Autotest May 24Th 2007 CLUB CONTACTS CLUB CONTACTS Sevenoaks and District Motor Club Ltd
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The Acorn June 2007 The Sevenoaks & District Motor Club Top Left: Darren Tyre - Class 1st Top Right: Chris Penfold - Class 1st Middle Left: Chris Judge - 5th Centre: Daren Hall - FTD Middle Right: Chris Rose - Class 1st Ralph Travers - Class 2nd Steve Thompson - Class 2nd Autotest May 24th 2007 CLUB CONTACTS CLUB CONTACTS Sevenoaks and District Motor Club Ltd. CLUB CONTACTS PRESIDENT: J Symes VICE PRESIDENT: V EIford ACORN MAGAZINE June 2007 The Editor, Committee and Club do not necessarily agree with items and opinions expressed within ACORN magazine OFFICERS and COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN; Chin, TROPHY RECORDS [email protected] KEEPER: DEPUTY CHAIR; Andy Elcomb, SECRETARY; [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SEC: TREASURER: Clive Cooke, [email protected] COMPETITION SEC; Ian Crocker, WEBMASTER: [email protected] SPEED LEAGUE Karen Webber, CHAMP CO-ORD: [email protected] RALLY SECRETARY: Iain Gibson, CHIEF MARSHAL: Philip Fawcett, [email protected] ACORN EDITOR; Dawn Travers, CHILD PROTECTION [email protected] OFFICER: SOCIAL SECRETARY: Daniel Whittington, [email protected] PRESS & PR: Suze Bisping, [email protected] PRESS & PR: Steve Thompson, [email protected] WEB ACORN: Ralph Travers, [email protected] Website - PLEASE NOTE: COPY DATE FOR JULY ACORN WILL BE 18TH JUNE Wednesday 20th June 2007 Noggin & Natter from 8:30pm at The Lion, High Street, Farningham, Kent. DA4 0DP You can e-mail copy to [email protected] I will also accept copy on disc or CD-Rom; on paper (typed or handwritten) or by ‘phone for juicy gossip. - 1 - COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE CCC (Chairman Chin’s Chat) Editorial Ramblings f I thought April was busy I should have been o what does this month’s Acorn hold for your warned about May! Work-wise it’s almost im- entertainment and delight? Well several mem- Ipossible, but there’s light at the end of the Sbers have sent in articles of their various ac- tunnel – June should be a doddle (I’ll let you tivities over the past few weeks (for which I thank know)! Motor sport has had to take a back seat you all for your efforts). Plus I have included an arti- cle about our esteemed Vice President, Vic Elford, – – – so, having missed most of the first Evening FROM THE CHAIR FROM THE CHAIR FROM THE CHAIR which we have been allowed to reproduce from “Full Autotest as it clashed with an ASEMC Council Throttle” magazine. For the younger members who Meeting, I also missed the second. I’m told that may not be aware, Vic is a driver from a generation everyone had fun, which is what it’s about, de- when racing drivers did a bit of everything from For- spite the very wet first evening and that there mula 1 to Le Mans to Rallying to club circuit racing. are plenty of you having a go. I’m told that the Vic still comes over from Florida to take part in the number of marshals is a little short so where are Stoneleigh historic meeting and of course the Good- all those Speed League folk who were worried wood Festival of Speed, where he recently could be about qualifying with enough marshalling seen driving a Chaparral 2J “sucker car” with a points? Stacey Thompson is in charge of the 7Oaks sticker on it! Autotests again this year and is making a thor- Full Throttle is a new(ish) magazine that has grassroots motorsport at its heart. Why not search it oughly good job of it and putting in a lot of effort, out next time you are looking for something a bit dif- let’s find a few more people to help her out. ferent to MSN. I haven’t had a chance to look for it There’s a lot going on at the higher levels of yet, but Suze Bisping and Steve Thompson have organisation; what with the proposed future of been in touch with the editor and I believe the publi- Stage Rallying in the proposed future technical cation will be running a feature on our club very regs known as K37, we’re also trying to make soon. If you local newsagent doesn’t have it in life easier for grass roots events. The first stock, why not order it? It would be great to see change we’re trying for is the removal of the re- something like this take off and be successful as quirement for an MOT on vehicles taking part in there is not much about for the true grass roots en- thusiast apart from various motorclubs’ own maga- PCTs and bring them into line with Autotests. zines. The next issue of Full Throttle will be out on The MSA is also looking at ways to make start- 14th June, available from WH Smith, Tescos, Co-Op ing motor sport at club level easier – but the etc. Give it a look. process is only at the beginning so don’t hold The 2nd round of the Autotest series has been your breath. and gone and the 3rd round will be upon us shortly. Ralph has been taking the Team Travers’ Nissan for 2020 Rally a drive and has found it a surprisingly good substi- tute for our faithful Vectra (and a lot shorter too!) The final date for your diary! th Mazda will never see this kind of treatment (well not The 2020 is now June 30 /July 1st start- for a good few years). Ralph was very chuffed to A ing in Vigo and finishing at the Maid- come away with a pot on the last event for 2nd in stone Services again. Ninety odd miles at a re- class. Hmm I think I need to see what I can do in my alistic average to finish by 1.00am and not as car, maybe it is my turn next time. quick a schedule as last year. It was surprising to hear that the event struggled I hadn’t realised how many of our friends for marshals, hopefully that will sort itself out for next were involved with Goodwood so I’ve had to time. Good to see a couple of very young drivers avoid that date. giving it a go too. Autotesting is an excellent way of I’ll need lots of marshals so here’s the learning car control and I think some of the young drivers I have seen around lately could do with that. chance to earn your qualifying points, either for We had an incident outside our house a couple of Speed League or for Rose & Crown. Although weeks ago when a young man over took a parked it’s not a very long effort I’ll call it a full event as car too fast on our blind bend and had a head on col- it will run past most of your bedtimes. lision with a car coming in the opposite direction. Phone me before I phone you! 01732 Luckily the more mature lady driver of the other car 823132 or email [email protected] was going at a more appropriate speed and was able to slow down in time, but not enough to save either Chin of the cars from looking severely second hand! Quite shocking. Ralph noticed that the young man’s car had been modified in that max power large exhaust pipe way. Got something to say? Shame the kid couldn’t drive to the road conditions, Deadline for June Acorn will he may have been able to continue to cherish and look after his car instead of sending it to the scrap be 18th June yard. Dawn Travers - 2 - COMPETITION CALENDAR 2007 FORTHCOMING EVENTS DATE EVENT ORGANISING CLUB / Contact LOCATION Status Champ Round Grass Weald MC (7Oaks): Contact Stacey Thomp- Farningham CS 7th June Autotest son 0208 3002609 Sprint Abingdon CS Regionals; 9th June Sutton & Cheam MC: TBA Carnival 7SL Grass Weald MC (Maidstone): Ann Cook 01634 Headcorn Airfield CS 13th June Autotest 364021 or email [email protected] MR 188/848829 Grass Weald MC (7Oaks): Contact Stacey Thomp- Farningham CS 21st June Autotest son 0208 3002609 Lydden Hill, Nat Regionals; 23rd June Sprint B19: John Sharpe [email protected] Nr Canterbury A & B 7SL Grass Weald MC (Maidstone): Ann Cook 01634 Headcorn Airfield CS 27th June Autotest 364021 or email [email protected] MR 188/848829 30th June/ Weald MC (7Oaks): Chin 01732 823132 Start at Vigo CS 20/20 Rally 1st July [email protected] Village Hall Bristol MC: Comp Sec Glyn Hopkins Castle Combe Nat B Regionals; 30th June Sprint [email protected] 7SL Grass Weald MC (7Oaks): Contact Stacey Thomp- Farningham CS 5th July Autotest son 0208 3002609 Grass Weald MC (Maidstone): Ann Cook 01634 Headcorn Airfield CS 11th July Autotest 364021 or email [email protected] MR 188/848829 Grass Weald MC (7Oaks): Contact Stacey Thomp- Farningham CS 19th July Autotest son 0208 3002609 Llandow Nat B Regionals; 21st July Sprint BARC (Wales): Anita Williams on 01792 893800 7SL Swansea MC: Alun Morgan 01792 884713 Lys-Y-Fran Nat B ACSMC; 22nd July Hillclimb Regs available on Swansea’s website Wales 7Oaks SL Grass Weald MC (7Oaks): Contact Stacey Thomp- Farningham CS 29th July Autotest son 0208 3002609 (All day) Grass Weald MC (Maidstone): Ann Cook 01634 Headcorn Airfield CS 1st August Autotest 364021 or email [email protected] MR 188/848829 BARC (Yorks): Christopher Seaman 01142 Harewood Nat B Regionals; 5th August Hillclimb 585695 or email [email protected] 7SL BARC (Midlands): Noreen Ward 01455 824494 Curborough Nat B Regionals; 11th August Sprint or email [email protected] 7SL Grass Weald MC (Maidstone): Ann Cook 01634 Headcorn Airfield CS 15th August Autotest 364021 or email [email protected] MR 188/848829 7Oaks DMC: Suze Bisping 07986 445053 or North Weald Nat B Regionals; 26th August Sprint email [email protected] 7SL Tunbridge Wells MC: Gary Goodin 01892 Brands Hatch Nat B Regionals; 8th Sept Sprint 516365 7Oaks SL Woolbridge MC: Check