K 'M . IMl 1 0 ^ 7 2 Mtavaf « • AfiH M taacr- Mrnuikmtar ... •A CHy of V W ^ Charm MANCHESTER; CONN., MONDAY, OCTObBR 1, iM t (FOURTEEN PAGES) FRiCB FIVE CHNl^ V O L. L X X I, N O . 1 ' ‘ Aiwrtiitar •> >^>*> ■ V , B u U e t m s frooi the AP Wlrw rtvB M orBM ntA m ot WeaMaie, Bagtoad, Oet. 1— (dV-Sto eat ef lae deal aalaeia waia trapped I f feat siadar ■ \ Brooklyn. Oct. — i eoals s fBdae t s 5today.. r Oaa waa Bobby ThoiMon’i two-run i Starti^ Pitchers WMWht .aat by reacoe workara homor aont tho New York tohr hears later aaSartog from Gianta into a 2-1 lead over w aSeols of gaa. Brooklyn today in the fotirth SLOWDOWN HITS H. Y.* inning of the opener p t th e ir .Haw York. Oct. I.— beat-of-three Playoff aerlea raw York Olto garbasa oollec- ate bagaa a Mowdowa today to D ue nt UI^ for . the ehampionahip of the aaaa their danuuid tor a ahort- iB ritishB ow l C a U s Nation^ league. Andy Paf- or work week. Hickenlooper Raps ko’a second inning homer A few kaura after garbage gave the Brooks their run. trucka bagaa their Sret rouada B efore Iran Fflr A id by at 1<aa a. m. (ea.i), they ware m utr Dfimra oiam ts reported falUag’ behind achad- .} Brsaca’a ftrat pitdi to BUaky olaa. Contii Ex-Gavernor was m fast ball wlUeb cut tho B a n O r d e r ! S tale PpU ce of tha pIata''ror a called TRUMAN AIDB RBSiONS' WiashlagtoB, Oct. I'—<#>— . W ash ing to n, O ct. 1— (AO— 'f'm em bers w ho voted ag ainst it Southingten, Oct.^ fouled-out to Cox who Prcoldent Tmmaa aaaounoed T he S en ate F oreig n relatio ns w ere n ot record ed. N ow Y ork. O ct. 1— ■ < f f ) — I arnica catch near tha ndlad today tha reSIgaaUoa of Dr. Tha nomination probably will T he U nited N atio ns p lu ng es | Polka , BSid picket linas iHo- tulia agataat tha left field Jamee Boyd aa director of the com m ittee tod ay apjlroved 8 come up for Senate action later into the bittei B ritish* lauce broke joiit today st the Pedacal Bureau of Mlaee. t o 2 the nom in ation of C hes­ this weal Iran ian oil d ispu te todsy» i ii^ fi brand United Aircraft satharad la Dark’s fiy Keaaeoott Copper Oorp. aa- ter B ow les. W orld W ar II to .without movins In his aomieed prerioualy la Now York A Sguare Beg w ith B ritain ap parently bow ­ corporation plant her* today, toat Boyd would Jola Ita esecn- p rice co ntro l b oss, as A m ba^ advsnea of today’s - closed in g in ad v a n ce to, Iran ’s o rd er but s union Spokesman said Hddgas bbad Mueller’s tlre ataff. Hla r^gaatioB will sad o rjto Ind ia* iheating. Senator Hlckenlotopar expelling B ritons from ths “thert are different interpre- bouBoar and j ' beat him to tha taka effect Odt. Ifi. (R., Iowa) said h# waa conosmsd tiittons as to what violence b ^ f o r the putouU W ash ing to n, O ct. 1— < / P ^ — that Bowles, defeated last year tor g re at A badan refin ery ares. reelecUon as Oovemer.o!if OOB A Lemdon announMmant Mii Is.^/ ' to runs, no htts. ho errors, noaa B A i n aBAMCA S en ator-G illette (D ., Iow a) Britain plana to evacuate all her left. ^ ■ ) said the S enate F oreign R e­ nectict, might be "a square peg In Police Chief Edward F. Supreine C ourt a round hole” as Ambaasador to oil man-frem Abadan by ’Thura-1 Gory " said /„sttemptsy^ m m 6 nnir< lations com m ittee recom ­ India. day, the deadline sat by tha Ha- Hearn’s first {dtekV Furino was Uonallet Iranian goveramant. i made to dvaiiurn-<srs,snter^ nhlth toft ban. m ended by voice vote today Senator Sparkman (D., AA) de­ Abadan diapatehaa aald moat of I Ing thfi plimt. ckr^^lHiidows FnrUlo.waat out on a'hlsh chop, H olds Session th a t th e S en ate co nfirm G hes-^ clared, howler,..that he beliavas tha oil. men would leave by war-1 par to the meuad. Haanrto Lockl ter B ow lu aa A m bassador to Bowles la quslifl^ for the atrsto- were brraen g n i policemen gic po$t. The Alabama Awmakar ship for Basra, Iraq, WednasdSy, I Here pufihsd into moving rnaa on a eiboo play. India. / sad the rsmatoing few efflclaul Raaaa rammed a 1-0 |N|^w Tenn lixpeeted to added that he looks tor the Senflb. would gd to Basra .Thursday. esra. Non^ was injured^ ' tUMufh U>e hole between thir G illette an d l^ n a to r S park - Foreigit Relations' committee to m Bsyar, an totarMtkmal Tield: Vital Decisions' reqommend that the Senate con­ Iran made it clear aha wSs in- short for a slntta. It was tho (D ., A la) told rep o rters sAtlng upon the expuAlcn to aplto litatlvs for tha Intema- hit of the game. ere w as som e opposition to firm Preaident ’rnunsn’a nomina­ Aaaootation of MadUaAta ■aider Iliad deep t o Mays, w II d On Red, Racial Issueii. tion of tha former ConnMUcut of toa pimding British oomptotot (AFL), fafid rapertara. howwee, at first misJudgM tha 1 ^ d r t ^ the appointm ent of B ow les, governor and World War H* price before the Security Clouneil. that "I wouldn’t oay there was thaa had |o turn aad make a mm .Waabington, Oct. form er U . S. price control Deputy Premier Hoaaain Fataml violenoe. It (Apenda ea what you nlng catch ia front of tha canter I minute aaaalon today atartod the chief, b ut th a t the n am es of (Osatfaued aa Page Piva) Said in Tahrah that the Saeiirlty maaa by vtolanoe. If SBRWbody field wall. Suprama Court on a new'term ex­ CAuncU had ao sowar to raoom- says somebody was-puahed. they Raaaa was cult down on an a t pected to yield imoortaht daclsiona mend that Iran u ft tho axpulataa | migbt bs r i ^ t qnd. again, they tea^ ad steal whan Waetrum I on numaroua problaito. order. Previously, Hussein Makki, | might bs wrong. V There ware aa Led by Chief luatica Vliiaon, the of tha Iranlaa Natioaal Oil boa^, f n A a paitoet peg to ]Bd Stoaky wfli paieeaefiy lead aa nmay psopA an the picket Has who laaos the tag. Bine hlack-robea Judgm atapp ■aid if tho''Brttalna InsAtad cn that traffic was slowed down; aad Ho mas, one hit,, ao errors, noaa I Up to toair jflacea on tha Ml P eron’s S ecret P olice staying at ths refinery, they I paopto were talktog." left: I bench proatUy at noon. The court would be “aaoortad off ^ police! la New Yeih to SI 1 room was pocked with apactatora with tha greataot raapact and eeuatryA. eO ‘SApate wl But Bayer, blmaalf, was am sU ’ ■aOOHp INMIMa COAMTS thS brief opening formalltiea fctodneas." Britain, aceordtog to a gmreta- ad ahortly afterward on a chargfi N ab H undreds of F oes Bleat BnaiwacMBeat la Tehraa. ef braaeh of the paaoa aad bald n l\nriHo caaipad under bvia’s 1 included the admiaaion of 24 Irak's agad, frail and amotion- MOO ban which ha furalahed. wwwtag fly to BMdhaa rights to practice bafo^ the a t PrAnAr, Mohammad Moasa- BrtlalB hM aSnfi toe U. N. I I tribun T dagh, hSa not yet mentioned fiy- eaiHy~C(MBeirto over-tula IibbA Fattolmaa John OaiMSS eW to Haase, scampered Into abort BUentw Alraa, Argentina. OcL^was an important figure to ad aaoAf atfiar agalaat BiltAh lac ad to have reoelvad a cut flagar to aator to fs t aadar Lockmaa’a Two of toe Justices, Douglas and ministrations which tog to New York for the Security pop. I Burton; recently returned from va­ 1—<4V-Hundreda of aoldlera and Uounell meottog. HA deputy, aleAaa at Abafiaa. a picket Itoa seuffls, aad OnKgii political laadars were snared to­ Peron. A Oonaervatlve, ha aarvsd Bayer with rsapananOMy tor B, ThMMcn rsisad a high foul cation trips abroad. Doug Isa made sa Ambsaasdor to ths United FatemI, said Iran stUI has rseslv- Oox Whlnd third. an axpeditlcm that bordered the day in a government aecret police, sd ao formal aotloa from the Se- Bayer, attar hA relaMo,.Mt aa|y dragnet, which moved awittly over States, Brasil, Franca and Spain, dcBAd nnonalbaito but b ^ to H i lUBS, ao httf, aa srrors, aona Iron (tortsA to Asia. Burton a maffiber of Gbagms oiatty Onawa m thaHrttAh left 1 vAttad the week aitd to efuah eppoalttqn siBhitaafiaS. AUlee Makes waoldaaw a wamW’'dto*|li* sjB fiffH ro p ntniM i!.m p toa m tor to Preaidaa t jiuoD D. P a n s. > Mossadegh'_ t r o u l d Oelyga with I Altar tha qpeptag oaremooy. the w o u l d 8 h ^ , IbMara.tot A a rasidMB court rscaasad unto next Monday dfUwRtobtAA notice w as received.lived.'-gi-£r,in TheT he smv-l...9 |i^(;ar oer f War ef Bast HaBnetL tjfiS^SSd^S'tour aifiJirSi^ when the work of the 196I-<» ad.
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