
Comprehensive evaluation of finger flexor entheseal and changes by ultrasound can differentiate psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis I. Tinazzi1, D. McGonagle2, A. Zabotti3, D. Chessa4, A. Marchetta1, P. Macchioni5

1Unit of , Ospedale Sacro Cuore, Negrar, Verona, Italy; 2NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, and the University of Leeds, United Kingdom; 3Department of Medical and Biological Sciences, Rheumatology Clinic, University of Udine, Italy; 4Department of Internal Medicine, Ospedale Paolo Dettori, Tempio Pausania (OT), Italy; 5Rheumatology Department, Ospedale S. Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Abstract Objective To determine whether a detailed sonographic evaluation of the hand flexor tendon compartment could help differentiate between (PsA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Methods Thirty-seven patients with PsA, 47 with RA and 10 healthy controls (HC) had flexor tendon (FT) compartment imaging of the dominant hand 2nd to 4th using grey scale (GS) and power Doppler (PD) ultrasound (US) with evaluation for , peri-tendinous lesions, soft tissue oedema and bony changes at FT insertions. 24/37 PsA and 19/47 RA cases had morning and 19/37 PsA and 10/47 RA had swollen and/or tender fingers.

Results Tenosynovitis was more common in PsA (25/37) despite higher DAS28 scores in RA (25/37 versus 10/45; p<0.001). Peri-tendinous dermal soft tissue oedema with associated PD signal was evident in one third of PsA patients but in no RA patients (p=0.003). Flexor tendon including new bone formation at the insertional site was significantly more common in PsA (p=0.001). Considering a total inflammatory score per patient summing up the three modifications of the flexor tendon (tenosynovitis, peri-tendinous oedema and insertional ) the difference between PsA and RA remained statistically significant (p<0.001)

Conclusion Our study adds to the growing body of literature that high resolution US of the hand FT compartment may help differentiate between RA and PsA, which needs assessment in the diagnostic setting.

Key words rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, tenosynovitis, oedema, flexor, ultrasound

Clinical and Experimental RheumatologyClinical 2018 and Experimental Rheumatology 2018; 36: 785-790. Italian multicentre ultrasound study on hand flexor compartment / I. Tinazzi et al.

Ilaria Tinazzi, MD, PhD Introduction larger group of patients than any other Dennis McGonagle, FRCPI, PhD There is a great interest in using im- previous studies including healthy con- Alen Zabotti, MD aging to facilitate in differentiation trols and scanned multiple joints to as- Donatella Chessa, MD between rheumatoid arthritis (RA), es- certain whether the pattern of entheseal Antonio Marchetta, MD Pierluigi Macchioni, MD pecially seronegative RA, and psoriatic related tenosynovitis in PsA could be arthritis (PsA). Synovial joint and teno- useful in the differentiation from RA. Please address correspondence to: Dr Ilaria Tinazzi, synovial are seen in both Rheumatology Unit, conditions. Both magnetic resonance Material and methods Ospedale Sacro Cuore, imaging (MRI) and musculoskeletal Patients via Don A. Sempreboni 5, ultrasound (MKUS) including that of The study was approved by the local 37024 Negrar (VR), Italy. the knees and metacarpo-phalangeal Ethics Committee and was conducted in E-mail: [email protected] (MCP) joints have shown a greater de- conformity with the Declaration of Hel- Received on October 11, 2017; accepted gree of and extra-synovial in- sinki and with the guidelines for good in revised form on December 18, 2017. volvement in PsA (1-4). clinical practice. A written informed © Copyright Clinical and The most characteristic finger joints consent was obtained from all partici- Experimental Rheumatology 2018. lesion in PsA is dactylitis where florid pants. Thirty-seven consecutive cases of flexor tenosynovitis on imaging was re- PsA and forty-seven cases of RA were ported (5), but flexor tenosynovitis was enrolled by two Italian Rheumatology also reported in RA. Centres (Negrar-Verona and Reggio A pivotal MKUS study using grey scale Emilia, Italy) (GS) showed significant differences in All participants satisfied either the the flexor tendon compartment in chron- 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria for RA or ic PsA compared to RA with entheseal the CASPAR criteria for PsA (10,11) new bone formation and “pseudoteno- A group of 10 healthy control (HC) ” or peri-tendinous oedema patients were also evaluated. Clinical being the more specific lesions of PsA assessment was carried out before US (6). However, this study evaluated only examination by one expert rheumatolo- 25 fingers per group, had limited utili- gist for each centre (AM, DC), who re- sation of PD techniques, did not have corded tenderness and swelling of the a healthy control group and the micro- finger joints, the presence of tenosyno- anatomical basis for these soft tissues vitis or dactylitis. lesions was poorly defined (6). All selected cases had a history of hand In recent years there has been an ap- involvement and had low to moderate preciation of “mini-enthesitis” in the disease activity at the time of US ex- small entheses of the hands in PsA. amination (Table I). The patient groups For example, Zabotti et al. have shown were matched for diseases duration, that MSKUS detectable peritendon age and BMI. The majority of them extensor digitorum tendon inflamma- were under therapy with conventional tion and central slip enthesitis at the DMARDs and none were treated with proximal interpalangeal joints (PIP) is biological drugs. specific of early PsA and is helpful for differentiation from early RA (7). A re- Ultrasound protocol cent MRI study suggests that entheseal The 2nd to 4th digit of the dominant hand abnormalities at the accessory pulley were scanned on the palmar side by two entheseal network of entheses may be rheumatologists (IT, PM), both experts a fundamental lesion in PsA dactylitis in MSKUS examination, blinded to the (8). Gutierrez et al. described flexor clinical and laboratory data. Intraob- tenosynovitis, synovitis and soft tissue server and inter-observer reliabilities oedema as typical MKUS features of for flexor tenosynovitis, peritendinous PsA dactylitis fingers (9). oedema and flexor tendon entheso- The aim of the present study was to phytes were tested before patients en- undertake a comprehensive US evalu- rolment using static images of 20 pa- ation of flexor tendon findings in PsA tients (10 PsA and 10 RA patients). and RA with an emphasis on entheseal All ultrasound scans were performed and associated peri-tendinous lesions as using a MyLab Twice US machine differentiators between both conditions. (Esaote, Genova, Italy) equipped with Competing interests: none declared. We revisited the use of MSKUS in a a 6–18 MHz linear transducer. The US

786 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2018 Italian multicentre ultrasound study on hand flexor compartment / I. Tinazzi et al. grey-scale (GS) imaging parameters Table I. Clinical characteristics of the patients and HCs. were optimised for maximal image PsA (37) RA (45) HCs (10) resolution and power Doppler (PD) set- tings were standardised with a pulse Sex distribuition (M/F) 15/22 13/32 4/6 repetition frequency of 750 Hz, 3 for Age in years (mean ± SD) 59.2 ± 9.7 60 ± 11.7 56 ± 17.3 wall filter, 4 for persistence and colour Duration of symptoms, years (mean ± SD) 4.8 ± 3.3 5.6 ± 4.1 DAS28 CRP (mean ± SD) 2.9 ± 0.6 3.2 ± 0.9 gain between 45-55%. The pathological US findings were graded in GS and PD Swollen fingers of dominant hand at time of scan (n, %) II finger 2 (5) 0 with 0 when absent and 1 if present. III finger 4 (11) 0 The following changes were recorded: IV finger 3 (8) 0 tenosynovitis, pseudotenosynovitis Painful fingers of dominant hand at time of scan (n, %) (peri-tendinous oedema) and entheso- II finger 7 (19) 5 (11) phytes of the flexor tendon insertion III finger 8 (22) 4 (9) at the distal phalanx. According with IV finger 4 (11) 2 (4) OMERACT definition, tenosynovitis Rheumatoid factor + (n, %) 0 (0) 38 (84) ND ACPA + (n, %) 0 (0) 34 (76) ND was defined in grey scale as abnormal Morning sfitness ≥30 min (n, %) 24 (65) 19 (42) 0 anechoic and/or hypoechoic tendon Diabetes (n, %) 1 (3) 2 (4) 0 sheath widening which could be related Dislipidaemia (n, %) 9 (24) 6 (13) 0 to the presence of fluid collection and/ BMI (mean ± SD) 26.1 ± 3.6 24.4 ± 3.5 23.0 ± 3.8 or tenosynovial hypertrophy (12). The Employment (n, %) presence of power Doppler (PD) was Manual 18 (49) 18 (40) 4 (40) Intellectual 16 (43) 20 (44) 5 (50) defined as the presence of vascular sig- Unemployed 3 (8) 7 (16) 1 (10) nal within the tendon sheath (12). Peri- Nail involvement (n, %) 17 (46) 0 0 tendinous oedema was defined as a dif- Dactylitis clinical evident at time of scan (n, %) 5 (14) 0 0 fuse hypo/isoechoic thickening of the Therapy (n, %) peritendinous soft tissues around flexor Only NSAID 8 (22) 0 tendon with vascular signal at PD ex- MTX 16 (43) 30 (67) SSZ 2 (5) 0 amination (pseudotenosynovitis) (6). CsA 2 (5) 2 (4) Enthesophytes of the flexor tendon in- LEF 4 (11) 6 (13) sertion were defined using OMERACT Combo therapy (≥2 DMARDs) 5 (14) 7 (16) definition (i.e. calcification or hyper- PsA: psoriatic arthritis; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; HCs: healthy controls; DAS28: Disease Activity Score echoic foci seen in two perpendicular 28; CRP: C-reactive protein; ACPA: anti-cytrullinated peptide antibodies; SD: standard deviation; BMI: planes, detected at the tendon insertion body mass index; NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; MTX: methotrexate; SSZ: sulfasala- into the bone) (13). Ten HCs were also zine; CsA: cyclosporine A; LEF: leflunomide; DMARDs: disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs; ND: scanned in order to verify the preva- not done. lence of the same elementary lesions. test p-value <0.05 was considered as tients were seropositive (82% positive Statistical analysis significant. Statistical analysis was per- for rheumatoid factor; 76% for anti- The reliability was tested on 20 static formed using SPSS v. 22. citrullinated peptide antibodies). The images for each elementary lesion (en- RA patients had a longer disease dura- thesophytes, tenosynovitis and periten- Results tion (mean 5.6 years ± 4.1) than the PsA dinous oedema) collected from 10 con- Intra-observer reliability between the patients (mean 4.8 years ±3.3) secutive patients with PsA and 10 with 2 sonographers (IT, PM) was substan- DAS28 CRP was slightly higher in RA RA from the arthritis clinic of Sacro Cu- tial good to identify enthesophytes and patients (3.2±0.9 vs. 2.9±0.6 in PsA pa- ore Hospital (Negrar, Verona) and then tenosynovitis evaluated in static images tients; p=ns) but PsA patients presented assessed by Cohen’s k. Interobserver (k values were 0.68 and 0.72, respec- more often swollen fingers and painful reliability was studied by calculating tively). Intra-observer and inter-observ- fingers at clinical evaluation of the flex- the mean k on all pairs (i.e. Light’s k) er reliability was fair for peritendinous or tendon than RA patients (Table I). No (14). Kappa coefficients were interpret- oedema identification on static images RA cases had active dactylitis whereas ed according to Landis and Koch (15). (κ value 0.39). After the reliability test 5 PsA patients had dactylitis at least in Descriptive statistics, reported as mean a total of 82 consecutive patients from one of the fingers examined during the ± standard deviation, were used to sum- two Italian Rheumatology Centres were study. Overall, 64% of PsA and 34% of marise the data included in the study in a period of 3 RA patients complained of hand morn- Continuous variables were compared months: 37 with PsA and 45 with RA. ing stiffness for 30 minutes or more at using t-test or non-parametric tests Both RA patients and PsA patients were the time of clinical evaluation. All RA when appropriate. Non continuous vari- predominantly female (respectively patients were taking DMARDs therapy ables were compared using Chi-square 71% and 59%). The majority of RA pa- (67% were taking methotrexate mono-

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2018 787 Italian multicentre ultrasound study on hand flexor compartment / I. Tinazzi et al.

Table II. Frequency of US findings in RA and PsA patients of II-IV digits of the dominant hand. up the flexor alterations (tenosynovi- tis, peri-tendinous oedema and flexor PsA (n=37) RA (n=45) p-value insertional enthesophytes) for 3 fingers Presence of flexor tenosynovitis per pt (GS) (n, %) 14 (38) 6 (13) 0.008 of each patient as a total flexor inflam- Total flexor tenosynovitis (GS) (median, range) 0 (0-3) 0 (0-2) 0.045 matory score. Considering the median Flexor tenosynovitis (GS) per digit (n, %) of the total flexor inflammatory score II digit 10 (27) 3 (7) 0.010 per patient (range 0–9) the difference III digit 8 (22) 4 (9) 0.092 between PsA and RA was again sta- IV digit 7 (19) 2 (4) 0.033 Presence of flexor tenosynovitis per pt (PD) (n, %) 8 (22) 2 (4) 0.016 tistically significant (median 2, range Total flexor tenosynovitis (PD) (median, range) 0 (0-3) 0 (0-1) 0.054 0–8, for PsA and 0, range 0–3 for RA, Flexor tenosynovitis (PD) per digit (n, %) p<0.001). II digit 5 (14) 2 (4) ns A total of 43 patients (65% PsA patients III digit 3 (8) 0 0.048 and 43% RA) complained morning IV digit 5 (14) 0 0.010 stiffness for more than 30 minutes at the Presence of peritendinous oedema per pt (GS+PD) (n, %) 11 (30) 0 <0.001 Total peritendinous oedema (median, range) 0 (0-3) 0 (0-0) 0.001 moment of US examination; we found a significant correlation with this symp- Peritendinous oedema per digit (GS+PD) (n, %) II digit 8 (22) 0 0.001 tom and tenosynovitis for RA and PsA III digit 8 (22) 0 0.001 combined (p=0.016) and a correlation IV digit 6 (16) 0 0.005 close to significance with peritendinous Presence of FT enthesophytes per pt (n, %) 24 (65) 4 (9) <0.001 oedema in PsA (p=0.076). Total FT enthesophytes (median, range) 2 (0-3) 0 (0-3) 0.001 FT enthesophytes per digit (GS) (n, %) Discussion II digit 20 (54) 2 (4) <0.001 III digit 12 (32) 2 (4) 0.003 The purpose of this study was to com- IV digit 18 (49) 4 (9) <0.001 pare the pattern of flexor tendon disease Presence of finger inflammation per pt*(n, %) 25 (68) 10 (22) <0.001 between PsA and RA with a focus on Total inflammatory score* (median, range) 2 (0-8) 0 (0-3) <0.001 global enthesis related abnormalities PsA: psoriatic arthritis; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; GS: grey-scale; PD: power-Doppler; FT: flexor tendon; between both conditions. This study DIP: distal interphalangeal joints; *summing up. suggests that PsA cases have a much higher burden of abnormalities in the therapy and 15% were taking combo None of HCs and RA patients enrolled mini-entheses of the hand flexor ten- therapy); whereas 78% of PsA patients presented peritendinous oedema. Ex- dons including insertional enthesoph- were taking DMARDs (43% metho- clusively PsA patients had peritendi- tyes and also peritendinous oedema. trexate monotherapy and 13% were nous oedema or “pseudotenosynovitis” These findings corroborate a study over taking combo therapy). The 10 HCs (11 out of 37). We found an increase a decade ago by Fournie et al. (7) and were matched for age (56±17) and BMI of fluid and PD of soft tissue not only support the growing body of evidence (23.0±3.8) and were predominantly fe- around the flexor tendon but also under of the involvement of the synovio-en- male (60%) (see Table I). the derma in PsA patients as it is shown theseal complex and the-mini entheses in Figure 2. Two HCs enrolled had of the hand in the pathogenesis of PsA Ultrasound findings flexor tendon insertion enthesophytes. related tenosynovitis. An ultrasound A total of 246 digits of the enrolled The presence of flexor tendon insertion strategy for the diagnostic evaluation of patients and 30 digits in HCs were enthesophytes was more frequent in early inflammatory arthritis with hand scanned. None of the HCs enrolled had PsA patients than RA (p<0.001). Figure involvement based on RA synovial tenosynovitis. 3 shows two examples of longitudinal linked disease and PsA related synovio- As shown in Table II, the PsA patients and transversal view of flexor entheso- entheseal complex diseases is needed to had a significantly higher prevalence of phytes in PsA patients. Interestingly evaluate whether these findings can be flexor tenosynovitis than RA evaluated there were differences in lesions across applied for diagnostic purposes espe- both with grey scale and PD examina- digits in PsA with FT enthesophytes be- cially in seronegative arthritis. tion. Flexor tenosynovitis was observed ing commoner in the second digit and A previous study defined the soft tissue in 6 out 45 of RA patients and 14 out tenosynovitis itself being commoner in changes in the flexor tendon compart- 37 patients of PsA patients (p=0.008). the longest 3rd digit (Table II). ment as inflammation of the “fibrous In the group of RA patients only two Twenty-five out of 37 patients with PsA ” of the digit suggesting a role of six patients with flexor tenosyno- had at least one finger with US presence of the extra-synovial structures and vitis presented increase of PD signal; of inflammatory changes (flexor tendon digital enthesitis in the development whereas 8 of 14 patients affected by tenosynovitis, flexor tendon oedema of psoriatic arthritis (7). We replicated PsA (p=0.016). Figure 1 shows flexor and/or flexor insertional ethesophytes) these findings in a multi-centre study tenosynovitis in a RA patient and PsA as compared to ten over 45 of the RA using more modern high-resolution patient and PD signal distribution. group (p<0.001). We finally summed US. We also formally showed that

788 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2018 Italian multicentre ultrasound study on hand flexor compartment / I. Tinazzi et al.

Fig. 1. Longitudinal view of flexor tenosynovitis in a PsA patient (A) and an RA patient (B). Power Doppler signal is lo- cated more in subdermal tis- sue and around the flexor in PsA, whereas in RA is located inside the flexor sheet.

Fig. 2. Examples of oedema around the flexor tendon in PsA patients.

Fig. 3. Flexor enthesophytes in PsA patients in longitudi- nal and transverse planes.

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2018 789 Italian multicentre ultrasound study on hand flexor compartment / I. Tinazzi et al. these PsA related peritendinous lesions where there is no agreed definition. No evidence of entheseal involvement of the were associated with high PD signal. Furthermore, enthesophytes have been flexor digitorum tendons. Arthritis Rheum 2002; 46: 2964-7. We also looked at both symptomatic well defined for lower limbs but there 6. FOURNIÈ B, MARGARIT-COLL N, CHAMPE- and non-symptomatic joints. We noted is no agreement on using the same defi- TIER de RIBES TL et al.: Extrasynovial ultra- a greater degree of FT enthesophytes nition in small joints. sound abnormalities in the psoriatic finger. compared to the preliminary study. In conclusion, we demonstrate the Prospective comparative power-Doppler study versus rheumatoid arthritis. 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