( 653 )


Abbreviations used in tex t, 652. , heat-treatment. See Heat-treat- Abrasion. See Wear. ment. Abrasives, boron carbide, 524. Aldrey. See Alloys. Accumulator plates, m anufacture, 50. Alferon. See Alloys. Acetic acid, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Alfol, Acetylene, International Acetylene Assoc, fire-protection properties, tests, 637. proceedings, 374; see also Welding. heat insulation, 271, 528. Acid resistant materials, 124. See also use in shipbuilding, 47. under names of alloys. Alkali metals (see also under names of Acids. See under names of acids, & alkali metals), Corrosion. binding forces, 13, 348. Admiralty bronze. See Alloys : Bronzes. crystals, optical absorption, theory, 558. Admiralty gun-metal. See Alloys: Gun- detection. See Analysis. metal. films, elect.-resistance, 229 ; photoelect. Adnic. See Alloys. properties, 229, 410. Adsorption, optical properties, 5, 338. kinetics, 548, 550. production, 543. of gases. See Oases, & under names of thermoelectric effects, 116. gases & metals, Alkali solutions, corrosion by. See theory, 557. Corrosion. Aerometer. See Laboratory apparatus. Alkaline earth metals (see also under Aeroplanes. See Aircraft. names of alkaline earth metals), Age-hardening, 0, 228, 346, 375. detection. See Analysis. nomenclature, 126. production, 543. phenomena, 175. Allotropy (see also under names of metals), precipitation-, 170; & secondary struc­ investigation by secondary electron ture, 575; effect of compn. & grain- emission, 558. size, 575. review, 236. ALLOYS & COMPOUNDS— serrated discontinuity on load-extension acid-resisting. See Acid-resistant ma­ diagram, 6. terials & under names of consti­ Age-hardening of— tuent metals ; see also Corrosion. alloys, 69, 167, 458; p re­ action of acids, behaviour of carbides cipitation-, 119. & silicides, 169. Aluminium-copper alloys, 562; effect analysis. See Analysis. of additions, 562 ; effect of titanium, atomic arrangement, effect of thermal 487. agitation, 384. Aluminium--zinc alloys, 367, binary, castability, 518 ; vapour pres­ 537. sures & activities, 1 1 . Beryllium-copper alloys, effect of phos­ castability, 457, 518. phorus, 225. chemistry, book, 536. Copper alloys, 458. coinage, ancient Chinese, 74. Copper-nickel-silicon alloys, 232. compositions, list, 125, 172, 346 Copper-silver alloys, effect of nickel, 372, 495, 531, 575. 567 ; precipitation-, 489. constitution, investigation, 90, 91 ; , rate, 231. investigation, magnetic, 197, 298 ; Lead alloys, 233. investigation, X-ray, 90. Nickel-bronzes, 171. corrosion. See Corrosion. contg. magnesium, 231. corrosion-resistant. See Corrosion-re­ Aircraft, sistant materials, under names of construction, safety & design, 155. constituent metals, & also Cor­ constructional materials, 51. See also rosion. Alloys, & under names of metals, crystal structure, book, 536. hulls & floats, repair & upkeep, 502. dental. See Alloys : Dental alloys. deposition. See Deposition. metal construction, book, 2 2 0 . parts, finishing, 207, 632 ; forming, 103. electrical conductivity, 346 ; calcula­ pistons, inspection, 435. tion, nomograms, 577. propellers, m anuf., 205. electrical resistance, calculation, nomo- Albanoid. See Alloys. gram s, 577. Alchemists in art & literature, book, endurance limit, effect of corrosion, 109. 236. VOL. 1 . 2u 654 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— equilibrium, effect of grain boundaries, porosity, 174. 232. quaternary, calculation of liquidus eutectic, crystallization, 11; slowly- points, 296; graphical representa­ cooled, abnormal structures, 420; tion, 1 1 . structure, effect of rate of cooling, rolled & annealed, directionality, 298. 494 ; ternary, crystallization, 420 ; segregate structures. See W idman- viscous properties, 573. statten structure. eutectoid, mechanism of phase trans­ single crystals. See Single crystals. formations, 346. solid, reactions, 443. ferromagnetic. See Ferromagnetic solid solutions, dilute, elect, properties, materials. 566; formation, 497; super­ fluidity, 419. saturated, effect of pptn. after cold- for die-casting, 98, 145. work, 75; theory, 576; thermo­ for electric furnaces, report of A.S.T.M. dynam ics, 237. cttee., 124. structure, sub-microscopic differences for electrical heating elements, analysis. between cast & recrystn. condi­ See Analysis-, eompn., 72; creep, tions, 77. 72 ; elect, resistance, 74 ; life tests, superconductivity, 166, 176, 297. 72, 73, 418, 455; mech. properties, super-hard. See Alloys : Super-hard, 72; oxidation, 74; phys. pro­ Tantalum carbide, Tungsten carbide, perties, 72; properties, 74; report &c., & under names of alloys: of A.S.T.M. cttee., 124; thermal Carboloy, Pobedit, Widia, &c. expansion, 74. tensile properties at temp, of liquid for electrical resistances, book, 158; helium , 116. change in specific resistance with ternary, calculation of solidus and temp., 571; compns., 571; manuf., liquidus points, 296; calculation 235; phys. properties, 571 ; report of soly. limits, 296; castability, of A.S.T.M. cttee., 124; temp.- 457 ; construction of equilib. diagr., resistanee const., A.S.T.M. method 125 ; equilib. diagr., representation, of test, 199; thermoelect, power, 297. A.S.T.M. method of test, 436. thermal analysis (where there are for hot-rolling, detn. of interval of segregating constituents), 252. plasticity, 628. thermal conductivity, 346. for oil plant, 245. transformations in solid state, 175; for oil pumps, test data, 273. polymorphic, 494; study by for watch springs, properties, 640. secondary electron emission, 288. fusible, safety plugs, failure, 469. ultra-light. See Alloys : Dowmetal, y-phase, theory, 237. Elelctron, M agnesium alloys, &c. grain-refinement by peritectic reaction, welding. See Welding. 175, 575. graphitized, prodn., 568. hardness, calculation, nomogram s, 577. Admiralty bronze. See Alloys : Bronzes. heat-resistant. See Heat-resistant Admiralty gun-metal. See A llo ys: Oun- materials, & under names of con­ metal. stituent metals. Adnic, properties, 341. Hume-Rothery rule, 128. Albanoid, casting. See Casting. hydrogen swelling, 482. Aldrey (see also Alloys : Aluminium- in sugar factory, 217. magnesium—silicon alloys), intermediate phases, entropy, 1 1 . cables, behaviour after 5 years’ intermetallic compounds, binary, conen. exposure, 545 ; in Europe, tonnage, of valency electrons, 297 ; quater­ 215; working conditions, 215, 326. nary, 297 ; superconductivity, 176. composition, 291. investigation, methods, book, 222 electrical resistance, effect of alloying (review). process, 564. light. See Alloys : Aluminium heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. alloys, Magnesium alloys, & under mechanical properties, 291. names of alloys, Alferon, 346. liquid, diffusion & current flow, Almasilium, 576; surface tension, 123. composition, 291. low-melting point, use, 51. mechanical properties, 291. magnetic, in telephone industry, 639. Almelec, magnetic properties & chem. compds., composition, 291. 419. mechanical properties, 291. paramagnetic properties, interpreta­ Alpax (Silumin) (see also Alloys: tion, 576. Aluminium-silicon alloys, Copper- parting limits, 175. Silumin, Silumin—Beta, Silumin- periodic structures, 168, 314. Oamma, &c.), polymorphic transformations, tem p ­ book, 402. erature, theory, 496. castability, 457, 518. Subject Index 655

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Alpax, Aluminium alloys, chill-castings, cost & weight compared cylinders, requirements, 527. w ith cast iron, 96. damping capacity, effect of alternating containing magnesium, age-harden- torsional stresses, 231, 292. able, 231. die-casting. See Die-casting. corrosion. See Corrosion of Silumin. die castings, A.S.T.M. specifications, die-castings, cost & weight compared 2 12. with cast iron, 96. dilatometric study, 7. effect of additions, 381. drilling. See Drilling. fluidity, 419. effect of additions, 487. limitations, 381. effect of chromium. See Alloys : mechanical properties, 291, 381. A luminium—chromium alloys. melting. See M elting of Silum in. effect of manganese, 227. See also metallography, technique, 420. Alloys: Aluminium-copper—mangan­ modified, phys. properties, 96. ese alloys, &c., &e. physical properties, 291. effect of molybdenum, 169. preparation, 437 effect of nickel, 69. See also Alloys: properties, tables, 46. Alum inium -nickel alloys, &c. sand-castings, cost & weight com­ elastic hysteresis, 414. pared with cast iron, 96. elastic properties, effect of temp., 415. thermal expansion, 311. electrical conductivity, 168, 292. Alsia, 291. electrode potentials of structural Alsimin, compn., 291. constituents, 582. Aluminium enamelling. See alloys (see Enamelling. also Alloys : extrusion. See E x ­ Aldrey, Al­ ALLOYS trusion. m a s i l i u m , systems are indexed in the order fatigue, 340. Almelec, Al­ of the constituent whose initial letter fluxes. See Fluxes. pax (S ilu ­ comes first in the alphabet, e.g. A lu m in ­ for aero engines, min), A lusil, ium-copper, Copper-nickel, Tin-zinc, and properties, 527. Anticorodal, without regard to percentage composi­ for aircraft con­ Avional, tion. Trade names of alloys are inserted struction, 46. Birmabright, in alphabetical order. for pistons, 8, 46; B . S . - S e e - advantages, 527 ; wasser, Cera- comparative lumin, Chlu- value, 5 2 7 ; m in, Duralum in, Euteclal, Helumin, compns., 225 ; properties, 225. Hibbo, , K.S.-Seewasser, forging. See Forging. Lautal, Lo-Ex, , N.C.A. forgings, British standard specifica­ alloy, “ Y "-alloy, &c. ), tions, 157, 212; future trend, 213. age-hardening. See Age-hardening. future, 8. airscrews, forgings, & stampings, hardenable, heat evolution & mechan­ Brit. Air Ministry specifications, ism of transformation, 69. 440. hardeners, prodn., 619. analysis. See Analysis. hardness, 341; at elevated temp., anodic oxidation. See Anodic oxida­ 561. tion. heat evolution, 69. as substitutes for copper & nickel & heat-treatment. Seo Heat-treatment. their alloys, 635. hot-working, 437. books, 159 (review), 220, 473 (review). hydroplane hulls & floats, repair & boring. See Boring. upkeep, 502. buckling strength to axial loading, 7. in automobile bodywork, 527. cast, future trend, 213. in automobile construction, 215. castability, 457. in bridges, 215, 326, 369. casting. See Casting. in chemical industry, effect of thermal castings for tramcar bodies, 325 ; conductivity, 118. influence of cross-sectional area, in Diesel engines, 106, 640. 561. in I.C. engines, 271. coating by dipping in molten salts, in mineral oil industry, 636. 427. in railway coaches, 325, 326, 528. commercial, properties & particulars, in sewage plant, 465. 46. in shipbuilding, 47, 106, 271, 369, containing nickel, hardenable, 486. 640 ; riveted superstructure, 47. corroded, protection from further in vehicle construction, 46, 214, 215, attack, 502. 369. Corrosion. See Corrosion. ingots for sand-casting, A.S.T.M. corrosion-resistance, 499. specifications, 2 1 2 . cylinder heads, 466. internal stresses in quenched, 380. 656 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Aluminium alloys, Aluminium alloys, LIV. See Alloys : Lautal. trade marks, 46. lead-sprayed, for accumulator plates, turning. See Turning. 47. uses, 213, 636. machining. See Machining. varnishing. See Varnishing. mechanical properties, tables, 46. very pure, constitution, review of mechanical treatment, Russian factory, A m erican investigations, 564. 265. welding. See Welding. melting. See Melting. wheel centres for railways, 636. metallography, book, 534 ; technique, wire, prodn., 263. 420. wire alloy 3. See Alloys : Aldrey. microstructure, 225. Y. See Alloys : Y -alloy. milling. See M illing. Aluminium-antimony alloys, elect, No. 132. See Alloys: Lo-Ex. conductivity, 168. painting. See Painting. Aluminium antimony maguesium alloys, permanent set, 124, 614. constitution, 69. pistons, 271; design, 398; detection Aluminium-arsenic alloys, elect, con­ of cracks, 435; failures, 467; ductivity, 168. Invar inserts, 467; manuf., 46, Aluminium AW 15, properties, 495. 456 ; temp. & design, 636 ; testing, Aluminium-barium alloys, constitution, 467. 168. precipitation-hardening. See Age- Aluminium-beryllium alloys, reflecting hardening. power, 377. propeller blades, aero., m anuf., 205. Aluminium-beryllium-copper alloys, pro­ Protalizing. See Protalizing. perties, 225. protection, 245; against salt solns., Aluminium-bismuth alloys, elect, con­ 589; see also Anodic oxidation, ductivity, 168. Deposition, Modified Bauer-Vogel Aluminium-brasses, casting. See Casting. process, Painting, Protalizing, Aluminium-“ bronzes ” (see also Alloys : Varnishing, &c. Aluminium—copper alloys), quenched, internal stresses, 380. casting. See Casting. quenching. See Quenching. commercial forms, 70. R.R. See Alloys : 11. R. alloys. constitution, /¡-transformation, 238; rail coaches, 637. see also Alloys : Aluminium- reaming. See Beaming. copper alloys. reflecting power, 377. corrosion. See Corrosion. rivets, 323; Brit. Air Ministry die-casting. See Die-casting. specification, 462. die-castings, Brit. Air Ministry speci­ Tollable, book, 372. fications, 327. rolling. See Rolling. effect of heat-treatment, 126. Russian works, 274. for valve seats, Brit. Air Ministry sand-cast, A.S.T.M. speciflcations, 212 ; specification, 467. bars, transverse tests, 514; Brit. foundry practice, 32. Air Ministry speciflcations, 636; graphitized, prodn., 568. tensile properties compared with heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. cast iron & steel, 537. manufacture, 70, 144. scrap, rem elting, 146. melting. See Melting. service characteristics, A.S.T.M. report, microstructure, 70. 532. paint, covering capacity, 637 ; see shear strength, tables, 46. also A lum inium . sheet, properties, book, 532; U.S. permanent set, 124, 614. speciflcations, 326. powders, evaluation, 466. sliding properties, 527. properties, 120. soldering. See Soldering. rational use, 120, 619. solid solutions, supersaturated, effect tensile properties a t low tem ps., 175. of pptn. after cold-work, 75. uses, 120. stamping. See Stamping. window frames, m anuf., 48. strip, U.S. specifications, 326. working properties, 70. structural analysis by X-rays after Aluminium cadmium alloys, elect, con­ heat-treatment, 447. ductivity, 168. structural elements, approx. strengths, Aluminium-cadmium -magnesium alloys, 47 ; selection, 46. constitution, 417. tanks for transport of liquids, 214. Aluminium carbide, crystalline, heat of technology, books, 282 (review), 333. form ation, 161. tensile properties at elevated temps., Aluminium-chromium alloys, 561. constitution, 168. thermal expansion, 167; of castings, electrical conductivity, 168. book, 644. Aluminium-cobalt alloys, elect, con­ thermal measurements, 69, 167. ductivity, 168. Subject Index 657

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Aluminium-cobalt-iron alloys, consti­ Aluminium-copper-silicon alloys (see tution, 69. also A llo ys : Lautal), Aluminium-copper alloys (see also ageing, artificial, 414; phenomena, Alloys : Aluminium —“ bronzes ” ), 414. age-hardening. See Age-hardening. castings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ cast, influence of cross-sectional area, tions, 440. 561. constitution, 414. castability, 144. effect of heat-treatment, 414. constitution, 562 ; /3-phase transform­ effect of quenching & ageing, 414. ations, 176, 238, 566; eutectoidal forging temperature, 414. decompn. of /3 solid solns., 292 ; in ­ Aluminium-copper-zinc alloys. See termediate phase in hypereuteetoi- Alloys : Aluminium-brasses. dal alloys, 565 ; nature of f}'-phase, Aluminium-gallium alloys, constitution, 565; solid soly. of copper, X-ray 119. study, 238. Aluminium-gold alloys, crystal structure CuA12, electrode potentials, 582. of AuA12, 579. corrosion. See Corrosion. Aluminium-iron alloys, creep limit, effect of alternating castability, 7. torsional stresses, 231, 292. casting. See Casting. damping capacity, effect of alternating constitution, 7, 169; X-ray study, 177. torsional stresses, 231, 292. corrosion. See Corrosion. diffusion, 443. corrosion-resistance, 7. electrical conductivity, 168. density, 562. fatigue, 435. electrical conductivity, 168. fluidity, 419. electrical resistance, 380, 562. hardeners, prodn., 619. impact strength, 562. hardness, 516. FeA l3, electrode potentials, 582 ; quenched, tempering effect, 69, structure, X-ray detn., 578. 231. magnetic transformation point, effect recrystallization & crystal recovery of nickel, 71. after cold-work, 12. oxidation, 304, 589. segregation, effect of gases, 486. physical properties, peculiarities, 380. thermal expansion, 167, 311. tensile properties, 7, 562. Aluminium-copper-iron alloys (see also thermal expansion, 167, 562. Alloys: Corrix), wires, mech. properties, 562. solid solubility of copper, 119. Aluminium-iron-carbon alloys, con­ thermal expansion, 167. stitution, 562. Aluminium-copper-iron-nickel alloys, Aluminium-iron-manganese alloys, con­ age-hardenable, 120. stitution, 486. Aluminium-copper-magnesium alloys, Aluminium-iron-nickel alloys, bending strength, 233. bars, forgings & stampings, B rit. constitution, 71, 233, 493. Air Ministry specifications, 467. corrosion. See Corrosion. constitution, 71. density, 71, 233, 492. thermal expansion, 167. electrical conductivity, 71, 233, 492. Aluminium-lanthanum alloys, crystal fatigue, 71, 233, 435, 492. structure of LaAl4, 299. forging tests, 233, 492. Aluminium-lead alloys, elect, conduc­ hardness, 71, 492. tivity, 168. shrinkage in m ould, 518. Aluminium-lithium alloys, tensile properties, 233, 49*2. age-hardened, properties, 563. thermal conductivity, 71, 233. constitution, 563. thermal expansion, 492. physical properties, 563. ultra-light, phys. properties, 71, Aluminium-magnesium alloys (see also 233. Alloys : Birmabright), Aluminium - copper - m agnesium - m an - castability, 144. ganese alloys, constitution, 169, 417 ; solid soly. of bars, rods, shapes, & wire, U.S. aluminium, 417; solid soly. of specifications, 326. magnesium, 563 ; solid soln. for­ plates & sheet, U.S. specifications, mation, 497 ; X-ray detn. of 326. solid soln. range, 234. Aluminium-copper-manganese alloys creep limit, effect of alternating (see also Alloys : Heusler’s alloys), torsional stresses, 231, 292. constitution, 290. corrosion. See Corrosion. crystal structure, 128, 177, 579. damping capacity, effect of alternating ferro-magnetism, 177, 579. torsional stresses, 231, 292. magnetic properties, 128. electrical conductivity, 168 ; effect of Aluminium-copper-nickel alloys, quenching & ageing temp., 291, 341. properties, 570. endurance properties, effect of quench­ thermal expansion, 167. ing & ageing temp., 291, 341, 658 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Aluminium-magnesium alloys, Aluminium-silicon alloys, fatigue, 435. electrical conductivity, 168. oxidation, 383, 569. electrolytic production, 600. properties at elevated temp., 477. fatigue, 435. reflectivity, 377, 487. fluidity, 419. sheets, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, for pistons, 8. 440. microstructure, 291. shrinkage, in mould, 518. pistons, design & treatment, 398. solid solutions, homogenized, tensile preparation, 291. properties, 234. properties, 291. temper-hardening, 417. reflectivity, 377, 487. tensile properties, effect of quenching sheets, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ & ageing temp., 291, 341. tions, 440. vibration strength, effect of quenching surface-hardened, 291. & ageing temp., 291, 341. thermal expansion, 167. Aluminium — magnesium — manganese uses, 291. alloys (soe also A llo y s : K .S .—See~ Aluminium -silicon silver alloys, reflect­ wasser), ing power, 377. fatigue, 340. Aluminium-silver alloys, Aluminium - magnesium - silicon alloys constitution, 7, 296; nature of solid (see also Alloys : Aldrey ), soln., 296, 564. action of acids, 169. electrical conductivity, 168. constitution, transformations in solid reflectivity, 377, 487. state, 290. Aluminium-tin alloys, elect, conduc­ Aluminium magnesium zinc alloys, tiv ity , 168. age-hardening. See Age-hardening. Aluminium-titanium alloys, constitution, 417 ; transformations in analysis. See A n a ly sis. solid state, 291. bibliography, 564. corrosion. See Corrosion. preparation, 564. properties, 343. Aluminium-vanadium alloys, elect, con­ Aluminium-manganese alloys, ductivity, 168. bars, rods, shapes, & wire, U.S. Aluminium-zinc alloys, specifications, 326. constitution, decompn. of |8-phase, 7 ; constitution, 169. eutectoidaldecompn., 7 ; metastable corrosion. See C orrosion. /3-phase, 346, 381 ; X -ray study, 127. electrical conductivity, 168. die-castings, dimensional changes, 346, properties at elevated temps., 477. 381. sheet, A.S.T.M. specifications, 213; electrical conductivity, 168. Brit. Air Ministry specifications, 326. fluidity, 419. strip, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, Alusil, 291. 326. A m algam s. See Mercury alloys. Aluminium manganese silicon alloys, Anticorodal, deoxidizers for steels, thesis, 376. castability, 457. Alumiuium-manganese-zinc alloys, con­ corrosion. See C orrosion. stitution, thesis, 537. physical properties, tables, 69. Aluminium-neodymium alloys, crystal uses, 69. structure of NdAl, 127. Anti-friction alloys (see also A llo ys : Aluminium-nickel alloys, Bearing alloys, White metals, &c., constitution, 563. & under names of constituent electrical conductivity, 168. m etals), fluidity, 419. analysis. See A n a ly sis. for exhaust valve seats, B rit. A ir refining. See R efin in g. Ministry specifications, 467. Antimony alloys. See Alloys : Babbitt grain-refinement, 175. metals, Bearing alloys, White metals, NiAl3, electrode potentials, 582. &c. thermal expansion, 167. Antimony-bismuth alloys, constitution, Aluminium-silicon alloys (see also 231. Alloys : Alpax (S ilu m in ), &e.), Antimony-bismuth-lead alloys, anodes, action of acids, 169. behaviour on electrodepn. of Cr, British chemical standard, 433. thesis, 402. casting. See Casting. Antimony-cadmium alloys, castings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ castability, 457. tions, 326, 635. constitution, 415. constitution, 291, 487 ; solid soly. of electrical resistance, 415. silicon, 564. thermoelectric power, 415. creep-limit, effect of alternating tor­ Antimony-cadmium-zinc alloys, bear­ sional stresses, 231, 292. ings, tests, 344. damping capacity, effect of alternating Antimony-copper alloys, constitution, torsional stresses, 231, 292. 296, Subject Index 659

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Antimony-copper-lead-tin alloys, re ­ Bearing alloys, moval of copper, 815. analysis. See A n a ly sis. Antimony-copper-tin alloys. See Pew ­ book, 60 [review). ter, &c. bronze, mech. properties, 9; sub­ Antimony-iron alloys, constitution, 415. stitution of lead for tin, 9 ; therm al Antimony-lead alloys, expansion, 232; see also A llo y s : bearing, effect of zinc, 71. Bronzes. castability, 457. compositions, 529 ; list, 345. constitution, 10 ; eutectic, 487 ; X - constitution, 529; see also under ray study, 238. names of constituent metals, corrosion. See Corrosion. failure in Diesel engines, 529. electrical conductivity, 10. friction at various speeds, formulae, 10. hardness, 172. graphited, 638. refining. See R efining. hardness, 297. storage battery grids, effect of cor­ history, 573. rosion, 568. lead-base, compns., list, 345; effect structure, refining, 343. of zinc, 7 1 ; high-copper, working, Antimony-lead-sodium alloys, 343. 102 ; properties, 10 ; review , 419 ; Antimony-lead-tin alloys, tests, 494. compression strength, 172. lead-bronze, thermal expansion, 232. freezing temperatures, 174. lead-tin, compression strength, 172. Antimony-lead-zinc alloys, bearing, dis­ lead-tin base, thesis, 58, 172. advantages, 71. m elting. See M elting. Antimony-magnesium alloys, properties, 529. constitution, 234. selection and testing, 272. crystal structure, 128. tin-base, hardness at elevated temps., Antimony—silicon alloys, lattice const., effect of lead, 9, 3 4 5 ; properties, 300. 10 ; review , 419 ; tests, 494, 534. Antimony-tin alloys, upper critical points, 443. compounds, X-ray study, 172. white metal, comparison, 344 ; G erm an grain-refinement, 175. specifications, 216 ; mech. properties hardness, 172. at various temps., 71. Argentan, corrosion. See Corrosion. Berrydur-copper, 640. Arsenic-copper alloys, constitution, 296. Beryllium alloys, 467. Arsenic-lead alloys, superconductivity, heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. 176. in watch-making, 327. Arsenic-magnesium alloys, crystal struc­ uses, 399. ture, 128. vacuum melted, properties, 170. Arsenic-tin alloys, constitution, X-ray Beryllium-" bronzes ” (see also B ery l- study, 420. liumr-copper alloys), Ashberry metal, 419. corrosion. See C orrosion. Avesta metal, corrosion. See Corrosion. elastic modulus, temp, coefi., 125. Avional. See Alloys : Duralumin. Beryllium-copper alloys, B.R. 50, age-hardening. See Age-hardening. composition, 10. casting. See Casting. magnetic properties, 10. constitution, 161, 225, 232. B.S.-Seewasser, mech. properties, tables, electrical conductivity, 292. 46. foundry practice, 120, 488. Babbitt metals (see also A llo y s : hardness, 566. Bearing alloys, White metals, & heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. under names of constituent metals), manufacture, 232. analysis. See A n a ly sis. mechanical properties, 120, 488. graphitized, prodn., 568. physical properties, 120, 488. standards, R ussian, 273. properties, 70, 170, 232. upper critical points, 443. tensile properties, 566. Barium-mercury alloys, thesis, 58, 161. density, 493. uses, 70, 120. electrical conductivity, 493. wear, 488. viscosity, 493. workability, 566. Beryllium-copper-tin alloys, Barium-nickel alloys, properties, electron-emitting surfaces, prodn., 493. 225. properties, 493. Beryllium-copper-zinc alloys, properties, thermionic emission, 10. 225. Barium-tin-vanadium alloys, catalysts, Beryllium-iron alloys, properties, 225. arsenic poisoning, 572. Beryllium—iron—nickel alloys, properties, Bearing alloys (see also A llo y s : Babbitt 225. metal, B ronzes, Oittermetall, Satco, Beryllium-nickel alloys, White metals, &c., & under names corrosion. See Corrosion. of constituent metals), properties, 225, 660 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Beryllium-silver alloys, Brass(es), constitution, 444. annealing. See A n nea ling . tarnish-resistance, 444. casting. See C asting. Birmabright, castings, Brit. Air Ministry castings, design, 33. specifications, 326. cementation. See Cementation. Birmasil, 291. chains, manuf., 523. Bismuth alloys (see also Alloys : Matrix cold-working. See Cold-working. alloy, &c. ), colouring. See C olouring. eutectic, slowly-cooled, abnormal condenser tubes & ferrule stock, structures, 420. A.S.T.M. specifications, 468. single crystals. See Single crystals. constitution, fi-transformation, 91, Bismuth-cadmium alloys, eutectic, 232, 490, 567 ; effect of manganese, effect of rate of cooling on structure, 233; pptn. of a from fi, 171; 494. see also Alloys : Copper-zinc alloys. Bismuth-cadmium-lead alloys, corrosion. See Corrosion. eutectic, crystn., 420 ; effect of rate crystal structure of drawn tube, 347. of cooling on structure, 494. cups, ears on, 205. Bismuth-cadmium-lead-tin alloys, eu ­ deep-drawing. See D ra w ing. tectic, effect of rate of cooling on deformation capacity, effect of poly- structure, 494. axial states of stress, 614. Bismuth-cadmium-tin alloys, deoxidation. See Deoxidation. eutectic, crystn., 420 ; effect of rate deposition. See Deposition. of cooling on structure, 494. die-casting. See Die-casting. Bismuth-lead alloys, die-castings, properties, 98, 438. castability, 457. effect of aluminium. See A lloys : eutectic, effect of rate of cooling on Aluminium-brasses. structure, 494. effect of iron. See A llo y s : Copper- single crystals. See Single crystals. iron-zinc alloys. Bismuth-lead-tin alloys, castability, 457. effect of lead. See Alloys : Lead- Bismuth-lithium alloys, constitution, brasses. 382. effect of manganese. See A llo y s : Bismuth-magnesium alloys, Manganese—brasses. constitution, 234. effect of nickel. See A llo y s : N ic k e l- crystal structure, 128. brasses. electrical conductivity, 234. effect of silicon. See A llo y s : S ilic o n - oxidation, 383. brasses. Bismuth-silicon alloys, lattice constants, effect of temperature, 71. 300. elastic limit, 416 ; effect of temp., 71. Bismuth-tin alloys, elastic modulus, 29 ; temp, coeff., 125. castability, 457. elastic properties, effect of cold- density, 124. work, 171. electrical resistance, 124. endurance limit, effect of cold-work eutectic, effect of rate of cooling on & annealing, 171. structure, 494 ; extruded, viscous extrusion. See E x tru sio n . properties, 573. fatigue, 157, 171, 361. Hall effect, 124. fluxes. See F lu x e s. single crystals. See Single crystals. graphitized, prodn., 568. thermoelectric power, 124. hardness, 416, 516; at high temps., Borides, 631; effect of temp., 71; periodic crystal structure, 127. changes, 117 ; relation of Brinell pure high-melting point, prepn. and & scleroapope numbers, 199. properties, 575. heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. Borium, 398. See also Tungsten carbide. hot-deformation, capacity, 232. Brass(es) (see also Alloys : Aluminium- impact strength, effect of temp., 71. brasses, Lead-brasses, Manganese— in chemical industry, effect of thermal brasses, Muntz metal, Nickel- conductivity, 118. brasses, Tungum, &e., & under internal stress, etching method for names of constituent metals), revealing, 613; in drawn tubes, a-, needle-like, 171 ; rolled, directional 122, 172. properties, 298, 420, 496 ; work- iron in, 171. hardening, dependence on temp., lead-. See Alloys : Lead-brasses. 490. machinability of free-cutting rod, 206. fi-, slip-bands and twin-like structures, machining. See M a ch in in g . 347. manganese-. See Alloys: Mangancse- Admiralty, condenser tubes & ferrule brasses. stock, A.S.T.M. specifications, 468. mechanical properties, 171, 416; aluminium-. See Alloys : Alumin­ effect of oxidation, 416 ; effect ium-brasses. of temp., 71. analysis. See A n a ly sis, m elting. See M eltin g. Subject Index 661

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Brass(es), Bronze(s), nickel-. See Alloys : Nickel-brasses. a-, annealed, elastic modulus, 70, nickel-plated, season-cracking, 354. 120. pickling. See P ic k lin g . Admiralty, mech. properties, 9. pipe, A.S.T.M. specifications, 468; aluminium-. See A llo y s : A lu m i­ connections, 179; for corrosive nium -'' bronzes,” & A lu m in iu m - waters, 638 ; working, 179. copper alloys. pressing. See P ressing. analysis. See A n a lysis. red, cast, effect of sulphur & iron on ancient, compn., 218; Egyptian, phys. properties, 342 ; cast, factors source of tin, 530 ; flanged celt, affecting phys. properties, 97; 232 ; sources of materials, 371 ; cast, mech. & phys. properties, statuary, 293. 382, 491; casting. See C a stin g ; bars for carburettor needle seatings, corrosion. See Corrosion ; deoxida­ Brit. Air Ministry specifications, tion. See Deoxidation. 467. relief patterns, prodn., 632. bearing, mech. properties, 9 ; thermal rolling. See R ollin g. expansion, 232. scrap, recovery, 395, 622 ; smelting & bearings, railroad, “ circulating ” refining, recovery of smelter dust, type, 49. 520 ; use in foundry, 365. beryllium-. See Alloys : Beryllium- season-cracking in drawn tubes, de­ “ bronzes.” tection, 122. cast, elect, resistance, effect of an­ sheet, A.S.T.M. specifications, 468; nealing, 416; fractures, effect of relation of hardness to tensile casting conditions, 445. strength, 517. casting. See Casting. shrink fits, frictional resistance, 342. castings, ancient, 218; design, 33; silicon-. See Alloys: Silicon— soundness, 315. brasses, & Copper-silicon-zinc alloys. cold-rolled & annealed, directional 63 : 37, effect of ^-constituent, 58, properties, 171, 205. 121; mech. properties, effect of colouring. See Colouring. mixture, 122. compressive strength, 490. special, list of compns., 122. constitution, 416; see also A llo ys : spraying. See S p ra y in g . Copper-tin alloys. static properties, 157, 171. corrosion. See Corrosion. statuary, finishing, 632. density, effect of casting temp., 363. strip ingots, prodn., 620. deoxidation. See Deoxidation. tensile properties, 416 ; at low temps., effect of lead. See A llo y s : L e a d - 175 ; effect of temp., 71. bronzes. tinned, action of fruits, vegetables, & effect of manganese. See A lloy# : foods, 638. Copper—manganese-tin alloys. torsion modulus, dependence on fre­ effect of nickel. See Alloys : Nickel- quency of oscillation, 481. bronzes. tubes, cold-drawn, bursting strengths, 88 : 10 : 2. See A llo y s : Gun-metal. 567 ; cold-drawn, development of elastic modulus of annealed a, 70, internal stress & season-cracking, 120. 122; cold-drawn, effect of low- founding, 315. temp. heat-treatment, 264; de­ hardness, 490. formation structure, 347; drawing. history, 371. See Tube-drawing ; drawn, effects in chemical industry, effect of of internal stress, 122, 172. thermal conductivity, 118. U.S. Navy, compn., 33. inverse segregation, 9, 97, 494. valve seats, w ear, 217. iron in, 171. valves for steam power plant, tests, 639. lea d -. See Alloys : Lead-bronzes. welding. See W elding. manganese-. See Alloys : Man­ wind instruments, 468. ganese-brass. window frames, manuf., 48. mechanical properties, effect of temp., wire, uses, 49. 567. wireless components, 155. melting. See M elting. zinc content, rapid detn., 257. metallurgy, book, 643. Britannia metal, properties, 419. m oulding of castings. See M oulding . Bronze(s) (see also Alloys: Elephant museum specimens, preservation, 471. bronze, Emerald bronze, E m p e ro r nickel-. See Alloys: Nickel-bronzes. bronze, Erhards’ bronze, Gun-m etal, origin, 371. HauveVs bronze, Helmet bronze, Lead- phosphor-. See Alloys : Phosphor- bronzes, Nickel-bronzes, Nida bronze, bronzes. Perkins Metal, Phosphor-bronzes, -plated iron wire, tests, 49. Silicon-bronze8, Superston L 189, pounding tests, 490. Volvit, &c., & under names of railway, relative mech. properties, constituent metals), 382. 662 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Bronze(s), Calcium alloys, scrap, use in foundry, 305. ingots, prodn. by fusion in argon season-cracking, 9. atm., 478. silicon—. See Alloys : Silicon—bronze. oxidation, mechanism, 569. special, list of compns., 121. Calcium-magnesium alloys, oxidation, statuary, ancient, 293 ; construction 383. of Statue of Liberty, New York, Calcium-magnesium-zinc alloys, con­ 49 ; finishing, 632. stitution, 123. structure, transcrystalline, 567. Calcium-mercury alloys, sulphur-free, prodn., 620. density, 493. tensile properties, 490. electrical conductivity, 493. thermal expansion, 232. viscosity, 493. tramway trolley-heads, 49. Calcium-silicon alloys, production, 565. U.S. Navy, compn., 33. Carbides valves for steam power plant, tests, effect of acids, thesis, 59, 169. 639. pure high-melting point, prepn. & welding. See W elding. properties, 575. Cadmium alloys, Carboloy (see also Alloys : Super- eutectic, slowly-cooled, abnormal hard alloys, & Tungsten carbide), structures, 420. cutting tools. See Cutting tools. for bearings, Brit. Air Ministry microstructure, 236. specifications, 327. production, 236. Cadmium-copper alloys, properties, 236. poisoning of workers in manuf., 470. Cekas, properties, 495. properties, 292. Ceralumin, properties, 487. wire & strip, Brit. Air Ministry Cerium-iron alloys, Curie point, 565. specifications, 327. Cerium-magnesium alloys, crystal struc­ Cadmium-lead alloys, eutectic, effect ture of CeMgj, 579. of rate of cooling on structure, 494. Cerium-mercury alloys, electrolytic Cadmium-lead-thallium alloys, consti­ prepn., 235. tution, 572. Chlumin, 414. Cadmium-lead-tin alloys, Chromium alloys (see also A lloys : eutectic, crystn., 420 ; effect of rate Inconel, Megapyr, Nichrome, &c.), of cooling on structure, 494. corrosion. See Corrosion. Cadmium-lithium alloys, corrosion-resistant, book, 221. constitution, X-ray study, 77, 580. heat-resistant, book, 221. crystal structure, 178, 565. w elding. See W elding. Cadmium-magnesium alloys, Chromium-cobalt-nickel alloys, book, 55. constitution, 417. Chromium-cobalt-tungsten alloys. See corrosion. See Corrosion. Alloys : Stellite, Vitalium. oxidation, 383. Chromium-iron alloys, Cadmium-mercury alloys, hydrogen overvoltage in potassium crystalline, compn., 235. hydroxide soln., 85. diffusion of cadmium, 480. oxidation, 304, 502, 589. electrothermal homogeneous effect, report o f A.S.T.M. cttee., 120. 230. Chromium iron-carbon-silicon alloys, Cadmium-silicon alloys, lattice con­ constitution, 8. stants, 300. Chromium-iron-manganese alloys, con­ Cadmium-silver alloys, stitution, 418. constitution, 296. Chromium-iron-nickel alloys (see also deposition. See Deposition. Alloys : Inconel, &c.), Cadmium-tin alloys, creep, 379. eutectic, effect of rate of cooling on effect of steam, 571. structure, 494. for electrical heating elements, life vapour pressure & activity, 11. testing, 73, 418. Cadmium-tin-zinc alloys, heat-resisting, for furnace construc­ deposition. See Deposition. tion, 100. eutectic, effect of rate of cooling on report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 120. structure, 494. Chromium iron-silicon alloys, creep. Cadmium-zinc alloys, 379. constitution, 10 ; solid solv. of Chromium molybdenum-nickel alloys. cadmium, 574 ; soly. of cadmium, See Alloys : Contracid. X-ray study, 239. Chromium-nickel alloys (see also electrical conductivity, 10. Alloys : Elinvar, Inconel, Megapyr, eutectic, effect of rate of cooling on &c.), structure, 494. annealing. See A n n ea lin g . grain-refinement, 175. constitution, 72 ; X-ray study, 347. solders. See Alloys : Solders. corrosion. See Corrosion. vapour pressure & activity, 11. corrosion-resistant, book, 279, Subject Index 663

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Chromium-nickel alloys, Contracid, 346, 640. deep-drawing. See D raw ing. Copper alloys (see also A lloys : A d nic, B a b ­ elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. bitt metal, Bearing alloys, Beryllium- electrical heating elements, A.S.T.M . “ bronze,” Brass(es), Bronze(s), Con­ specifications, 272, 273; life tests, stantan, Corrix, Everdur, Oun-metal, 72, 73, 236, 418. Herculoy, Kunial, Manganese— erosion, 237. brasses, Manganin, Muntz metal, etching. See Etching. P.M .Q. alloy, Platinoid, &c., & under for dies, &c., 123. names of constituent metals), for electrical heating elements, quality, age-hardening. See Age-hardening. 73. ancient Chinese, 371. for electrical resistances, com pn., cast, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 271. 72 ; phys. properties, 72 ; working casting. See Casting. tem ps., 72. colouring. See Colouring. forging. See Forging. corrosion. See Corrosion. oxidation, 502. deoxidation. See Deoxidation. physical properties, 571. dilute solid solutions, elect, properties, polishing. See Polishing. 566. properties, 72. drilling. See D rilling. sand-blasting. See Sand-blasting. estimation of elements. See A n a lysis. soldering. See Soldering. for engineering industries, pam phlet, specific heat, temp, variation, 493. 372. thermal conductivity, 391. gases in, soly., 556. thermoelectric power near Curie point, grain-refinement, 175. 286 ; temp, variation, 493. graphitized, prodn., 568. uses, 72, 383. in chemical industry, effect of thermal welding. See W elding. conductivity, 118. wire, prodn. for elect, resistances, 261. in clockmaking, 217. Chromium-platinum alloys, in petroleum industry, 638. constitution, 571. ingots for sand-castings, A.S.T.M corrosion. See Corrosion. specifications, 271. electrical resistance, 571. iron in, rem oval, 171. hardness, 571. ream ing. See Ream ing. Chromium-silicon alloys, crystal struc­ scrap, recovery, 202. ture, 178. tubes, requirements, 381. Cobalt alloys. See also Alloys : Stellite, uses, 215, 636. & c. welding. See W elding. Cobalt-copper-iron alloys, solid soly. of wire, uses, 49. copper, 119. with elements of B sub-groups, Cobalt-copper-silicon alloys, p ptn . of constitution, 296. cobalt silicide, 170. wrought, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 271. Cobalt-iron alloys, Copper-gaUium alloys, constitution, 296. crystals, ferromagnetism, 565. Copper-germanium alloys, constitution, magnetic properties, 488. 293, 296. magnetostriction, 488. Copper-gold alloys, properties, 170. constitution, 176; decompn. of solid single crystals. See Single crystals. soins., 566 ; transformations in uses, 170. solid state, 70. Cobalt-iron-manganese alloys, dental, hardness variations, 293; see constitution, 69. also Alloys : Dental alloys. crystal structure, 69. diffusion of copper, 122. Cobalt-iron-nickel alloys. See A llo ys : diffusion of gold, 443. P erm invar. AuCu, X-ray absorption spectrum, Cobalt-iron-vanadium alloys, 488. 497. Cobalt-nickel alloys, magnetostriction, Copper-iron alloys, 10. constitution, 415 ; effect of aluminium Cobalt-platinum alloys, constitution, 419. & cobalt on miscibility gap in solid Cobalt-silicon alloys, state, 119. constitution, 415. Copper-iron-nickel alloys, crystal structure, 178. deposition. See Deposition. Cobalt-tungsten alloys, constitution, 341, magnetic properties, effect of heat- 573. treatment & hardening, 320. Cobalt-tungsten-carbon alloys, constitu­ Copper-iron-nickel-tin alloys, for high- tion, 565. pressure armatures working in Constantan, superheated steam, 415. cast, fractures, effect of casting Copper—iron silicon alloys, constitution, conditions, 445. 443. physical properties, 571. Copper-iron-zinc alloys, constitution, pickling. See P ickling. 490, 664 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Copper-nickel-zinc alloys (see also Copper-lead alloys, Alloys : Nickel-brasses), analysis. See .1» . „ bearing} casting. See Casting ; tests, deposition. See Deposition. 9. Copper-oxygen system, solid soly. of conjugate layers, oxygen, 381. formation, 567. Copper-palladium alloys, constitution, 8. constitution, transformations, 444. effect of additions, 292. CuPd, 128. Copper-lead-nickel alloys, 292. electronic configuration, Copper-lead-phosphorus alloys, 292. Cu3Pd, elect, conductivity at low Copper lead sulphur alloys, tem ps., 8. action of hydrogen sulphide, 382. diffusion, 443. electrical resistance, 236; constitution, 381. a t low Copper-lead-tin alloys (see also A lloys : tem ps., 489. LeaA-bronzes), 292. Copper-platinum alloys, 80 :10 : 10, sand-castings, A.S.T.M. Cu3Pt, elect, conductivity at low specifications, 271. tem ps., 8. Copper-lead-zinc alloys, 292. diffusion, 443. Copper-magnesium alloys, Copper-selenium alloys, Cu2Se, pro­ 293. castability, 144. perties, constitution, 417 ; Cu2Mg phase, Copper-silicon alloys, X-ray study, 415. CuI5Si4, crystal structure, 579. oxidation, 383. grain-refinement, 175. Copper-magnesium-zinc alloys, con­ preparation, electrothermic, 23. stitution, 417. specifications, A .S.T.M ., 638. Copper-manganese alloys, 227. Copper-silicon-tin-zinc alloys. See diffusion, 443. H erculoy. Copper-manganese-silicon alloys. See Copper-silicon-zinc alloys (see also Everdur. Alloys : Silicon-brasses), Copper-manganese-tin alloys, constitu­ casting. See Casting. tion, 58, 121. compositions, 122. Copper-manganese-zinc alloys, mechanical properties, 122. constitution, 233. melting point, 122. Copper-Silumin, 46. hardness, 516. properties, tables, Copper-mercury-tin-zinc alloys, com ­ Copper-silver alloys, pounds, 297. age-hardening. See Age-hardening. Copper-molybdenum alloys, corrosion. constitution, 494; effect of nickel on See Corrosion. solid soly. of silver, 5 6 7 : solid Copper-nickel alloys, soln. formation, 497. casting. See Casting. deoxidation w ith phosphorus, 8. corrosion. See Corrosion. effect of phosphorus, 7 4. crystal structure, 579. elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. cups, drawn, ears on, 151, 205. precipitation-hardening. See Age- deoxidation. See Deoxidation. hardening. diffusion, 442, 443. “ standard,” effect of beryllium. 444. effect of aluminium + iron, 120. Copper-silver-zinc alloys. See A llo y s : endurance, 28. Solders. for electrical resistances, elect, pro­ Copper-tin alloys (see also A llo y s : perties, 383. Bronzes, Oun-metal, &c.), magnetic susceptibility at various anodic dissolution, 302. tem ps., 489. constitution, 416 ; eutectoid trans­ melting. See M elting. formations, 342, 490. physical properties, 571. corrosion. See Corrosion. porosity, 33. crystal structure, 177. properties, 236. diffusion, 443. sleeves for water-cooled piston rods, grain-refinement, 175. 51. segregate structures, 128, 177. specific heat, 378. Copper-zinc alloys (see also A llo y s : tensile properties at low temps., 175. Brasses, &c.), ternary, with various metals, appns., constitution, 296, 567, 574; ^-trans­ 123. formation, 232 ; electrochem. study, Copper-nickel-silicon alloys, 9; solid soly. of copper, X-ray ageing phenomena, 232. study, 13, 236; X-ray study, 13. precipitation of nickel silicide, 170. creep, effect of recrystn. temp. & properties, 570. grain-size, 75. Copper-nickel-silver alloys, solid soly. cups, ears on, 205. of silver, 567. diffusion, 443. Copper-nickel-tin alloys (see also A llo ys : grain-refinement, 175. NickeDbronzes ), hot-deformation, capacity, 232. constitution, 121, 171. lattice constants, 13, 236. Subject Index 665

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Copper-zinc alloys, Duralumin, mechanical properties, 416. shells, thin, torsional stiffness with segregate structures, 177. large torques, 535, 615. Corrix, structure, changes dependent on tem p., casting. See Casting. rate of deformation & degree of properties, 70, 231, 495. deformation, 447. Cuher, 120. tensile properties at temp, of liquid Dental alloys (see also Alloys : Gold helium , 116. alloys, Mercury alloys, &c.), tubes, drawing. See Tube-drawing. corrosion. See Corrosion. welding. See W elding. die-casting. See Die-casting. Duranalium, mech. properties, tables, 46. hardness, variations, 293. Eisler’s alloy, 172. manipulation, 491. Elektron (see also Alloys : Magnesium platinum metals in, 173. alloys), properties, 172. age-hardened, effect of pptn. after specifications, G erm an, 468. cold-work, 75. Dowmetal, book, 532 analysis. See A n a ly sis. casting. See Casting. books, 277. composition, 346. testing, 277. corrosion. See Corrosion. Duralumin, endurance, 28. age-hardened, effect of pptn. after forging. See Forging. cold-work, 75. in vehicle construction, 156, 370. age-hardening. See Age-hardening. m elting. See M elting. air-quenching. See Quenching. metallography, technique, 420. airscrews, forgings & stampings, Brit. painting. See P a in tin g . Air Ministry specifications, 440. properties, 123, 346. annealing. See A n nealing. protection, 179. anodic oxidation. See A n o d ic oxidation. rolling. See R olling. bars, A.S.T.M. specifications, 213. thermal expansion, 311. casting. See Casting. uses, 123. corrosion. See Corrosion. welding. See W elding. crystallization, 619. working, 123, 570, 625. cylinders, thin-walled, strength tests Elektrum, 346. in compression, 472, 514 ; thin- Elephant bronze, 172. walled, strength tests in pure bend­ Elephanten-S-bronze, 346. ing, 109, 168. Elinvar, elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. composition, 346. elastic stresses, measurement, 456. elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 117. endurance strength, 28, 92. properties, 346. extrusion. See E xtru sio n . Elkalloy, welding electrodes, 635. fatigue, 361, 435. Elkonite, forging. See Fo rg in g . properties, 346. forgings, British standard specifica­ welding electrodes, 635. tions, 212. Elmarid, 346. hardness, periodic changes, 117 ; rela­ Elvotit, 460. tion of Brinell & scleroscope num­ Emerald bronze, 346. bers, 199. Emperor bronze, 346. heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. Engestrium, 346. hot-forged, structure, effect of heat- Erhards’ type metal, 495. treatment, 446 ; structure, effect of Erhards’ war bronze, 346. rate of deformation, 445, 446. Ermann metal, 575. in bicycles, 46. Eureka, 495. in vehicle construction, 106, 369. Eutectal, 495. ingots, reheating, 458. Everbrite, 575. macrostructure, X-ray study, 578. Everdur, mechanical properties, 291 ; tables, 46. properties, 495. melting. See M elting. welding. See W elding. nickel-plating. See Deposition. Ex-B-metal, 575. plates, A.S.T.M. specifications, 213. Excello, 575. pressings, m anuf., 447 ; residual lat­ Excelsior, 575. tice stress, 446. F-alloy, 575. protection, 46. Falun, 419. recrystallization texture, 237, 446. Feralsit, 291. rivets, 632. Ferro alloys, analysis. See A n a ly sis. rods, A.S.T.M. specifications, 213. Ferro-cerium, Curie point, 565. rolling. See R ollin g. Ferro molybdenum, shapes, A.S.T.M. specifications, 213. A.S.T.M. specifications, 272. sheet, A.S.T.M. specifications, 213. analysis. See A n a ly sis. 6 6 6 Sïibjed Index Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— . Ferro-silicon, A n a ly sis. Hydronalium, analysis. See tensile properties, effect of corrosion, Ferrotherm, 346. 582. Ferro tungsten, welding. A.S.T.M. specifications, 273. See W elding. Hyperm, analysis. See A n a ly sis. Gallium-silver alloys, com position, 10. constitution, fUt>. magnetic properties, 10. German silver. See A llo y s : N ic k e l- Iitaka metal, brasses. 571. Illinois alloy, Gittermetall, 266. 74. Inconel, Gold alloys, . rQ> dental, corrosion. See Corrosion. German specifications, 408, heat-treatment. properties, 172; see also A llo y s . See Heat-treatment. properties, 72, 570. Dental alloys. welding. dilute solid solutions, See W elding. elect, properties, Indium-silver alloys, constitution, 296. 566. Iridium-osmium alloys, uses, 115. parting limits, 175. Iridium-osmium-platinum alloys, uses, rolling. See R ollin g . “ w hite.” A llo y s : W hite gold. 115. See Iridium-platinum alloys, w orking, effect of phosphorus and electrical resistance, 041. oxides, 102 hardness, Gold-iron alloys, 641. ageing properties, 347 properties, 115. constitution, X-ray study, 347. tensile properties, 641. magnetic properties, 347. uses, 115. Gold-lead alloys, diffusion of gold, 122. Iron alloys, Gold-manganese alloys, constitution, analysis. See A n a ly sis. X-ray study, 238. compositions, list, 372, 531. Gold-nickel alloys, corrosion. See Corrosion. diffusion coeff., 294. sam pling. Gold-palladium alloys, See A n a ly sis. Iron-carbon-manganese alloys, con­ diffusion coeff., 294; of palladium, stitution, 343, 344. 122. Iron-carbon-zirconium alloys, effect of tin, 173. constitu­ Gold-platinum alloys, tion, 419. diffusion 294 ; 122. Iron-manganese alloys, coeffs., of platinum , constitution, Gold-silicon alloys, lattice const., 300. 294, 343, 344 ; factors Gold-silver alloys, constitution, 491. affecting transformations, 343 ; X- G un-m etal (see also Alloys : Bronzes & ray analysis, 294. under names of constituent metals), electrical resistance, effect of temp., Fars, hot-rolled, Brit. Air Ministry 344. specifications, 468. heterogeneity, 344. cast, fractures, effect of casting con­ thermomagnetic analysis, 344. ditions, 445. Iron-manganese-silicon alloys, soly. of casting. See Casting. carbon, pamphlets, 373. corrosion. See Corrosion. Iron molybdenum alloys. See Alloys : foundry practice, 201. Ferro—molybdenum. Harder McFarland alloy, 495. Iron-molybdenum-nickel alloys, cor­ Harditr, 495. rosion. See C orrosion. Harper’s metal, 495. Iron nickel alloys (see also Alloys : Hauvel’s bronze, 495. Isoperm, Permalloy, &c.), Haynes’ metal, 495. Barkhausen discontinuities, large, 236, Helmet bronze, 495. 295, 493. Hélouis platinum-bronze, 495. constitution, 418. Helumin, 495. crystal structure of electrodeposits, 10. Herculoy, 170. deposition. See Deposition. Heusler’s alloys (see also A llo y s : electrodeposits, crystal structure, 10. Aluminium-copper—manganese al­ in current transformers, 328. loys), oxidation, 502. crystal structure, 177, 299, 579. single crystals. See Single crystals. ferro-magnetism, 177, 579. temper-hardening, 173. Heyne-Biddery alloy, 495. Iron- nickel-tungsten alloys, corrosion. Hibbo, 495. See C orrosion. . See R.R. alloys. Iron-nitrogen alloys, Widmanstâtten Hiorns’ metal, 495. structure, 384. Hipernick, 495. Iron-phosphorus alloys, Widmanstâtten Hohenzollern bearing metal, 495. structure, 384. Hydronalium, Iron-silicon alloys, corrosion. See Corrosion. Barkhausen effect, 413. in vehicle construction, 156, 370. book, 159 (review ). properties, 7. oxidation, 304. Subject Index 667

Alloys & compounds—■ Alloys & com pounds^ Iron-tin alloys, compounds, 345, 374, Lead-bronzes, 572. effect of silicon, 33. Iron-tungsten alloys, foundry practice, 201. book, 283 (review). hardness, 490. constitution, 345 ; intermediate phases, ingots & bars, Brit. Air Ministry 125, 345. specifications, 327. density, 345. melting. See M elting. hardness, 345. pounding tests, 490. Iron zinc alloys, diffusion, 574. tensile properties, 490. Isabellin, 571. thermal expansion, 232. Isoperm, Lead-copper sulphide system, constitu­ cores for induction coils, 295. tion, 568. development, 528, 571. Lead-iron sulphide system, constitution, in telegraphy, 528. 568. magnetic properties, 576 ; theory, Lead-lead sulphide system, constitution, 571. 568. J-m etal. See Stellite. Lead-magnesium alloys, oxidation at K.S.-Seewasser, high temps., 383. composition, 291. Lead-mercury alloys, crystalline, eompn., corrosion. See Corrosion. 235. mechanical properties, 291. Lead-silicon alloys, lattice const., 300. metallography, technique, 420. Lead-silver alloys, diffusion of silver, Kanthal 122. electrical heating elements, 328. Lead-tellurium alloys, physical properties, 571. pipe for water services, 639. Kunial, properties, 71, 568. corrosion-resistance, 343. uses, 568; in plumbing, 71. physical properties, 343. Lead-thallium alloys, tempering, temps., 343. crystal structure, 421. L.M. alloys, properties, relation of structure, 568. compositions, 291. Lead-thallium-tin alloys, constitution, mechanical properties, 291. 572. Lanthanum-lead alloys, crystal structure Lead-tin alloys, of LaPbj, 299. bearing properties, 172. Lanthanum-magnesium alloys, crystal castabUity, 457. structure of LaMg3, 579. compression strength, 172. Lanthanum-mercury alloys, electrolytic constitution, X-ray study, 238. prepn., 235. deposition. See Deposition. Lanthanum-tin alloys, crystal structure eutectic, extruded, viscous properties, of LaSn,, 299. 573 ; structure, effect of rate of Lautal, cooling, 494. age-hardened, effect of pptn. after extraction from flue dust, 453. cold-work, 75. hardness, 172. corrosion. See C orrosion. refining. See R efining. effect oi chromium, 168. solders. See Alloys : Solders. Lead alloys (see also Alloys : Babbitt surface tension, 123. thetals, Bearing alloys, Solders, &c.), Lead-zinc alloys, B.N.F. ternary, appns., 123 ; use in constitution, 569. buildings, 49, 156. non-liquating, prepn., 174. bearing, compns., list, 345 ; effect of Lithium alloys, 478, 569. zinc, 71 ; high-copper, working, Lithium-magnesium alloys, 102; properties, 10; review , 419; constitution, 234, 382. tests, 494. electrical conductivity, 234. cable-sheath, age-hardening, 233 ; Lithium-silver alloys, crystal structure corrosion. See C orrosion ; fatigue, of A phase, 13. 233 ; microexamination, prepn. of Lithium-thallium alloys, constitution, specimens, 7 6 ; properties, 491. 569. corrosion. See Corrosion. Lithium-zinc alloys, constitution, 125. etching. See Etching. Lo-Ex, 291. eutectic, slowly-cooled, abnormal M.G.7, welding. See W elding. structures, 420. Magnalium, reflective power, 175. scrap, recovery, 202. Magnesium alloys (see also Alloys : Dow- Lead-brasses, hot-deformation capacity, metal, Elektron, &c), 232. analysis. See A n a ly sis. Lead-bronzes, bars, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, casting. See Casting. 328, 469. compressive strength, 490. books, 473 (review ), 532. effect of aluminium, 33. castability, 33, 144, 518. effect of phosphorus, 33. casting. See Casting. 66 8 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Magnesium alloys, Magnesium-zinc alloys, castings, A.S.T.M. specifications, 272; constitution, 417 ; solid soln. forma­ for lightly-stressed parts, Brit. Air tion, 497 ; solid soly. of zinc, 417 ; Ministry specification, _ 469 ; for X-ray detn. of a-solid soln. range, pressure work, Brit. Air Ministry 234. specification, 468, 469. corrosion. See Corrosion. contraction (patternmaker’s), effect of M gZn, crystal structure, 299. compn,, 33. MgZn5, crystal structure, 299. corrosion. See Corrosion. oxidation at high temps., 383. effect of beryllium, 569. solid solutions, homogenized, tensile effect of calcium, 569. properties, 234. endurance strength, 92. Manganese alloys (see also M anganin, fatigue, 340. & c. ), fluxes. See F lu xe s. physical properties, 227. for aero engines, properties, 527. review, 378, 546. for aircraft, 330, 493. Manganese-brasses, forging. See Fo rg ing . analysis. See A n a ly sis. forgings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ equilibrium relations, pamphlet, 58,121. tions, 469. resurfacing with, 105. ingots, prodn. by fusion in argon tensile properties a t low tem ps., 175. atm., 478. Manganese-“ bronze.” See A lloys: jigs, 639. Manganese-brasses. m elting. See M elting. Manganese-mercury-tin alloys, constitu­ metallography, technique, 420. tion, 235. oxidation at high temps., 383 ; effect Manganese-nickel alloys, properties, 295. of calcium & beryllium, 569; Manganese-nitrogen system, constitu­ mechanism, 569. tion, 294. painting. See P a inting. Manganese-silicon alloys, pressings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ constitution, 295. tion, 469. crystal structure, 178. production, direct, 235. M anganin, properties, 493 ; compared with those casting. See Casting. of other structural materials, 570. m elting. See M eltin g. protection, 179, 423, 499. physical properties, 571. service characteristics, A.S.T.M. re­ production, 629. port, 532. properties, 629. sheet,A.S.T.M. specifications,272 ; Brit. rolling. See R ollin g . Air Ministry specifications, 328, 469. soldering. See Soldering. solid solutions, elongation, 235. wire, drawing. See Wire-drawing-, stamping. See Stam ping. effect of annealing, tables, 630. stampings, Brit. Air Ministry speci­ Mansical, 291. fications, 469. Matrix alloy, 216. stratosphere gondolas, construction, 49. Megapyr, properties, 231, 346, 571. uses, 636. Mercury alloys, welding. See W elding. corrosion. See Corrosion of dental wrought shapes, A.S.T.M. specifica­ amalgams. ^ tions, 272. crystalline, 235. Magnesium-nickel alloys, constitution, vapour pressure, 10 ; detn., appar­ 493. atus, 9. Magnesium phosphorus alloys, crystal Mercury-neodymium alloys, electrolytic structure, 128. prepn., 235. Magnesium-praseodymium alloys, Mercury-samarium alloys, electrolytic PrMg, crystal structure, 300. prepn., 235. PrMg3, crystal structure, 579. Mercury-silver alloys, compound Ag3Hg4, Magnesium-silicon alloys, 300. Mg-Si, electrode potentials, 582. Mercury-sodium alloys, oxidation at high temps., 383. action of dry oxygen, 379. Magnesium silicon -zinc alloys, constitu­ liquid, stability, 297. tion, 9. Mercury-strontium alloys, Magnesium-silver alloys, oxidation at density, 493. high temps., 383. electrical conductivity, 493. Magnesium-sodium alloys, oxidation at viscosity, 493. high temps., 383. Mercury-thallium alloys, Magnesium-thallium alloys, electro-capillary phenomena & w et­ constitution, 172. tability, 559. oxidation at high temps., 383. electrothermal homogeneous effect, Magnesium-tin alloys, 230. constitution, 570. Mercury-tin alloys, crystalline, compn., oxidation at high temps., 383. 235. Subject Index 669

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Mercury-yttrium alloys, electrolytic Naval brass. See Alloys : Brasses. prepn., 235. Nichrome, Mercury-zinc alloys, casting. See Casting. crystalline, compn., 235. forging. See Fo rg in g . diffusion oi zinc, 480. m elting. See M elting. Mischmetall, purification of inert gases production, 630. w ith, 638. properties, 74. Molybdenum-carbon alloys, supercon­ ribbon, prodn., 630. ductivity, 176. rolling. See R ollin g . Molybdenum-tungsten alloys, diffusion Nickel alloys (see also Alloys : Adnic, of molybdenum, 553. Constantan, Contracid, Illinois alloy, Monel metal, Inconel, Kanthal, Monel metal, annealing. See A n nea ling . Mumetal, Nichrome, Nickel—brasses. bars, British Air Ministry specifica­ Permalloy, Perminvar, &c., & tions, 328. under names of constituent metals), corrosion. See Corrosion. booklet, 533. corrosion-resistance, 295. casting. See Casting. creep, effect of recrystn. temp, and compositions, list, 173. grain-size, 75. corrosion. See Corrosion. drawing. See D raw ing. creep, 94, 163. drilling. See D rillin g . deoxidation. See Deoxidation. effect of steam, 571. estimation of aluminium. See elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. A n a ly sis. electrodes for arc welding, 39. for electrical resistances, com pns., forging. See F o rg in g . 571 ; phys. properties, 571. forgings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ heat-resistant, 124. tions, 328. in naval construction, 272. hardness, 10. in radio valves, 49. impact strength, 10. in shipbuilding & marine engineering, machining. See M a ch in in g. 571. malleability, 441. magnetic properties, 163. mechanical properties, 295. m elting. See M elting. permanent set, 124, 614. non-scaling properties, 163. physical properties, 295. properties, 163. pickling. See P ic k lin g . proprietary, phys. properties & appns., pressing. See P ressing. 571. properties, 236. tensile properties at temp, of liquid reaming. See Beam ing. helium, 116. rivets, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ thermionic emission, effect of barium, tions, 328. 10. rods, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, uses, 636. 328. welding. See W elding. rolling. See R ollin g . Nickel-brasses (see also Alloys : Copper- sheet, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, nickel-zinc alloys, Argentan, 328. P la tin o id , &c.), soldering. See Soldering. annealed, hardness, 233. spraying. See S p ra yin g . casting. See Casting. stampings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ cold-worked, effect of heating, 233. tions, 328. composition, 172. tanks, manuf., 50. constitution, 293. tensile properties, 10 ; a t tem p, of corrosion. See Corrosion. liquid helium, 116. die-casting. See Die-casting. valve seats, wear, 217. elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. valves for steam power plant, tests, hardness, effect of cold-work, 233. 639. heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. welding. See W elding. manufacture, 172. wire, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, mechanical properties, 293. 328. physical properties, 293, 571. working properties, 295. pickling. See P ic k lin g . Mumetal, magnetic permeability, 328. polishing. See P o lish in g . Muntz metal (see also Alloys : Brasses & properties, 172, 491 ; systematic under names of constituent metals), study, 233. condenser tubes & ferrule stock, spraying. See S p ra y in g . A.S.T.M. specifications, 468. tensile properties at low temps., 175. corrosion. See C orrosion. uses, 172. N.C.A. alloy, properties, 7. Nickel-bronzes, N.M. bronze, age-hardening. See Age-hardening. for marine propellers, 468. ageing characteristics, 342. physical properties, 571. corrosion. See Corrosion. VOL. 1 . 2 X 670 Subject Index

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Nickel-bronzes, Phosphor-bronzes, effect of additions, 342. tensile properties at temp, of liquid fatigue-strength, 342. helium, 116. hardness, 342. tubes, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, tensile properties, 342. 327. Nickel carbides, 124. uses, 9. Nickel-palladium alloys, constitution, Platinoid, in chem. industry, effect of 418. thermal conductivity, 118. Nickel-silicon alloys, crystal structure, Platinum alloys, 178. etching. See Etching. “ Nickel-silver.” See Alloys : Nickel— properties, 642. brasses. Platinum-helium compound, Nickel-zinc alloys, constitution, X-ray density, 4. study, 239. properties, 4. Nickelin, phys. properties, 571. Platinum metal alloys, etching. See Nicorros, corrosion. See Corrosion. E tching. Nicrotherm, 346. Platinum-rhodium alloys, Nida bronze, properties, 293. density, 236. N i-R esist, electrical resistance, 236. composition & properties, 346. for electrical resistances, 236. corrosion. See Corrosion. hardness, 236. Nitrides, melting point, 236. pure high-melting point, prepn. & thermal e.m.f. against platinum, properties, 575. 236. thesis, 376. Pobedit (see also A llo ys : Super-hard Nivarox, 327, 640. alloys), Osmiridium, dies, manuf., 266. crystal structure, 421. microstructure, 236. x-ray study, 172. production, 236, 460. P.M.G. alloy, properties, 236. properties, tables, 71. replacement of cobalt by nickel, 573. uses, 71. soldering. See Soldering. Palladium-boron alloys, absorption of w elding. See W elding. hydrogen, 418. Praseodymium-silver alloys, constitu­ Perdurum, porosity of eastings, 574. tion, 572. Perkins metal, cast, elect, resistance, Pyrodur, 346. effect of annealing, 416. R.R. alloys (Hiduminium), Permalloy, chemical properties, 486. elastic modulus, effect of intensity compositions, 291. of magnetization, 165. die-castings, Brit. Air Ministry speci­ magnetic permeability, effect of heat- fications, 440. treatment in magnetic field, 419, 53, pistons, manuf., 32. 496. 53B, properties, 340. magnetic properties, effect of heat- 56, tubes, manuf., 523. treatment, 173, 570. forgings, Brit. Air Ministry specifica­ Perminvar, tions, 440. magnetic permeability, effect of heat- foundry practice, 486. treating in magnetic field, 419. in Diesel engines, 106. theory, 178. mechanical properties, 291. Pewter, physical properties, 486. books, 277, 331. properties, 495. properties, 345. tubes, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, Phosphor-bronzes (see also A llo ys : 440. Nida bronze, &c.), R am et (see also Alloys : Super-hard, bars, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, alloys; Tantalum carbide), 327. microstructure, 236. casting. See Casting. production, 236. composition, 232. properties, 236. elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. R elit, porosity of castings, 574. for springs, properties, 416. Rhenium-tungsten alloys, constitution, foundry practice, 232. 574. hollander strips, manuf., 97. Rubidium-sodium alloys, constitution, mechanical properties, 416. 75. m elting. See M elting. Satco metal, properties compared with physical properties, 416. other bearing alloys, 416. pickling. See P ickling. Sicromal, 346. properties, 9. Silicides, spraying. See Spra yin g . effect of acids, thesis, 59, 169. springs, elastic fatigue & creep, 416. preparation, electrolytic, 248. Subject Index 671

Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Silicon brasses (see also Copper-silicon- Sinterbronze, zinc alloys), properties, 266. book, 401. uses, 171. casting. See Casting. Smena, book, 400. cheapness, 343. Sodium-tungsten-“ bronze,” blue, 238. hot-working properties, 233. Solders (see also under names of con­ melting. See M elting. stituent metals), uses, 233. brittleness at low temps., 175. Silicon-bronzes (see also A llo y s : H er- cadmium-zinc, 323. culoy), casting. See Casting. book, 401. compositions for various purposes, 323. properties, 70. hard, of low melting point, 267. uses, 70. lead-tin, suitability, 174. Silicon carbide (see also Refractory manufacture, 525. m aterials), mechanical properties at low temps., heating elements, elect, resistance, 494. ^ dependence on temp., 261 ; thermal melting. See M elting. conductivity, 520. silver, analysis. See Analysis; com pns., Silicon-silver alloys, lattice const., 300. tables, 104 ; melting points, Silicon-tin alloys, lattice const., 300. tables, 104 ; of low melting point, Silicon-zinc alloys, lattice const., 300. 267 ; patents, 104 ; review of litera­ Silumin (Alpax) (see also A llo y s : ture, 104 ; use in chem. industry, Aluminium—silicon alloys, Copper— 104 ; working properties, tables, Silumin, Silumin-Beta, Silumin- 104. Oamma, &c.), soft, German standard, freezing temps., book, 402. 174; selection, 323. castability, 457, 518. tin-lead, effect of impurities, 461. chill-castings, cost & weight compared Speculum metal, casting. See Casting. with east iron, 96. Steels, containing magnesium, age-harden- analysis. See A n a lysis. able, 231. bibliography of literature in 1933, 333. copper-. See Alloys : Copper-Silumin. calorizing. See Calorizing. corrosion. See Corrosion. cementation. See Cementation. die-castings, cost & weight compared cleaning. See Cleaning. with cast-iron, 96. coatings on, non-magnetic, testing, effect of additions, 381. 183. fluidity, 419. compositions, list, 372, 531. limitations, 381. copper-plating. See Deposition. mechanical properties, 291, 381. corrosion. See Corrosion. m elting. See M elting. corrosion-fatigue. See Corrosion- metallography, technique, 420. fatigue. modified, phys. properties, 96. creep, 360. physical properties, 291. deoxidation. See Deoxidation. preparation, 437. elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. properties, tables, 46. embrittlement, report of A.S.T.M. sand-castings, cost & weight com­ cttee., 134. pared with cast iron, 96. endurance strength, 92 ; effect of zinc thermal expansion, 311. coatings, 82. Silumin-Beta, phys. properties, tables, erosion, 237. 96. galvanized. See Galvanized iron & Silumin-Gamma, steel. mechanical properties, 414, 564. galvanizing. See Galvanizing. physical properties, 414, 564; tables, hardness, periodic changes, 117 ; rela­ 96. tion of Brinell & scleroscope num­ Silver alloys, bers, 199. coinage, segregation, 74. metallography, atlas, 62 {review). resistance to blackening by sulphur, metallurgy, key words, book, 107. 499. oxidation at elevated temps., 589. segregation, 74. production in Gt. Britain, census, 651. with elements of B sub-groups, con­ protection. See Calorizing, Deposition, stitution, 296. Galvanizing, Sherardizing, &c. Silver-brasses. See A llo y s : Solders. special, books, 373, 536 ; effect of Silver-palladium alloys, diffusion of pal­ beryllium, 225. ladium, 122. stainless, book, 221 ; corrosion. See Silver-zinc alloys, Corrosion. constitution, 296; /3-transformation, tensile properties at temp, of liquid 232. helium, 116. grain-refinement, 175. wire, effect of pickling and galvanizing segregate structures, 128, 177. on strength, 591. 672 Subject Index Alloys & compounds— Alloys & compounds— Tungsten carbide (see also A llo y s : Stellite (see also Sm ena, &c.), Carboloy, Super-hard alloys, Widia, properties, 170. &c.), uses, 170. . cutting tools. Cutting tools. Stellite J, C utting See cutting tools. See for wear-resistance, 216. tools. Tungsten-zirconium alloys, ZrW 2, X -ray Stoodite, 398. Super-Duralumin. See A lloys : D u ra lu ­ proof of existence, 300. Tungum, m in . Super-hard alloys (see also A llo y s . mechanical properties, 568. Tantalum carbide, Tungsten carbide, uses, 49. &c„ & under names of alloys : 25 S, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, Carboloy, Pobedit, Titanite, Widia, 440. Type metal, ¡fee., &c.), founding, 315. crystal structure, 421. history, refining. R efining. drilling with, 152. See fractures, 421. requirements, 174. structures, sam pling. A n a lysis. fusing on to chisels, 265. See manufacture, 236, 460, 573. surface tension, effect of impurities, microstructure, 236. 492. Vedal metal, Corrosion. patents, 50, 273, 573. corrosion. See porosity of castings, 574. Vitalium, 170. Vokar, welding. See W elding. price, 50. Volomit, 574. properties, 236. . porosity of castings, replacement of cohalt by nickel, Volramit, porosity of castings, 574. 573. Volvit bronze, 71. review, 329. White gold, uses, 50. properties, 575. welding. See W elding. rolling. See Rolling. Superston L. 189 bronze, bars, stampings, White metals (see also Alloys : Babbitt and forgings, Brit. Air Ministry metals, Bearing alloys, & under specifications, 327. names of constituent metals), Supra-Alu S.S., 291. adhesion to steel, 639. Supra-Kolben, 291. analysis. See A n a lysis. Tantalum carbides (see also A llo ys : ashes, treatment, 146. Bamet, Super-hard alloys, &c.), bearing, comparison, 344; German crystal lattice, 297. standard specifications, 216; mecli. cutting tools. See Cutting tools. properties at various temps., 71. formation, 297. book, 60 {review). Thallium-tin alloys, crystal structure, ingots for bearings, Brit. Air Ministry 178. specifications, 328. Thermax, 346. iron in, 146. Tin alloys (see also A lloys : Babbitt liners, adhesion & fatigue, 639. metals, Bearing metals, Pewter, mechanical properties, 293. Solders, White metals, &c.), physical properties, 293. bearing, compns., list, 345 ; hardness scrap, recovery, book, 60 [review). at elevated temps., effect of lead, W idia (see also Alloys dk compounds: 9, 345 ; properties, 10 ; review, Super-hardalloys. Tungsten carbide), 419 ; tests, 494. microstructure, 236. eutectic, slowly-cooled, abnormal production, 236. structures, 420. properties, 236. intermetallic compounds, 297. soldering. See Soldering. scrap, recovery, 202. uses, 639. Tin-zinc alloys, w elding. See W elding. eutectic, structure, effect of rate of “ Y ” alloy, cooling, 494. chemical properties, 486. vapour pressure & activity, 11. forging. See Forging. Tinicosil, 519. forgings, British standard specifica­ Titanite (see also A lloys : Super-hard tions, 157, 212. alloys), foundry practice, 486. microstructure, 236. in Diesel engines, 106. production, 236. physical properties, 486. properties, 236. pistons, forgings & stampings, Brit. Titanium alloys, 528. Air Ministry specifications, 440. Titanium carbide, tensile properties at low temps., crystal lattice, 297. 175. formation, 297. Zamak alloys, 621. Titanium-titanium nitride system, con­ Zinc alloys, stitution, 557. analysis. See A n a lysis. Track metal, 575. books, 222, 472. Subject Index 673

Alloys & compounds— Aluminium, Zinc alloys, cooking utensils, action of milk, 464 ; chemical properties, 555, 643. effect of foods, 439 ; harmfulness. chromium-plating. See Deposition. See Aluminium, toxicity ; h eat con­ constitution, diagram s, 555. sum ption, 217. copper-plating. See Deposition. copper-plating. See Deposition. crystal orientations developed by corrosion. See Corrosion. progressive cold-rolling, 348. creep limit, effect of alternating tor­ deep-drawing properties, 627. sional stresses, 231, 292. die-castings, A.S.T.M. specifications, crystal structure, multiple Laue spots, 273; exposure tests, 98. 347, 384. for die-casting, 621 ; ageing, 345, crystallization, 619. 381. crystals, multiple Laue spots, 347, intermetallic compounds, 297. 384. mechanical properties, 555, 643. cups, ears on, 205. new, 53. cylinder heads, 106. physical properties, 555, 643. deformed, changes in properties during rolling texture, 348. recovery, 285. scrap, recovery, 202. deposition. See Deposition. uses, 636. detection. See A n alysis. Zirconium carbide, die-casting. See Die-casting. crystal lattice, 297. diffusibility, 161. formation, 297. distilled water equipment, 46. Zirconium-zirconium nitride system, drawing of sheet. See Drawing. constitution, 557. drilling. See D rilling. drums for chem icals, 369. effect on milk acidity, 640. Almasilium. See A lloys. effect on pasteurization of milk, 464. Almelec. See Alloys. elastic hysteresis, 414. Alpax. See Alloys. elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. Alsia. See Alloys. electrical conductivity, effect of addns., Alsimin. See A lloys. 168, 292. Alumilite process. See Anodic oxidation. electrical resistance, temp, coeff., 113. Alumina. See Refractory materials. electrode potential, 2, 452. Aluminium, endurance strength, 92. action of blackcurrant wine, 464. estimation. See A n a lysis. action of cider. See Corrosion. expansion, X -ray study, 6. action of milk, 464. extrusion. See Extrusion. action on micro-organisms, 165, 339. fatigue, influence of intercryst. boundary, allotropy, 65, 113, 161. 481. analysis. See A n a lysis. films, evaporated, crystal orientation, and cancer, 464. 14; over chromium on glass, pro­ annealing. See A nnealing. perties, 477. anodic oxidation. See Anodic oxidation. fluidity, 419. anodic resistance, 590. foil, as heat-insulator, 215; for packing, books, 54; 159 (review); 222 (review). covering area, 47 ; heat insulation, brewing vessels, removal of beer scale, 369, 467, 528 ; in shipbuilding, 47 ; 270, 399. prodn. in U.S.S.R., 265 ; reinforced, cables, behaviour after 5 years’ exposure, insulating properties, 326 ; relief 545; damping vibrations, 637; for stam ping, 206 ; rolling. See Rolling ; internal distribution system, 530; on “ silvering ” paper with, 36 ; see also board ship, 270 ; overhead, 373, 465 ; A lfol. steel-cored. See Aluminium, steel- foundry practice, 65 ; book, 282 (review) cored cables; telephone, in Indo-China, frictional electric charge, effect of heat- 155. treatm en t, 6. cans, effect of fish, 439; for fish, stability furniture, 215, 271. of vitamin A, 50 ; for fish, tests, y-radiation, 486. 45. gas-content of commercial, 556. casting. See Casting. gases in, soly., 226. castings, tensile tests, 618. grinding. See G rinding. cementation of iron by, 427. Hamburg festival meeting, 52. chairs, 271. hardness at elevated temps., 477, 561; chemistry, books, 643, 646 (review). relation of Brinell & scleroscope chill-cast, spherical Al-Fe-Si inclusions, num bers, 199. 563. hydrogen in, soly., 556. coatings, hot-dipped, on iron, 427; in aircraft, 527. protective value in atmosphere, 349; in architecture, 528 ; books, 54, 646 sprayed, on oil refinery reaction (review). cham bers, 387. in artificial silk plant, 465. colouring. See Colouring. in automobiles, 215. 674 Subject Index

Aluminium, Alum inium , rivets, in brewery, 65, 636. Brit. Air Ministry specification, in cheese industry, 439. 462 : dimensions, 46. in chemical industries, 65, 106. riveting. See R ivetin g. in coach work, booklet, 643. rolling. See R o llin g . in dairy industry, 65, 439. rolling texture, 12. in decoration, book, 54. scrap, recovery, 364 ; remelting, 146 ; in electrical industry, 47. remelting in reverberatory furnaces, in mineral oil industry, 636. 364; use, 260. in rubber industry, 65. sheet, A.S.T.M. specifications, 212; in sewage plant, 465. drawing. See D ra w in g ; relation of in shipbuilding, 215 ; booklet, 532. crystal orientation to sheet thickness, in spirit distillery, 636. 12, 237 ; rolling. See R ollin g . in switchgear, 270. sheet metal work, book, 107. in transport vehicles, 214, 215. single crystals. See Single crystals. industry, German, 52, 59, 217 ; Russian, slush-casting. See Slush-casting. 2nd 5-year plan, 470 ; tech. problems, soldering. See Soldering. thesis, 402. specific heat, 161. insulating properties, 225; see also spraying. See S p ra y in g . Aluminium, foil. stam ping. See Stam ping. internal stresses, 380. steel-cored cables, experiences, 326; for lacquered, corrosion-resistance, 388. overhead lines, 270 ; max. permissible lacquering. See Lacquering. tension, 466. light absorption, 119, 483. structure, 77. liquid, thermal properties, 161. superconductivity, 545. machining. See M a chinin g. surface films, structure & growth, 578. mechanical properties, effect of temp., surface treatment, 502; see also Anodic 161. oxidation, &c. melting. See M elting. tank cars, 270, 528. metallography, book, 534. technology, books, 282 (review ), 333. nickel-plating. See Deposition. tensile properties at elevated temps., 477, nitrogen in, soly., 556. 561; at low temps., 175. painted, corrosion-resistance, 38S. thermal conductivity, 161, 225. painting. See P a in tin g . thermal expansion, 161, 311. paints, A.S.T.M. standards, book, 540 thermal properties, 161, 225. (review ); covering capacity, 637 ; thermochemistry, 161. durability, 450; durability on wood, torsion modulus, dependence on fre­ 466; for exteriors & interiors, 47, quency of oscillation, 481. 271; for prevention of moisture toxicity, 45, 214, 269, 439, 448, 464, 636; absorption by wood, 106; for wood, bibliography, 214. 637 ; prodn., properties & uses, 327 ; transformation into nickel, 52. properties, 466 ; use in food factories, transformation point, 65. 214; uses, 466. tubes, seamless, U.S. specifications, 326. paper for heat insulation, 47; heat turning. See T u rn in g . transmission, 370. uses, 46, 47, 54, 65, 106, 213, 214, 215, passivity, 427. 270, 271, 369, 439, 465, 527, 528, 532, permanent mould casting. See P e r­ 636, 643. manent mould casting. varnishing. See Varnishing. pipes for water, 274. welding. See W elding. pistons, temps. & design, 636; see also wire, hard-drawn, effect of addns., 69. Alloys : Aluminium alloys. wire-drawing. See Wire-drawing. plate, A.S.T.M. specifications, 212. x-ray scattering, 229. polishing. See P olishin g. Aluminium AW15. See A llo y s. porosity of castings, reduction, 589. Aluminium alloys. See A llo ys. powder as water softener, 465; prodn., Aluminium-“ bronzes.” See A lloys. properties & uses, 327. Aluminium oxide, production, 543 ; in Gt. Britain, 329. a-, heat of formation, 161. Protalizing. See Protalizing. electrolysis. See Electrolysis. protection, 181, 245; against salt estimation. See A n a ly sis. solns., 589. See also Anodic oxidation, Aluminium sulphide, electrolysis. See Deposition, Modified Bauer-Vogel pro­ Electrolysis. cess, Painting, Protalizing, Varnishing, Aluminizing of telescope mirrors, 637. &c. Alusil. See A llo y s. quenched, internal stresses, 380. A m algam s. See Alloys : Mercury alloys. radiators, 106. A m erica. See United States of America. recrystallization & crystal recovery Ammonium chloride solutions, corrosion after cold-work, 12. by. See Corrosion. reflectivity, 225, 377, 483. Ammonium nitrate solutions, corrosion by. reflectors, 214, 637; for telescopes, See Corrosion. 637. Amorphous layer, 384. Subject Index 675

ANALYSIS, METHODS OF— Analysis, methods of— Analysis, Analysis of— conductometric, book, 400. Chromium, micro-, 389. development, 355. Coals, 203 ; A.S.T.M. methods, 438 ; dithizone reaction, 90. book, 276. electrometrie, 193; bibliography, 193; Cobalt, micro-., 389. book, 108. Coke, A.S.T.M. methods, 438; book, magneto-optical, 603. 276. metallurgical, spectrographic, book, Columbium, 605 ; electrolyt., 605. 110 (review ) ; works’ methods, book, Copper, micro-, 389; spectrographic, 55. 511. microchemical, 389 ; book, 372 ; Copper-lead alloys, spectrographic, KMnOj as reagent, 604. thesis, 537. nephelometry, 356. Copper-nickel plated steel, 250. oxine, ehloro-oxine and bromo-oxine Dowmetal, 277. methods, 605. Electrical heating materials, A.S.T.M. PH values, detn. by Wulff’s foil colori­ methods, 192. meter, 90. Ferro-alloys, standard methods, book, potentiometric, use of system metal/ 160 (review). metal anion, 89, 510. Ferro-molybdenum, A.S.T.M. stan­ pyrogallol, reaction with 3rd analyt. dards, 140. group, 433. Ferro-silicon, 310. Qualitative, books, 276, 644; elimina­ Ferro-tungsten, A.S.T.M. standards, tion of P O t" ', 193 ; lab. tables, 54. 140. Quantitative, books, 278, 643, 644; Ferrous metals & alloys, cast, 276. grav. by thermobalance using Gases, appn. to indust, problems, 100. anthranilic acid, 606 ; use of benz- Gold, parting loss, 433 ; vol., 433. idene complexes, 603 ; with micro­ Iron, micro-, 389 ; standard methods, scope by “ point ” method, 509. book, 160 (review). reagents, 193 ; organic, 193. Lanthanum, colour reaction with spectrographic, 250, 355, 509 ; books, pyrogallol, 433. 110 (review ), 111 (review)-, develop­ Magnesium, micro-, 389. ment in light metal ind., 606; Magnesium alloys, 603. quant., 139, 190 ; quant., appn. of Manganese, micro-, 389. electron tubes & undamped H.-F. Manganese-brass, revision of A.S.T.M. vibrations, 139; quant., kinemato- method, 191. graphic process, 310 ; quant., op­ Mercury, micro-, 389. tical, tables, 356 ; quant., principles, Metal phases, quant., X-ray, in alloy 139 ; sensitivity, 510 ; use in smelt­ or mixture, 139. ing works, 509 ; with Hilger instru­ Molybdenum, electro-, 310. ments, book, 544 (review ) ; w ith Nickel, micro-, 389. wedge spectra, 86 ; worksappn., 190. Platinum as amalgam, 433; wire, standards for lab. chemicals, book, 532. cleaning for flame test, 250. volumetric, books, 56, 280, 532. Platinum metals, thesis, 59, 192. Analysis of— Potassium, micro-, 389. Alloys, rapid, by volatilization of con­ Rare earth metals, colour reaction with stituent, 608. pyrogallol, 433. Aluminium, 511 ; A.S.T.M. methods, Rare metals, 605. 191 ; colorimetric, 59, 194 ; micro-, Silicon, in light alloys, spectroscopic, 389 ; micro-, quant., rapid, 86 ; 611. spectrographic, 310. Silver ingots, importance of segrega­ Aluminium alloys, 511, 603 ; A.S.T.M . tion, 250; micro-, 389. standards, 191. Silver plating baths, detn. of KCOOH, Aluminium-titanium alloys, 564. 356. Antifriction alloys, 86. Silver solders, A.S.T.M. methods, 453. Antimony, micro-, 389. Sodium, micro-, 389. Arsenic, micro-, 389. Steel, standard methods, book, 160 Babbitt metal, 25, 310, 608 ; vol., 25. (review ). Barium, micro-, 389. Strontium, micro-, 389. Bearing alloys, 25, 86. Tantalum, 605. Bismuth, micro-, 389. Thorium, colour reaction with pyro­ Brasses, electrolyt., 25 ; ingots & sand- gallol, 433. castings, A.S.T.M. methods, tenta­ Tin, quant, spectrographic, 190 ; sepn. tive revision, 191 ; U.S.M. Normal of As & Sb, 193. Bureau methods, 86. Tin plating solutions (alkaline), 389. Bronzes, electrolyt., 25 ; U.S.M. Tinplate, coating, 252. Normal Bureau methods, 86. Vanadium, gravimetric, 109, 195. Calcium, micro-, 389. White metals, 86. Cerium, colour reaction with pyro­ Zinc, 26; spectrographic, 25, 86. gallol, 433. Zinc alloys, 603. 676 Subject Index

Analysis, methods of— Analysis, methods of— Assay of— _ , , Estimation of— Gold, effect of mech. & thermal Arsenic, electro-, 194; in arsenical treatment of inquarted beads on Cu, nephelometric, 311 ; in Cu retention of Ag, 192; (refined & bronze, 511 ; spectrographic, electrolytic), 25. 139. Barium, vol., 87 ; vol., with rhodizonic Assaying, fire-, book, 544 (review). acid as indicator, 87. Detection of— Bismuth, colorimetric, 87 ; electrolytic, Alkali metals, with picrolomc acid, 88 86. ; in Cu, 88, 357, 390 ; in Cu, Alkaline earth metals, 86. nephelometric, 88 ; in Cu, spectro­ Aluminium, by fractional pptn., 604 ; scopic, 26; spectrographic 139; colorimetric, 26. vol., as BiOCl, 26. Arsenic, 310; by Gutzeit method, Cadmium as new complex compd., 87. 390 ; in Zn, 26, 88 ; potentiometric, Barium, 86, 87. indirect, 434 ; spectrographic, 139 ; Beryllium, by drop reaction, 510. with quinaldinic acid, 194. Bism uth with alkali thiocyanates, Cæsium, grav., by thermobalance, 607; with dimercaptothiodiazole, 609. 454; with phenyldithiodiazolone- Calcium, vol., appn. of liquid amal­ sulphydrate, 510; with thiourea, gam s, 608. 311. Cerium, vol., by induced oxidation Calcium, 86, 87. of Ce"' salts by chromic & arsenious Cerium with quinalizarin, 87. acids, 434. Cobalt, 356. Chromium electro-, 140 ; mercuri- Copper by p-phenylenediamine, 311. metric method, 88. Lanthanum with quinalizarin, 87. Cobalt, indirect, 390 ; vol., 357 ; vol., Mercury, 89, 356. by FeSOj & K2Cr20„ 26. Metals, colorimetric, of small amts., Columbium, vol., in presence of Ta, 193. 27. Neodymium with quinalizarin, 87. Copper as new complex compd., 390; Nickel in presence of Cu, with dimethyl- by salicylaldoxime, 89 ; colorimetric, glyoxime, 609; with triethanol- by mercurithiocyanate pptn., 88; amine, 610. grav., with (NH4)2C204, 608 ; in Platinum metals, 358. alloys, spectrographic, 608 ; in Potassium with picrolonic acid, 86. Sb-Cu-Sn alloys, electro-, 607 ; in Praseodymium with quinalizarin, 87. Babbitt, vol., 25, 608 ; in white Badium, 604. metals, rapid, 357 ; potentiometric, Rare earths with quinalizarin, 87. 390 ; potentiometric, in alk. soins., Rhenium in Noyes & Bray’s system, 607 ; potentiometric, indirect, 390 ; 604. potentiometric, with Na2S using Selenium in presence of Te, 510. Pt electrode, 390 ; rapid, 607 ; Silver, 356. (small amts.) by its catalytic Sodium, with picric acid, 8 7 ; w ith action, 511; (small amts.) in pres­ picrolonic acid, 86. ence of Fe, colorimetric, 607 ; Strontium, 86, 87. spectrographic, 139; vol., 434; Tellurium in presence of Se, 510. vol., with KI & Na2S203, 453; Thallium, spot method, 604. with quinaldinic acid, 194. Thorium, with quinalizarin, 87. Gases in aluminium, 510, 606. Vanadium, qual., 26; sensitive re­ Germanium (small amts. ) in electrolytic actions, 604; with 5:7 dibromo- Zn, 26. o-(8)-hydroxyquinoline, 87. Gold, 251 ; by photometric titration, Zinc by induced pptn., 510. 511. Zirconium with quinalizarin, 87. Heavy metals, potentiometric, with Estimation of—- N a2S, 433. Aluminium, 606; by electrometric Iridium, grav., 251. titration, 191; by modified H2- Iron, colorimetric, by quinaldinic acid, evolution method, 512; colori­ 194 ; in presence of V, using ferrous metric, 26 ; colorimetric, of minute phenanthrolene indicator, 252 ; vol., amts., 194; colorimetric, with by C e(S04)2, 608. eriochromcyanin, 193; errors, 193; Lead, 433 ; as carbonate, 357 ; as in Ni alloys, 311. PbHAs04, 252 ; by Fajan’s method, Aluminium oxide in A1 & its alloys, 26 ; colorimetric, 357 ; electrolytic, 434. 88 ; in Babbitt, vol., 25, 608 ; in A ntimony, electrolytic, 88; grav., by Cu & Cu-Zn alloys contg. Mn, 608 ; thermobalance, 607; in Sb-Cu-Sn in tinned containers, 311; micro- alloys, electro-, 607; in Cu, colori­ electrolytic, 511 ; spectrographic, metric, 87; (small amts.) in Cu, 139, 608; vol., 194; vol., use of 357 ; in Cu & bronze, 511; spectro- soly. of PbCr04, 89 ; with picro­ graphic, 139. lonic acid, 194. Subject Index 677

Analysis, methods of— Analysis, methods of— Estimation of— Estimation of— Lithium, grav., by thermobalance, Z inc, 376, 433, 610; in crude Zn 609. ashes, ZnO & Zn residues, 512; in Magnesium, by electrometric titra­ galvanized iron, rapid, 27, 311; tion, 191; by Kolthoff’s method (large amts.) particularly in brass, using Titan yellow, 512; by 390 ; modified H2-evolution method, modified H2-evolution method, 512 ; 512; (small amts.) in Al, 27 ; (small colorimetric, 252; grav., 357; in amts.) with dithizone, 434; vol., A1 & Duralumin, quant., speetro- 611; with quinaldinic acid, 194. graphic, 434; in Al-Mg-Mn alloys, Sampling of— 252; in Duralumin, rapid vol., Coal, 101, 148; A.S.T.M. methods, 609; in presence of phosphates, 203, 438. rapid, 358; micro-, 194; rapid, by Coke, 101, 148; A.S.T.M. methods, fractional pptn., 609; with 8- 203, 438. hydroxyquinoline, 89. Ferrous metals & alloys, cast, 276. M anganese with anthranilic acid, 311. Fuels, 101. Mercury, alkalimetric, 609; grav. & Type metals, 140. vol., 194; micro-, 356; (small Separation of— amts.), 89; spectrographic, 139; Beryllium from 3rd analyt. group, 251. vol., 358. Cadmium by quinaldinic acid, 194. Metals, colorimetric, of small amts., Cobalt from Zn, quant., by H2S, 605. 193. Columbium, from Ta, 605. Molybdenum by F ajan ’s m ethod, Copper & nickel by salicylaldoxime, 26; (small amts.) in Cu, 357 ; vol., 89; by quinaldinic acid, 194; by C e(S04)2, 608. with (NH4)2 C2Oj, 608. Nickel, 376, 610; as new complex Gold from Te, 251. compd., 390; by salieylaldoximo Iridium and Rh, 605. 89; in presence of Cu, with di Iron from Th, 605. methylglyoxime, 609; potentio Lead from Ag by H2COa in dilute metric, indirect, 358; potentio CsH5N soln., 357 ; from Zn, 433. metric, with quinhydrone electrode, Mercury, 357. 610; vol., indirect, 194. Metals, simplification by graded poten­ Palladium, grav., 251; micro-, 195. tial, 390. Phosphorus in Al, micro-, 610; in Cu Nickel & Co by alk. phosphates, & Cu-Zn alloys, rapid, 89; in Cu­ 433 ; & Zn, 376, 610. base alloys, A.S.T.M. method, 195 ; Palladium from R h & Ir, 251. in steels, nephelometric, 311. Platinum from Pd, Rh, & Ir, 251. Platinum, grav., 251; quant., drop Rhodium & Ir, 605. method, 89. Rubidium from Cs & K , 251. Platinum metals, grav., by thermo­ R uthenium from Pt, Pd, Rh, & Ir, balance, 607; (small amts.), 358; 251. vol., 610. Thallium by eobaltinitrite, 512. Potassium with eobaltinitrite, 89. Tin from Sb, 356. Rhodium, grav., 251; grav., by U ranium by quinaldinic acid, 194. thermobalance, 609. Zinc by quinaldinic acid, 194; from Ruthenium, grav., 251. Al, gravimetric, 193. Silver, appn. of mercurimetry, 90; micro-, 356; potentiometric, effect A nnealing (see also Heat-treatment), of foreign material, 611 ; potentio­ bright-, 263 ; in elect, furnaces, 625. metric, in alk. solns., 607 ; spectro­ definition, 458. graphic, 139. furnaces. See F u rna ces. Sodium, colorimetric, 88 ; in Ai, 140 ; in controlled atmosphere, 396. vol., appn. of liquid amalgams, 608. Annealing of— Tellurium, 251. Aluminium sheet, 263. Thallium, grav., as eobaltinitrite, 512. Brasses, 264; in muffle, adhesion of Tin, divalent, with KC10a, 252; sheets, 625. electro-, 88; in anode sludge, 611; Chromium-nickel alloys, 383. in Sb-Cu-Sn alloys, electro-, 607; Copper wire, 316; wire, bright-, 263; in Babbitt metal, vol., 27 ; in Cu, wire, bright-, in continuous furnace, 357; in Cu-Zn alloys, effect of 396. Fe & Al, 27; quant., by pptn. Duralum in wire, 625. as SnS, 90; spectrographic, 139; Monel metal, 627. use of solid COa, 512; vol., use of Nickel, 627. K IO j, 434. Anodic oxidation of—1 Titanium, vol., by C e(S04)2, 608. Aluminium & its alloys, 18, 245, 305, Uranium, vol., by C e(S04)2, 608; 351, 502, 503, 589, 590; Alumilite with quinaldinic acid, 194. process, 214; Eloxal process, 304, Vanadium, grav., 195; using ferrous 387 ; review of methods, 81. phenanthroline indicator, 140. Duralumin, 245. 678 Subject Index

Anodic polarization (see also under names B.R. 50. See A lloys. of metals), B.S.-Seewasser. See A llo ys. in aaueous solutions, limiting current, Babbitt metals. See A lloys. 18. Bacteria, action of metals, 165, 339; see Anticorodal. See A lloys. also under names of metals. Anti-friction alloys. See A lloys. Barimar process. See W elding. Antimony, Barium (see also Alkaline earth metals), analysis. See A n a ly sis. analysis. See A n a ly sis. cementation of metals by, 593. detection. See A n a ly s is . electrode potentials, 432. estimation. See A n a ly sis. estimation. See Analysis, films absorbed on tungsten, thermionic explosive, structure of polished surfaces, properties, 410. 477. Barium alloys. See A llo ys. films, electrodeposited, structure, 288; Barkhausen effect. See A llo y s & under sputtered, disintegration, 3S4. names of metals. Hall effect, effect of pressure, 230. Bauxite. See Refractory materials. light absorption, 119, 483. Bearing alloys. See A llo y s. recovery from wastes, drosses, &c., Bearings, 260. casting. See Casting. structural anomalies, 2. crankshaft, failure, 272. transformation, amorphous-crystalline, design,relation of lubricating practice,529. 65. manufacture, 364. Antimony alloys. See Alloys. porous, 638. Apparatus, laboratory. See Laboratory rolling mill, book, 283 (review ). apparatus. stresses in Diesel engines, 529. Arcatom process. See W elding. Beilby layer, 384. Arcogen process. See W elding. Bells, founding, 97, 364. Argentan. See A lloys. Bend testing. See Testing & Testing Arsenic, m achines. analysis. See A n a ly sis. Bendability, 435. detection. See A n a ly sis. Bending strength. See A llo y s & under estimation. See A n a ly sis. names of metals. transformation, amorphous-crystalline, Benedicks effect, booklet, 543 (review). 65. Berrydur-copper. See A llo ys. Arsenic alloys. See A lloys. Beryllium, Asbestos, corrosion by. See Corrosion. as deoxidizer, 467. Ashberry metal. See A llo ys. atomic weight, 409. Assaying. See A n a ly sis. chemical properties, 399. Atomic mass. See under names of metals. cold-worked & annealed, X-ray scat- Atomic percentages, conversion to weight ■ tering, 379. % , 576. detection. See A n a ly sis. Atomic structure, electrode potential, 508. and magnetism, book, 648 (review). impurities, absorption, 161. x-ray analysis, evaluation of data, 279, lattice constants, 13. 385. metallurgy, 467. Atomic weights (see also under names of physical properties, 399. m etals), production, 543. of radioactive substances, 340. properties, 2. report of commission of Internat. Chem. separation. See A n a ly sis. Union, 339. specific heat, 225. Atoms, thesis, 58, 161. bonds, relation between thermal & uses, 2, 399, 467. mech. loosening, 558. Beryllium alloys. See A llo ys. exchange between ions &, of metals, Bibliographies, index, 400. 119. Bim etals, Australia, aluminium-iron, 36. Council for Scientific & Industrial corrosion. See Corrosion. Research, report, 219. Ferran, 36. libraries, catalogue of periodicals, 401. iron-Tombak, relation of cold-working non-ferrous industry, 275. & annealing to mech. properties & Sydney Mint, 218. structure, 628. Automobiles, removal of copper-zinc alloy layer, 98. engineering, developments, 53. Binary alloys. See A llo ys. materials, 51; selection, 640. See also Birmabright. See A llo ys. A llo y s & under names of metals, Birm asil. See A llo y s. pistons. See Alloys : Aluminium alloys, Bism uth, & c. allotropy, 285, 377. valve seats, w ear, 217. analysis. See A n a ly sis. Avesta metal. See A lloys. crystal structure of single crystals sub­ Avional. See Alloys : Duralumin. jected to transverse magnetization, 77. Subject Index 679

Bismuth, Cables, crystallization, 410. E.H .T., manuf. & technique, 3 2 7 . crystals, segregation of polonium, 239, electric, m anuf., 4 9 . 348. sheathing. See A lloys & under names of deposition. See Deposition. m etals. detection. See A n a ly sis. telephone, design & m anuf., 3 2 7 , electrical resistance, change in magnetic Cadmium, fields of audible frequencies, 479. analysis. See A n a lysis. electrode potential in pure buffer solns., coating by hot-dip process, 1 8 1 . 249. deposition. See Deposition. estimation. See A n a ly sis. deposits, protective value in atmosphere, extraction from flue dust, 453. 3 4 9 ; rate of crystn., 4 3 2 ; stripping films, magneto-resistance at low temps., test, 20. 377 ; sputtered, disintegration, 384. diffusion in lead, 3 3 9 ; in mercury, 4 8 0 . Hall effect, effect of pressure, 230. diffusion of metals in, 3 3 9 . light absorption, 119, 483. electrical resistance, recovery after cold- relief patterns, prodn., 632. w ork, 5 5 5 . single crystals. See Single crystals. electrode potential in pure buffer solns., structural anomalies, 2. 2 4 9 . thermal expansion, X-ray detn., 113. estimation. See A n a lysis. yield-stress at various temps., 338. films, catalytic activity, 5 6 0 ; elect. Bismuth alloys. See Alloys. resistance, 2 2 9 . Black currants, effect of metals on colour, 7 9; hardness, recovery after cold-work, 5 5 5 . wine, effect on aluminium, 464. lattice constants, 2 3 9 . Bleaching agents, corrosion by. See C o r­ poisoning, 4 7 0 , 6 3 8 . rosion. preparation, 2 8 5 . Boilers, production, possibilities in U.S.S.R., corrosion. See Corrosion. book, 5 7 . protection with zinc plates, 183. properties, 2 8 5 . Borides. See Alloys & compounds. separation. See A n a lysis. Boring of— single crystals. See Single crystals. Aluminium alloys, 152. specific heat, 1 1 8 . Borium. See A lloys. thermoelectric forces produced by torsion Boron, transformation into beryllium 8,477. of wires, 5 5 5 . Boron carbide as abrasive, 524. yield-stress a t various tem ps., 3 3 8 . Brake-shoes, railway, materials for, 638. Cadmium alloys. See Alloys. Brass-founder’s ague, 218, 274. Caesium (see also Alkali metals), Brasses. See A lloys. book, 5 3 5 . Brazing, 104, 323. crystals, optical absorption, 5 5 8 . automatic, 525. estimation. See A n a ly sis. burners, Bunsen, 266. films on tungsten, evapn. of atoms, ions, fluxes, 461. & electrons, 5; photoelect, proper­ furnaces. See Fu rna ces. ties, 4 1 0 . hydrogen-electric, 38. optical properties, 5 . Brazing of— -oxygen-silver photoelectric cell, 4 8 . Cable terminals, elect, pressure, 266. vapour pressure, 1 1 3 . Brewery, Calcium (see also Alkaline earth metals), constructional materials, 51; see also allotropy, 6 5 , 2 2 6 . A llo ys & under names of metals, analysis. See A n a ly sis. metals for, 48. as deoxidizer, 4 7 7 . vessels, corrosion. See Corrosion. as reducing agent, 4 7 7 . Brinell hardness. See Hardness, Testing, crystal structure at high temps., 6 5 , & Testing machines. 4 9 6 . Brines, corrosion by. See C orrosion. detection. See A n a ly sis. Britannia metal. See A lloys. estimation. See A n a ly sis. Brittleness, ingots, prodn. by fusion in argon atm., definition, 67, 68. 4 7 8 . relation to elasticity, plasticity & oxidation, mechanism, 5 6 9 . tenacity, 67, 68. preparation, 4 7 7 . Bronzes. See A lloys. properties, 4 7 7 . Buffing (see also Polishing), pure, prepn. by sublimation m vacuo, books, 278, 535. 4 7 8 . compositions, 460. thin layers, structure, 78. Building, metallic materials for, book, 220. transformation, polym orphic, 65. Butane, corrosion test, 426. US6S 4 7 7 . Calcium alloys. See A llo ys. Calipers, m icro-, 3 0 . „ Cables (see also A llo ys & under names of Calorized metals, corrosion. See Corrosion. m etals), Calorizing, 8 1 . defects, 639. Calrod, heating units, 3 1 8 . 680 Subject Index

Canada, Casting of— electric furnace industry, 100. Dental bases, 201. National Research Council, report, 277. Duralumin, study of defects, 619. trade index, 533. Elektron, 123, 438. Carbides. See A llo y s

Cerium alloys. See A lloys. Cleaning, Cheese, action on metals. See Corrosion. electrolytic, 103. Chemical engineering, for plating, 523, 524. catalogue, 64 (review). processes, 631. handbook, 333. rinsing, 524. Chemical industry, American, guide-book, vats, rubber-lined, 599. 112 (review). Cleaning of— Chemical plant, Castings by sand-blasting, 395; hydro­ high-pressure, design & construction, blast, 207. book, 407 (review ). Condenser tubes, 593. materials, 274 ; see also A llo y s & Steel for plating, 307. under names of metals. Turbine blades, 524. Chemical properties. See under specific Coal(s) (see also F u e ls), properties. analysis. See A n a ly sis. Chemical technology, book, 539 (review). classification, commercial, 149. Chemist, in industry, book, 109. coking, plastic properties, 149. Chemistry, pulverization, detn. of resistance to, 100. analytical. See A n a ly sis. pulverized, burners, design, 262 ; burners, application to engineering, 470. reactions, 100 ; firing, 100; Grid applied, dictionary, 402 ; progress, book, burner, 100; metallurgical appns., 284. 148; progress, 100. calculations, book, 278. sampling. See A n a ly sis. in U.S.A., book, 402. volatile matter, detn., 148. industrial, book, 279. Coating of metals. See Deposition, Gal­ inorganic, books, 224 (review ), 279, 330, vanizing, Sherardizing, Spraying, 333, 642. Tinning, &c. of solids, book, 533. Coatings. See D eposits. physical, books, 219, 277, 331. Cobalt, reference books, 112 (review ), 220, 333, analysis. See A n a ly sis. 532, 649 (review). anodic behaviour, 179. Chill-casting, 394. book, 535. China, chemistry, book, 403 (review). coinage, ancient, 74. corrosion. See Corrosion. Copper Age, 371. creep, 379. metal-working industries, 531. deposition. See Deposition. Chloride liquors, corrosion by. See C o r­ detection. See A n a ly sis. rosion. electrode potential, 113, 545. Chlorine, corrosion by. See Corrosion. estimation. See A n a ly sis. Chlumin. See Alloys. gyromagnetic ratio, 226. Chromite. See Refractory materials. ignition temperature, 412. Chromium, properties, 170. analysis. See A n a ly sis. separation. See A n a ly sis. corrosion. See Corrosion. uses, 48, 170. deposition. See Deposition. Cobalt alloys. See A lloys. deposits, protective value, 591 ; rapid Coinage, identification, 430; structure, X-ray ancient, Chinese, 74. study, 299. edge, new form, 103. electrode potentials, 452. Coining, estimation. See A n a ly sis. operations, 151. , films, light transmission, 229. pressures, 37, 151. light absorption, 119, 483. Sydney Mint, 218. pipes for water, 274. Coke (see also F u e ls), preparation by thermal dissociation of analysis. See A n a ly sis. compds., 557. foundry, porosity, 147 ; prodn., 148 ; pure, prodn., 188. reactivity, 147. use in washing machines, 48. sale to specification, 148. Chromium alloys. See A lloys. sam pling. See A n a ly sis. Chromium carbide, cubic, crystal structure, term, definition, 148. & com pn., 238. terms relating to, revision of A.S.T.M. Cider, corrosion by. See Corrosion. definitions, 148. Citric acid, corrosion by. See Corrosion. volatile matter, detn., 148. Clays. See Refractory materials. Cold-worked metals, theory, 379. Cleaning (see also Degreasing, Descaling, Cold-working (see also Rolling, Wire­ &c.), drawing, &c.), agents, action, 207; compn., 207; book, 219. corrosion by. See C orrosion ; speci­ effect on metals, 287. fications, 207 ; use & action, 397. grain-size in relation to, 127. alkaline, 103. latent energy remaining after, 117. baths, sodium metasilicate, 207. Cold-working of— cyanide wastes, reducing toxicity, 188. Brasses, 2 6 4 ; see also Rolling, &c. 682 Subject Index

Colour, Copper, filters. See Laboratory apparatus. bars for loco, stay-bolts, A.S.T.M. study, with photoelectric cell, 391. specifications, 440; medium-hard, for Colouring, elect, purposes, British standard Alumilite process, 214. specification, 54. black finish, 37. blackening by sulphur & its compds., 17. book, 220. boiler plates, Assuring, 478. Eloxal process, 207. bolts, workability, effect of antimony & practical hints, 152. bismuth, 321. Colouring oi— book, 534. Aluminium, Alumilite process, 214. brewery plant, 48. Brass, black finish, 3 7 ; bronze finish, cable, hard-drawn, A.S.T.M. specifica­ 207 ; steel-grey finish, 37. tions, 271 ; manuf., 49. Bronze, black finish, 37. cast, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 271. Copper, artificial patina, 397 ; black casting. See Casting. finish, 37 ; bronze finish, 207 ; brown cementation. See Cementation. finish, 266. chromium-plated, use in washing Copper alloys, brown finish, 266. machines, 48. Z inc, 397 ; sheet, artificial patina, 524. chromium-plating. See Deposition. Columbium, cold-worked, effect of silver on softening, analysis. See A n a ly sis. 341, 415; latent energy, 117, 441; atomic weight, 480. latent energy due to lattice dis­ deposition. See Deposition. tortion, 497. ductile, manuf., 551. colouring. See C olouring. electrolytic valve action, 285, 545. conductors, behaviour after 5 years’ electronic work-function, 113. exposure, 545 ; hollow-core, 270. estimation. See A n a ly sis. contact-resistances at low temps., 289. occurrence, 480. containing cuprous oxide, action of re­ properties, 480. ducing gases, 478. separation. See A n a ly sis. cooking utensils, heat consumption, specific heat, 227. 217 ; tinning. See T in n in g . thermionic emission, 409. corrosion. See Corrosion. uses, 480. corrosion-fatigue. See Corrosion-fatigue. Combustion, book, 331. -covered house, 48. Compounds, intermetallic. See AUoys. crystal structure, effect of cold-work, Compression testing. See Testing. 497 ; effect of stress, 497. Condenser tubes (see also A llo y s), cuprous oxide on, photo-elect, properties, cleaning, 593. 488. corrosion. See Corrosion. deep-drawing. See D ra w ing. extruded, phys. tests, 36. deoxidation. See Deoxidation. extrusion. See E x tru sio n . deoxidized with calcium, properties, Conductivity, 114, 162. electrical. See Electrical conductivity. deposition. See Deposition. super-. See Superconductivity. deposits, spongy, micro-examination, 23. theory, 230. detection. See A n a ly sis. therm al. See Thermal conductivity. diffusion in gold, 122 ; in iron, 292. Conductors. See Cables. diffusion of metals in, 443. Constantan. See A llo ys. displacement from its sulphate solns. by Contact materials, electrical, for instru­ cadmium & zinc, 248, 600. ments, 484; see also A llo y s & under drilling. See D rillin g . names of metals. effect of oxygen, 478. Contact resistances at low temps., 289. effect on pasteurization of milk, 464. Contracid. See A llo ys. elastic constants of single crystals, 2. Contraction, 618. elasticity of flexure, 411. Cooking utensils, heat consumption, 217; electrocrystallization, 600. see also under names of metals. electrode, p.d. between copper amalgam Copper, &, 24 ; reproducibility, 24. action of fatty acids, 48. electrode potentials, effect of movement, action on micro-organisms, 165, 339. conen., & time, 452; in pure buffer adsorption of gases, 557. solns., 249. A ge in China, 371. electrolysis. See Electrolysis. analysis. See A n a ly sis. “ electrosheet,” 48. ancient, purity, 481. embrittlement, 113, 162, 165. annealing. See A n nea ling . endurance strength, 92; of wire at antimony-coating by ancient Egyptians, various temps., 161. 471. estimation. See A n a ly sis. antimony in, removal, 355. fire-refined (other than Lake), A.S.T.M. argentiferous, book, 538 (review ). specifications, 440. arsenic in, removal, 355. foil, optical absorption const., 229; arsenical, book, 538 (review ). uses, 48. Subject Index 683

Copper, Copper, for petrol distribution, 528. rolling. See R olling. gases in, effect of vacuum melting, 164 ; roofing, 530 ; advantages, 339. review of investigations, 337 ; soly., scrap, &C., recovery, 202, 457, 622 ; use in 226, 545, 556. foundry, 365 ; wire, reclamation, 364. graphitized, prodn., 568. secondary, use, 32. gutterings, &c., 48. semi-finished, calculation of costs, book, hardness, 516; relation of Brinell & 158 ; German standards, 327. scleroscope numbers, 199. separation. See A n a lysis. history, 545. sheet, electrolytic prodn., 355; use in hot-strength, 161. swimming pools & buildings, 48. impact torsion, 615. shop fronts, 48. impurities, absorption from refractories, single crystals. See Single crystals. 162. softening on annealing, effect of silver, in architecture, 48. 341, 415. in chemical industry, effect of thermal soldering. See Soldering. conductivity, 118. specific heat, 118, 162. in drinking water, 638. spraying. See S praying. in highway construction, 528. statistics, 545. in petroleum industry, 638. strip, medium-hard, for elect, purposes, in plumbing, book, 111 {review). British standard specification, 54; industry, definition of terms used in, stress distribution, 396. 371 ; of U.S.A., 531 ; Russian, 641. tanks for hydrolysis of fats, 399. lacquered, corrosion-resistance, 388. tensile properties at low temps., 116,175. light absorption, 119. thermodynamics, book, 400. locomotive tube-plate, repair, 271. thermoelectric effect, longitudinal, 377. machining. See M a ch in in g. tinned, effect on milk acidity, 640; magnetic susceptibility, change by cold- effect on pasteurization of milk, 464 ; working, 3. wire, detn. of quality of coating, 504. melting. See M elting. tinning. See T in n in g . metallurgy, 545; book, 376. torsion modulus, dependence on fre­ mining, Roman, in Britain, 530. quency of oscillation, 481. oxide films, structure, electron diffrac­ tough-pitch, properties compared with tion study, 114. oxygen-free H.-C. & phosphorized oxygen-free H.-C., prodn., 315 ; proper­ metal, 161. ties, 337 ; properties compared with toxicity, 155. phosphorized & tough-pitch metal, 161. tubes, boiler, seamless, A.S.T.M. specifi­ oxygen in, rem oval, 381 ; soly., 381. cations, 440; bright-annealed, painted, corrosion-resistance, 388. A.S.T.M. specifications, 467 ; drawing. painting. See P a in tin g . See Tube-drawing ; heat absorption patina, artificial development, 78, 397. of water in, 215; joining, V.D.M. phosphorized, properties compared with process, 37 ; water-, A.S.T.M. specifi­ oxygen-free H.-C. & tough-pitch cations, 467. m etal, 161. uses, 215, 545, 636. photoactive effect, 118. vats, welded, radiology, 95. pipes, advantages in sanitary plumbing, vessels for decompn. of fats, 48. 155; A.S.T.M. specifications, 467; volatilization in steam, 285. connections, 179; for water supply, welding. See W elding. 274, 467, 591 ; for water supply, window frames, manuf., 48. phys., chem. & hygienic aspects, wire, drawing. See Wire-drawing ; hot- 15 ; tin-coated, for drinking water, strength, 161 ; lacquering. See 182 ; working, 179. Lacquering ; prevention of scaling of plasticity, 411. enamel, 593; scrap, reclamation, plates for loco, fireboxes, A.S.T.M. 364; tinned, detn. of quality of specifications, 440. coating, 504; uses, 49. platinum-plating. See Deposition. wrought, report of x\.S.T.M. cttee., 271. powders, hot-pressed, 412 ; optical x-ray scattering, 229. properties, 412. Copper alloys. See A lloys. production since 1780, 545. P firp q properties, 545. drying, 259, 621. ream ing. See Ream ing. sands. See Refractory materials. recovery from slag & scrap 457. Corrix. See A lloys. recrystallization, effect of alternating Corrosion (see also O xidation, &c.), deformation, 161. at elevated temperatures, methods of refining. See R efin in g. study, 589. reflectivity, effect of temp., 546. atmospheric, 17, 132, 349, 424; inter­ relief patterns, prodn., 632. pretation of test results, 350 ; relative, rods, medium-hard, for elect, purposes, of 43 materials, 16 ; report of A.S.T.M. British standard specification, 54 ; cttee., 132; results of A.S.T.M. tests, pressing, 627. 350. 684 Subject Index

Corrosion, Corrosion, bibliography, 80, 502. by stray currents, 243, 351, 387, 451, book, 540 [review). 501 ; prevention, 451. by acetic acid, relative, of 43 materials, by sulphite liquors, relative of 43 mater­ 16. ials, 16. by acids, 132, 423, 424; inhibitors, 17. by sulphur, & its eompds., 17. by alkaline solutions, 424; relative, of by sulphur dioxide, 244. 43 materials, 16. by sulphuric acid, relative, of 43 mater­ by ammonium chloride solutions, relative, ials, 16. of 43 materials, 16. by tanning liquors, 386. by ammonium nitrate solutions, 17. by tap-water, 179, 386; prevention, by asbestos, 583. 181. by bleaching agents, 582. by trichlorethylene, 79, 386. by brines, 131, 243, 425, 586 ; book, 375. by vegetable juices, relative, of 43 mater­ by carbon tetrachloride, 79. ials, 16. by caustic alkalis, 303. by vinegar, 180. by cement, 15, 424. by washing agents, 582. by cheese, 242, 448. by waters, 15, 16, 241, 303, 386, 423, by chloride solutions, 131, 584. 424, 534, 582 ; relative, of 43 mater­ by chlorine, 500. ials, 16. by cider, 17, 586. by wines, 301, 425. by citric acid solutions, 16, 17. by woods, 424. by cleansing agents in dairy industry, 499. by zinc chloride solutions, 131. by contact with dissimilar metals, 349. cavitation, 587, 588 ; bibliography, 587. by cresols, 425. colour tests, 502. by crude oils, 183. Commission aéronautique pour l’étude by dairy products, relative, of 43 mate­ de la Corrosion, work of, 502. rials, 16. dam age, assessment, 351. by dichlorethylene, 386. effect of surface films, 387. by disinfecting agents in dairy ind., 499. effect of Volta effect, 387. by dye liquors, relative, of 43 materials, electrolytic, 133. 16. field tests, 351. by fatty acids, 48, 423. in brewery, 240, 499, 587. by fish (canned), 303. in dairy, 585. by flue gases, 180. in laundry, 422. by food products, 585; relative, of 43 in marine engines, 244. m aterials, 16. in paper industry, 500. by fruits, 17, 79, 638; relative, of 43 in petroleum refinery, prevention, 593. materials, 16. in phénylation of peri acid, 500. by gases, 16 ; at high temps., 304. in ships, 244. by gypsum, 424. in steam heating systems, 386. by hydrochloric acid, 15, 500, 584; in sugar factory, 385. relative, of 43 materials, 16. in sulphonators, 79. by kerosenes, 180. inhibition, 132, 244. by lim e, 15. intercrystalline, 501. by liquid fuels, 17 ; contg. alcohol, 130 ; measurement, comparative results of contg. tetraethyl lead, 244. various methods, 80. by magnesium chloride solutions, relative, mechanism, 83, 244, 449. of 43 materials, 16. mutual displacement of metals, 588. by magnesium sulphate solutions, rela­ outdoor, A.S.T.M. symposium, 642. tive, of 43 materials, 16. prevention, 132. by methyl alcohol, 130, 349. principles, 132, 426, 588. by milk, 425, 448. probability, 132. by milk products, 585. protection against, 18-20, 80, 81-83, by nitric acid, 500 ; relative, of 43 133-134, 181-184, 245-248, 304-306, materials, 16. 351-352, 387-389, 427-429, 449-451, by paper pulp-mill liquors, 587. 502-505, 589-594 ; see also under by petrols, 17, 180, 181, 244. various methods, e.g. Anodic oxida­ by phenols, 425. tion, Deposition, Galvanizing, Paint­ by phosphoric acid, 424, 4 9 9 ; relative, ing, Sherardizing, Spraying, Tinning, of 43 materials, 16. &c. by refinery liquors, relative of 43 mater­ relation of thermal conductivity, 118. ials, 16. relative, of 43 materials, 16. by roofing papers, 304. reports of Inst. Civil Eng. cttee., 401 ; by salt solutions, 132. of joint cttee. of Iron & Steel Inst. by sea air, 301, 350, 587. & Nat. Federation of Iron & Steel by sea-water, 129, 132, 301, 385; report Manuf., 332 ; of Swiss cttee., 387. of Inst. Civil Eng. cttee., 401, 533. resistance limits, Tammann’s, 80, 584. by soils, 134, 183, 242, 350, 501, 583; salt effect, 16. prevention, 594 ; rates, 242. slow , measurement, 81. Subject Index 685

Corrosion, Corrosion of— testing, accelerated, 304, 426, 502 ; Beryllium -bronzes, 385. immersion, controlled data, 81 ; of Beryllium nickel alloys, 225. thin sheets, 501 ; prepn. of sheet Bimetal, 422. specimens, 501 ; salt-spray appara­ Boilers, prevention, 183. tus, 81. Brasses by acetylene in petroleum tests, value to chem. engineer, 351. cracking gas, 78; by brines, 586; theory, 132, 181, 244, 304, 449; electro- by fruit acids, 17 ; by kerosenes, 180 ; chem ., 181 ; electrolytic, 133. by milk products, 585; by petrols, under cyclic stress. See Corrosion- 180; by soils, 242; by sulphur fatigue. dioxide, 244; by tap-water, 179; velocity, 132; from electrochem. point by waters, 16 ; by water subjected to of view , 426. Ph correction, 386 ; cooling radiators Corrosion of— of I.C. engines, prevention, 181; Adnic, 341. electric lamp caps, 583; measure­ Air-conditioning equipment, prevention, ment, comparative results of various 449. methods, 80, 501; pipe by water, 386. Alloys by sulphur dioxide, 244. Bronzes, 385 ; bell, atmospheric, 583 ; Aluminium, 6 5 , 4 9 9 ; by alkaline soins., by brines, 243, 586; by cider, 586; 1 3 0 ; by brines, 5 8 6 ; by cider, 1 7 , by milk products, 585; by sulphur 4 6 4 , 5 8 6 ; by citric acid soins., 1 7 ; dioxide, 244; cavitation, 587, 588 ; by cleansing & disinfecting agents in studs & springs of reciprocating dairy industry, 4 9 9 ; by hydrochloric pumps, 244. acid, poisoning & activation during, Cadmium by hydrochloric acid, poisoning 4 2 2 ; by kerosenes, 1 8 0 ; by liquid & activation during, 422. fuels contg. alcohol, 1 3 0 ; by m ethyl Cadmium-coated iron & steel, atm o ­ alcohol, 3 4 9 ; by milk products, 5 8 5 ; spheric, 349. by sodium chloride soln. with hydro­ Cadmium-magnesium alloys, 584. gen evolution, 2 4 0 ; by soils, 2 4 2 ; Calorized iron by soils, 242. by w ine, 3 0 1 ; chem. cleaning after, Chromium by paper pulp-mill liquors, 2 4 0 , 4 9 8 ; effect of heat-treatment, 587 ; electrodeposits, 591. 4 9 8 ; gaskets in ammonia cooling Chromium alloys by hydrochloric acid, 15. system , 2 4 3 ; in brewery, 2 4 0 , 4 9 9 ; Chromium-copper alloys by brines, 586. in laundry, 4 2 2 ; in phénylation of Chromium-nickel alloys, 383; by flue peri acid, 5 0 0 ; kitchen utensils, 4 4 8 ; gases, 180 ; by paper pulp-mill liquors, milk-cooling coil, 2 4 3 ; steel-cored 587 ; in paper industry, 500. conductors, 5 8 1 ; test methods, 3 0 2 , Chromium-platinum alloys, 571. 4 9 9 , 5 8 2 ; welded cables, 7 8 . Cobalt by citric acid solns., 17. Aluminium alloys, 78, 240, 498, 499 ; Condenser tubes, 244, 302; effect of by citric acid soins., 17 ; by cleansing annealing, 385; lab. test apparatus, & disinfecting agents in dairy in­ 385. dustry, 499 ; by liquid fuels contg. Cooling radiators of I.C. engines, pre­ alcohol, 130; by sea-water, 129; vention, 181. by sea-water, effect of heat-treatment, Copper by acetylene in petroleum 385 ; contg. screws of various mater­ cracking gas, 78; by acids in sugar ials, in sea-water & sea-air, 301 ; effect factory, 385; by ammonium nitrate of cadmium layer, 503 ; in laundry, solns., 17; by aqueous solns., 312; 422 ; prevention, 240 ; structural by brines, 586; by cider, 17, 586; shapes, 348 ; test methods, 302, 499, by fatty acids, 48; by kerosenes, 582. 180 ; by milk, 448 ; by milk products, Aluminium-bronzes, 70, 385. 585; by petrols, 180; by phenols, Aluminium-coated iron & steel, atm o ­ 425; by soils, 242; by sulphur & spheric, 349. its compds., 17 ; by tap-water, 179; Aluminium-copper alloys, cooling radia­ by washing & bleaching agents, 582 ; tors of I.C. engines, prevention, 181. by water, 15, 582; by zinc chloride Aluminium-iron alloys, 7, 562. solns., 131; cloth-printing rollers by Aluminium-magnésium alloys by sea­ alk. printing colours, 15; green water, 129. patina, 78; pipes by fresh waters, Aluminium-magnesium-zinc alloys, 367, 130 ; tube by water, 386. 537. Copper alloys by carnallite, 500; by Aluminium-manganese alloys, by soils, chlorine, 500 ; by flue gases, 180 ; by 242. hydrochloric acid, 500 ; by soils, 242. Anticorodal by brines, 586 ; by m ilk Copper-molybdenum alloys by paper products, 585. pulp-mill liquors, 587. Antimony-lead alloys by flue gases, Copper-nickel alloys, 584; by washing 180 ; electrodes & accumulator plates, & bleaching agents, 582; condenser 583. tubes, 302. A rgentan by milk, 448. Copper-tin alloys, anodic, 302. A vesta metal by zinc chloride soins., Dairy utensils by milk products, 585. 131. Dental amalgams, 130. VOL. 1 . 2 Y 6 8 6 Subject Index

Corrosion of— Corrosion of— Deposits, A.S.T.M. symposium, 642. Lead-coated iron & steel, atmospheric, Duralplat, 46. 349 ; by soils, 242 ; roofing, 243. Duralumin, 46; by aerated aqueous Magnesium, 179, 423, 303, 499; by solns., prevention, 133; by milk aqueous salt solns., 241; by methyl products, 5 8 5 ; by sea-water, 129; alcohol, 349 ; chemical cleaning after, by soils, 242; chem. cleaning after, 242, 498 ; in contact with other metals, 498 ; in sea air, 5 8 7 ; intercrystalline, book, 108. 133; measurement, comparative re­ Magnesium alloys, 179, 423, 498, 499; sults of various methods, 8 0 , 5 0 1 ; by petrols contg. tetraethyl lead, riveted joints, 78; structural shapes, 244 ; chem. cleaning after, 240, 498 ; 348 ; test methods, 133. effect of heat-treatment, book, 108; Electrodeposits, test methods, 589. in contact w ith other m etals, book, 108. Elektron, 570; by methyl alcohol, 130, Magnesium-aluminium alloys, effect of 349; effect of protective coatings, heat-treatment, 303. 179; in contact with other metals, Magnesium-aluminium-copper alloys, 71, book, 108. 233, 492. Ferran, 422. Magnesium-zinc alloys, effect of heat- Galvanized iron & steel, atmospheric, treatment, 303. 349; boilers of geysers, 16; by brines, Microphone parts, atmospheric, 17. 586; by soils, 242; by tap-water, Monel metal by citric acid solns., 17; 386; by waters, 303; detn., 503; by paper pulp-mill liquor, 587; by effect of iron in coating, 182; pipes sulphur dioxide, 244; by waters, by waters, 16; rate, anomalies, 16; in sea air, 587; measurement, 448; water pipes & water con­ comparative results of various tainers, 584; white rust, 180. methods, 80, 501. Gearing, 79. Muntz metal by soils, 242. Gun-metal, 79; by cider, 586. Nickel, anodes, 583 ; by asbestos, 583 ; Heating installations, book, 278. by brines, 586; by caustic alkalis, Hydronalium, 46, 582; by methyl 303; by cider, 586; by citric acid alcohol, 349. solns., 17; by milk, 448; by milk Ice-plant, 131; prevention, 79. products, 585 ; by washing & bleach­ Inconel, 72. ing agents, 582 ; electrodeposits, 591; Iron by acids, reduction, 132 ; by aerated in sulphonators, 79; plated materials aqueous solns., prevention, 133; by by waters, 16. brines, 586; by cider, 586; by Nickel alloys, 123; by asbestos, 583; kerosenes, 180; by milk products, by caustic alkalis, 303. 585; by petrols, 180; by trichlor- Nickel-brass by milk, 448; by milk ethylene, 79; in sulphonators, 79; products, 585, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 133; Nickel-bronzes, 385. technique of protection, book, 644. Nicorros by brine, 586. Iron alloys in phenylation of peri acid, N i-R esist in sulphonators, 79. 500. Non-ferrous metals & alloys, atmospheric, Ironnickel molybdenum alloys by hydro­ report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 132; report chloric acid, 584. of A.S.T.M. cttee., 131. Iron-nickel-tungsten alloys by hyd ro ­ Oil-well equipment, 425, 426. chloric acid, 584. Petroleum storage tanks by crude oils, IS3. K.S. Seewasser, 46; contg. screws of Propeller blades, 244. various materials, in sea-water & Red brass by brines, 586; by milk sea air, 301. products, 585. Lautal by methyl alcohol, 349. Sheets, prepn. of test-specimens, 501; Lead by brines, 586; by cement, 15; (thin), 501. by cider, 17, 586; by fatty acids in Sherardized iron & steel, atmospheric, presence of iron, 423; by flue gases, 349 ; by soils, 242. 180; by kerosenes, 180; by lime, Silum in by methyl alcohol, 349; contg. 15; by milk products, 585; by petrols, screws of various materials, in sea­ 180 ; by phenols, 241, 425; by soils, water & sea air, 301. 242, 583; by waters, 241, 423, 534; Silver by cider, 586; by sulphur & its by waters, bibliography, 241, 534 ; by compds., 17. zinc chloride solns., 131; cable- Silver alloys, blackening by sulphur, 499. sheath, 241, 242, 305; cable-sheath Solid solutions, 584. by soils, 583; cable-sheath, catalytic Steels by brines, 586; by fruit acids, action of phenols, 241; cable-sheath, 17; by milk products, 585; by prevention, 451; in phenylation of trichlorethylene, 79 ; by zinc chloride peri acid, 500; in sulphonators, solns., 131; field tests of metallic 79; in sulphuric acid manuf., 302; coatings, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., in sulphuric acid manuf., effect of 133 ; report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 133- impurities, 499. (stainless) by citric acid solns, 17 • Lead alloys, cable-sheath, 233, 242; in sulphuric acid manuf., 302. A.S.T.M. cttee., 133.tests> report of Subject Index 687

Corrosion of— Cresols, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Sugar factory apparatus, 385. Crucibles. See Refractory materials. Tantalum, 338. Crystal lattice (see also Crystal structure, Tin by cider, 17, 586; by citric acid, A llo ys, & under names of metals), effect of traces of other metals, 16; constants, calculation, 239 ; of non- by citric acid solns., 17 ; by fruit acids, cubic metals, 239; tables, 77; see 17 ; by nitric acid, 500 ; foil by cheese, also A llo ys & under names of metals, 448 ; foil by cheese, black spots, 242. distortion, 14; which might render a Tin-silver amalgams, 130. crystal plastic, 497. Tinned brasses by brines, 586; by electronic motion, theory, 239. fruits, vegetables, & foods, 638. structure derived from elect, conduc­ Tinned copper by brines, 586; by cider, tivity measurements, 127; ideal, 586 ; by milk products, 585. theory, 581. Tinned iron by milk products, 585. Crystal structure (see also Crystal lattice, Tinned-lead tubes by water, 16. A lloys, & under names of metals), Tinplate by canned fish, 303; by fruits, books, 60 (review), 643. 17, 79 ; by vinegar in fish canning, electrical properties &, 77, 484. 180; cans, 423; electrochem. be­ investigation, apparatus. See Labora­ haviour of tin-iron couple in dilute tory apparatus. acids, 401, 584; inhibition, 79. of electrodeposits, 22. Underground pipes, electrolysis, 501. of metals compared with other crystal Vedal metal in sea-air, 587. structures, 497. Wire, torsion test as indication, 312. relation to failure of metals, 56, 338. Zinc, atmospheric, 424; by acid solns., review, 581. 424; by acids, 423; by acids, re­ x-ray analysis, 348, 385, 447, 498; duction, 132; by alkaline solns., book, 536; evaluation of data, 279, 424; by brines, 586; by cement, 385; factors affecting reflection in­ 424; by chloride solns., 131, 584; tensities, 240 ; history, 240 ; indust, by cider, 17, 586 ; by gypsum, 424; appns., pamphlet, 643 ; quantitative, by milk, 448; by milk products, 301; relation between amorphous 585; by roofing papers, 304; by & crystalline scattering, 580; varia­ trichlorethylene, 79; by various tions of powder method, 392. reagents, 182 ; by waters, 303, 424; x-ray powder patterns, Fourier integral by woods, 424; effect of impurities, analysis, 498. 131; internal, 424; rate, anomalies, Crystallization (see also under names of 448 ; sheet coloured in various solns., m etals), 591; white rust, 180. between surfaces in structural equilib­ Zinc-coated iron & steel, atmospheric, rium , 12. 349. books, 335 (review), 534. Corrosion-fatigue, 6, 18, 67, 81, 91, 387, 587. isothermal, 494. book, 107, 117. kinetics, 237. comparative tests employing 2 types of of ternary eutectics, 420. stressing action, 304. of undercooled melts, detn. of rate, 410. effect of protective methods, 448. periodic, 314, 618. effect of surface pressure, 181. Crystals, failures, chemistry, for college freshmen, 52. 117. cubic, Corrosion-fatigue of— unsaturated, magnetic dipole Copper, 387. moments, 77. Mild steel, effect of nickel coating, 130. deformed, slip, 12. Corrosion-resistant materials (see also diamagnetism, 226. under names of metals & alloys), diffusion, theory, 413. classification, 576. elastic properties, 581. for cellulose & paper industries, electrolytic transmission, theory, 413. 500. ferromagnetic, for potassium salt industry, 500. surface magnetization, Cracking. See Internal stress, &e. 496, 497. Cracks, detection, 513; see also Radiology. fine-structure, investigation, apparatus, Creep (see also A llo ys & under names of 196. m etals), flow, 287. above recrystallization temperature, 94. group phenomena, 555. growth, bibliography, 68. electrolytic, 300. comparative studies, 379. heteropolar, theory, 78. effect of recrystallization temperature & interatomic distances, detn., 498. mosaic structure, 77, 384, 581. grain-size, 75. nuclei, binding energies in growth from elastic behaviour &, 379. limiting stress, metal atoms, 300. detn., 393. orientation, d etn., 14. mechanism, 482. physics, 581. . of wire, 393. plastic deformation. Plastic de­ phenomena, See 67, 339. form ation. rate, detn., apparatus, 94. testing See Testing & Testing machines. plasticity, 129, 481. 688 Subject Index

Crystals, Deformation, recovery, 6. cold-, strengthening by, 6. secondary structure, 78, 226, 239, 348, dynamic, behaviour of metals under, 581 ; precipitation-hardening &, 575. 6. single. See Single crystals. elastic. See Elastic deformation. slip-bands, 347. plastic. See Plastic deformation. slip-planes, lattice-geometrical limita­ static, behaviour of metals under, 6. tions, 129. De-gassing of metals, 50. thermal expansion, X-ray measurement, Degreasing, apparatus, 28. electrolytic, 266, 523; mechanism, 631. tw inning, 347 ; directionality, 298. in alkaline solutions, 103. Cuber. See A lloys. rinsing after, 524. Cupping tests. See Testing & Testing trichlorethylene, 631. machines. Dendrite, term, questionnaire regarding, Curie point, measurement, apparatus, 195. 578. Cuttability, detn., 631. D ensity (see also A llo ys & under names of Cutting (see also M a ch in in g & under names m etals), of machining processes), very small changes, measurement, 612. behaviour of metals, 103. Dental alloys. See A lloys. book, 533. Dental bases, electric arc, phenomena studied by slow- casting, See Casting. motion photography, 42. electrolytic production, 187. materials. See under names of cutting Deoxidation of—• materials : Carboloy, Ramet, Stellite, Bronzes with calcium, 162. Super-hard alloys, Tantalum carbide, Copper, 285, 519; with beryllium, 292. Tungsten carbide, W idia, &c. See also Alloys : Beryllium-copper oxy-acetylene, books, 405 (review), 648 a llo y s ; with cadmium, 2 9 2 ; w ith (review). calcium , 114, 162; with-magnesium— speed, effect on surface appearance, chrom ium , 363. 631. Copper alloys, 144; with magnesium- theory, book, 472. chrom ium , 3 6 3 ; with phosphorus, Cutting tools, 97. Carboloy, diamond-impregnated, 322. Cupro-nickel, 123. chromium-plated, 103. Nickel alloys, 123. development, 206. Red brass, 519. report of I.Meeh.E. research cttee., 631. Silver, 258. selection of materials, 37. Steels with manganese-silicon-alumin- standardization, 37. ium alloys, thesis, 376. Stellite, speeds & feeds, 37. Deoxidizers, 96. Stellite J-, recommended practice, 37 ; Deposition (electro-), speeds & feeds, 37. action of buffers, 354. tantalum carbide, speeds & feeds, 37. addition agents, action, theories, 84. testing, 359. adherence of coatings, micro-study, 597. tungsten carbide, advantages, 631 ; anode reactions, 600. speeds & feeds, 37. baths, stray currents, 138. W idia, for drilling, 152. books, 63 {review), 279, 508. Cylinders, by displacement of metals by one less compression, 411. electropositive, 503. thick-walled, stress distribution, 514. control, 84, 85, 137. wear, effect of temp., 18. control testing, 137. Czechoslovakia, metallurgical research, 370. costs, estimation, 508. cyanide wastes, reducing toxicity, 188. development, 138. Dairy products, corrosion by. See electric power, 600 ; 508. Corrosion. economic use, electrolytes, Ostwald’s law of dilution, Damping, 598. capacity, 6. equipment, 508. grading of materials by, book, 535. from formamide solutions, 22. Davos fatigue-testing machine. See T e st­ generator sets, low voltage, 452. ing machines. health protection, 354. Debye-Scherrer diagrams. See Crystal heating of baths in winter, 22. structure. history, 600. Decomposition potential, definition, 452. in Gt. Britain, 505, 507, 508. D raw ing. Deep-drawing. See in printing industry, 137, 309, 334, Defects, detection. See Radiology. 508. Definitions, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 275. on castings, 599. Deformation (see also Elastic deformation, on die-castings, 22. Plastic deformation, &c.), capacity, effect of polyaxial states of on stainless steel, 137. stress, 614. on wires, 22. on zinc, maintenance of solns., 598. Subject Index 689

Deposition (electro-), Deposition of (electro-)—■ on zinc-base die-castings, maintenance Cobalt, r is u m i of literature, 135. of solns., 598. Columbium, 187, 605. plant, selenium rectifiers, 354. Copper, action of addn. agents, 84; plating-room wastes, removal of cyanides, adherence of deposits, 505; crystal 22. structure of deposits, factors affecting, progress, 136, 138. 187; from acid solns., 596 ; fromconc. research, B ritish, 508. cyanide solns., 596; from cyanide rinsing after, 524, 600. solns., 596; from sulphate solns., secondary electrodes, 431, 508. crystn. centres, 432; in sheet form, specifications, failure to comply with, 185; on aluminium, 305, 596; on 599. galvanized iron sheet, 19; on steel, tanks, 452 ; rubber-lined, 599. cyanide-free bath, 21; on zinc- theory, 187, 248, 599. base die-castings, diffusion action, thesis, 109, 187. 506, 596; (spongy), critical voltage throwing power, measurement, 248; phenomena at critical c.d., 23 ; thick­ new definition, 598. ness of coatings, detn., 135, 185. undercoats for organic finishes, 461. Copper-iron-nickel alloys, 186. Deposition of (electro)— Copper-nickel-zinc alloys from cyanide Aluminium, 430; from non-aqueous solns., 308, 596. solns., 134, 594. Germanium, 185, 597. Bism uth from perchloric acid solns., 184. Gold, 430 ; dental bases, 187. Brass on iron & steel, 308. Indium from cyanide solns., 308, 597. Cadmium, 84, 507; addition agents, Iron-nickel alloys, 430. organic, 83 ; analyt. control of solns., Lead, crystal structure of deposits, 307; crystal structure of deposits, factors affecting, 187 ; electro-, book, factors affecting, 187 ; effect of addn. 372. agents, 594; from acetate & nitrate Lead-tin alloys, 186. baths, rate of crystn. of deposits, Nickel, 430; automatic, 507; books, 432; on full automatic machines, 220, 224 (review ) ; bright deposits, 307 ; on iron & steel, 352 ; stripping 597 ; Brit, standard specification for test for deposits, 20. anodes, 597 ; Brit, standard specifica­ Cadmium-silver alloys, 309. tions for nickel ammonium sulphate Cadmium-tin-zinc alloys, 504. & nickel sulphate, 507, 532 ; current Chromium, 185, 352, 596 ; bath temp., efficiency at low and high p b , 186 ; 135; books, 220, 224 (review ), 283; ductility & adhesion of deposits, effect of iron on conductivity of bath, 308, 597 ; effect of chromium in bath, 5 0 5 ; effect of Pb-Sb-Bi anodes, 307 ; effect of compn. & acidity on thesis, 4 0 2 ; effect of shape & pre- characteristics of coating, 597 ; from treatment of articles, 1 3 5 ; factors solns. of more than p b 353; influencing wear-resistance of deposits, in barrel, 21 ; on aluminium, 353, 2 0 ; failures, 8 4 ; from am m onium 354, 596 ; on aluminium needles, 186 ; chromate-sulphate baths, 135; from on bent wires, phenomena, 186; aqueous chromic acid solns. contg. on brass, cause & prevention of hydrofluoric acid, 595 ; from chrom ic season-cracking, 354 ; on Duralumin, acid solns., 5 9 5 ; from chromic & 506 ; on flat-irons, 309 ; on stainless chromous salt solns., 135; from steel, 137 ; on steel, accelerated tests solns. contg. hydrofluoric acid, anodes of coatings, 304; on steel, adhesion for, 184; in cold, 20, 307; in G t. of deposits, 186; on zinc, 84; on B ritain, 505; in pulp & paper in­ zinc, direct, 187 ; on zinc, in barrel, dustry, 5 0 5 ; intermediate layer 21, 507 ; on zinc & zinc-base alloys, p aten t, 5 9 5 ; iron in bath, 3 0 7 ; 598 ; on zinc-base die-castings, 354 ; matt finish, 2 0 ; on copper calico part played by p s value, 597 ; peeling printing rolls, 20 ; on cutting tools, of deposits, 430; pitting of deposit, 103, 367 ; on glass-moulds, 595 ; on 353; plant, automatic & semi­ nickel, peeling of nickel deposit, automatic, 597 ; processes at cathode, 3 0 7 ; on printing plates, 5 9 5 ; on 59, 186; progress, 136; structure & stainless steel, 137; on steel, ac­ mech. properties of deposits, effect of celerated tests of coatings, 304; on annealing, 135; thickness of coatings, tools, 2 1 ; on tools, dies, &c., 185; detn., 135; thickness of deposits, on zinc, 20 ; on zinc-base die-castings, drop test, 507 ; throwing power at 5 0 5 ; plant, automatic & semi­ low & high p s , 186. automatic, 597; portable apparatus, Nickel-chromium, technique, 595. 20, 84 ; protection of workers, 307 ; Palladium, 136. reduction of mist or spray from bath, Pink gold, 308 353; structure of deposits, X-ray Platinum , 84 ; on copper, 21. study, 299; theory, 184, 352, 430; Rhenium , 507. throwing power, effect of base Rhodium , 21, 136, 248, 430; review, metal, 184; wear-testing of deposits, 309. Rubber, applications, 83. 185. 690 Subject Index

Deposition o! (electro-)— Die-casting of—- Silver, analysis of baths, 35C; den tal Aluminium, 395. bases, 1S7; failures, 84; from Aluminium alloys, 34, 259. cyanide solus., 430 ; propn. of bath by Aluminium-“ bronze,” vacuum, 201. dissoln. of fino silver, 389; wastes, Brasses, 98, 519. recovery, 202, 022; X-ray study of Dental alloys, CIS. deposits, 431. Nickel-brasses, 293. Tantalum from aqueous solus., 3S9. Die-castings, Tin, 431; analysis of solus., 3SD; baked finishes, 323. crystal structure of deposits, factors design, 259. affecting, 1ST ; effect of addn. agents, inspection, 513. 594; from sodium stammto solus, plating. Seo Deposition. with insolublo anodes, 374, 597. radiology. Seo Radiology. Tungsten from aquoous solns., effect of Diffusion (seo also Cementation & under iron, 507. names of motals), Z inc, 504, 507, 591 ; Duozinc process, critical review, 557. book, 331; effoct of addn. agents, 594 ; measurement, uso of thorium-/?, 574. study of cyanide baths, 21; throwing Of solids, 11 ; eooffs., relation to concn., powor, 309, 431. 442. D eposits, review of rocont work, 118. cathodic, formation, 138; relation be­ study of, valuo of thermionic omission tween growth & form of elect, lines of phonomona, 556. force, 138; structure, 431. Diffusion of— , electro-, adhesion, measurement, 1S8, Copper in gold, 122. 389, 599; adhesion, micro-study, Hydrogen through platinum & nickel, 599 ; corrosion. Sco C o rro sio n ; cry s­ 337. tal structure, factors affecting, 187; Palladium in gold, 122; in silver, 122. identification, rapid, 430; internal Platinum in gold, 122. stresses, detn., 188; micro-examina­ Dilatometers. Seo Laboratory apparatus. tion, 84, 137 ; stripping, 137, 188, 248, Disinfectants, corrosion by. Seo Corro­ 309; structure, 84, 137; structure, sion. X-ray analysis, 497 ; tests, accelerated, Dissipation constants in solids, 483. 304. Distillation of motals, apparatus, 391. metallic, protective value, 503. Distortion, internal dissipations] resistance mirror, removal by H.-F. currents, 0. to, & its correlation with other phys. on steel, weathering, 428. properties, 556. protective value, 431, 503; detn., 508. Dowmetal. Soo A llo ys. testing, 137, 599; rapid, 42S. Drawing, thickness, detn., 183, 50S. cracks in Argon tan rings, 151. x-ray analysis. Seo Crystal structure. deep-, foreo relations, 460 ; lubrication, Descaling, 627 ; prossuro-dopth of ponotration Bullard-Dunn process, 523. diagr. as characteristic of, 626 ; electrolytic, 152. provonting breakages, 027 ; relation methods, 152. between plastic doformation & tensile Desulphurization o£— properties, 626. Bronzes, 020. forces, 628 ; detn., modification of Nickel with beryllium, 258. Sachs’ equation, 629. Detection. Soo A n a ly s is . stress-distribution, 626. Dezineification. See C o rro sio n . tube-. Seo Tube-drawing. Diamagnetic susceptibility (sco also A llo y s wire-. Seo Wire-drawing. & undor names of metals), Drawing of— of atoms, 485. Aluminium cups, deep-, 626 ; shoot, tools Diamagnetism, measurement, 197. for, 36. Dichlorethylene, corrosion by. Sco C o rro ­ Brass cups, deep-, 620. sion . Copper cups, deep-, 626. Dictionaries (technical), Monel metal, 626. English-Russian, 536, 643. Nickel, 627. German-English, 475 (review ), 644. Nickel-chromium alloys, sheet, 3S3. German-English-Frenck-Spanisk, 331. Silver cups, doop-, 620. German-Russian, 534. Tubes. Seo Tube-drawing. Die-casting, Wire. See Wire-drawing. advantages over stamping, 145. Zinc cups, deep-, 626 ; sheet, 322. alloys for. See A llo y s. Drilling. See Machining. book, 402 (review ). Drilling of— machines, 96, 259, 621 ; Polak, 98. Aluminium, 206 ; oils for, 36. pressure, 395, 437. Aluminium alloys, thesis, 59, 206. report of A.S.T.M. etteo., 202. Copper, 200. review, 519. Copper alloys, th esis, 59, 296. technique, 315. Monel metal, 206. vacuum, 201. Thin sheet, 200. Subject Index 691

D uctility, Electrical resistance (soo also E le ctric a l effect o£ multi-axial stressing, 014. conductivity, Alloys, & under names of testing. See Testing. m otals), Duozinc, book, 331. at low temperatures under pressure, 484. Duralplat, corrosion. See C o rro sio n . of liquid metals, 484. Duralumin. Seo A llo y s. of thin films, 229, 484. Duranalium. See A llo y s. recovery after cold-work, 555. Duroskop. See Testing machines. specific, measurement, 253. Dvi-manganese. See 'Rhénium . standards, pure metal, 229. Dye liquors, corrosion by. Seo C o rro sio n . temperature coefficient, 230. Dysprosium, atomic weight, 413. variation with temperature, ap p n . of laws to indust, measurements, 340. Electrical resistance materials. Soo A llo y s. Egypt, ancient, cliomistry & chemical Electrically-heated slab, tomp. history & a rts, 042. rate of heat loss, 521. E isler’s alloy. See A llo y s. Electro-capillary phenomena, 659. Elastic aiter-effect, 555. Electrochemical industries, oconomie im­ Elastic deformation, portance, 602. distinction between plastic flow&, 531. Electrochemistry, distribution in material subjected to books, 221, 277, 376, 543 (review ). external forces, methods of study, Faraday’s studies, 189. 197, 513, 014. report of A.I.E.E. cttee., 310. thermal effects, 07. Electro-deposition. Seo Deposition. Elastic limit (seo also A llo y s & undor Electro-deposits. Seo D eposits. names of motals), Electrode potential (seo also under names of definition, 190. m otals), Elastic properties (soo also A llo y s So undor at metal/solution interface, effect of names of motals), elect, field, 249. determination, OS. effect of movement, concn. & time, 452. Elastic stresses, measurement with X-rays, in electrolytes of foreign ions, 432. 279, 450. in pure buffer solutions, 249. Elasticity (seo also A llo y s & undor names Electrodes, of metals), for electrolytic oxidation processes, 600, definition, 07, 08. 601. experimental, book, 401. furnace, dotn. of max. carrying capacity, m odulus, at various temps., dotn., 29; 99. dependence on intensity of magnetiza­ graphite, rate of oxidation, 99. tion, 105; periodic fluctuations, 481; m etal, arcs, static characteristics, 68. temp, cooff., of ferromagnetics, 117. metallized glass-hydrogen, 189. phenom ena in springs, 380. overvoltage. Seo Overvoltage. relation to plasticity, tonacity, & passivity. See P a ssiv ity . brittleness, 67, 08. processes, kinetics,. 115. theory, book, 542 (review ). surfaces, moch. activation, 432. thesis, 59. Electrolysis, Electric arcs, metal, researches, OS. book, 534. Electrical conductivity (seo also E le ctric a l effect of magnetic field, 453. resistance, A llo y s & under names of process, microscopic study, 138. m otals), secondary processes, appn. of law of at low temperatures, 230, 340. chem. kinetics, 601. book, 543 (review ). under microscope, 432. crystal structure &, 484. with scraped electrodes, 310. effect o£ pressure, 68. Electrolysis of— o£ electrolytes measured by resistance of Aluminium oxide, depolarization by palladium wire contg. hydrogen, graphite anodes, 189. 85, 189. Aluminium sulphide, 23. o f foils, 289. Copper, relation between growth of of liquid metals, theory, 288. deposit & form of elect, lines of force, Of thin films, 4S3, 484, 553, 560; 138. anomalous, 4S3; dependence on Fused electrolytes, book, 543 (review ). electrostatic field, 484. Metallic salt solutions with cathode of review, 340. rarified gas, 85. theory, 160, 230, 288, 484, 560. . Molten metals, book, 534. Electrical heating (see also F u rn a c e s), Rare earth metal salts in non-aqueous devices, design, 74. soins., 509. elem ents. See A llo y s. Silicates, 248. Electrical phenomena, thermodynamics, Zinc, 25,000 kw. rectifier, 248. book, 40G (review ). Zinc sulphate solutions, effect of alumin­ Electrical properties (seo also A llo y s & ium salts, 309 ; pptn. of cobalt. 250. under names of metals), Electrolytes, conductivity. See E le c tric a l and crystal structure, 77. conductivity. 692 Subject Index

Electrolytic condensers, cathodic films in, Engineering, 24. production in Gt. Britain, census, Electrolytic deposition. See Deposition. 651 (review). Electrolytic production oi— symbols & abbreviations, Brit, standards, Cupro-silicon, 23. 532. Lithium, 23. England. See Great Britain. Magnesium, 23. Entropies, calculation, 165. Electrolytic refining. See R efining. Erbium, atomic weight, 413. Electrolytic valve action. See under Erhards’ type metal. See A lloys. names of metals. Erhards’ war bronze. See A llo ys. Electrometallurgy, Erichsen testing. See Testing. book, 375. Ermann metal. See A lloys. progress in 1933, 354. Erosion, cavitation, 587, 588. report of A.I.E.E. cttee., 310. Erosion-resisting materials, 237. Electron (alloy). See Alloys : Elektron. Estimation. See A n a lysis. Electron theory. See Metallic state. Etching (metallographic), 496. Electron(s), Etching (metallographic) of— cold emission, 166. Lead alloys, 76. conduction, distribution in metals, 78 ; Platinum , 577. see also Metallic state. Platinum metal alloys, 77, 577. diffraction by solids, liquids, & gases, Etching (process), on plates, &c., 152. book, 401. Etching (process) of— microscopy, 196. Nickel-chromium alloys, 383. photo-, effect of temp, on energy dis­ Ettingshausen effect, theory, 485. tribution, 166, 167. Eureka. See A lloys. secondary, emission, for study of trans­ Europium, formations of metals, 288; emission atomic weight, 413. from metal faces, 178. preparation, 546. tubes, in industry, 643. Eutectal. See A lloys. Electronic energy bands, 447. Eutectics. See A lloys. Electronic work-function. See under Eutectoids. See A lloys. names of metals. Evaporation, Electroplating. See Deposition. at metal surfaces, value of thermionic Electrothermal homogeneous effect, 230, emission phenomena in study, 556. 4 4 1 ; book, 543 (review ); see also under technique, 253. names of metals. Everbrite. See A lloys. Elektron. See A lloys. Everdur. See A lloys. Elektrum . See A lloys. Ex-B-metal. See A lloys. Elephant bronze. See A lloys. E xcello. See A lloys. Elin process. See W elding. Excelsior. See A lloys. Elinvar. See A lloys. Expansion. See Thermal expansion. Elkalloy. See A lloys. Expansion fits, 396. E lkonite. See A lloys. Extensometers. See Testing machines. Elmarid. See A lloys. Extrusion, Elongation. See Tensile properties, Test­ book, 402 (review). ing, &c. force required, 460. Elvotit. See A lloys. presses, 102 ; for lead cable-sheath, 265. Embossing, pressures, 37. Extrusion of— Emerald bronze. See A lloys. Aluminium, 102, 6 27 ; relation between Emperor bronze. See A lloys. specific pressure & temp., 458. Enamelled coatings, testing, 248. Aluminium alloys, 627. Enamelling of— Brass, 102, 232. Aluminium alloys, 461. Condenser tubes, 36. Zinc, 461. Duralumin, 459. Endurance limit, Lead cable-sheath, 367, 468. effect of corrosion, 236. & effect of pressure, 165. R^ds^ direct indirect, power economy, Endurance properties (see also Fatigue, Tubes, 204, 265. A llo ys, & under names of metals), 91. of notched parts, 6 ; increase by internal stress, 615. F alloy. See A lloys. testing. See Testing & Testing machines. Falun. See A lloys. Engestrium. See A lloys. Engineering, Fatigue (see also Endurance propertit ’ * A llo ys & under names British Engineers’ Association, hand- m etals), 331. book, bibliography, 338, 647. directories, 108, 650 {review). book, 107, 117. handbooks, 220, 534. materials, 329. corrosion-. See Corrosion-fatigue selection, crystal structure &, 56, 338, 481 mechanical, book, 644, discussion, 92, Subject Index 693

Fatigue, Fineness, 94. effect of prior stress, 288. Finishing (see also Colouring, Deposition, effect of surface finishing & discontin­ Enamelling, Galvanizing, Lacquering, uities, 482. Painting, Polishing, Tinning, &c.), effect of surface pressure, 181, black, 37. failures, typical, 435. improvements, 37. fractures, 117; classification, 254; fric­ principles, 322. tional oxidation &, 558. use of bituminous compositions, influence of intercrystalline boundary, 481. 397. of keyways, increase in strength due to Firebricks. See Refractory materials. surface pressure, book, 535. Fireclay. See Refractory materials. of welds, 210 ; subjected to repeated Fish, canned, corrosion by. See Corro­ tension stresses, 40. sion. present state of knowledge, 67, 91. Flame-Sealed zinc-coating process, 351. testing. See Testing & Testing machines. Flexure, elasticity of, 411. Fatty acids, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Flow of metals (see also Creep, Plastic flow, Feralsit. See A lloys. &c.), Ferran (bi-metal), at high temperatures, 411. comparison with aluminium-plated iron, below normal yield value, 288. 422. in crystals, 287. corrosion. See Corrosion. in rolling. See Rolling. improvement, 36. in soft metals, form ula;, 573. Ferro-alloys. See A lloys. Flowability. See Castability. Ferromagnetic materials (see also A llo ys & Flue gases. See Gases. under names of metals), Fluxes, crystals, effect of temp., 485; surface action, 96. magnetization, 496, 497. applications, 96, 201. damping, dependence on intensity of soldering. See Soldering. magnetization, 165. Fluxes for— elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 117. Aluminium alloys, 437, 487. magnetic permeability at very high Brass, 363, 394. temps., 289; changes when heat- Magnesium alloys, 438. treated in magnetic fields, 419. Foils (see also F ilm s & under names of magnetic properties, study, 114. m etals), magnetoresistance & magnetic structure, electrical conductivity, 289. 441. transparency, spontaneous change, 480, single crystals. See Single crystals. 483. Ferromagnetism (see also A lloys & under Forging, names of metals), book, 401. distribution among metals, 561. stress distribution, 626. review of recent work, 230, 561. Forging of— theory, 380, 485. Aluminium alloys, 151, 265. Ferrotherm. See A lloys. Duralum in at high temps., effect of rate Fescolising, 247. of deformation on structure, 445, 446 ; Fibre structure, 14. heat effect, 446. Fibres, tensile strength, 228. Elektron, 625. Films (see also F o ils & under names of Magnesium alloys, 151, 265. m etals), Magnesium-aluminium-copper alloys, amorphous, 560. 233. catalytic activity, 559, 560. Monel metal, 627. electrical conductivity, 483, 560 ; anoma­ Nichrome, hot-, 630. lous, 483; change by action of elect, Nickel, 627. discharge, 553; dependence on elec­ Nickel-chromium alloys, 383. trostatic field, 484. “ Y ” alloy, 460. electrical resistance, 229. Forgings, electro-kinetic potential, 229. radiology. See Radiology. evaporated, crystal orientation, 14. stresses, detn., 613. growth, 578. Form ing, pressures, 37. interference of light, 229. Foundry, m etallic, strain in, 115. calculations, 257. oxide, growth, 578. congress (Paris, 1932), summaries of photoelectric properties, 229. papers, 96. recrystallization, 577. economy, 329. sputtered, disintegration, 384; prepn., equipment, 145, 259. 229 ; structure, 495. illumination, 621. Structure, 288, 495, 577, 578. international congress, Prague, pro­ surface, theory, 132. ceedings, 159 (review). thermoelectric force, 118. magnetic pulley in, 53. transparency, spontaneous change, 480, materials handling, 34. 483. mechanization, 259, 315. 694 Subject Index

Foundry, Furnaces, practice, 257, 363 ; ancient, 329 ; books, electric heat-treatment, 99; for alumin­ 54, 281 {review), 282 (review), 375, 402, ium alloys, 2 6 0 ; for low-temp 403 (review), 540 (review) ; instruction treatment, 261 ; Wild-Barfield, 260. sheets, 332 ; use of sodium carbonate, electric H.-F. induction, 316, 396; 363 ; see also A llo ys & under names bibliography, 317 ; construction, 316- of metals, theory, 203, 261, 317; types, 365. problems, 201. electric indirect arc, rocking, 3 1 6. time studies, 315. electric induction, elect, equipment, 3 1 7 ; ventilation, 457. for melting coloured metals & alloys! waste, 53, 621 ; prevention, book, 335 book, 220; metallurgical character­ (review). istics, 203 ; self-regulating, 261. Fourdrinier wire cloth, U.S. Dept. Com­ electric L.-F. induction, 317; types, merce standard, 58. 365. Fractures, 6. electric melting, at Hirsch Kupfer u. broadening o£ x-ray interference lines at, Messingwerke, 260 ; book, 474 (review); 556. for high temps., 317 ; for small runs’, fatigue. See Fatigue. 260. theory, 228. electric resistance, construction, 396; France, cross-channel, 622; design, 147; metal industries, information & research granular, carbon-, 10 kw., 520; im­ bureaux, 370. provements, 365 ; molybdenum wire, Union des Industries Métallurgiques et 99 ; rim-type resistors, 147 ; wire for, Minières, &c., report, 58. 261. Freezing point. See under names of electric smelting, design, fundamental m etals. laws, 521. Frictional electric charges on metals, effect electric versus fuel-fired, 521. of heat-treatment, 6. gas-fired, design, 99, 202; design & Fruits, operation, 202; for recovery of colour, effect of metals, in canning, 79. galvanizing waste, 149; gasifying corrosion by. See Corrosion. machine for, 203; regulation, auto­ Fuels (see also Coal, Coke, &c.), matic, 316; reversed combustion, combustion bomb, 149. 365. liquid. See Liquid fuels, Petrol, &c. heat-insulation, 20 2. sampling. See A n a lysis. heat-treatment, electric. See Furnaces, solid, appn. in non-ferrous practice, 147. electric heat-treatment; for aluminium testing, methods, relative merits, 148. alloys, 622 ; use of artificial atmos­ Furnaces, pheres, 365. annealing, Bates & Peard, 99 ; electric. inspection window, 317. See Furnaces, electric annealinq ; for wire, 316. laboratory. See Laboratory apparatus. oil-fired, construction & operation, Bates & Peard, 99. 1 4 9 ; design & operation, 202; book, 541 (review). reverberatory, for aluminium melting, brazing, automatic, 525. 520 ; rotary, 365, 520. coke-oven gas-fired, cost figures, 623. pulverized-fuel-fired, 148. construction, metals in, 365, 521. reverberatory, for prodn. of copper economy, 329. anodes, 260 ; oil-fired, for aluminium electric, ^ books, 64, 541 (reviews) ; melting, 520. Canadian industry, 100 ; current- reversed combustion, 365. conducting properties of slags, 623 ; Russ, experiences in light alloy works, design, formula, 316; design & operation, 202; electrodes, detn. of temperature regulation, 396. carrying capacity, 99; for prepn. of temperature uniformity, 260; detn., 200. super-hard alloys, forced con­ vacuum-melting, 202. vection in gases, 317 ; heat losses, walls, air-cooled fire-brick, 262. 365 ; heating elements, silicon carbide, Wild-Barfield elect. heat-treatment, tests, 521. See also A llo ys ; inU.S.S.R., 260. 100, 623 ; Russ, experiences in light Fusible plugs, crusting, prevention, 469. alloy works, 257 ; w ith controlled a;m ., 147. Fusion temperature, theory, 496. electric annealing, at Hirsch Kupfer u. Messingwerke, 260. Gadolinium, atomic weight, 4 13 electric arc, 203; book, 541 (review); Gallium, distribution of current, 261 ; 3-phase, electro-capillary phenomena & w ett­ automatic electrode regulator, 623. ability, 559. electric bright-annealing, 147, 317. electrochemical behaviour 509 electric coreless induction, calculation of latent heat of fusion, 286.’ heat liberated, 365 ; principles, 395 ; refining. See R efin in g vacuum, construction & operation, single crystals See Single crystals, Gallium alloys. See A lloys. Subject Index 695

Galvanized iron & steel, Ga,s(es) * chain-link fabric. A.S.T.M. specifica­ adsorption, 442, 557 ; by solids, book, tions, 449. 406 (review ); investigation, value of coating, Preece test, 427 ; Preece tests, thermionic emission phenomena, 556. factors affecting, 82; testing, 182, analysis. See A n a ly sis. 246, 306, 591; testing, A.S.T.M. and metal surfaces, 442. methods, 449 ; testing, apparatus for corrosion by. See C orrosion. wire, 592 ; testing, Australian standard evolution from worked metals, 556. methods, 592; testing, on wire, 19, furnace, detn. of oxygen, 262. 134. in copper, review of investigations, 337. corrosion. See Corrosion. in metals, 174, 226 ; detn., 556 ; natural de- electro-coppering of sheets, 19. gasification, 228; removal 50; soly., 164. embrittlement, 82; detection, 182; industrial heating, theory, book, 541 report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 134; safe­ {review). guarding against, A.S.T.M. recom­ tow n’s, low-grade, 100. mended practice, 182. Gas-producer, 316. enamelled, as wall covering, 039. Gaskets for pressure vessels & heat ex­ examination, bibliography, 27. changers, 529. hardware & fastenings, A.S.T.M. speci­ German silver. See Alloys : Nickel—brasses. fications, 183. Germanium, life Of coating, effect of compn. & pro­ deposition. See Deposition. treatment of steel, 182. electrochemical properties, 185, 597. painting. See P a in tin g . estimation. See A n a ly sis. pickling. See P ic k lin g . Germanium alloys. See A lloys. pipes, heat absorption of water in, 215 ; Germany, welded & seamless, A.S.T.M. speci­ alum inium industry, 52, 59, 217. fications, 183. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches sheets, Australian specification, 592. Apparatewesen, year-book, 373. specifications, A.S.T.M., 133. Deutsche Materialprüfungsanstalten, p ro ­ surface treatment, electrolytic, 503. ceedings, 54-, 219, 471. tensile fatigue limit of wire, 360. Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt, tubes, use in oil wells, 428. 275. varnishing. See Varnishing. Federation of German Industries, c a ta ­ welding. See W elding. logue, 64 (review). wire, barbed, A.S.T.M. specifications, Giesserie Institut der Technischen Hoch­ 183 ; fencing, A.S.T.M. specifications, schule, Aachen, proceedings, 282 182, 183 ; prepn. & etching for metal- (review ). lographic study, 126 ; strand (cable), Hessische Hochschule,^ symposium on A.S.T.M. specifications, 449; tele­ working materials, 373. phone & telegraph, A.S.T.M. specifi­ industry, catalogue, 64 (review ). cations, 449 ; tie, A.S.T.M. specifica­ Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, tions, 449. report, 290. Galvanizing, scrap metal industry, 109, 202. chemical researches, 311. standards, 643. dross, 134. Technische Hochschule, Aachen, p ro ­ effect of aluminium, 247. ceedings, 375. effect on endurance properties, 82. Verein deutscher Ingenieure, year-book, electro-, 591; of barrels, 504. 544 (review). fluxing, 246. Gittermetall. See A lloys. hard zinc formation, 246. Glass-metal joints, 560. hot-, 306; A.S.T.M. specifications, 449, Globar, 450. heating elements, elect, resistance, de­ methods, 352 ; relative merit, 246. pendence on temp., 261. thermal conductivity, of small articles, 521. 19. Glueinum. B ery lliu m . of wire, See 592. Gold Precious metals), pots, (see also 592. analysis. protective value, 352. See A n a ly sis. report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 182. as corrosion-resistant, 272, 387. assay. See A n a ly sis. use of sal ammoniac, 592. contact-resistances at low temps., 289. Galvanizing of— dental crowns, construction, cadmium as Iron & steel wire, hot-, 592. Steel, electro-, 591 ; wire, 591. aid in, 568. Wires, Crapo process, 18. deposition. See Deposition. Galvano-magnetic phenomena, effect of diffusion of metals into, 122. pressure, 230. elasticity of flexure, 411. Gamma-radiation of artificially radioactive electrode potentials, 432; effect of elements, 486. movement, concn., & time, 452. Gas(es) (see also under names of gases), electrodes, polarization, 115. action on refractories. See R efractory estimation. See A n a ly sis. -filled m aterials. articles, marking, inU. S.A.,280,327. 696 Subject Index

Gold, Great Britain, films, elect, resistance, 229 ; light ab­ Royal Mint, report, 57. sorption, 378 ; photoelect, properties, scientific & learned societies, year-book, 229 ; sputtered, disintegration, 384. 57. foils, optical absorption const., 229. statistics, official, guide to , 158, 536, hardness, periodic changes, 117. 651 (review). in arts & industries, book, 534. Grid pulverized-fuel burner, 100. light absorption, 119, 378. Grinding, smearing, 524. on mummy masks, 642. Grinding of— oxide films, formation, 66. Aluminium, 207 ; oils for, 36. passivation by treatment with alkalis, 66. Guillery hardness testing machine. See powders, hot-pressed, properties, 412; Testing machines. optical properties, 412. Gun-metal. See Alloys. refining. See Refining. Gypsum, corrosion by. See Corrosion. reflectivity, 378 ; effect of temp., 546. rolled, distinction between electroplated &, 298 ; marking, in U.S.A., 280, 327. Hall effect (see also A llo ys & under names separation. See A n a lysis. of metals), temperature radiations, 200. effect of pressure, 230. ware, standards of fineness, 218. theory, 485. “ w hite.” See Alloys, White Qold. Hammering, study by electron interfer­ wires, rate of heating by surface com­ ence, 289. bustion, 118. Hard alloys. See Alloys : Super-hard alloys. working, book, 60 (review). Hardeners, 201. x-ray scattering, 229. Hardening, strain-. See Strain-hardening. Gold alloys. See Alloys. Harder McFarland alloy. See Alloys. Grain, term, questionnaire regarding, 578. Hardit. See A lloys. Grain-growth, Hardness (see also A llo ys & under names mechanism, 347 ; questionnaire re­ of metals), garding, 578. book, 473 (review). Grain-size, 347. effect of magnetization, 361. calculation, 298, 420. of electrolytic metals, 482. effect on creep, 75. periodic changes, 117, 481. in loose materials, 95. recovery after cold-work, 555. in relation to cold-working, 127. relation to brittleness, 67 ; to strength & on recrystallization, influence of initial workability, 516; to tensile strength ,93. on final, 12. scales, conversion tables. Rockwell- specifying, 496. Brinell, 616; relation of different theory & experiments, 94. numbers, 93; relation of Rockwell, Granodizing, 352. Brinell, and Shore numbers, 92. Graphite. See Refractory materials. testing. See Testing & Testing machines. Graphitized metals & alloys, prodn., 568. Harper’s m etal. See A lloys. Great Britain, H auvel’s bronze. See A llo ys. Armstrong College Standing Committee Haynes’ metal. See A lloys. for Research, report, 330. Heat, industrial, book, 406. Birmingham Jewellers’ & Silversmiths’ Heat recuperator, theory, 316. Association, report, 330. Heat-resistant materials (see also A lloys), British Cast-Iron Research Association, 124. report, 643. book, 158. British Standards Institution, hand-book, classification, 576. 157, 471. compositions, 346. Department of Scientific & Industrial lines of research, 418. Research, report, 108. manufacture, 235. Federation of British Industries, register manufacturers, table, 346. of manufacturers, 400. mechanical properties, 173. Imperial Institute, report, 374. Heat transfer, industrial, book, 406 (review). Incorporated Swansea Exchange, report, Heat-treatment (see also Age-hardening, Annealing, Quenching, Sic.), industrial production, census, 651. books, 471, 472, 473 (review), 644. Institute of Chemistry, official chem. definition, 458. appointments, book, 332; register, furnaces. See Furnaces. 534. salt-baths, “ fireless,” 150. Institute of Metals, work of, 470. terms, A.S.T.M. definitions, 458. International Tin Research & Develop­ Heat-treatment of— ment Council, report, 472. Alclad, 102. Iron & Steel Institute, collective index Aldrey, 35. to pubns., 374. Aluminium alloys, 263, 366, 622; in National Physical Laboratory, engineer­ salt-bath, 204. ing research, 53 ; report, 333. Aluminium—bronzes, effect on structure Roman mining, 109, 530. & properties, 126. Subject Index 697

Heat-treatment of— Illinois alloy. See A lloys. Aluminium-coated light alloys, 102. Illuminators. See Laboratory apparatus. Beryllium alloys, 225. Impact strength. See A llo ys & under Beryllium-copper alloys, 120, 170, 225, names of metals. 232, 488. Impact testing. See Testing & Testing Brasses, 264 ; tubes (cold-drawn), m achines. low-temp., effect on microstructure, Impurities, 264 ; tubes (cold-drawn), low-temp., absorption from refractories, 162. effect on properties, 264. non-metallic, terminology relating to, Duralumin, salt-baths, 102, 522 ; sheet, 576. 458 ; wire, 624. removal, 576. Inconel, 570. Inconel. See A lloys. Magnetic materials, theory, 496. India, ancient metallurgy, 52. Nickel-brasses, 293. Indium, Tungsten wire eontg. thorium, 459. bibliography, 333, 478. Welds, 210. deposition. See Deposition. Heating, electric, rates, in various gases, expansion, X-ray study, 6. 118. isotopes, 478. Helmet bronze. See A lloys. recovery from zinc ores, 2. Hélouis platinum-bronze. See Alloys. uses, 2. Helumin. See A lloys. Indium alloys. See A lloys. Herculoy. See Alloys. Industrial administration, book, 277. Heusler’s alloys. See Alloys. Ingots, structure, 126. Heyne-Biddery alloy. See A lloys. Insects, Hibbo. See Alloys. attack on lead cable-sheath, 378. Hiduminium. See Alloys : R.R. alloys. attack on metals, 339. High-pressure, attainment, 253. Inspection, 254, 392. High-temperatures, of aircraft pistons, 435. attainment, 253. Institute of Metals, presidential address, behaviour of metals at, 93. 470. properties of materials at, 338. Intermetallic compounds. See A lloys. strength of materials at, 482. Internal stress (see also A llo ys & under Hiorns’ metal. See A lloys. names of metals), Hipernick. See A lloys. determination in electro-deposits, 188; Hohenzollern bearing metal. See A lloys. in tubes, 613 ; use of X-rays, 313. Holmium, atomic weight, 413. investigation, m ethods, 197, 513, 614. Hot-working (see also Pressing, Rolling, phenomena, 6. &c. ), International Acetylene Association, report fundamentals, book, 472. of oxy-acetylene committee, 56. Huggenberg tensometer. See Testing Inverse segregation (see also A llo y s), m achines. effect of hydrogen, 97. Hume-Rothery rule, 128, 237, 300. mechanism, 9, 494. Hydrochloric acid, corrosion by. See theory, 486. Corrosion. Ireland. See Great Britain. Hydrogen (see also Oases), Iridium (see also P la tin u m m etals), absorption by palladium-boron alloys, estimation. See A n a lysis. 418. melting point, 163. action on metals at high temps., 68. separation. See A n a lysis. adsorption by copper, 557 ; by nickel, uses, 115. 550, 557 ; by palladium, 548, 549 ; Iridium alloys. See A lloys. by palladium black under high pres­ Iron sure, 378 ; by platinum, 550, 557 ; by aluminium coatings, hot-dipped, 427. reduced nickel, 287 ; by tungsten, analysis. See A n a lysis. 287. anodic behaviour, 179. diffusion, through metals, 549 ; through bibliography of literature in 1933, 333. nickel, 337 ; through palladium, 163, cadmium-coating, hot-dip, 181. 164, 548, 549 ; through platinum, 164, calorizing. See Calorizing. 337. cementation. See Cementation. in metals containing small quantities of chemistry, books, 223 (review), 403 oxide, 482. (review), 642, 647 (review). overvoltage. See Overvoltage. coatings on, non-magnetic, testing, 183. Hydrogen-ion concentration, cold-worked, laten t energy, 441. measurement, 602 ; book, 157. corrosion. See Corrosion. Hydronalium. See A lloys. creep, 379. Hyperm. See A lloys. diffusion of copper, 292. electrical resistance, change in magnetic fields of audible frequencies, 479. Ice plant, corrosion. See Corrosion. electrode potentials, 452; effect of Ignition temperatures of metals, 412. movement, concn. & time, 452. litaka metal. See Alloys. estimation. See A n a lysis. 608 Subject Index

Iron, Laboratory apparatus, galvanized. See Galvanized iron & Micro-calipers, for measuring external steel. diameters, 30. galvanizing. See Galvanizing. Microscope objectives, resolving power, hardness, periodic changes, 117; relation 299. of Brinell & scleroscope numbers, 199. Microscopes, advances, 90, 611; for ignition temperatures, 412. cinematograph work, 253 ; mechanical lead-coating, homogeneous, 182. stage device, 90; metallurgical, 512; magnetic permeability for very small universal, 454. wave-lengths, 479. Photoelectric cells, copper oxide, 141; metallurgy, book, 404 (review). use for measuring polish & colour, 391. oxidation, 502 ; at elevated temps., 589. Photographic plates, characteristic oxide films, formation, 66. curves in ultra-violet, 141. production in Gt. Britain, census, 651 Polariscopes for photoelastic analysis, (review). 513. protection, book, 644. Polarograph, 433. pure, prepn., 163. Polishing machines, metallographic, 141, separation. See A n a lysis. 513. tensile properties, at temp, of liquid Pyrometers. See Pyrometers. helium, 116. Sintering apparatus, vacuum , 312. wire, bronze-plated, tests, 49. Temperature control circuit, 32. Iron alloys. See A lloys. Temperature indicator, multipoint, 32. Isabellin. See A lloys. Temperature regulators, adjustable & Isoperm. See Alloys. fixed-setting, 518; automatic, 518; Isotopes (see also under names of metals), for elect, furnaces, 6 1 7 ; indicating bibliography, 486. time-cycle, 5 18; expansion rod, 314; review, 486. photoelectric, 617. Testing machines. See Testing machines. Thermal analysis, 252. J-m etal. See Alloys : Stellite. Thermocouples. See Thermocouples. Japan, National Research Council, reports, Thermometers, electric resistance, book, 57, 536. 220; hydrogen gas, detn. of low Joffś effect, 228. tem ps., 6 1 7 ; platinum resistance, correction tables, 5 4 ; resistance-, 32. K.S.-Seewasser. See A lloys. Thermopile-galvanometer system, re ­ K anthal. See A lloys. sponse, 518. Kerosenes, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Thermostats, bimetallic elements, 143; K unial. See Alloys. book, 647 (review ); for higher temps., 314; low temp., 314; performance on gas-heated appliances, 99 ; therm ionic L.ffl. alloys. See A lloys. triode, 454. Laboratories, Vacuum valves, 141. chemical, installation & direction, book, X-ray cameras, 454; high-temp., 195; 400. universal, 28, 195. workshop, book, 277. X-ray goniometer, 195. X-ray photographs, indexing, apparatus, LABORATORY APPARATUS, 253. book, 402. X-ray spectrometers, high-vacuum, 28. design, book, 402. X-ray tubes, gas-free metals in, 50 ; water-cooled, 253. Aerometer, use for detg. very small changes in density, 612. Analytical weights, constancy, 454. Lacquering of— Cathode tubes, metals for, 50. Aluminium, 428. Colour filters for mierophotography, 612. Collapsible tubes, 461. Dilatometers, 311, 358; Bollenrath’s, Copper w ire, 367. modification, 612 ; differential, 27. Tinplate, 461 ; book, 223 (review). Distillation, for metals, 391. Zinc, 461. Electronic lens, 196. Laminated metals, 51. Furnaces, 612; elect., control, 253; Lanthanum , elect, coreless induction, 623; elect., analysis. See A n a lysis. for thermal analysis, 512; vacuum, atomic weight, 413. 253. detection. See A n a lysis. Glassware, volumetric, tests, pamphlet, physical properties, 478. 375. production, electrolytic, 235, 478. Illuminators (microscope), 513, 611. Lanthanum alloys. See A lloys. Metal-crystal analyzer, 195. Latent heat of fusion. See under names of Metallographic apparatus, high-power, m etals. design & construction, 358, 374. Lattice constants. See Crystal lattice. Subject Index 699

Lattice structures. See Crystal structure. Light absorption of metals, 119, 483; see Laue diagrams. See Crystal structure. also under names of metals. Laundry, corrosion in. See Corrosion. Lime, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Lautal. See Alloys. Liquation. See Inverse segregation. Lead, Liquid fuels (see also Petrol, &c.), action on micro-organisms, 165, 339. corrosion by. See Corrosion. analysis. See A n a lysis. testing for corrosive sulphur, 426. ancient, pigs, 530 ; purity, 481. Liquid metals. See Molten metals. as protection against x-rays, 546. Lithium (see also Alkali metals), attack by insects, 378. atomic weight, 546. -burning. See W elding. book, 535. cable-sheath, attack by insects, 378; chemical properties, 478. deterioration, 305; extrusion. See electrometallurgy. See Electrolytic pro­ E x tr u sio n ; failure, 163; failure, duction. summary of 932 cases, 3; micro­ estimation. See A n a lysis. examination, prepn. of specimens, optical properties, 5. 76 ; properties, 491 ; protection, 305 ; physical properties, 478. structural irregularities, 163; under­ production, 569. ground, protection, 583. properties, 569. castings, ancient, 218. uses, 478. -coating, methods, 306 ; process, homo­ Lithium alloys. See A lloys. geneous, 182; processes, vaporization Lo Ex. See Alloys. of lead in, 49. Low temperatures, conductors, metallization with alumin­ attainment, 91. ium , 47. determination with hydrogen gas ther­ corrosion. See Corrosion. mometer, 617. crystallization, 410. mechanical properties at, 494. deposition. See Deposition. physics, book, 644. deposits, protective values in atm osphere, production, magneto-caloric, 312. 349. Lubrication, mechanism, 18. diffusion in cadmium & tin, 339. Lutecium, atomic weight, 413. diffusion oi metals in, 339. electrical resistance, recovery after cold- work, 555. M.B.V. process. See Modified Bauer- electrode potential in pure buffer solns., Vogel process. 249. M.G. alloys. See Alloys. estimation. See A n a lysis. Machinability. See A lloys & under names extrusion. See E xtrusion. of m etals. foil in anti-vibration foundations, 272. Machine tools, laboratory, 397. hardness, recovery after cold-work, 555. Machinery, electrical, book, 63 (review). isotopes, atomic weights, 340. M achining (see also C utting, & under light absorption, 119, 483. names of machining processes), mining, Roman, in Britain, 530. cutting coefficient, 322. passivity, 189; anodic, 2. depth of cold-work, 397. pickling. See Pickling. tests, 523. pipes for water, 274; internal pressure Machining of— stress, 392, 614. Aluminium & its alloys, 37, 103, 152, plasticity, 411. 205, 206 ; pistons, 527. poisoning, 468, 470, 641; prevention, Brasses, 206. 52. Copper, 206. powders, optical properties, 412. Monel metal, 206. production, book, 54. 25 S.T. propeller blades, 205. protection against corrosion by waters, Magnalium. See A lloys. 423. M agnesia. See Refractory materials. refining. See Refining. Magnesite. See Refractory materials. relief patterns, prodn., 632. Magnesium, scrap, recovery, 202. analysis. See A n a lysis. separation. See A n a lysis. castability, 33, 144, 518. sheet in anti-vibration foundations, 272. chemical properties, 33. softening, 114. corrosion. See Corrosion. spraying. See S p ra yin g . diffusion in lead, 339. thermodynamics, book, 400. electrical resistance, recovery after cold- vibration strength, 286. work, 555. welding. See W elding. electrometallurgy. See Electrolytic pro­ Lead alloys. See Alloys. duction. Lead-burning. See W elding. estimation. See A n a lysis. Libraries, extraction, 235. Association of Special Libraries, & for water purification, 272. Information Bureaux, report, 54. founding, book, 331. book, 408 (review). hardness, recovery after cold-work, 555. 700 Subject Index

M agnesium, industry, Russian, 2nd 5-year plan, 470. light absorption, 119, 483. ingots & stick for remelting, A.S.T.M. occurrence, 52. specifications, 216; prodn. by fusion oxidation-reduction equilibrium, 3. in argon atm., 478. physical properties, 227, 546. lattice constants, 239. production, 378, 546. m elting. See M elting. properties, 378. oxidation at high temps., 383 ; mechan­ uses, 52, 227, 378. ism , 569. Manganese alloys. See A lloys. painting. See P a inting. Manganese oxide (MnO)-silicon oxide (Si02) physical properties, 33. system , constitution, 294. production, 543. M anganin. See A lloys. protection, 179, 423, 499, 590. M ansical. See Alloys. pure, prepn. by sublimation in vacuo, Materials, choice, 217. 478. Matrix alloy. See A lloys. recrystallization, 555. Mechanical plant, manufacturers, Ameri­ refining. See Refining. can, catalogue, 160 (review), 642. single crystals. See Single crystals. Mechanical properties. See under specific soldering. See Soldering. properties. thermal expansion, 311. Mechanical technology, book, 373. thin layers, structure, 78. M egapyr. See A lloys. uses, 235, 636. M elting, Magnesium alloys. See A lloys. book, 110 (review). Magnesium chloride solutions, corrosion by. crucible, 144. See Corrosion. furnaces. See Furnaces. Magnesium sulphate solutions, corrosion phenomena, 144. by. See Corrosion. vacuum-, 202. Magnetic hysteresis, losses, 485. Melting of— Magnetic materials, heat-treatment. See Aluminium, 618; losses, 96. Heat-treatment. Aluminium alloys, 258, 315, 437 ; losses, Magnetic permeability (see also A lloys & 96. under names of metals), Aluminium-“ bronze,” 32, 382. o£ ferromagnetic materials a t very high Bearing alloys, 529. frequencies, 289. Brasses, 395 ; in cupola, 620. Magnetic properties (see also A lloys & Bronzes, 382. under names of metals), Copper in cupola, 620. in relation to quantum states of atoms, Copper-nickel alloys, 33. 289. Duralumin, 619. measurement, appn. to metallurgical Elektron from metal produced in problem s, 197, 298. U .S.S.R ., 33. of ferromagnetic substances, m agnetiza­ Gun-metal, 201. tion & magneto -resistance in study, 114. Lead-bronzes, 201. Magnetic pulley, 53. Magnesium, 33 ; flux for, book, 56. Magnetic susceptibility (see also A lloys Magnesium alloys, 417, 438, 519, 621. & under names of metals), Manganin, 629. effect of cold-work, 3, 289. Nichrome, 630. Magnetic testing. See Testing. Nickel alloys, 123. Magnetic transformation, study by second­ Phosphor-bronzes, 232, 620. ary electron emission, 288. Red brass in cupola, 620. Magnetism, Silicon-brasses, 232. and atomic structure, book, 648 {review). Silumin, 437. and plasticity, 556. Solders, 104. book, 330. Zinc in Ajax induction furnace, 34. significance of atomic interchange, 178. Melting point. See under names of metals. Magnetization (see also A lloys & under Membranes. See F ilm s. nam es of m etals), Mercury, of imperfect crystals, 561. analysis. See A n a lysis. surface, in ferromagnetic crystals, 496, book, 376. 497. capillary depression in wide tubes, 479. theoretical curve, approach to, 561. crystal structure, 384. Magnetostriction, 119. crystals, properties, 547. in ferromagnetic alloys, 488. density, 547. theory, 485. detection. See A n a lysis. volume-, 76. diffusion in lead & cadmium, 339 ; into Malleability. See A llo ys & under names of rolled tin foil, 173. m etals. diffusion of metals in, 480. M anganese, electrical conductivity at high temps. analysis. See A n a lysis. & pressures, 547. bibliography, 378, 547. electro-capillary phenomena & w ettabil­ estimation. See A n a lysis. ity, 559. Subject Index 701

Mercury, Methyl alcohol, corrosion by. See Cor­ electrothermal homogeneous effect, 230. rosion. estimation. See A n alysis. Microbilleur. See Testing machines. evaporation, 409. Micro-organisms, extraction, book, 61 (review). action of metals, 165, 339; see also field electron em ission, 114. under names of metals. films, elect, resistance, 229. Microscopes. See Laboratory apparatus. liquid, structure, 128. Microscopy, liquid-vapour critical point, 547. advances, 90, 535. metallurgy, book, 376. book, 57. oxidation, 409. industrial, book, 277. photo-effect, effect of adsorption of Milk, atoms & molecules, 479. action on metals. See Corrosion. production in U.S.S.R., book, 376. pasteurization, effect of metals, 464. purification, 547. total acidity, effect of metals, 640. redistillation, apparatus, 253. vitamin C, action of metals, 464. refining. See Refining. Milk products, corrosion by. See Cor­ separation. See A n a lysis. rosion. solubility, 409. Milling of— surface tension, 227. Aluminium alloys, 152. toxicity, book, 61 (review). Monel metal, 206. uses, book, 61 (review). Mineral industry, vapour process for oil distillation, 52. book, 401. vapour pressure, laws, 479. statistics, 56, 644. Mercury alloys. See A lloys. Mischmetall. See A lloys. Metal spraying. See Spraying of metals. Mixed crystals. See Alloys: Solid solu­ Metallic state, tions. electron theory, 13, 78, 114, 301, 348, Modified Bauer-Vogel process, 18, 245, 447 ; book, 330, 648 (review). 591. review of literature, 228. Molten metals, theory, 68, 77, 230, 340, 413. catalysis by, 558. wave mechanics, book, 330. electrical conductivity, theory, 288. Metallization. See S praying. electrical resistance, 484. Metallography, electrolysis. See Electrolysis. atlas, 62 (review). inner potential, 128. books, 221, 222 (review), 471, 534. oxidation, superficial, 412. department of Trinec Steel works, structure, 128 ; theory, 484. 12. surface, nature, 128. effect of x-ray investigations, 300. surface tension, 165. equipment. See Laboratory apparatus. theory, 340. etching. See Etching. viscosity, measurement, 419. grinding, 76. Molybdenum limiting domains, 578. analysis. See A n a lysis. polishing, 496; machine, 513. book, 331, 533. progress, 90. diffusion into tungsten, 553. report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 126. estimation. See Analysis, use of polarized light, 91,176. ferro-. See Alloys : Ferro^molybdenum. x-rays in, 581. photoelectric emission, 166, 167. Metallurgical industry, function in econ­ physical properties, 338. omic European entente, 52. specific heat, 162, 227. Metallurgical works, elect, power, 274. vaporization, effect of high electro­ Metallurgist, non-ferrous, what he should static fields, 3. be, 52. wire, d ata, 338. Metallurgy, Molybdenum alloys. See A lloys. ancient, in India, 52. Monel metal. See A lloys. and chemical engineer, 470. Mosaic structure. See C rystals. books, 110 (review), 158 (review), 219, Moulding, 276, 277, 373, 375, 402, 472, 473 ancient, 218. (review), 533, 534, 539 (review), 540 boxes, standardization, 34. (review), 644, 645, 646 (review). machines, 202. development, 530. sands. See Refractory materials. hypotheses, development on mechanistic technique, book, 281 (review). lines, 126. Moulding of— importance to engineer, 370. Bronze, 258 ; pump casing, 144. non-ferrous, advances, 274. Moulds, physical, book, 222 (review). drying, 621. processes, history, 275. materials for strip ingot casting, 34. research in Slavonic countries, 370. plaster composition, 144. technical terms, glossary, 53. M umetal. See A lloys. theoretical, problem s, 175. Muntz metal. See A lloys. VOL. 1 . 2 z 702 Subject Index

N.C.A. alloy. See A lloys. Nickel N.M. bronze. See Alloys. frictional electric charge, effect of heat- Naval brass. See A llo y s : Brasses. treatm en t, 6. Naval construction, materials, 274; see gyromagnetic ratio, 226. also A llo y s & under names of metals. hardness, periodic changes, 117; relation Neodymium, of Brinell & seleroscope numbers, 199. atomic weight, 413. ignition temperatures, 412. detection. See A n a ly sis. in aircraft construction, 156. physical properties, 478. in automobile construction, 156. production, 235, 478. in linear bolometers, 639. Neodymium alloys. See A lloys. in radio valves, 49. Nernst effect, theory, 485. industry, Russian, 470; Ural works Nernst-Ettingshausen effect, 485. in U.S.S.R., 531. Ni-Resist. See A lloys. magnetic permeability for very small Nichrome. See A lloys. wave-lengths, 479. Nickel, magnetic properties, model, 548; of adsorption of hydrogen, 550, 557. films deposited by evapn., 115 ; study, analysis. See A n a ly sis. 114. annealing. See A nnea ling. magnetic resistance, 441; changes after anodes, British standard specification, transverse magnetization at various 373, 597. temps., 163. anodic behaviour, 179, 583. magnetization, spontaneous, effect of Barkhausen effect, discontinuous re­ external stresses, 485. sistance associated with, 227 ; large, magneto-optical rotation, 227. 493. malleability, 441. bending strength, effect of corrosion, oxidation, 409. book, 62 {review). oxide films on, structure, 128. book, 333. passivity, 24. brittleness, intercrystalline, 409. photoactive effect, 118. casting. See Casting. pickling. See P ic k lin g . catalytic power, relation of hydrogen, 3. pipes for water, 274. cementation. See Cementation. powders, optical properties, 412. -Clad sheet, strip & wire, manuf., 36; pressing. See P ressing. steel, properties, &e., 49 ; water stor­ production, 272. age heater, 39. properties, 163. contact-resistances at low temps., 289. pure, prepn., 163. corrosion. See Corrosion. reduced, adsorption of hydrogen, 286. creep, 379. refining. See R efin in g. crystal structure at high temps., 421; research, industrial, 470. of sputtered films, 479. resources, 272. deposition. See Deposition. rolling. See R ollin g . deposits, protective value, 591; rapid separation. See A n a ly sis. identification, 430. single crystals. See Single crystals. desulphurization. See Desulphurization. soldering. See S oldering. detection. See A n a ly sis. specific heat, 378. diffusion in lead, 339. tensile properties at low temps., 175; diffusion of hydrogen, 337. at temp, of liquid helium, 116. drawing. See D raw ing. thermal conductivity, 391. elastic modulus, effect of intensity of thermal expansion, variation with temp. magnetization, 165. near Curie point, 547. elasticity of flexure, 411. thermoelectric power near Curie point, electrical resistance, change in magnetic 286. fields of audible frequencies, 479; torsion modulus, dependence on fre­ effect of tension at various temps., quency of oscillation, 481. 286. uses, 49, 156, 272, 639. electrode potential, 432; in pure buffer welding. See W elding. solns., 249; variation with acidity, wires, small diam., meeh. properties, 3. 507. Nickel alloys. See A llo ys. endurance limit, effect of compression, Nickel-clad. See N ick e l. 227 ; effect of corrosion, 236. Nickelin. See A llo ys. estimation. See A n a ly sis. Nicorros. See A llo y s. ferromagnetism, catalytic activity &, 548. Nicrotherm. See A lloys. films, catalytic activity, 559 ; deposited Nida bronze. See A lloys. by evapn., magnetic properties, 115; Niobium. See Colum bium . electrodeposited, elect, resistance, 547 ; Nitric acid, corrosion by. See Corrosion. sputtered, crystal structure, 299; Nitrides. See Alloys db compounds. sputtered, crystal structure & gas Nitrogen (see also Oases), content, 479 ; sputtered, gas-content, adsorption by copper, 557. 299. solubility in metals & alloys. See Oases forging. See Fo rg ing . & under names of metals. Subject Index 703

Nivarox. See Alloys. Paints, Nomenclature, report of A.S.T.M. cttee., permeability to moisture, 83. 275. standards, A.S.T.M., book, 540 (review). Non-ferrous metals & alloys, testing, 450. production in Gt. Britain, census, 651 weathering, 450. (review). Palladium (see also Platinum metals), report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 117. deposition. See Deposition. statistics, 641. diffusion in gold, 122; in silver, 122. Non-metallic elements in metals, term in­ diffusion of hydrogen, 163, 164, 189, 548, ology relating to, 576. 549. Noteh-effect, sensitivity to, 6. diffusion of oxygen, 189. electrical resistance of wires charged with hydrogen, 3. Oil plant, materials for, 245, 247. estimation. See A n a lysis. Oils, corrosion by. See Corrosion. occlusion of hydrogen, 548, 549. Olivine. See Refractory materials. oxidation, 502. Optical measurement, book, 278. separation. See A n a lysis. Optical properties (see also A lloys & under temperature radiations, 200. names of metals), wires, rate of heating by surface com­ of powdered metals, 412. bustion, 118. theory, 288. Palladium alloys. See A lloys. Osmiridium. See A lloys. Palladium black, Osmium (see also Platinum metals), adsorption of hydrogen under high press­ powder, ignition temp., 412. ure, 378. uses, 115. electrode potential in buffer solns., 549. Osmium alloys. See Alloys. Paper industry, Overvoltage, corrosion in. See Corrosion. definition, 452. corrosion-resistant alloys for, 500. hydrogen-, 189; theory, 23. Paramagnetism, mechanism, 601. book, 280. oxygen-, relation to catalysis, 249, 602. in alloys, 576. theory, 189. measurement, 197. Overvoltage of— Parkerizing, 388. Chromium-iron alloys, hydrogen-, in Particles, potassium hydroxide soln., 85. grading, 95. Oxidation (see also Corrosion, Alloys, & size, measurement, 94, 95, 199 ; m easure­ under names of metals), ment, discussion, 95. anodic. See Anodic oxidation. Parting of— at elevated temperatures, methods of Noble metals, electro-, 23. study, 589. Passivity (see also under names of metals), of molten metals, superficial, 412. anodic, cinematograph survey, 427. resistance to, 502. potentiometric study, 452. Oxygen (see also Oases), theory, 24, 181,189, 249, 601. adsorption by silver, 557. Patents, book, 278, 280. chem ical, in U.S.A. index, 280. pamphlet, 401. P.M.G. alloy. See Alloys. Patternmaking, 202. Painting, book, 536. protective, 352; principles, 83; scientific Patterns, plaster, 315. study, 183. Pelton wheels, cavitation, 587. protective value, 593. Perdurum. See A lloys. Painting of—• Periodic structures, 314, 618. Aluminium & its alloys, 19, 306, 429, Periodicals, 450, 504. directory, 55. Copper, with oil colours, 352. subject index, 57, 644. Elektron, 306. technical, future, book, 649 (review). Galvanized iron, 20. world list, 472. Magnesium & its alloys, 179. Perkins metal. See A lloys. Tinplate, comparative tests of paints, Permalloy. See A lloys. 388. Permanent mould casting of— Zinc sheet, 20. A lum inium artificial silk spinning Paints, vessels, 258. adhesion, effect of severe winter, 594. Permanent set, 614 ; see also A lloys & under aluminium. See A lu m in iu m . names of metals. anticorrosive, 450 ; permeability, 388 ; Perminvar. See A lloys. testing, 388 ; tests, 388, 389, 504. Peroxide-forming metals, anodieally-polar- chemically inhibitive action, 244. izing, photoactivity, 118. driers, 248. Petroleum plant, for temperature recording, 256. corrosion in. See Corrosion. function as metal preservative, 306. corrosion-prevention, 593. 704 Subject Index

Petrols, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Plastic flow (see also R olling, &c.), Pewter. See A lloys. crystallite orientation in polycrystalline Phase boundary potentials, booklet, 543 metal during, 580. (review). in soft metals, formulas, 573. Phenols, corrosion by. See C orrosion. Plasticity (see also A llo y s & under names of Phosphor-bronzes. See A lloys. m etals), 6. Phosphoric acid, and hardening, 411. alloys resistant to, 424, 499. and magnetism, 556. corrosion by. See Corrosion. definition, 67, 68. Phosphorus, determination, 68. allotropy, 377. effect of temperature, 338. book, 279. mechanism, 411. estimation. See A n a ly sis. of crystals, 481. Photoelastic stress, determination, 394. relation to elasticity, tenacity & brittle­ Photoelasticity, ness, 67, 68. French researches, 197. theory, book, 375. membrane analogy supplementing, 394. Plastico-viscous deformation of soft metal optical principles, 197. cylinders under variable load axially Photoelectric cells. See Laboratory ap­ directed, 411. paratus. Plating. See Deposition. Photoelectric effect (see also under names Platinoid. See A llo ys. of metals), Platinum (see also Platinum metals, theory, 290. Precious metals, &e.), Photographic plates. See Laboratory ap­ action of chlorine at very low pressure, paratus. 550. Physical properties. See under specific action of helium under elect, discharge properties. at low pressure, 3. Physico-chemical methods, book, 279. action of hydrogen under elect, dis­ Physics, charge at low pressure, 4. books, 112 (review ), 344, 375, 649 (review). action of nitrogen under elect, discharge constants, book, 283 (rev iew ); tables, at low pressure, 4. 277. action of oxygen under elect, discharge low temperature, book, 644. a t low pressure, 4. oi metals, book, 533. adsorption of hydrogen, 550, 557. terminology, book, 334. analysis. See A n a ly sis. Pickling, deposition. See Deposition. removal of surface oxides by, 631. detection. See A n a ly sis. rinsing after, 524. diffusion into gold, 122. Pickling of— diffusion of hydrogen, 164, 189, 337. Brasses, 631. diffusion of oxygen, 189. Constantan, 631. elasticity of flexure, 411. Galvanized iron & steel, 81. electrical conductivity, 641. Lead, 152. electrical resistance at low temps., 550; Monel metal, 627. temp, coeff., 641. Nickel, 627. electro-capillary phenomena & w ett­ Nickel-brasses, 293. ability, 559. Phosphor-bronze, 631. electrode potentials, 452 ; effect of move­ Tin, 152. ment, concn., & time, 452. Zinc, 152 ; blisters, 460. electrodes, polarization, 115. Pipes, estimation. See A n a ly sis. cold-water service, fixing, 370. etching. See Etch ing. industrial, book, 401. films, catalytic activity, 559; elect, protection from soil action, 183. resistance, 229 ; formed by eathodic underground, protection, 82. discharge in simple gases, elect, Pistons (see also Alloys : Aluminium properties, 66; light transmission, alloys, &c.), 229; photoelect, properties, 229; B .H .B ., manuf., 32. structure, 288. design, 375, 398. freezing point, 480, 550. materials, 375, 398. graphite in, 550. Planing tools, cutting action, 206. half-tone impressions on, 156. Plastic deformation (see also Deformation, hardness, 641. R ollin g , &c.), 460, 626. magnetic susceptibility, change by cold- book, 220, 473 (review). working, 3. during rolling. See R ollin g . photoactive effect, 118. mechanics, 459. Russian, properties, 641. mechanism, 411. separation. See A n a ly sis. of crystals, mechanism, 379. substitutes for electrodes in elect. theory, 531. oxidation, 600. thermal effects, 67. temperature radiations, 200. translation & cohesion in, 441. thermal expansion, X-ray detn., 116. Subject Index 705

Platinum, Praseodymium, thermionic constants, 115. atomic weight, 413. thermoelements. See Thermocouples. crystal structure, 238. wires, rate of heating by surface com­ detection. See A nalysis. bustion, 118. preparation, 286. working, book, 60 (review). Praseodymium alloys. See A lloys. x-ray scattering, 229. Precious metals (see also under names of Platinum alloys. See Alloys. precious metals), Platinum metals (see also under names of slip-lines, visibility, 577. platinum metals), wastes, refining. See Refining. analysis. See A n alysis. working, book, 60 (review). detection. See A n a lysis. Precipitation-hardening. See Age-harden­ electrodeposits, electroehem. properties, ing. 453. Pressing, estimation. See A n a lysis. book, 402 (review). in dental alloys, 173. stress-distribution, 626. Institute (Russian), 470. Study by electron interference, 289. uses, 115. Pressing of—- Plumbism. See Lead, poisoning. Brass, hot-, 151. Pobedit. See A lloys. Copper rods, 627. Poland, metallurgical research, 370. Duralumin, 446, 447. Polariscopes. See Laboratory apparatus. Monel metal, 627. Polarization (see also under names of metals), Nickel, 627. definition, 452. Powdered metals, hot-, 412. Polarograph. See Laboratory apparatus. Pressure die-casting. See Die-casting. Polished surfaces, Pressure vessels, gaskets, 529. examination by means of photoelectric Propellers, cells, 391. casting. See Casting. structure, 495. cavitation, 587. Polishes, 367. corrosion. See Corrosion. Polishing (see also B uffing), marine, m anuf., 620. book, 278, 535. Protalizing of— compositions, 524. Aluminium & its alloys, 18. machines, metallograpliic. See Labor- Protection. See also under various atory apparatus. methods, e.g. Anodic Oxidation, Color­ study by electron interference, 289. izing, Deposition, Galvanizing, Painting, Polishing of— Sherardizing, Spraying, Tinning, &c. Aluminium, 207. Protection of metals & alloys, 18, 20. Metal coatings, 37. against corrosion, book, 219. Metallographic specimens. See M eta l­ Prunes, corrosive action, inhibition, 79. lography. Pyrodur. See A lloys. Nickel-brasses, 293. Pyrometers (see also Thermocouples), Nickel-chromium alloys, 383. electrical, book, 401. Polonium, for chemical industries, 535. spontaneous separation on silver, 66. foundry, 30. volatilization on silver, 66, 409. indicating, 32. Porosity (see also A llo ys & under names of K urnakow’s, constructing cooling curves m etals), 174. for working with, 617. in castings, 201, 257. optical, 32; corrections, 256 ; rheo stat thesis, 59, 174. for use with, 518 ; theory, 617. Potassium (see also Alkali metals), photoelectric, 617. analysis. See A n a lysis. thermoelectric, indust, uses, 617. book, 535. total radiation, 32. crystals, optical absorption, 558. Pyrometry, detection. See A n a lysis. colour, 31. estimation. See A n a lysis. methods, 95. films, photoelect, properties, 410. temperature scale, colour, 436. optical properties, 5. Potassium salt industry, alloys for, 500. Potential differences between metal & soln. Quantity production, metallurgical prob­ other than H20, booklet, 543 (review). lem s, 274. Potentials, electrode. See Electrode poten­ Quarzilite, thermal conductivity, 521. tial. Quaternary alloys. See A lloys. Pouring. See Casting. Quenching (see also Heat-treatment), Powdered metals (see also A llo ys & under definition, 458. names of metals), phenomena, 366. hot-pressed, properties, 412. Quenching of— manufacture, 218. Aluminium alloys, theory, 458. optical properties, 412. Duralumin, sheet in air, 624. Powders, grading, 95. Quicksilver. See M ercury. 706 Subject Index

R.R. alloys. See Alloys. R efining, electrothermal, 190. Radiation, thermal, measurement, 31. Refining of— Radio. See W ireless. Anti-friction alloys, 602. Radioactivity. See under names of metals. Antimonial lead, 602. Radiology, 143. Copper, 355, 627 ; Prescott refinery, 139, apparatus, 313, 616. 249 ; purification of electrolytes, 190, application of thorium B to metallurgical 355 ; works at Swansea, 249. problem s, 126. Gallium, electro-, 509. applications, 313. Gold, electro-, 23. book, 57, 333. Lead by chlorination, 2 4 ; electro-, cathode tubes, characteristics, 256. from dithionate baths, 190; removal equipment, 456. of zinc with chlorine, 139. exposures, shortening time by use of Lead-tin alloys, electrothermal, 190. reflection diaphragms, 513. Magnesium, 249. film or paper, relative merits, 362. Mercury, electro-, 190. gamma-ray, 30, 517 ; sensitivity, 362. Nickel at Clydach, 250 ; scrap, 602. in inspection, 617. Precious metal wastes, electro-, 520. in railway work, 362. Silver at Raritan Copper Works, 2 5 0 ; industrial, books, 474 (reviews). electro-, 23. photographic technique, 255. Tin, electro-, 602. photographs, improvement, 456. Type metals, 602. practical application, 616. Reflectivity (see also A llo ys & under names protective measures, 376, 546. of metals), reflected ray method, effect of divergence for visible & ultra-violet radiation, 175, of primary X-rays on interpretation of 483. diagram s, 616. technique, 456. Radiology of— REFRACTORY MATERIALS— Castings, 199, 200, 313, 531. action of carbon monoxide, 319. Die-castings, 255. action of coal ash, 263. Forgings, 200, 531. action of gases, 623. Welds, 30, 95, 143, 200, 208, 255, 313, baking, 366. 362, 456, 531. books, 472, 534. Radium, detection. See A n a lysis. cem ents & lutes, requirements, 522 ; Ram et. See A lloys. improved, 366 ; tests, 522. Rare earth metal salts, electrolysis. See crucibles, graphite in, 150; increasing Electrolysis. life, 144; porosity,- method for Rare earth metals (see also under names of decreasing, 318; slag-resistant, 35; rare earth metals), slag-resistant, for H.-F. induction analysis. See A n a lysis. furnaces, 101; stresses, 150. atomic weights, 413. deaeration, 150. book, 57. electric furnace linings, 623. detection. See A n a lysis. evaporation technique, 253. isotopic constitutions, 413. for high temperatures, 262. preparation, 235. for non-ferrous industry, 149. Rare metals (see also under names of rare foundry, developments, 149. m etals), gas-permeability, measurement at high analysis. See A n a lysis. temps., apparatus, 319. industry, Russian, 642. heat-transmission, terms relating to, Raspberries, effect of metals on colour, A.S.T.M. definitions, 150. 79. in foundry, 320. Reaming of— particle size, testing, A.S.T.M. method, Aluminium alloys, 206. 204. Copper, 206. porosity, A.S.T.M. method of test, 439; Copper alloys, thesis, 59, 206. detn., 150. Monel metal, 206. progress, 366. Recrystallization (see also A llo ys, under properties, 150. names of metals, & also Crystal protective coats, 101. growth), 6. report of A.S.T.M. ettee., 203. book, 107 (review). resistance to temperature changes, cal­ grain-size, influence of initial on final, culation, 320. 12. selection, 522. of thin films, 577. softening point, testing, revision of phenomena, review, 577. A.S.T.M. method, 204. temperature, effect on creep, 75 ; theory, spalling, testing, A.S.T.M. method, 204. 496. * special, advances, 318. theory, 12. standards, German, 262. Recrystallized metals, structure, sub-micro­ strength, at high temps., 320. scopic differences from cast metals, terms relating to, revisions of A.S.T.M. 77. definitions, 150. Subject Index 707

Refractory materials— Research, testing, 101 ; under load at high temps., book, 375. tentative revision of A.S.T.M. stand­ industrial, 275, 371 ; appn. of statistical ard method, 203. methods, 371; control, 329 ; control, trade names, index, 220. pamphlet, 472 ; in U.S.A., 470. volume changes, permanent, A.S.T.M. report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 275. standard method of test, 439. Resilience, discussion, 93. Alum ina crucibles & tubes, porosity, testing. See Testing, impact. method for decreasing, 318; crucibles, Resistance, electrical. See Electrical s l a g -resisting, 35 ; fused, 366. resistance. Bauxites, constitution & properties, Resistance limits, Tammann’s, 80, 584. 522. Resurfacing with manganese—bronzes, 105. Calcium -aluminium silicates, therm al Rhenium, properties, 35. book, 61 (review). Carbon silicide, 366. chemical properties, 551. Carborundum, analysis, 320. deposition. See Deposition. Chromite, 623 ; properties, 262. lattice constants, 239. Clays, deaeration, 150; definitions, paramagnetism, 551. revision of A.S.T.M. standard, 203; physical properties, 551. detn. of alumina, 320. properties, 66. Core sands, preparation, 259; reclama­ specific heat, 551. tion, 259. uses, 66. Firebricks, properties, effect of fireclay Rhenium alloys. See Alloys. dust, 101; standard, use in furnace Rhodium (see also Platinum metals), construction, 101. deposition. See Deposition. Fireclay, action of carbon monoxide, estimation. See A nalysis. 319; gas-permeability, 319. freezing point, 337. Fireclay bricks, softening point, separation. See A n a lysis. A.S.T.M. method of test, 439. Rhodium alloys. See Alloys. Graphite, analysis, 3 2 0 ; crucibles, in­ Righi-Leduc effect, theory, 485. creasing life, 3 9 6 ; single crystals. Riveting of— See Single crystals ; testing & classi­ Aluminium, 205. fication, 145; thermal expansion, Rivets, 624. , 323. Magnesia, crucibles, slag-resisting, 35. German specifications, 51, 273. Magnesite, bonding mortar, 150. Rockwell hardness testing machines. See Magnesite bricks, properties, efiect of Testing machines. method of manuf., 623. Rods, . . Moulding sands, applications, 259 ; bond­ cold-work, latent energy remaining ing strength, efiect of silt, 519 ; classi­ after, 117. fication, 621; cohesion, action of pressing, 627. colloids, 146; control, 34; efiect of R olling, baking, 146 ; for non-ferrous practice, angle of grip, 628. 146; gas-permeability, 145; in­ books, 220, 331, 401, 536. fluence on strength of metals, 145; cold-, elongation during, 628. moisture content, 145 ; permeability, flow of metals, effect of friction & cross- efiect of grain structure, 519; pre­ section, 279, 459. paration, 259; properties, 202, 259, hot-, detn. of interval of plasticity of 315; properties at higli temps., heated alloys, 628. 4 3 8 ; synthetic, 98, 259; testing, power required, calculation, 628. 34, 202, 259, 621 ; testing, appn. precision, 629. of A.F.A. methods, 621; testing, pressure of metal on rolls, detn., 628. routine methods, 146, 315, 519; pressure required, calculation, 628. testing & control, B.C.I.K.A. re­ pressures, distant recording apparatus, commended methods, 336 (review). 522. skew -, Olivine, 318. stress relations, 626. Silica, gas-permeability, 319. stress distribution, 626. Silica bricks, burning, silica furnace theory, book, 472. lining for, 101; thermal expansion, work, 460 ; theory, 628. Rolling mills, 318. bearings, (review). Silicon carbide, book, 283 analysis, 320. cold-, development, 522. Tercod, 101, 366. history, Thorium oxide, 150. . 151. Zirconiferous materials, Rolling of— _ . , . , analysis, 320. Aluminium, 65, 6 27 ; inclusion of foreign particles, 320; sheet & foil, Refrigerating brines, corrosion by. See Corrosion. oils for, 36. Aluminium alloys, Relief patterns, 627. prodn., 632. u-Brass, hot-, 627. Relit. See A lloys. 708 Subject Index

Rolling of— Screws, Brasses, cold-, 264; hot-, 232. fatigue-strength, book, 404 (review ). Copper, effect of antimony & bismuth, German specifications, 51, 273. 321 ; (electrolytic) on large scale, report of U.S. Department of Commerce, 627 ; flat billets from wire-bars, 627 ; National Screw Thread Commission, on Mannesmann stand, 627. 58. Duralumin, effect of size of ingot, Sea-water, corrosion by. See Corrosion. 459. Season-cracking. See Internal stress. Elektron, 625. Secondary metals (see also S cra p ), Gold alloys, effect of phosphorus & oxides, book, 642. 102 ; faults, 265. Secondary structure. See Crystals. M anganin, 629. Segregate structures. See Widmanstatten Monel metal, 627. structures. Nichrome, cold-, 630. Segregation (see also A llo y s), Nickel, 627. inverse. See Inverse segregation. Tubes, 204 ; from strip, Bundy method, investigations, 76. 459. Selenium, White gold, effect of phosphorus & action of water, 409. oxides, 102. chemical properties, 116. Zinc alloys, crystal orientation, 348. detection. See A n a ly sis. Rolling texture. See A llo y s & under names occurrence, 116. of m etals. ores, 116. Rolls, surface temperature, measurement. physical properties, 116. 256. two forms, evidence for, 580. Röntgen analysis. See Crystal structure. uses, 116. Rubber, Selenium alloys. See A llo ys. coatings on metals, appns., 83. Separation. See A n a ly sis. deposition. See Deposition. Shafts with keyways or cracks, torsion Rubidium (see also Alkali metals), & flexure, 53. book, 535. Shear strength. See A llo y s & under crystals, optical absorption, 558. names of metals. estimation. See A n a ly sis. Sheet, films, photoelect, properties, 410. German specifications, 51, 273. isotopes, magnetic nuclear moment, 286. thickness, measuring apparatus, 253. optical properties, 5. thin, separation. measurement of thickness, 91. See A n a ly sis. Sherardized iron & steel, corrosion. See Rubidium alloys. See A lloys. Corrosion. Russia. See Union of Soviet Socialist Sherardizing, R epublics. improvements, 82. Shipbuilders, directory, 224 (review). Ruthenium (see also Platinum metals), Shipbuilding, estimation. See A n a ly sis. materials, 271 ; see also A llo y s & under separation. See A n a ly sis. uses, 115. names of metals, production in Gt. Britain, census, book, 651 (review ). Shrink fits, Safety plugs. frictional resistance, 342. See Fusible plugs. Sicromal. See A llo ys. Samarium, Sieves, atomic weight, 413. preparation, round-hole, A.S.T.M. specifications, 456. 235. term, Samarium alloys. A lloys. A.S.T.M. definition, 199. See Silica. Refractory materials. Sampling. See A n a ly sis. See Sand-blasting of— Silicates, electrolysis. See Electrolysis. Castings, Silicides. See Alloys dr compounds. 395. Silicon, Nickel-chromium alloys, 383. analysis. A n a ly sis. Sands, See moulding. See Refractory materials. metallurgical uses, Satco metal. See A lloys. 231. Sawing, preparation, electrolytic, 248. SUicon alloys. review of literature, 152. See A llo ys. sections, characteristic figures, 266. Silicon carbide. See Alloys dr compounds. Saws, band-, 151. Silit, heating elements, elect, resistance, de­ Scale, removal, 152. pendence on temp., 261. Schenck fatigue-testing machine. See I estmg machines. thermal conductivity, 521. Silumin. Scotland. See Great Britain. See A lloys. Silver Precious metals), Scrap (see also A llo y s & under names of (see also m etals), adsorption of oxygen, 557. classification, 520. analysis. See A n a ly sis. anodic polarization in aqueous solns., industry, German, 109, 202. 18. prevention, book, 335 (review). Screens. See Sieves. bactericidal action, 50, 164, 410, 551. blackening by sulphur & its compds., 17. Subject Index 709

Silver, Single crystals, cathodic sputtering, 328. hexagonal, tension coeff. of resistance, corrosion. See Corrosion. 555. creep, 379. large, growing, 391. deep-drawing. See D raw ing. liquid, 165. deoxidation. See Deoxidation. orientation, optical detn., 14, 421. deposition. See De-position. production, 5, 555 ; with prescribed axial deposits, compared with colloidal silver, orientation, 287. 453 ; X-ray study, 431. properties, 555. detection. See A n a lysis. rods, torsion modulus, detn., 94. diffusion of palladium, 122. state, questionnaire regarding the term, elasticity of flexure, 411. 578. electro-capillary phenomena & w ettabil­ surfaces, X-ray diffraction, 129. ity, 559. test-pieces, orientation of crystals, 555. electrode potentials, effect of movement, thermal expansion, variation with temp. eoncn., & time, 452 ; in pure buffer near Curie point, 547. solns., 249. volume-magnetostriction, 76. estimation. See A n a lysis. Single crystals of— films, as filter for ultra-violet light, 156 ; Alloys, solid solution formation, 497. catalytic activity, 560 ; crystal struc­ Aluminium, deformed, changes in pro­ ture, 300; elect, conductivity, ano­ perties by recovery, 228 ; elastic const., malous, 483; elect, resistance, 229 ; 161. evaporated, crystal orientation, 14; Bism uth, diamagnetism, 226 ; elect, optical transparency, spontaneous resistance, anisotropy, 165 ; segrega­ change, 480; photoelect, properties, tion of polonium, 581 ; subjected to 229. longitudinal magnetization, lattice fire stains, removal, 138. structure, 127 ; subjected to trans­ foil, optical absorption const., 229. verse magnetization, lattice structure inverse segregation in ingots, importance & elect, conductivity, 77. in analysis, 250. Bismuth alloys, diamagnetism, 226. Kongsberg, analyses, 4. Bismuth-lead alloys, thermal expansion light absorption, 119. at eutectic temp., 487. magnetic susceptibility, change by cold- Bismuth-tin alloys, thermal expansion working, 3. at eutectic temp., 487. mirrors, sputtered, 328. Cadmium, alternately twisted, change of mobility of polonium on & in, 409. shape, 545 ; tension coeff. of elect, native, metallographic study, 420 ; wire, resistance, 555. 164. Cobalt-iron alloys, magnetic properties, -oxygen-caesium photoelectric cell, 48. 4 88; volume-magnetostriction, 76. powders, optical properties, 412. Copper, contact p.d. between different refining. See R efining. faces, 65 ; dissoln. of crystal faces, reflectivity, 175 ; effect of temp., 546. 4 99; elastic const., 2; (100) & (111) relief patterns, prodn., 632. faces, emission of soft X-rays from, solders. See Alloys : Solders. 77 ; (100) & (111) faces, photoelect, spontaneous separation of polonium, 66. properties, 579. “ standard.” See Alloys : Copper-silver Ferromagnetic materials, surface mag­ alloys. netization, 496, 497. switch contacts, 273. Gallium, change of elect, resistance in temperature radiations, 200. magnetic field, 285, 546. thermal expansion, X-ray detn., 116. Graphite, 239. thermodynamics, book, 400. Magnesium, alternating torsion tests, wastes, treatment, 202, 622. 546. wires, rate of heating by surface com­ Nickel, contamination in Mo-resistanee bustion, 118. furnace, 3 ; surface magnetization, working, book, 60 (review). 497. x-ray scattering, 229. Nickel-iron alloys, volume-magnetostric­ Silver alloys. See A lloys. tion, 76. Silver chloride, deformed crystals, photo­ Tin, cuttability, 552 ; transformation of graphic development of slip-lines, 12. white to grey, 5. Zinc, 116; Silvering, alternating torsional tests, by cathodic sputtering, 328. deformed, rôle of mech. twinning in 578 228 of mirrors, 156. recrystn., ; elastic const., ; 391 Single crystals, large, growing, ; slipping & hard­ alternately twisted, change of shape, 545. ening, 164; tension coeff. of elect, bibliography, resistance, 555 ; thermal resistivity, 555. 480 94 ; crystallization, 12. ; torsion modulus, detn., deformed, changes in properties by re­ tw inning, 420 ; W iedem ann-Franz covery, 228. ratio, 480. gram ophone records m ade from , 555. Sinterbronze. See A lloys. growth, apparatus, 140. Sintering, vacuum, apparatus, 312. 710 Subject Index

Slags, Spraying of— copper-containing, treatment, 622. Copper, d ata , 19. examination, petrographic methods, 298. Lead, data, 19. Slip, 12, 129, 347, 441. M etals, 352 ; appns., 19, 83, 592 ; biblio­ lines in precious metals, visibility, 577. graphy, 329, 334 ; characteristics of planes, lattice-geometrical limitations, coatings, 134; data, 19; economics, 129. 19; elect.-operated pistol, 134; for Slush-casting oi— resurfacing corroded & worn parts, A lum inium kettle spouts, 438. 592 ; in petroleum & natural gas in­ Sm ena. See A lloys. dustries, 428 ; new apparatus, 247 ; Sodium (see also Alkali metals), on radio valves, 529 ; patents, 329 ; analysis. See A n a lysis. Schoop process, 183 ; Schoop process, atomic mass, 66. development, 306 ; technique, 592 ; book, 535. types of pistol, 592. crystal lattice, 497. Monel metal, d ata, 19. crystals, optical absorption, 558. Nickel-brass, d ata, 19. detection. See A n a lysis. Phosphor-bronze, d ata, 19. estimation. See A n a lysis. Tin, data, 19 ; on furniture, 216. gas-free, prodn., 141. Zinc, d ata, 19. glow lamp, 50. Spring materials, elastic modulus, temp. optical properties, 5. coeff., 125. reaction with dry oxygen, 379. Springs, Sodium alloys. See Alloys. for measuring instruments, 399. Soils, corrosion by. See Corrosion. instrument, elastic phenomena, 380. Soldering, 104, 323. Sputtered films. See F ilm s. book, 56. Sputtering (cathodic), burners, Bunsen, 266. apparatus, 454. fluxes, 461, 525, 632. of thin films, 229. principles, 525. Stainless steels. See Alloys : Steels. soft, book, 56. Stamping, solution, Brit. Air Ministry specification, book, 402 (review). 461. hot-, 265. Soldering of— new process, 36. Aluminium, 65, 152, 267, 633. technology, 627. Aluminium alloy sheet, 632. tools, standardization, 37. Copper pipe, 638. Stamping of— Jewellery (mass-produced), 632. Aluminium alloys, 151, 265. Magnesium, 633. Aluminium foil, 206. M anganin, wires, 104. Magnesium alloys, 151, 265. Monel metal, 461, 627 ; tanks, 50. Standardization, data, collection, 371. Nickel, 461, 627. Standards, Nickel-chromium alloys, 383. A.S.T.M ., book, 476 (review). Pobedit to chisel stems, 267. report of A.S.T.M. cttee., 275. W idia to chisel stems, 267. Statistics, Solders. See A lloys. m etal, book, 221, 278. Solid solutions. See A lloys. mineral, 644. Solid state, theory, 78, 581. Steels. See A lloys. Solidification, Stellite. See A lloys. control, 257, 518. Stelliting of valve steels, 462. from liquid state, 314. Stereomagnetism, 178. theory, 618. Stereotype m etal. See Alloys: Type metals. Solids, reactions in, 411. Stoodite. See A lloys. Solutions, concentrated non-ideal, law Strain-hardening, theory, 379. of mass action, 24. Strawberries, effect of metals on colour, 79. Specific heat (see also under names of Stray currents, corrosion by. See Corrosion. m etals), Stress-corrosion. See Corrosion-fatigue. at high temperatures, 225, 226. Stresses, at low temperatures, 228. analysis by X-ray diffraction, 613. calculation, 118. distribution, detn. by elongation meas­ Specifications, acceptance-rejection re­ urements, 613. quirements, 392. elastic. See Elastic stresses. Speculum metal. See A lloys. in welds. See W elds. Spelter. See Zinc. inherent, in castings & forgings, detn., 613. Spelter shakes. See Brass-founder's ague. internal. See Internal stress. Sprayed metal coatings, location, photoelastic method, 513. behaviour to liquids & gases, 352, torsional, detn., 614. microstructure, 496. Strip, Spraying of— drawing properties, importance of ratio Aluminium, d ata, 19, of yield-strength to ultimate tensile Brass, d ata, 19. strength, 205. Subject Iudex 711

Tantalum, electrical resistance, S stress distribution, 3 9 6 . specific, 286. Strontium (see also Alkaline earth metals), electrolytic valve action, 285, 545. analysis. See A n a lysis, films, light transmission, 229. occurrence, 480. detection. See A n a lysis. physical properties, 338. Strontium alloys. See Alloys. preparation, 273 ; by thermal dissociation Structure, crystal. See Crystal structure. of compds., 557. fibre-. See Fibre structure. properties, 273, 370, 480. mosaic. Crystals. reflective power, 175. See specific heat, 227. , o£ materials, book, 54. spinnarets for artificial silk manui., secondary. See Crystals. segregate. See Widmanstàtten structure. 156. veining. See Veining structure. tubes, seamless, 528. Sugar factory apparatus, corrosion. See uses, 273, 480. wire, d ata, 338. Corrosion. Tantalum carbides. A llo ys <6 com ­ Sulphite liquors, corrosion by. See Corro­ See pounds. sion. Sulphur, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Tapping of— Monel metal, 206. Sulphur dioxide, action on metals, bee Technical terms, metallurgical, glossary, Corrosion. Sulphuric acid, corrosion by. See Corrosion. 53. Superconductivity (see also A lloys & under Tellurium, action of water, 409. names of metals), 167. chemical properties, 116. detection. A n a lysts. commencement, new effect, 289. See electrode, study, 138. critical field, 413. estimation. See A n a lysis. theory, 68, 165, 340, 484, 495, 561 Superconductors, transition point, effect ot occurrence, 116. ores, 116. H.-F. currents, 165. physical properties, 116. Super-hard alloys. See A lloys. Superheated steam, alloy for armatures reflective power, 175. uses, 116. working in, 415. Tellurium alloys. See A lloys. Superston. Alloys. See Temperature, Supra-Alu S.S. See Alloys. control, 200, 256 ; apparatus, 32 ; a u to ­ Supra-Kolben. See Alloy s. matic, 143; in elect, furnace, 314; Surface tension (see also A lloys & under use of Thyratron, 200; see also nam es of m etals), Laboratory apparatus : Thermostats. of molten metals, 165. effect on properties of metals, report of Surfaces research cttee. of A.S.T.M. & A.S.M.E., colouring by oxide & other films, theory, 117. 132. furnace, measurement, 95. f i l m s , structure & growth, 578 ; seo also high. See High Temperatures. F ilm s. indicators. See Laboratory apparatus. finish, measurement, 524. low . Low temperatures. mechanically-worked, See study by electron measurement. See Pyrometry. interference, 289. radiations, 200. small-scale structure, 495. regulators. See Laboratory apparatus. temperatures, measurement, 257. scales, colour, 436 ; internat. comparison, Swaging of— ,, . . KO 20°. Tungsten wire contg. thorium , £ o j. surface, measurement, 256. Sweden, S tatens Provningsanstalt, btoclc- Tempering. See Annealing, Heat-treatment, holm , report, 1932-1933, 57. &c. Synthetic metal bodies, pressing, internal Tenacity, strains produced by, 12. definition, 67, 68. determination under static load, b8. relation to elasticity, plasticity, & brittle­ Tamrarc process. See Welding. ness, 67, 68. Tanning liquors, Tensile properties (see also A llo ys & under alloys resistant to, 38b. names of metals), corrosion by- See Corrosion. at very low temperatures, 116. Tantalum, . effect of temperature, 338. action of chemicals, 370. relation to hardness, 93. analysis. See A n a lysis. Tension testing. See Testing & Testing anodic resistance, 590. m achines. atomic weight, 480. Tensometer. Seo Testing machines. corrosion. See Corrosion. Terbium, atomic weight, 413. deposition. See Deposition. ; Tercod. See Refractory materials. ductile, manuf. in hydrogen atm., 551 Ternary alloys. See A lloys. prepn., 286. 712 Subject Index

TESTING, METHODS OF— Testing, methods of— Test-specimens, compression, grain meas­ Testing, urements, 28. internal stress of tubes, comparison Testing, of methods, 613. accuracy, 94. machining properties, 359. bend, 513, 515; A.S.T.M. method, m agnetic, terms, units & symbols, 198; critical discussion, 435; of A.S.T.M. definitions, 197. welds, 368. mechanical, value of methods, 197. books, 223, 277, 533. methods, criticism, 254; report of brittleness, book, 533. A.S.T.M. cttee., 196; review, 613; compression, A.S.T.M. methods, 198 ; standardization, 613. factors affecting, 360 ; flow in, 198 ; non-destructive, 358. grain-measurements on test-speci­ Of refractories. See Refractory materials. m ens, 28. particle size, A.S.T.M. method, 199; congress, Zürich, report, 475 {review). presentation & comparison of data, corrosion. See Corrosion. 362. creep, 339, 360, 615 ; A.S.T.M. method, results, accuracy & variability, 94; 142 ; equipment, 360; interpreta­ interpretation, 613. tion of results, 455 ; modified Rohn strain measurements, factors affecting, test, 379, 615. 360. cupping, Brit, standard specification, tensile, 254, 513, 616; A.S.T.M. 400. methods, 435 ; calculation of elon­ data, presentation, report of A.S.T.M. gation of test-pieces for any gauge- cttee., 196. length, 515 ; effect of speed of test, ductility, A.S.T.M. method, 198 ; value 393; effect of strain & rate of of transverse test for alloys of low strain, 394 ; factors affecting, 360 ; elongation value, 514. long-time high-temp., A.S.T.M. effect of notches & laws of similitude, method, 142; of sheet, 361; of 392. thin sheet & strip, British standard elasticity, errors, 435. specification, 198 ; of welded joints, endurance, 92. 29 ; of welds, 394; plane states of fatigue, 435; book, 647; develop­ stress immediately before fracture, ment in Germany, 92; discussion, 616; relation between elongation 92; of cable-sheath, 514; of light % & sectional area and gauge- metals & alloys, 340; of welds, length, 616; short-time high- 368 ; of wire, 514; short-time, 360 ; temp., A.S.T.M. method, 198; speed effect, 361; test-pieees, crys­ short-time high-temp., detn. & tal lattice distortion & distribution, significance of proportional limit 455. & breaking strength, 142; short- hardness, 93, 254, 513; ball-, effect of time high-temp., significance of linear state of stress, 29; book, results, 142; test-pieces, crystal 473 (review ); Brinell, advantages of lattice distortion & distribution, 455. pyramids, 455 ; Brinell, defects of terms relating to, A.S.T.M. definitions, ball impressions, 455; Brinell, 196. depth of action, 455; Brinell, torsion, for indicating corrosion, 312. effect of breadth of test-piece, 255 ; torsion impact, 351. Brinell, flattening of balls, 93; transverse, breaking out of bars at Meyer, 516; minimum dimensions centre, 393. of test-samples, 515; of metallic wear, 141, 312 ; of deposits, 185. surfaces, 29; of thin sheets, Rock­ Testing machines, well, effect of thickness, 516; re­ accuracy, 94. lation of Brinell & scleroscope bend, 515; for welds, 142. numbers, 199; relation of size of calibration, 94. specimen, 616; relationship be­ creep, 94. tween scales, 92, 93; Rockwell, cupping, Olsen, 435. A.S.T.M. methods, 199 ; Rockwell- endurance, MAN alternate bending, 28. Brinell conversion tables, 616; extensometers, 93; mechanically re­ static & dynamic, 57, 279, 334, 516; cording, 198; with accuracy of theory, 516 ; uniformity, 255. 0-001 mm., 416. high temperature, 93, 313. fatigue, 254, 514; at Univ. of Illinois, impact, 513; A.S.T.M. methods, 535, 615; Davos, 92; high-speed, 199; notched-bar, 92; notched- 361 ; historical survey, 91 ; plane- bar, as acceptance test, 93 ; notched- bending, of D.V.L., 28; Schenck, bar at high temps., 482 ; notched- 615; types, 91. bar, British standard test-pieces, hardness, 29, 254; accuracy, 93; 219, 255; notched-bar, for welds, Brinell, direct-reading, 29 ; critical 93 ; notched-bar, interpretation of discussion, 93; drop tester, 93; results, 142 ; notched-bar, standard Duroskop, 30; 5-125 kg„ 142; test-pieces, 92, 93; notched-bar, Guillery, 29; Microbilleur, 29; suitability for welds, 142. Rockwell, 29. Subject Index 713

Thermal treatment. See Heat-treatment. Testing, methods of— Thermax. See Alloys. _ Testing machines, Thermionic emission, (review). high-temperature, book, 476 393. Thermionic properties. See under names impact torsion, 198, 615. tensile, of m etals. 29, 254; for fixed rate of ex­ Thermionic work-function. See under tension, 394. nam es of m etals. tensometer, Huggenberg, 361. Thermocouples (see also Pyrometers), torsion, 94. base-metal, 517. types, 312. circuit doubler with dotting recorder, universal, 435. 313. verification, A.S.T.M. methods 198. cold-junction temperature, 517. wear, 312 ; of bearing metals, ¿92. cold-junctions, connector, 436. Testing of— commercial, 200. Cutting tools, 359. Constantan, resistance at low temps., Die-castings, 359. Electrical heating materials, 455, 228. contact, 32. A.S.T.M. methods, 455. elements, properties & working temps., Hot-worked materials, 359. Sheet, Brit, standard specification, 31. for gas temperatures, 436 400 ; deep-drawing properties, 627 ; for temperatures up to 1800 I/., ¿«¿- Erichsen, 513, 626; Erichsen, in­ graphite-carborundum, 363. vestigation, 91 ; Erichsen, modifica­ noble metal, methods of servicing, 144. tion, 254 ; (thin), 28; (thin), tensile, platinum, destruction in furnaces heated British standard specification, 1J8. by Silit resistances, 95. Strip, Brit, standard specification, platinum /platinum-rhodium, contam ina­ 400 ; (thin), tensile, Brit, standard tion by reducing atm., 31; resistance specification, 198. at low temps., 228 ; tests, 31; thermo­ Welds 142, 143, 197, 208, 324, 634; elect. temp, scale, 31. bend, 142; elect., 143; m agnetic, 143, 198; non-destructive, ¿12, Pyrofer, 200. 613; notched-bar impact, 142; radiation, 517. Schmuckler, 39 ; standardization, response, 436. sputtered, 363. , , 210, 634; suitability of notched- tungsten-molybdenum, experiences with, bar impact test, 93 ; tensile, 394 ; 96. tubes, apparatus, 197. Thermodynamics, f Wire mesh, 30. chemical, book, 4 0 2 ; in metallurgy of coloured metals, book, 400. Thallium, of electrical phenomena, book, 4uo crystals, macroscopic, prepn., 4. (review). _ detection. See A n a lysis. Thermoelastic phenomena, theory, 485. electrical resistance, recovery after cold- Thermoelectric effects (see also under work, 555. nam es of m etals), . estimation. See A n a lysis. theory, 485 ; booklet, 543 (review). expansion, X -ray study, 6. Thermoelectric power (see also A lloys A hardness, recovery after cold-work, boo. under names of metals), latent heat of fusion, 286. of elect, resistance alloys, A.b.i.ivi. separation. See A n a lysis. method of test, 436. specific heat, 551, 552 ; at low temps., of thin films, 118. 287. Thermoelectricity, 166. superconductivity, 551, 552. Thermomagnetic effects (see also transformation, heat of, 286. names of metals), Thallium alloys. See A lloys. „ . theory, 485. Thermal auto-stabilization. See Testing, transverse, 485. Thermometers. See Laboratory apparatus. ThermalP conductivity (see also A llo ys & Thermostats. See Laboratory apparatus. under names of metals), Thesis writing, manual, 533. book, 543 {review). . Thickness, , 01 . effect on use of metals in chem. industry, measurement, magnetic apparatus, y i, 118 w ith high precision, 141. measurement, apparatus, 612, 645; up Thorium, . to 600° C., 391. analysis. See A n a lysis. relation to temperature, 5bo. detection. See Analysis. diffusion into tungsten, 554. Thennàl expansion (see also A llo ys & under half-period life, 287. • nam es of metals), nntical preparation by thermal dissociation of compds., 557. "rrsfsfe-sfs? r™ ^ 1^ . production, 480. tory apparatus : Dilatometers. uses, 480. sm all, measurement, 254. working properties, 480. x-ray study, 6. 714 Subject Index

Thorium B, Tinning of— application to metallurgical problems, Copper, 246, 351 ; cooking vessels, prodn. of hard undercoat prior to, 182 - distribution in metals, 574. pipes for drinking water, 182. Thorium oxide. See Refractory materials. W ires, 246. Threading oi— Tinplate, Monel metal, 206. analysis. See A n a lysis. Thulium, atomic weight, 413. cans, lacquers, 428 ; protection, 428. Tin, compound layer, structure, 305, 374, /¡-, lattice constants, 239. 591. accumulator, 328. corrosion. See Corrosion. analysis. See A n a lysis. decoration, book, 224 (review). ancient, sources, 530. defects, 305, 374, 591. blackening of foil. See Corrosion. discoloration by fruits, 79. corrosion. See Corrosion. lacquering. See Lacquering. crystallization, 410. manufacture, 81, 591. crystals, extension, 227; properties, painting. See P a inting. 552. quality, detn., 504. deposition. See Deposition. testing of coating, 252. deposits on steel, testing thickness, 533. Titanite. See A lloys. diffusion of lead, 339. Titanium, discoloration by fruits, 79. estimation. See A n a lysis, electrical properties, 552. preparation by thermal dissociation of electrical resistance, recovery after cold- compds., 557. work, 555. uses, 528. electrode potential in pure buffer solns., Titanium alloys. See Alloys. 249. Titanium carbide. See Alloys db com­ electrodes, behaviour in alkaline media, pounds. 138. Titration. See A n a lysis. estimation. See A n a lysis. Torsion (see also Testing & Testing mach- expansion. X -ray study, 6. films, sputtered, colour, 410. modulus, dependence on frequency of foil, blackening. See C orrosion; diffu­ oscillation, 481. sion of mercury, 173. Torsional strength (see also A llo ys & under hardness, recovery after cold-work. names of metals), 555. of notched-bars, book, 537. in foodstuffs, 216. Toughness, relation to elasticity, plasticity, in telephone industry, 216. & brittleness, 67, 68. isotopes, nuclear spin, 338. Track metal. See A lloys. light absorption, 119, 483. Trade marks, books, 278, 280. magnetic properties, 552. Transformations (see also A llo ys & under magnetic susceptibility, 552. names of metals), mechanical properties, 552. investigations by secondary electron optical properties, 552. emission, 288, 558. pickling. See P ickling. polymorphic, temperature, theory, 496. pipes for water, 274. Transverse testing. See Testing. properties, 472, 552. Trichlorethylene, corrosion by. See Cor­ refining. See Refining. rosion. relief patterns, prodn., 632. Tube-drawing, research & development, 470, 472. European practice, scrap, 218. recovery, 202, 602. power required, 629. single crystals. See Single crystals. Tube-drawing of— specific heat, 118. Brass, spraying. Sp raying. power required, 629. See Copper, 161; power required, 629; surface films, structure, 578. without mandrel, study of stress, thermal properties, 552. drawing, & wall thickness, 629. thermodynamics, book, 400. Duralumin, 629 ; power required, 629. thin layers, structure, 78. Tubes, toxicity, 216. condenser. See Condenser tubes. white, transformation to grey tin, 5. corrosion. See Corrosion. yield-stress a t various tem ps., 338. extrusion. E xtru sio n . Tin alloys. A lloys. See See flaw locator, Tinicosil. A lloys. 29. See from strip, 459. Tinned copper. See Copper. German specifications, 51, 273. Tinned metals, corrosion. See Corrosion. interior inspection, Tinned objects, 91. rust-proofing, 429. internal stress, comparison of methods of Tinning, testing, 613. solution, Brit. Air Ministry specifications, 461. manufacture, 265 ; progress, 204. rolling. Rolling. spots & streaks, 246. See seam less, manuf., 538 (review). Subject Index 715

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Tungsten, industry, book, 650 (review). adsorption oî hydrogen, 287. magnesium industry, 2 anodes as substitute for platinum in nd 5-year plan, 600. 470- ,n i elect, oxidation, metal industry, barium adsorbed films on, energy sources, 531. thermionic nickel industry, 470 ; Ural works, 531. properties, 410. non-ferrous industry, programme for caesium films on. See C æ sium . 1933,469. , catalysis of ammonia on, mechanism, 554. Platinum Institute, 470 ; work of metal- chemistry, book, 62 (review). lographical commission, 641. crystal structure of a & form s, 13, 08O. rare metal industry, 642. deposition. See Deposition. United States of America, , diffusion of molybdenum, 553. chemical industry, guide-book, 11 - [re- ductile, prodn., 50. view). elastic modulus, temp, coeff., 125. chemistry, electrode potentials, 452 ; in pure buffer annual survey, 40_. copper industry, 531. soins., 249. Government Printing Office, a n n u a l filaments, faults, detection, 195 ; very thin, prodn., 553. industrial equipment manufacturers, films, elect, conductivity, change by catalogue, (review). 553. 160 action of elect, discharge, laboratories, indust., book, heat-treatment. Heat-treatment. 280. , See mineral resources of M assachusetts, in world economics, thesis, 59, 216. b o o k , 219. in x-rav tubes, 50. research, industrial, lattice constants a & 13, 580. 470. . of form s, Society of Automotive Engineers, r e v i s e photoelectric emissivity, effect of alkali specifications, 275. ions, 410. Uranium, physical properties, 338. estimation. Sec A nalysis positive-ion emission, 227. preparation by thermal dissociation of powders, grading, apparatus, 95 ; prepn., compds., 557. 218. preparation production, 480. by thermal dissociation of separation. See A n a lysis. com pds., 557. production, 216; electro-, from fused uses, 480. working properties, 480. phosphate bath, 509. specific heat, 118, 162 ; ratio to thermal coeff. of expansion, 553. V.D.M. process, 37. swaging. See Swaging. Vacuum, melting in. See M elting. thermal expansion coeff., ratio to specific 553. Valves, . heat at const, pressure, aero-engme, wear, 529. thermoelements. See Thermocouples. m aterials for steam power plant, com thoriated, diffusion coeff. of thorium, 554; electron field currents from, parative tests, 639. effect of temp., 554 ; manuf. of wire, Vanadium, . 459 ; thermionic work-function at analysis. See A n a lysis. zero field, 553 ; wire, microstructure, detection. See A n a lysis. developments, 480. 298. effect on metals, theories, 480. uses, 216, 273. estimation. See A n a lysis. wire, d ata , 338. preparation by thermal dissociation wire-drawing. See Wire-drawing. c o m p d s . , 557. Tungsten alloys. See A lloys. specific heat, 227. Tungsten carbide. See Alloys & com­ superconductivity, 480. pounds. Vanadium alloys. See A lloys. Tuugum. See A lloys. Turbine blading, vaporization. See under names of metals cavitation, 588. Vapour pressure. See A llo ys & developments, 217. names of metals. erosion, 217. Varnishes, testing, 450. stresses, 529. Varnishing of— Turning, temperature range, uetn., oai. Aluminium & its alloys, 1J. Turning of— Galvanized iron, 429. Aluminium, oils for, 36. Vedal metal. See A lloys. Aluminium alloys, 152. Vegetable juices, corrosion by. See co r- Monel metal, 206. rosion. Twinning. See Crystals. Veining structures, 578. Type metals. See A lloys. Vibration strength. See under names ot m etals. Vinegar, corrosion by. See Corrosion. Union oî Soviet Socialist Republics, Viscosity of molten metals & alloys, meas aluminium industry, 2nd 5-year plan, 470. urement, 419. copper industry, 641. 716 Subject Iudex

V italium . See A lloys. Welding, Vokar. See Alloys. electric arc, phenomena, 43, 208 ; pheno­ Volatilization (see also under names of mena, atomic-physical bases, 325 ; m etals), phenomena studied by slow-motion of metals through their chlorides, 59. photography, 42 ; review, 634 ; Tamrarc Volomit. See A lloys. system, 463 ; theory of arc, 208 ; use of Volramit. See A lloys. Monel metal electrodes, 39 ; voltage Volume changes. See E xp a n sio n . control of arc, 208; with metallic Volume-magnetostriction, 76. electrodes, book, 221. Volvit bronze. See A lloys. electric resistance, 42, 154, 208, 634; appns., advantages & limitations, 463 ; control, 154, 369; electrode alloys! W ales. See Qreat Britain. 526 ; electrodes, 42, 635 ; plant, 269 ; Washing agents, corrosion by. See Cor­ principles, 635 ; review, 634 ; timer! rosion. 635 ; transformers, specifications,’ Waste-heat boilers, data from Amer. 42. metal plants, 262. electrodes, prepn., 57 ; speed of fusion W aters, corrosion by. See Corrosion. 154. W ear (see also A llo ys & under names of Elin process, 43. m etals), fillet, stresses, 368. by frictional oxidation, 558. fusion, 463. testing. See Testing & Testing machines. gas-, review, 635. Weathering, 228. history, 208. Weight percentages, conversion to atomic hydrogen-electric, 38. per cent., 53, 577. in brewery, 269. W elding, in hydrogen atmosphere, 43. accessories, 463. instruction, 45. acetylene, air content, detn., 45, 209 internal strains, 633. cylinder, effect of low temp., 210 jigs & fixtures, design, 41, 269. distribution, high pressure, 209, 526 left- or right-hand ? 39, 269. volume-meter, 635. methods, review, 211. acetylene apparatus, back-pressure valves, oxy-acetylene, 44, 463 ; addition of oil- testing, 44; testing, book, 405 gas, 369 ; apparatus & containers, (review). 44 ; automatic machine, 369 ; books, acetylene cylinders, handling, 45. 63 (review), 219, 405 (reviews), 535, acetylene generators, explosion-pressures, 643, 644 ; building up worn parts by, 526; French regulations, 635; low- 153; encyclopaedia, 405 (review); pressure, safety receivers, 44 ; main­ equipment, 208 ; failures, 44 ; flame tenance, 210; performance, 325. temp., 526 ; in aircraft practice, 268 ; Arcatom process, 269. in brewery, 44 ; kinematics, 526 ; of Arcogen process, 208; effect of gas sheets, 526; report of cttee., 56; flame, 208. report of Internat. Acet. Assoc., 268 ; atomic hydrogen, 43, 208, 325. study of flames, 209 ; use of angular autogenous, 42, 268; books, 54, 112 filler rod, 44. (review), 221, 268; collected work, oxygen cylinders, handling, 45. 332; distortion & residual stress, processes, characteristics & appn., 41, book, 336 (review ); scientific basis, 525. 209 ; classification, 41. backward, 368. regulators, pressure, design, 209 ; press­ Barimar system, 41. ure, testing, 209. blowpipes, fouling of tip, 209; gas ratio rods, chromium—nickel, 463 ; coatings. & shape of flame, 325 ; testing, 325. 463. books, 57, 160 {review), 374. shot-, 42. bronze-, 368 ; building up parts by, 153. butt-, 211. Spot-, 42 ; timing, 154 ; vacuum-tube control, 42. carbon arc, 268, 269 ; Elin process, 43 • use, 43. symbols, 40, 41, 268. Tamrarc system, 463. effect on properties, 208. teaching, 211. electric, automatic timer, 41; book, 333 ; technique, book, 111 (review). developments, 41; generators, 269; testing & qualification of workers, generators, classification, report of 374. French cttee., 41; generators, self­ torch or electric arc, comparison, 398. excited, 41; methods & apparatus, training, 45, 269. 154; report of French cttee., 41 V.D.I. Committee on, list of researches, electric arc, 154, 208, 463, 634; atomic &c., 39. hydrogen, 43 ; books, 57, 405 (review), 536 ; costs, 535 ; design, book, 278 ; Welding machines, 463. generators & transformers, report of automatic carbon arc, 208. French cttee., 41; handbook, 332, dynamic characteristics, 41. electrical resistance, 208, 526, 635 648 (review ); instruction, 45 ; inter- electrical twin-spot, 1 5 4 . electrode gaseous conditions, 324; spot-, efficient working, 634. Subject Index 717

Welding o£— Welding of— Aluminium, 152; autogenous, 633; Pobedit to chisel stems, 267. east auto-engine casing, 633 ; castings, Pressure vessels, 40. 398 ; distillation equipment, elect, Spiral seams, 40. arc, 525 ; economic aspects, 38 ; elect, Super-hard alloys to drills, 463. arc, 104, 267, 462; elect, resistance, Tanks containing inflammable vapours, 154, 398, 635 ; flux, Brit. Air Ministry 40. specification, 462; gas-, 104; oxy- Tubes, 525. acetylene, 267 ; oxy-acetylene, book, Vokar, to drills, 463. 334; piping, 38; resistance, 38; W idia to chisel stems, 267. technique, 104 ; tests on welds, 39. Welds, Aluminium alloys, elect, arc., 104 ; elect, butt-, stresses, 40. resistance, 104, 398 ; fatigue tests on design, 39, 211. spot-welds, 527; gas-, 104; oxy- fatigue. See Fatigue. acetylene, 104 ; oxy-acetylene, book, fillet, effect on eccentricity, 40 ; rep re­ 334; resistance, 38. sentation by symbols, 40 ; strength, Brass, elect, resistance, 154, 635; pipe, 142 ; stress distribution, 324. 153 ; pipe, oxy-acetylene, 105 ; sheet, heat-treatment. See Heat-treatment. 38 ; sheet, oxy-acetylene, 105 ; tests impact strength, book, 645. on welds, 39. macrography, 39. Brewing equipment, oxy-acetylene, 44. measurement, instrument, 391. Bronze bells, 367 ; casting, building-up metaUographic examination, 126. corroded parts, 633; elect., with a.c., radiology. See Radiology. 462; elect, resistance, 154, 635; strength, 324. stresses, 40, 210, 211, 324, 368, 525; sheet, oxy-acetylene, 105. bibliography, 368 ; contraction, 633 ; Chromium alloys, 105. Chromium-nickel alloys, 383; w ire & distribution, 39 ; heat-, 40 ; of ther­ tape, 105. mal origin, effect on strength ^ of Copper, 105; chemical still, elect, arc, welded structures, 633 ; study with 268; elect, arc, thesis, 537; elect, polariscope, 398. resistance, 154, 635; elect., use of testing. See Testing. carbon arc, 43; fusion, of pipes & under dynamic loading, 634. barrels, 152; hammering of welds, Wettability of metals, 559. 367 ; in chem. industries, 462 ; loco, White gold. See Alloys. fireboxes, 267, 462; loco, fire-boxes, White metals. See A lloys. elect, arc, 634 ; long-arc method, 105 ; W idia. See A lloys. oxy-acetylene, 153, 268, 462; oxy- Widmanstatten structure in— acetylene, book, 404 (review); piping, Iron nitrogen alloys, 384. Iron-phosphorus alloys, 384. 38, 105, 153; tank, oxy-acetylene, Zinc-copper solid solutions, 177. 105; tests on welds, 398; vats for W idth, measurement, with high precision, food processing, 153. 141. Copper alloys, 38, 105. Winery equipment, materials for, 425. Duralumin, 323. W ines, action on metals. See Corrosion. Elektron, 571. Everdur, elect., use of carbon arc, ; Wire cloth, Foui'drinier, 155. tanks, 38, 105. coated, Galvanized steel, 153. rapid testing, 428. Hard-facing materials, 398. conductors, flaws, detection, 195. Hydronalium, elect, arc, 462. corrosion. See Corrosion. creep, 393. , , . Inconel, 153. diameter, measurement, photo-electric, Lead, 268, 323; elect, arc, 267; m 6i3. manuf. of batteries, 38. fine, diameters, measurement, 91. M.G. 7, elect, arc, 634; welding rods & flaw locator, 29. wire, 323. galvanizing. Oalvanizrng. Magnesium alloys, See 493; oxy-acetylene, German specifications, 51, 273. book, 334. . , ignition temperatures, Monel metal, 153, 323, 627 ; cracking of 412. welds, 268; elect, resistance, 154, plating. See Deposition. 635 ; finishing of plates, 39 ; left- or rope, book, 531. right-hand? 39 ; tanks, 50 tables, 645. testing. See Testing. Nickel, 38, 153, 268, 323, 627, 633, cracking of welds, 268; elect, arc, tinning. See T in n in g . 462; elect, resistance, 154, 030, Wire-drawing, book, 401. finishing of plates, 39 ; left-or right- “ casting,” 322. hand? 39; oxy-acetylene, 4b2. dies, angle & contour, 321; diamond, prepn., 630; rotating, experiments with, 321; size, 630; stresses & HateafdtótiitMtion ol ump. <; strains, 36. 633 ; (thick), oxy-acetylene, 44. formulae & tables, 523, 3 A VOL. 1 . 718 Subject Index

Wire-drawing, Zinc, high-speed, 265. chemical properties, 555, 643. lubrication, 36. chromium-plating. See Deposition. machines, 630. coating process, “ Flam e-Sealed,” 351, mechanism, theory, 36. 504. multi-pass, 630. coatings. See Galvanized iron & steel. plant, 205 ; Italian, 459. colouring. See Colouring. power required, 630. commercial, im purities, 67. research, 523. contamination of foods, 218. slide rule, 459. corrosion. See Corrosion. speed, 459. crystal structure, 580. stresses, 35. crystals, twinning, 420. tension required, effect of backward cups, ears on, 205. pull, 102, 205, 322. deep-drawing. See Drawing. theory, 630. deep-drawing properties, 627. with diamond dies, 630. density, effect of cold- & hot-rolling, Wire-drawing of— 287. Aluminium, inclusion of foreign particles, deposition. See Deposition, Galvanizing, 320. Sherardizing, &c. Copper, 522; at high speeds, 523 ; (fine deposits, protective value in atmosphere, wire) with diamond dies, 630 ; Italian 349. plant, 459; lubrication, 629; plant, detection. See Analysis. 205; sizing & re-sizing carbide & diffusion in mercury, 480. diam ond dies, 36. diffusion of iron, 574. Manganin, 629, 630. dust, cementation with, 247; X-ray Tungsten, contg. thorium, 459. exam ination, 239. Wireless apparatus, m etals in, 641. economics, world situation, 1933, 334. Wireless valves, materials, 641. electrical resistance, recovery after cold- Woods, corrosion by. See Corrosion. work, 555. Working of metals (see also under names of electro-capillary phenomena and w et­ processes), tability, 559. books, 219, 375. electrode potentials, effect of movement, Worn parts, building up with manganese- concn., & time, 452. bronze, 105. electrolysis. See Electrolysis. electrolytic, gas content, 248, 556 ; hard- ness, 287; mech. properties, 67, X-ray equipment. See Laboratory appar­ 228. atus. electrometallurgy, 188. X-ray spectroscopy, focussing effect enamelling. See Enamelling. associated with use of bent crystals, estimation. See Analysis. ' 28. etching of plates, 640. X-rays (see also Radiology ), expansion, X-ray study, 6 . diffraction, by solids, liquids, & gases, films, catalytic activity, 560 ; evapor­ book, 542 (review). ated, crystal orientations, 14. practical applications, 255. fluidity, 419. scattering by m etals, 229. for type plates, compns., 287. galvanized coatings. See Galvanizing. gas-content of electrolytic, 248, 556. “ Y ” alloy. See Alloys. hardness of electrolytic, 287; recovery Yeast, action of m etals, 165. of elect, resistance after cold-work, Yield-strength (see also Alloys & under 555. names of metals), impurities, effect, 67. definition, 196. in automobile manufacture, 216. dependence on temp, in neighbourhood lacquering. See Lacquering. of melting point, 338. lattice constants, 239. Yield-value, nature, 288. mechanical properties, 555, 643; of Ytterbium, atomic weight, 413. electrolytic sheets, 67. Yttrium, preparation, 235. melting. See Melting. Yttrium alloys. See Alloys. mosaic crystals, 177. nickel-plating. See Deposition. painting. See Painting. Zamak. See Alloys. paints, 450; for protection of zinc & Zinc, zinc-coated surfaces, 306. analysis. See A nalysis. physical properties, 555, 643. anodic polarization in aqueous solns., pickling. See Pickling. 18. pipes for water, 274. bending strength of sheet, 67. plates for protection of boilers, varying books, 222, 376, 472. behaviour, 388; protective action catalysis by, 558. m boilers, 183. cathodic polarization, 189. powders, optical properties, 412. Subject Index 719 Zinc, Zinc, printing plates, in photographic repro­ thermoelectric forces produced by torsion duction, book, 1 1 1 ; properties of of wires, 555. m etal used, 5. uses, 636. radioactivity, 287. yield-stress a t various tem ps., 338. relief patterns, prodn., 632. Zinc ague, 218, 274. roofing, 530. Zinc alloys. See Alloys. scrap, recovery, 2 0 2 . Zinc chloride solutions, corrosion by. See separation. See Analysis. Corrosion. sheet, for galvanic batteries, manuf. Zinc sulphate solutions, electrolysis. See & testing, 50 ; mech. properties, 67. Electrolysis. single crystals. See Single crystals. Zircon. See Refractory materials. slab, A.S.T.M. specifications, 469. Zirconium, softening after cold-rolling, 555. crystal structure, lattice transforma­ solubility in various reagents, 182. tion of cubic into hexagonal form, specific heat, 118. 580. spraying. See Spraying. detection. See Analysis. superconductivity, 287. preparation by thermal dissociation of surface treatment, 397 ; electrolytic, 503. compds., 557. tensile properties of sheet, 67. uses, 529. thermal conductivity, 391. Zirconium carbide. See Alloys & com­ thermal expansion, X -ray detn., 116. pounds.