Biological Weapons Proliferation: Reasons for Concern, Courses of Action Graham S. Pearson Gillian R. Woollett Marie I. Chevrier Jonathan B. Tucker Amy E. Smithson January 1998 Report No. 18 Copyright© 1998 by The Henry L. Stimson Center 11 Dupont Circle, Ninth Floor, NW Washington, DC 20036 tel 202-223-5956 fax 202-238-9604 e-mail
[email protected] Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgments ................................................. iii About the Authors ............................................................v List of Abbreviations ........................................................ vii List of Tables .............................................................. viii List of Boxes ............................................................... viii List of Charts .............................................................. viii List of Matrices ............................................................ viii Introduction Amy E. Smithson ........................................................1 The Threat of Deliberate Disease in the 21st Century Graham S. Pearson .....................................................11 Industry’s Role, Concerns, and Interests in the Negotiation of a BWC Compliance Protocol Gillian R. Woollett ......................................................39 Doubts About Confidence: The Potential and Limits of Confidence-Building Measures for the Biological Weapons Convention Marie I. Chevrier .......................................................53 Verification Provisions