Redesigning Streets for a Growing City and Better Neighbourhoods

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Redesigning Streets for a Growing City and Better Neighbourhoods Toronto’s Great Streets Redesigning Streets for a Growing City and Better Neighbourhoods July 2018 Toronto’s Great Streets Redesigned for Greatness Harbord Street Roncesvalles Avenue St. Clair Avenue West Bike lanes for safer mobility & village improvement Toronto placemaking at its best The streetcar neighbourhood The 2014 redesign installed continuous cycling Completed in 2011, the Roncesvalles redesign The dedicated streetcar lane, opened in 2010, has infrastructure from Ossington to Parliament, trans- focused on placemaking and people, improving safety made hopping on transit an efficient alternative to forming Harbord into one of the most well-travelled and enhancing pedestrian space while strengthening the car and has transformed this midtown corridor bike routes in the city. Roncy’s capacity to serve local needs. into a vibrant main street. Queens Quay West Market Street A street for all users A future-proof street for people (and patios!) The 2015 redesign repositioned Queens Quay as Market Street’s 2014 redesign prioritizes the pedes- a public waterfront promenade, reallocating street trian experience to support adjacent retail and space to accommodate all modes – pedestrians, restaurants while celebrating the unique heritage cyclists, transit, and cars. and culture of St. Lawrence Market. Toronto’s Great Streets 2 Toronto’s Great Streets The Ones to Watch Bloor Street King Street Downtown Yonge Street Bike lanes on Bloor from east to west Relief for Toronto’s busiest surface transit route Canada’s Main Street See (a) credit image The Bike Lane Pilot Project on Bloor Street proved to The King Street Pilot Project transformed this busy A vision to pedestrianize a busy foot traffic stretch of be a great success and the lanes are now permanent. downtown corridor into a reliable streetcar route Yonge between Queen and College could revitalize Next step: extend the lanes further east and west. freed from mixed traffic. This summer, phase two the neighbourhood and boost business. is animating the public realm with patios and new pedestrian space. Yonge Street North The Golden Mile A main street in the making Fresh, green tracks for Scarborough Transforming Yonge from a six-lane thoroughfare The Crosstown LRT is coming to Eglinton East, along into a vibrant main street would redefine downtown with a bold new design for the Golden Mile that will North York as a vital urban centre. reshape this six-lane thoroughfare into a safer, more vibrant complete street. Toronto’s Great Streets 3 Redesigned Y for Greatness H Harbord Street page 9 R Roncesvalles Avenue page 12 S St. Clair Avenue West page 15 G Q Queens Quay West page 18 M Market Street page 21 The Ones to Watch B Bloor Street S page 25 K King Street page 28 B D Downtown Yonge Street page 31 H D Y Yonge Street North page 34 R K M G The Golden Mile page 37 Q Toronto’s Great Streets 4 By 2041, Toronto’s population is like the successful Bloor Street bike expected to increase by 35% to almost lanes and the new King Street transit Redesigning 4 million people. Meanwhile, pilot, Torontonians are rethinking Downtown’s population is expected to how our streets should look, feel, and double, its density growing vertically function. streets for and intensively within a small foot- Street design is an evolving practice print.1, 2 Faced with this astonishing – each project offers opportunities growth, we cannot possibly double to consider outcomes, make modi- a growing city the number of cars on our already fications, and apply lessons learned congested streets. in the future. How we think about and better That’s why in recent years the City streets is evolving, too. Bold street has been redesigning its streets to get redesigns support a broader cultural more people moving safely on transit, shift away from “cars vs. people” neighbourhoods on bicycles, and on their feet. With thinking and towards a new vision of bold new redesigns and pilot projects streets as shared spaces for people. About this Report Toronto is a city of neigh- bourhoods, which are often defined by main streets. But these streets are not just for moving cars, bikes, and transit. Beyond their transportation functions, main streets lined by storefronts, patios, and public spaces lend a unique character to a community. Streets connect places, and they also connect people. A great street redesign can transform a neighbourhood for the better. This report profiles five recently redesigned Great Streets in Toronto and uncovers some of their ingredients for success. It also features five future great streets, The Ones to Watch, that have great potential for revi- talization and change, with the right recipe. Toronto’s Great Streets 5 What makes a street great Toronto’s Great Streets does not rank or compare streets. Beyond ensur- ing safety for users, not all streets are designed for the same objec- tives. Some have been redesigned to improve mobility, while others prioritize foot traffic and placemaking. And not all streets share the same metrics. Some indicators are directly measurable, like transit and cycling Complete Streets Complete streets is about trans- and making trade-offs is key. ridership, while others are not so easy and Great Streets forming the broader multi-modal A great street design will build upon to quantify, such as the beauty of the transportation network to enhance the neighbourhood’s unique assets, built form or perceptions of safety. In recent years, the City of Toronto safety, vibrancy, and efficiency. Great respond to how people are already has adopted a complete streets streets – the outstanding individual using the street, and fit in with the There is no standard recipe for a great approach that strives to “safely street redesigns – are a part of that broader transportation network. street. But a common thread among accommodate all users – pedestri- transformation. the streets featured in this study is Different streets have different ans, cyclists, transit services, and that they all play a key role in making With limited street widths, building priorities; there is no one-size-fits- motor vehicles – and also support the surrounding neighbourhood a a “lane for each mode” isn’t always all solution for great streets. But the and enhance local neighbourhood great place to live, work, and visit. viable. So for complete streets trans- streets featured here offer some context and character.” 3 formations, determining priorities great ideas. Toronto’s Great Streets 6 Recipe for Greatness While there is no standard recipe for a great street, there are some great ingredients: Placemaking Mobility Economic vitality Safety and • Inviting streetscape: Unique • Multiple mobility options: • Mixed-use: When a street is flanked accessibility elements – like sidewalk pavers, patio Designing streets for multiple modes by homes, businesses, and destinations • Safe for all road users: Supporting space, raised planters and tree pits, provides people with transportation where people live, work, and play, it the safety of all road users – especially and seating options – help to beautify options. The modes accommodated becomes the centre of activity for the most vulnerable – should be top pri- the street and support neighbour- on each street should respond to a diverse range of users at all hours ority on all streets. Sufficient sidewalk hood identity. the surrounding street network, of the day. space, dedicated cycling infrastructure, adjacent uses, major destinations, • Public spaces: A beautiful and • Variety of businesses and services: safe, physical separation between road and local demand. vibrant street that connects existing The local businesses that line a street users, and accessibility and universal public spaces and acts as a public • Flexible and adaptable: As Toronto should serve both the day-to-day design features can reduce conflicts space itself gives locals and visitors a grows up, people are living and mov- needs of locals and offer products between road users. Strategies to slow reason to stop and spend time, rather ing differently, with more choosing and services that appeal to visitors. vehicle traffic in order to improve than just move through. active transportation and transit than A healthy mix of businesses makes safety should take priority. ever before. Our streets must adapt for an inviting and active street. • Neighbourhood character: • Pedestrian priority: We are all to these changes and accommodate A great street can foster community • Diverse and inclusive: A great pedestrians. Streets should accom- future mobility needs. pride and stewardship. When a street street offers diverse users many rea- modate pedestrian needs by offering is woven into a community’s identity, sons to visit, like community services, generous sidewalk space, frequent it can become a great civic place, with a range of shopping options, and crossing opportunities, and safe and a shared sense of culture and history. public spaces that are open to all. accessible curb features to support foot traffic. Physical separation should provide protection for pedestrians while still supporting a street’s vitality. Toronto’s Great Streets 7 Redesigned for Greatness Harbord Street | Roncesvalles Avenue | St. Clair Avenue West Queens Quay West | Market Street Toronto’s Great Streets 8 Great Streets Harbord St. Ossington Ave. Ossington St. Grace Shaw St. Shaw Spadina Ave. Harbord Street St. Bathurst Ave. Brunswick Bike lanes for safer mobility and village improvement The 2014 redesign installed continuous cycling infrastructure from Ossington to Parliament, transforming Harbord into one of the most well- travelled bike routes in the city. Why it’s a great street A key east-west corridor: cars. Visitors are better able to Harbord Village BIA area Harbord is a key part of a look around, stop, and shop. have remained at around longer east-west cycling 0%. The area is home to an Safer lanes, more cycling: corridor that serves major eclectic mix of businesses, Continuous, dedicated bike institutional and employ- with no chain stores in the lanes allow cyclists of all ages ment destinations, such as BIA boundaries.
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