MANCHESTER, CONN., THUI^DAY, MAY 1,1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 180 Manchester—A City of Village Charm twenty-eight pages - two sections price, fifteen cents May Day Parade Celebrates

End of Indo-China Warfare ) . By United Press International Saigon radio called on the people to avoid States of the “forcible” evacuation of slave cultural activities of the American Victorious Communist troops and 3,000 such decadent American-like activities as Vietnamese and called it interference in variety are strictly forbidden.” Saigon residents celebrated the end of the brothels, dance halls and opium dens. Vietnam’s internal affairs. It demanded Another said “all public offices, organs, 30-^ear Indochina War with a May Day Hanoi referred to the Pentagon’s an­ that the U.S. 7th fleet leave Vietnamese barracks, industrial, agricultural and parade through the streets of Saigon nouncement Wednesday that 18,()W fleeing waters. commercial establishments, banks, r todky, Japanese newsmen reported. The South Vietnamese have been picked up by Saigon radio also broadcast a series of transport, cultural, educational and health m Viet Cong announced it had won “total vic­ a flotilla of U.S. Navy ships from sam­ military communiques ordering collection establishments, warehouses — together t o r ” in the Mekong Delta, the last pocket pans, rafts and other boats in the past few of all arms and explosives within seven with property of U.S. imperialism and the of ^ u th Vietnamese resistance. days in addition to the 6,000 Vietnamese days under threat of "appropriate Saigon administrations will be confiscated Broadcasts from Hanoi and Saigon took and third nation nationals and 1,000 punishment” and confiscation of banks, and from now on managed by the on an increasingly anti-American tone. Americans evacuated by helicopter from farms and businesses. revolutionary administration.” Hqnoi demanded that the U.S. 7th Fleet Saigon. One communique laid down regulations Japanese news reports said Saigon had for public order, among them that “all ac­ cppse immediately the rescue of South A statement by the North Vietnamese returned to normal and that there were no tivities of houses of prostitution, dance Vietnamese from the South China Sea and Foreign Ministry accused the United reports of interference with foreigners. halls, smoking deps, and all decadent Peking radio said a seven-point order had been issued to the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong, including one to protect the lives and property of the people and influx of Vietnamese Refugees foreign residents and “not to lay hands even on a needle or thread.” T he Viet Cong’s Provisional Revolutionary Government, in a policy statement issued Wednesday in Paris, Encountering Mixed Reactions promised that foreigners and their proper­ ty would be protected and that VietiUm would be willing to receive aid from any ’ By DOUGLAS STANGLIN “Everybody is thinking, ‘Why are they Calif., and Fort Chaffee reach their country provided there were no political coming here’?” said Bob Whitfield, a capacity. United Press International strings attached. The mass influx of Vietnamese refugees lifelong resident of the town of 9,000 per­ Federal officials at Eglin were getting Some of the aid already was en route. into the United States encountered mixed sons, most of whom depend on the ready to issue Social Security cards to the Two Royal Australian Air Force Hercules emotions today ranging from outright military for their paychecks. exiles immediately after they land, C130 transports with United Nations in­ Local Lawyers Honor Reardon A Pentagon spokesman in Washington presumably for identification purposes. hostility to deep concern. signia left Penang, Malaysia, today for In Barlow, Ark., near Ft. Chaffee, one of said Wednesday night that Eglin, because “But they wili be able to get a job when Bangkok to start a U.N. food airlift to the three relocation centers being used to of its limited facilities, would only be used they get a Social Security card,” one Retired Manchester Police Chief Alfred (^vello (right) presiding). The Saigon, Da Nan^, Hanoi and Laos. Many house the refugees, one woman promised to house refugees when Camp Pendleton, Social Security official said. James Reardon (center) smiles after occasion is Law p ay USA, celebrated West European nations and Japan also to be out with some of her neighbors ^receiving the Manchester Bar throughout the country today with the promised aid. carrying protest signs when the first con­ theme, “Justice Through Law.” Washington reports said Congress was Association’s 1975 Liberty Bell Award tingent of refugees arrives Friday or this morning from Atty. Paul Marte Reardon, whose retirement is official Doctors Protest Skyrocketing considering sending millions of dollars in Saturday. relief to war victims in Communist- (left), association president. The today, was cited for an outstanding in­ Mrs. Johnnie Calhoun said she and some presentation occurred at the opening dividual contribution to the law controlled South Vietnam and Cambodia. friends planned a not-so-friendly welcome Malpractice Insurance Rates The question of military aid died with of the civil session of Court of Com­ profession. (Herald photo by Pinto) for the newcomers. Los Angeles anesthesiologists planned a Saigon’s surrender. But Pentagon sources “They say its a lot colder here than it is By JOHN LESAR mon Pleas at Manchester, with Judge one-day walkout next Tuesday to protest a said today North Vietnam had become one in Vietnam,” she said. “With a little luck, United Press International possible 100 per cent boost in their of the strongest military powers in maybe they’ll take pneumonia and die.” Northern California doctorsrrebelling malpractice insurance. Southeast Asia with 83 billion to 85 billion Her attitude was deplored by church against increased malpractice insurance ' The California malpractice problem is in captured U.S. tanks, planes and other leaders in Little Rock who issued a state­ rates, let their insurance lapse today and the latest in a series of crises threatening war material. ment welcoming the refugees to Arkan­ hospitals put emergency health care plans Ford Pushes Back into effect immediately. to force doctors to leave or limit their The Viet Cong’s liberation radio today sas. practices, boosting hospital rates and put­ proclaimed “total victory” in South Viet­ “Many of our ancestors came to this Argonaut Insurance Co. of Menlo Park, ting some clinics on the brink of closing. nam and said that all military forces and continent also as refugees,” the statement Calif., cancelled the group malpractice coverage of San Francisco area doctors provinces in the Mekong Delta and said. “Others came as slaves and inden­ Los Angeles County may soon have to northwest of Saigon had surrendered. Energy Deadline tured servants. Yet they found here a effective today and offered, in its place, pay 81.6 million to Lloyds of London for home in which to rebuild their shattered individual coverage at sharply higher malpractice insurance to cbVer doctors rates. working at county hospitals or in other WASHINGTON (UPI) - President domestic oil prices, adding five cents ^ r lives. Hardest hit are anesthesiologists, who county medical programs. Argonaut, Ford has pushed his energy policy gallon to the price of gasoline by mid-19f7, “Our past history along with our Lord’s vow they won’t pay 330 per cent higher which had insured the county for deadline back another month, hoping but places final responsibility for that ac­ command that we share our blessings with rates for insurance and who, by law, can­ premiums of ?500,000 a year, has refused Inside Today Congress will act before the time runs out tion on Congress. others causes us to welcome this oppor­ not practice without insurance. to. renew its policy bwause its losses and thus avoid a shOwdown over unilaterai Ford imposed a $1 per barrel oil import tunity of ministering to this new group of Atoiit 3,500 other doctors faced with tripled during the past year. The com­ Old Codger ...... Page 4 tariff Feb. 1. He originally planned the people.” executive action. skyrocketing rates threatened to follow pany’s loss under the policy was estimated Business news...... Page 5 The President’s_latest strategy calls for tariff to go up to $2 per barrel Mdrch 1 and In Niceyille Fla., near Eglin Air Force suit and many of them quit and went home at more than ?3.6 million. Dear Abby...... Page 12 a decision by June 1 ^ 90 days behind his to per barrel April 1, but s ^ u t ’two Base, another haven for the refugees following surgery Wednesday. original schedule — on whether to raise months ago he delayed the seeond and where the first of them also are expected Hospitals in the area restricted surgery Argonaut also has raised insurance Neighbor’s K itchen...... Page 13 the tariff on imported oil to per barrel. third steps for 60 days to avoid! a show­ Friday or Saturday, townspeople pondered schedules and warned of possible substan­ rates for smaller hospitals across the na­ LL honors Leber ...... Page 15 The hike would boost gasoline prices about down with Congress. 1 the effect of their arrival might have. tial layoffs of hospital employes. tion by 300 to 1,000 per cent. The rate for Thoughts ApLENty...... Page 15 one cent per gallon. , Under the original delay. Ford » t today The California legislature is debating Northwestern Hospitals in Minneapolis, Sullivan HR sparks MHS...... Page 15 Ford’s new strategy also sets the stage as the deadline for Congress to ( ^ e up new legislation that would ease the Minn., has been upped from 855,000 to Little Miss Softball...... Page 17 for a gradual lifting of controls on with an acceptable energy consiryation malpractice problem by requiring arbitra­ .8550,000 by Argonaut. ’The hospital hopes New baseball program ...... Page 17 House Rejects to pass on the increased rates through policy. He threatened to go ahead m th the tion of many malpractice claims and Area P ro file...... Pages 8, 9, 21 unilateral tariff increase if Congr^ mis­ Aid Request limiting lawyers’ fees. raising room rates for patients. sed his deadline. ’ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House, Farm Support Bill But the President yielded to the pfeadings of congressional leaders brushing aside an urgent appeal from Veto Anticipated President Ford, today voted against a bill Captain Cash DoesnH Sway Governor Wednesday and put off the tariff hike until authorizing $327 million in emergency WASHINGTON (UPI) - President about June 1. Federal Energy Administrator Frank G. funds for. South Vietnamese refugees. HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. 85 million school equalization program "The problem is of course, whether the Ford’s expected veto of an emergency The Senate had approved the legislation farm support bill will come by Friday at Zarb, who announced Ford’s decision, said Grasso doesn’t take many chances —not with the proceeds of a special lottery. dollars in fact can be raised and how you Friday by a vote of 46 to 17. can commit dollars that don't exist to peo­ the latest, according to White House aides. the President based the latest delay on even on ’s state lottery. “I guess I am perfectly willing to buy The House action today followed an ple who have to make budget plans,” she The one-year bill would raise 1975 crop requests from Senate Majority Leader tickets to the firemen’s carnival for a hour-long, spirited debate during which The brawny physique of Captain Cash, said. support loan and support “target” rates Mike Mansfield and Rep. A1 Ullman, color television and that’s about as far as Rep. ’Thomas Morgan, D-Pa., chairman of the Superman-like symbol for the lottery, On another matter, Mrs. Grasso said forijvheat, feed grains and cotton. It would chairman of the House Ways and Means has failed to sway the cautious chief I’d go,” the governor said. Committee, and on energy policy progress the House International Relations Com­ laying off state employes to save tax also raise supports for soybeans and dairy executive who is given to temporizing, Gambling is a poor bet to raise revenue made by Ullman’s committee. mittee, pleaded for passage. dollars would be used only as a last resort. products. In a letter to Speaker Carl Albert, Ford nioderation and compromise. as far as Mrs. Grasso is concerned Backers of the legislation have con­ But Zarb said this was the last such post­ “I said to them they were the last today requested the House act immediate­ because the promise seems to fall so short tended it is needed to protect farmers in ponement Ford would grant unless he sees “Why should I throw away 50 cents?” possibility. All others would and should be at the end of May “the prospect of fairly ly oh the legislation. Ford gave assurances shb responded to newsmen asking her of performance. explored,” she said. case the record crops expected this year “If the dollars can be raised it certainly imminent legislation that is going to give no more American troops would be sent Wednesday about a proposal to finance a The legisiature’s' Finance and Ap­ force prices down below production costs, back to Vietnam. would be an acceptable plan,” she said. which they said are well above current us a comprehensive program.” propriations committees are working un­ der a Monday deadline to come up with a support levels. “We are hopeful still that Congress in a But Ford was said to have decided to very short time, possibly before they go tax and spending plan for the coming reject the bill because of Agriculture into recess, will produce a bill and that the fiscal year. Pay cuts, a longer work-week Secretary Earl L. Butz contention it would bill will be satisfactory,” he said.. or layoffs of state workers are under con­ A sideration as ways to save the state lead toward a return to government plan­ The President’s new plan for a gradual ting controls and because it could add |1.8 decontrol of domestic oil prices ¥ money. Laying off state workers in a tight billion to the federal deficit, according to represents a reversal of previous ad­ economy, she said, would only move them Butz’ estimates. ministration proposals, which called for immediate decontrol. to the unemployment rolls where the state would have to provide them with jobless benefits. “With the economy in the tough situa­ South Pacific Travel tion we find ourselves with an already high level of unemployment, to add to layoffs would not help substantially since we pay for unemployment compensation out of Show Tonight at MHS pocket,” she said. Mrs. Grasso said she has written the The beauty of the South Pacific wiil be In addition, representatives for the Federal Aviation Administration to sus­ highlighted at The Herald’s Travel Show, major carriers to the Pacific, namely. pend consideration of a proposal to allow a tonight at 8 at Manchester High School Pan American, Air New Zealand, Quan- supersonic transport to operate in the auditorium. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. tas, and UTA, will be present with infor­ United States. ; And “Evening in the South Pacific,” mation Concerning air fares and tours. One possibility is to allow the planes'to • vrill be presented in films entitled “A use Bradley International Airport near her Travel agents will be on hand with home in Windsor Locks as a base of -South Pacific Journey,” “South Pacific brochures and will answer any travel -Adventure,” and “Overview Down operations. questions. “It is our belief that the provisions and Under.” Door prizes will be given away by the Guest speakers for the evehing will be spirit of the National Environmental airlines and the (governments of New Richard D. Bollard, New Zealand travel Policy Act have not been complied with,” Zealand and Australia. An unusual gift, a commissioner; and Peter Goulding, she said. sheepskin rug from New Zealand, will be manager. Eastern Region for Australia. Public hearings in Connecticut and other presented courtesy of Gilbert-Love. ■ , Charles Gilbert of the Gilbert-Love states have not been held, she said, and the Tickets are still available at The question of the impact of such craft oil the ' Travel Agency in Hartford will show some Herald’s office or from the following spon­ original slides of Fiji, New Zealand and environment has not been properly soring travel agencies: Globe Travel Ser­ answered. Tahiti. vice, 555 Main St.; Goodchild-Bartlett 'Travel, 113 Main St.; LaBonne Travel, 67 E. Center St.; Mercury Travel, 627 Main Car Goes Kerplunk The Weather St.; Q’Keefe ITravel, 750 Silas Deane Hgwy., Wethersfield; and Gilbert-Love Jim Rufini, right, and Don Logan of p.m. Tuesday in order to go in.Dillon’s road washed out last fall during a bad - aoudy today with high temperatures in Travel, 880 Aslyum Ave. water main break. A highway crew the mid 60s, and mid 50s along the shore. A few tickets will be available at the Dillon Ford gently raise the rear end and shop for a truck. Soon after, the The Lottery Cloudy tonight with a chance of showers. door on a first-come, first-serve basis. of a car out of a pot hole two feet deep road fell away under the left rear put in hot patch by 7 p.m., he said. The Connecticut State Lottery number Lows in the low to mid 40s. Cloudy Friday The Herald’s final Travel Show for the on American Legion Dr. Pete Zerio of wheel causing minor car damage. Jay More extensive repairs are planned drawn this morning was: 44 ^een 429. with showers likely. Hifhs in the mid to sieason is planned for June 10 and will 20 Clearview Ter. parked his car on Giles, public works director, said for the whole street, he added. Bonus number 205280 upper 50s. feature the Pacific Northwest. what looked like solid street about 4 today he suspects the gravel under the (Herald photo by Barlow)

•f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 — PAGE THREE PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchesler, Conn., Thurs., May 1,1 9 ^ . NATIOHAl WfATHfi SfRVICf FOlfCAST f 7AM I$T^ - THEATER SCHEDULE Democrats Cheney Tech Applies Accused of For *75 Road Scholars ABOUT TOWN SEATTLE Vernon Cine 1 - "Capone,” Showcase 4 - “Escape to TV TONIGHT 7*30-9:30 Witch Mountain,” 7:304:30 Howell Cheney Regional dich Memorial Field, Vernon Cine 2 — “ White Politicking Reservations close tonight McKee St.; or Mrs. Leonard meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the lOSTON Vocational-Technical School is Framingham, Mass., at 10 a.m. Ughtning,” 7:10-9:10 for the 20th anniversary dinner Rackwoski, 754 Center St. The youth lounge of the church. one of three vocational- It will be the first time since 6K)0 . Karen Valentine...... 840 U.A. East 1 - “Shampoo," CHEERS! HARTFORD (UPI) - The of the Ladies Guild of the dinner is Monday at Willie's technical schools in the state Trouble Shooting became a News...... ^ S-8-2M0 Bob Crane Show...... 20-22-30 7.4A,g.«n NEW YORK (UPD - Nevada Democrats have been charged Church of the Assumption and Steak House after a Mass at NEW YORK which has applied for entrance national event 13 years ago that Bew itched...... "...... 8 s^Kl U.a’ East 2 - “Yakilia," leads the nation in alcoholism with trying to change for may be made with Mrs. Gary 6:30 p.m. at the church. St. Stephen’s Prayer Group of in the 1975 “Road Scholars” teams of two students each The Untoudiables ...... 9 M ovie...... 3 7:00-9:00 with a rate of 6,770 alcoholics for political'gain the makeup of the Matre, 34 Portland St.; Mrs. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church competition. representing schools in Connec­ The Champions...... 18 sts. of sian F iiicisco . . . . 8-40 U.A. East 3 - “Blazing every 100,000 adults aged 20 or Connecticut Commission on Pierre Caron, 553 Center St.; Youth Fellowship of South will meet tonight at 8 at the If the application is approved, ticut, Massachusetts and Rhode The Honeymooners...... 20 Saddles,” 7:15-9:00 older, according to the Rutgers Special Revenue: Mrs. John MacDonald, 158 United Methodist Church will church. sanprancisc To Be Announced...... 18 a team of two students from the Island have competed in a Electric Company...... 24-57 Burnside 1 «r 2 - “Capone,” Center of Alcohol Studies. House Minority Leader M ovie...... 20-22-30 auto mechanics shop directed three-in-one contest. Bonanza...... 40 7:15-9:05; “Alice Doesn’t Live Gerald F. Stevens, R-Milford, Performance at Wolf Trap California ranks second wilth a by Ralph Catalano will be Winners of the state contest 6:30 ...... 24-57 Here Anymore,” 7:00-9:15 says a bill the General Law rate of 6,610 alcoholics per 100,- Committee recommends would selected to participate. will receive all-expense-paid B ro ^ St. LOS N ew s,...... 34-20-22-90 Showcase 1 - “Tommy,” 9:30 000. give all appointment power for The “Road Scholars” will trips to Detroit, where cham­ I Love Lucy ...... 5 Water World...... 18 7‘25-9‘50 compete for three state cham­ pions from all 50 states will be Manchester Parkade Showcase 2 - “The Reincar­ the commission to the gover­ Zoom...... 24-57 10KW The two states with the lowest pionships on the same field at seeking college scholarships nation of Peter Proud,” 7:40- nor, while the original law .THE THANK YOU STORE 3 0 0 0 7:00 N ew s...... 5 alcoholism rate are Hawaii barred one party from the same time when the annual and other valuable prizes in the N ew s...... 3-22-40 Harry 0 ...... 8-40 10:10 (1,780 per 100,000) and Alabama Plymouth Trouble Shooting National Trouble. Shooting lOWIST Showcase 3— “Funny Lady,” dominating it. Arthur Dussault, right in upper photo, receives his Silver Better Quality! Better Selections! MIAMI Andy Griffith Show ...... 5 u,g Mayors (1,830 per 100,000). “The Safeguards that were Contest is held May 23 on Bow- Finals in June. Truth or Consequences ..;,. .8 Callaway Outdoors .... 18 8:00 . Beaver award from Robert Wooding of Waterbury. Mrs. 3 a o o \J written into the original legisla­ Joyce Christino, in lower photo, receives her Silver Beaver Ironside ...... 9 pjagg No Story ..... 24-57 tion establishing this commis­ King’s Discount Pet Dept •lEGENfr* ■v T7*1 Dick Van Dyke S how ...... 18 .|g.3g from Stanley Kanare of West Hartford. The the- sion were bipartisan and Sounding Board ...... 20 Right N ow ...... 9 Karen Morris, America’s Bring Family to RAIN jSNOW protected against intrusion by Ready or N ot...... 24 M edix...... 18 Junior Miss 1974, will one party or the other for pure­ Monkey Shortage S A V E $5! AIR To Tell the Truth...... 30 relinquish her crown Mon­ ly pditical reasons,” Stevens W oman...... 57 11:00 , East Hartford 20 GALLON, HIGH AND LOW ISHOWERS F lo w The Best of Groucho...... 5 day night in the annual beau­ said Wednesday. 7:30 N ew s...... 8-18-22-3040 “Since its creation, the com-’ Now a Reality Un WfATHH K>fOCASI • ty pageant, starting at 9 All G lass Land of the Three...... 3 Celebrity Bowling ...... 9 p.m. on CB^TV. Lions Club mission has functioned on a Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 non-partisan basis, even AL ROSSITER JR. • heart disease, infectious dis­ For Period Ending 7 AM EST Friday. During 'Thursday night, showers and or.rain will be I Love Lucy ...... 20 Jeopardy ...... * Captioned N ew s...... 57 requiring the vote of a minority UPI Science Editor eases and metabolic problems. Aquariums widespread from northern Florida, northward throughout the Atlantic coastal states, Music Place ...... 18 CARNIVAL party member for a matter to WASHINGTON (UPI) - A The most striking contribution 11:30 except for the state of Maine. Clear skies will dominate most of the rest of the nation. Truth or Consequences...... 22 carry,” Stevens said. National Research Council the animals have made to man Consumer Survival K it...... 24 News...... 3 Reg 1 1 9 7 Minimum temperatures include: (approx, max. readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 59 (78), M ovie...... 5 youp OMm oappolis April 29 through May 4 “'The governor should dis­ committee says the long an­ was in the development of polio Boston 45 (59), Chicago 44 (66), Cleveland 41 (64), Dallas 55 (81), Denver 35 (64), Duluth 32 New Treasure Hunt...... 30 associate herself from this bla­ vaccine. 16.99 D ^ren er^ ...... 40 Wide World Special...... 840 attha ticipated shortage of monkeys tant attempt to politically take According to the Commerce (55), Houston 60 (80), Jacksonville 66 ( 83), Kansas City 50 (73), Little Rock 50 (76), Los for biomedical research is now Beautiful frameless aquariums that Marthi Agronsky ■!'.! i :!!! i ! 57 Unlouchables • • • • ^ ^ control of the Special Revenue Department, the number of Angeles 52 (67), Miami 74 ( 88), Minneapolis 38 (60), New Orleans 63 (84), New York 47 ^ ^ Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 a reality. give total viewing enjoyment! M a rr o u r RMK N VAC-themw I Topp’s Shopping Plaza ;Commission so that confidence To increase the supply of non­ primates imported by the (61), Phoenix 54 (85), San Francisco 46 (64), Seattle 44 (61), St. Louis 47 (73) and nnpM t cGfpvt dMNhiG nsdiiM TTie Waltons ...... 3 ' Main Street in East Hartford in government boards and com­ human primates to the 732 United States has dropped MIDNIGHT is s r ii Washington 53 (72). Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 tket lifts A lt |flM ts4 IA 7 OZ SMALL ANIMAL Movie B4rt if CSfSStS... missions is not destroyed by American laboratories using from a 10-year high of 126,te7 in Barney Miller...... 8-40 ■M Sttsteish 30 SPECTACULAR BIDES :this action,’’ he said. them, the committee says 1968 to 69,548 in 1973. India has M ovie...... 9 12:30 W o lM s itM l d tts s ra ; In other developments: monkey breeding colonies been the largest contributor in Chlorophyll Litter S t o r ^ l Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 M ovie...... 9 c k tr|s 1 . I t t h s M it4 CHILDREN'S DRY ALL NEW IN ’79 ; — Gov. Ella T. Grasso should be set up in the United recent years followed by Peru dt^THEATRES EAST Sunshine...... 20-22-30 1:00 M isrt Isr. WtTI is sply SM iurdtr, Ms7 3 12-S p.m. • Merry-Orr-Round scheduled her final public States and better care should be and Columbia. • Rs4lucsd Pries RMw • Loop-O-PIsiw BANSECTDOG&CAT Many Rich Refugees Bill Moyers’ Journal___ 24-57 Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 yss sillli ill dMesalitf • 2 Bicycl** ! meeting on her budget for Mon­ taken of imported animals to In 1973, the government of In­ elm lsi ptifccti yoi • Jupiter Jump 8:30 1:30 • 5 Coes C4)li Rubber RsRs • Swingin' Oyin day in Derby, the day that the save many of the thousands of dia clamped down on the export will sts4. W t'll M . Flea Collars ''SHAMPOO'’ Merv Griffin Show...... 5 Reel Camp ...... 5 TO BE QIVEN *WAY FREEI Appropriations Committee monkeys that die annually of rhesus monkeys, lowering' Reported in Camps srith stiy sesratisi Two Get Silver Beaver Awards NOMirr MfTCHUM OPEN NIGHTLY FHOM 6 PM; SATURDAY A SUNDAY 12 NOON must complete its work on the before reaching research limits from 50,0()0 to 30,000. Guaranteed protection 2 2 ^ Thailand a few years earlier set lo r f u ll 3 m o n th a . 20% OFF! ALL- ‘THEYAKUZA" budget. Mrs. Grasso held centers. . («1 CLARK Am BASE, Philip­ demanded they pay back the Action Urged to Halt previous sessions in Winsted, Arthur Dussault of 359 E. training committee. She was Because of their evolutionary an export limit of only 500 HOODS, REFLECTORS MIL MOOrt pines (UPI) — A U.S. Air Force U.S. government for their New London‘.and Fairfield to Middle Tpke. and Mrs. Joyce the 1974-1973 sustaining link to humans, primates are animals a year. Now Columbia membership enrollment chair­ Parakeets for Mothers Day! AND STANDS FOR “flUUMG SADDLES” («) sergeant said Wednesday he passage to America. Spiraling Costs of explain her spending proposals Christino of 21 Bremen Rd. valued in most laboratories for and Peru have joined Brazil in man. 20 GALLON TANKS personally saw rich Viet­ in the face of rising expenses Wednesday night received studies and drug testing for a prohibiting the export of Beautiiul healthy birds and a variety of Choose from a variety ol accessories- namese refugees wearing Sgt. Eugene Arnold, 34, of Malpractice Insurance and declining revenues. Silver Beaver awards, the variety of human disorders in­ monkeys except under special cages and accessories to please her! Albany, N.Y., also said in a diamonds, gold bracelets and 1 cannot see how a doctor —The House approved 111-32 highest honor Long Rivers cluding cancer, alcoholism. permit. telephone interview he was HARTFORD (UPI) - Senate Rmt other expensive jewelry at can practice medicine without a measure allowing public Council of Boy Scouts can BBDT REYNOLDS (K) “propositioned” three times by leader Joseph J. Fauliso, D- Clark’s Tent City and malpractice insurance,’’ dUMCAMTI tirpniy Coleman Bros. Shows ‘employes greater lattitude in bestow upon a volunteer for out­ ‘W H in LIGHTNING’ young Vietnamese girls last Hartford, has called for a : taking part in political ac- standing service to youth. eves 7:10 ■ 9:10 crash program to halt the Fauliso said. _ *12«idiy Sunday when he walked through ‘Weu7 England's Largest Travelings Show*' ;tivities, following the lead of The awards were presentfed s a t ' m a t . 2 p m spiraling cost of medical A bill before the legislature SALE ENDS SATURDAY MANCHESTER a nearby barracks housing the federal government. in ceremonies at the Aetna Life Pageant Starts malpractice insurance in would set up a study to find SUN. CONT. 2 PM DRIVE-IN/ROUTES 6 S 441 Saigon evacuees. FARR’S —A measure to create a Insurance Co., Hartford. MOBILE, Ala. (UPI) - Connecticut. ways of bringing down the cost 2 Main SL, Manchapter “I’m not saying I saw a of insurance. coastal reserve at Bluff Point in Dussault’s scouting career America’s Junior Miss Pageant Sears “Connecticut has always .643-7111 Groton, described as one of the spans many decades. He has starts tonight with the winner brothel but it looked like one,” been at the forefront in delivery last unspoiled sections of served in almost every scouting from 50 high school senior girls he said. of quality health care and we the Connecticut shoreline, was position including com­ to be crowned . on national are the headquarters of the Arnold’s initial impressions approved 77-62 in the House and mitteeman, cubmaster, scout­ television next week. HELD OVER - (R) about Vietnmaese refugees nation’s largest insurance com­ f BEN QAZZARA sent to the Senate. master, neighborhood com­ Karen Morris of Cheyenne, passing through Clark en route panies,” he said. missioner, activities chairman, Wyo., last year’s winner, will “We should be leading the —Sen. Lawrence J. DeNar- to the United States were in­ dis, R-Hamden, was scheduled district committeeman, and crown the 1975 Junior Miss, who “CAPONE’ fight against astronomical EVES 7:30 - 0:30 itially published in a report to address a (Council of State sustaining membership will receive a $10,000 college malpractice premiums,” he AGWff SUN^AT 3:30-5d0-7-J0-0d0 y written by his mother, a jour­ Governments meeting today in enroller. scholarship. A total f $53,000 in nalist for the Albany Times said.. AGWAY ROYAL CIRCLE ROSES The first scoutmaster of prizes will be awarded in the The m4lpractice crisis Boston on the budget crunch NDS MAT. SAT-SUN-l'JO PJL Union. He elaborated on the in faced by state government. Troop 157 of St. Bridget Church, contest. ' response to UPI queries. already • guaranteed to grow, or replaced at no charge he was named the 1969 outstan- Contestants are judged on An AvWMORE afford to pay. The admission is $1 for adults a member of the national practice defensive medicine,” and 50 cents for cliildren, or $3 1«?) 7:00-9:15 “I think some machinery training staff at Schiff Scout [ g 7;15 - 9:05 *2 Fauliso said. “They become for a family. The public is in­ Reservation in New Jersey. She dpring ought to be set up so these peo­ overcautious because they are A g w a y ca n vited. also has been invited to be a SUNDAY WATI K 99c 'Mil 2;00 ple can pay us back. For the forced to be overly concerned SAVE The event is sponsored by the poor people of course, no.” member of the training staff at with liability.’’ Home and School Association of Philmont Scout Ranch in New Arnold, who has been in Clark The increasing number of Festival make summer grow on ' Assumption Junior High School. Mexico. SHCHCASE CINtMAf 1234 since July 1973 and is attached suits and the size of the awards MAY 1 - SPEAKER: to a management engineering In 1974, she received the Dick Gregory at East Catholic 1 1-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. against hospitals and doctors squadron, said he decided to see have driven many carriers out District Award of Merit and has High School Auditorium - 8 pm EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8810 earned the Den Leader’s • FREE LIGHTED PARKING- We Honor MASTER CHARGE for himself the conditions of the of the malpracUce business, you. Like never oef ore! FREE ’• refugees “after I heard a lot of Fauliso said. Ford Suffers Loss Award. MAY 2 - ART: talk going around.” In California the major un­ DETROIT (UPI) - The Ford She is also a member of the Stairwell Gallery Art Opening! *20t»*70 Catholic Committee on 7M-1E1I He said his eldest daughter, derwriter is on the verge of Motor Co. suffered a $158 Hartford Road Campus - 8 thuTii Carol, 15, who was assigned to bankruptcy and carriers in New million pretax loss in the first Scouting and has been district pm - FREE - Refreshments s iiv communication chairman, SAlSia monitor the movements of the York have threatened to ter­ three months of 1975, the will be served. assistant district commissioner US-3-i5 IlK -F ii 7:25-M« refugees, told him that she saw minate coverage July 1. biggest first-quarter deficit in MAY 3 - ARTS AND CRAFTS SiLISk IM one Vietnamese open up “a on the Roundtable staff, a den on every riding mower in stock ~ ^ 3S$-S3|.72$.MI its history and the latest indica­ FAIR: t ill. leader coach, a member of the suitcase full of money, U.S. tion of the depths of the auto in­ Field adjacent to the upper )|M. (L:::] currency, and in hundred dollar This printing test pattern is Pow-Wow staff, and the district ■‘»UIDISin<‘ dustry slump. parking lot, Bidwell St. cam­ MI04HICT1044r mvM notes” and distribute bills part .of The Herald quality con­ M l BEHER BEDDING PLANTS AGWAY pus -10 am to 4 pm - FREE around. trol program in oirder to give a FilEn “I wanted to see for myself you one of the finest COME FROM AGWAY 5*1Q;5 G AR D EN SKYDiVERS: m W ncH 7 3 M JI Three skydivers from the SA V E Craftsman SA. t ta ::;1 what was going on so I took a newspapers in the nation. • beautiful, heavy-flowering petunia, P LA N T FO O D 1»3:3I stroll for maybe 20 minutes last marigolds, many more! Conn. Parachute Assoc, will M L 7 JI • balanced plant food for Sunday at Tent City. • easy to raise, peppers, tomatoes and skydive on campus. - Cougar 26-in. Riding Tractor Mower dozens of varieties 1 your garden Field (Bidwell St. campus) “I also walked through the • granular, easy to spread royahiools nearby barrackS where I was Time: 2:30 pm propositioned three ti7nes by LIVE CONCERT ‘Liverpool” (a trubute to the Regular I Tue. May 6 thru Sun. May 11 Vietnamese girls in their 20 s. 50 lbs. $4.59 I’m not saying I saw a brothel Beatles) (if weather permits) $449.00 are in front of Adm. Bldg. but it looked like one. It may IqfattfoHiCivic Center just be that they were C (Bidwell St. campus) FREE ♦429 pm - 8 pm. 'A1CMSXX7XTB propositioning me because they ATLAS PRECISION AGW AY 7 Reserve Power 246 cc. engine starts quickly with a m u m v E B a ' need money,” he said. GARDEN SEEDER ROSE FOOD MAY 4 • YANKEE CLIPPER WHEELBARROW better!! CRUISE pull on recoil starter. 3-speed transmission with dif­ • 4 cu. ft. capacity • opens soli, spaces, plants • top quality Down the Connecticut River. ferential. 3-position full floating cutting head. Foam seeds Now you can have a high-quality R O Y A L IN* • olLlube bearing wheel • special formulation MAY 8 - JAZZ CONCERT: PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT • tubeless pneumatic lira • covers and packs soil • provides all nutrients for GROUND POOL at prices lower than ordinary cushion molded seat. M.C.C, Jazz Band - MCC| (82-3001) • marks next row better blooms pools Buy only the BESY! Only ROYAL • handles 20 common • easy to store/carry plastic POOLS' gigantic quantity purchas'mg and en- Auditorium - 8 pm - FREE TAG SALE FOLLOWERS vegetable seeds (82-3074) pail g'meering know-how make possible the low, low MAY 6 - BLACK VOICES OF nvmnu)M4i Don't mIsM this on§l $23.49 (66-4135) FREEDOM ONNCTHnUI 5 lbs. price offered in this SALE. SATURDAY, MAY 3rd $37.95 $1.99 (From Univ. of Conn.) - MCC] YOUR 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. ROYAL POOLS builds a better pool in any Auditorium - 8 pm - FREE NEW f (Rala D af^JU gy 17th) price level for less! The more you find out about MAY 7 - JOHN PAYNEI pools, the more you'l find that nobody knows QUARTET: CHOICE SEE THE MOST AMAZING MIXED BUCKLEY SCHOOL PARKING LOT WILD ANIMAL ACT EVER DARED I more about your needs than R O YA L , one of Jazz Concert - MCC| 250 Vernon Street, Mancheeter Auditorium - 8 pni - FREE D. $4.99 Craftsman ALL NEW! 104th EDm ON. • New England’s oldest and largest builders of A. $5.49 Craftsman quality in-ground pools. Just ask your neigh­ MAY 8 MAOICIAN: Bow Rake Level-cut Shears Anyone Interested in reserving a spot to “Amazing Randi” -10:30 am -| bors! 12:30 roam around campus. B. E. $4.99 Craftsman • TVEt. PAT H T1MU FARM CAMT KMEFn ...... s:ee PM Coll for fr e o information $5.49 Cragsman ■nFM.PATT-e|. 4M A l:M PM sell some items may call 646-4984 or 646- 1:30 - show outside (Bidwellj 10:M AM. 3M A A:M PM 54-in. Rake 21-in. Bow Saw 175 — PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975

Thi^e Show t*aintings I SBM’s Livesey Plans ^ At Old Lyme Exhibit Summer R^liremeht Three Manchester members entered a water color, “Island lo\ in he was named chief of the local of the Connecticut Women Ar­ Farm ,” and an oil, “Summer Everett J. Livesey, president of the ^could Livesey was living in Oyster Bay, V tists are eihibiting their pain­ Landscape.” Savings Bank of M ^chester for 11 and was president of the City tings at a show for members at Mrs. Compasso and Mrs. years, is retiring from his position Igs Bank of Brooklyn, N.Y. the Lyme Art Association in Atwood are members of the Aug. 1 and intends to move to Manchester Art Association. ivesey began his banking career as a CjODGTEATIOKS through May 10. Georgia. at Brooklyn’s Dime Savings Bank in ______Included in the show are oil Mrs. Compasso has taken art Likely to be named his successor is I. He rose through the ranks to become pay more for courses at the University of a^d water color paintings and William R. Johnson, SBM’s executive vice Connecticut. Mrs. Veitch is a bank’s president in 1958, and took the through summer months as me something to criUcize and spend graphics. in president. ’The bank’s directors haven’t Now that we are celebrating member of the Connecticut Gi^ Savings Bank post in IMl. their energies trying to make L(x:al women participating in acted on a new president. our country’s 200th birthday, cows drink in the pasture rtow Watercolor Society. Mrs. ^ is a graduate of Wesleyan Universi- others believe they were being the exhibit are Mrs. Gerald Livesey, who assumed the SBM we will read and hear much and do not drink here at the Atwood has attended classes at Manchester! the Stonier Graduate School of barn at all.” Yours, E.L. treated wrong. Compasso, 89 Richmond Dr., presidency in May 1964, said he is building about many individual people the Wadsworth Atheneum, Cen­ f and the American Institute of Wiltheiber. Those whose minds matured whose pastel is entitled “Model a bouse at St. Simons Island, Ga., and fife insurance. whose acts made them famous tral Connecticut State College, ig. He has taught at Stonier, Brown Perhaps a letter from Fran­ passed through that stage of at Presty” ; Mrs. James Veitch plans to move there this summer. for bringing about the beginning and is currently attending a »» 'er^ty, Dartmouth College, and the dissent and trouble-mongering of Hebron Rd., Bolton, with a of our government. cis J. Parker in April 1896 will studio class taught by Estelle His immediate retirement plans include 'ersity of Massachusetts, and headed for meaningful water color entitled “Impen­ Let us not forget the majority help us to know how those in our Laschever. ^ “Songs by Sinatra leisure activity— gardening and bicycling livesey has authored many articles on lives. Some never matured ding,” and Mrs. Frank F. of our citizens whose family country before us lived and ’The. show with 63 entries is — although business may still occupy savings banking, and has served as officer even by middle age and never Atwood of 100 Westland St. who trees were transplanted here made history. He wrote, open daily from 1 to 5 p.m. some of Ids time. of J; several professional organizations. since that beginning and have “Having compiled an account could learn to be useful and Spend 15 minutes "I may do some consulting work,” Loiially, he has been active in the Greater contributed their great share in of my ancestors, some happy. Livesey said, “and I hope to do some Mi^chester Chamber of (Commerce, and Butwliy? the development and the statistics may have interest. But as innocent children they teaching, I really enjoy it.” th^ United Fund campaign. strength of our nation as it is There were 46 male im­ were all very much alike Rhode Islander Faces with Livesey came to Manchester in 1964 to Mhnson joined SBM in 1955 as a migrants, the first came before All life insurance isn't,expensive. In fact today. Without them it would whenever they lived. O.C. has EVERE'TT J. LIVESEY succeed SBM President Lynwood K. mwtgage interviewer and rose through a ■ our savings bank has one of the biggest bargains not have been possible. 1630 ; 37 of them were in New here a writing by one of his Mandatory Death Penalty Elmore, who had held the post for 11 st^ession of executive posts to executive going. Savings Bank Life Insurance. You can There is also that minority of England by 1650 and all before grandmothers when she was a 01 Blue Eyes years. vi& president in 1971. families who had come here 1687. One French, one Irish, very little girl. There’s nothing save up to 25%. Maybe even more. And get the the Adult Correctional before that beginning and did three Scotch, and thirty-six to distinguish it from one PROVIDENCE, R.I. (U PI)- same good strong insurance, the same kind of much to prepare for that begin­ English in origin (melting pot, written today one of his great­ A Superior Court jury convicted Institutions at the time of the every day at protection, the same kinds of policies you'd get ning. They did the pioneering O.C.) grandchildren. Here it is, state prison inmate Robert murder. n anywhere else. “ When they arrived the spelling and all: Cline of first degree murder Come on in and save on life insurance. and spadework to make the ’The case was handed over to average age of 24 men was 31 Wednesday under a mandatory Right here. At our savings bank. country ready for such a C h ristm a s the jurors Tuesday. They WMMmmm years, of 10 women 24 years. death penalty law. He could be 4:35 pm. on government. They left records Christmas comes on the 25 deliberated for about two hours Saving Bank Life hsuranoe. The best which can be found and studied The average age at death of 28 the first person in Rhode Island fmmiwm BUSINESS wich is close by and many before they broke for the bargain in life. by anyone who will spend the men was 66 years, including to be put to death in more than children are waiting for the evening, heading to a do^town f LLiJiuLil. time, effort and expense it two killed by Indians, and of 18 100 years. luinpiliso hotel. wives was 73 years. happy time wich the old san- Cline, 23, was accused of requires. taclaus will give them I hear Sponsored by How they lived and spread “Nine men married twice kiliing fish peddler Frank A. Conviction came shortly some children say they wanted Sheildon Firm Offers out over the country might be and one three times. Five wives Pirri of Bristol in a Providence before noon Wednesday. ’The CML Promotes SAVINGS BANK OF MANCHESTER a Christmas tree and they 923 Main Street married twice. The larger housing project parking lot on jury, sequestered night after Fogarty Bros. interesting to know since some wanted apples candies nuts Town Resident Manchetler, Conn. 06040 family was 16 children, 32 April 11, 1974 while Cline was night during the five week trial, Variety of Insurance came even to Manchester dolls popcorn Balls and where some of the thirteenth ancestor immigrants had 242 an escape. also found him guilty of escape. Michael P. Chamness of raisans to hang on it some Broad St. National Association of Life (Plc.ive PriiiO and fourteenth generation in children (7.56) family, and 215 Judge Anthony A. Giannini Manchester has been promoted By Greater Mancheiler wanted to hang up their During the trial state Underwriters — for 27 years. America still live. became adult. About 1 in 10 gave defense counsel 10 days to to consultant in the market Chamber of Commerce stocking and they would like to prosecutors relied on the Sheldon’s firm has been a Since we are only interested died in their minority. 52.7 per appeal which, if unsuccessful, development and training have them full of candies nuts testimony of three M anchester member of the Greater in the general development of cent born were sons.” could make Cline the first per­ department of Connecticut _ S I A l l ____ raisans sugar pluns and pop­ eyewitnesses and a document Manchester Chamber of the populace as a whole and this It’s only when folks get old son to face capital punishment Mutual Life Insurance Co., Frank P. Sheldon, CLU, and corn the first thing in the mor­ signed by Cline which was Commerce since 1954. Sheldon one family is only taken an enough to have good sense that in Rhode Island since 1845. Hartford. Associates are located at 1 ning you will hear them saying written by police based on served as vice president of the example of the many, we will they lose it. Two or three Cline was indicted under a American Row, Hartford. In to every on^they meet I wish questioning after he was Chamber and as chairman of refer to it merely as “Family.” generations ago young adults 1973 law which requires death 1939, Sheldon opened an office Hush.inJ,.i^c_ .NAifc/.inc. hildicn/.iKcs______you merry Christmas I wish arrested on April 16, 1973. A native of Oregon, the Oakland-Parker Connector We can only tell what is to be had a pretty happy time of it in­ in the gas chamber for anyone in Manchester, left in 1941 for you merry Christmas and Chamness graduated' from committee. ’The street is now found in public records in the spite of conditions that irritate convicted of first degree Public defender William F. five years of service in the exspecting a present every time Oregon State University and known as Sheldon Rd., named places where they lived. those of today. Many of the murder while serving a prison Reilly said the eyewitnesses Marine Corps, and reopened his so this is the end of my Com­ joined CML’s Portland, Ore., in his honor. Among some old papers, O.C. same conditions existed then term. He was an escape from were unreliable. office in Manchester in 1946. position untill (Tiristmas comes. agency. He qualified for several has a letter from “State of but young people didn’t waste of the company’s sales awards their time searching for Ophelia. Connecticut Executive Depart­ durihg his three years as an The firm specializes in life in­ ment, Official Business,” from agent. surance, estate pladning, and the governor to Mr. J.H. King Chamness is a member of the employe benefit plani. It offers 575 Main St. Hartford, Conn, National Life Underwriters computerized services for per­ and postmarked Norwich, Ct., Association’s Hartford chapter, sonal financial planning as well May 16, 1864. and he i? participating in the Weicker Will Address Sears Heavy-Duty Michael Chamness as for business. Sears It was in reply to King’s offer membership drive of the to enlist in the Army and stated Greater Hartford Chamber of there was already a long list of State KofC Banquet Commerce. Sheldon’s son, William, is volunteers that had not yet been He lives with his wife and two now associated with the firm SALE accepted by the federal of­ Sen. Lowell Weicker Jr. will state president of B ’nai B ’rith; K enm ore W ashers and D ryers children at 173 Green Manor $124 Million after several years as an office ficials. be the principal speaker at the Clifton Green, treasurer of Rd. Benefits totaling $124 million manager for t^e Phoenix ENDS Don’t sound like draft card Knights of Columbus State Prince Hall Masons of Connec­ were paid to or for Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. .burners in those days, does it? Banquet and Ball on Saturday ticut; John Coleman, state policyholders by Aetna Life & SATVRDAV! \ Another one that throws some evening at the Hartford Hilton deputy, kofC; Gov. Ella Sale Ends Saturday! SAVE *20 . • • Kenmore Casualty in 1974, the Hartford- Sheldon is a qualifying and lighten the past is a one cent Hotel. ’The ball will bring to a Grasso; and Mayor George Guest Speaker based firm has reported. life member of the Million U^r^StT«c(^Addressed to a Athanson of Hartford. Aetna paid more than $10.3 close the 82nd Convention of the 3-Cycle Washer U.S. Labor Secretary John Dollar Round Table, a director town clerk in Jn fle^ 899. It Connecticut State Council of million in state and local taxes of the Hartford chapter of S a v e M l Dunlop will deliver the prin- reads, “we discontinued using Toastmaster for the evening and more than $139.3 million in KofC. ' cipal address May 9 at the an­ Chartered Life Underwriters, town water for cattle first of Guests at the head table will will be Edward M. Casey, state Salaries and commissions to its nual spring meetings of the In­ and a member of the Phoenix May, as they have went to include Charles Ducey, deputy treasurer of the KofC. Dancing Regular $219 Connecticut agents and company’s Hall of Fame. He All-Frostless 14.1-Cu. Ft. *199 dustrial Relations Research pasture.” P.S. “I understand at supreme knight of the KofC; will be to the music of Bobby employes. Association at Hartford. has gualified for the National the time the water was put in Alexander Chapman, deputy Kaye and his orchestra. Chair­ • Normal, pre-soak, or short cycles S A V E «4 0 . . . The meetings open Thursday .liQuality Award — given by the last fall that I would not be Grand Master of Masons in man of the convention is John J. • wash/rinse temperatures FitzPatrick of 119 Florence St. • 2 water levels and run for three days. Other asked to pay for the water Connecticut; Samuel Kellin, • Heavy-duty motor, construction Coldspot Refrigerator guest speakers include Gov. P A I R P R I C E Ella Grasso. SALE ENDS SAT.. MAY 3rd. SAVE *1 ©...Perm­ anent Press Dryer ALL 7ZZKST0RES JOIN IN THE MOTHER’S Regular ^ PUBLIC Regular GRAND OPENING C H B R AflON $159.95 m 24101/64101 *149 RECORDS ‘329.00 ^ • Normal, permanent press, and “air only” cycles IS OF THE NEW ESTIZEm • Pre-set temperature; internal lint screen Use Sears Easy Payment Plan • “Air only" for fluffing, drying rainwear Warranty Deed * 2 8 8 STORE IN MtNGHESTHI Frederick W. Lowe Jr. and • Frostless, no build-up, no more tedious defrosting chores- Nancy E. Lowe to Gerald D. • 11.2-cu. ft. refrigerator with 2 full-width, steel shelves; 2.9-cu. ft. and Catherine L. Callahan, Save *20®* Large Ca­ property at 27 Scarborough Rd., freezer $50,500. • Separate, adjustable cold controls allow you to vary temperature of pacity 3-Cycie Washer Federal Tax Lien Internal Revenue Service refrigerator and freezer against Penelope S. Kelly, • Roomy, fuil-width fruit and vegetable crisper 1 8 ’ R O U N D Regular $743.94. $279.95 Judgment Lien *359 Manchester Memorial • Your choice of three cycles . . . normal, delicate, Hospital versus Ralph Visit Sears and See Our Complete S A V E « 5 1 and permanent press ^ ^■*^Use Sears Easy Payment Plan 11 piece package • 2 wash/rinse temperature combinations Lanagan, 303 Woodbridge St., Line of Refrigerators PHJCAN BEACH PLUS FREE CABANA • 2-speed motor: 2 w ater levels $699.95. Galvasteel pool, heavy duty winterized Dissolution Agreement construction arxl deluxe winterized Hner. Made to last Value $764 P A I R P R I C E Large Ca­ Michael T. Forand and IN 21'x48 " round package cabana Robert I. Risley, no longer PAK stuc.M *527 w/Uee 24' package w/free cabana doing business as Conn. School vw.PSw'®''' *577 pacity Electric Dryer . VOO'-! . ‘lAASSNt of Weight Lifting. Trade Name Of Regular Richard Painter, doing $189.95 business as Diversified Ser­ 24211/64201 *169 vices. • Your choice of permanent press, normal, and Marriage Licenses 4 1 8 delicate settings William James Lewis, 56?E • Three temperatures: "air only" for fluffing We Service What We SelDNationwide • Top-mounted lint screen Hilliard St.,'and Frances Louise ANCHOR BAY Piader, Vernon, May 29, Con­ 30’x15' Galvasteel constructkm, massive cordia Lutheran Church. 6” top deck, massive iA>rtghts, heavy Clifford Walter Tower and ity buttresses, inground ^ p e deep and a va il^ e at no extra charge, winterized 20 guage Susan Joyce Taylor, both Hart­ virgin vinyl liner. SAVE *40»®...Kenmore ford, May 10. 11 piece package 24’x15’Ovai |33’x15'Oval I 41'x15'Oval Building Permits PLUS FREE CABANA 5-Cycle Washer Manchester Observer for MISSES SWEATER COAT 777 1*10881*1288 Mandhester Holding Co., wall 1007o w ashable A c ry lic, 100% AH above wRh 11 piece package 63021/8050 PLUS FREE CABANA R egu lar $329.95 sign at 983 Main St., $95. washable Acrylic, shawl-collar, or V- C & D Builders Inc. for neck, wrap style with belt, 2-pockets. $ 2 4 *299 Frechette & Martin, new Color: Bone Sizes: Small, Medium, • Normal, knit-delicate, permanent press, pre-wash, ' dwellings at 120-122 and 126-128 SA V E *71 .. . soak cycles Large. Style iH1509. Reduced from Save *31 AFRAMELADDBI i5 washA'iiise temperalurrs Mather St., $30,000 each. Save *01 Save *01 $17.90...$9.90 »Bleach, detergent and rinse additive dispensers Roy Haugh, fence at 95 15.9-Cu. Ft. Coldspot *96 • I^rgecapucitv: 2 speed motor Helaine Rd., $40. True Mill Savings...... Frostless 19.0-Cu. Ft. Frostless 19.0-Cu. Ft. P A I R P R I C E Edwin R. Dezso Sr., tool shed Direct from the Manufacturer BEIIUt #SAVE *20.. .Fabric at 595 Tolland Tpke., $750. Refrigerator w/Icemaker Side-by-Side w/lcemaker Upright Freezer S«DFI.TH< Thomas L. Heal, fence at 27 Ashland St., $340. Regular Regular Master Dryer Robert Samuelson for Miss $459.00 $259.00 Mary Roach, alterations at 36 *398 *448 *238 «127 Regular Walnut St., $725. • All-frostless ... you'll never need to defrost again • All-frostless ... no messy defrosting ever! • Make meal planning easy, have family favorites $249.95 Bidwell .Horn? Improvement ROCKVIUE • 13.7 cu. ft. refrigerator; 5.3 cu. ft. freezer • 12.5 cu. ft. refrigerator; 6.5 cu. ft. freezer 0EFI.1ER%HP stocked and ffozen, ready for re-heating anytime 25701/65701 *229 Co. fo r Wesley Gryk, • Big-capacity door storage, twin crispers and • Both sections have separate, adjustable cold eon- 5 1 8 • Grille-type shelves allow fast circulation of zero • Fabric Mastrr conlrol autoniallcallv shuts oK drvrr alterations at 22-24 Locust St., meat pan to help keep food fresh trols for desired temperature 215 E. MAIN ST. (EXIT 98 off RT. 86) cold air (or instant freezing ■ s,,,. „..r • Special sflliiiR tor vourknils $ 1 , 200. • Icemaker provides generous supply of ice • Lots of storage space in each section: full-width ALL PRICES INCLUDE Mee our complete selci non • Withpiid-ot^T IIAIil.KV HHANKOHl) BHISTOL MKRIUEN NORTHAMmN OLDSAYBROOK • SOUTHINarON • SPRINDFIELO H(K KVII.LE SOl'THBRIDGE WARE WILUMANTK 0- KIKKVILLK S01-THBKIIX5K WAHK WILLIMANTir Rd., $1,000. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND 0 0 . ' '¥ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 - PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs.. May 1,1975

iHandipatpr EtipmunUpralJi X M M AND OPINION VgEl)EMAHD ^ 5 TWEY m m OPEN By JOAN HANAUER writing down the conversations, FORUM United Press International with the President’s knowledge. Hartford City Council Conversations with Ken­ We can be grateful he did, and pEMAMl) nedy, by Benjamin C. Bradlee. remembered so much. The iiiMiuiaie$UE,ASiu (Nralon, $7.95) freshness of another era in On Right Track OTHER BJlCESjTHfi Journalist Ben Bradlee was America is evoked with bright­ THURSL, FRI., SAT.9 3 DAYS ONLY IfARDEN SHOFOPEKI VIOBD'DEMAND*-SEEMS OROBR Seeks Support totally charmed by John F. Ken­ ness and humor and alertness. SUNDAY 9-4 Bradlee has written a vivid, A big cheer for the Hartford City dollars only by increasing productivi­ TO BE BKPLACIMG THE OOfAMAMO nedy and herein reports on thdr intriguing five-year relationship. moving view from the sidelines Council. ty, cutting out wasteful or unneeded WORD ‘REQUEST*... To the editor: ULtlMATUNl I am sure that all volunteers in this area There are no scoops here and of a remarkable man at work The members — Democrat and programs and, most important, put­ OR AT LEAST , I S BEING little that is startling or even and at play in the pressure MAF^OATE for Breakthrough to the Aging are well Republican — have agreed there will ting the lid on new funding requests. USED IN PLACE OJ* — aware that time is fast running out before really surprising. Rather his cooker of the White House OICTATE recollections convey in ex­ be no tax increase this year and they Our governor says we are in a f the General Assembly decides whether or not to grant the $38,000 needed to carry ot^ uberant fasbkm K e n n y s zest d r u m b ea tific fully expect this will mean the layoff recession. The argument that the our work for the 1975-1976 year. for acconqdishment, his wide- of some employes and the elimination, state must tax more to overcome COMPEL For the uninitiated, BTA (as it is ranging, probing mind, his unfet­ White House Witness, by APPiy called), is a program involving 2,000 elder­ tered enjoyment of political life. Jonathan Daniels. (Doubleday, Flowers or Vegetables of some programs. declining revenues doesn’t appeal insist Oh ly citizens and 600 volunteers and spon­ As Bradlee exults in his memo­ $K95) The final years of Franklin ries, we do also. We hope this message gets to the much to Nutmeggers who are being d e c r e e sored by the Capitol Region Conference of D. Roosevelt’s presidency, as re­ State Capitol where our legislators laid off from work, iwt on shorter Churches, serving the ,?9 cities and towns Certainly Kennedy could be counted by a top White House surrounding the Hartford area. Its basic petty, even vengeful in mean lit­ aide were lively and complex, GARDEN PACKS still hope to nuisance tax their way work weeks, and still must face cost- aim, in simple terms, is for volunteers to tle ways. His language in private crisscrossed by policy conflicts out of some hard decisions such as of-living increases from inflation. reach out to the elderly, living alone and was sometimes profane, as and personality clashes. The shut in and to those in nursing homes, several Nbion apologists have state employe layoffs, 40-hour work It is time to quit wishing for manna author, son of Woodrow Wilson’s through “friendly visitation” either by been quick to p(M out, although Secretary of the Navy, captures from Heaven on the Potomac by state weeks, and program eliminations phone or personal contact. Thus an elderly Kennedy at least didn’t make in vignettes such youthful jDArs which could help balance the state government, just as it is time for iNDREW TULLY person has a friend to whom he or she can pious speeches on behalf of clean neophytes as Nelson RockeMer SO \ M - ^ talk or to reach out for help. For many, it language in high places. ONLY ^ 4^ PER PACK budget without new taxes. cities and towns to quit wishing for and Lyndon Johnsoa An in­ LBS.’ is their only contact with the outside Since this is a book about a sider’s readable view of wartime BARK NUGGETS Select from a variety of hardy annual flowers and vegetables. Garden As everyone knows the majority of more manna from state coffers. world, and a chance to feel wanted. friendship, and in no way in­ MARBLE CHIPS Washington. Flowers or Vegetables. pleasure all summer long. ’The Joss of funds for this worthwhile tended to be unbiased, Ken­ white the people in Connecticut are not Just as almost every citizen must A Jolly Experienc^ 2 7 JOAYS landscape program would be a tragedy. If each of the nedy’s worst faults here become ONLY stone foi against this tax or that tax but against trim his sails to meet the current volunteers for BTA would write, as I did, minor aberrations. In Bradlee’s Kate, by Charles Higham. potio. Flower 2 beds, walks 97.". those involved in crossing the street in was gracious enough to reply to my letter, would say he was all of these one, thorough and straightfor- in-state buShess advertising, and a slight sales tax increase are not living fighting for the heavyweight cham­ tents, do the laundry and even, if desired, expressing an interest and thanking me ei1 Columbus, Ohio. and less, well, this book wasn’t wai^ He has assembled ample sales tax on equipment ieases and ren­ austerity budgets. pionship of the world, I was nourished on tuck the weary warrior into a bed for my views and contributions to the 10-6-4 the legend built up over the centuries by a Cleopatra would not have snubbed. / Therefore, I am saving my nickles written for them. anecdotes to reveal her tals, will eliminate the need for a per­ The message from the Hartford against the day I am again asked to shoot program. Bradlee and his wife were character and striking per­ succession of professional he-men with I once encountered a lady who haU The $38,000 is a small sum compared to an elephant. The whole thing sounds like a friendly as a couple with the sonality, which is a worthy ac­ 5-10-5 sonal income tax. Council is that it intends to try to trim professional hair on their chests. The joined a hunting expedition in Kenya, anp some budget requests. For the sunshine KMART jolly experience in Beautiful Living that Kennedys. The two couples complishment indeed. expenditures' to revenues without tax legend was that wild game hunting was she yearned for the wide open spaces froth and happiness it brings to our elderly 22 LBS. It can only postpone such a tax un­ which she had recently return^. “It waB requires no special helping of brawn or relaxed together, talked freely to 10-6-4 20 LBS. only for the male who fcas willing and friends, there is no price tag. 10-6-4 less the need for tax dollars is cur­ increases. We hope state legislators even anxious to take his life into his hands, sheer luxury,” she recalled wistfully, virility. Heroes indeed. I should like to in­ each other, and Kennedy cer­ Susan Groff LAWN FOOD WEED & FEED LAWN FOOD far from civilization’s comforts. It has “The softest sheets I’ve ever slept spect an Old Breed big game hunter after tainly was professionally helpful 50-FT. PLASTIC WEED & KED tailed. are listening. 14 Lucian Street Night of the .Juggler, by been fed with thousands of dreary between. And the cooking. I’ll never agairt, he spent a day behind a ribbon counter to Bradlee. Bradlee, always GARDEN HOSE 3D4rs 5-10-5 Manchester William P. McGivera (Putnam, You can curtail the need for tax photographs showing the brawny hero be content with a meal at the French Em­ during a clearance sale rush. worrying about the line between 3 DAYS ONir 30475 \9S\ $7.95) Inr this superior chase 5 7 with his foot atop the very dead head of a bassy.” friend and journalist, started 3 DAYS ^ 6 7 >95 ONLY owiy _ lion, or leering into the mouth of an em­ novel, a homicidad pervert ab­ ON ir A 3D AYS K-Mart Lawn and Garden Ferti­ K Mart lawa aa4 Cac4aa hitWiai hal | artiH lawa hflttiat (fa*** r a » tail. balmed rhino. ducts an 11-year-old girl, drag­ lizer. Fast-acting lawn fertilizer Law Vi" l.b. with, brass ONLY - greens grass fast. Excellent for (iiaUaal b i ■bah, Iraaa. |ai4aai, vaya- The word was that these beasties had Round Table ging her deep into New Yorii K-Mart Lawn Food Fast acting K-Gii Uw« 1m 4 rl»i W*t4 C«ilt«l lilli laUa<.«lbl.iaa4«4,e N l9.k. coupling.Save. K-Mart Weed and Feed Kills shrubs, trees, gardens, vegeta­ 4i i 4ilU i> la r M a y alhar iiaadlaal City’s Central Park, where dur­ water soluble fertilizer greens should be using Law Day as the 1958 been conquered in virtually hand-to-hand Mary Cheney dandelions and many other lawn bles. waais ai » Im 4i yaat hwa. Caalalaa liaa Today, the legal profession is obser­ Singers Praised ing a long night he is able to weeds as it feeds. lawns fast. 40 lbs. feeds 4,000 sq. ft. 7« k .lia a llS 0MM.H. combat, and that the ribbon clerk or more 22 lbs, feeds 5000 sq.ft. ving Law Day. Joint Resolution of Congress intended sedentary journalist was not fit material TOM TIEDE Library Adds elude a sizeable portion of the 3 DAYS To the editor: city’s police force. The criminal This year’s slogan or theme is: lit to be: “ ...An occasion for rededica­ for such duels. Year after year, these We’ve just returned from a visit to, ROSE FOOD ONLY heroes returned from their salaries New Books here is almgst completely mind­ America’s Goal— Justice Under Law. tion to the ideals of equality and Orphans New Foe: Oahu, Hawaii, where we travelled with less, but like the human animal spouting a few cuss words in Swahili and the Round Table Singers from Manchester Fiction giving condescending pats on the head to that he is, he uses his beast’s cun­ 2 5 L B . No one will quarrel with this and we justice under law.’’ U.S, School System? High School. The visit was a delightful Beckett — Mercier and Gamier 50 LB. 4 0 t e . lesser men who stayed home where it was ning to keep his pursuers at bay. The common man’s respect for the experience for both of us and we were Berger — Sneaky people TOMATO hope all Americans will pause today 'This is driving action that has safe. most favorably impressed by the excellent Cookson — The invisible cord law and our system of justice is, un­ Yet is has developed that there is the reader riveted right down to and think about justice under law and, behavior of the youth. They were great. Crowley — The deep nothing particularly dangerous about the cjiological harm done to school dropouts the last page. more importantly, think about justice fortunately, a reflection of the respect .WASHINGTON-The concept behind the The choir sang, in concert, in several Davis — Years of the hungry VKORO big game hunt. The professional hunter Vietnamese babylift, that of providing the lor and pushouts. If a child can’t hack it in schools, in a large shopping center, and in tiger LMMN and how to preserve it in our lives each man has for those who draft, en­ who guides these barrel-chested Nimrods children with a decent place in which to school, even if it’s only because he’s the hotel. They also sang in buses, on the Kerr — The black pearls force, interpret our laws and most im­ sees to that. He leads them to their prey grow, may turn out to be hollow hyperbole The Long P arty, by Stella when it suffers lapses which we have different, he may see himself as a total airplane, in boats and almost everywhere McLaughlin — Nothing to laroivL with the utmost caution, and is always for some of the tots. The fact of their being Margetson. (Saxon, $11.95) 'The // portant how these men of law obey flop. And such scars go deep.” they travelled on the island. All who heard report recently experienced. standing by to deliver the killing shot if different, that is to say nonwhite and of gossipy history of Ekiglish society And thus the danger for the new young them commented on their fine Roberts — White jade [A S ff 1 GREENS YOUR | The legal profession is to be com­ our laws. anything goes wrong. This is doubtful, another culture, may haunt them and even in the two decades before World American citizens from Vietnam. For­ musicianship and the quality of their Woodhouse — The Medici guns LAWN FAST! since the average big game rifle would devastate some through at least their War n is always amusing ^ mended for its annual sponsorship of We think present times don’t call tunately, most are being placed with mid­ singing. The concert at the Ilikai Hotel Non-Fiction KEEPS IT demolish a battleship. schooling years. often brillianUy arch. High GREEN! for a big splash on Law Day once a dle and upper middle class families, so was outstanding. And they moved^ us to Law Day and the focusing of attention The hunter of lions and tigers doesn’t Difference, in many U.S. schools, is they will have some advantages other Agay — Best loved songs of the society in that era had lowered Kmart® tears with their rendition of “Let There American people Vigoro All-Purpose to some aspect of individual liberty. year but a continuing and searching even get any exercise to speak of. He’s almost another word for risk. Even with “different’!, kids *^0 Still, many will the barriers and was chasing the mix-n-match Be Peace On Earth” while we stood in the Broderick — Camilo Torres carted off to the scene of carnage in a jeep children born in the nation, atypical retain Accents, all will have almond eyes, high life. General frivolity, and This year in particular, in the wake of effort by local, state and national bar Memorial Arch over the Battleship Bowers — Common sense garden specials! or station wagon, with built-in saloon and backgrounds and behaviors tend to create and of'(#urse they will forever be thought countless scalawags and social Watergate which involved so many associations to restore and maintain TV set, and he doesn’t debark until the problems and punishments far beyond that Arizona at Pearl Harbor. organic gardening . Feeds youf 251b. Bag FERTILIZER of as Vietnamese souvenirs. We would like to express our thanks to climbers, abounded. 5 LBS. 1.17 each carnivore he’s about to murder is a con- generated by the kids who fit in. Sad to say Brenan — Personal record, HARDY BOXED \;\gorO members of the legal profession, high standards of personal conduct to One can’t help the premonition that, all who travelled with us; the other but millions of students in America are 1920-1972 .K i l l s 10 0 la w " though [America means well by the kids, chaperones. Miss White, choir director; PERENNIALS the bar more than the general public, their profession. being treated out of the ordinary merely Brokaw — The Pacific shore some ,will grow up here outside of the Miss Whyte, tour director, and especially v tie e d s m VJkWNF 40 LB. 4 5 7 TODAY’S because they themselves are out of the or­ Burgess — Daylight must come The Years of MacArthur: Our main, [outside of the opportunities, and the singers, for a week that will live in our 1 0 0 3DAr5 i25 dinary. Carter — TTie world of Flo Volume II. 1941-1945. by D. Reg. todays THOUGHT outside of everlasting gratitude. memory for years to come. fori .SoulbieR'®"' 30473 ’The statistics on the matter are little Ziegfeld Clayton James. (Houghton 738 ONl^ available Our Policy Thanks also to the parents of the singers Chase — The medically based fNol ONLY known but blunt. According to the 1970 Mifflin, $15) This is the second of Add permanent .Treats 2 5 \'o. Lord Christ. Come to me and cleanse for allowing their children to travel so far no-nonsense beauty book .«»• A general utility fertilizer for Some newspapers might consider U.S. census, nearly two million school age a three-volume biography of the beauty with plants. ^0,000 suit Being a metropolitan newspaper me. Cleanse my feet which have followed from home to bring a message of song to 25 tbs- children (7-17) were not enrolled in any Chicago — Through the flower man the author calls “one of the fated for better flowers, shrubs, trees has its advantages. such stories as front page material or the dusty paths of my own desires. the 50th state. We are extremely proud of 8 0 Greens class at the time of enumeration. TTiat Cowell — Guide to bicycle most controversial figures in fat too lOntho- and vegetables. 40 lbs. Cleanse my lips that have often uttered the Round Table Singers, Manchester Loca'W '"ndit'O"®' - XQf , For one thing, since it serves so possible candidates for Pulitizer number, likely, could be culled by a trails unloving words. Cleanse my hands that American military an n ^" and ORGANIC similar count at any given time. And at High School and the Town of Manchester. Cousteau — Dolphins many towns and cities, it doesn’t have Prizes. have grasped at pleasure and my own ad­ it runs to 939 pages of text, photo­ that, it may be conservative: a study by Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Johnson Coyne — By hand 25 IBS vantage, so that I may help the coming of graphs, maps and appendix g en u in e PEAl to be truly concerned about people in However, The Herald believes that the Boston based Children’s Defense 75 Pleasant St. Davidson — The story of the Kingdom and do the Father’s will. And material in reviewing the World Fund, on surveys of 6,500 homes around Manchester American painting any particular town. in a time of death, the wishes and Oh cleanse my vision, that 1 may see War n years in me Southwest the country, indicates that 5.4 per cent of Dorfman — Consumer survival desires of the family are our greatest within the mysteries of Your church and HERALD Pacific. Exhaustively and Yes, The Herald did “announce” . kids questioned were out of school at the kit the events of my 'life, the ceaseless meticulously done. GERANIUMS the death of a Manchester man three concern. We know there are those who ^ time polled. YESTERDAYS Frank — Discovering the rtAT HEALTHY purifying action of Your generous, patient Why? Mostly, says CDF, because the Biblical world AND weeks ago which didn’t occur. may disagree with that procedure. love. expendable kids are different. In a 25 Years Ago Frayne — The mad men of EVERGREENS However, out of respect to the family, However, that’s the policy we have es­ (Evelyn Underhill) Attention Manchester taxpayers: MO^ depressing summation of the situation, Manchester Public Health Nursing I am writing in protest to the proposed hockey BEST SELLERS Submitted by Leona Eldridge Gordon - T.E.T. Teacher AND we didn’t print a “corrected” story. tablished and will continue to follow. DCF reports: “If a child is nonwhite, or is Association opens its annual appeal for tax mill rate hike for Manchester. Among PANSIES N I Church Women United effectiveness program (UPI -- Publishers’ white but not middle class, does not speak funds. other “so called necessities,” we do not Grant — Yankee dreamers and FORSYTHIA V/'l English, is poor, needs special help with need a $300,(K)0 fire house when we have a Weekly) O R G A N IC seeing, hearing, walking, reading, sufficient one only U/i miles away. Let us doers SELECT FROM 10 Years Ago Gross -r CJiaim Gross F ictio n SPHAGNUM adjusting, growing up, is pregnant or protest this rise in the mill rate and not A VARIETY OF' ,s PEAT HUMUS Congress and Vietnam Judge Charles S. House is nominated by Kleyman - Senior power Centennial - James A. LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE married, is not smart enough, or is too PEATMOSS GERANIUMS Gov. John Dempsey to State Supreme “cry” when it is too late and the property smart, then in many places school officials Kolodin — The' interior Michener FROM. 3 DAYS ONLY AND PANSIES. 40 LBS. Court of Errors. tax bill arrives. decide school is not the place for them.” Beethoven The Moneychangers - Arthur GARDEN PLEASURE WEED 37 President’s conduct of the war or related justification for the Johnson ad­ Kurzman — The race for Rome Hailey 4(u.ft. ALL SUMMER LONG. By David M. Maxfield Rochelle Beck of CDF says racial an­ Paul Pagani :oo IDATS diplomacy, despite their complaints about ministration’s decision to enter the war. Liles — Good Housekeeping The Dreadful Lemon Sky - COLD WEATHER ANNUALS FREE CongrcBsional Quarterly tagonisms probably account for some of • ■ T W T F • 507 Lake St. bole PER PACK ONtr aggrandizement of presidential war Congress, however, learned in 1968 that for NOW AVAILABLE . y WASHINGTON — If Congress is blamed the problem — black kids in some ...... 1 2 3 Manchester Guide to fixing things around John D. MacDonald powers. the naval incident has been mis­ 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 ONir for the loss of Indochina, it will be an southern schools are expelled at a far U 12 13 U 15 IS 17 the house The Promise of Joy - Allen ironic twist of history. , In the late 1960s and early 1970s, only represented and repealed the resolution greater rate than whites — but the bulk of 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lund — Compelling selling Drury 2S< 26 27 28 29 30 . Since 1964,'Congress provided more than one House member in three voted to back two years later. But by then the Nixon ad­ the matter is more complex. CDF lists ALMANAC Marsden —'The wreck of the The Seven-Per-(^nt Solution $134 billion to fight in Indochina, plus end-the-war proposals. Of 94 recorded ministration had shifted to another examples of kids out of school because Amsterdam - John H. Watson, M.D. 50 LB.* BAG another $29 billion since 1953 in economic votes taken by Congress on the war rationale for its Vietnam policies, they cannot afford fees for text books, iianrhrBtfr Michael - The basic book of A Month of Sundays - John TOP and military aid to South Vientam, Laos, between 1966 and 1972, only a few were in claiming that Nixon’s authority to conduct because they do not have any means of By United Press International antiques Updike Cambodia and Thailand. the House, and House conferees almost in­ military action in Vietnam derived from transportation, because there are no j Today is Thursday, May 1, the 121st day Mohler — Dimensions of love: Lady -- Thomas Tryon \n! ^ ^ ^ \ S 0 I L And while it balked at President Ford’s variably deleted or emasculated Senate his obligations as commander-in-chief. special classes to accept the handicapped. of 1975 with 244 to follow. This is May Day. Etirning Irralii East and West Black Sunday -- Thomas Har­ request for a $722 million last-ditch anti-war amendments. Money One child, age 13, was expelled from « ’The moon is approaching its last FOUNDED OCT. 1, 1881 Munsey — Disneyana: Walt ris There was a g,eat deal of complicated ' Disney collectibles THEE FOOD SPIKES weapons package, such resistance con­ But critics of the war have overdrawn school because he wet his pants and the ’' quarter. , Published by the Published every Som ething H appened -- 98‘ trasts sharply with the outcome of anti­ legislative maneuvering by the Senate on the picture of the Johnson and Nixon ad­ principal decided this “difference” was a jj The morning stars are Mars and Manchester evening exceftl Sun­ Norris — The porpoise watcher Joseph Heller I ) Df)ri Oalr Our Reg. 2.88 j cool proposals to diminish or end American in­ Publishing Co., Herald days and holidays. Palmer — The perfect fit 5 spikes of 2 / war efforts on Capitol Hill during the ministrations engaging in military ac­ threat to order. ii Jupiter. Square, Manchester, Entered at the The Understudy - Elia Kazan TREES volvement in the war, but most of these Payne — The man of only, fertilizer. period spanning the 1964 Tonkin Gulf tivities in Indochina without specific Tl)e desire for orderliness, as it] The evening stars are Mercury, Venus Conn. 06040, Manchester, Conn.. Weed free for planting | resolution to the 1973 Vietnam^ cease-fire either were killed in the House or did not happens, is apparently a primary reason' and Saturn. Telephone 643-2711 Post OHIce as Second yesterday N on fiction and lop dressing legislative authorization. (Area Code 203). Class Mall Matter. & SHRUBS agreement. ' carry the force of law. ’They tend to overlook the frequent votes for the exclusion of so many atypical kids Those bom on this date are under the Price — Old as the hills Here At 'The New Yorker - lawns. 'Those restrictions that did become law b u r l L. LYONS, PUBLISHER Rorvlk - Good Houskeeping E verything in Congress for appropriations to finance from American classrooms. Much, sign of Taurus. Brendan Gill were largely moot because they affected Woman’s medical guide . Between those two milestones, Congress war costs and seldom mention that bureaucracy no doubt enters the equation,! American entertainers Kate Smith and SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES The Bermuda Triangle -- military activity the executive branch no Satire — Before the fall; an in­ never was united on Vietnam policy, and throughout the'war there never was a con­ and in the case of gifted children there is Jack Paar were born May first, she in 1909 p a y a b l e in a d v a n c e Charles Berlitz with J. Manson V longer intended to pursue. side view of the pre-Watergate the attempts of congressional doves to stitutional confrontation between a presi- usually just not enough tax money and he in 1918. Valentine Thirteen days before the Jan. 27, 1973, Single Copy ... 15* 3 Months ... $11.70 White House bring U.S. involvement to an end never dent determined to pursue the war and a provid^ for facilities, but CDF believfes On this day in history: jy®®*' y ...... , 90« 6 Months ... $23.40 The Ascent of Man -- Jacob ENTIRE STOCK signing of the Vietnam peace agreement. ONE Month.. $3.90 One Year... $46.80 Sheets — The fascinating world Hardy DOGWOOD, were successful. CSngJfess unwilling to appropriate the that simple efficiency too often is the real In 1873, penny post cards went on sale Bronowski 20% Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield At the peak of that involvement in 1968, necessary funds. culprit. Needs are ignored for systems. for the first time. Mail Hales Upon Request of the sea Helter Skelter - Vincent shrubs for d e n s e SHRUB SPIKES (D-Mont.) insisted that Congress “can’t In 1884, work began in Chicago on a 10- S u b scrib e rs who p.m. should telephone Sheridan - The hungry sheep I FAIT-QROV^ Our Reg. 3. the United States had 536,000 troops Thus a pregnant girl is not kept away foif Bugliosi with Curt Gentry immediate f l a w e r i n g 00 end the war.” lail to receive their the circulation deparl- Sidney — Question and answer 5 spikes ot stationed in Vietnam. More than 46,oioo Constant Signal reasons of morality (she may in fact be story building called a “skyscraper.” Herald belore 5:30 meni, 647-9946. 'The Bankers - Martin Mayer GRASS SEED \ “ It’s really up to the President,” planting s h r u b . Americans lost their lives there. Yet, from another viewpoint, the in­ legally married) but because thd In 1931, the Empire State Building was lK)ok on needlepoint The Pleasure Bond - William OUR REG.’ lertilizw . Mansfield said. “We shouldn’t fool Stephens — Willow spokes and As the liberal House Democratic Study creasing number of anti-war votes in authorities feel her presence will cause dedicated in New York City—102 floors, Member Audit Bureau of Circulations H. Masters and Virginia E. 3.»7 ourselves in that respect.” wickerwork Group pointed out in a recent rep o p ^ ’Up Congress-^ from five roll-call votes in 1969 disruption. rising 1,250 feet. Johnson The Manchester Sullivan — Continents in motion to the spring of 1973, Congress g ^ ^ v e r y Tonkin Gulf to 35 in 1972 — may well have served to The consequences of this American way In 1964, President Lyndon Baines John­ Display adve[eUising A Time to Die - Tom Wicker Publishing Co. closing nolours: Three Sullivan - The modern President everything he requemM regar­ reinforce President Nixon’s decision to of exciusionary education should be clei son predicted the day will come when the fu ll days p rio r to The Total Woman-- Marabel SOUTHINGTON Congress’ failure to end the war by treasure finder’s manual MANCHESTER VERNON CROMWELL ding Indochina policies and fuj^lng. repealing the Tonkin Gulf resolution has continue withdrawing troops from Viet­ to all. Kids out of school are often kids oijt United States has a woman chief assumes no linancial publication. 410 Queen St. (Route 10) responsibility lor Deadline lor Herald Morgan 45 Shunpike Rd Anti-W ar nam. ’The roll-call votes were a constant of control. The FBI reports school ai executive. Tannahill — Flesh and blood 239 Sponcor St. 295 Hartford Turnpike been cited to buttress Mansfield’s view. typographical errors classified advertising: Strictly Speaking - Edwin At Intersection ol Rf. 72 ond 9 Near 1-84, Exit 32 A thought for the day: American appearing in adver­ Waltham - Caves. Near 1-86, Exit 95 Anti-war legislative mpi^ufes always Approved overwhelmingly after two U.S. signal to the administration that slowing delinquents account for at least one 12 noon prior to day ol Newman (Silver Lane) humorist James Thurber said, “You tisements and other publication: 12 noon Waters — Exploring New failed! in the H ous^urm g the height of destoycrs were reported attacked by down — or even reversing — the tro(^ every four crimes reported in the lam reading matter in The Friday lor publication All Things Bright and might as well fall flat on your face as lean Manchester Evening England shores U.S. fnyolvem entin Vietnam- Many North Vietnamese torpedo boats, the 1964 withdrawal program would carry heavy Beyond this, says a Washington educatol, Saturday and Mon­ beautiful - James Herriot ) Herald. day. Watzlawlck - Change memoers refused to challenge. the resolution became the primary legal political costs. “We can’t begin to measure the psy- over too far backward.” MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1. 1975 - PAGE NINE * PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1.1975 I PublicirComment on Lower Budget Shaw Stresses Dreselly Convinced of Need lAAB SPORT SliOe Ballots Available 2hc Hcral& Raised: Possibility of Tax Decrease PRESENTS For Constabulary in Bolton Area Profile For Absentee Votes Joint Efforts'* SOUTH WINDSOR The work will be completed Donna Holland said the situation *has been experience has been H ow ever, 28 re s id e n ts « l^ d s for these increases David Dreselly, Republican Judy Kuehnel favored a deeper cut'. Fourteen would obviously come'from well in advance of the opening Anyone needing an absentee closely studied by the Board of educational and satisfying for candidate for first selectman, Selectmen and the town is me.” 'The changing tax picture in residents agreed with council’s funds previously earmarked for date to allow the filling of the Donna Holland by you and I is necessary ballot for Monday’s town elec­ High School Plans has reaffirmed the importance awaiting direction from them. He feels the townspeople by South Windsor has t^ e n on a slash of ^1,0()0, while only program improvements. swimming area and adequate Lawrence (Larry) Shaw, b ^ u s e we — the people — tion may apply for it throu^ he attaches to the need for ad­ He said, “I am openly op­ and. large have been well new color — the possibility of a nine favored reinstatement of This the council and residents time for the filtration system to Democratic candidate for guide and direct our town. Saturday by calling the town ditional police protection in posed to delaying action on this satisfied with the Morra- slight decrease in taxes next the funds, contend would be unfair siinply properly circulate and treat the selectman, in his final pre­ “Everyone’s involvement is clerk, Catherine Leiner, at her Arena Scheduling Bolton. most important subject. I Dreselly ieadership and he year. With less monev being- because the school board is in water to meet the clarity level election statement said, called for either as a member office, 643-4756, or at home, 649- promise to act quickly, if hopes to be at>le to continue his If the Town Council goes allocated to the board, as the “education business” and desired for swimming by the “ I sincerely, hope to be of a town board or by letting 6837. He said, “I stand firm in my elected May 5.” efforts as first selectman. SOUTH WINDSOR A decision is made during the along with the public request could be decided Monday night its main concern should center residents. elected to the Board of thoughts be known at Town at the council’s regular meeting around programs and their im­ Charity Dance ’Those eligible include anyone belief that the best approach to Dreselly said, “I have “I urge all Bolton voters to go l x Judy Kuehnel process and confirmed again made Tuesday night at a public Selectmen so I may actively Meetings or by letters and the town may find itself in need provements. ’The South Windsor Jaycees in the armed forces, absent solving this problem lies in the enjoyed my campaign; I have to the polls on Monday and in Correspondent during the arena scheduling day hearing on the Board-of participate in solving the phone calls to the selectmen’s formation of a trained force of concerning the courses a stu­ of raising fewer tax dollars next While no officials are dis­ will sponsor a dance Friday from the state during the hours had so many opportunities to seeking their support I pledge 644-1364 Education’s 1975-76 budget, it tc^wn’s present problems and office. constables under the direction c a ll year. cussing tax decreases, if next night from 8 p.m. to midnight at B O B W ILSON of voting, student in college, meet with new and established to do all within my power to Arena scheduling, similar to dent wants to elect for next may have an opportunity to cut planning the future of the town. of our resident state trooper.” year. Mayor Robert J. Smith op­ Monday’s possible battle over Timothy Edwards School. EXPERT FISHERMAN and HELD TESTER for ‘‘It is now time to: »Plan for sick or physically disabled per­ residents of Bolton. The keep Bolton moving forward.” college and university registra­ taxes. "I feel it’s time the hand of the future: ‘Listen to and hear Orientation sessions designed poses any further cuts in the what to do with the school ’file band is the Blue Horizon. sons. tion procedures, will begin at After the hearing, at which CBSME LURE CO. government joined with the what the people are saying and Dreselly said broad 24 hour to explain the scheduling day the council presented the public board’s budget. However at budget results in further cuts, it Tickets are $1.75 and the theme hands of the people. coverage could be realized with South Windsor High School this heed what they are saying; procedures will be held for with a proposal to cut the school least two other councilmen, and is also quite possible coun­ of the dance is “Good Time Bob Wilson will be at A & B Sport Shop “The purpose of the Bicenten­ a minimum capital outlay. spring. current juniors and sophomores maybe more, favor further cut­ cilmen may begin talking about Dance.” Proceeds will go to •Evaluate where we’ve been, Students will be allowed to board’s 6.9 million budget by nial which we are planning to Houle Says Support l y ' / May 16 during the regular ting what they consider to be being able to lower taxes. charity. Friday, May 2nd, 6pm to 9pm where we are and where we are choose their own academic $201,000, a straw vote resulted celebrate totally' reflects my He said that would be school 4ay. “fat” from the school board Pool Readied Saturday, May 3rd, 10am to 5pm going; ‘Draw on the experience BE SURE 1! . BLISS has bean serving the Home courses and class time periods. in a majority favoring an even personal feelings — ‘to plan, preferable to the establishment All parents of current budget. and energy of all residing in Owner for 93 YEARS. For a complete FREE Each ninth grade student at deeper slash in the fiscal South Windsor Town Manager develop and implement citizen of an in-town police force sophomores and juniors are in­ ’The total school budget of 6.9 Boy Accused Bob will show a film on fishing, and then will,be town. Heralb A Two-Way Street INSPECTION of your homo by a Termite Control. Timothy Edwards School and package. Terry V. Sprenkel said today participation and increase because state law requires a vited to a parent’s orientation > ’The council needed to cut million represented about an 8 Of Bloomfield around to help you with any questions you may have “I urge everyone to exercise 10th and 11th graders at the that the Public Works Depart­ citizen awareness.’ town to have its own jail and in­ Donna Holland defines support ‘to carry the Expert, supervised by the Hnost technical staff, which describes how arena per cent increase. The board as how to rig and what to use and where to look for their right to vote on May 5.” high school are counseled $201,000 from the school board’s ment and Recreation Depart­ Man’s Murder “Involvement in town affairs dependent communications Maureen Houle, chairman of weight of, keep steady, to give phone our nearest local offico; . scheduling will work and what budget and $600,000 from the sought $514,000 over last year’s ment are in the early stages of those trophy-size fish. between April 1 - and May 2, BLOOMFIELD(PI) - Police network. the Democratic Town Com­ courage or faith to.’ role they should play in the general government budget in budget. preparing Veteran’s Memorial COFFEE AND DONUTS WILL BE SERVED mittee, issued the following regarding the types of Of this increase over $400,000 Wednesday night arrested a 15- He said the expense Vrould be “We do not ask for anything process of the May 21, 7 p.m. order to hold the current tax Park for swimming and Come in and talk with Bob and tea statement. programs offered to them. was earmarked for salary in­ year-old boy in connection with very high and Bolton’s size does that we do not intend to return program. line. recreational use when the our newly enlarged Bata taction in­ Morra Says Opponents ‘All Talk’ “The campaign is almost 649-9240 the April 10 slaying of West cluding Rabble Router Luret. creases. School, board officials not a warrant it. Dreselly feels in full to all the people of schools close for the sununer. tOrWATM over and May 5 is rapidly ap­ argue that these increases plus Hartford advertising executive See our wide talactlon of both frath we should take greater advan­ Bolton. Filtration equipment will Donna Holland candidates point to their facilities, expanded school and proaching. BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. utilities are “fixed” costs and Reuben Lewtan. and talt water tackle at raatonabla prices. tage of the State Police “We wish to thank the people serviced and tested and certain Robert Morra, chairman of membership in organizations library facilities, street “The Democrats have set cannot be done away with. Lewtan, 47, was found shot in Hunting and Fishing Licenses Availabie Barracks in Colchester and of Bolton for the courtesy and DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 parts damaged by vandalism the Republican Town Com­ and not their accomplishments. lighting, highway improve­ fourth a ‘Plan for the Future’ in Thorough Study Called Key What could be hurt, according the head beside his car in the create an adequate force of con­ receptiveness in speaking with will be replaced. mittee, charges the Democrats ment, upgrading the highway their platform and candidates The Oldest &‘ largest in Conn. parking lot of the Bloomfield “What of the much-heralded stables at a much lower cost to our roving candidates during to the school board, are student Public Works crews will be lA & B SPORT SHOP! with “all talk and no action.” departm ent, expansion of have circuited the town Indoor Racquet Club. VERNON, CONN. Democratic plan for the future? the town. the past two weeks. programs, whereas it is unlike­ sweeping and painting the 11000 HARTFORD TURNPIKE - ROUTE 30 “Once again the Democratic health services. carrying this banner. ly that salaries would not be in­ Police at the time theorized V It appears to be nothing more “ You'have been most To Community Growth Plan swimming area in anticipation 872-8052 “They have listened to the Lewtan was shot in a holdup party has brought forth to the than a series of study com­ ‘"This is the type of responsi­ creased. of swimming activity. Dreselly also commented on people knowin^full well that gracious and we again ask for attempt after leaving the club. voters a wealth of political ver­ mittees followed by another ble leadership Bolton can the need to act now on the es­ support is a tvf^ay street. your support at the polls on May biage in an attempt to disguise series of study committees expect from the Republican tablishment of a town dump. He COVENTRY period following adoption and the shorter the distance, the their lack of leadership and ac­ “ Webster’s dictionary 5.” heading us down a primrose candidates. Ron Dickerman implementation of the plan. more points. complishments. path to nowhere. The maximum number of i ‘"The Democratic thirst for “Your vote will decide What the Ramapo Plan did points available under this power is based on talk, not ac­ “Compare the Republican Bolton’s future. I urge all to Manuel S. Emanuel, an urban was to influence the rate and , system is 23. In order to build tion. record of achievement: new vote for the candidate of their planner from New York State, the magnitude of growth within housing units, a developer must "It’s no wonder Democratic park building, increased park choice on May 5.” spoke to about 3Q Coventry the town, as well as the site of have land with a minimum of 15 residents last night on how the the growth. This control was points assigned to it. .1______town of Ramapo, N.Y. solved needed because the town was Emanuel said that this type Pewter your nest. growing at a rate that Was out­ its growth problems. The su m m er of plan would be applicable to ;Rham Budget Hearing Monday Ramapo project is the only stripping the town’s ability to any .town, small-rural or plann^ development program provide services. This was also medium-sized commercial. ’The a major factor in the court’s Here’S a complete Anne Dallaire 1975-76, a 6.7 per cent increase superintendent of schools. to be approved by the courts. only difficulty wopld be if a favorable decision. ’ The Regional District 8 an­ over the current budget. The reason for this, says town tried to lift the Ramapo nual budget meeting will be A request to appropriate $34,- The Board of Education The control was gained project and apply it directly to believes that by mailing copies Emanuel, is the town was very held at 8 p.m. on Monday in the 951.48 from surplus to pay the The eagle thorough in its study and through adoption of a point its problems. ’The town should of the budget available well in .Rham auditorium. costs of the Regional District 8 research of data. Also, the system for development. Points plan for its ultimate develpo- „ advance of the annual budget ‘ Following the regionai budget middle school building com­ original motivation for the plan were assigned to land sites ac­ ment over a reasonable length meeting, the public will have a •hearing on April 14, the Board mittee will also be considered was financial, not a desire to cording to the extent which they of time, about 18 years, using greater opportunity to review ■'of Education restored the at the meeting. exclude certain development. met four major criteria and one that idea as the basis for the soccer and basketbali summer the budget in preparation for minor one. The four major criteria to be met. the May 5th consideration and He said the court, in handing recreation programs in Copies of the budget have down its decision, warned categories are; sewer Emanuel is a member of «the response to public support for been distributed to the Town voting. m akes it facilities, drainage facilities, American Institute of Planners against any town attempting to _these items. Halls of Hebron, Andover and use this type of program to road and highway accessibility, and h^s been a professional Marlborough and are also Public attendance and par­ The recommended budget to ticipation at the budget meeting exclude or curtail development. and accessibility to an im­ planner for 25 years. He is the !be presented at the budget available at the Rham office, ’The plan also projected for proved public park or recrea­ president of Emanuel and at the office of the is encouraged. •meeting totals $2,040,020 for future improvement and tion area. The minor category Associates, Inc. of Nyack, New ZB A Denies Pet Sales easy! development over an 18-year- was the distance to a fire house. York. HEBRON Dr., for a special exception to regulations and permits. • Anne Dallaire allow him use of a 10 by 45-foot That the special exception is Speech Teacher To Be Honored , < The Zoning Board of Appeals house trailer on property owned not transferrable. ;has voted unanimously to deny by Leonard Braman and The h e a rin g s on tb,e VERNON Indiana University, her Board of Finance and also as a applications were April 23, by master’s degree in education justice of the peace in..Jiemon ^an appeal from Michael Sher­ located at 5 Yorkshire Dr., with Mrs. Marie Love Johnson of the following stipulations: the Zoning Board of Appeals from the University of Hartford as weti as on the board of direc­ man, Rt. 66, for a special excep­ Warren Ave., Vernon, retiring tion to allow him to conduct a ''Tiiat an adequate septic and were effective April 24, and is presently a candidate for tors of the Connecticut Chapter after the board’s executive president of the Connecticut a Ph.D from the University of of the. ACLU, as a member of retail pet supply operation in system ^ provided conforming Speech and Hearing Associa­ .conjunction with and to and subject to state and local meeting. Connecticut. various committees of the tion, will be honored Saturday She is a Fellow of the NAACP, and three terms as ; supplementary to the present “for her outstanding con­ •commercial kennel operation American Speech and Hearing vice chairman of the Vernon tributions to the profession of Association and has also been Democratic Town Committee. ion Rt. 66, for the following speech pathology.” ireasons: Tolland DAR Chapter honored by that group. She is presently on the board of The occasion will be the While a graduate student at managers for the East Hartford That the location of the spring conference of the business does not adhere to the University of Connecticut YMCA. Meets Saturday association to be Friday and sideline specifications of Arti­ she was elected to Phi Kappa She has served as a guest lec­ Saturday at the Sheratan- cle IV Section 4.3c. Phi honor society and received turer at Boston University, the Mrs. Ben D. Sasportas, Hartford Hotel in Hartford. That retail sales do not Vivian Kenneson the Delta Sigma Theta Award University of Connecticut, and honorary Connecticut state This will be the 25th anniver­ appear to be a minor activity Correspondent for outstanding service. at numerous conferences and regent and vice president sary celebration of the associa­ incidental to normal Members and prospective She has served on the Vernon workshops. members of the Captain Noah general of the National Society, tion and the two-day event will operations. DAR, will be the guest speaker. That the public convenience Grant Chapter, Connecticut reflect the state of the profes­ Daughters of the American Hostesses are Mrs. George: sion by providing information in and welfare will not be substan­ Tonski, Mrs. Gerard Rock and Litchfield Expecting tially served. Revolution, will meet in the speech pathology and audiology conference room of the Savings Miss Georgianna Prescott. through short courses and sec­ The ZBA also voted un­ Mrs. John C. Rieg, chapter First Refugees Tonight animously to grant an appeal Bank of Tolland Saturday at tional meetings. organizing regent, will preside. .Mrs. Johnson’s award will be % from Del, Bernais, 5 Yorkshire 1:30 p.m. NEW HARTFORD (UPI) <•! presented at a special luncheon. A Vietnamese doctor, his Sponsored by the Inter­ She has been with the East brother, their wives and eight national Rescue Committee of Hartford Public schools since children were expected to New York City, the two 1949 and since 1960 has been the arrive tonight in this quiet and families landed in New York supervisor of language, speech comfortable Litchfield Hills Tuesday in a cargo plane which ROYAL PALM BEACH' and hearing services in that town of 4,000 people, four days stopped in the Pacific and. San FASHION FIVERS NERICAN system. after fleeing Saigon. Francisco. She has a BA degree from the OF DACRON" THE Safety Shoe ,-y* BY WITH THE STEEL TOE! You couWn’t ask for a better way All you do is buy the 5-piece Palm Braat'plated Beach* Fashion Fiver illustrated .. hexagonal eyelela. to capture the spirit of America’s / On«-pf«ct moccatin lot. here, and you wind up with a com- plete'summer wardrobe that's Special-dantlly polyelhar loam. Jaguar 333 coming bicentennial. That’s why * lop-grain versatile enough for business If “Autlemptred ’ ilaal aalaty lot. glove lealher, your friendly eagle at First Federal has a pe cia lly or those off-duty hours. This great looking suit comes oil treated. Lam ina te o f w o ven c o llo n Colonial styled pewter for you — and napped aheeling with an extra pair of smart check trousers that mate with impregnaled wilh vinyl acelale lalei. , heavy, finely crafted pewter with all the the jacket to become a sport ensemble. And the two Alhwealhar color-coordinated belts add further fashion interest. • Full leather vamp^ ' Slormweit quality of heirloom pieces. At prices so low, they’re all around and toe lining.' the ahoe. Palm Beach tailors this versatile Fashion Fiver of 100% almost a gift. In fact, some are free! texturized Dacront polyester that’s light in weight and _±t______G enuine •' ^One-piece cuahion-crepe To get the pieces you want and to start your knows how to dodge wrinkles. See our outstanding Goodyear Well eonetruclion, Neoprene aote and heel. Deposit Deposit Deposit Additional completely nallleaa. Heel-lo-loe alr-cuahloned inneraola. Deposit $100.00 $600.00 $1,000 $6,000 $26.00 handsome pewter collection, just open a savings ac­ collection of solid colors in a varied s^ection of or more or more or more or more deposits count with us as explained on the chart below. cool summer shades. ^ Where else can you find Napkin Ring FREE FREE FREE FREE 4.00 Or add to your existing account. 3-piece suit and 2 belts. FREE FREE FREE FREE 6.00 all these features? Cordial Jefferson Cup 4.00 FREE FREE FREE 6.00 You’ll not only receive lead-free pewter safe for' Chamberstick 6.00 4.00 FREE FREE 7.00 ■ food; pewter made in Connecticut by Connecticut • Genuine Goodyear Welt construction • Air-cushioned inner- Wine Goblet 6.00 6.00 4.00 FREE 9.00 soles • Full glove leather vamp and toe linings • Slip resistant Job­ Bud Vase 6.00 6.00 4.00 FREE 9.00 craftsmen, but you’ll also enjoy the highest interest rated soles and heels • All functional stitching chemical and oil Inkwell & Quill 7.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 on savings allowed! resistant man made th'reads • Lightweight for maximum comfort • 8.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 10.00 Exceed ANSI Class 75 requirements as adopted by OSHA • Porringer Come in today, and start your First Federal Bolton Republican Candidates (Reading left to right) REGAL MEN'G GHOP 6.00 4.00 11.00 Exclusive padded toe construction — comfortable. Cordial Tray 8.00 7.00 •CONNECTICUT'S LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE MENS STORE W ater Goblet 9.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 12.00 pewter collection. At any of our 7 offices. But don’t 1st SELECTMAN ' DAVE DBESEUV SHOE >19.95 BOOT >21.95 Candlesticks (Pair) 10.00 8.00 7.00 4.00 18.00 delay. With the demand for pewter rising, chances TREASURER KAY PETERSON Tankard 12.00 11.00 10.00 8.00 16.00 TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON are you won’t see these at such low prices again! SEUCTMAN NORM PREUSS 903 MAIN ST,, MANCHESTER Salt, Pepper, Tray open daily till 5:30 P.M., Thursday till 9 P.M. open daily till 9 P.M., Saturday till 5:30 P.M. and Spoon 18.00 12.00 11.00 8.00 17.00 TAX COUECTOR ELAINE POTTERTON REGAL MEN’S SHOP 1 Qt. Milk Pitcher 17.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 23.00 CONN. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE MEN’S SHOP Sugar, Creamer Fiist Ibdeial Savings COISTINVITY STRENGTH LEADERSHIP w/Trayand Spoon 27.00 26.00 24.00 20.00 36.00 901-907 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Coffee Pot, Sugar, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, Rockville, VOTE REPUBLICAN MAY 5th. 643-2470 Creamer, and Tray 98.00 96.00 90.00 86.00 106.00 Vernon and South Windsor PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT A BOB DIXON. TREASURER______Connecticut Sale* Tax not Included In prices. Limit one free gift per family. Sorry, items cannot be mailed. PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 MANCHES'i’ER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 — PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER Burke Wins Medical Award h o s p it a l n o t e s Board Likely Will Reject The James M. Burke Jr. of 64 POLICE REPORT Winthrop Rd. has been awarded good medical writing in the at the University of Rochester St.; Mary McBride, RD 2, Creating Health District the second annual Louis H. tradition of Dr. Nahum. School of Medicine and Den­ Discharged Tuesday; Sandra North Coventry; Deborah ^Straw berry Patch ^ Nahum Memorial Award for A first year medical student tistry, Burke is a graduate of Manuck, East Hartford; Susan Schultz, West Hartford. Dartmouth College where he $450 color television set, a $300 Medical Writinjg. Apter, 66 Highwood Dr.; Joseph By SOL B. COHEN MANCHESTER with reckless driving and dis­ received his A.B. degree, an ordinance for regulating group homes Arrests made or summonses obeying an officer’s signal, in diamond ring, $100 in cash, and ^ Hair Salon W The announcement was made McPhillips, Glastonbury; It appears likely the Board of Directors, magna cum laude, last June. Revenues Down and another for regulating massage issued by Manchester Police in­ connection with April 4 in­ an automatic pistol. by Dr. J. Alfred Fabro of Herbert Beaver, 16 Highland when it meets ’Tuesday night, will reject a He is on the dean’s list, a PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - parlors. ’The agenda items only call for cidents on Keeney St. Court 208 WEST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER Torrington, editor of “Connec­ Ave., Rockville; Lee Ober, RD proposal it has been considering, denting cluded: member of Phi Beta Kappa, 3, Coventry; Alice Fairbanks, ’The Penn Central ’Transporta­ discussion of the needs. If fte'teard • Mary Williams, 18, of 37 date is May 20. A car owned by Thomas Gut­ [next to Cumberland Farms] ticut Medicine.” tion Co. reported Wednesday it and tabling since February—creation of a agrees the needs exist, it will instruct the For his winning paper, Burke and a Rufus Choate Scholar. 13 Milfqrd Rd.; ’Theresa Gaulin, Vernon Ave., Rockville, • William A. Giraitis, 24, of man of 69E Ambassador Dr., ------1 During his last two summers, lost $127,902,225 in the first Manchester-South Windsor Health town counsel to draft the ordinances for reported stolen April 15, was will receive a check for .$100 694 Governors Highway, South District. charged Wednesday afternoon 55 Ferguson Rd., charged Burke worked as an attendant quarter of 1975, almost double future public hearings. Wednesday morning with un­ recovered Wednes^y by Hart­ and a plaque. His entry entitled Windsor; John Sexton, 299 Main Actually, a motion to reject already is with fourth-degree larceny 'to Dr. William H. Stein, S t ; Armand Faucher, 14 White the loss sustained in the same Also under new business and not to be (shoplifting) at Caldor depart­ safe movement of a motor vehi­ ford Police and returned to the “The Water Used in Artificial before the board. It was made March 4 by professor of biochemistry at St. period last year. acted upon until May 13 are several iteiqs ment store, Burr Comers Shop­ cle. Police said Giraitis backed owner. Kidneys” will be published in Republican Director Vivian Ferguson and Rockefeller University, New Total revenues for the pertaining to town finances, as follows: a refuse truck from a private “Connecticut Medicine.” had the backing of three other directors. ping PlaZa. Court date is May York City. quarter were down 2.9 p6r cent • The teansfer of $121,575 from Hie Con­ 12 . driveway on Hilliard St. into the Dr. Fabro said the award is in' Also, Susan Tracey, 208 Ralph However, the motion was tabled, pending Born in Danbury, he attended to $509.7 million, compared to tingency Account to 15 other accounts. The path of a car, which struck the honor of the late Dr. Louis H. R d-; Ralph Doyer, SOB Ruby a meeting with South Windsor officials • Joseph J. Mangiofico, 22, public schools in Rowayton and $525.2 million for the first action Would cover raises approved after and Joseph P. Orsino, 23, both truck. Damages were minor; Nahum of New Haven who for Dr.; Kathryn King, 299 Oakland and pending more information relating to Manchester. He was president quarter of 1974. May 7,1974, when the current budget was there were no injuries, (tourt many years was editor of the proposed health district. of Hartford, both charged ABOUT of the Verplanck Chapter of the adopted. ’The Contingency Account was Wednesday with third-degree date is May 13. “Connecticut Medicine,” the ’The meeting was held and the informa­ service witli National Honor Society. created to cover whatever raises were larceny (possession of stolen Journal of the Connecticut WEEKEND SPECIALI tion was received and it appears now the TOWN He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. given. goods). Police said the charges Thefts reported to COUPON State Medical Society. four opponents of the proposal have gained James M. Burke Sr. -v • The transfer of $5,800 from the stem from the theft of tools Manchester Police Wednesday u The Nahum Award is a SPRING BOKAY enough support to defeat it. ’The tabled The Sisterhood of Temple James M. Burke Jr. Sidewalks and Curbs Account to the from a truck parked in included; writing contest for medical motion will be voted upon Tuesday, under Beth Sholom will conduct a Engineering Account, to pay part of the Manchester last year. Court • A carton of cigarettes and a students designed to perpetuate “unfinished business.” rummage sale Monday from 11 salary of an Engineering Department date is today. $170 custom pool cue taken *2.34 The meeting will be at 8 p.m. in the a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Tuesday employe involved in sidewalk construc­ • Bruce J. Piette, 24, of from a car parked at Holiday Municipal Building Hearing Room. from 9 a.m. to noon at the tem­ tion. Oakdale, charged Wednesday Lanes, Spencer St. The board will tackle an ambitious agen­ ple, W. Middle Tlpke. Featured Church Women To Celebrate • The authorization to the town night with fourth-degree • Four hubcaps, worth $90, da, covering a wide spectrum of subjects. will be new fabrics and linings treasurer to open savings accounts at larceny. Police said the charge removed from a car parked on 'The board meets twice each month — on as well as clothing and May is Poppy Month Connecticut Bank and ’Trust Co., Hartford stems from the theft of a ^ Ambassador Dr. the first Tuesday, as May 6, to hold public household items. May Fellowship Day Friday National Bank and ’Trust Co., htenchester motorcycle helmut from a man • A woman’s purse con­ hearings and to take action on unfii^hed State Bank, First Federal Savings Bank on Spencer St. Court date is taining more than $200 in cash, Call for an appointment 646-0060 Church Women United of Manchester Since the first May Fellowship Day in business; and on the second Tuesday, as Preparing for the annual American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars annual poppy and United Bank and Trust Co. May 19. stolen from the woman’s car will celebrate May Fellowship Day Friday 1933, it has been traditional for church May 13, to take action on the public sales, which began today, are Mrs. Mary Walker, left, American Legion Auxiliary poppy • The authorization for the Town • Donna L. Fromerth, 26, of while she was putting packages T o p Speed noon at Emanuel Lutheran Church. women throughout the country to use the hearing items and all items under new OR W ALK-IN TUES., W ED., OR THURS. drive chairman, and Mrs. Joan Humphrey, the VFW Auxiliary poppy chairman. Jack Building Committee to proceed with ten­ East Hartford, charged into the trunk. The incident oc- EDWARDS AFB, Calif. The Rev. Ronald J. Fournier, co-pastor first Friday in May to emphasize the business. Open Tues. 9 to 5 Wed. and Fri. 9 to6 Closed Monday tative plan's for alterations and additions Wednesday with speeding on W. curred in downtown (UPI) — The Bl, prototype of a of Emanuel Church, will be the featured creative and healing relations that are Ledyard, junior vice commander of the American Legion Post, and Raymond Raddatz, Among the public hearing items Thursday 9 to 9; Saturday 8 to 4:30 eniie.e®'"" PM"' - to Bentley School, Washington School and Middle Tpke. Court date is May Manchester at 1 p.m. manned bomber for the 1980s speaker. The noon luncheon will be a salad possible among people in every communi­ junior vice commander of the VFW Post, are co-chairmen of the sales which will continue Av Tuesday are six concerning appropriations nsid® the West Side Rec. It would be the next 2 0 . Wednesday. and 1990s, reached 763 miles an SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS TUES., WED., THURS. smorgasbord, and those planning to attend ty. through the month of May. Proceeds of both sales will be used for rehabilitation work for il22 Bufi to the current budget and a proposal to step toward a proposed November hour Wednesday, its top speed • k i f the observance are ask^ to each bring a Tomorrow, Protestant, Orthodox and • Robert Sheehan, 32, of • A burglary at a Phelps Rd. REDKEN PRODUCTS for retail ★ needy veterans and their families and to entertain and aid the veteran in the hospital. hike sewer rates by 25 per cent as of July referendum on a $1.5 million bond issue. to date, flying at supersonic salad. Baby-sitting will be provided, and Roman Catholic women in 2,000 local units Cromwell, charged W^nesday home, which netted burglars a (Herald photo by Dunn) 1. Another public hearing item is on a • The authorization for the superinten­ speeds for 48 minutes. children should be fed before the event. of Church Women United will celebrate a request from First Hartford Realty for dent of schools to apply for a $4,250 state The theme of this year’s celebration is litany of dedication to be “Open to Live sanitary sewers in Lydall St. grant toward the $8,500 estim ate cost of “Open to Live Fully.” Fully.” Under unfinished business, the board an inter-room communication system for will consider accepting an $18,000 offer for Bentley School. a town-owned dwelling at 139 Oakland St. Also to be discussed is a request from MPOA Bars Firehouse Now and filling several vacancies on town com­ the Outing Club for permission to erect a satisfied with the service they missions. The Manchester Property then spend several thousands structure at the town’s Oak Grove Nature SAVE BIG now get.” Among the new business items are two Owners Association executive each year to run and maintain Center. The MPOA board unanimous­ concerning proposals of long-standing — board is on record opposing it, when the Eighth District can > V h i k w ly congratulated Police Chief construction of a new firehouse give continued excellent UP TO Robert Lannan on his appoint­ in the Buckland area at this coverage for only about $10,000 ment and offered him its “We Save You Money” time. MPOA Secretary Frank per year. “wholehearted support in the Utakis, reporting on the formal “As for the need,” added at the Parkade performance of his new Bennet Students Take Part position, explained, “Our main Utakis, “there has really been no reasonable justification duties.” reason for this objection is Lannan, named to succeed financial. It just doesn’t make made yet for its construction. James Reardon as police chief, add Interest, % O F F In addition, those taxpayers economic sense to spend $300,- assumed his post officially SAVE ON VITAMINS living in the area seem to be In Wreath-Laying Ceremony 50 000 to build a firehouse, and today. / Manchester was well Because of extremely high the students to hold while all represented in an unusual winds, the usual order of the military personnel present wreath laying ceremon-v ritual was altered. Of the 15 stu- present^ arms and rendered ^nucanadd recently at the Tomb of the' jlent volunteers originally the hand salute. ------GELUSIL Unkown Soldier in Arlington ‘S ign ale d for the ceremony, Then the wreath bearer m f A U t u National Cemetery, only three actually par­ proceeded aUme and placed the G elusI Washington, D.C. Liquid ticipated. They were Craig wreath at the base of the Tomb Bottle of 100 Ninth grade students from Johnson, Sandra Bellone and while the spectators stood at Bennet Junior High, on a class ^ Capsules U q ^ Reg. $1.80 SHADE Stephen Latham. attention. ontacicl 12 FI. Oz. aiiytlilng trip to the nation’s capital, were privileged to participate TREES Also, because of the extreme The ceremony concluded with in the solemn ceremony. Taps sounded by the bugler, and O lF a S f - The group’s host in the gusts, the students were not (also subtract, multiply pnd divide) permitted to take the wreath all the host guiding the wreath par­ Plan and Plant Now ceremony, the Sergeant of the S u p P ^ Reg. the way up the steps on the ty back to the assembly area. Tablets Guard at the Tomb of the $7.79 plaza to the tomb. The event was one of many Unknown Soldier, was Richard FRUIT They were escorted part way for the 130 ninth graders from Box Woodland Woodland S t Colburn, nephew of Mr. and Bennet who enjoy^ a full April where they were met by a TREES Mrs. Varnum Abbott Jr. of Manchester wreath bearer who handed it to weekend in Washington. of 643-8474 f o r c w i d ^ ^ l S Manchester. POLY 50 99 Reg. $1.20 ANNUALS Direct From The Grower To You! VISOL PERENNIALS 71 '^PANSIES GIVE COLOR Vitamin Drops ASCRIPTIN Swiss Giant Magic 50 ml. ■ 1 EVERGREENS Fresh Dug Swiss Giants! All Colors! DRESSES-SPORTSWEAR Reg. Bottle Large Checkmate 1720 Electronic CALDOR $3.42 Baskets; Fresh Bright, easy-to-read of From The 8-digit display. Pocket Calculator with SHOPPING 1 FLOWERING carrying case. CENTER 100 i Sii!*" 3 Baskets $3.95 Manufactui^ris SHRUBS MANCHESTER Plant Something Alive In ’751 Automatic power shutoff suggested retail THERAGRAN or ^*-555J£ saves batteries • price, $39.95. Plant JACKSON PERKINS when not in use.' THERAGRAN M FLOWERING ONLY AYDS TREES Floating decimal Bottle of 100 Triple function clear ------point shows Pius 30 Free Dietary Candy ROSES key plus dollars and cents Chocolate power oa when possible. or I GROUND COVERS Potted In 8” Pots, Reg. $7.79. All ColorsI to $8.36 Vanilla BUSH.GLIMBERS Value IVz lb. Box In Good Soil, —Change sign for Reg. $4.50 5 FOR $18.95 Full Sure To Grow! enteiing negative //. accumulating V: . At Woodland Gardens, F o u ’re Sure To Save! memory. numbers. LILLY INSULIN Come See Our Large Display of; TREES, SHRUBS, EVERGREENS, FRUIT & UNICAP . UNICAP M NPH, PZI ORNAMENTAL TREES, plus PERENNIALS and much, much morel for the millions TYLENOL LENTI-U40 Pei'cent sign for who should not (© V cnSnini Sun., May 11th Exclusive right Let's shift key for— add-ons, discounts, UnIcap 10q> plus Udce aspirin ‘ TABLETS N,P or R Dean Up Is Mother’s Day! ' / " ^ 24 F R M _ $ 2 > « single digit mai-kups, etc. 100’s U 10 0 Amenca >1 Reg. $3.41^ corrections. $199 $2.97 Value Fof Our See Us for the FINEST In Potted PlantsI N P H ,P 2 1 $ 1 8 9 200th Azalea., ChryaanUwmuma, Caladluma, RIagar Bagonlia, Qloxlnlaa, Algebraic logic for Unicap M 100’s LEN TIU 8 0 1 Birthday 7 6 Violate, Qardtniaa, Hydrangea., Oaranluma, Qraanhouaa Plante, I U S 0«oartm «niofihf Interior Mixed Pot. and Saakata... chain and automatic Plus 20 FREE LILLY $ 1 3 9 constant operations. Reg. $3.71 1 $1495 i f^TMilre a favorite each bottle dated for treahneae TESTAPE ’ the t im e to feed HARDY PERENNIALS Persofi"(or apply An- a Rivorite Person YOUR LAWNSI Buy Now, Whllo Tha Early Spaclals Are Onl You Only Plant Tham Once; Account) and deposit $2 5 0 . Now't Tha Tima To Plant ThamI INTRODUCING NEW 5” POTS ONLY Doer Field Lawn Food c B A T Need a little encouragement to save? Hartfoixi National’s savings and investment CULOTTES 28% organic! 5,000 sq. ft...... ONLY D ■ 9 f **FAVORITE Either open a $250 savings account at accounts. And savings up to $40,(XX) ai-e HERBAL SCENTED M.19 Hartford National or deposit $250 in an insured in full by F.D.I.C. Clearasil Scotta Turf-Bulldor $ 0 0 Q B B PERSON’* existing account (Or open a new or addi­ When you come by for youi- calculator, GOLF SKIRTS 15,000 sq. ft...... NOW £ O a 9 9 PLANT VEGETABLES N01 tional Automatic Savings Plan of $50 or pick up a Favorite Pei-son application, too, TOP: Printed 100% Polyeeter with Nylon Attached Shorts That Are acne medication SUMMER’S EVE ^ I Trimmed with Pattern of the Skirt. S^reanflald Green LETTUCE, CABBAQE, more per month.) and stm t Banking the Fi-ee Way. 15,000 sq. ft., rag. $23.45 . NOW CAULIFLOWER, PARSLEY, SPANISH 1 E 3 76'^ Regrularly $86 For » ^ ■65 ounce Disposable Douche 0 19.45 ONIONS, ETC. Then you can buy this beautiful cal­ You get so many sei-vices, benefits and LARGE PACK OF HAH - "Connecticut's Own" AB culator for only $19.95...and reward your­ discounts, it’s like having a whole bank in 1 5 *0 0 • REGULAR •TINTED 9.T012 PLANTS PETER K GOOD CENTRE: Solid Pastels In 100% Machine Washable Polyester. Double 10-6-4,5,000 sq.ft...... O N L Y ^ V s H O P.S. Our Onion Seta S Seed Potatoaa self for being thrifty. But better make it your pocket...along with youi’ nice new Pockets. White Attached Shorts. Use Once Reg. 59* Are Ready To Plant Tool lOrtho Bast Buy Covers 12,000 sq. t t . ^ i | ^ 0 g soon; our supply is limited calculator! Regularly $83 For * Then HExclusIve at Wobdfand Gardens). NOV PLANT FLOWERS NOWI While you’re eryoying youi- new cal­ Throw HARTFORD NATHKVAL Away* Garden Mant Food PEtUNIASy culator, your money will be earning the BOTTOM; Floral Prints on 1007o Cotton with 100% Arnel Jersey At­ (The RivorUe Person) RANK tached Shorts. , $ 1 :1 5 50 lbs., rag. $ 8 .5 0 ...... NOWa*5.95 CALENDULAS, highest legal Interest rates in any of Manchester Officee: 621 Middle Turnpike, East; 320 Middle Turnpike, West; ; Regularly $18 For ■ VALUE ALSO THE SAME DEALS ON HALTS PLUS, CRABGRASS ALLYSSUM, I S9S Main Street; 220 North Main Street KILLERS, ETC. REMEMBER: “Apply Lime To Sweeten LAflQE PACK HUti’wWb'Ci'titMTliiiil II East Hartford Offices: 1085 Main Street; 794 Silver Lana 11.50 OF 9 to 12 PLANTS ( i^iy rWht brirr MtTiili Your SoH '" Dolometic, Ths Right Kind For Our Soil. Open Daily 10 to 9, Sot. 10 to $- LIMITED 4 Days Only QUANTITIES 404 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE, MANCHESTER Thurs., thru Sun. / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1 9 7 5 - PAGE THIRTEEN

PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May l; 1975 Queen of VFW Ball pnumm»muumim To Be Named Friday FROM YOUR ABOUT TOWN * «:■ NEIGHBOR’S KITCHEN iLOOPOjOFFFgl Among the Connecticut girls the event in 1955. Two years Mayfair residents. who will vie for the honor of later, Connecticut adopted The building improvements By VIVIAN FERGUSON committee of North United r O e o A . -A h h a ^ being queen of the Loyalty Day legislation designation May 1 as Methodist Church will meet Manchester Composite Ball and then head up the Loyalty Day and subsequently tonight at 7:30 at the church. Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol massive 23rd annual Veterans the Congress of the United Last, week, we talked about will meet tonight from 7 to 9:30 of Foreign Wars Day Parade on States copied Connecticut simple things children could do A setback card game will be at the Manchester State Ar- • MAXWELL H0U» Sunday, are Miss Jeannine statutes to make it a national in the kitchen. Baking is often played Friday at 7:30 p.m. in mory, 330 Main St. The meeting Dupre of Manchester and Miss event. their first, desire. ’They can Cronin Hall of Mayfair is open to all young people from Cynthia A. Sullivan of Vernon. An estimated 15,(X)0 persons have some fun cooking with COFFEE ___ . « Gardens. Play is open to all Grade 7 through high school. Miss Dupre will represent the are expected to join the line of candy. Manchester VFW Post. and march. IThe huge parade will Almost all types of candy can Army Brat Hates Miss Sullivan will represent the form in the Pratt & Whitney \ be used to top cupcakes; very Cholc* of Grind 8 3 ^ WITH COUPON Vernon VFW Post. Aircraft parking lots, move up easy for the little ones. Help Good Thru Saturday, May 3rd. ’The contest and Loyalty Day East Hartford’s Main St. to therm make a simple butter To Keep Moving Ball will be held Friday at the Burnside Ave. and then disband Red & White Stand frosting, then color it. Who REDEEM AT HIGHLAND PARK MARKET Italian-American Home, 464 on Hillside Ave. The parade will 200 WEST CENTER ST. MANCHESTER cares if the cupcakes are HIGHLAND PARK LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY Tolland St., East Hartford. ’The begin at 1 p.m. and is expected "Where You Can Buy One or A Dozen" frosted a startling eiectric blue contest will be judged at 9 p.m. to take four hours before the with psychedelic candy confett- By Abigail Van- Buren Loyalty Day was first con­ last unit passes the reviewing ti and bugle beads? **The Choicest Meat In Town! C 1t7SbyChlc«goTribiiiw-N.Y.N«nSynd.,lne. c e iv e and sponsored solely by stand. . Basic Recipe for the VFW to offset Communist Past State Cmdr. Alton F. FOR THE Old-Fashioned 317 Highland Street, Manchester ■ IIU IIIIIII May Day celebrations. Kunkel of Hartford, is state Butter Frosting 1/3 cup butter (the old recipe DEAR ABBY: You are my last hope, My father is in the Connecticut was the first chairman and is coordinating cails for unsalted butter) Army, and we always move just when I meet new kids and state to make the observance a efforts of the East Hartford Sflem/s WEEKEND (COl)PO!\ OFFER) 1 cup confectioners sugar start doing well in school. I’ve never lived in one place formal and official day of loyal­ VFW post with those of various Whenever Shoppers^ longer than 18 months, except when we were in Europe. ty when former Governor VFW units throughout the 1 egg yolk Conversation Turns To Abraham Ribicoff formalized state. POTATOES TOMATOES flavoring (vanilla, orange, etc.) My parents don’t seem to realize that this moving around U.S. No. 1 Maine so much every year is what’s tearing my life up. My ^adM 12 oz. Cello Pkg. Beat butter until very Quality Food, Plus are going downhill, and my chances of being anything in creamy, add egg yolk and beat school are ruined. in sugar gradually to desired Old Fashioned Friendly Kids teU me I should try out for cheerleading, but I can’t 10-lb. bag 5$|oo consistency. Color and flavor as Servicey The Name because I know we’ll be moving. I can’t even have a desired. Note: If recipe is (Herald photo by Pinto) doubled, continue to use oniy boyfriend because just when someone gets interested in me, CALIFORNIA ^HIGHLAND PARK 1 have to move. one egg yolk. Abby, I am not the complaining type, but here I am, 35th Anniversary COLLEGE NOTES litT U C E For chocolate frosting, add MARKEr^ Naturally Large Heads ORANGES nearly 16, and I don’t have any roots, and I am sick of it. baker’s chocolate. Tops The List! Please tell me if there’s a solution to my problem. Outside of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Arendt in Manchester most of their The above recipe is from the Karen Mackenzie, daughter William F. Petrone, son of running away, that is. of 38 William St. were honored married life. S$'|oo famous Fannie Farmer. You Kids enjoy using candy in making cookies such as the jelly of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Petrone ARMY BRAT at a 35th wedding anniversary Mr. Arendt is retired from can simplify this by using my bean jollies (in the jar) and the dishful of coco-marsh nut P.S, Need We Say More? Mackenzie of Manchester has of 235 Parker St., has been in­ doz. party at the Lithuanian Hall in New Departure Division of mother’s recipe. Children love DEAR BRAT: Forget “running away.” ’That’s a stupid been initiated into Phi Alpha stalled into Sigma Xi Honor bars. Manchester with nearly 100 General Motors Corp. in this sweet frosting. I have trip. I know how frustrating it must be for you, honey, but Theta, International History Society at the University of guests attending. Bristol. Mrs. Arendt is LARGE VECETABLE never been able to duplicate my flour, salt and cinnamon and apart on lightly greased baking look at it this way: You are making friends all over the Rhode Island where he is employed by the United Air­ Honor Society, at Texas mother’s cakes. She would add with nuts and gumdrops. sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes or un­ world and seeing places that few kids get to see. ’The event was hosted by their Lutheran College in Seguin, working towards his doctorate. PANSIES PLANTS craft Division of United Inril-lOpUib 9 9 ^ stand next to me and couldn’t Spread in a butter pan about til lightly browned. Concentrate on the advantages of moving, not the two children, Ellen Arendt and Tex. He received his master’s lattice, fanatees, Technologies Corp. in South Mkaca tM m Box understand why they weren’t 10x14. Bake 30 minutes in slow Coco-Marsh Nut Bars disadvantages. You’ll soon be old enough to live alone, but Gustave Arendt Jr., both of degree from the University of Windsor. Assorted light and fluffy like hers. Only oven at 325 degrees. Cut in Vz cup butter for now, you belong with your family. Manchester; and Mrs. Arendt’s Massachusetts and did un­ The couple has four MARIGOLD one of my two sisters caught squares and dip or sprinkle with 2 cups graham cracker crumbs mother, Sadie Noren. dergraduate work at the "COKE” d Q < powered sugar. 2 cups plain or toasted coconut DEAR ABBY: My 16-yearKDld daughter received a phone grandchildren. the subtleties Pf her abilities. University of Connecticut. He is PLANTS marshmallows,^T up caU from a nurse at the Department of Public Health, who The couple was married at Mr. Arendt’s hobbies arfrgar- lull 1-14 Hart. 8 9 ^ Q t.S ize I love her walnut cake. The Jelly Bean Jollies a graduate of Manchester High children can make one with Vz cup butter or shortening 10 half-ounce ^ I k chocolate U.S.D.A. CHOICE MEATS! asked her to come in for some “tests.” When my daughter Second Congregational Church, dening and repairing old cars ~ CUB School. asked, “Why?” she was told that a boy (I’ll call him “Bill”) for the pleasure of seeing them your own white cake or a boxed 1/3 cup sugar candy miniature bars with of Manchester with the Rev. Petrone, a member of the All Meats Are Freshly Cut; They’re Never Pre-Packaged! who is being tested for V.D. said that he had been in contact run again. Mrs. Arendt enjoys cake. Just add Vi to one cup of 1/3 cup firmly packed light almonds, broken into small bits Ferris Reynolds officiating. American Society for PETUNIAS “COKE”, with her. knitting and gardening. SCOUT broken walnut meats to the brown sugar 1 can (3Vz ozs.) flaked coconut Mr. and Mrs. Arendt have lived Microbiology and the Leo F. Abby, my daughter is so upset, she doesn’t know what to InofMOplati 8 9 ^ 64 oz. size batter. The walnuts impart a 1 egg 1 can (14-oz.) sweetened con­ do. She swore on a Bible that she is a virgin and that she’s NEWS Rettiger Society, is currently special flavor. Decorate the top Vz teaspoon baking soda densed milk never had sex with this boy or any other boy. She said she attending the ASM convention with walnut meats in a pretty Vz teaspoon baking powder Vz cup crushed peaput brittle USDA CHOICE BOTTOM ROUND USDA CHDICE BACK RUMP dated him twice and didn’t even kiss him goodnight once. I Pack 152 in New York City. HANGING design. Top with butter Vz teaspoon salt Melt butter in 9x3 caking pan. $ 5 9 5 S»e Ui For;— Ctndy, f o n t know my daughter, Abby, and she is not lying. Koscoe, Post Head Cub Scout Pack 152 recently PLANTS frosting. Vz teaspoon vanilla extract Sprinkle IVz cups graham SAKtItiUI Chipt, Bread, Paetry, Umt^rn Does she have to take those tests? It doesn’t seem fair to had an awards ceremony at its Quality Dairy Produclal ^ My Mother’s IV4 cups flour cracker crumbs evenly over ROAST me. meeting at Bowers School. Butter Proving Vz cup rolled oats melted butter. Layer ROAST HER MOTHER World War I Vets Dean Kingsley, Michael Among the students named to WHATEVER YOU NEED IN FRUITS AND 1/3 cup butter 1 cup jelly beans (or gum marshmallows, chocolate and Lohr, Robert Madore, Gordon the dean’s list at Northeastern VEGETABLES, THINK OF THE RED & WHITE 2 tablespoons liquid (milk, drops) then coconut in pan. Pour milk Albert L. Post, quartermaster; DEAR MOTHER: I think your daughter should take the William M. Roscoe of 446 Markham, Todd Stevens, and University, Boston, Mass, for STANDI lemon juice, orange juice, etc.) Cream together shortening over all. Combine crushed brit­ and Koubik, Jonathan H. Law, tests. They won't hurt 1)^. Perhaps the boy misunderstood Adams St. and Charlotte C. Douglas Woodbury received the the fall semester were: David 2 cups confectioners sugar and sugars in mixing bowl. Beat tle with remaining Vz cup lit 1.39 * and Felix Jesanis, trustees. « lb. the question and named all the girls with whom he had had Post of 59 Ferguson Rd. have A. Malinoski of 29 Auburn Rd., graham cracker crumbs; 1.59 Arrow of Light, the highest Cream butter in small bowl. in egg, baking soda, baking We Give Old Fashion contact—sexual and otherwise. been elected commander and award a cub can earn. Thomas W. Neumann, of 148 Add sugar alternately with powder, salt and-vanilla. Stir in sprinkle over all. Bake in Butcher Service president, respectively, of Other elected auxiliary of­ Other awards were presented Hawthorne St., and James R. preheated 325 degree oven for DEAR ABBY: Someone wrote to ask why a Catholic liquid. Beat all together until flour and oats until blended. Manchester Barracks, ficers are Florence North, Connors of 275 Lake St. 30 minutes. Cool completely; would wear a star of David—a symbol of the Jewish faith. to Donald Wright, Vance Nash, smooth. (The beauty of this Add jelly beans. Heat oven to Veterans of World War I, anci senior vice president; Alice Also Craig S. Doering of 711 We’ll Have A Beautiful Selection of cut into bars. Makes about 24 USDA CHOICE CUBE I am a Catholic who, during the war years, was closely James Wiley, Wolf badges; recipe is that you eliminate the' 375 degrees. Drop rounded At Our Service Meat USDA CHDICE EYE RDUND its Auxiliary. They succeed Anderson, junior vice presi­ Alan Pardi, Bear badge; and Governor’s Hgwy., Laurie S. Healthy, and Hardy Plants For Mother’s egg yolk and you don’t have a spoonfuls of batter about 2” 1x2” bars. (CUT FROM ROUND) associated with three of the finest men I have ever known. I John Koubik and Dora Hoyt. 'll dent; Esther Wood, chaplain; Dean Kingsley, Webelo award. Schofield of 2257 Ellington Rd., single egg white you don’t know shall never forget their integrity, patriotism and high moral Other elected officers of the Ida Beruby, conductress; Mary Day, Sun., May llthi Arrow points were awarded and Roxanne C. Giuliano of 45 what to do with). Also, if the Department, You See standards. And today, when I am asked why I, a Catholic, barracks are John A. Owens, Nackowski. treasurer; Harriet to Donald Wright and Kenneth Sunset Ter., all of South Wind­ lUnder NEW Management -Come On Down frosting gets too thick, just add ROAST wear a star of David, I waste not one second to explain that senior commander; William Owen, guard; Mrs. Hoyt, Ethel sor. STEAKS Mike Korman of Houston, Texas, Sid Kaufman of Sampson, one gold arrow each; (and Say “Hello!” more liquid. J. Couch, judge advocate; B. Swanson and Betty Jesanis, Also, Martha J. Carter of Er- Both Sides of the Steubenville, Ohio, and Jerry Goldberg of Ft. Lee, New and Rodney Gill and Bruce Open Daily 8 to 8 • Sunday 8 to 6 ^ Incidentally, whenever you Harry A. Fogerty, chaplain; trustees. Giggie, one silver arrow each. doni Rd., Columbia. Jersey, are worthy of being remembered for the years we have leftover egg whites or MENUS Meat You Buy! spent in constant companionship as comrades in arms. yolks, use them in scrambled 1 8 9 JOHNW. KELLOGG eggs. You can keep them for a * . . * 1.79 L/COL. U.S.A.R. (RETIRED) ' few days in the refrigerator in a FINDLAY, OHIO covered (iontainer. Elderly We began by talking about wedge, hash brown potatoes, stewed tomatoes, white bread, Everyone has a problem. What’s yours? For a personal candy. You can melt down most The following menus will be reply, write to ABBY: Box No. 69700, L.A., Calif. 90069. any candy to dribble on cake or served May 5-9, at ■ Mayfair apple pie, tarter sauce, milk or go(x! coffee. Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope, please. it can be crushed into bite-sized Gardens and West Hill Gardens For Abby’s new booklet, “What Teen-agers Want to bits and sprinkled on the cake. for all Manchester residents GROCERY SPECIALS ^ ^ Know,” send $1 to Abigail Van Buren, 132 Lasky Dr., ^ news extra! extra! jr. fashion scoop! Buy prepared tart shells, have over 60. Reservations are taken ' \ 'Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. Please enclose a long, the kids mix chopped candy into in person only at the Gardens on School SAW, 17 oz. ^ O /S i self-addressed, stamped (20i) envelope. softened ice cream for Monday prior to the week of the BrstOfF^eTbrm-Thsh refreezing. One of our most luncheons. Menus is subject to Cafeteria menus which will VEGETABLES ...... ,.....0 / -1 be served in Manchester Public popular cookies, the Toll House change. SWEET LIFE cooky contains bits of candy. Monday: Beef hot dogs, Schools, May 5-9, are as Here are three fun recipes for mixed juice, baked beans, cole follows: TOMATO JUICE ...... 4 , . . . Monday : Hamburg patty on a wow! now! young people to make. They get slaw, hot dog roll, fruit cocktail HEINZ KOSHER a kick out of making cookies with cookie, butter or roll, potato chips, buttered green beans, milk, mixed fruit. S N O -W H in using candy as an ingredient. margarine, milk or coffee. PICKEL SPEARS...... 2 4 » i < r 9 » 'scrub shop' The gumdrop cooky is an old Tuesday: Turkey stew Tuesday : Italian shells, meat recipe. The other two are fairly (potato, onion, peas, carrots) sauce, tossed salad, bread, 2 Z 0 Z .JH O O MUSHROOMS...... THE BABY new. cottage cheese with fruit, butter, milk, jello with topping. COFFEE M ATE ...... * 1 . ^ 5 1 FRESH SUMMER A A .a. .denims ... coll 'em Gumdrop Cookies biscuit, chocolate cake, butter Wednesday: Blended fruit juice, toasted cheese sandwich, IIESTLE'S SEMI-SWin CHOCOlitTi C 4 A A SQUASH IP Z 9 * IS NAMED 4 eggs or margarine, milk or coffee. faded, pre-woshed, 1 tablespoon cold water Wednesday: Meatloaf with peanut butter stuffed celery, MORSELS...... i2...b., i■U5l 2 cups light brown sugar gravy, potato au gratin, string carrot sticks, peaches, milk. 2 cups flour beans, white bread, stewed Thursday: Oven-fried U D V z c im A ORANGES .kb., 0 9 * chicken, cranberry sauce, ' washed-out... Vi teaspoon salt prunes with cookie, butter or .200 count " / B FIRM RIPE 0% / e 4 1 teaspoon cinnamon margarine, milk or coffee. parslied potato, whole kernel FACIAL TISSUE wJ corn, bread, butter, milk, ice Li-nari, (JiurU-s Carl, son of Carl C. and Jeanne Messenger Vi cup pecan meats, chopped Thursday: Pork chop or pat­ SWEET LIFE In water TOMATOES...... 4packcello 3 / ■ Lenart of 44 Cindy Rd., Ellington. He was born April 22 at the newest 1 cup tiny gumdrops, sliced ty, apple rings, brussel sprouts, cream. r o z c n Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mix gumdrops with a little of winter squash, dark bread, Friday: Baked fish sticks, WHITE TUNA Mr. and Mrs. John Messenger of 250 Mountain Rd. His paternal the flour. Beat eggs well with lemon pudding, butter or french fries, buttered spinach, MUELLERS medium or wide O /O ft* grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenart of Newington. He 'loves' for jrs.! water. Add sugar slowly and margarine, milk or coffee. brownie pudding, bread, butter, has a sister, Theresa, 2. beat until fluffy. Mix and sift Friday: Fish sticks, lemon milk. EGG NOODLES . . , o . . p k , . 0 / 0 9 * 1 GLADE SOLID (0 Oz.) FREE WITH PURCHASE OF llllllllllll GLADE SPRAY ...... O'Connor, Todd Edward, son of Lee F. Jr. and Linda A. HEALTH Carelli O’Connor of 24 Hemlock St. He was born April 23 at W e'll have you loving the ‘blues’ in a big FROZEN AND DAIRY SPECIALS STORE AND Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are way once you gear up in our newest soft, £ e v b i e & evim Go.f ^nc. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Carelli of 175 W. Middle Tpke. His pater­ streaked 'honest-to-earthy’ denims.' All BIRDSEYE, Leaf or ChopiMd B /$ 1 BEAUTY AID nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. O’Connpr Sr. of Colchester, HOURS: SPECIALS Wethersfield. He has a brother, Lee F. HI, 2.^ American looks! A ll naturally, soft, sensible, Lebanon Ave. SPINACH . icz^pk. O /* I cotton. 5-13. Wrap skirt, $16. The new one , Conn. 537-2373 RICH’S M99. & Tues. FAMILY SIZE piece bib front skirt, $18. Double zip MOUTHWASH Chrsnry, Sean Raymond, son of Daniel R. and Susan Richard­ 32 pz. carton ^ ■ son Chesney of 59 Branford St. He was born April 25 at Rockville jeans', $ 16. Over everything, the button front COFFEE RICH ...... 'til 6:00 coat dress, $26. Everything tailored and SCOPE General Hospital. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Irene L. MRS. SMITH’S "9 ft Chesney of Newington. He has a brother, Daniel Richardson, 3’i. washed with loving care, by ''Whot's in Wed., Thurs & Fri. a name" FACTORY OUTLET APPLE PIE...... mpz. 7 9 * 1 . 1 9 junior place, from our new "scrub shop. WISPRIDE Sharp or Wine Cheese Cups ’til 9:00 Sinedino de Oliveira, Anna Karenina, daughter of Dr. Jose downtown and Parkade Sat & Sun. SHAMPOO 8 OZ. Neto and Nancy Hitt Sinedino de Oliveira of Natal, Rio Grande do ANNUAL SPRING SALE CHEESE SPREAD...... 69« LOTION OR 4 OZ. TUBE Norte , Brazil. She was born March 23 in Natal. Her maternal BIRDSEYE ’til 6:00 HEAD & grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Hitt of 179 Green Rd. Her “ Use you convenient Worth’s Charge Card ... A X i l l - all weather coats paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Santina Sinedino de Oliveira of SAVE p a n t c o a t s ORANGE JUICE . .. 18 oz. can 6 3 * SHOULDERS Natal. it deserves a lot of Credit!” SPRING COATS The Above Downtown ^ RICH’S CHOCOLAH C ft^ Mon-Tue-Wed-FrI-Sat. 9:30-5:30 BLOUSES Specials Are * 1 . 1 9 Thur. 9:30-9 ECLAIRS ...... pk, 5 9 * PANTS Good REGULAR OR UNSCENTED Wright, Angeline Marie, daughter of Douglas and Cecilia Parkade ORE IDA CRINKLE CUT E ft A Wright of Hartford. She was born April 7 at St. Francis Hospital, IMon.-Sat. 10-6 VESTS Thru 0 OZ. AEROSOL SPRAY Hartford. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chester _ Tue-Wed-Thur-FrI 10-9 JACKETS POTATOES...... z,bb.p). b a9 g 9 * Satruday, SURE Bator of 11 Brent Rd., Vernon. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs SHELLS TASTE 0’ SEA Margaret Wright of 57 Chambers St. Her maternal great­ May 3rd. grandfather is Anthony Grimaldi of Wethersfield. Her paternal X / i MISSES & WOMEN’S SIZES HADDOCK DINNER...... ^.ko. 4 9 great-grandmother is Mrs. Fannie Schubert of Manchester. FAMOUS LABELS J Store Hours: q u a l it y workmanship Mon.-Fri. 9-4:30 Also Opoii Sunday 9-4:30 Iligginx, Jeffrey Todd, son of Charles and Patricia Bollacker Higgins of 336 Summit St. He was born April 3 at Mt. Sinai Join The Crowd and Savel Hospital, Hartford, His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Sadie really good news from AMPLE FREE PARKING AVAIUBLL ______Weinbaum of Hartford. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and i n m n n i f Mrs. Lloyd Higgins of St. Petersburg, Fla. /• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1. 1975- PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Com., Thurs., May 1, 1975 OBITUARIES Board Said Nearing Goal AREA Sullivan’s Three-Run Homer Mrs. Veronica Maynard Mrs. Helen P. Tracey POLICE REPORT Mrs. Veronica R. Robinson ROCKVILLE - Mrs. Helen Of Slicing Weiss Budget Maynard, 51, of Warwick, R.I., Pike Tracey, 84, of 159 Orchard formerly of Manchester, died St. died this morning at By SOL R. COHEN At this point, then, the direc­ Paces Tribe’s 6.3 CCIL Win Wednesday at Rhode Island Rockville General Hospital. will reach that goal or miss it Hospital, Providence. She was the widow of Joseph W. With only six days to go slightly. tors are still faced with cutting VERNON ANDOVER Police said it was discovered before it formally adopts 1975- just under $500,000, if they are Scuba divers from the WilUam J. Gilbert, 16, of the truck was stolen when Mis . Maynard was bom Aug. Tracey. Its May 7 session for adopting third inning when the as Koepsel uncorked a wild after two complete frames. Bom in Lowell, Mass., Mrs. 76 budgets and tax rates, the the budget and tax rates will be to reach the magic (hold-the- Tolland County Mutual Aid Mansfield, was charged Gilbert was stopped on a By Len Auster the seventh, Sullivan scoring 23, 1923 in New London, Hornets scored twice. pitch. East Hartford came back daughter of Mrs. Mary V. Scul­ Tracey had lived in the Manchester Board of Directors • at 7 p.m. in the Municipal line) goal. were balled to Vernon Wednesday with second-degree routine check. The truck was Paced by Ray Sullivan’s on a sacrifice fly by Ballard. owned by Stanley Gasper. ^ Sullitian’s roundtripper in After Sullivan made it 4-1 with two in the third. Losing ly Cole of New Britain and the Rockville area all her life. appears to be nearing its mis­ Building Hearing Room. Reports coming out of the Wednesday afternoon to pull up larceny in connection with the three-run homer and the Manchester had the bases Survivors are a daughter, sion — to cut as much as it can budget sessions indicate the a car reported submerged in investigation of an incident in­ Gilbert was to be presented* the second to the opposite M .nchetl.r (6) hurler Leo Forestiere, who jammed in the seventh with late William J. Robinson, and To date, the directors have three-hit pitching of John ABRHE from the town manager’s directors are eyeing the school Risely’s Pond off Lake St. volving a ^mtip truck being today in Common Pleas Court field plaW Rick Nicola and y^lded just five hits, lived jnjdanchester during her Mrs. John K. Byrnes of sliced about 3700,000 from Koepsel, Manchester High Sullivan, ss 3 3 1 0 no-out but could come up youth. She was a Navy veteran Rockville; a sister, Mrs. proposals. board budget for more cuts. Vernon Police said it was dis­ taken from a yard on Hebron 19, Rockville. Mike ^ e ^ e l ahead of him, Odell, cf 3 0 1 0 reached on an error and with just one marker. Weiss’ 321,997,731 upended East Hartford Maloney, c 3 1 1 0 of World War II. Before her il­ William Geiser of Pismo Town Manager Robert Weiss Weiss, in his tentative covered that the car, a 1965 Rd. both who reached on Hornet Tom Rerrone was hit by a recommended General Fund Hfgh, 6-3, yesterday at BalUrd, lb 3 0 0 0 “We’re not killing the lness, she was employed at Del Beach, Calif.; and several is recommending a 31,602,601 budget, recommended an $118,- Chevrolet, was one reported fiel^ng errors. Sullivan’s Koepsel, p 4 0 1 1 pitch. Cleary dumped a budget. 400 cut in the schooL board’s Keliey Field. Gllha, If 4 0 1 0 ball,” noted Tribe Coach Hal Tufo Plumbing,Warwick. nieces and nephews. and 5.5-mill increase in the stolen in Manchester on April 11 blast just cleared the fence single down the rightfield request — with the entire sum The triumph was the In­ Anthony, 3b 4 0 0 1 Parks, “But then again, the Other survivors are a son, 'The funeral is Saturday at 11 General Fund budget and tax Adding about 3411,000 in an­ belonging to Ruth Murray of in right home Nicola, 2b 3 1 0 1 stripe chasing home originally pinpointed for new Ambassador Dr., Manchester. Parkade Apartments dians’ third in a row and Quesnel, rf 4 1 0 0 opposition isn’t either.” Six Arthur H. Maynard of East a.m. at Burke-Fortin Funeral rate. ticipated tax revenue generated run territory, about 290 feet Forestiere and sending Home, 76 Prospect St. Burial ’The board, in its workshops programs. Michael Guerra, 16, of 205 sixth in sevra CCIL outings. 5 3 of the seven decisions, five Greenwich, R.I.; two by an increase in the Grand away. The senior shortstop Totals 31 Perrone to third. George daughters. Miss Kim I. will be in St. Bernard’s since April 7 (when it conducted List, the directors, at least on The directors, reportedly, are Hebron Rd., Bolton, was Sold for $1.6 Million Coupled with Conard’s 8-0 Eul Hartford (3) of them victories, have been also walked twice, scoring Frottingham’s loft to left- Maynard and Mrs. Karen M. Cemetery. a public hearing on Weiss’ paper, can point to a 31,111,000 interested in further cuts in the charged Wednesday night with win over Enfield, the Silk AB R H E low hit affairs by Indian school budgets — cuts ranging reckless driving in connection on each ocassion. Perrone, ss 1 0 0 field delivered Perrone. Morin, both of East Greenwich, A memorial Mass will be proposals), has had its sights reduction in Weiss’ projected First Hartford Realty (ktrp. transaction amounted to $400,- Towners remain in sole Cleary, 2b 0 1 2 pitching. R.I.; four sisters, Mrs. Virginia celebrated Monday at 10 a.nv at set on a “hold-the-line” tax 31,602,601 General Fund in­ from a low of $150,000 to a high with the investigation of an ac­ of Manchester today sold its 000. ’The conveyance tax bn the Manchester opened the Frotungham, cf 0 0 0 After this, Koepsel slammed possession of second place in Parsons, rf 1 1 0 St. Bernard’s Church. rate. Indications are it either crease. of $400,000. cident on Dart Hill Rd., Vernon. second deed was $440. run making in the bottom the door shut on the Hornets, Manchester’s next tilt is Aniello of Manhhestfr, Mrs. Parkade Apartments complex the league a full game Defence, 3b 0 0 0 Marion Pivo of Lhke Garda, ^ y o r John Thompson said Police said Guerra’s car went on W. Middle a Bloom­ After the second transaction .half of the first. Jack Richard, lb who fall to 4-3 in the league Friday afternoon at 3:35 in behind the Chieftains. Littlefield, c Mrs. Mary Maynard of Weston, Arthur Gingras Jr. Wednesday the board is staying off the road and struck a house field woman for $1.6 million, was recorded, another docu­ Maloney reached on a and 4-4 over-all with the set­ Willimantic against league clear of recommending any ' Koepsel, senior WaU, If and Mrs. Loretta Moskaluk in Arthur Gingras Jr.,57, of at 616 Dart Hill Rd. The car was according to a warranty deed ment showed that Society for fielder’s choice, stole se­ Mathew, pfa back. foe Winfjham High. Parks layoff of employes at ^his point Lewis, pr Germany; and two Pompano Beach, Fla., formerly Downward Trend Noted heavily damaged and the house filed in the town clerk’s office. Savings would lease its partial righthander and tri-captain, cond and third, and came hasn’t decided who will and won’t consider it, “except receiyed some damage, police Foresliere, p grandchildren. of the Manchester-Eas^H^ The multiple-building com­ interest back to Ms. Winkler. went the distance for the home as second baseman Marion, ph The Silk Towners added a draw the starting mound The funeral is Friday at 2 ford area, died Monday w h is as a last resort.” said. Guerra was treated and plex, at 422-482 W. Middle third time this season to run in the fifth, Maloney’s assignment. “It could by In Open Classrooms He said, “It was the consen­ released at Rockville General Doug Cleary booted Bruce Totals 32 3 3 4 p.m. at Cranston-Hill Funeral home. He was the husband of Tpke., was sold to Jan Winkler register his fourth victory double up the alley in left (John) Tasillo or (Scott) sus of the directors right at the Hospital. He is scheduled to Ballard’s grounder. The Manchester 130 010 lOx 6 Home, 822 Main St., East Mrs. Frances Herman Gingras. A slight downward trend in goals of a school system. of Bloomfield for $1,604,51X1, the without a loss. He struck out East Hartford 012 000 000 3 sending in Sullivan from beginning of our deliberations appear in Common Pleas Court (Herald photo by Dunn) Hornets knotted it in the se­ Carman or Ballard. I’m not Greenwich, R.I. Burial will be Mr. Gingras was born in the number of so-called open Some studies have shown that documents indicated, liie con­ ABOUT seven and walked three and third, and their final tally in classrooms, and a return to to avoid layoffs, if at all possi­ 19, Rockville, on May 27. cond, Ed Parsons coming in sure.” in Quidnessett Memorial Holyoke, Mass., son of the late in larger classes routine veyance tax was $1,764.95. was in trouble just in the Cemetery, North Kingstown, Arthur and Clara Noel Gingras, traditional classes in Connec­ teaching methods are likely to ble. It is my feeling, and one Everett P. Geveland, 65, of Another deed fil^ with the TOWN Indians ’ Ray Sullivan Nears Home Plate R.I. and lived in , the Manchester- ticut is revealed in a class-size be utilized and the physical and shared by many, that layoffs 10 Cottage St., Rockville, was town clerk today transferred Teammates Greet Him after Second Inning Home Run Friends may call at the East Hartford area most of his study recently compiled by the psychological pressures on the will only help feed the charged Wednesday night with partial interest in the complex Second Congregational funeral home tonight from 7 to life, moving to Florida two Connecticut ^u catio n Associa­ teacher are likely to be greater. recession.” breach of the peace in connec­ from Winkler to Society for Church will have an adult dis­ tion with the investigation of a 9. . years ago. Before going to tion (CEA) Research Depart­ In larger classes, less in­ What the board is doing, said Savings of Hartford. The cussion program tonight at 7:30 disturbance in. the parking lot Extra Inning Loss The family suggests that any Florida, he had been employed ment. dividualized instruction can be Thomnson. is to recommend Winkler-to-Society for Savings in the church parlor. President To he Honored memorial contributions may be for 20 years as a sheet The study reveals the number given and contact with parents vacancies should not be filled next to his home. He was released on his made to the George M apard metalworker at Kahn & Co., of so-calM self-contained or of students is- more difficult; and that jobs funded with promise to appear in court in Foundation for Leukemia in Wethersfield. traditional classrooms has in­ also, the work load of teachers grants be dropped when the Thoughts S uffered by Che ney Rockville on May 27. care of the Roger Williams Other survivors are a creased in comparison to one in large classes is likely to be funds run out. Little League Opens g. Hospital, Providence, R.I. brother, Paul L. Gingras of year ago. ’The increase is con­ too great for them to give suf­ West Springfield, Mass.; two sistent in almost all counties ficient consideration to the He said, also, the directors Catholic Burial ApLENty Producing six runs, its highest output of the season, was sisters, Mrs. Leonie Christian with some 90.7 per cent of furtherance of their own educa­ are recommending raises for SOUTH WINDSOR How do you with to pay? not enough as the Cheney Tech baseball team bowed to St. of Manchester and Mrs. classes being self-contained on tion and intellectual growth, department heads should be Paul Theriault, 19, of 22(1 'M jt o u can purchase as you please — In one payment^ By Len Auster At Jim Leber Field Thomas Seminary, 9-6, in an extra inning at the Beavers’ Four to Share a statewide bases. In 1973 this limited to 4 per cent. (Some of Henrietta Lucas of Perth Am­ Mondani said. Beelzebub Rd., South Windsor, or over a period of time, ad|ustlng payments to your; field yesterday. The setback was the sixth straight for figure was 88 per cent. the raises recommended by Lottery Prize boy, N.J.; and several nieces ’The study says the average Was charged early this morning •M financial condition. Cheney after a season opening win. The study, based on a survey Weiss are as high as 12 per with failure to drive in es­ and nephews. class size in Manchester for All the run making was NEW LONDON (UPI) - which covered 11,543 classes in cent.) tablished lane after his car By Earl Yost ’The funeral is Saturday at self-contained and non-self- bunched in threes. Seminary Four men today won 3200,000 on the state, showed that the went off the highway on Rt. 30. Opening pitch in Manchester’s Little League baseball 8:15 a.m. from the John F. contained classes is 23.1. The M anchester’s current ISAINT JAMES CEMETERY | East Catholic Golfers Successful Ninth Inning Drama scoring three in the first, fifth hit batsman and a triple by Bud a ticket in the Connecticut st^te average class size in elemen­ He was taken to the Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. report also shows there are five General Fund tax rate is 49.3 Over the past two years to date, the East Catholic golf program will be tossed on Saturday, May 10 at the and eighth innings while Cheney Chudy produced two runs with lottery and one of them said tary schools is 23. This figure Manchester Memorial 368 Broad Street Center St., with a Mass at St. non-self-contained classes in mills. Weis3’ recommendation beautiful new diamond off Love Lane. had three-run frames in the Chudy later scoring on a "nobody should gripe” about drops to 22.7 in non-self- Hospital, treated and released. Manchester, Connecticut team has won 32 of 40 dual matches including two Isaac Jogues Church, East Manchester with an average is for 54.8 mills for 1975-76. ’The newest playing"surface in fifth and seventh, the latter sen­ throwing error. the lottery, specifically Gov. contained classrooms. He is scheduled to appear in 646-3772 M stalemates. The 1975 Eagles have won 10 straight, in the Hartford, at 9. Burial will be in pupil-teacher ratio of non-self- Each mill in the tax rate Phone town will officially be dedicated week from Saturday. The field Bonds^ Home Run ding play into overtime. Cheney collected six hits off Ella T. Grasso. Notre Dame Cemetery, South Some 58.6 per cent of the contained classes of 23.2. There generates about $290,000 in Common Pleas (?ourt 12, East process whitewashing seven opponents. before the start of the game took two years to build. winning hurler Ed Singer with The winning weekly number Rich McGuane drove in three Hadley Falls, Mass. classes in the state are in the are 14 schools in Manchester. taxes. Hartford, May 20. between the Lawyers and Leber Field will be the only Tom Foran leading the attack was 44 green 429. The bonus class ^^ize range of 21 to 25. Why are the East linksmen so successful? One explana­ Seminary runs in the first in­ Friends may call at the tion offered by eight-year Coach Bob Prinz is the Barbers. official Little League in Spices Yanks’ Win ning with a single and came with two hits. Seminary is now number was 205280. funeral home Friday from 2 to 4 Some 20.4 per cent; have a 16- to Manchester. Other diamonds availability of a course to practice on. Honored will be Jim Leber, around to score on Skip Jor­ 4-5 for the season. “ How can Ella say that and 7 to 9 p.m. 20-pupil range while 24.9 per the hard-working president who are on schooL grounds. The Beaver’s next tilt is buying lottery ticket is like dan’s double. St. ’Thomas put cent are in the 26-30 range. “Most teams get to practice maybe one or two hours a is now starting his third term. "The new field will be the site Friday afternoon at Putnam throwing 50 cents away?” asked In all counties the distribu­ NEW YORK (UPI) — The New York Yankees’ stock in three more markers on the Mrs. Louise P. Dubey week,” Prinz stated, “The municipal courses won’t allow The diamond will be known as of all International League Catholic High. Tony Przybycien, 33, West tion level also shows that less Bobby Bonds looks to be as solid as shares of AT&T. scoreboard., before Cheney Mrs. Louise P. Dubey of 68 Leber Field. games this season and will also Hartford. than 5 per cent of elementary continual play (practice sessions) for the kids. But my After a slow start, Bonds, began its comeback. Lyness St. died early this mor­ Impressive opening game be the scene of post-season St. Thomas (9) The governor made the com­ students are in classes with less players aire members of the Manchester Country Club whose off-season acquisiton The Beavers tallied its first ning at Manchester Memorial ceremonies are planned star­ tournament competition. swing,” said Bonds, who drilled AB R H E ment Wednesday, responding to than 16 pupils and 1.4 per cent where they can practice on a good course as much as they from San Francisco was looked three runs in the fifth. Jeff Kerrigan, lb 3 2 1 Hospital after being stricken at ting at 12:30. A doubleheader will feature Reynolds’ second pitch about a proposal to finance a $15 are in classes over 30. want. That’s a big advantage.” upon as a sure-fire step in Mount singled and came home Chudy, c .A her home. The field is a dream for the opening day slate with the 410 feet. “He got it a little bit up on Kevin Carpenter’s triple to Golas, 3b million school equalization Thomas P. Mondani, bringing the Yankees their first McGuane, cf The John F. Tierney Funeral Leber, who has been closely Oilers and Stevenson’s Exxon and over the inside part of the program with the proceeds of a executive secretary of the Top East linksman is diminutive 5-5, 125-pound junior pennant since 1964, is beginning right. Carpenter scored on a Jordan, If Home, 219 W. Center St., is in associated with Little League paired in the nightcap. Singer, p Mike Cooney, who is a two-handicapper. “His big asset is to show the kind of talents that plate. As soon as I hit it I felt it passed ball. Paul Chicoine special lottery. charge of arrangements, which statewide 28,000-member CEA, Should inclement weather Mullane. If accuracy. And he’s consistant,” Prinz noted, “He’s a little baseball in Manchester for have earned him the reputation could go out of the park. I didn’t walked, advanced to third on a Cosgrove, ss Przybycien, who said he was are incomplete. said that academic achieve­ prevail the' planned opening guy with a lot of desire. If he continues to practice as much nearly two decades. as “the most exciting player in feel any pressure. I felt very pair of passed balls, and scored Condek, 2b overjoy^ with winning —“who ment should be only one of the game ceremonies and schedule Thanks to hard work from a relaxed and I still feel very on an error. Totals 31 9 9 2 <. wouldn’t be elated winning 200- will be moved up to Sunday. baseball.” thow,” also said, “It’s really a lot of men, women and The 29-year-old outfielder relaxed.” Cheney sent it into extra in­ Cheney Tech (6) children, Manchester "The American and National Elsewhere in the American AB R H E voluntary contribution to the produced his first bit of high nings with three runs in the bot­ businessmen and friends of Lit­ Little Leagues will get their League, Milwaukee downed Chicoine. 2b State of Connecticut with a drama before the home fans tom half of the seventh, scoring Ouellette. 3b Vigil Now Over tle League, the new playing sur­ seasons under way Sunday, Detroit, 6-2, Cleveland clubbed Balon, c chance of possible financial Wednesday night when he hit a all three after two-out. Mark face will become a reality one May 11. Boston, 8-1, Texas shellacked LeCourt, ss return.” three-run homer with one out in Ouellette reached on a fielder’s Foran, lb He pronounces his name the ninth inning to cap a four- Chicago, 8-2, and California out­ choice. Dave Baton doubled to DeGrandl, rf For Young Widow lasted Kansas City, 7-6. deep right centerfield plating Mount, cf “Pres-bishen.” run rally which gave the Carpenter, If Nobody, he said, “has to buy Yankees a 64 triumph over the Oakland at Minnesota was Ouellette and tallied shortly Dyjak. p a lottery ticket. So nobody (Ed. Note: See today’s Baltimore Orioles. rained out. after on Tom LeCourt’s single. Ostashen. p Rangers 8, White Sox 2 LeCourt stole second and third 31 6 6 1 should gripe. It’s fun. It’s editorial entitled “Our Policy” ) sustaining machine was pulled Bonds, who had doubled and Totals i,\ Stargell, Zisk Jim Spencer clubbed a two- and scored the tying mn as Tom St. Thomas 300 030 03 S gambling with a meaningful HARTFORD (UPI) - An 11- scored the Yankees’ first run in from its wall socket April 8, run homer and a two-mn double DeGrandi’s grounder was Cheney 000 030 30 C purpose.” week vigil is over for the young the sixth inning, hit his LeCourt, Carpenter, Klimek stopped breathing, but to help Jim Bibby beat Chicago hobbled. RBI: Balon, He and three other salesman widow of a 24-year-old after a brief pause he started “gamer” off reliever Bob Chudy 2, McGuane 2, Jordan 3, Singer 2; for Moore Business Forms Inc., COONEY STRELLA TORRANCE Seminary came up with the 2BH: Jordan, Balon; 3BH; Chudy, Manchester man. He was again and his heart kept Power Pirates Reynolds, who had replaced Carpenter; BB; Singer 5, Dyiak 7, winning mns off,Pete Ostashen, West Hartford, split the ticket, buried today. Grant Jackson in the ninth after Ostashen 1; SO: Singer 9, Dyiak 4; HiU beating. ’The unaided respiration American League who relieved starter Russ which they bought in a liquor Joseph Klimek had been in a the Yankees had scored their off: Ostashen 3 for 3 runs in 1; Singer 6 kept going for three more as he does now and has a good college career he has a shot Dyjak in the-eighth. A walk, a for 6 runs in 8; L: Ostashen store. The other winners were coma for eight weeks, his brain first run of the inning on singles weeks. at being a touring professional.” , . . NEW YORK (UPI) - Willie Stargell and Richie Zisk of Ron Domurat, 31, Simsbury; functionally dead, when his by pinch-hitter Walt Williams, for his first 1975 win and give His death Tuesday at Hart­ Cooney a year ago had a personal 29-1 won-lost record. the Pittsburgh Pirates are “gentlemen sluggers”— they’ll Douglas Page, 55, Farmington, wife reluctantly told doctors ford Hospital put an end to a Roy White and Elliott Maddox. Texas its fourth straight This campaign, he is unbeaten in 10 starts. Cooney and hit anybody out there throwing fast balls but they won’t and Ed Plante, 41, Feeding April 7 they could disconnect conscious and unconscious bat­ The homer was Bonds’ fourth triurnph. Spencer unloaded his senior teammate Jeff Torrance combined in 1974 to win Hills, Mass. the machine that was keeping tle for life that began when knock a man when he’s down. but it was his first at Shea second homer of the season in Joan Stevenson of Rt. 31, the Two Ball Best Ball Golf Tournament at downstate And right now, pitching great the third with Mike Hargrove Perry Now 14-1 him alive. Klimek entered Manchester Stadium and the first time that Coventry, was a ?1,000 winner in A victim of thrombo Memorial Hospital Jan. 31. Westport Golf Course. That same day. May 30,1974, Brad Bob Gibson of the St. Louis Car­ National League games. he had really come through in aboard and doubled home both today’s event. She had cytopenic purpura, Klimek had The accountant and father of Strella, Tim LaFrancis, both who are on the present team, dinals is “pretty down.” One of 'Dodgers 5, Braves 2 the clutch at home in 12 games. Hargrove and Len Randle the pre’iously won 3250 bringing had his spleen removed and had a 2-year-old boy was due to and Hal Giglio and Gordon Daring teamed up to capture the superstars of the 1960s, Gib­ Los Angeles stretched its “’That’s what they traded for following inning. her total to 31,250. suffered a heart attack. Doc­ son has an 0-3 record and has winning streak to seven games me for,” said Bonds about his Brewers 6, Tigers 2 Against Boston graduate this month from (Cen­ the Class B championship at the Middlesex Invitational. Nineteen-year-old Robin tors, having tested electronical­ tral Connecticut State College. yielded 21 earned runs in 32 in­ behind the seven-hit pitching of homer. “I know the Yankees nings for a 5.91 ERA. In 1968 Doug Rau, who raised his expect a lot out of me. I’ll steal Yount lifted his season average ly and found no brain activity, Thrombo cytopenic purpura BOSTON (UPI) — Frank Robinson figured two nemeses Book Fair Set had given him no hope of ever Gibson set a National League record to 3-1. Utility infielder a few bases, knock in a few runs to .393 with three hits and is a rare blood malady causing Underclassmen Prevail were enough to beat the Boston Red Sox, so he benched At Community Y regaining consciousness. slow, ceaseless internal season mark with a 1.12 ERA. Lee Lacy drove in two runs and ahd hit a few out but I’m not a George Scott belted a two-mn When the plug of the life- bleeding. strella and LaFrancis are both juniors, Torrance the Stargell and Zisk bombed set up another pair with three one-man team. I just try to con­ homer as Milwaukee sn a p j^ himself. There will be a YWCA book only senior in the starting four. That forebodes trouble for Gibson for homers Wednesday singles. Carl Morton lost his tribute. The first homestand I Detroit’s winning streak at five T he rookie Cleveland Duffy followed with a ground fair featuring used books and future opponents. Freshman Brian Charlebois, playing as night when the Pirates beat the first decision for Atlanta after tried to do too much, but we games. Yount also drove in one manager was right as Gaylord ball to shortstop, a position magazines tonight from 7 to an alternate Tuesday, fired a five-over-par 75 at Goodwin Cardinals, 5-0, and dealt him his five consecutive wins. went out on the road and I run and scored another on Perry threw a five-hitter and vacated by Rick Burleson who 8:30, Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 Scott’s homer in the eighth. Boog Powell drove in three runs Park. It was better by 16 strokes anything New Britain third straight loss. Zisk hit his Phillies 2, Expos 1 settled down. Now I feel very had broken for second base on p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. Steve Carlton pitched a six- Angels 7, Royals 6 Wednesday night in the Indians’ the pitch. High and Hartford Public could do yet didn’t count in the relaxed.” to 2 p.m. hitter and struck out seven to Bonds said he remembered Back-to-back doubles by 8-1 win over Boston. Lowenstein, who had moved ’The event will be at the Com­ scoring. National League win his first game of the season Reynolds when bolh were in the Tommy Harper and Bruce Perry, now 14-1 lifetime to third on the play, scored munity V at 78 N. Main'St. for Philadelphia. Dave Cash led Giants’ organization, and he Bochte drove home the tying against the Red Sox, also struck when George Hendrick topped a Included in the sale will be Torrance is the longest hitter off the tee according to the Phillies’ seven-hit ^ttack went up to the plate looking for and winning rans for California out eight batters to move into roller down the first baseline Prinz. “He’s accurate with his drives and this gives him a first homer of the season several first editions and many FUNERAL HOME leading off the second inning with four singles, scoring one a fastball since that’s Reynolds’ in the top of the ninth after 13th place ahead of Early Wynn that went for a 30-foot single. A books over 100 years old. lot of opportunites at birdies. He’s normally on the green and Stargell hit his fifth in the run and driving in another. best pitch. Mickey Rivers had led off with with 2,337 career whiffs. Charlie Spikes grounder up the EttablUhed 1874 - Four Generations of Service in regulation. The best putter, however is Cooney. He rare­ Steve Rogers suffered his “We used to call him a single. Kansas City scored Powell, rescued from middle scored Duffy. 142 East Center Street; Manchester 646-5310 third when the Pirates scored ly three putts.” two runs with the aid of an fourth straight loss for Mon­ (Reynolds) ‘Bullet Bob.’ I was four runs in the fourth—the key Baltimore by old teammate Three more Cleveland runs treal. looking for a fast one up there hit being Buck Martinez’s two- Robinson, knocked in two of his scored in the third inning on a Strella has only played golf in earnest for three years error by Gibson. But both Stargell and Zisk Padres 4, Astros 2 and I wanted just one good run double. runs in the fifth inning with a walk and four singles that in­ CBT is givii^ a w ^ a free TV* states Prinz and has shown along with LaFrancis the most refused to gloat or to indicate John Grubb’s two-run double 400-foot homer, eight rows into cluded Powell’s misplayed improvement. “Strella’s only dravvback is he lacks con- that Gibson has lost his good in a four-run fifth inning and the center field bleachers. blooper to right field. Powell’s Robinson, whose 36 > homers fifth-inning homer followed the sistancy. But he works hard at his game. They all do. stuff. reliever Bill Greif’s clutch with hcmie improtleineiit loans. against Boston tops his produc­ second of three Boston errors, Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3 LaFrancis is continually working on his game and maybe “It’s not fair to compare him pitching enabled San Diego to FIRE CALLS tion vs. any American League this one on a poor throw by first And we re making the loans easier on your one reason he’s improved a lot is because of the competi­ with five years ago,” said snap its five-game losing streak Mefs’ Win Streak Stargell. “Just because he gave at the expense of Houston. Son­ team, used left-handed Leron baseman Carl Yastrzemski. “ANYTHING GOES” tion he faces on his own team.” Lee as designated hitter against “I was having trouble the f)ocke&ooK tc^, with our new lower rates. And best up two homers doesn’t mean he ny Siebert was credited with his isn’t throwing well. The fact third straight victory although Ended by Madlock rightie Luis Tiant. Lee was the first two times up—it’s been TOLLAND COUNTY A Musical Review that he is such an outstanding Dave Tomlin and then Grelf only batter not to get a hit in the five or six games since I’ve Wednesday, 10:22 a.m. — Sponsored By of all, if you’d like, you can delay your 1st monthly Medal Point Pivotal competitor on the field allows bailed him out in the late in­ Indians’ 13-hit attack. played. I found a couple of Brush fire at the rear of St. Morris Parish installment until September. So stop in at any one nings. Greif struck out the last CHICAGO (UPI) - Last year the Chicago Cubs’ Bill “ I’ll probably play things f was doing wrong. I was It hasn’t occurred this season so far but if the .Eagles me to say only admiring things Ellington High School. two batters to end a ninth­ Madlock couldn’t get a hit off the New York Mets’ left tomorrow," said Robinson of experimenting the third time up Wednesday, 1:45 p.m. — Songs and Dance - Yesterday and Today come to a point where they need the medal point to win the about him.” of our m ore than ^ offices today. But hurry. The “He made a batter’s pitch, inning rally. handed pitching star, Jon Matlack. this afternoon’s .game, when and tried to do something to Woods fire off Hurlburt Rd., match, more times than not they’ll take it. In Tuesday’s Reds 4, Giants 1 left-hander Bill Lee pitches'for make my hands quicker. Tolland. free TV offer ends June 27th. And remember... not a pitcher’s pitch,” said Not this year, Madlock found play, the East quartet combined for a team total of 299 (19 Zisk, referring to the ball on Joe Morgan had three hits, Boston against Jim Perry. ‘T ax “It worked because I went Wednesday, 4:38 p.m. — Car Place — Bolton Elementary School out. Wednesday he whacked the screen. I’m a first pitch hitter, over par), vvhile their foes were far in the rear. It just which he hit his homer. “But raising his average to .405, and prefer to stay on the bench but after a low fastball and hit the fire on Windemere Ave., Notch Road, Bolton first pitch to him by Matlack in and I was just up there to swing No monthly installments *tfl September. shows what you can do with a three-handicapper you’d have to a?k some of the Ken Griffey and Tony Perez the first inning for his first I’m not going to; I’m going to . hell out of the ball.” Ellington. Donation Adults $2.00 when he pitched to me.” Perry, meanwhile, had trou­ (Torrance), four-handicapper (Strella) and six- older veterans for a comparison each drove in two runs for Cin­ home run of the year to start play” , , : Wednesday, 5:35 p.m. — Children Under 12 $1.00 of and white G. E. TV. Loan principal must be for a minimum The manager s playing handicapper (LaFrancis) in the lineup. with when he was having all cinnati as Jack Billingham the Cubs toward a 74 victory Madlock’s blow after a single ble only in the fifth when Tollarid Fire Department’^ of 93500 to be repaid over a penod of at least 48 months. talents weren’t needed m the that success.” gained credit for his second which ended a seven-game by Jose Cardenal helped the Dwight Evans singled following rescue squad responded to opener of the two-game series Jerry Reuss pitched a five- win. Jim Barr Was the loser for Mets winning streak. Cubs to a five-run inning, with a hit by Doug Griffin and a walk request for divers in Vernon. 'The Eagles are defending Hartford County Conference as Boston gave away a pair of hitter to score his first victory San Francisco. “1 didn’t get a hit off him at George Mittehvald and Rick to Bernie Carbo. titlists and were second in the Division Two State Cham­ first-inning runs and nSver "At times the ball really THE CONNECTICUT BANK for the Pirates after two losses. _ all last year,” Madlock said. “I Monday—drawing walks off pionship. East should be able to defend the HCC crown. troubled Perry on offense. Los Angeles defeated Atlan- PatS Sign Buckctt don’t remember how many Matlack—scoring on Manny moved good,” said Perry, 4-2, Northwest Catholic anfl South Catholic rated by Prinz the Tiant, 2-3, had a glimpse of MISS BLOW’S CLASS AND TRUST COMPANY ta, 5-2, Philadelphia beat*Mon- H A RTFO RD . (U P I) _ times I faced him. But the first Trillo’s double. winner of 13 straight complete major obstacles. And the Eagles, Prinz admits, should be his night’s fate when John games over Boston. "I was ST. LOUIS (UPD - The first TiMiabov* (pac« it •vtUabto to your group on ■ nilST COM! FIRST treal, 2-1, San Diego topped F orm er T rinity sta r Ron game this year I was three for preschool kindergarten in senVED BAMS to oubllctn community Mtvico progrtmt^ through tht rated the favorites for the 1975 Division Two State cham­ “I’m just up there to hit, ” Lowenstein bunted the game’s making my slider move three courtwy ol Watkint. CM Mrt. Jankio Lopt« at Tho Htrald Houston, 4-2, Cinciilnati downw Duckett has signed a free agent four against him. Trillo said, discounting the fact opening pitch and third America was conducted in SL 11-12 a.m. Monday lor Thurada/t ad. Ptaaaa phona 643-2711... pionship. East is tough—and good. That’s why one school San Francisco, 4-1, and the contract with the New England "I hit a high change. It wasn’t different ways so that it's three lOUAtOfVORTUHnv that the blow gave him hits in 15 baseman Rico Petrocelli failed Louis in 1873 by Miss Susan recently refused to have scores compared ahd logged in Chicago Cubs won, 7-4, over the patriots of the National Foot- fair by much. It just hooked pitches in one and I was doing LENDER of the last 16 games. to barehand the ball. Frank Blow. the record book. Ne w 'Y ork Mots in other Lesf^uE. around the foul pole and the the same with my forkball.” 7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975- PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING Hg^RALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1979

STANDINGS Free Agent Status 1074 CANNONAO Buffalo Major League Boxecores Cold Celts Helped Hot Bullets Amfrii^an League . national league AMERICAN LEAGUE are several options on the Eaat LANDOVER, Md. (UPI) serious disadvantage for the Hayes outscored Boston’s evened their series against w. I. pet. g.b. BOWLING New York Chicuo California K .n .u City - Coach K. C. Jones didn’t third playoff game in Boston Dave Ck)wens 29-18. When Golden State at 1-1 with a 90- play, and it should have gone Detroit ■ 1 .(D5 - ab r h bl ab r h bi ab r h bl ab r h bi Milwaukee ) 663 1 For NFL Players NEW YORK (UPI) - ' Unier cf .6010 Kesainger sa 4 0 0 0 Saturday. Chenier fouled out in the 89 victory over the to Chet or Bob Love. But I Nettles cf 51 1 0 Patek ss 412 0 give all of the credit to his New York ) .474 2V4 Millan 2b 5 0 2 1 Cardenal U 513 2 Rivers U 4 3 2 1 (His cf 3 012 just snuck down under there Cleveland S .487 Ztk Montreal Coach Scotty Bow­ AUTOMOTIVE- Ray Torre 3b 51 1 0 Madlock 3b 412 2 Washington Bullets for their “We had wide open shots fourth quarter after scoring Warriors. The third game Martens 210, Dennis Delisle Harper dh 512 2 McRae U 3 0 01 and there was the ball.” Baltimore 9 .438 3 NEW YORK (UPI) - Hemmeter said the official 84 Greenwood, has a contract with man used impeccable logic SUubrf 4 0 2 2 .Morale* rf 4 000 BochUlb 5 0 2 2 Killebrew db 4 0 0 0 117-92 playoff victory over and everybody was missing 25 points, W ashington’s will be nationally televised Boston 9 .438 3 Birmingham but claims it has 534, Lenny Delisle 520, Nelson Kingman If 4 010 MiUerwld lb2 10 0 Chalk 3b 310 0 Mayberry lb 210 0 million offer would be in to assess the Canadiens’ Milner lb 4 010 LaCkicfc lb 10 0 0 the Boston Celtics which them,” he said after opening second-year standout, Nick Sunday in Chicago. Boerwinkle’s basket Over 20 National Football Walsh 525, Nancy Diueet 188- Laboud rf 3 0 0 0 Rotas 2b 412 0 Namath's hands today with a been voided and is looking chances in Stanley Cup Steams c 4111 Monday cf 3110 Uenaa ph 10 0 0 WoMfordrf 41 1 0 the Boston dressing room 15 Weatherspoon, came off the With just seconds left and W eal League players offically Harrelzon sa 4 110 TriUo 2b 4112 staked his team to a 2-0 lead climaxed a rally by the Bulls bonus check attached by the around for NFL offers. rntfllHIfni playoff competition after 473, Edith Mason 478. Egan c 00 00 Brett3b 3001 minutes after the defeat. bench to turn in 18 more for the Warriors leading, 89-88, w. I. pet. g.b. become free agents today Other free agents include Ted Matlack p 1 0 0 0 Swisher c 312 0 Rodriguez c 3 0 1 0 Martinez c 4 2 2 2 in their NBA playoff series in which they wiped out a Oakland 12 8 .800 - end of the week. M . .!!!!!! fgH behind two games Parker p 0 0 0 0 Burris p 2 111 Smith S3 0 0 0 0 RScott pr 0 0 0 0 “We couldn’t put it in the the Bullets. Norm Van Lier ran an op­ (^IKomla 12 8 .800 - after playing out the option Hendricks of Green Bay, Pete PARKADE JUNIORS- Gallaghr ph 0 0 0 0 Zamora p 10 0 0 today. seven-point lead in little Kansas City 11 9 .550 1 to none to the Buffalo ^ bres Remy 2b 3 12 1 Fitzmoms p 0 0 0 0 tion play intended for Chet year on their contracts and “All he has to do is cash that Athas and Spider Lockhart of Charles Hartley 176-190-538, Cram p 0 0 0 0 Ramirez ss 3 0 11 Bird p 0 0 0 0 “We were hot but they hole.” Hayes said of his team’s more than the last five Texas 9 9 500 2 Tuesday night. Kranepol ph 111 0 Sudakis c 10 0 0 Mihgori p 0 0 0 0 Jones, a former teammate Walker or Bob Love but Minnesota 6 10 575 4 at least one substantial offer check and it’s a deal,” the New York Giants, Bill Jim Shelton 181-485, Mike Jor­ Hall p 0 0 0 0 SUnton rf 0000 helped us by missing a lot of two-game advantage; minutes of the game. Chicago 7 U .350 5 “We’ve got to win two at W. Grrttph 1000 found both covered. Van is already in the mail. Hemmeter said. "It will be Brown and Osc^r Reed of dan 474, Kevin Sullivan 454, Tanana p 0000 their shots,” Jones said of Heinsohn’s on Celtic “We’re just happy to be that home,” Bowman said, “but we Baldwin p 0 0 0 00 Dobson p 0000 championship teams, wasn’t Lier went up for a shot “It was a game we just ,Joe Namath, the New York very difficult for (Namath at­ Minnesota, Duane Thomas, Laura Higley 451, John Jenkins ToUIS 38 4 11 4 Touts 33 7 10 7 0000 much up.” Wrdnnday's Reaulls got to win one before we can Pena p after the Washington win gave away,” Warrior Coach Milwaukee 6 Detroit 2, twilight Jets’ quarterback, heads the torney Jimmy) Walsh to con­ Larry Smith and Verlon Biggs 468, GaU Shimaitis 450, Roger New York 110010100-4 MSebtt p 0000 ready to claim a series vic­ himself. In the air, he win two.” Chicago S00 20000X-7 0000 before a capacity home A1 Attles said. "All we had Texas 8 Chicago 2, night. strue that as a weak offer, of Washington, St. Louis’ Norm Poudrier 213-185-663, Bob Cour- Singer p tory. He shrugged off the fact spotted center Tom California 7 Kansas City 6, night. list of NFL players free to The Canadiens host Buffalo Ei-NUtlack, TrUlo. DP-Chicago 1. LOB- ToUls 36 7 11 7 ToUls 31 6 8 6 crowd Wednesday. The im­ to do was run out the clock make their own deals now that backed by a check for half a ’Thompson, Pete Barnes, Dave tright 190-175-524, Paul Hart New York 8, Chicago 7. CalifomU 102 001 012-7 th at even the "double- Boerwinkle alone un­ New York 6 Baltimore 4, night. tonight in the third game of the 2B-Torres, Kingman, Milner, TriUo. Kansas City 002400000-6 pressive triumph staked the “All it means is we have and force the Bulls to make Cleveland 8 Boston 1, night. they are without contract million dollars.” Butz and Jackie Smith, Bob 184-465, Ken Leite 199-171-529. HR-Steams (1), hudlock (1) S-Kessinger, teaming tactics of the derneath and fired a pass. Oakland at Minnesota, ppd., rain best-of-seven series and Bow­ E-Brett, I^rtinez, Mayberry, Ramirez Bullets to a 2-0 advantage in to win the next one,” he a three-point play, but we restrictions. Another veteran The WFL already has signed Klein and Phil Olsen of Los Zamora. t, Sudakis. DP-Califomia 1, Kansas City Celtics failed to thwart his Boerwinkle hit a layup with man says he plans no major r er bb so the best-of-seven showdown' said. “And the most impor­ star quarterback, Sonny several of the free agents, in­ Angeles, Jim Mitchell, Don PARKADE BANTAMS- 1. LOB-Califomia 8, Kansas City 6. turn-around jump shots. didn’t play very smart Today*H Proliable Pitrhera changes in his four lines and six Matlack L, 2-2 2B-PaUk, Martinez, Remy, Ramirez, two seconds left to clinch cluding the heralded Miami Hansen and Ray Easterling of Craig Carlson 158-410, Nick Parker 26 0 0 0 0 0 to determine the league’s tant one for us and Boston is basketball.” (All T im » EOT) Jurgensen of the Washington Harper, Bochte. SB-Rlvers 3, Otis 3, ‘‘I concentrate better the win. Cleveland (J. Perry 15) at Boston Dolphin trio of Larry Csonka, Atlanta and Detroit’s Ben defensemen. Marotti 223-157-500, Pat Gallant Cram 2 3 0 0 0 0 Nettles 2, Patek, Rojas. S-Chalk, Patek. Eastern Conference title. the next win.” Redskins, also played out his Hall 1 0 0 0 0 1 when I’m double teamed,” Walker scored 28 points (Lee 15 or Bosman 05), 3:Xjp.m. Paul Warfield and Jim Kiick Davis, John Small and Larry The line of Guy Lafleur, Bob 154, John Thomas 154, Mark SF-Otis, McRae, Brett. “I went up for the shot Detroit (Ruble 1-1) at Milwaukee option but Wednesday decided Baldwin 1 1 0 0 0 1 ip h r er bb so With Elvin Hayes and Phil Hayes said. “It also allows a for Chicago, including 16-of- for the Memphis Southmen. Gainey and Jacques Lemaire Richmond 403. Burris W, 20 5 6 3 3 1 4 A tight-lipped Boston m yself,” Van Lier said, (Broberg 3-2), 2:30 p.m. to retire after 18 seasons. Walton. Tanana 100021 Chicago (Kaat 35) at Texas (Wright Running back Calvin Hill of again will be pitted against the Zamora 4 5 1 1 0 0 Dobson 21-3 3 6 2 1 0 coach, Tom Heinsohn, Chenier combining for 54 teammate to get open and it “and I saw Tom under the 16 free throws, and Love World Football League Presi­ Should the players sign with Save-Zamora (3). 0-1), 7:00 p.m. Sabres’ high-scoring “French Pena 41-3 4 0 0 1 2 points, the Bullets built an helps us play our game as a added 20 more. Rick Barry Baltimore (Palmer 3-1) at New York dent Chris Hemmeter an­ Dallas and wide receiver John other than their own NFL clubs, CHURCH- Sam McCurry WP-Matlack, Parker. M. Scott W 1-0 M 1 0 0 0 0 agreed that a 37.3 shooting basket. He freelanced to get Connection” of Gil Perreault, T-2:16. A-4602. team a little better.” (Hunter 15), 8:00 p.m. nounced Wednesday that he has Gilliam of Minnesota will go to the controversial “Rozelle 205-539, Vic Squadrito 202-515, Singer 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 percentage by his players 11-point lead in the opening there and I tried to throw it scored 26 points to lead the California (Singer 2-1) at Kansas City Rick Martin and Rene Robert, Atlanta Los Angeles Fitzmorris 8 6 4 3 4 2 In the Western Conference (Briles 25). 8:30 p.m. a certified 8500,000 check in the the Hawaiians and Oakland Rule” comes into effect. If the A1 Semrau 200-523, Bob Hughes Bird L 1-1 21-3 5 3 3 1 1 was the major factor in the quarter and wqre never to him as hard as I could.” Warriors and Charles John­ quarterback Daryle Lamonica teams involved can’t agree on (UPI photo) who missed the last game 200-560, Phil Chase 212-558, Bob ab r h bi ab r h bl finals in Chicago, the Bulls mail to Namath, the down pay­ Garr If 4 0 10 Lopes cf 4 3 2 1 Wngori 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 loss that puts the Celtics at a threatened thereafter as Boerwinkle said, “There son had 23. is headed for the Southern adequate compensation, then because of ‘flu. King 211-528, Bob McBride 206- 4 0 0 0 Lacy 2b 5 0 3 2 Save-Singer (1). Friday's Game# ment on a proposed $4 million Perez 2b WP-Fitzmorris, Singer. California Sun. Pittsburgh’s NFL Commissioner Pete Name of Last Yearns Winner on Board In an unusual move. Bowman 203-581, Jim Cooper 221-555, Evans 3b 4 0 0 0 Wynn If 4 011 Kansas City at Minnesota. deal which will bring him to the will put his squad through a Williams lb 4 0 0 0 Cruz U 0 0 0 0 T-3;2B. A-7,036. Detroit at lioston. night. WFL’s Chicago Fire. star defensive end, L.C. Rozelle has the final decision. Kentucky Derby Favorite Foolish Pleasure Follows Lead Pony Gerry Besterfield 202-528, Baker rf 3 0 0 0 Garvey lb 4 0 0 0 Baltimore at Cleveland, night. compulsory practice today. New York at Milwaukee, night. Richard Smith 207, Don Ander­ Lum cf - 4 0 2 0 Crawford rf 4 0 0 0 Chicago . Texas They generally are optional the Correll c 4 1 2 0 Cey 3b 3 0 10 Oakland at Chicago, night. son 563, Nels Johnson 505, ab r h bi ab r h bi California at Texas, night. Blanks ss 4 112 Yeager c 4 010 Kelly rf 3 0 2 1 Tovar If 4 10 0 day of a game. , Morgan Flaherty-625, Charlie Morton p 2 010 Auerbach ss 3 11 0 Inter-Town League Soccer Clinics Bradford ph 1 0 0 0 LovltU cf 0 0 0 0 “If we BoWman said of Kaselauskas 500, Dan Fraher Gentry p 0 0 0 0 Rau p 3 110 OrU 2b 4 0 11 Davis cf 3 011 Seventh Straight Win 14 Horses Seen Gilbreath ph 10 0 0 The Manchester Rec Naiionul loi'ague 20 Bookies Arrested tonight’s eontrat; “we’re right 530, Dick Niese 559, Bemie May dh 4 0 10 Grieve if . 00 0 0 House p 0 0 0 0 Hendersn cf 2 0 0 0 Randle 2b 4 2 11 Department announces K.urI back in it.” Kmtt 509, Rich Rosenthal 557. Gaston ph 10 0 0 Melton 3b 3 0 10 Burroghs rf 5 1 2 0 w. . pci. gb. The New York Islanders will ToUls 35 2 7 2 ToUls 34 3 10 4 For Alumni Baseball the following schedule for Chicago 12 5 .706 — Achieved by Ellington NEW YORK (UPI) — The arrests of 20 bookmakers Muser lb 2 0 0 0 Hargrove lb 4 2 11 For Derhfy Field be trying to beak a nasty habit AtUnU 000200000-2 LJohnson lb 1 0 0 0 Spencer dh 4 13 4 its junior soccer instruc' New York 9 7 .563 2W and two corrupt detectives has broken up a $100 ANTIQUES- Laura, Los Angeles 120 002 00x—5 Nyman If 3 0 0 0 Harrah ss 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 9 7 .563 2Mi Exploding for all its runs in season. Dennis Gagnon had they seem to have recently DeDominicus 127, Kris Kelly E-Garr, Perez, Lacy. LOB-AtlanU 7, Hairston ph 1 0 0 0 Smalley ss 3 0 0 1 This year the Manchester roster during the entire season registration is compulsory . No tional clinics at Illing St. Louis 7 10 .112 5 million Mafia-connected gambling ring that took LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) — Fourteen horses are con­ Los Angeles 10. 8 10 444 4M> the sixth inning, E llin ^ n High picked up—starting out from 132-135-378, Gloria Smith 141- Dent ss 3 10 0 Howell 3b 3 0 10 hut bans anyone who plays registration at the time of Philadelphia three safeties and Nick wagers from bettors, including the former team doctor sidered definite starters in the $125,000-added, IVt-mile 2B-Wynn. HR-Blanks (1). S-Rau. Downing c 2 10 0 Sundberg c 2 110 Rec Department sponsored Junior High. All start at 6 Montreal b 11 213 6tk downed Granby, 4-1, in North Tedeschi a two-run triple for behind. 376, Flo Niles 134-357, Vivi ip h r er bb so Bahnsen p 0 0 0 0 Blbby p 0 0 0 0 American Legion ball. tryouts will be held. of the New York Giants, authorities said. Kentucky Derby, with three more undecided as yet. MorUn L 5-1 ■ 51-3 10 5 4 2 0 Alumni Baseball League p.m. Central Connecticut (Conference the Rams, now 2-4 for the The Islanders, beaten three Bayer 131-360, Cheryl Rogers Osborn p 0 0 0 0 Umbarger p 0 0 0 0 Went In announcing the indictments Wednesday, Blue Grass Stakes winner ,, . „ Gentry 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Upshaw p 0 0 0 0 (ages 15-17) will move into Manchester’s entries will Any junior high or high school Registration is closed baseball action yesterday at the season. straight before coming back to 137, Bev Anderson 150-372, House 2 0 0 0 2 0 W. 1. pet. gb- Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau Master Derby and the Darby stands in awe of last year s 2- ToUls 29 2 5 2 ToUls 32 8 10 8 an inter-town league. In the player who wants to try out and clinics are for those 15 8 .662 Bears’ field. The victory was Bill Goodale had three hits win four in a row against Joanne Cox 125, Arlene Rau W 21 9 7 2 2 1 7 Chicago 002 000 OOO— 2 consist of two teams with 13 Los Ahgeles Dan Farm’s entry of Prince year-old champion. PB-Correll. must register even though he who previously registered, San Diego 11 10 .524 3 the seventh in a row for the for Coventry but it wasn’t said the gambling operation, which worked out of six Pittsburgh in the second playoff DeDominicus 349. Texas 20B21100X-8 past it has been played en­ players on each roster. Players Cincinnati 12 11 .522 3 T-2-.17. A-29,640. DP-Chicago 1, Texas 2.LOB-Chicago 8, will be unable to because of Purple Knights. separate wire rooms in, Manhattan, took in more than Thou Art and Sylvan Place are round, got off to a rugged start tirely in town consisting of will be picked by the coaches Schedule: May 5, Age 6. Atlanta 12 12 500 3Vi enough to offset Rocky Hill, “I’d have to put Master Der­ Texas 11. San Francisco 10 11 .476 4 expected to receive strong sup­ 2B-Randle, Howell. 3B-Davis. HR- commitments to scholastic (Aug 1, 1968-July 31, Elsewhere in the area. South now 8-2 with the win. The $100,000 in bets daily at some locations and grossed by on top,” said Johnny Campo, against Philadelphia Tuesday HOLIDAY CATERERS- 'Houston San Diego from four to six teams but after tryouts. Tryouts will be Houston 8 16 .333 port. night when the Flyers, without ab r h bl ab r h bl Spencer (2). SB-Burroughs, teams. All ap{)Ucants must be Windsor High won its fourth Patriots’ ledger dips to 6:4 over­ more than $100 million annually. the trainer of Elmendorf’s Lynne Talbott 127, Barbara Ip h er bb so over the past few years in­ delayed until after the high 1969; May 6, Age 7, (Aug. Of the three uncertain star goalie Bemie Parent, won Gross If 4 0 10 Hemandz ss 4 11 0 4 4 3 1 Manchester residents. consecutive game, 9-5, over all, 5-4 in the- Charter Oak Media. Master Derby should Casey 133-127, Helene Dey 135- Crawford p 0 0 0 0 ToUn If 3 111 Bahnsen L 04 22-3 6 terest has dwindled to a I, 1967-July 31, 1968); KeHultR starters, John W. Mecom, Osborn 21-3 3 3 3 3 0 school season is completed. Central Valley Conference Conference with the loss. definitely earn the favorite’s the opener, 44). 130-361, Anne Fidler 127-344, Andrews ph 1 0 0 0 Sharon If 10 0 0 1111 point where it cannot There will be sign-ups May 12 May 7, Age 8, (Aug. 1, Chicago 7 New York 4 owner of Rushing Man, seems Parent was injured in pre­ Metzger ss 3 0 0 0 Grubb cf 412 2 Upshaw 3 1 Coaches will be John New­ Cincinnati 4 San Francisco 1 adversary Rockville, and role should the track come up Carol Lewie 139, Mae Jenack Blbby W 1-2 72-3 5 2 2 7 2 operate successfully. 1966-July 31, 1967); May Philadelphia 2 Monlreal 1, night the most likely to decide to fork Cedeno cf 4 0 10 McCovey lb 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 and 14, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., comb, Bob Boland and Charlie Coventry High had its five- Tech Golfers Bow to Rham game practice befoe Tuesday’s 125-126-367, Jen Terinzonie 129- May c 4 0 0 0 Torres 3b 0 0 0 0 Umbarger 11-3 0 Pittsburgh 5 St. Louis 0, night muddy Derby day, having won HBP-by Bahnsen (Harrah), by Upshaw at the West Side Rec, and Graff. 12, Age 9, (Aug. 1, 1965# game winning streak stopped out the 84,000 entry fee required game and Dr. John Wolf, the Watson lb 4 12 1 Winfield rf 4 0 11 y Manchester will sponsor two Los Angeles 5 Atlanta 2, night the Blue Grass in a quagmire. *347, Arlene Tallman 127, Ona (Spencer), by Upshaw (Howell), by July 31, 1966); May 13, San Diego 4 Houston 2, night by 9;30 Thursday morning. And, Flyers’ team physician, said Cruz rf 413 0 Ivie lb 4 0 10 teams in an eight-team loop by Rocky Hill, 8-1. Rowing in golf action yester­ Country Qub. The Beavers are Carlson 147, Mo Chapman 138, Rader 3b 3 0 0 0 Fuentes 2b 4 010 (jpshaw (Davis). Age 10, (Aug. 1 ,1964-July for every horse to start Satur- Promised City’s trainer Wednesday Parent, who was Helms 2b 2 011 Kendall c 4 0 0 0 WP-Upshaw. with other clubs from Coventry, Glenn Landmann and Dennis day was CJieney Tech, 4-1, to now 2-6 for the season. Doris Prentice 127, Carol Raw- T-2:47. A-8,106. Ivy Leaguer Sports Slate > TodayV day, there is an additional fee of 'liarry Spraker said, “It’s a bad wearing a brace on his badly Milbourn 2b 0 0 0 0 Siebert p 212 0 Windham, W illimantic, 31, 1965); May 14, Age ()uinn each had run producing Rham High at Manchester Freshman Tim Martin was son 344, Joan Baldyga 351, Cabell ph 0 0 0 0 Tomlin p 0 0 0 0 (.All TimfR FI)Tl hits in the sixth to support Thad the sole Beaver linksman to 83,500. field of horses. I think it’s a bruised kneecap, would Dierker■ p 2 0 0 0 Greif p 0 0 0 0 Sophomore first Tolland, Pranklin and Colum­ II, (Aug. 1, 1963-July 31 New York (Tate l-O) al Chicago Phyllis Huntington 366, Ethel Baltimore New York (Reuschel 1-1), 2:30 p.m. Okolo’s four-hit pitching. come away with a victory. If there is a field of 15, it will well-matched group. But I can’t definitely not be able to play Granger p 0 0 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi baseman John McKeon bia. The league has been in Thursday Friday 1964); May 19, Age 12 Lindsay 345, Mary Fillotti 347, Boswell ph 0000 Houston (K. Forsen 0*2 or Konieezny Ellington is 7-1 over-all, 6-1 in Girls Lose Opener require the use of the auxiliary see anything outstanding except tonight. Singleton rf 4 0 10 White if 4 110 operation for several years. GOLF (Aug. 1, 1962-July 31 1-3) at San Diego (Jones 2*1). 4 p.m. Results: Glen Bagdonis (R) Jean Mathiason 343, Peggy Johnson ph 1010 Blair cf 5 0 0 0 Maddox cf 3 111 has played in every inning AND^ starting gate, with each trainer Foolish Pleasure.” 1000 Enfield/Windham at BASEBALL St, Louis IB. Forsch 1-2) at the conference. Granby’s Dropping its opener yester­ def. Doug Salmon 2 and 1; Paul Cochran 341. Howard 1 Davis dh 4 2 2 1 Bonds rf 4 3 2 3 of every game this spring The league plays two nights a 1963); May 20, Ages 13 Pittsburgh (Kison 2-0), 7:35 p.. dreading the thought of his 3- Totals 33 2 9 2 ToUls 32 4 9 4 May lb 4 0 0 0 Chambiss lb 4 0 1 0 Manchester record falls to 2-5 in the NCCC, day was the Bennet Junior'High Nielson (R) def. Emil Illing Nine Bows 000100100-2 week covering a 14-game and 14, (Aug. I, 1960-July year-old colt forced to come out With a strong last quarter Houston Grich 2b 4 12 0 Munson c 4 0 2 2 with Dartmouth. The Manchester at Windham 2 3-5 in all games. girls’ softball team, 24-21, to Haberem 6 and 4; Tim Martin Although outhit, 7-4, East HOME ENGINEERS- Gerry San Diego 00004000X-4 Baylor If 5 12 0 Herrmnn dh 3 0 1 0 schedule starting Sunday, June East Catholic at Xavier (7:30 31, 1962). Friday** (iomen RACK of a separate gate. Prince Thou Art’s trademark, DP-San Diego 1. LOB-Houston 8, San former East Catholic TENNIS Steve Poulos knocked in three Sage Park Junior High. (CT) def. Dan GrllU 4 and 2; Ed Robinson 3b 3 0 0 0 Johnson dh 10 0 0 8, and ending around July 21. p.m.) San Diego at Los Angeles, night The crowd for Saturday is not trainer Lou Rondinello likes his Hartford High’s jayvee Tucker 204-199-550, Shirley Diego 7. Duncan c 4 0 12 Nettles 3b 4 0 10 player led the Big Green Manchester at Wethersfield Ages 15-18 will b AtlanU al Cincinnati, night runs with two hits and Kevin Bennet had 24 hits while Sage Keefe (R) def. Doug Victor 5 basetoll team managed to post Eldridge 189, Edith Palmer 212- 2&Grubb, Winfield, Helms. HR-Watson Belanger ss 4 0 2 0 Mason ss 3 0 0 0 Playoffs for the top six teams Cheney Tech al Putnam Pittsburgh at Philadelphia,, night expected to approach last colt’s chances. (3). S-Metzger. frosh in hitting a year ago East Catholic at Miss Porter’s notified hy phone of prac. Comeau belted a solo home run TONIGHT had 21 safeties and was aided by and 3. a 4-3 win over Illing Junior High 493, Cathy Bohjalian 200-531, Torrez p 0 0 0 0 Williams ph 10 10 will follow completion of the Catholic Montreal at New York, night y e ^ ’s record of more than 160,- The entry of Hobeau Farm ’s ip h r er bb so Jackson p 0 0 0 0 Alomar 2b 3 010 with a .361 average and is School (Farmington) tice dates. Qiicago at St. Louis, night to lead South Windsor’s charge. five walks. Tati Pina, Lori Veal Dierker L 3-2 42-3 6 4 4 3 0 regular season. 7:55 Yanks vs. Orioles, 000, because of doubled ticket Round Stake will mark the Der­ yesterday in East Hartford. Hildur Zawistowski 175-465, Reynolds p 0 0 0 0 Oliver ph 10 0 0 W ethersfield at Rockville at Newington League play begin Houston at San Francisco, night The Bobcats are now 4-2 for the and Cathy Bilodeau each had Granger 11-3 2 0 0 0 0 0 OOOStnlypr 0 10 0 nearing the .300 mark this WINF prices for the infield and a by debut of trainer Allen A base hit over a drawn-in in­ Alyce McArdle 185-456, Dolores Crawford 2 1 0 0 0 0 August fis the eligibility date Manchester South Windsor at Glastoa four hits for Bennet. 0 0 OODbsnp 0 0 0 0 season. June 2 and will run to July Victors natural letdown after the 100th Jerkens. Round Stake is con­ field in the sixth inning snapped Kelly 460, Lynn Davis 458. Siebert W 36 61-3 7 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Lylp 0 0 0 0 and anyone who reaches his (girls) hury 31. a 3-3 tie. Bob Kilpatrick’s bunt Tomlin 2 2 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 4 10 3 Totals 35 6 11 6 Coventry al Vinal Tech TV Package Derby celebration of 1974. sidered a longshot, but that’s Greif 2-3 0 0 0 1 2 18th birthday before this date is one out when winning run scored Rham al Cromwell Most of the competing Jerkens’ specialty as he twice single produced the first two WIVES- Lynne Topping 189- SaVe-Greif (4). HBP-by Greif (Cabell). Baltimore 000 iOl 020- 4 too old to participate. The SOFTBALL NEW YORK (UPI) - The sent out horses to upset Illing runs and Tom Prlgnano 180-497, Elvina Balch 175-463, WP-Dierker. New York 000 001014— 6 league operates with an open Bacon Academy at Bolton trainers call Foolish Pleasure T-2:28. A-8,0T7. MAJOR Manchester at Penney (girls) New York Racing Association Cheney add^ a homer. Anne R ugqles 182, M ary E-Chambliss. DP-Baltlmore 1. LOB- Ellington at East Windsor the horse to beat, but no one Secretariat. Baltimore 11, New York 8. and the Columbia Broadcasting Bill Maloney collected two O’Marra 458, Carol Dell’Angela .Monlreal Philadelphja 2B-Bonds, Munson. 3B-Chambllss. HR- LEAGUE System announced Wednesday hits in defeat, one a double. 460. ab r h bi ab r h bi Davis (1), Bonds (4). SB-Maddox, a five-year pact for the Netters Mangual cf 2 0 0 0 Cash 2b 4 14 1 Belanger, Baylor. LEADERS GOLF First Facility *IOto*l7 LESS ip h r er bb so Little Miss SoftballUnit televising of 1() major stakes FoU ss 3 0 10 Bowa ss 4 0 0 0 Bristol Central/Bulkeley Loser Blasts Officials SPICE- Pat Lappen 126, Torrez 7 6 2 2 4 3 . WETHERSFIELD (UPI) - races each year. Frias ss 1 0 0 0 Schmidt 3b 3 0 0 0 at Manchester Improving its mark to 3-2 Fifth Victory Bertha Roback 129, Viv Sheldon Carter rf 4 0 0 0 Luzinski If 4 011 Jackson LO-1 1 15 43301 Leading Battera Connecticut officials announced T he TV package of yesterday was theUheney Tech Bailey If 3 0 0 0 Montanez lb 4 0 0 0 Reynolds 0 1110 0 (Baaed on 33 al hata) INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) - Basketball Association front of­ 340, B arbara Cool 128-349, DoDSon 715 10 4 4 4 5 Parrish 3b 4 0 10 Johnstone rf 3 0 1 0 Naliunal League Meets on Friday Night TENNIS Wednesday that the state and Thoroughbred events begins tennis team with a 5-0 Denver Coach Larry Brown is fice as he gave the two officials Muriel Roy 130-346. MacKann 2b 4 0 1 0 Boone c 2 0 0 0 Lyle W 1-1 125 0 0 0 1 3 g ab r h the nation’s first Teletrack with the 107th running of the For Jayvees Torrez pitched to 1 batter in 8th; 13 37 7 16 All girls who wish to play whitewashing of Vinal Tech in thankful that his Nuggets won’t a severe tongue-lashing after Jorgensn lb 3 0 0 0 Anderson cf 3 110 Lacy, LA Preparing for its 15th season Cheney Tech at Covehtry facility will be built in New $150,000 Belmont Stakes on Foote c 4 111 Carlton p 2 0 0 0 Reynolds pitched to 1 batter In 9th. Morgan, Cin 23 79 14 32 must sign up even if they played Middletown. have to play in Indiana’s din at the setback, which was Registering its fifth win in WP-Dobson 2, Jackson. 18 59 5 22 in Manchester the Little Miss Si. Paul at East Catholic Rogers p 2 0 10 Boone, Phil in previous seasons. Haven. June 7. . Gary Caravella, Paul Marke ^ u a re Arena. witnessed by an ABA record seven starts yesterday was the Morales ph 10 10 T-2:41. A-10,982. Reitz, St.L 17 66 5 24 Softball group will hold an Illing Net Win 23 103 16 37 Strycharz and Dave Bellefleur And Pacer Coach Bobby 17,421 fans. Manchester High jayvee White pr 0 0 0 0 Garvey, LA organizational meeting Friday Victorious yesterday was the Murray p 0 0 0 0 Watson, Hou 18 67 7 24 won singles matches with the “This was the stlnkingest baseball team, 4-2, over East CIrvrIand Boaton Joshua, SF 14 42 5 15 'Leonard doesn’t want to find Totals 311 6 1 Totals 29 2 7 2 ab r b bl ab r b bi night at 7:30 at Shop-Rite’s doubles tandems of Rob Caron- Hartford at Mt. Nebo. Illing Junior High tennis team, Montreal ' 000 000 010-1 Trillo, Chi 17 59 8 21 John(Vanak and Jack Madden refereeing I’ve ever seen,” Lowensten If 4 2 11 Carbo If 3 0 0 0 Unser, NY 18 83 15 22 (Formerly Mott’s) community Junior Tony Barrett con­ 7-1, over Wilson Junior High at Philadelphia lOOOOOlOx-2 Duffy ss 5 2 2 0 Evans rf 4 0 11 Steve Chasse and Glen as rqterees for Game No. 7 at Leonard blasted in a 20-minute E-Boone, Johnstone. DP-Philadelphia 1. Cardenal, Chi 17 66 14 23 room. Maloney-Mike Deyorio also vic­ tinued his hot hitting with two the locals’ courts. Hendrick cl 5 2 3 2 Ystrzmsk lb 3 0 1 0 E>env% Saturday. tirade in the dressing room. LOB-Montreal7, Philadelphia 6. Powell lb 5 12 3 Lynn cf 4 0 0 0 AmerleanLeague Election of officers will take torious. safeties. Kevin Hanlon started Cherie Dow, Dan Fox, Chris 2B-Foli, Johnstone, Parrish, HR-Footi Spikes rf 4 0 11 Rice db 4 0 0 0 '’TtlB ^ggets beat the Pacers, “That goes for John Vanak and (1). SB-&iley. S-Mangual, Carlton. r Boser and Brian Mozzer won Ellis c 5 0 11 Petrocelli 3b 3 0 0 0 place and plans for the season Results: Caravella (CT) def. 104^99, Wednesday night to even Jack Madden. The ABA can fine for the young Indians, hurling a ip h r er bb so Yount, Mil 16 57 10 22 Rodenhizer 6S, S-3; Strycharz (in') def. singles matches while Dan Bell 3b 4 0 10 Montgmry c 4 0 1 0 White, NY 13 47 17 18 finalized. the best-of-seven Western Divi­ me if they want to. All you ask one-hitter and striking out 10. Rogers L 04 7 7 2 2 1 3 Lee dh 4 10 0 Burleson ss 4 0 10 17 68 7 28 UUer 4-6, 6-2, 6-3; Bellefleur (CT) def. White-Ron Coulter and Chris Murray 1 0 0 0 0 1 Munson, NY Registration sessions are Moskey 6-2, 6-2; Caron-Chasse (CT) def. for is a fair shake. The officials Jeff Berman relieved and Brohamr 2b 4 0 2 0 Griffin 2b 3 110 Chalk, Cal 20 83 9 24 sion playoff series at three Carlton W 1-3 9' 6 1 1 3 7 GPerry p 0 0 0 0 Tiant p 0 0 0 0 scheduled Saturday from 9 to SA VE 20% Palmer-Jackson 6-0, 6-2: Malooey- struck out two of the three Young-Sue Roth combined for May, Chi 20 72 7 27 games each. And Leonard in­ did not give us a chance to HBP-by Rogers (Schmidt). Pole p 0 0 0 0 Maddox, NY 18 72 15 28 Deyorio (CT) def. Kujawski-Paskiewici doubles victories. T-2:0O. A-8,TO. 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m. at 6-1,64). vited a fine from the American play.” batters faced. Totals 40 8 13 8 ToUls 32 1 5 1 Kelly, Chi 19 57 11 20 ■ Cleveland 203 020 010— 8 Henderson, Chi 20 78 16 27 . Illing Junior High's field. A se­ Boston 000 010 OOO— 1 Rojas, KC 17 83 8 21 POLYGLAS RADIALS iSt. Louis Pittsburgh cond sign-up day will be Satur­ .; ab r h bi ab r h bl E-Pelrocelli, Yastrzemski. DP-Boston3. Lynn, Bos 14 51 6 17 day, May 10 at the same field, •McBride cf 4 0 10 Stennett 2b 5 110 LOB-Cleveland 7, Boston 7. :Sizemore 2b 3010 Hebner3b 2010 HR-Powell (4). SB-Lowenstein. Home Runii same hours. 30,000 m ile whitem lls on sale through Wednesday ISmithlb 4 0 0 0 Oliver cf 3 0 0 1 ip h r er bb so National League: Cey, LA and G.Perry W 4-2 9 5 1 1 3 8 Winfield, SO 6; Baker and Evans,. Atl, All girls who will reach their .Simmons c 3 0 10 Stargell lb 4 111 5 9 7 4 1 0 • Reitz 3b 4 0 0 0 Zisk if 3 2 11 Tiant L 25 Luzinski, Phil and SUrgell, Pitt 5. t ninth birthday on or before June ’ Melendez rf 3 0 10 Kirkptrek rf 2 1 0 0 Pole 4 4 1. 0 1 2 Anerican League: Horton, Det5; May, 30, 1975 and who will not reach T-2:30. A-9,309. Balt, Powell, Clev, Killebrew, KC, Bonds AR70-13 TENNIS ANYONE? t Martinez if 3 0 0 0 Robinson rf 10 0 0 NY and Burroughs, Tex 4. ^ their 13th birthday by Sept. 1 I Brinkman ss2 0 0 0 Sanguillen c 4 0 2 1 Regularly 1 Gibson p 1 0 0 0 Taveras ss 4 011 are eligible to register. There is Uelroil Milwaukee Runs Batted In 5 4 9 1 0 VICTOR DAVIS • HEAD • BANCROFT • DUNLOP • P.D.P. • TRCTORN • ADIDAS • PUMA • Carter ph 10 10 Reuss p 4 010 ab r h bi ab r h bi National League: Bench, Cin 19: a small fee to cover the cost of • Sadecki p 0 0 0 0 LeFlnre cf 4 0 3 0 Money 3b 3 12 0 Evans, Atl and Perez, Cin 18; Madlock, ” Moore p 0 0 0 0 insurance. $ Sutherlnd 2b 2 1 1 1 Yount ss 4 131 . Rudolph ph 10 0 0 Chi and Garvey, LA 17. Horton dh 4 0 0 0 Lezeano rf 3 0 0 1 American League: May, Balt and Replaces Rigular SALE • Sosa p 0 0 0 0 Colbert lb 4 0 11 Scott lb 4 112 s ill Fib Modeli Of: Price PRICE ' Totals 29 0 5 0 Totals 32 5 8 5 Bochte, Cal 17; May, Chi and McRae, Size TENNIS Freehan c 3 0 0 0 Aaron dh 4 110 KC 16; Bonds, NY 15. World ‘ St. Louis 000000 000-0 Vg(a, Pinto, Gremlin, Colt, $39.00 Meyer If 2 0 0 0 Porter c 2 11 A R 7 0 -1 3 A78-13 Falcon. Toyota & others $4 9 .1 0 HEAD .Pittsburgh 010 201 lOx—5 Oglivie rf 4 0 0 0 Hegan If 3 0 10 RACKETS , E-Hebner 2, Gibson. DP-PIttsburgh 4. “THIS SUMMER Vega, Colt, Dart, Pinto, $42.05 Famous STANDARD...... *41.80 Veryzer ss 3 10 0 Thomas If 0 0 0 0 Stolen Bases B R 7 0 -1 3 B 78-13 Falcon. Mustang A others $52.60 • LOB-St. Louis 5, Pittsburgh 8. ARodrigz 3b 4 0 0 0 Garcia 2b 3 0 0 1 National League: Morgan, Cin 15; Strung w/Nylon ' 2B-Sangullten, Stennett. HR-Zisk (1), Lemnezyk p 0 0 0 0 Coluccio cf 2 10 0 Cedeno, Hou 14; L^es, LA 10; Gremlin, Hornet, Javelin, 1 Stargell (5). SF-Oliver. Valiant. Ouster, Barracuda, $64.70 $43.75 REGULAR OUR PRICE MASTER...... $37.50 Slaton p 0 0 0 0 Hernandez, SO 6; Cardenal, Chi, D R 70 -1 4 D78-14 Maverick & others . ip h r er bb so ERodriguz p 0 0 0 0 Concepcion, Cin, Mangual, MU alld Bowa, I’M GOING TO Polyglas Radial DELUXE $ CLASSIC IIaSSSiOO. .$ 5 8 .0 0 $ 4 8 .0 0 Frame Only • Gibson L 05 5 3 3 2 2 4 ToUls X 2 5 2 ToUls 28 6 9 6 Phil 5. Matador, Ambassador, Nova, ‘ Sadecki 12-3 4 2 2 /2 1 E78-14 Chevelle, Camaro, Dart, $55.65 $44.50 I Frame Only Detroit 100 010 OOO— 2 American League: Rivers, Cal 12; Otis, E R 7 0 -1 4 Mustang, Cougar & others Tl^is ni’u- tire imikcs il easy to join the ! Moore 15 0 0 0 0 1 Milwaukee 110110 (Ex— 6 KC 10; Nettles, Cal, Palek, KC and Size A78-13 , Sosa 1 10000 E-Yount, DP-Detroit 1, Milwaukee 2. North, Oak 8. Torirlo, Ambassador, Camaro, switch In railials - especially during this sale CLASSIC • a$58a00 iSSSiOO $ 4 8 .0 0 • Reuss W 1-2 9 5 0 0 3 3 F78-14 Cutlass, Chevelle, Challenger, $60.15 $40.10 period, llolh lire 70-scries w ide trend and the Blackwell. LOB-Delroit 7, Milwaukee 3. F R 7 0-14 Hoadrunner. Charger A others Frame Only • T-l;47. A5584. 2B-LeFlore. 3B-Porter. HR-Scott (2). LEARN TENNIS" 78-scries sizes provide radial handlint^nnd per­ SUP-R-I Plus‘1,77 F.E .T. and old tire. Pilehing ■Torino, Montego, Century, SB-Money, S-Lezeano. $50.15 formance, willi all the buill-in advantages of (Based on most victories) G R 70 -1 4 G 78-14 Chevelle, LeMans, Charger, $62.70 IMPERIAL DELUXE ...... $$39.50 3 9 .5 0 $ 3 3 .0 0 . Cinrinnali San Francisco ip h r er bb so. Roadrunner & others fiberglass cord belts and polyester cord bodies. BLACKWALL Lemanezyk L 0-1 9 National League: Morion, Atl 5-1; Frame Only . ab r h bi ab r h bi Messersmith, LA 45; Sutton, LA 4-1; Matador Wagon, Sportwagon, On dry pavenieni, the grip-block tread is designed Sil* Fab. pric* LESS Now F.E.T. HEAD Slaton W 24 715 $54.00 ' Rose If 4 0 0 0 Joshua cf 4 010 Burris and Stone, Chi and Siebert, SO 3- H R 70 -1 4 H78-14 Vista Cruiser, LeMans Wagon, $67.55 to give real cornering assurance. On wet roads, A78-13 •10.30 •1.77 Rodriguez 125 Great Idea, and you can Charger Wagon & others . „ smooth-riding •33.26 •MM IMPERIAL...... a.$32.00s .$ 3 2 .0 0 $ 2 0 .5 0 Competition...... $85.00 ‘ Concepcin ss 5 0 0 0 Speed if 4 0 10 Save-Rodriguez (1). 0; Rau, LA, McNally, Mtl and McIntosh, wide tread grooves help channel water out from B78-14 34.96 10.66 2.02 ! Morgan 2b 5 13 0 Murcer rf 4 0 0 0 start by picking up the Chevrolet, Polara, Gataxle, body plies of I Frame Only WP-Slaton. SO 3-1; Dierker, Hou and Seayer, NY 3- $51.50 under the lire (or good contact, good stopping C78-14 35.66 10.70 2.10 Comp. I I ...... $68.00 , Bench e 3 110 Goodson lb 4 0 0 0 G R 70 -1 5 G 78-15 Monterey, Fury, Catalina $64.40 T-2-.20. A5,075. 2; Carroll, Cin 35. phone. We have excep­ & others traction. This 31).(100 mile lire is an umisnal value E78-14 37.00 11.16 '.2 1 , [ p 2.32 Pirofctsslonal...... $47.50 • Perez lb 4 12 2 Arnold 2b 4 0 0 0 American League: Blue, Oak 5-l; Ryan, ^.^LYISTIR HI POINT ...... $. 3.$ 0 3 0.0 .0 0 0 $ 2 0 .5 0 : Geronimo cf 4 I 3 0 Speier ss 4 13 0 LeSabre, Riviera, Newport, -especially during (his sale period. Ad now. F78-14 40.76 12.26 2.47 Cal 4-1; G. Perry, Clev 4-2; Kaat, Chi, tional clinics for ladles, FIRiROUkSS ' Griffey rf 2 0 12 Ontiveros 3b 4 0 3 0 H R 7 0 -1 5 H78-15 Galaxie, Monterey, Olds, $69.15 $55.30 G78-14 42.60 12.80 2.62, strung wHh Toumement Nyfcm Includes Vinyl Cover LaGrow and LoUch, Det 35; Palmer, Rain Cliack - II we sell out ol your sire we will issue you I Chaney 3b 2 0 0 0 Hill c 3 0 0 0 Balt, Hassler, Cal, Busby and Fitzmorris, m en & juniors. Alr- Pontiac & others double belt H78-14 46.76 13.80 2.84 Crowley ph 1010 Barr p 10 0 0 Yankees in Tie Buick, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, a ram check, assuring (ulur# r etivery at the adverlised KC and Champion, Mil 3-1; Broberg, Mil, H R 78 -1 5 R a d ia l $66.40 $53.10 price. under the tread F78-15 41.90 12.86 2.55 FREE VINYL COVER INCLUDED ' Vukovich 3b 0 0 0 0 Matthews ph 1 0 11 HARTFORD (UPI) - The Medich, NY and Jenkins, Tex 3-2. condltloned courts, Olds. Pontiac G78-15 43.60 2.89 ■ Billinghm p 2 0 0 0 Lavelle p 0 0 0 0 13.10 Rhode Island Oceaneers scored Buick, Chrysler. Ford, $68.85 $55.05 H78-15 4S.86 14.10 2.92 ; McEnaney p 1 0 0 0 Thomssn ph 0 0 0 0 saunas and whirlpools. JR 7 8 -1 5 R a d ia l Mercury. Olds, Plymouth . Miller ph 10 0 0 Sale Ends Wednesday If we should sell out of your size, we'll J78-15 48.66 14,66 3.09 a second-half goal to gain a 1-1 It’s great funi Buick. Cadillac, Chevrolet, give you $ "raincheck" assuring later CUSTOM RESTRINGING ■ Heaverlo p 0 0 0 0 L R 7 8 -1 5 R a d ia l Plymouth. Pontiac . $71.95 $57.55 L78-15 50.76 16.30 3,21 tie and spoil the American delivery at the advertised price. TENNIS BALLS ■ Totals 33 4 11 4 Totals 34 1 9 1 SAT. 8 PM MAY 3 Plus $2.29 to $3.46 F.E.T.. depending on size, and old tire. WHITEWALL AVICTOR RUT . BLUE STAR . OIL FILLED^ I Cincinnati ®0 ®0 OOO- 4 Soccer League home debut of A78-13 •37.00 •11.16 •1.77 SPECIALI SPECIi . San Francisco 000 010 OOO— 1 the Connectcut Yankees PLAINVILLE STADIUM B78-14 39.85 11.70 SPECIAL • E-Speed. DP-Cincinnatl 2, San Francis- CHARGE IT! C79-14 39.50 11.90 2.10 • CO 3 LOB-Cincinnati 8. San Francisco 7. Wednesday night before 1,200 PLAINVILLE, CONN. 7 Ways to Buy 1 'w iib'] ■ 2B-Speier. 3B-Griffev. HR-Perez (4). E78-14 41.06 12.36 [ • g i - M ' 2.32 24-HOUR SERVICE fans. • Ca$h • Our Own Cutlomtr Crtdit DUNLOP WILSON • SB-Morgan2. S-Billingham, Griffey. MODIFIED AUTO OPEN AN ACCOUNT F78-14 45.26 13.60 1 ■' $tip i» 2.47 h r er bb so The Yankees went ahead at Plan • Ma$t$r Chirgt • Am$rlctn 2.62 G78-14 47.20 14.26 i-ta Billingham W 2-1 61-3 1112 28:26 in the first half when- Eipr$$$ Monty Card • Olnar$ Club H76-14 15.30 2.84 OOODWYEAR 60.80 -"MP sOee THE McEnaney 2 2-3 WE ALSO HONOR -Carte Blanche former University of Connec­ RACES • Carta Blanch* • BankAmvricard J78-14 63.26 16.00 3.02 $049 Barr L 1-2 5 • American Express •Diners Club .Gjjjjg ticut star Frantz Innocent *500- TO WIN • BankAmericard • Master Charge F78-15 46.60 14.00 2.55 CAN OF 2 Lavelle 2 See Your Independent Dealer For His Price. Prices As Shown At Goodyear Service Stores. G78-15 48.40 14.60 j.ji 2.69 Heaverlo 2 scored his first professional *250-SECOND “H7S-15 62.09 15.70 ;( H 2.92 CAN OF 3 Save-McEnaney (1). r i »E i ALPINE WP-Billingham. goal past Oceaneer goalie Tony LAP 3.09 FREE IMOUNTING J78-15 54.00 16.30 1 ir-?mr'i'l $goo T-2:10. A-4,340. DiCicco, MOrtFIED L78-1'5"^ 50.46 17.00 .la 3.21 $goo FEATURE Don't forgot— the aefetY of your tires AN prices plus lai »nd old Ue LoedrartgeBcMvIy. OF 100 la effected by air pressure, wear, PLUS HEATS MANCHESTER toed, end opereting condHlorta. DSZOI m u s DOZEN VERNON New Assistant Yeftow or WMfe LAP yeftow or Wfifte SOUTH BEND, Ind. (U P I)- PLEASURE RACQUET ROUTE 30, POST RD. PLAZA Feathers To Retire Dick Kuchen of the University PLUS HEATS $3.00 Adm. e to 12 yrs. 99$ TEL. 872-0547 Exit 00 off 1-80 WINSTON-SALEM (UPI) — of Iowa Wednesday was named CLUB 295 BROAD ST., (OPPOSITE SEAR’S AUTOMOTIVE) RROWN’S TIRE^OP Under 6 FREE REO. $3.89 Mon. assistant basketball coach at szzmmsTKn m. ew.3444 w u k i k s t i i O PEN DAILY Beattie Feathers, a college (Rain Data Ma'y 10) 646-aS60 DUNLOP thru Notre Dame under Digger PHONE 643-1161 H perfect 12 NOON to 8 P.M., SAT. 10 A.M. to 5:30 coach for 33 years and head M6N.. TOES., WED.. FRI. 8-5:30 • THURS. 8-8 • SAT. 8-1 FrI. baseball coach at Wake Forest Phelps, a fellow alumnus of RACING EVERY SAT. 8 P.M. M0N.-FRI. 7-9 .SAT. 8-4 CLOSED SUNDAY PRACTICE BALLI Rtin Clwcki Honorad »♦♦♦< since 1972, is retiring. New Jersey’s Rider College. ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•I ■V

1 PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. May 1. 1975- PAGE NINETEEN FUNDS INCREASE MANCHESTER EVANSTON, ni. (UPD The m I. MiDDu TuiteraM Connecticut Natural Gas Requests Rate Increase United Methodist Church has re- Stairwell Gallery Exhibit MM. 4 Tum . i n t potW that giving to its 16 Wad., Thun., M . • W 10 pjn. NEWS The City of Hartford is con­ worldwide program and admin­ HARTFORD (UPI) - The higher manufactured gas costs, of-gas from $43.88 to $50.30. increase of $4.49 million to go Wa testing before the U.S. istration is up almost six BUHER drastically increased unpaid CNG’s uncollected bills in into effect this month or next. Connecticut per cent during the fust quarter R tfe rv a LAND (TLAKES customers’ bills, higher wages March had reached a total of Securities and Exchange Com­ Opens with Music Program C At> SU LES has requested permission from The PUC granted the com­ of 1975, with especially large in­ Tha Right To and benefits for employes, in­ $704,523, Victor H. mission a company offer to buy QUARTERED the state Public Utilities Com­ pany a ^.37 million rate in­ creases in funds given for Limit Quantitiaa terest rates and taxes. Frauenhofer, CNG vice presi­ a gas plant owned by Northeast Supermarkets mission to raise rates to bring crease in March 1974, about $2 Utilities. CNG has offered emergency relief asastance pro­ The Stairwell Gallery of The program starts at 7:30 media — from the studio The MCC Chorus — to be The request would boost the dent, said. in $8.4 million a year more from million less than the company Manchester Community and will be followed by a recep­ classes of MCC faculty directed and accompanied on She'll Dance and Sing cost of 1,000 cubic feet of gas Because a decision on the $134.5 million for the plant. grams. DOUBLE SaH BRIEN customers. requested. On Tuesday, CNG tion with'refreshments in the members Carol Gottier, Arlene piano by Dr. Charles Giggliotti ^ ^ M iA n A from $229.60 to $273.30. It would CNG application will not be College will open its annual NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) - The unsinkable Martha Robert H. Willis, CNG presi­ withdrew a court appeal of the End-of-the-Year Student Art 146 Hartford Rd. gallery. The Kay, Robert F. Manning, — will perform “ He Ain’t STAMPS SAT. 7 to 10 pmi raise the cost of 150 cubic feet reached until October, the com­ Mitchell has come to Music City to “ sing and dance*' on dent, linked the request to PUC decision. m HLL-]0YCE ROWER SHOP is invited to attend; Leonard Olson, John Stevens, Heavy, He’s My Brother” (Bob­ ALL OUR BEEF pany has asked for an interim Exhibition and Music Program" the Grand Ole Opry stage for a television show taping. WEEKEND 8PECIAU Friday night, witk-^iprfor- 1 no admission charge, and Suzanne Howes Stevens — by Scott), “ All About the [CHOICE) IS U80A CHOICE Prices Etiaettvs April 24, 28, 28 Asked what she would do for her appearance on the Mike mances by the MCCChorus and art works in many will be on view through May 16. Blues” (CarlStronunen), “ God r'Th# F/n*it Sold Anywhere" Douglas Show prefaced this week, the tail blonde dressed Viel Cong Ready instrumental trios. Bless the Child” (Billie in red, white and navy blue said, “ sing and dance. Don’t I PARIS (UPI) - The V iet C ong’ s P rovisional Holiday), “ A Child Is Born” POMPONS (Thad Jones), “ September slwflys?” Revolutionary Government mission in Paris issued a > i ^ .When asked if she considered a career in show business, statement Wednesday that said-tlie new regime in South , ifrQfflekielofy Song” (Kurt Weill), “ Be Thou 5 -.a X’- My Vision” (G. Albert Pear­ the smiling Mrs. Mitchell said, “ I’ve always been in show Vietnam “ is ready to establish r^ io n s with all coun­ $ 1 Q D BONELESS CHUCK 66.w.vouR$icrn I I W W bunch -f' ^ son), “ Sanctus and Benedictus” business.’’ tries.” The statement went on to say the g ov e^ en t will (Gounod, from “ St. Cecilia accept economic and technical aid as long as it is not ac­ FRAMING or CUSTOM j . (Ca»h and Cany) Mass” ), and ‘‘Joy to the Will Announce Later companied by political ties. The PRG said it “ will pursue a F j A M JN G _ __ j s m m m World” (Hoyt Axton). STEAK COLUMBUS, (Miio (UPI) - Georgia state legislator foreign policy of peace and nonalignment.” Viet Cong of­ ROLLED FLOWetta and ARMHaEMBNTa FOR EVERT OCCASION... Soprano soloists Debra Julian Bond says he will announce in June whether he will ficials said the statement raised the possibility of eventual h Gfts OoM Ri^rtiad h 6ms Dum Riflrt Awiy Dougherty and Jan Wodal, and CHUCK ROAST USDA Choice, First Cut 36 OAK ST., MANCHESTER Tel. 649-0791^or 649-1443 baritone soloist Jon Worley, seek any national political office. normal relations with the United States. LAPP P LA ZA R t S3, Vtmon ' 872-8022 Bond said Wednesday night he would run in selected FREE Delivery & Parking * Frank Gakeler, Prop., will be featured. Instrumental OWSIS- accompaniment will be primaries if he decides to seek the presidency. • Rotted “ A Favorite “ There are 32 primaries, I thiiA, and no one candidate provided by Mike Pozzato • Trimned Better (bass) and George Wilson could afford to run in all of them,’’ said Bond. • More For Your Money For The (drums). • Plus S&H Green Stamps Griir Will Visit Project , A Renaissance Instrumental Trio —with Pozzato on bass • YSDE Choice HONG KONG (UPI) - Queen Elizabeth will visit a violin, Bridgit O’ Connell on typical poor Chinese family living in a large govermnent flute, and Richard Lanzano on housing project during her three-day visit to the British AGWAY guitar —will perform four Colony beginning Sunday. Local government officials numbers. They will be joined by Sun Lake Brand say they hope to give the Queen “a fair idea of how sopranos Mary Ryan and Ken­ CHAMPION MOSER FARMS MORTON thousands of Hong Kong families live” when she visits a dra West in one of the songs. two-bedroom apartment in Oi Man Estate. Performing a contmporary BREAD EGGS LOW FAT SALT A government spokesman said the identity of the family Smart shoppers r e ^ the popular song will be guitarist 21 oz. would not be revealed until Saturday night. Jon Worley and soprano Jan Strictly Fresh Wodal. 20 oz. Loaves Grade A MILK buy one, Sinnot To Leave The Stairwell Gallery is open GET ONE weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 TOKYO (UPI) — The Rey. James Sinnot, an American backs of lawn fertilizer p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. Roman Catholic priest who was ordered to leave South to noon. Korea, says that country was like a fatherland to him and ss, Gallery directors are Manning he did not want to leave. and Stevens. ' T / N * FREE! Sinnot, 46, of New York City, told newsmen on his packages, too! dOL arrival that South Korean authorities had declined to with coupon balow renew his visa on grounds that he was engaged in un­ SPECIAL! authorized political activities. ROYAL OUR OWN PURE PORK HOT OR SWEET FROM THE OELI-IMPORTED Sinnot, who had lived in South Korea for the past 15 All Electric Portable years, said he will stay in Tokyo for three days before ITALIAN $ « 09 bBOILED o il e d leaving for the United States. TYPEWRITER Bead ours with Case, Plus A FREE 8 9 < SAUSAGE 1 1 I HAMHAM h lb. W l V Calls for New Policy GREENLAWN PLUS $49.95 CALCULATOR BOSTON (UPI) — Former Democratic Vice Presiden­ With Each Purchasel (Umitsd Supply) tial candidate R. Sargent Shriver Wednesday called for a and prove 22- 6-8 Denise Martin of Manchester puts the finishing touches on a sign advertising the annual U.S. GRADE A WAYREST LAMB GROUMD new, overall American foreign policy in light of the fall GUARANTEED ANALYSIS End-of-the-Year Student Art Exhibition and Music Program at Manchester Community YALE TYPEWRITER this week of Vietnam. College. Miss Martin is a student in instructor Leonard Olson’s sign painting and lettering 41 Purnell Place CHOPS CHUCK “ I hope we will develop a new foreign policy for our IA,Ol class, which will have work at the exhibition. (Herald photo by Dunn) Mancheater • 640-4986 country more in keeping with the traditional ancient New Zealand USDA Choice to yourself ACWAT M*C.0TRACU8i. NfW YORK i m i Fresh foreign policy of our country, (rather) thaiTthe recent CHICKEN Frozen attempts at propping up status quo governments all over DIRECTIONS 4 9 1 the world,” he said. roR lirriiitp ntoiNO op u w w t a n o t u r p ■V A A AA/* "I think and I hope, at least, that we will have a period of that you get 3f*t mAw" s>tm h Bwri>Aiii»i intense soul-searching in the United States,” the former ■Ml LAWei- Spraid fV* fs t t.OOO • v««t — BBilr •R'lnf. »A« AvtMt. AaP kaM- U.S. ambassador to France told the World Affairs Council No MVI r«« W • p r *000 rrrr~ 6 QUARTERS M of Boston. A WA* 89? more green OOON •LUIOKAtt LAWat TM| N » mon «aanM» *>An irmm ^ 79? *PC, W 40 M 1000 tWMtX «H1 arfutNf M •« rM •* Kidnaper Sentenced I ' (M< <0d0 iMI »•> SpM* ^ K cU li'l 3-4 iM4At COURM lAINWAVt A^tt '-^lorrAf ■ M 20 )• pw *000 NEWPORT, R.I. (UPI) — A Connecticut man who «». -f iit o 1SS0 n* p f Kf*) |rwMi*Y tOOO pleaded no contest to the Oct. 22, 1974, kidnaping of the OMINII: Aa Pv • 7 pw *000 i«u «« Im 4 h* Mrtr ' ^ .,»•« « ttii 5wpplBm«m w4#i 12 W II » 4 •• Ur44f*i« M IMP HILLS BROS. young daughter of a wealthy Rhode Island industrialist has DIET TETLEY SWEET LIFE been sentenced to 22 years in prison. Richard G. Vivarito, 36, of New London was arrested in VEGETABLES COFFEE SPREADER SETTINQ INDICATIONS* GoG>rdless! SODA TEA BAGS t o r A a Narragansett rooming house several hours after six- money with AGWAY GREENLAWN PLUS year-old Christina Kirk was abducted while waiting for the Aowiy *8 o> Cyclonp Cut or Waxed Qreen Beans, school bus with two companions in front of her East With e^y to use Sweet Life with coupon Whole or Sliced Carrots, with coupon Greenwich home. Whole White Potatoes ____ 4 1* 100’s 1-lb. Can Superior Court Judge Arthur A. Carrellas Wednesday ■phslawk Pius" 28 oz. 1$V4 oz. Cana . sentenced Vivarito to 40 years, 18 of them suspended as Disston yard tools probation, in the state Adult Correctional Institutions for Greenlawn kidnaping with intent to extort $300,000. from Agway. Y Oil Dc(wtrol Opposed WASHHCTON (UPI) - Rep. Toby Moffett, D-Conn., said Wedrosday night President Ford’s plan to decontrol Plus! the price of domestic oil will wind up costing consumers at Lightweight, easy to carry and 5,000 Sq. Ft least $21.2 billion a year. ^ spread! Moffett, a member of the energy and power subcom­ Iron added lor Greener Uwni mittee of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, said a report he expected to receive today on g r e e n im n n plus decontrol “ will indicate how devastating that decontrol sot *0' iHi s'TRr.^fN rooM lOKG i SWEET LIFE will be in higher costs to consumers.” SWEET CORN PEANUT He also said “ arguments by the President — that it will extra water insoluble help oil companies bring in more fuel — will be exploded.” BUHER MARGARINE He called Ford’s plan a “ blueprint for oil company price nitrogen! 1 Pound 23 lbs. (covers 5,000 sq. ft.) Sweet Life gouging.” Moffett said decontrol will cost an additional DISSTON 40 oz. Quarters $13.7 billion for oil and gasoline, $3.3 billion for intrastate CORDLESS Fresh natural gas and $4.2 billion for coal. ELECTRIC SHRUBBER • 12V4" double edge cutting blade AA a Wait for Refugees • rechargeable battery Yellow ARANYAPRATHET; Thailand (UPI) - French, o n ly • cuts 35 to 45 minutes on 1 charge $ 1 3 9 (81-2046) M odel CEST-2 ear Swedish and-Thai doctors waited at the Cambodian border 391 today to receive foreigners who have been sheltered in the p l u s : , , French Embassy in Phnom Penh since it fell to the Khmer ■ extra plant fopd 46 lbs. (covers 10,000 sq. ft.) Rouge April 17. Officials had a list of 101 persons who could be in the first group to^leave the embassy. Three large air- value! Snow White conditioned buses stood by to speed the refugees to TOILET Bangkok when they arrived. A total of 610 refugees are M 445 MUSH- SWEET LIFE expected to be shipped in groups by truck over the 300-mile road to the border. plus: o n ly SHORTENING TISSUE " specially granulated! ROOMS Awarded $94,000 3 lbs. Assorted FREEHOLD, N.J. (UPI) — An editorial she wrote in the 4.PACK Brookdale Community College newspaper, criticizing 69 lbs. (covers 15,000 sq. ft.) Fresh school contracts being let to a firm owned by the nephew of a trustee, lost journalism teacher Patricia Endress her job plus: GREEN 1 d» $ p 9 last June. Wednesday she was awarded $94,000 in damages ■ even spread—no and legal fees and the trustees were ordered to rehire her. skips, streaks,, Superior Court Judge Merritt Lane, who made the deci­ o n ly CABBAGE 5 9 ' sion, said the trustees had violated her academic freedom burns, when used and the freedom of the press. Ms. ‘Endress said she planned to remain at the college. as directed. Nixon May Travel Fresh 0 0 C Celthrnta V WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rabbi Baruch Korff said today COMPLETE SERVICE SHOP Pick up & Delivery that former President Richard M. Nixon has received in­ TOMATOES HAVEL ORANGES v i P vitations to visit several foreign countries and may begin traveling again later this year. NOW OPEN FRI. EVENINGS 'TILL 8:30 PM Korff, in an interview with United Press International, also said the Communist takeover of South Vietnam “ visibly saddened” Nixon and adversely affected his STORE HOURS: health. Mon., Tues., Wed. .EQUIPMENT SHOP COUPON f ' : 7 9 S o % " . He revealed the President Nixon Justice Fund, which 8:30 to 5:30 AGWAYi^lne, Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. f S 50< OFF f Li 21 fti. Korff formed to pay Nixon’s legal bills arising out of the Thur$., Fri. 8:30 to 8:30 540 New State'Road, Buckland 8:00 to 5:00 W H UTIES e -R it V K D m i i Y p Q HILLS BROS. r C MORTON SALT Watergate scandals, has thus far paid Nixon’s attorneys Sat. aOO to 4:30 Sat. 8:00 to 4:00 CEREAl o TRAiri TEA BAGS ^ < r COFFK A $165,000. •aa6TlM«H> 643-5123 Closed Tuesdays SaaSaieaaFwfMNT Korff said the fund still owes $161,804 in legal bills and is committed to paying a total of $400,000 for all of Nixon’s legal expenses including appeals still in the courts.

} MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1 9 7 5 - PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWENTY — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thure., May 1, 1975 Vernon Budget Hearing To Be Held Tonight Morganson Posthumous Winner iNTCIlMAL Of Tolland Bar Liberty Bell Award The public hearing on Ver­ ducted to offer residents a cut, the school board, being Dr. Raymond Ramsdell, in case The mayor went through the autonomous, can make the cuts the request of the council holds. department budgets and Onr 48 Ttsrs si UaixcUrt tavtas F non’s proposed |14 million chance to express their views, are facing the most serious wherever it and the ad­ The town budget reflects an elimininated some items he felt BARBARA RICHMOND Tolland Bicentennial Commis­ budget will be conducted either pro or con, of the two O pen 24 Houn Dally challenges in history,” Judge ministrators see fit. Pers(His at Increase of about |363,500 and coidd wait another year or until At ceremonies this morning sion. tonight at 7:30 in the Memorial budgets. After the hearing the muasoffism. H e r a lb Barber said. the bearing cannot ask the the education budget, about the economic situation has im­ in the Tolland County Superior Morganson’s name was sub­ Building, Park Place, budgets are again assessed by “The Rule of Law is our only school board'^ eliminate any 1800,000. proved. Court, the Liberty 1^11 Award mitted by the Tolland Junior Rockville. the Town Council and remarks salvation...true facts must be made at the hearing are taken particular line item of the In presenting his budget in Dr. Ramsdell also chopped was given posthumously to Women’s (Hub. Members of the Should the crowd be larger community and the bar associa­ ascertained by due process of into consideration before a final budget to effect a reduction. March, Mayor Frank McCoy budget requests of principals © Donald Morganson of Tolland proclamation in 1958, and in 1961 than that building can accom­ law,” he add^. The education budget is said sound fiscal management and department heads before HEATING OILS and was accepted'by his widow. tion said the comment on the Congress, by joint resolution, modate then the hearing will be figure is voted to present to the He said equal justice under traditionally the one picked, over the past five years has the budget'went to the board The award is an annual one in application, “Mr. Morganson set aside May 1 as a special ddy moved to the Sykes School annual town meeting May 20. V the law must continue to be the The council has asked the apart at the hearing and the a n -\resulted in a surplus and he said committee which further cut it OIL eURNER 0 celebration of Law Day and is gave his time and self to our to remind all Americans of Auditorium which is just cornerstone of our philosophy if nual meeting. The board, at itsI h(le will allocate...... a substantial before it went to the entire HEATING IN8TALUTI0N presented by the Tolland Coun­ community and we feel that his their rights and responsibilities atound the comer. Board of Education to reduce we are to remain strong. Gen. Washington issued an its budget by |450,000 but this meeting last Monday, stood by part of that surplus in the bofutl for approval. ty Bar Association to a person contributions will always be of citizenship. Of the |14 million, some |8.9 Atty. William Hall, president order on Ju ly 9, 1775 to amount will not have been its original budget and said it proposed budget to offset 643-5135 not involved with the legal remembered,” summed up million is the education budget 31S CwiMrSt M inchM tor During the week members of of the Tolland County Bar recruiting officers for the Con­ deleted when the budget is would wait to hear the mandate expenditures a ^ to put the Bourbon whiskey was first system but who has made the their feelings too. and about $5 million is the the bar association are devoting Association outlined some of tinental Army that they were presented at the hearing. 6f the voters before approving town in a favorable position produced in Scott County, Ky., greatest contribution to the The awa^ was presented to general government budget. their time to the students in the the work the association does. not to enlist “any deserter from When the education budget is cuts already recommended by when setting the tax rate. and was made from com. welfare of the community at Mrs. Morganson by Atty. Ather­ Hje- public hearing is con­ junior high and high schools in He said members are very ac­ the ministerial army, nor any large. ton B. Ryan, past president of the county towns to acquaint tive in pro bono (for free) work stroller, negro, or vagabond, or Morganson died suddenly last the Tolland County Bar them with the activities of the all year round through the person suspected of being an March but he left behind him an Association and a long-time enemy to the liberty of entire judicial system. Legal Aid Service. He said they impressive list of qualifications friend and advisor to Morgan­ America. . .” The World work for people who can’t af­ which made him eligible for son. In opening the Law Day Almanac notes that after lear­ ford the services of an attornex. this award. Prior to the presentation ceremonies. Judge Barber ning of Lord Dunmore’s At the time of his death he Superior Court Judge William termed justice to be what proclamation offering freedom was president of the Tolland Perry Barber, presiding judge, members of a community feel to all slaves who joined the Savings Bank. He was one of made a short statement concer­ is fair. “It is the cornerstone of The Texas gasoline tax of five King’s Army, Washington per­ the organizers of the Rockville ning the theme of this year’s our philosophy,” he said. cents a galkn produced $385 mitted the enlisting of free million in 1873 Area Cam ber of Commerce in Law Day which is, “America’s He said, “Every American Negroes. 1958 and served agjts president Goal— Justice Trough Law.” enjoys certain rights to be for the 1968-69 term. The ceremonies were protected by law. These are He was a member of the attended by numerous friends, what are known as inalienable Board of Trustees of Rockville business associates and co­ rights to life, liberty and the General Hospital, the advisory workers in the various civic pursuit of happiness.” board of the Connecticut Bank organizations with which He told those present that 85 East Center-Bt. Morganson was involved. and Trust (To., was a member of with these rights also go duties at Summit St. Takes Oath the executive committee for Later today the mayors and which every American should Tolland’s 250th anniversary administrative heads of Tolland share, such as obeying the law, WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAU Former Gov; Thomas J. Meskill was sworn in as a judge celebration, was a former County towns will gather at the taking advantage of the right to on the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday in his chairniian of the Tolland Board court house for a proclamation vote, and observing the rights hom etc^ of New Britain by Judge William H. Timbers of of Finance and a member of the ceremony to proclaim May 1 as of others. the s ^ e court. The ceremony was conducted in the high Mrs. Pauline Morganson of Tolland, widow of Donald Morganson accepted ^ e “Liberty Rockville Lion’s Club. Law Day within the county. “We are no longer a frontier DAISIES BUNCH 1.59 Law Day was first es­ civilization. As we prepare to schoifl. (U PI photo) Bell” award presented to her husband posthumously by the Tolland County Bar Associa­ At the time of his death he OPEN 'HI 9 P.M. THURS., FRI.'SIITESI tion in Tolland County Superior Court ceremonies in observance of “ Law Dsiy.” (Herald was also serving as chairman of tablished by presidential celebrate our bicentennial we photo by Richmond) Meskill Sworn In As Federal Judge Hebron Schools Get Seedlings Anne Dallaire The seedlings presented to to his qualifications and his role The Hebron Elementary and th e school were: Two NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - It in the state’s leasing scandal. Gilead Hill School were evergreen species, autumn was a long political trek from Meskill jokingly told the presented “ Wildlife Buffer” loive shrub, and silky dogwood this factory city’s smoke-filled audience that Gaffney Jhad seedlings Tuesday by the which will help to create a rooms to the imposing Foley asked ‘“What’s that all about’” Conservation Committee of the natural bird habitat. Square Courthouse in Lower when a court functionary read Hebron Junior Women’s Club The club also wishes to thank Manhattan. But former Gov. aloud President Ford’s official for the conservation beautifica­ the many m erchants who 'Thomas J. Meskill has made it. commission of Meskill that tion program by Mrs. Lorraine donated door prizes for the Amid the cheers of political remains in force so long as the Kreeger. well-wishers and rousing music club’s dance in April. judge exhibits "good from the New Britain High behavior.” School orchestra, Meskill was “I told him that’s what all sworn in Wednesday as federal commissions say,” Meskill said judge. CONN. SALVAOE CO., Ino., alias Tha to the audience’s delight. “I’ve been where I wanted to Gaffney recounted Meskill’s SPALDING VOLLEYBALL go and I am where I want to GLORIOUS EMPORIUli/l career in politics from the Deluxe tournament size and be,” he told a crowd of 500. municipal to the congressional COMER OF HAMTORD ROAD weight ball with leather panels His hair noticeably grayer, pressure bonded to rubbw core level and said, “’These are the Meskill slipped into the black & PHE ST., MANGHESIIR - 649-n82 for strength. best qualifications to be a judge robes he will wear on the 2nd FRANKLIN DELUXE 2 .8 8 because he knows and un­ VOLLEYBALL NET our rag. 3.S8 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. It derstands the.people.” took 13 months of struggle Hi Neighbor! Noting the large, enthusiastic before Meskill, 46, was con­ audience, Gaffney said, “I want firmed by the Senate on a 54-36 It’s really amazing, but to take one last parting shot. If / i vote. we’ve just completed SAVE 3.11 our reg. our rallies were half as good as The swearing-in ceremony another fiscal year at the this we would have never lost.” NATIONAL SPORTS DELUXE was not at a law school library Emporium. Flushed with Then, referring to MeskilTs LEATHER FIELDER'S GLOVE or inside a courtroom, as is travail in seeking the lifetime, vigor at the thought of star­ Professional size with speed backi customary, but on the stage of $42,500-a-year judgeship, ting our 7th year, I thought Ventilated back; nylon stitching; New Britain High School Gaffney said, “for 13 months he we ought to do a few thing padded wristband; ‘’U” heel; rolled auditorium. At times it welting; sturdy construction. ____ has been bared with truth and to commemorate the resembled a political rally with the untrue.” more than a ceremonial YOUR event. I planned to send It was an apparent reference prelude to assuming a place on every one of our customers a $10 bill, but my wife says to the American Bar the nation’s second highest CHOICE people get enough bills already; I wanted to set out S A V E $3 our rag- 16-88 Association’s opposition to court. champape but she vetoed that idea — said people Meskill, both because of his FIELDER'S GLOVE VALUE His solemn oath taken and wouldn’t drink their quota of coffee with that around; National Spdrts leather glove featur­ limited legal experience and our reg. 99.99 black robes flowing, Meskill our reg. 69.99 ing wide full web, rolled welting, the leasing scandal. wanted to bake a huge cake and pass it out to our nylon stitching and pre-greased spoke to a cheering crowd of 500 friends — wife said people are too diet conscious to eat pocket. Bargaln-righti inside the auditorium, spruced Meskill is the 46th judge to serve since the creation of the cake. up for the occasion with floral COLUMBIA OR HUFFY 2 6 ” BICYCLE COLUmiA OR mJFFY 2 7 " BICYCLE NATIONAL FIELDER'S GLOVE 2nd Circuit serving New York, SLAZENGER PERSONAL arrangements and filled with MenI’s or ladies’ touring bike with deluxe features for cycling action I 3-speed Take off on a fabulous 10-speed racer built to lastl Dual caliper center pull hand ourrag. 11.99 9 .8 8 ^ Connecticut and Vermont. The rith safety levers; 27” gum wall tires; stem mounted8W t levers; deluxe TENNIS RACKET music by the student orchestra hub : sidepull caliper brake full-length chain guard. brakes with 12th appointee from Connec­ Strong, laminated tournament qual­ pnder the direction of Albert i racing saddle. So, the only thing ticut, Meskill was nominated by ity frame with natural tone woods Latham Jr. we’re doing that’s and contrasting overlay. Perforated 188 ^ n . Lowell Weicker, R-Conm, couco our rag. 6.88 The orchestra played the different is leather grip; nylon strung. SAVE $2 and replaces Senior Judge J. BASKETS. “ March and Procession of M V * 17.98 peddling a new ALL-PURPOSE Joseph Smith in a position that Bacchus” when Meskill and crop of goodies, FRANKLIN SHOES other officials left the has been vacant since 1971. wini wniw n “Superllte" shoe with MeskilTs sister. Sister Laura and I’ll try to give auditorium. eoHon iNt tar d urethane waterproof Marie from the Roman Catholic you a few hints “I said T should come home to coating, nylon Mercy High School in construction and gum New Britain’ when people Middletown, read a prayer This list is 188 rubber sole. asked where I should take my asking God’s help for her charge II guaranteed 1007o SAVE $4 our reg. 13.88 oath,” the ‘former Republican m our reg. 79.99 brother as “minister of your incomplete: governor and congressman SLAZENGER AMBASSADOR said. "I hope the people of New (God’s) justice.” Britain will always call me ’The auditorium front rows A ) A load of TENNIS RACKET were packed with Connecticut housewares, in­ A fine racket at super low price Tom —unless they’re appearing you’ll likel Sturdy construction; before me in court. judges, some of whom Meskill cluding room air appointed. Weicker and Sen. quality leather grip; nylon strung. “Without you I would not be freshener, foil pan- Shop now for the savingsl Abraham A. Ribicoff, D-Conn., SAVE 18.99 here today,” Meskill said. “I s , refrigerator owe you a great debt.” were unable to attend but sent J. Brian Gaffney of New Bri­ telegrams. He took the oath of office Two Outstanding tain, Meskill’s political mentor HUFFY BOYS* 3-SPEED BIKE jugs, plastic gloves, moth cakes, table cloths, shelf Fishing Reals and former state party chair­ from Judge William Timbers,a ■Red Hot' 20" racer (or boys on-the-go featuring hi-rlse handlebars, 3-speed hub shifting mechanism,l(nobby paper, screen patch, etc. at 40 to 50% off store prices. man, spoke “on behalf of the member of the court who was rebuked by his colleagues for rear tire, front and rear caliper hand brakes, sporty seat B) P e t supplies and notions, including Hartz Mountain bar,” withput mentioning he products' (never seen off price) at 40 to 50% off. And had lost a Superior Court improperly telling the Senate auto flares for emergency use, at 25$ each. GARCIA REEL D'AW A REEL judgeship because of Connec­ Judiciary Committee they C) Solid copper tea kettles with wooden handles, hard ticut Bar Association opposition thought Meskill would be a fine ^ 2 4 it'7450 HRL judge. to find, and usually $12.95 — our price $5.99 Light &M e4 Spinning Reel ^ D) Remington, GiUette and Schick products, like hot ROCKVILLE ooiV'r/wss Tim sE combs, stylers, shave cream and dispensers at way Pc? below what the fancy stores get. HOSPITAL NOTES GHEAT SPREE! ^ Y S E) Aerosol spray stock — Niagara Starch, Pine-Sol l4 4 4 4 Bathroom G eaner, Windshield Bug G eaner, K2R, Heet, etc., way off price. Admitted Wednesday; Rockville; Marcella Berticelli, * 2 ^ * '* ? ^ b o t t l e - 1 4 4 reg. 15.99 rsg. 19.99 Florence Bagnall,,Cider Mill Elm St., Rockville; Kathleen Mounting bracket Included...... our r»o 2 19 1 ^ Plus disposable diapers, pine and upholstered fur­ SAVE 5.55 SAVE 6.55 Rd., Ellington; Maude Beatty, Blauvelt, Meadowbrook Apts., •20”x 2.125” HUFFY TIRE -foo niture, stereo, carpet, towels, plastic products, pants, Skinne Rd., Vernon; John Ellington; Nicole Choinski, Buy now at great low price...... t»g. z .s a l • fishing rods & reels, tennis rackets, paperback and Collins, Crystal Lake Rd., Park West Dr., Rockville; Lin­ hard cover books, biding, and hundreds of things I 1-75” HUFFY TIRE ' Ellington; Susan Corbeil, N. da Colomboro, F’rospect St., can’t even remember. View Dr., South Windsor; Built for rugged ueel...... o’j,, z .a a l® ® 88 Rockville; Josiah Dolloff, Staf­ SAVE 2.45 HAMPSHIRE Virginia Dailey, Hyde Ave., ford Springs; Alice Halloran, •4’x 3/16” CHAIN WITH LOCK r»QQ I So come visit and enjoy the delicious complimentary SAVE 2.11 our rag. 6.99 CHEST WADERS Rockville; Madeline Dusto, our rsg. e.44 Hammond St., Rockville; Ceee hardened. By Dorcy...... oufrag. 5.99 coffee while you look. We’ll really enjoy seeing you. Leakproof vinyl wader Union St., Rockville; Cheryl David Hangartner, Fairview l l 1 4 .1 2-TRAY I Remember that we sell with a real “no hardtime” ZEBCO 404 « designed with full Farrington, Marjorie Lane, Ave., Rockville; Alma Hull, •RAPCO POQO STICK , ^A A TACKLE BOX cut for flexibility Houra of pogo fun-for-alll...... reg 8 99 / money back guarantee if your purchase does not REEL AND ROD SAVE 3.11 Vernon; Carl F. Gebhprdt, Union St,, Rockville; Ann Lightweight box with andcomforti 1-pc. 3-LB. DACRON 88® please you in every way. And my wife says, “ Don’t Strong combination for heavy SLEEPING BAG Union St., Rockville; Gloria Kulich, Metcalf Rd., Tolland; •SpRCY PUMP AT SAVINGS ' nS ft 12 compartments to molded boot: • > | • ^ 8 8 Heavy duty gauge pump...... “ ® ® forget your wallet!” freshwater/light saltwater ac­ organize your gearl anti-drag surface to Quality slaepirig bag with Maselek, Jan Dr., Vernon; Agnes Malloy, Franklin Park, 12 68 tion I Selective anti-reverse; help reduce fatigue Laurie McLellan, Emily Dr., Recessed handles. Dacron 88® polyester fill, Rockville; Flavie Martin, b a b y s e a t I ' I ' t f i Q loaded with approx. 100 In water. nylon outer shell and lining. Vernon; Daniel Puziewicz, Court St., Rockville; Diana yds. 15-lb. teat monofilament M ”x 77”: 100” zipper. Dtluxemoldedplaaticseat...... o „ ,p ,. 15.99 l l ® ® IRejnember our line; balanced rod. our rag. 14.9S South St., Rockville; Christine Rider, Prospect St., Rockville. Exhausting Hours; Reed, Charter Rd., Rockville; Births Wednesday: A nnnruiM ii.w'iiiiii'.iii.ihi'i Thurs. Eve (Ugh) 6 to 9, niTiW3 i f^Tinn ll 7TE1 niv7nr3 iT^fiTi Sheila Somers, Brooklyn St., daughter to Mr. and Mrs. U SE OUR Fridays 10 to 9 and Rockville. William Brooks, Cedar St., QlKt*-K( CONVENIENT USE OUR CONVENIENT Discharged Wednesday ; John Rockville; a daughter to Mr. Saturdays 10 to 5. We’re Barnes, Warehouse Point; and Mrs. Ralph Graner, 381 Broad St., Manchester l a y a w a y p l a n rrating less!______381 Broad St., Manchester LAYAWAY PLAN Oliver Barber, Strong Ave., Somers. ' , ^ V.: . V S, -I - < • ■ i • i • i . ‘ <

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 - PAGE TWENTY-THREE PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HEB^LD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1,1975 The Lighter Side; The Hand Behind the Hand That Held the Dagger By DICK WEST ^essmen were calling for new called the Assassination Infor­ the Hand behind the Hands that covert conspiracy?” I inter­ Caesar repeatedly denied stood to gain the most from Caesar .conquered Egypt, WASHINGTON (UPI) - A investigations of U.S. mation Bureau is preparing to Held the Daggers.” posed. having any kingly ambitions Caesar’s death?” Queen Cleopatra’s secret I said, “ Is it your theory that couple of decades ago many assassinations. publish a monthly magazine. "It is well known that Caesar “ Exactly. Historians would and, in fact, refused the crown agents made contact with his Mrs. Caesar had him killed for Aromatic Americans were seeing Com­ ’These events were preceded Given this climate, it was was the -victim of a con­ have us Believe the con­ when Mark Antony offered it to enemies in Rome. “ Their aim was to munists under every bed. Now by an outbreak of books and a perhaps inevitable that spiracy,” McToga told me at an spirators who stabbed Caesar him. the insurance?” “ No! No! This was no sordid ‘destabilize’ Caesar, but CEDAR it‘s conspirators who lurk full length motion picture set­ someone would come up with a autographing party at which I to death did so because they "Brutus, Cassius and the CASH domestic homicide. Caesar was something was lost in transla­ beneath the innersprings. ting forth various conspiracy new theory about the assassina­ was the only guest. "But that suspected he intended to make other assassins had to have the victim of international in­ CLOSET LINING The conspiracy theory of theories. tion of Julius Caesar. conspiracy was'^only a cover for himself king. been aware that Caesar was no tion and the conspirators only trigue involving the CIA.” understood the ‘stab’ part.” AND Now you can afford It, you can Install It - political assassinations in par­ Additionally, the lecture cir­ And that has now been done the real conspiracy.” “ But when you look at all the monarchist. So they must have “ The CIA?” I said, “ Congratulations, easily, In any closet area. ticular is going great guiis. cuit is teeming with speakers by C. Howard McToga, author "You mean that an overt con­ evidence, you have trouble had another reason for doing “ Right The Cleopatran McToga. Looks like you’ve got One day this week while a on this subject and something of "Conspiring to Conspiracy— • spiracy was used to conceal^ a buying that motivation. him in. CARRY Intelligence Agency. After a best-seller oh your hands.” Reg. $14.40 tor 40'sq. ft. bundle former CIA director was being “ As I point out in my book, “In that connection, who questioned in Congress about foreign assassinations two con- *13” a low, low BUYER’S-CJP billboard

!H d' Z By MICHAEL J. CONLON WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A con­ sumer in Springfield, Mo., re­ cently asked some provoking BRICK questions. She writes: ON MEiVSniBTIISJLl “Why are soft oleomargarine ihre't rad mafic yw can craate voanalf instintty. M on maatie prices still ‘sky high’? This pro­ duct went up in price when the ir* n S . AW h WwtrwbM. H- soybean (principal ingredient) fireproof. market was up, but the price of ^ybeans has been down for a long time now. Long enough, it Z BRICK SPECIAL would seem, for the store prices to reflect a drop, too. In our area, SUPERMARKETS SAVE 2 0 % on Gold & Inca Red butter and tub oleomargarine / Regular 4.99 » NOW 3.99 are the same price per pound. per carton. Covera up to 6 aq. ft. Treat Your Family to “Why does a well known dog Mr. Dell Favorites! food advertise its product as Window Wonderland being the best because it con­ Milk suppliers have tains ‘not a speck of cereal’ and Beiled Ham SPINDLE-FLEX POLE Sections Cannon Craft asks ‘doesn’t your dog deserve’ reduced our costs... this product? Then, on Saturday so we’re passing the Domestic morning television the predomi­ Freshly Sliced SHUTTERS nant advertising (it seems) is for savings onto you To Order Perk up decor, glamorize any room, , cereal for children, and extols immediateiyi quickly. Inexpensively with permanently the virtues of cereals as food for Bamboo ily lt Inetalled open frame or alatted-etyle our kids. Fully Cooked Potato Salad, Subject To Stock On Hand “Why do weiners come 10 tq a Enjoy our new, tow Young Hen shuttera. Sizes to nt every window: widths package when hot dog buns al­ Macaroni Salad, from 6” to 12”; heights from 16” to 36” prices In effect today! Traniltional ilyle ways come in packages of eight? Smoked Hams or Cole Slaw 4 5 « They never come out even!” More Proof: IT PAYS TO Turkeys At th e ^ .G . GLENNEY CO... Save 15% Lrt’s talk about oleo first The 8 to 14 lb Average ' Water Added-Shank Portion American Cheese ,b1.19 price went up, as you speculated, SHOP THE PI|IAST WAY! ON PURCHASE OF 4 OR MORE because of a shortage of many Rump " V A C Mr. Deli Bologna. b l . 1 9 YOU CAN NOW REAT THE HIGH COST OF supplies, including com and soy­ Portionin« w i Roast or Roast Beef c^h^e... r i . 3 9 bean oil. Supplies have freed up M r. . KITCHEN REMODELING T H t and prices for the raw materials Barbecue Center Cheese Pizza Deli . e a 89* EASY have dropped, just as you say. Double Hibochi They’re Slices But there is a much bigger lag 10”x17” Table Top Model ^ Delicious Favorites from the Seven Seas! SPRING SALE OF cA^tOi(}u>(t CABINETS WAY . . . than one would expect between With Wooden Handles - All w lb 79* RumpHalfib 89* price drops at the raw com­ ShankHalfib by UNITED CABINET CORP. Cast Iron With Adjustable Grill modity level and lower prices at Beef Bone In Select the cabinets your space and the store shelf. The oil found in Grey Sole PATIO Chuck Pot Roast Underblade 9 9 t taste demand all with a luxury THIS IS ALL YOU PAY! margarine products now on Web & Alum.Chair ‘hat’s beautifully practical - store shelves qnd still in the Fillet - Canadian WIDTH WALL 'll RHORON finished shelves that defy BASE Dramatic Room Divider BLOC s m pipeline was squeezed out Package 9 9 f b Fresh Frozen Spindie-Flex hardwood sec­ months ago, when raw material Comfort Curved Back 9 7 Beef Chuck Ground ° stains, heat, abrasions. CHOOSE 18” 24.60 33.00 5x4x4 Strapping ■1^ FROM BEAUTIFUL SIERRA or tions twist together to form prices still were high. Thin impressive floor-to-ceiling Agriculture Department ex­ Frozen • tb 49* rcQAN fc-T24” 28.80 38.40 PATIO BLOCK’S Cut T Dressed Whiting dividers. Snaps right into place YARD DEL. perts tell us it will be some time Fresh Beef Brisket to make rigid, permanent fix­ .before, the lower prices start ^0 In-Store Bake Shop! AT CASH & CARRY savings 30” 34.80 46.20 ture. 32qt.FeamChest 2 x 8 x 1 6 ...... 4 0 c ea. 50 0 Showing up at the retail level. can 4 36” 37.20 51.00 COLORS; Beige, Terra Cotta, Green, Gold, Sandle Wood There was a time, incidentally, Molded In Hand Grips 4 1 9 Canned Hams's^wr Oven Fresh Baked when oleo was as much as W Indentation Lid | All other types and sizes at All Meat dr 1 lb cents a pound cheaper than but­ ■ ea 794 Hard Rolls doz 99* comparable savings. ter; right now, as you report, it is Finast Frankfurts All Beef pkg GENUINE WHITE about even. M Elm Sausage sreaMasi.. lb 99* Now about dog food. The Pet 24” Brazier Grill Prime NO LONG DELIVERY WMTS- Meat or Beel b 1.09 Food Institute tells us that the Hot or Sweet W ieners CABINETS ARE STOCKED t MARBLE CHIPS 4 Position Grid Adjustments "JP Q Q Itaiian Sausage Oscar Mayer 40% OFF LIST PRICE Cut for land scaping projects conunercial you refer to has Bologna Meat or Beet 99* On IN MANCHESTER been dropped by the company, With Chrome Plated Grid m y.' Such as: Driveways-Patlo’s-Flower Pots, etc. ■ ea ?;1.29 or at least revised, because there Variety Pak Slyer. Cabinets Buy your cabinets today- MED. SIZE: 1”x% Premium Sausage ON 5 OR MORE was some soy meal in the pro­ Fresh Chicken Parts O W 1 1 I d ‘Links or Patties . 79* In Inventory Install your kitchen tomorrow! HI CASH & CARRY SPECIAL duct after all. Baked Fresh The Finast Way! r - \ - I _ ^ ^ ^ Finast Meat Regardless of that, however, Chicken Legs... B 0 I0 Q D 3 or Beef . . .’pV/ 89* the institute says a “very Parks Scrapple lb 69* nutritious dog food can be made .^I^^Finast Hot Dog Chicken Breasts OUTDOOR PLEASURES BY iH iMM coapotAnqpf from any number of ingredients” Little Links Ibl .69 I N . * 4AU Boneless Breast Parks Sausage 5 0 lb. bag “ including cereal. If a product Qr Hamburg H ^ //- is advertised or labeled as con­ AT INSIDERS' PRICES! taining “all the nutrition a dog Too bad ive didn’t think about Rolls COMPLETE 4-PC. needs” then it must (have passed a railing a week ago! certain feeding tests to make More Prpof it Pays to Shop sure it is. Most dog foods are pro­ the Finast Way! 46 oz pkgs m a ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT moted that way, the institute All Flavors cans IRON RAILING said. Those that are not are Hi-C Drinks ONLY! usually listed for supplemental Easy 1-2-3 installation without drilling. feeding. 15 oz • Fun for the whole family We'll show you how. There was a flap a few years Big Round JopZ^Z. . . 3 ^°'1.00 Hunt’s cans • Adjustable steel pole, sturdy ago over whether “all meat” dog English M uffins ...... 3 T 1 .0 0 Tomfito Sauce mounting bracket 4’ Adjustable Sections foods w ere' really healthy for Bakery Items Available Tues. Thru Sat. • Backboard, regulation goal, net dogs; but the institute claims that Empress White has been resolved with th3 pro­ For Your Health & Beauty! In Water Bee viso of “all the nutrition a dog Solid Tuna SPECIAL VALUES ON 8S needs.” Aspirin For what it’s worth, there are Bayer Tablets half T/e/-of>ost about 40 million dogs in the 7 oz gal SAVE 10% on the Purchase of Fittings United States, in about 57 per APPLE METAL PRODUCTS JohnsonssifamU...... btl JUICE Finast Apple Juice cent of all the nation’s house­ 9 oz « 40 OZ holds. Last year Americans VO-5 Hair Spray . . . can , bti Now at Glennay’s LoCal Soda F 39* b ox • Finast Mayonnaise umukiinnMtMi spent $1.5 billion feeding them. 25* OH 84 oz <1 yQ Efferdent°^"'“"T a b le ts ...... ■ • . 60 , pkg I a f 9 As to the hot dogs versus buns Kosher Dills F inast Ajax Detergent Label question - we couldn’t really Johnsons^L®oi,"''n ...... AS LOW AS find an answer. ’The various in­ THE NEW FORESTER SERIES jinnsn dustries involved suggested it al­ Stock-up on Frozen Foods at FInasti ways has been done that way. Positive suppprt for weak floors FLAT There is no requirement that Proof it Pays to Shop for Quality Produce the Finast Way! Freezer by Masonite Heavy duty telescoping tubes either be packed in any specific Mini Meais Queen Self-locking, easy to install WALL quantities. $995 Actually, hot dogs don’t always Chicken Croquette Breaded Turkey Cutlet The Natural Beauty of the forest comes Into your home and Is the come in packs of 10. A check in Fresh Asparagus Meatballs $4 Free PAINT the Washington, D.C., area One 26 oz ctn Plain or Iodized first hard board panleing with the look of real wood at a price you INTERIQR LATEX Meat Loaf showed packs of four, seven and 3 pkgs m Salisbury Steak can afford. even eight - although 10 was i California Fresh, Tender, Succulent Spears of Gourmet Goodness - A ZONOLITE most common. A local chain 4 ear Finast Sait VERMICULATE-PLUS store told us it decided to keep its Favorite For Salads or Side Dish. Corn on Cob Finast p kg ^.With this Coupon & Purchase of $5 or More A niC INSULATION buns in packages of eight to ac­ 10 oz Limit one Coupon per Customer SAVE *3.50 GAL. Strawberries S p k g s Valid thru May 3 H 249 LfJ Introductory Otter Just pour it between the commodate all size packages of 6 oz joists for a cozier, more hot dogs. Orange Juice Finas ca n s i . l . K W comfortable home. All­ A spokesman for thg_AineQ; Regular Introductory 9 .9 5 mineral insulation won’t can Bakers Association said bakers would be glad to settle on Sunrise Fresh Dairy Features! Price 11.15 Offer rot, burn or itch . . . but it Bathroomv will cut those fuel bills a size bun package to match the way downl number of weiners - if the meat 49 Tissue ICOVER-WELL ? fo r Charmin Picked Up industry would settle on one size Florida Oranges L a rg e 10 Cheese Siices * Y tir round protection for package for hot dogs. BiMmant Windows end Fresh Florida Corn . 5 fo r Kraft Deluxe 3 Cu. Ft. Bags ^ 2 . 7 5 Window Wells. A spokesman for the Grocery. 4*1 12 oz Manufacturers Association adds fo r Am erican * Energy saving - Lowers Fresh L e m o n s ...... 6 pkg 4 ro ll 336 NO. MAIN ST. HEBRON AVE., GUSTONBURY Heating Cost. jokingly that you get two extra hot dogs because the family dog 8 5 « pkg * Helpt prevent beMment 633-4675 always, gobbles up two anyway. Navel Oranges Green Beans MANCHESTER WEST ROADy ELLINGTON flooding. |«y^g!gI enney * Cast Acrylic - Weather And, no, we don’t know if a hot Kraft Velveeta S p re a d .... 875-6213 reiistint, remeint dog is a nutritious dog snack. California If. With this Coupon & Purchase ol $5 or More CO, TEL. 649-5253 RUBY CASH & CARRY Extra Large 9 or $ i Fresh, Tender 3 9 Milk Light N Lively ...... Limit one Coupon per Customer p— Write Buyer’s Billboard, DIV.OPW.aaLRNNIVCO. Valid thru May 3 H 248 ItJ Reg. 315 National Press Building, Befit Yogurt...... 4 ?,n“l 1 . 0 0 SHOP FRIDAY TO 8:30 P.M. RT. 44, WEST WILLIN6T0H Washington D.C., 20045 with 1 7 .2 5 B i s c u i t s B u tie fm llk ...... 8 c in s 1.00 428-9816 1 4 " your questions or sugges­ ~Not Responsible for Typographical Errors SAT. TO 4 P.M. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities tions. Prices Effective thru May 3,1975 PAGE TWENTY-fi’OUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1. 1975 y MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ^ n c h e ste r. Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 - PAGE TWENTY-FIVE

< ¥ r'/-- A w □ N O T IC E S Co»t »ntl Found...... ***t PononolM Halp Wantod 13 Halp Wantod 13 INDEX Homaa For Salo 23 Homaa For Sala 23 ' Homaa For Sala 23 Homha For Salo 23 LEGAL □ EMPLOYMENT N O n C lB POUND - large shepherd troe, PERSON or persons who stole TWO-FAMILY Duplex - 68, rNOTltE OF SALE Lost and Found 1 — Lost tnd Found $46,900. Two-family flats, 5-5, male, black and tan. Call Dog custom pool cue.and carton of 2 — Portonolt * The following used equipment H«fp Wantod 13 THE ATUNTIC COMPANIES $38,500. Two-family Duplex, 6-6, SERVICE IS OUR Warden, 6464555. cigarettes from car at Holiday hava an opaiilng for a RATER with mathamatical ap- 3 — Announcomonta I is offered for sale by sealed bid FOUND - Shepherd cross, white MANCHESTER Ml.900. Philbrick Agency, flfALTOR Bowling Lanes please call 64^ PHONE FROM home to ser­ Utuda and ability to handle detail. Previous Mass, 4 — Enlertiinmont ONLY PRODUCT > n May 20, 1975 at 11:00 A.M. with black markings, vicinity of FOUND - English settet, 7767. No questions asked. 5 — Auctions PRIME LOCATIOH Realtors, 646-4200. flanltl I. rM l* MAS Case Mountain. Call 649-3978. vice our customers for super automobile insurance helpful. Komoline Sanderson Vacuum female, black and white. Call Reward. FINANCIAL Four brand new Duplexes un­ earnings. Choose own hours. Excellent benefits and salary program. Parking ROCKLEDGE - Seven-room iCoil Filter, including vacuum Dog Warden, 6464555. 8 — Bondi-Stocks-Mortgaget der construction,, comer of Call 6^-1810. 9 — Personal Loans Raised Ranch, 2 sliding glass ^and mixing tanks, pumps, provided. Houra: 8:30-4:30. Call or write: Mather and Parker Streets. SB2,B00 — UvD on on# sido chMpor than tha ta- Mrs. thibeault 10 — Iniuranco S h c H c r a U i doors to large deck and patio, INVITATION Stop in and see our plans. Low nant In thia 5-5 two-yaar oM Duplax. Ono apd •auxiliary pumping equipment, ESTABLISHED RE. Estate EMPLOYAIENT large living room-dining room □ FINANCIAL THE ATLANTIC COMPANIES " 's . ona-haH bathrpoma and thrao badrooma on oach Isewage ejectors, chlorine TO BID office needs two fulli4inime sales 13 — Help Wantod with cathedral ceilings, 2 ^feeders, electric motors, plat- LEGAL NOTICE people. Wolverton' Agency,A Foundera' Tower Box 80071 14 — Bualneas Opporlunlllaa fireplaces, wqlk-out basement aido. Lata than raplacafflont coat Pursuant to Subpart D, Sec­ 15 — Situation Wanted CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 5«form scale, and a complete Bonda-Stocka-Mortgagoa 9 Realtors, 649-2813. East Hartford,,Conn. 00108 with built-in bar, 2-car garage, NOTICE tion 570.300 (b) of the U.S. 203-728-3344 'package pump station — The Manchester Board of EDUCATION large lot with privacy. >7,000. H o u sin g & Community NEWSPAPER DRIVER for six An Equal Opportunity Employtr 18 — Private Instructions ^Schmieg Industries, located un- Education seeks bids^ for a MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ REAL ESTATE CENTER Phflbrick Agency, Realtors, $24,900 MANCHESTER — ThoFo terlMt wo m MI Idoal four Development Act of 1974 notice day delivery. Call Mr. Griffin at 19 — Schoola-CIstses 646-4200. -derground on Middle Turnpike Riding Rotary Mower for the cond, third. All kinds. Realty 20 — Instructions Wanted 646-4144 room Btartor honw In convanlant location. Clooo to is hereby given that the Town of statewide. Credit rating un­ 647-9411. ;!IWest, Manchester, Conn. 1975-1976 school year. Sealed REAL ESTATE nSGKTTEtlURTII,MILIlNiton achoola, bua, and shopping. CaH now. Manchester’s application for necessary. Reasonable. Con­ RN’s wanted for full and part- HEAD HOUSEKEEPER - BOLTON - Better than new Bid forms and inspection proposals will be received until NEWSBOYS for South Windsor time on 11 p.m.7 a.m. shift. mature experienced 23 — Homes lor Sale 263 Main SbMt MndwstM’ nine-room Ranch, acre lot, $29,000 MANCHESTER — 2 aluminum sidad 3:00 P.M. May 14,1975 at which Community Development fidential, quick arrangements. 24 — Lots-Land lor Sala ^details are available at the area. Call Mr. Griffin at 647- Apply to Directors of Nursing, housekeeper with supervisory 25 — Investment Property PHOHE magnificent view, four Ranch-atyja Condomlnluir.QV^viotaly earpatad and Block Grant funding has been Alvin Lundy Agenw. 527-7971. 643-2711 ^General Services Office, time they will be publicly 9411. Salmon Brook Convalescent ability n ^ e d . Excellent fringe 26 — Bualneas Proporty excellent appliances, draperies, central air conditioning. wO arc anxious. All offers received by the U.S. Depart­ 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ Municipal Building, 41 Center opened. The right is reserved to Home, (off House Street) benefits. Please apply in per­ 27 — Resort Proporty berry bushes, fruit trees. Low considered. ment of Housing and Urban ford. Evenings, 233-6879. 28 — Real Estate Wanted FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD CONTEMPORARY Raised * Street, Manchester, Connec- reject any and all bids. CUSTODIANS - Experienced, Glastonbury. Please call 633- son, Meadows Convalescent Ranch - Large; modem kitchen 50’s. Call 643-6988. Principals $31,900 MANCHESTER — This alx room Capo in pleasant Development for processing. A ‘ ticut. Specifications and bid forms part-time evenings, 5244. Home, 333 Bidwell Street, MI8C. SERVICES with pantry, formal dining only, no agents. neighborhood la an Ideal house for tho young family. copy of the submitted document Manchester - East Hartford. Manchester. 31 — Services Ottered Homaa For Salo 23 Homaa For Sale 23 ' Town of Manchester may be secured at the Business MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd 32 — Pelnling-Papering room with built-ins, living room Rreplaca, new carpeting, a yard with room for a garden. with A-95 comments is on file in Days, Vernon. Call 643-5691,2-6 Connecticut Office, 45 N. School Street, mortgages — interim financing 33 — Building-Contracting with cathedral ceiling and MANCHESTER Call tor more datalla. p.m. WANTED - experienced " s h o r t o r d e r cook - 34 — RoofIng-SIdIng APARTMENT BUILDING - ~ Robert B. Weiss, Manchester, Connecticut. the Town Manager’s office. — expeditious and confidential ADVERTISING ADVERTISING MANCHE6TER fieldstone fireplace from floor Municipal Building, mechanic, 40 hour week, must minimum experience 35 — Heating-Plumbing consisting of 4-one bedroom to ceiling, redwood paneling, **$31,900” $38,000 NEW LISTING - NIc'Colonial In es­ > General Manager Raymond E. Demers, service, J.D. Real Estate Sobtract those things girtherinf 38 — Flooring Immaculate 6-room Cape. have own tools. Apply in per­ necessary. Good salary, good 37 - Movlng-Trucklng-Storage apartments, centrally located, four bedrooms, 2 full baths, At a price like that maybe you tablished neighborhood. H floors, garage, Im­ Business Manager Manchester. Assoc. 6^1M0. DEADLINE dust-‘‘U " M « s to yew bi- son, to Olendpr’s Body Shop, working condition, good 38 — Services Wanted RATES aluminum siding, business Full dormer - carpeted - large family room with can get out of that apartment maculate condition. cono benefits. Call 649-5271 for ap- 12:00 noon the day belore zone, excellent potential for spacious master bedroom and Route 83, Rockville, see Joe. g fireplace, den or library, 5 and become a homeowner, 3 $32,900 COYENTRY — Three famllyt Live rent-free In thie , pointment. MISC. FOR SALE publication. 1 day ...... 9 word per day commercial expansion. 41 — Articles lor Sale 3 days ..... 6c word per day living room. Knotty pine fami­ sliding glass doors, 2 large or 4 bedrooms, nice lot, patio, Deadline lor Seturdey end home. Located on Main 8t. Dwnar will conaldar all offtra. WANTED - experienced 42 — Building Supplies 6 days ..... 7c word per day Jackston Agency, 64&1316. ly room. Only $34900. decks, 2-car garage, large lot. some carpeting, for more info 43 — Dogs-BIrds-Pets Mondey Is 12:00 Noon Fridey. $36,900 MANCHESTER — Six-room Ranch. Formal dining radiator repairer, 40 hour week, 26 days ..... word per day $68,500. PhiTbrick Agency, contact Tony Wasilefsky at 44 — Livestock 15 WHO MINIMUM $2,000. TAX CREDIT - New room, firoplaca In living room, ona-car garage. Call for apply in ^ rso n to Olender’s 45 — Boats & Accessories Realtors, 646-4200. PART-TIME homes - 3 bedroom Ranch, 4 FIANO A6ENCY 649*5306. more Information on thia one. &)dy Shop, Route 83, Rockville, 46 — Sporting Qoods PLEASE READ Happy Ads ...... $2.00 inch EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 47 — Garden Products bedroom Colonial and 3 848-5200 see Joe. MAINTENANCE WORK $37,000 NEW LISTINB — 2 family. 7 room apt. and 3 room 48 — Antiques YOUR AD bedroom Raised Ranches, now RANCH - 5 rooms, city utilities, BARROWS A WALLACE apt. Two now heating syatama, new atorma and acraans. . 49 — Wanted to Buy being built. Merritt Agency, handy location. $31,000. M M c n sra r i n w ntVBn nv uuva REAL ESTATE Career - Earn CiBssllled eds ere teken over (X)VENTRY - 5V4 room Ranch. •4M30B 3B7-1818 728-0818 SM,B00 NEW LISTINQ — 5A5 Duplax. Two now gaa hot air RENTALS the phone es a convenience. 646-1180. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, $12,000 plus annually. Must *7.00 to *10.00 Garage, w/w carpeting, half furnaces, new carpeting. Cwner It In process of Inetalling Mother^ E)ay Special! 52 — Rooms lor Rent The Herald is responsible lor 646-4200. 53 — Apartments lor Rent have license or in process. only one Incorrect Insertion and MANCHESTER - Redwood acre treed lot. Immediate oc­ aluminum elding on house. Pasek Realtors, MLS, 289-7475. PER HOUR 54 — Homes lor Rent cupancy. $29,900. Pasek 55 — Business lor Rent than only to the size of the Farms, spacious 9 room Raised SPRING ARRIVAL - Highly | I $38,000 MANCHESTER — Four bedroom Colonial with 2- W EAREVER SLOW COOKER 56 — Resort Property lor Rent original Insertion. Errors which Ranch, set on large treed lot. Realtors, 289-7475, 742-8243. MANCHESTER desirable South Farms area. car garage. Lot aiza Is 100x150. Located within walking ' DRIVERS for Manchester area CALL S28-99S1 do not lessen the value ol (he 57 — Wanted to Rent Three full baths, aluminum GRACIOUS LIVING Sevqn room Colonial Cape with distance to hue line, shopping, end echools. school buses. Immediate 58 — MIsc. for Rant V advertisement will not be cor­ siding, two fireplaces, family BOLTON - U&R Raised Ranch, aluminum siding, three large | Pleaa« look for our ad in the busineas opportunity rected by an additional Inser­ We are pleased to offer for the ! $30,000 NEW LISiriNO — ^even-room Colonial In openings available. Part-time AUTOMOTIVE beautiful wooded acre lot. Dead bedrooms, fireplaced living tion. room, five possible bedrooms. first time this exemplary 10- work. We will train. Call 643- section under Eastern Services. 61 — Autos lor Sale Asking $51,900. Zinsser Agency, end street, living room, and room, dining room, large coun­ I Manchester. Formal dininp with sliding door onto a 2373. 62 — Tegcks (or Sale room Colonial in one of try kitchen with dishwasher, 1 I 28x14 ft. deck. Three ^ ^ o bedrooms, completely 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale 9999999999999999«e99999e9999 646-1511. first floor family room with 64 — Motorcycles-BIcycles cathedral ceilings and stone Manchester’s finest residen­ 1/2 baths, first floor family carpeted downetaire and remodeled kitchen.______^ 65 — Campers-Trallers-Moblle Business Opportunity 14 EAST HARTFORD- Seven fireplaces, three bedrooms, two tial areas. There are 5 room with rear deck, walkout I $4Si0bb MANCHESTER - Located on Henry'St. Must be Homes room split Level, 4 bedrooms, full baths, formal dining room, bedrooms (the master basement and garage. Priced 66 — Automotive Service EASTERN SERVICES - Part- I seen - Immaculate 0-room Colonial with fireplace In 67 — Autos tor Rent-Lease HAPPY ADS IV^ baths, fenced yard, laundry-utility room, many bedroom has beamed, below current market value for time maintenance work, $7 to quick sale by owner. 646-6049. dining room, king-elzed master bedroom, 2*A bathrooms. aluminum siding, large kitchen extras including redwood pan­ cathedral ceilings), iVz baths, I Take a look inside - you won’t be diaappointad. $10 per hour for a responsible with built-ins. Only- $32,900. eling, wall-to-wall carpeting. person seeking permanent, a large, heated in-ground pool, MANCHESTER - four year I $48,000 NEW LISTINB - 4-4 Duplax In Manchaatar. All •999999999999999999999999999 Warren E. Howland, Realtors, Sliding glass doors to secluded part-time work days or tennis court, fantastic young, 5-5 duplex, aluminum I kitchen appllancee remain In this house. Aluminum Hglp Wanted 13 643-1108. deck, tnermopane windows, landscaping, central air- FREE evenings. Company will furnish central vacuum, air- siding, fenced yard, self­ ! storms and screens, nice location, and In vary clean con- training, equipment and conditioning, first-floor fami­ SECRETARY for property conditioning, double self­ cleaning oven ancf dishwasher I ditlon. customers. You pay $13.50 per The name of the game js Want cleaning wall oven. By owner, ly room and a lower-level on owner’s side. Wall-to-wall' management and construction week. Call 528-9^1. I 8 FAMILY — Good investment - call for details. . firm. General office respon­ Ms-tlw numbar to caH is 643- 649-0600. $70,000. recreational area with bath, carpeting throughout. Beamed I $82,800 4 FAMILY — Income le $718 per month. Dne 8- dressing rooms, dark room ceilings in living room, 1 1/2 sibilities. Bookkeeping not RARE OPPORTUNITY - 2711. I room apt., one 3-room apt., and two 4-room apts. • Direct to you from Hotpoint required. Modem new offices. SAVE $$$$! - Hebron, U&R and workshop. Carpeted baths, separate basements, MFOn.'S 8UG. RETAIL PRICE Established territories. Mister Pledse send resume indicating Raised Ranch, three bedrooms, throughout. Florida room partially finished rec room I 2 FAMILY HOME — to bo built In town. Use your plans or Softee a Household word. Units ROLL STREET - Residence B owner’s side. $54,900. Call 646- I builder’s plans but don’t hesitate; call now. experience and salary are ready to go. Need good peo­ eat-in kitchen, dining room, with skylight,' and there is when you buya SUPER SPRING Zone, large older home. Readi­ beamed fireplaced living room, 7930 an y tim e or 647-1045 requirements. Write Box R, more. Call for further details I $11,000 BUILDING LuT — minutes from Glastonbury. ple. Low down payment pay out ly convert this to a 2-family. between 10-1 p.m. or 4-8 p.m. Manchester Herald. of profits. Call or write today, fireplaced family room .with and price. $8,000 BUILDING LOT - Ellington 2.8 acres. Hotpoint DishPotwasher ... Somoono (;lose to center of town. Huge garage. Acre treed lot, street area code 203-677-9089 or 528- living room with fireplace, 4 MANCHESTER - Ansaldi-built NEW Hairdressing Salon in An­ 8771. Mister Softee of Southern with cuWe-sac. Minutes from WARREN E. Model HDB872 or HDB772 dover needs a Manager or may hovoMatyov large bedrooms, 2 full baths. Manchester and Hartfori Colonial. Prestige area. Move- GOUPON SALE! New England, Inc. 198 South in condition. Fully paneled o h ap p y o d l Full basement and attic, 2-car Assistant Manager. Cml 649- Road, Farmington, Conn. 06032. Immediate occupancy. Jiow LIST YOUR HOUSE IN ... 7666 or 875-5547. garage. Asking $49,900. Keith 40’s. 643-5535. ICWLi family room, two fireplaces, between ApriH and May11,1975 spacious lot with charming I OFFER GOOD THRU MAY 3rd. 999999999999999999999999999G Real Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. Void where prohibited by law or taxed. ESTABLISHED real estate of­ landscape. Excellent value. REALE’S CORNER situation Wanted IS 30 LOCUST Street - 2 family, Principals. 60’s. 643-1839. I fice, looking for two full-time MANCHESTER - New listing, ideal location. $46,000. No I 175 MAIN STREET P R ^ E ^ ^ 5 _ | More than Just a dishwasher... sales people. Wolverton Agen­ % Happiness Is | BABYSITTING, my home, 6-room Cape, new bath, roof. agents, please. Phone 646-2426. GARRISON COLONIAL - 24’ cy, Realtor, 649-2813. days, evenings or overnight. Kitchen remodeled, furnace, living room with fireplace, for­ MANCHESTER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toward Tho PurchoM WORTH Toword The Purchase g going to | WORTH Will pick up and deliver, any wiring, plumbing all replaced. CENTRALLY located - 4 mal dining room, 4 b^room s, 1 12C CAK GRCVE Homes For Sale 23 Resort Property 27 1'^ No work to be done. Nice treed 1/2 baths, rec room, screened Any Fomout Brond BINDERY Operators - g The - ^ age. 647-9360. bedroom Colonial, 2 baths. Drive by this brand new THE HOTPOINT nSH POTWASHER Of Any Experienced only need apply. yard. $32,900. Hayes Corpora- porch, 2-car garage. $45,900. NEW ON Market - Quality NORTHEASTERN Vermont - DENIM iS EXCHANGE CLUB g Modern kitchen with dis­ Raised Ranch which qualifies $ TOP BRAND Baum folders, Erhlerman tion. 646-0131.______^ Philbtick Agency, Realtors, built, Garrison Colonial, 4 Summer home, country home. $ STRAIGHT LEG hwasher and carpeting. Only for a new tax rebate credit. gets Pokey* Pots, other potSy pans and crusty casseroles WORK COVERALL collator, McCain inserter. Call TAG SALE I WILL HOUSE clean one day a 646-4200. bedrooms, plastered walls, 2 Lake-front cottages, country OR FLARE ;EANS week. Call 643-2207 after 5 p.m. 7.8 ACRES 1 pond, custom built $31,900. Pasek Realtors, 289- Asking $49,900. 522-4174 for appointment. g Saturday, May 3rd 7475, 742-8243. fireplaces, carpeting, trees and lots and acreage. Fenton sparkling clean-and really cleans your dishes! VMS nw wr M i i VMS TIM MAT M Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, family MANCHESTER - Exceptional, much more. $54,900. Pasek Chester Real Estate, Box 122, I ______g - 10-4 g #99999999999999999999*9#9999 room, fireplaces, garages. A A EXPERIENCED, full-time immaculate, 5-room Con­ Realtors, 289-7475, 742-8243. Lyndon, Vermont, 802-626-5669. Manager. Also experienced per­ , Hutchins Agency, 646-3166. dominium. Everything you ever g 1 Hackmatack St. VERNON COUPON son, full or part-time. Good pay □ EDUCATION wanted in a home. Wall-to-wall REAL ESTATE CENTER BY OWNER - two family •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Don’t Miss Itl ^ BOLTON - Nine room Split 2B LIBERTY STREET Reel Estate Wanted 28 for right people. Apply in per­ carpeting, all appliances, cen­ 646-4144 duplex, 2-car garage, patio, 30- Toword Tho Purthoso WORTH Toword Tilt Purchase son, C. J.’s Giant (irinders, I _ _ I ■•••999999999999999999999999 Level, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2,- Six-room Cape with garage. In tral air-conditioning, fainily 32 H em lo ck S tr e e t , Private Inatructlona 18 600 square feet, fireplaced room, bath and lavatory, swim- FRE(»TTE&IIURTII,MC.,Realton Manchester. Low 40’s. 429-4465, ALL CASH for your property O tAny Inc., 273 Broad Street. nice condition. Only $32,900. OtAny living room, 2 1/2 acres, nice ming pool, life guard, 263 Mdn Street Manchester principals only. within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, FAM O US BRAND s WATERPROOF WANTED - Part-time desk Help Wanted 13 CREWEL CLASSES - for view. $44,900. Owner, 643-9298. playgrounds, carport, tennis instant service. Hayes Agency, ST. LEG. OR FLARE YELLOW PARKA beginners, eight lessons for $5. courts. Live the “life of Riley’’ MAY FLOWERS 646- 0131. clerk. Apply at Manchester CAPE six rooms, treed lot, city CORDUROY iEANS OR RAINSUIT Motel, 1 McNall Street, May 6 - June 24. For details call VERNON - Two-family, 6-6, for only $32,000. Look at your^ Dot the landscaped grounds of Uiis im­ AIR-CONDITIONING utilities, handy location, $29,- pressive 3 bedroom Ranch; featuring a Manchester. Beverly Munn, 644-0859. with 3 bedrooms, fireplace, REAL ESTATE CENTER leisure. Donald S. Gale Realty WE WILL buy your house. Call . VUS TNH HAT 3rd VMS TIM MAY 3rd SERVICE MEN 500. Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. sunken first floor family room, huge large lot, 2-car garage. Wolver­ 646-4144 Company, Realtors, MLS, 289- kitchen, double garage. Mid 50's. anytime, Hutchins Agency, -- - BABYSITTER WANTED - for Experiened. Apply only if genuinely ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. 7939. Realtors, 646-3166. I f FIIECHEm&MiUITII.IIC., Realtors RANCH - with gorgeous view. two girls ages 6 and 8. three to sincere and interested in a good future. 263 Main Street Manchester BUNGHARD ft ROSSEHB x ' f W V V I t^v^'v y"C. For appointment call □ REAL ESTATE Large living room with beamed Realtore-MLS B4S-24t2 four nights per week to ap­ MANCHESTER - Assumable 189 Weel Center Street SELLING your house? Call us • \ tRANCHESTER mortgage, $7,100 to take over cathedral ceilings and first and we’ll make you a cash WORTH Toward The PurchoM proximately 1:30 a.m. prefer 649-8691 fireplace, formal dining room, 3 my own home but will consider an 8 1/2% mortgage with 28 offer. One day service. T. J. Homes For Sale 23 Clean 7-room Cape, first fully equipped kitchen with OLDER HOME - Large living Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. I Of Any taking them to yours. Call 643- CAPE - Eat-in kitchen, formal years left. $283 for flTI. Extra- LAUNDROMAT Attendant - floor family room, garage, large Cape with full shed sliding glass doors to deck. room with dining area, eat-in I $ FOOTLOCKER 9073 mornings only after 9 a.m. MANCHESTER-Six month dining room, fireplaced living Huge family room with stone Responsible person to work city atilltles, full basement, dormer and 1 1/2 baths. Call kitchen, 1 1/2 baths, 3 IMMEDIATE CASH for your With Romovoble new, prime west side location, room, 3 bedrooms, 2-car gar­ fireplace, • two full baths. ARE YOU UNEMPLOYED? part-time, evenings or convenient location.' Now owner-agents, 643-5314 or 872- bedrooms, porch. Interior com­ property. Let us explain our Troy 5-5 D uplex, 1 1/2 b a th s, only $33,900, age, immaculate condition. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, pletely redecorated, 2-car gar­ fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, YOU'VE MSWEBED AD AFTER AO weekends. Call 646-8749. hardwood floors, aluminum 0003. VMS TIM MAY 3rd NOW WHATI $36,900. Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. age. $33,500. Philbrick Agency, 647- 1413. Call siding, high 50’s. Hayes Cor­ Real^irs, 646-4200. Realtors, 646-4200. AAAA..A..^...a ..^ CUSTOMER SERVICE and poration, 646-0131. RANCH - 6 1/2 rooms, 3 JOBSEEKERS INC. NEW RAISED Ranch - Seven INSTANT cash for your home. various other office duties. SALT BOX - Large, country bedrooms, rec room with bar, generous-sized rooms, 2 1/2 Typing ability and basic ac- 'fireplace, wall-to-wall MANCHESTER - Split 7 rooms, Call Joe Gordon, Barrows & ^ EMPLOYMENT $17,500 - Five rooms, 1 1/2 kitchen with built-ins and baths, family room, 2 background a must. carpeting, large lot 150’x270’. 1 1/2 baths, 3 bedrooms, Wallace Co., Equal Housing Op­ Toword Tho Purthoso Toword Tho Purthoso SERVICE counting baths, stove, refrigerator, gar­ fireplace, formal dining room, fireplaces, 2-car garage, $125 per week starting. For DUBi ESPERANCE $33,500. Philbrick Agency, modern kitchen, dining room, portunity. 649-5306. WORTH Of Any 568-1070 588-1070 age, nearly two acres. Hutchins double door spacious center en­ aluminum siding, large lot. more information call 875-2548. Agency 648-0505 Realtors, 646-4200. family room, fireplace, wall-to- « 1 0 WHITE or BLUE Connecticut’s largest job Agency, Realtors, 646-3166. trance hall, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 This house qualifys for $2,000 wall carpeting, garage, large FAMILY desires to buy three $1 DENIM, FARM listing service managed by baths, 2-car garage, large lot. tax credit. Philbrick Agency, lot, $45,500. Pnilhrick Agency, 4 HAIR STYLIST, experienced bedroom home any style cond- BIB OVERALLS professionals. Please call, $38,900 - Duplex, 6-3. Nice in­ BOLTON - 6 room Raised This- house qualifys ■■■ for‘or $2,000 Realtors, 6484200. Realtors, 646-4200. sidered. Must be in move-in for growing, aggressive salon. law apartment, carpeting, $435 Agency, CHARMING (olso corduroy) 568-1070 for complete details Ranch, with 27’ kitchen and tax credit. Philbrick condition, Manchester or sur­ Call Linda 643-24B3. month income. Hutchins Agen­ VMS TIM MAV 3rd dining area combination. Large Realtors, 646-4200. Manchester — Large clean RANCH - Better than new. 71/2 rounding towns. Write Box BB, from one of our cheerful cy, Realtors, 646-3166. rooms, 3 bedrooms, family counselors. EXECUTIVE Secretary - living room, three bedrooms, older home with 5 bedrooms, Manchester Herald. promotion creates challenging fireplaced family room, 2 1/2 MANCHESTER - Exceptional­ three car garage, open barn, room with bar, large living COVENTRY - $26,900 - Three ly large, gracious, 4-bMroom room with, beautiful oval COUPON fA A A : opportunity. Job requires top baths, 2-car garage. $54,500. tool shed, landscaped MANCHESTER CASH FOR HOUSES - End bedroom full-dormered Cape, (Jolonial, Vk baths, laundry and fireplace, 2-car garage. $51,900. AVON- Sell now. Earn more. SKills, for Corporate President, Wolverton Agency, Realtor, grounds, separable % acre lot 158 AVERY STREET those home-selling worries. Let WORTH Taward The Purchase basement, 100’ from private family rooms off kitchen, Philbridk Agency, Realtors, us bring in a buyer. Or perhaps FOR MOM...her FAVORITE WORTH Toward Tho Purthoso Avon’s made it easy for yoq to nsurance agency experience 649-2813. as an excellent investment Nine-room older Colonial - 2- beach, double lot, more. walking distance to church, 646-4200. buy ourselves. We do you know. Of earn money. Sell daily need ful. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Insurance car garage, barn, garden. Of Any Warren E. Howland, Realtors, MANCHESTER - Four family schools, bus. Move-in condition. $59,000. Showings at your convenience. METAL FRAME products at new low p rj^ anti pension benefits. Call Mrs. Needs paint and paper but ARMY TYPE world-famous cosmetTc^s, 643-1108. in center of town, four rooms Owner, 649-6136. COVENTRY - 5 1/2 room We need large and small $ $ BACK PACK OR Danise 528-9551. FATIGUE fragrances...all . guamnteed. each apartment. Income over ,ODEGARD Ranch. Garage, wall-to-wall look at this reduced price, homes. Call without obligation! SLEEPING BAG LAND - Nice barn, three MANCHESTER- 7 rooms, two PANTS Call today-523-9401. $6,000. Excellent estate builder, REALTY carpeting. VA, no money down, $42,900. Keith Real Estate 646-4126 or bedroom home, baseboard $57,500. Wolverton Agency, baths, fireplace-redecorated $1,500 down conventional. Only 649-1922. VMS TSe MAY 3rd Z. 643^4365 PART TIME - Experienced in heat, Hutchins Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. Colonial, $34,900. Odegard Real­ $29,900. Pasek Realtors, 289- Full-time auto mechanic Realtors, 646-3166. ty, 643-4365. h i A A A A A A A A A A A S A sales and other related services 7475, 742-8243. of life insurance department. needed to work 8 to 5. MANCHESTER - New listing - COUPON VERNON - Three-bedroom RANCH - 8 rooms, 4 years old, REAL ESTATE CENTER Apply Savings Bank of Many company beneflta. large stately colonial entrance MANCHESTER CENTRALLY located - Clean, □ MISC. SERVICES Manchester. 923 Main Street, For more detalla and In­ Ranch, maintenance-free vinyl foyer, front-to-back living room first-floor family room, central 2-family Duplex. Separate fur­ 646-4144 siding. Tremendous view. A FINO vac system, dual fireplace, air- naces. Bus line. Walk to shop­ FISCiETTE&M«nil,MC-.licalton WORTH Of Any Manchester. formation contact Jim with fireplace, formal dining Almost new, 2 baths, 2-car gar- room, 4 nedrooms, treed lot, for the handy investor, 19 conditioning, wall-to-wall ping. Only $32,900. Pasek 263 Main Street Manctmter Services Ottered 31 FAM O US b r a n d McCavanaugh at CAPABLE mother’s helper age, large wooded lot, near school. Quick sale at $44,- room three family. Bix 90x190 carpeting, finished basement, healtors, MLS, 289-7475, 742- BLUE DENIM OR wanted to spend the summer at 643-5135 carpeted. Immediate occupan­ 900. Frechette & Martin Inc. lot on Chestnut Street. Needs porch, patio, 2-car garage, im­ 8243. SHARPENING Service - Saws, CORDUROY the beach. Call 646-6145. cy. 50’s. Warren E. Howland, Realtors, 6^144. some work but. unbelievable maculate. $56,900. Philbrick knives, axes, shears, skates, Realtors, 643-1108. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Lots-Land For Sale 24 WESTERN JACKET buy at $42,900. BARGAIN rotary blade?. Quick service. VMS TSB MAV 3rd PROFICIENT - telephone and PORTER STREET area, Call Thinking of trees and quiet, Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Main MANCHESTER - Unique Early CONTEMPORARY Raised BUILDING LOTS - Manchester St., Manchester. Hours daily competent offitje skills required custom built six room Colonial, beautiful 6 room Ranch, 2 American Colonial. Paneled 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, Ranch, one year old, large residential area, approximately 7:30-5, Thursday 7:30-9, Satur­ for interesting part-time WARREN E. baths, antiqued brick employment, ^na reply - doors, plaster walls and walk-Up attic. $42,500. aimer living room, with floor to one acre, also other acreage day, 7:30-4. 643-7958. ceilings, 2 1/2 baths, hand­ ceiling stone fireplace. Beamed ftyet^lace, carpeting available. Jackston Agency, resume to Box 2090, Vernon, CLERK TYPIST - Full-time R ealty, 646-6321, G ertrude Toword Tho Purthoso crafted paneling, first-floor cathedral ceiling, ultra modem throughout. Spacious 646-1316. WORTH Toword Tho Purthoso Conn. 06066. days, starting salary $110. Call Hagedom 649-0538. HCWLANO REWEAVING burns, holes. family room, 2 fireplaces, 4 Realtors 843>1108 kitchen, 2 full baths, formal sundeck. Basement garage. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. today,ay. Jobseekers, 568-1070. Of Any O f Any SITTER needed by May 5th, bedrooms, breezeway, double MANCHESTER - Farm. Ready dining room, photo room, 2-car Bargain Price of $40,900. ANDOVER - Treed 2-acre Window shades, Venetian COMBAT BOOT FAMOUS BRAND garage, beautiful lot, city home site with pond! Minutes Verplanck School area. 8:15-5 CLEANING Person needed - to be worked. 31/2 acres, trac­ garage, wooded lot, with a RANG AGEI^CY blinds. Keys. TV for rent. OR NAVY WORK SHIRTS p.m. in your home. Two pre­ utilities. $74,900. Hayes Corp. tor, chickens, shed, 3-car gar­ SOUTH WINDSOR- Lake view. $51,500. Philbrick Agen­ to Manchester and Hartford. Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. $2.75 an hour. Call between 12 646-0131. 646-5200 $11,000. Terms. Call Warren E. DRESS SHOE or WORK PANTS school age children. Call 529- and 4 or 5-7. 289-0891. age, 8-room home in good con­ Street, 10 room Contemporary cy, 646-4200. VMS TMI HAY 3rd 5126 after 6 p.m. dition. $49,900. Holcombe Colonial $82,500. Odegard Real­ Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. VMS TWH MAV 3rd $34,900 ^ 6 room Cape, shed EXPERIENCED Tire Realtors, 644-2447. ty, 643-4365. Removal, pruning, lot clearing, SECRETARY - Receptionist, dormer, 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, COVENTRY- 4.7 acres situated spraying. Fully insured. 4 . Changers - Needed now. Full or i doctor’s office. East Hartford nice trees. Hutchins Agency, NEW RANCH - Porter Street MANCHESTER - New family on High Street, gorgeous view. Licensed. Free estimates. part time. Salary accordinj Realtors, 646-3166.______WITH THE BIRDS AND THE B’S T. P. Shea Agency, 646-6714. w rtrn specialist, typing, some Call today. Jobseekers, area, three bedrooms, 2 baths, Colonial, aluminum siding, 3 Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. bedrooms, bath and lavatory, BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL AND BIG Toward Tho Purthoso Toward Tho Purthoso shorthand, four day week, 1070. carpets, storms and screens, WORTH experienced desired. Reply VERNON professionally landscaped. High oversized modern kitchen, MANCHESTER - /deal A zone TREE SERVICE (Soucier) O f Any O f Any box, DD, Manchester Herald. JAN ORIVE w ’s. 646-5254 evenings. builtdns, 24’ combination dining $500. per year buys carafraa living with country club lot for custom house. 115' fron­ Trees cut, trimmed or topped, PORTER wanted to clean after tage, central location, all AGWAY IS OPEN TIL 8:30 pm THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS NYLON SNAP-FRONT b l u e DENIM OR closing, 11-1, also person to Ranch, three bedrooms, living and playroom, garage, just- advantages, professionally decorated, 3 bedroom stumps removed, fully insured. utilities, wooded, with brook. Got a tree problem? Well worth WARM-UP WHITE PAINTERS DISHWASHER WANTED - work 8-12. Apply Burger King in room, kitchen, full cellar. MANCHESTER - New on the right lot, conveniently located. super large Condominium, formal dining room, living STORE HOURS Trade of your present home 643-7800, Broker-Owner. a phone call. 742-8252. JACKET PANTS Friday and Saturday nights. person, 467 tfenter Street. Reduced for quick sale at $31,- market, 6^room Colonial with 3 room, kitchen with all bullt-lna, closata unlimllad, 2 full M on. T ubs. Wad Fi. Apply Cavey’s Restaurant, 45 b^rooms, formal dining room, considered. $37,^. Dionald S. 900. and 2 half baths, finished rac room, w/w carpeting, 8:30 to 5:30 ,,UiniBMAt3rd VMS TIM MAV 3rd East Center Street, RNs-LPNs - Full-time positions large kitchen with pantry, 2-car Gale Realty Company, CUSTOM MADE Draperies, Thurv 8:30 to 8:30 central air, carport. very reasonable work Sat. 8:00 to 4:30 Manchester. are available on the 11-7 shift. garage, treed yard. $37,900. Realtors, MLS, 289-7939. Business Propsrty 28 EQUIPMENT SHOP AG WAYi^l nc .^ Excellent benefits and pleasant Wolverton Agency, Realtors, > guaranteed, call anytime. 649- 540 N EW STATE ROAD, buckland 643-5123 ^----- Mon. Tuos. Thurs. Fr, COMPUTER OPERATOR - working conditions. Also 3-11 649-2813. V NORTH COVENTRY - Like MANCHESTER^ 27,000’ office 4266. 8:30 to 5:00 OTHER AGWAY STORES COUPONS GOOD AT ANY RAY*S ARMVNAVY STORE Responsible person to operate REAL ESTATE CENTER new 5 1/2 room Ranch, Sot. 8:00 to 4:00 Supervisor position available site, 42,000’ industrial- ellington...middleflaid...north havon...vvillimantic mini-computer. Experience fireplace, 1 1/2 baths, closod wodnotdays ».■. S": Tf D•TOPHl^^'lT'lN•AVON•WATERBURYoWA^ HTOWN for qualified applicant. Please 646-4144 MODERN, clean 4V^ room JACKSTCN AGENCY commercial building on Am- iring S necessary. Full-time position. apply in person. Meadows Con­ Ranch Condominium. Many carpeting, walk-out basement, track siding. Odegard Realty, vice, 24 hour coverage. Wake- s HU!', I ''oNAlKi A rueKo THOMASTONnMERIDEI^MAfJCHESTER Salary open. Call Rita, ^ 7 964. FRECHETTE&IUinil,IKLI(eAtori 3/4 acre lot, $35,900. Hayes valescent Home, 333 Bidwell 263 Miip Street Meeche extras, huge basement. $28,800. 643-131C 643-4365. up service too. Call M9-2823. Street, Manchester. 646-6310. Corp. 6488131. ’ ■ ■ i- ■■ , ■ J~v- vrv,- ->•: •S^ V I, i-* . X ■' ■ ■ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn,, Thurs., May PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN

OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE PAGE TWENTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., May 1, 1975 BUGS BUNNY 61 C ' • . BY JIM BERRY Apartmwtt For Ront 53 Apartmontt For Root 53 Bualnon tor Root 55 Autot For Solo HERE YOU ARE, BUGS ~T) ITS A WEOPE I GOT \ BETTER BEAT IT ROVER, BENJY BOy, I’LL BE GLAD YEAH, BUT By WELL, BY THEN N FIT f=OR A KING AT THE LAST MEETING ^ OR I'LL FEED YA SOME T ig h ten ITS REALLY SHALL WE SHARE OFFICE space with ac­ 1970 MGB - 28,000 miles, MEAL o! J WHEM THIS euV THAT TIA/e/MAY­ T H ’ B A B Y 'L L PROBL CENTRAL four rooms, second OF OUR AMATEUR FTHIS.' YOUR seat NO WORSE START A I'M O F R 6 f P countant. Excellent location for, radials, AM-FM, roll bar, GETS BIG ENOUGH BE THERE'LL BE LYBEBIG ENOUGH WMATAPF ROCKVILLE SW ROOMS floor, includes heat, appliances, CHEF'S r-t TO TAKE CARE OF ANOTHER ONE TO DOTH'WHEELIN'.' belts, FOLKS.' THAN POOL ON POMY 'C o ^ & 0 AFTT^fz: THE & O Y € r - attorney, .real estate, in­ British racing green, excep­ pop&pOWlfJ'A parking. Couple pceierred, no SOCIETY,' J HIMSELF' T O W H E E L WE ALU GOTTA GO Yoll P tX fJ 'T O HIM IfJ ! ROCKLAND TCRRACE surance, etc. 649-1680, 649-3549. tional condition. Call 646-8098. THE MAJORS J SHOOTIN HOW H KE e o M E O P J H ? IM T W ? Large and beautllul one bedroom children, no ^ ts . 649-3190. AROUND; THROUGH THAT AT THROWIN’ a A ^ P p P ? i^irrufe^^AT LEAST ONCE, I OFF WINDOWS^ -eUPtlFSE y^lTH EAtoPMOU^ apartmenta, heat, hot water, all 1973 PLYMOUTH Duster, 6 A SPRING FIRECRACKERS GET M/PAP. appliances, Including dishwasher, FOUR ROOMS - Heat, hot REMODELING Showrooms, cylinder, automatic, power FWUC--!N.‘ \ DURIN BUSTED, c disposal, carpeting, pool and your water, stove and refrigerator, offices, storage facilities to own private terrace In a country set­ parking. Centrally located. Call rent. Suitable remodeler, steering, radials, 28,000 miles. CRUMWEU'S BRAIN ON THE ting. From $180. No pets builder, building product sales. Call 6^2964. GREENHOUSE* 5UI76ERY/ LENGTH OF r Phone 1-223^. The vJAlL 872-4223 87S-74M 52S45SI MANCHESTER - Newer 2 1974 PONTIAC Ventura, 17,500 TERM? bedroom Duplex, stove, STORAGE SPACE - 75 Cents miles, 6 cylinder automatic $2,- refrigerator, carpeting, heat, per square foot. 7,000-14j0()0.1,UW 695. 633-2W before 6 p.m. WE HAVE customers waiting hot water, basement with feet, two loading docks. 6all washer-dryer hookups, 643-5171. BUICK Regal, 1973, excellent for the rental of your apartment condition, all power, air- or home. J.D. Real Estate fireplace, garage and private conditioning, FM stereo, radial' MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD Associates, Inc. 646-1980. yard. $W0 monthly. Available OFFICE SPACES for rent on tires. $2,700. 643-9036 after 6. June 1. Edward Steiphens, 643- Main Street, in Manchester. Articles lor Safe 41 Ideal location for professional Services Offered 31 Building-Contracting 33 LOOKING for anything in real 8973. I'M THE ------□ MISd FOA SALE estate rental — apartments, offices and v e ^ convenient to 1971 PONTIAC Bonneville, ATTORNEY FOR Saturday May all facilities. Please call 646- power steering and brakes, air- IT'S ELEVEN O'CLOCK, I'LL TRY MY MRS. BARKER! ODD JOBS - Trucking, home CARPENTRY - Repairs, ...... \ ...... ^ Str ^ homes, multiple dwellings, no THREE ROOMS - Third floor, fees. Call J.D. ReaK Estate heat and appliances. Call after 4100 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. conditioned, vinyl top, 47,000 MR. W tL ^ . WE'O BETTER. BEST TO FAKE repairs, yards cleaned. Art/Oe. for Sa/a gaVr^’gL^! miles. $1,700. Call 875-3966. IT, SHERIFF/ Experienced handyman. Free Associates, Inc. 646-1980. 5:30. 649-2236. ' estimates. Reasonable. 643- 1796. ALUMINUM sheets used as NEW RINSE-N-VAC steam OFFICE SPACE 1964 CHEVROLET Impala - .'tJ hatg 0304. printing plates, .007 thick, ATTRACTIVE four room 474 MAIN Street - Second floor, ALWAYS A cleans carpets cleaner and apartment, stove, refrigerator, 3 rooms, heated, parking, $170. FOR RENT Body and interior in goodcondi­ LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for |1. keeps them cleaner longer. P0G3IBILITY= references, no pets, $145. 646- Phone 646-2426. tion, 283 bored out to 301, needs YESTERDAYS ^■1 TWO HANDYMEN will clean, new homes custom built, Phone 643-2711. Rent at Manchester Wallpaper I 250 square feCt, center of! work. Best offer. 643-8887. rake, lime, fertilize, mow, remodeled, additions, rec & Paint Co., 185 West Middle 3167, 228-3540. Manchester, air conditioning maintainance of lawn seasonal. rooms, garages, kitchens NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 3 1/2 R(X)M apartment, heat, and parking. Call: 643-9551. MUTT ANd I e FF BUD FISHER Turnpike, 646-0143. MANCHESTER GARDENS - hot water, cooking gas, stove,' 1972 VEGA Hatchback - Stan­ Cellars and attics cleaned. remodeled, bath tile, cement cents each. Inquire side door. dard, radials. $1,200. Must sell. Reasonable prices. 643-5305. work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ One bedroom apartments, in refrigerator, $175. Adults only. A Manchester Evening Herald. TAG SALE - Exchangeinge Club 649-5819 after 5. you SAID VDURSELF w i t h t h e l o o t tial or commercial. Call 649- beautiful country setting, walk ‘ No pets, security deposit OUT/YOU'RE NO '✓ ooRE N o t Tag'ag SSale on Saturday May 3rd, to everything. $169 monthly in­ Resort Property I’M IN FINE PHYSICAL you MAKE I WAS LIGHT TRUCKING - Odd jobs. 4291. WE BUY and sell used fur­ 10-4, 1 Hackmatack Street,Stri required. Call 643-9678. GOOD/ S O p e r f e c t For Rent 56 SHAPE "SO WHY ^ c o u n t i n g o n Cellars and attics cleaned, niture. Cash on the line. One Manchester. Don’t miss the cludes heat, hot water and lawns mowed, small tree work. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY appliances. Superintendent, DUPLEX - 3-bedroom, 2 CANT I MARRY jT you FOR yoURSELffQUACK! piece or an entire housefull. Tag Sale of the Century. TWO NEWER Chalets, Lake Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. Carpentry and general contrac­ 64^32. Furniture Bam, 345 646-0090. Equal housing. children. Appliances, no pets. TOYOTA YOUR daughter? ^ THAT' ting. Residential and commer­ $200 plus heat. Security. 649- Winnipesaukee, New Main Street Rear, behind REMOVE spots and residue Hampshire. Private beach, Lowest priced car GARDENS Roto-tilled - Quick cial. Whether it be a small, Douglas Motor Sales. left behind from other cleaners. SPECIAU 4688 after 5. BY AL VERMEER service. Save your back. Call us repair job, a custom built home walking distance. Nicely fur­ PRISCILLA’S POP Rent new RINSE-N-VAC steam Color TV, air-conditioning, nished. Oversized fireplace, one sold in Am erica.’!!/ today, 528-0586. or anything in between, call 646- cleaner at Farr’s, 2 Main FOUR ROOM tenement - No Have mmor repairs te be done? full bath, telephone, maid ser- appliances. 27 Ridgewood sleeps 7 the other 10. 646-5566 I'LL LOCK THE DO& T H A T 'L L W hat 1379. Street, Manchester, 643-7111. HOME GARDENS roto-tilled Read Today's Classified Ads for vice, free coffee and Street. Call 643-5873. after 5. , IN TH E C E L L A R ! j ' FIX TH O SE I n erve ., R ochester, Bolton, East Hart­ BUILDING - Remodeling, the help you need. 'doughnuts and off-street MICE! sendin fj me] [ow BABY AR'nCLES - Kant-wet parking. $49 (plus tax) per CAPE COD Motel - Free night ford and Vernon areas. Call 646- roofing, rec rooms, additions, car bed, $12; Cosco infant seat, SUBLET - May thru August. t o d o cat'^ One bedroom garden apart­ with any two nights, $25. per 8019 mornings or evenings. garages. All kinds, carpentry CLEAN USED refrigerators, 6; baby carriage $16; General week w o rk ! work. For estimates call 64^ ment, carpeted, dishwasher, couple. May and June, ranges, automatic washers, Motors car seat $8. All in Corolla 1600 Standard • LOAM, FILL, Gravel - Septic, FIANO’S MOTOR INN tennis courts, swimming pool, excluding holidays. 649-5637. 1142. with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s excellent condition. 647-1045, 2-Door Sedan I 100 EAST CENTER STREET ' etc. No security. $220 monthly. sewer connections, bulldozing, Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- please call between 10-1 p.m. or The lowest priced model, I CUSTOM ^IL D IN G - Homes, Call after 4 p.m., 8754136. TWO COTTAGES in lovely but you get plenty of | u excavating. Top quality work. 44 p.m. 6 4 6 .2 3 0 0 CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE ' Latulipoe Brothers, 646-5114, additions, remodeling, repairs. 2171 Eastham , Cape Cod, Mass. high standards for rri ■Within a short distance of both , 2 3 4 7 I 742-9477. Steve Casalino, experienced PING PONG Table - New, residential-commercial SCREENED LOAM - drivewa; NEWER FOUR room Duplex, 1 fresh and salt water beaches. PID YOU BAV- MR9.£THEL8ERT/4 ' m THINKIWe OF BUT I'M SURE THE DIVINE YOUTH‘S gravel, processed gravel, saniid. rfewlation size. $80 new. Best POWERFUL AHP FLEXIBLE M IN D GARDENS- roto tilled or builder. Call 649-6973. l/2baths, kitchen appliances, VILLAGER APARTMENTS $125 per week and $150 per Lowest priced wagon . VAN PEW OF THE BANKIM& VAN ENDOWING THE LOVE- , stone and fill. George H. Grif offer. 6464713. $215 per month. 643-2282, 644- week. For further information PEW&?l...PyALL....*■ ' PUT^ LOTUS CULT WITH M Y ; I FIND A WAY TO REARRANGE plowed. Reasonable. Call 644- Five-room townhouse apart­ soldin America™ * * u e t r n aj! EMTIRB FORTUNEi.:. TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service fing, Andover, 742-7886. 8896. caU 7424607. 1448. NOW you can steam clean ment, IV2 tiled baths, 2 alr- MAY I SEND MY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 IVTShyNEA. IftC.TM Rao US Nl Off - Remodeling, repairs, ad­ carpets the professional way at condltloners, wall-to-wall CHAUFFEUR FOR LAWN MOWER sharpennng ditions, custom building. No job SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury SIX room Duplex, three W anted to Rent 57 a fraction of the cost with carpeting, full basement, THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM GURU BABOO ? and repairing, reel, rotary and too small. Free estimates. Over above ground pool distributor bedrooms, modern kitchen, RINSE-N-VAC. Rent at heat, hot water, appliances. 25 years’ experience. 643-5769. needs warehouse space. Will stove, refrigerator, dis­ SMALL APARTMENT needed chain saws. Briggs and Strat­ Manchester Hardware & Supp- 'lAKMOVJ ton, Tecumseh and Kohler sell and completely install a hwasher, full Basement, attic Adults only, no pets. for working person. Prefer WHATWMDOFA ly, 877 Main S tr e e i , Corolla 4-Door Wagon Homelite pumps and ANY type additions and huge 16x31’ O.D. swim pool and garage. $260. plus security. 6 4 9 -7 6 2 0 utilities paid. Reasonable price. I'/IAMCT Manchester. 643-4425. Permission for pet. 742-8305. Toyota's small wagon has PEPOKTCARDIS generators, Stinl chain saws alterations, carpentry masonry complete With fencing, 649-3050. 4 big doors and many big parts and service. Pickup and and brick. Free estimates. sundeck, filter and pump. Now 1W$?ALL O'Sl CHEATIWfo! TAG SALE - TV, radio, clock, pluses, for only .. . delivery. Ellington Equipment Tony Squillacote, 649-0811. only $795. Full price financing CHARLES APARTMENTS - WANTED - four room apart­ assorted furniture and other MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2 ment or house, country or lake **Based on a comparison of Center, Route 83. 875-M18. available. Call Tony collect, East Middle Turnpike, 4 1/2 manufacturers' retail prices. i TLA Construction. New homes, 203-232-6500. miscellaneous.' Goodwin Street, room Townhouse, 1 1/2 baths, bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 area, working couple. Call 8 R.A.D. Water Pump and Swim­ remodeling, additions, rec East Hartford, Saturday May 3, all appliances, 2 air- baths, full basement, private^ a.m. -11:30 a.m. 646-1917. ming Pool Service - Service and rooms, garages. Quality DARK RICH loam, five yafds noon, Sunday 10 a.m. conditioners, carpeted, heat, entrances and patio, includes installation on all pipes, water masonry, chimneys, fireplaces. $28. plus tax, pool patio sand, hot water, storage, patio, sound heat, appliances, carpeting, and pumps, residential and com Best prices. 643-1888, 646-4501. gravel, and stone 643-9504. Dogs-Birds-Pets 43 proofing, washer-dryer hook­ air-conditioning! $290 per □ AUTOMOTIVE mercial. uompieie service ano ups, basement garage. $260 month. Paul W. Dougan, installation of pool pumps and RootIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 RICH LOAM for sale - $5. per DOG-CAT boarding reser­ monthly. Available June 1st. Realtor, 646-1021, or 643-4535. THE FLINTSTONES BY HANA-BARBERA filters. Call 742-8352 before 8:30 yard delivered. Call 643-9918. vations. Combinecf inside/out- (iharles Ponticelli, 646-0800, Autos For Sale 61 a.m. or after 5:30 p.m. BIDWELL Home Improvement side runs, partitioned privacy, 646-1540, AVAILABLE immediately - Co. Expert installation of germicidal lighting. Canine Half of Duplex, 3 bedrooms, 1 NEED CAR? Credit bad? *..THINK IL L VVE T O < ? K .. .A N D SOFT-, 'I F o i l e d i t i s / aluminum siding, gutters and MOVING - For sale - General Holiday Inne, 200 Shmon Road, c l e a n ) furnished room, cen- 1/2 baths, ccean, adults Bankrupt? Repossessed? Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 ALLEY OOP BY V.T. HAMLIN h a v e S C R A M B L E D A V O T E A N D trims. Roofing installation and Electric 3-speed washing Manchester, 646-5971. trally located. Gentleman only. preferred. $150. Write Box Honestt Douglas accepts lowest E G G S T H IS , SOFT-BOILED Veneliaii Blind Repair & Sales WON.'.... CUSTOM a STOCK SHADES repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. machine, 4 years old, excellent Apply 2 Pearl Street or call 875- ”AA” Manchester Herald. down, smallest payments. ....ITHINK. MORNING./ condition. Also G.- E. dryer, EXPERT bicycle repairs, all listen! 1 THE alarm! THEY t h e ir s c a n n e r s ...THIS PLACE WILL o h ! OH-' THEY'RE y A lio a Complala Lint ol IRISH SETTER pups, male and 3503. Douglas Motors, 345 Main. makes, models and speeds. BE CRAWLING WITH CLOSING OFF IT'S TIM E TO automatic timer, 5 temperature WHAT'S KNOW WE'RE HERE. J MUST have SRCFTTED rntmiurasmiisms HORACE Tetrault — Siding, female, 6 weeks old. 644-1833. AVAILABLE immediately Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, US.... GUARDS IN, A FEW THE ENERGIZ­ USE "m E cycles, 4 years old. Both $250. t h a t y / _ o o p / MANCHESTER roofing, storm windows, aw­ three bedroom Duplex, TOYOTA - See us for reliable Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- MOMENTS/ ING CEN TER / WEARON, (Available about June 1) Call .CUBBLE.' VENETIAN BLIND CO. nings. Quality workmanship, AKC SAMOYEDs - Eight weeks fireplace, adults, parking. $240. used Toyotas with our 60-day 20%. MBSSaiSlKT______W-14a free estimates. Fully insured. after 4:45 p.m., 742-9971. old. $120. Three females left. PRESIDENTIAL Call 643-2268. 100% warranty. We also huy 872-9187, 649-3417. Call 6494153 after 4 p.m. used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, FIELD STONES- horse drawn VILLAGtAPTS. MOTORCYCLE INSURANIDE - Homes tor Rent 54 345 Center Street, Manchester, lowest rates available. LAWN Maintenance - No lawn ROOFING - Specializing equipment, goats, wagon MEDIUM size dog, mostly MANCHESTER 646-4321. wheels, for sale. Call 6444304. Immediate binding. Exclusive too small. Cutting, raking and repairing roofs, new roofs, Labrador, good watch dog, good MANCHESTER - 6-room brick NETRA Agent. Clarke In­ trimming shrubs. Free es­ gutter work, chimneys, cleaned with children. Free to good One and'two” bedrooms. Ranch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, WE PAY $10 for complete junk STEREO, 2 speakers one amp, surance Agency, 643-1126. timates. Call 646-6981 or 643- aand n a rerepaired. p 30 y e a r s home. 646-5847 after 5. Near schools, churches b reezew ay , g ara g e. $325 cars. (Dali Joey, Tolland Auto 8946. estimates. $170. Call 528-7578. monthly. References. Hayes Body, 528-1990. experience. Free and shopping center, on MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - Howley, 643-5361. TINY AKC Pomeranians - Sired Corporation, 6464131. bus line. Call anytim e for the past 10 years we have PAINTING and chimney work - WANTED TO BUY - Set of by Bay’lees Timothy. Stud ser­ 1%9 PONTIAC Catalina, power been the leading agency in the Fast, dependable and ROOFING - Installation and luggage in good condition, vice for Pomeranians and ANDOVER - Four room home, steering and power brakes, area insuring motorcycles. Get 5-“ I reasonable. Free estimates. repairs, gutters, storm win­ reasonable. Call 742-9971 after Poodles. 742-8%3. 646-2623 quiet neighborhood, carpeted with air-conditioning, good our rates before you “rev” up. Call 249-7771, dows, doors. Experienced 4:45 p.m. living room. $225 monthly plus shape. Call evenings, 649-2180. Crockett Agency, Inc. 643-1577. WIN AT BRIDGE quality workmanship. Fully in­ Boats-Accessorles 45 utilities. 742-7747. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DRIVEWAYS sealed - Very sured. Free estimates. ELECTRIC stove, $50. and 1%7 AMC Rambler - Automatic GIRL’S 5-speed. Royce-Union, 61 Autos For Sale 61 reasonable. Call 643-9245. Reasonable prices. Rick . Maytag washer, 15 years old. 16’ V-BOTTOM - 5’ beam. Good Autos For Sale transmission, two-door. $200 or very good condition. Asking $55. WHY cant he aw / BV THE ROLE Burnett, 646-3005. $25. Call 875-2698 after 5 p.m. for fishing or skiing. $200. 649- best offer. Call 649-4163 after 4 Call 646-0263. The bidding has been: 1 ODD JOBS - yard work, 5415 after 4. p.m. MR.ABBRNATHV'S THAT REALLV BOX LIKE EUERTOnE ELSE ? washing windows, spring and MUST SELL - 1974 Philco color 1974 YAMAHA 500 -1,100 miles. HAP E I G H T e u e s m jo o ! Pessimistic Pete plays it safe cleaning. Reliable, call 649-6515 roofing. Complete interior and TV, 19” with stand, hardly ever 1971 PLYMOUTH Valiant - 4- Backrest, excellent condition. STRIKES IN A West North East South after 3 p.m. Antiques 48 exterior remodeling and used. Paid over $400, asking door Sedan, very nice and $1,500. Call 646-2229. eeuii NORTH decorating. Visit our $250-$300. 646-1122. economical. $2,150. Chorches A A 10 6 I * CUSTOM Rototilling - Have showroom. Home Fashion Motors, 80 Oakland Street, 643- V K 10 6 4 Pass 1 NT. Pass 2 * glass, pewter, oil paintings, or Shop, then 1970 HONDA S90, excellent con­ Pessimistic Pete looked over He led dummy’s 10 of spades ‘‘Troy B ilf rototiller. Will Center, 249 Broad Street, $ A752 Pass 2 * Pass ? VEGETABLE Plants - All STOP 2791. dition, $225. Call 528-7578 or 528- the dummy and counted losers. and discarded his nine of travel. Gardens, lawns, flower Manchester. Across from Dairy other antique items. R. You, South, hold; kinds, 90$ per box. Potted, 25(f 6620. *84 Some people count winners. diamonds! ' beds, large or small. Call 643- Queen or call Thomas Colla, Harrison, 643-8709. EAST ♦ K(J985lfA2*K4*A987 each. 1615 Manchester Road, 1972 VEGA Hatchback, 3-speed, WEST Pete always counted losers. He 1895. 649-6082. Glastonbury. 649-5981. . radio, new brakes, exhaust, two *KQJ95 *873 What do you do now? COLLECTOR wishes to HONDA, 1972 CB, 175, 850 doue'i' counted' one spade, one dia­ West had his choice of ways tires. $1,300. 643-9441 after 5. V82 A — Bid three spades. Your hand SPRING CLEANING - Cellars, purchase older oriental rugs. miles, excellent condition.‘443- RIOSBH/Wf mond and two clubs. An op­ to let Pete make his contract. Heating-Plumbing 35 SOFA - Excellent condition. --- o ♦ 10 6 3 ♦ QJ 8 looks quite good. attics, yards. Tree trimming Will top any real offer. Please Let Mike & Frenk show you some of 8421. timist could count just one club, He could lead a diamond and Also other items available. Call 1%9 ROADRUNNER, excellent « J 10 9 7 5 2 and removal. Insured. 2464416. call after 6 p.m. 646-4344. ♦ AQ6 but Pete was sure that West set up dummy’s fourth dia­ TODAY'S QUESTION SEWERLINES, sink lines, after 4, 6434167. the finest previously owned condition. Call after 3, 649-5031 1974 250cc, BULTACO Matador, SOUTH (D) would hold the club ace. Instead of bidding w o spades cleaned with electric cutters, or after 5:30, 64349%. BY DICK CAVALLI mond; he could lay down his Painting-Papering 32 vehicles In the area. low mileage, best offer. Call WINTHROP * 4 2 ace of clubs and set up Pele’s your partner has bid tw() diamonds by professionals. McKinney TAG SALE - Friday, noon to 6, VAQJ953 after 4 p.m., 644-8098. Pete saw some chance to dis­ king; or he could lead a spade over your two clubs. What do you do Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ Saturday 9-5, 99 Homestead □ RENTALS 1966 PONTIAC Tempest - ♦ K94 now? PAINTING - interior and 1974 Buick Electra 225 t h a t S t h e w a y f o p s m i l e s card a club on dummy’s fourth for a ruff and a club discard. pany, 643-5308. Street, Manchester. Convertible, needs a little WINTHROf^ I'D LIKE VtXl TO HE LIKES'rQU..,HEfe> Answer Tomorrow exterior, paperhanging, 2-Door Hardtop, automatic transmission, power Campers-Trallers WHBN HEfe WDRIKIN© CPN *K3 diamond and decided to start steering, power brakes, power windows, power work, $100. 1953 Chevy, needs 65 a a e e t m y c a t ; "c y b a n o .'' S M I U N O .' excellent work. References. Mobile Homes preparing for operation jet­ NO JOB too small, toilet TAG SALE - May 3rd, 104. - Rooms tor Rent 52 seals, tactory air, vinyl top, custom Interior. work, $50. 643-9762 after 5. HIS INCOMETTisX. East-West vulnerable (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Free estimates. Fully insured. repairs, plugged drains, kitchen tison. He let West hold the first Martin Mattsson, 649-4431. Jurovaty Road, Andover. 1969 Pontiac Flroblrd FOR SALE - Ideal vacation faucets replaced, repaired, rec Brought back by popular de­ THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ spade. East played the three, Answer to Previous Puzzle 2-Ooor Hardtop, economy S-cyllnder engine, vehicle - 1973 Vega 23’ travel West North East South but West continued with the rooms, bathroom remodeling, mand - Clothing; jewelry, nished rooms, centrally power steering, automatic transmission, bucket trailer, excellent condition. Big State J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom heat modernization, etc. Free OP TO *100 queen so that Pete knew where [ d A S P T K E 1 D shoes, pockethooks, records, located. Kitchen privileges. seats, radio, whitewall tires, hard to find original Hardly used. Fully self- 1 T l~g A T O i_ C A D A O decorating. Interior painting. estimates gladly given. M & M me jack would show up. He won L curtains. Miscellaneous Parking. Reasonable rates. and low miles. JU N K CARS contained, sleeps 8. Four- 1 A 3 If Pass 4 V A 5 A M e: E T £ P Ti Paper hanging. New Ceilings. Plumbing & Hearing, 649-2871. and promptly led dummy’s S O P L E N household goods. Signs from Phone 649-2358. 1972 Buick Skylark burner stove, 20 gallon propane Pass Pass - Pass ACROSS E T Remodeling. Exterior painting. deuce of diamonds. His plan 4 Three limes 1E J- A S ■R O Route 85, Daly Road or Route 2-Door Hardtop, automatic transmission, power tanks, tandem wheels, tinted- “ Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. WANTED Opening lead — K * I Capital ol (comb, form) U e> A N n S M T 316 Boston Hill Road, Route 6, PRIVATE HOME - Female on­ steering, 350-2V-8, factory air conditioning, vi­ was to play the nine, but East r Fully insured. For estimate call we WILL PAY UP TO glass windows, red/white/blue Texas 5 Elephant tusk p 1 S S O E L A foiled this by producing the o N T O \ N E R S Wales Road - Follow signs. ly. Kitchen privileges and nyl top, a real eye catcher. Colonial decor. Price includes: 7 Fori Worth s material Fd o 649-%58. $100 9 E E R D M _A s parking. 6434609 before noon or hitch, swaybar, torsion bars, jack. Pete covered with the neighbor 6 Sea nymphs U u 1972 Ford F250 Pickup ’FORYOURJUNK CAR By Oswald & James Jacoby <3 A a k £ O SORRY SAL is now a merry after 3 p.m. mirrors, break-away brakes, PICK king and led out the queen and 13 Deprive ol 7 Record ol PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. 8‘ Sweptllne 8100 QVW, automatic transmis­ lood T\ O U r 2 M T 7 Depending on Year and jack of trumps, followed by a day’s work E E Five years experience. gal. She used Blue Lustre rug sion, power steering, power brakes, west and, if needed, electric brakes S-l 14 Unit ol <3 a la 3 a i Model . (dial. Eng. <3 A R and upholstery cleaner. Rent SLEEPING ROOM for rent, coast mirrors, dual tanks, step and tow bumper. off car. Call 875-7782. 0 By NtA iftc T M 4«g u S Pii Oil diamond to dummy’s ace. Then s . E_ E T' a u Excellent references. Pete, 742- electricity var) T- A O electric shampooer $1. E. A. apply 272 Main Street. Campers dream .and low miles. TREE TOW came the key^ay. IT E D R 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. r SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL 15 Redeemer 8 Recliliers Johnson Paint Co. SAME DAY SERVICE $100 REWARD- For informa­ 16 Girl's 9 Lord Privy 29 Hodgepodge 43 Darling nickname INSIDE - 'Outside painting, CLEAN, furnished room, cen­ 1974 Pontiac Flroblrd PLEASE CALL FOR tion leading to a better buy. A ^IM PyiN' FOR COt^B BP^cy< Seal (ab ) 30 Nuisance 44 Trieste wine TAG SALE - May 3rd, 36 Porter trally located. Gentleman only. 2-Door Hardtop, automatic, V-8 engine, new 14’ wide $9,995 delivered 17 Article to Fewer 31 Feminine measures fe c ia l rates for people over 65. (Q o S CURRENT PRICE LISTS A D R IN K . WHEN YcxJ'KDFAC) 18 Portlllcation Street - Wool rug (9x12), Apply 2 Pearl Street or call 875- power steering, bucket seats, radio, deluxe 11 Operatic solo name 45 Stull Fully insured. Estimates given. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 522-1104 Schult 138 408. trades welcome. 2 0 ------Houston BEAT THE HEAT bureau, toys, and household 3503. wheel covers, low miles, extra sharp. Starter home, neat as a pin. 'L- STAR G A X E I C ^ 12 Appear 33 Kind ol rille 47 Facts Call 649-7863. after 5 p.m. 247-0010 •By .CLAY R. POLLAN- 21 Surrender 19 Low haunt 36 Nudist POLLEN AND DISCOMFORT items. One bedroom, $2,995. Parts LlIRA 22 Support 48 Let it stand wlUi ARIES 22 Chums 38 Narrow inlet' ROOM FOR RENT in Tolland, ' 1973 Buick Eloctra 229 ALLIED supplies and accessories. Full MAE. I) Your Daily Activity Guide J K 26 Debit note 41 Peruvian 49 Grant TEACHERS - Inflation fighters AIR-CONDITIONINQ Custom 4-Door Hardtop. Power steering, V-8 23 Tumult BRIGGS & STRATTON 10 h.p. large bedroom with house IT According to Iht Stara. (ah.) 24 Smell animal 51 Stir - Save over 50% on quality Strvict and InttilliUon engine.'power brakes, power seat, power win­ SCRAP METALS time Service Department. ■AfE. If emergency generator, 4 cycle, privileges, 4 acres of privacy. &1L(XW To develop message for Fridoy, 27 Run away to 25 Mexican coin 42 Fountain 53 Superlative house painting. 16 years’ dows, factory air conditioning, custom top and 741 WINDSOR s t r e e t Plaza Homes, 1348 Wilbur 5-16-77-401 wed easy spinner starter. Has never $125 monthly. Female. 8724319 Cross Highway, Berlin Turn­ 55/75-76-77^^ reod words corresponding to m*nbers 51-77-04451 28 For tear that concoctions sullix experience, insured, free es­ Interior, under 14,000 miles. HARTFORD of your Zodioc birth sign. 32 Helpers T.P. AITKIN. INC. been used. $500. Call 6434359. after 6. pike. Berlin, (;onn. 1 828 0369. ^ T A U R U S SCORflO 34 Lease anew timates. 643-1609. I Eosy 3! The 61 imoginotion 1 J” V J- r r 7” r" r - IF rr IT 643-6793 ^ AM. JO 2 0 v tr- 32 Show 62 Seek ocr. 35 Inexact Automotive Service 66 Automotive Service 66 63 Your 36 Aid WALLPAPER Hanging - $2.^5 TAG SALE - Furniture, GENTLEMAN - Central, I ^ MAY 10 3 Money 33 Rtodirig NOr. 21': IS i4 household items, toys, games, pleasan room next to shower, |r\11-22-3W4 4 0 n e 34 To 64 Superiors 37 Sharpen per roll. Experienced •k Many Othars Tc Chnnsa From ^ 65 W ill 9-20-31- TOWNE Plumbing Service, clothes, etc. 99 Mark Drive, parking. Call 649-6801 after 6 1 ^ 5 ^ 7 1 5 Y og'll 35 Harm ful 38 Road (ah) ir 18 t r a d e s m a n .—' ^ a l l R. BY ROY CRANE 6 Your 36 Your 66 Probobly l53-5iai-l 39 Gnvet monkey. repairs, alterations, vanity South Windsor (off Nevers p.m. BUZZ SAWYER GEMINI 7 Anxiety 37 Best 67 Too SAGITTARIUS 40 Biblical name Starkweather, 644-3194. l y 68 Presented ir II It cabinetsaoi a specialty. Call to Road, near high school). May 3- ASK ABOUT COMPLETE GM 8 B t 38 Shelf 43 Physician 69 To 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- 4, 9-7. FEMALE Roommate wanted Exclusive 9 B e 39 Points (coll.) 21 B.A.C. PAINTING CO. - Expert V JUNE 20 10 Don'l 40 Sooring 70 Todoy OK. 21 ^ 1 4056. to share 2-bedroom apartment. Major 7) Now 46 Texas shrine workmanship. Residential - BUZ SAWYER, IT'S HIGH TIM E YOU PEBBY LAWTOW, SAM DIED WHILE WE WERE BUT DIDNT SAM f YES..,$ 200, ODD. BUT^ 7-1M2-43 II Improve 41 New 8-19-3(M1^ H 28 12 For 42 W inning 72 Into 47 Military award H 23 24 28 u 31 Commercial. Interior, exterior, TWO SOLID Maple twin beds - Call after 4:30, 646-1421. MeilK^ REPAIRS , WD SOMEBOtJY A SOOP T U R N . GONE, SUPPOSEDLY A SUICIDE, BUT I TAKE OUT A BIG THERe'S A NO-WW CLAUSE D '54-63-73 52-57.68 BOTTI Heating and Plumbing - $30. Matching cnest, $35. Old HEALTHY 13 Sensitivity 43 Up 73 Activities (ah.) -miMKS HE WAS MURDERED. I INSURANCE IF THE p e r s o n c o m m it s CANCER 44 Krrowledge 74 Be CAFRICORN 50 Printing 32 spray, brush, roll. Free All heating and plumbing ■ ■ H i m A ^ IS IT TH IS 14 Slips Estimates. Reasonable. 646- steamer trunk, excellent condi­ ROOMS with kitchen privileges • COLLISION SHE'S PENNILESS. I POLICY ABOUT SUICIDE WITH IN TW O ^JUNt 21 1 5 0 f 45 Spend 75 Easier O K. 22 booboos I t repairs plus remodeling. Call tion, $25. 646-4689. - Centrally located. 14 Arch TIAAE? 16 Feel 46 Keep 76 To X 5826. 5 AYEARAGO? YEARS. kJUl'r 22 JAN. If 52 Fancy 643-14% Street, Manchester. WHEELS 17 Keen 47 Firvgers 77 Pleose 54 Garland • MECHANICAL ' PEBBY 18 M ay 48 Doys 70 Goin 1-12-23-34 37 HI SPOOL BED - Full size, $45. o i FUU YEAR-NO MlEAtf RESTRICTION N r it 3-14-2506 (poet.) WE SERVICE ALL GENERAL MOTORS GETS /47-59-70 19W ory 49 Remedies 79 The 45-67-8(186^ 55 Sampled II Building-Contracting 33 FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing Very old school desk and seat, FURNISHED room for rent - The MOST You Can Spend Is S2B.00 20 On 50 W ay 80 Much 40 LEO AQUARIUS 56 Sucklish - Repairs and remodeling, $15. 646-4689. Conveniently located on Center CARS AND TRUCKS 21 Buy 51 Off 81 Careful Od AMY MAJOR REPAIR! j JULY 21 22 Your 52 Scherr>es 62 Under JAN. 20 ^ 57 Landed U U 48 48 4J 41 48 NEWTON H. Smith .& Sons - sewer lines cleaned electricm- Street, parking, near bus. Call Genuine Parts property L AUG. 21 23 You 53 Side 83 Medico! HI. II Remodeling, repairing, ad­ ly. Prompt service on emergen­ 24 Is 54 In 84 The TAG SALE - Saturday and Sun­ 647-9868. Factory Trained Mechanics 2-13-24-35^ u 8i 83 ditions, rec rooms, porches and cies. 643-7024. day, 10-4. Miscellaneous items. Q n 4-15-2607 25 Through 55 And . 85 Clouds r lfe!^^79-87 26 The 56 Of 86 Money 14661-82-90^ DOWN roofing. No job too small. Call Jan Drive, Hebron. ROOM AND Board - Amston 24-H6UR WRECKER SERVICE 5T S & S BUICK VIRGO 27 Like 57 Thof're ff' 87 Month riscis 1 Assistant |ab.) 649-31M. Flooring 36 28 Intuition 58 Through 68 Mor>o(fVment Lake area. $45 weekly. Call 537- CALL 646-6464 AUG. 21 HI. If 2 Western slate U if 200 BALES of excellent hay, 1% ^ Drugstore 59 Easily 89 Advice 2082. 30 Of 60 Training 90 Control MAE. 2 0 ^ 3 Salvage WES ROBBINS carpentry FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, Hebron Road, Bolton, 649-6625. SEff. 22 ■10-21-24-3B gf ^ } G o o d (^Advene 617-28-39^ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) remodeling specialist. Ad­ Specializing in older floors). FURNISHED Room for 49-62-J30> 5(L69-78 V ditions, rec rooms, dormers, Ceilings and inside painting. IVERS & PONI irightpiano- gentleman - All comforts of Carter Chevrolet built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens; John Verfaille, 646-5‘750, 872- Old, in good’cdndil in. Call 646- home. Kitchen, parking. Securi­ jggft MAIN ST. • MANCHESTER 649-3446. 2222. 6784. ty. 649-4936, 649-3436. ') PAGE TWENTY^EIGHT- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., May 1. 1975 Commentary: W f i ^ h i n t f t n n W i n g ! M i l

By RICHARD H. GROWALD the codes which only the Presi­ of his 25 years in the House, he would wear to sea. President’s first year at Yale was there to speak at “the syllable, and adding that it UPI Senior Editor dent can use in case the deci­ remains undimmed. In Con­ “Well, I do have an old pair of was Hersey’s last year at Yalie sesquiceiitennial convocation might be noted he said it while anrl)T0tTr lumtng RrralJi WASHINGTON (UPI) - In­ sion to use nuclear might is cord, N.H., last week he spotted Hush Puppies,” said the Presi­ and they had both played foot­ dinner of the Yale Law School,” not chewing gum. By CYRIL GUERRERA cidental intelligences from the made. in a crowd a face he had not dent. That was the extent of ball and, well, in 30 seconds carefully enunciating each NEW ORLEANS(UPI)- A White House: The briefcase and one of the seen since the 1935 East-West Ford’s special outfit. they were asking each other Manchester^A City of Village Charm The presidential automobile aides goes with the President Shrine football game. PRICEt FIFTEEN CENTS Supreme Court ruling deRning Ford is pleased by The N ^ about mutual friends. I needn’t the location of Louisiana’s in which John F. Kennedy was everywhere — even to the golf “George" shouted Ford, and have worried,” Nessen said. York Times Sunday Magaznie MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 181 coastline may open to the assassinated has been course. The only other non- he grabbed the hand of Gmrge TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES — TWD SECTIONS article written by John Hersey Ford takes with a smile old state a potential treasure- renovated and put back into use Secret Service person accom­ C. AJ(ustrom, 63, of Meriden, panying Ford is his doctor. who spent six days in March jokes about his abilities, such trove of undersea riches. by the Secret Service in White N.H. Akustrom was the Colgate r Rear Adm. William Lukash. with the President. Nessen says as the one about being a fellow "It's reasonable to estimate House motorcades. University football center who The fixtures and the trim­ started the Shrine game for the when Hersey showed up, he who cannot walk and chew gum BOLAND’S the potential possibility of Ford keeps up with the doings mings have been changed but, East but was injured and took the writer into the Oval Of­ at the same time. hundreds of millions of dollars of his Grand Rapids, Mich., says a Secret Service expert, replaced by a Michigan center fice to see if the two men would Speaking at a Yale University NURSERY from oil drilling bonuses and high school graduation class, get along. 315 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER Mill Levy Increases Reduced the body and engine of the named Jerry Ford who went on last week, he brought down the royalties," said Frederick W. perhaps more closely than with limousine were and are still to star in the game. “Well, it turned out the house when he mentioned he (Opposite the Post Office) Phone 649-T018 Ellis, Louisiana State Univer­ any other group in his past, ac­ excellent. sity law professor and a cording to aides. Days in advance of Ford’s A W- “ > • P-M- OPEN THURS. 10 A.M, to 7 P.M. • Closed Sundays special assistant to Attorney The keys to America’s The President often has dis­ trip to New Orleans, Press General William J. Guste Jr. nuclear military power con­ concerted an aide by men­ Secretary Ron Nessen carefully Start Your Vegetable Garden Nowl — Through Town Budget Changes Ellis argued the case in tinue moving with the Presi- tioning during an OvaLQKice coached newsmen accom­ Cabbage, Brusseil which the Supreme Court vdent. The warrant officer who session that so-an'35^Tit! panying the President on a trek The Sprouts, Brocolll, Let- 9 9 * By SOL R. COHEN and Republicans Vivian Ferguson, Carl recently set guidelines in earlier presidencies followed retired from the Geii^ral I an oil drilling rig 35 miles out 503 from the sum recommended by Weiss set the General Fund budget at $21,178,658 box s Manchester’s General Fund tax rate Zinsser and Hillery Gallagher — were for pinpointing Lousiana's the chief executive almost Motors plant or that so-and-so ill the Gulf of Mexico to wear Muffler That’s tuce. Onions ^ and $320,903 .from the sum originally and the Fire District budget at $1,525,120. will go up 1.11 mills and the Fire District pressing to “hold-the-line” at the current changing coastline—a matter everywhere except through the is a grandmother again. In the Bid clothes, a windbreaker, I • HOUSE PLANTS, from the exotic to the easy to grow; requested by the school board. Weiss had Weiss had recommended $21,997,731 and Guaranteed for tax rate 0.30 mills' as of July 1 — and not 49.30 mills and 5.70 mills tax rates. of dispute for years between bedroom door with a satchel of center of-'Fbrd’s desk is a pen ' rubber-soled shoes and other at­ plus T e r r a r iu m s , m a c r a m e p l a n t h a n g e r s and cut the school board’s request by $118,400. $1,995,236. Thus, the board cut $819,073 and as long as you ’ ’ T y 5.5 mills and 0.80 mills respectively, as The five “yes” votes for the 50.41 mills the state and federal govern­ signal devices has been set topped by a silver foottoll tire to protect them from sea, much, much morel The $13 million for the school system is $470,116, respectively. recommended by Town Manager Robert and 6.0 mills tax rates for 1975-76 were by ments. Out of a possible replaced by the President’s and given the President by wind, rain and drilling rig own the car... ■k We Honor 8r. Citizen’s Gold CardsI ★ $900,000 or 7.44 per cent above the $12.1 To make certain the figures arrived at 1 / Weiss. Democrats John Thompson, Pascal military aides. teammates on his high school sludge. million current school budget. are correct, a representative from each 258,000 acres, Louisiana re­ Prignano, Robert Price, Matt Moriarty team. Shortly before the helicopter 875-2517 The Board of Directors will meet party will meet Monday to re-check them. ceived 70,000. Ford’s Army, Navy and Air OFF on UST That decision was reached by the Board Jr. and Jack Goldberg. Force aides divide the duty of Ford’s memory for names, hop to the offshore rig, Nessen Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Municipal It was the consensus of the board not to But the immediate return of Directors Thursday night by a slim 5 to To reach that goal the board, by the from those 70,000 acres could carrying a briefcase containing one of the products and talents asked Ford what special outfit YEAR’S GARDENING 4 affirmative action. The four casting the Building Hearing Room to formally adopt recommend any layoff of employes. The OLENDER’S MUFFLER SHOP same 5 to 4 vote, set the school board 197^76 budgets and tax rates. policy agreed upon was to leave unfilled mean $100 million or more for R O U T E 83 “no” votes — Democrat Phyllis Jackston budget at $13 million. The board cut $202,- Louisiana in oil Royalties and ROCKVILLE iUPPLIESI Two minority reports are expected to be those jobs vacated by attrition. lease bonuses from the dis­ filed then — one by Mrs. Jackston and the Mayor Thompson today called the puted acreage. Those royalties other by Mrs. Ferguson, Zinsser and budget recommended by the board “an and bonuses were earmarked Gallagher — with both expected to be austerity budget in a time of great while the case was in the Energy Bill Aimed identical. economical problems.” courts. 'Thursday night, the minority of four had He expressed satisfaction no layoffs are recommended a $12.8 million school "Future revenue may well being proposed, calling it a prospect budget, insisting it would have provided a be in the hundreds of millions, The "which would only help feed the recession, At Wasters Pledged "hold-the-line” tax rate. depending on the future prices and certainly not curb it.” The majority of five countered with a Mrs. Ferguson, speaking for the minori­ of oil and what lease bonuses WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. A1 starting next month, to gradually $13,050,000 proposal, which it then cut to ty, expressed disappointment. “I still bring,” Ellis said.' Ullman, D-Ore., chairman of the House eliminate domestic oil price controls over After an earlier Supreme an even $13 million. The $50,000 was think we could have held the line,” she in­ Ways and Means C om m it^, said today the next two years. sisted. Court ruling that awarded SATURDAY It takes only one house of Congress to plac^ instead in the General Fund’s Con­ X his panel will approve within 10 days a far- tingency Account — bringing it to $100,000. The 1.11-mill and 0.30-milI tax hikes 'Uouisianna 80 square miles of reaching energy package aimed at stop a unilateral energy action by the By increasing the Contingency Account, mean that a homeowner with a dwelling offshore tidelands, the Louisi­ stiffling “wasters.” President. Ford does not plan to submit the board gave Weiss some discretion in assessed at $20,000 will pay $28.20 more in ana Mineral Board leased one Ullman said the committee is in the his decontrol, plan to the Senate formally particularly promising 6,000- raises for department heads. By a un­ taxes if he lives in the area serviced by the “final stages” of work on the bill. The until later this month after Federal town fire department, or $22.20 more if he acre parcel for $11 million and BANK Energy Administration public hearings animous action at a previous budget main stumbling block, he said, is whether workshop, the board had limited those lives in the Eighth District. The latter has 26 per cent of any oil to clamp a high tax on automobiles that May 13. production. Engineers esti­ raises to 4 per cent. its own fire department and levies its own would hit hard against vehicles with low As a result of the Senate action, the tax for fire service. mated the 26 per cent royalty gasoline efficiency. President undoubtedly will mount a heavy, Thursday night, the minority express^ would exceed $15 million over Weiss and Superintendent of Schools Can Make The Senate Thursday voted 47 to 36 to lobbying campaign in Congress and might its opposition to the $50,000 placed in the James Kennedy both said today they’ll the life of the lease. Stitch Bicentennial Quilt delay for three months President Ford’s threaten to revoke another decision he an­ Contingency Account and to any deviation operate within the funds being given them. Louisiana helped pioneer plan to end price controls on domestic oil. nounced Wednesday—his agreement to from the 4 per cent raises. offshore oil drilling and was “I would expect W live within the budget The plan would eventually hike gas prices delay for up to 30 days any new rise in the By its actions Thursday night, the board the directors are plroviding, “ said Weiss, the site of the first well drilled Putting in the final stitches of a were sacrificed to do all the sewing about five cents a gallon and encourage tariff on imported oil. "but I can’t predict the impact it will have over the horizon and out of Bicentennial quilt are these fifth and tying. The quilt has the name of It Happen motorists to use less fuel. on individual services. I haven't had the grade students at Highland Park the school, the year, and Bicentennial sight of land. Since that 1947 Ford has delayed his own energy plans V opportunity to examine the recommen­ School. Hemming the binding is Cheri embroidered on the borders. Cherie drilling, thousands of others with the hope of reaching a compromise dations in detail. have been added and made Haddock, left, as Celine Buczek, Haddock, who has learned the art of agreement with Congress. State Unemployment Funding "It’s obvious,” said Weiss, “some ser­ Louisiana, with, Texas and center, and Suzanne Hebert finish off quilting at home, instructed her Ullman, who was interviewed on the vices will be curtailed or eliminated. It California, one thg'^ top the tying. The boys and girls of Alfred classmates in the prpject. The quilt CBS Morning News, said his committee’s Revisions Said Neeessary appears, although it’s not definite, refuse producers of offshore oil and Fredette’s social studies class have will be raffled off at the school main goal is to avoid taxing all segments may go to once-a-week pickup, the fall natural gas. worked since mid-January making the fair Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. of society and concentrate on excess en­ leaf-pickup program will be eliminated Offshore drilling was just a HARTFORD (UPI) - A high rate of un­ to pay benefits and further borrowing is quilt. Recess time and free periods (Herald photo by Dunn) ergy users. “We’re trying to tax the wast­ and the curbside pickup of newspaper will year old when Louisiana and ers,” he said. employment in the past four years has expected to be necessary before the end of be dropped. Those appear to be tlM) board’s the federal government first "This is one of the most difficult depleted Connecticut’s unemployment the year, the council said. recommendations. ’ ’ disagreed over drilling rights. problems that we have,”. Ullman said. compensation fund to the point where revi­ To make the operation of the fund more Kennedy said, "We appreciate the dif­ Since 1948 Louisiana has Unemployment Up Also “My judgment is that we need to turn sion of the tax base is necessary, a economical, the council also ficulty the directors face this year and we spent close to $3.5 million to Detroit around. Detroit needs to build business group said today. recommended; appreciate the priority consideration the prepare and present its argu­ more efficient automobiles for Americans The Connecticut Public Expenditure -Imposing a higher tax rate on school budget received this year. Obvious­ businesses which have a high unemploy­ ments in court. to usp.” Council said an increase in the taxable ly, we will live within the budget. But the return> has been Number of Jobholders Ullman said he hopes the bill will in­ wage base from $4,200 to $5,000 retroac­ ment rate to encourage stablization of the “We’re obviously going to have to make between $235 and $285 mil­ clude a “tough program that will, in tive to Jan. 1 is needed to start work force. some cuts,” Kennedy said. “The budget —Restoring a one-week waiting period lion, depending on the amount effect, say that if you don’t turn around in replenishing the fund. Another increase to we recommended was a tight budget. It before claimants can receive benefits, a ultimately received from the Increases in April three or four years, if you don’t begin $6,000 is needed next January, the council was based on holding existing services and NEW OR move which could save $7 million to $8 escrow fund. building more efficient automobiles, then said. Connecticut already has the nation’s even the $118,4(X) we had proposed for new Although the latest ruling WASHINGTON (UPI) - The number of rose 196,000, reaching 8,176,000. we’ll begin a program of taxing your gas highest unemployment benefits with a million a year. programs already had been cut by the USED CAR maximum level of $156 a week, the council —Suspending the benefit escalation settled the coastline contro­ persons holding jobs increased in April for The jobless count has risen by 3.3 guzzlers.” manager.” clause which ties benefits to average versy, Ellis said new areas of the first time in seven months, but million persons since August, 1974 when The Senate action set the stage for a said. Kennedy said it's too early for the school COLLEGE wages when fund reserves fall below a argument were beginning to because more people were searching for large increases in unemployment began, confrontation House Democrats had Between 1972 to last March, Connecticut administration to give a run-down of the has had to borrow $149 million from the specified level. surface, work the unemployment rate rose to a 34- the bureau said. sought to avoid. exact cuts to be made. EDUCATION — Reviewing the state Labor "To take advantage of the year high of 8.9 per cent, the Labor The reason that unemployment went up On Wednesday Ford announced his plan. U.S. Unemployment Compensation Fund “We'll give priority to the regular gains to date, the state can't Department said today. as well as employment was because 430,- Department’s job placement program. daytime school programs,” he said. “It just fold up its tent and go Unemployment has been above 8 per 000 persons entered the job force in April The council found that the average appears now there will have to be some home,” he said. " It’s going to cent for four consecutive months and the but little more than half were able to find weekly benefit of $73 is only $4 below the staff cutbacks, but we’ll make every effort have to look to the develop­ April rate is the highest since 1941. The work. Several Hundred Attend nationwide high of $77. we can to have those cutbacks through at­ ment offshore, at the drainage April rate was 0.2 per cent above the “Increases in joblessness were concen­ “There is no justification for further trition, rather than by layoffs." (drawing oil from two or more March rate of 8.7 per cent. trated in the construction, manufacturing, liberalizing unemployment compensation adjacent tracts), and at the The department’s Bureau of Labor and transportation and public utility in­ Pacific Travel Show benefits,” the council said. offshore utilization. Statistics said the number of persons dustries and among the blue collar oc­ Since unemployment benefits are based "It’s going to have to look VACATION employed in April rose by 237,000 to 84,- cupational grouping,” according to the By BETTY RYDER the airlines, the governments of New on 60 per cent of the average wage of m B , production and related workers, the coun­ at all these things that were 086,0()^But the number unemployed also department. “New Zealand is probably the most Zealand and Australia, and sponsoring Inside Today cil said, the impact of the recession has put on ice for decades during beautiful place in the world” is what travel agencies were awarded. the litigation. NEW been even more severe on the compensa­ James A. Mitchener wrote in "Return to One unusual gift, a sheepskin rug from Area P ro file...... Pages 8, 9, 11, 20 "Secondly, there is a 50- FURNITURE Paradise,” and Richard D. Bollard, New New Zealand, donated by Gilbert-Love tion fund. The council criticized the plan to con­ Business news...... Page 5 mile-long delta building out of Zealand travel commissioner, repeated Travel Agency, was won by Miss Revised State Budget vert to a flat tax rate on employers Bookmobile...... Page 3 Atchafalaya Bay. You've got a this thought in his address at Tlie Herald’s Margaret Marte. FAMILY because it would destroy a firm’s incen­ Dear Abby...... Page 10 new delta that already has Travel Show Thursday night at the Sponsors of the Travel Show are: The tive to keep workers on the job and could filled in the east half of Manchester High School auditorium. Herald, Globe Travel Service, 555 Main MRS band on to u r...... Page 14 CAMPER Acceptable to Grasso lead to even higher unemployment. Atchafalaya Bay, and it will The theme of the show, “An Evening in St.; Goodchild-Bartlett Travel, 113 Main Memorial tree planting ...... Page 18 "To repeal benefit ratio would be to put be building new bays and new the South Pacific,” drew several hundred St.; LaBonne Travel, 67 E. Center St.; Gardening with AtwoOd...... Page 21 HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. be laid off. The layoff proposal brought Connecticut employers at a distinct com­ shorelines. people, who viewed films entitled “A Mercury Travel, 627 Main St.; O’Keefe Free garden plots ...... Page 28 m Grasso said today she could go along with strong protests from union leaders and it petitive disadvantage,” the council said. “Thus, what the court South Pacific Journey,’’ “South Pacific T ra v e l, 750 S ilas D eane Hgwy., MCC-Gardner issu e...... Page 28 a revised state budget that bars raises but was also uncertain whether it could save The council found that the Labor decision has done is terminate Adventure,” and “Overview Down Wethersfield; and Gilbert-Love Travel, excludes layoffs of state workers as long money since those laid off would be eligi­ Department’s placement program has 74 teams ready for softball...... Page 15 one phase of a problem and Under.” 880 Asylum Ave., Hartford. as it is balanced. ble for unemployment compensation fallen off in the past five years. “The Herald Angle...... Page 15 created enormous new prob­ A member of the executive committee The Herald’s next Travel Show is NEW The governor commented on the benefits for up to one year. success of the job placement program MCC nine splits p a ir...... Page 16 lems—but promising kinds of of the Pacific Area Tourist Association, scheduled for June 10 at the high school proposal worked out by Democrat law­ Among the business services to be taxed should be a cornerstone of the recovery ef­ Scholastic golf, tennis...... Page 16 problems that the state can Bollard has served as travel com­ and will feature the Pacific Northwest. APPLIANCES makers after a four-hour closed door are direct mail advertising, commercial Thoughts ApLENty...... Page 16 use to make substantial missioner since late August 1972 having fort,” the council said. additions in state revenue if it meeting late Thursday. It would extend photography, private detectives, window HOME the seven per cent sales tax into business washing, sign painting, employment agen­ been associated in the travel industry goes after them.” since 1951. Despite Ellis’ optimistic services while excluding tax increases on cies and commercial research. IMPROVEMENT! alcoho, tobaccco, gasoline and adver­ Gov. Grasso had proposed $160 million He said that some 260,000 tourists outlook. Revenue Collector visited New Zealand in 1974, a country Joseph Traigle predicts state tising. in higher taxes to finance a $1,432 billion The lawmakers said the expanded sales budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. with a population of 63 million people. revenue from severance taxes, His comment, on trout fishing was oil royalties, lease bonuses and tax on business would raise more than $25 But finance experts said another $40 million in a proposed $1.4 billion budget million in additional taxes was necessary enough to make any red-blooded Connec­ other direct taxes on the oil ticut fisherman quake. industry will decline. The state for 1975-76. Democratic leaders indicated unless cuts were made to balance the the package would be put before both budget. Bollard said it is not unusual to catch as iweives no tax revenue on many as 20 a day —and if they are under production from federal lands legislative houses Thursday for approval. The Democrats said about $35 million Mrs. Grasso told a news conference she was trimmed from the budget in such 14-inches long, you throw them back. He more than three miles from also said visitor’s licenses are only $2.50. shore. would have to conduct a preliminary areas as funds for law libraries, alcohol with the help of a S.B.M. review with Finance Commissioner Jay 0. detoxification centers and local driver New Zealand boasts some 362 golf FOCIS Plans Tepper "most especially to be sure we education programs. courses with green fees ranging from $1 to provide a balanced budget.” The am end^ budget killed attempts to $2.50. The country itself is 1,000 miles long May Series Mrs. Grasso sdid the whole process of raise the cigarette tax from 21 cents to 25 and 180 miles wide and located in the creating a budget and changing it “has cents a pack, raising the 10 cent a gallon Southern Hemisphere. FOCIS (Family Oriented been an agonizing experience” but she tax on gasoline by three cents and in­ Peter Goulding, manager, Easter Childbirth Information Society) Installm ent Loan said she could accept the new proposal “as creasing the $2.50 tax per gallon on hard Region for Australia, spoke on the many is accepting registrations for long as it is balanced.” liquor by 50 cents. tourist attractions in his country, and its May series of classes in Asked whether the budget now could be Mrs. Grasso’s proposal to end the local urged visitors to make Australia a part of Expectant Parent Education. called hers’ or the legislatures’, the gover­ personal property tax exemption for new their South Pacific travel itinerary. ... • y . 'J! .1^' The weekly classes begin - How Much Do You Need? nor said “it would be grossly unfair to say business and industry was also rejected by Charles Gilbert of the Gilbert-Love May 13 at 8 p.m. in the con­ everything good is the governors’ and the lawmakers who continued the exemp­ Travel Agency in Hartford, who coor­ ference rooms at Manchester everything bad is the General tion until July 1, 1976. dinated the program, gave a slide presen­ Memorial Hospital. Assembly’s.” The new package substitutes a two-point tation of the month-long trip he and his The classes are free to the The agreement puts to rest earlier increase in the corporation profits tax to wife Barbara took from Australia to the public. suggestions that 2,(WO of the state’s ap­ raise funds to reimburse towns for lost South Island of New Zealand and including Qualified professionals dis­ proximately 40,000 workers would have to property tax revenue. Fiji and Tahiti. The Gilberts are cuss pregnancy, nutrition and The new package sets the corporate Manchester residents. exercise during pregnancy, bot­ Bank profits tax rate at 10 per cent, as opposed Herbert Schemeller, representative of tle and breast feeding, baby Mrs. Grasso’s proposal for a hike of eight Pan A'merican Airlines, one of the care and post-partum care. The Weather or nine per cent. carriers to the South Pacific, was on hand Wooly Rug from Down Under For further information, of Manchester Other tax hikes suggested by Mrs. to answer questions concerning air fares, write FOCIS, 61 Lyness St., schedules, and destinations. Member F.D.I.C. Cloudy with occasional rain or drizzle Grasso in February were retained, such as Manchester, Conn., or call 646-1700 today with high temperatures mostly in extension of the sales tax to leased and Other major airlines serving the South Looking over a sheepskin rug from High School, are, from left, Charles and Peter Goulding, manager. Carla, 643-0604; Barbara, 228- MANCHESTER •. EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON • ANDOVER the 50s. Rain ending early to n i^ with rented goods, and a one per cent hike of Pacific are Air New Zealand, Quantas, New Zealand which was one of the Gilbert of Gilbert-Love Travel Agen­ Eastern Reglofi for Australia. and UTA. 3106; or Sue, 649-2915. People-to^People Banking low in the 40s. Not so cold Saturday with the six per cent capital gains tax and the prizes at The Herald’s Travel Show cy in Hartford; Richard D. Bollard, (Herald photo by Dunn) in the 608. modified dividends tax plan. Many attractive door prizes donated by Thursday night at the Manchester New Zealand travel commissioner;