► At IV AtAvr u aanrKw fy>wia TTTisnAr, Kr)vm nneit»L''i< iOatirlitBter lEtttning Iftralii TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1980 CbapUitAr. No, 17, Mra. Eleanor L. Colby and Wil­ B^Ulam M. McBridi who re­ The Woman's Miaslonary Socie­ chairman of the eommittee wlU be Have Your Chest Checked Before the Drive Ends Dec, 8 PlAAblAd AnArloanBan WarWi VotoranA liam F. Scott were united In mar- cently returaed from Um mlaalon ty of the TalcottvUle CWigrega- Cljorus as Guest easieted by Ernest Bush, Raymond l a ^ T o ^ win moAt thlA Avanlng at Atght rlage last Wedneaday evening at field In Chile, South America, la tkmel church will open their an­ Smith, end Sherwood Robb mem- HATS CLEANED o*clod( At thA SUtat Lana Oom- the Center Congregational church. conducting aetVleee nightly at nual Christmas heaaar at the bera of hie committee. TverageDally N et P ress Ron The ceremony was performed by 7:45 at tha Ooapel haU, 415 CM- church tomorrow afternoon at Qf Rotary Club AND BLOCKED . OMM 9t tiM The young people who aaaieted In For the Weak Badtag The Weather efairch win held Rev. Clifford S lm ^ n . Mr. and ter street. This will be the fourth 8:80. A cafeteria sUpper will be the chorua of the Minstrel show Mra, Richard P. Foater, of 199 wrack. No eervicea wrlU he held aerved from five to seven o'clock. HENRVS Rovaai|tov8S,lMe raraaeat at P. S, Waeikar Benee Its HdatUST WAtlRir At T:48 U>- Ifyatio Rarlaw, W.B.A, membera The Mancheeter Rotary Club will wrlll be the guests of the club to­ Shoe Service .Dry TTraatag ■ ■awwr «T«tlnC tb« church. a n roqtiaatad to meet tomorrow Main atreet, attended the couple. Saturday evening. night. Avenlng at aeven o'clock at Sum­ After a brief honeymoon in New Mrs. WUliam E. Hunniford of meet tonight at the Country Club 349 No. Mata St. -Depot Sq. Taday. clMdy and oNdw. maw lU t. 9<BVWt vi The rehearsal of the Salvation 441 Center atreet, who underwent at 6:30. The Information commit­ The local club wae commended 10,146 mit and Eaat Center atreeta, from Hampahire Mr. and Mra. Scott by the dlatrict governor for the ■qualla; toalght, mow aqaallo Vim uuo* whence they will proceed to the wl|l make their home at 16 Allen Army Senior Band scheduled for an emergency oi^ratlon Sunday tee will have charge of the pro­ aabar at the Audit oC IMkvUl*. will qiMk ^ T h« afternoon at the Hartford hoapt- fine show It put on at the Ver- reaa at CIrcolatlaas early, tom ctoady aM eoMi loweat John B, Burke Funeral home, In place, Hartford. thia evening has been cancelled. gram. Benjamin Crehora, the planck achool recently. Read Herald Ad vs. ■ewwqr*. MMib*ri t t .— tribute to George TAdford, whoae The choir rehearsal will be held as tal, la making eatlafactory pro­ Manehsster A CUy of ViUago Charm li t An tAVitAd t0 Attand, And usual at 6:45. gress. ^otatAd tA brine (ifU I wife, Mra. Ulldrad Tedford, la Clarence S. Aepinwall, Diitriet MAnalltId T nlntnf tchool. prealdent of the review, Deputy Grand Master, and suite VOL. LXX, NO. 50 to) from King David Lodge No. 31, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1950 (TWENTY P.AGE8) Membera of Sunaet Council, No. I.O.O.F., will visit Pallaado Lodge PRICE FOUR CENTS SAoend OonengAtionAl llAiry- 45, Degree of Pocahontaa, are re- of Windsor tomorrow night and WAdA will mAAt tomorrow evening queated to meet tomorrow evening the old timers' night at Creacent To Inaugurate All Day Wednesday At oUbt o'eloCk in -fbo vootry. The a t aeVen o'clock, at the Center Lodge No. 25, East Hartford, Attack Suspect gUA(K ipAAkAT will feo Mro. Kolth poat office. From there they will Thursday night. Those desiring Frsnch Urge MacArthur Be CIO Gets Pay OooUn, A membAr of the otAfT of proceed Ih a body to the Burke trshaportatlon should be st Odd Opening OPEN thA Tooth Axttmy In Northlleld, Funeral home to pay their re- Fellows hall at seven o'clock. Silent as Cops Man. A aodAl time with re- specta to George Tedford, huaband Inci^ease Offer Red Trap Threatens froAtunents will follow. of ona of the membera. Replaced as Europe Fears TIm daughter bom yesterday In From Now Until Christmas Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fire Questions Sunaet Council, No. 40, Daktm S t Umry'B Guild will meet Everett H. Johnson of Carter From Steel Co. of PocAhontAA, will hold a kitchen Thuraday In the Gtilld room for We Will Give work on the aprona and other ar- street, Bolton, haa been named Outbreak of World War III blnco tomorrow evening At the Pamela Marie. Mrs. Johnson was All Day Wednesdays tlclea for the annual fair Thura­ Man Accused of Brutal Giant Allied Force as home of Mro. Kathryn Rutgere of day. December 14, Plana will the former Lorraine Peterson and GREEN London, Nov. 39—(P)—Criticism actions. Hs added: Top Producer Makes 38 Oarden Atreet. a parish worker at Emanuel Lu­ Bevin added that this practice ahio be made for the noon lunch­ Beating of Mrs. Per* of Gen. MacArthur came from sev­ "The objectives of Gen. Mac­ had been followed. Proposal Which Is eon for bualneaa people and oth- theran church. The maternal Double STAMPS kins Won’t Talk; Vic­ Arthur are no more and no less era. to be aerved from lliX) a m. grandparents ara Mr. and Mrs. eral sections of Westom Europe than the objectives of the United Some British newspapers have Now Being Studied to 2:00 p. m. the aame day. Mra. Robert C. Peterson of Brockton, From Now Until Christmas today in the wake of United Na­ commented that Gen. MacArthur # Mass., and' the paternal grand­ WITH CASH SALES tim Positively Identifies Nations. recent offensive, which ran head- By Murray’s Union Escape Gate Closes Charlea Cole of 31 Green Hill tions reverses In Korea. MILITARY atreet la chairman of the luncheon parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alfred I cannot for obvious reasons— on Into Chinese Oommuniat armies, committee. Membera may bring Johnson of 18 Henderson Road. Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 29—(;P)— There was talk in official circles I it would not be in the public Inter- was a mistake. eat—dlscloas in detail the direc' Pittsburgh, Nov. 29.—(.O—The WHIST their own aandwichea Thuraday, ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Police who have spent hours at Paris of noaklng an "informal Hit U. N. Offensive mammoth United States Stsel Now Using tives issued from time to time to Mad ( f t o W 8 i SpanoecAd by Hdlleter P.T.A. and the hoateaaea, Mra. Charlea asking Stanley Sul If be pounded suggestion” that MacArthur be re­ One informed source In Paris rY>rporstlon todsy made sn undis­ Gloom Cole. Mra. Harry Connolly and the UnKed Nations Oommander. said MacArthur's devislon to 1 a u k s, Cxmverge on an elderiy Norwalk woman on the placed. French criticism centers closed wage offer to the CIO H«lht«r StrMf School Mra. Claude Porter, will aerve tev CHRISTM AS bead with a monkey wrench, and "It has been necessary to leave launch an offensive a week ago coffee and deaaert. around what Is described In Paris control of operations very much United Steelworkers. Union Pres­ Kuiiu, Through Which Audlforium “CAROSEL” why, reported today they received was against the advice of both the As Red China BAZAAR For This Wednesday, Nov. 29 as MacArthur's "tendencies to mix In the hands of the United Natlone French and British diplomatic ident Philip Murray promptly only “no comment" for an answer. military and political affairs.” 2 U. N. Divisions Made Membera of the Army and Navy THE MIRACLE DISH TOWELS commander, provided always that missions In Tokyo. called his top policy makers to­ DECEMRER 1 — 8 P. M. club are aaked to meet at the 8AT„ DEC. * Nevertheless, ho was booked on In Britain's House of Commons, where his plana might Involve Terming the news from Korea gether to consider the proposal. Flouts the U. N. (sood Their Flight Donation OOo clubhouae tonight at aeven o'clock, 1:00 to 6:00 P. M. WITH ASBESTOS HBREX five charges, including aggravated Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin questions of general policy there from where they will proceed to “exceptionally grave," the Inde Across Chongchon Riv­ CAKE SALE Knights of Columbus Home aasault, in two towns. " said there had been "some mlsun- must be proper consultation on The log jam In the current steel M am — RefreshmentA the Burke Funeral Home to pay derotandlng" about MacArthur'# such matters.” negotiations broke suddenly with their reapecta to George Tedford. 188 MAIN ST. Box of 3 Both These Stores Will Give Mrs. Idonah Slade Perkins, 65, (Ceatlnaed on Page Two) See-Scant Ho|m> of Local­ er; Foe .30 Miles from Hand-Made Aprons, estranged wife of a reputedly Murray reporting he was calling Handkerchiefs, Knitted Goods, .98 69e Each wealthy lawyer living In the Phil­ both the USW Ehiecutive Board ising Korean War; Churrcfl Pyongyang Candy, Home Made Foods, ippines, pointed at Sul from her and the Wage-Policy committee Wu Antugonizcfi Noii- "White Elephant." Booth What a wmnderful gift—eo practical. Dryt more dlahea faater bed in a Bridgeport boapital last State Is Set to Ask View on Rent Into session. Seoul, Nov. '29.—-<JP)—Two SomdhingNew in Toiletries and Fashion Anspires Gibbons Assembly and better—super abaorbent—Makea glaaaea sparkle. All solid night and, Fblice Ueutenant "Big steel" then confirmed It ConiiniiniHt Dclcgutcfi Oatholle I,edlee of Columbus colors.
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