See Possil Marsh Species List

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See Possil Marsh Species List 1 of 37 Possil Marsh Reserve 07/09/2020 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records acarine Tetranychidae 1913 1914 1 alga Cladophora glomerata 2017 2017 1 amphibian Bufo bufo Common Toad 2007 2019 3 amphibian Lissotriton vulgaris Smooth Newt 1 amphibian Rana temporaria Common Frog 1966 2019 8 annelid Alboglossiphonia heteroclita 1959 1982 4 annelid Dina lineata 1972 1973 2 annelid Erpobdella octoculata leeches 1913 1914 1 annelid Glossiphonia complanata 1959 1961 2 annelid Haemopis sanguisuga horse leech 1913 1914 1 annelid Helobdella stagnalis 1959 1961 2 annelid Oligochaeta Aquatic Worm 1982 1982 1 annelid Theromyzon tessulatum duck leech 1959 1982 6 bacterium Pseudanabaena 2008 2008 1 bacterium Synechococcus 2008 2008 1 bird Acanthis flammea Common (Mealy) Redpoll 1879 1952 3 bird Acanthis flammea subsp. rostrata Greenland Redpoll 1913 1914 1 bird Accipiter nisus Sparrowhawk 1900 2019 8 bird Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler 1879 2020 19 bird Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper 1913 1930 2 bird Aegithalos caudatus Long-tailed Tit 1913 2020 13 bird Alauda arvensis Skylark 1913 2012 4 bird Alcedo atthis Kingfisher 1863 2018 10 bird Anas acuta Pintail 1900 1981 4 bird Anas clypeata Shoveler 1913 2019 34 bird Anas crecca Teal 1913 2020 51 bird Anas penelope Wigeon 1913 2020 65 bird Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 1913 2020 34 bird Anas querquedula Garganey 1900 1978 3 bird Anas strepera Gadwall 1982 2018 15 bird Anser albifrons White-fronted Goose 1900 1952 1 bird Anser anser Greylag Goose 1900 2012 5 bird Anthus pratensis Meadow Pipit 1913 1916 2 bird Anthus trivialis Tree Pipit 1900 1952 2 2 of 37 Possil Marsh Reserve 07/09/2020 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records bird Apus apus Swift 1913 2020 5 bird Ardea cinerea Grey Heron 1913 2020 7 bird Asio flammeus Short-eared Owl 1893 1991 9 bird Asio otus Long-eared Owl 1913 1999 11 bird Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup 1900 1952 2 bird Aythya ferina Pochard 1913 2020 22 bird Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck 1895 2020 49 bird Aythya marila Scaup 1916 1926 4 bird Botaurus stellaris Bittern 1909 1991 4 bird Branta canadensis Canada Goose 1993 2020 4 bird Branta leucopsis Barnacle Goose 1981 1981 1 bird Bucephala clangula Goldeneye 1913 2005 13 bird Buteo buteo Buzzard 1990 2020 19 bird Calidris alpina Dunlin 1900 1952 1 bird Calidris pugnax Ruff 1900 1994 3 bird Carduelis carduelis Goldfinch 1879 2020 19 bird Certhia familiaris Treecreeper 1913 2020 2 bird Charadrius hiaticula Ringed Plover 1900 1952 1 bird Charadrius morinellus Dotterel 1909 1914 2 bird Chlidonias niger Black Tern 1876 1876 2 bird Chloris chloris Greenfinch 1913 2008 3 bird Chroicocephalus ridibundus Black-headed Gull 1900 2020 14 bird Cinclus cinclus Dipper 1900 1952 2 bird Circus aeruginosus Marsh Harrier 1945 1988 2 bird Circus cyaneus Hen Harrier 1982 1988 4 bird Columba livia Feral Pigeon 2019 2020 2 bird Columba oenas Stock Dove 1900 2018 4 bird Columba palumbus Woodpigeon 1913 2020 18 bird Corvus corax Raven 1982 1982 1 bird Corvus corone Carrion Crow 2018 2020 8 bird Corvus corone subsp. corone Carrion Crow 1910 1992 2 bird Corvus frugilegus Rook 1900 1952 2 bird Corvus monedula Jackdaw 1913 2020 5 bird Crex crex Corncrake 1913 1936 4 3 of 37 Possil Marsh Reserve 07/09/2020 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records bird Cuculus canorus Cuckoo 1913 1992 4 bird Cyanistes caeruleus Blue Tit 1913 2020 15 bird Cygnus atratus Black Swan 1915 1924 2 bird Cygnus columbianus Bewick's Swan 1909 1981 5 bird Cygnus cygnus Whooper Swan 1918 2020 11 bird Cygnus olor Mute Swan 1871 2020 40 bird Delichon urbicum House Martin 1913 1914 2 bird Dendrocopos major Great Spotted Woodpecker 1900 1999 6 bird Emberiza calandra Corn Bunting 1913 1914 1 bird Emberiza citrinella Yellowhammer 1913 2020 3 bird Emberiza schoeniclus Reed Bunting 1913 2020 26 bird Erithacus rubecula Robin 1913 2020 13 bird Falco columbarius Merlin 1913 1985 4 bird Falco peregrinus Peregrine 1900 2020 17 bird Falco tinnunculus Kestrel 1900 2020 9 bird Ficedula hypoleuca Pied Flycatcher 1900 1952 1 bird Fratercula arctica Puffin 1913 1914 1 bird Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch 1913 2020 5 bird Fringilla montifringilla Brambling 1879 1997 3 bird Fulica atra Coot 1909 2020 75 bird Gallinago gallinago Snipe 1879 2020 17 bird Gallinula chloropus Moorhen 1913 2020 13 bird Garrulus glandarius Jay 2020 2020 2 bird Gavia stellata Red-throated Diver 1871 1951 5 bird Haematopus ostralegus Oystercatcher 1900 1952 1 bird Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt 1867 1914 3 bird Hirundo rustica Swallow 1909 2020 13 bird Hydrocoloeus minutus Little Gull 1982 1983 2 bird Larus argentatus Herring Gull 2018 2020 3 bird Larus argentatus subsp. argenteus Herring Gull 1913 1993 3 bird Larus canus Common Gull 1913 1914 1 bird Larus fuscus Lesser Black-backed Gull 1913 2020 11 bird Larus glaucoides Iceland Gull 1988 1993 2 bird Larus glaucoides subsp. glaucoides Iceland Gull 1984 1984 1 4 of 37 Possil Marsh Reserve 07/09/2020 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records bird Larus hyperboreus Glaucous Gull 1983 1998 6 bird Larus marinus Great Black-backed Gull 1913 2020 5 bird Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit 1900 1952 4 bird Linaria cannabina Linnet 1909 1914 2 bird Linaria flavirostris Twite 1913 1988 2 bird Locustella naevia Grasshopper Warbler 1900 2020 17 bird Lymnocryptes minimus Jack Snipe 1887 2003 43 bird Mergellus albellus Smew 1900 1986 4 bird Mergus merganser Goosander 1975 2013 5 bird Mergus serrator Red-breasted Merganser 1991 1993 3 bird Motacilla alba subsp. alba White Wagtail 1895 1914 2 bird Motacilla alba subsp. yarrellii Pied Wagtail 1879 2019 4 bird Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail 1913 2018 2 bird Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail 1913 1914 2 bird Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher 1900 1999 3 bird Numenius arquata Curlew 1913 1914 2 bird Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel 1900 1988 3 bird Oenanthe oenanthe Wheatear 1910 1914 3 bird Oenanthe oenanthe subsp. leucorhoa Greenland Wheatear 1913 1914 1 bird Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy Duck 1992 2004 19 bird Parus major Great Tit 1913 2020 10 bird Passer domesticus House Sparrow 1913 2020 3 bird Perdix perdix Grey Partridge 1913 1998 4 bird Periparus ater Coal Tit 1913 2020 4 bird Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 1894 2020 16 bird Phasianus colchicus Pheasant 1913 2020 5 bird Phoenicurus phoenicurus Redstart 1900 1952 2 bird Phylloscopus collybita Chiffchaff 1913 2020 6 bird Phylloscopus sibilatrix Wood Warbler 1900 1983 4 bird Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 1913 2020 17 bird Pica pica Magpie 1900 2020 19 bird Plectrophenax nivalis Snow Bunting 1900 1984 4 bird Pluvialis apricaria Golden Plover 1913 1991 3 bird Podiceps auritus Slavonian Grebe 1913 1914 1 5 of 37 Possil Marsh Reserve 07/09/2020 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records bird Podiceps cristatus Great Crested Grebe 1913 2020 12 bird Poecile montana Willow Tit 1913 1988 4 bird Poecile palustris Marsh Tit 1913 1914 1 bird Porzana porzana Spotted Crake 1889 1923 4 bird Prunella modularis Dunnock 1913 2019 7 bird Pyrrhula pyrrhula Bullfinch 1879 2019 15 bird Rallus aquaticus Water Rail 1879 2020 79 bird Regulus regulus Goldcrest 1900 2011 4 bird Riparia riparia Sand Martin 1913 1992 6 bird Saxicola rubetra Whinchat 1900 1952 2 bird Saxicola rubicola Stonechat 1913 2009 8 bird Scolopax rusticola Woodcock 1990 1999 10 bird Spinus spinus Siskin 1879 1997 3 bird Sterna hirundo Common Tern 1909 1938 3 bird Streptopelia turtur Turtle Dove 1994 1994 1 bird Strix aluco Tawny Owl 1913 1993 2 bird Sturnus vulgaris Starling 1913 2019 4 bird Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap 1992 2020 4 bird Sylvia borin Garden Warbler 1900 1999 2 bird Sylvia communis Whitethroat 1900 2020 13 bird Sylvia curruca Lesser Whitethroat 1998 1998 1 bird Tachybaptus ruficollis Little Grebe 1868 2020 11 bird Tadorna tadorna Shelduck 1900 1991 3 bird Tringa nebularia Greenshank 1913 1986 2 bird Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper 1983 1983 1 bird Tringa totanus Redshank 1913 1914 2 bird Troglodytes troglodytes Wren 1913 2020 13 bird Turdus iliacus Redwing 1913 2018 8 bird Turdus merula Blackbird 1913 2020 8 bird Turdus philomelos Song Thrush 1913 2020 5 bird Turdus pilaris Fieldfare 1992 2018 4 bird Turdus viscivorus Mistle Thrush 1913 1914 1 bird Tyto alba Barn Owl 1913 1988 2 bird Vanellus vanellus Lapwing 1913 1994 3 6 of 37 Possil Marsh Reserve 07/09/2020 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records bony fish Pungitius pungitius Nine-spined Stickleback 1901 1902 1 bryozoan Lophopus crystallinus Crystal Moss-animal 1908 1909 1 chromist Chrysochromulina parva 2008 2008 1 chromist Cryptomonas marssonii 2008 2008 1 crustacean Asellus aquaticus Water hog lice/slaters 1982 1982 2 crustacean Copepoda Cyclopid Water-Flea 1982 1982 2 crustacean Daphnia water fleas 1982 1982 1 crustacean Eurycercus lamellatus 1982 1982 2 crustacean Ostracoda 1982 1982 1 diatom Navicula 2008 2008 1 fern Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow Buckler-fern 1988 1988 3 fern Dryopteris dilatata Broad Buckler-fern 1957 1988 6 fern Dryopteris filix-mas agg. Male Fern 1955 1956 1 flatworm Bdellocephala punctata 1983 1986 1 flowering plant Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore 1983 1995 4 flowering plant Achillea millefolium Yarrow 1955 1995 7 flowering plant Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort 1955 1995 8 flowering plant Aegopodium podagraria Ground-elder 1955 1995 6 flowering plant Agrostis canina Velvet Bent 1988 1988 2 flowering plant Agrostis canina sensu lato Velvet Bent 1995 1995 1 flowering plant Agrostis capillaris Common Bent 1988 1995 7 flowering plant
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