國際學生及交流學生手冊 HANDBOOK for Internationl and Exchange Students

國際認可_International Recognition:

澳門首家高等院校通過世界權威學術評審機構英國高等教育質量保證局(QAA)院校評鑑 Macao’s first higher education institution having a successful Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency, UK WELCOME MESSAGE

歡迎蒞臨澳門理工學院! CONTENTS 澳門是一個中西文化融合的城市,澳門理工學院是以“小而美、小 而精、出精品”為辦學方向的高等院校。 無論你是否第一次踏足澳門,無論你會在此逗留一個學期或是整整 四年,通過本手冊,希望你能對澳門理工學院以及澳門現況有初步 的瞭解,並做好來澳的準備。希望本手冊能協助你儘快融入理工 03 認識澳門理工 學院,感受理工大家庭氛圍,成為其中的一份子。 05 來澳簽證/通行證辦理 衷心祝願你未來在澳門理工學院能度過充實又愉快的學習生活,並 06 行前準備 體驗澳門獨特的文化,同時也期待你將原來學校或地方的文化帶到 09 費用及開支 理工,通過不同文化的分享交融,與澳門以及來自不同國家與地區 的同學一起學習,一起成長! 09 註冊 11 資訊查詢 Welcome to Macao Polytechnic Institute! 12 學業規則 Macao is a harmonious city combining Chinese and western cultures, while Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) adopts the strategy of “small in size and 15 學生宿舍 compact in structure” as our educational philosophy. 17 迎新安排 No matter if it is your frst time to come to Macao or not, no matter if you 18 校園設施 will stay here for one semester or four years, through this handbook, we would like you to know more about MPI and have better preparation for 19 學生活動 your Macao trip. We also would like this handbook to help integrate you 19 交流生感想 into MPI, so that you can feel the atmosphere here and be part of the MPI family. 20 澳門生活須知 We wish you a very fruitful and pleasant stay at MPI! While you experience 24 離校手續 the unique culture of Macao, we also hope you can bring the culture of your university and your country/city to MPI. Through the sharing of 03 About MPI different cultures, you can study and grow with the students from Macao 05 Entry visa and student visa and all over the world. 06 Pre-arrival and arrival 09 Fees and expenses 09 Registration CONTACTS 11 Information 藝術高等學校 管理科學高等學校 School of Arts School of Business 12 Academic regulations 8599 6851 [email protected] 8599 3304 [email protected] 15 Student hostels 高等衛生學校 語言 翻譯高等學校 School of Health Sciences School of Languages and Translation 17 Orientation 8599 3454 [email protected] 8599 6533 / 6513 [email protected] 18 Campus facilities 體育 運動高等學校 公共行政高等學校 School of Physical Education and Sports School of Public Administration 19 Student Activities 8599 6827 [email protected] 8599 3278 [email protected] 19 MPI through exchange 學術事務部 students’ eyes Academic Affairs Department 20 Living in Macao 8599 6270 [email protected]

24 Leaving MPI 招生 註冊處 學生事務處 Registry Students Affairs Offce 8599 6111 [email protected] 8599 6203 [email protected] 3.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.4

ABOUT MPI 辦碩士及博士學位,前者包括:外國語言 development. Since its establishment, MPI has nurtured tens of 學及應用語言學、公共行政、公共管理、 thousands of young talents who are now professionals serving 筆譯及會議傳譯、體育、政府治理、跨領 in a variety of industries, playing important roles in society with 域藝術、醫學檢驗技術等;後者有葡萄牙 their professional knowledge and skills, and receiving positive Established on September 16, 1991, Macao Polytechnic 語言文化、教育學及公共管理博士學位課 feedback from their employers. Institute (MPI) is a public institution of higher education with 程。這些課程均以實用為導向,以應用學 an emphasis on applied knowledge and skills. MPI’s motto is Apart from offering degree programmes, MPI is also 科和行業技術為教學內容,教授知識與培 “knowledge, expertise and global vision”, and the Institute devoted to its missions in research and training. Research is 養技能並舉,部分課程已經與世界知名大 strives to attain international standards in teaching and carried out in the Social, Economic and Public Policy Research learning, build an e-campus, ensure administrative compliance 學的課程接軌。澳門理工迄今已培養了數 Centre, the Centre of Sino-Western Cultural Studies, the “One with the law and develop a sound research management system. 以萬計的專業人才,畢業生以所學到的專 Country, Two Systems” Research Centre, the Language and 業知識和技能,在相關行業中發揮著不可 Culture Research Centre of Macao, the MPI-QMUL Information Small in size and compact in structure, MPI adopts the 或缺的作用,深受用人單位好評。 Systems Research Centre, the Portuguese Language Teaching strategy of “dual emphasis on teaching and research”, with a and Research Centre, the Gaming Teaching and Research commitment to remain “rooted in Macao and backed up by the 除了學位課程外,本院還兼負研究和 Centre, the Cultural and Creative Industries Teaching and motherland while facing the world and striving for excellence”. 培訓兩大任務。研究單位包括社會經濟與 Research Centre, as well as the Chinese-Portuguese-English The present members of the Board of Management are Professor 公共政策研究所、中西文化研究所、“一 Machine Translation Laboratory. Training courses are conducted Lei Heong Iok, President, Professor Im Sio Kei, Vice President, 國兩制”研究中心、澳門語言文化研究中 primarily in the Centre of Continuing Education and Special and Dr Cheang Mio Han, Secretary-General. Currently there 心、理工-倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院資訊系 Projects, the Language Training and Testing Centre, the MPI-Bell 澳門理工學院(以下簡稱“理工”)成 are approximately 252 academic staff members (71 percent 統研究中心、葡語教學 研究中心、博 Centre of English (which is the only IELTS International English 立於1991年9月16日。是一所公立、多學 of them possess a PhD degree) and 54 professional trainers, 彩教學 研究中心、文化創意產業教學 Training and Testing Centre in Macao and also offers training 科、應用型的高等學府。本院以“普專兼 together serving a population of approximately 3,000 fulltime 研究中心及中葡英機器翻譯聯合實驗室 and testing for the BEC Cambridge English Business Certifcate 擅,中西融通”為校訓,以“教學與科研 students of degree programmes and 10,000 students of non- 等。培訓單位包括成人教育及特別計劃中 and the TKT Cambridge English Language Assessment Teaching 並重”為方針,以“小而美、小而精、出 degree training courses. 心、語言培訓及測試中心、理工-貝爾英 Knowledge Test) and the Seniors Academy. 語中心(內設澳門唯一的 IELTS“雅思” 精品”為方向,以“紮根澳門,背靠祖 In MPI, there are six schools, namely, School of Languages MPI’s Schools and Centres aim to ensure that their research 、BULATS“博思”英語測試中心)及長者 國,面向世界,爭創一流”為理念,以“ and Translation, School of Business, School of Public promotes high teaching standards, contributes to discussions 教學標準國際化、科研工作規範化、校園 Administration, School of Physical Education and Sports, School 書院等。 on current social issues and facilitates the implementation 設施電子化、行政工作法治化”為治校 of Arts, and School of Health Sciences, which together provide 本院轄下各學術、研究及培訓單位採 of the government’s policies, through conducting a variety 標準。現任理事會成員為:院長李向玉教 a broad range of bachelor degree programmes in such felds 取不同方式,例如與海內外知名大學和機 of activities in collaboration with prestigious universities and 授,副院長嚴肇基教授、秘書長鄭妙嫻博 as translation and interpretation (Chinese-English / Chinese- 構開展合作研究、組織國際學術研討會、 institutions overseas and on the Mainland, such as initiating Portuguese), international Chinese language education, 士。現有教學、科研人員約252人,其中 出版學術刊物、主辦全澳英語及資訊科技 collaborative research projects, publishing academic articles, Portuguese language, e-commerce, marketing, accounting, 博士學位擁有者約佔71%,專業培訓員約 比賽等,達致以科研促進教學實踐、探討 organising international academic conferences and Macao- public relations, management, gaming and recreation 54人。在校學位課程學生約3,000多人, 社會熱點問題及配合特區政府施政方針的 wide competitions on English Speaking and Information management, public administration, social work, computer 非學位培訓課程學生每年一萬多人次。 實施之目標。科研成果,尤其是發表於各 Technology. MPI’s research output, notably with regard to studies, Sino-Lusophone trade relations, physical education, its research papers accepted for publication in journals and 本院下設六所學校,包括語言 翻譯 類核心刊物、索引,以及獲得各類獎項的 visual arts, music, design, nursing, biomedical technologies award-winning monographs, has witnessed annual increases. 高等學校、管理科學高等學校、公共行政 (medical laboratory and pharmacy technologies) and speech 著述,逐年增多。 In recent years, MPI has devoted itself to the process 高等學校、體育 運動高等學校、藝術高 therapy. 近年,為遵循特區政府“推動評鑑” of internationally validating its programmes for academic 等學校及高等衛生學校,分別開設中英翻 的高教政策,本院致力於開展評鑑工作, 譯、中葡/葡中翻譯、國際漢語教育、葡 In collaboration with several leading universities at home accreditation, in line with the public policy for higher education. and abroad, MPI offers joint master degree programmes 藉此不斷提升學院管理及教學素質。參加 萄牙語、電子商務、工商管理(市場學專 While undertaking this important process, MPI will continue in such felds as foreign linguistics, applied linguistics, public 國際評鑑是本院自我完善的重要途徑,最 業)、會計學、文學士(公共關係專業)、 to strive for excellence in accordance with its philosophy of administration (Chinese and Portuguese), translation and 終目的還是不斷追求卓越,進一步提升教 管理學、工商管理(博彩與娛樂管理專業) maintaining high quality, student-centred education. Rooted conference interpreting, physical education, government 研素質,保證質量,以真正達到本院貫徹 、公共行政學、社會工作學、電腦學、中 in Macao while serving the society, MPI endeavours to grow management, interdisciplinary arts and medical laboratory 始終的“本土教育,服務澳門”的大原 into a continuously improving higher education institution of 國與葡語系國家經貿關係、體育教育、視 technology. MPI also offers joint doctor degree programmes 則,為澳門提供更優質的高等教育,為澳 excellence in terms of management, teaching and research 覺藝術、音樂、設計、護理、生物醫學技 on Portuguese culture and language, education and public 門培育更多人才,為澳門的社會、經濟和 within a vibrant academic culture, and dedicates itself to the 術(檢驗技術/藥劑技術)、言語語言治療 administration. These programmes are all application- 文化發展作出貢獻。 social, economic and cultural development of Macao. 等學士學位課程;並與海內外優秀大學合 oriented, focusing on both knowledge acquisition and skill

www.ipm.edu.mo 5.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.6


中國內地生 外地生 重要日期·Important Dates 根據中國內地出入境部門及澳門出入境部門 持大多數國家和地區有效護照或證件人士 的規定,學生須持有效往來港澳通行證及簽注( 入境都無需簽證,並獲准予在澳合法逗留30 國際學生及交流學生報到日 Arrival Date of International and Exchange Students 統稱為“逗留D”)始能進入澳門。學生首次申 至90天。有關資訊可瀏覽澳門治安警察局網 (開學前一週到達) (One week before the semester starts) 領往來港澳通行證,須在其戶籍所屬的省/市/自 頁:http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/eng/main. 治區的出入境管理部門辦理。學生在首次使用“ html。不獲豁免「簽證」及「入境許可」之訪澳 繳交費用(如學費、宿舍費用、 Payment (Such as tuition fee, hostel fee, medical 逗留D”簽注進入澳門時,澳門出入境管理部門 人士,除「口岸簽證」及「入境及逗留許可」之 及非本地生醫療保險費等) insurance for non-local students, etc.) 將按簽注的有效期給予最多90日的逗留期(即學 外,可通過中華人民共和國駐外使領館預先申辦 生可以在進入澳門後連續逗留90天)。 澳門特別行政區的「簽證」。 國際生及交流生註冊 Registration 招生暨註冊處將協助新生(第一年新生)辦 根據澳門法例規定,非本地學生(香港永久 理“逗留的特別許可”(通常可在澳門連續逗留 性居民除外)來澳後,必須辦理在澳就讀的“特 國際生及交流生體檢 Medical examination 一年)。第二年及往後的學年,學生須自行辦 別逗留許可”手續。理工將協助抵澳學生辦理相 理。學生憑《往來港澳通行證》在“赴澳就讀簽 關手續。“特別逗留許可”的有效期為一年,學 非本地學生及交流生說明會 Briefng session for non-local students 注”有效期內可多次往返內地。 生需於之後各學年自行辦理續期手續。 “特別的逗留許可”申請及相關規定,可瀏 “特別的逗留許可”申請及相關規定,可瀏 開學禮 Opening Ceremony 覽澳門治安警察局網頁(服務/手續>出入境> 覽澳門治安警察局網頁(服務/手續>出入境> 外地學生之“逗留的特別許可”)。 外地學生之“逗留的特別許可”)。 迎新日 Orientation

開課 First day of class Students from mainland Overseas students Academic calendar is available on the MPI website: (Student According to the regulations of China’s and Macao’s Students of many countries, with valid passport 校曆表可參閱理工網頁:學生>學生資訊>校曆表 > General Information for Students > Academic Calendar) immigration authorities, students from mainland China require no visa to enter Macao, and can stay in Macao need to hold a valid entry-pass and visa (Generally for 30 to 90 days. Please refer to the website of the referred to as a ‘D Visa’) in order to enter Macao. Immigration Affairs Department of the Public Security Students who frst apply for the entry-pass must submit Police Force for details: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/ 清單·Checklist their application to the Immigration Management eng/psp_top5_2_1.html. Students who are not exempted Traveling documents such as valid passport, visa, Department in their province, city or self-administrative from a visa and entry permit are required to apply for 有效的護照及簽證、 P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and region. The management department of the Macao an Entry Permit (aka Visa-upon-arrival) at any of the 往來港澳通行證等身份證明文件 Macao, etc. Immigration Service will allow a maximum stay of 90 border checkpoints of the Immigration Department of the days to students who frst enter Macao with a valid Public Security Police upon arrival at Macao or apply for Six 1.5-inch photos D Visa (meaning that students can remain in Macao a “visa” of the Macao Special Administrative Region in 6張護照規格相片 without leaving for 90 days). advance through a Chinese embassy or consulate. The Registry assists new students (Year One Non-local students (excluding Hong Kong Permanent 破傷風疫苗注射記錄本 Original and copy of tetanus vaccination record Students) to apply for the Special Authorization to Residents) studying at a higher institute in Macao need 及副本(如有) (if applicable) Stay (normally valid for one year). In the second to apply for Special Authorization to Stay. The Registry and subsequent years students must apply for this assists new students (Year One Students) to apply for 已由醫生填寫的澳門理工學院入學 Report of medical examination with doctor’s signature permit themselves. Whilst holding the P.R.C. Permit the Special Authorization to Stay (normally valid for one 體格檢查報告(僅葡國學生適用) and stamp (only for students from Portugal) for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao year). In the second and subsequent years students must together with a valid student visa students can travel apply for this permit themselves. 可在澳門使用的銀行卡 Bank cards that can be used in Macao freely between Macao and the mainland. For details concerning applications for the Special For details concerning applications for the Special Authorization to Stay, please refer to the website of the Small amounts of cash (for paying hostel caution fee, Authorization to Stay, please refer to the website Immigration Affairs Department of the Public Security 少量現金(宿舍保證金、保險費用、 medical insurance, medical examination fee, and around of the Immigration Affairs Department of the Public Police Force: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/eng/psp_ 體檢費用、首月生活費約MOP5,000) Security Police Force (Services > Immigration > Special top5_4_1.html. (Services > Immigration > “Special MOP5,000 for other expenses for the frst month) Authorization to Stay for Non-resident Students). Authorization to Stay” for Non-resident Students). www.ipm.edu.mo 7.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.8

報到及接待服務・Reception service

學生事務處將於指定日期提供接待國際生及交流生服務,學生須提前將機票資料、具體到 達日期、時間、入境口岸等信息電郵至 [email protected] 。 Student Affairs Offce picks up international and exchange students on a designated date, and stu- dents need to send information to [email protected] including fight details, date and time of arrival, which border they are arriving at, etc.

自行到達澳門理工 Make your own way to MPI

香港國際機場 由中國內地到澳門的陸路出入境口岸 HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (HKIA) GATEWAYS AVAILABLE FROM MAINLAND CHINA TO MACAO BY LAND 1) 香港國際機場 陸路方面,可經關閘口岸自中國內地到澳門。澳 1) HKIA →Macao (Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal) Land crossings from Mainland China are made → 澳門外港客運碼頭 門關閘邊檢大樓及拱北邊檢大樓開放時間為上午 through the Border Gate on Macao Peninsula. The Students can arrive in or depart from Macao 搭乘國際航班抵達香港國際機場的旅客,可選 6時至凌晨1時。 Border Gate and the Gongbei Checkpoint in Zhuhai via HKIA as a transit stop without having to pass are open daily from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. 擇直接乘船來澳門。由香港國際機場的海天客 through Hong Kong Customs and Immigration 運碼頭開出的機場海上航線,旅客毋須辦理香 入境及海關手續 formalities and also without the inconvenience of IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS 港出境手續及領取寄艙行李,只須購買船票, http://www.fsm.gov.mo carrying your luggage to the Ferry Terminal. The 可瀏覽治安警察局網頁: For information on entry formalities, please refer to 便可乘船直達澳門,寄艙行李亦會隨船運到。 ferry trip from HKIA to Macao takes approxi- 及澳門海關網頁:http://www.customs.gov.mo the websites of Macao Immigration Services of Public 航程約七十分鐘。(航班資訊:http://www. mately 70 minutes. (Sailing schedule: http://www. Security Police Force: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/ turbojetseaexpress.com.hk/tc/routing-sailing- turbojet.com.hk/en/routing-sailing-schedule/hk- 到達理工學院的公共交通 eng/main.html and Macao Customs Service: http:// schedule/hk-airport-macau/sailing-schedule- airport-/sailing-schedule-fares.aspx) www.customs.gov.mo/pt/index.html fares.aspx) 巴士 2) HKIA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN MACAO TO MPI 澳門國際機場 → Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal 2) 香港國際機場 AP1 → 香港上環港澳客輪碼頭 →澳門外港客運碼頭 (Shun Tak Centre, Hong Kong) Bus → Macao (Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal) → 澳門外港客運碼頭 Macau International Airport 澳門外港客運碼頭 From HKIA to Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal, AP1 你亦可選擇在辦理香港出境手續及領取寄艙 3 10B 28B →Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal →澳門理工學院 students can take Airport Express to Hong Kong 行李後乘搭機場快線(鐵路)、A11號公共汽 Station in Central then take a taxi to Hong Kong- Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal 澳門關閘邊檢大樓 3 10B 28B 車、計程車從香港國際機場前往香港的港澳 3 10B 28C Macau Ferry Terminal, or take Public bus route →MPI 碼頭,再乘船到澳門。(參考網頁:http:// →澳門理工學院 A11 and get off at the Macau Ferry, Connaught The Border Gate zh.macaotourism.gov.mo/plan/traveling_ Road Central bus stop, or taxi, then students can →MPI 3 10B 28C detail.php?id=1) 的士 take the ferry to Macao. More details: http:// en.macaotourism.gov.mo/plan/traveling_detail. 澳門國際機場 澳門國際機場外、澳門外港客運碼頭外、澳 php?id=1 Taxi 門關閘邊檢大樓外均有的士站,的士起程價 There are taxi stations outside Macau International 澳門國際機場每天有多班來自不同城市的航班 (首1600米) 收費澳門幣19元,之後每240米 MACAU INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Airport, Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal, and the 降落澳門國際機場,來自各地的旅客均可經機 加收2元。 Border Gate. The frst 1,600 meters costs MOP19, There are many visitors entering Macao via numer- 場口岸進入澳門。請參看澳門國際機場網頁提 澳門國際機場到澳門理工學院的士費用約為 and MOP2 every 260 meters afterwards. It ous major cities through Macau International Air- 供的航班資料 : http://www.macau-airport. MOP120。的士收費表可參閱交通事務區網頁 costs around MOP120 from Macau Internation- port. For detailed information on fight schedules, com/ 或致電:+853 2886 1111 查詢。 http://www.dsat.gov.mo/dsat/subpage. al Airport to MPI. Taxi fares information can be please visit http://www.macau-airport.com/en or aspx?a_id=1443512969 browsed on DSAT website: http://www.dsat.gov. dial +853 2886 1111. mo/dsat/subpage.aspx?a_id=1443512969

www.ipm.edu.mo 9.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.10

FEES & EXPENSES Types of Fee Amount MOP24,800 (Macao Resident) Tuition fee (per academic year) 費用類別 金額 MOP27,300 (Resident from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong SAR) for a full-time bachelor’s student MOP24,800 (澳門居民) MOP35,200 (Others) 學費(學士學位課程全日制學生每學年) MOP27,300 (中國內地、中國台灣及香港居民) (1)(2) MOP35,200 (其他 Others) Hostel fee for student MOP 11,350 Medical Insurance of Out-Patient 學生宿費(1)(2) MOP 11,350 According to the insurance company’s quotation Services and Hospitalization for (around MOP150 to MOP350) Non-Local students (3) 非本地學生門診及住院保險費(3) 按保險公司訂定之價格(約MOP150至MOP350) Hostel caution fee (4) MOP 1,030 宿舍保證金(4) MOP 1,030 (1) Hostel fee for ten months (September to June) does not include expenses of electricity, water and gas. (1) 每十個月之宿費(九月份至六月份),不包括電費、水費及煤氣費。 (2) Summer residence needs to submit written application, receive approval, and pay the fee (MOP500/half (2) 暑期住宿須書面申請,獲批准並按規定繳費後方可住宿。暑期住宿收費每半個月MOP500。 month) beforehand. (3) 每年繳納一次。 (3) This fee is to be settled per annum. (4) 有關費用屬一次性繳納。宿生按規定辦妥退宿手續後可獲退還。 (4) This is one-time payment and will be refunded upon check-out when all accounts are settled.

New students must complete the registration pro- Medical check-up REGISTRATION cedures within the specifed time. Students who fail to do so need to send written applications to the Upon arrival, students should approach the war- Registry for deferred registration within or before den for “Kiang Wu Hospital Registration Form” and 國際生及交流生須按指定日期辦理註冊手續,完 體檢 the registration period ends, otherwise they will be “MPI Report of Medical Examination”, and bring the 成註冊後,方成為理工學生。因故未能如期辦 considered to have decided not to enrol. forms for medical examination after flling them out. 理,須於註冊期間或之前以書面向招生暨註冊處 學生抵澳後,需儘快向舍監領取“初診登記 The students’ schedule will be arranged and stu- 查 申請延期註冊,否則,將被視為放棄入學。 表”及“澳門理工學院入學體格檢 報告表” Required documents dents will be brought to the Hospital for medical ex- ,請仔細填寫並於體檢時攜往。 amination. According to the Hospital’s information, the 所需文件 學生將被安排分批乘坐專車前往澳門的醫院 ・ copy of identity card (need to show the original) medical examination costs around MOP260. When 進行體檢。根據澳門的醫院提供資料,體檢費約 ・ copy of passport (need to show the original) students cannot go to the medical examination as scheduled, they need to arrange it themselves. ・ 身份證正本及複印本一份 為澳門幣260元。體檢合格,始被視為理工註冊 ・ cop of entry visa (need to show the original) ・ 護照正本及複印本一份 學生。學生如未能按照學院所安排的時間進行體 ・ copy of high School certifcate (need to show The students should bring the original copy of ・ 通行證正本及複印本一份(包括個人資料 檢,則需自行前往。 the original) their tetanus vaccination record for medical examina- 頁、・逗留(D)簽注及逗留許可憑條) ・ two 1.5-inch photos tion. Without the original copy, the students are re- 體檢時,須出示破傷風疫苗注射記錄,故 ・ 高中三畢業證書正本及複印本一份 ・ copy of tetanus vaccination record (need to show quired to have the tetanus vaccination during medical 此,請學生來澳門時帶備。如未能出示破傷風疫 ・ 一吋半彩色近照兩張 the original) examination. It costs around MOP63 according to the 苗記錄,需在體檢時注射。根據澳門的醫院提供 ・ 入學體格檢查報告(須有醫生簽署及蓋章) ・ report of medical examination (with doctor’s Hospital’s information. 資料,注射破傷風疫苗費用約為63元。 ・ 破傷風疫苗注射記錄本及副本 signature and stamp) ・ 理工繳費收據 ・ receipt for tuition fee

www.ipm.edu.mo 11.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.12


理工重要資訊、活動信息、颱風停課 Important information about activities, as well as 教務規章 Academic regulations 信息等,通過理工網頁、網上學生通告( information about class cancellation due to typhoons, is sent to registered students mainly via the MPI website (Student > The Academic Regulations are important rules governing 學生>學生通告)、學生手機短訊、公告 《教務規章》是重要的學業規則,内容包 News for Students), SMS, notice boards, and emails. Students 括課程安排及課程結構、入學條件、時效 programme arrangement, curriculum framework, admission 欄及學生電郵發放予註冊學生。學生應 requirements, statute of time to completion, enrolment should check for such information frequently so as to be sure 規定、學籍制度、年級制度、同等學歷、 經常查閱理工信息以獲得最新資訊。校曆 system, progression system, course equivalence, course to keep up to date. Students can check for information such 修讀科目、先修科目、評分制度、課程 表、上課時間表、考試及補考時間表、取 as the academic calendar, class timetable, examination and enrolment, prerequisite courses, assessment system, fnal 期終評分、考勤制度、補回考試、補考制 消及補課通知、書單及訂書服務、招募學 supplementary examination timetables, class cancellation marks of programmes, class attendance, supplementary 度、續讀/轉校/轉修課程、校曆表等方面 生助理、就業機會、學生通告、學生常用 and make-up class notices, book lists, book order services, examination, re-sit examination, resumption of studies and 下載表格、學生活動等資料均通過理工網 recruitment of student helpers, job opportunities, student 的規定。詳情可瀏覽理工網頁(學生>規 transfer of schools and programmes, academic calendar etc. 頁發放。 notices, forms and student activities on our MPI website. 章制度>教務規章)。 Please browse the MPI website for more details (Student > Regulations & Guidelines > Academic Regulations). 學生手冊 Student Handbook 校曆表 查 Academic calendar 學生手冊是理工為學生編寫的資訊性文 The MPI Student Handbook provides students with important 學生可透過理工網頁 閱校曆表。每一學 Students can check the academic calendar on the MPI 本,載有各項規定、服務、設施設備、溝 information about the Institute’s regulations, services, facilities, 年包括兩個學期,於每年五月三十一日前 website. One academic year consists of two semesters. The 通途徑等主要資料。每逢新學年開始派 and communication mechanisms, etc. Printed copies of the 公佈下一學年的校曆表,明確規定該學年 Handbook are distributed to new students at the start of the academic calendar of the following academic year will be 發給新生參閱,其他學生可在理工網頁 的上課時間、考試日期及假期。(學生> academic year. Other students can browse and download announced before 31 May every year, in which class and (www.ipm.edu.mo)瀏覽或下載最新版本 學生資訊>校曆表) the latest version of the Student Handbook via the Institute’s examination period, and holidays are specifed. Please 的學生手冊。(學生>學生手冊) website www.ipm.edu.mo. (Student > Student Handbook) browse the MPI website for more details (Student > General 上課時間表 Information for Students > Academic Calendar). 學生資訊網 SIWeb 學位課程上課時間表於每學期選科前在 理工網頁(學生>學生網上服務>學生 Class timetable 學生資訊網(SIWeb)提供重要資料包括: Current students can login to SIWeb with their student 上課時間表查詢)或學生資訊網上服務 考試成績、缺勤率、選科確認、課程及 numbers to enquire about their records including academic The class time and venue will be announced on MPI website 考試時間表、各類財務認證、電子資料庫 reports, attendance rates,enrolment confrmation, timetables (SIWEB)公佈,學生須根據上課時間表 (Student > Online Services for Students > Class Timetable 等。學生也可在SIWeb更新聯繫資料。登 and examination timetables, payment records, electronic 按時上課。由於課程的教學安排可能有 Enquiry). Please note that the class times and venues for 入學生專用網站連結:https://wapps.ipm. database, etc.Students can also update their personal 變,故部分科目的上課安排資料會於公佈 certain courses may still change depending upon teaching 查 edu.mo/siweb。 information on SIWeb. To log in SIWeb: https://wapps.ipm.edu. 後更改,建議學生於開學前再次 閱上課 needs. Students are advised to check the Class Timetable mo/siweb (Student > Online Services for Students >SIWeb) 時間表。 again before classes begin.

www.ipm.edu.mo 13.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.14

考勤制度 Attendance system 當改掛低於八號颱風信號時,恢復課堂及 When tropical storm warning signal no. 8 is lowered, all 考試安排如下: classes and examinations will resume as follows: 考勤制度規定學生根據其註冊科目規定, For each enrolled course in the programmes, a minimum 改掛低於八號颱風 Tropical Storm Warning Classes / Examinations to 出席70%或以上的課時(實習科目為90%或 attendance of 70% is required for students to be eligible 將恢復課堂及考試 信號時間 Signal No. 8 is lowered be Resumed 以上,其中社會工作學的實習科目為100% to participate in fnal examination (90% for practicum courses; 100% for practicum courses of the Social Work morning session till 02:00 ),方有資格參加該科目期終評核;不設 上午7時之前 上午至下午2時 at or before 07:00 a.m. programme). Otherwise they will not be allowed to take p.m. 期終評核的科目,出席率不足70%者則予 the fnal examinations, and a failing grade will be given 中午12時之前 下午2時至6時 from 02:00 p.m. till 06:00 取消獲取該科合格的資格。詳細内容可瀏 at or before 12:00 p.m. to courses where there are no fnal examinations. For 下午4時或之前 下午6時至晚上 p.m. 覽理工網頁(學生>規章制度>學生考勤 further details please browse the MPI website (Student > at or before 04:00 p.m. from 06:00 p.m. onwards 制度)。 Regulations & Guidelines > Class Attendance Regulations). 惡劣天氣(如暴雨等) Severe Weather Conditions (eg. Rainstorm) 考試/補考 Final and re-sit examinations 一般情況下,當暴雨警報信號生效時: Under normal circumstances, when rainstorm warning signal 成績等級 Grades • 所有考試如期進行,考生須按考試規則 is hoisted: 期末成績及補考成績的公佈日按每學年 The results of fnal examinations and supplementary 按時應考; • All examinations will be held as scheduled, students are 的校曆表及招生暨註冊處公佈的日期為 examinations will be announced in accordance with the • 所有課堂如期進行,對於遲到或缺席的 required to sit in for examinations according to the rules 準,學生可透過學生資訊網上服務(學 current academic calendar. Students can enquire about their 學生,將視作合理缺勤。 and regulations; 生>學生網上服務>學生資訊網上服務-- academic reports through the Student Information Web • All classes will be held as scheduled, however students 理工可因應特殊惡劣天氣的情況下決定停 SIWeb)查閱在學學期成績。若對平時成 (SIWeb) (Student > Online Services for Students > Student who are late for or absent from classes will not be Information Web). In case of any objection to the results, 課或取消考試,安排如下: 績、期末考試成績有異議,可於有關成績 recorded as absent; students may lodge an appeal with the Registry within three 公佈後三個工作天內向招生暨註冊處提出 • 所有正在進行的課堂及考試將仍然繼續 working days (fnal examinations) and two working days The Institute has the discretion to suspend any classes or 至原定結束時間為止; 申訴申請。 (re-sit examinations) following the announcement. examinations, arrangement is as follows: • 倘理工決定停課或取消考試,理工將透 • Classes and examinations will continue till the end of that 覆核成績及成績申訴 Re-checking results and appeal on results 過理工網頁發佈特別通告; class or examination session; 學生於期末成績或補考成績公佈後,可於 Students have the right to re-check their results within the • For any suspension of classes or examinations due to 指定期限內向招生暨註冊處提出覆核成 • 有關考試被取消後,理工將另行安排日 specifed time after the announcement of examinations rainstorm warning signal or severe weather conditions, a 績,填妥“申訴書”申請表遞交招生暨註 期考試,並於恢復考試後的5個工作天 (including re-sit examinations), by completing the ‘appeal special announcement will be made at MPI homepage; 冊處。 form’ and submitting it to the Registry. 內透過理工網頁發佈特別通告; • For suspension of examinations, details of postponement • 有關課堂如被取消,各學術單位將根據 will be announced at MPI homepage in 5 working days 上述的措施決定延期舉行或取消當日的 風暴及暴雨措施 Typhoons and Heavy Rain when the weather conditions have improved. 測驗、期中考試及其他課堂/課外活動 • For suspension of classes, the academic unit concerned 熱帶氣旋 Tropical Storms 等。 will decide whether to postpone or suspend any tests, 當懸掛八號或以上颱風信號時,所有課堂 If tropical storm warning signal no. 8 or above is hoisted / in mid-term examinations and other activities/events, etc, force, the following arrangement will apply: 通報機制 及考試安排如下: according to the above arrangements. 將被取消之課堂及 Tropical Storm Warning Sig- Classes / Examinations 理工將透過以下其中一項途徑發佈最新消 信號生效時間 Announcement 考試 nal No. 8 is hoisted / in force to be Suspended 息: MPI will make announcement through either one of the morning session till 02:00 • 理工網頁 上午7時或之後 上午至下午2時 at or after 07:00 a.m. following channels: p.m. • 學生資訊網上服務 中午12時或之後 下午2時至6時 • MPI Homepage from 02:00 p.m. till at or after 12:00 p.m. 下午4時或之後 下午6時至晚上 06:00 p.m. 特殊情況 • Student Information Web at or after 04:00 p.m. from 06:00 p.m. onwards 本措施未有列明的事項,理工保留最終決 Other Special Circumstances • 立即停止所有正在進行之課堂或考試。 定權。 Any other issues arising which are not specifed in these • 如相關考試被取消,理工將另行安排日 • If tropical storm warning signal no. 8 or above is hoisted regulations shall be subject to determination by MPI. / in force during a class period or an examination, all 風暴及暴雨措施內容請參閱理工網頁(學 期考試,並於改掛低於八號颱風信號後 For information about typhoons and heavy rain, please classes or examinations will be suspended immediately. 生>風暴及暴雨措施)。 的5個工作天內透過理工網頁發佈特別 refer to MPI’s website (Student > Typhoons and Heavy 通告。 • For any examinations suspended, details of Rain). postponement will be announced at MPI homepage in 5 working days after tropical storm warning signal no. 8 is lowered.

www.ipm.edu.mo 15.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.16

STUDENT HOSTELS Student hostels

理工學生宿舍為非本地學生而設。由學生事 2) 嚴禁宿生進入異性寢室或容許異性進入寢 MPI hostels are for non-local students. The 3) Parents or guardians of the student boarders 務處及總務處共同負責宿舍有關事務;日常管理 室;嚴禁宿生容許他人留宿或於他人寢室留 Student Affairs and Central Services Offces are are allowed room visits. Other visitors are responsible for issues relating to hostels. Daily confned to the common areas. 工作由獲理工授權的管理公司提供舍監管理、清 宿。 running, warden management, cleaning and/or 4) Those who plan to return late or stay outside 潔及/或保安服務。 3) 宿生家長或監護人可到宿生房間探訪,其他 security services are provided by the management overnight should lodge an application in writing 訪客探訪範圍只限於公共地方。 company authorized by MPI. in advance with the warden. Student boarders 宿舍介紹 4) 宿生如計劃遲歸或外宿,應提前向舍監提交 who need to stay outside or return late often 澳門理工學院為非本地學生安排入住宿舍, 書面申請。遲歸或外宿均須提供由家長或監 Hostel overview or irregularly can present to wardens a consent letter signed by their parents or guardians in 每個宿舍均提供傢俱、電視機、電話、免費寬頻 護人簽名的同意書。 The Institute can arrange for non-resident advance. 設備、洗衣機、熱水爐、空調、煮食爐具等等。 students to stay in hostels. In each hostel there is 每宿舍的住宿標準為兩人住一臥室。 入住手續 furniture, a television, telephone, free broadband Check-in procedures 學院為學生宿舍專設舍監管理。非本地新生 network service, washing machine, water heater, air- 國際生及交流生抵達澳門後,理工工作人員將送 (第一年入學)必須入住宿舍,從第二學年開始, conditioner, stove etc. The basic standard is for two 學生到達所屬宿舍。舍監將核對宿生身份資料安 MPI will bring the international students and exchange 經家長同意,學生可以申請自行安排外宿。 students to share one bedroom. students to their hostel upon their arrival in Macao. 排入住。所有新入住的學生將一次性獲發床單、 Wardens are appointed to manage the hostels. Student boarders being admitted for the frst time 枕頭袋、被套、枕頭、冷氣被及棉被用品。 Non-resident new students (freshmen) must live in will be provided with bed sheets, pillowcases, quilt 學生宿舍管理規章 hostels for the frst year. Starting from the second covers, pillows, air-conditioning quilts and cotton 設立《學生宿舍管理規章》的目的是為了給 暑期安排 year, students are permitted to arrange their own quilts, for free for one time only. accommodation with their parents’ consent. 宿生提供良好的學習和住宿環境,規範和優化宿 已獲安排入住學生宿舍的學生須於6月30日前退宿 舍管理。理工宿舍實行扣分制度,違紀宿生將被 或打包行李空出房間,若需要在暑假期間住宿(7 Summer arrangements 扣分及處罰。 Regulations Governing Hostel 月至8月開學前),必須於5月31日前向學生事務處 Management Student boarders need to pack their personal 上述規章詳細內容請參閱理工網頁(學生> 提出書面申請,獲得批准後方可入住,但會被統一 belongings and vacate the room on or before 30 學生設施/服務>學生宿舍>宿舍管理規章)。 安排到南方宿舍;未獲宿費豁免的宿生須於6月10 These regulations have been established to June. Written applications for summer residence must 部份紀律制度摘要如下: 日前繳付暑期住宿費用。須於暑期留宿的學生,收 govern the management of hostels so as to maintain be submitted to Student Affairs Offce on or before 費按每半個月計(例如:7月1日入住,7月16日退 an appropriate living and studying environment. 31 May. Only those who have been approved and 1) 嚴禁在宿舍吸煙、賭博(包括打麻將、撲克 宿,須繳付MOP500;7月1入住,7月17至31日期間 Disciplinary rules are enforced in cases of made payments before 10 June may move to Nam 牌等)、打架、吵鬧、飲用烈性酒類、收藏 退宿,須繳付MOP1,000)。 violation. In order to more effectively implement Fong Hostel during the summer holiday. The fees for 及使用違禁品等。 hostel management, a ‘Marking Scheme’ will be summer residence will be charged on a half-month implemented in every hostel. basis (for example, for student boarders who move For the details of the regulations, please refer to in on 1 July and move out on 16 July, it is MOP500; MPI’s website (Services to Student > Student Hostel while those student boarders who move in on 1 July > Regulations Governing Hostel Management). Here and move out during the period between 17 and 31 are some key points: July, need to pay MOP1,000). 1) Misconduct such as smoking, gambling (including playing mahjong, poker, etc.), fghting, brawling, drinking alcoholic beverages, keeping or using any contraband materials are strictly prohibited. 2) It is strictly prohibited for student boarders to enter into dormitories of the opposite sex, to allow others to stay overnight in one’s room or stay overnight in another’s room.

www.ipm.edu.mo 17.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.18


澳門理工學院每年均舉辦迎新系列活動, At the beginning of every new academic year a series 冀透過豐富多彩的迎新活動,為新生們提 of orientation activities is held to welcome and orient MPI 食堂 供最新的校園資訊,增強新生對理工的歸 newcomers and to develop peer relationships and their 理工設有明德食堂及匯智食堂為師生員工 sense of belonging to their School. The orientation activities 屬感,營造良好的校園環境和學習氛圍。 提供服務,餐飲選擇包括中式套餐、粉、 include the Opening Ceremony for the new academic year, 系列活動包括開學典禮、迎新會、校園方 麵、粥、面包、蛋糕、奶茶、咖啡等。理 Campus Orientation, Campus Hunt, Macao Street Guided 位大作戰、獎學金獲獎學生分享會、義工 Tour, Volunteer Scheme, Workshop on Self-Development, 工星光書店內也設有餅店,提供便捷的餐 學習活動、「迎新路」導賞系列活動、身 Career Planning, and Sharing Session with Scholarship 飲服務。 心教育工作坊、「創業分享與考察」生涯 Students. 規劃活動等。 書店 Campus tour 校園導覽 位於澳門理工學院內的星光書店為學生、 A campus tour will be arranged to familiarize the 教職員工及市民提供各類書籍、雜誌、文 為加強國際生及交流生對學院的設施及各 international and exchange students with the facilities and 具、紀念品等銷售服務。 部門的認識,學生事務處每個學期均安排 various departments of our Institute. Information sessions on 網頁:http://www.skbooks.com.mo/ 所有交流生參觀校園,以及參加學院電腦 computers and the network will also be arranged. 營業時間:星期一至五 09:00-21:00;星 及網上資訊講解會。 Canteen Cultural visit in Macao 期六及日 11:00-20:00;強制性假期休息 澳門文化參觀 (1st semester students only) There are two canteens in MPI, Meng Tak Canteen and Wui 影印服務 Chi Canteen. Food such as Chinese lunch / dinner sets, fried (只適用第一學期學生) To enrich the international and exchange students’ noodles, congee, bread, cakes, coffee etc are provided for 理工為方便學生們的影印需要,於圖書館 為使國際生及交流生對澳門四百多年中西 understanding of Macao’s uniqueness of the interesting students and staff. There is a cake shop inside the Starlight 提供自助影印服務,影印費用須以澳門通 融匯的文化精髓有所瞭解,學生事務處於 mix of Portuguese and Chinese cultures, the Student Affairs Bookstore, to provide convenience foods and drinks. Offce will organize a Macao Culture Tour in the frst 支付。 每學年第一學期均組織所有來澳交流的學 semester. 生參加澳門文化參觀活動。 圖書館地址:澳門高美士街澳門理工學院 Bookstore 匯智樓二樓 電郵:[email protected] Starlight Bookstore MPI Branch provides sales of various 開放時間:星期一至五 09:00 - 22:00 / kinds of books, magazines, stationery, souvenirs etc to all 星期六及日 12:00 - 20:00 (公眾假期 students, staff and the public. 休息,學校假期期間的開放時間將另行公 Website: http://www.skbooks.com.mo/ 佈在入口處及圖書館網頁) Opening hours: Monday through Friday 09:00-21:00; Saturday and Sunday 11:00-20:00; Closed on mandatory holidays.

Photo-copying service MPI provides self-service photo-copying service in the Main Library, and it can be paid by Macau Pass. Address: 2nd Floor, Wui Chi Building, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Rua de Luis Gonzaga Gomes, Macau. E-mail: [email protected] Opening Hours: Monday through Friday 09:00 - 22:00; Saturday & Sunday 12:00 - 20:00; Closed on public holidays. (Details of the opening hours during the semester breaks are announced in advance on the Library homepage and posted at the entrance to the Library.)

www.ipm.edu.mo 19.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.20


理工各高等學校、學生事務處等單位及 MPI has six Schools, a Student Affairs Offce and Student Union 澳門位於中國廣東省南部的珠江三角 Macao - located on the western bank of the Pearl River Delta in southern Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of 學生會舉辦各類活動,旨在促進學生全 which organise different activities for students to participate in, 洲,地處珠江口的西面,北面鄰接中國大 China - adjoins the Mainland city of Zhuhai and lies some 人發展,並豐富學生課餘生活。另外, to promote students’ whole-person development and to ensure 陸的珠海市,東面與香港隔海相距約60公 60 kilometres to the west of Hong Kong. Macao comprises 理工也積極宣傳並協調學生參加校外機 that their experience at MPI is as interesting and as lively as 里。澳門由澳門半島、氹仔及路環三部份 possible. To provide even more opportunities for students to Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane. 構/社團所舉辦的各項活動,以使學生 組成。 join in various activities MPI also promotes and coordinates The Portuguese arrived and settled in Macao in the 得到更多參與各類活動的機會。理工每 activities organized by other organizations. Events throughout 自葡萄牙人於16世紀中葉抵澳定居, mid-16th Century. Thus, the city’s architecture, art, religion, 年均舉辦開學典禮、畢業典禮及迎新會 the year include Opening and Graduation Ceremonies, as well 四百多年來中西建築、藝術、宗教、美 traditions, food and community refect the integration of 等各項大型活動,而學生事務處提供的 as Orientation. The Student Affairs Offce organizes various 食、社區等文化在澳門交匯融合,多元共 Chinese, Western and Portuguese cultures. Macao became 各類非學分類有助學生全人發展的校園 extracurricular activities to promote students’ whole-person 存。自1999年12月20日起澳門回歸中國, a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of 活動如校園生活講座、語言學習、藝術 development including campus activities, campus life seminars, 成為中華人民共和國的一個特別行政區, China on 20th December 1999 and exercises a high degree of autonomy under the principle of “One country, two systems”. 文化課程、交流、移地學習等,均受到 language learning, arts and culture courses, and exchange and 在「一國兩制」的政策下實行澳人治澳、 學生的歡迎。 overseas study programmes. Participating in extra-curricular 高度自治。 The total population is estimated at around 650,000. activities is another kind of active learning process and an Over 90% of Macao residents are ethnic Chinese. The important means to help realise whole-person development. 澳門人口約有65萬,其中大部份居民 remaining includes Portuguese, Filipino and other nationalities. 住在澳門半島,兩個離島人口較少。澳門 Macao is located in the same time zone as Beijing, 居民以華人為主,佔總人口九成以上,其 Taiwan, and Hong Kong, eight hours ahead of Greenwich 餘為葡籍、菲律賓籍以及其他國籍人士。 Mean Time. 澳門的時間比格林威治標準時間早八 Climate 小時,與北京、台灣、香港時間一致。澳 門現時沒有實行夏令時間。 Located in the subtropical climate zone, Macao has moderate climate conditions throughout the year. Annual average temperature is about 23ºC and ranges from 20ºC to 26ºC. 氣候 Humidity levels are high in the city, where the average annual 澳門全年氣候溫和,平均氣溫約23ºC,溫 relative humidity tops 79%. The average annual rainfall measures about 2,058 mm in Macao, with the rainy season 差變化在20ºC和26ºC之間;濕度較高,年 falling between May and September every year. The Macao 均達79%;全年平均降雨量約2,058毫米。 Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau will issue a rainstorm 每年的五月至九月是澳門的雨季,當氣象 warning when the amount of precipitation over Macao 局預測在未來兩小時內,澳門的降雨量將 is expected to reach about 50 mm in the next two hours. 達到約50毫米時,會發出暴雨警告信號。 October to December is the most pleasant season to visit 十月至十二月是澳門的秋季,氣候溫和, Macao, when visitors can enjoy warm autumn days with low 濕度低,是理想的旅遊季節。一月至三月 humidity. January, February and March are the winter months 為冬季,氣温雖較寒冷,但陽光普照;踏 with relatively cold but sunny weather, when it slowly gets 入四月,溫度逐漸上升;五月至九月,天 warm again in April. From May to September, the weather 氣炎熱,有時有颱風。查閱更多資料,請 becomes hot and humid with more rainy days and occasional MPI THROUGH EXCHANGE STUDENTS’ EYES 瀏覽地球物理暨氣象局網頁(http://www. tropical storms (known as typhoons). For more details, please smg.gov.mo)。 visit the website of Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau: http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/e_index.htm

交流生於離校前將受邀提交一份交流 Exchange students are invited to submit a testimonial to share 語言 Languages their experience on study and living in Macao. The testimonials 生感想,以分享在澳門學習及生活的 中文和葡文是現行官方語言。居民日常溝 Chinese and Portuguese are the offcial languages, of previous exchange students can be viewed on MPI website: being most widely spoken. The offcial languages are used 經驗。以往來澳交流的學生感想,可 通普遍使用廣州話,但許多居民也能聽懂 http://www.ipm.edu.mo/ http://www.ipm.edu.mo/student_corner/en/mpi_through_ in government departments in all offcial documents and 參閱理工網頁: 普通話(國語)。英語在澳門也很通行, student_corner/zh/mpi_through_exchange_ exchange_students_eyes.php communications. English is generally used in trade, tourism 可在很多場合應用。 students_eyes.php and commerce.

www.ipm.edu.mo 21.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.22

件、包裹及特快專遞服務至世界各地。詳 parcel and express mail service (EMS) to almost anywhere 電壓·Voltage 情可致電28323666或瀏覽 http://www.ma- in the world. For more information, please contact +853 caupost.gov.mo 28323666 or visit: http://www.macaupost.gov.mo 澳門的電壓是採用230伏特的交流電,頻 距離澳門理工學院最近的澳門郵政局位於 The closest postal branch is located on the ground foor of 率為50赫茲。電插座通常是方形或圓形的 Macao Cultural Centre, near Nan Ngon Hostel of Macao 澳門理工學院南岸學生宿舍附近的澳門文 三腳插座。 澳門常用的電插座 Polytechnic Institute. Electricity in Macao is at 230V, 50Hz. The Common power plugs in Macao 化中心地面層。 power plugs used in Macao are of the three- Receiving post in hostel pin, square-shaped or round-shaped type. 寄件到宿舍 Students should ask the sender to send the post to the 寄到澳門的郵件,學生應要求發送方寄到 student hostel of MPI with the room number. 預防及控制吸煙制度 Regime of Tobacco Prevention and Control 澳門理工學院的學生宿舍地址並附上房間 號碼。 Macao World Heritage In order to maintain a smoke-free environment on campus 為維護清新健康的無煙校園環境,同時響 Comprising over 20 ancient monuments and urban squares 應澳門特別行政區政府的控煙政策(第 and comply with the Macao SAR Government’s smoking 澳門世界遺產 policy (Law No. 5/2011 Regime of Tobacco Prevention interwoven in the heart of the city, the historic district is 5/2011 號法律預防及控制吸煙制度),除 and Control), with the exception of specifcally designated 澳門歷史城區是一片以澳門舊城區為核心 collectively known as “The Historic Centre of Macao” and 指定吸煙區外,校園範圍內一切設施,包 inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2005. It stands today smoking areas, smoking is prohibited in all other places 的歷史街區,包括20多座歷史建築,並由 括教室、洗手間、樓梯、餐廳、圖書館、 as a living testimony to the integration and co-existence of including classrooms, toilets, staircases, dining-halls, libraries, 相鄰的廣場和街道連接而成,於2005年獲 體育館、宿舍、室外露天空間如花圃、室 eastern and western cultures over 400 years. For details, the Multi-Sport Pavilion, hostels, fowerbeds, playground, and 列入世界文化遺產名錄。澳門歷史城區保 外運動場等,一律禁止吸煙,請學生自覺 please visit: http://en.macaotourism.gov.mo/ all other public areas. 留至今,見證了400多年來東西文化在澳 遵守。 門融合,和諧共存。詳情可瀏覽澳門旅遊 Dining habits 局網頁:http://zh.macaotourism.gov.mo 電訊服務 Telecommunications services Cantonese dishes and Portuguese dishes are the most common in Macao. There is also a great variety of There are 4 mobile phone operators in Macao, including 澳門目前有4家電訊企業,澳門電訊、和 澳門飲食習慣 international food including Japanese cuisine, Korean CTM, Hutchison, Smartone, and China Telecom. Here are their 記、數碼通和中國電信。以下為各電訊公 澳門薈萃各方美食,最常見的是粵菜及葡 barbecue, specialities from the US, France, Italy, India, 查 contact numbers and websites: 司的 詢電話及網頁: 國菜。澳門大街小巷亦有不同特色的食店 Thailand, Myanmar, Singapore, etc. 林立,包括日本料理、韓式燒烤、美國、 本地電訊公司.LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES 法國、意大利、印度,還有泰國、緬甸、 Local transportations 公司 Operator 星加坡等東南亞美食。 A frequent bus service runs between the Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane. Route information in Chinese 澳門電訊 CTM 1000 www.ctm.net 本地交通 and Portuguese is posted at every bus stop detailing destinations, itineraries and stops. 和記電話(澳門) Hutchison Telephone (Macau) 1118 www.three.com.mo 澳門有大型和小型公共巴士在澳門半 The bus fare is MOP6 and passengers should prepare 島、氹仔和路環往來行駛,班次頻密;各 數碼通 Smartone 1628 www.smartone.com.mo adequate coins for the fare as no change is given on the 車站均有以中葡文說明的路線牌,介紹各 buses. Routes go to and from different spots in the Macao 中國電信(澳門) China Telecom (Macau) 1888 www.chinatelecom.com.mo 公共巴士的行走路線。 Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane including Macau International 車費每位澳門幣6元,車上不設零錢 Airport. Some buses even traverse narrow streets and alleys 找換,乘客應自備硬幣乘車。所有公共巴 in Macao. For details, please visit: http://www.dsat.gov.mo/ 國際長途電話 Long distance calls 士均有空調設施。各巴士路線分別往返澳 bus 門半島、氹仔和路環及機場,也有很多公 Student bus fare will be available to registered MPI Country code for Macao is 853 and outgoing international Full-time students (including exchange students) after you 澳門的國際電話區碼是853,接駁國際電 共巴士穿梭澳門市區的大街小巷。詳細巴 code is 00. apply for Student Personalized Macau Pass Card. For 話的國際冠碼是00。 士路線請查閱:http://www.dsat.gov.mo/bus To call overseas: 00 + [country code such as 86 or 351]+ details, please visit: https://www.macaupass.com/category/ 致電海外:00 +【國家號碼如86或351】 理工全日制學生(包括交流生)可 area code + phone number document/ (Chinese Only) +地區編號+電話號碼 申請學生個人澳門通卡,享有學生車資 Postal services 優惠。網頁:https://www.macaupass.com/ 郵政服務 category/document The General Post Offce is located in , 郵政總局位於新馬路議事亭前地,分局遍 while postal branches can be found throughout the Macao 佈澳門、氹仔及路環各處,提供投寄函 Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane. Services include letter post,

www.ipm.edu.mo 23.國際學生及交流學生手冊 Handbook for International and Exchange Students.24

往香港及中國簽證·Visa to Hong Kong and China

往香港簽證 Visa to Hong Kong LEAVING MPI 凡持有效《往來港澳通行證》在澳門 MPI Students with valid P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao can apply for a one-entry 就學的內地居民,可到澳門中國旅行社 It is suggested that students should make sure they have or two-entry visa to Hong Kong. Please refer to the website 建議確定成績通過後才離澳,以避免退宿 申請一次有效或兩次有效(進入截止期限 passed all the subjects before leaving Macao in case they of China Travel Service Macao Ltd (CTS) for more details: 退學離澳後卻要再回澳補考的情況。交流 為3個月,停留期限14天)赴香港簽注。 have to come back to Macao for supplementary re-sit http://www.cts.com.mo/index.php/vs_t4/ 生請於離澳前一個月以電郵通知學生事務 http:// 詳情可參閱澳門中國旅行社網頁: 處。 examinations. Exchange students please notify Student www.cts.com.mo/index.php/vs_t4/ Portuguese Passport holders require no visa to go Affairs Offce by E-mail one month before leaving Macao. to Hong Kong and stay for up to 90 days, while other 持葡萄牙護照者可獲免簽證逗留香港 nationalities need to check with the website of Hong Kong 退學 不超過90日,而其他國籍人士可參閱香 Immigration Department for Hong Kong visa requirements: Withdrawal 港特別行政區政府入境事務處網頁確認是 http://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/services/visas/visit-transit/ 交流生將要離開澳門時,須自行下載或到 Exchange students are required to complete the withdrawal 否需要簽證入境香港。網頁:http://www. visit-visa-entry-permit.html. 招生註冊處索取 “退學申請表”,到圖 application forms and having obtained the library’s immd.gov.hk/hkt/services/visas/visit-transit/ Students can apply for a Hong Kong visa through 書館進行確認退學手續,及後將填妥的申 confrmation that all borrowed books have been returned, visit-visa-entry-permit.html the Offce of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign 請表交回招生註冊處。 then to submit the completed forms to the Registry. 如需辦理赴香港簽證,可以到中華人 Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in Macao Special (學生>學生資訊>下載表格>申請退 (Student > General Information for Students > Forms to 民共和國外交部駐澳門特別行政區特派員 Administrative Region. (Website: http://www.fmcoprc.gov. 學) Download > Withdrawal of Study) 公署辦理(網頁:http://www.fmcoprc.gov. mo/eng/lsyw/hz/t53578.htm) mo/eng/lsyw/hz/t53578.htm)。 Visa to China 退宿 Hostel check-out 往中國簽證 Foreign students can also apply for a visa to China through 宿生須填妥“學生宿舍退房申請”到 Student boarders who are moving out should fll in the the Offce of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign 舍監處辦理退宿手續。退宿表可於理工網 “student dormitory check-out form” and contact the warden 持外國護照的外籍人士如需在澳門辦理 Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in Macao Special 頁下載又或於招生註冊處、學生事務處 to deal with checking out procedures. Check-out forms can be downloaded from the MPI website or obtained from the 赴中國簽證,可以到中華人民共和國外 Administrative Region. (Website:http://www.fmcoprc.gov. 索取。(學生>學生資訊 >下載表格>學 Registry and Student Affairs Offce. (Student > General 交部駐澳門特別行政區特派員公署(網 mo/eng/lsyw/hz/) or China Travel Service Macao Ltd (CTS) 生宿舍退房申請) http://www.fmcoprc.gov.mo/eng/lsyw/ Information for Students > Forms to Download > Check-out 頁: (Website: http://www.cts.com.mo/index.php/vs_t3/) 退宿時宿生須將屬於宿舍的物件及設 hz/ http:// form for Student Hostel) )或澳門中國旅行社(網頁: 備交還舍監。如發現房間內有設備損毀或 www.cts.com.mo/index.php/vs_t3/辦理。 When checking out student boarders are required to 遺失,宿生須按照“賠償通知”前往理工 return all dormitory equipment to wardens. If instances of 出納處繳清款項(如有需要,可委託他人 any loss or damage to any equipment student boarders are 協助繳費),並將收據交回舍監。否則, required to pay compensation to the Cashier according to the 本地緊急及重要電話一覽表·Important phone numbers 有關費用將在宿生宿舍保證金內扣除。 “compensation notice” (if necessary they may appoint others to settle the amount on their behalf) and return the payment 緊急求助熱線 Emergency Call 999 / 110 / 112 receipts to the warden. Otherwise, compensation will be deducted from the student boarder’s hostel caution fee. 仁伯爵綜合醫院 CondeS. Januario Hospital 2831 3731

鏡湖醫院 Kiang Wu Hospital 2837 1333

消防局 Fire Station 2857 2222

治安警察局 Public Security Police Force 2857 3333

司法警察局 Judiciary Police 2855 7777

本地電話詢(語及英語) Directory Enquiries (Chinese / English) 181

本地電話詢(葡語) Directory Enquiries (Portuguese) 185

www.ipm.edu.mo 電話: (853) 8599 6463 傳真: (853) 2870 6747 電郵: [email protected] 網頁: www.ipm.edu.mo 地址: 澳門高美士街澳門理工學院A119室

澳門理工學院 學生事務處 編製:2018年8月

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