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SUGAR 96 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, 23. Last 24 hours' rainfall, .06. Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.5625c; Per Ton, $71.25. Temperature, Max. 71; Min. 62. Yeather, unsettled. 82 Analysis Beets, 8s 5,l-4- d; Per Ton, $76.20. ESTABLISHED WULV ?. 1856 4236S VOL. XLIIL, NO. 7371. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SECRETARY SHAW FAVORS IONS INDICATE ESE PIRATES SEIZ THE CONTINUATION OF SPEAKER CANNON THE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM MERICMI LAUNCH

AVOR HAWA (Associated Press Cablegram.) DES MOINES, March 24. In a speech delivered here last EAR CANTON night Secretary of the Treasury Shaw advocated the continuation of Case Thinks He Is for Walker Reports Current the Dingley tariff bill without change. St-- Short Period Rumors of His The Little Vessel, With the Arms and Ammu-nitio- n Refund. Relenting. on Board, Is Carried Away

(Mail Special to the Advertiser.) by the Bold Marauders. D. 12.--. "I think that Uncle Joe Can- WASHINGTON, C, March non is inclined to relent some- There have been no decisive develop- what in his attitude toward the ments in Hawaiian affairs here for the Hawaiian seventy-fiv- e per cent, last week. The refunding bill, or seg- (Associated Press Cablegrams.) ' refund proposition and that he regation bill, is still with the House come around to the opinion HONGKONG, March 24. Pirates near Canton have seized an has subcommittee to which it was re- that it will do no harm to give American launch, and us what we usk for, except that ferred and seems to be sticking there. secured the arms and ammunition on board. it be for a short term not the The Philippine Bill is still dead in tho Evidently, this was a launch belonging to twenty - year period which we Senate Committee on Philippines. No an American .warship probably Congress." Dan sent up the Pearl river in chase of pirates. case requested of prophecies that some life will yet be The presents another proof of H. Case, member of the delega- the unsettled condition of affairs in instilled into it are warranted. is China. There lwve always been pirates in tion from Hawaii to It Southern Chinese , and long ago used to simply a ease where no one can tell they prey upon foreign shipping, but they have not been so prone to do what may happen, although every week this of late years. The seizure of an American launch, with arms that passes without agitation for action and ammunition on board, is therefore the more surprising instance of their boldness. is a Dan H. Case, County Attorney for increases the prospects that the bill will It matter that the Chinese govern- ment must explain, of course and make reparation for. "Maui, and one of the delegation sent not fce revived at this session. by the business Interests of the Ha- Chairman Cole, of the Territories j fete waiian Islands to Washington to pre- subcommittee, has been out to Ohio, IS sent before the Senate and House which is one reason for nothing having IT DENIED THAT AUSTRIA'S committees of Congress arguments been done on the bill. But Speaker hacking up President Roosevelt's rec- Cannon has been opposed to the legis- EMPEROR IS 5N BAD HEALTH ommendation for a seventy-fiv- e per lation. There have been reports, ap- cent. refund to the Territory of parently with some foundation, that accruing to the United States his oppo- revenues the Speaker has withdrawn VIENNA, March 24. The reports of the h, of the Emperor are therein, returned yesterday on the sition as far as the Territories com- irm unfounded. Alameda, and while inclined to be mittee is concerned. Different mem- HON. LESLIE M. SIIAW, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. V mat- - .doubtful about the outcome of the bers of the committee say thev have Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, and the man upon hopeful some, measure semi-offici- ter, yet he is for understood such is the case, but they Probably this is to be regarded as a declaration that the Roose- whose life tenure probably hinges the political integrity of the dual mon- of success. have no definite information. The op- velt administration i arrayed with the stand-patter- s on the protective system archy, was born in 1830, and for a long time past reports that he was is the ia. Speaker Cannon of the House ponents of the bill in the committee, rather than with the proponents of that modified revision which became known feeble health have been more or less current. That hisjealth is watched with way of only stumbling block in the however, say that it can not be enacted as the "Iowa idea," and of which the most distinguished advocate was the gravest anxiety by his patriotic subjects goes without saying. has been into law. It achievement; Mr. Case thinks, and it B. Henderson, Speaker of the House of Representatives at time idea said empire would-hav- must be admitted seems the the that the rests upon his personal popularity. Another man e attitude, he believes the It that that ' is on his that now to be the outlook. Col. "Pete"! was advanced. Because he could not follow his party on the tariff, indeed, lost the throne long ago. hinges. Just before leav- i . l 1 . v : . 1. : ' 1 . r .entire matter lLvpuuru,tt n no nzis utiuciiutru ii.tut; vitx Mr. Henderson retired from its leadership in the House. ing San Francisco. Mr. Case received greatly, is still doing all he can to help .a cablegram from George B. McClellan, it along. Should the bill by any chance SHIPWRECKS ON NEW ENGLAND COAST. secretary to Delegate Kalanianaole, in ultimately'be passed, it will be in large measure due to his loyal work. Just answer to a telegraphic query sent1 the now Col. Hepburn is in the South with TO HEAVEN, biy before. Mr. McClellan's telegram a committee of Congressmen. BOSTON, March 21. The winter's shipwrecks along the New England coast fifty-fou- r, twenty-seve- n Eighty-fiv- .read: Last week the Senate passed the number of the vesselsjostbeing British. e five-ye- ref- persons -- encouraging, for ar Statehood Bill, but struck out all perished in the wrecks. More New considering. Enthu- erence to Arizona and Mexico, term. Committee leaving it a. bill simply to erect a state OB HAWAII siasm lacking." out of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. SANGUILY DEAD. "That means 75 per cent, for Ave That is contrary to the administration GENERAL .years instead of twenty years," said plan and Speaker Cannon has called a term caucus of Republican members for Mr. Case, "or to shorten the Wednesday with a view to binding all The Advice That Dr. Blaze on Hotel Street HAVANA, March 24. General Julio Sanguily is dead. rather than the amount. On the other the Republicans of the House to vote liand, they might lessen the amount for the bill as it passed the House some Might Have Meant and give it to us the full period we weeks ago. They will be asked to back Wile Gives to His SENATE WILL INSIST ON ITS AMENDMENTS. not up their eonrerees in standing out tor asked. We decided that it would the original bill and without the Senate to put forth an argu- Friends. Tragedy. be advisable amendments. (Associated Press Cablegrams Afternoon Report.) ment in favor of a less amount. This afternoon there has been con- in circles WASHINGTON, D. C, March 23. The Senate has decided to insist on its "There seems to be a sentiment siderable talk influential tell my friends can There was a small fire, although a about the House using the statehood "I that if they amendments to the Statehood Bill. Its principal amendment is to cut out Ari- among senators and representatives fierce one while it lasted, in the the bill to pry the Philippine Bill out of not get to Heaven they should at least zona and New Mexico. ihat the whole proposition is in the committee before the close of the ses get as near to it as possible and visit Winston Block on Hotel street last nature of an experiment. It is a sion. The argument is that the Sen- Hawaii," said Dr. Wile yesterday. The night. The notion store of Yuen Wa SPRECKELS MAY BUILD. killed or mangled every admin- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 23. Claus Spreckels says he may organize precedent and the question of estab- ate has Doctor-i- s here to clean up his Hawaiian Chong. a Chinaman, was gutted as a might be istration bill thus far sent to it and a street railroad in this city to be operated with an underground system. lishing such a precedent that the House can now well afford to interests, not because he has lost faith result and the building was slightly .serious. I think they realize that if insist on the observance of the Presi- in the country in the least, but on ac- damaged. PATTISON BETTER. they pass the act at all it is better not policies with reference to im- a The alarm was turned in from box COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 23. Governor Pattison, who was reported seri- for' a long dent's count of distressing accident recently to commit themselves such portant legislation and by withholding 47, corner King streets, ously ill, is improving. twenty years. Yet I believe to Mrs. Wile, which makes it impera- of and River as its approval indirectly force the Senate by a they can pee no harm if the measure to action on the Philippine Bill for tive that the Doctor he free to attend Cornett, marine from the Xaval TOWER'S POSITION. is passed for, say, five years. instance. her. His poi mill here is being offered Station, who, with three friends from LONDON, England, March 23. Reginald Tower has been appointed British "I infer from this telegram from There may be some logic in such a for sale auction, but mark the Oregon, marines E. E. York, F. E Minister to Mexico. is at the trade McClellan that Uncle Joe Cannon plan, but it remains to be seen whether for the Hawaiian product he has been Clark and J. L. Howard, located the blocking measure on the any- strongly the the House leaders can accomplish rile through feeling along or twenty-yea- conscien- marketing and the charter rights fori the front r clause. He is thing by it. As a matter of fact th ,ne tious and he feels that we stand on Senate does not care very much about its manufacture are not being sold with store for symptoms of heat, after SPRECKELS SHIPPING SUGAR the same footing as any other Terri- the statehood bill and many Senators the mill. These have already been dis- - having seen smoke coming from the . .1 .. x . TT 1..!.. I 1. tory, or that we should not have any would be willing the bill should be poseu ul 10 nuiiuiuiu pcupie, uu building. While Cornett was away maue puone rew . A special privileges that could- not be killed. The most one can say with as- names win Le witnin a m Oregon boys FROM CUBA TO COAST dive t turning the alarm the extended to other Territories. surance is that the situation is very ' "However, I think Speaker Cannon tangled for the Republicans. "I have always been delighted with broke down the shutters and saved is relenting. The committee dots not Mr. George B. McClellan saw Gen. these Islands," continued Dr. Wile. some of the goods from the burning want to report, I infer, unless it sees McKenzie. chief of armv engineers. "And when I return the next time I building. The sugar war between Claus Spreckels Western Sugar Refinery and the want going to see them all. I see many some sign of success. It doesn't this morning and was informed that am When the firemen arrived on the Sugar Factory Company of Honolulu has forced the former company to bring to report measures which may go by the Comptroller of the Treasury, Mr. great improvements since my last visit. scene the fire had a good start and for default and they are feeling their way Tracewell had decided the War De- This hotel is new" referring to the a time it looked as if the blaze was to raw sugar to this Coast from Cuba. Young in my very carefully. partment could utilize the $20,000 ap- Alexander "and all be a big one, the locality being ideal Spreckels has put on a line of sailing vessels for that purpose, and one of "Everyone we met in ashington propriated for filling in Quarantine travels I have never been in a better for it. The work of the firemen, how- cargo. Others are follow. fa- was very courteous to us and people Island forthwith, without the delay of mantiged one. You have the Turkish ever, had the flames checked within them, the Queen Victoria, is en route with a to te all over the country seemed to be anx- advertising for bids. Gen. McKenzie bath I kicked for on my last trip, too. ten minutes. Spreckels will also get cargoes from Java and the Philippines, because, in ious to get all the information possible will therefore offer ten cents a cubic "I am greatly pleased at the report While the front of the block was tons from Hawaii, as he last year, his supply irom Mr. Robinson gave you in regard to stead of getting l.'00( lil .about Hawaii. yard for filling in that island and if kept clear by the police there was a 40,000 tons. "We saw the President. His manner the company now dredging Honolulu beautifying the city. He is right in natives, Japs Chinese in that country this year will not exceed - swarm of and was cordial and he greeted us with his Harbor is willing to at-ce- that figure what he says. Keep Honolulu Hono- the rear rescuing their belongings ntt It was the Sugar Factors Company that started the refinery at Crockett, in I famous phrase, 'Delighted to see you.' work can be begun forthwith. Other- - lulu. It is ideal now, and only the stacking them in the nearby alleyways. Contra Costa county, last Saturday, after it had been closed for four or five my estima- crooked spots to be touched up Hooseve'.t is all right. In wise Gen. McKenzie will not award any want Right over the blaze, in a room occu- ears. The California ic Hawaiian Sugar Refining Company, which owned the he is best President we ever contract for the work, at least for the and touched very lightly, too. Nature was going or. tion the pied by a Jap, a feast five years ago, accepted .)'t,0i)0 a year trom precKeis to Keep tne pjanu had. present. has been prodigal with her gifts here. feasters squatted at their ta- fdant and the Y biigar Company, "I found among the senators and Representative Kahn of California Robinson 's head is extremely level. ble during all the excitement, three closed. Recently it sol. the Crockett plant to the factors representatives that those who had has introduced a bill to appropriate "And for gracious sake get some Xeros taking risks that the Roman .vhich is composed of Hawaiian planters controlling eighty-fiv- e per cent, of the way here and away been here in the islands, even though $3.3,000 "to provide for filling in that of getting getting never dreamed of. Hawaiian raw sugar. of Hono- from here. I want to go out and find for only a day, take a great deal portion of the naval station at Chief Thurston received some severe - treaT-- a hundred names ahead of me. What This company- is fighting Spreckels because it thinks he has not been 1 in Hawaiian affairs." lulu, Hawaii, known as tne Reef." cn from the hot insu . . 1 . A . I . interest spending your promotion the wrist lairly. managed secretly to get control 01 muil The text of the bill is as follows: That is the use of lation dropping from the wires while ing the Hawaiian planters it ft the sum of thirty-fiv- e thousand dollars, money when people can 't get here when j. e was chopping a way for the hose Crockett plant before declaring war on Spreckels. All the raw uga the latter FOR or so much thereof as may be neces- they want tof lhe tourist erop is tne men. There was no way last night of Hawaii is from his own plantations. STRONG TRIES big' crop and rain nor drought an now get from sary, is hereby appropriated, out of neither learning the amount of the damage, Company continues to sell in the F.at about 400,000 tons not other- affects it. And the monev spent stays The Sugar Factors any money in the Treasury but from the appearance of the ruined tons at ror years wise appropriated, for the reclamation right here in these tight little Islands, stock Yuen Wa Chong"s loss will be of its product, and will refine the remaining i.u,uuv i.wki. THE CONSTABULARY tt,., ,;,r. .vf fi,o naval sfntinn at and there will Lie more an-- i more or 11. comparatively heavy. the planters in the Sugar Factors Company have been paying Spreckels an Honolulu, Hawaiiknown as the Reef. The $150,000 a month isn't an item to $, or a discount of three-eights- - ot a cent a poun.l. only get nnual tribute of from material now being dredged from what you will have if you the NOT SIGHTED New York market price. This they end of the business ar- - HONGKONG MABU ?qual to $7.50 a ton of sugar less than the the. harbor at Honolulu, and for the transportation over shipping most - Up 2:30 morning the lid under his contract to take their 150,000 tons left after by from neeessnrv dikes or retaining walls, to ranged. to o'clock this News arrived the Siberia people here want to build their product Fast. Strong, be expended under the direction of the "The steamer Hongkong- Maru had not beer if their Manila that Putnam Bradlee Secretary of War, and the supervision own steamer, one fit for the touist specu- Recently they demanded that he reduce his discount an eighth of a cent in backing sighted. There is coniderable husband of the well known actress of the Chief of Engineers, such portion trade and then rnite that and was the straw that broke the camel's back. upon line all freight and passenger lation as to the lateness of her arrival rer pound. He refused, that May Yohe, had recently arrived there thereof as may be agreed between for the fight. f can steer to it. Then it from San Francisco, as she left that The Hawaiian planters determined to Con- the Secretary-o- War and the Secretary business they was hopeful entering the - , thf and of a. ., ,,o. fr- fnrtifir-n-. will he n success. The fare is all right port only two hours later than One of the first developments of the war is the driving of Spreckels port - -- stabulary service. The Manila Times VnoVeL to the now and compares favorably with the Alameda. The Alameda arrived in enough raw material to keep his sugar mill going.- San tin to be transferred was amngs.ee me docl iway off to Java to get says that it is understood that he will War benartmPnt I rates on tho Atlantic and uame 1 cWd bt ! 12 noon- - yesterday. 'rancisco Examiner, March 16. be unsuccessful. (Continued on Pae i.) (Continued on Page 4 ) at


y US fc-fc- HESITATING OFJEVOLT Today we offer high-clas- s to Honolulu ladies far gowns, wraps, neckwear and the like at prices which a i Still, Demens How Kauai Were few :eas rt I Captain Rebels years ago would have been impossible and which, it is safe or of I ! to say, have never been equaled in the citv in c I Thinks They Will Beaten in Ancient CLUNY medj INSERTIONS, 2 to 4 inches wide, superior quality, 10 to 12 i-- per e oil. 2 i vard. lese 1 Come Here. Days. VALENCIENNES GALOONS, in black and e wit t white, 5c. to 25c. per yard. ted tc v ! Molo-kan- s Now, is story of rebellion GALOONS, in black law? It is well known that all the this the the and white, 10c. to 2c. on on per yard. 2h in ? I who were expected to settle of the heathen the island of Kauai, 1 1 on did not come told by Hoapili, servant to the GUIPURE INSERTIONS, black, ed. ranchman without a Stetson is the Kapaa lands Kauai as white and cream, 10c. t The to the Island?, but they will get here King Liholiho, who was commander to 25c. per yard. pra r! a horse. One is as in time. There is still correspondence of the royalist forces in the great bat- We have just received a large assortment of LADIES' I like his brother without Pint between Land Commissioner Pratt and of Hanapepe on August IS, 1824, WASH BELTS, plain and embroidered, DIUM) I tle 25c. to 40c. each - Captain P. A. Demens, of Los Angeles, ! fact, he values NEW I necessary as- the other. In in which the hopes of the rebels were BELTS, latest style, in white, black, pink Pint who has acted at a sort of guide, philos- and blue, each. irge C was only opher and friend tor the Russian sec- crushed. The letter was found in the 75c. lart. f I the hat so highly that if there retaries, and there is hope that many search of the archives, and Acting more will come. In the Alameda's PROGRESS BLOCK, would trade the horse to get it. Governor Atkinson had a translation FORT STREET. one left, he mail, Commissioner Pratt received the original was A. BLOM following letter from Captain Demens: of it made. The written language Ha- Los Angeles, Cal., March 14, 1906. in the archaic of old We have the Stetson Soft ni Derby Mr. Jas. W. Pratt, Commissioner of waii, which few modern Hawaiians and Hats in all the latest styles. Public Lands, Honolulu. some students of Hawaiian history xsoosooa Q My Dear Sir: I have your favor of now alone can read with any kind of Jl J J did not cable, as P the second instant. I ease, so language ofi the New you know. Upon the receipt of your much has the The Policies of For the city our "YALE" styles with colored letter, I had to consult with the leaders island people changed, by the intro- ribbons to match are very popular. Also we have of the various factions of the Molo-kan- s duction of words from other tongues, Uni line of summer styles in straws. now here before I could answer. by the changing meaning of old words, a new must The Mutual To make the situation clear, I by the dropping of words alto- Life & J J state that there are about fifteen hun- and dred Molokans here now, divided into gether. The letter, which is on paper some five or six factions of various yellow with age, reads: M. McINERNY, Ltd. sizes. Only twro have located one, of HOAPILI' S LETTER. Sts. about fifteen families so far, in Lower Insurance Co. Corner Merchant and Fort California, Mexico; another on Kapaa, September 13 1S24. Monday. Kauai. Of the latter, about twenty-fiv- e Manowai, Waimea. families are still here, waiting for vari- Greeting: Dear Prince Riholiho, we OF NEW YORK ous reasons, mostly for the balance of are crying for you, also this whole up- - j their families now on the way from per district, your brother and your Have been carefully drawn so as to avoid as far as possible the use of Russia to arrive, so as to go to Kauai sister, your citizenSj and all your peo-- j unnecessary technical terms. The agreements and privileges are clearly together. pie, for the love they have for you. ' and precisely stated, and the contract may be easily Here is what I am going to say to understood by its KNOCKING THE ISLANDS. your possessor. some two hun- you, I hereby inform you that DON'T BEGIN All the remainder, ; They are the best of life without servant Kaumualii is dead. Paalua insurance contracts and are issued by the dred and fifty families, are yet to to stay BEST of all companies land. Since you have been here, their has taken Kahalaia Kauai the in the world. been inspect there, to guard the fort during the several leaders have to bloody months for the high chiefs of LIMITED PAYMENT LIFE POLICY. many lands offered to them in the ran away to give the By Cleaning States and in Mexico, but so far none Kauai. Paalua the terms of this contract the amount of the insurance is pay- Spring land to Kapatuta. During the day able upon were accepted. After each trip the; f the death of the insured, and the premiums are payable dur- know positively time, he ran to the Legislature, and in came to me,' and I that evening, they were by ing a limited number of years twenty, fifteen or ten jears. in- everything inspected so far has been the attacked until you take the step that Humehume at the fort, for forgetting The Limited Payment Life Policy is in many respects and for a dust-les- s rejected. sands" large sures a clean, comfortable, I am sure that they hold the Islands the of Waimea, where Paalua class of insurers a most desirable contract, providing as it does kitchen all year 'round put to from and Kahalaia were sleeping. At the . that the premiuma shall all be paid in as a reserve, waiting hear re- - the early and productive years un- break of dawn, Paalua heard the in those already on Kapaa. I fully ' of life, thus the policy becomes fully paid-u- p for the whole amount in a position they as port of a gun, and went up, together derstand the take, wage war, with fixed number of years. Dividends are payable or there was and is no end of-th- hardest with Kahalaia, to annually, at the up against Islands Niau. Niau was hit by a bullet and end of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. kind of work put the our men died, by everybod Beside?, some of the fell dead. Two of white HOW MUCH WILL A GAS RANGE and on their side, ten men died, and IT COST? leaders are selfish and pursue their own Between personal interests. they retreated to Hanapepe where they the ages of 25 and 31 years, inclusive, six to seven cent3 They are offered all kinds ot grait live. They made a fort of two forty a day will be the "first cost" of $1000 good life insurance. For tale by dealer and land guns, one fire gun. We came from Between by the promoters of the various steam- the ages of 32 and 52 years, seven to fifteen cents a day. schemes, and are loath to give up these Lahaina to go to war, with two ers. Four of Paalua's steamers re- Between the ages of 53 and 65 years, sixteen to twenty-nln- a cents inducements. I have nothing special to a day. 8 HONOLULU GAS offer to anybodj', and am very cautious mained at the fort. Hoapili and Ka- COMPANY, LIMITED. and conservative in all mv statements halaia .attacked the defenses where Is there any healthy man or woman in America at work for wages Kawelo died. Kauai has laid down its to them. I do not force the issue, and who can not afford this "first cost" of a good $1000 policy in the best let them have their own time. arms to Hoapili. All has been con- quered. Two chiefs have died, one is and strongest company on earth! All these leaders assure me they are self-deni- A al going to inspect the Hakalau lands, and Naken, and the other is Tiaimakani. little in small things pleasant things, perhaps, but the Islands in general three of them Humehume has been defeated. He has unnecessary things will pay the bill easily. 8 were so sure about that I wrote to retreated in the bushes. He has not Different forms of policies cost prices. it found, searching for him is various 8 Mr. George Eoss in San Irancisco a been but Our Twenty-Yea-r still going on. Your brother Kauike-ou- li Distribution Policy on continuous life and limited couple of days ago to be ready for a payment plans 8 delegation at any time. and your servant Kaahumanu affords the maximum of security at the minimum of cost; approached to come here Our LEADERS GRAFTING. have been Guaranteed Income Policy provides a guaranteed income, secure SPRING TONIG and see the land. investment, And I believe that such a move will and absolute protection; After that, here is another word Our I materialize shortly. At the same time which I want to say to you. You have Endowment Policy provides a certain guaranteed sum, payable am not sure of anything, as at any already seen your chief, come back. with profits at a fixed time; 1 time some of them may be bought by These two servants of yours have al- Our 4 and 5 Per Cent. Bonds furnish may accept land the best and most effective o these promoters, and ready died. Eka and Paumuaril. The forms of indemnity and fixed elsewhere.. annual income to survivor?; mother of Kiriwehi is dead, died from Our Continuous 8 You mav act as vou deem best. I illness. And when :verything is Instalment Policy so adjusts the payment of the Beer ' that S Rainier c wnat amount insured as to can not become responsible for gone, we will be create a fixed income during of bene- 1 3 T od for food ls all the life the o mese people ner may unutriHse, i dead. ficiary; will be 8 1 am absolutely sure that there We pity you wife of Kamehameha. Our Annuity Policies offer an enough people from there and from you excellent opportunity for persons to Very Love to all. obtain a high on Fine. Russia direct to occupy Kapaa as per Yours from Hoapili. rate of interest their capital for the remainder of life; agreement with you and Spalding but an income safe beyond mishap. This form of investment is particularly I guarantee any- HEATHEN REVOLT. beyond that I can not 5 recommended to those who desire to make provision for declining years, ()o in Bottles, thing, especially as the price of land Concerning the rebellion alluded to 3 and to be free from On Draught and contracts with the plantations business cares. 8 and the in the letter, Prof. Alexander says in We have to be maie in each case separately, have prices to fit all known wants. All we want to know is 8-- and you know yourself what that his history: "When the news of his what you want. If you do not know, tell us Hawaii) enough of your condition means and' what an amount of time death (Kaumualii, king of g and surroundings and we can suggest the policy requires. best suited to your 8 and hard work it reached Kauai, there was an outbreak 1 purpose. happened so I knew the gen- -. It that of the heathen party, and many out- 3 Eates and guarantees cheerfully S eral character of all the lands inspect- parts furnished on application. RAINIER BOTTLING WORKS ed by them so far, and could consci- rages were committed in various o 1 entiously advise them against accept of the island. Kahalaia, a nephew of 8 ing them. And thev listened to me. As Kalanimoku. a young man unfit for ) g ' - - o Telephone White 1331. all I care for is their welfare, .should the place, was appointed Governor, up- District Superintendent, Office 932 and 938, Fort St. they find something I consider as ad to 3 Honolulu. o vantageous as your lands, I will advise on which a conspiracy was formed Ji- - them to accept, no matter where it is. throw off the yoke. I do not believe they will buy anything "Kiaimakani and other heathen without my approval. I will be impar- chiefs invited George Humehume, who LE 1 tial and faithful to their interests. living Wahiawa, to put himself That has been, and is my position on was at ye at their head, and offered to make him the subject. ac Itreetlf : kincr of Kauai and Niihau. He PLEA FOR TIME. cepted the offer, and before light on THE At the same time, I still believe that 8, (1824) they the morning of August ( on account or tneir nnanciai position made a desperate attack on the fort and the high prices of lands in really at Waimea. After half an hour's hard desirable locations on the mainland. righting the rebels were repulsed with H your islands offer them the best they thfr Of A-- ten men, while six of ome o TRY a loss of can hope to get. Therefore, I am of garrison were killed, including two the opinion that all of them will go young Englishmen. The next day Ka- - there yet. if you have the patience and lanimoku sent a schooner to Oahu and j do not force the issue. Yours very Maui with the news of the rebellion. truly, "The news of the war caused great Cfl Eremo icar (Signed) P. A. DEJIEXS. excitement, both at Honolulu and" La- Oa- othe The Smoke of a Cremo Cigar Chases Care Away. "I had asked Captain Demens to ca- haina. A thousand warriors from ble me concerning the coming of the hu and two companies from Maui, soon Light One and Taste the Sweetness of Content. rest of the Molokans from Los An- sailed for Kauai under command of geles," said Land Commissioner Pratt, Hoapili, and landed at Waimea," j force met the rebels east of Alfred Benjamin & I-f- reading this letter, "which is what he This elt) Cos H. Hat & Co., Lid. refers to here: As to his plea not to Hanapepe, and signally defeated them force the issue, I tdld Trim in my last after a hard fought battle. George Distributors. letter that I could not undertake to Humehume escaped to the mountains, Correct Clothes for Men hold any land for any particular peo- but was captured later and kindly ple for any length of time. Our lands treated by his captors. ' are in demand, as you know. J jit "I understand that Captain Demen? DOUTHITT'S ANSWER. is still in correspondence with Molo- filed by County At- - ! kans in Russia who desire to find An answer was When you see this label on a suit you know its good homes in America." torney Douthitt yesterday in the man- - ; Captain Demens, an no- damus suit of Pacific Oil Transporta- - j better, in fact, than the best tailor-mad- e. Benjamin bleman, is now in the lumber busi- tion Co. against the County of Oahu. clothes ness in Los Angeles, and has acted for He denies that petitioner is owner of tit Molokans in all the negotiations a claim of $325 against the county, ana j arc made correctly, the materials are the best. with these people. From his letter it that the county ordered of it 240 bar- is apparent that he still hopes to di rels of crude petroleum oil. The al- - ! Our New Spring Styles just arrived. rect this tide of emigration to Hawaii, leged claim was never legally charge- - j although he wints time in which to able against the county, the pur- - : a K3& do and it. ported resolution of the board of su- - j pervisors ordering a warrant for its Jt Our Belts Susenuers Trunks Gloves The Land Office has issued twenty-on- e payment, to Frederick C. Miller, was Spring patents for lands since the 16th null and .void. Such a resolution was and Hanck'fs and of January. This, according to Land beyond the authority of the board to Commissioner Summer Duck Pratt, is about the aver- oass. It is alleged that the oil was Valises age run of business. The country is furnished to the Honolulu Park Com- THE KASH CO., LTD. Hats Shirts settling up, and patents for home-fctea- d3 mission for the use of Kapiolani Park, Pants Etc. are being gotten Fort and Hotel Streets. : : : Vort Street, out as fast as over which the County of Oahu has no Tel. Main 2;. I. O. O. F. BuiHinr and 152 Hotel Street. the Lnnd Office force can handle the jurisdiction and for which it has no business. authority to appropriate money. THE PACIFIC CMMEHCIAL aD V KmC'-HTOTCI- J XU , "ileCK-lgytre- r """"n"w"" "a" " " '- - t "" " H , r j; f wealth, nor social position, nor cul ture constitute man's real worth. "Not in the abundance of the things COHEN ) THE COO THY he possesseth" as in the case of our MEETS young friend whose silent form lies I I here ready for its interment. No. we speak not today of his outward cir- HHsiSoI cumstances but his inward life. These CLUB GO TH f I habits of industry, faithfulness in ser- OFFERS 8 f h conduct, vice, correct principles of Having: received lar-- pure lofty am- a e shipment of Linen Goods direct motives of character, 1 .T, bition, steadfastness in friendship lrom the mills we are now in a position to oiler great values Telephone Main 424 these are the cherished thoughts, the in the Linen line. Will Sell Some Lots for legacy left for the loved ones better Honolulu's Hammcrstcin than silver and and more en- IRISH DRESS I during than great fame. Honolulu Is LINEN. Homes to Club will can Traveling FeSS miss this useful citizen. We S'!nw Linen' excePt!onal good quality, lot 800 75c. yd. ill afford to loose these upright young IT SreSS ,nen' l0t 35' fine qua,it' 85c- - yd-- Members, men from our business life. Our hearts East. Linen, lot 60. only 75 yards DAY! 26-in- 60c yd TH ch S S are deeply "We sympathize touched. Dress Linen, lot 50. great value !.!!!!!!!!!!,5c! yd! earn- S6-in- ch with the absent loved ones and Linen for fancy work, fine finish. great 50c. Our leader... yd. 4 The Country Club is going to be a estly pray Heaven's richest consola-t- o Henry Roth, the tailor, who returned SEND upon so les- go. Its grounds will be on the old rest them. And the from San Francisco yesterday in the . son again comes home to our hearts SPECIAL VALUE IN PILLOW CASE LINEN. in Rooke place, on the Ewa side of Nuu-an- u today. ye in such Alameda, states that Joe Cohen is not TOUR "Be also ready for Lot 120. 45 valley just opposite the govern- an hour as ye think not." It is not returning home in the Korea, but has inches. Regular 90c, now 75c GOODS Lot 100, 45 Inches. Regular 75c., ment light plant, It is always the aged, the weak, the sick, gone East instead to arrange details now. . ..!.."!..!.' 65. FOR electric and proposed to sell enough to club the expected to go first. "Who shall connected with the tour of the Hawai- lots be next, you or I? But what of WE ANNOUNCE members on the lower part of the tract preparation for death? The living ian Band this summer. Mr. Roth ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF A LARGE Sale to pay for the building of the club- here. 'Tls the life that tells.. Our in- states that he has met with flattering LINE OF LADIES' Saturday's house and other improvements, and ward character. The wisest of all success in arranging an itinerary and to leave a handsome surplus for club seers after a long and varied experi- is receiving requests from various ill ence of life in it3 outwardness, its parts purposes. wealth and Dleasure. reached a con of the country to have the band SHIRT WAISTS Saturday. March 24, '06 .The club has not. as yet, been or- clusion and formed an opinion, the Play. come down j to i-iii- ganized formally, although the plans statement of which has The Shriners who are meet in Los I will sell i for the clubhouse are now being drawn through the ages as a never-to-be-fo- r- i Angeles m eariy summer are especially gotten divinely precept. I . prop- and inspired desirous having - by Architect Kerr. The old Rooke Let us hear the conclusion of the of the band in attend- pneiFie 84 import eo. Locomobile erty, where, the club is to be quarter- whole matter "FPar Rod anrJ keen his ance and a place called Venice, a Fort Street. ALSO ed, is well known to old timers in commandments for this is the whole Southern California summer resort, has Honolulu. There are three hundred duty of man." made a good offer. acres tract, And it was a wiser and greater than Mr. Roth picked out the cloth from ODSEHOLD in the of which about Solomon who put the same precept F01MJKE ninety are good land, the lines run- in a different but none the less im- which the uniforms for the band mem- ning up to the top of the steep range pressive form. bers are to be made. of Oak Bed-tead- s, Consisting and Iron of hills on the Ewa of val- "Seek ye first the kingdom of God Mattresses, Stove, Etc., Etc. side the A case of beer is a very handy thing to have in ley. A lease of tnis property has been and his righteousness. And all these the house. Lot of Tools, things shall be added into you." OB. WOQLSEY IN Sometimes you feel like having a glass of Single Harness. secured from the owner, now in Eng- Earnest prayer was offered for the 16 sacks whole CORN. land, and the papers are all here ready mother and other loved ones far away, Large sail, suitable for grood tarpa-3a- n. to be signed as soon as the club is after which "Safe in the Arms of organized. The lease runs for five Jesus" was sung and the body con- A CAR ACCIDENT 12 doz. Gents' Hose, years, with the privilege of purchase veyed by the 2:15 train to Pearl City Ladies' Oak Secretary, for twenty-si- x thousand dollars at any for burial. Beer Steins, time within that period, but if the ,.. l aims, Etc., Etc. club gets properly on its feet the out- OAKLAND, March 12. Word was Plants, ferns, etc., etc., etc. right purchase will be made at once: ECHO The club project has behind it such I FROM received here tonight by friends of ALSO men as Governor Carter, Faxon Bis- Dr. E. H. Woolsey, one of the most U':. hop, Tenney Peck, Paul Isenberg, Ned prominent surgeons of Oakland, that Adams and others, and it is figured FIESTA EDITION he had met with an accident while yourself and then there are the friends who mem- are constantly that not less than two hundred riding on a street car at Honolulu in. Imcaiilbator bers will be secured for the club as a and dropping A giass of cold beer is the best form of hospit- had been so seriously injured that he ( starter. To any or all of these lots ality that you can show them. Order a case today. Your CAPACITY 60 EGGS. " will be sold on easy terms and at Haverhill, Mass., March 6, 1906. is returning to the United States for ETC., ETC.", ETC. home will be all the brighter for it. reasonable rates, and a suburb will be Mr. L. P. Tenney, Honolulu, Hawaii. tieatment. Dr. Woolsey left Oakland built up that will answer relatively to two months ago, intending to spend the town of Burlingame, which is the My Dear Friend: I am again de- WILL E. FISHER. lighted anew by paper containing some months in travel and study in the AUCTIONEER. resort of the rich men of San Fran- the cisco. description of your February 22nd "Fi- Far East. Two weeks ago he was On the grounds reserved for the club esta, can tell you truly thrown from a car and sustained se- golf links, and I that if Est a nana there will be laid out a vere injuries to his knee, which has 1ST. probably polo field, no one else has read it through, I have tennis courts and a so crippled him he moves fir Zs 3sv and there will be swimming pools and, from cover almost to cover, adver- - that about r Cam WWh THISDAY in fact, all those adjuncts calculated tisements and all. even waded only by the aid of crutches. In his You I present Stat. to make time pass pleasantly. Of through the names of the winners, condition he can not continue course only beautiful homes will be his journey, and his injury is such For Whooping Cough, Croup, Cough, SATURDAY built, and none but the most desira though, of course, knowing none of that he feels the need of the treat- ble class of purchasers will get lots. them Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, perhaps, ex- ment of home physicians. He is ex Bronchitis, Influenza, Catarrh. MARCH 24, 1906, lots will be good buys, and cepted. (Or Mr. B.) pected to arrive on the next steamer It cures because the air rendered stronelr antiaeotle These 1 carried over the diseased surfaces of the bronchial ;'. in great demand. A num- : AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., doubtless Well, "it was most thoughtful in you tabes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant i ; ber of gentlemen who propose join- - Dr. Woolsey is stil! in Honolulu and treatment. Those of a consumptive tendency, or sufter- - J 5 me you - to remember when must have is a guest at the Young Hotel, but ers from chronic bronchitis, 6nd immediate relief from f will sell at my salesroom, corner ing the club have already viewed the ' : , I of folks to send, a wonder- coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat, streets, account j property give project their a lot such he is wearing crutches. Queen and Fort for and the Cbbsolenb Is a boon to Asthmatics. j. J gotten up paper to. success may concern, following approval, and a large party will visit fully How Dbcggists. i of whom it the inscriptive booklet with proofs All Q J of Itt oods slightly damaged, on voyage of the place on Sunday morning. ful they were in preparing the prints valne oil reqai. Ynz E CO.. 1 80 Fulton St.. New York CHy, - Honolulu, . , S. S. Ventura, arrived at The present financial plan is to have f fc Short time a BOOGHINVILLEA 1906: j men put up Jo00 apiece March 14. ten to start triumph of modern journalism. Now I 1 11 pieces Petiuot Sheeting, 63 inches I the club, and then fix a charter fee wish I might believe that I should wide. for ordinary members. some witness such a scene as all . time F011 F GAROER 25 pieces Everetts Classics the pa--u riders, and all that. It must have pleased even your eyes, accus- Vt: THE FUNERAL tomed to similar sights. The paper WILL E. FISHER, go nrhalarp will around a grand circuit, till it Young may always be sadbu AUCTIONEER. is worn out. Alexander credited with doing something that is cqutppad I I went on to New York, arriving the printing ! OF E, A, JOHNSON public-spirite- d, I 22nd. and being taken automobiling something to make the r T T 00 ((UblishoM around city and park, etc., at once. city of Honolulu more attractive and TY in th I Was entertained most bounteously for comfortable, not only to islanders but ten days past, returning here then, it 1 DC Hawaii ' 1 Kodak Immersed in many beautiful floral is a rather too big city for me to want to strangers. The Roof Garden of the awattan body A. re- Young Hotel is one. of the prettiest n gifts, the of E. Johnson to live in its hurry and bustle all the posed yesterday in its handsome time. Honolulu is more my ideal. I places of the kind in the world, it is Correspondence had one now experience there, which said by and he now proposes casket awaiting the last sad rites for en- tourists, ' was to be incited by some of my the dead. At 12:30 a large number of gineering friends to go down under to make it even more beautiful. The G mem- garden myriads Ltd roof already Co the friends of the deceased and the East River tunnels now being has of azette School bers of the firm of Lewis & Co., of pushed through the rock and mud potted palms, crotons and shrubs, 100 high which Mr. Johnson had been a, faith- down anywhere to feet below while the Waikiki parapet is adorned water. It will add to the ease of com- trailing design ful clerk for upwards of thirteen years, between New York and with vines. It is now printers, munication - assembled in Williams undertaking Brooklyn, but 1 don't see but that this ed, with the assistance of Mr. Mcln- publishers, There is no study that can be parlors. Fort street. age of shortening things, as by tele- tyre, the landscape gardener, to raise bookbinders; wire canopy over more readily pursued by mail than . phones, etc., simply something a a portion of the lif-v- John W. Wadman, pastor of adds photography. The KODAK COR- more to make the rush just the same. roof and then to train the beautiful 'photo engravers, RESPONDENCE SCHOOL of the the First M. E. Church, had charge of My warmest "Aloha nui oe loa!" bougainvillea vine over the same. 'rubber stamp makers, Kodak Co., Rochester, N. the services. The 23rd Psalm was re- LINWOOD O. TOWNE. When in bloom this canopy will be typers Y., carries students step by step peated after which with Miss T. one of the most attractive in the city. stereo Manager Gray of the Young Hotel is through the various branches of Jayne at the organ and Mr. Theo. GLOBE CLOTHING CO. work, they are capable quite enthusiastic over the new idea. the until Richards leading, two verses of public .Nearly on of producing satisfactory negatives Those of the who have failed all of the potted plants the sung re-pott- Publishes and prints, both from technical and "Nearer My God to Thee" were to attend the second annual clearing roof are to be standpoints. There are few and prayer offered. Other scripture t.ale of the Globe Clothing Co. should artistic Oregon were knock Commercial Advertiser Vaity amateur photographers whom this selections were read and Mr. Wadman not raiss the chance to do so, as today The sailors who Pdfic ( ) ed senseless by thugs old fish- - course can not benefit. It treats spoke as follows: 3 in the i positively the last day of the sale. late Thursday night were A. I. Sunday (Advertiser and artistical recent days we , have market both the technical In these to side of photography, and appeals to been called upon very frequently to In order clear out the remaining Wallin and Electrician Garey. As the everything down Send-Week- all who are at all interested in the stand in the presence of the dead and stock will be marked police could get no trace of the hold Hawaiian Gazette ( ly ) open to an to away to their last again lower than ever. The thrifty up men, they tried yesterday to dis- work. The school is as citizens bear housewife will an oppor- upon payment of two dollars, which resting place the remains of a de- thus have credit the tale of the sailors. They did Kuokoa ( Hawaiian Weekly ) simply covers the cost of a parted friend or neighbor. It was in tunity to fit out her family at small not explain, however, how a siiior price cost, whilst the prudent man will lay could knock himself senseless, nor how portion of the o'.den days that the Shepherd Commercial Record (Semi-Week-ly textbook and a the in a year to come and own boot: Official and ) stationery. We shall Psalmist exelair.-.ed-: "In the midst of stock for the he could rob himself of his postage and up-to-d- ate anyone with Life we are in Death. Of whom may also make himself look at The Star says that a third sailor was be happy to furnish the same time. held up, give his name. 'Planters' Monthty tlie proper blanks to fill out. we seek for succor but of Thee, O but does not Lord, who for our sms art justly dis- Harwaiian Forester and (Agriculturist Monthly) pleased." When the aged pas away ( and leave their vacant places in our THE WEDDING PROCLAMATION homes, we feel that it is something HONOLULU we should naturally expect. "The We are now equipped for the manufacture of days of our years are three score and OF KINO KAMEhAMEHA IV. ten and if by reason of strength they LOOSE-LEA-F LEDGER CASES AND SHEETS Photo-Supp- ly Go. be four score," yet, when "the grass becomes a burden and vthe FORT STREET. doors in the street are shut and the They did things differently in the old days. Here, for instance, is a procla SNb. South grinding is low and the 65 King Street P.O.Box208 sound of the mation issued to House of Nobles and Hawaiian nation by Kamehameha windows are darkened, we naturally the the expect "the silver cord to be loosed IV., which was the first notification to the people that the beloved Queen Emma HONOLULU, HAWAII and the golden bowl to be broken at was to be called as consort to their sovereign: SH0GET&J RESTAURANT the fountain." To the middle aged, eAddress all communications to the Company. Opened the matured, the active, capable busi "To the Honorable, the House of Nobles: Just ness man, the husband of a devoted consider it my duty to announce to you that, consulting the obligations Cable Address: "Gazette, Honolulu'0 17 Hotel Street, Near Nuuanu. "I wife, the father of endearing children, which the Almighty has conferred on me as King, and iu due regard to the per MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. heavily upon Codes: A. B. C, 5th Edition, Western Union, Liber's. the shock of death falls of sovereignty, and to good of people, I have Ice Cream and Cakes our hearts and saddens our thought petuity the Hawaiian the the Served on Ground Floor. and often staggers our faith. But what resolved to be married on or about the third Thursday in June next, to Emma, RESTAURANT UP-STAIR- S. shall we say as to the mystery of it all laughter of T. C. B. Rooke, Esquire, M. D., and granddaughter of the late when the young, life's beginner, full John Young, Ksq.; which announcement I have no doubt will be agreeable to buoyant spirit. of ambitious hope and vou and the nation. falls suddenly in our midst. We are Pure Soda Water dazed and pained. It means chastise- (Signed) "KAMEHAMEHA. You can't get better Soda Water ment perhaps. It means schooling. It "Palace of Honolulu, ISth May, 1836." than that bearing the FOUNTAIN "Now we simple reason means sight lost in faith. This proclamation, all of it apparently in the handwriting of the king brand, for the that see through a glass darkly, but then there Isn't any better mads. face to face. Now we know in part himself, has been found among the archives. And was-- shown by the Acting Fountain 8od Work. but then shall we know even as we Governor yesterday as a sample of the kind of proclamation the men at the Advertiser' Sheridan Street, near King. also are known. And now abideth he.-v-j of affairs in old time were accustomed to favor their people with. It Phone Main 270. Faiths Hope, Love, these three and the reads strangely, at this date. The wedding took place, as announced by the greatest of these is Love." After all on 19, 1S5G. union, did not dynasty it is character that abides. The form King, June The however, perpetuate the ADVERTISER of it chanses but its essence is with- - as but one son was born of it, the Frince of Hawaii, who died in early youth. READ THE decay. Not his World's News Daily. change, without jj s let in Kalakaua dynasty. WORLD'S NEWS DAILY. out Jeath probably the If THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH .24, 1906. THE PACIFIC. theory the sailors must have knocked themselves or each other senseless and OOOOOCKXJOOOOOOO committed mutual robbery as they went along. Hence no need of doing any- oooooxxxxxxoooooooooci COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER thing except to wink the other eye. From the total absence- - of the police from FFI tiie- neighborhood of the fishmarket the night of the trouble it is to be inferred A FRESH INVOICE OF I : ; ; EDITOB-- that they thought a crap game was in progress there. WALTER G. SMITH : : :

PE : : : ; Japan's domestic loans are so doubtless SATURDAY ; - jgg.4 If heavily oversubscribed, that Jcipiin country will be able, if worst comes to worst, to provide the $16,O0ii00 re cse Goods HONOLULU. quired for her famine sufferers. At the same time foreign countries, particu CHO: IMPROVEMENT OF outcome of his larly the United States, should provide such measure of as has cus- JUST The report of the expert, Charles 2.1. Kobinson, which is the relief been ARRIVED FROM tomary, when famine calls come from disinterested visit to Honolulu, as a unity and in all its parts, seems to have India and Ireland. The lot of the starv THE ORIENT ing Japanese is peculiarly hard as a of Japan where commanded substantially the unanimous approval of our best qualified citizens. they occupy part the winter is as in ves t v.'hon that ror.ort so modestlv atiid yet so clearly and so succinctly worueu, is almost dire cold and as protracted in length as that of the same latitude a in Siberia. Until warm sufferers' can ess r:: Ktn.i.Vd .refullv it is a marvellous revelation of local possibilities, wit'a weather comes the do little or nothing to r of f of money Mr. Kobinson had one great help themselves. o gradual and moderate expenditure in finely work. He was not called upon to create, tmt med J dvantacreo - in his - artistic aa no Oil. ;j to restore and develop a beautiful city. Mature had originally estaonsueu One notes special thrill of felicitation in the British press over the Pacific had Hardware ese f almost incomparable site, both within itself and in its setting. Honolulu coming marriage of the Princess Ena to the King of Spain. Indeed the English I Company, Ltd. wit grown from an insignificant village, deriving its only importance from being the newspaper artists seem to delight in portraying the young man as he is, sans corner .fort and Merchant streets. :ed U to existing laws; seat of government and an occasional resort for casual visitors, its dignity and with a very minor intelligence. The current London pictures of irxk-U-?tSK,an- v There is a certain underlying appreciation of Alfonso with his mouth open and hands in pockets or h in size, without order or system. with a vacant smile on tablef 'Ifrved d lcW trays and : management of colors, cT5' decorated cups ed. loveliness in the native population, evidenced by their his commonplace visage are not calculated to make the British nation swell saucers, tea sets, plates and melodies and by their grace and dignity of movement with pride over the projected Wedding. Judging from Alfonso and vases, buttons, belts bv the perfection of their and the royal brass ware, , Hibadii 1' foreign or candle sticks, great variety; ekther 'RA For more than eighty years, too, among the local inhabitants of pretenders to the throne of France the Bourbon family has about run to weeds. embroidered purses tronos and Pint!1 and card cases, Mandarines id-er- there has always been an unusual proportion of educated lt is time Ik embro ed )IUM? American extraction, coats, blouses, jackets and shawls, r, rr,or, wompn- in whom artistic capacity was evident. The result etc. etc Pint!: dUU 1 tuuvvi and 7 " etc to produce attractive homes, rge C was many isolated and not unsuccessful attempts As a result of the insurance investigation about 100,000 policies have been OQ0000 f ana art. and some disconnected approaches towards the decoration of streets tne surrendered. The Equitable has $30,419,000 less outstanding insurance than it among con multiplication of parks and other places for quiet and recreation, had a year ago. New business has fallen' off in the sum of $81,224,000. Can- I irenial surroundings. cellation of policies is the most unfortunate feature of the insurance row as upon S The Asiatics among us in such large numbers have left many blots all the companies are perfectly solvent and able to carry out their obligations. m - . t i . i i j: i. : - the landscape. The Japanese nave an inueriteu anu trameu iove ior me picmi- Indeed, the change in managements, the cuttiner down of emensps and thp try prosaic, and have little f Usque. But the Chinese are essentially utilitarian and process of mutualization is making the lot of the policy-holde- r easier. seems ii 4. ' - It 1 - ...... i 1 : n rpK Ti4-- lor no conception of tne Deautitui. especiallyli in ii.me larger rwauuus. xUC xun-u- - to the initiated to be a much better tim to insure than tn Is It TLT.i ' ' - . ; . .it inrin Recommend- jguese not only make good citizens, but, in tneir nome surrounumgs, pay Pa Uloealized attention to appearances, wn iu. - And now genate tQ Qut ed To . the find how m Moro WQmen G w d : " . . i J 1 A. ilmntinhiii TTai1 Alii lit 1 Tt r T I contrasting elements 01 Deauxy are a. ladv-kil- v i land '""S"""'. """""'", . ""V killed and whv. As unnA tn CV V i . V J ' v vv - XWI i;,i OCOOIVIi ; (TPTIAral 51 1x1 Pt. I - T7rii ; i i QirA naf rAT'J-j f hff TTr. nil iil Produce .vening anu lapping spaces vx u&i "- & wJth the upper House. Sleep. Con Hawa;; been marreu anu aisngureu. xtract quer exquisite face of JSature has ilaltE Dyspepsia. Mr, Ferne-- : All this and much more that might be suggested has been taken in by Strengthen the It would be interesting to know, if the Filipinos won't work in their own The "Best" Weak. in cov uRobinson, and he has faithfully labored to utilize the abundant materials Tonic' Build Up the country, what sort of a fist they would be likely to make of it here. - MANUFACTURED BY HAWPeIor6 him, to resurrect wnat nas oeen ouscureu, xo a van umwcu ui Convalescent. Help - Recovery c natural advantage, to pertect and narmonize wnat is now incomplete anu uia- PABST BREWING from sick- CO. ness, tcordant, and, placing himself at. the natural entrance to the city, to develop It does not matter whether the appropriations come as a refund or as iust Build Up and so Milwaukee, Wis. Feed parts and. to blend them into a symmetrical whole, with due regard to plain cash, long as we get them. the Nerves, As- flail its For Sale by W. C. sist he splendid ocean view in front and the curving mountain, setting in tne rear PEACOCK & CO., LTD. Nursing: Moth- ers, Help- - t'if this picture ean be slowly but certainly painted, in exact correspondence with It is a good time to vaccinate. In fact it is always a good time to do that Women. ll.h design of the artist, at once delicate, bold, simple in detail and perfect in iombination, the globe may be searched in vain for its equal. And, it is to b ENDEAVOR BALLY i Remembered, with the artistic touches that Mr. Eobinson has added to the A Honolulu Case f comprehensive plan of Mr. Pinkham for the reclamation and improvement of a jarge portion, of Waikiki, that also blends into the larger scheme and secures ibsolute unity. AT KAwAIAHAO Many More Like It In Honolulu. Other cities in the United States are spending millions upon millions of The following case Is but one of ollars in civic restorations and adjustments that at best can only be partly many similar occurring daily in Hono' "Attained. Cupidity and ignorance did their utmost, in the early history of ban Eighteen out of the twenty-tw- o lulu. It is an easy matter to verify Its I Francisco, to obliterate its natural attractions and. to defeat the beneficence Christian Endeavor and Epworth correctness. Surely you cannot ask for f Providence. A large body of land was made that is almost incapable of I League societies of the city were - - better proof than such a conslusive ?.rainare and imperilled the frontage of one of the finest harbors in the world, resented at the Christian Endeavor evidence. I Westingfiouse t Jurgen irtm liilla invitpd broad windintr Rtrppts. of litrht orade. would havp sub- - rally - nis-h- - thft "Walter of this city tells us that . - i - last - at Kawaiahao rmrvl ' aS follows: "My age is 79 well oast the ordinary span of .life and I am lame tide dashed by daylight or shone and glittered at night with an effect with the members and their friends. the parent of eight children. Being Motors lliat would have delighted or Ruskin. But a hard, uncompromising, rec- - The interest being taken by the so far advanced in years, I regard the system of streets was adopted from the Bay, presents a scarified young people of Honolulu the tem-- relief obtained from Doan's Backache lingular that, in Kidney " DO llppearance. Telegraph Hill was excavated until in the distance it resembles a perance cause was demonstrated by Pills. I suffered from a lame back for gjlsembowelled giant. The sewers, which bear no relation to the units of drain- - I the earnestness with which the repre years, but after taking some of the ee that existed in creeks and tributaries before man undertook to overrule I sentatives of the different societies pills (procured at Hollister's drug When you have a Westinghouse choking and overflowing proved unsat- spoke on work, nearly every speak store) was greatly benefited, and am you never have to shut uie suggestion of the Almighty, by have the I down because the motor is out of " isfactory and expensive. The widening of streets alone, such as Kearney street er devoting all his and her attention satisfied the pills did me much good." order or "balky Our kidneys filter our fclood. They When the. bill for power comes in the hl Dupont streets, has been a severe burthen upon property-owners- . to this phase of Christianity. In addi at end of the month work nlf.ht and day. "When healthy you see another marked advantage over other motors I In. Honolulu, at this particular stage of its growth, there is comparatively tion to these addresses many of the they remove about 500 grains of im- If vou wont to learn fttle difficulty plan, sang hymn pure matter daily, more about the Westinghou'se write 1 in conforminer to Mr. Eobinson 's with the scheme of Mr. societies a verse of a when when unhealthy to us for an illustrated booklet. ..agRj linkham incorporated, and there is no reason why, for once in civic history, responding to their names on the roll some part of this impure matter is It is free for the asking left, in the blood. This brings on many i example snouia not De iurmsnea or moaern aaaptation to a most iavorame call. . following diseases and symptoms pain in the tuation. It is sincerely to be honed that amateur tinkers mav leave Mr. The organizations were back, headache, represented: Christian Church, Cen- nervousness, hot, dry Union skin, reheumatism, gout, gravel, dis- tral Church, Methodist Church, order, eyesigh: hearing, ihitten. The mind that conceived and elaborated the report should predominate Portuguese C E Chinese C. E., Ma-- and dizziness. Hawaiian Electric Co., -- - a: ,i i ; l .1 : Irregular debility, Ltd. it 11 111 v:1113 r u.v: Japanese, Kameha-meh- a hert, drowsiness, j itS CACVUUUU, it 'I UlOLtlllL 11UIUCT, iUl. J.IUU1119UU lllay Ut'llVC fl'UlC kiki Kalihi C. E., dropsy, deposits C. E., Kawaiahao and four in the urine, etc. But mpensation for his latest contribution to the cause of civilization and progress. if you keep the filters right you will branch C. E., Japanese E. L,., Kauma-kapi-li s816 C. E., Christian Juniors, Japa- have no trouble with your Kidneys. A NOTEWORTHY CHURCH. nese Juniors and Kakaako C. E. In Doara Backache Kidney Pills are point of attendance Japanese srid by all chemists and storekeepers is pleasant to even of the 50 per It learn, at this distance from the center interest, Juniors had one hundred per cent, and at cents box, or will be mailed 4 sat Plymouth church, Beecher's old tabernacle, is not in financial straits. A on receipt of price by the Hollister TK1RT were presented with the "Willinsr sws item lately said that the ehurch would have to be disbanded, the expenses "Workers" banner, which will be theirs Drug Co., wholesale agents for the Ha- 1. . . I 4 1 waiian you - Islands. r f keemn?X nnA bemff- CJ so much ereater than the income. Th story,7 however. 7 l"c Je"- O it O - nds now. said Plymouth ehurch, a very A number of excellent musical se "The Water of Quality" It is that valuable lections were rendered, the singing of id fiti il and that the corporation has no debt. There is an Kau-makap- ili Original LL1J111';- the Kakaako Glee Club and the Waukesha's Mineral WatPr mrmttive membership of over 2400 and an attendance, morning and evening, of Society being especially pleas- Sparkling all, i00. "While the revenues are naturally less than they were in Beecher's time, ing. A dialogue by a number of little sprain Japanese temperance Natural t16 fpenses are also smaller. At one time Mr. Beecher's salary amounted to boys, who related wuaris, rlnts, Splits Crown of his Patent Corks A. I00,000. That present successor, Dr. Hillis, is not above the normal trade they had made, was another en- - X leading city churches. Joyable number M 8LL8NEKY For Sale Everywhere may be true that Plymouth church is now in an unfashionable part of Senator Dickey, in a closing address, Buil It but rapid transit makes it nearer to a point three miles away than read the interview with Acting Gov- MACFARLANE & COu Sole Agents. ernor Atkinson appearing in the Ad- was in the old days to a point half a mile away. Besides a vital Christian vertiser regarding the effect of the dy does much D PU not bother about little inconveniences of distance between its present liquor law and urged all the OPENING celling places and its church home. It will go where its sense of duty leads voters in the Endeavorers to. support And so if location is looked upon as a factor in Plymouth's disintegration, those candidates in the primaries who would vote for local option. This was jk remedy an - mm, m F is at hand in earnest pastor and a working membership. the only way to handle the liquor ques inn mum LI' Interest in old Plymouth is widespread in America where the church is tion in Hawaii. IjaJ'd'ed as a historic forum of public opinion and, in particular, of patriotic March 26, 27 and 28. V pught ana utterance. Catholic and Protestant, Jew and Gentile, if patriotic TO HEAVEN, OR HAWAII. ,1 i j the days of war and slavery, respected the Plymouth pulpit and President (Continued from Page 1.) Lovers of good olives will be interested in - - - 1 " . 1 1 1 T 1 " . 1 1 (...... OT-r- the announce- i.ucoiu rijjni.ivi looiteu upon as a iorxress political f vvnenever ment of DYEiL it oi nis iaiin. There has as yet been no formal ac the arrival of a special consignment of choice goods, pre was a great cause of humanity calling for aid, Plymouth church was tion by the Elections Committee in the Our Milliner has just returned including . Street ick to respond with money and helping hands and with stirrine forensic contested election case of Delegate GENUINE LARGE T AN! peal as well as prayer. Kalanianaole. Chairman from the Coast with the very GREEN SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES with the service of ' LEAN! i mi ... . , . .. cupied with law businei .MEXICAN MANZANILLO OLIVES. 1De spirit .tnac wants to save "Uid ironsides" trom destruction, warms Q liklv that mnoh mnra hA - t. latest creations in Spring Millin These very excellent olives will Brooklyn's , be sold in bulk. They Pho; famous church and would feel cast down indeed if anything should the case until the House is through with will be ppen to silence its great pulpit and close its hospitable doors. its appropriation bills. Then there will ery. These are now being! found to be equally as good, if not better than bottled be time for the consideration of such goods and at a lower price. matters. unpacked, marked, etc., and will --A Vkvi Secretary Bonaparte wants $23,000,000 for naval construction So long as ERNEST G. WALKER f United States has the Monroe doctrine on its hands, annual outlays of this De shown lor the hrst time on rt will be obligatory. With all the money that has been expended on the WALKER REPORTS. the above days. Do not think METROPOLITAN CO. v- MEAT -.o cu.p UUUgu iu uciciiu us luug ruasi line (Continued Page first-clas- from 1) Telephone, jkinst a s naval power, to say nothing of Its insular possessions of buying your Main 45. and i5nes. j have CPOMed the Atiant;c Easter hat until j coasts of Latin America, the integrity of which the Monroe doctrine fourteen times and know about that, you have seen lenolujl dgea us Jto keep. With half a hemisphere to protect, with the Philippines, Another tourist thing to advertise is our display. tlie rr ijwaii and Porto Rico commerce to look - fact that --vour summers are not as httalth; and a particularly after the Ameri- ,1. i . , ' , . ll0t as people think. I have had blan- - ooooooooeo th, jnlana- - ln,nRs on W ClVr r- - ,T- - , c V, kets mv bed every night since I hi neg.; j oiu..iuvx l t'mni Miflna wuum ivave jaiin America came, although I had expected to find m. ty. Cajlits own devices, indifferent, as it has the right to be, whether Europe gets it sweltering hot. And I have found W. Campbell th us. footholds there or not. In fact European possessions in Smith out that it is not as hot here in the ;ased t Amn summer as in my EMLERS BUILDER AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Ight turn out to be hostages for good behavior. home in New Eng- d quot.i land. n't br! all respect to "With mv fripnd GOOD GOODS. Announces that he Is prepared to furnish homes complete, i Tt te to be severe in the enforcement Colonel Macfarlane, anil riht of the law against starting fires his scheme for i ? the lot and , WVo4- 1 . - an apartment latest modern mproved cottagres for $1000 up. fnre&t lon , - n house and - fftroota- - - Vio.v- 1 v , ... here, I think such i " ii " f v r . 1 7 XJt. a place would be as incongruous in SEASON 1906 EASTER MILLINERY Lots for sale at $250 each o n easy terms. imot be spared, but conservators of the water supply. Well-w- i ooded soil holds Honolulu ns Pacific Heights on Five-roo- m ter like a sponge, letting it 'out Broad- AT cottage, good plumbing, for $700. gradually through strean and springs. way. Small places with plenty of ope? ile denuded land gives the sun a chance to lick up the moisture in the space and foliage around is what you O want. You have big 0 PHONE OR 951. nley und and m time of heavy storm lets the water run off quickly. Oahu would hotels already IVliss Power's O ADDRESS WHITE "And above all make it easy !a most undesirable place to live if its mountains were bare onU- - bp- - for O-CO- not your tourists to come here. If the' pre MILLINERY PARLORS. BOSTON VX00000 OOOOO OOOO of the scenic results but because ;ifii-ult- y T,;se drouths would alternate with sudden ent keeps up evervone will BUILDING. FORT STREET iWls. On these accounts the man who starts fires get disgusted and none that threaten our forests that would kill the Commencing ;i public enemy and should be treated as such. trade. And in the tourist trade there ORAHD REDUCTION SALE March 1, i BROS. & CO. Get thjl is more money with loss trouble than Three Weeks Only. in any other you could ENGINEERS AND CO Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's 'blt'' Abut th is left f0- - have." GENERAL Hats, Shirts, Ties, Su'pendrs the police to do is to Underwear, Bed-Roc- Ilts f" discredit the story of the TRACTORS. and all other Goodr will be sold at k Prices. 8antlng in the old fishmarket. there" THE a:?;P They were not to pre-W- ii Everybody goes to Fisher's REMERBER THE SALE LASTS ONLY 3 crime and they are rooms, auction an8 and Estimates furnished for WEEKS. not able to catch the criminals. According to this morning at 10 o'clock. their Something doing classes of Contracting1 Work. KING STREET. there. Boston Block. Honolulu NO. 30, & K. IS0SHIMA "II 1: - ir i


- ' ' ANEMONE FOUR TEAMS . . , T . 3 TURF AND SOPHS MAY - " , - 1, - , j IN STRAITS TO STRUGGLE . ' " 1 THE RING WIN REGATTA Tutt's Yacht Is Racing Territory's Best Athletes Happenings inSportdom Honolulu Boy Strokes to Beat the Will Compete Gleaned From the the Favorite

Starter. Today, , - v . - v ,'ji a ' , , i Files. Crew. -f - I i y - - v ! According to the latest advices re- Everything is in readiness for the The Western League baseball umpire, STANFORD UX1VKI18ITV, March ceived, the schooner yacht Anemone, championship athletic meeting to be for tue season are olin Keet'e of Pitts? 16. Tomorrow Redwood City owned by C. K. Tutt of the South held at the Boys' Field this afternoon ' - 1 blag. Pete at tho f "-A of Chicago and J. Ira Ooast Yacht Club of Los Angeles, and the affair promises to be the most fC'hf Davis. four class crews from Stanford Uni- which is on Its way to the Coast from successful ever held in Honolulu. versity will meet in their annual re New York, was at Punta Arenas, in the Nearly a hundred different athletes E., owned Lv Schreiber, won gatta over the lower bay course. The Magellan straits, on February 23. She the $21t0 Undine Stakes at Oakland. race will have a double significance this are entered and Ave different organiza- - - left New York on December 14, so that year in being the first public speed ex 6400 miles tions are represented. Prizes are of- -' she has sailed between the The reinstatement of Jocktv Carter hibition of the Cardinal and two points in seventy days. It will fered for the team scoring the great- has been refused. fours at -- the same time take about the same time to cover the est number of points, for the individ- t- the first test of the new distance between the southern point of ual making the most points and for Walter Hunter, a University of Cali- Murphy stroke. South America and San Pedro. The . The each Individual winner. fornia graduate, has won the tennis regatta will be run off in two .yachtsmen interested in the ocean race championship of Manila, defeating preliminary races and a final. The lo Honolulu are watching- the move- The winning team gets a beautiful j Major Bethel, U. S. A. practice barge used by the University ments of this yacht, as she is entered koa calabash, the athlete with the j 1n the contest, and it is seen that she of California has been borrowed by tho most points to his credit receives a The Seattle baseball line-u- p will a close in making the for the men have shave j Stanford and will !e used in tho gold medal, and the winners of the 5! season will be Blankenship, Frary, line when the signal for the start is C. races with their own barge. given. different events will be rewarded with catchers; Shields, Hall, Viekers, pitehers; lieitmueller and Streib, first The sophomore crew, which was tho The following is taken from the New silver medals and the title of Hawai- 800011,1 York of 27: h??,V. ylleT' Lase; Mott anl winning freshman four of last vear and Herald February ian champion in each event contested. '"Billy" Kane, third base; Walters, Manning's Yacht Agency, of this city, wLlth oaI)ture'1 the 1 !l,'lfic coast 'ham' was notified by cable on Friday morn- Princess Kawananakoa will present ril.t field; MeGilvrav, left field: Rusa nan, tnortstop; Burnett, extra out- pionship at Seattle in June from tho ing that the auxiliary ketch rigged the medals and crown the successful baby crews of California and Washing- yacht Anemone, which agency sold fielder; Lauterbach, extra infielder. the competitors with leis, after the custom f-- ton, is an easy favorite for the college to Mr. Charles L. Tutt of Colorado prevailing the Olympian games at championship. Stroked by Smith of Springs, has arrived at Punta Arenas at James E. Sullivan will represent the j Honolulu and with the heady little Sandy Point), Chili. Athens. United States at the Olympic games in Atuens. Turner holding the strings, they hav As this is in the Magellan Straits and An excellent list of officials has been every advantage over their senior and the yacht sailed from New York on secured and there is every prospect of freshman rivals. Their only opponent December 14, she has covered the dis- the program being rushed through In A footrace from Chicago to New at present has been the junior four, 60SO prac ' Xork on Henry tance of nautical miles in , i I ' V A starts June 4th. up timej 1 which is made lartrelv of record notwithstanding the large ii ; 1 All . T t . ,t . I stronir. tically seventy days. oc'iimej aim Aioert L,. corey, tne Jong- - beefv varsitv candidates who should The Anemone is bound for San Di-eg- o, A number of Japanese were work hi? distance runners, will be the contest- - mem- ants. Cal., and Mr. Tutt. who is a on the tract yesterday and it is now J. W. WALDEON. , The senior crew, the selection of ber ox' the South Coast Y. C. Of that in splendid condition for fast time be- lie refereed throughout the Association football season in a very eff- which wna helt Jifick until tndav Iv State, has entered her for the trans- ing made. The grandstand has been icient manner. The big Berkeley-Stanfor- d field day Mnmhv will be as frdlowsr Ti Rvnn. pacific yacht race, from San Francisco gaily decorated with and from takes place on the 24th inst. The old stroke; Paxton, No. 3; Sterns, No. 2; to Honolulu, a matter of 2100 nautical ii will float the flags of the competing track will be used. wing, now; rtemey, coxswain, as a miles, in early May. It is hoped that clubs. All that is wanted to guaran- Diamond Heads-Sheld- on, F. Sylva, Diamond Heads Amoy, Fern, T. whole the senior crew is notably weak. will reach her destination in ample tee a successful meeting is fine F. Sharsch. E. Clark ! Carter. Kaai. Football Coach Yost married Miss Henley, the coxswain, is a good jockey lime to allow her to thoroughly refit HAMMER THROW. Eunice Fite of Nashville. var- weather. 880 YARDS and a strong rival of Turner for for the contest. There was no practise at the track Oahu College J. Reed, F. Wight, W. sity honors this year. Bryan pulled Captain Henry Lindeberg is the mas-- yesterday and the members of the Oahu College It. Smith. S. Dodge, J. MeDoi'gall. Jockey Smith has been suspended at two on last year's varsity, but he is not num-- nt Oakland. tre of the Anemone and her crew j din-ere- teams took matters easily Desha, S. Desha. Kamehameha Schools F. Kanae, S. up to his last year's form at present. I iers ten all told. after their long siege of training. Kamehameha Schools -- Mahukona. S. Ap?la, II. Eobinson, C. Makanui, W. Dr. Durand will be judge of the fin- The Anemone was built in 1899 by The meeting looks like being very Kuahine, P. Contrades, Kapu, W Meyer. Lord Howard de Walden and Lord ish. Coach Murphy will act as starter. i J. Desborough will compete in fenc- "Camper & Nicholson, at Gosport, and keenly contested and from training x'uaoi. Kamehameha Alumni E. Hamauku, the The crews and rooters will leave Palo 112 91 ing competition in Athens next month. is feet over all, feet on the water performances, records are certain to be Kamehameha Alumni J. Kapu, WT. C. Nahale Alto with the barges on the 9 o'clock line,. 19 feet 3 inches beam, 12 feet o broken. Helenihi. train. The races will be pulled off Leahy and P. Ire- - j ches deep and 11 feet 10 inches If John Lo keeps his head he is quite Diamond Heads Sharsch, E. Clark, O'Connor, both of aj raugrht. She has quadruple expansion O. " land, and respectively champions of the f likely to run the 100 yards in even Ching Lun, Desha. RECORDS AND high engines, with cylinders b mcnes, time. This is his first appearance in Camp McKinley (Tenth Infantry) and broad jumps, will compete at I 1- -2 Athens. i inches. 10 inches and 14 inches in public, however, and this may to some J. C. Ewing. AUTOMOBILE ciameter, by 8 1-- 2 inches stroke. Her extent handicap him. THEIR HOLDERS sail spread is also liberal. The late ONE MILE RUN. R. B. Crabtree won the mile at the Sharsch is almost certain to break Cambridge sports, 4 min- CONVENIENCES John Murray Mitchell purchased the record mile run Oahu College R. Smith, S. Dodge, University in the for the and it The island records their 21 4-- 5 Anemone abroad, and she arrived at L. and utes seconds. would not be surprising to see him do Aloy Loong, Clark. con- New York in the spring of 1902. - Schools H. Sawagu- - in the different events to be five minutes flat. Kamehameha Ed. Gardner of New The man who can afford it can now A recent San Francisco Chronicle has Reed, of Punahous, is enter- chi, J. Bartels, P. Contrades, Kalima tested today are as follows: defeated say trans- J. the Harry Wright of San Francisco, in the make himself almost as comfortable in. the following to about the In hammer-thro- w to pehu, ti. Mclntyre, D. Davies. Half-mil- e 8, ed the and is 2:( E. Deverill. first-clas- pacific race: Class A amateur billiard championship a motor-ca- r as in a s hotel, say some extent a dark horse and may Kamehameha Alumni John Kepa 100 yards 0:10 2-- 5, J. Torbert. S tournament. So far as can be seen at present the spring a surprise. His form been W. Helenihi. V. London dealers in automobile acces- - proposed yacht race has One mile run 5:10. ilanis starters in the 1-- iooi-warme- r kept strictly in the shade. Diamond Heads Sharsch, F. Bech One mile walk 8:55 5, H. M. Ayres. Coach O'Dea has resigned from Borics- - iaieHt is a from San Francisco to Honolulu will L.y- Great things are expected of C. - ert, J. Kepa. 120 0:15 1-- 5. I - yards hurdles Sylva. charge of the Wisconsin University mysterious contrivance that looks like schooner- Lurline, formerly 1 s Je the man of Oahu College in the sprints. 50 2-- 5, D. Spreckels, but now ONE MILE WALK. yards 0:5 En Sue. s crews. I a book with metal covers. All that is .owned by John 2-- performances will be 220 yards 0:23 5. Akana. the property of H. H. Sinclair of Pasa IMcCandless' great Oahu College Hang Chack, Aloy necessary is to put the thing in boiling oy interest and he 4 10 yards 0:54, Sharsch. ?r ohn W. Gates paid $300 for six seats Aggie, ovnea I dena; the schooner Is likely more one Soong, L. Withington, E. F. Melanphy. nd Nelson-McGover- water for twenty minutes, and will y. to take than first shot 4tJ ft. 1 in., O. Jone. at the n battle. it v. uoieman, ana ruuun Kamehameha Schools W. Puaoi, J, 1- James event and t win the old medal Dre High jump 5 ft. 6 -2 in., E. Hardee. t- Wkeep hot for sixteen hours. Another iS expected J ry's sloop Nixie. It that Bnt.d tr. th hf!,t individual nrformpr Kapu, II. Auld, E. Noah. 130 ! Hammer throw ft.. F. Kanae. - St. Louis sends four boxers to Swanson of the piot-bo- at the clever device intimates to the chauffeur Alexander McLaod of Waipahu will be unable Kamehameha Alumni Bill Huihui. Broad jump 21 4 in., MtCand- - Lrfational Lady will sail the Aggie, which D, ft. J tournament. Thev are Morris when the lights behind the car are ex- Mine to compete for the Diamond Heads in Diamond Heads' K. C. Hopper, toco TSnyder, Oliver Kirk, Joseph P. Lindon many contests with the Lur- On dash-boar- d has had the shot put but his brother of Ewa Trask, IL M. Vyres. Pole 10 11 in., E. tinguished. the beforw most of which Swanson was vault ft. Hardee. r and Frank Gesehke. him is glow line, in 4-- an electric lamp. Should was is in town and although he has had no 120 YARDS HURDLES. Half-mil- e relay 1:40 5, Kameha- X on board the Lurline. The Aggie j training. may be seen 5n weights. the lamps at the rear of the car go out, Macdonough, of the meha Schools. Stanford plays Nevada at baseball at built for Joseph father Both these men have excellent records Oahu College W. Desha. 3:45, the loss of heat contracts certain metals Macdonough. who two One mile relay Kamehameha Reno on Mav 5. Joseph M. for as weight putters on Prince Edwards' Kamehameha Schools H. Kaipo, S. Schools. which automatically complete an elec- successive periods of five' years has loomey, J. McCandless, W. Puaoi, b. tric circuit and light up the warning year to provide Island. Harry Riley and Jack McLaughlin given $250 each The mile walk should furnish one Eobinson. were ordered out of the ring by a San glow lamp at the front. Thereupon tho trophies for the regatta of the Pacific most interesting races Kamehameha Alumni No entry. driver stops the car and attends to thw ie of the of the Francisco referee for unwillingness to The Ag--g- THE OFFICIALS Interclub Yacht Association. day and the best previous time for Diamond Heads F. Sylva, En Sue. get in and box in an amateur bout. tail lights. An electric cigar lighter in and Lurline, being schooners, are should be clipsed. Hang operated from the accumulator. This V open sailing, this event HALF MILE RELAY. DAY well suited for ocean but Chack, Huihui, Auld, Hopper and OF THE 'Frisco amateur goes: little luxury obviates the necessity of a the Nixie will need to have her spars Ayres should Oahu College Lyman, Cooper, passenger attempting to light a match reduced. all have chances and Desha, Hang Chack Pa, A. Schnack Lew Powell won from Jack Brown. shortened and her supply the first men home. Willie while the car is traveling at a goon The officials at the athletic meeting John Pacheco beat I i 4. ; She will probably be rigged as a Ka- Kamehameha Schools McCandless, e- - Both the Diamond Heads and "Southside Jack O'Brien" won from ?1 . i.i Jsn yawi. stronger Cummings, Mackenzie, Maioho, Hulu today, will be as follows: illuminated indicator ior me insiruc- - mehameha Schools have Mahukona, Mabv. George Earley. teams than when they finished first Tleferee E. B. Turner. Eddie knocked out George tion of the driver is another ingenious Y. M. C. A. field Kamehameha Alumni H. Hanakahi, Sam invention. The passenger in the cov- and second in the Nahiwa, Helenihi, Arcia, Kepa Clerk of the Course Captain Harley. SOLDIERS BEAT day.- in December last. They should Johnson. Harry Dell beat Willie Knole. ered part of the automobile presses ono isue today the Heads Diamond Heads Lo, Sylva, Sheldon, Scorer J. L. of a number of buttons. A little bell' fight out the and Correa, En Sue, Akana. Woods. Johnny Murphy put Alec McDonald h, rings near and simultane- OAHU COLLEGE ought to be somewhere about 10 points Timekeepers E. A. Mott-Smit- Al awav. the driver, good all is over. The ONE MILE RELAY. bert Waterhouse, J. S. Reed. ously one of several spaces in a glass to the after is good ten-mil- e plate lit up by electricity. On the I Punahous look like a Oahu College Desha, Judges of the Track P... L. Home, The best record for the run (... J. J. Peterson, 3-- spaces inscribed various V r The Oahu College nine played their third. Kamehameha Alumni will nat- W. A. Wann. F. E. Haley. is 52:3S 5 made bv W. D. Day of New are directions, to J. Pa, F. Wight, Hang Chack, R. Smith, such as "home, " V first game of the season yesterday urally do all in their power to help Judges of the Field J. A. Rath, C. R York in 18S9. "slow," "fast," t Jj D. Desha, C. Lyman, W. Desha. Hemenway, "right," "left." The driver obeys against the Tenth Infantry on the col- their old school. Kamehameha Schools McCandless, R. O. Reiner. The sports will commence promptly Judge of Walking Capt. Schoeffel, The consensus of sporting opinion is accordingly. For ladies who find tn lege Victory with the Maioho, Maby, Mahukona, Mackenzie, vibration of a motor-ca- r disagreeable, diamond. rested at 2 p. m. Announcer Dr. Monsarrat. that Nelson put it over McGovern. Kuahine. foot-stool.- " soldiers, after a good game, by the The program and entries follow: Starter Vm. Williamson. - there is the "pneumatic A Kamehameha Alumni Hanakahi, pressure gauge, which resembles a, .score of 7 to 4. j Marshal Lieut. S. Leslie. Nelson was a 1 to 6 shot in the bet- 50 YARDS. j Kepa. Nahiwa, Helenihi, Arcia, ting to beat McGovern. watch, shows exactly how much air ha "The line-u- p was as follows: neaus IjO, Oahu College C. Lyman, Wr. Cooper, Diamond anarscn, tsyiva, been pumped into a tire. The latest George Desha, Sheldon, Akana. pattern of from, Oahu College Hoogs, c; Ahrens, p.; W Desha, Sing Chong. GO TO TrlE RINK. William Greer Harrison will referee "goggles" allows air s, escape, Fits, lb.; Lowrey, 2b.; Lo On. 3b.; J. Kamehameha Schools J. S. McCand-les- SHOT PUT. the Stanford-Berkele- v athletic meet. the inside to but prevents the Desha, S3.; Gilman, rf.; D. DeshU, If.; Mackenzie, P. Cummings, H. 4-- admission of air from the outside, thus F. Oahu College J. Desha, W. McDou- minimizing A oper- - McDougall, cf. Hulu, Pahia. The S. S. Alameda brought the ex The tournev for the Coast golf cham perspiration. siren J. gall, W. Lydgate. fly-whe- 10th Infantry Ringland. c; Fenner. Kamehameha Alumni Ah Hook, H. pected maple flooring for the skating pionship extends from March 24 tQ ated from the of the car pro-- .2b.; Kamehameha Schools W. Meyer, C. duces a which can be heard p.; Schoeftel, lb.; Van Vliet, Jr., Hanakahi, K. Owana. long March 29. "hoot" If Cra-ner,-I- f.; - Makanui, McCandless, II. Eobinson, F. rink and it won't be before it for two miles. The latest road map re- f..: Carey, 3b.; Lemon, ss.; Gast, rf.; Diamond Heads C. En Sue, M. Cor- ?J cf. Kanae, P. Contrades. will be laid down for the benefit of $60,000 horse which won volves on rollers as the motor-ea- r pro- Smith, rea, J Kaulukou. Kamehameha Alumni Ed Hamauku, Hermis. the .Score by innings: local skaters. Work on the addition the Suburban Handicap in 1904, will gresses, and at night is electrically 100 YARDS. Chas. Nahale. is proceeding apace and when the an- race again. illuminated. 123456789 Ewa-lik- o, 1- Diamond Heads O. Jones, G. is finished, will possess "lOlh Infantry 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 -7 Oahu College C. Lyman, W. Cooper, nex Honolulu College F. S. McLeod. a rink to be proud of. The rink will Steeplechase Jockev E. Miller was Oahu 02000101 - J. Pa. open even- THE FAVORITE Kamehameha Schools McCandless, RUNNING BRC4l JUMP. be all day today and this mobbed bv the crowd for a bad ride at GROTTO. Mackenzie, Pahia, Hulu. ing a band will be in attendance. If New Orleans. He has been ruled off The Cummings, Oahu College A. Sennaek, J. Pa. you want to have a good time, go to lunch and dinner Kamehameha Alumni Ah Hook, II. Schools McCandless, the turf. We serve Owana. Kamehameha the rink. mnus at the eive 0 Hanakahi. J. Arcia, K. Mackenzie, Cummings, Mahukona, Kau-han- e. Diamond Heads En Sue, A. Akana, Sandow Mertes is to be retained by satisfaction to hundreds of the Giants. - J. Lo. Kamehameha Alumni No entries. A. A. Honolulu's mos discriminat- If.; Chicken Camp McKinley (Tenth Infantry) Basketball. Diamond Heads En Sue, Amoy, knocked out Young Kid ing And all 1 Corp. Armstrong, Co. K. Rufe Turner eaters. they come J. John Fern. Basketball teams who wish to enter McCov in the third round. Today 220 mark YARDS. RUNNING HIGH JUMP. , the T. M. C. A. Intermediate League Mr. T. Haley EQUAL TO CHAMBER Today's lunch and dinner Oahu College Lyman, Cooper, Pa. Oahu College Schnack, Lo On, P. de are requested to notify E. NOTHING If you are unacquainted with Kamehameha Schools McCandless, Brettebille, J. Peterson. before Tuesday the 27th. A meeting LAIN'S COLIC, CHOLEEA AND menu: h mid-da- y Ka-hik- i. REMEDY EOW-E- L the excellency of our Mackenzie, Cummings, Hulu, II. Kamehameha Schools McCandless, will be called on Tuesday evening to DIARHIXOEA FOS SOUP PUREE OF SPLIT PEAS you o COMPLAINTS IN CIHLDEEN. lunch we'd like to have , S. Robinson, J. Simeona, A. Asui, Ma- arrange details games. CHILI COX CARNI V TORTILIEFtS a, come today. Kamehameha Alumni Thomas Na-hiw- hukona. "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, BOILED LEO MUTTON, CAPER Regular and prospective pat- Arcia. .I J. Kamehameha Alumni No entries. Mor Viso amateur scraps: Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our SAUCE rons will please note that dainti- Diamond Heads Akana, Sheldon, C. SPINACH Diamond Heads F. Sylva, K. "Jack'" Joyce defeated Joe Willison family for years." says Mrs. J. B. MASHED POTATO ly cooked chicken will be served Lo. Hopper, Ching Yet. four rounds and Jack Clasby in one ONION SALAD for lunch. With drinks 25 cents. 440 YARDS. round and then offered to take on Cooke, of Nederlatds, Texas, U. S. A. POLE VAULT. chil- Oahu College J. Peterson, D. Desha, "l.ob" Ward. "We have givec st to all of our 2C Wight. Oahu College Pa, W. Desha, J. Fred Anderson I eat Harry Peck. dren. V, e hav used other medicines With Beer, Wine, Tea or J. Desha. F. Root. purpose, never found SCOTTY'S Kamehameha Schools McCandles, Desha. Chsrle Eeilly won from Peter for the sime but won to -- ual Chamberlain's. Coffee. Mackenzie, G. Maioho, a. Aiaoy, xj. Kamehameha Schools J. Archer, J. Georpe Cummings from John anything If Cum- you will use t as directed it will al- Mahukona. Bal. S. Kauhane, W. Cluney, P. Pacheeo. be-i- t Ford. ways For sale by Benson, Royal Annex Kamehameha Alumni Thos. .Na- - mings. "Jck" MeAnlev Frank cure.'' Opposite Police Station. Kamehameha 'Alumni No entries. Mike Kutclios beat Frank Ireland. Smith & Co., Ltd., Agents for Hawaii. cor. Hotel ana Eetnei Btreers.". hiwa. - in mi ,,.D aii.nu.m laMiiiiianwy'iiiriW- THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 24, 1906. v .1

the various stages of a wolf -- hunt, start - j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE ing with the exit of the people from FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. TER. TERRITORY OF HAWAII OC- Bishop Trust Company, the house, to the wolf brought to bay; RITORY OF HAWAII. AT CHAM- TOBER TERM. 1&05. gallop by the clogs. j BERS IN PROBATE. LIMITED. Holly Flour 'There are ugly placques in plenty, j AMENDMENTS OF RULES 1. 2, 3, 8, Ill and the artistic woman will find her In the Matter of the Guardianship of 11 AND 14. The Champion Bread Maker good taste free to express itself as well RIX MAURER and MILDRED L. in the selection of these decorators as MAURER, Minors. Rule 1 is amended so as to read as FOR RENT. ECONOMICAL, BLOOMERS in the other furnishings of a house. follows: UNIFORM, Washington Star. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ON '1. ENTRY OF CASES ON CALEN- STORE Fort St., occupancy April PURE. GUARDIAN'S APPLICATION TO DAR. 1st. $35. LITTLE NOTIONS OF THE MO- - SELL REAL ESTATE. "1. The clerk shall place upon the HOUSE 4 bedrooms, Kinau St $35. I.IENT. calendar each case brought to or pend- OFFICES in modern building, King Pa--u On readine-- and filine- - the PAfitinn nf ing in proper chro- Street, near Fort. $15 and $20. The "Maile Alii" con- - this court in its Gold ornaments and trimmings ( A. j.j Junlor of Honolulu. Oahu. nological order and forthwith give no- tinne to Le popular. There are man. j Territory of Hawaii, guardian of the tice thereof to the parties. Are Now rrrl.l (Tnn7a niptif nr Viair anil Ti V ftfp.llriar- - ii n r? AfiMrfrl Riders nrn'l f iha nrorerfv nf "2. If the necessary papers are not FOR SALE. nothing looks handsomer in dark hair u Maurer, Minors, praying for an or- filed in this court within twenty days ,bll Organized. or auburn locks. It is not so effectivo der of sale of certain real estate be- after the issuance of a writ of error, Three paying properties on Young on blonde or gray hair. Some of the longing to said wards, situate in said perfecting of an appeal or allowance Street. Will sell separately. prettiest gold hair ornaments are sim Honolulu and described as follows: of a bill of exceptions or such further Residence on Pensacola Street, with A (1-4- S) part or as may by The "Maile Alii" is the name of the ply bows of stiffened and with time be allowed this court stables, poultry run, etc. . Fine place a bomer of glistening gold sequins portion each of all that piece or parcel or a justice thereof the appeal may for chicken fancier. hui of pa-- u riders just formed, with of land Hono- sewed all around the edges. There are situate at Punahou, said be dismissed for want of prosecution. Building lot on King 80x150. Waikiki as pres- lulu, de- street Mrs. Lizzie Puahl of also branches of tiny gold gauze flow- being a part of the land Failure of the stenographer to furnish Trees, etc. Beautiful location. in scribed in Royal 1931 ident. This hui proposes to keep ers and leaves that are very charming. Patent and a transcript of the evidence shall not improved bounded and described as follows: excuse delay days Well lot with three cot- training to turn out four times a year, Round hair ornaments are made of a unless within ten tages. $G0 per Beginning a point on line filing judg- - month, revenue 10 next appearance they make bunch of gold ribbon ends sewed arounu at the after the of the decree, per cent. A bargain. and the a rosette, same of the north side of the Manoa road verdict sought to be set aside 11. inese ornaments are ment.or will be on Kamehameha Day, June made up in cloth or silver. which bears N. 77 28' east and is dis- the appellant shall have obtained from Cottage on King Street, mosquito-proo- f, At this time the riders, who now num For belts the gold and silver effects tant 450 feet from the concrete post the lower court or judge a direction electric lights, 2 bedrooms. Cash price, $2500. IIWINTER WHEAT ber seventeen, but expect to increase when used in a heavy quality and in which marks the junction of Punahou to the stenographer to prepare and twenty-fou- r, straight bands are becoming a little road and Hastings avenue, the bound furnish the desired transcript in the m their membership to will ary runs: way trite, tor they have been sold already regular order of cases tried or in such U PATENT m leave Waikiki and go to town by made up in such huge numbers that 1. N. 12 5S', West 388 feet along Swan, other order as the court or judge shall BISHOP TRUST CO., LTD. of Kalakaua avenue, Beretania street they are almost too universally worn zy premises to Ualakaa street; direct, which direction may be condi- to be But the crush girdles 2. S. 79 15', West 187 feet alonsr Ua tioned on the appellant's making a NOTICE TO i to Nuuanu. attractive. CREDITORS. They will then go back on King to of cloth of silver or cloth of gold an lakaa street; deposit or giving security for the esti- Deta 7-- S EATT O most attractive. These are made quite 3. S. 12 58'. East 393 10 feet along mated cost of the transcript." s f - the Kamehameha statue before the JJl wide and are laid in full folds and Waity lot; Section 1 of Rule 2 is amended so as ESTATE OF HENRY ALEXANDER Judiciary building, where their leis of clasped at intervals with buckles of 4. N. 77 28'. East 187 feet along Ma- to read as follows: ISENBERG. maile will be placed upon the figure. gold and jewels. Sometimes there are noa road to initial point, and con- "1. Cases will be called for argu- ef- The undersigned having ap- Speeches will be made and every onlv two clasps used in front and one taining an area of 1.671 acres. ment or trial in the order in which been 1 taken, to revive the spirit of the pointed executrix and executors of the- - fort in back, but more often there are also And setting forth certain legal rea- they stand on the calendar except as Estate of Henry olden days and reverence for the first more sons why or- Alexander Isenberg. clasps at the sides. Even attrac such interests in such real hereinafter provided or otherwise late of Honolulu, hereby give Theo. it. Dayies Kamehameha. Then the riders will gal- tive are the belts which instead of estate should be sold, namely, that it dered. Sessions will be held begin- notice to lop out King street to Kapiolani Park. all creditors having claims against being finished with buckles have tiny would be for the benefit of said wards. ning on the first Monday of each present & COMPANY, LJMITED. Preceding the riders will be a horse- gauze on Hereby said Estate to the same, duly If I' rosettes and the sewed at in It Is Ordered, That the next month during the term unless other- authenticated, to them at the office man carrying a Hawaiian flag. tervals. The crush belt is stiffened by of kin of said wards and all persons wise ordered." 'Phone Private Exchange 5. old-tim- of Kinney, McClanahan & Cooper, At- Another' e feature to be re- bones down the back and front and at Interested in their said estates appear Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Rule 3 are torneys Grocery Department. vived will be bloomer cavalcade. at Law, Judd Building, Hono- the the sides. Where the material is sewed before this Court on Monday, the 2nd amended so as to read as follows: lulu, within six (6) months from Once a year the women propose to turn a row of rosettes day of AprH, A. 19tf6, 9 ap- date to these bones little D. at o'clock "1. Within fifteen days after an hereof. Estate-ar- e out in the picturesque bloomers. This Parties indebted to the is placed, each having a rhinestone or a. m., at the Court Room of said Court peal case has been placed on the requested to make immediate pay- idea was originated by Queen Emma, colored ieweled as a center to - a button then and there show cause why an calendar the appellant shall file a ment to the undersigned at the above GLIB STABLES Queen Liliuokaiani and Princess Like- niaoa Tint- - VilnA fir dflrlr crrppn order should not be granted for the printed or typewritten brief and two office. like. The bloomers are unlike those are also used tor the sale of estate; San Francisco a enamel buttons said real copies thereof and a certificate of ser Dated, Honolulu, T. II., February 23, Just received from of the present day and the bottoms had centers. The effeet is very charming. And It Is Further. Ordered, That vice of a copy thereof upon the ap 1906. fine lot of Bulls, Cows, Horses and flaring pieces of cloth. In making these belts even the wid notice of this order be published twice pellee. VIRGINIA R. ISENBERG Chickens. The only difficulty with the riders est cauze ribbon is not available, as a week for two successive weeks be "2. Within ten days after receipt of Executrix. Prices reasonable. is the lack of horses. If they can be it is almost sure to be too stiff. Be fore the day of said heariner in the copy ap RICHARD M. ISENBERG, MAIN 109 a of the appellant's brief the CLUB STABLES TEL. assured beforehand of horses for each sides, it is verv expensive. v hat is Pacific Commercial Advertiser, pellee shall file a printed or type Executor. of the days they are to turn out, they needed is the cloth of gold or silver, newspaper published in Honolulu, on two copies EDWARD G. DUISENBERG. propose give people spec- written brief and thereof to Honolulu a which comes by the yard and which is the following dates .to wit: March 21 and a certificate of service of a copy Executor, Smoke tacle worth seeing, and one which not nearly so expensive, considering the 24. 28 and 31, 1906. thereof on the appellant. Of the Estate of Henry Alexander tourists will appreciate. quantity obtained, as the gold ribbon. Dated, Honolulu, Oahu. March 20 "3. Within five days after receipt of Isenberg. 1906. 7345 Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24. GENERAL RTHUR CICARS a copy of the appellee's brief the ap DECORATIVE PLACQUES. (Sgd.) ALEX. LINDSAY, JR., pellant may file a brief confined strict SAYS ANIMALS Second Judge Circuit Court First Cir ly to matter in reply to appellee's GUNST-EAKI- N CIGAR CQ the NOTICE OF PAYMENT OF The Mural Adornment of the Dining cuit. brief." BONDS. Room. ARt IMMORTAL Attest: Rule 8 is amended so as to read as Distributor. For years, or even since the emanci- (Sgd.) W. R. SIMS. follows: WAIALUA COM- 3 pation of the artistic mind from old- - Clerk of the Circuit Court First "8.' APPEAL. ERROR AND EXCEP AGRICULTURAL "Immortal man," they used to say. Circuit. PANY, LIMITED. house-furmshin- g, TIONS FROM CIRCUIT COURTS 1 time huleousness in 7368 28 Mar. 21, 24, and 31. - UKULELES women with charming homes have Now it is "immortal animal." AND CIRCUIT JUDGES. Notice Is hereby given that the Prof. Howison, of the University of "1. On appeal, error or exceptions Waialua Agricultural Company, Lim- la impossible to find a better struggled with the mural decorations of It California, at Berkeley, Cal., argues DIVIDEND NOTICE. from a circuit court or circuit judge, ited, has exercised its right to pay the souvenir of Hawaii than an UKU- their dining rooms'. From the chromo no papers whole of its bonds issued and dated as- eternally ex original other than bills of LELE. Inspect our splendid nightmares which pictured impossible that, since intelligence is EWA PLANTATION CO. April 1, 1901, amounting to One Million-Dollar- s sortment. exceptions, transcripts of evidence and fruits and vegetables down through istent, and since animals have intel- The directors of this corporation exhibits, shall be transmitted to this ($1,000,000), upon the 1st day of HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD., assassinated game and mounted fish the ligence, ergo the beast of the field is having declared a monthly dividend court unless by order of the court or April, 1906, and that said bonds will be-pai- d 1- -2 with to April 1, 1906, upon YOUNG BUILDING STORE. gamut has been run by the housewife immortal. of of 1 per cent., Dividend No. 105 a justice thereof. Original transcripts interest may presentation and surrender thereof, at with sublime satisfaction at the begin- Furthermore, the professor thinks it is due and payable on Saturday, March and exhibits be returned to the ning of each period and distress ot 31, 1906, to stockholders of record at circuit court or judge upon the deter- the office of the Company, upon Marcbx GEMS, GOLD AND passing peculiar that any one in the 31, 1906 (said April 1. 1906, being Sun- SILVER mind at the end. Now she bids fair to the close of the stocktransfer books mination of the case in this court un day); have struck the artistic thing at last. twentieth century should be startled at Saturday, March 24, 1906, at 12 m. less otherwise ordered. Copies of and notice is further given that JEWELRY. - j the said Waialua Agricultural Com UP-TO-DA- is no more or less decora- Stocktransfer books will be reopened papers shall be printed or typewritten STYLES. This than the the idea. For startled many were, as pany, Limited, will tive wall placque. j on Monday, April 2. 1906. and certified. be in no wise Ready-mad- e or by special order. illustrated in the student audience chargeable with interest upon said . A. BOWEN, 2. Prices reasonable. Call on us. These placques are, in the mam, of gathered of ethics, W. Bills of exceptions shall contain bonds china, which claim which in his class Treasurer, Ewa Plantation Co. only papers statements as from and after said first day of establishes their to importality was declar- - such and April, 1906. 1 where animal Honolulu, Hawaii. March 23, 1906. are necessary for the disposition of ., - 1 1 o .. v, ed. and who lingered long thereafter 7371 W. A. BOWEN, Treasurer, Ho. 1308 Maunakea St. P."WO. Box 943. the questions of law raised by the ex Waialua Agricultural house. Always the thing was to discuss the sensation. ceptions. No papers shall be made a Company, Ltd. that Those who are startled by the dec- Honolulu, T. H., February 24, 1906. needed for the dining room walls was part thereof by reference unless 7348 something which laration, supposes Prof. Howison, per- SPECIAL MEETING. specifically a distinctive exactly to compre- named." QUALITY, STYLE AND FIT fitted. Of course, these placques are haps are the least fitted Rule 11 is amended so as to read as IN OUR seen upon the walls of country homes hend what is signified thereby, all that MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.. LTD. follows: NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS in the main halls' or living room, when it entails, on what it is founded. He A special meeting of the stockholders "11. MANDATE. $25.00 SUITS bases his argument for the immor- the dining room is but a corner, and of the Mutual Telephone Co., Ltd., will Whenever appropriate upon the de OAHU SUGAR tality of animal life on the same con- office company COMPANY. LIMITED. George A. particularly is this effective, when the' ' be held at the of the termination of a matter in this court Martin tho-annua- l furniture is the dark mission wood. In siderations that he would use in de- on Thursday, March 29, 1906, at lu Pursuant to resolution passed at Arlington Block, Hotel Street. fending immortality a notice or mandate shall be issued to these cases the placques are not con the of mankind. clock a. m., for the purpose of the court below informing that court stockholders' meeting of tbi OPEN ON SATURDAYS TILL so com- By-law- s. company, notice is hereby given to all fill And these considerations are amending the -- P. M. fined to the plate rail, but in empty of the proceedings in this court or spaces between bookcase and window, plicated, involving so many ramifica- CHAS. H. ATHERTON, holders of bonds of this company num- directing further proceedings in that bered 1 750, or or below rail. They are tions over so large a territory of Secretary. ap- from to both inclusive to abjve the court as to law and justice may present r suspended invisibly wire science and philosophy that nothing Honolulu. February 26 1906. 7349 the same for payment to by running pertain. The notice or mandate may Company, of- rim. less than many volumes would be re- of the at his around the under Issue at any time on the order of the fice, in the Hackfeld Building, in Ho- The color possibilities of these plac quired to give it a sufficient statement. MEETING NOTICE. court or a justice thereof, but, un- granting immortality to man as nolulu, on the 1st day of April, A. D. ques are their most valuable teature. But less otherwise ordered by the court 1906; and notice is also given that no Sommrise A room that has hitherto jangled and based on the fact that it is his intel- KILAUEA VOLCANO HOUSE CO., or a justice thereof, it shall issue as further interest will be paid on bond fretted the nerves in spite of the ef- ligence that lives forever, what is LIMITED. of course after ten days from the ren outstanding after said 1st day of April, Day forts of the owner to harmonize colors amazing in affirming that intelligence Notice is hereby given that a meet- dition of judgment." 1906, as Interest will cease on said day. Brings New will smooth put and assume harmony in an animal is immortal? ing of the shareholders of the Kilauea Rule 14 is amended so as to read as W. PFOTENHAUER, and with it light and joy to the of tone with the addition of a well-chose- n It is the result, says the venerable Volcano House Co.,. Ltd., will be held follows: Treasurer, Oahu Sugar Co., Ltd. j wall placque or two. es- philosopher, super- Inter-Islan- world. This is of the old religious in the office of the d Steam '14. APPEALS FROM DISTRICT Dated, Honolulu. February 23, 1906. pecially true of the Australian placques. stition that has its foundation in such Navigation Co., Ltd., in Honolulu, on COURTS. 7347 Some of the handsomest ones come m languages as "the beasts of the field Monday, March 26, 1906, at 3 o'clock SUNRISE BUTTER and-Pompeii- an "District Magistrates in all cases in dull blues, greens reds, that perish." And what is considered p. m. which blend as harmoniously as do the commonplace by men occupy which appeals have been taken and ELECTION OF OFFICERS. brings to the table the best butter who their By order of the President. perfected from them to the Supreme in the Honolulu market, and there- oriental rugs. They are simple in de- minds in research among these lines L. A. THURSTON, pleas- sign, a conventional pattern often comes Court, shall forward without delay to fore joy of the housewife and as a striking innovation to other 7369 Secretary. cer- - HAWAII MILL CO.. LTD. ure to those about the family carrying all these colors, with each classes of people, who are unaccustom- the Clerk of the Supreme Court a board. color separated by broad bands of dull ed to study. ificate of appeal, stating the nature At the adjourned annual meeting of such of the action, the decision made and Mill gold relief. The effect is indescribably "Wherever mind is found, tha im- NOTICE OF ELECTION. the stockholders of the Hawaii points law upon ap- office-o- f soothing, and the eye lingers on them mutable, unchanging mind, mind the of which the Company, Limited, held at the the CO.. peal is taken; also, the summons or & with the proof of rest. These are mo- which is not the result of processes, SOUTH KONA AGRICULTURAL H. Hackfeld Company, Limited, Sunrise derate in size, the largest of them LIMITED. warrant, all vouchers and exhibits Honolulu, on Monday, March 19, 1906, but is part of that mind which is ab- been adopted but- filed, or certified copies thereof, and to-serv- has as the banner being .no more than twelve inches in solutely unchanging, and so makes At the annual meetine of the South the following officers were elected transcript of testimony; also, year: , ter by all who have used it. It diameter. man responsible legally Agricultural Company, Limited, i the for the ensuing . ! wherever that Kona never fails to give j all costs paid by either party to the satisfaction. Look Antique. mind is found in ma nor beast, there held February 28, 1906, the following J. F. Hackfeld President t action, with a clear and itemized Vice-Preside- nt. Give a trial! The Florentine placques depend or is immortality. To this mind death, is directors and officers were elected, to Paul R. Isenberg.. it effect upon novelty of design rather statement showing by whom, and the W. Pfotenhauer Treasure! - merely an experience, and. like all serve until their successors are elected: purpose for which, each amount is upon re-mo- F." Klamp Secretary than color harmony, although they other experiences, serves simply to re President W. R. Castle paid, keeping back nothing but statu- A. Haneberg , never are guilty of color dissonance. Vice-Preside- Auditor hindrances to the intellctual fa- nt They contain all the colors that are Jas. B. Castle tory fees and mileage, and stating ex- C. Q. Yee culty." F. B. McStocker Secretary plicitly what is kept back. Who also constitute the Board of Hop shown in the Austrian ware, only the Man is the mental superior of the Directors. effect is of being washed out. They A. N. Campbell Treasurer By the Court, that animal simply because a greater num- Withington Auditor LUCAS, F. KLAMP, & COMPANY. look like antiques1 in this respect, and D. L. GEORGE ber of these hindrance to Intellection McSTOCKER, Clerk. Secretary. King Main 251. the large, sprays of jon- F. B. 19, 1906. N. Street. 'Phone have been removed. This removal of Secretary. Honolulu, T. H., March 21, 1906. Dated, Honolulu, March quils, tulips; etc., which stand stiffly hindrances 7369 upright over the placque, out constitutes evolution. Not 7363 Mar. 15, 17, 22, 24. 7369 carry this in adding to but a taking away from. illusion still further. Animals are gifted intellect, as with ' NOTICE. The unique feature in the Florentine are men. that they have been created for the use ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The ware, however, is the raised work. The difference in tellect is by ob- of man, and that he has any right over Many of the handsomest placques have measured the difference in the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. stacles to the free exercise of the in- them. The Buddha sat and taught The following articles will be soM "OLD PLANTATION sprigs of apple trees, with good-size- d that every human being, high or low, At the adjourned annual meeting of the J. Carlo Pawnbroking Co. ten apples laid across one side of the tellectual faculty. With the increase at of intelligence comes an increase of animal or human, while transmigrating the stockholders of the Hawaiian Ga- days from date of March 19, 1WG: This beautiful new Hawaiian Song placque and colored to life, looking semi-materi- the in any the material, al zette Co., held at the office of the Com- No. 4 Two gold chains. now on sale In sheet music form. really as if they could be picked up. control, a perfeetionment of control. of ladies' non-materi- al worlds, is to pany 16, 1906, 7 one gold placques Has animal life the reflective faculty or subject on Friday, March the No. One gold watch; Other have sprays of flowers, misery and illusive happi- following officers were elected to serve snuff box. BERGSTROM MUSIC CO., LTD., or grapes, or cherries, modeled to the of mind? Without doubt they have. alternate Odd Fellows' Bldg. Here is the basis for the argument of ness, and that lasting bliss is found for the ensuing year: No. 15 One filled watch. life. The collector of placques cannot No. 33 well pass these by. their intelligence. For intelligence only in Nirvana, He saw that the will L. A. Thurston President One filled watch. Then. too. they are Vice-Preside- as expensive as mu-- t be there if the power of reflection to live to enjoy was the cause of trans- G. L. Samson nt No. 320ne gold chain and lo'ket. not the Austrian ware, miseries, No. 36 One filled watch; one fob many of them selling for less $o. is present. Once it Is granted that ani- migration with its and that Edward Dekum Secretary oooceoo oooooooo than enlightenment Chas. S. chain; one coin chain. There are placques in the royal Meis- mal life has intelligence the recognition when through this will Crane Treasurer 3") gold-mount- ed cross. sen follows it must ceases. Nirvana is attained and trans- W. M. Pomroy Auditor No. One w;ire which are vivid green and red that exist eternally just No. 40 gold sfc.ne. JACOB'S in background as men will eternally. migration or incarnation In earthly EDWARD DEKUM, One ring, small 0 0 covered with a raised exist Are ani No. 41 gold ring, stones. design in bright mals capable of overcoming - bodies ceases. Omaha Bee. Secretary. One three ornnfo gold. Thev the obsta- No. 45 so cles to ' Honolulu. March 16, 1906. 168 One revolver. 0 will not be acceptable according to the free exercise nf the intel 7366 Mar. 19. 24. Chocolates i meri-a- notions of color harmonv, lectual faculty? WHOOPING COUGH IN JAMAICA. o softer-tone- d deco-r-iti-r- 0 5. o however, is the wall The savant of California answers During the epidemic of whooping ANNUAL MEETING. The Russian burnt-woo- d plac- yes, which scouts the NOTICE. AT materialistic idea S 0 0 C0Ugh which PrevaIent m Jamaica, INTER-ISLAN- ques are the most unique of all. Far as of the oul as a product of matter. D STEAM NAVIGA- h;ive carried the irtisi-ic possibili- Reverting to the sage of California. Chamberlain 's Cough Kemedv was TION CO., LTD. HONOLULU RAPID TRANSIT & Kns-inn- m. LEVY & CO. ties of the fiery noedl.' point, the s the religion of the Buddha was cited i freely used. Mr. J. Eiley Bennett, The regular annual meeting of the LAND CO. hive pone one better ,!m! sent us as an example of recognition given by j Chemist at Brown's Town. stockholders of Inter-Islan- d arge flats in series, depicting a great Jamaica, the Steam Notice is hereby given that the stock e religious high-animal- WAITY BLOCK. the teacher to the lower says of it: "I cannot speak too s. Navigation Co., Ltd., will be held at books of the Honolulu Rapid Trrin'it 0 winter life in Slav enpi-- j the ' Alone does the doctrine of y of this remedv. It has never failed the office of the company. Queen street, &. Lamj rl. The I'laeque resemble hard cork, Buddha Company will be closed t' wOOO0OO 00ccoooooooo embrace a recognition of the in a case where I have recommended it Honolulu, on Wednesday, March 28, transfers from 29th to the 31st days of non which appear sleighs, snow, dignity of the lower of (fo" order animals. and grateful mothers are daily thank 1906, at 10 o'clock a. m. March, 106, both days inclusive. r;efl, and people, in vivid but The Buddhist forbears to slaughter ing me for advising them to use READ THE ADVERTISER coloring. Several placques it." C. H. CLAPP, By order of the Board of Directoa'. Hite are animals, be it for food, sport or scien- - For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Secretary. GEO. P. THIELEN, NEWS DAILY. used in a room, as the three depicting j WORLD'S tific purposes; he discredits the theory Agents for Hawaii. Honolulu, March 17, 1906. 7363 7368 Secretary. ill THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 24, 1906.

in public or private, furnishes ground for prosecution. Curiously, failure to & THE CZAR'S rise in response to a toast to the Em- - j peror comes under his nrovision: and : i? NAPOLEON AND GOtTHt. ectricity the law may deprive the guilty person WILL holding. of any public office he may be i The- - truth of the allegation, as in any Robert de Fiers. in an article in Liberte (Paris), gives omc! MAKING Cures 'Men ordinary libel suit, does not alter the notes of the famous meeting between Napoleon in- and Goethe, taken WCOOK situation; it would only serve to i 1 wno crease 'j icucii omter, presumably saw and heard all that then the enormity of the offense. uLcurreu. me writer tluis We shall be happy to give yeu Scarcely a week passes without the describes the historic interview: the benefit of our advice as well notice in the press of four or five trials mt Liuunui, vuu was returning irom a rrrest- - rv ,nv i, as the advice of our attorneys I tended An of this character; and yet no other sec to the gates of the Erfurt castle bv the lovd infantrv rei- - if you consult us about making Autocrat, With Fifty J tion of the' Criminal Code is so fre- - merit As he mounted the stairs, there walked hosi,le liim th your will. There will be no quently broken. Even with loyal Ger- charge ptror .Alexander (with whom he had just formed an alliance) the for advice given and if Thousand Dollars mans a good joke on the Emperor King of Saxony, wo are named in your will as seems the more enjoyable because for- the King of Wurtemberg, the Grand Duke Contan-tine- , Executor, Guardian or Trustee, bidden. The following seems hardly a and Prince William of Prussia. In the midst of the officers was or even to act with someone else a Year. fearful insult to majesty, since noth- noticed a man about sixty years old. in civilian's dress, who was in such capacity, your will will ing more personal than the Kaiser's speaKing with Alarechal Lannes. hile the Emperor goes into his te drawn up according to your propensity for travel is treated: and apartments, Lannes introduces his companion. wishes, in proper legal form, and lne rumored attempt to take the yet it is always told behind closed kept safely in our vaults, with- Here is the wny to eet back your vieor. "By the Emperor's command," says he, expense to cure the "come and go" paiua and Czar's life by means of poison intro doors. "Von Goethe." out any to you. your Goethe led a aches in back and shoulders, to duced into his food reminds one Two men in a wandering show, muth is. into great hall. The Emperor is sitting at table make yourself strong and aftive. full of that like a minstrel affair, a dialogue breakfasting. Behind him life and courage. Dr. McXiauehlin'a there are subtle dangers close at hand after stand the ministers and the members of Electric Belt cures while you sleep. You in which the favorite mottos of past the imperial household talking together in low leei tne glowing current carrying vigor against which all the Russian Em- Emperors were rehearsed, came to tones. into every organ. It haa a cure in every peror's te "Your name is Goethe?" asked the Emnemr. without town. armies of soldiers, police and living, and then one asked for the. up. Hawaiian It saves doctor bills and makes a man spies cannot protect him, against favorite maxim of William IX. "Gusta "Yes. your Majesty." "How old are you?" "Sixtv years, vour feel like a man ought to. and -- came the reply, pack up your trunk.' , Majesty. What tragedies nave you written.--' 'Eg-I- Mail this ad. to me and I will send wnicn the most careful precautions "Tphigenia,' t you cost the man who made the re- - mont,' 'Torquato " Trust Co. full particulars and hundreds of may well be powerless. Tasso.' "Have vou seen mv theatre"' What fin testimonials of people whom have ply three in "Fvr-ellen- t I cored. months a fortress. In that vou think of mv ...... , . , "Tx 1.1 Write today. There is no part of the Czar's palaces time he studied out a means of squar- artor'" vnr uiajuo 111 i;iavi that my actors please in Germanv. 'Mahomet' has been plav- - m. g. so jealously guarded from the outside ing himself with those who enforced well dr. Mclaughlin, cu, uuz me piece is Dad. J have world and enveloped in so my the law; and when the performances translated it, your .Majestv.' Fort St., Honolulu. 906 MARKET ST., much were to "Really? That proves your opinion stery as the resumed large audiences that of it differs from mine SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. kitchens in which the drawn by his escapade the first ques I've read your 'Werther.' You're the manager of the Weimar thea royal meals are prepared; - indeed, all tions were repeated while the police tre;- , es, your majestv. "1 should greatlv like G. the .information we grimly to see German W.M. IRWIN & CO.. LTD. have about them waited for the climax. How actors play once more. Day after tomorrow, I want inspect has been given by one or two employes ever, with the mention of the present to the Kaiser's name, the man only smiled oattieheld ot Jena with the Emperor of Russia; from there I want Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Mani(r who have left the Vice-PreHi4e- al Czar's service. The idiotically, scratched his head and to go to Weimar. - Say to the Grand Duke that I should like to see John D. Spreckels.. First RAILWAY & LAND CO. most complete and interesting of these finally said that he thought he had his theatre. and W. M. Glffard.. Second Vice-Preside- nt Talma Duchesnois come with me. Duroc!" H. M. Whitney.' accounts was given some time ago by known the answer to the question Marechal Duroc approaches. Trearazar Mr. Victor Hirtzler, two years three months before; but somehow, in Richard Ivers Secretary. who for "How is it in Poland? I've received no news. Make out a state- - E. L Spalding Audit TIME TABLE was employed in the kitchen of the well-vers- 011 audience, apparently ed in un uie population 01 me country, us nnanciai resources, its SUGAR FACTORS AND October' 6. 1904. famous Winter Palace. what had been misplaced.-appreciate- crops and its means of subsistence. Herr von Goethe! "our OUTWARD. This imperial kitchen is the head the discomfiture of the police who were Majestv !'' think vou of Talma?" an commission Aasxra quarters "What "He's eminent artist. For Waianae. Waialua, Kahuku and of the Czar's culinary depart powerless to make a case. tragedy incarnate." "D' you wish to make his acquaintance?" AGENTS FOR Way 9:15 a. m., p. m. ment, which So repugnant to the average German Stations 3:20 includes scores of other should be happy to "Wait. .. .Talma comes to me evetv day Oceanic Steamship Co., San For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way palaces and employs many are the Emperor's liberal tendencies ..." FrB hundreds that one might accept the account of after breakfast." Cisco, CaL Stations 17:30 a. m., "9:15 a. m.. 11:05 of hands, and principal may Western Sugar Refining Co., Baa its chef an who to Talleyrand enters. , a. m., "2:15 p.'m., 3:20 p. m., 5:15 p. m., American tried evade arrest Francisco, Cal. $9:30 p. m., fll:15 p. m. well be described as the "Kitchen after a chance remark that the Kaiser "Ah! come here. I've received a report from Fouche that, by ' Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phil Autocrat" of the. world. His salary is was a fool. His explanation to the no speaks in your Emperor jumps up, delphia, INWARD. policeman means favor." The leads Tal Pa. was that the Kaiser of Rus- lord-in-waiti- Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wat greater than that of our own Lord leyrand into a corner, and vehemently protests to him. A ng Newall Universal Mill Co., Man sia had been referred to; but the off- facturers of Cane V. alua and Waianae 8:36 a. m., 5:31 Chancellor (it exceeds 10,000 a year), go! announces: "The King of W'urtemberg !" The Emperor National Shrer p. icer cried sternly: "That won't New York. N. Y. m. he enjoys the rank, of a General and There is only one Kaiser is a turns around, and says with a bored air: "I'm busy urgent busi- Arrive Ewa Mill that Pacific Oil Transportation Co., 8m Honolulu from and when he makes his tours of inspection fool!" ness. I shall be jrlad to see the King in the evening at the theater." Francisco. Cal. 17: 46 m, -- Pearl City a. m., 8:36 a. of-- r-le every two months he travels in at But far more serious than the lord-in-waiti- ng departs. The Emperor takes up the conversa- - 10:38 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:31 p. m., fenses of those who merely repeat dis I 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. least as much state as an respectful tion again, but the lord-in-waiti- ng appears anew. Daily. stories about the Kaiser are the constant evasions and violations "Your Majesty, the actor Talma." "Let him come. Lannes. Fire Insurance. t Sunday Excepted. The duties of this king of chefs, like of press periodicals here a moment. Tomorrow review of the Forty-fourt- h, and the Sunday Only. the law in the and t that of the head of any other great of Germany, which are embittered Hundred-and-Thir- d line regiment. In the first rank put private B.'F. CO- The Haleiwa Limited a two-ho- ur THE DILLINGHAM - state department, are largely admin- - enough to use up. every opportunity Girancl, cf company six of the Hundred and Third regfiment. He train, leaves Honolulu every Sunday ! - for a fling him. - re- - r 1 , 1 . 1 1 ? . 1 .1 LIMITED. at Cartoons and ;. 1t speaw mm, nave cross. at 8:22 a. m.; returning arrives in Ho Istrative, but he has one other impor marks must be clever enough to evade was at .Aiarenijo wisk to to nes 10 tne nolulu at 10:10 p.'m. The Limited tant duty which cannot be delegated the watcfiful eye of the State's Attor- The troops arc to appear in dress uniform. The parade takes place General Agents for Hawaii. stops only City - at Pearl and Waianae. to a subordinate that of devising new- ney. On the other hand, success along at five o'clock. Talma, what programme have we for tday?" Atlas Assurance Company of Lonaoau G. P. DENISON, F. C. Smith, ' dishes to tempt the Czar's appetite. these lines brings an enormous circu- " 'Cinna,' or 'Andromache or Britannicus.' Your Majesty needs Phoenix Assurance Company of Lon Supt. G. P. & T. A, ' In the invention of delicacies he is a lation; and certain periodicals owe only to choose.' ''Good! Then I wish 'Caesar's Death.' A moment don. their popularity to the confident and von .. Good morning, gentlemen, I New York Underwriters' Agency. pastmaster, seldom-disappoint- Her Goethe. .Talma. and spends hundreds of ed belief of their more.... Providence Washington. Insurance Com GITS' OWENS CO. hours yearly in his private and su readers that every issue can be depend- must sleep a quarter of an hour." Translation made for The Liter- pany. perbly appointed kitchen experimenting ed upon to come as near as possible ary Digest. Fourth Floor, Stangenwald Buildinsj. to insulting the Kaiser without direct- in the manufacture . of new entrees , secured, AL soups ly doing so. ment on majesty. But the comic utterly irresponsible party is HAWAII SHINPO SHA. ELECTRICENGINEERS seductive sauces and and table The German press law requires every periodicals that make a business of at-- and when the paper is deprived of delicacies of every kind, the recipes perlodical to publish in Emperor regularly utilize his by an infraction of the THE PIONEER JAPANESE PRINT-- Phone Main 315. Union Street. each issue the tacking the services fng office. The publisher of HawaS of all of which are kept a profound name of some person as its responsible this very provision of the press law law of lese majeste a substitute is se- paper paper goes on. Shinpo, the only daily Japanese secret. editdr. At first sight this would seem as a means of escaping punishment, cured and the Phila- published In the Territory of Hawaii. to serve as a on outspoken com- - For a liberal sum the name of some delphia Record. EASTER CARDS The menu, we are told, is wrritten out C SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. by the Emperor himself, and is given Editorial and Printing Office 102t of new and novel designs in Smith St.. above King. Phone Main 41. quite an assortment. by him to a Major specially chosen by ooooo oooeo080ooooOKooio oooto0oooeoooo9060oeKe day's duty, who in turn himself for the 2 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. FINE STATIONERY hands it to the first chef. It is then vogue, Week of of latest and posted in a conspicuoue place in the The Last the AGENTS FOR THE NEW WORKS OF kitchen, and the various under-chef- s 0 Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool, FICTION o make themselves responsible for the England. Assurance Co., of Londoa i to at...... different dishes. When at last the I Alliance Just hand Second Annual 2 England. i meal is ready, each dish is tasted and 0 Scottish Union & National Insurance Thos. G. Thrum's approved by the Major, who in the Co., of Edinburgh. Scotland. f Stationery and Bookstore. case of poison would thus be the first Fire Association of Philadelphia. 6 0 I 1063 Fort Street. victim: the dishes are then placed in Alliance Insurance Corporation 0 CLEARAN SALE! 0 Wilhelma of Magdeburg Genem . 1-- an elevator and, accompanied by the surance Co. t Major, are hoisted direct into the im- RICHARD HUDNUT PREPA- perial dining room. & CO., RATIONS Once more the officer partakes of o 0 C. BREWER LTD. every dish in the Czar's presence, and Sugar Factors and Commission f TO FURNISH THE TOILET TABLE. final formality precau- 0 after this and GLOBE CLOTHING STORE E family down to At the GO.'S Merchants. Violet Sec Toilet Water, tion the imperial sit 0 their meal. The dinner, Mr. Hirtzler o LIST OF OFFICERS. Extreme Violet Perfume, 2 tells us, invariably begins with vortsch, 0 C. M. Cooke, President: George it.! soup Em- 0 0 Chrysis Sachet Powder, a Russian of which the 0 Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop Violette Superba Face Powder, peror is very fond; then follow meats. Buying Figures. I Treasurer and Secretary; F. W. Mae hot and cold, several entrees, hot and Ever Article Marked Down to Easy Auditor; P. C. Jonee, C. U Eau de Quinine Colorless, for the hair, 0 farlane. k cold vegetables, poultry, pudding; and 21 Cooke, J. R. Gait, Directors. lit Marvelous Cold Cream for the skin, sweets of many rich and dilicate kinds 0 Violet Almond Meal for the skin, ices, cakes and rare wines, and tea or Concrete Tincture Benzoin for the skin, vodka. For the imperial children 0 'p sweets and chocolates in all kinds of SUITS ON JEWELRY, ETC.. ETC., All 0 novel and fantastic designs are pre- 0 $12 $11 $10 Nailustre for the finger nails, pared. The Czar, we learn, rarely Suits Reduced$i5 to $11.50; $14 to $10; $13 to $9.50; to $8; to $7.50; to Perfecta for Shampoo, misses a single one of all these varied o0 $7 ; $9.50 to $6.50 ; $9 to $6. TSE CARLO PfflBliOKIKi CG:; Pure Olive Oil Soap courses a fact which is a remarkable 0 2 l tribute to his appetite and digestion. 9 . CORNER UNION AND HOTEL St.;.,.' The RICHARD HUDNUT PERFUMES The room in which the meal is eaten 0 PANTS ceilings of cast iron, is $3-5- $4-- 1 AND TOILET SPECIALTIES ARE has walls and z Pants Reduced $5 to ; 5 to $3; $4 to $2.75; $3.50 to $2.25; $3 to $2; $2.50 to proof against bombs and is always o S. FUJIMURA SOLD 'BY kept securely locked between meals. s $1.75; $2 to $1.50; $1.50 to$i. The hundreds of men employed in o MASSAGE I the imperial kitchens receive excellent Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Tired . salaries and are well fed and cared TRUNKS 2 Feeling and other Ailment QUICKLTi LEWIS & CO. for; but they are kept under the strict- Trunks Reduced $20 to $13.50; $17.50 to $12.50; $15 to $10; $12.50 to $8. RELIEVED. J Limited. est surveillance and are little better 2 444 King Street, Palama, ii than prisoners. One of the chefs not PHONE? WHITE 135L I ago he never re- 2 t 169 KING ST., HONOLULU, H. I. long declared that A NOW ceived a letter which had not previous- PAN AM HATS LOCATED IN OFFICES 2 AND V Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. ly been opened and read; while during $10.00 and $12.50 Reduced to $8.00; $7.50 Reduced to $5.00. 2 Mclntyre Building. Telephone 240. the seven months of his service he was 2 only allow to heave the pdlace three NOTICE. times, and then it was in tne company SHIRTS 0 J. S. MARTIN! nf an insnector. who in turn was MERCHANT TAILOR. ANT WOMAN OR GIRL NEEDING by secret police Shirts Reduced $1.75 to $1.40 ; $1.50 to $1.10 ; $1.25 to 90c. ; 75c. to 50c 2 help or advice, is Invited to communi- shadowed the Fort Street - - - - Honolulu, T. HL cate, either in person or by letter, with 2 Ensign I Anderson, matron of the Balvation Army Woman's Industrial 0 JOHN REILL, Engineer Home. No. 16S0 King street. FUNNY GERMAN BOYS' SUITS 2 Dealer In $4-75- . Boys' Suits Reduced $9 to $6; $8 to $5.25; $7 to ; $6 to $4.25; $5 to $3.50. LESE MAJESTE 0 NEW AND SECOND-HAN- D MA-- Use Dress Suit Cases $10 Reduced to $6; $7.50 Reduced to $5. CHINERY. 0 Repairing of All Kinds. Novelty Mills to a discussion of Accustomed frank GASOLINE A op- 0 ENGINES SPECIALT3F FLOUR politics and politicians when the 135 Merchant Street Tel. Jm. EXCELLENT looks 0 portunity offers, an American TIES 9 CO., Agantl with pity on'the unfortunate position GAJLXFQBHIA FEED Bow Shield Ties Reduced from 25c. to 3 for 25c; 50c. Ties Reduced to 40c. 0 of the German who must keep a close 9 9 Wines tongue when he discusses Midget String Ties Reduced from 25c. to 15c. 0 Pure All Tourists Get Their watch on his 9. state affairs. The crime of insulting 0 and Liquors JAPANESE KIMONOS majesty, whether it be in the person Family Trade Solicited 'nd such goods at of the Emperor, a sovereign of one of Positively Last o Lovejoy & Co. numerous states, or a sovereign of the Week 0 FUKURODA'S. the Nuuanu St. : : Phone 308 i may be 9 28-3- the state where the individual 2 HOTEL STREET. 0 sojourning, is called in German by the ! j g." 0 ponderous compound word, o TRY OUR and makes the offend- The 0 er liable to confinement in a fortress 9 Our Celebrated Bromo Pop, PeaeJ , Mi mil 0 Bounce, Bishops Tonic, Klondike , lih for a time ranging from two months to Flu many others. DRY CLEANING AND years. 64 Hotel Street. and DEPARTMENT. five ' The courts interpret It so broadly ARCTIC SODA WORK, Telephone Main 73. that the very intent to offend, either OOOOtOOC0COOOOOfO 9999999999999 OOGOOOOOOO ? Miller St., Honolulu, H. T. 8 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU MARCH 24, 1906. m might be called "shooting the chutes on i will take place in the Boys' Field. a big wave." Generally two brawny i Choruses from Kaahumanu School. ORPBEDM THEATRE VIEWS OF native men man the ponderous canoe I MUSICAL Kaiulani School, Royal School and GIFFORD'S ni i'.t with outriggers so as to ride the i Normal School will render joint and waves and they paddle out about two si paiate selec tions under the direction miles t meet me incoming surf. When of Miss Annie Tucker. The teachers' RICHARD BUKLER they see a wave which they think large chorus of the Normal School will ac- RIPE OLIVES enough, they, very expertly, turn company The the the other choruses. And mm four-name- HOTEL canoe so as to receive the full force FESTIVAL first d choruses will number of the waters on the stern, and are 6(0 voices. CHOICEST CALIFORNIA driven shoreward? at lightning speed, This year the competitive element NATIONAL STOCK COMPANY PRODUCT. tipped at an angle of 45 degrees. will be eliminated from the Carnival 3 .nuuLUCl iiuriraLiiJa ll ip u its IX1UI of Song. Mullen of the Palace through the Honolulu Plantation and Well Known One of the soloists at the concerts nia Coast Sing parked by the Gilford the sugar mill, which is the only mill will be Chester W. Rosekrans. who was ted Olives on the islands having its own refinery. at one time tenor at Trinity church, )est I process retain all.the original nutty Writes About the ers May Be Heard Farewell Performances olive, die Jt We were shown the process of manu- San Francisco, and is at present tenor S Pt'4 flavor of the fresh cured facturing sugar from being of oil and all the nutritious the cane at the First Congregational church mifcY rich in highest-price- d of HAWAIIAN medicinal properties of pure Islands. brought in on one side of the mill to Here. Oakland, the position ? frK an,i the refined sugar sacked up and ready its kind, west of Chicago. r o;D olive oil. "market on in Ho- olives are ready for the for the the other. The cane Mr. Rosekrans, who has been e,I f? These comes in on cars and is taken by ma- nolulu for some time, leaves for the OPERA HOUSE nv,u v . w- - and are ,imej ictwic; freshine. Perhaps some of your many readers on It has been definitely decided that hi to conform with all pure chines and deposited an endless Coast by the S. S. Siberia today and nak?d might be interested in a short account belt, Honolulu's Music Carnival will take probably by S. S. Mon- BENEFIT HAWAIIAN food laws, by a sterilizing process which carries it into the rollers. will return the keeping until of a recent enjoyable trip to Hono- It is crushed at enormous pressure, and place this year on Thursday afternoon golia, arriving here in ample time to .YACHT CULB insures their so prepare He opened. lulu and "our island possessions." In dry is it afterwards that the refuse and Friday evening. May 3 and 4. for the concert. takes is dumped into the furnaces, serving with him an offer to Miss Miliie Flynn, PRICES: arranging the annual vacation outing On the evening of May 3 there will for fuel, so that they do not have to for several years a soloist at Trinity THURSDAY, MARCH 22. and SATUR- EXTRA LARGE FANCY various places suggested themselves buy any coal. The whole process is be a grand concert in the Opera House, church, Francisco, to come to ho--r 40c. San DAY, MARCH 24, A 1 Pint tins. 25c; Quart tins, New Orleans and the sunny South, most interesting, and when one sits at which the choruses of Oahu Col olulu to sing at the musical festival. MEDIUM SIZE many spots the City down to a meal and uses sugar in his lege, Schools, If she accepts the offer, she will re- 20c; Quart tins,' 35c. with its beautiful Kamehameha High Held Pint tins, interest tea and coffee little does he think of turn with' Mr. Rosekrans. by the Enemy Larg'e Green Olives, in bulk, 50c. of Mexico, full of historic the vast amount of labor necessary to School, Normal School and Mills' Insti- An effort was made to secure' the quart. the Hawaiian Islands, out in the mid tute will be heard. These choruses two a produce this article. services of a quartet of which the FRIDAY, MARCH 23, Pacific, or the will be led by mentfoned members, AND SATUR- die of the broad Far Having seen Honolulu pretty thor- Stanley Livingston of singers were but DAY MATINEE. East with its marvelous cities. oughly, we planned a side trip to Ha- Kamehameha Schools. Kapellmeister as no favorable steamer rates were ob- in- - tainable project had perforce to be The call of the sea was the loudest. waii and the volcano, and a most Btrsrer and his band will also be nres-- the teresting trip ; dropped. however, and thus it was that on it is. iveryooe should ent. This event will be what has come THELMA Co., Ltd. take it, if at all possible, for Kilauea is as Congress Song. Mr. Rosekrans received most of his Henry May & 12, 1905, my wife, to be known the of New City, Thursday, October tne only crater you can get close to, in The Carnival of Song will occur the musical education in York TELEPHONES: y Carring-to- n. little grandson and myself set sail for the whole world. We left Honolulu afternoon of the following day, singing there with Miss Marie Tickets for Opera House performance 92, and sung Thea- Retail, Main 22; Wholesale, Main Honolulu on the good ship Sonoma, on Tuesday at noon by the Kinau a 2)OS2KisaK He also at the Greek at Wall, Nichols Co., on Tuesday morn. 900-to- n Inter- ter in Berkeley, and at the Stanford ships of steamer belonging to the one of the celebrated sister -Island University at Palo Alto, California. He - Steamship Company. The ten minutes' rest continued on our way the Oceanic Steamship Company, ply- sea is rather rough between the Islands aown into tne Dig crater. what a came to Honolulu for a trip, in order It Unique South Sea and antique j mg between San Francisco and Aus- - (on the down trip), but there is so trip! Down,, do.wn, a winding trail to take a rest. Sticks,! much of interest along the way about twelve or fourteen He is tenor soloist of the quartet of Hawaiian Tappas. Candle tralia by way of the Sandwich Islands. that hundred feet I one has hardly time to be seasick. and as we looked up at the almost singers engaged by the Scottish Rite TiWnArvc! Travs. Tobacco Jars It was indeed a beautiful day when we Lodge of Masons to sing in their new PURE CL After you leave the dock at Honolulu perpendicular sides towering above us in copper and brass. steamed out of San Francisco harbor you do not touch another until arrival and then out upon the vast waste and Albert Pike Temple, in San Francisco. one of finest harbors in the world landing freight we Miss Fl3rnn is thought to have one HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS CU the at Hilo all the of and black lava how insignificant as the boat turned her prow sea- passengers being done by means of man was and how great the power and ofHhe best soprano voices on the Pa- PREPARED PAINT RIO CO.. and cific Coast. ward we heard wafted to us the sad the small boats which the steamer car- wisdom of the Creator. After a ride Building. ries. Several natives man these over fissures, which 1 Young singers bid- boats emitted steam and I strains of some Hawaiian and the freight is thrown to them by heat over bridges, wide and narrow ding goodbye to friends, coupled with the deck hands on board. In loading and up and down on that black and REALTY TBMSOOIS Paint is sold in two ways pre- the Salvation Army exhortation "God horses the animals swim out to the twisted mass," we came at last to pared and unprepared. Where you be with you till we meet again." boat and are hoisted on board by stopping place and the guide tethered can trust the maker, prepared paint means of a block and and don- our horses in We MUSIC AT THE The cabins were crowded, the holds tackle a rude karal. then is much the best. W. P. FULLER key engine. proceeded on foot to the very edge of Entered for Record March 23, 1906, & CO.'S PURE PREPARED filled with heavy freight and the We arrived at Hilo on Wednesday, the immense pit visiting on our way From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. PAINT enjoys a higher reputation, Herri-ma- n 4 p. m., genial and very popular Capt. about and were met at the "Madam Pele's" kitchent also her re South Kona Agrcti Co Ltd to Wm as well as a larger sale, than any was happy, as were we all until dock by Mr. George Lycurgus, the ception room. This pit, called Hale L Castle tr D other prepared paint in the world. genial proprietor of Demos- maumau (house everlasting fire) is we struck the swell which for thirty- - Greek the of Hana Kaina and hsb to Henry Ma The finest grades of paint mate- thenes Hotel and the "Volcano House. 550 feet deep and we could see away rials are i six weary hours turned that happiness ui D used in its manufacture After driving to the hotel he took us down below, the red hot lava boiling Kapiolani to Kailikele Kauai CD and the result is a paint that has o. into extremest misery. However, we out to view the celebrated "Rainbow up and every now and then being the greatest covering Polly Bird by afft of mtgee to capacity, o eventually ran seas Falls," situated in a most beautiful thrown out. Some years ago this pit greatest durability, z into smooth and & Co therefore up Wilder Ltd FA and our spirits returned, as well as cur spot a mile or two from town. The filled to the rim and flowed over Polly Bird by mtgee to Gerrit P the greatest economy. It's the growth of vegetation around Hilo is and afterwards the bottom seemed to Wilder . . . D cheapest as well as the best. appetites. wonderful, and almost every known drop out. It is gradually, filling up SUNDAY, -- Puaoliwa (k) to York Sang L Tuesday night, Oct. 17th, 1905, the tropical plant and shrub thrives. again and in a few years will repeat Naki (w) by afft A night before arriving at Honolulu, There is very little difference between the intense activity of some time ago Margaret Lishman to Mary J Silva FROM 2 to 5 P. M. after having done ample justice to a day and night temperature and it is There is a constant cloud of smoke is B S essentially an "open air place." There suing from the mouth of the pit but splendid dinner, the captain was sit are no snakes on these islands, and providentially in that country, the pre 2 Cite, ting with us in the social hall, when even the centipedes here are not vailing winds seem to be always from Recorded March 13, 1906. ItB my wife turned to him and remarked, poisonous, owing, I am told, to the fact the same direction so that visitors are Helen G Alexander to John H d' 177 SOUTH KING STREET. that there is an entire absence of min- - not troubled by the steam fumes Almeida, M; por part 1 of gr 1639 I MISS IT. "Captsfin, you glad you are tak and DON'T aren't in soil. sulphur. Ave, por ing so many souls safely Hono eral the of Nuuanu Honolulu, Oahu; R into Well: a fine remaining here a hour 3446 ap 1 were 135 passengers after dinner at the After for half P and int in Rt W, Kaliu, lulu?" There for Demosthenes, we or so, we began steps 13. that port. His quiet reply was, "We retired early and to retrace our Honolulu, Oahu. $3500. B 279, p were awakened to were led to so-call- ed 12, 19Q6. are not there yet," and no sooner had at break of day take and the kitchen, Dated Mar Standard Books on in- where, Bo-teilh- o, he cry the train the first part of our about seven o'clock, dinner was J H Schnack and wf to Jose F said the words than the was teresting journey to volcano. cooked for us right on "lava. D; 2 D 85, SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS AT heard, - Instantly the A the hot lot blk of kul Nuu "Man overboard." nice ride of 22 miles through sugar Coffee was boiled over the hot cracks, anu tract, Honolulu, Oahu. $360. B to - the captain jumped the bridge and 277, p 488. 10, ' WH. C. LYON. CO., LTD. gave to plantations, and past numerous mills bacon fried and steak broiled, and, in Dated Mar 1906. the order reverse the engines, an aban- deed, we acknowledged never - life buoys with lights were thrown with occasional glimpse of an all that Kapiolani Est Ltd to E B McCIana- Cor. Upstairs. doned growth of coffee, brings us to had a dinner tasted this han, M; ap 1 pors ap 2 1990, Fort and Hotel Sts.; over, and the life boat was manned better than and R P by Glenvvood where stages are taken- - for one out on that volcano with black Ward Ave, Honolulu; Oahu; R P 2691 volunteers and sent out to hunt for House, away. ness only by 685, suicide. We the Volcano nine miles all around, broken the kul cor South St and Kawalahao the unfortunate cruised The stages are fitful gleam 4510 for over two hours, could comfortable the roads from several lanterns and lane, Honolulu, Oahu; R P and YDEN CO. around but are good, and the vegetation is luxu- an occasional flare-u- p from a piece of por R P 1968, Nuuanu valley, Honolu- KIONG flING not find any trace of the man, so went paper many on our way riant and wonderful. As you near the dropped into one of the lu, Oahu. $5043.25. B 279, p 16. Dated and arrived .in Honolulu you 1, 1906. WHOLESALE next day noon, we were hotel see all around and on every cracks. We will never forget the Mar LIQUOR AND GRO- the at where side es- sight, is an experience well met by Mr. Gray, the energetic newly quantities of steam and smoke and it Momida Toiozilo to Y Ogawa, P A; CERY DEALERS. caping, coming from the cracks and worth going miles to see. Afterwards special powers. B 284, p 53. Dated Mar 36-3- yes appointed manager of the Alexander 8 North King Street. we 10, 1906. Young Hotel. blowholes. This is one of the reasons came back to the karal and started that no damaging eruption has ever homeward. The horses knew every foot J B Atherton to Waialua Agrcti Co The arrival of the steamer from the occurred at Kilauea. Earthquakes are of the trail, so we wended our way Ltd,. L; water rights and Rt W for Coast is one of the interesting events very slowly along dangerous pes down there, so seldom felt here. After arriving the path, and ditches, etc, over land, Waialua, EXAMINED that the dock at such 3-- Dry Cleaning 49 yrs 4 $10,- - is generally people, at the very comfortable hotel, Mr. reached the hotel safely about ten Oahu. and II mon at Garments by process times crowded with supper aug- 000 per 283, 40. cleaned thl at cosmopolitan too. Lycurgus, the proprietor, took us down o'clock. After a light to yr. B p Dated Sept and a crowd it is, I ment our volcano we 7, 1900. "Eyes examined may mean some noticed Hawaiians, Japanese, Chinese, to the immense banks of pure sulphur cooked dinner, Mrs. A. M. Mellis' thing you or may mean nothing; deposits which have been forming retired, very weary but satisfied and George Galbraith to J B Atherton, Dressmaking Establishment. for it Koreans, Portuguese, Porto Ricans, - depends upon the skill, knowl here for years. We were also shown delighted with the whole trip- We got Consent; to sub-leas- e of water rights Sachs Black, Honolulu. it Samoans and Europeans, all elbowing saltpetre up sun in morning pes SATISFACTION GUARANTEED edge, and fitness of the examiner. each other to get just a look at the new in small quantities, and were with the the and and Rt W for ditches, etc, across Our examinations are conducted af- arrivals. very much interested in the berries after a hurried breakfast, took the land, Waialua, Oahu. B 283, p 43. Dat- grow stage the railroad station, we ed Nov 9, 1901. ter the most approved methods, and, Honolulu s a most attractive place, which in great profusion on the for where back of all, we have adequate knowl beautifully on Qahu, one lava and rocks. These berries resem- boarded the train and after a beauti- Kepane (w) et al to Waialua Agrcti situated of ovfr through 262, edge of the eye and its needs. the Sandwich groups, to which ble cranberries and make delicious ful run the tropical planta- Co Ltd, L; int in gr Kamananui, Island pies. we 50 yrs $107.10 per IV. Hawaii, because of being the largest, tions reached the boat at Hilo at Waialua, Oahu. at V. Ahana&Co. A. N. SANFORD has given name. city After an early lunch we all had 10 o'clock; then off for Honolulu where yr. B 283, p 44. Dated Feb 15, 1899. its The has horses saddled out to see we arrived Saturday, after a very Pekelo Umi. to "Waialua Agrictl Co OPTICIAN. about 42,000 in population and is and started Limited metropolitan in every respect. the fern forests with their dense smooth and pleasant trip. Ltd, L; int in ap 4 R P 7342 kuls 1478 It has every 1479, Boston Building, Fort Street, Over a splendid street car system with very growth of tall ferns; the tree moulds I would advise one to visit the and Kawailoa, Waialua, Oahu. May & Co. polite officials (the motor men con made by the lava in some ancient erup- most wonderful volcano in the world, 25 yrs at $40 per yr. B 283. p 45. Dated Merchant Tailors and only you impunity 12, 1901. ductors going out of the way to direct tion running down around the tree and the crater can with Oct you), plentiful good water, burning it out, leaving only the im- get close to. After a few more most Est of B P Bishop by trs to Wm W ORCHID PLANTS AND FLOWERS a supply of interesting days em- WaityBuildlng.KingSt and a great many very excellent stores. pression of the trunk, (as it cooled); in Honolulu, we Goodale, L; int in pc land, Kawailoa, FOR SALE. Kilauea-iki- ; on 9 $50 The wireless telegraph system con- to the small crater, then barked the Sierra for San Francisco, Waialua, Oahu. 42 yrs mos at Phone Blue i74i pleased we per 283, 46. 2, nects back to the hotel, where we got some well with all saw on our yr. B p Dated Jan (Opposite Office.) the different islands, and, short acquired possessions." 1906. Advertiser ly, it is to be extended to the main pommel slickers in case it rained and recently "Island LriVJrs. E. M.Taylor land. lanterns to light our way, and after a N. S. MULLAN. Est of B vP Bishop by trs to Wm AMERICAN AND FOREIGN W Goodale, Consent; to A L of int in 3TOUNG BUILDING. There are fine hotels both in the pc WORSTEADS. town and at Waikiki beach. The land, Kawailoa, Waialua. Oahu. B 283. p 49. 26, 1906. Alexander Young Hotel, in the center Dated Jan of town, is a magnificent building. Wm w Goodale to Waialua Agrcti RAGLE CLEANING AND the THE CLOWN. Co L; pc OccideofQl It cost 11,800,000, has every known Ltd, A int in land, Kawailoa, ReslGurooi CDaEoes fiaods. DYEING WORKS. modern improvement and is, indeed, a Waialua, Oahu. $1. B 283, p 50. Dated credit to builder, Young, (From Feb 19, 1906. Port Street, opposite star Block. its Alexander the German of Borries von Munchhausen in the Westminster Everything new. First-cla- ss one of pioneer sugar planters of Joseph Kalanimauloa et al by gdn cooks; I.ATHKJT AND GENTS CLOTHING the Gazette.) to S of, pc land, courteous waiters. IX) the Islands. He has recently bought Shimamoto Atty L; CLEANED AT WEST 10 yr. BEST MEAL TO BE HAD IN TOWN. the Moana, a very pretty hotel at the Now paint thy cheeks with red and white, Waialua, Oahu. yrs at $40 per PRICES. B 283, p 50. 11, 1905. Open from 5 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone White IS82. beach a few miles from Honolulu. Up With rouge Dated Feb Private make thy mouth look wide. Est of B P Bishop by trs to Waia- Dining Room for Ladies. on our arrival, an automobile was Grim misery haunts day and night, T320 LEONG HOY, Proprietor. kindly placed at our disposal, so that thee, lua Agrcti Co Ltd. L; int in por R P we saw with a great deal of comfort Life is a moan, death a delight, 4475 kul J7713 ap 34, Paalaa-ka- i, Waia- 15 ALL KINDS OF BUILDING AND almost everything of interest in and Whate'er the time or tide. lua, Oahu. yrs at $100 per an. B 283, p 52. Dated 3, 1904. REPAIR WORK DONE ON about. There lies thy brother, he is at rest June SHORT NOTICE rever Chief among the attractions is the ' J Alfred Magoon to Waialua Agrcti But thou must make foolish joke and jest. Paa-la- a, by Bali about six miles up the valley of Go Ltd, L; ap 1 R P 889 kul 4312. i Waialua, Oahu. 30 yrs at $50 per Nuuanu. This is an immense moun tain-pea- yr. 283, p 55. 1, 1903. k, over which one of the first The undertaker, red of face, B Dated Oct Mrs R Davies to Waialua Agrcti Co Wm. T. kings of the islands is said to have Stands looking to thee for his pay I Patv. Ltd, L; int in pc land, Paalaa, Waia- 1048 ; it Honolulu has the Improvement driven his enemies during an ancient "Here, bury him in the cheapest place, alakea street. 'fever. Nevertheless, is a sign battle. The precipice is almost sheer lua, Oahu. 25 yrs at $85 per yr. B it have no 283. p 58. of health. Tear down the shacks, I for over a thousand feet, and there is a I more. O hideous race! Dated Oct 1, 1904. lower the fences, but, above all, carriage road winding around the 'Tis time to rouge and play." J H Schnack and wf to M E Menzes, YAMATOYA D; por 4, don't neglect to paint your prop mountain peaks and leading down to A barrow trundles him out of town, R P 5471 ap Kalihl, Hono MERCHANT TAILOR AND SHIRT erty. Call on us and talk it over the fertile valley on the other side of luiu, Oahu. $408. B 277, p 489. Dated MAKER, The pale clown's brother, the poor dead clown. 14, 1905. with us. Our color artist will be the island. In this pass the wind al- Dec "Juuanu Street, one door above PauahL pleased to show you combinations ways blows a gale, so much so that Jmma Baker (widow) to Adrian M P. O. Box 823. and quote you prices prices that hats are kept on with difficulty and "Brother, my brother, what ails the today, Keoho tr, D; int in por grs 3334, 3339 SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS. KIMONA8 3333, AND won't break you, either. even spectacles have been blown off Why so grave and taciturn and Young and Keeaumoku Sts, PAJAMAS MADE TO OR- sometimes. f" Honolulu, Oahu; int in por R P 3 and DER AND ON SALE. The constant winds bring "Together, though poor, we were rich and gay, frequent rains, and keep the verdure taro lands, Waikiki, etc, Honolulu green. We went out together, to jest and play, Oahu; int in aps 1 and 2 R P 7763 kul The roads about Honolulu are fine But alone, alone I return." 11220, Nauia, Molokai, etc. $100. B 277, p 491. 13, Kimonos, , and we enjoyed many beautiful drives The dead clown 's dress and his felt hat tall Dated Mar 1906. around Diamond light Wilmot Vredenburg and wf to Max ORIENTAL GOODS AT REDUCED Head and the Hang like dead jokes from the nail on the wall. Campbell, house up Manoa Valley, with its won- D; lots 75, 35 and 36 of gr PRICE AT StanleyStephenson derful tropical vegetation, through 401 and bldgs, Puukapu Homestead, S Kohala, Hawaii. $1. B 278 n 263. Z Moanalua, the home of Mr. S- - M. Da- BIG WOLF CAUGHT BY CHILDREN. AYE O mon and around the polo grounds, a Dated Mar 5. 1906. 1120 NUUANU ST.. NEARUSA,HOTEL. THE PAINTER. natural ampitheatre. Emmette Coylem, ajred 10 vears. and his sister. arec S vp.rc Max Campbell to Norah Vredenburg. a few agro D; lots 75, 35 and 26 of gr 4017 and Phone 426; 137 King street. The water is warm and sea bathing days ran clown and killed a lare rray wolf "without as- here is world famous. Everyone thp' bldgs, Puukapu, Homestead, s Kohala, sistance. The VOUnCTSters. had set trans for 278, Catton, N01II& Co., Ltd Get that habit the S. S. Sign swims, even the small children, we nit; Hawaii. $1. B p 264. Dated Mar and One animal was caught, snapped 6, 1906. surf-ridin- g but the chain and starts! habit. had our first experience of off ENGINEER8 and MACUJXISTS that Hawaiian sport at which the with the trap on one foot.. The children followed and killpd Hamakua Mill Co to Samuel Frie- - QUEEN AND RICHARDS denberg, Sur L; lot 22 map 11. Poha- - STREETS. BEAD THE ADVERTISES natives are very expert. It is a most the wolf with a .22 calibre rifle. Newcastle corresDond ence Den-- ! kea Homestead tract, re-tub- ed WOELD'S NEWS DAILY. novel and exhilarating sport and ver Republican. Hamakua, Ha Boilers with charcoal-Iro- n waii. B 283. p 60. Dated Mar 8, 1906. 'w! tubes; general ahtp work. - v


U MOBMG CHUBCH rv II wnm 5 NEWS CONDENSED m CONFERENCE BEGUN FROM THE COAST FILES ( 1 of - the latest dates The yer.riy conference King- Charles of Koinnani i is seriously 9 " of the Church ill. ? .- -. - c r ? foniH-.- i u,-- . and Photographic p.ivi ifti ril... rifi f Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Sarrien hns the lYen. h al in.-t- A 1 . Material of every in uuu awiut xiuiioiuiu is oe:ng iieiu wireless telej.lion,. lias ecu invented in .lap.-ui- CuKH-enheii- 1 description. at the Mormon church on Punchbowl will uil.i a Li smelter in S.ui J'mn.-iseo- . (hi.-ag- y is street. It is a three-da- conference to have a bank to le kept open day and ni-l- it. ana con.menoea last evening- witn a The frigate Constitution is to be patched up and provrvotl. i! Developing and Printing very large attendance. It is a joint Jas. Brown, Eureka, Cal., was frozen to death in a snow storm. : session of the congregations of the Col. Ma li n, editor of Town Topics, has Leon indicted f.r perjury. churches at Waikiki and other nearbv Municipal bonds for $l,KM.iino have been aut honied in Los Angeles. I districts. Last evening was devoted to Fresno is threatened with t'.iods, the river being at the danger mark.' a specialty, and .l program of special singing and the A shortage of labor is reported from tin- - farms and railroads of t!u West. M satisfactory work i I quoting of passages from, the Mormon Black frost has inflicted severe damage to the fruit crops in Northern Caii w gospel. forma. guaranteed. Buffeted by head winds and storms Autre were about 140 booked, but This was done by classes under for five days the Alameda was delayed only sixty can be accommodated. the auspices of the Young Men's So A cloudburst at 8an Bernardino carried awav a cabin and drowned Harali cieties. Smith. 1 I in arriving at Honolulu from San VALENCIA SURVIVOR HERS. Give us a trial The exercises were conducted under Ail the south side of Main Francisco until about noon yesterday, Lemsen, supervision street in Guernevville, Cal., has becu destrovd H. a survivor of the Valen the of Elder Bybee, who bv fire. m or nearly five hours late. Saturday and cia disaster, is one of the quartermas presides over the Punchbowl stree: Sunday were fairly good days, but the congregation, and Elder Abraham Fer Oakland is threatened with a general street car strike. More par is 1- - ters aboard the steamship Alameda. nandez. mantled. remainder were anything pleasant He was a on ill-fat- steam but sailor the loaay the exercises will be con ine.Aiamcua left San Francisco two er when she went on the rocks on the The Socialists of California siveak of Jayk London as their candidate for Puget coast, was one tinued, at which time the women's so Governor. Drug hours ahead of the Hongkong Maru Sound and he cieties win nave a similar program Mlister of the last men to leave the ship and An investigation into "monkey language" is to be made University' and beat the latter vessel into port get alive. When yester to that carried out last evening. On at the ashore asked Sunday there will be a general service. of Chicago. " COMPANY by several hours. In fact, the Alameda day how he , ship, or in had left the On April 6 the annual conference of oil m thought that the Hongkong Maru what boat, he replied that he didn't An uncompleted, house collapsed iu San Francisco, killing one man and in any the missions in the Hawaiian Islands juring several. PHOTOGRAPHIC would be in by 2 or 3 p. m. yesterday. leave in boat, nor did he leave will be held THE PIONEER until he was washed off the vessel at Laie, Oahu, when re DEALERS, FORT STREET, The Alameda brought thirty - live ports year , tenor in Conned 's company, has earned $115,000 in the present sea til and was buffeted alive. The for the will be ninde, NEAR HOTEL. cabin and sixteen steerage passengers, ashore showing the strength of the church. son in Aew i ork. 1318 35S Valencia was wrecked in the latter tons of freight, and of days, anti-bos- s sacks part of January with frightful loss This conference, lasting three Secretary Taft has congratulated the club of Cincinnati on tlie mail. Her time was six days, one presided by - - hour of life". will be over Bishop defeat of Ceo. li. Vox. and seven minutes. ley, who is in general charge of the SEE OUR It will be remembered that the Ala CREW REFUSED DUTY. Mormon church work in the Hawaiian Geo. M. Turner, cashier German-America- n Savings Bank Los Angeles, mt-- meda on leaving here on March 7 in a Islands. mits shortage of .$10,000. gale, plunged like In the port of Stanley, Falkland is a bucking broncho lands, the crew of bark The Mormons propose erecting a new There is the warmest appreciation in Tokio of the aid sent from America purser Jsmitn reports tnat it was a the German church on Punchbowl prop Paul Isenberg indefi-na- te their street for the famine sufferers. fierce gale, but as the winds were has caused the erty and additional premises recently astern the vessel easily sailing of the vessel. The bark acquired Prince Henry, brother of the Kaiser, has been appointed commander-is- - weathered the put in there some weeks ago in dis- adjoining that on which the storm and got into San Francisco all chv.rch and elder's home stand. It is chief of the German fleet. UMBRELLAS right. tress, while bound from Europe for a Pacific port, and repairs been proposed to have it large enough to Charges of vice in the city and allegations against the police force are be m The Alameda met the steamer Sierra after had 1500 persons, be i completed, on January 25, was ready seat and will therefore ing investigated in Alameda. on March 20 and the two vessels pass the largest church in the islands. WITH PLAIN AND to proceed, when the disgruntled men A proposal to tunnel under Behring Strait and connect Europe and Asia FANCY HANDLES ed so close that the passengers on the The Mormon church is said to have Sierra could be distinguished of the crew refused to do duty. Par- I railroad is made in Russia. m and there of been lf00 members in Honolulu and about were many Some ticulars the troublehave not 1000 handkerchief salutes. received here. Chronicle". in all the islands, including this The Hackmen 's'Union of San Francisco has given notice that no more backs li.'t good pictures were taken of the Sierra one. will be driven to funeral cars. I.: by Alameda passengers. THOMAS TO SAIL FOR MANILA. GUARANTEED Among- - yesterday's arrivals on the High tides destroyed wharves and flooded many warehouses at Antwerp, The transport Thomas, to arrive to doing several millions damage. Alameda were Dan H. Case, County morrow night or Friday morning from YACHT CLUB TO WEAR. attorney for Maui, who was a member Blizzard conditions are prevailing in New York and the most severe storm Ik of delegation the Philippines, is to be the first Some with solid Silver Handles. the sent to Washington troopship to sail again Manila, be of the winter is on in the East. in "seventy-fiv- e per for BENEFIT A' HIT H But built for use, as well as looks. the interest of the ing to depart on March 25. Charley .loe, a noted Highbinder, in hi cent, refund" recommendation of the scheduled has been shot San Jose. His life lias No regular troops will be carried by been threatened for many vears. President. Mr. Case left for Kahului Thomas, vessel will carry company 1:1 on the but the Kicnard .Burner and his The stage from Lick was Clio the Claudine last evening. George many saloon passengers and a full the Observatory held up by two men and Lomax is a produced "Thelma" for the benefit of - merchant of Chicago, who cargo of Army supplies. The Buford, passengers robbed of a small sum. THE QUALITY come Lo-m- ax has to the islands with Mrs, now here, will probably not sail for the Hawaii Yacht Club at the Opera A bomb containing thirty pounds of dynamite was found near Standard IS THE BEST. on pleasure bent. F. Crowson is House last evening. This moving play well-know- n several weeks. Chronicle. mill, Idaho, in the Coeur d'Alenes. the conductor of Raymond 'i & Whiteomb parties, " who brings a CAPT. BRAY BACK. has been presented here before and Mitchell addressing the coal miners in convention at Indianapolis holds out From to OO was success people $5.00 $25. party of five tourists this trip. Mr. such its that the the hope that a strike may be averted.- - Captain Bray, Superintendent of the produced. Crowson is connected with a railroad Sailor's Home, returned from San demanded that it be again The government may appropriate money for a plant to manufacture ex in New England, and for his vacations Francisco yesterday on Alameda. The large audience was in a state of makes side trips to places where tour- the plosives on account of the powder trust. see. Captain Bray took the old Wilder vibrant enthusiasm and the Buhlers Dr. Nathan, prominent in Berlin, predicts the extermination of the Kussiaa ists wish to He was here a year steamer Lehua up to the Coast, making or so ago with a large party. F. Brown were enthusiastically applauded again Jews. Massacres may begin, at any hour. a the trip in fourteen days without mis again. is prominent Aew J orker connected hap. He turned the vessel over to the and Evidence is said to be had that" Senator Heed Smoot, from Utah, is a' with sugar interests there. He ;?? ac IF. Red Salmon Canning Company of In the title role Brenda Fowler has polygamist. Three wives are to his t ' Ha, companied by his wife. C. H. Umb-se- n credit. lllin a part . is a Portland. The Lehua met with a gale that brings out all her talent Chicago women are carrying revolvers in their muffs for protection claim VP , LTD. member of the largest real just before reaching the Farallones. estate firm in San Francisco and is and '.all .who have seen her know that ing that they cannot depend on the police. LEADING JEWELERS. here for a pleasure trip. S. B. Rosa, TO SAIL ON THE KOREA. this means a great deal. Richard There is a miners' rush to the new gold field north of The Needles, CaL formerly of the Wilder Steamship Com Buhler" Erring- - The liner Korea is still in dry dock appears' as Sir Phillip hundred people on grounds-- . pany, rsturns from a six months' ab Fifteen are the at Hunter's point, but she" will return ton and gives to the interpretation of Traffic on the Ussuri line in Manchuria is suspended and Japanese have sence spent entirely in California. Lee to the Mail dock within a day or two the interesting character all that it Poy is a former Chinese merchant of to in a full cargo of 12,000 demands. plays Olaf been forbidden to come north. Trouble is suspected. Honolulu take tons Charles Place HKPHHUI'. THEATRE who went to San Francisco of freight for the Orient. Nearly. 200 I Guldmaithe old Norseman, Thelma's The House Committee on Naval Affairs is planning for a battleship to 1 years ago. about six He has been en cabin passengers ' engaged pas-- father, makes a wonderful char- - size armament. gaged in in San have I and exceed the British Ureadnaught in and business Francisco, sage on the Korea for points in the I acter of the part. Ulrika is played by but is glad to be back again. Mrs. A. The Stablemen's Union of San Francisco will go out on strike unless the ... W ...... ,. Orient, sailing on March 22. Chronicle, J ..... V. M ... IHV .V'.lf-- . , ... . B. Britton, wife of a sugar man on and desperate woman with eonsum- - """"' uv,.. w t..x ivl Pi Maui, de- NO CAUSE FOR ANXIETY. - i': Aoerbach and Drum arrived from the States and mate skill. Segurd, Wilkes is ef-- 1 The Algeciras conference will come to no settlement, m the opinion of inH- parted n As for Kahului the Claudine. ' J. W. Robertson of Brewer & Co. fective and most artistic. Auerbach I ential delegates. The feeling between the powers is bitter. --AND- The vessels sighted during the voy evening: no ana every way age were following: said last "There is cause Juliette cnandler are in Thirtv iiwsons wpw killed in a collision on the Denver and Rio Grande an.! the for anxiety about the Rithet. She is I delightful. Louise Orendorf is drama-ou- t LUSITANA COMPANY. March IS, 7 m., 35.37 3 swept over cremating killed. at a. in Lat. N only 33 days now. Two years ago J part. injured. Fire the wreck, the tic and forceful in the witch's Tom - a 1 Long. 127.46 W., passed four-mast- ea m j i - 11 vessels were 37, 38 and 40 days com- Lowell as Errington' friend is clever I lfle worn 01 me commission iormeu to cnecK tue opium iraue faxnio me schooner standing N. W. ing down here and the Coronado, ar attractive, as usual, Rupert j Philippines has been reported to the Senate by the President. March IS, 9:55 a. m., in Lat. 35.35 and and at riving last week, was out longer a good heavy vil-- 1 dia- - B N., Long. 12S.44 than Drum makes a bill to allow doctors to cause the death of patients with incurable W., met the steamer the Rithet is now. So there is no cause lain in tne curates role ine scenic Coptic bound N. E. - an injlries has been introduced in the Iowa legislature. COMEDY for alarm after all." rr r t u en m a r the Hoc r thai- inp I W March 18, at 11:20 a. m., in Lat. 25.27 Buhler company has put on I Dowie is near the end of his career and General Overseer Voliva, of hi N., Long. 129.06 V., met SHIPPING NOTES. '. steamer Sierra Corelli's story one of I colony, says creditors will have to accept three cents on the Hollar. m bound N. E. of Thelma is The transport Sheridan is due from up-to-da- te I The Cheerful Liar 2o, 12:30 p. so.ns love between a man of mob of 2000 stormed the Omaha jail in an attempt to lynch negroer March at m.. in Lat. , Manila next Monday with troops. ideas and a fascinating maiden who I ii-i.,- . . ,nr,w" ------anii vnrtv- 7 dim.ersed th Ivnchera. N., Long. 141.35 W., passed a ami.T-'- i v iivivt nonunionL 1 bark The next mail from San Francisco has lived secluded in a kingdom of standing S. S. W. own, A constitutional crisis is reported among the Canadian provinces, who claim 20, 7:10 p. 29.i will arrive on the Korea next Thurs her in a land saturated with the March at m.. in Lat. day. poetry of of Odin Thor. unfair treatment from the Federal government. Secession is being talked of. Thursday, March 29 N., Long. 143.16. W., met steamer the creed and a Its advantures are thrilling in the The councilmen of Oakland accompanied by ministers' of the city have bee Hi bound N. E. The Claudine sailed last evening for extreme, 22, 7:40 barkjen-tin- e Kahului and Hilo carrying mill its situations all exciting. In various restaurants to see what grounds there may be for complaints. March at a. m., met the every way visiting the which arrived on the Alameda. it is one of the best plays on San which was BENEFIT OF Coronado bound N. E. ever seen here. A new theater building Sixteenth street, Francisco, SIBERIA SAILS TODAY. The revenue cutter Manning left This afternoon the matinee "Thel ready to open to the public, collapsed in a total wreck. The building was empty. 1L. A. C. AND KONA ORPHANAGE. shortly after noon yesterday for a at ' The lay ma will be repeated iind tonignt. Japan is to be allowed to police China with the privilege of calling on the Siberia outside the channel cruise about the island of Kauai. . 1 . . .1 ; ... 1 , . .. . "Held by the Enemy," which made American armv and me rsrmsnl navy iorJ! neip. iut.' rcpuns a. utpiumai uum POPULAR PRICES all day yesterday undergoing fumiga- The steamer Hawaiian did not leave such a hit Thursday evening, will be 25c, 50c, 75c. tion, and in quarantine, on account of Seattle until Thursday, JVIarch 22, and reproduced. Peking. and in- - the case of smallpox which developed will not arrive here before Saturday The Opera House boxes and audi- - Father Gapon, the Russian leader, is under arrest, having demanded an after the vessel left Yokohama. Shf of the coming week. torium were beautifully decorated with quiry into the charge of the subsidizing of the labor organizations by the govv will come in the harbor early this The ship I. F. Chapman, Captain the national and territorial colors and j crnmPnt- w i . , ' morning to the Hackfeld wharf, where Banfield, hich left Philadelphia, Feb iidgs in tuts iitcxiL v.iuu, tntr . i mi i 1 ricinaii v .. . i i i 11 t- - Carriage Repair she will discharge S00 tons of caro. ruary 17, for Manila, was sighted yes- - nennant of the latter predominating. u.,..,.,,, lu luc The passengers for this port will be terday anchored off the Sandy Hook at last night's performance, and. at cent war account ior ioi,uuu men ana me .rort ivrtnur ani lukden lists are allowed ashore at once. Whether the lightship, partly dismasted. Call. J the invitation of Commodore H. E. not included. , '

We . are paying special atten- through cabin passengers will be al The Oceanic Steamship Company's Cooper, the commander and staff of Officials of the Standard Oil Trust have notified the Missouri officials that tion to Carriage and Wagon lowed to land will not be decided before passenger department is now installed the battleship Oregon occupied a box. morring. The big they will give no more information about their affairs than they can be com- JReoairiner this Siberia has a in its handsome new quarters in the x r and in our fullv pelled to give. gtiippedJ premises list of passengers to take from this Monadnock building on Market street. on Queen Call. SCHEME TO STEAL Senator Depew is ill in a sanatorium in Xew Jersey. The widespread criti- street are prepared to turn out cism of his connection with the insurance companies is said to be the cause of thV best of work. SELF CURE NO FICTION! The schooner Mokihana was report- MARVEL. CPON MARVEL! NO SDFFEREB ed wrecked on Molokai some days ago, BUGGY TRIMMINGS his breakdown. We make a specialty of paint- NEED ,NOW DESPAIR, but without running a but it is learned that she was lifted Xot wanting the town of Santa Cruz to stand the expense of a murder doctor's bill or falling Into the det-- ditch of upon the landing by a huge wave and ing vehicles and guarantee that quackery, may safely, speedily, and etrouoinie In the arrest of Frank Mahuka. a trial, the body of Burt Phelan was taken over the Monterey county line and all aUy cure himself without the kue Pledge of a the next wave washed her off again. work entrusted to us will second party. By the Introduction of tne New She is reported new to be all right. Hawaiian, the police believe they have left in the road by a coroner. executed in first-cla- ss shape French Remedy, TilERAFION, a complete apprehended one ringleaders A hundred men armed with rifles and provisioned for a siege are holding fbet 1 . . revolution has been wrought In this depart- The Hongkong Maru is carrying of the in ana at moderate cost. ment of medical science, whilst thousands have treasure to the amount of $2,000,000, a band of young fellows who make a the chureh against the inventory takers at Coucouron, France. The Vatican been restored to health and happiness who for she 3000 tons freight. W; The building of wagons, years previously bad been merely dragging out and has of practice of stealing lamps, lap robes, sees no hope in the new cabinet. a A. Chapman, formerly purser of the drays and carriages is also un- miserable existence. bug- A ,Xew York grand jury is investigating alleged murders of white girl TUEUAPION No. 1 In a remarkably short Coptic, occupies the same position whips and various articles from dertaken by us and thise-partme- nt tlmeJCteii a. few, (lays only, effects a cure, gies held captives in negro dens in that city. Many young girls have been kid- supurSiMiriijf " Injections, the use of which does aboard the Hongkong Maru. Included at night. is supervised by ex- Irreparable' barm- - by laying the funds tlon of in the passenger list is a party headed Mahuka was given charge of a bug- naped and held as slaves, it is charged. I stricture and other serious diseases. by Mrs. Olive Byrne, composed of Los The Yerkes millions are under close guard, all moneys and securities being pert carriagemen. THERAPION No. 2, lor impurity of the gy on Thursday night near the Opera blood, scurvy, pimples, spots, blotches, pains Angeles society people. Lieut. -- Col. placed by court order in bank's custody. This makes it impossible for tbe and swellings of tbe joints, gnat, rheumatism, Johoji of the Japanese army is also a House, while those who had driven it secondary symptoms, etc. This preparation passenger. there, attended the performance of widow to supply "Wilson Mizner with spending money. SCHTJMAN CARRIAGE CO, LTD. j purifies the whole system through tbe blood. "Held by the Enemy." The Cunard liners which will begin their runs next winter will have a speed and thoroughly eliminates all poisonous matter F. B. Johnstone, captain's writer on Mahuka. according to the police, was Carriage Repair Dept. mm the body. the Oregon, is the editor of the "The rmffk-ien- t to cross the Atlantic and return within a week. They are turbine THERAPION No. 3. for nervous exhaustion. i to look after the rig all evening. In Impaired vitality, sleeplessness, and all the dis- Bulldog," a publication occasionally stead, he turned the rig over to an- boats. S00 feet long with accoriuodations for 2000 passengers. Queen street, between Fort and tressing consequences of dissipation, worry, gotten out in the interest of the offi- - overwork, etc. It possesses surprising power other boy, in the meantime getting The big, new drawbridge at Sacramento has been opened with appropriate V I 1 I '.A V 1 V ' ' 1. . 1 . . . . V Alakea streets. In restoring strength and vigour to the debili- ' raway lamp, so alleged. corners was in champagne by young will 'San with the it is ceremonies. Each of the four chri'iened tated. next number be issued at i among page This is said to be an old scheme ladies and the Apache made the first passage with excursionists. Francisco. The title will be a ! i- THERAPION the young fellows. Several complaints - in accident f t Courrieres were fine picture entitled "Home A&aia. j j1;uj previously been m;ule police head Bodies of the French miners killed the chasers should see that fie word "Therapion" showing his at Stamp the bluejacket embracing quarters and on night in question brought out by German miners, sent at request of Emperor William with salvag. appears oa British Government iln one home. The whose the 'a solo, by the principal Chemists througuout tbe dear at artist a watch was kept over certain of the apparatus. One party of the Germans lost their lives in the work. srr.Hrl. Price in England. 29 and 41. P"" name is Whan, i? a clever pen and ink boys waiting for buggies to take white leti?r on a ground) atBxed to every designer. The rumor of another railroad strike in Uussia.has caused the government r ri package bv u-ie- of His Majesty's Hon. Ccm charge of. H troops. The officers of Guards regiments of St. Petersburg resign ,lltas..-lrs.- Slid wifhoi.t Wll.cfl It la The steamer Massachusetts, under to mass the American-Hawaiia- n Baltic, province to the country. charier to the TO FILL CKACKS IN FLOODS. iu a bodv when ordered to the "pacify" line, and bringing a large cargo of The Republican congressmen in caucus decide to stand firm for the state- re- newspapers t!orou.irhly m merchandise from Xew York, is o:li past? hood bill. Speaker Cannon predicting that the Senate would yield jf the friend, ported to have left St. Thomas, AYest made of half peund of flour, three two-stat- e show a front. A vote showed 43 insurgent mem- Indies, yesterday for San Diego, en quarts of witter, half pound of alum, of the plan united 1 A Headquarters p 1 for Automobiles route to this city. The Massachusetts mixed, and boiled as thick putty. It bers of the party. 1 Vfith a fully equipped fireproof is a vessel 490 feet in length, built in will harden like papier uiache. Andrew Hamilton, the legislative expert of the Xew York Life insurance Jarage. 1903 for the Atlantic Transport Com company, denounced the company board before the insurance investigating com- pany, and has twin screws and other A press feeder Is wanted at the Ga- - HAMM-YOUN- defending the memory of McC'all and calling the other members curs. fKVON G CO. freighter. zette ofhee, one wno can teea euner a. mittee, equipments of a modern Le Chronicle. cylinder or job press. All his disbursements were known and approved ly the boar.!, said.

I i 'I 4 I i I

THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER HONOLULU, MARCH 24, 1906. FRATERNAL MEETINGS. I JUDGE GEAR CHALLENGES YET Castle & Cooke, Ltd. JURY HONOLU1TX. POLYNESIA ENCAMPMENT, WHOLE SUPREME BENCH NO. 1, I. O. O. F. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Meets every first and third FRIDAY 7:30 p. m., in Od'J COMPLETE SUGAR FACTORS. of the month at aros a case where that law was in ques- II Fellows' Hall. Fort street. Visiting New and strange developments corpus case be tion. brothers cordially invited to attend. in the Higashi habeas Chief Justice Frear said legislatures AGENTS FOR PAUL SMITH, C. P. fore the Supreme Court yesteraav. in this country and in many states had The Ewa Plantation Co. L. L. LA PIERRE, Scribe. for a asking supreme The Waialua Agricultural Ce They are such as to sidetrack, been in the practice of Murder Trial The ' .1. issue courts for opinions on legislation. Johnson Kohala Sugar Co. time, the "infamous punishment" The Waimea Sugrar Mill r EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. i, case "That system provides a mode of The on which that turns. procedure."- - Judge Gear replied. Progress Dredger Fulton Iron Works, St. Loaia. I. O. O. F. Former Judge George D. Gear chal- The Standard Oil Co. "It is an ex parte proceeding," the The George Meets every TUESDAY evening at lenged the jurisdiction of the entire Chief Justice observed. F. Blake Steam Pun. Hall, street. Weston's Centrifugals. 7:30, in Odd Fellows' Fort of three justices to hear the Judge Gear said the United States Case Heard. Visiting brothers cordially invited to bench The New England Mutual Life case, according to the Journal Supreme Court would not consider ance Co., attend. B. F. LEE, N. G. because, such questions, and it ought to be a THISDAY of Boston. In, L. LA PIERRE. Secretary. of the House of Representatives, they Shortly after 2 p. m. yesterday the xne Aetna Insurance Co., of L. good example. He clahned the right ford. Conn. Ban had '"carefully considered and approv- of the petitioner to have his case tried Johnson murder case was continued The Alliance Assurance Co., of PACIFIC REBEKAH LODGE, ed" a bill that was passed later and, by Justices who had not previously until Monday at 10 a. m., the jurors Auction Sale don. Legislature of 1905. rendered a construction of the very NO. i, I. O. O. F. as an Act of the ' already passed for cause having at the court to be con- law in question. Meets every second and fourth now came before that Justice Wilder wanted to know what close of the morning session been ex Saturday, March 24, 1906, p. Fellows strued. cused time. eleven are Thnrsdav. at 7:30 m., Odd was the definite objection opinion, until that The AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. "HOW SAVINGS street. Visiting Rebekahs It turned out, in the discussion that bias, prejudice, or was. as follows, and, at the stage reached. GROW. Hall. Fort Chief whatever.it 847 to attend. followed, that only the Justice con- at least eight of them will stay to try At my salesroom, Kaahumanu Our little booklet with are cordially invited the bill prior to Judge Gear answered that he the afore FLORENCE LEE, N. G. was consulted about sidered the report of the House Judi- the case: Wentworth M. Buchanan, Street. title free for the asking. Sec'y. its passage and he not to the extent Coffee, D. JENNY JACOBSON, ciary John Julian Harries, Chas. 4, presented Committee would be reason LOTS 43-4- BLOCK B. set out in Higashl's affidavit enough on which to request J. Ludwigsen, Harry Lyman, T. H. FIEST AMERICAN SAVING AKD Judge Gear. Yet the court appoint- base a for by a decision. Petrie, Chas. H. Pfeiffer. O. C. Swain, KAPIOLANI PARK ADDI TBUST CO. OF HAW AD", LTD. OLIVE BRANCH REBEKAH a hearing on the question of the S. A. ed NOTLEY Walker, John Waterhouse and E. TION, CORNER LOTS. LODGE NO. 2, I. O. O. F. disqualification of Chief Justice Frear. THE DECISION. O. White. expected, will elicit a deci- Justice Wilder said the decision in every first and third Thurs- This, it is At the morning session Chas. W. JAS. F. MORGAN. Meets sion upon the general issue of whether the Notley case decided that a Justice Booth was cause, ALL KINDS day at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Fellows' upon excused for also J. AUCTIONEER. OF Visiting Rebekahs a judge who has given advice had no right to withdraw unless it vv. McGuire, and David JNotiey, as a Hall, Fort street. pending legislation is disqualified to were shown that he was disqualified. are cordially invited to attend. client of Mr. Peters, excused by con- RUBBER GOODS DUNN, N. G. construe a law resulting from such Judge Gear promptly responded that sent. O. C. Swain passed for cause. AGNES legislation. he thought Notley decision was THORA OSS, Secretary. the the prosecution waived its next chal THIS DAY A more remarkable development or wrong and that, if an opportunity lenge and Mr. Harrison challenged H. Goodyear occasion was Rubber Co. the Higashi case on this arose, the court might reverse itself. E. Gares. Julian D. Harries passed for R. H. LODGE NO. 37 the arriving at common consent to re He would like to have the point ar- PEASE, President. OCEANIC cause and Mr. Harrison challenged San Francisco, Cal., U. & A. M. open the disqualification question as gued in this case. To him that de- Wm. Buckle. Heinrich Gumpher could ortgagee S. A. F. Notley will case. It was cision was repellant. Sales Monday of each decided in the not write English and was excused. Meets on the last there held that "a Justice of the Su- "The idea was so repellant to me," H. Masonic Temple. Chas. Pfeiffer passed for cause, the month, at preme Court is not, in the absence of Justice Hartwell said with much earn- prosecution challenge 857 Oahu Ice Sl Visiting brethren and members of by waived its next At my salesroom, Kaahumanu statute, disqualified to sit in a case estness, "that I was within an ace of . are cordially in- and the defense challenged James Street. Hawaiian and Pacific reason of having been before his ap resigning from the bench. It was only Haughton. This exhausted the panel EliECTHIC Co vited to attend. pointment to the bench counsel for one my firm conviction the law com- AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON EACH DAY BOCKUS, W.M. that and, with eleven men in the box pass- C. G. of the parties in the case, even where pelled me to sit in the case which de- ed for cause, the prosecution had one he has taken an active part in the cided me." challenge and the defense three chal MARCH 24 Ice delivered to any part of the city. case and advised upon, the questions Judge Gear remarked he knew 1 LEAH I CHAPTER NO. 2, that lenges remaining. I. Noar to I. E. Lamb, ap. L. Island orders promptly filled. Tel. Bine in issue." that the members of the bar generally Judge Lindsay drawing C. A. 709, North Side Fort St.. p. O. E. S. ordered the I1U. O. Box 600. Office: Kewata. Justice Hartwell made the interest would like to have that question re- of a special venire of 25 jurors, the at Kapauhi. every third Monday at 7:30 p. ing statement yesterday that he was argued. He once tried a case two Meets for fourth so far, returnable on Monday MARCH 24 xn. Masonic Temple, croner of "within an ace of resigning" in connec- weeks finding was on in the before that he morning. S. & and Hotel streets. Visitin tion with case. It was his dis- as counsel when dis-- ! K. Laa et al. to Western Alakea that the record he Accordingly, at 2 p. m., the followin Haw. Co. HORSE SHOEING! and brethren are cordially in qualification that was In question covered his firm name & U, Investment sisters of Davis names were drawn: O. K. Walker, House lot Pauahi St. vited to attend. there, and his concurrence with Jus- Gear in the pleadings and all of the S. Hagerup, Chas. G. Cooper. Eugene RICH CRABBE made the 2 acres at Palama. EMMA LONGSTREET tice Wilder it was which attorneys in the case agreed that he Ah-upu- M. Campbell, A. M. Mellis, Wm. F. 2 shares, covering 80 acres, aa P. "W. M., Secretary. foregoing deliverance law. should not sit further. Wilson, Richd. Weedon, Bernard Wag MARY E. BROWN, phase of the of Kahana. Still another curious "You did not give them a chance goner, Jacob Lando. B. F. Beardmore. 2 Worthy Matron. hearing yesterday was the voluntary to say anything," acres at Waihele, Ewa. W.W. Wright Co., Ltd. Justice Wilder L. C. King, John H. Drew, Frd. Nie Leasehold interest, lot on Pau- testimony, relative to their alleged dis- laughingly corrected. "You just step- mann, S. F. Rice, Wm. R. Foster, D. aU ahi St. qualification, which three members ped out." G. Styne. Gill, Tag- - have opened horse-shoein- g LEI ALOHA CHAPTER, They Thomas Jas. N. a depart of the court formally tendered. In further conversation Judge Gear gard, Willard E. Brown, Thos. D. ment in connection NO. 3. O. E. S. had already m.ade informal statements admitted that it did not appear from JAS. F. MORGAN, with their carrUM every Stroup, Jas. McCabe, H. P. Rolh, Wm. shop, etc. Having Meets at the Masonic Temple of the circumstances in question, but their statements that Justices Hart- E. Kimball, John A. Johnson and An AUCTIONEER. secured the servlee Saturday of each month, at 7:30 to place the isa'M correctly on the rec- well and Wilder were disqualified, and of a first-cla- ss shoer, they are prepare! second dreas Nelson. uu p. m. Visiting sisters and ord they called In the court stenog- in answer to questions he stated the A to an worK intrusted to them la c'clock jury ought be obtained at Mon Srst-cla- ss manner. brothers are cordially invited to at rapher and dictated their evidence. general merits of the habeas corpus day morning's session. case. As to penalty question he tend. THE PROCEEDINGS. the CAMPBELL WILL CASE. Old Baildings MARGARET HOWARD, W. M. Deputy Attorney General Prosser ap- cited the Savidge case decision, where MARGARET LISHMAN, Sec'y. that court held that a statutory penal- Before Judge Lindsay yesterday peared for the Territory on its appeal morning there was a hearing on th Choose tto Artistic ty could not be split up at . the dis- from Judge D Bolt's decision releas- construction of the will of Jame.3 AUXILIARY, ing Higashi fram imprisonment in Ho- cretion of a Judge. LADIES' Justice Hartvell said he had no such Campbell. Messrs. Stanley, Dunne, At Auction NO. nolulu jail, under a writ of habeas cor- Robertson, Thompson, Clemons and MANY NEW DESIGNS IN A. O. H., DIVISION i. pus, on the ground that he was un feeling of anxious pride about having every first and third Tues- his opinion justified which Judge Gear Watson, variously representing1 the On Friday, 1906, Meets lawfully sentenced thereto. The ground parties interested, were in attendance. March 30, day, at 8 p. m in C. B. U. Hall, Fort decision was 59 of the mentioned as a reason why no judge of the that Act The bill and the answers were read 12 street. Visiting sisters are cordially of 1905, "relating to prisoners should give advice on pending legis- AT O'CLOCK NOON. Monuments laws lation. when the court ordered briefs to be invited to attend. other than felons," did not author Can be seen at 1048-6- 0 Alakea "That, is because of your long legal filed within ten days by Mr. Dunne On the premises, Kinau street, ad Street M. ALICE DOHERTY, Pres. ize imprisonment without hard labor joining the Queen's Hospital. will MARGARET K. TIMMONS, Sec'y. ' thy training," Judge Gear responded. He for Princess Kawananakoa. Mr. Pe I as punishment for a violation of ters for the Campbell and Mr. sell at Public Auction, about gambling law, because the offense was went on to contend that a bad pre- minors cedent should not be established. It Watson for the Kawananakoa minors, HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. x, a misdemeanor and the law provided reply briefs within five days thereafter J.C.AXTELL & CO; the penalty of a fine of not more than was immaterial just what was done by 15 I. O. R. M. any Justice of the Supreme Court when and then closing briefs by the first-- Old Wooden Phone Blue 180L P. O. Box UX. one thousand dollars or imprisonment within five 9ays more. Meets every second and fourth FRI- at hard labor not exceeding one year the question was submitted to him. The mentioned DAY of each month, in I. O. O. F. Hall. for misdemeanor. Act 59 Is as follows: admission of the Chief Justice was THE DREDGER CASE. Buildings. JAPANESE AND AMERICAN some ground on which, ques- Visiting brothers cordially invited to Section 1. No person committed ov to test the The Supreme Court constituted by C.J McCOY, Sachem. tion. Buildings are sold for removal, and attend. W. C. held for trial or to secure his attend Chief Justice Frear, Justice Wilder are sold subject to removal notice Dry Fancy A. E. MURPHY, C. of R. ance as a witness or upon civil process "Even if everything Judge Gear has and Circuit Judge De Bolt in place of and Goods said were true," Mr. Prosser remark- from the Superintendent of Public or for contempt or upon conviction of Justice Hartwell yesterday heard the Works at any time within 60 days from Manufacturers of Straw Hats, a misdemeanor or otherwise by au- ed, "I do not think it amounts to dis- motion of defendants to quash the writ WILLIAM McKINLEY qualification." The Deputy Attorney day of sale. CW thority of law, except upon convic- of error in the case of Territory of Terms cash. IWAKAMI OO LODGE, NO. 8, K. of P. tion of a felony, shall be imprisoned General, having inquired if he was Hawaii vs. Cotton Bros. & Co. The HOTEL STREET. Meets every SATURDAY evening at in Oahu Prison or subjected to any expected to make an argument. ' was writ is intended to void Judge Lind 7:30 o'clock, in Harmony Hall, King infamous punishment. told by the Chief Justice that the say's order granting a new trial, a jury JAS. F. MORGAN. street. Visiting brothers ccrdially La-vit- ed "Section 2. This Act shall take ef- court would be glad to hear him. having awarded the Territory $25,000 AUCTIONEER. Smoke-- Re Judge Gear, in reply to the court, to attend. fect upon its approval." for the loss of a dredger while under H. J. N. estat M. JOHNSON, C. C. said he had closed. to MERLE Judge Gear, when the Higashi case lease defendants. Judge Gear had Fp. A. JACOBSON, K. R. & S. Justice Wilder suggested that per- previously new PANETELAS E. of was reached, stated he had an affidavit cabled an order for a tiSer of Higashi to present to show that the haps he would like to present a more trial from San Francisco, following Auction Sale CIGARS full bench was disqualified for hearing formal argument. this up with a written opinion filed af .Chi HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. I, ques- Eoja the appeal. He objected to the juris- "I would be glad to discuss the ter his term of office had expired. BEAVER LUNCH EOOM3 RATHBONE SISTERS. diction of the present members of the tion in the Notley case," Judge Gear S. H. Derby argued for the motion, Saturday,, March 3', '06 H. J. NOLTE. Sc. Meets every 2nd 4th Monday, at court. ansvered, "if the court's mind is not the gist of his contention being that Int and irrevocably AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Knights of Pythias' Hall, King street. "Upon what grounds?" Chief Justice made up." the writ was a collateral attack which, Reel All visitors cordially invited to attend. Frear inquired. Justice Wilder said he would be glad according to the books, could not be At the old Power House, foot Pacific HONOLULU IRON WORKS! office - to hear the question argued again. IWALANI K. DAYTON, M.E.C., Judge Gear replied by stating the maintained. Heights Railroad, I will sell about But Monday 10 was M. R.&C. grounds on which the writ of habeas morning at o'clock Attorney General Peters denied that COMPANY. Uetn GRACE O'BRIEN, of set for hearing on Higashi's corpus was granted, adding that while a further Judge Gear had jurisdiction when he &ch: 59) affidavit. order, hence theory of the statute in question (Act was made his' the 6 Tons Scrap Iron Machinery, Pa HONOLULU LODGE 616, going through the Legislature, and on Mr. Prosser then wanted to know collateral attack fell to the ground. Black Pipe, GalTssiset just what Judge Gears grounds were, Judge Gear's opinion, even valid, Pipe, Boiler TubeB, Iron and Steel. Bs fcche B. P. O. E. the second reading, the members of if Sineers' Supplies. to? t the court "carefully considered the and Judge Gear read the affidavit. He contained no judgment or order but Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E., POWER HOUSE AND DYNAMO. Office Nuuanu Tod statute and approved the same." In also admitted that the question was merely said that a new trial "should street. meet in their hall, on Miller and Works foug rill proof of this statement he from narrowed down to the position of the be allowed." Judge Lindsay did not Kakaako. Beretania streets, every Friday eveni- read open the Journal of the House a report of Chief Justice. Mr. Prosser put the have the record before him when he or- ng- By order of the E. R. case JAS. F. MORGAN, TRT OUR the Judiciary Committee signed by thus: dered a new trial, and was without AUCTIONEER. DELICIOU8 For HARRY H. SIMPSON, Secy. "Whether an informal opinion of a any jurisdiction case. GEO. H. ANGUS. E.R. Messrs. Andrade, Haia and Mahelona. whatever in the Peach Mellow" and "Rasport aia Mr. Andrade, he stated, when Justice of the Supreme Court upon an Mr. Peters contended that the decision further pas- asked which members of the Supreme Act of the Legislature before its of the Supreme Court already rendered at vm COURT , NO. 8no, Court had considered and approved the sage disqualifies him from afterward was entirely conclusive of the issues. sitting to construe Auction Sale i A. O. F. bill, answered, "All of them." such Act?" Mr. Derby made a brief reply, when CONSOLIDATED SODA I'JfER Fort "Approved "That's about it" the Chief Justice case was as OF Meets every 2nd and 4th of what?" the Chief Jus- the taken submitted. Mi Fat tice asked. "The policy, the validity or assented. COURT NOTES. PHONE MAIN 71. Tuesday of each month at To get the basis of objection on the land 7:30 p. m., in Antonio the effect of the Act?" ' Judge De Bolt continued the hearing San Justice Wilder interjected: was record the court stenographer was call- Taro Food Factory Hall, Vineyard street. Visit- "It of plaintiff's bill of costs in the case Scoi never to me even ed in. when the members of the court THE ing brothers cordially invit submitted and if it of C. A. Brown vs. John D. Spreckels HAWAIIAN REATMUVi m was I af- dictated voluntary statements as fol- - i ed to attend. don't see anything in that and others, as he had to sit on the fidavit that would disqualify me." lows (from the Advertiser reporter's AND MATURITY CO. A. K. VIERRA, C.R., own notes): Supreme Court bench. Tuesday, April 3, 1906 Limited, Judge Gear said that, from ths Costa filed a receipt to 2F$ JOHN P. DIAS, F.S. COURT'S Charles has AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. day ' statement of the Judiciary Committee, TESTIMONY. S. B Dole, guardian of Anthony Zab-la- n. REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE. he deemed it his solemn duty to raise Chief Justice Frear "According to minor, for the balance due him in At the premises, Liliha street, op LOANS AND INVESTMENT SECU HONOLULU HARBOR the question. v w NO. 54, If the statement were my recollection I approved Act 59 of , final account, being $S7.71 including in- posite meyard, I ill sell at Pub- RITIES, f true that Juctices of that court con- 1905 lic Ala A. A. OF M. & P. the Laws of before its enactment. terest accrued in a savings bank. Auction, the property comprising: Office: McXntyre Bid., Honolulu, Meets on even- sidered and approved that statute be- To what extent I approved it, or to an to first and third Sunday fore its passage, Zablan sent order from Seattle H. P. O. Box. 265. Phone Main 141. ings of each month, at 7 o'clock, at it would be the right whom, or when, I do not recollect. I Costa to collect the money. HL of the petitioner to object to the sitting do not remember having given it care- finder of P. Hall. All sojourning brethren of the same o s a s a: . s x o (s w are cordially Invited to attend. Justices in his case involv- ful consideration, except that I was Real Estate First ing, as it did, the construction of that familiar at time with the diff- about its validity or legal effect. In By order Worthy Captain, statute. that A valuable lot on the corner of Li JNO. CASSIDY, F. MOSHER. iculties which this Act, together with the Goto case last year, a case in tickets The Chief Justice said he was trying acts, was which I sat a case which became very liha St. and Parker lane, having a FRANK POOR. C.C. other intended to obviate, frontage 87 on lTre: to refresh his memory, but could not because pre- important I discussed the necessity of of ft. Liliha street, and those difficulties had been from 79 to 112 deep. SotXi( recollect in what form the matter was sented at length through argument to changing our laws in conformity with ft. Electrical The lot is high ground, C; HONOLULU AERIE 140, submitted to him. He had forgotten the court in previous cases." the decisions of the United States Su- and is well W o r li e r. F. O. E. the circumstances of the interview, After Justice Hartwell had made his preme Court. I certainly thought that drained. but he did approve of something like statement the laws ought to be changed and I In this property there has lately 1E9 RING ST. TEL. MAT lEl fr J. Meets on 2nd and as below, the Chief Justice been a ttore. that Act$ Yet he did not think it dis-- 1 made the following addition to his own do not remember particularly all with erected well built new frame 4th Wednesday even- qualified him. Judge ar- re- building. 25x100 feet, wired for elec A TV ings Gear having statement: whom I discussed the matter. I of each month at gued further, the Chief tricity, flush closets, porcelain fittings. class c 7:30 o'clock in K. Justice asked "I do not recollect having expressed member saying that legislation ought of P. Hall. King how about the court's construction and an opinion as to the effectiveness of to be prepared and cover the whole etc. Building is covered with corru- F. D. WIGKE, street. Visiting Eagles are invited to approval of an act was passed. gated iron. The factory is well sup- H. s SAM'L after it this Act, as to its being sufficient to ground, and suggesting the question of attend. McKEAGUE, W.P., "Then the court would be laying accomplish its objects, as distinguish- whether one bill would not cover the plied with new machinery, comprising: CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. H. T. 1 20-- MOORE. Secty. down the law," Judge Gear responded, ed from an as whole ground. I seeing Mr. P. steam tubular boiler S6x Specialty. expression of approval remember 106. Store Fittings a "when the parties would have had an to the objects of the bill. On several Andrade and Mr. Dickey in the office Polishing. opportunity to 1 8x8 class B horizontal engine. Aepalring, Cabinet "Work and THEODORE ROOSEVELT, be heard." occasions during session of the of the Chief Justice but can not recol- 7382 C. A. that 1 No. 4 mill poi. Alakea St.. rear of T. M. "Would the holding of an opinion Legislature Mr. Andrade, chairman of lect what business they were on. Pos- for manufacture of M. 447. W. Camp No. 1, U. S. W. V. disqualify?" 1 No. 2 mill for grinding grain, Phone residence Phone !!! Department Justice Wilder asked the Judiciary Committee of the House, sibly Mr. Andrade thought I was tak- taro. Hawaii. Justice Hartwell said he had been ing etc. Meets every 1st and also other members of that com part in the consideration of the and 3rd giving opinions on laws for the past mittee, called upon me in regard to bill." Shafting, belting, pulleys, scale, Co Wednesday. Suites 15 and thirty-eig- ht years, ot tools, etc. C. B. Reynolds & 16 fr the benefit various bills, which were discussed by Justice Wilder "Prior to the enact- Progress Block. Fort legislatures under all the us. my and Beretania streets, various forms In report to the Legislature ment of this Act 59 and while I was at of government. I recommended some legislation this! a of I con- - The above will be first offered as a 7:30 p. m. Visiting com- Judge of member this court never IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Gear said it was different when character." sidered it carefully or otherwise, eith- - j wnoie, ana ir not sold will be sola in rades cordially invited to he was not lots. a member of the court. If. Justice Hartwell do not , er as to other- - j BUILDING MATERIALS: attend. however, a "I recollect the form of the bill or my bill was brought to Justice having ever seen the bill. Act 59, be- - wise. I could not have an j All particulars at office. SHINGLES. S H. T. MOORE. Comdr. and he gave an rendered DOORS, SASH, R. H. Hartell opinion on fore it was enacted, or that I ever ex- opinion on the form, as I had never: j JAS. F. MORGAN, lowest LONG, Adjutant it, he would hesitate before sitting in pressed any Builders Hardware at nUt opinion to any person seen it." AUCTIONEER. Alakea Kfreet. mauka Sailors' Horn-- ; flo m THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 24. 1906 a in LOCAL BREVITIES. NOW SHOWING 1 m "SEEING HONOLULU " Major R. C. Van Vliet, U. S. A., is ft SCHEDULE. Looked to return from Kahului on the 0 3s Claudme. wHITNEY Mondays, !:30 a. ra. Couching & MARSH 0 trip to the Pali. All visiting: Elks are cordially invited 'ashion's Latest Novelties to a social session to be neid at E.is' 0 Tuesdays, 2:10 i. in. Trolley Car 1 over Town. Hall tonight. o We place on SALE a limited quantity of Wednesdays, l:30 a. in. Coaching There win be work in t'ne third de- trip up Mt. Tantalus. gree this evening at William McKinley In all Departments at 0 Fridays, 2:10 p. m. Trolley Car Lodge, K. jf P. New Spring over Town. Orpheum prices prevail at the Opera the Popular Store on 0 Saturdays, 9:30 a. m. Coaching House ronisht. Secure tickets at once, trip through iloanalua Gar- - also for the matinee. Alakea Street dens. All seats engaged for the perform- SHIRT WAIST PATTERNS Personally conducted. ances at the Opera House today and Coaching Trips not called for will be sold. $1.25 Passenger. Elegantly embroidered fronts and cuffs the Miss Leila Spence, formerly a stenog- trimmed with fine Trolley Car Trips Ladies' Walking Skirts val lace insertion, with plenty of good 2 50 Cents the Passenger. rapher of this city, is now at Rhyolite, ,cv- 1 quality lawn for making up Ml Bookings at Hotel Offices, Promo- - - a ....u.. tion Committee Rooms and i Becau?e of ne indisposition of Mu-- SUMMER WEIGHTS NEW MATERIALS. it ! Trent & Co ' sical Director Stockton, the Symphony Club did not meet last night. At $1.00 I til: . Each The- Hawaiian Electric Company has mi completed the installation of an elec W0000000 tric light plant at "Waimanalo. LATEST EASTERN STYLES IN HONOLULU INSPECTED Major Van Vliet has gone to inspect Black, fine the militia companies at Hilo and Wai pearl gray, navy and tan, quality cloth $7.50 mku. He will be absent about ten Light weight mid gray skirts S7.50 f 81 days. A fine ladies' cloth circular skirt, in all the new colors, at. .$6.50 THE BIG BATTLESHIP r F. B. has gone to take At $5.00, we are showing a beautiful voile skirt in black, gray ype marge of Kahuku plantation durin; and navy. writer Users the absence of Manager Adams on tho At $3.50, we have a great line of new style skirts, black and Have you large-size- mainland. seen the A d portion of the Honolulu fashionable colors. public roamed over the big battleship Rev. P. M. Snodgrass will speak at m Oregon yesterday between the 4:30 Sunday afternoon meeting at afternoon Y. M. C. A. Hall. Subject, "Excuses. New Remington Models? the hours of 'Z and 4. The vessel was All welcome. LACES! LACES! LACES! open to general inspection, and every The police have issued warning to All the new laces will be found in this department. Baby Have you tried the portion of the ship save the sacred storekeepers to be on the lookout for Irish, now in great demand, we have in sets of all widths from precincts of the captain's quarters was check raist-rs-, who are said to be oper invaded. The bluejackets were willing 634 c yard, up. it ating in town extensively. THE NEW LACE is finding great favor this Remington guides. The new Japanese Consulate to be Escapement? All Oregonians in the city at present in two season. We are showing a nice line. 4 Makes easier work for the operator. did not fail to inspect their state's built Honolulu will cost hun Means increased speed dred thousand yen, and will be com Orientals from 12J.4 to 75c, in white and cream. and clearer copy. Coine iu and try one. famous namesake. Editor Pittock of pieted within years. big every the Portland Oregonian was one of the three Torchons and vals in variety in width made. first to board the vessel, accompanied Acting Governor Atkinson has taken ALL-OVER- S in Baby Irish, Orientals, Batiste, etc., etc., HAWAIIAN OFFICE SPECIALTY COMPANY. if. up the matter of long delay in com ' f by his family. from 25c. to $5.00 yard. Everything for the office Honolulu, T. U. Captain Merrell had several frienda pleting the Xuuanu reservoir, and will on board for luncheon. see whether the work can not be ex The Oregon is scheduled to sail at pedited. MILLINERY 1 p. m. today for San Francisco. Last Tee Man Young, the Korean who evening it was rumored that the vessel shot a fellow countryman, in mistake A choice line of exclusive hats for Easter trade. The ob would remain until Sunday, but it is inr anotner, has been held by Judge v ject of this department is not to sell two hats alike. Our prices expected she will get away today. "Whitney on a charge of assault to com on the new season s millinery is marvelously low. mit murder. i RHEUMATISM CAN BE CUBED. Acting Governor Atkinson was in consultation yesterday with Chairman DRESS DEPARTMENT (9 2H f Many sufferers from this painful dis Republican sf U LI H Mfeg ease been surprised delighted Robertson of the Central The line of Embroidered Robes at $12.00, $15.00, and & 14 have and Committee relative to the proposed $17.50 IN LESS at the prompt relief obtained by apply changes in precinct boundaries for the $20.00, has been quite a big seller. They are well adapted and ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A perm coming election. there are no two alike. THAN aaent cure may be effected by contin 3 DKVS and over THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRAC- K RAILWAY between uing its use for a short time. .It will Manual O. Teves, an employe of the Mouseline de Fleurs in the beautiful patterns we are show- the Inter-Islan- Missouri River and Chicago. cost you but a trifle to try it. Sold by d Company, fell in a fit from ing at 30c. is pleasing to every lady we show them to. a dray on Punchbowl street yester- Benson Smith & Co., Ltd.. Agents for The new Repes at 40c. is a seller and the Alice blue is par- THREE FAST TRAINS DAILY. Hawaii. day and the wheels of his wagon ran ever him, breaking his back. He was ticularly popular at 20c. We are showing some rich VIA taken to his home near Pauoa bridge, stripe organdies in a large variety of colors. SOUTHERN PACIFIC, UNION PACIFIC AND and is not expected to live. Our ioc. line of wash goods is the best by far ever shown CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS a "Wai Pukea Waahaelua, native of bv us. 11 m. lukn, Maui, died of disease at Overland Limited. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at a. heart New Drawing-roo- m 1:20 a. m. yesterday. He was 54 years WE WILL BE PLEASED .TO SHOW OUR FINE NEW daily. The most Luxurious Train in the World. lullman of age. Until recently he had resided and State-roo- m cars built expressly for this famous trainr. Gentle- The man with a thrist. is STOCK. men's Buffet and Lady's Parlor Observation Car, Book Lovers Library, at Wailuku and at his old home, corner throughout. on our trail and we are proud of Emma and Punchbowl .streets. The Dining Car. Meals a la Carte. Electric Lighted fact. When he fvnrral will take place probably on Eastern Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 8 p. m. dally. of the enlists Sunday. His son, J. K. Levi, who is Through Pullman Palace and Sleeping Cars to Chicago. Dining Cars. our aid in appeasing the same employed aboard the steamer V. G Free Reclining Chair Cars. he gets wnat he calls for and Hall, will arrive home from Kauai this Atlantic Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 9 a. m. dally. foe gets it good. We have a morning. Com'y Standard and Touist Sleepers. A meeting of prominent Japanese EXCURSIONS reputation for vending pure was held yesterday PERSONALLY CONDUCTED at the Consulate Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The best of everything. hniiorc riirh wre a r- - r?ririi to expedite famine relief work. Those ALAKEA STREET. most prominent who were present were r. r. ritchie. O.A.P.C. CHICAGO & NOKTHWESTEBN BT. M. Kishi of the Yokohama Specie Bank, who will receive and forward 617 Market Stfet, (Palace Hotel! Sao'FTsncilco A Cold Deal But an Honesl One o or U. Company's Agent. h C. J. MCCARTHY, Proprietor, subscriptions to Japan; Kobayashi, Dr. P. vomer uotei ana jsetnei streets, Haida, Rev. O. Kumura, Rev. Ito, Rev. Kato and Dr. Katsumura. The com Gurney's : Refriqerators H mittee will be known as the Committee THESE GENUINE ICE SAVERS ARE KNOWN THE WORLD OVER for the Relief of Famine Sufferers in FOR THEIR MANY POINTS OF SUPERIORITY OVER ALL. OTHER Northern Japan. REFRIGERATORS. Uncle George ' Bromley, that popular BUSINESS LOCALS. gentleman and much-belove- d clubman. A FEW OF WHICH LIE IN STYLE, WORKMANSHIP. FINISH, ALEI has been complimented by his native INSULATION. LARGE PROVISION CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE Read Morgan's ads. for sale of real city, Norwich,' Conn., from which he SHELVES, AND On estate today. has received an official invitation to be REMOVABLE ICE COMPARTMENT. the Oahu Railway Special dinner tomorrow at the Oc its guest. Uncle George, as he is af cidental Hotel restaurant. Price 25c. fectionately known by his brother Bo eighty-nint- Chicken lunch Scotty's hemians, will celebrate his h CLEANLINESS: r served for at 4, one of most things Refrigerator, the 'GUR v. Royal today. with drinks, birthday anniversary April and af Is the essential about a and Annex Price, ter this occasion will leave for Nor NET" being cleanable throughout, insures both cleanliness and economy i wich, accompanied by Mr. and enables you to keep your Refrigerator in a clean, sweet and wholesome I Inter-Islan- d and O. R. & L. shippin Weill. News Letter. condition. , receipt books. 50c. each, at the Gazette on flarww- jar office.. The band concert at vaikane OUR EASY TERMS: ThursUay evening was a great success, Not necessary to pay all cash down, only one-thir- d, and the balance in Butterick patterns, Delineator and and very sreatlv appreciated by the sixty days time. Come in and see us before purchasing your refrigerator. Metropolitan for April, now ready at people there. The band left Honolulu Sachs'. in a tallyho Thursday morning, and Palms, ladies secretary, sheeting, 53 was given a luau and reception in the W. W. DIMOND & CO., LTD. inches wide, etc., wil be sold this morn evening, the concert following last- - ing by Fisher. ins until three o'clock in the mornini Today is the last day of the stupen The band was at the Mormon settle- f doug sale at Sachs. Store ment at Laie last night, where Bishop A WALK IN LACE BOOTS Golf, Tennis, Fresh and Salt Water Bathing, EHing and Driving are some open till 9 p. m. Wooiey gave the boys a luau and re of the pastimes. The Table and Service are of the Highest Quality. Ticket ception. The will play Hale Fort street property, near Orpheum, band at is a splendid thing for weak and Information at the Honolulu Station and Tren & Co., or ring up Haleiwa as today at Morgan's, iwa on Sunday, returning home Sun people a" a speculation by ankles, and saves many Hotel King 53. under foreclosure. day night train. - doctor's bill during- these cold, On Sundays the Haleivra Limited a two-hou- r train locomobile Will E. Fisher sella a oamp days. Our very complete Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. this morning at his auction rooms on returning arrives in Fort Queen streets. stock enables you to be perfectly and satisfied in of choice Fat Kahikinui beef and veal and is- the matter and land chickens at Raymond Ranch fit. We carry all the latest up-to-da- te New Goods Just Received by HIDING SADDLES. BITS. SPURS. market. Telephone Main 464. EASTER styles. Xo. 62 is a smart shoe BLANKETS, WHIPS AND CROPS, Scotty's (C. E. Meston) Royal Annex n is de- DOG COLLARS fAND CHAINS, for and especially HORSE t ODDosite Police Station. Hot lunch . C. R. Coll,ijvs, BRUSHES C If A M O I S, signed for comfortable walking-- SPUNGES. served from 11 to 2. It will please you. HARNESS AND SADDLE Our new stock contains all sizes of King Street near Fort. SOAPS, OILS. DRESSING, GREASE Grand Easter millinery opening Mon- shoes which are long wearers 'Phone Main 427. WASHERS, ETC., ETC. i day, Tuesday and Wednesday at Sachs Millinery these Dry Goods Co. All ladies cordially in- and stylish lookers. The price is vited. O.p A ladies' pearl pin was lost on the ening street somewhere between the Opera If i House and Matlock avenue. Reward if 1051 Fort Street. Keep Your on WaMawa 1 .j finder will return to this office. Shoe Co, Ltd. Main 2S2. I . TUESDAY AND Manufacturers' 'Phone First-cla- ss tickets to all stations on MONDAY, the Oahu Railroad and Haleiwa coupon WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 27 tickets are now on sale at the office of Trent & Co., 936 Fort street. AND 28. Noiseless Easily Repaired Some milch cows, a mule, wagon, All milk cans and plow are offered for sale. Kelp for WALLAGH'S INDIAN ft Particulars can be had by inquiring for J. Monteiro at the Kalihi bridge Easter Display of DOriE" store. REMEDIES "NEW A "White steam touring car in first-cla- ss Siphon jet low down closet, embossed bowl, bent oak,' condition is offered for sale at a For Sores, Piles, or an- - Skin Dis- bargain. Party leaving city and must Pattern Hats, piano finish and paper lined tank. Natural oak, never splits ease,- is supposed to be hopeless, i sell. See our "For Sale" ads. on last that seat, and Douglas siphon valve. page for particulars. Wallach's Indian Remedies will cure sure. Sample in our show window. A completely-furnishe- d and beauti- Bonnets and for ful home in Xuuanu Valley, with :s ta- For sale by all druggists. bles and servants' quarters, is offered Put up bv the HONOLULU REM- - IbT O , for rent. For particulars see Hawai- TO IT T T Jr. V . . H Refriptered i.OX ian Trust Co. at 923 Fort street. Millinery Novelties Trade Maik h.UY LU., The Plumber. 85 King' Street. A piece of property to be sold today at Morgan's under foreclosure is in the same block as the Orpheum and ARE CORDIALLY should command the attention of in- LADIES QUALITY. ECONOMY. n vestors. The near future is going to INVITED. IEENCH LAUNDRY. develop upper Fort street. All work carefully done by hand. Shirts, collars, ladies' - Shogetsu restaurant will be open to also. the public on Sunday for the first time. . and gent's suits washed. Dry Cleaning This near H:ox3.ol-a.l-a- Co, Goods called for and delivered. restaurant is on Hotel street DRY GOODS CO. Soap "Woifes n Cuuanu. Ice cream parlors on the S. SACHS 1 1 first floor regular on I FRED. L. WALDRON, ABADZE, Proprietor, and restaurant LIMITED. J. Zf9. the second, where meals will be served a a a Sole Agent tns Beretania Street, oppotite rear evtranre Uainaifan Hoist Phtme'B've at all hours. Corner Fort and Beretania Sts. Spreckel Block. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 24, 1906.

HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Canadian-Australia- n Royal Mail Line P f j f PC Halstead Honolulu, March 23, 1906. MX Ltd. Railway Co. .. . ity, Pacific L U L n tuu1.-.vl.- tir, the Canadian J J Steamers running NAME OF STCK K, Paa:tid t p Val Bid Ask. sail at Honolulu on or auoui u v,.....e, STOCK AND BOND FOR VANCOUVER. MlBCANIlLE. roft FIJI AND AUSTRAILIA. 1905 C. Hhswkb H. Co ll.CKfl.OOO ?10(' It5 1905 4 MOAN A .. APRIL. AGRICULTURE fcwa 5,000,0(0 20 1 nolulu. Hawaii, MlOWEIiA ArJt i MAHENO ..MAY Haw. Agricu tural... 1,0 ,00 100 MOANA MAY 30 UawA on. t o 1WJ 84 S JUNE 2 AORANGI H.inaitau auj-..-r Co.. 2.000.000 v0 SIAHENO tionoiiui IMfAW 100 iinuott--a 2.01W 0l0 0 Government Official Is rlMlUll .HO.IU0 100 17r, V5 LOANS NEGOTIATED. & coriSST Honolulu Homes J Snhiiku ;00,0.0 iO HEOAvnls ilhei 1'luu. Co. Ltd.. ?,; oo.ooo 5J b KipHliulu 160.0DU! lO-'-t 30 Members Honolulu Stock and Coming to Talk iioloa sooooo' ICO i.rK) i!cCr 'eSue.t'o.,Ltu. u For Sale Uahu Sugar Co- - a.60t), oo, 1C0 '.(H) Exchange. & Oriental It Up. Ouomea.... l.fXO.O oj X) 2h'4 S. S. Co., Occidental Ookala f00,000 0 5'. Pacificfilail Olaa ug ar Co. Ltd... 5.CCO,000 20 W. L. HOWARD, FINANCIAL AGENT. and Olownlu 150.000 10J w Haauhau SugPlasCo. 5,010 00t' 50 Tor Rent 1 furnished house, Prospect Kaisha. on Co., and Toyo Risen G. Smith TVash-ingrt- mi S. S. Jared writes from Pnciiie 500.100 10 20 St.; 2, Young St., 6 B. K.j 3, Wylli -- Honolulu a leav. thla follows, of Haia 150.000 100 " 2 B. 8 ot the abov. companl., m call at as under date For Rent! Pepeekeo ... 7M).0(X) JO0 45 St., Ii. Btor tn below men Honed: March 6th: Honorable W. M. Hays Pioneer ?.750,0i)0 100 135 For Sale 1, Prospect St., fine' view-2- , gcrt on or about dats Co-..-.. (Vaialua rtgrl. 4,50'i.O 0 100 69 Charming place, 3' Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, is A'aiiuku ?80,'0 100 275 Beretania St.; FRANCISCO TO THE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Wailuku ugar Co. Etc., see me; abstract title, ' WROii SAN coming to Hawaii, probably Sep-temfc- ei loans. ORIENT. in Scrip 105,000. 00 5 McINTYRE 23 up Complete!' furnished house VaimsDalo 252,0u0 100 P5 BUILDING 5 I .... MAR. or October next, to look 6C AWWT7PIA MAR. 15 SIBERIA in Nuuanu Valley, lease A'aimea .uugar Mi'1.1 12.000) 100 MAR, 31 matters in connection with agricul- Miscellanoi .... APRIL. 7 education in the schools. Among for six or nine months, $ ioo ti S. Co. 1,500.000 100 121K 123 CHAS. ... APRIL. 11 tural Hwv. Electric Va...... 500,000 100 I'M BREWER & COS ...... H. K. X. 102', :::::::::::: apr. china other things he is interested in the AlCoPfd. 1.160,0T)Cj 100 House at College Hills, 3. K. ') t L. Co.. V... 6t4 69 Sc subject of an Agricultural College for magnificent view of sea Mutual Tel. Co iso.ooo! 10 Now O. K. & L. Co 4.CCOOO0! 10 9lA York Lino & COMPANY. flu Hawaii and may be depended upon for K, 20 H. HACKFELD liu and mountains, 40 HiloB Co l.COO.OOOj help in direction. Honolulu Brewing- A Regular line of vessels plying that Mai tlug Co. J.td . . 400 00 j: 20 25 25'i A home in Manoa, three-fourt- hs between New York Hono- he comes, and he says that he j and If Bonds. Amt.Out lulu. has fully decided to do so, we must of an acre of Haw.Ter.,4 p.c.(Flre standing; Claimsi (ICO FREIGHT TAKEN AT' LOW- port be prepared to give him a welcome. land, 5,000 Haw. 4 p. c. (Re- - or thi line will arrive and leave this Tr. eoe.oooj EST RATES. t The fine passenger steamers iuuum iwus; one-thir- d Haw Ter. 4l4 p. c i,ooo,oo! For freight rates apply to M hereunder: A College Hill home, 4 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. 'aw Ter. p. o ..... 1.000,001 CHAS. BREWER & CO., M FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Haw. 5 p. 209,000 '.CO TROM SAN TRANCISCO. of an acre of land, 3,150 0ov't., o.... 27 ' 28 Cal. Beet A eua. Rf. Kllby St., Boston, or .MAR. 23 ALAMEDA MAR. Co- - 6. p. c ucoo.ooo! . C. ALAMEDA 3 ARRIVED. 103 BREWER & CO., LTD., SONOMA APRIL Haiku 6. p. e St 0,000; ICS SIERRA APRIL 18 Friday, March 23. HENRY WATERHOUSE Haw. Com, A tMgur Honolulu. LAMEOA APRIL. IS ALAMEDA o. a p. e... 1.P77.0O0' :i05 APRIL 2o VENTURA APRIL 24 S. S. Alameda, Dowdell, from , San TRUST CO., LTD. Haw. ugarftp c.... 500,000; SONOMA pre- - Francisco, 12 noon. Hilo K. K Co.. 6 p. c l,0u0,W; 80 sailline of the above steamers, the agents are Hou R T. & L. Co., FOR RENT. with the n Iwalani, Piltz, from Ahukini, Corner Fort and Merchant Sts., 70s,00ol passengers, Coupon Through Tickets toy any ran-I- Stmr. 6 p. e 108 . te Issue, to Intending: p Cottage, pared United States, and from New 11:33 p. m., with 5000 bags sugar. Honolulu. Kaluikn c 200,000 II 0 Palama ...$18.00 road, San Francisco to all points the U. K. A L Co. 6 p. c. 2,000,000, ,J04' ior.'i Cottage, Manoa . 25.0, any steamship line to all European ports. DEPARTED. Oahu Sugar Co. 6 p.c. . 750.00W 100 r Olaa Wujjar 6 c. 1.250,000! Cottage. Beretania Street 25.00 Tik TO Ma- Co.. p. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLT Stmr. Muna Loa, Simerson, for Paia 6 p.c 450,000i III 3 103' G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. ui and Hawaii ports, 1:30 p. m. Pioi.Pttr Mill f.n.n r, 1.250,tOj jl 6 106J$ W. Kahului, Waialua Ag. Co. 6 p. o.i 1.000,000 100 FOR SALE Tug Fearless, Olsson, for ncoryne Bugar Co 2,0 0,001 ICO towing dredger Reclamation, 11:15 Building lots at Kalihl, Waikiki, Ma- aniBrican-Hawaua- n Company. a. m. 23.1275 paid. f3o per cent paid. noa and Puunui. Steamship in Dredger Reclamation, for Kahului. SESSION SALES. Apply YORK TO HONOLULU. Freight received at Company's wharf. tow of the tug Fearless. Splendid Business Office in to W. W. CHAMBERLAIN, FROM NEW city. Don't (Morning Session.) room 206 Judd Building. 5 Greenwich street. Stmr. Claudine, Parker, for Maui very center of 25 S. S. . April you wish a good Ewa. 24.50. eanforatan May 1 ports and HilOi' 5:15 p. m. delay if Alaskrxt TO SAN FRAN- money-makin- g SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. S. S. FROM HONOLULU U. S. R. C. Daniel Manning, Roberts, I. location. WATERHOUSE REALTY 500 12-75- Freight rttlved at all times at the CISCO. for cruise to Kauai ports, 12,: 30 p. m. Agricultural Land, Houses. Honokaa, 13; 500 Honokaa, ; 25 Ewa, 24.50; 116 20 CO., LTD. Company's wharf, 41st street, SoutM Stores. If you have wants Olaa, 3; Haw. C. S. S. Nevadan April 1 DUE TODAY. we surely have something & S. Co., 84; 85 Waialua, 67.50. Etro&lclyn. ...April 22 Stmr. Kinau, Freeman, from Hilo and ft will supply them. At the adjourned annual meeting of S. S. Nebrasltan that the stockholders of th KXOM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO- way ports, due in forenoon. TIIIEJDEN & Waterhouse Molo-ka- i, WILLIAMSON Realty Co., Ltd., held this day, he LULU DIRECT. FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO Stmr. Lfkelike, Naopala, from Maui and Lanai poets, due. following directors were elected to Nei dan March 22 HONOLULU. serve during the ensuing year: X a TODAY. RENT and COMPANY BROKERS 12 SAIL E. B. Waterhouse, . 3l S Kefriaikan April S. S. Nebraskan, via S. F April 6 S5. 27 P. M. S. S. Siberia, Zeeder, for San Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate Albert Waterhouse, ', S. S. Nevedan, via F April . Aad ich month thereafter Francisco, 4 p. m. William Waterhouse, & COMPANY, LTD., AGENTS. TO LET. -- Are you looking a F. T. P. Waterhouse, H. HACKFELD PASSENGERS. a for home or C. A. Rice. C. P. MORSE. Oereral Freight Agent. Green St., 3 B. R $35.00 I a lot to upon ? ' Arrived. 10.00 3 build Ji you are At the first meeting of the above 825 O. S. S. 23, from Palama, 2 B. R Per Alameda, March 20.00 call and see us. We have im- Board of Directors, held this day, the San i.eisco. Master P. Anderson, Kaimuki, 6 B. R.., Frs 2 35.00 proved and unimproved following officers were elected: Miss A. Beverly, Mrs. M. P. Brasch, Nuuanu St., B. R property Peterson Lane, 2 B. R-- . 7.00 at President Fred. T. P. Waterhouse Mr?. S. L. Bresch and child, Capt. Vice-Preside- nt 5 B. 25.00 E. B. Waterhouee Transfer Mrs. A. B. Brivton, F. Brom-me- r, Waikiki Road, R WAIKIKI, Pacific I. Bray, YOUR BAGGAGE Lunalilo St., 4 B. R 50.00 Secretary Albert Waterhouse WILL CALL FOR Mrs. Brommer, Geo. Brown, D. H. -- Settlement Rd., 2 B. R.. 12.00 fi MAKIKL Treasurer and Manager your goods and save you money. Case, H. Christie, Mrs. Christie, F. F. 25.0D haul and ship n, St., 2 B. R..,. KAIMUKI, Wm. Waterhouse We pack, Crowson, M. H. Gehlen, R. C. Hart-man- Beretania 3 B. 30.00 Z ALBERT WATERHOUSE, Dealers in stove wood, coal and kindlings. Mrs. W. J. Lent, Geo. Lomax, Young St., R PALOLO. 5 B. R 40.00 Secretary, W. R. Co., . ' Phone Main 58 Lomax, D. S. J. Xuuanu St., McCULLY TRACT, Ltd. Storaee in Brick Warehouse. 126 King Street. Mrs. Macalister, F 2 B. 25.("0 Honolulu, January 25, 1906. Myhan, E. W. Pease, Mrs. Pease, Miss King St., R.. Miller St., furnished 60.00 KING STREET, Branch of-- D. Pease, Lee Poy, A. M. Preston, C. 20.00. COLLEGE HILLS. T. Raymond, Mrs. Raymond, S. B. Waikiki, furnished '.Go. Co., Waikiki, furnished ..... 35.00 "2 Professional Cards ion Express Husta.ce, Peck Ltd. Hose, H. P. Roth, Ralph H. Smith, - Mrs. Smith, G. H. Umbsen, O. Yama-ok- a, NO. 912 FORT STREET. 3 Queen Street. E. J. Young, Miss E. Baker, Mis ARCHITECTS. Having baggage contracts wMi the following steamship lines: D. Timms, p. McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs, W. MATLOCK CAMPBELL. ' Classified Phone Oceania Smshiu C. Pacific Mail Stcsmaliip Co. Anderson, Mrs. Schneider and two Advertisements. White S5I. gJecidenlal & Oriental CteaiasMp Co. Toyj Ka.Isi Kal-sh- Steamship Co. children, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Edwards, F. Nugent, G. Reinhold. WANTED. t , baggage yrai1 horned saving you the trouble We check your at ' Departed. ACCOUNTANTS W ANTED immediately, press-feede- r, 'g-- i checking on the wharf. AND Per stmr. Mauna Loa, March 23, for young hotel One who can feed either cylinder or AUDITORS Piano and Furniture Moving Maui and Hawaii ports. T. C. White, mm job press. Apply Gazette office. 7370 fire-proo- DAVIS & Mrs. J. D. Paris, A. J. Foster, M. J. Absolutely f, finest cui WARD. Certified account- a Specialty. Telepaone Main 86 sys- M. Bissell daugh- sine, FIRST-CLAS- ants and auditors. Devisers of Bissell, Mrs. J. and elegantly furnished and the TWO S waisthands. En ter, L. P. Lincoln, S. Kanda, Henry best of service. tems for commercial, manufacturing quire immediately Dress book-keepin- at the and official g. 932 Aki, Father Charles L. Windells,. V. NOAH W. GRAY, Manager, making establishment of Mrs. A. M Fort .' 201, 174. !!- WC)(?)2- , ?J P. McDougall, Miss E. Wong, Mrs. Ting street. Pone Box vice-tresiaen- i.; Mellis, Sachs Block. 7369 i4 J. F. Morgan. fTeaiOSEX: j. J. uunpoeu, j. a jh.c--J Ling, Miss Lau See, Mrs. Ah Leong. T. HONOLULU. T. H. Lean, Secretary; A. F. CSark, Treasurer; N. E. Gedge, Auditor; Faank Lowrey, Flor- Shibayama, W. R. Miss A DENTISTS. Bnst&cn, Manager. ence Htndrickson, Mrs. Kaala, Mrs. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter Mary E. Foster, Am. sch., Johnson, (male). Would like specimen of HENRY BICKNELL, D.D.S. Uniea SZ-o-stace-o- clr D. Kaupiko, Mrs. Kaleiheana, Mrs. K. X-t-dt Port Gamble, Feb. 6. work and handwriting. Also refer street, corner Hotei; Tel. Main 1C Co,, Ai and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Kau- Melancthon, Am. schr., Hoffmann, San ences. DSAYMBN, 63 Queen piko, T. B. Lyons, Jr., John Address P. C. A., this of 8tret. Master Francisco, Feb. 25. fice. 7368 DEALERS IN Kellett, H. Deacon, David Makaena, G. Metta Nelson, Am, schr., Sorentzin, MUSIC. 11. Dunn, John Hind, C. R. Dement, S. Eureka, Mar. 19. HERZER Teacher of singing, FIREWOOD, STOVE and STEAM COAL. Keliinoi, J. R. Paris, D. K. Eguchi. FOR SALE. corner Also WMtt and Blacfi Sand. Telept:oh Main 295. Morning Star, Am. s.s.. Garland, Gil- of Beretania and Miller stfc, Per stmr. Mikahala, March 23, from bert la., July 15. A WHITE steam touring car at a or Bergstrom Music Co. Kauai ports Mrs. II. Isnberg, Miss Pierre Antonine, Liveque, Newcastle, bargain. First-clas- s condition. Ad SSL Grau, Judge Perry, A. O. Silva, John March 11. dress "Auto," this office. 7371 FOR SALE A. THE PACIFIC METEORC-OGICA- L RECORD. Fassoth, Dr. Derby, L. C. Abies, Mrs. Restorer, Br. cable stmr., Combe, Feb- e, Korenson, Miss Sorenson, J. B. Castle, ruary 9. . MILCH cows, mule, wagon, milk cans BEST KAIMUKI LOTS on car-lin- at Commercial Advertiser Issued Every Sunday Morning by th? J. Kotinsky. Wm. F. Garms, Am. sch., Lapping, and nlow. Particulars at Kalihi lowest prices and easiest terms. But Local Office, tt. 8. "Weather Bureau. Per stmr. Claudine, for Kahului and Newcastle, March 13. (Anchored Bridge Store, J. Monteiro. 7371 COMFORTABLE HOMES in all parts Hilo, 23 W. Office Honolulu, March Miss J. Hartwell. outside.) of the city. JKntered at the Post at wrap O. Smith. Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. Der- LARGE ' Wm. H. Marston, Am.' schr.,, Gove, lot at Kalihi, fenced and IMPROVED AND lots T. H., as second-clas- s matter. by, child, A. W. L. Williams, UNIMPROVED KKAN and Enos, Hilo, Mar. 17. planted with fruit trees. Water laid and agricultural land in and near the Miss W. Deas, Mrs. A. B. Britton, G. B. on. 77x139. $700, $300 BABOX, S. S. Siberia, Zeeder, from the Orient, cash, balance city. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Curtis, A. R. Oxenham, Chas. Mashke, Mar. 22. without interest in monthly pay One Tear . .. .$12.00 5i a p q t Archie Robertson. Miss Ivy Richard- TRANSPORT SERVICE. ments. William Savidge, 79 Mer FOR RENT. son, Master Taylor, Mr. Litchfield, chant street. - 7369 6.00 80-0- -- to' cottages. Months 2 Six S Hi 65 61 5 KK Miss Eva Halualani, Chew Leong, Logan, sailed for Guam and Manila, SEVERAL modern M .12 30-0- hO tKl: 65 0 NB ft Mar. 14. GOOD horse pasture within easy reach. S on application. 30-0- Advertising rates 4 Crawford, L. Christie, A 22 fur- T !3 65 .23! 66 6 nb 7 Lieut. Hans Thomas, Francisco for ROOMING house of rooms 03 W 141 30.01 65 T lis 6 NE 5 Mrs. Christie, N. H. Leong, Y. Amoy. sails from San Apply 1251 Manila, 25. nished. Nuuanu street. T 15 65 00 73 5 vaR 8 Honolulu and March 7364 313Wished every morning except Sunday F 16 29-9- S3i 76 8 14 Booked to Depart. T TJT t4 var Sheridan, sailed from Manila for Hono- 1. xx. CrUMAPV 1 S 29-9- 6 60 8 10 guitnnviv, by tl 00j nw Per S. S. Siberia, for San Francisco, 5. - the I" lulu. March FINELY bred eggs. Apply CO., LTD., March 24 Geo. R. Howard, wife and Meade, Manila. Pekin duck 33ATVAHAN GAZETTE Note: Barometer readings cor- at Mrs. Hanna, 11th Avenue, Kaimuki. "Von 65 King are daughter. Dr. W. D. Baldwin, Mrs. W. Sherman, sails from Manila for Hono- Holt Block, No. South St. rected for temperature, instrumental 7361 Elegant Footwear MANAGER D. Baldwin, Miss C. Baldwin, Miss lulu and San Francisco. Mar. 25. C S, CRANE errors, and local gravity, and reduced Nordmeyer, Robt. Hind, Mrs. Hind, Dix, sailed for Manila, Feb. 27. to sea level. Averag cloudiness stated Miss M. E. Lelland, Geo. F. Kendall, A Babtoek & Wil- Buford, at San Francisco. 75-fo- In scale from 0 to 10. wind cox ot or Direction of Bat-toll- o, Water Tube Boiler with THE FINEST STOCK IN THE local orncE the united Is prevailing 24 Miss Kendall, Miss Fenton, Miss Lawton, at San Francisco. STATES WEATHER BUREAU. direction during hours L. M. smoke stack, and all bricks, etc. CITY NOW ON DISPLAY AT anding at 8 p. m. Velocity of wind is Miss Dunham, Miss M. Solace, at Mare Island. Boiler in perfect condition, almost average velocity in miles per hour. Dlllinger, Mrs. L. B. Dardem, Miss Supply, at Guam. new. Apply 'Alexander Young Building. Honolulu, Margaret Wallace, D. S. to F. E. Richardson, MdNERNY SHOE STORE. 1 " W. Bruner. THE MALLS. - 23, 1906. ALEX. McC. ASHLEY, Merchant- St., Honolulu. 7358 , Friday, March Livingstone and wife, F. S. Churchill, Malls are due from following Section Director. wife, 2 the child, maid and servants, Mrs. points as follows: ACRE PROPERTIES for sale, in and 1? 52 W. C. Blake, Misses (2), Mrs. ? THERMO. 5? WIND Blake Per Korea, Mar. 2S. near Honolulu, $300 $40O: TIDES SUH AND MOON. L. Rice G. McDonogh, Si! Francisco at from to and child. Dr. R. Orient Per America Maru, Mar. 31. per acre. Charles S. Desky, Progress Fine Leather Goods - l-- W. J. Mitchell, J. A. McDonogh, Geo. in 5 ? sr 3 3 S Victoria Per Miowera, April 7. Block. 7279 We have made a big reduction B E. wife, C. in- t" s S? Stark and H. Klockstein Colonies Per Sonoma, Apr. 3. prices in this line. Call in and I M wife, Mrs. J.'W. McDonald, R. o a S i and J. will depart a spect them and you will sure be r I C3 Mails follow COMPLETE set bound volumes Plant f ( : : g : ; : - Ir: s 9 5 a Long, T. E. Synds, B. C. Latlin, E. satisfied. - 3 San Francisco Per Siberia, today. ers' Monthly. 22 vols., 1882 to 1904. j - IS Cannon, L. G. Kellogg, W. R. Castle, e Orient Per Hongkong Maru, today. Uniform binding: eheep. - a ni Ft i m h ,Kif-- er, full Price WALL, CO. 2S00 79- 72 ) 78 8 K i.m. in. A. Adams, Jno. Farwell, Leon xrcnoLs ;.0Hi .03 4 M 19 12 25 5 37 7 25 6 05 6 111 2.27 ' Victoria Per Moana, April 4. $175.00 Address P. M., care LIMITED. I Hawaiian - t t ' ' I ' I Chas. Tschudi, G. W. 4. 0 7i) 75 . Colonies Per Sierra, Apr, Gazette Co. ISM i29.66s 03 70 S NK .. T 20 0.50, 1 7. 1 21 6 42 8-- 6X4 6 11. 3 IT Tschudi, O. H. Strong and wife, Sher- I t ' f I I ! III .74 71 72 .03 7 9 ... 1 man Denton, Miss Denton, Den- M W 21' 37 1 7 , 2.07 7 38' Robt. 3B ;00I 8.35 6.03 611 4.05 i I I I I I ton, Mrs. Miller. E, J. Brandt, C. C. FOR RENT. 31M ;28S 74 65 70 . 00 83 8 w ... 52 Classified Advertisements Cafe j T 2 17! 1 7, 2.46 8 28 9 00 6 02 The Cobweb 6.12 4.46 Desmond and wife, W. F.Montgom-- j A COMPLETELY furnished and beau 304 8S. 95 6H 63 6ft 5 96 10 ... F ery, QUEEN AND ALAKEA STS. vaR 23; 1.6 , 3 22, 9 9 13.8.01 5.27 H. S. Waldo, Jno. R. True and t ' 6.12 tiful home, in Nuuanu valley. Large R. Black, S. SSCB 79 70 74 T 66 S 10 g 1-- wife. Julius H. Tittle, E. 10 nb 24 3.24 5 3 57 9 44i 9.5416.00 6. 12' OFFICES FOR RENT. house of rooms, servants' quarters, i I i 6.05 P in I a in I j I H. Miller, C. W. Rosecrans, R. Bellina, THE FINEST MEALS, 3908 74 82 t 68 .06 68 7 se 5 2-- and stables. For particulars apply s 4 24! 1 4 4 (K) 10 13 10 3515 59 6 13 A. Afong, THE STANGENWALD." only fire Pts F, F. L. Waldron. to Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., 923 Fort WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. Arg 76 68 j 72. . 1 6 w proof office building in city. 1J75 New moon, March 24th at 1:21 p. m. VESSELS IN PORT. street. 7371 TO BE HAD IN THE CITY. ALEX. M'C. ASHLEY, Times of the tide are taken from the ARMY AND NAVY. Section Director. United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING, Furnished cottage for rent on the TT. S. up-to-d- ate fire-pro- of vey Battleship Oregon Merrell, Honolulu's only e, tables. King street car-lin- near Thomas CAMARA & SWANY. Prcos. The tides at Kahulul and Hllo occur Yokohama, Mar. 20. building; rent includes electric light, Square. Apply of Magoon. -- Wdjaeis.') J. Alfred about one hour arlier than at Hono- (Merchant hot and cold water and janitor ser- 7368 RICE & PERKINS, lulu. Alameda. Am. s.s., Dowdell, San Fran- vice. Apply the Von Hamm-Youn- g Hawaiian standard time Is 10 fcoura cisco, Mar. 23. Co., Ltd. 7276 MOSQUITO 30 minutes slower Alice Cooke. Am. PROOF housekeeping ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. than Creenwicb schr., Penhallcw, rooms. Apply 783 Beretania street. STEIN WAY time, being that or 157 Port Gamble. 25. the meridian of Feb. 7359 AND PIANOS. Pho degrees thirtv minutes. The time whis- Bangalore, Am. sp., Blanchard, Phila- LOST. OTHER tle blows at 1:30 p. nr. which Is the delphia, Mar. 10. pearl Get Srodlo: Gr-enwi- ch, LADIES pin between Matlock CO. Hotel Street, near Fort. same as 0 hours 0 Echo, Am. bk., Lawson, COMPLETELY furnished cottage at THAYER PIANO habit. Sun moon minutes Taltal, Mar. 3. Ave. and Opera House. Return to 1429 Fort lane. Fort street, for eight and are for local tint for Enterprise. Youngren, 1227 156 AND 158 HOTEL STREET, h whole iiOUD. from San Matlock Ave. and receive re- months. Apply Miss Clark, 303 Judd Francisco, Mar. 22. ward. 7371 Building. 7356 Opposite Young Hotel. ..11..