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CLICK HERE: FOR PAGE 3 AND 4 It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of SCHOOL IS COOL Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL! MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 03 Winners of Young 'Online education can never Kalam Contest match real classroom learning' Principal Sangita Bhattacharya of St Joseph's High School shares her experiences with Aarya Bhanushali Q: As the year 2020-21 nears the end, tion is a tough question to answer. what was your experience of online Q: Did you arrange any special sessions teaching? for students to deal with the stress of Firstly, online education could never the current situation? match physical classrooms and we Yes, we conducted an online emotional missed the enthusiasm of the students. workshop for students and also, the But during online learning, we could teachers as well as parents of the stay in touch with students and con- younger kids. Emotional health work- nect on a deeper and personal level. shops have been an integral part of our Q: The Board exams for grade 10th have school. been cancelled. What is your take on Q: In what ways do you think college this? admissions for the next year will be I have mixed feelings about this deci- affected? Sangita Bhattacharya, principal sion. I am definitely happy for the kids Honestly, if only the school gives the and the teachers that they'll be safe at marks, it'll be biased and unfair. A CET is a great option but homes. But, the experience will be lost and further evalua- it'll be an exercise but it is necessary for fair evaluation. Virtual Farewell Session ABDULQADAR MANASAWALA, HOLY ANGELS' SCHOOL "You were born with wings. Don't crawl. Learn to use them to fly and fly." - Dr. A.P.J. hen one door closes, an- Abdul Kalam. other opens." This being said, their juniors, yan International Group, India's premier Wgrade 9, bid Farewell to institute has always undertaken an enor- the students of grade 10. It was a mous task of transforming our youth fun, exciting, curious and proud mo- Rinto the 'the leaders of tomorrow', by ad- ment for the 10th grade. ministering powerful education. It helps bring- Considering the current situa- ing a spark that transforms the students and pro- tion, it was an online farewell and vides all-round development in their moral and was conducted on YouTube by pre- social skills, providing a cutting edge above oth- senting a video. The farewell was a ers. All India Ryan Young KALAM Contest was series of beautiful events which an initiative by Ryan Group of Institutions, un- were carefully curated and crafted der the guardianship of the Chairman Dr A.F for everybody to have a good time. Pinto and Managing Director Dr. Grace Pinto, It all started with an invitation card. aimed at inspiring students to share exciting sto- It was not truly an invitation, but ries about inventions that surround us helping loads of memories hidden in it. Some very motivational and ad- mirable speeches from the admin- istration and teachers followed it, wishing the students a golden fu- ture. Next was a fun and emotion- al performace by one student in 10th grade. Subsequently, there was a clas- popped into some never-fading photo- haran, demonstrating his strategy in sical dance performed by the student graphic remembrances. To add some achieving such a rank. And with a be- of grade 9th. Following it was an at- flavour of comedy, in presented, Har- ginning, it ended. The dusk came, but tention-grabbing rap song. Then there lequin Quipster. The ensuing rolled into dawn anticipated. And with these lines, was an alluring and flawless western a stimulating, motivational speech. the sumptuous farewell ceased, dance by pupils of 9th. Upcoming was Coming up was a pictorial memory ex- "Cockcrow originated and twilight a sensational drama acted by 9th stu- pressing the grade 10 students' con- expires,Sphere of influence realign- dents unfolding the streams after 10th. glomeration. Soon, turned up in a per- ments. Ages come, and aeon goes, Later, two melodic and tuneful singers oration by a student in 10th grade. Con- An expedition halts and a newfan- vocalised mellifluous and euphonious sequently, there was a rich and im- gled one kicks off. And deviations be- songs. Succeeding, a theatrical and pressive poem relating to the school. come a fraction of our verve and exis- satirical caricature turned up. It then Subsequently,appeared Vaibhav Hari- tence." THE MUSICAL EFFECT them to unravel the world around them and know Each Ryanite brought forth their unique object it better. highlighting a completely different and unique There have been numerous inventions since question. It was a day of total excitement and time immemorial. We being in the 21st Century enthusiasm among the students. Parents, ap- have taken most of the things for granted. At preciated the uniqueness and its long term ben- Ryan, we encourage the students to look beyond efits, actively supported their wards and want- Radhika the obvious. To have the ability to question and ed to support their child's scientific experiment. research in the best possible manner. To assess The excitement among the students reached Chopra, their skills, needs and desires in order to find its peak when the young Ryanites showcased class X, that one object which intrigues them to the core. their latent talents creating unique inventions Fr. Agnel Inspired by their Chairman twelve-point vi- with recycled materials taking this competition sion, Ryanites never limit themselves to one op- to a different level. Multipurpose tion and time old conditioning. They use value, Mentimeter was the most exciting part of School, Vashi holistic education, media, human resource de- the competition. Students carefully listened to velopment, leadership and experiential learning all the six speakers along with their presenta- as their strength. With confidence and trust in tions and then voted for them consciously.Three anging from the soft soothing sounds to the late night themselves as "The top scientists in the making" students from each section were selected for the party vibes, music has been a rather significant and huge with their undaunted spirit of " I Must be a win- intra school competition round! R part of our lives. Not only does it enrich our surround- ner"- Ryanites from 75 Ryan Schools across In- The culmination of elation of this momen- ings but they have a great effect on our moods too. A sad song dia with 15000 enthusiastic Ryanites of grade 7 tous event was reached when our three proud participated whole- heartedly in that historic Ryanites - 1. KhianaPatil2. Soumya Kanojia 3. can make us cry tears whereas a groovy song lets us discover event. Pearl Vishwakarma were selected for the state our hidden dancing skills. But is it all it does? The Backdrop of this event was methodical- level competition of Young KALAM Contest. Several researches were conducted with astounding results ly planned and effectively implemented by Finally,Khiana Patil and Pearl Vishwakar- for the same. A 2013 study in Utkarsh along with Arvinder Sir - initiating in- ma competed with other proficient and aced troductory workshops for training of the teach- competitors and qualified for the All India the Journal of Positive ers, Beta Test, unveiling and explaining about Round of the Young KALAM Contest. The prized Psychology found that people Intra Class, intra School Competition, state lev- moment for each Ryanite was when Khiana Patil who listened to upbeat music el competition and the nationals. A fabulous ex- and Pearl Vishwakarma were announced win- could improve their moods planation was given on the components of fan- ners of the All India Young KALAM Contest and boost their happiness in tastic presentations, to finally conducting vari- getting a Golden Badge! Parent of Khiana Patil, ous review meetings, are just a few things to men- Priyanka Patil expressed her gratitude to the just two weeks whereas an Prizes upto tion. Ryan school management and appreciated for earlier study, published in Melio Interschool 1 Lakh Ryan International School, Kandivali, all the support and the ideas shared not only the Journal of Consumer up for grabs! grabbed this opportunity and made every possi- in Academics but also the ALL ROUND DE- Research, found that people ble effort to identify the potential Ryanites and VELOPMENT of her ward. Vijay Vishwakar- Championship start training them for this big contest! Each ma, parent of Pearl Vishwakarma expressed tend to prefer sad music Ryanite has great potential, but in order to re- Gratitude to the Chairman and Managing Di- when they are experiencing a veal the hidden talent and bring the best to lime- rector for designing the activities keeping in deep interpersonal loss. Not Click Here To Register light- the dedicated teachers played a monu- mind the capability and psychology of a child just a timepass, it is a reme- Compete over live Video Calls mental role. Delving deeper into their passion, where parents can utilise their energy for bet- dy for all on its own. So next students began rigorous research to help them terment and learning of their children. choose one object that they really wish to know This event has brought each Ryanite to time you listen to your Challenges for Classes 1 - 8 more about. Day in and day out, in-depth re- think, analyse, research on different objects favourite playlist remember search continued. Presentation was drafted, ed- that we use in our daily lives yet never think the power it •Speed Math •Spelling Bee ited, rectified, reflected upon and finally pre- about the nitty-gritty of these, with this compe- holds over you! pared.