22 3 205 210 Strakh Yefrem.P65
Russian Entomol. J. 22(3): 205210 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2013 New records of Elasmus Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) species from Southeast Asia Íîâûå íàõîäêè âèäîâ ðîäà Elasmus Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) èç Þãî-âîñòî÷íîé Àçèè I.S. Strakhova1, Z.A. Yefremova1, 2 È.Ñ. Ñòðàõîâà1, Ç.À. Åôðåìîâà1, 2 1 Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, 4 pl. 100-letya, Ulyanovsk 432700, Russia. E-mail: eulophids@mail.ru Óëüÿíîâñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò, ïë. 100-ëåòèÿ, 4, Óëüÿíîâñê 432700, Ðîññèÿ. E-mail: eulophids@mail.ru 2 Department of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè, ôàêóëüòåò íàóê î æèçíè èìåíè Æîðæà Âàéçà, Òåëü-Àâèâñêèé óíèâåðñòèòåò, Èçðàèëü. KEY WORDS: Elasmus, Eulophidae, Hymenoptera, Southeast Asia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Elasmus, Eulophidae, Hymenoptera, Þãî-Âîñòî÷íàÿ Àçèÿ. ABSTRACT: Nine species of the genus Elasmus the present study, Elasmus species were not reported are newly recorded from continental Southeast Asia from Thailand. Elasmus brevicornis and E. johnstoni with diagnoses, distributions and remarks. E. philippi- Ferrière, 1929 are known from Myanmar (Burma) [Hert- nensis Ashmead, 1904 is re-described. A key to species ing, 1975, 1977]. Elasmus species were not found in of the genus Elasmus known from Thailand is presented. Cambodia and Laos. Seven species (Elasmus anticles Walker, 1846, E. brevicornis, E. cameroni Verma et ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Äåâÿòü âèäîâ ðîäà Elasmus âïåðâûå Hayat, 1986, E. corbetti Ferrière, 1930, E. hyblaeae óêàçûâàþòñÿ äëÿ êîíòèíåíòàëüíîé ÷àñòè Þãî-Âîñ- Ferrière, 1929, E. nephantidis, E. philippinensis Ash- òî÷íîé Àçèè ñ äèàãíîçîì, ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèåì è êîì- mead, 1904) are known from Malaysia [Ferrière, 1930; ìåíòàðèÿìè.
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