1 June 2006 – Issue 1 a Newsletter for the Pyraloidea Fans

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1 June 2006 – Issue 1 a Newsletter for the Pyraloidea Fans Volume 1 – 1 June 2006 – Issue 1 A newsletter for the Pyraloidea fans The Pyraloid Planet was founded on the gested the night before with great enthusi- year. The survival of The Pyraloid Planet 21st of March 2006 in Dresden, Germany asm, the name The Pyraloid Planet was depends on having interesting information by most of the participants of the first chosen by plebiscite, and quickly became to publish. This information can take GlobIZ workshop (see text below). We, in known as PP... B. Landry also proposed the form of web site announcements or order of appearance on the photograph to be the first editor, which was adopted presentations, congress announcements, below (starting from the left, Christian unanimously. The photograph below, cour- field trip accounts, observations on Schulze, Shen-Horn Yen, Andreas Segerer, tesy of Houhun Li, was taken on this mem- pyraloids, current research projects, Houhun Li, Bernard Landry, Gregor Kunert, orable occasion. advances in GlobIZ, the “Membership” Matthias Nuss, Alma Solis, and Christian list, etc. New, major publications can also The Pyraloid Planet will preferably be Schmidt) were united at the Isola bella, be announced, but shorter, new taxonomic distributed as a pdf to all those interested. an Italian restaurant in Dresden, and after papers on Pyraloidea will not be listed here Ideally, the rate of publication will be once some debate on how we should vote on the because their references will be accessible a year, and the editor will change every 15 or so possible names that we had sug- from the GlobIZ web site. Please send any Picture 1. On the founding night of PP. Photograph by Houhun Li. 1 item of interest to The Pyraloid Planet biodiversity along environmental gradi- specimens. The first chapters cover gen- community (by email, preferably as a MS ents. eral subjects. They are titled as follows : Word file) to the next editor, Shen-Horn Yen, - Shen-Horn Yen : New insights into the “E-types – A new resource for taxonomic at [email protected]. To be added phylogeny of the Acentropinae. research ;” “Image metadata standard and to (or removed from) the “Membership” - M. Alma Solis : Pyraloidea of North- practices ;” “Colour management ;” “Image list, or for changes to your addresses, western Mexico. & The Lepidoptera file management ;” “Online acquisition of please also contact the next editor. The ATOL (Tree of Life) grant. scientific-archive documents – A survey pieces of information that are not signed - Francesca Vegliante : The metathorax and manual ;” “Taxonomic grade images ;” in this first issue are the responsibility of - looking for more characters for a cla- and “A photographer’s viewpoint.” Then, its editor, Bernard Landry. This issue was distic analysis of the Pyraloidea. two series of chapters deal with Different made possible with the help of Corinne approaches for different groups of organ- Day 2 Charvet, Jim Hayden, Houhun Li, Florence isms and Case studies. Of particular inter- Marteau, Edda Martinez, Matthias Nuss, - Eckhard Groll : Web base data sources est to us are the papers on digital imaging Amanda Roe, Thomas Simonsen, Alma of the German Entomological Institute of butterflies and other Lepidoptera Solis, and Shen-Horn Yen. (DEI). (4 papers), and beetles and other more - Gregor Kunert : Perspectives of web three-dimensional insects (4 papers). Tips The logo of The Pyraloid Planet was cre- applications. are given in some chapters for the use of ated by Florence Marteau of the Muséum - Falk Krusche : A GIS module for Glo- Auto-Montage and Adobe Photoshop, as d’histoire naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland. bIZ ? well as the effects of various ways of illu- And the layout was made by Corinne - Andreas Weck-Heimann : How to get minating specimens for imaging. One can Charvet of the same institution. GBIF data into a map ? also find the description of a very efficient light box using a circular light tube. The The data already included in GlobIZ as of various chapters are provided with ample March 22, 2006 are : illustrations, most often in colour. I recom- GlobIZ – a database - family group names : 94 (+ 43 syno- mend it highly ! on pyraloid names and nyms) literature - genus group names : 2245 (+ 1036 syno- nyms) GlobIZ or the Global Information System on - species group names : 5829 (+ 1643 sy- Congresses Pyraloidea (Insecta : Lepidoptera) provides nonyms) easy, up-to-date access to established sci- - generic combinations : 804 • The XVth European Congress of Lepi- entific names and their current status, and - changes of status : 730 dopterology will be held in Erckner near the source of the information. It is a global - literature references : 2865 Berlin (Germany) from 8 to 12 Septem- synonymic catalogue based on the rules ber 2007. The Congress organizer is of the International Code of Zoological Wolfram Mey (see address below) and Nomenclature (1999) of the approximately more information is available at www. 16,000 described snout moth species. Recent publications on soceurlep.org. A workshop on Pyraloi- The data are edited and published via the Pyraloidea systematics dea is planned to be held during this World Wide Web by pyraloid specialists congress. worldwide, from which anyone can make Are you interested to learn more about • The 57th Meeting of the Lepidopterists’ queries to quickly find global answers. The recent publications on Pyraloidea system- Society, co-hosted with the Southern atics ? Go to www.pyraloidea.org, enter the information is provided free of charge, but Lepidopterists’ Society and the Associ- database, go to the literature report, and users are requested to cite GlobIZ and ation for Tropical Lepidoptera is held at type the year you are interested in. If you acknowledge the origin of the data. the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and come across a paper on the systematics Biodiversity, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., Check it out at http ://www.pyraloidea.org/ of Pyraloidea that is not in GlobIZ, please between June 14 and 18, 2006. For advise Matthias Nuss (address below) or The first GlobIZ workshop was interest- information on the 2007 meeting of the the Editor of The Pyraloid Planet. ing in many ways. Of course, we learned a Lepidopterists’ Society, please check great deal about the database, but we also www.lepsoc.org. heard some presentations on Pyraloidea and web applications. Here are the titles of the presentations that were given : New publication Day 1 Häuser, C. L., A. Steiner, J. Holstein & M. New websites of interest J. Scoble (Eds.) 2005. Digital Imaging of - Bernard Landry : The endemic Pyraloi- Two global initiatives to understand Biological Type Specimens. A manual of dea of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. better the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera best practice. Results from a study of the - Houhun Li : The Pyralidae of China : have made their web appearance recently. European Network for Biodiversity Infor- Current Situation and Problems. The first, financed for 5 years by the US mation. Stuttgart, viii + 309 pages. ISBN : - Matthias Nuss : Loxostege clathralis National Science Foundation under the 3-00-017240-8. Available from the Edi- (Hübner, 1813) – colour polymorphism Tree of Life programme, is mostly aimed tors, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, or different species ? (Pyraloidea : Cram- at a better understanding of the phylogeny Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Ger- bidae : Pyraustinae) of all the families of Lepidoptera using many. - Andreas Segerer : The Dioryctria sim- molecular markers (see http ://www. plicella complex – a morphological and This very interesting book compiling 24 leptree.org). The other is a consortium of molecular approach. articles by 37 contributors from Europe European lepidopterists formed in April - Christian H. Schulze : Pyraloidea as a and three from the U.S.A. is an introduc- 2006 and seeking funds (see http ://www. model group for studying changes of tion to the digital imaging of museum lepsys.org). 2 As of Spring 2006, the Journal of the 1994 authors have truncated names. So, “Catalogus Insectorum Sinensium” (vol. Lepidopterists’ Society is on line at if you use the Nomenclator to check a 4, Lepidoptera), in which he recorded 587 http ://www.lepsoc.org. More than 3000 generic name and the author name(s) look pyraloid species based on the papers of articles of the journal, i.e. the articles funny, and it dates to the early 1990’s, Caradja (1925). This catalogue was sup- from all but the most recent 5 years of the check the generic name on Google and plemented by Lu and Guan (1953a, 1953b), Journal, are freely available as scanned you will usually find the correct full author who increased the list to 1174 species and portable document format (pdf) files. name (but occasionally Google will find the 106 subspecies. Thereafter, Pyraloidea truncated author name because the data research in China was halted for more than The following link will take you to the site were extracted from the Nomenclator !). twenty years due to various reasons. In of Lynn Scott, a naturalist interested in 1977 Yang published his work “Moths of moths. She has taken hundreds of pic- Alfred F. Newton North China (I)” in which 93 species under tures of moths at rest in her backyard <anewton@fieldmuseum.org> 8 subfamilies of Pyraloidea were included. near Ottawa, Canada, including pyraloids : Associate Curator Then, the “Lepidoptera : Pyralidae” by http ://www.heiconsulting.com/dls/moth- Zoology Department/Insect Division Wang (1980) came out ; it was part of the home.html. Field Museum of Natural History publication series Economic Insect Fauna <http ://www.fmnh.org> of China. This book recorded 224 spe- Neave’s Nomenclator Zoologicus on 1400 South Lake Shore Drive cies in 124 genera and 10 subfamilies, but line : http ://www.ubio.org/index. Chicago, IL 60605 USA » only a few genitalia figures were provided. php ?pagename=NZ Nevertheless, it played an important role This Nomenclator is of great importance to in the identification of Chinese species of systematists involved in introducing new Research on Pyraloidea Pyraloidea in the agroforestry field.
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    Diaphania nitidalis Chilo infuscatellus Crambidae Webworms, Grass Moths, Shoot Borers Biosecurity BIOSECURITY ALERT This Family is of Biosecurity Concern Occurrence This family occurs in Australia. Background The Crambidae is a large, diverse and ubiquitous family of moths that currently comprises 11,500 species globally, with at least half that number again undescribed. The Crambidae and the Pyralidae constitute the superfamily Pyraloidea. Crambid larvae are concealed feeders with a great diversity in feeding habits, shelter building and hosts, such as: leaf rollers, shoot borers, grass borers, leaf webbers, moss feeders, root feeders that shelter in soil tunnels, and solely aquatic life habits. Many species are economically important pests in crops and stored food products. Subfamilies Until recently, the Crambidae was treated as a subfamily under the Pyralidae (snout moths or grass moths). Now they form the superfamily Pyraloidea with the Pyralidae. The Crambidae currently consists of the following 14 subfamilies: Acentropinae Crambinae Cybalomiinae Glaphyriinae Heliothelinae Lathrotelinae Linostinae Midilinae Musotiminae Odontiinae Pyraustinae Schoenobiinae Scopariinae Spilomelinae Short Description Crambid caterpillars are generally cylindrical, with a semiprognathous head and only primary setae (Fig 1). They are often plainly coloured (Fig. 16, Fig. 19), but can be patterned with longitudinal stripes and pinacula that may give them a spotted appearance (Fig. 10, Fig. 11, Fig. 14, Fig. 22). Prolegs may be reduced in borers (Fig. 16). More detailed descriptions are provided below. This factsheet presents, firstly, diagnostic features for the Pyraloidea (Pyralidae and Crambidae) and then the Crambidae. Information and diagnostic features are then provided for crambids listed as priority biosecurity threats for northern Australia.
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