You're a , the descendant of a dark mage's attempts at creating an intelligent canine for his minions to ride into battle. Overall, you look like a particularly hairy wolf with an intelligent gleam in your eyes. Your fur may be brown, grey, white, black, or some combination of those depending on where you were raised. Your life has most likely been spent in some sort of group; be it your family, a pack of hunters, or a clan of friends of a more humanoid persuasion. Loyalty comes naturally to you, though depending on your disposition it may manifest as either deference or a desire to rise to the top. No matter what, though, you're definitely a cut above any mundane sort of mutt. Other species are likely to treat you like a pet or a wild animal before they learn just what you are... and some may continue to treat you as such. However, your innate will to prove yourself often lets you find strong and fire-forged friends that are willing (and able) to back you up, no matter what. Common Personality Traits: Cunning, loyal, opportunistic, savage, territorial Common Physical Traits: Shaggy hide, pearly (or bloody) teeth, canine eyes, growling voice Example Names: Hookclaw, , Padfoot, Geatwulfe, Spot. In addition, some Warg purposefully take up more standard names for themselves, either to prove to others of their intelligence or to show off their mastery with the 'two-footed folk's ways'. These names are almost always masculine-sounding, however, regardless of the actual gender of the warg in question. Splinter Race Feats: Atavist Pack (Vaugr), Barking Pack (Warhound), Grim Pack (), Lunar Pack (Loup-Garou), Angelic Heritage (Blink Dog), Devilish Heritage (Hellhound), Draconic Heritage/Legacy (Shisa Foo Dog). Unless you choose one of these, you are a "Lone Wolf". Type: Medium quadruped beast with a Reach of 1 (see Fantasy Craft, page 226). Your maximum wounds equal your  Natural Attack: You gain the Bite II natural attack (see Fantasy Constitution score. Craft, page 235). If you gain a natural attack from multiple  Attributes: +2 to the lower of Dexterity or Wisdom, –2 to Any sources, the attack’s grade becomes equal to the highest single grade + 1 per additional benefit granting the same attack, to a  Base speed: 40 ft. maximum of V (e.g. Bite IV, Bite III, and Bite I become Bite  Aloof: Your error range increases by 2 when making Impress V). and Sense Motive checks targeting characters of other species.  Dreadful Howl: As a full action you may unleash a dreadful  Bloodhound: Your base scent range is equal to your Wisdom howl. All enemies up to one size category larger than you able score × 10 ft. and, you gain a +6 bonus with Track checks. to hear you must make a Will save (DC 10 + the number of  Sure-Footed: Your encumbrance loads are increased by 50% species feats you have + half your Intimidate ranks, rounded and when you run, your move multiplier is increased by 1 up) or suffer 2d6 + your Con modifier stress damage. The DC (typically to × 5). of this save increases by +4 for enemies able to see and hear you as you howl. You may use this ability a number of times per scene equal to your starting action dice.



Prerequisites: Warg, Level 1 only NEW ROGUE TEMPLATE Benefit: The higher of your Strength or Constitution rises by 1. Each time you would be affected by an enemy's spell, you may make an Intimidate (Wis) check. You gain Spell Defense against WARG (+11 XP) that spell equal to the result of your check. However, you suffer a - Benefit: The NPC’s Type becomes Beast and their Base Speed 2 penalty to Appearance. increases by 10 ft. They also gain Bite II and the Dreadful Howl ability (stress damage attack II: 30 ft. aura; dmg 1d6 stress per 2 GRIM PACK ALPHA TL, Will DC 15 for 1/2 damage). The creator originally meant for goblins to ride your kind into battle. Nowadays it's a much more balanced sort of relationship NEW SPECIES FEATS between you. Prerequisites: Grim Pack The following new Species feats expand the abilities of Benefit: You gain 20 Reputation that must immediately be in any campaign containing them as a character option. spent to create or improve a Goblin, Orc, or Warg contact. This contact doesn't count against the maximum number of prizes you ATAVIST PACK may keep. Your body is large and imposing, a throwback to the first true- breed descendants of the original warg. LUNAR PACK Prerequisites: Warg, level 1 only Your kind is unnervingly similar to that of the in toughness, appearance, and weaknesses. Benefit: Your Size increases by one step (maximum Large). If you’re already Large or bigger, your Reach increases by 1 instead Prerequisites: Warg, Level 1 only (maximum 2). You also gain the sterner stuff NPC quality. Benefit: You gain the Darkvision I NPC trait, and DR 2/Silver. ATAVIST PACK ALPHA However, you also gain Achilles Heel (silver). The most powerful of Vaugr are almost supernaturally tough, LUNAR PACK ALPHA able to shrug off mere blades and weakness. At times, your connection to the moon is so strong that it's Prerequisites: Atavist Pack difficult to tell that you're still a four-legged being. Benefit: You gain Thick Hide 3, and you may ignore the first Prerequisites: Lunar Pack fatigued or shaken condition you gain each scene. Benefit: You are always considered to have actor's props and ignore Species and Size penalties to Disguise checks, and you gain BARKING PACK the Folk Type. You do not lose the Beast Type, but may use tools Unlike most wargs, you are compact and soft-looking. You and weapons as Folk do. You also gain the Regeneration 1 NPC might even be confused for a pet, if it weren't for the talking. ability. Finally, your Darkvision increases to II, but you also become Light-Sensitive. Prerequisites: Warg, level 1 only Benefit: Your Size decreases by one step (minimum Small), and once per scene you may speak to 1 of your teammates for 1 RACIAL ARMOR AND minute to grant them a +1 morale bonus with saving throws until the end of the current scene. In addition, you lose Aloof. Finally, WEAPON UPGRADES when taking the Basic Skill Mastery feat you have access to a new skill pair: Man's Best Friend (Impress & Medicine). The following craftsmanship upgrades follow the same parameters as those in Fantasy Craft (see Fantasy Craft, pages BARKING PACK ALPHA 184-186) – namely that of a racial construction/craftsmanship Your very presence is soothing, to the point that people seem upgrade for the warg race. to naturally recover at an amazing pace just from being around you. Underneath it all, though, you still have a brave and burning ARMOR UPGRADE DESCRIPTIONS soul. Warg: A pack hunter like a warg can often let his allies Prerequisites: Barking Pack distract a target long enough for him to get a killing blow in. Benefit: You may ignore species penalties to Medicine checks, and are always considered to have a doctor's bag. Finally, you gain WEAPON UPGRADE DESCRIPTIONS one additional vitality per level. Warg: Warg weapons have padded grips and oversized hilts so they can be wielded by mouth. Only one handed weapons can GRIM PACK receive this upgrade, only 1 weapon may be armed at a time, and Your blood is pure, that of the first Warg created by an ancient attack checks with the weapon receive -2. If the character wielding overlord. Frankly, you look like you got your face ripped off; the weapon has a Bite natural attack, the attack checks do not however, that doesn't matter much when the fight starts and a suffer the -2 modifier. However, the character does lose access to wizard's spells bounce right off your fur. the Bite attack while wielding this weapon.



Table 4.18 (New Addition): Armor Upgrades (Craftsmanship) Name DR Effect DP ACP Speed Disguise Const Comp Weight Era Cost Warg — Grants Fully Engaged trick — — — — — — — Primitive +100%

Table 4.25 (New Addition): Weapon Upgrades (Craftsmanship) Name Effect Const Comp Weight Era Cost Warg One handed only. Beasts may “mouth wield” the weapon at -2. — +5 — Primitive +150% Beasts with a Bite attack ignore this penalty but cannot Bite.

Survival, Tactics NEW MASTER CLASSES Continuity: At Level 1, choose 2 skills that are class skills for any of your other classes. These become Legendary Warg class There is one new master class that accompanies the addition of skills for you. Warg as a playable race to a campaign, the Legendary Warg. Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier per level Vitality: 9 + Con modifier per level LEGENDARY WARG CLASS ABILITIES Warg Epitome: You display many of the most renowned traits (MASTER) of your kind. At Level 1, you gain 1 additional Species feat. With GC permission, this feat may possess the “Level 1 only” Wargs are a unique being in the grand scheme of things; too prerequisite (see Behind the Curtain: Racial Epitomes, next page). animalistic for most of polite society, and yet too intelligent for the If you do not qualify for any Species feats when you gain this more primal wilds. However, you've tapped into the thing that ability, you instead gain 1 Terrain feat. makes people shiver in terror when they think of your kind; you Let Slip The Dogs Of War I: At level 1, as long as you are have mastered the art of pack hunting, you've become one with flanking an opponent, your bite natural attack gains Keen 10 and your terrifying howls at the moonlight, and you are a wild beast guard 1. which parents scare their children with to make them fear the woods while alone. Your kin are your loyal subjects, and you are Let Slip The Dogs Of War II: At level 4, all of your allies the Alpha; the largest, smartest, or even downright cruelest among with a bite natural attack able to see and hear you also gain this beasts. benefit. Depending on your campaign, a Legendary Warg could be... Bay At The Moon: At level 2, your Dreadful Howl species ability deals half of its normal damage even when a foe makes a  A hungry predator, looking for his daily feast successful Will save.  The sacred guardian of a farming village, revered as a god of Wisewolf Of Yoitsu: At level 3, the lower of your Dexterity or the harvest Wisdom score increases by 2.  A bully who terrorizes the weak in order to cement the spot at Living Legend: At level 4, your starting action dice increase the top by 1.  The secret brains behind an army, using superior tactical abilities to better strike down his foes  A grim portent of death, and the newest leader of a pack of hellish hounds

Party Role: Wildcard. As a Legendary Warg, most of your abilities make you better at what you already could do. However, what exactly you 'already could do' is a very open book indeed. Players who like feats and high attributes will take the most pleasure from being a Legendary Warg. CLASS FEATURES Favored Attributes: Wisdom, Dexterity, Strength Requirements: Warg, Dexterity or Wisdom 15+, Tactics 10+ ranks, Survival +6 ranks Class Skills: Athletics, Intimidate, Notice, Search, Sense Motive, Sneak,



Table X.X: Legendary Warg Level BAB Fort Ref Will Def Init Lifestyle Legend Abilities 1 +0 +2 +2 +0 +1 +2 +0 +0 Let slip the dogs of war I, warg epitome 2 +1 +3 +3 +0 +1 +3 +0 +1 Bay at the moon 3 +2 +3 +3 +1 +2 +4 +1 +1 Wisewolf of yoitsu 4 +3 +4 +4 +1 +2 +5 +1 +1 Let slip the dogs of war II, living legend 5 +3 +4 +4 +1 +3 +5 +1 +1 Lord of the

Lord Of The Wild Hunt: Considering your status, it's no surprise that you have a little gang always on your tail. At level 5, you gain the Followers and More Followers feats, the NPC group consisting of Pack Wolves (see Fantasy Craft, page 286) with both the Mook quality (see Fantasy Craft, page 234) and a +10 bonus to BEHIND THE CURTAIN: RACIAL EPITOMES their Base Speed. Their numbers are determined using your Many legendary master classes grant bonus Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier, and you take Species feats through the epitome ability and some of no Reputation loss for their deaths or dismissal. You may gain the these feats involve radical physical transformations Followers and More Followers feats a second time, allowing you (e.g. the Swan Nation feat grants an elf a pair of wings). to choose your own followers but requiring you to use your With GM approval, the epitome ability may allow a Charisma as normal. character to ignore the “Level 1 only” prerequisite With GC permission, you may instead gain other NPCs that when taking a Species feat, which can result in would fit your overall theme; a warg with Devilish Heritage might physical transformation after a character’s been in play gain things akin to Hellhounds, for instance, while one with for a while. In these cases, the player and Game Master Barking Pack may instead choose to have a retinue of loyal should work together to come up with a plausible in- mongrels. setting reason for the transformation. This might involve divine intervention, genetic manipulation, exposure to magic rituals and sites, or something

unique to the world. Fortunately, levels and class abilities are generally gained “off screen,” which places major body adjustments outside adventures and therefore most regular play. In settings where such events are exceedingly rare, the GM may also require the character to undertake some task or incorporate some additional background to explain the change. Ideally, players are encouraged to bring their plans and questions to the GC prior to choosing a transforming Species feat. This helps ensure a preservation of the setting and a smooth progression of the story.


The following new class abilities from the Legendary Warg master class are available to NPCs using the class ability NPC quality (see Fantasy Craft, page 231).

Table X.X: NPC Class Abilities Class Ability XP Value Bay at the Moon (Special characters only) 5 Let Slip the Dog of War I 3 Let Slip the Dog of War II 5

Race, Species feats, Craftsmanship, and Master Class design by Mutt with help from the Crafty Forum-ites. Art by merlkir and DaphneBlake of deviantART.
