H 6&IBs 4 lea ia s. I m a gl SUGAR 96 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, MARCH 23. Last 24 hours' rainfall, .06. Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.5625c; Per Ton, $71.25. Temperature, Max. 71; Min. 62. Yeather, unsettled. 82 Analysis Beets, 8s 5,l-4- d; Per Ton, $76.20. ESTABLISHED WULV ?. 1856 4236S VOL. XLIIL, NO. 7371. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SECRETARY SHAW FAVORS IONS INDICATE ESE PIRATES SEIZ THE CONTINUATION OF SPEAKER CANNON THE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM MERICMI LAUNCH AVOR HAWA (Associated Press Cablegram.) DES MOINES, March 24. In a speech delivered here last EAR CANTON night Secretary of the Treasury Shaw advocated the continuation of Case Thinks He Is for Walker Reports Current the Dingley tariff bill without change. St-- Short Period Rumors of His The Little Vessel, With the Arms and Ammu-nitio- n Refund. Relenting. on Board, Is Carried Away (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) by the Bold Marauders. D. 12.--. "I think that Uncle Joe Can- WASHINGTON, C, March non is inclined to relent some- There have been no decisive develop- what in his attitude toward the ments in Hawaiian affairs here for the Hawaiian seventy-fiv- e per cent, last week. The refunding bill, or seg- (Associated Press Cablegrams.) ' refund proposition and that he regation bill, is still with the House come around to the opinion HONGKONG, March 24. Pirates near Canton have seized an has subcommittee to which it was re- that it will do no harm to give American launch, and us what we usk for, except that ferred and seems to be sticking there. secured the arms and ammunition on board. it be for a short term not the The Philippine Bill is still dead in tho Evidently, this was a launch belonging to twenty - year period which we Senate Committee on Philippines. No an American .warship probably Congress." Dan sent up the Pearl river in chase of pirates. case requested of prophecies that some life will yet be The presents another proof of H. Case, member of the delega- the unsettled condition of affairs in instilled into it are warranted. is China. There lwve always been pirates in tion from Hawaii to It Southern Chinese waters, and long ago used to simply a ease where no one can tell they prey upon foreign shipping, but they have not been so prone to do what may happen, although every week this of late years. The seizure of an American launch, with arms that passes without agitation for action and ammunition on board, is therefore the more surprising instance of their boldness. is a Dan H. Case, County Attorney for increases the prospects that the bill will It matter that the Chinese govern- ment must explain, of course and make reparation for. "Maui, and one of the delegation sent not fce revived at this session. by the business Interests of the Ha- Chairman Cole, of the Territories j fete waiian Islands to Washington to pre- subcommittee, has been out to Ohio, IS sent before the Senate and House which is one reason for nothing having IT DENIED THAT AUSTRIA'S committees of Congress arguments been done on the bill. But Speaker hacking up President Roosevelt's rec- Cannon has been opposed to the legis- EMPEROR IS 5N BAD HEALTH ommendation for a seventy-fiv- e per lation. There have been reports, ap- cent. refund to the Territory of parently with some foundation, that accruing to the United States his oppo- revenues the Speaker has withdrawn VIENNA, March 24. The reports of the h, of the Emperor are therein, returned yesterday on the sition as far as the Territories com- irm unfounded. Alameda, and while inclined to be mittee is concerned. Different mem- HON. LESLIE M. SIIAW, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. V mat- - .doubtful about the outcome of the bers of the committee say thev have Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, and the man upon hopeful some, measure semi-offici- ter, yet he is for understood such is the case, but they Probably this is to be regarded as a declaration that the Roose- whose life tenure probably hinges the political integrity of the dual mon- of success. have no definite information. The op- velt administration i arrayed with the stand-patter- s on the protective system archy, was born in 1830, and for a long time past reports that he was is the ia. Speaker Cannon of the House ponents of the bill in the committee, rather than with the proponents of that modified revision which became known feeble health have been more or less current. That hisjealth is watched with way of only stumbling block in the however, say that it can not be enacted as the "Iowa idea," and of which the most distinguished advocate was David the gravest anxiety by his patriotic subjects goes without saying. has been into law. It achievement; Mr. Case thinks, and it B. Henderson, Speaker of the House of Representatives at time idea said empire would-hav- must be admitted seems the the that the rests upon his personal popularity. Another man e attitude, he believes the It that that ' is on his that now to be the outlook. Col. "Pete"! was advanced. Because he could not follow his party on the tariff, indeed, lost the throne long ago. hinges. Just before leav- i . l 1 . v : . 1. : ' 1 . r .entire matter lLvpuuru,tt n no nzis utiuciiutru ii.tut; vitx Mr. Henderson retired from its leadership in the House. ing San Francisco. Mr. Case received greatly, is still doing all he can to help .a cablegram from George B. McClellan, it along. Should the bill by any chance SHIPWRECKS ON NEW ENGLAND COAST. secretary to Delegate Kalanianaole, in ultimately'be passed, it will be in large measure due to his loyal work. Just answer to a telegraphic query sent1 the now Col. Hepburn is in the South with TO HEAVEN, biy before. Mr. McClellan's telegram a committee of Congressmen. BOSTON, March 21. The winter's shipwrecks along the New England coast fifty-fou- r, twenty-seve- n Eighty-fiv- .read: Last week the Senate passed the number of the vesselsjostbeing British. e five-ye- ref- persons -- encouraging, for ar Statehood Bill, but struck out all perished in the wrecks. More New considering. Enthu- erence to Arizona and Mexico, term. Committee leaving it a. bill simply to erect a state OB HAWAII siasm lacking." out of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. SANGUILY DEAD. "That means 75 per cent, for Ave That is contrary to the administration GENERAL .years instead of twenty years," said plan and Speaker Cannon has called a term caucus of Republican members for Mr. Case, "or to shorten the Wednesday with a view to binding all The Advice That Dr. Blaze on Hotel Street HAVANA, March 24. General Julio Sanguily is dead. rather than the amount. On the other the Republicans of the House to vote liand, they might lessen the amount for the bill as it passed the House some Might Have Meant and give it to us the full period we weeks ago. They will be asked to back Wile Gives to His SENATE WILL INSIST ON ITS AMENDMENTS. not up their eonrerees in standing out tor asked. We decided that it would the original bill and without the Senate to put forth an argu- Friends. Tragedy. be advisable amendments. (Associated Press Cablegrams Afternoon Report.) ment in favor of a less amount. This afternoon there has been con- in circles WASHINGTON, D. C, March 23. The Senate has decided to insist on its "There seems to be a sentiment siderable talk influential tell my friends can There was a small fire, although a about the House using the statehood "I that if they amendments to the Statehood Bill. Its principal amendment is to cut out Ari- among senators and representatives fierce one while it lasted, in the the bill to pry the Philippine Bill out of not get to Heaven they should at least zona and New Mexico. ihat the whole proposition is in the committee before the close of the ses get as near to it as possible and visit Winston Block on Hotel street last nature of an experiment. It is a sion. The argument is that the Sen- Hawaii," said Dr. Wile yesterday. The night. The notion store of Yuen Wa SPRECKELS MAY BUILD. killed or mangled every admin- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 23. Claus Spreckels says he may organize precedent and the question of estab- ate has Doctor-i- s here to clean up his Hawaiian Chong. a Chinaman, was gutted as a might be istration bill thus far sent to it and a street railroad in this city to be operated with an underground system. lishing such a precedent that the House can now well afford to interests, not because he has lost faith result and the building was slightly .serious. I think they realize that if insist on the observance of the Presi- in the country in the least, but on ac- damaged. PATTISON BETTER. they pass the act at all it is better not policies with reference to im- a The alarm was turned in from box COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 23. Governor Pattison, who was reported seri- for' a long dent's count of distressing accident recently to commit themselves such portant legislation and by withholding 47, corner King streets, ously ill, is improving. twenty years. Yet I believe to Mrs. Wile, which makes it impera- of and River as its approval indirectly force the Senate by a they can pee no harm if the measure to action on the Philippine Bill for tive that the Doctor he free to attend Cornett, marine from the Xaval TOWER'S POSITION.
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