MARINE BAND Idete Bedding Ontflt Tai- Senator Dodd Had Lieen Holding to Give the Go Ahead Signal Has Been a Shelter for Evacuees a Slickered Man
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Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wilson, 80 Alton St, ware honored at a The Manchester Mousing __________ .t' aald Atty. Tides. By dlimer yesterday at the 8 J*a Res January tos nurabsr will be closa Ity will Intervi^ more ippUcants taurant In Bolton in cMsbration of to 400, -he said. .v their RRh wedding anniversary. for Westhfll Gardena for the elder- Tha project sponsored by the The dinner, given m their son-ln- W Saturday, S^ri^ SO, id tha Bast federal governAient being built 1 ^ and diuM^er, Mr. and Mrs. Side Rac, Behotd St. on W. Canter St. for 100 persons. B. Glenney of Coventry, AttMiatments have btan ached- was attended Iw 85 reiatlves. uled w th thcae who were not Inter S ta te N ew s M ore Jobs Among outof-town nests were viewed Aug. 21, Mr. WUson’s three nsters, Mrs. Look onee . look twice . GM, The appllcanta are being screen W ^ r e 0 9 Raymond G. Williams of Hart ed, A t^. Herman Tulea, coun loc* tkree ttnies aad youTl see ford and family, Mrs. A. Frances sel w the housing authority. a BERSON eervlobig aomeons near 09 Roundup Foreseen by Davis of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Out-of-town impUcants will not -la year nelgliborliood. your Sdward McGrath of Blberan, N.J. ba conaldared unUl Manchester The ywisans were married Sept icnldente are takencare of. AppU- Uiophane 5, 1806, by the Rev- WlUlam F. Reach Accord ^iseopal I^ders U .S . A id e s cimta with an lacoma of more than Davis, then pastor of South Meth Tear€ order for drug ae I 88,000 a year, or not enough Income odist Chtffch. They have it daugh to pay an averege rent of $00 a oosnetloe will ba taksd'care of Cnoosing Bishops Washington, Sept, 12 (JP)— ter, Mrs. Glenney, and a aon,-Bn- iannedlately. Detroit, Sept. 12 (^Thefwrap i ^ ^ The Labor Department re motith, will also be eliminated. issue that tnWred a snaw* ^ contracH. Tht UAW wui de- den, in the submarine service, Over 880 persons have applied ao mand the contract be met by other Hartford, Sept. 12 (/P)— ported today a good chan(» IjIiicoIb Btndio; Maldra, l l w . stationed at Pearl City, Hawaii. far, said Tules,'out of whom about balling plant-by-plant strike members of Uie big three—Ford Connecticut Episcopalians, that unemployment will drop They have eight grandchildren, 250 to 800 could qualify. and CSiryeler. Engaged Pamela, William, Randy and Kris FREE against General Motors Corp. meeting in special session at below 4 million in October, un The final selwilon will be made by the United' Auto Workers Reuther said the OM confer RockviU* Bmbl«m Club will tine Glenney, and Stefd>en, James, on the basis of neM. Bach impU' DELIVERY ence meeting was delayed tp pro Christ Church Cathedral to der the influence of the broad bold lU tin t mMUns o f the eea- The engagement of Miss Caro Dianna and Linda WUscsi. cant who passes an the preliminary 1 union was settled overnight. vide more negotiating time at the day, have selected five clergy economic recovery. Mr. Wilson retired from the U.S. When agreement came, 91 GM •cm Wediieiday at 8 pjn. at the lyn 8. House of Manchester to requirements will be intervleweja local level He predicted “rear and men, one of whom they will The department Issued its de Postal Service In July 1964. at his home by a member of the plants were shut across the nation tailed analysis of the August job sake Home in Roclcvllle. A pot- Roger Lee Simmons Jr. of BowL meaningful progress” could be elect as the first‘second suf- High Tides luck will be eerved at 6:80 pjm. federal hotuing authority, to verify andi253,199 men were idle with In made with bargaining seeslons to picture, of which secretary Arthur Ing Green, Ky., has been an- hia need. dications that the remainder of day and tonight. fragah bishop. J. Goldberg had already given Planners Reject GM’s 129 plants and 390,000 produe-. The first fall meeting of Ladies notmced by her parents. Judge In a couple of months the se Under the o^ginal schedule, he Four are pastors of ConnecUcut highlights. and Mrs. Charles Staver House, lections will be oonuileted, eind all tlon workers would be idled In a said that same local union presi parishes.- The fifth is the Rev. Kil The report showed that both Hinder Try of the Assumption will be . to matter of days, if not hours. mer Myers, 48, rector of the morrow at B:U pjn. at the church ISO Westland S t Name for Street thoee, both sucosaafui and unsuc PBESORirnON FHAiUdAOT dents would have had to leave business payrolls and total on-farm Her fiance is the son of Mrs. cessful, will be noufled. ULPOWBI A revised company check report their negoUatione by -noon today Chapel of the Intersession in New employment, as well as over-all em hall. A halr-styll^ demonstration "Every day we get one or two JA 9-8287 and BA 8-2717 801 MAIN ST—^ a ^ l ed 90 plants shut by UAW walk York. City. will be presented by H is Glady!! Roger Lee Simmons of Bowling The name “Charvy drcle” for to make it to Detroit for a.10 a.m. ployment, reached a record high Green and the late Mr. SlmmosM. <me of the streets in the WesthiU / outs and one by a walkout of In- conference Beeelon tomorrow,. The Connecticut candidate's are: for August last month. At Rescues a ess o f Cameo Studio. RxvfiMh- The Rev. Robert B. Appleyard, Miss House a graduate of Man Gardens proiect for the e ld ^ y on temational Union of Electrical Settlement of the relief time Is But joblessness clung to the re m a ts will be served by H is. John Workers members at Warren, Ohio. D.D., 48, of Greenwich. cession rate of 6.9 per cent. CasianeUo and committee. chester High School, is a senior W. Center S t has been rejected by sue “was the key to unlock eome at Wellesley College, and a mem the Town Planning Commission. - The lUE and OM currently are The Rev. J. Warren Hutchens, The department’s manpower ex Galveston, Tex., Sept. 12 of the most difficult problems we 61, of Bridgeport. ber of the CotRUon Club of Hart In a letter to the Manchester working on local-level issues in pert, Dr. Seymour 'Wolfbeln, told (JP)— The staggering back Navy Elnsign Richard L. Gess, contract negotiations. had at the local level,” Reuther The Rev. Harry B. Whitley, 40, ford- Housing Authority, thb TTC said told newsmen. > ' reporters the August total of idle lash of Hurricane Carla son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mrs. Simmons was graduated The No. 1 issue which local-level formerly of Farmington and now men and women 4,942,000, reflects it felt the name was “not impro Under the settlement, the com- diocesan secretary of Christian spawned a lethal, pre-<iawn Gess 286 School S t, recently from the McCallie School In Chat priate” and asked the members to strikes staited erupting yesterday “a pretty sick problem.” Never was the amount of relief time af education. received his naval aviation ob tanooga, Tenn., and attended the select one that is more easy to (Continued on Page Eight) theless thSre are signs that it is tornado in Galveston. Six server wings at the Naval. Air forded assembly -and production The Rev. John J. Hawkins, 87, yielding to the continued gains in Massachusetts Institute of Tech spell and pronounce, and in short of Riverside. > - . bodies were recovered from 2 line workers. Station, Corpus Christi, Tex. He nology in Cambridge, was “more euphcmlous.” business, he said. collapsed hon^es. Dr. John completed a five-month Navy vdiere he is a membw of Sigma An all-night Sunday bargaining Balloting, which started at 11:30 If unemployment foUows a strict The “Charvy” is made up of the BereM -^Aioto by Oflera m., will continue through the Truslow,, dean of the medical bombardier navigator training Chi fraternity. He la a aenkw last initials of the names o f hous session failed to resolve the disj^ ly season^ pattern it will drop to p ro g iw . Bhraign Gess has receiv puts and carried new contradt .he- Bristol Plant ^ y until one candidate receives about 4.2 million tjfils month and 4 college; reported the bodies e-medical student at Vander- ing authority members John Cro Ryans Note 40th Anniversary a majority vote of both clergy and ed orders to the Combat Informa tt University in Nashville, Tenn. nin, Otto Herrinann, Raymond -An- gotiationa past yesterday’s 10 a.m. lay delegates. million in, October, 'Wolfbeln said, were taken to John Sealy — - — _ X ■trike deadline. but he added; tion Center School at Brunswick, A wedding is planned for the disio, Mrs. Mary Ross, Robert Resumes Work Hartford, Sept. 12 (A')—A pro Hospital. Between 60 and 70 Ga. summer at 1962. Vennart and Atty. Herman Tules. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J- Ryan,^ Mr. Ryan Is a retired custod- But within four hours after a “We think there is a good chance ian, -employed by the Board of fresh start last night agreement longed and heated federal patron that we will get better than the persons were injured. It is the custom for. Streets in 54 Bunce Dr., were honored by 75 age dispute among Oonpecticut federal housing pro(Mts for the friends, relatives and neighbors, Education, and is a member of was reached on a formula reported Bristol Sept.