國際學生及交流學生手冊 HANDBOOK for Internationl and Exchange Students

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國際學生及交流學生手冊 HANDBOOK for Internationl and Exchange Students 國際學生及交流學生手冊 HANDBOOK for Internationl and Exchange Students 國際認可_International Recognition: 澳門首家高等院校通過世界權威學術評審機構英國高等教育質量保證局(QAA)院校評鑑 Macao’s first higher education institution having a successful Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency, UK WELCOME MESSAGE 歡迎蒞臨澳門理工學院! CONTENTS 澳門是一個中西文化融合的城市,澳門理工學院是以“小而美、小 而精、出精品”為辦學方向的高等院校。 無論你是否第一次踏足澳門,無論你會在此逗留一個學期或是整整 四年,通過本手冊,希望你能對澳門理工學院以及澳門現況有初步 的瞭解,並做好來澳的準備。希望本手冊能協助你儘快融入理工 03 認識澳門理工 學院,感受理工大家庭氛圍,成為其中的一份子。 05 來澳簽證/通行證辦理 衷心祝願你未來在澳門理工學院能度過充實又愉快的學習生活,並 06 行前準備 體驗澳門獨特的文化,同時也期待你將原來學校或地方的文化帶到 09 費用及開支 理工,通過不同文化的分享交融,與澳門以及來自不同國家與地區 的同學一起學習,一起成長! 09 註冊 11 資訊查詢 Welcome to Macao Polytechnic Institute! 12 學業規則 Macao is a harmonious city combining Chinese and western cultures, while Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) adopts the strategy of “small in size and 15 學生宿舍 compact in structure” as our educational philosophy. 17 迎新安排 No matter if it is your frst time to come to Macao or not, no matter if you 18 校園設施 will stay here for one semester or four years, through this handbook, we would like you to know more about MPI and have better preparation for 19 學生活動 your Macao trip. We also would like this handbook to help integrate you 19 交流生感想 into MPI, so that you can feel the atmosphere here and be part of the MPI family. 20 澳門生活須知 We wish you a very fruitful and pleasant stay at MPI! While you experience 24 離校手續 the unique culture of Macao, we also hope you can bring the culture of your university and your country/city to MPI. Through the sharing of 03 About MPI different cultures, you can study and grow with the students from Macao 05 Entry visa and student visa and all over the world. 06 Pre-arrival and arrival 09 Fees and expenses 09 Registration CONTACTS 11 Information 藝術高等學校 管理科學高等學校 School of Arts School of Business 12 Academic regulations 8599 6851 [email protected] 8599 3304 [email protected] 15 Student hostels 高等衛生學校 語言 翻譯高等學校 School of Health Sciences School of Languages and Translation 17 Orientation 8599 3454 [email protected] 8599 6533 / 6513 [email protected] 18 Campus facilities 體育 運動高等學校 公共行政高等學校 School of Physical Education and Sports School of Public Administration 19 Student Activities 8599 6827 [email protected] 8599 3278 [email protected] 19 MPI through exchange 學術事務部 students’ eyes Academic Affairs Department 20 Living in Macao 8599 6270 [email protected] 24 Leaving MPI 招生 註冊處 學生事務處 Registry Students Affairs Offce 8599 6111 [email protected] 8599 6203 [email protected] 3.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.4 ABOUT MPI 辦碩士及博士學位,前者包括:外國語言 development. Since its establishment, MPI has nurtured tens of 學及應用語言學、公共行政、公共管理、 thousands of young talents who are now professionals serving 筆譯及會議傳譯、體育、政府治理、跨領 in a variety of industries, playing important roles in society with 域藝術、醫學檢驗技術等;後者有葡萄牙 their professional knowledge and skills, and receiving positive Established on September 16, 1991, Macao Polytechnic 語言文化、教育學及公共管理博士學位課 feedback from their employers. Institute (MPI) is a public institution of higher education with 程。這些課程均以實用為導向,以應用學 an emphasis on applied knowledge and skills. MPI’s motto is Apart from offering degree programmes, MPI is also 科和行業技術為教學內容,教授知識與培 “knowledge, expertise and global vision”, and the Institute devoted to its missions in research and training. Research is 養技能並舉,部分課程已經與世界知名大 strives to attain international standards in teaching and carried out in the Social, Economic and Public Policy Research learning, build an e-campus, ensure administrative compliance 學的課程接軌。澳門理工迄今已培養了數 Centre, the Centre of Sino-Western Cultural Studies, the “One with the law and develop a sound research management system. 以萬計的專業人才,畢業生以所學到的專 Country, Two Systems” Research Centre, the Language and 業知識和技能,在相關行業中發揮著不可 Culture Research Centre of Macao, the MPI-QMUL Information Small in size and compact in structure, MPI adopts the 或缺的作用,深受用人單位好評。 Systems Research Centre, the Portuguese Language Teaching strategy of “dual emphasis on teaching and research”, with a and Research Centre, the Gaming Teaching and Research commitment to remain “rooted in Macao and backed up by the 除了學位課程外,本院還兼負研究和 Centre, the Cultural and Creative Industries Teaching and motherland while facing the world and striving for excellence”. 培訓兩大任務。研究單位包括社會經濟與 Research Centre, as well as the Chinese-Portuguese-English The present members of the Board of Management are Professor 公共政策研究所、中西文化研究所、“一 Machine Translation Laboratory. Training courses are conducted Lei Heong Iok, President, Professor Im Sio Kei, Vice President, 國兩制”研究中心、澳門語言文化研究中 primarily in the Centre of Continuing Education and Special and Dr Cheang Mio Han, Secretary-General. Currently there 心、理工-倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院資訊系 Projects, the Language Training and Testing Centre, the MPI-Bell 澳門理工學院(以下簡稱“理工”)成 are approximately 252 academic staff members (71 percent 統研究中心、葡語教學 研究中心、博 Centre of English (which is the only IELTS International English 立於1991年9月16日。是一所公立、多學 of them possess a PhD degree) and 54 professional trainers, 彩教學 研究中心、文化創意產業教學 Training and Testing Centre in Macao and also offers training 科、應用型的高等學府。本院以“普專兼 together serving a population of approximately 3,000 fulltime 研究中心及中葡英機器翻譯聯合實驗室 and testing for the BEC Cambridge English Business Certifcate 擅,中西融通”為校訓,以“教學與科研 students of degree programmes and 10,000 students of non- 等。培訓單位包括成人教育及特別計劃中 and the TKT Cambridge English Language Assessment Teaching 並重”為方針,以“小而美、小而精、出 degree training courses. 心、語言培訓及測試中心、理工-貝爾英 Knowledge Test) and the Seniors Academy. 語中心(內設澳門唯一的 IELTS“雅思” 精品”為方向,以“紮根澳門,背靠祖 In MPI, there are six schools, namely, School of Languages MPI’s Schools and Centres aim to ensure that their research 、BULATS“博思”英語測試中心)及長者 國,面向世界,爭創一流”為理念,以“ and Translation, School of Business, School of Public promotes high teaching standards, contributes to discussions 教學標準國際化、科研工作規範化、校園 Administration, School of Physical Education and Sports, School 書院等。 on current social issues and facilitates the implementation 設施電子化、行政工作法治化”為治校 of Arts, and School of Health Sciences, which together provide 本院轄下各學術、研究及培訓單位採 of the government’s policies, through conducting a variety 標準。現任理事會成員為:院長李向玉教 a broad range of bachelor degree programmes in such felds 取不同方式,例如與海內外知名大學和機 of activities in collaboration with prestigious universities and 授,副院長嚴肇基教授、秘書長鄭妙嫻博 as translation and interpretation (Chinese-English / Chinese- 構開展合作研究、組織國際學術研討會、 institutions overseas and on the Mainland, such as initiating Portuguese), international Chinese language education, 士。現有教學、科研人員約252人,其中 出版學術刊物、主辦全澳英語及資訊科技 collaborative research projects, publishing academic articles, Portuguese language, e-commerce, marketing, accounting, 博士學位擁有者約佔71%,專業培訓員約 比賽等,達致以科研促進教學實踐、探討 organising international academic conferences and Macao- public relations, management, gaming and recreation 54人。在校學位課程學生約3,000多人, 社會熱點問題及配合特區政府施政方針的 wide competitions on English Speaking and Information management, public administration, social work, computer 非學位培訓課程學生每年一萬多人次。 實施之目標。科研成果,尤其是發表於各 Technology. MPI’s research output, notably with regard to studies, Sino-Lusophone trade relations, physical education, its research papers accepted for publication in journals and 本院下設六所學校,包括語言 翻譯 類核心刊物、索引,以及獲得各類獎項的 visual arts, music, design, nursing, biomedical technologies award-winning monographs, has witnessed annual increases. 高等學校、管理科學高等學校、公共行政 (medical laboratory and pharmacy technologies) and speech 著述,逐年增多。 In recent years, MPI has devoted itself to the process 高等學校、體育 運動高等學校、藝術高 therapy. 近年,為遵循特區政府“推動評鑑” of internationally validating its programmes for academic 等學校及高等衛生學校,分別開設中英翻 的高教政策,本院致力於開展評鑑工作, 譯、中葡/葡中翻譯、國際漢語教育、葡 In collaboration with several leading universities at home accreditation, in line with the public policy for higher education. and abroad, MPI offers joint master degree programmes 藉此不斷提升學院管理及教學素質。參加 萄牙語、電子商務、工商管理(市場學專 While undertaking this important process, MPI will continue in such felds as foreign linguistics, applied linguistics, public 國際評鑑是本院自我完善的重要途徑,最 業)、會計學、文學士(公共關係專業)、 to strive for excellence in accordance with its philosophy of administration (Chinese and Portuguese), translation and 終目的還是不斷追求卓越,進一步提升教 管理學、工商管理(博彩與娛樂管理專業) maintaining high quality, student-centred education. Rooted conference interpreting, physical education, government 研素質,保證質量,以真正達到本院貫徹 、公共行政學、社會工作學、電腦學、中 in Macao while serving the society, MPI endeavours to grow management, interdisciplinary arts and medical laboratory 始終的“本土教育,服務澳門”的大原 into a continuously improving higher education institution of 國與葡語系國家經貿關係、體育教育、視 technology. MPI also offers joint doctor degree programmes 則,為澳門提供更優質的高等教育,為澳 excellence in terms of management, teaching and research 覺藝術、音樂、設計、護理、生物醫學技 on Portuguese culture and language, education and public 門培育更多人才,為澳門的社會、經濟和 within a vibrant academic culture, and dedicates itself to the 術(檢驗技術/藥劑技術)、言語語言治療 administration. These programmes are all application- 文化發展作出貢獻。 social, economic and cultural development of Macao. 等學士學位課程;並與海內外優秀大學合 oriented, focusing on both knowledge acquisition and skill www.ipm.edu.mo 5.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.6 ENTRY VISA AND STUDENT VISA PRE-ARRIVAL AND ARRIVAL 中國內地生 外地生 重要日期·Important Dates 根據中國內地出入境部門及澳門出入境部門 持大多數國家和地區有效護照或證件人士 的規定,學生須持有效往來港澳通行證及簽注( 入境都無需簽證,並獲准予在澳合法逗留30 國際學生及交流學生報到日 Arrival Date of International and Exchange Students 統稱為“逗留D”)始能進入澳門。學生首次申 至90天。有關資訊可瀏覽澳門治安警察局網 (開學前一週到達) (One week before the semester starts) 領往來港澳通行證,須在其戶籍所屬的省/市/自 頁:http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/eng/main. 治區的出入境管理部門辦理。學生在首次使用“ html。不獲豁免「簽證」及「入境許可」之訪澳 繳交費用(如學費、宿舍費用、 Payment (Such as tuition fee, hostel fee,
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