Ews Media Team up N Election Coverage
SEE THE All form. 01 'lISurlllee "BABIED USED CARS" '. , G. Rt THEDAILYNE stock Water st. erra Nova Motors Ltd. Ellzabeth Ave. 70. NO. 81 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1963 16 PAGES SEVEN ~1r1i:!'" ,81 ~~.) ~" ",'''\ ~:'Ii ~,.; I';~I t~ , '" t/':\ ' ~) ~\~r~~. t~'h h\;i I:i!l ., f·>,,, .,,'<"""';"~ l~ , ""1;.. 'I r ~ '-,\ ;(1 ~~, r::l r;J:·i. " io.J.;.~\ {I..u:~\ .' . ·;r ." n ,', rq.. J, "3 rnf<i\ "'-At; 'ifn ~ ~ -to jI, '"', '. .:., v:"'~. ·". ...'-It, "'J ,'. ...... ~,..::.:'.< .• ."< "":~~/' WS~. r''.1 rn ~~ ..... " u.s. Shows- Party Leaders .Wind· Interest In Up On Vigorous Note Election By The Canadian Press . ,. By JIM PEACOCK Campaigning in the final week of the election dug into a grab- NEW YORK (CP) - A Cana- bag of issues, but the nuclear controversy still emerged on top. dian, mindful of the federal I election back home next Mon- E ection sparks were struck when it was disclosed in Washington ! day, stood studying the covcrs that U.S. Defence Secretary McNamara asserted that American and · of magazines on a Times Square .~ .. newsstand. Canadian Bomarc anti-aircraft missile ba'ses would "at the very least" " ,. "Perhaps'" he told a com pan· draw enemy fire if war erupted. STREET ion, "if Canadians want the people of the united States to Prime Minister Diefenbaker,\ clear weapons in Canada. of the political arena. "We mUlt know more about Canada, they camp~igning. in Quebec and Social Credit Leader Thomp· put an end to the cheap prae-' should encourage the U.S. statc Ontano, Said the McNamara, son, who wants to turn the tice of buying votes with elec- · department to comment more statem~nt made.
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