TRANSPORTATION and TRANSIT / with the Santa Teresa to Alum Rock Line on 1St Street 4.2.2 Transit Between Downtown San Jose and Tasman Drive
\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ 4.2 \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ TRANSPORTATION \\\\\\\\ AND TRANSIT \\\\\\\\ 4.2.1 IntroductIon traffic impact reports are listed below and form the basis for much of the information in this section. This section discusses existing and future o Milpitas BART Stations Transportation Impact transportation conditions in the study area, and quan- Analysis, Draft, Hexagon Transportation tifies the expected long-term transportation impacts Consultants, Inc., September 20, 2006. of the Without Project and BART Extension Project. o San Jose BART Stations Transportation Impact Existing and projected future transit services, forecasts Analysis, Draft, Hexagon Transportation of transit patronage, and impacts on travel patterns Consultants, Inc., August 30, 2006. and the transportation environment are described, o Santa Clara BART Stations Transportation as well as existing and projected vehicular traffic, Impact Analysis, Draft, Hexagon Transportation circulation, parking, and non-motorized conditions Consultants, Inc., August 24, 2006. in the study area. Traffic operations during the peak hour are evaluated, with emphasis on intersection The analysis for the SEIR underwent a major change in levels of service (LOS), and measures are identified that the forecast year is 2030, rather than 2025 as used in for mitigating significant impacts on the roadway net- the FEIR. As a result of the new forecast year, new base work. Short-term construction-phase impacts are dis- year traffic counts, new modeling, updated demographic cussed in Section 4.18, Construction. data with ABAG projections and other assumptions, this Future transit patronage and vehicular traffic section has been updated since the FEIR. The regulatory volumes were developed using an enhanced version of setting did not change from the FEIR.
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