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The Ledger and Times, May 12, 1953

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Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 12, 1953" (1953). The Ledger & Times. 1295.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 11, 1053 MODTDAY, MAY Medea /SUM MI Regal Kenteolry CogsansemIty Rgarspaper roc 1947 Ted Ford Sykes Andrea Sykes Weather Mrs. Oscar Tabers We Are L KENTUCKY: Stensers and Mrs. John L. Williams Thurman, Sr. thunderstorms this afternoon Mrs. Galen Miller .. Helping To and tonight. Low tonight' 58 aer, Jpe Thomas Thurman to 64. Wednesday mostly Mrs. Ralph Tidwell cloudy, turning cooler west Sammy .16e Tidwell Build Murray portions by afternoon arid Mrs. Bessie Thomas east pertion at night. Mr. Bob Thomas Each Day Mrs. Bryan Tolley Harold Tolley Charles Tolley G. Thomas Mrs. O. EIOME NEWSPAPER MURRAY POPULATION - - 8,000 Vol. No. 113 Haod- YOUR PROGRESSIVE Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, May 12, 1953 XXIV; Mrs. R. H. United Press IN ITS 74th YEAR Murray, Mrs. John Trotter PS Jennifer Trotter Mrs. E. A. Tucker Mr. Bruce Tucker Mrs. Richard Tuck Elizabeth Tuck Donna Lou Tuck iS Mrs. Ets - T. Ilia , Mr. Richard Tuck Mrs. Emma Valentine LEAVES OVER 50 DEAD Valentine TORNADO Mr. Van D. VICIOUS Mrs. Van D. Valentine Emma Ruth Valentine Dc Vaughn Farmers IN NEVADA TO FIRE FIRST A-SHELL By L. CANNON Waco, Texas,Flattened Mrs. C. ATOMIC Theodore L. Vaughn Surpassed Want Subsin Mrs. Rosa Vaughn As Way Of LO.° Mr. C. L. Vaughn Wind, Many Are Injured Mrs. N. E. Vincent 1947 Florida >ey NEW YORK May 12 taltes. • Mrs. John C. Winter retary of Agriculture a. 'Pe Mrs. J. N. Waggoner By FRED A. MeCARE thing and burying some injured Benson said Monday night ttsee• Mrs. Prentice Lassiter. United Press Staff Correspondent :•live, they pulled out one brick Storm, Airman heves American farmers do May 12 4 UP Mrs. Burie Waldrop WACO. Tex. at a timetand scooped out mortar want "to depend on Subsidies a Sue Waldrop • Tornado alerts were issued today an dfragments of bricks with way of life. shovels. Mrs. Solon P. Darnell Robert Latimer, an Air Force for the second time in a wide sec- However, he said that because T. Waldrop lieutenant stationed at Con- tion of Texas as rescue workers They also propped up beams Mrs. H. first costs of operating Griffin Base in Waco, farm prices and t lebyastor5n2adollod‘s with jacks to keep them from fall- Mrs. Ed nally Air Force rates , a 1947 farms rise and fall at unequal which a power Mrs Mattie Waldrop' Tex., was caught in both left ing lower. A bulldozer and Parker a program of price support and late Mr. H. T. Waldrop hurricane in Florida and Monday's .wrecoveredr ec kaWagceo and San Angelo shovel waited in the street, but • storage is necessary for the econo- Mrs (Singles Wallis tornado in Waco. In this dispatch Monday. officials were afraid to use them. mic health of farmers.• Carolyn Wallis written for United Press he tells Forty-four bodies were recovered At San Angelo the Red Cross The cabinet members spoke at, is T.- Wallis ea his experiences_ .derina _OW 190 horn een Mrs the -21ih anniverify direa er aarlharts Mr, Gingles Wallis :tornado, which he said -far sur- Tex.. 190 files to the west At least 164 damaged. The twister there National Conference of Christians here Mr. Pat Wallis passed" the hurricane. 250 injured were counted also damaged Lake View -where 500 and Jews. Clarence Francis, chair- total Mr, _Laverne Wallis By LT. ROBERT LATIMER and 150 at San Angelo, for a to 600 children were at classes man of the board of eGneral Foods Mrs Laverne Wallis As Told To United Press of 400. when the storm hit. Corp.. received the conference's Kay Wallis WACO. Tex. May 12 UP/- Tornado warnings were - issued Leo Sides, radio dispatcher for lish of the Gold Medal for. "distinguished hours before the of public Mrs Pat Wallis There was no indication Monday a few the State department service in the field of human re- in west , Mary Jane Wallis presence of a tornado when my . first storm hit San Angelo safety at SanAngelo. aced more s Polly tenons." 4:30 p.m. Jack Wallis wife and I sat clown to dinner in Texas about 3 pm. At bodies were expected to be found Benson said he and President Waco, a of Kim Wallis the Piccadilly Cafeteria after park- Sc tornado hit- downtown in the wrerkage and that some ar Eisenhower believe, "the principles Will Ward • our car in front. flge the tlest atomic shell ever fired this month. The weapon Is on city of Mt& population. the injured were xpcfed le die. Mrs. ing freedom can be ap- THE ATOMIC CANNON, capable of tiring an atomic shell 20 miles, Ross I remarked of geonsmic The U. S. Weather Bureau 1.11- Guards were stationed every 100 Mrs. Herman Five minutes later Is shown on arrival at Nellie airbase in Nevada. ft is scheduled to, knight cars. Assembled it Is 84 ft. long. f Ditereustfossni SoundphotO irdom plied to farm problems without tornado warn- area. Mrs P. F. Waterfield to my wife that the heavy rain sued two additional yards throughout the stricken leading to a farm depression." en Mrs. Eugene Hughes had been slanting down Ings today, the latest covering he reported, because there had - which believe that the develop- Berry Avenue was "We area bounded by Tyler, Lufkin, been some lootisg. A torrential Mrs Frank obliquely into Austin has Cooper Encouraged ment of modern agriculture -Eagle Pass and over. Mrs. Phillip Bertrand now almost horibontal. being driv- Yoakum, Del Rio rain and heavy hail storm placed the family farm an a vul- From Outlopk Preparations par- Get Laugh Over. TVA Tex, during the the streets of San Angelo Edwin Waterfield wind, nearly Korea Vets Junction. remai'n "flowed- Mr. en by a strong nerable economic position because Harem West the ground. der of today and early tonight after the tornado. Mrs. relict with and income rise and 11./131- West ran to the farm prices WASHINGTON May 12 May Ralph Wolf of Waco "con- Gas from ruptured mains poured Steven Luther We jumped up and and fall faster than (arm costs Sen. John Sherman ,Cooper Ready damage at at Waco, heavy sign, Nearly servatively' estimated out over the Areckage Mrs. Sally Wilkinson window to see a Debate econo- Hamburger Packing other prices an the national said today, after brsakfast- auto- Sam Calhoun from the Raleigh Hotel, Kri $10.000,000.000. Two hundred creating such a fire hazard that Mr. probably Eisenhower at just above my." he said. ing with Preddent mobiles, either destroyed es badly loudspeakers constantly warn ed Mrs. Ava Williams shoot down the street, price rt 'Therefore, a stable general But Sgt. 1st Class Dwayne the White House, he is "more counted in a 36- and onlookers not Mr. Robert Williams the ground, and crash into the RI AL KAFF Classic damaged, were rescue workers price sup- For level and programs of Correspondent I Dearth. 31, of Waterloo. Ia.. who encouraged" about Tennessee Val- Tons of bricks fell on Mrs Walter C Williams. Jr. car parked:. just behind my own. Untied Press Staff block area. to light cigarets. ;arriaon port and storage are needed to Korea May was disinterested in the 'burger ley Authority appropriations for to with- the Sheryl K. Williams snip gyrated • loose in a WESTERN FRONT, one and squashed the top Guests were routed out of More assure stability of farm in- Rig- for the fifth annual William! IlL whirling in the help (JP -Combat veterans .laughed controversy, took sides with fisael year 1954. Preparations in three feet of the ground. 11-story Roosevelt Hotel, for fear Walter Craig • matter of seconds, interest 12 -Stara es come and prices in the battle raging in the gle as a hatnburger hater.. las he left the executive man- North-South high school All Director Sam collect in the hotel Mrs. Walter C. Williams. Sr. streets. today at the Civil Defense the gas would iman or all our people." to pack "They put too much grease in doe. Cooper sald. "I don't know basketball game' to be played in are perhaps * Mr. Walter C. Williams, Jr. the way. I saw a shower United States over whether Meredith said "there and explode. Meredith said the Across said a price support program - we want, but I State gym here Satur- cloud, as the He hamburger. horizontally or ver- the hamburgers." Dreath, a front if we will get all the Murray 100 to '150 • dead .. they ..have! whole business area of Waco-56 John L. Wiiiiams of glass, almost a for virtually des Mrs. also should include incentives cans. line mess sergeant said. They believe we will get part of it." day night June 13, are - dig." --had been closed slant-back windows pf a bakery Wally in C-ration Just begu- nto I square blocks Peggy Williams production shifts to balance supply of that not qute the President into fragmants. One ought to drain most grease Re did completed. Hunderds of volunteers 'warmed Bonnie Williams shop exploded excessive 25th Intim-. • have been of and demand and avoid "Are you kidding" a off and add tomato sauce. Then as making any commitments. Both 12-man squads the ruins of a six-story fur-n- Except for civilian rescue work- by one, plate glass windows over Mrs. Once Wilson surpluses and subsidies. try Division GI asked when tits have good hambureers. Ilene have been reports that chosen, along with two coaches and a pool both sides of the street we'd Sure store, a restaurant ere, police, national guardsmen, Williams. Jr John Paul Butterworth shops on on•tise Wane was sought. the for fund": 'tor tour Included are the Mrs fragments to- opinion "The guys - blame me for' TVA requests for each team. hall Acre that were demolished by I airmen and soldiers, he said, all bruit out, tinkling versus horizontal weuld be in the nation-all Mrs. V. E. Windsor street. and The vertical grease They think I cook them steam generating plants top prep cagers Mondays deadly twister. persons were ordered out of the ward the center of the Privacy sense to James M. Lagsiter. Tongays Seek packing debate made no that way but all I do is unpack dropped from the budget for the the way from the state of Wash- feared that many he said, are Mns. intensity of the tornado built 1 It has been area. The buildings, Ronne the Marvin L. Riegle, 21. of them put." starting July f. Gov. Frank to Rhode Island and from C Winter Public Gaze Cpl. the cans and hand year ington died in the Joy Theater. which col- old and cannot be trusted until Mrs John p. From conferred on the Waterloo, Is Dearth said he wished the big G. Clement la-Tenn.( Minnesota to Texas. lapsed. But E. C Houck check them, Johrny Winter i There was a high whine in engineers 'Which way do they pack ham- Corps brass would last week with presidential assist It looks now that the two squads before it col- Nom. Winter MIAMI. Fla. May 12 (UPI- Quartermaster said the roof bulkled inner air. burgers'''. Riegle asked. "I wouldn't about how to im- Sherman Adams ,sn an attempt be the best matched ever long outside to slam The much-harrased Russell Ton- start worrying ant will lapsed, holding together Mrs. John Woodruff 1 made a dash eat them." -South Cage car. almost every place know, I never prove corned beef hash. to get the situatien clarified.' selected by the North enough for all inside to escape. Gary Woodruff down the trunk lid of my gays, recognized in Overbey tiny Most soldiers here who fought get" Commission. Only in height will no way to determine was whipping in the breeae they have gone in their "That's the worst food we There was 'St Johnny Woodruff which World War II agree that the North shade the South. Labor Party Down and convertible car, sought said. "When I hand a man the how many were dead and injured as lightly as a feather. trailer held ra- Dearth abertem Army has improved its line, Northerners will average 6-3 2 3 of the six-story R. Mrs J. 0. Weather Avenue I could see signs privacy today from the widespread a can of C-rations in the chow in the ruins Austin tions, largely by adding new foods Adair man. with Gary Nelson of or the John per Furniture Sore, Mr. M. 0 Weather leaves along the public attention caused by he looks at the label If it says T. Dennis -rner whirling liwe as noodle soup and canned Washington the tallest at an thud reve- death of their daughter, such 'corned beef hash' he drops It and Elma. Chris' Restaurant, or in Torrance's Supports a dull sudden pavement and and Gary Thomp- • Mrs Robert Young -story bread. at me until I give him, even seven feet, Recreation Club, a pool hall. At berated 83 the entire second Kathy. Johnson, stares 111 Robert Young Second Lt. James M. son of Roland. Iowa the smallest boys were trap- the -building on the something else." Funeral Today least 25 men and brick wall of on e5.000 Ga.. chuckled about Yankee under Bill Young seven- Russell Tongay. free 24. Dahlongea, at 5-9,e, the only ped .in the pool hall. northeast corner crashed into ham- Churchill 18 on opinion on Jane Young bond, faces a hearing June the difference in six feet. . Mrs. Lillie Matkin was removed th _street. murder charge -packing. Funeral services for John .1. are under six- Burton Young broken a second degree burger Three Southerners "from the wreckage of the furniture -"Fran along the walls and of -how to held today at 2 o'clock For- in connection with the death "That's a silly question Adair were feet. Jim Ashmore. 5-11, tram store at 6.55 a.m. more than 14 By W. G. LANDREY to see that at least half Comet Jet Airliner windows old Kathy last Wednes- pack hamburgers." he said. "I at the Max H. Churchill Funeral est, Mississippi: Jimmy Mitchell pinned be- May 12 1UPi-Taita been smashed five-year hours after she was LONDON a dozen cars had insisted that have any trouble geeing Outdated Home with Rev. Glenn Coltharp, and Jimmy its and day night Tongay don't Is Now 5-9. from Madisonville; tween a mattress and a divan 20 British Labor Party threw • semi-flat by the tons of brick way they - - H. Yeager and Rev. C. on the child swimming star's death them out of the can the Rev. J. Peck, 5-8(7. from Leedy. Oklahoma. feet_ deep in the rubble. support to Conservative Prime other rubble from above. May 12 (llin-Hcad was caused by a 33-foot dive and are packed now." LONDON L. Ross officiating, The Rebel squad- will average a Her strength had been kept up Minister Winston Churchsit today helped two policemen remove away at the yan I was accidental, but police Charged Johnson is a horizontal ham- your hats. men! Mr. Adair passed hair over 6-2. Tallest Southerner is fed to her thiough a in his call for • meeting of world 1951 Ford sedan. by oxygen. a woman from a -brutal beating." eater That Comet jet airliner, which home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon from Webster the she died from a burger Jim Krebs at 6-7'2 hose by Connally Air Force &Rea leads on West-East issues. She was cut over one eye by men the speed records for City Monday at 8:30 Johnson said he and his holds all Farris of Tri -Groves. Missouri. airmen. When she was discovered, Opening the second day of a broken windshield glass, and her a burly ex-Coast Ouards- was revealed attributed to Tongay like hamburgers best of all C- commerical planes, a m His death was Alternates, not previously an- only 10 inches in .olameter two-day full dress debate on for- . profusely. attorney, a tunnel knee was bleeding man, was told by his ration menu items. today by British airplane. builders complications following an illness are Dennis Roth, 6-6. Party leader however, nounced, was the only means of communi- eign affairs, Labor The real shock 'came, Jepeway. to "go to a place a doddering old "gonney- He was 85 years of mons Louis to be just of five days. from Lehighton, Pennsylvania and cation with her. Clement R Attlee. Churchill's pre- glass -dome when I ran further past sixth and seclusion away from with the newer of the Church Pullman-Standard of rest bird" compared age and a member Jack Beadan. 6-7. from Jefferson- Muffled knocks from inside the decessor as prime minister, called developed and got a look at the eyes of the curiosity now being tested. Latter Day Saint mmons railroad cars recently street the prying Care 'And Making planer designs of Jesus Christ ville. Indiana, for the North; and wreckage of the furniture store di. for closer personal relations be- times as Furniture Store wh:ch was do-gooders and the the Handley- preside' three and a half Dennis seekers, the Take, for instance, of Tri City. John Stephens, 6-8. from Coffey- workers toward the tween British and Soviet leaders heap of stained Hats Major Study rected rescue much scenery-viewing window area a twisted, crushed busy-bodies." Page HP97. The deceased is survived by his and Joe Mathis. 6.5, suspicions uf ns over- Kansas in to help allay Soviet brown wood and brick. It is being billed as the "super- Mee .Farris; his sister, as the-earner models early Mon- For Homemakers It daughter.. fiom Eufaula, Alabama, for the To keep the wreckage tom set- the West. curb into the street, Tongay returned here capable of Scott - - - - flowed the liner" of the future - Mrs. Margaret Irviri•of Hazel Route South, European diplomats said that it had been day. attracting crowds every place and looked as if The Advisory Council of Home- carrying 150 passengers at near- 2; and three serandchilden. will be called in initiative It He checked into a Alternates Churchill had seized the stamped flat by a giant press.. he stopped. hats were Lauren, trailer makers Clubs selected making sonic speeds. Active pallbearers should any boy chosen for the 12- Supply Area Hit from both Washington and Moscow I had been caught Hollywood Beach. Fla.. Back in 1947, and care of clothing as Ma:or Pro- The builders say she will be able Kenneth, Elmo, Glenn, Leon and squad find it imposlible to for an early meeting • pistol. Sunday, but was recognized man in his call In the hurricane which camp for the next club year. to make three trans-Atlantic cross- Earl Shupe. Honorary pallbearers By Superforta loan Searing on the beach ject study participate. In Search of' peace. most of the east coast when he appeared and New Page, Roes nigh whipped The meeting was held Friday. May ings between London were bad- Snow, Luby As in the past, the city of Mer- Moscow dispatches indicated that of Florida bad enough that storm. with Bubba. Extension Service York in a single day. Walter Farris, Pete Mc- SEOUL, Korea May 12 (UP) Sharborough 8, in the County Shupe, ray is going all-out to insure not the Kremlin might welcome such CAPITOL lashed themselves as Stiperfortress crews said today wise residents Hays, There are ' indications that, W. Fall, Jr. In an exclusive Interview with office, with Mrs. Curtis Bee and Jack 'Adair. only a stellar basketball game, but a meeting. But there was a feeling to palm trees to ride it out What go in the development of wo: in Use Art iir co'rne- they saw 'orange glows" in the sky Ends Tuesday the United Press. Bubba said he county president, presiding. things Burial the red-carpet treatment for all here that the prime ministers I saw in quiet Waco, however, hew planes. the HF'97 may make as they left a big .Communist Stubblefield, Jr had no hard feelings against his Also selected for the year's proi tery. participants and visitors during the speech might cause some friction during that black seven or eight appearance. That means supply area which they bombed immone Sr. father. The t a ntrbd, muscular gram were lessons on home care an early W,,ek before the big show. with the Eisenhower administra- D01- far surpassed anything to five years from now. with 140 tons of -explosives mmona, Jr. Ci('IL B. minutes youngster who with Kathy formed of th• sick, clothing guideposts, from three Practice schedules are arranged tion, which has made it plein that Florida has shown to date. Miniature models are under test -Fourteen B - 29's, attacking the widely known "aquatots" also Swedish ,yegaving. and vegetable give the boys plenty of free it believes careful diplomatic wind tunnels now. NEWS I through a heavy cloud la)er, hit said he is not afraid to swim or gardening. Minor project study will in HOSPITAL me to spend at nearby Kentucky grotmd work should precede any BITTEN OFF British plane builders, boasting the 270-acre supply center at :erman NOSE dive anymore. He displayed hist Include citizenship. civil defense. Lake and to partake of old-fash- big power conferenue. lead on the United Notia. 18 miles southwest of the notherman GiiATE0 FOUND UNDER JUKE BOX confidence by diving and' splash- reading book review and reporta a seven-year Monday's record foliose,. ion &oaken hospitality in the Attlee latinched into a general places. States in the development of jet . --• demolished Ryompipo steel mills. erman AND SEWED BACK ON ing in the breaking surf. on famous and historical New Citizens -0 city of Murray. attack on the United States. He airliners, are losing rio time in im- Mopday night. iceman For special interest groups there Patients Dismissed-7 Also, plans ere underway again said some elements in the United was buried in Anclote, a proving existing types and develop- The Superfortresses encountered sHovi FRANCISCO May 12 (UP) Kathy will be tailoring and freezing foods, Patients Admitted-0 to see that parents of the boys and States do not want a settlenaent Thomas SAN suburb of Tarpon Springs. with ing new planes to keep that lead. no Red fighter opposition. R, Smotherman -Samuel Seden(o's profile was re- The new club year will begin in Patients admitted from Friday and families of the coaches. as well in Korea. some want an all-out only a few relatives witnessing DeHavilland, which builds the p.m. A communique from ath Air ported in good shape today after September. 5.00 p.m. to Monday 5:00 as other out of town, visitors are war with Communist China. secret rites. Comet, the only jet airliner now said only wee- ,arks ON EARTH his nose was bitten off by an irate the Tentative plans were made for Mrs. Merritt 0. Jordan. Rt. .1. well received. Force headquarters He said also that after the pre- in service. Is wsrking on an im- ther pieties. went ht bartender Saturday night. the annual meeting of Homemakers Murray; Ws. - Carm•I Boyle and Headquarters .for. all who attend reconnassence sent Korean armistice negotiations proved type. the Mark Ill. It- will up the day. ght TECIINIll )14 II, Patrolmen John Bird and Mar- to be held at Kenlake Hotl on Aug- baby girl. 415 No. 4th St. Murray: the gaffes and for those v.laseplan during are concluded. -further settlement step up its passenger capacity lo tin Roddy reported they found the ust 28. Murray;; Mrs, Neil Lane and baby to , come carte and put in some Torrenttal rains , almost halted should not be left exclusively in MIT• (0141( CHMILION Trials Begin 65 it the speed will be about tTae missing piece of nose under a juke Vice Leaders giving reports were Mrs, boy. Rt. 3. Benton: Mrs. John•Val- fishing ahead of time, will be the ground fighting as they muddied American hands.- same as for the present Comet. Ellis box. Doctors who put it hark on In Hopkinsville Pat Thompson, major project lead- entine, Rt. I. Puryears Tenn.; Male Murray Chamber of Commerce trenchei along the 155-mile battle HUTTON. W11.0E. HEM said today it was regreweig. er: Mrs. Groover Parker, main ter Larry Dale Herndon, Rt. 2, with secretary kick Frost ;us host. line. Only a few small fights were DOROTHY GlORIR MUD STOPS FUIEWORKS parks HOPKINNVILLE May 12 (UPI- lessons leader: Mrs. Vernen But- Hazel; Master Larry Dale Hutchens reported during the night B. Lee Two former city policemen went terworth. reading; Mrs. C. ' Rt. 1, Murray; Master Donate( GRANWE MEMPHIS. Ten. May 12 (UPI- MrS. Eighth Army announced, mean- Announcement Batter, Sr. MO* on trial in Circuit Court here Myers, membership; Mrs. C. B. Brooks, 510 Beale St.'Murray: PTA APTLY NAMED A gigantic fireworks display sche- Murray Training while. that the tough 1st Marine u' rig of today on charges of gaming. Crawford, citizenship. Mrs. Thomp- Roberta Smith, 521 S. 4th St. Mur- The ieetilai mop.tilly nIt for on Mud Island Division had been • moved into the callow __ . .5 VY 0,,, and Phillip Crab- son also gave a report for Mee duled tonight ray; Miss Beverly Gayle Lassiter. Plans Last Meeting ay County Post 5483, Ficlwell England May 12 Buford Chilton ago for tel s % •.13 HATFIELD in the Mississippi was postponed Miss Betty reserve eight days a rest. of Foreign Wars, will be Stubblefield studying mean tree, suspended from the force and Harold Grogan, publicity chairman. 207 So. 12th St. Murray; Veteran itipi-A committee when heavy rains turned the island, Mrs. year The Marines were relievd .by the at • children indicted by a special geind jury Others preSent were Mesdames' June Story, Rt. 2, Hazel; The final meeting of the held on Wednesday May 13 Stubblefield of curbing destructive into a quagmire. U. S. Army's 25th infantry Div- December. went on trial in a Curtis Hays. Clifton Barrett, James Euel Pritchett. Dexter; Mas. Bent- for the Murray Training Schaol the club room at 730 p.m All Stubblefield came up with a possible solution last talon. •ARP.011 : session of the court, pre- Harris.bie Culver, Glen Kelso, ley Jackson. Rt. 5. Benton; Mrs. Parent-Teacher Association will he members are urged to attend. Stubblefeld today. special by special Judge Law- Fate Roberts.R Alfred Taylor, E. Mninie• Lee Parker, Rt, 1, Murray; held in the music room of the ---- efield. Sr School heachnaster John Preston sided lever The 1st Marine Division had been Elmer Miss Guier. 605 Poplar. ur- school at 7:30 o'clock Thursday B. D. Nisbet. a contact Jr. built' for the rence S. Grauman of Louisville. CS Warren, Claud Miller, DETERMINED BIRD Jane in combat on the western front repre- Stubblefield. — suggested a hriuse be — ADMISSIONS total of la persons were nam Collins. Virgif Gibbs. Toy Brandon, ray: Master Randall Wright. 330 evening. May 14. sentatave of the Kentucky Ex-Ser- . Stubblefield ' children to tear down at their A 13 months. longer than ally other Adults .. 54c indictments returned by the 011ie Brown. Otto Erwin. Herman BEaCHTLL, England May 12 (UPI Ashcraft, Paducah: Mrs. H. D. Officers for the new year 1953-54 vice Men's Board, will be present ,blefield. Jr, leisure. He suggested it be called in 17 American .. 25C grand jury, which conduct- Darnell. G. B. Jones, J. A. Out- -A blackbird that laid its eggs Wilson. Rt, I. Murray; Samuel will be installed. on May 20 at the American Legion v Stubbleflild Children "mischief manor." special condi- Miss Leone Gillett. assistant in a nest build in a farm tractor, Keith Morris. 205 No. 10th St. Mut:- Miss Inez Haille'5, home econo- The movement was completedi Home to assist _yeterans sod their us Stubblefield ed an investigation of vice land, Colored Balcony: Hopkinsville as an out- state leader of home demonstration near here fetuses tie budge from ray; Mrs. Lula B. Kelly. Farming- mic stadents will present a fash- ler. Mauve commanders had oh- dependents with claims 'Cr ben,- • The Ohio'and Mississippi Rivers tions in Adults 45c of a scathing report by a work and Miss Rachel Rowland the fleet even when the tractor is. ton; Mrs. Clay Jones, RS I. ion .revue featuring garments they jected strenuously to 1 the Order fits due them. He will be present Smotherman Bev:ring west and south, form growth 25c federal grand jury at Paducah. home demonstration agent. bumping around fields. . 'Benton. . haVe made during the year, putting the division in ' reserve. from 9:00 sm. until 3:00 iim. Children Keetiicky's main drainage channel. 14 liarogan

P•11,11.1" 4.0.1..11111.


Si 4


TUESDAY, PAGE TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY MAY 12, 1953 •••••=4411Ms. Madisonville Wins Charles THE LEDGER & TIMES - 'Walcott Will Outpoint Rocky Over Hoptown Last SttriZges Stone VU nt 1,111 til 11 DGER a FIldt.a. Pt RLISRD,G CONITANV. Las -- TOLEDO. ' Murray' Lectaer. Calicway Times arid Tba A the- - on rally in the Tanta O. May 12 ;UP.- . heavyweight Ytmes-tiera.a. Octooer u. ato tr.e West Is Braddock's Opinion last night - gave the Mach-- turner champion E.z: Kentuckian. Jummell over Charles 194a sonville Miners -a 10.9 Witl tard regarded tonight'• Hopkinsville in the.Kitty Leallate• tight with young Billy Gilliam here • POOR This is the laiat in a aeries of stepping JAMES C. WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER Owenstaaro downed PadUcah as his last stone toward dispatches just right. You don't call those and • two each by Jo, Lauis gaol! played. another crack at the title. punches, Tteny're one in a hundred.. 7-6 in the only other Re reserve the- right to reject* aegaa.0.aver1.iszng, 'Letters to the and James .1. Braddock. former they Cu-managers Toni Editor. I behese The Miners trailed 9 •. - Tannas aaa *01'14 bea‘YwelltItt boxing awn Walcott will-win be- Public Voice items wnich in our opinion are not for the best interest - went into the ninth. Each team Jake Mintz said Charles is aietela - pions. analyzing the coming title canoe he is the better fighter" re- ournearaera three hurlers with Bill "ram- Mined to retain the title he once between gardless of age. I heifer: he will used bout Marciano anci Miners' held. "When he gets by win because he will not nakea s-on gaining redit for the Gilliam, Jersta Joe Walcott in Chicago. the demand THE KENTUCILK PRESS ASSOCIATION WILL we'll a shot at the Marra Friday might. Louis won his title =se mistake Resin. He's clever NATION.AL REPRESENTATIVES,. WALLACE WITMER CO. MI Al LAM In the only other contest OWVIIS- and-Walcott winitt.r.- they echoed. Moanina fr. BradcLek in Chicago. June =- and Rocky is strong but crude. Me Monroe. Xempivoi. Tenn.; 250 Paris Ave. New lock, YT N 11.charsii boro's Bill Dietrich, Jr.. sent 17 referring to Friday night's nil, 4. 1937. has the incentive and the pride. a'?. Chicago; fla Bolyston St. Bcaton batters down via the contest between Jersey Joe Not that Rocky hasn't got the same Walcott route to run his total and. champion Rocky Marcum.. - It JANE'S BRADDOCK thing there but Rocky will nay: Watered at the Post Office. Murray. Ressaucky. for trEr.sintssion aa Blues Over Tribe's Ills to 31 in 16 pitched so far In the Gilliam camp, Manager !Innen for the Untied Press other chances and Jersey Joe may Second CLASS Matter this season. usge.Maybln said his- fighter • wsa Jt15 Jot' W''4C0.4t will AltPOITIZ be getting his la* one. Wm, lose, Dietrich was aided in his - win "cross and On (Age - Just Lie AJBSCRIPTION RATES: By CARL Ll'5't1Q1 1ST knaked Cleveland out of. first Rocky Marcasno un 1.nd-en in the or otherwiae. this may be Joe's by Cr*.rrier in bilurra,y. per week 15c. per by a seventh inning homerun by way we want him to be.' Chicago Stanium last fight b5c Ix Calloway and I nited rr sporta Writer place but confirmed susiaciotts by and bee ame the and the tzemeadaus hon- Charles expected aeljoi..--ing counties. Pm year. O. elan- Ken Woods'. Oiler outfielder, who to weigtem at NEW YORK May 12 n UT -Al sarne of the Yankees. including first man ever to regain the wsnam or that must go with re-wuining stiere..5526 poled one 390 feet. Marty Kutyna igg for the Toledo Sports A:i larpez Cam, TO tow:. tielay moar.- Manager Casey Stengel. heavyweight champion the crown that has gotten awr.y that the went all the- way •for Paducah. • sciap, and Gilliam hit 207 ,,f:. r in the blues as if he sta. evening Wrote Sox and nal the Indians may I say that SO definitely because LIOM every ex-4:11isiTIP. TI.I.7;ftAY, MAY 12. 13 Jackson at Fulton. aria Union completing his last workeut Si;;. ar engagement as a nmht club be their most persistent challeng- I've looked at this fight from believe 'Walcott will win be- City at Mayfield were rained out. day afternoon. ,,,Lnaerf instead of managing the ers in their bid for a fifth straigIst every argle and cavil convince cause he seems 'Cleveland Indians. flag. myself that Rocky can do it again, to be a man of destiny. ale was the oldest to a in He's got more troubles than he The evidence'-th favor ca the I believe he Was lucky to do it Major League Standings the the title and fuir-a guy who has likes to think about at the moment White_Sox is Wong, too, in Niew first trine. If Walcott hadn't had as many chances its he to get Si the Indiana begin their first of events to date. The White Sox gotten a Mlle (hetes* coming off there, fate must eastern read trip with a two-game beat the ropes in. Philadelphia List be on his side. N AliON IL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE the Y...nkees twice ii. the only aSep- scalles against tt.;• fuest place Yan- two games ternber, it wOuldn t have happened. • Team . A% L they have played. and The only comparison betws:n kees tonignt. . they now And be was lucky la hit Wafzuit have two victories cut this fight and my fight with Max Beth Al o' and Ray of three over Boone. Cleveland. Moreoss:a Baer back in 1935 is styles. The 'il°A have lien the clubs rhief, the Yankee* • ,0 ' -dynamited" Chve- puncher against the boxer a ho cdtt Today:, Games • ., mg-hall hit rs to dale. ire land. ailing 11-1. in their only meeting MAJOR LEAGUE alma pun.h. I don't thitik Walcott Janet &old miss tonight's game. to date. • • ,,, • NATIONAL LE %GI 2 LEADERS a ill come out swinging" for the And trying to play without a long- The White Sox- beat sot• lemon. knockout. I think he'll be satitt,.t,1 Ii. In a •: aleaar ball hitter in Yankee Stadium Is who gen%rally has been rates this -- to win it on points. That's how I like playing mumble-peg aaithout a year- de- the. number one Cleveland NATIONAL LE.11151 IC pick it. knife. _ maundsman. N* Naare at Mase •-• to avenge an openir Player and Club G ASA It Pet Boone has %MI kit IN LEI( '1. kf a badly inflamed day defeat in which he held th, Phil,. 19 64 10 26 .406 knee anda is -• 1 . iti3ad o .f....a_ recur.- to one ha It seas his third defeat Can-1p la, Bkn. 21 fra 17 32 .390 Team . ...: 1_1 cease astamet II, I. r 4 "h..- Mead. anaiaa -Ratabe-imaesea-. - At,..frl3.Putt 11- 59 -373 - - Pet- %OWE he twist, cl it dr.d was out a shutout when Bobby -Avila Win He • ys of artier. in the stretch run. Rosin a seyentb-ilining aturner to U. _ has a stiff neck and a count at 1-1. AMERM AN bad cold Al Carrasquel drty- LEAGUE ._HOLLAND. Mich. May 12 (VP, and feeis miserable. Minnie in •Minoso with a dout., -Rocky Marcum Myer and Club G AB It H Pet was supremely -I'm not trying to abbe. or any- in the eighth for the winning atm Kell. Itaatar: 19 76 confident of victory today as he %MUM( AN LEAGUE thing. but if we &mat have these There were ne other garit-..: except 16 30 .305 Rosera Clete. 19 finished the longest trainuig grind • • . .I.- - %Vann two fellows in good shape. titan some extubitians 09 12 25 JR In heavyweight championship his- 'we are Ir. Philley. Phila.. 23 94 12. 33 251' at. bad *Rape.' L-J.pee said. Lopez said he would use Marla. tory. Caraic.eana at laseitar - Ka-et:Mir -I still dont believe the • Viyrniaediehma Yanicaes aaes a 3-0. record, in The Brockton Blockbuster, who es 4-e, art any ant:cher the Mame Radar Campanella, Dod- tha.'n they were opener •., the Yankees. has .beari groverang gers 10. Mathews. Braves 6; Ennis. since':am; a, esterday5 Result: last year, maybe not as laugh; Bet Stengel will go along with his kid pailue, S. Snider, 13,,,cisen ifelt certain he could brat 1.1 s Snai ta you vs gut to have a. reaulai liaeup star. Whitey Ford. NATIONAL LE %CR Wan pile:twill giusz. wski. Beds 5: Bed: Reds 5; Jhe Walcott again at Chicago Sas- • -Tr•' - Ga: • to beat 1h.-cr. last Tunewiay W. • s victory sdium Friday night for three mayor Beth Beans:a Ya..kres 5 . Wertz. Browns ar.d Ho-en mosed reasons. "-M-radav tisghts'gan.r ii. v.'aicia 'tr., ad ai tOi believe I'm stronger physi- th ..go White Sox gamed •as alearli Carripsner.a; 'a see.5- cally than I was when I -knocletat 2 1 siclaty Rickey Still Dodgers 38: Di _ix:. Taers 21, En- behiaa Italy Bells him out in Septeir.ber. • - he said 44. Piecee. Pierce' this be-carat 21. Hamner. Phillies Ur. Trying To Sell -I worked hard at soaking my fast American League par-her 1 IC Elliott, Browns : .• punches name effective without •,,..n; •.45.c.t.Lye ga.wr-e.saltas year Hs Ralph Kiner my La a • Aad By MILTON RICHINAM-! , Privilege and Occupational • ••••-4 • • .r.4-4.-.1 ••• .acesti ...it1 /Oak hand The defeat by Chicago got u• Called ?vest Sports :4 Wirtilet •r” Nights ltd" kneels "war , NEW I ORK May 12 iLT - Kaanra Tigers 35: r :.: braaidadoe El a at Riaks.> la gal trying int.: Medley ; Athletics '63; Nieman. T.gers 32; ii Ut,r. s viii,ne or atimau„ , pecaie Ralph Muer. today 1 Campanell., Dodgers 32. as he anajyzed his chances against Tociay NI Fred •Haney -"Re the s Sports the 0-year Licenses Due Pitelitag: burkont Lao challenge:. The :,1- Braves 4-0 • Parat,s home run lurrg -trae hard- Parnell. Red Sox I-0; lynn. • ways nociesf mauler discussed the • •a,ricer on the club.- In diaris 3 0; ' Stuart. • fietad as matter of tartly as if it i'-i-ftelrer- according to a source Br.wto 3-0; Parade Erskine. Doders 3-0. Were FOrne venture he Oust to the Pirates. -ssm y :ass comas, doesn't believe in paying any to.: M kl 15th • . a 179.000 salary.' arid Its 04 AR FRAU • (40:144 4 :r..t Uzotre is so,• : shed Fres spirts Wilier chance K..her w,II be ttadel bet. NFw tts !SI 12 the June IS deadline. - ' .V• tr:e. to gat Despite s traditional sl CLOSING NOTICE A 10 per cent PENALTY will be added • .1'"" . saip et start: Harlay insist; that Ra:ph t Look around at all you hate! How • - P Icy baaa „ eaaj cog in the Pleat did 011 these items get tuipriainaly to you where y'ou naint zra gasaci iptave .y can cat-them up, wear them out or use JUNE 1st and criminal prosecution may be as.iftr:e (0T0 an Aar club his wart. The following Barber Shops of Mur- them? By truck!'if you'tc got it-a truck • *. . . nramer out any ha. cin - to in. ove hum - brought it-, sums up how, at every point 0. in t›: twit rastary. than Kilter Haney says -,Hr ray will close on THURSDAY Afternoon production and distribution, effi- commenced after JUNE N rr in. 04a. Ton-it taratiar with ease-: 1st. r. able to al big ra' cient motor truck service plays a key part. . •a• ata- Ta • ::eludes for us They tell me he has during the Summer months instead of on Mighty important 'ate . • Garr- wi ys beer: a shyly startet C. to you-this trucking business. Mighty Rat, 4'r- Itz- it:Ka:line Mill be a ait Wednesday afternoon, important that the trucks keep rolling. - .• :••• 'r. alt J:-• Jett:res. the season goes along' beginning THURS- Because you, your C. B. GROGAN, family, your business or _ad trio Still shoo:ate at 'Babe Rut* DAY MAY 14: job arc tied directly and closely to Geett-1.0.114_1. Ji.fe T-4/0004.4 •• She $)ufflcy'tnd Ltra-cr prices, bigger City Clerk J.a 30-ys .eki -Miner selections, fresher n.ay t moteh feel. he has goods, doorstep convenience at tre ta -are hare good chance.' to crack ;Me all are direct benefits of 11-tia 1 a they this year cten ocnice Think of that though. h• •- DUNN & SPANN BARBER SHOP next time you see a only four raund-triPpt ttuc.L. - .• ing int', •I rr. little ahead : it In, r e• tia burden Cr laa: rdr he is:m.o. MURRAY BARBER SHOP • f Cat!. -ro-d Tn /-. ns • n y k.ckw:thtriw.e •r•.: ,aae• :nay and_ bet:. .t. T. hitt:Le the bill up WHITE WAY BARBER SHOP • , ,irsO itly is% trige c.,.‘,1c1 be a I 1.- nr.era c,• S thay ga: caarsa tot its still a.,;, KENTUCKY MOTOR TRANSPORT Get a lot faiesei laam,eity e ;' f air hits can as DUNN'S BARBER SHOP ASSOCIATION l.••• as• et -ani.a.,9 mg D ••c.,• abeaal 20 or 3a Pepubt c 111419 -1.0.i..411•4 Ky. AFTILIATiD fin:, thr • ;..,h!. th "tag. it the g.rrie LOS'? WIN ANIIRICAN .1.5 TRUCKING ASSOCIATIONI, INC, a-, K.!..: v. MAMMON 11. 5.C. • more truck! -t • tieril,ne Tr La• eittwr ‘4 4/41

441( Do you know this about telephone taxes?

You .inay- not realiye how large-a part of the money paid by telephone users Eoes to taxes. Including the federal excise tax. a total of 2`)!•• out of ever; dollar ft:Cencd front Southern Bell delivered customers last )ear was paid out in taxes to federal, 1582" slaty and local gov- • ernments. To put it another eay. the aver- at= amount el taxes was $2.9l nionth buys a 1953 GMC. Pickup with: 'per telephone.

Telephone taxes arc 105 I Vi:Ise-in•hcad Engine • SI to Gnrn- necessary to the', Oldsters Would supportof prestion Ratio • "6-Tooter .' goVerninent. hut Ihe) do Cab • 45- ISITIPere up. mount (h.ner.tilir Blush At Lack Higher tate., 14 course • Double- cling Shock ithtiorheri hate effect on the price pa'.- tor 4 • Recirculating liall-.Hearing Steering • Self. Of Base Stealing telephone sell we. The nevI line fnergizing Brakes • Stile:tiro-Mesh Trans. oupa) your telephone bill, remengicr that nutsiiin • (i-E1) fleas •I)ut 1 ires. a good part of it is ) for government taxes and national defense. Southern 11.11 7 el, phone. and it'll-graph •100 ( onspany Plirp, :as S. 11AIN STREET MOTORS f". al : . la; alai, lan •

••••• • •




• -1 A •


TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1953 TUESDAY, MAY 12,1953 TIIE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE THE Wins Clarke peek ii• Mrs. Winfred Tripp of Vine Callforina. %Timers the:. sister, Mrs. 0111 Street, has as her guest this week wn Last Stepp* Stone I Bud Sowell over the weekend. • II South 13th St• her mother from 14.ssouii. • Folks. T hope to do better next the meth TOLEDO, 0. May 12 Kentucky Bell please start writ- y iii 4 UPie- ()UR ANT ADS TO • time and not wait so long to heavyweight ing those long latteis again. lave !hi Mad-- Former champion Ep. USE 41 10 111111\1\ We write. WHIM! ,111111iL ili III 'Ili „moo 10-9 win over sard Charles, regarded tonight's of ono , S News enjoy reading them tiU much. .Kitty League, tight with young Billy Gilliam hese May God Bless you all. FOR SALE NEW KIRBY VACUUM. Miss Jean Washburn of 'South 1.Vtleti Paducah as his last stepping stone to., ; -Sue City Sue FOR SALE CLEANERS. Immediate delivers. I Hello Folks: Irvin Street has the . measles. We -r game played. another crack at the title. WANTED dauglin.r if ale and Mrs. Luther Here I go with hope she ,is well soon. :el 9-5, ea they C..m:.nagers Turn Tannas All attachments. Excellent floor Washburn has the measles, a bit of news Mintz said 9-FT. PHILCO REHUUERATOR polisher. Easy Terms. Good trade- Here Mrs. utter being out for so long front th. Erich teem Jake Charles is WANTED TO BUY -UPRIGHT And Juanita Self and sorieWil- - deter- and electric Mr. and Sirs. Lucion Sowell of According to an old trade treaty' mined to retain the title he um, range. Both in good in on your old vi:cuum cleaner. piano. liam working and sickness. _ with Bill Jelin• Wine VI-W. 1113c ,attended a Stanley Party at Bumpus Mills. and Mrs. Albert on wirw, no country but Portugal held. "When he ,... condition. Can be seen at Air- Call Clifton thempbell, epresen- Mrs. I guess everyone will be glad for the Miners gets by Gille,a4 Magalean Collie's house Wed- Merdith "lind daughter, Shelia, of can furnish Britain lene Gas Co. tative, when this cold spell is over. I cer- with port. we'll demand a shot at the Marco South 13th St. Phone Yonder nesday. tainly Owe us- anO-Waieutt winner," 1564-M. .19c will, because this weather e011ta'st they echoed, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Fuleher and FOR SALE NOTICE hurts me worse than winter wea- 1 Jr., sent 17 referring to Friday night's Mk -SLAB DOOR, PAINT- eel . Joe, spent Hello Every body Every‘Mci FrWay afternoon ther. the strikeout contest between Jersey Joe ED with white enamel. 32 inches e: with Far The Bast In Radio Ilakliplasnie Waheet their daughter, Mrs. Juanita Ms. and Mrs. total strikeouts and. chan:pion Rocky Marcum.. wide and 6'6- high. Complete with NOTICE - FOR REPAIRS ON Today is a beautiful warm sunny Bud Sowell .and Help Wanted Self and family on Vine Street, children Gilliam hardware. 297 motors, lawn molars, etc., call day for a change. spent last week with her pitched 140 far In the camp. Mide.i...d r South 13th, phone Miss Ethel Fulcher visited Mr. .Maybln 1103. Loyd Beane, 12164 or see at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stack : Most said his fighter was Mlene Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Runyon and and Mrs. C. C. Runyon end child- WANTED TWO LADIES TO 1109 Vine. • • M14e of Bumpus Mills, Tenn. ed in Ins - win "crowd and On age - lust the daughter, Sandra Jo, and Mrs. ren Sunday. They all went 1340 to the We WNW POR SALE-MY EQUITY learn _ were sorry to hear of Aunt AII40 IN :g homerun by way we want him to be 3- to press. Age 21 or over. Elmus Morris and daughter, Rose. airport and took pictures. bedroom home. Assume GI loan. BETTER MEALS FOR LESS yarn Hester's death. She lived on Vine outfielder, who Charlie expected to weigh-in No young babies. Apply at Poone visited Mr. end Mrl. Richard Self I was sorry to hear Ideally located. a Norge Home Freezer. Choose that Mrs. Street. Our sympathy is extended Marty Kutyna 188 for the TOledo Sports Call 635-R. Mnap and family early Sunday afternoon. Clarence Aire, Laundry and Cll'allerg. M12e the size "just right" fur your Duncan is ill. I hope she to the family and Dial loVed ones. 1.1. Paducah. • sc: op. and Gilliam hit 207 Visitors of the Self family Idler is well soon. :.ft• r SLIGHTLY' USED - BUT YOU family, whether it be a ne Mrs. J. T. Sowell and daughter an. and Union compreting his last workeut Suie Sunday afternoon were Mr. and There was much can't tell .eit. Dinette Suite, 5 upright or chest model. We sell excitement moved Trom her son's home on 'ere rained out. day afternoon. Mrs. John Walter ,F,..lrebro and about the circus that came Wednesday, May 13, 1953 piece set with extension table. a, Fomplete line of frozen foon to Irvin Street, Sunday, hack to FOR RENT son, Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. Pete town, May 8. As for $59.95. Riley's No. 2 Store, 105 containers. Ecuoomy Hardware, myself I Burnous Mills. We hope they will Self and daughter, Clara, and Mr. didn't go, but the childreu AN. N. 3rd Street, phone 1672. M13c Itt2le always like their new home. 6:e0 Farm Program 12:45 Luncheon Music FURNISHED APARTMEN - 3 and Mrs. -Willis Daniel. look forward to going to a circus ' Mr. Acie Washburn of Vine 6:15 Farm Program 1:00 Record Shop to 1:45 THE SKY IS THE LIMIT ON, Mr. Pete Self has purchased a rooms, bath, electrically equip- Ile - seeing you again soon. treet. fell yesterday and broke 6.30 Myelin Time 1:45 Here's to Vets NEW FOUR DRAWER WALNUT what you can do with the, more Cad:an:14 and has sold his Ford. ped. private entrance. Close us. her leg. We wish her a speedy 6:45 Calloway Capers 2:00 News finish chest of drawers. Water- than 80, wonderful Super Kern- Miss Jean Washburn, the little -Just A Hillbilly recovery. 8:55 News 2:05 Music for You to 2:45 fall top. $29,95. Just the thing Adults. Call 131-W after 5 pen. tone Deluxe wall paint colors 7:00 Morning Cheer 2:45 Jelly' Elliott • for that odd corner. Riley's No. 706 Olive tic Made so that anyone can limply 7:15 Clock Watcher to 8:00 2:45 Serenade 2 Store, 10.5- N. 3rd Street, phone them, you can ...over wallpaper. Almo_PTA in Blue Buys Books For-School 8:00 News 3:04 News 1672. M13e and all wall surfaces; in your 8:15 Morning Devotion 3:05 Western Star favorite shades. Economy Hard- MODIMN GOLL1TONE , 2 PIECE 8:30 Orgati Reveries 3:15 Western Star 5- Lost and Found ; ware & Supply, East Main, Phone living room .suite. Couch makes . 8:45 Morning Special 3:30 Music for Wednesday --J 575. h122e a real comfortable bed. 9:00 Morning Moods 3:45 Music $189.95 LOST -- PROBABLY AROUND fur Wednesday Also 2-1.1ece wine living room EVERYBODY KNOWS THE REPO- 9:15 Morning Moods 4:00 Postcard Parade Post Office, 4ey ring containieg suite $19.95. Riley's. No, 2 Sterne'- TATION of BLUE C.RASS Power 9:30 Morning Moods 4:15 Postcard Parade 1 ' 105 No, 3rd Street, phone 1672. 7 keys. R.!ward offired. Call ?I.:A „. and Push type Jr-lowers. They 9:45 Morning Moods 430 Postcard Parade MI3e or 226-J. M44e lake the Blue Ribbon f• r lawn 10:00 Newe 4:45 Postcard Parade __RutaLlallhytlun -lartrect-to-seit 7 11h15 .L00 -Sports Parade Hardwiree & Supply. A127c 10130 Lean Back and Listen 5:15 Teatime Topiee CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle 10:45' Leen Back arid Liaten 5:30 Teatime Topics THERE IS7 NOW A SINGER 10:55 Scrapbook 5:45 Sagebrush Serenade ACROSS I 101—Serdor (abbr.) sewing Machine Representative 11:00 1340 Club , 6:00 News 40—Small, thin nail l-Bitter v.teh 43—Stage living in Murray. For Sale& 11415 1340 Club. . &LS Between 4—College the Lines degree production Service and Repair, coniact Boyd 11:25 Eddy Arnold other 45—Church lanch 6:30 Baseb.ill Warmups 8-Later 47---4;reat Lak• Linn, 201 South Fifteenth, Phone 11:30 Favorite Vocals 6:55 St. Louis Cardinal Baseball II—Jumped 41—Falsehoods 1592-J. 13—Co usuler sunk in—Poems - tic 11:45 Gospel Hymns game to 10:00 I 5-6.zIets 1.2—Small island 12:00 News 10:00 NCWb 16—Torture 64-A1 REWARD: $300 FOR 'reds: down THE RE- 12:15 Noontime 18—Teutaglic deity i m111 fats Frolic 10:15 Listeners Request to 11:00 19—River iii TURN of, or lot iniurmation whirlwind 12.30 Church of Christ . 11:00 Sign 01t Siberia SS—Pacify leading to the return of black TI I —Haatened 611—Knockout 22—Animation I a blur and 'white 7 'week old Collie 24—God of love Si—Warm over puppy. Strayed .or was stolen Z6—Partner 61-1111ther 25-711ings In law 65—Moven from Airline Gas Company Wed- Sae-Coral Island 66—What? nesday, May 6. Call William 31—Stalk 67—Anger 31—Rupees (abbr.) I. Johnson at 1177. M.12p 34—Caudal •- DOWN appendage 1—Slan'• name 4—Nuppl h stew 36—Period of tins. 2—Vacation hpflf L—TaLe as Que.& n 6-1,rynees —Perela us hat CORN FOR LAMBS I 1 f W f b 7 ., a, t, 21.--4Chs lice. money 6-e-reinter's Teets at the Universdy ot Ken- a 4 5 se tumbler U's k y Agiletelloral Experiment J III—Slhurt. heavy t Station found cracked yellow corn Ar — .fite (abbr.) cheapest 14 .... us to be the and best ration I 2. •_ci", ,/,1 iz Ts 17— Lat., t for creep-feeding lambs. Costly S.., m. Ones mixtures 7M—Pred5ear shewed no special Sup- 24 ii rs thr. net eridirely to corn alone in rate and 74—,lunian /.; deity efficiency' of gain or market-finish ... /0.i, ..•.. k slice of lianibs.• 77—Wsust 35—Italign NI 5 c/.:4. B. 7? coins . 32-4_ laTer earth While mon, dad, and the teachers the past season. 71% - -=103b- in remodeling Jr., and Ken Allen Miller, Mrs. Nit rgep , WS 37— Votay conducted the-business and redecorating of the Alm° l the gymnasium. Horde:Au Wrathee first teacher, is 1 35—Trail 32-1tuy PTA in the school gymnesium ate The summer project is pleuried to helping 45 46 r/ ' ',I1 •*;Se9 hark the children explore the It-610AI plate 95 Drive the last meeting, the children in assist principal W. B. Miller in new intelests. 43—More In timid Ss :2754 44—WhIle attendance at the night meeting enlarging the library-study hall, ,46—Tuus and I were entertained with theifrve new according to officials, Wilson Garilt wes instelltd ..s I at all ).,,u oi—PutT lip hoe! How did tS .77;St. Sr '5'?,-, Tuesday Wednesday sets of the World Book Encyclope- president at this meetine. 5uce0.4i- sL these items get —113rracuda and The children in the picture are 53.4Treetuland dia. ing Mrs. Bud l yOu can' cat-them ..1 Wat "The Devil Makes Three" from left; Hargis. Other of- up, wear them out or use • .2. :' ...4 -Twilit H.., standing-Wanda Brittein r.7.-Lat,hn The gift iron) the ficers itictuded in last year's staff c'..! -If , with Gene Kelly PTA is the and Warida Tav lsr. Sealed --Ronda you've got it-a truck brought it", spaa.,h article iireanization'a and this year a orgarimatem include sums ‘.5 .. cn—Nittive Metal and Pier Angell must recent Project Mart, Joe Pat Brittain, Billy Reed LARRY KERLEY very point fr—tireetIng Mrs. W. B. Miller, Mrs. Macon production and distribution, This group of interested parents Miller. Janice Rickman, Cho. Tay- all- GI --Citimse tuft Rickman and Mrs Otis Brittain, ,' Ws a WNW rafts •••■••••• 14 , and educators has aided the school lor, Michael ruck service plays a key part. Johnson, Ned Nance portant to you NANCY -this trucking business. Mighty By Ern. Bualasaillgr it the trucks f 34 # keep rolling. Because you, • your SORRY-- DON'T TAKE --IN FIFTEEN YEARS business or tub arc tied directly and closely to DOGS IT SO HARD, YOU CAN SEE THAT end. Lower prices. eoth bigger selections, fresher abiM ALLOWED BOZO MOVIE ON cp 5e cOmenience all are direct benefits ed Wick a// F RA 0 TELEVISION I. of that next time you see a truck. 15 a raaenr• Ise 1s.ral....1 try k.. 441* I SYNOPSIS "Enough," 1 said. I Aboard the yailit •'Spiritus" riding ute, Optlyke. I think we have an hr off Nassau. Bahamas. Lord Hub- .vonder If you are realty as something to discuss." 1—r ert Tintagcs, hi. Ailirrican wife Vir- devoted as you think. I wonder To my ginia. end their elderly aunt. surprise, Opdyke seemed Lady how you'd Lisa Tremaine, await the arrival of stand up to a test?" delighted at the suggeetion. further u eat a. Darius Opdyke, a Optlyks continued. "With all my heart, if you wealthy eccentric and owner of the are vIOTOR luxury Lisa Tremaine saved Inc. not afraid or TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION craft, had invited eight Profile it." to cruise with him •Iang the South "Let the girl alone," she said "1 am not the one who is In N(,) .j .Msnes mg American mast. Remaining spat • c Bale ii eat with the most implaceble courtesy. danger," Brown -Loide.lthr. Ky. finally board ship There • Gay Walton. told him grimly 0/IOW/NG MICAS TRUCKING movie actress, and her very mature- es- "Ginger, my dear,..lan afraid I've as they went out the door. ATSOCIATIONI, INC., INASIIIIISTON B.C. curt. rrellerick Brown. • lawyer; Lar- rathet let sem in for :something. I too bad had as much as I ry Redding. • broker, and his hand- did not rd•alize acme wife. Carlotta. fn. Ruben we were sailing" cauft1 stand, and I plummeted 4410 Ran- I. So. dolph. psychiatrist. When the vertu Is with Peck's Bad Boy." through the door on the V S - AU netts ••••••vorl well underway. opposite Cala SCSI by tha41Feerbee trAkame. ba MA, Its passengers meet Mr. Opdyke gave- her a dirty their captain, Erihriern Jonas and their side, found an empty chair in a strer•rd. Todd observing this odd look, but he drifted off Just the recess of the deck and sat down pair, VIry'nin TInIngel ARBIE an' SLATS somehow feels same. Ile went over to the writ- in it, trying to blend myself Mt, that ebe—esessierrawrs--artr prisoners of By Ra•bsum Vass Baran the crew. ing table and scratched all a note, the darkness so that nobody could rang for Todd, and told him , to find nie. y KNOvV rfLr I ii', TOMMY,,. BUT BUDDY, YOU'RE MARKED LOUSY LOOK...I'M irilArrErt FOUR take ft to Miss Walton. "Tell her ' Of course 1 knew very what r NOT ASKING -FOR well . IT.TAKES A LOT OF TIME AROUND THIS TOWN AFTER THE I'll see her later." he ordered, and Orelyke had been WHAT MORE PROOF ca.) FAVORS...ALL I WANT IS A UP 1N the salon our host startud hinting at will. 10 FORGET... PLEASE iv' WAY YOU DROPPED It sounded like a threat. Then he Robert. It LORNA...THAT'S 306... ANY JOB... making tip bridge games nit if we all had to..tio with tle NEED THAT BUDDY TOUTERS DON'T went to hang over the bridge LOSE PATIENCE h WHY NO SELF-RESPECTING NO were refractory Mockholders and skeleton in the Tintagel closet RUN OUT ON YOU, LORNArr? CHARITY, table. By this time I think we WITH ME OFFICE WILL GIVE YOU you • he was the chairman of the hoard Not such a terrible skeleton either IT'S BEEN WEEKS NOW JUST A CHANCE know this were all arseit reedy to scream. A He put Robert and the doctor et unless you want to take the atti SINCE HE DISCOVERED SOB: — . TO WORK: 110hert WAS dealing. z. one table with the 8r-din:les, and Lode that no generation can eve, "I've made special YOU'VE LOST YOUR then he met his match In Lisa a effort to escape from the sins of the fa elephone sign on Haitian VOLCS-AND HIS taxes? Tremnine. She erlmli announced] a crew this voyage, thers. You set, Robert had Lord Tintagei.• that she preferred to knit, pulled And to include a great-grandfather who as MEAL TICKET/,' trip to Haiti. It will Interest you." out a little red sweater she wits her of the Hellfire Club, when e t ra1u,' -1 Was there e hugc a pert of the making rot a grandbion, and pro- in 1939." said Rob- was a group of rakes in Londor, by- ert, linving out the card' with un- ruid telephone users goes to ceeded to do just that. Gay Wal- who built a church fee des- taxes. necessary snap and vigor. ton took advantage of the moms-n' Worship on the estate. It was hi. the federal knoW that." Mr. Opdyke excise tat. a total tary interference to murmur norin:t told much more than a hundred yerii:s hunt smoothly. of ever; F thing about beauty itleep and "1 make it my ago, and that's a long time, isn't dollar feCel%ed front leave the business to know everything.?". It' Naturally II customers last room. I did not have sense there was a lot of year was paid Dr. Randolph looked up and gossip, and it to enough to follow her example. all gave Hie to the federal, staty and local there was a .warning in-his es- irgend that goy- Mr. Optlyke, as restless as a the family was ac- ) put pri sston which I could not quite cursed, it another vkay. the awf- hornet., zoomed around for a few and that no Tintagel would understand. "You are getting out live ul taxes minutest, end then settled by me to see his heir. S2.91 a month of hand, Darius." he asstd. "Why Our Bobs is c.. Ma first question was in the hate- a living proof that UV, ABNER don't you relax?" . we've not By Al Capp youi - stopped - beating - your - wife rid of the curse. An Opdyke whinnied. "You mean I we got rid of the taxes are necessary church too, but HE SPORTS AEST;t to the. have the. upper hand, and you HONEY"- I VJE. ARE SLOBBOVIAN HO,BOY.r.r- NOW -SVE VO' KIN P.IA KE A"Cr w-#RVI thnt is nnother story. Any-Way, it "cm.E- .4144ZEO.':r aVernment, but Pito you know that you are, an don't THESE. SLOBS F'lGHr laJK MEN-- 5..::.o,QuicK COMES SOME OuTA YOuR'N. MADE. they do mount like that. eh, Randy? Lord all has nothing to do with Robert. r.'-AH Alor as of extremely beautiful youug Tintagel knowm ARE AwNo-oN' GORL`..",— FIGHT FOR usto REAL.FUN, Li OuTA NINE."- ? --THE'Y'RE THE course have effect very well what I except that he did believe it when on WOrrulti?" • getting vousr, API-,'A. LAT'S GREATEST Gilta,L pay am at." ha wee: a little boy. And when he for telephone service. IEJR GAT "Thank you," I said. Robert gracefully col/refer! his- litat grew tip he made a study 5,1 BAT Ti GUNCIff WRESTLER'S ON time you cards 'and fanned, them out. KARS IN— E.ARTHYT- wHAT pay your tolephone "Come now, why not he honest? His- black magic and occult things in r You beautiful 'hinds were one of the several -different A COVER PICTURE that a good part of scent to he Very rrIlleh in love coentrien - just to it is taxes with first things I liked ahout. satisfy TH EY'Cs MAKE!? lit and your husband, too" himself that there was national "The Hellfire Club defense. -"fis that 'enema'?" I slaked. 'had more dis- nothing In such silly serierstition. tinetton in my andee:torai dee." he- I went on sitting there "Very. My father mother under plume and and said sweetly. -tr--ts overcrowded that beeutiful tropic Telegraph tinted ellen rafter." sky, like a ' 0111rally ndnv. Two spades," lie addled with Purple awning, with the stars like. I let that one go. Maybe thril finality. golden lamps, and I worried plenty. Pwni, I thought, but I Frederick-Drown. whdi 'tsP"1 1,1^ hail been Balmy the air, and beautiful the • didn't. say nnything. Was be- acting More Ile and more like a- man surmittutings, and I would rather_ ginning to make me feel redhead" metilentally caged with a croco- have been back in.the damp pantry '(I, and' Robert has plight. dile, decided me at this moment that at Chillstohe with a 'half inch or .euilething about hold lng. my b•4, olio all he' eeuld take. He water -the door, mittens nut, erei ante Enlittly aertisS the room with seven coming kir dinner. I did not you. know winch about your a sort of granite di-termination., IBM Ulla erlilMe• when you msrried him?" "Step outside with me a ann. Be (To CanfinuCd) Wessisaems p.ron. JI 51`;'.. hInnhart If y riv • • 'a a


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PAM: FOUR THE LEDGER & TIMES, liURRAY, KENTUCKY TUESDAY, MAY 12, 19:; Stock For 4-H'ers A pig chain is being used I. youngsters wanting to raise h:ttc. A truckload of Michi4an dairy PREDECESSORS while still other WOMEN'S Club News Activities dairy heifers- was chstrubted amonfg 4-H'ers are raising PAGE 1-H club boys in Grayson county. beef cattle. Ohio ELIZABETH 11 Jo Burkeen, Editor.... Phone 55 or 1150-M Weddings Locals 0, No. 18: Edward V. Had title of King April-June, 1483. Richard III. Ruled England 1483.1485. VARSITY Edward V, son of Edward IV, was born in r---ocial Calendar 1 -/irs L'-ern" Miss Veronica Kolinski Recbmes Westminster in 1470. Three months after Rile-11 .Bride Of h• HOStf'SS For Young succeeded the throne at 12, he was seized Edward Mason Shroat Saturday Morning to TODAY II e•iiirly VW' 1*: Matrons Meeting by his paternal uncle, the Duke of Gloucester, and imprisoned with his younger brother. At Mrs. 1.. • . :lotto W..:tnell will- pro. The Young Matrons Group of the Duke's instigation he was deposed of as and WED. sent her expression pupils in ad the Christian Women's Fellowship ruler by an assembly of lords and Commons N--M's Nan- • recitai at the Murray audit° of the First Christian Church who, declared his father's marriage invalid and High held warming Voile num at at". en-thirty It monthly meeting in the home Edward, therefore, on illegitimate child. The a haute( and a of Mrs. Vernon Riley on South Duke's purpose, of course, was to make himself ..• youngster! The East Side Club will meet Thirteenth Street Thurklay even- king. with Mrs. Sam Adams :.t one- ing at seven-thirty o'clock. •• He, Richard III, the son of Richard, Duke of thirty o'crocX. Mrs. Harlan Nudges presented York, and brother of Edwakd IV, was born at • •• )the program on• "Oug Mirsietnaries Fotheringham in 1452. His record was one of The Pottertoim Homemakers in Africa.-- The- devotion on the ay able soldier and man of culture until kingly Club will meet theme of Mother's Day was given ambitions got the better of him. He then RED W.. J. A. including Outland. .7-t tin o'clock. • by Mrs. Guthrie Churohill.; stooped to any means, the murder of the rightful heir, to further his ends. 'New officers for the eo:nung year But the throne won by crime made for an uneasy reign. Cire.14 cf the WNIS of the First pre Mrs. H J. Bryan.' chairman; When conspiracy and open rebellion eared, Baptist Church will meet at. two- Mrs' Robert Hopk_tus. Ice-schair- SKELTON Richard tried hard to cultivate friendships. Par- thirty &clerk as follows: man; Mee. NisraMirt Hate.--wereteiery- Richard ants, 1 yintti ,- flamers/ in particular came in for especial cep- E T ) 211r-a- A. R. Lastwter, 11- with ?siva- triase, his tie phi'te ,= -proval and a large shore of the authority it had Thcir Rutus• Saur.ders, Ill wi•h Mrs. The hostesses. Mrs. Riley 'and Eificard V. lost under Edward IV was restored. But the mao/ruphs a ppcar JANE Hillard Rogri.r. Mrs..Everett Jones. served GREER and refresh IV with Mrs - king was always dogged by th• memory of his Lois Wile r. a tits: to the brirde th, Iii. f " Vie members and Own misdeeds He died on the field of battle at o gue-ts. Bosworth, crying - _ s • out, 'tit said, ''My kingdom tiN1 CONSIDINE Murray _St-r ch.pler No _ for a horsier:. His slayer was the Earl of Rich- Order of ti'. E-stern St i mond (later Henry VII). Horses began to he'd as regalar niest-ng make history in another way in Richard's Masonic 11.11 at se *0: PERSONALS'. reign. Stage-coach systems were started. o'clock.

• • • Mas-,o Meh.e.1 ut Mien. Below: Murder of the young princes. Hones, evening to visit reportedly theirs, teese 19.siesd In 1674 to the When you give Iterroesday. May 13 r, Mit Billie Me-Keel. Tower gird whites:red iv Westminster AGM y. ••• I:- sister. Mrs M Benton Ro.d ,••••••••.• .• .,- • - --• SrrS-.."Edrai- Stz 247147" -&h%- Leihn,ildreont, . . -1-017-77 : The Art:, i•-d Crafi, C:1:b will Sh-Mir7c-e---F-AtandiirdEdie:-:iradne•i On Saturday • nitget with .74:s Nt...sistes ii.oia-ah morning. May 9, Miss Veronica Kolinski, F.,..„,...‘.1k ind •A • rei the. weekend daughter of Mrs. Ignatius at two-ti..:-:, e.- k.. • s 1 Kohnski, and the,late Mr. Kp- 1:::.-:-Y , f M7s BranlicY.c .P•Icer---e linski, 101.011A of Minneapolis. - • • • Minnesota, and Edward Mason 1%'1 j: NI- L"'n mi.- Shroat, Br:,4!ev son of -Mr. and Mrs Jefferson Davis Shroat, Thursdas. May' ,arne for the I Sr., You give tfie-1Gift of a Lifetime! II s .,.,,.,... At..r. ii ,' h.o'i,-.•"- •Tt-!,.., 'N:. !Y Of _this city were married at St. Leo's Church in Murray. The. I.,. i The double w..11 rn,• • 't ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. -Stranc Park. Leonard Reisz. • C., k • • • ••• • The bride wore a blue Eisenberg dress and carried a Mr. and Mrs. Peter The South Miirrayf Hom, Makers Hepprier re- white orchid 'and lilies of the valley bouqiiet. Her turned h-:rne Saturday* aftei-re.•n access- Club will meet with Mrs. S. V ories were white and her hat was. trimmed with rhine- from Houston Texas. ichei.e they stones. • • • • attended the Southern Baptist Con- : Mrs. Robert vention. • W. Hine, the bride's °lily attendant, wore • • • a Vogue design of Y. • beige and brown silk with neutral ac- The Girl So C• lead- wmi Juinita .Witriams it cmsorirs and a hat Df natural straw. Her corsage was of ers wail meet ..t the Sc. ea Vatin vine. Ill., was the weekend guests gardenias. at nir.e-thorty o•elesile rr. morn- of her mother. Mrs Mary E. Wit- Mr. Keith Kennedy served the ing. groom as best man. liarr.s, and ottWr relatives. The bride is a graduate of the University The New Concord Herneinakers , • • • of Minnesota School of Dental Hygiene. BEVERLY DOLLY MADISON Club will tr.f-t t with Mrs William Mrs. L r Owen left this morr.- Minneapolis.' Minnesota. She WATERTITE• PRESIDENT is presently 2,1 21 tow•Is radian, Kir.sms 'at ,.or.--tn.:ry fo-r LOwsville where employed as Dental Hygienist in the office hands dial 21 ,...ii ck; she will of •spa.ean bracelet si••••p •• • att Dr. Alvin H. Kopperud. $42" second hand issisw.... bond -efi-d- The Kentucky Federation $5750 unbmaltabla Ws The groom 1:t crystal Ch ar! it, •• pr..• f ire .ClUbs meetmg. strs. a graduate of Denver University. Denver. $3371 $49" • sent her - :sot, • Ower is the:•presidentnew Colorado. He is now moved to the range where of the employed with Carbide and Carbon, Range For Turkeys they are • •,•• as in,. n_-v..., to !marl rho recital at Mr It arr y aueli- Murray .W•arnanS Club. Corporation of Paducah. kept until sold. A leaflet called o.a.r• crr...N 0,•Iy • p..••••• Kentucky, . Turkeys are generally do. rue. 'ts•:...are at 7 ck_ Mr. and 3Irs. raised in "Growing Turkeys on Range." pub- • Shroat are now at home at 403 semi - confinement in tattle Miss. Beverly Lassiter rt-- North Kentucky lished by the University. of Ken- Fifth Street, Murray. They are started in reiyed only ir .nor ir tunes when a brooder tucky College of Agriculture and Saturday. May ' house on the floor and kept there 14 'he wras hit by a car in South 4th — Home Economics, may be had Mrs IJ Mc-Cor re-:.'a II and on a sun porch until eight to LINDSEY'S pre- St re-et Si.:torday mar^.ins She -15 Ways from county agents or by writing Pert tar c..r, To Improve Juanita Williams, 10 weeks old. Then :•cital r Iron the Mu-. they are to the college at Lexington. at ni — Iris • i• She- :s the daught. Plantings July • s: Bride-elect, • • • Mr Sti.Mr- 4.! j3rr ir.pre_ve iris plantings from Honored it Parties The A'0- a It. •r-e f year ti year, Prof. :he N. R Elliott. Miss Juanita HERE'S ...114terti:y C horticulturist Williams of Belle- HOW... ; r•-o,••. R and Mrs R • A Shrker .at the University of St L'14' C.l, 11,,use Kentueors, makes these vugRestim, ville. Ill. daughter of, Yrs. Mary %.1:••V I mu- returned home af•rr .ttencling- , Every survey shows it . , c'elock Ilet-s: Sir E. Williams of Murray. was com- MeKe t•- the athern Baht-e: As soon as the plants bloem, those the gost C: nvente n plimented with a dinner and show- every dealer knovi• it- sp..eiter Me:: b. pie ...1" Houstvn. that are lovely an color and are note Teltar. last week. er by Mrs_ H. B. Tabor at Americo les for the -Rusekrel change- in me•ting date' • • • free from insects and disease should her home in Belleville recently. les among the most admired Dr ard Mrs. be marked for leaving, while those The H. C. Chiles re- The honoree is the July bride. ruitomobiles around today Capta.n (Jury chap. turned with poor-color blooms should - to Murray on Saturday - . be elect of Robert Edwin ter o, the DAR IA meet with Sparks. this high-powei ed. highwtyled If ‘r nir z after attending tne South- The house and Miss Ber-.::e Fry. two blown table were beal- Soper for 1013- and that's -thirty urn Ei.p•.-.‘t Corlentlon in Houston -MIX* felc all slfbuld be o'clock Members tifully decorated with arrange- a mighty pte.sse rate the Tex • !..• week 'Ch cut, as the formation of seed is profitable situation change of Dr les was ments of spring floaters meet.riz itt. f- m sec. thou- hard on the plant If seeds do grow for every "Rocket- owne,! ' laud tt) Barbou'vrile Following the dinner the honoree Sitei-releiy to thin-1 1Frnmo5i•y Sunday;.. into new Plants, they will not It memo., that your thismiihilii conduct the funeral ser- he was presented with gie g.4 ccr rs of. a lovely ar- ccs cr., cf the the paean: plant. ray 'will command top prier as • , •0- rnemberrittg. of gifts. r 11 ; t ('form ... will Oil top h in that cite Those present and sending gifts get ' • . ileal on . ; • • •••ii were Mrs. Helen Cogle. Mrs. Mary sour. nest I tidomotole Have You Read Today's Lee, Mrs. Alma Hamilton. Mn. I R enthowasm for the Classified Ads? Louise Clemm. Mrs. Hazel Bor. ENTHUSIASM -lio4 Let- means literAlly- ouet. Mrs. Dorothy Nehrkorn, Mrs, money in your pocket! Alien' Mr. Viehman, Mrs Lorena Kern, the Thin gi eat popularity is just one . and Mrs. Ryan Attend Shoe " 'Rocket con rnecin Show Edith Kircher. Mrs. Lents advantage of owning an- ' it • !aman. Miss Dorothea Meyer, I Silsmobile-- with ate famous the honoree and money in the hostel). your pockeT ! Engine. Power Styl- • • ing. rower Steering.. Pedal- The riarnrOa Chi Chapter of -Rita Ease Power Wakes*. Si, Thu ta Tm,ii sororits• rif Mate a dale with the Irbiamoinle Ill horyored %Es, Juanita Williams, "ticket-- right now! July bride-rleet rif Robert Edwin Sitirks, with a kitchen shower le- rently. •Trow rooror lowtr•• The 'honoree' oo orwried the gifts amö \to 4.8”:”.., I after Which refreshments of coffee ail ir “plto and cake were served. Members of the sorority -chapter wore pre- sent._

• • • Perfume That Clings Q. — ilrar Pe'nn'. : I ador• per. • fume. hut for some rearion or otther Its fragrance just does not last on me. 1 hay, told Several Of nif friends that 1 want a new perfume hut first I roust find out about lasting one. — Mrs. A. W. A - A particularly good icics fur women who claim that per- fume does not 'stay with them" is a Liquid Skin Sachet. it !months on the skin very easily and ling- ers longer because of its sachet have It has a slower rate of dif- fusion and evaporation than any other typo of fragrance. -Try this Houbigant Chantilly Ltquld Skin Sachet smallagle. Only $185 plus tax at Car Seott Wa'green Drugs. illat.itotoi ..81""11-1)•we 446.1..4 (Arr.•.../ 11.4.••• I Pictured above is Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ryan of the Ryan Shoe Store who recentlys attended the of Murray, Seventh Fall Shoe Show in St. Louis. ROCKET ENGINE The show was held by the St. Louis Shoe Manufacturers Association. Lakeview Drive The picture above was made in one of the Accent In Shoe Company's sample rooms MAY IS "SAFETY in the Sfatler Hotel in St. Louis during -CHECK" MONTH .. SEE YOUR At the right is Henry Fowler, com- OLDSMOBILE DEALER pany repreisentat-ive tit the Accent Shoe Company. The model is showing one of thy: Tuesday & Wednesday company'S popular shoes. J. T. ''Las Vegas Story" HALE MOTOR SALES Mr. Ryan hap been •PPointed to the shoe company's Spitcial with Jane Russell Seventh and Main 320 West In is capacity, Mr. Ryan Retail Advisory Board. Broadway will advise the board on 'style and pattern and Victor Mature MURRAY MAYFIELD area, or suggi at needs that trends in this he discovers in the sale of ladies YOUR shoes. OLDSMOBILE DEALER ALSO FEATURES TOP VALUES IN SAFETY • -TESTED USED CARS

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