Study of the Compensation for Cultural Filtration in the Translation of Yu Xuanji's Poems
Linguistics and Literature Studies 7(4): 126-130, 2019 DOI: 10.13189/lls.2019.070402 Study of the Compensation for Cultural Filtration in the Translation of Yu Xuanji's Poems Xie Mengling1,2, Lu Jie1,* 1Foreign Language College, Chengdu University of Information Technology, China 2College of Marxism, Northwest Normal University, China Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License Abstract Yu Xuanji’s Poems were translated into the Shunqing Cao once said in The Variation Theory of Anglophone World by Jeanne Larsen, Kenneth Rexroth Comparative Literature: “Cultural filtering is the selection, and Ling Chung, Kang-i Sun Chang and Haun Saussy, transplantation, transformation, and reconstruction of Justin Hill and Genevieve Wimsatt. This essay mainly communicating information by receivers according to their focuses on cultural filtration and compensation strategies cultural tradition, realistic context, value standard, and in these translated versions. Inadequate understanding is aesthetic habits, whose result is the variation of the original the main cause for cultural filtration. This essay analyzes communicating information within an indigenous inadequate understanding for Chinese literary tradition, context”[1]. Cultural filtration is the prerequisite when Chinese culture, Chinese language and Chinese ancient translations enter the target culture and if they don’t go society. Translation of literal meaning with notes, through cultural filtration, they would not be really translation of implicated meaning with notes, juxtaposition accepted by target culture. Translation of Yu Xuanji’s of implicated meaning and literal meaning and paraphrase poems is an embodiment of the exchange of Chinese and embedded in text were adopted by these translators to Anglophone cultures.
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