicucci. 32. of He is a member of the American rled. has a daughter and lives at II. Hafcue, both of Manchester. PLASTIC BIGGEST SELECTI0N...BEST VARIETIES...LOWEST PRICES! 26 Oak street. Legion, the Army and Navy club ; 123 Ijikewood Circle north. The cerem Any was pcr.'ormed on TABLE COVERS Solid Ghlor8 patrolman Frederick W. Ted­ and Rockville Didge of Elks. Dur- | $2-59 ford reported that Mrs. Paisley mg the recent war he served in 54 X .14 All Color*. •Sanforized was making a left turn from the the navy. He is married and lives •Firal Quality Ifltmplke when she was struck hy at 71 Brklge street. HOSIERY Bl% other vehicle Damage was Thomks E. Rolloeon It proved Itself In 36 states! •Excellent Value ItorSSjN Mr. Rollason Joined the Trust s l . 4 9 company in 1930. He ts a graduate OTHERS AT 8»C. of local schools and the American LIONEL TRAIN SETS Regularly $2.9H to $3.95 Institute of Banking. He is a member of the Knights of Pytliias. CHENILLE Ideal For Chrislmas Gifts GLASS With his wife and daughter he 14il5 to 87J0 lives at 41 Strant street. Before BEDSPREADS DAINTY DOT ComplMt* LIm of Track and Accessories AUTO.'8URROR. Pl.ATE his promotion he served ns assi.'t- Nimrilbu can enjoy Plain Colors and White. For "027" or "0" Gouge ant treasurer in charge of process- \ Ud FURNITUHE TOPS I ing credit applications for business STEEL SASH JOBBERS and personal loans: NYLONS NECKTIES HOSE Distributors tor Loew Bros. Joseph A. >'oU S 5 . 9 8 AMERICAN BRICKS 98c to 4.98 Mr. Voir, was employed bit, the (.Special Group) (Special Group) Paint and VarnUh OTHERS 86.98 to 824.98 Choice Irregular,* T rust company in 1937 and is a AMERICAN LOGS 98c io'tJIS 69c ' graduate of the American Insti­ Old Sunny BrooK 60 Gauge— 15 Denier 35e J. A. WHITE tute of Hanking. He has served as : head of the discount department. 0 monOERFUUHOICf LINCOLN LOGS 98c to 3.98 3 for $280 3 pair $1JC * I GLASS CO. • An active nienibor of the Knights X' Regular $1,0,5 \ alue Reg. $1.00 (n $2.00 «4 B tirb St. Tel. 3822 I of Columbus, he is a 4th degree me secret of its Values to 75e ! member of Bishop McMahon As- if ERECTOR SETS 1.75 to 50.80 I sembly of Hartford. He is married and, with his wife and three chil­ superb taste... dren lives at 63 Delniont street a Special GflEMISTRY SETS 1.75 to 15.00 THE FRIENDLY CIRCLE 1s the fine y'/ \ f QABARDINE SUCKS BUG^BOARDS 238 to 1438 CHARITY !Pile Torture Soothed Kentucky blending! $ 1.19 pair w m I In Few Minutoi Complete SolectioR of • 40% Wool, <0% Rajroa Act now for fast relief from tor- Kentucky is the home of fine SALE ' lure of piles. Don't watt another ryes and bourbons — great HOLGATETOYS »ERY\EVENING TIL XMAS" ' COX HARDWARE - TEL. 6161 . ,98c each 9i3 MAIN STREET Near Manchester SAVINGS BANK ' C* ) I

■‘"J#,-; MANCHES1*ER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1960

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER.* CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, I960 aee whether It hma the courage liMr^rXfr atUl to aeek that alternative. ^ ■ /tS M anchetter •ton* home eeonoioihlst and food consult- MIm Salisbury as prizes to hold­ Mrs. Ann Klely, a pie shell and twtitiiB 'ifra tt Lecture Is Given an^ for the Hartford Gas company. ers of Iticl^ numbers. Winners filling. If There Were Only Loss—— Date Batik Miss BHtsbu^ was assisted by. were Mrs. (hara Kanak, a chicken Mrs. Constance Jamroga poured -.mKggjg STwc. If we had half m much ingenu­ Here on Cooking Miss Mary Nix, yiome eeononflsL pie; Mrs. J. Daniels, pumpkin pie; at S' table attractively decorated I u (trwt, Tonight something. also with the Gas company. Miss Stephanie Tunsky, apple with yellow pompons, while mem­ Hom e A ity for . peace as we have in llsaeeww. OB«a> Christmas tAls of L«dles' Aid Each member received copies of sauce roll, Mra. Helen Donahue, bers of the hostess committee T*)11AS nUtOOTON. exploiting the opportunities of Society of Zion Luthsmn church, 6 A large turnout of memben of recipes suitable for holiday enter­ seafood loaf: Mrs. Peter Pllkaltls, served fancy cakes. p m , Tim.< ,***ay** rrar, we would do something to p. B). 8t. Margaret'e Circle, Daughters taining through the courtesy of crab meat rolls; Mrs. Ann Sheri­ M ake it a 'nDnaranth Military whist, Ma> dan, Christmas bread; Mcp. Agnes make impoaaible a headline like ot Isabella, enjoyed a talk and the Home Service Division, Hart­ sonic Temple, fi p. m. ford Gas company. Many delicious Breen, cranberry salad niold, and rnMIlM ■"<7 ■?».*»» this: "Grains Depressed By Talk amdtf BolMajra. BntwM at um League of Women Voters, unit cooking demonstration o t recipes recipes having eye appeal and suit­ f w aCiM bl llBBeiiMUr. Conn., m Of Peace." discussion group at horns of Mra. foe. "Holiday Entertaining." given able for the coming holiday wert Meoad Cim Man M*****'. That headline appeared in the H. F. Kimball, 4S Hartford road, 8 last night by Miss Alyce Salisbury, rooked and later distributed by JO-ANN SUWCRlPnUM RATB» financial section of the New York p. m. Period Side Chairs a d d Child Photography UM Tmt Hr lull ...... Tomorrow Roodtr ond Advisor Times the other day, and the All day charity sals at J. W. AIL FOR ONLY Ch ristm as! 814 monUMi M Mail ...... J *•“ THE MODERN WAY UM aaooth Hr lUll ...... j ‘-JJI story under It told* how the price Hale store, apohsored by ths Hb.h Moved To New Address Wafla Oopjr ...... J of grain, last week, was going Friendly Circle. 1 9 . 9 5 Take advantage of a |mr- Waakip. b» 'Sarrlar ...... a ■« distinction to a H o m e CIANT tralt studio designed r.xeluBlve- Friday, December 1 ;i;i Elm S f„ O ff Main SI. •aba dallaarad. Una Taar ...... strong until bad market news ly for children. «raa* ol Miaa. roraim ...... ••• Military whist and cake sale of Near Connecticut General come along. Hollister P.T.A. at the school. We are not here today and Save MBMMBM Ur “ An early advance carried all Movie, "Ski Champs,” under the Think of all the placM in gone tomorrow. Insurance rUB abbuoiatbd p k b w TALKING deliveries of oats and soybeans," eusplces of Vencncster Ski club, the homo where you can u m Aaooeiaiad Praaa U aacluaiaaly ANNE GRIFFIN tSO.oo natlUad to tba uaa ol rapuHtoaliM ol the news story said, "to new sea­ Yerplanck school, 8:IS p. m. Period aide chain . . . liv­ Tel, 6-1.170 H artford .11 M «a diapatenea oraditad to IL or Saturday, December 2 ing room, hail, bedroom; aol otparwtaa oraditad lo tii'a papar. sonal peaks, with rash com sell­ Emanuel Lutheran Ladles' Aid dinette or breaklkat room Child Photographer Md alao lha local oawa puBManad Bare. ing at the iM’st price since Octo­ ChrlBtnins Fair. 1:00 D. m. TOYS 47« MAIN STREET All rlflita ol rapublication oi apaelai Christmas bazaar of Ladies of . . . and you can appreclato dlapatclMa paraln ara alao raaaraad. ber, 1948, and oats since July, PHONE 4933 Columbus, K of C home, 1 to 6 what fine gifts they make! i- i. . 1948. before the market collapsed Hers It What You ^1: -a Pull aamea cllaat of N. B- A. Sara- p.m. The Sheraton model at ex* under general selling induced by 4 styles tea. tne. Play. "Nothing jhiit the Truth," trenic left has black needle- —nsarly Publlabara Bepraoaniatiaaa; Tba talk of a peaceable scttlemonl of ' presented by EpwOrth League of • MICKEY MOUSE-over s fool tell JOllua Hatbaara Special Aganoy - I*** South Methiidlst church. point-style tapestry seat Tort. Chicago. Detroit and Boaton. the Korean War." ! WE HAVE CUSTOMERS Sunday. December .8 (not shown) ia.9S. The next 1 4 .9 5 • SANTA ClAUS—ovMs fool lelt Now to be sure no grain trader, ' • DONALD DUCK'S f^H EW HUEV-over s MBHBBR AUDIT BUBBAU u r Aniuinl Christmas choral serv­ chair has leather Mat and Looking for Slngks. > confronted with a formal choice foot tell 2 CIRCULATIUN8. ice of Emanuel Lutheran church, back, nail trimmed, SIAUk between war and $2.00 a bushd | • BIG SNOWMAN-<^r • fool tall Family H om sos and Tba HarmlA PrinUng Oompaay. I ^ . 7 p.m. 2 7 A ll have wine- ao-Boaaelal raapoMibUitir tor and peace at $1.00 a bushel would and-grey striped • COWBOY-over a foot tall • INOIAN-over a fool tall Forms. Maka on op* Mecraphirai arrora appaarrpB la ata choose war, nor do wars occur ' seats which slip aaKlaaoMaU aod othoi raadmg o^tar. out easily to r re­ • PIUS 2 OTHER BIG TOYS-over e fool fall pointmonf with ms if you because those who would mak(' ' la Tha Haoebaater Eaening HartlA covering. Whgt « b«Y9«inl e big tup*r fglUng foyE. lacb on* torkat money from them are given any Ov*r «nd ovor *g«in. Mgdo of lough. dur«bt«.' tnAgtcblo coro to soH. Wednatday, November 29 Our Wool Knitted rubbop in briUt«nt coiorv All 9 for only $1 00 Supply (• such clear vote. j bmiiod »ov«(gl aotg today! A Real Test Of Courage But it IS an Intolerable thing I Spkdea 6 lolt ef Talkiiif Toys $5-00 that the collective, Impersonal >OST.AU SAUS COMPANY, a4C iarvis Realty The ehort proof of our long edi­ markets of mankind should offer FUEL OIL HUGGIR Dept. T T -1511 •84 Center St. Phone 4112 torial of yM terday came from that kind of choice indirectly, that M E r a 94. y. r.., WaahlRftaa II, D. 0 . General MacArthur'a autem ent of there should be permitted to exist yesterday, to the effw t that the that kind of profit consolation for situation in Korea had now ba- the existence of war. cocne such that only high United It is intolerable, to take the Nations authority could make the larger picture, that thla whole ^1 dsdsiona now indicated. country—as witness ita economic “ / / ’s February In November^’ $269.95 only It is clear enough what Gener­ history during the past three dec­ Model RO - formerly 219 95 al MacArthur now wants from ades—has not found out how the United NaUons. He wenta eu- to have prosperity without war. tlMHty to extend the war across It la Intolerable that times of Give youl’ Imme UiiH Kn-al, big bmuile of pleakurv, convenience and fif. the Manchurian border. In hie bloodahed^jand death are also the fieieney 1hi« ( ’hriktniHw. Save !f50.00.' Cireat big capacity . . . 8.6 cubit Vtsw, that has now become a mlli- only boom times we have. In Our Fur Department! feet of it : 15 .square feet of .shelf space; 15 lb. frozen foot! and ieg cheat; tarr neceaslty. And he wants the For,•although none of us would Let's make this large linilt-in meat tray. Three ice cube traya with built-in cube releaei UBMed Nations to make what h* make a clear choice for death and fontiire; lift-nut shelf increase.s bottle capacity and dozens of othei p artita considers the inevitable profits, it Is nonetheless true that BECAUSE OF THE UNUSUAL WARM WEATHER YOU WILL FINU SAVINGS Kclvinalor features. Easy Terms . . . 15 montha to pay. dedBioa to wage World War n i. the profit compensation of war What General MacArthur, and has a subtle hidden puli upon us, bright C h ris tm a s THAT ORUINARILY ARE NOT OFFERED UNTIL FEBRUARY Waahington. might have done was with the prospective weight of TW IN RLintNO CRIRPKR.S to consult the United Nations be­ dollars In our pocket diminishing L-16 not just one hut TWO rrlsprrs of fogs they took ths step which, the ferocity of our resistance to smooth white polystyiene with fresB the military view, may now war. c .10.75 with Watkins Lamps durable glass rovers; twice the have made extension of the war Suppose war actually threat­ wonderful spare for moi^t.rol,l ntornf;e of . ^ 0 vegctshles and salad greens! tuto China neceasary. ened to cut profits instead of In­ handsome A-l.. Bring brightness to homes this Christmas with better light Thera need be no alightest doubt crease them. Suppose we all knew .. . |^tt%r lamps . . . Watkins Distinctive Lamps! -3 DAYS ONLY mm Whsts this involvement following that in the event of war all of us head- hugging A —Polished Brass 3-Iite Junior; tailored rayon taffeta shads, 1B.80 SALE! iBvaIvsment mrill lead. It means, would make less money rather ojf M aH oheit& i. UBlasa It la checked, that the than more. Would the pacifists, B Polished Brass 3-Ilte Swing Bridge, rayon taffeta shade, 1AM Uhltad Nationa effort to halt and the idealists, the true Christians, C Decorated China Table Lamp, tailored rayon taffeta shade, 10.88 wsiflns war la being turned into a the believers in human sanity, B-l6^o 1.49 D —Polished Brass Prism Lamps; frosted and etched chlmnaj’S' Pr- 9-98 Shop and. Be Convinced ooatlnual extenalen of war. then be quite aa lonely as they E and F—Red or Green Tole Floor Lamps, gold decorations, 29.78^ I tt la saay to beg off from weei- have always been 7 We are afraid Smart fashion for to answer that question- afraid acB rssponaibiUty for thla by aay- tweedi and casual G—Polished Brass "Salt Shaker” Lamp, gn en or red shade, 18.88 tag that it la all the fault of the of condemning humanity by say­ clothes .. In black, H —Polished Brass Chinmey Lamp, pleated plaid taffeta shade, 8 M firtnsar Communlsta. Of coutm ing that if there were only loss, Reg. $239 md $269 tC Is, T ^ y have no bualneas, by and no profit, in war, then war's green, coffee, beige, I —Polished Brass OlKPot Lamp, pleated plaid taffeta shade, 8.78 oar Ughw making such sn asMr- enemies would increase. gold, brown, gray, D-6'9* J —Decorated China Table Lamp, tailored rayon taffeta shade, 19M tlsB of p a ir own interests and Last week, the prospect that white, navy or red pair K Polished Brass Table Lamp, mat-finished green or red shade, 17M thalr osm prestige. Theirs is, by millions might live, and not die, Northern Back Bi*q* power, room, ride... our stsfdarda, an act which la 11- depressed the price of grain at L -Polished Brass Swing Bridgt, red or green metol-tole shade, 10.78 Isgal and criminal. Chicago. The arrival of peace —tn NOW! (Quantities limited on aome patterns) But, as we well know, our the world would knock our pres­ atandards are not tbelra. They ent American prosperity to bits. Tor le^ than many smaller cans have atandards of their own. By We don't plan it that way. Wc theae atandards, they feel Im­ don t like it that way. But w. permit it to exist that way. Tto JWIUUeoiik p lie d to rlak a. war which can't msmmwvm Cdmw TMSIn THE BIUY ROSE SHOW da them any mere good, in the E-24^S ABC-TVNUMrk XkW run, than It doea us. They Strange Indictment-Fellows are, peihapa, more inevitably A federal grand jury in Wash­ caught in the web of history than ington has Indicted, on the tech- srt ars. nicei charge of contempt of Con­ I t Is our best Indicated role, SYNTHETIC gress involved in their refusal to then, to be Stronger than they are answer questions, a strange group -H ict WHpW. . It itiould be our of six. Nestled together in the rol# to CitiiMf we can, the chain RUBBER PAINT H-6^0 same kind of indictment are Earl Me tha poeeibmty of fuU war. That munlsu who are un-American. ATIN —gergeewe celerAermenliesI Iwtertere. toerely involvM foUowin^ the ri>u And both extrcmes-.-the extreme We invite yon to meet the Hndeoa Peoemokar ftir tbia, natural coutm of action. It of the unscrupulous le'rt, and the FKMMktr Csttsm SsrlM cxtnme of the unacrupulous right '61 to d a y ! With d l He big-car adventegee it ootor wU| take awre courage than any EjUMINAU (M (ss$s fcM to own a tut drive then many enudlee —— natton or group o f nations has —carry their threat to the sur­ star Mtewn to prevent 'fuU war. vival of the traditional American the-Home way. fi$v that involves seeking some­ thing the World has never yet T «u can fflva your home a Solid Mahedfany Badrsam tbaA will sxacUy fit the room, for you chooM thla furniture Opaa l*»hiBed to aMk—peace rather Stock. Tou'U like the modestnPtiaaA , tojea vletm$r. I t was victory, rath- AUCTION Qiiort $1.55 than petoe. toblcA we sought in 4S-tnch Snlrawer Dresser Bs m . . ■ • »w offensive in Korea. The ITUDAV, DEC. lit, lU A. ai. SCxSO-ineb Draaser M irror... *8-Inch C-drawer C h e a t...... 1 ^ besB to poatpone vie- UgtoB Ran, WaUwrsBald. •WORTHY COMPAMON TO THi FAMJIOUS HUDSON HORNR- •*|MMfi)e aeem almbet Poator Bad. twin or (uU alaa...... J te to t OoUeettoB ot OM (Net abewn) Tha alternative was Pattern Qlaaa, and Prtotod Bedside ITible, 19x18 inched...... ^.gedtlng peace might have Cxuaa This Heaaoa. An Ratate Izit. 5S-lnch Double Dresser Base...... uqnaeetaary. The S48 M AIN ST. TEL. C8S7 ''.8x34-lnch Double Diesser M irror.,. BBi M is now being tested, to H. L. WELCH, .\uetloneer 1 38-ioch Chest-on-Chest...... rA -US < *. W ^ : \ MANf’HESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1080 PAGE ELEVEN

The coruncr also stales that Mr. ' Art Association with each ntem- »on of Police Captain and Mra. held on Thuraday. December 7. p. m. at St. John's Episcopal Duell was beat man and the tiah- Rockville Loughney wlio was alone in the I ber esked to exhibit one painting. Peter J. Dowgewics of Maple must be made by Saturday of thia church. Rev. Maurice O. Foulkes graduaUd from RockvlUa High car at the time, was driving at a There will be prises for the most atreeL era were Malcolm Peck and Rob­ School In the close of 1950. Mr. 'I-;'-',' wwk with Mra. Ted Burke. performed the double ring aervice. ert Lana. A reception followed In reaaonablo rate of speed and the attractive displays for both adults Sewing ClrcJ* John Sajna Given In marriage by her father, Davis la a graduate of the Howell car was in gpml mechanical comli- I and children. Tbe Sewing Circle of the Fliel the parish rooms after which the Cheney Technical school of Man­ John Kayan, SO,' qf RFD 1, the bride had as her maid of hon­ couple left on an iinanndunc^ Driver Found tlon. ‘•Loughney," he .states.' did ■ • The following committees are In BvaagcUcal Lutheran Chun-h will or Miss Barbara Chase. Edward chester. The couple wfil live at 5 attempt to avoid hitting the de- Rockville, died Tuesday at the wedding trip. Mrs. Davis was Laurel atreet. 824-828 MAIN ST. FOR WIDEST SELECTION/ SHOP WARDS EARLYI ' charge; general chairman, Mrs. meet on Thuraday, November 30. Rockville City Hospital cca.sed and did the best he could Richard Symington: exhibition, at 2:30 p. m. In the church social aftar a short Illness. He wa.s Iwvn in TEL. S1«I. MANCHESTER j Not to Blame under the untoward circumstances. Mrs. John S. Mason; tea, Mrs. room. McCrystal was only a few feet Czechoslovakia and came to this Ralph Oibson; tickets, Mrs. Mar- I Meetlnga Tnnight country Si yeara ago. living in from Loughney's left front door • tin V. B. Meteslf; children’s ex- I The annual meeting of the El- OPEN ALL DAY MED. when lamglmey's car stopped." Rockville for the past nine years. Coroner Exonerates INen I hibits. Mrs. E. Fenton Burk; sals ‘ Hngtoii-Vemon Farmers Ex­ He leaves four daughters, Mrq, Mentor la-ague liames of writing paper. Miss Margaret change wUI be held at Vernon Anton Krlvaky and ‘ Mrs. Andrew York Aiitoist in the In the second night of play in McLean; food sale, Miss Della Grange hall, with dinner being Kurlovlch of Rockville, .Mrs. Mi­ the Senior Basketball League to­ Partridge and Miss Cora Webb; aerved at 6:4S p. m. the meeting chael Kraeis of Stafford Springs Death o f Pedestrian night at the Town Hall court, the publicity, Mra. Walter DIetxeU will follow; Damon Temple. and Mra. Stephen Orcho of All-Stars, composed of outstand­ Holiday Entertaliilng Knighta of Pythia, will hold Ita Bridgeport; a brother Stephen Rockville, Nov. 20 Special l ing players from the Rockville In- A leader training aeasion, which postponed meeting tn Csstle hall; Kayan of Rockville; 12 grand­ Coroner Bernard J. Ackerman, in t"rniedlate League, will meet the will have “Holiday Entertaining" the Vernon Center Oongergatlonal children and nine great-fraudchll- an official finding, has exonerated Rllington team. Players who are as its subject will be held on ebureb will hold a aperial meeting (Iren. Richard LouKhney of .'U5 Halatend to report to Manager Jeff Koelsch Thursday, November 30 from 10 at' 8 p. m. to act on new by-lawa j The funeral will be held In Holy avenue, Manmroneck. N. Y., of re­ at 6:t.'5 p. ni. at the shower room a.m. to 3 p.m. In the social rooms for the church. j Trinity Lutheran church, StAffor'd sponsibility for the death of Joaeph at Town Hall are Roger Flaherty. of Union Congregational church. .%uctlon Tonight ' .Springs. Thursday at 2 p. m. with McCryst'l. 76, late of Phoenix Roy Gebhardt, Bob Wagner. Zon- Miss Cora H. Webb. County home The Senior Olaas at Rockville 1 burial in Stafford Springs ceme- ♦ ♦ ♦ street, Vernon. The latter wins .ghetti. Imalbo. Bloninrz, Bmieher. demonstration agent, will ’ be In High school will hold an auction ! tery. struck on August 31 by a car op­ Abrahamson. Frank Baristnflbner, charge. Lunch will be prepared as I tonight at 7:30 p. ni. In the Sykes Ilavis - Peek I and Roy. In tl.e >ecoml game of erated by Mr. Loiigliney as the part of the meeting, with the cost . auditorium, with E. M. Granger I Miss Jo.vce Olivia Peck, daugh­ elderly Vernon man \va.>i cro.s.'m 2 to 8 p.m. er. Mff. Michael Vetrano has’ been confused and turned back, getting 10 p.m. in the church social room. New Airb-al elected Youth director. Rellevt mitarlat dfreet Into the path of the Loiighney car, Handwork, stamps, posters, fig­ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dowgewle* Maple Grove Uulles —without "doataig'* without looking in its direrfion or urines and many other rollections of Richmond, Vs., are the parents All Reservations for the dinner giving the driver a reii.sonnble will be displayed. Among the ex­ of a son born November 16 at shd Christmas party of the La­ opportunity to avoid striking him. hibitors will be the Toliend Countv Hiclmiond. The baby Is the grand- dles of Maple Orovf, which will be



W ards newest, finest! Extra fasti 1 7 -jiw n ' fKff HffWfHete with H»6 Toasts to your exact liking. A C -D C . -OIAJMOND 'A* euvret*. ru(t*S S C A S t 2 DwrafBwfff MgIm* * 3 3 ” (TV. «el

COLORFUL, USEFUL DOLL CARRIAGE CANISTERS FULLY AUTOMATIC SWcfAeiW 1.29 FOLDS FLAT 4 -Q T. CORN POPPER SHOULD KNOW ■lAUTIFUl IINKUS DAINTY G lMIITON Accvr«f«y >{ w l wattli. Q I I ^ V^*Al. r%4fc>f tir0$ For dry foodsl "Cherry Festi­ A iMnty, •ctvrat* wctch ORUm VIRI-THIN 17 6 6 * 4 9 ” SffMrlly A • w«tcfi ^ - 5 . 2 9 Feeds 6 to 8. No stirring! Use os hot- (AND THE MEN FOLKS TOO) ih# will chtfUK. TIm rraeWan TImaalaaa. val" design on white; red lids. * 2 4 ” •ff/ wbibbh will cKtrlih. plote, chafing dish, saucepan. A C -D C . $m9rt Anil Oi-a taiHag Mrvka. rally Turquoise blue artificial leather Resist rust and chipping. (awalad. body and 3-bow hood and sun I visor. Folds flat conveninntlv. ABOUT FINE 10-SPEED MIXER 50. FAMOUS "DnECTO" WITH JUICER,GRINDER...CC im 10% down. HAMPER 70-PC. "LAZY DAY’ bnJ. m onthly. BUYING GIFTS Jpay FARM SET 9.95 your g'” L«h fvMl 4.49 Extra durablel Hand-pointed c lu r ip g e t d No finer mixer than W ards Best at any price— compare! M ade by one of design on pastel finish. Resist* FOR MEN 19S1 JEWELERS* * Motoi born with loH, plastic ac­ rust. 2 1 x 1 2 x 2 5 " high. world's largest mixer manufacturers. Governor-controlled mptor never MAIN ST. cessories: animals, form imple­ MANCHESTER speeds up or slows down if mixture varies. Portable beater ddes dozens of ments, fence. stoHs, etc. mfmmmmm x FULLY AUTOMATIC everyday cooking-jobs faster, easier, better. Juicer does its job in less than TIME, WORK-SAVtt AND YOUNG MEN 6<..-..^..-.-.Vasv.%Nva:.:.:.r.!.x.:.:av:.:. ^ CHROMED COOKER I8’» minutel Food-grinding was hever easier than with this grinderl W ooden FOR HERl .“BI-BYE" BABY Fast — “keeps up." Bakes 4 waffles, tamper, 1 -qt. and 3-qt. bowls, recipes, instructions included. AC-DC. Cwiwer. W 12.50 9.95 DOLL toasts sandwiches, grills, fries. AC. tf ' ttH/ cry 6.95 4-qt. "M agic Seal" pressure pan— cooks In Yt less timel ’The BEST gift yon can buy for a man or young man at Chriat- Over-pressure plug. Aluminum. Soft plastic feels like real baby maa time ia something to wear from Regal, but often such gift skin. Doll sucks its thumb. Dia­ per, kimono, blanket. buying is made difficult because the SIZE is not known. Regal SHOWS WHEN READY Men,’a Shops come to your rescue in (his type of Christmas aht^piflg. MECHANICAL TO BAKEI SPECIAL THIS WEEK FREIGHT / CwdM.AC-OC 9.95 5-m* 2.98 I . GlGOmiDQ twin waffl# iron-^ ALL WOOL bakGs 1 or 2 wofflGs Gventy, Clocksprin'g motor con't be quickly. Cool walnut hondltSe overwound. Shoots harmless JERSEY BLOUSES sparks. 102 inches of trock. STATEMENT OF POLICY! "SESSIONS" CLOCK RE(j.3.29 NOW 2.59 _ . STURDY VELOCIPEDE ELECTRIC 16" WHUL . ^ Anyone tecehring a gift inm i^ at Regal (and there will be h - 5.94 REG. 3.98 NOW 2.89 thousands o f them) and who find they have received the Novel teapot clock for your REG. 4.98 NOW 3.59 Ball bearing front wheel, adj. kitcheni Self-storting move­ wrong size or color, can return it on or before January 10 seat, handlebars, 1 -in. tires. ment. Red plastic cos*. AC REG. 5.98 NOW 4.39 • 12m...».95 •20-m...ll.9S for proper size or the color they prefer. The exchange ’RUDOLPH" THE REINDEER RADIO FAMOUf SAMSON CARD TABLBI All wool Jersey biouse, with short, three quarter or long sleeves. In G IV I HER 3 IRONS An always welcome, um FuI gift, lee- ^ a will be made gladly. a variety of styles including manflarin neck, zipper fronts, Peter Pan col­ Only at WardsI Not a toy ... a sopar- STEAM SHOVEL AND quered six-ply laminated top . . . chip- _ j INONEI lars and classic styles. All fall shades. Sizes 32 to 38. helerodyne radio with automatic volume TRUCK 16” proofed onamotod tteol lege. Double * AWMMMt.AC control. Rudolph's nos* lights op. Rug­ Ckelre el wtefi tWV W9fk$i brocet afford rigidity and strength. V 5.49 ged white plastic cobinet. See it todoy I Ob fBnNtl StoMess steel steam and dry NOVELTY SKIRTS Load steam shovel by lowering iron— lighter,, larger, 'faster. removable tail skid. Hook on .Uses top-water. Cool handle. Anyone receiving a gift bought at Regal which is not to his I REG. 5.98 NOW 4*39 chain and crank^up onto truclb liking may return it before January 10 for an exchange, or REG. 7.98 NOW 5.89 WE WILL REFUND THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE. 1^ 1 REG. 8.98 NOW 6.39 A complete assortment in wool, corduroys and failles. Straight Una styles, flared akirta and novelty styles. Not every style in every size. Sizes 10 to 18. ______NOTHING COULD BE FAIRER! MULTIHLAMENT

At Regal yon may be ...... sure that when an ex­ RAYON CREPE PAJAMAS change or refund is'in or­ der WE DO IT GLADLY. WITH NO ARGUMENT 3*99 REG. 4.98 * AND WITHOUT DE­ Man tailored muHifilament rayon crepe pajamas by Skylon. Notch col­ LAY. That’s our policy at R E ^ H L lar styles with contrasting piping on collar and front of coat A true 6.98 Christmas time and value. White, aqua, navy, maize, coral. Sizes 12 to 20. ./F- M O D U N WRIGHTED-BASE SMOKER ALUMINUM "WATMLESS" COOKWARI throughout the year. PURNISHIO MHAL DOLL HOUSI LOW-PRICED M -W PORTABLE IRONER ^ V ' MEN'S SHOPS Modem styled smoking stand with gray S.raenu, foraga, tundedi and pickot M Eosy-to-us* . . . irons everything' from Save fuel, save food—cook hestth- 907 MAIN STRECT . WELDON BUILDING crock!* IMsh fultabi* for club, heme, o r. fane* ploy yordl Molded ploslle fumi* shirts to sheets. Simple foot or hand fill ••weterl***" wey. Bxtre herd .ex- oMc*. Weighted bos* for stability. . . 1.89 TELEPHONE 2-IS32 hire, car, fence and dolls. 2-slory Colo­ control of roll. Automatic heot ^ tro l{ _ . MsWIWSedl tm thick 10-t*. *-Qt. Seucepen tM 56 ecceBtef^BB polished chromed trim. lOW't nial metal house. 25l4 xl9tU5'A" lizo. 23' heavily padded roll! wemsioww. * Duteh Oreo M i Cblckea fryer M t


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHEl&TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1950 flAttIB 1WELVB The Mary Cheney Ubrary an­ street, a freshman at Wheelock The newly orghnleed P a ^ t - cordial invitation ts extended to member o f the Upaala Choral So­ College, Boston, la taking p v t In ciety' at Upsala . College. East nounces that they now have avail­ d tE H A R T Tcachers’ Association of the Con­ the parents o f all students attend­ th^ production of “Tom Sawyer" ing the school to be present at Orange. N. J. The f^ioral society able for patrons of the library A b o u t T o m u necticut School for the Blind will Moody’s Manuals of Investments being staged by the dramatics hold lU first regular meeting the meeting. will present Handel's great ora­ It's Not By Invitation torio, the ''Mesalah.’' at Orange and investment surveys, which' club Saturday for the entertain­ GEORGETOWH Monday evening. Uecembor 4. at ment of children froip Boston set­ M'— liin of Marjr Buahnell High school on December 11. cover the entire financial field. The aSSrZxaOiMry. V. 8. W. V., are eight o’clock In the school audi­ Cub Pack 78 will hold a meet­ five volumes, include Moody’s Oov- tlement houses. torium at 10 Holcomb street in to moct this •vonlng at eight ing at 7:30 tonight in the vestry The usual blble and study hour ernments. Bank and Finance. In­ — —»■ kt the Burhe Funeral home. Hartford. Miss Helen A. Strick­ of Temple Beth Sholom. dustrials. Public Utilities and Rail­ •^he midweek prayer and blble FIRESTONE land. supenMsor of education fbr wlU take place this evening at Si trthute to George Te^Tori whoee 7:30 at the Covenant-Congrega- roads. study hour of the Church of the It's Nbt By Ticket the Stated Board of Education of Nazarene will be in the lower audi­ wlf«k Mia. MUdred Te«Uort. Is a the Blind, will apeak on the topic, Earl R. Modean. of 30 Cam­ Uonal church. The senior choir PMt prealdent’bf the auxiliary and Mary Ann Lynch, of 235 Vernon torium this evening at 7:30. “ After C. 8. B.. What Thei>?’’ A bridge street, has been selected a i will rehearsaift 8:30. CAPEHART4 aUt# department. ______’408 It Concerns Women C4(U3- TaEVBlON THE i It's For Men Only SALE SPIHET ' y It's Coming Soon 309 V Buy Now! Save up to $80 YOU N AM E IT — W E’VE G OT IT! Limited Quantity At These Pre-Hovember Ist Prices THE BIGGEST 8 Prices ALL INCLUDE F*d*roi Tax! W tt* T H E B E ST CAPEHART • Com* . . . Us* Our Budg*r Buying Plan 6«M«OOti. THE LOWEST PRICED CAPEHART Att Here is your opportunity to own th* tops in Television. An incom­ W 1 CH A«»- SELECTION IN TOWN OF HAHTUCKET Olltut » « • parable CAPEHART. The exclusive Capehart picture system gives w ' «> Its' 1 t » t you BIG picture TV. The same rich beauty and fidelity of tone qual­ ' # 4 ity that has won for Capehart the acclaim of music lovers the world It 9 5 over. You will own and enjoy perfect union of^tone and sight in iUtl. TOYS! handsome cabinets. Don't miss iti DOLL.H — GAMES — M ECIIANI- CAI. AND Pi:i.I. TOVS. BOOKS. UONEL AND A.MERU'AV KIA ER 289 SS?-»-L T R A IN S AND A C f’ES.SORIES

SHOP NORMAN’.S VARIETY MART TODAY! 16-IHCH NEW CONSOLE WORLD . . . A NEW 1951 . RCA FAMOUS UONEl TRAIN OPEN EVERY DAY UNTIL 9:00 P. M. TABLE MODEL »«»V Ajf u * VICTOR A GENUINE •LIONEf EIECT8IC TRAIN PLUS “ Ths N e w j^ t” offers you a big •'m a g n e -t r a c t i o n ' v^it h r e m o t e c o n t r o l . clear plrturo, ami a .itcadv pic ­ Lovtly New “Hlghiamr with ture, looked in place by FtCA Vic­ handaome Mahogany cabinet . . . A**’' LOCOMOTIVE . TENOER . G O ND O LA CAR . BOX 45 CAR . CABOOSE THAT UNCOUPLE. NORMAN'S tor Eye Witno.as Synclm.nizcr. ats both traditional ami contem­ l d » New, extra-powerful circuitH gi\o porary settings. Offrfa nuin.v m w Complete With Troch ft Tronsformer THE VARIETY MART you the boat pciaaible i etcpI loii features, plus iiniiaunl licunlv. Your NeiKhboi;hood Shoppinir Center anywhere! C’omea in a liand.aoiuc Kxtra-powerfiil circull.a gi\,’ you modem metal enblnet with phono- clear, bright rrcepllon. COHPLITE UNI OP “ UONEl” . . "AMERICAM.FLYER" . . “ MARX” ELECTRIC 449 HARTFORD ROAD—NEAR McKEE ST. RCAVICFOR jack to plug in the RCA Victor TRAINS sad ACCESSORIES AT LOW TRICES YOU N AM E IT ~ WE'VE GOT IT! « 7; 1 319 ONLY LAY IT A W A Y O R TAKE IT TODAY TELEVISION *239 Inslellatinn Extra ’ ^ ^ S T I C # c. OILIERT oisiaduaaaatiHKm MMMii J i EHECrOII G R E A T E S T '^ Lay Away Christmas Toys HOW! SHOP EARLY WHILE SELECTIOHS A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HPLD IT ARE MOST COMPLETE! r« Rfwwm wm w am *« I ®»iOJ "'■Si N«n. rifWaMCWiMIKafMCMfWWafMCMfMBHWMMCWWWMMWIUMHKWilCWWMIKIICWxS d o u TO iuiio\ ,9*J»cti and |0UCa m .'“ ^T(E1 VALUE EVER! V SmorfdtP j| ^pincipai V/* Tyt *T«UCTIOn .0 0 8 . •or w an u 'A‘ ' » r TOP Stn ‘ «£C. ALL STEEL ^ B le c fr ic PH0N06RAPH' VELOCIPEDE w h a t MERRY TUNES IT CAN PLAY _ ^ YOU IVIR f AW SILENT ELECTRIC MOTOR — TURNTABLE o a sw PNOM j | y $ • fi.s s .- M 1 9 HOLDS ANY SIZE RECORD - BEAUTI- WAGON COLORFUL LITHOGRAPHED ^ HUti S16i)5 7104-» oHt-^ UNIRlAKAlLf I I c- ccMos . IN ‘ HOLi. s r r O f 12-io. Front Whetl, S«ffli- 0 A f . • MOIHfR 2 i O N L Y J . 9 8 «OOSE ‘ «fid ‘COW. 3 49' I Pneumatic Rubber TircB, lOT SONGS" ^ Coil ^ r in ( Saddle. A le t of Fen * in I TRAP& GIRL ■ Oaa of tko WorWt tdutetlonal. T e e Mom raawei Tayi fAM O U S Ar d r u m S h eete SHOULD HAVE OHE , Back A gain and Bmttar Than f v a r * Hmrmita !f SENIOR UhCOLW SETS SpaHu I TINKERTOY K : i VELOCIPEDES BINTWOOD LOGS MARX ! 1.98 Of Ivery Deseriptlea our.k S-" iH i sS3 H Makas both 5HOO-PLY ^TIC ACnJjyTHN. FREIGHT V] ' alaborata FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES — the iand^ op I still and EACH ONE THE BEST FOR THE I .motlan , 6l4S t MONEY -> A LARGE VARIETY Bagiae' sbeoti hariaUft t modala Has TO CHOOSE FROM — A SMALL ■parka as it roan around 2J8 a wlndlaaa- An hardmreod with antlgna DEPOSIT HOLDS IT FOR YOU. H drlTs power. c.r,fo‘ K: FtioM the track. All steal; strong maple finish. Tip-proof IW I rockers, 33 inches long. 1 * 7 9 X, m a wind-up motor. Six tata- HcwNCMfsKMaiiiitMwwwwmaifWNfaKe! ptaona poles included. CASH REGISTER FROM ij PratRy at arlotorol |,««IKWWIHWMWW««W«MMWWai.MWMWMWW«l.lMMM«UUMMn| fKnrXFiuiKiwwxrTerTr'XcryiwKMiKxtwKiitTicnriv.YrrjwMwwiiaiitiiawwiiawti*:^. w ith j The Sled Ivery Kid WantsI Here Cemea the Showboat! FOLDING j . Uglif*d, P U T MONEY DOLL CARRIAGE < Musical •P n m v a FliUBlE KYER PLASTIC SHOWBOAT m ( VILLAGE ' ” ™ 7 .8 D „ „ The dim war pope apea awt at6.p j CHURCH a ban rings JosYUkt the Mg Body and haod era covared arltk almnlatad leather.' ! 3.50 / > onsa. Twauty-ATa plseaa af Haa feat brahe, rubber play monsy. Una and p^tad hnb eapi. f Shiny white wtlft tad toot, A besntlfnl, flashy ( “ gold” doors and maka-boUaro ! poll-toy In brilliant MadeCaKKWWMWWWWIICIKIKiKMIhS stained gtasa windows, •wias 1 * Eedar Staarlof — colors. Complete wi^l music box. ^ I Ihorpar Toms DtUUS whistle. 14-lncb. S dwwauauMwwwmwwwwiifMfiiHbli „ SANDS iifeciKW.'/ '";fi.i:jK« d tbs - ■ TOOL CHEST 14 pc. Power Too! Kit VGfWGPD ’ wiuaasad the meter back MOTOR nus Bras, the born honki, the ladadlag * • faaiaet U gh .peed Fnedeaei Hf. Cmw BOXING GLOVES I6MM MOVIE PROJECTOR Up • Cfaaa -»l»*liUat car back* and the drlTor DOU-I-BATH^ 2.98 3JW •iMtrie awRsr Real (oaaactlaat -aad pas la thrown eltar off Us MIkl't PUN POt THE IN. VAlUlV • Set of 4 ■aa a canTaa bathing saetioa i 15 neoea. Ilandaonir steal Till PAMIIT . POWUPUl h has pwnHal 20,000 OFM frodtoMt kanepower motor. #GMf|G scat! Then he flope back with a pnll-oTar shaat that S Just a short push — and away UNS SHOWS CRYSTAL GUN & HOLSTER SETS Use aa AC ar OQ . . . Bsclotl*# fiaawprlp hr lisa and tha ear ttaUa. Lots of chaat, complata sat of qiwl- TABLE & CHAIR SETS • BaM wadelt af a* ra m a ublt top for draatlng J ■ha goes! Forward—backward Ity made tooln. “Things To CLEAR PICTUIIS UP TO 1 A lA ia i variety POI that “ROOTIN' OHIGIAL f o o ib u l work. On-oH Rwi«^ lar oaa head aperatlea. e^R--e- run! Boa ittadayl Only 6.95 PT. lie. ELECTRIC ORIVEN •IAUTIFUL lilDS ETC IvUFLI AND SNOOTIN'" cowlor siNati and douiu 0 9 ‘ •u- I — and witk bampa. 12Vfli>eh. Make” tnaimnl. MOTOR ■ COMPIIU WITH •LONDi MAKE FINISHES • STUR­ OUTPITS. PRICIO Itc «• R.n. Shack.pfaaf, akeealed. osM aaU bU Hoito «eee«— ' HUmiK4lgamMWWJar>aaaa«3UWi OMCMXd: ■Utl • lilt t CORB. 6 ’ * NMAY tmumtmmimmmma iotmimiMmouiM u m m DILY CONSTRUCTED OF SELECTED g 9 S vihraflMtkw at high ipaad. HARDWOOD. SEVERAL SIZES FELT COWBOY HAT 1.59 ou A N m ru M m M Mara's Fwl a s - i - . aa-----a a _ j - A "PRICED FROM H waHu aa aielal. woad. pkm, ptotrte, Im W , IjMm. vwl^WW rabbar. Man pcadkal pawef warkihep aay fcaUyW rV or hi all ttallwiiaa ton awa. ______TRAP f-sn iiM J TM I OAiaOUi CASCO IIICTBOMATIC d r u m HOCKEY SKATES 681 MAIN STREET n m dmioo al ihWad hahbyk h aad craftiawa aaan^ SET auto whara-...-...... -...... :...--.$|9.9S HANDSOME HARD TOE HOC- KEYSKATU TRIMMED WITH 4 - m a SWING lANO^ 2.98 98c ELKSKIN — TUIULAR STEEL MANCHESTER EASIEST TERMil IN TOWN share ELADfit — Beehiee lB4iMh Bao* Oom. U aeG lB Xd«i|M Ranch Bll Z i GR iBClndaa wltUn and tH-lmek tra* dnai, O^-taek NICKEL ■aa a pretty ample Bah*. Equipped CHROME bow, chimM, banja TomXem drut, Maagla, ey»- ^ 8 5 6 M ain St. store TELEPHONE HHI Phone 7 0 8 0 Wall made to taka hard FINISH . 1 5 bal, balU. ^ SIZES and director’s batom “ I op QuaJity Low Prices" wear. Fat ages two to six. 4 TO 12 GAUDET JEWELERS HUNDREDS OF TOYS AND PRACTICAL GIFTS AT ENORMOUS SAVINGS 891 MAIN ST.— (Acrowi From SL James'e Church)

jfeiklv J 1^ v..’7'*.v'''fV“i-J'-’'-1:-| ... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEl^NESDAT, NOVEMBER 29, 1950 \ MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1950 PAGE tion WM not listed on the agenda, counsel matter on the agenda pub­ and under the Board’a own rulea licly to have avoided stumbling should have neelvod no vote for Resigns Post over its own rules, which, in tha Manchester on November 29, 1894, have been active In the work of 1 a license to preach in the Meiho- ilauglilera, Miss Gladys Keith and action. excitement of the last meeting the South Methodist church for i dist church. He Is s Mason and for Mrs. Robert Olson of Qak Grove tMm uimomt unhelimvaMv For possible emergency situa­ whirh was Thanksgiving day that were overlooked. Local Couple year. many years, and Mr. Keith Is this . 30 years was a Justice of the street, and two grandchildren, ' tions, it has been established that Both Mr. and Mrs. Keith are en­ year a'lso celebrating the fifty-,: peace Miss Lxils Olson and Robert Olson, As Counsel for Town the Board, by voting to suspend AFL Union Wins . M ittens joying fairly good health. Both sixth anniversary of his receiving | Mr. and Mrs. Keith nave two who Is in the Army at Fort Olx. the rules, might vote on an im­ Bridgeport, Nov. 28—(JP)—The Wed 56 Years mediately pressing problenv Bridgeport Brass Com wny's 3,000 LiPTIS HAPPiER, SAFER AND (C T m f nw M ) D. taBells as town counsel, thd But at the last Directors' ses­ employes, voted yesterd^ to re­ Board of Directors, In attempted sion, no vote was introduced to tain the Federal Brass ^Workers MORE SECURE FOR THOSE Mr. and Mr«. William proe»«Wmi for a judicial d«U^’ re-examlnatlon action, may have suspend the rules for the purpose Union (AFLl as their collective Your I c y WIN LHio! JUST REOEIVEDI NEW SHIPMENT. I ftel that mich a pro- violated Ita own voted method of of discussion.or vote. bargaining agent. John Ward, E. Keith Are Quietly codura would be unfortunate for procedure. A study of past Board procedure company industrial relations di­ WHO HAVE A SAViNGS tba ordnly conduct of the Town's In re-openlng the LaBclIe ap­ shows the ordinary course of ac­ rector, said the union received 1.- Ohfierviiig Anniversary RIGHT DRESS pointment, the Board of Directors tion would have been for the Di­ 067 votes to 018 for the Mine, M|ll Junior and Youth Sins ACCOUNT PROTECT TIMY FEET with soft flixibie f r i l l brirng evrrfibodi/ *TlMt«f0re. for what I consider junked a long-standing course of rectors to have placed the town and Smelter Workers (Ind.), Mr. and Mrs. William B. Keith, for to fee the beat Intereeta of the action formally adopted by them- of 6 Charter Oak street, are quiet­ r u n n in g tn LOFT Town, I hereby resign as Town helves. This might have the effect There are upo antt dowris for all of ly celebrating the fifty-sixth anni­ Counsel, to taJce eSect Immedi- of making the vote to review the I l^Se*wsSf*—^Se—eVSe-e'Se-w.iae—eVV-wW B versary of their marriage today, SKIING I LaBelle appointment technically UH but for those who have ready cash and are receiving the congratula­ n realise that this resignation QiUC^ Srio/M inappropriate. in Savings Account the return from tions of their friends on the happy 1. Ha rtesu Is fesA. wW' In no way assist in a final de> At its organisation meeting TOE SHOE SALON’S occasion. They were married in I. 1 pless MMsIta vasip md teutv.. termination of the proper inter­ early this month, the Directors “down to up” can be a lot speedier and 3. Cafk-«MMased wiet. He saib. pretation of the Charter, and I adopted Robert’s rules of procey feel yery. strongly.that to avoid dure as governing conduct of easier. Made fey xsttlsBFi Is diildre.’i the pi^lem in future appoint­ Board meetings. However, the di­ THURSDAY SPEQAL! LIQUOR DEPT. *hae irsbfsi.atHly. ments, the question should be re­ rectors did not discard previous Remember—In practically every cir­ solved. special rules that have oeen in Open 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. "I would like to express my sin­ practice for a long time. cumstance the man with cash in a Sav­ “No One Sell? For I^esn” cere personal appreciation to the One of the rules left standing, LADIES... D u ^o ld four Republican members of the and apparently applicable In the ings Account has the edge on the situa- Board who supported the recom­ present case concerns the drafting Arthur Drug Stores mendation of the General Mana­ of an agenda and the means of CAN YOU USE AN tion. •> SKI UNDERWEAR ger In voting for my reappoint­ introducing and disposing of topics Thim week onlg! ment." of Eioard business. ■ EXTRA DOLLAli? Wear this specially designed ski underwear, QoeetloB Unsettled Hie discussion on the order of The resignation of Attorney business, taken up shortly after mide in rtro thin l*y*rs. Plenty of warmth- .1 Bouse may still not entirely clear the new charter was adopted, and SHOE 2 V i POLNIIS the way for the unquestioned ten- frequently referred to since, finally YOU’LL FIIVD ONE — M*ls S.9. full freedom of action—no wool itch. Perfect ■ ure of Attorney LaBcIle as town brought about the following rule: REPAIRING f f , «Md M Mtmhkr for the sport. In red or white two-piece gai^ counsel. To receive any voted disposition, tuektd Insid* Eoch **r I* ' finer quality If Itr legally is left to the Gen­ a matter of buslneas must be list­ Of the Better Kind ments. Come in and let us show it to you. eral Manager to recommend and ed. in advance, on the meeting Hoiidbog PurehosBd enforce his choice as town counsel, agenda which Is sent out to each BOYS’ DEPT. DONE WHILE CHOCOLATES and Miould he refuse so to recom,- Board member. This la established This Thursday. Saving Bdnk°'^MdHclie$teY - mend Attorney l,aBelle, the House to prevent introduction of any YOU WAIT resignation would have only the "sneak" legislation for a quick vote A MUTUAL SAVinCS DARK offset of removing him from the without mature deliberation. All Dcponlts In This Bank Are Guaranteed In Full By The SAM YULYES CEHOtlSEsSON CEHOtlSEsSON » ^ 9 8 ,t>lcture butf would not solve the While the Board has decided that THE SHOE SALON Savinga Banks’ Deposit Guaranty Fund of Connecticut, Inc. 701 M.UN STREET ■ ■' • IM e . " — rn rr~i' ■ V -T I IM c=. 'j- 1..^ asserted problem of illegal pro- it would not vote on a m atter W E GIVE jUGVT GREEN STAMPS W E GIVE ^JejrGIPrPN STAMPS . csdure. without regular agenda notice, Across From tho Pest OiRce In fe«6Hat(ful (prk-0 gort But meanwhile, another over­ simple discussion, \iithout action, hark to 52..70 looked side to the proposition ex­ is permitted. CHRISTMAS •474 Main Stroot R o m Ore. 4lh) ists. This permission is granted by Gift Concerned that it might have the listing on the agenda of "round ■ trij^ied up in correct procedure In table discussions." LOFT’S invites you to the appointment of Attorney John In the LaBelle case, review ac­ E I ^ I P * * * ‘|*4P*sas^ ^saai^|Isaa * ^ * I 3 "ifet acquainted” with a wonderful candy value that may never linppen again! Limited quanti ty-get yours today. DRUG STORE 5 fpnee goes hack to Ch^tmfs 942 MAIN ST.—TELEPBONE 2-3616 14 9.S Prc. 4lhi extra ermturaf 'W a^Ace^d^CHaj d r u g st o r e rhriBlM as R nr# Pandy In decorated metal n K i'A BN container. Hurry.., Spociaiir ^irrd 100 ASPIRIN • lie quantity is limited! nn$ PUREST S4SRAIN JABLCTS (UMlT l)...... XX Thtx trmmh omtfft Special mailivp rate* anywhere in U. S. A. and overacav! Mure people in Conneetirvt e« See LO F T ’S complete rrleelwn of frreh buy l.ObT Candy • b IIcIb m i ABSORBINE JR. o o , eand ter beaut ifu 11 y bored fo r Christmas. than any oOicr kind. Milk and Never Before...SuchTV Plerformance! REGULAR »1.25 BOTTLE (LIMIT ii. O O ^ tOt Silt < SHOE ARTHUR’S ALKA- LO ^ X Otocolale*... mm fine nm gon rgm give SELTZER HRST! 1 7 c 1 17-iN eH i i tablets Rubbing Alcohol 899 Main Street and throughout Conneetledt CIGARS, Freshly loxod REGULAR 29», FULL PINT OJMlT l)...... X i f 54‘ CROSlEf PIPES and RACKS Tobacco and Cigarettes Riinily SACCHARIN e q , 1 Xmas Wrapped BOTTLE o f 1000, Ve-GRAIN TABLETS (LIMIT i; ^ Tlieafre Silt TINCTURE T ^ e v f s f o n IODINE LIQUOR DEPT. CARROLL’S Children’s Shop (Limit l) WITH OPEN 8 A. 31. to 11 P. M. 8 * FULL ROOM Scotch OUR SPECIAL .Sth in this Month-End VISION •-M. R.Hft Whiskey S2J4 6AMES POP1TLAR BLEND 6tk Synp of Wklto Pile PUZZLES Wines oMTar 69c V/A PUSTJC TOYS CALIFORNIA. Fnll 8th CALL 5191 89‘ GHILDREirS BOOKS Witli America's Most Treasured Gift GHILOREirS RECORDS THU^DAY FOR YOUR GROSLEY TRIAL SET K tS iu FEERAMIRT COCA-COLA LAXATIVE TRUCK CUM CRUEN FRIDAY ll-jliwheti Y e llO 'B o le RODEO . 2 1 * kwR ...... * COM ecu MW PIPES Complete with ilx Stationery miniature caiai. 24 shttti, C Q c ' T H E ^ ^ le c c a t o n w a t c h S t.... 89‘ *nvcfap.< . ^ 9 9 SATWDAY 2 0 % OFF Diipsntsi play Th. cool imoking Th. ideal inexpen­ A. Veri-ThiB lo i^ . 1. Autowind Ace. Self-winding Q. Veri-Thin Embaaty. 14 kt. Family Theater Cros- BUCKIN’ bottl.s oi Coke. pipo with th. hon.y sive gilt that he is tomely tbia. Fine and water retittant . . gold case. 21 jewela ley Television gives you BRONC trMtwl bowl suie to appieciate. iSnits value. . Sturdy and smart. . . . >12.58 Alligator band...... '4I7.M TRY IT OlUrtn’t FULL ROOM VISION. Criffii ^ O e B. Veri-Thin Echo. Chirmiag /. Veri-Thin Dons. 14 kt, gold R. Veri-Thin N'otinne. 14 kr. ON EVERYTHING in our That means you can en­ CASTORIA gfaaNc . . . < 9 9 Sheaffor Pen {told fUled ca»e. • cast 17 jeaxl move- dd cate. Marching „ LAXATIVE Rida 'em Cewborl & Pancil Set Accurate...... W .ia mem...... SOM Black band. . $11SN joy undistorted, clear, Lifelike action toy- S-os. Jbottle 3^ Gift e-00 C. Veri-Thin Aaoot. Modem K. Veri-Thin Epoch, new S. Veti-Thin RegaL Diamond -big pictures from ANY IN YOUR OWN HOME l e boxed ___ deiign with matching „ achievement in ttyle „ diaL Sunning 14 kr. ^ Children's Shop VIEWING ANGLE IN A line pen and pen­ bracelet . . S4UI and accuracy...... )I7.N Gold-filled cate . . . - JlsOJI POLICE cil set is olwoyt a THE ROOM. Call us to­ * PLAY SET .89 tieoiured gift. D Veri-Thin Winnie. Fuh- L Veri-Thin Capri. Gracefully T. Veri-Thin Lourdes. Lovely Far Jr. Realistic action ioniUy riesdet. Gold styled gold filled case. 14 kt. gold cate with day! jnechanicaUoje filled cate...... MIN An unusual watch.... >71.50 4 radiant diamondt. >15sJI FOR A WEEK - - FREE! geflremee. . " T 9 ,20% 20% Cap plitol, whistle, ■ M B & Veri-Thin Ailingten. Sman Af. Veri-Thin Park Avenue U. Autoiviod Sovereign. Self- We will Install FREE^ an outside double conical ' badge.'pennit card. geld filled cate, match a'inding 14 la. soki, !-«■. B ottle' 14 k t Gold-filled esse . „ OFF % antenna for yonr week’s free triaL *OnIy cost to ing band...... >41.75 of unusual design . . >71.51 dress model. . . 5135.N OFF you is |5 if yon decide not to buy thfe set. “ OR TANK OR F. Veri-T&ia .Vtiioo. Djynty, N. Veri-Thin Monterey. Most V. Vert-Thin Deauville. 14 kt. WiitoiinM TRACTOR gold filled cate. Expao- distfnaive 14 kt. gold gold case with 2 7‘0« »,«*«» ; U.S.P Quality tioo bracelet...... >5IN cate. Accurate...... >8I.N diamonds...... >115.11 Select YourXinas Gifts NOW 2s.... TS* <7. Veri-Thin Berkeley. Square O. Autowind Marksman. Self IT. Veri-Thin Imperial. 14 kt. Long-ruaalag spring ipld filled cate. Match- „ ' winding, dreta model . „ Gold-filled ate. 4 *,«ati Outfit Your Children NOW wound motoia. iQg band...... >5UI Shock tmiwanu .... >71.51 diamonds. 21 jewels. . >1**W H. Veri-Thin Witp. Charming 'P. Veri-Thin Carmen. 4 ruby Veri-Thin Lucerne. 14 kt. Deduct 20% From Anything NOW iqutre gold filled cate. ditL Modern ttylinS- . . . „ gold creation, with 8 , Accurate. . sH JI Matching feracelct.. . . >71.51 diamondt. . . . .SliliN All Merchandise Hove Their- ... i ...

UrnGOt hr Htitl EASY PAYMENTS .INVITED Regular Price Tickets On NOW L u iljn iM CtLOIRE Select Your Garments NOW unnei'5 I IsceadlerL .4 75 COMPACTS HAIR DRYER Curileq Iren TASSEL ROTES .- . «f- fissMesee . . I " A»Ue Q O t AdJtHtable MM Woa’t Imm w.lg Open All Day Deduct 20% " Just When out mapped for hint dcsffns , . . w O switch ...... ” 'V*'*’ R Q c Wednesday IM EAST CENTER STREH TELEFHONE S lf l H m'C hnstmas. enirtleeet. . . O w A thoughtful gift shell Blows hot oc cold oli U th# doM hsc own nou SloUoneiy has an as- You Need Thot Extra Savings NOW im Ut appM date .at flick of dM ssriteh. . abeTl enjoy this gift •ortaent of pottela Open Thura. and JKWlilLERS , . . . - SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 OPEN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY UNTIL 9 F , M. SAT. ALL DAY UNTIL 5 P. M. Sat. Eveninsa 958 MAIN ST...... MANCHESTER HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS 7«5 M!MN ST. CORNER IN HARTFORD AT RRATT AND MATN ■^■^■^. •■>.■< tl..*. ;v

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.^COMN.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. I960 PA01?81iVlNTia*'A7 fA flS SLSTEto and putting them ouUtde to dry. I PoUfl/ar PitieaDOle Then, when the cane la nearly i s^ s s dried, give It a ooAt of cleAr vat* I W ill nlah t<) preserve it. i m Legion and Groves Score Rec Loop Wins Bargains BRUSHED NYLON ANKLETS Your Baby Be have that fluffy ‘‘gngora” look, combined with the lasting quality President? TRIKESi Mahonry t K uttertjr B«w M»d utterly Io%’ely for MENT. Chlldren'a in soft suede, BLAIR'S. Made by Shrewsbury at MancliMter Eastern kitciiMW And bAthrooms. HMtings CURTAIN SHOP, Main street, j ronlriists in p,98 fof .sire and four for $.“>.00 at the (“HEN Presidents than any other month. Lm 'i Dan Dailey haa been chosen to cofers—and it’s low in co.si. Vou SIONS were never more fashion­ flannbl, full length flannel robes in 6. Meriden—home. Bob Hubbard, Arnold Jones, Ken­ .'>4 'x72” . They're the "answer to EY BROTHERS REMNANT This Is the birth month of four— Prlaceu BeitaDrsat (II McCurry ...... r. i n m play the title role In "The Dizzy must aee It at the HALL T.INO- able than they are this year, and solid color with contrasting piping, Polk, Taylor, Pierce, Harding, One of the biggest clubs In the 9. Wallingford—away, ney Walt era, Vern Cox, Lou Dead, Btandlnga a home-makers prayer” (or per­ SALESROOM. Brofan .. Trueman Bristol—away. Dean Story," w'hich will be pro- W L Pet LEUM COMPANY, 32 Oak Street. MATHER'S AT THE CENTER snd other happy choices for Christ­ e e • Uimlow . Eastern Pro League this season to. Frank Bores, Joe Kabotchka are sonal use of for a Christma gift. i’Axianos . 16. Hartiord—away. diicwl by “rwentlcth Century Fox. Garden Grove .. . ..2 0 i.ooa SHEEPSKIN SLIPPERS for showa a galaxy of lovely neek- mas giving. But white November might beat PhUlipt Uubarha will be the Torrlngton Howards, lisle i’ockcll ...... 114 91 day garoea will be 8:30 this sea­ with Wallingford thia season. The Jan. Dean pitched for both St. Loula and Harm's ...... 0 1 .0 0 9 wide. In choker or collar styles. >8 available at the CENTER • • • Topping . i6 76 — 152 .Mclaaac ...... 87 — son. The Burnside Eagles will be ex-Long Island University atar Chicago during hU National I.,eague Bracelets are nice singly and even 74 — 92 lliii Lf^Kolmre ...... 92 82 1. Hartford->-home. PHARMACY at $2.00, plus tax. wmeav's spurmiht cum is a Thcrrlcn featured In the first game at 7 will field a aquad of former LIU career . . The Red Sox have re­ . 9.1 SO 81 2 ItrBBBie’s iif former Rhode Island State atar Feb. LIU grads. The Vets are the de­ WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT GUM a7 63 2.^0 Sawyfr ...... 71 68 68 207 2. Hartford—home, aon . . BUI Wight, southpaw pitch­ For threa-4iuarters of tha Le-i) Swinging Skirls There’s plenty of time to make Tout IcUul . . . . who two years ago was the big fending league champions. .Presi­ BEAUTIFUL CEDAR CHESTS, o.’ds digestion, foeih, breath llow srd ...... 73 63 6.) 241 1 ,H. Johnson ...... 83 91 90 264 4. Torrlngton—away. dent Lou Black of the circuit was er with tha White Sox, upheld the gion-Oaka game a nip and tuck | window curtains of NYLON MAR­ H4 240 ...... S3 97 85 265 gun In the Torrlngton attack. Aft­ tussle continued bafora the La> | made by famous "Cavalier,” are By Mr*. Anne Caliot Lliawoith ... . 79 83 nallfllcprr . 7. Meriden—away. I granted a $200 aalary Increase belief too per cent during the past QUISETTE for a Christmas gift Murton ...... 8*> 90 107 282 .\. Johnson ...... 78 79 113 370 er Doherty, you are looking at the aeaaon that hurlera aren't expected glona put on a drive that left thalr') . ready to make Christmas gifts of Twenty-three inches of lovcli- ' ...... 83 86 101 370 11. Bristol-home. ! over last year at a recent meeting Bright Corduroy $1.98 that comblnea beauty with prac­ ness makes this centerpiece a I D. Cuwlcs . . 90 93 84 273 K*»rde ...... tallest team In the EPBL. The to hit. Wight failed to hit safely rivals for behind. Taking a IS to';} lasting worth at KEMP'S INC., Howards have a collection of 15. Wallingford-Laway. i of the league personnel. The Flaming Red, $ liIvid Blue. Slr.es I •». ticality. The fabric Is so durable. “must” for the collectors of pine- 1 443 1293 42t 467 i r e 16. Hartford—home. once In 60 official trips to the 16 lead In the first period the boyo*;| 763 Main Street. TTiere are ca­ In spite of its filmy daintiness. It's ToU U ...... 407 442 Tutala ___ former collegiate aces who have yearly fee la now $400. Each of from Leonard atreet kept ahead pacious chests in distinctively apple patterns. It is easy to crochet j Mauchralrr liailiator SpoODO 23. Wallingford home. the six league teams -will be as­ plate. . . Red Rolfe Is reported In SAVE ON 65 223 displayed their ability all over the Jofi Spir* all through tha tilt with tha •core*> grained walnut, maple, and ma­ easy to make up. It launders with and will be greatly admired by ! Hyoiiollk: .. . 96 94 92 262 JennSnRM S7, 25. Meriden—away. sessed a little better than $66 to line for an Increase In pay of ten $2.98 - $4.29 ...... 93 6.f 84 243 country. Chile Edelateln, the for­ at half time ending at SS to Si,t Wrestling Tonight versity stallwnrt, stands six feet, 11. Torrlngton away. game and If a club Is found guilty Chatter rub the end of the run with damp­ dress and the pattern number to If anybody’s i;olng to gel a shot Dummy 60 60 180 kees. The Springfield Rifle haa 53 to 30. In the final oeoalon tbas: “The new "ELECTROSTEEM " MAM.HESTER 74 77 313 five Inches and tips the Fairbanks of exceeding the $200 limit It will Cotton or Crop* $1.98-$2.98 ened soap and allow to dry. Since Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ at the woi'ld’a heavyweight wrea- Gilbertson copped 70 declalons against 28 de­ Bowlers put on thalr opraa that; vaporizer, advertized In Life mag­ Braun .... 85 84 256 at 210 or better. A1 Shields goes be auhleeted to a fine of $100... Manager Bill Shaw of the Silk woe out thort by thalr opponantn;. Eyelet RiiffU-a. Plaid Trim. this neither damages nor discolors ning Herald. 1160 Ave. Americas. CARPET CENTER tling championship in the ilYimc- 100 91 271 Cesar Brion, 23-year-old Argentine feats . . The exhibition tour through Colored Embroidery. azine, Is among the innumerable Lockwood three Inches over the six foot scorer until he jumped to the (hty football tram announced last aa Leo Day, ZWlck and toll Bill: I the fabric, mending or reweaving New York 19. N. Y. 398 Slain SI. rnrnplke Corner dialc future, they're going to have llllinski .. 89 93 384 heavyweight, la this eomer’a pick New’ England of the Mickey Harris night that the Aces are through Long or Short Sleeves Sires 1-M. essentlala for child care available Is possible once soap is Washed mark. The handsome forward Penn League last year. Slim Gar­ Davla awiahed twin markers unttli', Needlework Fans—Anne Cabot's to do It over the conquered body Captained Fordham's Rams last to defeat Joe Ixiiiis tonight at the All Stars was a flop and the Wash­ for 4 hr sraaon. Coach Sugar Hu- at the PINE PHAilMACY. 664 out. Ually 9 to :!(U— Wed: tn Somib I'DtAlB . . . . 408 405 1204 rett is once again with the How­ the final horn sounded ending Uis'! big new Album Is here. Dozens of 6 of Gene ataiiley. You can be­ winter. Al Peterson halls from Chicago Ktadium. WNHC-TV ington pitcher dropped $6,000 . . , grrt's charges scored right vie- Center Street. This vaporizer, fascinating new designs, gifts, dec­ rhurs.. Fri. 9 in 9—'Tel. Z-4S48 lieve that, right from the Ups as ards. This steady player haa been New publicity man for the New game. i ) By Sue Burnett 76 66 250 Oregon State. This towering cen­ will carry the bout.. Coach Hugh torlps In rievrn starts lo post the Stylish All-Wool Jorsoy Blouses $3.98 which keeiis air moist for croup orations and special features . . . Mr. America who insists that if Gan»were a atar of many Torrlngton Teams. York Rangera la Herb Goran, for­ Starring for the Legion « s is (l sufferers from ten to twenty*four Ha^■ing read the ads in many Anderson 105 78 267 ter, six feet six Inches, was the Greer’s University of Connecticut best rreord of a local srml-pro Zwtek, Demko, Davla and Day^t Oreen or Red. Sires 7-14. A beautifully simple home frock Plus 4 gift patterns and directions. there's a chaUenger ahead of him Al Ablondl, the blond scoring mer baseball writer In New York .. hours, is only $6.98. Baker’s Milk national magazines, you'll know’ Dummy .. ■ 80 80 340 high scorer with Oregon when wizard, founds out the team. cagera will open their aeason football team In years. The Acea each hitting the double figure*'i to delight the beginner in sewing on the Hat, then he must be forced 87 77 350 Members of the Philadelphia Phll- is another welcome newcomer to how fortunate anv diamond buyer 25 cents. Benton they won the Pacific Coast Cham­ Coach Johnny Falkowskl haa Thursday night against AIC at won thr Connecticut Football while Joe Accorncro and Gen*l with f^w pattern pieces, a clearly la to have "KEEPSAKE ” DIA­ Into a ahowdown. Johnson . 95 95 286 Storrs. .George Felgenhsum, the llea draw down $25. a night on child health which you'll find at illustrated sew chart to guide you pionship In 1946-47-48-49. Ken not revealed hia starting lineup for Conference w’llh six atralghl vlc- Richardson played tha beet for th* I MOND RINGS available in town Mr. America wanta to be num­ Keller was a memVier of St. John’s hot tempered New Yorker who the chicken salad circuit. . . Walt loriee. the Pharmacy, as well as Dex- smoothly and quickly. fats dean and clear for re-use, ber one In the East after he faces Tol«il.a .. • 424 443 416 1283 the tap off. Ernie Johnson has loaera. H iiff m n i i j y p at the DEWEV-RICHMAN COM­ University w’heq they won the Na­ starred with Wallingford In the Dropo of the Red Sox appeared on In the aecond tUt tho OrotsM! 8 tramaltose and Pabliim, all the Pattern No. 8442 la a sew-rtte PANY. 767 Main Street. Perfec­ strain them through cheesecloth. 12 HOUR the high rated television atar the been the scoring star for Nassiff Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town" | W | FOR KVERYTHING }lf m special oils and powders, diapers Pro Basketball at a Glance tional In'vitatlon tourney at Madi­ Arms so fsr. In three games he E. L. tw'o veers ago. has been powered their way after the Intanj perforated pattern In sizes 12, 14, tion Is color and brilliance, as well high flying Argentina Antonino ! signed by the Bristol Tramps. The TV show recently In Boston for a Bulls Hewitt put together sin­ and nibber pants, and whatever 16. 18. 20; 40 and 42. Size 14. 4 5-8 Chrome and color combine to National Association son Square Garden In 1943. He has slipped 52 points through the gle games of 141. 13.5. 122 last mlaelon when they bod a threofl as in proportion. Is an absolute Rocea at the Hartford Auditorium played with the Washington Capi­ i Bell Towners will also have John- reported $1,000 . . Rogers Hornsby point lead of 85 to S3. one needs for babv. yards of 39-Inch. guarantee. TTie Keepsake diamond make DINEHTE SETS In ample ] VAPORIZERS In the feature attraction on Wed- New York 108, Syracuse 84. hoops for an average of 17.3 a night In a West Side Rec Bowling tol.. throtigh the 1917-48 sea-on. game. Jackie Allen and Bobby ' ny Canavart, Bill Ma.ss, Jackie haa been named manager of The hetgbUi once more ITlnrpTijuif u For this pattern, send 25c plus is the gift of gifts. supply ■ for Christmas giving at | neaday night’s all star program Philadelphia 76, Boston 74. Seattle In the Pacific Coast I^eague lA’Bgue match for a 398 triple. Plump APPLE DUMPLINGS Now' Available At Indianapolis 90, Fort Wayne 66. and was with New Britain last Knight regi.steied In double fig­ Foerst, Tom Henry, Al and Chris greatly strong for the Caterer* i 6c for first-class mailing. In coins, the MANCHESTER FLOOR COV­ They come to grip., in bc,st two Vlerra. Pan! Labanowskl and*play- . . Ferris Fain, fancy-fielding and Hewitt had two triple strikes In with all the old-time goodnes.s and ERING COMP VNY. 721 Main Rochester 87, Washington 71. season until that club folded. Mar­ ures twice as did Jumpin' Joe Be­ big Joe Spira ripped the oorda. your name, address, size desired, Well organized SEWING out of three falls limited to one ty Powers was the EPBL’s top er-coach Gene Hayes, .Allentow’n’s hard-hitting first baseman with his fine total. CHECKERBOARD LAYER and the Pattern Number to Sue BOXES have just been stocked at Street. The triple-plated chrome Baltimore 73, TrI-Citles 65. rner. the Glastonbury star of with ten twin p a te r a and hour. w’bom much la expected this, sea­ entry In the American League Is the Athletics la expected to wear out of four ohorUy toeooa Sof i c a k e s , that are as delicious as Burnett. The Manchester Evening the J W. HALE CORP.. ready to frames for the extension table and either a New York or Detroit uni­ they are attractive to look at, are PINE son. Lee Golumblew’akl and Al ready to fold. Don't be surprised Manchester High will play lU tol of 84 points. Also aiding Herald. 1150 Ave. Americas, NVw make nice but inexpensive Christ- chairs come In a variety of styles, If Colby Gunther Is back with Mer- form next summer. among the weekend specialties at maa gifts. One style in quilted both “ period” and modem. Tlie Surow’lec haven't scored Impres­ first CCIL game Friday night In Joe ware Qua Osudlno who nett York 19. N. Y. Middletown against the 'Hgere 16 markets and Joe Young with 11| the PINE PASTRY SHOP. 661 Send 2.6 cents today for the new plastic has a drawer for thread genuine Formica table topi, in sively as yet but are expected to Center Street. And don’t forget and accessories. A second style glorious shades of red. rose, blue, PHARMACY spring loose momentarily. Charlie Coarh Will Clarke's crew aeored ■ points. For tho loeeis, Uoyd fall and Winter Fashion. This 46 to 36 win over the Alumni In via and Wally Porelok with 15 ( their homev-tasting HOLIDAY late.st Issue Is filled with news and In colorful chintz-pattern novelty green, yellow ,or . gray, require 664 CENTER ST. Muzlkevik la again playing his FRUIT CAKES AND COOKIES covering has a rompartmented top practically no effort to keep lovely steady gams. New Dodger Manager Ita opener on Tbankagivlng night 18 points raopooUvsly did styles for a smart winter ward­ The Eastern Pro League offi­ Al Morgan la expected to be in heavy ooorlng. which you can send now to men In robe: Interesting features; free section. Both have sizable space since they resist all common sen'lce. for socks or stockings or other fomis of damage. Chairs arc cially opens tomorrow night when the Indlane' atartlng lineup Fri­ Swatlsaa l i Rift pattern printed inside the book. Torrlngton opposes the Walling­ day. The Negro center missed thi T- B.. F, things-to-bc-mended. Each style padded for comfort. in spongeable 4 B a r, r f ...... 8 8-4 plastic to match the table top. A ford Vets at the latter’s court. Plajis Mound Shakeup game against the grads while let' TOILETRIES BY COTY make is $1.98. ALTO CLASS 0 Davis, rf ...... 8 1-4 very appealing Christmas gifts forlorn looking and probably not special factory-to-you arrange­ Arrow Shirts Thereafter every team ylll face a ting a hand injury heal. 1 Hubbard, If ...... 1 *8 from QUINN'S PHARMACY be­ too alrong. To save time in Ironing ciirtsins, ment makes prices most attrac­ MIRRORS heavy slate of SO games through 1 Fos, If ...... 0 0-0 tive. March 16. Tip Department: George Dem­ 1 Demko, c ...... 8 8-4 cause of the imaginstive packag- i iron several at a time on your Dressen Says Team Will Two ConiMl* ToitiRht 8 Hlkolqwsky, rf • 8-8 ing and wrapping, ns well a,s the ! GIFTS OF SILVER arc In the ko will be one of the best basket' very best of taste, particularly when padded kitchen table. A steam In Y Senior I-eague 0 fltrlckltnd. IS ...... 1 0*$ proven charm of the cosmetic.s iron Is best. If the children's pajamas pop Tlie Christmas Gift He Wonts Most Train at Vero Beaeh ball players ever to come out of 1 Iwick, 1* ...... • (M i f themselves. The Cliri.stmas spirit | they take the useful forms and buttons at each laundering, sew U('oiiii*8 Carlson .Manchester within three ynara. wrnmmm 1s enhanced In single Hems or in i lovciv lines of those shown at NEW COLORS IN VLN’YLITE cotton tape on in place of the Next Spriii;;', Miiiiih Two games are acheduled to­ The six foot, alx Inch youngster Is 11 TnUli ...... n •-1I lovely acts (priced up to $.6.00,1 .MATHER'S AT THE CENTER. buttons and tie the two ends of night In the YMCA Senior learning fast and has all the ear­ riiGHar Oak Oawlara PLASTIC FLOOR COVERING Rookies; Highlights 1 Wllkl*. rf ...... 1 $ - 4 11 ChrlHtmas is the time for that have Just been received at the the taping through the htitton Ruled Ineligible Basketball League. First game marks of developing Into a first elegant silver tea or coffee acrvice. at 7:15 pita the RoekeU 4 Aoeornaro, rf ...... s 4-7 11 There’s n WONDF.RFUL. AR- j HALL LINOLEUM COMPANY, holes.• rate eager. 1 Richardson, if ...... I 0-S 11 Covered vegetable dishes, usable as Brooklyn, Nov. 29 —{JF)~ againat Wapplng while the RAY OF CHRISTMAS GIFT.S for | 32 Oak Street, in beautifully Storrs, Nov. 29-.-(7P)—The Uni­ 6 Psaaiil, e ...... 1 s-t 11 both men and women at the WEl.e two di.shes, include one which blended marbeltzed patterns. Genuine MARCASITE JEWEL­ Brooklyn's diaappolntlng Dodgers nightcap at 8:80 will find the Country Club Pro Alex Hackney 3 Perkin, r f ...... 1 0-0 DON DRUG COMPANY. All the makes a deep dish and a shallow RY" has a special beauty for this versity of Connecticut haa decided of 1950, eapecially tbs collapsible North Ends playing Bolton. 3 Dezutls. r* ...... 0 0-0 There arc nice green and blue, reports that the Country Club t 0-1 best known and most liked toilet one on legs. A silver water pitch­ gray with either black and red or year's Christmas as shown at not to argue about the eligibility pitching staff, will be put through course will he oi>en until Christ­ 4 r. asmbogns. If ...... articles are available with many er Is beautiful as an omamenL black and rose swirls, and many MATHER'S A T 'T H E CENTER. of a skyscraping center It had the w’ringer In 1951. mas. The greens are In good con- This was promised yesterday by 3$ Totals ...... n $-1$ $ .special Christmas touches in Innumerable graceful candle sticks tan tones. See the.se easily The soft sparkle of the marcasite been counting on to help its bas­ first two performances already, illtlon, Alex eaya. The local pro fkor* at halt tlma. 88 to S3 Laglon. single or candelabra style, bon is enhanced In the new craftsman 111'/, Crniri St Plum* 6*56 new manager Charlie Dreasen. pscltaging. I cleaned, non-absorbent-of-dirt cov­ ketball team. He w-on't play until and sellouts have been Indicated has been shooting fine golf lately UeferM. Honrath. Umplra, Allbrla. bon dishes, salt and pepper sets are erings for a really room-renewing designs of linked roses or spring Ltiirc FziMiis. PU'turv •crwnilo* who was named to succeed Burt for all remaining nightly ahow- turning In scores of 68 to 72 the 1951-52 season, hli aenlor When out shopping for linens further suggestions. Chrislmaa gift! dowers. Pieces may be purchased' Venetian Hliml* Shollon In a move that aurpriseil Inga. However, some tickets are Some of the club members who nardra Orava in\ look out for sheets and pillow­ separately or made Into lovely Fumltare r»pa year nobody. Salary terms were not stdl available for the Saturday have turned In fine rounds of late P B. r. r seta from the various'necklaces of disclosed, but It was reported the 0 Danlelton. r( ...... 4 0-0 cases that are heavily sized with When cane bottom chairs begin BEDROOM SUPPERS ' for The player In question Is Burr afternoon presentation. have been Bill Lockwood, Art 0 0.0 to sag, you can tighten them up grouped dow’ers, matching brace­ figure Is $40,000 a year. g .*(011(5. rf ...... starch when new. The starch will Christmas may be ornamental or Carlson, one Inch under six and a Crilict who reviewed the ehow Stevens, (^arcni'e Anderson, Hank h HIrnaa, it ...... 3 1-1 wash out, leaving linens limp and bv washing them with hot water cosy if chosen from the many lets. and earrings. half feet tall. He was a star last "Tve rea(l everywhere that Huggins, Stan Hlllnakl, Del St. Young, If .a..a...... ■ 0-2 1 Brooklyn should have won the have declared Sigmund Romberg’e types at C. E. HOUSE Sk SON. aeason for the Connecticut Teach­ operetta, "The Student Prince" as John, Lou Kelly and Norm Reeks. 3 Spira, e ...... 10 4-4 % NEW WALLPAPER makes a pennant by 10 games laat year,” ;t ltoda*ri, rg ...... 1 0-2 There are stylish satin mules with ers Oollega of New Britain, and far superior to either of the two Art House and Henry Bontempo, 0 0-0 medium heels or soft soled sllp- Christmas gift that Is appreciated transferred to the University of Chuck told newsmen. "1 wouldn’t two Bay Slate pros, played at the 3 Greene, rg ...... past Walt Disney productions. , 5 Oaudino, Ig ...... «. 4*5 1 pei'S In qulltedr satin. Felt slip­ for a long, time and the 1951 and Connecticut In September. know. Bui I can tell you this. I'm WHY "Snow White and the Seven ' local club last weekend. 0 Oavcilo, Ig ...... 1 i t pers may be the familiar comfort­ 1952 WALLPAPER BOOKS, now YOUt aE5T BUY For the past month he haa been going to find out." on display at the McOILL-C<5N- Dwarfs” and "Toy Shop,” ers or dressed up wdth metallic a kaa llm « SqMM .. . Wolk< - "You aak me about the pitching ...... a U-21 VERSB COMPANY, 645 Main working out with the UConn court Both Donna Atwood and Bobby | Three games are scheduled In 19 Totals i j trim to add swank. No one can 4Mom* •• avSTylMse ■toff which was such a diasp- Mena'a Stadia ( U > I Street, offer handsome choices. squad, and he had been slated to Specht. tha leading characters of Hie East Side Her Intrnnediata have cold feet with the fuzzy start when the Huskies open their polntmeut last season," tha form­ 1 JKoaka. ,rf..Aj,aaj.(*...t i.«.t 1 $ * $ i the feature production number ! I.,eague tonight. The CYO’s meet 1 0-1 Miearimg slipper.i or leatber house -Companion papezs to vary the ^ er Dodger coach went on. " That's 0 Lrsault. If ...... 1 aeason tomorrow night againat have scored tho biggest hit of Ibeir 1 the Green Rivals, Buckeyes are Berver, If ...... 1-4 shoes lined with lamb’s wool. A walls of a single room or to link [ something I can't answer right 3 4 I American International OoUega of csreers. The eupportlng cast and 4 Parrlak, e ...... $ 2-4 new convenience is the leather i adjoining rooms are done in par- ' now. All I know la that whan I paired with the Muataiige. and the d SpiHngfleld, Mosa. *’ the thrilling Romberg musical 3 11. Wlenbtckt. rg ... t 0-1 i Travel Scuff — also \isable in a I llcularly Interesting designs and left the club, we had a 20-game Anioebas play the DeMolay. The I use of color. Papers f r special Athletic Director J. Orleans pieces are also considered auperb. games are scheduled in that order. 1 Brown, r* ...4 ...... 0-2 i shower — which comes In a winner In Ralph Branca and an- 4 J a r v t ! , I g ...... 7 1-4 I purpose rooms — a man’s den. a Chriatlon announced last night All told nine production numbers matching case at $.79. nther aure-firs 20-game winner In ‘ 1 R. WlertblckL Ig vaa . 0 1 - 2 » child's nursery or playroom, or a that tha rule prohibiting a trans­ are being presented with tha cur­ Tampa— Danny NSrdlco, 177, fer student from engaging in var­ Rex Barney. Something happened I “ period'' room — are delightful, rent edition of "Ice Capades,” In­ Tampa, defeated Big Boy Wilson, 16 Total! ...... $4 7.20 3 ART SUPPLIES for the satis­ sity sports until after ha bad to them since. I don't know what Score at hsK time, 88 to 88. Qrovt. fying Christmas gift for anyone The.se new papers with Torrior- It la. I aura aim to find out.” cluding one by Walt DIeney, "Chip 218, Charlotte, N. C.. 10. row's styling won’t be "dated.” ■pent one year In the school to 'N Dale and Little Chip," and a vvho paints are numerous at the ^ $ 3 0 0 which he transferred would be ap­ Dresicn aald he wlU discontinue .rOHNSON PAINT COMPANY. the Dodger policy of having the variety of others. Twenty acts are Sour milk or cre6m can usually plied In Carlson’s case. Included all told. 699 Main Street. There’s a com­ Christian sold a Yankee Oonfaf- players on all the Brooklyn farms plete stock of paints—oils, water be restored to sweetness by adding train together with the parent Among the performers giving a pinch’ of baking aoda. ence ruling exempting tranafera Toughest thing on two feotl colors. • special tin-ware paints; from Junior ooUegaa from the pro­ club during the spring. outstanding performances are "The even Anger paints lo encourage Old Smoothies," Ruby and Bobby CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS are hibition might apply to Carlton, Tha Brooklyn club will train the artistic ability In the young, but that the university would rath­ at Vero Bech. Fla., by lUalf,” he Maxon, Mullen and Ralche. Eaco ilandaome tinware — some with well stocked at low prices at the I.ARue, Larry Jackson and Ber- MONTGOMERY WARD COM­ er not argue this point if It meant said. "Not until It leaves for Ml- he unusual "lace” edge—la'ready becoming Involved In a controver­ ami on March 10 will the minor nie Lyman. Jeanne Book and Ted io be decorated. ” Stretch-R-Pan- PANY. Knit sleepers In three- Roman, Trixie LaKtie, Don Bear- piece seta (with extra pants) 'are sy atiout the player's eligibility. leaguers be permitted to arrive. els” are particularly useftil to the The Oonnacticut Teacheri Col­ The Dodgers will then remain in son, Mary Lou Landrevitle, Patti THE MANCHESTER .".ketcher. $1.98 and $2.49 in sizes 1 to 4. One-piece sleepers, alz.es 2 to 8, lege is a four-year schcwl which Miami until we head Nortb." Phlllippi, Alan Konrad, Helen Are $ . . Printed 'flaniAl onc- awards senior oollege degreca, but Aakad what he thinks of hU Davids^, Paul Castle, Joseph Set- SCUFF-TUFF TIPS AIX-NYLON ANKLETS, dur­ 1 29 to and Frank St. Ament. SKI CLUB able and fast-drying, aa well as plecc garments are $1.19. RAY’ - C%rlatlsn aold Carlson entered team’s chances for *51, Chuck ON JERSEY’ GGW“NB. nice aa that Ihstitution with the avowed laugbed and replied; Ticketa may be obtained at the lilghly popular for school and GlIRTIIElS Springfield Hockey Asaociatlon This handsome little Buster Brown was gifts, in sizes 8 to 16. are $L79. 777 M.otn Sf- M4r»€Hv4trf| Conn. 1-1441 purpose. of taking a two-year *‘1 see where Leo Duroeber al­ -porta, are selling at three pairs ticket office, 29 Worthington St.. wear-tested in a tough schooll It has proved for $1.00 In the regular $.75 a^palr Even more "glfty-y” are CHEN­ courae and changing hia curricu ready has named us as the team PRESENTS ILLE ROBES in gay colors, many lum thereafter. to beat Funny thing, all the Pa­ Springfield, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 itself on the busy feM of generations of quality (just In time for Christ­ BASEMENT p.m. dally. mas) at the CHENEY BROTH­ with contrasting applique: sizes 1 cific Coast acouta have told me little boys. That’s why you can depend on td 3. $1.98; sizes .4 to 6x, $1.98 that tha Giants got as good ■ ERS REMNANT 8ALF.SROOM. SHOE REPAIR n it to take plenty of scuffs and come up and $2.98; sizes 8 to 16. $2.98 and chance aa anybody else to srln the $3.98. Sports Mirror pennanL" shining. Economical, too, because > Odors of onlonA flah or other SKI CHAMPS" highly flavored fooda can be res Dreasen said he la well ac­ Sports ill Brief Buster Brown’s fanknis quality assures m F y m quainted with the Dodger person­ moved from cooking fata by frying The Inquirci Arrow Shirts Today a Year A ^ — Notre you of longer wear and complete sliced potatoea in them. To make nel although It haa been four Boarball PRODUCED BY DICK DURRANCE Sf/^S fittW RSP Dame, for the third time in four years (rince he -served In the Na­ all-around’satisfactkml Brooklyn. N. Y.—The Brooklyn years, topped the final Associated tional League. After leaving Dodgers apixjinted (Suick Dress<’n Listen to the Buster Brown Radio Show *3.65, *3.95, *4.50 Press football poU. Brooklyn In 1047 to Join the Yan­ manager for a one-year term to every Saturday morning on Station Five Tsora Ago—Babe Young kees in a similar coaching capa­ succeed Burt Shotton. . VERPLANck SCHOOL OTHER TIES AT WTIO. Kemp*i Record Department Suggests: and Sid Gordon of the New York city, Charlie moved on to Oakland Football Giants were honorably discharged where he managed^ the psat two New York—Oklahoma was LIVELY TUNES IN LONG-PLAYING Whites—Solid Colors—Stripes! Each of these Arrow from the Armed Forces. years. He was paid $25,000 laat ,voted the nation's top footpall 4 for ^iOO and 4 lor $5.00 Ten jrtuii Ago — Billy Conn «:IS P. M. •hirts beautifully tailored of fine quality -fabrics. San­ Mason at Oakland. His team won team in the final Aasociated Presk RECORDS gained a 15-round declalon over tha Paclfle Coast Leagut flog in poll of the aeason. forized (shrinkage less than 1%) and Mitoga cut to Lee Savold in Madison Squgre i960. Raring “GOOD 'nME PIANO” . .. .J'Vankie Froba Gardsn. Inglewood, Calif.—B o n e r .. .Jimmy Wakely Fifteen Years Ago—Jack Me <$7.M) won Hollywood Park’s aix FRIDAY, DECEMBER I “SONGS OF THE WEST" insure better fit. Durable buttons anchored on to stay! Avoy, Britlah middleweight eham' . .The Chordettes furlong feature. Jockey Willie “HARMONY TIME” ... . They’re perfect Christmas gifts — They’re wantad pton, took" a 10-bound declalon Capacity Crowds Shoemaker, by riding two winners “SQUARE DANCES ••••••• Guy Lombardo from Al McOoy o f ^Boston at on the ciuM, drew up to within oix Admiliien $t.20 Christmaa gifts! Shop for yours today! ModlaoB Square Oordea. At Ice Capades victories of pacemokihg Joa Cul- BROTHERS mone in their duel for national (Tax Includad) President Eddie Shore of the riding honors. Oilm6ne, although Reifmant Salesroom Last Night's Fights Springfield Hockey Asaociatlon to­ blanked at Bowie, Md., finished CHENEY the day with 360 winners againat m iF s m day announced that * special Sun­ HARTFORD ROAD — MANCHESTER day night performance of "Ice Shoemaker's aeason count of 344. For tha Banafit of tha WHILE YOU WAIT By The Associated Press Bowie, Md.—Algoalr ($4.20) Q l KEMP’S ® Los Angeles —Chu Chu Jlmlnss, Capades of 1961" will be held at the Incorporated Collaeum because of the heavy de­ captured the Chorlsa Puraa -At the National Sk! Patrol Systom ROOIIS: DAH.Y 9 A. M, to 6 P. M. SATURDAYS 9 A, M. to 4:45 P. M. m e n s S H O P f 1S4, Mstdoo City, stepped Juan Bowia track. GUSTAFSON’S 76.1 Main Stroct i M C d r e t n Stamp* Given Jel. .^80 Zgvola, 13SH. Mexico, 2. mand* for ticketa. 7 M M A I N _ So popular ha* the ."Student ■ New -Orleans—Magnet ($4.60) 705 MAIN STREET Furniture.and Mu*Ic Home of FrlgWalre $1.37 Toronto —Alan McFater. 137, won' the St. Charles Purse at th* UANCHiSreV < dsfestod Tom McMenamey. ISO, Prinqf” proved 'that capacity crowds have turned out for the F$ir Grounds. , POM AMMOW fMIMTf - ...... — Ireland. S. Q—What religious denomina­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1960 The pharmacist was politely In­ Q—What lathe origin of the ex- BMHTBEN preaaion ’’To pay through the tions prevailed in CMlonla) Amer­ terested In the man who came In ica? Sense And coughing. *’A bad cold, eh, Mr. imee"? A—Figuratively the expreealon A—Roman Catholie, Epleeopal, ABtombO— fw 8aln 4 AatoMoBllaa tor Sato Haatlag— PlM btag Haig WMitad— llmto Artktoa tor Sato f o f 8 it o ParmaaanT Can I offer you any­ Preabyterlan,^ Methodist, Baptists, Nonsense thing for It?’’ meana to pay an exorbitant price SCALDED WhUe showeHng If UONBt*. « 0 " Gauge Electrie GREY ENAMEL oU range la mc- or to suffer a heavy loss. The ex- Friends (Quakers), Lutheran and 1948 OLDSMOBH.E 4-DR. 198* FORD Tudor. Very good NEW MANUFACTURING M8 MAIN STREET Mr. Parmasaa (equally affabla) Dutch Reformed. transportation. Can be seen at children turn on cold water? Pre­ trains, like new, automatic cellenl condition, and Thor wring, A little hoy had been to Sunday preesion la said to have originated K o SEDAN— Model 76,'^ydra- COMPANY IN MANCHES­ —You may have It for nothing U 09 Woodland street. vent burning with replping, by couplers, etc. Call 2-4416. er type rnahlng machine, 8 years Business property, consist­ school for the first time, and when you so deolre. Q—What Is the origin In Sweden where a nose-tax (poll TER REQUIRES A MATURE old. Call 18 Short street between asked what they did, replied, tax) was once collected. It was a Q —Who was Slnbad the sailor? matic, radio and heater, Tom Dawkins, master plumber. ing of two offices and 6 room word Viking? A —He was a famous hero of m l CHEVROLET Tudors (2) Phone 2-9669. MAN WHO CAN SET UP 3:80 p. m. sad 8 p. ml "Everybody sang.’’ > A—The word Viking is from the penny a nose, or poll (head). ■' b la ^ . SCREE^IS, Play pen fnd mahog­ tenement. Good income. Suit­ Mother—What did you elng? A church In jBydney. Australia, Arabian romance and adventure. J 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAM­ very nice throughout Bee Honest AND RUN LATHES, MILL­ carries the follov^ g on Its notice Iceland word vlkingr, meaning Douglas, 33S aln. RFFIUIENT Plumbing and heat­ any alngle bed. Phony'^-2989. SEE BENSON’S today for omaU able for dentist, doctor, law­ Boy—I don’t know what the plrat# The Vikings were Scandi­ PION 2-DR. SEDAN— Ra­ ERS AND GRINDERS. HE table model and portable radios. board: ’COrne to Church and Have Q—Is the Unilee during the 8th, ing? Aoto Arccaaoric Oakland street Phone 6497. ORY QUALIFICATIONS AUTO REPAIR and'cqulpment for RCA, Elmerson and ^ m lra l. |2 9th. and 10th centuries, making 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAM­ aale. Phone 2-0993, Rachel—So your parents had 12 A—A recent study shows that Urea AND A GOOD KNOWLEDGE down will' reserve your set for ARTHUR KNOFLA ridda upon costal towns and cities. LOST—P«t cat, black Angora, vi­ PION 4-DR. SEDAN— Ra­ PLUMBING And Hasting, speclat It hoc well been sold that yes- children all together? except for a few scattered yeara OF TOOLING. THE MAN Chriotmaa. Terms. Benson’s Radio the Post Office Department has cinity Falkr.or DrivA Call 2-8010. dio, heater, hillholder, over­ tslng in repuirs. remodeling, cop­ FOR SALE — Afghans, womeift - Realtor te^ ay le a cancelled check. To­ AngeUno—No, they hod them RADIO, WUl fit ’49 or '50 Chevro­ WE EMPLOY WILL HAVE sweaters, shawls, all firet-class and Televlalon Apjrflances, 718 morrow ia a promioory note. TO- Q—About h°w long can beavers been doing busineas at a loas for drive. per wsier piping, new eonatnio- Main street one at a time. LOST—PASS BCOK No. 69129. let. Complete. Phone 4671. THE ©PPORTUNITY OF wool; crocheted dollies. Mrs, 875 Main St.— Est. 1921 d ^ la ready cash—spend it wise at#: under water? 60 years. These l4>.saes since the NoUce U hereby givet. that Paae 1942 STUDEBAKER CHAM­ tlbn, eettmstea given, time psy- A—Beavers are air-breathing end of World War 11 average ments arra-iged- Edward Johnson. PROGRESSING WITH A Rachel Munsie, 144 Camplleld Phone 6440 or 6938 ly. ______A Scotchman got married be­ .Book No. 69129, teaued by The PION 4-DR.— 4 new tires. Road. Tel. 6744. cause he heard that two could live animals, btit they can close their about 12-dolIare for every person Wanted Aoto»— Phone 6979 or 0044. GROWING BUSINESS. COM- GALE RBPRIOERA’TOR, $35. 16 Home Listings Wanted In the United States. Saving! Bank of Manchester has 1941 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN— Wadsworth street Women and girla must be as chsaply as one and* hs wasn't nostrils and stay under as long as been loat and application has $125 down. Mnlorcvrlea 12 PENSATION WILL BE ON MANCHESTER OREaiN—S room proieed whether It be the truth or working. 8 to 10 minutes. PLUMBING and Heating, apeclal- Oiamunda— Watfilit been made to aaid bank for pay­ 1938 CHEV. 2-DR. — Radio, A SALARY AND PROFIT home, 4 yean old. Three tooms noL Q—Did Great Britain settle ment of the amount of deposit. WANTED ising in repairs, remodeling, cop­ Jewelry A Dog’s life Alabama Claims? heater. $125 full price. SHARING BASIS. Mnsteal Instramenta 68 down with lavatory, three up with . Q—Since the Civil War, how per water pipes, water mains, full bath. Ehccellent condition. Newlywefla getting off train at Hs never labors many men liave been nominated A—Great Britain paid the Uni­ LOST—PASS BOOK No. 27966. 1936 FORD 2-DR.— Gas heat, CLEAN USED CARS electric sewer cleaner for plugged LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ CHRISTMAS Sale. Baby grands, On approximately acre of land. resort: For us or neighbors; for the presidency more’ than ted States 15-mlllion dollars in­ Notice is hereby gfven that Pass sewer. TImu payments arranged. PHONE 4497 pairs, adjust- watches expertly. famous makes, including Baldwin, Hla folks refused to support him. demnity for the damages Inflicted er. $79 full price. TOP PRICES Reasonable prices. Open dally, Beautifully landscaped. ,8Itoiy Bitflo—John, dear, let’a try to twice In a row by a major party? Book No. 27966, Issued by The 1947 INTERNATIONAL Vincent Marcin, 305 North Main Cblckering. Hardman. Rebuilt added features such as extra Hs berks and aneesea A —Two- -Grover (Cleveland and upon American commerce by the Savings Bank of Manchester has FOR APPOINTMENT Thursday evenlngi, 129 Sprue# moka people think we’ve been TON PICKUP— Low mile­ street. Tel. 4848. and reconditioned. From 1505, close space, porch, etc'. Ebccluslve married a long time. Just when h-. pleases. Franklin D. Roosevelt. William Alabama and other Confederate SHOPPm D4KX been lost and application has COLE MOTORS atreet Phone 2-4887. guaranteed. Also good selection And folk like ua escort him. Jennings Bryan received three Svai vessels because they were age, very clean. 24 months EXPERIENCED Dump truck with Alice Clampet Agency. Oroom—Okey, honey, you car­ been made to said bank for pay­ ______4164 of used spinets. Terms. Goss Piano Phone 2-4543, EHlsworth Mitten ry the bogs. Therosa E. Black. nonsiiccessive nominations. fitted out In Ehiglish ports. n u m ism iis ment of the amount of deposit. Itloving— lYackliig— driver for n^kl construction work. to pay. C. L. Hale Construction Co., 869 Fuel and Feed 49A Company, 317 Asylum atreet. 6930, Francea Wagner 2-0028. CHORCHES MOTOR SALES Storage 16 Hartford 5-6696, Open Mondays. Bnatnaaa Scrvicaa Offered 13 Main atreet. Phone 7195. MICKEY FINN Garden Spot! LANI^yEONARD perwnsli 80 Oakland St. Phone 2-9483 E’ree parking lot, next door west NEW BRICK home now ready/^for FLOOR PROBLEMS aolved with MANCHESTER ,'ackage Delivery. FIREPLACE AND furnace wood occupancy. Hot water oU heat, Manchester, Conn. Local light trucking and packaga THE PROSPEvTl Hill School for linoleum, asphalt tile counter. BOY, Part time, for delivery and delivered. Cell 3-0511. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all fireplace, ceramic tiU b a ^ 29 ft. delivery. Refrigerators, waehers young children. Pre-kindergarten, 1949 CHEVROLET tudors (2). low Ebepert worl.,nanship, free esti' atore work. Over 16. Call 3943. kinds. New, ueed. Instruments Mied dormer, garage. Lot' 75 s CeilTAINLYIS kindergarten, first grade. Monday mileage, nice condition through­ matM. Open evenings. Jonee Fur­ and atove moving' a apecUolty. SEIASUNED Hardwood for atova, for rent by the month. Repairing. 130. Five :oonui finished. One SMNPfWNElie Pbone 3-0752. 817; fdmace or fire^ ce, 118. Call through Friday. TransporUUon out, *1,29.\ ,ves, 11,295, full price. niture, Oak atreet. Phone 2-1041. Ward Krause. 5336. room, Md second bath ready for XCMICFMM. famished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, dlrec Honest Douglas, 333 Mein. Salesmen Wanted 86A 7083 Manchester. Leonard GlgUo, la th in g Henry Elscott Agency, CALL Phil, for moving^ light for immediate delivery. MEITAL B-flat clarinet, in good WMmUS REALLY tor. Phone 4267. OE LONGS Refrigerator aervice. 266 High street W., Tel. 3683. Sole 1941 CHEVROLET.''„es high as trucking. Specialize in moving. BOOK MATCHES. Sell every busi­ conlditlon, 825 for quick sale. SEniNGM f Repairs on all makea, commer­ Good service. Good work. 2-9248. Agent YOUNG LADY desires ride from 8600 In trade against a 1949 Chev- cial and domestic. Emergency 24. ness. No experience, needed to SEIASONBD Hardwood for stove, Phone 4609. 54 Birch atreet. Oakland street to the Royal or rolet at, DouglOii Motor Sales. hour aervice Phone 1-1797. earn big dally commission, full or furnace and Hreplacsg, Delivered. MANCHESTER—I have 4 duplex vicinity, on first shift Phone 2- New oar rate finance plan. Honest part time. Feature Union label, 6970. ^ houses and one b-5 room flat that THE AUSTIN A Chambers Go., Wealing Apparel— Fnra 67 9406. Douglas. 333 Main. ALL APPLIANCES aervtced and local and long dlotanca moving, glamour girls, hillbillies, scenics, must be sold imiucdiately. Alio repaired, burnera, refrigerators, packing, crating ^ d atorage. dozens of other styles. Free big WOMAN’S Spring Cuat and winter 4-femily zoned for buzines# New TWO GIRLS desire ride from Blast ranges, washers, ate. All work Garden— KarilSi— Dairy WE HAVE A GOOD Service to all parta of the U. 8. 250 page self-selling kit. Mercury coat. Man's hunting Jacket. CaU '4-room alngle with expansion at­ O nter street to Traveler's. Hours SELECTION OF LATE guaranteed. Metro Serrica' Co Match Oorp., 1212 Hall avenue, Prodoeto 50 tic with dormer# at $10,400, cash 8 - 4:80. Call 2-4160.______A and Canada. CaU 5187. Hart­ 6381. MODEL USED CARS TeL Manchester 2-0883. ford Ai438. 2SanesviIle, Ohio. needed $3,400. Locations will not YOUNG LADY would like ride Greatlv Reduced Prices SBWINa MACHINE repairing, YELLOW GLOBE turnips, de­ be given over phone. For appoint­ Wantdd— To Boy 58 ment please call Kev ard R. Hast­ from East Center street to center 19S0 WILLYS electrification, conversion to mod­ Help Wantra— Male or livered. Phone 7644. of Hartford, leaving Manchester Fainting— Papering 21 ings. Tel. 2-1107. — 6 cyl. Just like new. ern cabinets, expert workman- Qr • Female 87 WANTED—Good* used furniture. at 8 a. m. dally. Phone 8401. 1949 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN— a'llp. ABC AppUanca, 31 Maple. INTERIOR and exterior painting, Any quantity. We offer you high­ Coronet model. Complete 3-1575. Houseliolg Good! 61 DiARuated YOUNG Woraan dealrea ride from paperhangtng, ceilings reflnished. est price# Woodshed. Phone 3- iiOts for Sale FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES equipment. Jiwt like new. Fully Insured. Exj ert work. Wall­ 3154. vidnlty of 8t. James's church to 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDAN LINOLEUM — Asphalt Ula. wall MR. ALBERT HAS LOT 100 X 200, city water, $1,200. W # «N 'T IT Ar'Oa A \.V ,».YY CtoJfT v8L vcomNI o m Jt paper books. Edward R. Price. 3 ROOMS OF SUOHTLY BE OGT I vtM.Otota'.VVS. fitoU OspHol, Hartford, hours 8 —Jet black. Excellent condi­ covering. Done by rallabla, waU- WANTED—Apartment size white, Let 57 X 110. Additional land ■-BXFBNBIVE? PAW W \\ SL m. to 4:80 p. m. Plssss osll 2- tralned men. All Jobe guaranteed. Phone 2-1003. I NEED TWO MEN USED FURNITURE r.o>e. vuoe>\A TOO van. I T9M1. 6 0 0 0 r-ll tion. four burner gas stove. Phone available. City water. $800. Made­ NAW.' 3886. aftsr 6 p. m. 1946.PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Hall Linoleum Co., S3 Oak atresL AND APPLIANCES line Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or OUTSIDE, Inside painting and OR TWO WOMEN Which is practically new, and has 6388. —Complete equipment. Beau Phone 3-4032. evenings 6106. paperhanging. kTee aatlmatea. 4679. tiful dark green. Just been RE7TURNED to ua from AatMWbtton Far Sato 4 DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, Prompt aervtck. Reasonable to contact home owners with a Model Home. Thie merchandise 1946 PLTMOUTH COUPE — Bx- prlcea. Pbone 7630. D. Frechette. RiMims Wiihnul Hoard 59 IN COUNTRY Like atmosphere, eellent condition. Good tires. copied, vacuum cleaners. Irons, new building product that has was used for demonatration pur­ large building loL with shade WHAT DOES A NEW Ebctra low price. guns, etc. repaired, skates, wide public acceptance and poses only. LARGE CLEAN comfortable heat­ trees. Overlook Drive. Wm. PAINTING and luperlor paper EASY FRIENDLY DODGE JOB RATED 1941 CHRYSl.ER WINDSOR 4 shears, knivee, mowers, etc. put hanging. We carry the newest appeal. Must be neat appear­ ed room. Near bus line. Quiet Kanehl. bu' der. Phone 7773. DR.—6 cyl. Fluid drive. Ex­ In condition for coming needs. TERMS ARRANGE neighborhood. Private home. Ref­ TRUCK COST? wall paper booka. Very satisfac­ ing and aggressive. Average And I’ll hold it In the warehouse MADehestor Delivered Prices tra nice. Braithwalte. 52 Pearl atreet. tory price. August' Kanehl 3759, erence. Phone 8183. Many Others over $100 week commissions. until you want it at no extra cost SuhurKan tor Sale U TON PICKUP—$1,864 COMPLETE Repairs on vacuum Here is your opportunity to FOR INFORMA’nON ROOM FOR rent. Two minutes H TON PANEL—$1,656 BROWN-BEAUPRE. Inc. cleaners, washing machines, Repairing 28 earn big money and learn a AND DETAILS from center. Constant hot water. THREE MILES from Center—6- % TON PICKUP— $1,489 30 Blssell St. Phone 7191 motors, small appliance# 100,000 fascinating new business. Car Phone Waterbtiry 4-3144, Call after 5:30, 2-3373. room home, all o i one floor, 1 TON PICKUP— $1,646 new parta available. Stuart R. MATTREISS. Tout old mattresses Mr. Albeit nestled on side of bill with 2 acres CLEAN. Low mileage. Guaranteed Wolcott, A-l Repair, Salea, 180 sterilized and remade like new. is not essential but helpful. ROOM .VITH twin beds. For work­ of land. Fireplace, oil heat, base­ TON CHASSIS and CAB 1947 Oldsmobile sedan, heater, Main street Pbone 8597. COU Jones EHirnlture and Bloor MAPLE Coffee table, living room ing couple or 2 working girls. ment garage, outdoor terrace and radio, hydramatic. 8M5. 1941 set, electric and combination - . ’ to. i'cC $1,664 Covering, 86 Oak Tel. 3-1041. APPLY IN PERSON Space for car. Phone 2-2017. fireplace. Shown by appointment. Plymouth tudor, heater, radto RANGE Burnera, pot burnera and stoves,, strollers, hlgh-chairs and IN ^ C T IT PIDNT ZJbsml Ilmdea—24 Montha To Pay Ellva Tyler, agent. Manchester 2- COtfF win A CBNT.» Coma in and let us show you 8395. Cole Motors. 4164. beaters cleaneo, serviced and re­ 271 FRANKLIN AVE. other good used futoMure. The 4469. paired. Also new range burnera Help Wanted— Female 35 Woodshed, 11 Main i^eet. FURNISHED Rooms for rent. 136 wfaj a Dodge Job Rated Tnick 1940 CHEVROLET olub coupe InstaUed. Joseph Senna. Phone HARTFORD, CONN. Blssell street. Women only. bOLTUN —Route 44. Unusual 12- eaa n v e you money. Over 866 radio and heater. A-1 shape. Can 2-0147. BURTON’S Has several part-time WASHING Machi# 1941, Mont­ year-old quarry stone house, 6 posltlona available to mature idiffercDt modela to fit your be eeen at Broad street Motors gomery Ward, wringer type, $35. FRONT Bedroom for rent, for rooms, bath and. sunpurch on 1st women. Apply Mias Johnson, Bur­ 10 to 12 «eeda. before 7 p. m. WINDOW SHADES made to order Phone 2-0364. working couple or two working floor, firepiaoe; 3 cottages with ton’s, 841 Main atreet. girls. 33 Woodland atreet. Liberal Tradee On Your and InstaUed. Venetian blinds MR. LINDSAY or Income $51 n onthly Large front­ and curtain rode. 34 hour aervice. GET YOUR all metal Air-Way Present Truck USED CARS WANTED — Shirt presser and Sanitlzor today. Absolutely no age. Corner plot, approximately Eatlmatea gladly given. Fagan MR. WILLIAMS 1 acre. $14,j00, terms. Suburban BOUMENB ^ FLAGG. Inc. Just Traded In On New 'Dodge Window Shadw Co., Route 44 at sorter. Apply Maple Dry Clean­ container or bag to empty. E-Z Business lAicatlons and Plymouth Cnni Realty Co., Realtors, 40 Perkins 684 Center Street Bolton Notch. Phone 3-4478. ers and Laun^rere, 73 Maple terms. Your local dealer. Mr. For Kent 64 street. Aronson. Phone 4910 after 6 p. m. street. Tel. .-215. Phone 6101 1948 CHEVROLBir 4-DR. — Dark green. Radio and heater, low ANTUJUES Refinisbed. Repairing for demonstrrtion at an}rtime. COVENTRY Lake. 5 room dwell-1 BURTON'S Has an opening for an A GOOD J o b ! lese MERCURY four-door, radio, mileage—$1,195. done on any furniture. TIemann. STORE FOR RENT. Apply Diana’s Ing, large porch, conveniences, f 189 South Main atreet Pbone experienced sportswear saleswom- Few hours dally for a local resi­ WINDOW SHADES.. Measured Soda Shoppe. Phone 3893. -Ha mtoBtd • two-foot putt in hIs last safiM of tho MMonl** heater, 823S. Con be seen any 1949 PLTMOUTH CLUB COUPE an. Good opportunity for anyone made and Installed. 10 colors and For year round u s'. (Tlose to lake. time. Phea* 5705. 5643. dent. Service customers for a well V MB —Black. Fully equipped— Interested in a career. Apply Miss known company. qualities In stock. Keith Furniture OFFICE IN Orford building. Real Reduced for quick sale. $4,000. 81.600 TELEVISION Repair and In ^ lla - Johnson, Burton's, 841 Main Phone 4159. estate, professional, etc. Apply About $1,500 cash required. Allen I m i CHEVROLET Fordor aedan, ' Inquire BY DICK TURNER Immaculate condition. Honeet 1949 DODGE TUDOR—Blue. Ex­ Uon service. Reasonable prices. street. Marlow's. Realty Co., Realtors. Phone 6105.1 SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH CARNIVAL CONNECTICUT STATE EASY WASHING machines In Douglae, 338 Main. ceptionally good car—$1,545. All work giiaranteed. Call 2-1403. AVON Territories available EMPLOYMENT SERVICE choice of wringer or Spin-Dry FIVE ROOM bungalow on three I 1941 SEDAN—Black. 'acres of land, located near Eastj DEPENDABLE USED CARS Radio, heater, very fine con­ PETEK W PANTALUK, electrical Manchester, Buckland and Elling. ______806 Mal^ Street______types, start at $159.95 for the Wanted to Kent 6S 1 AT dition. Practically new tires'. contractor, maintenaitce and wir ton. Make extra money. For ap­ wringer models. 15 months to Willlngton. Price $6,000,1-3 down. URGENTLY Needed. 4 room rent, CaU owner, Storrs 9063. LOWER PRICES Price low at $4915. Ing for light end power. 40 Foster pointment write Mrs. Buckman, Sitaattonii Wanted— pay, for your Christmas Easy. 1646 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN street Phone 3303. 29 Highland Terrace, Middletown, Watkins Brothers, Inc., 935 Main by two adults, both working. Conn. Female 88 street. Best of references. Phone 2-1668 1649 FORD CONV. COUPE Don’t Miss. Call On Your GEORGE H. WILLIAMS Assocl- Wanted— Kcal FJntate 7 1647 P O im A C CONV. COUPE WOULD LIKE to care for one or after 4 p. m. Downtown Dodge and atee have added commercial re­ PRACTICAL Nurse for day duty. WHITE BENGAL comblnaUon oil 1647 FORD SEDAN two children in my home. Write BUSINESS Couple urgently need SELLING? Now is the time. Let 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN frigeration to their complete line Apply 29 Cottage street between 8 gas stove. Also veneUan blinds. Plymouth Dealer and 5 p. m. , Box E, Herald. 3 or 4-room anfurnlahed apart­ us appraise your home today. No 1646 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN of restaurant supplies. Installa­ Call 2-0943. ^ n V l ^ T T k tion and servicing will be done by ment. OaU 6454. cost or obligation involved. We 1646 PONTIAC SOLIMENE and FLAGG, Inc. DENTAL Assistant wanted. Ex­ IN NEED of new furniture? buy and sell Alice Clampet Agen. 1646 CHEVROLET SEDAN 684 Center St. Phone 5101 WajTie W. PhiUlps. Phone 2- Dogs— Rirdfl— Pete 41 3585. perience preferred but not neces­ Range# retrtgerators, TV. See cy, 843 Mali, street. Phone 2-4543. 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN sary. Give roferences. Write Box 1641 DODGE SEDAN DOGS Washed and groomed. See our selection and save. Chambers DESIRABLE TENANT GENERAL Repair •work being W, Hemld. Warehouse Sales, SOI Middle WANTED—Residential propertlek; 1941 PLTMOUTH SEDAN 1940 OLDSMOBILE "6”, $450. ue for pet supplle# and fresh 4 to 8 room# Buyers woltlngi done by two capable men on roofs frozen borsemeat, 16c lb. Call Turnpike, EasL Open 9 a. m. to 6 1640 PONTIAC SEDAN Private sale. Phone 4448. FEMAL3 Applications accepted Needs four or five room apart­ (Competent, oulifldential servtc# 1687 PACKARD SEDAN and television antennaes. Interior Kennel Supply Shop. 2-4273. 'll- m., evenings 7;S0 ’til 6. ment before February 1st, for painting and decorating. CaU for grocery, meat and produce Suburban Reatty Co., realtors, 49 b a l c h -p o n t ia c , me. 1940 PONTIAC 6-cylinder. Private Eddie Thereault, Manchester clerks in Manchester. Conn., on PUPPIES. Red Cockers $25; Bos­ HOSPITAL Beds and wheel chain 'amily of three. If you would Perkins street Tel. Mane. 9215. 158 Ctoter S t Phone 2-4545 owner. Inquire 270 Oak street. 3555. full time basis. Many benefits: ton Terrier# cross Bfeed# OoUle for sale or. for rent Rates rea­ ike quiet moderate living ten­ five day week, good starting sonable. Keith Furniture CO. BUY. SELL, oi exchange through _____ Pptn .Eyentaga and Boxer pupe. Zimmerman ants, you 'will find our family this office. Howard R Hasting# wage, sick benefits, hospitaliza­ Kennels, Lake street. Phone 6267. Phone 4169...... ------HIGHEST CASH prioee paid for Household SerTtess tion, group insurance, vacation most desirable. ------Real Eiptate Specialist Phona - 1987 to 1950 uacd ear# m good 1949 FORD 2-DR. Offered 18A with pay. Apply on'Wed. - Friday, THOROUGHBRED Wire Haired WE BUY and sell good utad (’Jtnl- 1107. /-j______I______clean eondlthm. Douglaa Motor between 9 a. m. * 6 p. m., at The Terrier. Spayed female, 2 years ture, combination - ranges, gat Salea. 888 Main street ranges and beatera. Jones Fum - WRITE b o x ' B w a n t e d —3 bedroom home# old Ver>’ clean, seat covers, CORNICES and valance boards. Great A ft P. Tea Co.. 116 E. Cen­ old. Good house companion, likes and new, large and amalL Qpalk Custom built, choice of designs ture Stor# 86 Oak Phona 3-1041 ejo HERALD white walls, radio, heater, low ter streeit, Manchester, Conn. children. $10. Cell 2-3620. fled buyers In wide price range Phone 2-3524 from 9 a. m. to 9 mileage. p. m. HOUSEWIVES. Make $1 to $3 COLLIES. A.K.C. pedigreed. Pns- OLD RED Tin Born, 706 North ready to buy now. Douglaa 1947 CHEVROLET 2-DR. hourly,'taking orders from your holidey Special. Sables, Blue# M^n streaL buys oella good Blanchard, Real. Estate Service. WBAVTNG of burna, moth boles used fumltore and antiques, SHERWIN WUIUms manager In 5447. home. Spore time. No canvassing, Trie. Beautiful temperament, $25 Manchester desires furnished Low mileage, very clean in­ MANCHESTER and torn clothing, hosiery runs, can 8289. up. Sunset View Kennels, 509 Frank Dinette. Phone 3-8876. handbags repaired, alpper re­ apartment for sell and wife, one WANTED—Income properties. 2- side, good paint and rubber, MOTOR SALES Keeney atreet! Telephone 3376. FLORENCE OU heater. O’’ burner. or two rooms with kitchen privl famlly and 3-famiiy homes. In placement, umbrellas repaired, 'Wa n t e d —Ebcperlenced girl for radio, heater. Economical to Open Evenings men's shirt oollara reversed and general office work. Apply in Ehccellent condition. Phone 2-9147. leges. Phone Manchester 5688, or good condition and fairjy priced. Poultry and Supplied 48 43 MUI etreet Hartford 7-5223. . Qualified buyers waiting. Dougla operate. West Center at Hartford Road replaced. Marlow's Little Mending person. Watkins Bros., Main Shop. Office. Blanchard, Real Estate Servic# CAPONETTE chickens. Ftesh EASY WASHING machinea In a 5447. MANCHESTER FLAT FINISH. HoUand window COLLEGE Graduates. Several in­ killed and .rozen turkeys Ready choice of wringer or Spin-Dry bi»in«88 Property for Sale'^TO 1947 PONTIAC 6, convertible and time foi Christmas. Schaub’s types, start at $150.95 for the WANTED, from' privets party, a MOTOR, SALES shades made to measure. All teresting career training pro­ LOOKING FOR a good business coupe. Green. Here le an excep­ metal Venetian blinds at e new grams In Insurance.- Personnel, Turkey Farm, 188 Hlllstown wflng«r models. 15 months to ■ix-room modern hous^ Manches­ Open Evffninga tional one owner car, Equipped Road. Phone 467’ psyi for your Christmas Easy. location? Zoned for busineee. 2- ter or vicinity. (No agents). low price- Keys made while you statistics, librarian, field repre­ story frame-buiUlng -(6 ' years West^Center at Hartford Road with heater, radio, and many wait Marlowra. Waitkins Brother# Inc., 986 Mala Phone 8717 betwoea 6 jflfl.T p. m. sentative. Contact: Wilson Agen­ old) well biUlt, about 1800 square “ Ha’s ffTOwn a whole thhty»a#6®nd.of an-inoh.sinea.last, other accessories. Drive it and' cy, 54 Church, Hartford. street MANCHESTER Upholatoring Oo. Articles for Sato 45 f t of floor area! About one and WANTED—House: to ee)l. <3ue- • m on th r ypu wrlU like it Balch Pontiac, FOUR-BURNER Ubie top gas tomers waltlne for 4-5-6-7 room, 1036 CHEWROLBr*' four-door Inc., 155 Center street, Manches­ Re-upbolsterlng, draperieo, alip BANK__Opportunities, with or 8-4 acres of land (220 ft. on main sedan. Radio and heater. In good stove, chrome pipe. Ivory, black highway.) Lucsited.about 16 miles on# two and three family dweU- ter. 2-4545. covers. 48 PurneU Place. Call 2- without typing' Excellent career BABY WASHER, like condition. Phone 5063. new, $18. trim. Any reasonable offer. 66 from Hartfcrd. Very good loca­ inga. Prompt action. MadeUne OUT OUR WAY 952L Open evening# starts available now. Salary open. Call 2-1116. EXTRA CLEAN, LOW MILEAGE Contact: Wileon Agency. 54 Delmont street Phetm 8395. tion to r store or milk bar. Down Smith, (Realtor 3-1642 or 4679. 1030 DODGE sedan, extra nice. AT LOWER PRICES FLOOR r’RCBLEMS solved with Church, Hartford. FURNITURE FOR sale. Also mlS' paym.cnt on'y |4,000. Balance on $135 down. Honeet Douglas, 833 linoleum, asphalt tUe counter. Ex­ BARREL Choirs 969.96, floor WANTED—From prlvaU party, WRITTEN GUARANTEE oellaneouB articles. Price 885 for mortgage. Allen Realty Co., ReoL Main. pert workmanship, free esti­ WAITRESS Wanted. Part or full lamp# 97.76, kitchen coblneu tors, 180 O nter etreet I%one 6-6 room moden house In Man­ 1950 POI4TIAC 6 SEDAN quick sale. Phone 2-3828 after 6 87.96. Marlow's Furnitura Dept, chester. Phone 3-1801. No agenU. 1960 DODGE TUDOR mates. Open evenings. Jones time. Apply In person. Silk City Manchester 6105. 1936 FORD, radio and gaa heater. p. m. Main street Manchester. Pbone 1960 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Furniture, Oak street Phone 2- Diner,' 641 Main street FOR QUICK sale of property list In good condition. 45 Delmont 1041. 6060. street. 1950 BUICKT SEDAJTETTE BATH TUBS on lege, good condi­ with an active concern. Oopfiden- 1950 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE tion. Some pipes Reasonable. Hooflcs for Sale 72 Help Wanted— Mato tlal ieetlmatea by qualified ap­ 1946 FORD super deluxe conv«hli- 1948 CHEVROLET TUDOR 429 Oakland atreet. Phone 2-0^87 Kullding— Contracting 14 USED SOFA bed. CoU 3066 ofUr SIX-ROOM ranch type 54 x 36 U praisers arriving at a o O ^ a c- Tile soup. 8 cyUnder, black with 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN ROUTE MAN for estahlished dry tory price for you. Allen Realty PAIR 6 FT. Lund skis and har­ 6 p. m. addition two-car garaga and white wall tires. Equipped with 1947 PONTIAC TUDOR FINISH WORK by contract Cab- cleaning route. Salary and com­ Co.. Realtors. 180 Osnter ntreet 1946 FORD Tm X)R nesses. Ueed twice, 818. Phone breeseway. Lot 110 x 140, now heater, radio, and many other ac- ' Inert# stairs Included. Modern mission bests. Apply in person. EASY SPIN Dry washing machine, Manchester 5105. ceseories. Low mUeage. Very 1946 PONTIAC 6 BKDKS power equipment. Wooderaift New Model Laundiy, 73 Summit 2-1461. 1942 model. Good condition. Call under constructlor. Custom built ■A bargain It bought now. Center Cleon. You can be sure of a good Beat Terms—Best Trade# Specialties. Phone 2-8814. street. 1949 MODEL American Flyer eleC' 8910. .deal on thla beautiful ear at, Also Good Selection 1937 to 1642 Springe Realty Oo., 470 Main WANTED—^Truck driver. Good trie train. Over $100 investment TAPPAN Oos ronoa wMk aU atreatv.Phone 6988. JBaleh Pantloc, Inc., 155 Center last ysar. Will sen for $80 includ­ street, Mancheeter, 3-4545. COLE MO'TOBS— j m Roofint 1«A opportunity for right man. Apply their 1050 improveMhiU make ing table. OaU 2-2765. ideal Christmas .gifts to th« GREEN S E C n O N . 6-room Cape ROOFING. SpedallBlng in repair­ Maple Dry Cleaners and Launder- BANTLY ers, 73 Maple atreet home. Sea tko oom^oU lUapIay; Cod, dpen stairway, flreplao# oU ing roofa of all kind# Also new PHILCO FLOOR model radio, wal­ boat, larga lot nicely landscaped, A nut, push button control. Good 15 months to pay Watkins Broth­ roofa. Gutter work. Chimneys YOUNG MAN to work In Man­ ers, Inc., 985 Msln streat' 613,900. Owner phone 6618. cleaned and repaired. 36 yeara ax chester’s leading shoe stor# Ex­ condition. Also BHJt’a ovsreosL OIL CO. perience. Free estimate# Call alao 86-86, Phone 8170. TWO-FLAT houoe o f flve rooms 1MI MERCURY perience unnecMsary. Apply Kia< ROYAL'' VACUUM Clos^M’ wiU MAIN ST. Howley. Manchaster 6861. nay’s Shoe Store, Main street moke this a Royal Chrlsima# Up­ each floor. Good location, beat, BOLTON — Building atone sad garag# one apartment ready for CONVERTIBLE COUPE flagstone. Also rock drilling right model with all neeassary ot- TEL. 5293 FEATURING Guaranteed roofe MALE Applications accepted for Uchments, $69.96. WjRklns occupancy. For particulars see, Moroea. Radio and Heater. and expert repalra os well as and blaeUng. Bolton Notch Quar­ grocery, meat ami produca-clerks Brother# Ino., 966 Main atitot Wm. RuWnow, 848 3W n street gutter and conductor work. Try In Manchaster, Conn., on full time ry. Phono 8-0617. Stanley Potaode Phone 8666.6186. ______Rdnge ai$d fve* your “Local Roofer.” Call Cough­ basl# Many benefits: five day 30 9 A 0 8 Seed Rye for sale. 873 PLANNING On a now talevlston $1295 lin 7707. week, good starting wags, sick set for Chrlatmaa?-Boleci' your FOUR-ROOM BOB • axpaadablo Parker street Amelia Jorvie. CBpa Cod home. Worm air oil beat benefits, hospitoUxatlon, group Phone 7036. set now from our grand dimlay Oil Distributors | IlSCBNTiQRST. Inauronce, vocation with pay. Ap­ of Pblico, RCA, Admiral, Oapebart with Altar and bumidlfler. Very Heating—■Plnaiiwng 17 large woode<‘ lot. December -Uth MANCHESTER TEL. 5135 ply on Wednesday • Friday be 1050 HOME Freezer. Broad new, and Bendtx. Use our lay-away OIL BUHNER servtca and repairs. twren 9 a. qi- - 6 p. m. at The also 1030 Chevrolet club coupe, plan. Benson’s Radio and Tele­ occupancy. Price > $7,600. Henry Ml makes oil burners and turn- Great A ft P Tea Co.. 116 E. gen like new. radio end heater, five vision Appliances, 713 M Escott Agency, 3S6 High street SCO# Caii Van Camp. TeL 6Mi. Ur street, ManebeaUr, ObaA. new tlrea. eagiao like new. 3-6248^ atreet. W. Tel. 8688. S ol. agent Read Herald

■A 1 ^ 11>[ 1^ n*M««v/

The Weather Averafg Daily Net Presa Ran Foteessi of 0. S. Weather Batsae For the Week Ending November 28,1880 Today, partly dendy, aeattered snow gnnieo, eoM.. Mghest tem- iia n rlff0 t? r f c i i m t t g U p r a l r i peratoTe, 88; tonight, • partly Gift Surprise in Cotton 10,146 cloady, aeattered snow gontee, Here'a a that's fresh Member of the Andtt colder, leweet XS; Friday, eeU. as a Jack in a box! Choose Bareaa of OIronlatlottB Manchester— A City of Village Charm one of our crisp and cheery•y cotton fashions and see what Christmas mom eye-opeper MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80. 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS they prove to be. So come and VOL. LXX, NO. 51 (ClaaeUtoi A«vactlalag as Page U ) select early! Greentree —s $3.98 ^ ______Wayne Msld and Bill .Slm.s — Hutton Coals and Zip|>ci' afvles. Sizes 12 to t t - l i '.j Second Kloor. Envoy to Spain to 24 >a- H ouse Group Defense Line Short c Gil.r™„'480,000 Chinese Reds In Agreement Of Yalu; Peace Talks^ GIRLS' SWEATERS On Profits Tax British Plea to U. N. Says Aehesonj Lauiich Ncw Attack* SHORT SLEEVE SLIPONS Free Nations Will Fight 100% Wool and Nylons. Okay Compromise Bill If They Must; He Is To Provide 3 Billion London Nov. 80—(/P)—A worrled&U.N. enforcement action. This as- S2.98 - S3.98 j Britain v^anta the United N a t i o n s ^ • P P « " " t l y was provided, AccusefI of Plotting A Year; Measure Goes "Walt and See' On Northeast Front to set up a firm defense line in As a result. Foreign Secretary MacArthiir's Removal COAT SWEATERS > . ,'•* To House in Week Korea well short of the Manchur­ Ernest Bevin was able to tell the Long sleeves. 100% Wool. ian frontier and to begin early House of Commons Britain still U. S. Mfirities and -Co hopes to "stabilize'' the military Washlngton, Nov. 30—(/T)—Sec. Teen sizes: 10 to 16. peace talks with Red China. Washington, Nov. 30—<>P)—The situation In Korea and to talk ratary of State Acheson'a declara U. S. to Use A-Bomh Doughboys Surround* ••■rv-W House Ways and Means Commitr The Cabinet, meeting today for $2.98 to $4.98 - W the second day in a row, reported­ peace with the Chinese Commu­ tion that the free world must "pre­ cd ut (]hangjin Resrr* tee today agreed on a compromise, ly decided the whole weight of nists. pare for the worst” heralds an Ad- excess profits tax bill estimated to Beyond meeting the military voir; Lull in Northwest SUPONS British Influence must be used to nerds of the moment, the British mtnistraUnn drive to speed an even On Chinese Reds If Short sleeve. yield $3,400,000,000 a year. It prevent any attack by U. N. forces are counselling their western greater arms program In both the Puzzles Allied Brass; would be retroactive to last July 1. on Chinese territory. friends right now to wait and see U. S. and Western Europe. In the view of official sources Officials said today that will be U. N. Forces Defeat En­ $3.98 As drafted, the bill's estimated , . .. It possible. Just what Red China’a the government's initial respons* Necessary—Truman revenue falls short of President who reported this, such an •ttack t j^^pn^ions In Korea are. Britain emy Attempt to Snap s on Red China could and probably ■ recognized the Commu to the new global crisis created by Truman's goal of $1,000,000,000 Communist China's Intervention In CARDIGANS would —touch off World War III. nlst government, Is exploring Washington. Nov. 30—(/P>—Pres-. said that the Chinese Communist ‘i I'rap on Eighth Army Imported Cashmere Blend annually. This results from easing Pact Binds Kussla-dilna these Intentions via diplomatic the Korean conflict. The gravity of that crisis was ident Truman said today active attack,' made In great force, may 1 and Nylon. Natural, Wine and of the Ux rate originally proposed Russia has a treaty of friendship channels, and seeking to soothe lead to further reverses but "the I Stanton Griffis, above, former pointed up by Acheson'a warning consideration is being given to use i Seoul, Nov. 30.—ower with great "capa­ sphere," and aildod: "We are fight­ Western diplomats In this capi­ ance with a recommendallon of bo averted. ing In Korea for our own national tlefronts |n tlic northwest. The bill provides: But nobody here is sure wheth­ bilities for conquest and deatruc- Mr. Truman made clear he Is 1. An average earnings credit tal sssume that would mean the er even that military objective the UN General Assembly. (NEA tion.” security and survival." Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond Telephoto). strongly hacking Gen. Douglas I /f’s Easy i on "normal” profits of 85 per cent, United autes and her frlenda would prove Red China Is plan­ The intention of free men, he MaeArthiir who has been under Summons l,Midrra told war reporters six to 10 Chi­ W ish ... based on the best three out of four They base their assumption on the ning to occupy all Korea. Some of­ said, is to preserve their institu­ .soma crlttclsm chiefly from Mr.. Truman announced he Is nese divisions "suddenly confront­ years of a 1946-49 baae period. tone and content of So'vlet press ficials argue also that just as tions by peaceful meana but history abroad. The President sharply de- calling -Democratic and Republi­ ed" his toth rorps forces In the The 85 per cent figure repre- articles which in recent weeks have U.N.'forcei sought the best pos­ Two LIRR has proved that “if w% must, we noimccd a complaint by three can congressional leadera to the northeast. I to Shop at I aents a modification of the admin­ stressed that an American-Japa­ sible position from which to bar­ will fight for them.” Republican Senators that Secre­ White Houhc tomorrow to ask Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker’s istration’s original proposal for a nese Alliance exls.c and that the gain—along the Manchurian fron­ "We must hope and atrive for tary of State Acheson had been "urgent eonslderatlon" for heavy Eighth Army in the northwesl more stringent 75 per cent credit, two countries have agreed on a tier—the Reds too may want to Trustees Bow the heal while we prepare for the critical of MacArth\ir. the United tneresBCS In appropriations. was similarly faced with 200,00(1 allowing business to hold back 86 program of Japaneee remilitariza­ negotiate from a position of worst,” he declared In a speech Nations Commander. He said the funds to be reqiieat- Red (Chinese at the oiitaot of the i HALEYS I per cent of Its average earnings tion. strength In future peace talks. delivered from hi# office to the IT. N. Won’t Quit Communist offensive last week­ at the normal 45 per cent corpo­ The British have sought assur­ The British Government was said To Commuters National Council of Churches of In a statement, the President (CVinllnued on Pnge Fourteen) end. Christmas rate income tax rate instead of ance from the United States that to feel that fqr U. N. forces to Christ, meeting at Cleveland, and American Marines and infan­ (lift only 75 per Cent. the American action Is branding achieve their objectives in Korea, broadcaat by radio and television. trymen amund the L!hangjln res­ 2. An exceaa profits tax of 75 Chinese Intervention In Korea ‘‘ag­ their own military and political He had eanceleI — 50% Rayon — 25% Cotton. 'The 83,400,000,000 revenue, as Sfeelworkers Execu- waHP.Jit two wrecks fatal to ll.Q ’H oinTffi estlmaUd.by Uia commlttea st«& QiiUTch Group pbnnns. \ paT^br'qn'frb* ■nations To eni A rm y across the ley Chongriion — ■ *'— .xdyzfc dre-i Boird Beltev« thsm to overcome thla inadequacy river pulled back safely through V neck front and back. Bound edges. CHATHAM ''KINGSTON" $7.95 zaay..b« The trustees. David'S. Smucker Lake Suec*#Z. Nov. 30-(4>—A Out for A“Bill Assorted colors. Sizes' S4 to 46. Price— menta In special casea such To Have Approvec and Hunter L. Delatour, submitted at the earliest possible moment.” flamlilg Kunu. utilities, railroads, the aircraft in­ Laud Acheson’s their resignations yesterday to There was little direct comment Russian veto today was expected Fighter planes strafed Chinees 12 X 90 ’ 100% VIRGIN WOOI. MOTHPROOFED Wage Group Arbiter from congressional leaders on A^h- to block Security Council action on moving toward the town. dustry and for relief purposes. Federal Judge Harold M. Kennedy, eson’s speech. But three Re May Bp Asked for One CHATHAM "SELBY" $11.95 The agreement on tax rates They will continue in office, how­ Korea and the western powers American vehicles crunched over s2*85 t o $ 3 e 5 0 and average eXminga credit put Fighting Talk Bulktin! ever. until the judge names a sin­ plapned to Indict the Chinese Com- And Half Billion to ONA BRAND Doughton In a position to meet gle new bankruptcy trustee. (Oonttmted on Page SIz) (Uontlnued on $>sge Seven) 12 X 90" 100»i VIRGIN WOOI. MOTHPROOFED $12*98 and Ptttoburgh, Nov. SO—(/Pi— The letter of resignation de­ mntilsts within 24 hours In the U.N. Spur Atomic and Hy­ SLIPON the Dec. 1 deadline for getting a The CIO United Steelworkers General Assembly. tax bill to the House after weeks Protestant Leaders See today accepted an average 16- clared: The Assembly has Bcheduled a drogen Weapon Output CHATHAM "WINSTON" $12.95 of wrangling. rent an hour wage Increase "It Is only fair to say that in Urges Draft plenary seaalon at Flushing Mead­ , Doughton said that It would be It as Realistic Yet for Its 165,000 employes of each In.stance the accident was the ow tomorrow to eonalder several See No Rush $16*98 taken up by the House next week result of human failure over which Washington. Nov. 30 - mmunlst Oi ■ ■ " 1 I,’ ' and Stone trim. In Sanforized Covering with Concealed Zipper QC the good news last night, "her mirable and i was glad he empha­ Cljtnese Communists Into the * and Corded Edges. l e w little eyes filled up,” Dr. Harris Acts as “ Desperado” troops from Korea and giving North Korean fighting, termed Mother, 2 Children and • > ‘r- 1 .,3 sized our wUUngness to negotiate Peiping assurances that U. N. 4 PIECE TRAY SET i . said. constantly for peace. It was a non- open aggression by the United x t 'y f The doctors “were very grati SanU Fe„ N. M., Nov. 30—(4>)— forces will not cross the Korean- States. Man Die in Gas-Fille*! Ideal for gifts la seta of four. partlaan statement and this is not Gov. T. B. Mabry wUl Interview Cbinese border. The Soviet dele­ Choose Tarheel 8lte Boxed. Picturesque scenes on r fled with her progress. We a time for partisanship.” New Yhrk Apartment 1 couldn’t have expected better.” an aged man who claims to be News Flashes gation already has made plain It 2. The AE(! announcement oversize trays of various col. Dr. Edward H. Pruden of Wash­ Billy the kid today. ^ will veto the resolution. That Tuesday that a South Chtrolina ors. Useful for buffets, pic* $ 1.00 ington, President of the American The Interview follow# a request would clear the way for tossing New York. Nov. 30.—(A1—The (Gontimied on Page. Seven).. (LateBnUeriasot tiMiffI w in ) . _ nics, parties teas, etc. $2.29 Baptist convention-and President from an El Paso, Tex., legal firm the wholjB matter to tb* "yeto-free (Coatlnued on Pace Four) bodies of an attractive blonde Pina Tax. Truman's pastor, thought Secre­ that the Governor give a full par­ Assembly. mother, her two children! and a tary Acheson’s speech "excellent don to lU cUent, who claims he la The Council probably will hot Treasury Balance married man friend were found and very clear.” He called it an the notorious desperado. ChurchiU Urges East-West Meeting „ j r , reach a vote on Korea until late yesterday In a gas-flUed Queens outline of general and rather his­ Ck>mmon belief has It William London, Nov. 30——a, At Johnitown, a woman who Oaks development. 'Hm woman’s to 81,028, tnereoM of 1,032 over ' Bald she was Mrs. Rosemary HIU head lay on the open osren door. Um Rale's Parklitf Lot on Oak Street, next London, Nov. 30—(/IV- Wlnaton^ dots Many Greettaga Blail (Carrier Arrested - Robert Hooper, a 27-year-old un­ Hooper, tqld authorities she had week ago. OiurcblU turned 78 today—and (murchlU opened a ohaaf of con­ employed ealezman, is 1b Jail on a One gas Jet was turned'on. ta the .Cirde TheaUiir* Parking charge re> Buying interest in rail i Hartford, Nov. 30—(/P)—A New Britain mail carrier who been married to the eelesman aix Wlilafcey Bottle on Table made plana for a sunny Meditar- gratulatory cahio and telegrams bigamy charge while liU wife of fanded at 8 Jk H ’’atw p deek on any pur* Is In Toylarid chemical stocks puts market on thla morning and opont the day as has worked for The Post Office since 1925 was an-Mted by years. The bodies of the diUdren, ranean vacation during the Oirlst- five daye Is etaylng in a nearby chiiae of 81.00 or nibre. forward slant ... . James J. mas holidayz. usual—writing In the forenoon and Postal Inspectors today and charged with rifling mail he col­ Read of Wedding dressed m psjamsf. lay la a bed­ Wadsworth, country’s civil defense hotel awaiting developments. room. The man wss la bs4 la an­ Despite Increasingly threatening attending the Houee of Commons lected along his route. * * ^ - New Ceztie police said they Sheriff John Conway at Johne- chief. lays down policy of In the aften)oon. town eald ha aent out the warrant other bedroom- ' THURSDAYS 2:30 lo 5 and 7 to 8:30‘p. m. maos stainp«de*’ of evacuation war clouds in the Far Esat, a aac- pidied up Hooper on « telegraphic On the kitchen taWs wag a hot; retary for 9ritaln'f l«at wartime Mrs. Churchai planned a din­ warrant filed m m his hometown for Hooperia arreat after Mrs. from industrial targoU In case of ner party at their London home to- “Big Earl” Shelton Bombed Hooper filed the bigamy charge tie of whWny, partly ea^Uad. SATURDAYS 2 :3 0 to 5 p. m. atom bomb attack , . . General Prime Mlnloter aatd be would ob- Fairfield. 111.,'Nov. SO——“Big Earr Shelton, of a van­ of Johnetown, Pa. before Alderfbaa James T. MsUoy. Potics lava *kia backgrenad of Onr Christmas Book Dept. Is eompkte with a board of National OounoU oarve tba Tulatlde In ooma place a i ^ t fw 18 peraons. They added that Mrs. Oladars sunny and warm—where ba aan Tba fliat of many gifts, raoalvad ishing Southern Illinois dan, and his wife were bombed out Burkhprd Hooper, 24, who said The No. 1 Mrs. Hooper said ehe the fh m l^ Grcea Stamps fine aasi^ment of Childdren’s books. Story Books, Churchaz of Christ la U. 8, Is rs- by the s$ogie-pufflng Tory leader had no Idea her husband had been Thaiherennagir agent at the Classics and Actitrity Books for boys and girls. TOY D E Pt., OAK ST. ENTRANCE .portsd to have nominated Dr. Hen­ do oome painting. of their home today. A tin can bomb exploded almost at their ■Xe was married to Hooper last Given With Cafh Sales ry Knox SherrUI. presl’^ i f hls>)op Neither Die vacation spot nor was a Igrge, ornate cigar cabinet feet and burned the house to the ground- They survived, Saturday at Johnatown was not qf Protastant Kpiscopal Church. Co the time of departure haa been from a suburtian Conaervativa as- arrestsd. « Frigs Two) bo ffrtt oooncU president. decided, the aacretary aai(L aociatlon. shaken but uninjured.