sre Slate that RESOLCTIOSS or t-ntion a id of the The Senatorial Election. Governor Letcher’s messages paper* IHqUIRT. LATEIOMERN NEWS. powar fiovc-nnen: elsewhere, Tft HHj trusted tha was hut for a few honor to time or man. Thsy are Resolutions were offered and th delay date. The terv liberally proposed tli&t th< would do any any adopted, instructing i^HB iutfeirtr baring to The C,ertn.iDs then irtired. -nth HHB no mea- appropriate committee* inquire into the Xertb«rn paper, of t Ith and 3th ef Jannart cen- pr«vly pleased -fee ahall be of the old able, firm aud decided. He advocate* half-aay axpedi Senator to be elected Whig party — 9 Utview. ardent cney taiu torae n The? are at length farced ihould make the eelec sures. manifest patriotism and interesting and that the Whig* themselves They glowing By Mr. NEW MAX—Of mg the Star *a » modify Law, to admit the were at his connected with it. to that Tank def.ated Viekaburg, smut -ornoi ai. new nr unDUTtoa. in Ita issue, reliefea them, ef this re devotion to State, and everything allow collections to he made from all debtors net 4 ttea, yesterday's after a aad ed ceuld net be abler or tlm or whoa* home* are uat inside efrere prat Tha Washing- Tha ,, and the Seaatar itself. This ii 1 am ftillv persuaded that Virginia army, the line* af ib< | struggle Wndiinjton RtyuU’ra genera'ly recognized HB sponsihltity desiguataa ton ta m- better In the Seaste and I trust it will be public essay. Chronic!# saje that artaan was aomp/llad f. 1 ■ 't.iitralion >hia iU"lf >ua. The Allea- repreaented ; Olg.ia eipreasct. Oter prae geutleman uamsd—Judge Mr. COGHILL—Of further th* onrnrj^^S him with the By legielatioa fWr tap tira hafore ta o.arwhi forea af the and ntd to aid weuU the of the Legislature te honor ng lehala, Wig aiioo : ie personally and politically acceptable ae, pleasure preasioa of gamisg, sad af th* trst sad aw ameadiag that the ana o be take* after a »nd wi As Easts us ViaaixiAX. cond sections af t* petiiiea disparate We are eoafideut that we are an the are of at any time make a worthy Senator. But wa, appointment. thsptsr lug, prarid* far the farfail hard* r fareiri There are of liaasei pausua ia andblaode The Terk Herald ears “Ticks- deTeiap-anu yuxpeetiag Halation. belief* a of the auothar, aot be tecupiad h;, aagtgtd kwapiaj ajH| majority Whigs, prsfer hu.vTWM. IMITH. ■ aay ilriwa whiak haw lha wind it tarn ar exhibiting far# basks ar other {.st ag feblw au hat aitnemad anot aad (hi* time a verr aarera t^RU or a more estimable hurg ha ia ator* of a Whig gentle tianad in the irst eactian af said To the Editor the TTAtp .- hill. Wale* defeat, /a (art. fheueaed satiat- has besa of arm/ mea, The KJah-aad iiaa data mail; bat the boainaas ef bis life legisiatioi G*v«r- By Mr. CARBON—#f with sailBhli D••/•tail aa'.J, aince, As the Urm *f our and werthy ra-taaatiaf, ed a form*labia Caet war after a weak', — * proseg'Vohlo th* sat b/ tamale, C'aa kiltie af AaUaut paya> «t al pwaoa iHH and and ue mat, wa halier#, sau reader amaadaaata, p.isead Oataaar 1777, aatiBad, “si ought aer draw* near It* we •* leek am Ware heal aide: taalhata «. eat! l taaa h*T« diplomacy, elose, natnraiJy hegia act t* prevtat aai l hie dgbtlag, bare ft ta mka this ttreng held.— yui much and sarfiees le the Ceafederaey as Mr faraatalliag, rsgratiug, sagrassiag, aageed as for a suitable fueceeser. In over a/ ihii altar* win pwifeal 'areand glMeing puhlia readuaa.” Ale* aa eat passed Maaeasbar 97,1792 Tha failara taw, aaemt ta a bad ana. We hare ear- prepaihii prapnelf R. is net naw ia the ear Taa Naw ha* a Aires. Besides, Mr. public aa “aa aat di» af Ami I Tark Tr,ku.n* wali-aotuidattd leeg eaulega* of Xbleand experieeeed 8lei*> titled, against elgsr. falsa saws." last lira tkeu*a< aa, and raJaahla ofl- n'td^H his e* Virginia', uial/ tauap tea a ul' and aleotiea we make a clear gain of th# 7th saatiea af «a act aa uyea ihjeet f'uraiga laadiatioi, prapoaing flee, by Aia 1 e*n think ef no cue mere to IU that p**«*d h'ahraary 21, 1119, tk^HH mea, competent eeca, aad tha troape *ar< la»t .acetate at tend the Uwi.a I.11 hi u the It Jum lot find Abilities to the public cause, titled, “aa aat t* raduaa iata aa* th* •*?»*> a*M fai —edia'ery paver. s>W^Kjs| perieece end than Hen. Wio. tfaulh of — an elevated konered positiee, ardiaarie* and haaaas af trwaiperte, ia aa eeedilit > renew the jaa- ta ilia krauau liararuiaeai making affart ia w# should that regulatiag prirat* aotartaia eagigtamt tbi^W Clit Oe preler politieJani 10 principles, diroalioi' Wat ia ml woh a&iefled ^liflrnurab $!t|ig. general Fauquier. Modest and uauaaumiug, he ha* sought no p* mtnt, nad far the catmint af hacaca. the Taakee allot killed aim Oeaeral Buglitnd. ihi | lipplieg Aiaeng Morgan ao more be ia ne satiated wdk ilia iuterfeiuuoe Or and mingled together, in Mr. X MW MAX—Of aa paapla gin JAN. 1S«3. judge#should eitieu daring war, Imt having early volunteered By au«|)ending iatereit al aid Colonel J. It. Vff/mai The lloiIis^HB Tk290.4T HORNING, IS, man t# lia# c j^bis papera expreee appro- lion of lae iv.aa or e»ea of ar rule ic a one ; to hold s tha bond* or claim* which era da*, th# • Cantona, franco, English goed defence ef bis and liberties he line **- open prndaatioa of Uioa^HS ceuatry'e rights hceaioae far ibaaafet/ acral Uoruv, wha waa sent artamly of Uiu«ia, but into with which he has deliberately cbeeea. One# a judge aaliefactary proof that tli# party owing auah hand ai /xrtiJiou* Afny/ii«./^E| life, and faead the and ahowa as usuoh aut on a in con it. GO CORRK9PONORNTS. bly gallaatly euesuv, claim has'sad* a tea iai of aotaa ia epceial miteioa la I Late, aid had not if htlp he must net t'anfsderat* pay V^H always a is, expect premetiei Oliiar indication* Are nianifeil iu t(T lot*m on bmotmo*- m tot to tddrooood to tko "tutor judge—that sagauity and ability ia military affairs as ia lbs cosacils rntut for tha a.naa, aaaoiupaaied with Mtialiclury *«> beta heard frota at luet a jute.* lomalldng Uo^HB he a time, u or of t\o Wtif." on the bench. Sew weuld geed deuce that the sum* has h*«a • tape iA iaterlorence medial.on n aoon to uxe except of his eoualry. tho ire* to raiao tho .toodard rafeced By Gi* balder *: A from Wsahi in that it ia place^^H irOtrloo .■ .'«** »a both Among diepatub .a/a poiitire!/ All In re b*ri. An exeitieg debate tprat p in the Taakee Hone of fenbartku been ai.i.-tly enforced according to annoonciaaeot of it ia tbat tk< in it u. law. But oo the other side, eqaally true, the af aide to the * date. aud me maa if better fltted to her oafely riag appoiatiaear Oeruraor r# *i oa the III t le JEM parlous The eaforcemeat of like ter me with the old helm, glide Rcpreeeataiioce, regard the le/eltrnf *sh I 4 has to make tbe electioa, aad ia elect t* net t* (a this etty, the Isat, IH'T B01ARD, ajad years, gl£t* baric.# th* (ioreraar deagnnte ana aid wh# seal; W 'M^Hh patron* of the pagor baa. for a long time, been known and Legislature tho than Colonel Wn. Imith of tho lentaokf. The “lie" aim bat was ae >aa af Ixisw a H giarana sad Diaaatiaa Mchrt! )jH /til tbii through tempest receir* tha of hi* raak. pneaet free!?, ia a a office, it must disregard par ••he ntcssslty squatty urgent; hat. upon these ing ju*ig#,te A political Let him thee relying patrons forty-ninth Virginia Kegiment. hf pro- By Mr CUiUBTIAX. of. Miidlaaaa-M .taaia—a nawnl thad. Sh^a.i tapabltaea leader, ia to sonform to ear adrance a which it is fwon peawidiag », teram Stum mere mmuHMJG* ** of the Constitution, »ofe AM) F15MALK SCHOOL AT F. (SI express proVuann claimed our chief magistrate by the unanimous ot' law far the eatabliihateat af sa ia th# citT ol reported ta here declared a Itatai ed tha aTI •ha, remembering that all busineaa trassmcUoat far months »ge*cf thajyresent M riJFiTCTH. ni’CRIilaDAy CO. ta.—I he meat past to Richmond to receite nad farward support. the and we will have to f»or either from and othei rehelliea were set oalr the be# that aomiuciif* n the Uth l»di. hare been on ttrtcUy cash terms, we hare hesitated to erase people, nothing clothiag eaR ITnlon, the/ will Ifednswjiy, fehruary, the Intimations bare beeu throwa out in priests eirclea ta the soldiers from tide State. ,|H^E names of such as were traitors at or tho wicked iovadere of sir supplies raaua rta sutfox or nra aoayaa: In arrears. We now Sad ourselves with a the vile home, hud na cenatitntional ehliloaa, tad that alt relatioaa ia te effect Mr. JOII.XSO.X—Of the 11th sectio* ol sad that the nominatioa af Judge A. intended By unending frlmarjr Rraaohes. t 11 Urge rspU'y Increasing Indebtedness from this source, with- soil. Boohxb. beiweta than aud the trot* 29, so as (o limit the prarisiaii* of eaid seotien Fad|l goremraeet aolel/ Vsaal knxliak Branch**. *4 out our usual facilities for aad that hia election is Irat chapter uv^^H collecting money* due, aad as more than meets the eye, A tic I out kit. *) adopt, to action* on contracts. set ef war mceaurte •« and thmr peti*%« u l,angua|!«i, Matheinetie*, oa^^B| ma.ter of self-preserraeioa, the teens of and the ole “SEYD THE CMLDK1N TO IdCUOOL.* a^tn, Preach. T subscription desired than tbe defeat of Floyd and Rifes, On metion of th# Mr. lVlXNTBACCKR, Beast* ad a* their awn. J w-r«lj Z" for the future: : beiligerenta II^^H a*t forward. Of this, To the Editor the \fhij a N fation of seme oa# yet brought ef loomed. ■•'"•■sa.... )H| u.vwe wlU b« catered wltkoat pay went la and The reeolutiaa ofbred mBIake, ad Okie, declaring adrance, every above is tho to aa article io last name we kaow The captioa year wtU be certainly taken off our books at ike of tk« howeser, nothing. that aar far >w ceeeatioa of hostilities eaplraUoa me HotsB OK propodtiea pe| r4*i MaortaA* ^ ajtMlrt time for. will d* serrioe semi-weekly; it ia a sibject that coocerae deeply; DELEGATE^ .1-w Hie Priucirat, V paid We sr* confedeat the Legislature gaad terms thaa Wen, Sin V ilr:!viJ a UAN AM, Mr. Rifes. fully persoas narta lar I)i A r«dialiai s i\f f! a fiumtrul k.1 ■ •syktri U, to the uf •• tha of the time itself, by flection v» ia erdsv tu, iaa bat was postpon- rruMnn. piration paid for, unless renewed by adrance payment- with either our law- Usaae, mb, has but Uttle, if auy, sympathy and concurred in. >U ; P. <>. J«.« ^ sent to long read QriTtl P*pere pereous wko are aow la arrears for past sub- Beast. ed until tilt 14Woffered a resolution that the Committee oi | scription, and who continue thus to be until the firm of people, day April has been a \T« find but littla ia tlsvgnv Seymour's message ta AV A 3. Commission M wlU be Beast Butler making triumphal processiaa class T hmnhlv Aiikmit iri tttifTVr. Courts inquire into the expediency of W. PETERS, next, diacoalumed on that day, aad no subscriber of this repertingahill qual- He delisered vole re in the service of the Coafoderate Govern tho af X»» Tork. add ta tha tuts- T • ckuu, contiaua buainrea at the old atm «f class wlU betaken as a new from Sew York to Washington. speechen ifying legislature copious lr>*r%^^B subscriber until all arreargea are paid. ing class, ami mad* ao by our laws. 1 am a bend holder Mint's AC". »nl solicit conslguuiaula of fir luce fruw %f tf _a J.l.kU ... ,1 In Unfit nleeefl meut, and ether* absent from their home* reason el on Aorfariateo w U1 beaseforth be the by inary furnished, Satiirdayiy tha sgm’ of tba Asso- filaada and ih* public. SH strictly by square, according once for all my necessities. Now, So oar amply secured; ample live presence of the publie enemy to vote fot inorabert C»-b advance* girau aa oonatfRLieuta a beo I, ^aae'ad MMI pabi'shrd terms. Annua), and other terms of aceommoda- his murders and in New Orleanr. ciated Press. The docuiaeadtncludee as follows : boasted of tyrannies Mr. a* will b»*t understand a statement of members of tho General Gov- Hoa, to be effected by with the Editor, you plain Congress, Assembly, _(a£»-hc _», arrangement oSSce. for hi* atrocities; and it is stated by “At this moment the foci ms of our country are ia- He was applauded of case unlike many I it as truor and Lieuteuant Governor of this Coiumontveaith. my (not beside) give briefly financed the reunite of bides. Our armius ia tbe Black the Semnt he was received with distinc- by 15®j, of"Caii>t^M Yankee that high husband led m* Adopted. B U Kirkland, of lei i C RipA'iiant, a as ..Ifthi! papers as In 1KJW my died and with field must he ; all 4 etnstitutio.ial demand* JOHXSON, poshed c«r^H|l possible. Mr. ORGAfIC a was supported w\. ear ti 1 Confederate and will be present#-! resolution, which adopt on batui4i> la.t.s* hi* in iaOr I lag lha army. JBl tion the Lincoln Government, speedily our Currency. by Ive ohildren, and property for all of Government mi be blui to hi* master or ta U.a «t lie ^ promising ensugh ed, instructing the Finance Committee to inquire into general promptly responded au* ta.l .rise proprietor lintca^^H Th« article in from a of sente command. to. Under no circumstances 4 a (Tnioa .are ba rawarda.1. J F IIKAHHaM, following gentleman entrusted with aiother important well it view of tka ef a a division of the u will •aiiably needful purposes, managed. lint, tho expediency reporting bill tax, at. imposing grad- h« W# foi jiil- 2* let 1 teat Caia'r 0, let i. 0 Ke;l*o. ■ aa l redaction. IIis for the evil of a in hi* farewell address ta tha titi- moot but soaetded. will put every extvtiea tipet- remedy redundant In bis speeshes aud of reliable on the farm, it uated to the then of the war upon the rex] ditSculty procuring managers er we will use V eoneiliatioa we wil <*<■»- that his had mate of from rea- usury polity ; ol\ IIAVDHOTli; uni.DIHilB Currency, taxation—might prove effective. But taxes rens New Orleans, he policy sooure parsons exempt military service by of proclaimed was advisable te soil elf and the oet iadseeaieut af tbe atari »k rill* HAT.—W« lurite everything ms of bold every fal tbapeepie BPVPT l.ufA 1# SCLU .apec age, sox, er furnished • at^H sufficient to correct the evil would constitute a the das* of rich men and distribute physical disability, having o. at d n burden been to extinguish amount deed and otherwise, which was entirely satis te retara to their aaeeieei with beeev ; we BWaai.ati’ car tala da/, enaiaanrliy a'clauk, .^Bjg by substitutes. a. s H liid I a a fliaaa aelwaan a, d HA too to It is as' a talisaia r.g u Henry grievous be borne Besides it would in- their the poor. highly probable at six for eur will gearaetee tb«m every evmy eaawdvsdoa Joha Dollar operate property among factory, and the iateroet, per cent., ample Oa taetioa c/ Mr. GAURIdOX, the hill nsthorisisg the rig'eksd t.I, .i.racis, sliksw laa laid.i»ura af Mr Morton, K|fii| .led tbe uad that AueMoaaar*. to the he to tbe bs a hun- over thu damn by Uanstitneoa Wee ey frater- JAA M TATLOK A AON, justice present generation. Posterity is quite as that for every dollar gave poor, put wants both for and educational Uavsraort* tar* Yirgtsia Mute Line tetb* Cea- jail living comfortably usee, nal winch must * much j in Bui his .'stales was t* regard prevaill soaiiasa sauutry ; interest* the expensive in which we or a thousand into bis owi pocket. pro Fsderato reaomnmcad the committee, with struggle dred aad would Hill be sutMeieut eeuld we onllect the interest but wa eis never cuWatta tbe held in the uitructions to late the wlfsci ef sueh a transfer feluaturily breakmg if Vr'iam are u w« it term fer iuqttiro CLKRK'f^B.o and is the J Idas engaged are, nothing but right teasel abhorreaee ef wealthy—another for which the eentraet we* made.— ef tbe Union «/ those terns dsetrueuoa «cH, Bet ao. cempellod depredated TiSiwai Beaaaa PieiDtid. bo bid on Its shoulder*. can This war owes its in ss This only be**ffected the assassin and Beast origin, eeee A resalatioa was the Tbs Wsehiegtsa dRr»'i«*fe the message by reney, whilst the oweer d uur preperty en adapted iaatraetiag Military de^tsess 1,J lisaaks .a au .*a rat mt aastoafar HHrjihaia funding or If w# undertake to to the aud which Yankees bear re dooimiuee ta iaquir# iata the eiptdiaaer ef e lame aid •sasteia tbe ilghk. borrow.og. pav enough part, envy malignity the toeelu uf hit contract in ten, iuereasiug impetuat etfemaat spaa, Mi Cast :Jt| money equal specie, tbe superior gentility and even e theesand per cent. Can thin he disguised Opy (It Agaa, Biadiay, The bl’Mi l UK a eein.'uuuiseiies Gam the kla rkaa. name* ara aakaavn, Read Nuck. 'i, who come alter but hate their mas- pr«»*nt*d gift, Ma.K^B us, in ignorance »f the we for for sake, they ta kuaw tbel tha llfest-sst sad k.e Kaberl M la price pay lor negroes, negroes' right, s it Cbristiaa treatment, that ear (Jevornment I 3avarnar, enelasiug a recoiamaudaues frasi Major 1. tary ig niggerdevisg Naaka a Ri lanck M idtiail aal Mary vi/a, ddjg^H their would set but little store to be and shame ef Taaktet are aaioi at ill aad Kasiy, kla privileges, by them, and ter*, because they appear gsmtlemen, lawe should loek on ? Mar* we nut a jrisweld, Frevast Marsha! ta take terns quarrelling fesgsielvas, »nf*.Dataadaata/^^B an l quietly jutt RichmtndL ; ia all ua eu.l te IN ClANCiUT probability soon lose them. their own This fsslinf of envy and malig- iteps t* pul the trtaseaihla iatarsasra* at vulgarity. te the enhanced value ef the effsets ef ear eei- avaati.) 2k« af vAu sal: 'a l« sMa'n a ai.lsio* «i tha tiara* hat 'H right leriaiu white and at sad star *<1*1 With resp-ct to notes a and wbieh savours penea*. seg.esx ladiias, laa* d1 lake as liw **« ar la bar 1*1* a*sb .ad a making Treasury legal tender, to everything rsspoctabl*, eur Uades tba bead “Fasti,7 the tvldaase Pott says: *y »b* •..i*uu*!i nity trset? The purchaser ef preperty makes hie crept lVe.1 Pe it, w ith ih* ia that The teati- we confess Yankee* enausy quarter. laa* Breaks' Sakata ^^B the has been increased delav.— has boon exhibited by ths If tbe Pramdeat a*a t at ia deer- la Ual lha da/sa- difficulty by of antiquity, and realize* tenfold pruats. We, tee, weuid he eeuteet nesy addi *»d by Majer Grisweid ia this matter shews lafeaUv elavary Aad II appaarlig »y ao aftdarl* this aauat, ef he cea lafeOlv it m If .a Bra aad Ua shildie* a/Thawaa Wo that measure should have been iu have in tbe Seutb. Records .hat the istsrees se ullutlad to is as and as it gie. astapliab isd* I#l»ud. Can* danta, Kidllf Ages, bis rlay ^B thought adopted wherever they appeared ia ear if the lews did net held epcs * ara ac* te gather crep (the interest) eut divide wifenul a seieeat af the Vir- sugar aad Malliy hi* w:fs, whaaa aau a* uskaswa, >*<^^B t to 01 and whatever indicated * extensive -iij The aammaaitatiaa was ris grees irglaie II le ardsi oegmuing, the Score of poliey and courts, aud family memorials, injurieu*. la of ah's tut, oa tka plalatltf’a la.Uan, decency.— in and forbid as, whilst It aid aad eemforl t* artie, * ia Cenaateeeu. «e it tbnl^Hjdca step gives ened ta tits Commute# an Mditary Affair*. ginia l.ega eravidad I Ua said akashl ceded .ate la spy .ar wltkil OBt maatb aft*' Ii is an ill bird that its own nest: and was mere fortunate than la hav- ^B bewrays the Gov- that the possessor they I Mr. ee le.e tba Xa« amd feels of tact ar.iar, and dj vnal U n **.«*.'/ lo | raven Ikclr •ur dehter in bis plant ef axtertfoe. weald act, Another cemmUnieetien irtm his w#e nra- *va»..ii ftigWcd |me ealy g ikUcaCsa eminent Micssleasy be l*r',h».U laaertad In ue is little better, tbst issues which excited their and were *..* at tba eis If Jr .Si #«n i* bile.aal. and Uial a espy cl ltd* vdar money, itself a especial fury, the a liberal prfeeai taa deal g* .lie af ing grandfather, E liter, but for seeming grass injustice.— tented, rsaatoieading appropriatitB ia heheif Kichwuad 1 In ih* oemplain, so fsj Wii'g, pub.ia nevspaper fukliahad K'ck.^^B d Jcredits. But to it now and make it Base aud sordid aad taeaa them- of tbe Coustiiuiioa ** te «b tba iastituueas and Doit* ! al Ua from den adopt applicable ruthlesslv destroyed. as w« nave t; sick uud weundad soldiers, and th* iga uoul (or feu- waes* *,*• ae*1’*!/; Then does it not look if eheuld foe rates ef Virgtuia citing tha ''^^Wr et the several hums, vndar tha w« so ha can tuiberiie (ha Court He ..a *f Uo* Couuir au the bill dey of to past transactions may conflict with the would, if they sould, wipe out every trace reaura1 is act lea ot the Legislature* o. sister States to- aaXl^H perhaps spir- selves, they er it if net t-aa.t A o interest raised, have cellected, ia geld and leans or ;be ef demand sot«> ar da anything else v,0BkiyCouatr Caa.t Cap/—Taelspc it, if not the letter of the from the face of the ward a siiudsr sad, aad was alsa referred (a ike Gom- R IRTIMO, C. 0. 0. Constitution, in regard to ex- of a superior ordet of being# which the Csuilituiioa duet eat but leaves i» silver, at least its equivalent in current rates? If this nittee on Military Atfiirs. gobibit, O. 4. Woodfjm, r. poti facto To confine its to fu- tbe hands ef a.__».'*'*— legislation. operation earth. ask how can we tenJ » ulna kamired acres, might plundered Mr. R1YKS offered t which w»s laid ever a H Very respeetfully, reaaiutioa, laving awa-tklrda af wklaA la araWa aad gradualist, with ao.ufonabla t'd another interest to « or no matter how rick he he is no near- a telegram. laa by act, reducing 3 per cent, genuine Yankee, is, Mernrt sea rider the rule, far day, the iMIth rule ef the Uvall a*, Aitk ail raawa. g»rd Eilshaa, Hcuaa.aud An Anxisbi Hun Oarnat Cnti.nawt. nmesdisg a ^B ’’ Advisee fram Me able fest Csefbds- Bar sack a far*. no* lu-ided a certain denounce re a* te institute a Cemmittee aa Bprfegdeld, aikar hailliAB iaaa^ar.r _ IB by time, so as to cure the evil er a aud be felth* coaid the Reuse, Canfederata Sal- being gentleman, ret* f*rea, at tft ibeumed aider tea- Thla farm aajslna ika laada af Mr. fa*. Taylar, Mrs. ■ M. ^B Relations, ia aonsist af nat less than a.** ter more reportsd vfeaife of a redundant auv on bimself. Me TO TUB CITIZENS OP SOUTBAMPTOM. ►in aa I siksri. Ii Is aaaaiaarad aaa af khamost haalhly acd currency. wenithy without drawing suspicion • r»l« sad Verfetdukt. Wife 4i pieeee «f ar- juaily ;han iftern members. Burl)ridge flrttla itales la 'his «»*A .a, With aa aaaadanaa af Tiaiber-pine, a if he naan Jan. two THE was boro aud bred and, get* bis de- Catip Panmcnietinona, 4, lfltll. t.-e wabia sad a btlf feefe ktm feet plsea^ la aa aiaallaut Sag aad Uriai Mill wlihm [yon WHIO.j vulgarian, Mr. WY.VNfi elT-red e resolution. which was adapted, tillery, ark klakaoy. eaa tharu sad the tewa • ithuet netiee te ta- at tha Timbar. Tka farm la vail aadosad, J will die the death of aa assassin. heard that contribution! had beau mad* the t'eiamittee es Reads to epeaed spoa giving a lav kaadrad yard* THE serts, Having by nstrualiug inqsice into the la M CONFEDERATE CURRENCY. taav* tba wemes aad ehildrau. Uas leeaeeed Mbel aid a porMua of tha aura land plavn! of a the af aa tha af a*ir. wB In this wretch it would not have been amiss for the benefit of the seldier* frou yaur county. be- tipeiliestv mending charter the Maashester Tanas asaoannodauag, ar.d aiada kaova •till Mte !■ of tnj ipccial hut reronsidered at th* !a*t aa shall ara*. lha railroad ofRcar shall b* the Confederate circulation and not check exces-tos, aid retard tbs energies of tbe General rejected seaaiaa, waa, ta what tba Bewf *rb say» s r (r.|ar #« la vkat fr*0M go ^ present gold pa- intsrsstisg peruse Prprtn Order the Q iarUrmaaUr Uaoaral may i SENATE. oiotioi, of Mr. 'kYTNNE, taken ap. This bill iasreaaei g-.evaad by any I5*a*ral and there »ts no outlet to tlie markets that Government; and, on this basis, Governor Beymonr be- the AiiMmt And h«r reiatiAiA tht nmisa taaua il thareaa. B per, abroad, the allowatice di m t* the named for thi ragird MonnxT, Jen. 12th, lflet. par Sergenar* IT ivk*r*irn,.p*nr fralgkl la » be rnarad *at of lha nsual B metal well! an euormou* came their eamlidvte aad was elected." undergo decline. It i* not maintenaare of prisoners under their ehargs It wai raadsa af a rallraad, tb* nrtiaar haring ckarr* of *u*li mcraruet.1, B Tbs 5t»nste ef the Cenfaderete States »*< te-dav at oa a wh» I will trlah ih* or aiher olh. er of Mr* road A then the want of contidene* in our (»overnm»nt which The Tine* preoeed* to say, that bis inaugural, aad panted bv vote af area TH, aoes I. Lord John Remell aid the British Premmev my ■( saparla'eadawU, ts am1, was called l»c tk« *i*f •**‘1 h«»ur of V 12 o'clock. If., pursuant adjoitriiwisv, nt ika libJsamr Alskema vhl«h th* noTeiiint Is to nidi, Jtpa/ the rolu'e Mr. a(Tr*r*»«l a whiah wit thsv plena. ths «ir ape tha the value of its notes—tin* has but little to do bis against ttn». JU'TtPArCin, rMolatiaa, ftre. tad when ao laexa», tad they wiil no more regard this warning, thai duty. but miachiaf oaa com* iro n a calliaiua betweee I'omtaittee aa Ua* ia ta iatu tb* land, VI. liuerlarmastsra and Camoilnarire will exercise rflacrTf/e thing and Hunter, af Va. Mraetia; tha inquire firm lha Irat Alabama. xust be J"p!etion. Tu» Legislative power eaanot stamp they did tha warning igainit la shlyylag freight not waited for Immediate ax, and that tuay^ A not oil tke Seaate af the on the Beaneka the State aad Federal authorities. querans being praaeat, metsee, ixpeJiaiirT elosia; mortgage thi ha atwrad at safe aad eeerenleet points, ears not to hloofc a value on which does not Con- It will not do to mt, “Toa ami other aanOin do taking paper paper posae*a. 12 oVIack I am arrow. Valley Railroad.. roads aad it he was elected the far the avawail adjourned until sever has flmed ou ay thereby tmpede transportation But, hy people like Thie nation, eealetlily, a with gress may sav that you shall take this paper, but it dare The Haute then adjauraed. thing." VII. tVhca it la nseeisury X aeod special eiueuager iu rebellion, or o In hla purpose of correcting the arbitrary preceediagt at the Alabama*, whan Iraiaud was Canada, frdgitt, aeah ■eaxr.ger aiast trtral with the freight placed not shall it If the man cannot HOl’BE OF KEPHPJENTATIVPJ, aa oa la say yon keep poor get the or tha Oafrree—.*»»an--wherees Great Bri Whams. aad ill tranaportatloa aliail ha ayedfiwd Its fax. Government, faith and for the Reuse was sailed te order at 12 o'clock the Sepore, trom la ..liter without cent* tT.s^kiagtoii good respect The by fo •rdar M pi treat him trarrlllng lay way. his pound of bacon paying fifty for it, yen miUiiiL aap etaiMstauL. tail fcaa suffered to be Itted out a privamer ateamar. la demand that he Mr. H. E. Dixon. the Rev. Dr. Ri*e- VIII tending othxra will parm>l soasrrittle, candled while wish, should employ all the Clerk, Prayer by no whicl cannot bid him starve. Thera are but two that popular Mi»n, .hea.wy 12, ISO!.] rabellioe, whisk hat harbor, the eaploymaut uf railrcsds, to r«raala at thelt daty antll Cda- things rows, of the Chnrch. t‘•belligercit" his ta that, ead. The rainy which Baptist of her aid wkioh ia therefore 01 ■ g Wn. V A. A. O., decide aa to who of them It la ae- ean do to the evils of a redundant cir- powat'Of position ty ia of and hank nates can enter aa part auu, Wadley, Congress remedy The Clerk read a lettar from the Ros. Tana. The 4 utioai apeeia la-day, bj tkoald ho detailed fur itrrlca oa the mad. have their Speaker, seas—witbeat so an withaut hams, withau crMar.r the AbolitioaisU eatahlished, and Tb# araai tha high try, or remissneaa aa tha of culation. The one i* to and thus substitute uadiagaised S. Bococx, tkat he waa detaiaed at hone by ba fsnr priadpal.brakari, vary materially. cxtgi-uim IX. Any relation oftheaa orders, part borrow, statiag of nation. all tioreroroewt to abolish dtate and erect on their ruias »•» nn»9 1t aelBa S irs. the flag say rMlreau uflcsts !-> perform proropMr transpor- attempt rights lioua ia hia family. oltawa: Gold m KV^I baying; fi g recognized will with its bond- a part of the Moating circulation. The indisposition What this outrage is that the British pr-r tation will ha reported to Cot. Win. M. WaiMey, A A. U^wha was aad meiahera RVfal I Ta aid N.O. noteatl aggravates ari a'isoliue despotism, would scarcely be compensated The roll thee called, tka followiag (I fid,haying; aelllaj #1 5*'CrT V*; cad ta me tadlaata trow lima ta tuna, where hla headquarters will ha. other is to lew a tax which will have the same effect.— mil it, ia iwdev ta jwef spaa ow oomtacro*, answered to their lataes : ; B.C. »«d Ga., A Laying ; 3fi! lb lolliag. Tbe averapea of these qustudsas areGold might Breckinndge, Bridge™, Bruce, W., aud aver it : The hitter dissension in the North.— X. C nolea they rigoiee be borrowed if the Secretary of the Treasury would signs portend Chaiablisa, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Coaro w, Cook, Crock- M 85(.hl (A; bilrcr $1 l-Mbl G,j uV» and !A*iJ*'>;l T)R0AI) STREET THEATRE. Oat- re Livcnroat.. Nat that either party has any lave far lit. Tiiey both ett, Curria, Carry, Davie, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, 9. and l|a. not** *?>, *J7)» ; marling Exchange W 04(312 192a I) llroai ft. eat, aalwaaa (ih aad ?U Street.. adopt the French plan, and send agent* into every Fortit* American j Wraliam, Mania, lfeiskcfl, lit aa two 0iu.a are, and hriv* hern, jelling Gatd faereveral daya dl«)t«. ikipt hate us; one weald extcrmiwiit* as, and the ether nett, Oartrell, (ioode, Haaly, fa ida and of the Thousands tbe Fiaur bhl. is ‘id als ldfd. HARRr MAOARTir. county parish Confederacy. Hilton, Jobusee, Jones, Kcauer, Lewis, it {!, we retain that figure as the correct qaataGai af innsitai por ecs as. Hodge, Holt, Kda would lave Wheat he*k...... #id JtHX UlLlJAlUa.Aonwa Minj#a ^ would lend a hundred if the bonds McLean, Meneea, Miles, Moore, Per- ratio* t soiling rate). por did* twenty, fifty, dollars, Lyons, McDowell, Ms a»d« id. of' f tea_20* s a— B> were their but who will not encounter kins, Read, Uusell, Sexton, deiith, Vs., Staples,Swann, Ueavf gds., UOU.-15 CROWD!* NI«HTLf. rrihwigtit thW»j8«k. within reach, SENATORIAL ELECTION. wwttHdtHJ® Trippe, Vest, \Vright, of T*x.—32. ta I.OSKMW*. The far lamed w.d eeJchrated NEW OKI.HANS Richmond, with ite crowds, its small pex, and its expen- *i* <;vi \ > * ot «, v.- attb \c- OPKRA THOliPR. and BRASS BAND. Tit the the One more member to cotistitato a jr®* M«i<’r'i*'»ri dfiipt hart wca Editor*/ Whig: bring necessary TVK PALM (*b‘ BAlUKTi, CHINA Foreign din/n. Tha ehaata entertainments of thla C«w*P»®7 sive and odious inns. tVjR PURNITURB, ‘2s Is parlor The death of the lamented statesman aad quorum— Gt. -We Invito tb* ittt.uu ■« *>l th.wj In ward to ear aali Hear per hW. 2ad$da— l"£da golden opinions U tha aatlra Southern prase patriot, VbsTAo raaerred tax moved tb it the Uon:« *f China. Giiss, Fartbeuware, Ac t* lain lOd a A dollar ion—TVta. Serruita 30cta. St*1* But above all and before alt, let a high be levied Win. Ballard will make it for the Le Mr. BOYCK, of Mouth Carolina, Furuitute, Curp**-, Wheat par bu*li. bd$a— *ol[ Preston, accessary on TU'8 MORNING a»V- I*1* pluca th*- «ec i.d floor of ottr warehouse, t!3* a— k‘2* fid add*. and gentlemen thom. without delay. This will at one and the same re- adjourn. Lost. Heavy gd*., pton... aceoiunar.vln^ time, grilature, at its approaching aeisiou, to fill his place in Commencin'; at 10 o'clock. Since th* adroiilseioent appeared The was then to hunt aJ*ilU*.ns made t, Ibe of ou our ve**els to tha West India* is Sat of lieve the and faith to lu the Hergeaut-stArim despatched large have been tale, The war risk VTOTICE.—'Tbs cojwirtnursbip Carlton, currency, give capitalists tiic Confederate Senate. This ia no time to consult members. On his he that Feather to Ku Mi Slat till. Ad per- up absent return, reported Beds, cent.-ou a HritUli nothing, The war risk In Chmat,lais t Co., et/rel, l.y limitation, end solvency of the If our par »'« to p.etaat their honor country. Congress- sonal or sectional or noue could be found ; Mattresses,' 3 cent.—on British paraena to whom tlry ara Itl^*4 preference, party predilections.— whereupon— and elsewhere L* per nothiug ra^taatadto them ara Blanket*, rope claiini for And aiiP«r»ona ludahtad raquaat. men afraid of a tax when is On motion of Mr. the House until our are laid payment ere now, paper abundant, Every patriot should desire the ablest and most experi- BOYCE, adjourned Comfort*, lienee, uudrf these facta, ships being uy a we back to the sterner to-morrow at 12 o’clock. And other de*lrable articles. and the commerce of the world !* pass n“* will they levy tea when go statesman in the Senate at this unfortunate crisis al the wharves, enced At balf-pu-t 11 i.’clfick, we shaif sell a splendid french Cbim It is for tliis wftasro,ih# * frooi into British vessels. ;HrKS“,wbualueaa. S-i-ne*. of and silver ask this gilt decorated DINNER SETT—a full sen and very beautiful pat ing us, mainly jgg (JgBDKEHi gold Capitalists question of our country, come he from the East or the West, or more an GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA. lorn. SlIMNEU A llUKRESX, oue Alabama is fitted out in England, aud AMBROSE CAItLTOS, their beads- There two of and ubake are, advantages whether he belongs to the late Whig or Democratic Jal8—It if we do not threaten reprisals. WM. P. CHAMBERLAIN. * __Aocl*. threatened, Jal2—c4w* taxation. The one is that, by reducing the volume of If such views are to iu the ol ADJOURNED SESSION. parry. govern selection FOR HIRE.—I have on hand notice—accommodation IV-KG ROES BY A>’Yl—SLAVERY DCTCIIKKJ circulnbon, down the which Govern- no one will I** FLORIDA TO BE COLOJtIZKD ltth you bring prices a candidate, I think question the superior J-X taro COOKS and twa BOYS, which Twill hire Jchoapby •nAta iw Mit.roaa—On and after thla date (Monday,obe SENATE. Important ruu homes lor theta [mute at lienrict W we find tbs to tlon Train of this Company, will be daily ment has to for its and the debt to be re- our Hon. John coring good Ihituly. Enquire Iu the latest news from ashiugton ... the Aaeonunud pey supplies, claims of present Governor, 13GS. or i lu tbi nd and Marti* ^Letcher.— Monday, January 12, Comity Court House, at 10 o'clock in the morning Sfotoa excepted) jttwaea Klchta. Milf.rd, the when the war will be 1 at Mtlterd at« p. deemed by tax-payer closes, Bat few men ia the State have had more Legislative ex- The Senate was called to order at noon by the Presi- evening. iwiug: tain..' ter Mllf.wn P. M.,»nd atrive CEO D. PLEASANT?. Milford at A. and arrive In E-oh- that tax more was tbo of uin M. HaWrolng will !»»• t, M., nmnller. Another is the is easily paid than Governor Letcher. In every in dent. and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Bur- Jal8—lw_ A numerous delegation Germans, representing perience position of Was! tnond, at », A. M. than it will be hereafter when rows. A t< State* of the Uuiou, with John Buttman.E*q., jam’I. RCTS, Bap'! TT* na. now, in Confederate notes, which he has been placed, he has fully met the expecta- PRINTER WANTKD.—-13y application Mr. HART announced the name-of Mr. A. J. Mar- work and as their waited upon tlie Froi R. F. and P. i. R. Co., I of and silver. AJl the undo, signed a situation, with light good pay iugiou, Chairman, to-day OiBca in raised to the standard gold hie bis State and his ar*i a llth 1SSS. paper tions of constituency, country.— shall, the recently elected Senator from tho district of can b# bad by a pii .tor »Uo il stardy, »ob«r and roUablo, dent, at the Executive Mansion, with loyal aud P*tri Rlalmiond, tnruary, f__ work or taka in* #f Foreman on *e is*11 notes a tender would sim- be was the terror of and and Mr. Marshall competent to d*> nice job plac* 'he President tha To make Confederate iegai In Cocgtees corrupt trading Fsuquirer Rappahanock. appeared, «M. D. COLBMAN, oiia address, congratulating upon LEATHER.—Ths l.islou. Aidiesa * W* Uuil undersigned and after the oath took his seat Va. ef hi* l’roalamaiiau of the 1st iuat., violate a without tb» ad* Yankee taking prescribed bylaw, Editor Appall, BauTtUe, referring hare this da' formed a (Japertnarehip undar tlta alyl* wad ply great print"pic. slighter politicians. jsl»-8t the Germat LEATHER in the Senate. skis prid* te the loyalty and patriotism of *rm of JOHNSON HENDERSON A BDilNOTON, ter tba purpart to our finacoen. are now if dreaded his and re- »*ur Wabara vma'age They rarefy, ever, They prompt exposure scathing Chair two oommuiicationj from the and ex the and the •f Manufact laiihg and Anithing all kaada af lxatjbar The presented T'ANNER WANTED.—A sit ileus dvniag Rebellion, pledging U oa pra«ti«al tha House iw. «. Old Street, wbarn all werk lntraated Bat even if were fusee, it is better to bake. As a industrious representative—as * it may unfold taken refused. they vigilant, Executive, one a letter from the Prevo Mar- A iMm#** to fit up aoi take charge af Taanery in uli Uie whatever ferisae manner. Wa than transmitting periaueed fealty future, ua he execuWl In the heat peaalhle empl y an in th* htulaess Nan 1 the rresi will o take which and statesman. Governor Letcher and a letter in roiereuoe to dis- Would not atjeat ts ids taking ii, tore It te the alien lien el aellalt tba make it Ike interest of the creditbt them, able debater, sagacious shal, ef Biobineud, aud cspeeitJly aommendiag nvua bat tba haw wartmex, and ragyaatfully yaUaaaga bead uni*■* they urtu fa* nlsb itlsfactory eric!ease as t* an eo-om at Wet the other recom- apply ler tht loyal ♦f tbt von will do a turn tax. Most of our Con- had few and nc erg in the of tbs loyal persons residing Point; moral eba*aatur. Addicts, taints, A*., three,] deut Mr. Eli Thayer and his sobeme public. by levying equals super Congress paalty staling Vt., Jan. 9, IMS. an for tbs benefit of the sick and II. “A. B. G." that thousands ol Gonna; g, appropriation th* Po-toflla* at Amelia C. zatieu of Florida, _ States, if not ali, their State*. From the secession of the who mending stating # federate through Legislatures State, haa, N- warned a JIAl'.K MILL. jal8—*8t' tv sharo the lertuncs wounded Virgiuia soldier* ia the Confederate smiy. E.—Alio, eilixeus were ready aud anxious wbow w«a closed their oourts the demands of err d with more and abstained the proud fame VrOTICfi—All parties liquor* have against daring dignity, Referred untl ordered to bo the _ are printed. eutcrprlse. e-N taxed u.der Martial Law, prler *.a the 4*d April. 184*. TO enti h. This in called for the time*, but to further, of our Otd Commonwealth7 la tho darkest CREDITORS.—Groton with touch cot t# bate" a b .aru, af Major imn. by go glorious PETITION. VfOTIOE M trua t The President received the delegation hereby ratlfler uppetr cwirajrUng JL X tle*l to claim U tdar tabedules A and In th* dead af Mavnard, O W. Alexander and in and for we M the iudabtadnsa C Lina wohl, M-wr j!c Capmln and eev to the creditor that be shall receive his debt hour, when other* quailed prepared (light, Mr. BATE presented the petition of J. Laidlxt, of fromd. It Ring! nuil wifo to Wat. F. Taylor and R. K. Hssissn auRuowlsdglng great Uth U.atn •» 1* dialixv, Liearuly o' **• Cautalu R. M Broker, an Weduxday, Jauurwy Eanawha to haM remitted certain line* Trustees, dated A ril U th, 1847, lad pttide* •*!**.fules A, U end U aud steadfast loyalty W»we, carnv af 4 in a needless of a eeri find bin calm, firm aud defiant. Iu this trying time, County, asking the country to the stable •’•teak, M., a. lb. Praraat Marabal'a depreciated paper, perpetration lu thedeej of trust Iro n Wwi. Bn- twrlght 1** the same trustaoi and obtained IJUji as Comiuiaaioaur of aud referring witli manly sympatb Dm Atraeta. '# beads of when the reverberated our damage* against the same dl'e. both recoded ui Ricbtauud lIuitiBg* Court German populatisu. ____J ooa injustice, going far to looker society, enemy’* artillery tlirough bearing in the field, lie U said County. Referred. are hart by otlial and requested to praasat their claims properl; te their numbers and sseritiee* an hand next firm was—‘-Richmond will never be FOR HIRE.—hav«r yot and shake the whole basis of credit. The step, streets, his reply authenticated, to lit* uud-1 signed, si hi* *.fflce, on ftOTsrnar st. > that Mr. for the eolouiz* C ERVAKTS AROfTRART ARRESTS. the delegation Tlmyer’s plan Lumber of aarranta. auch aa Cooks hoiiM ODA, pi order to * settlement And distributl'B. a tear to law and tbi 1 aordtal a O-for hire I will be to abolish all debts, which ootiquered or What the South owe* to tba ding* uf Florida bad revolved the veriest and aud s *erv easy one, eubjugated.” COLLIER offered a resolution in relation to Larins of -aid deads. AdJyidtad af CS 86 par cast has bean ascar tion Mr. joint and bis and that while recei the far more than the wisdom of and firmness of her t dried disulbctabl* ta aradtv.ra la seboduias b aid 0, raapastlv* tantioa of himself Cabinet, will. In the long run. injure poor Virginia legislation fhe the arbitrary arresting and of citizens by the meet tbta ei detaining ausddaadi, from ayaaead* of Suita. military svsals bad foreed the post pons of s it followe will be for the future historian ef this war to tnilitarv authorities. Made the for Tues- I ly.tu SBr^jmr' rich. Let our Coograae heeitata long before Governor, speoial order R. &. H4WI40N, Trust**. day 2DU- | urn Yankee lead in this matter laurax resord.