


d Saye Before Federal ax Goes Into Effect

here Thnrsday to InsiMct Md e into\ the flnest stock we kave ever re for Manebester women, you

^ lf to lay aside bousebold and Hill BriU^ View of Raid on Rotterdam ■J ( turday and be here to see tbese Laws

tion of our stock will convineo Warfare fe y want and need s new far cost

Will Be Tightened

TBar Axis Spies

Now Handle 100 Cases I Daily Against Human \Favor Plan s Strike East

Backlog of 500,(M)0 i \ Refugees Clamoring to To Put Top Gains Also Repoirfed on Vinson Sees I Break Up Armored Co| Enter Nation; Investi­ llpon Prices Northern, Southern ! umn of Geimans; gations Being Made. Flanks; Forces ovi^^ ture Tanks, Cars/fdld Into Ukraine Cross Naval Ships Administration Farm Bicycles as Well W Mo- Washington, July 19.— (JP) D niester R iver >hi ‘Sev­ —Weeding out Axis spies, Need First nitions; -Na^ Gairb : \ Officials Backing Reg­ eral Places’ as Red subversive agents and propa­ ulation iJcgislqtion Ex­ »on, Destroyed in gandists, two inter-depart- Army Pushed Back on Fears Definite Threat One of Cities Retaken mentai committees establish­ pected to Be Offered. Lake Ladoga Shores. ed to tighten up drastically To ShiphnUding ' Pro­ By' ^^artisan’ Forces. ^ on immigration from Ger­ Washington, July 19,—(P)—Ad- Berlin, July 19.—(/p)_The gram Unless Higher minlstrsUoQ farm offlcislz .were Moscow, July 19.— man-dominated Europe are German wedge past Smo­ Priorities Are Given. now handling 1(K) cases a day reported today to be favorable to­ lensk into central Russia has Russisti detachinOnts waging against a human backlog of ward price-KgulaUng leglaUUon been * widened, with Nazi guerrilla warfare biithijad tha 600,000 refugees clamoring to **P*cted to be offered in CongreM- Waahlngton, July 19. — (JP) '_ German lines reported ' troops astride the road to Ctoalrman Vinaon (D., Ga.) of tee enter the United States. next week. the recapture of two d t The two commlttoez, compoeed , Such a stand would be opposite Moscow tad striking east­ House Naval Affaire Committee identified only aa “SH" and^ «f rvprMwntativM of' tho ztat% that takrii by a numbto of farm ward, the' (jerman high com­ said today he feared there waa a War and Navy department. Feder­ definite threat to the Naval shfo- ‘•Z.r Red SUr, the S01 stats Congressmen oh proposals mand declared today. The war buUdtog program Unless high pri­ al Bureau of Inveat|gation, and Whlra would give the government bulletin also reported, gains Army's newspaper, said Immtjmtton Service of the Jua- authority to eztablizh maximum orities are given vessels Wder tlce Department, were organized n. ,froin »mb bursts, seen over a portion Of the plane. In this view of a daylicht raid on on the northern and southern construction. dispatch from the frojit titet ^ c e s for conunodiUea, both in­ R- A. F. visit. The plane's gun- the original band ahml to Bupenriae iaauance of immigra­ dustrial and agricultural. ext. erne right. On July 18 the R. A. F. reported smashing 33 ships in a raid' on Nasi-con- flanks. It declared German XVtozon’s fears as tp possible tion viaaa under Preeldent Rooe^ Sharpest criticism of prlce-fix- troUed Rotterdam < Picture by cable from London J ^ m a raia on wasi-con- and Rumanian forces moving hwpertog of the program were only ten men but^ttai p __ velt’a new authority to control tha ;partlcularly with regard to s ^ shared by RCpr^itaUUve Oole were quickly ydeniitm sad itrance or. exit of allena or Am- farm products, has coma from leg- into the Ukraine from Bessa­ (R., N. Y.), a m em b^ of tee com- etkmnz 'In the interest of national rabia had crossed the Dnies­ ^ tte e , who clqdely questioned tteae broko up atf armorsd defebto." - istotors rspreaentlng southern and midwsstetn farming areas. ter river “ip sevei^al places^’ Navy men aa to priority rankinn German cdlumn, • capturing -Xd Xletotariae DerimMUty H o^ Memory of war veaaals during committee StatoBMat M ia yiewa . snd said the Red Army had three whippet tanka and a Officials aqU avsty affort la be­ A fftatffOMDt Mid to ttproM the Nkzis Sink - Freighter ■eaalona last week. of armored"-ears pad ing made by x^talled Invaatlga- Bacretaiy Wlclouri and been pushed back in the north rae. H o ^ baa passed and asnt tiona here and abro^ to determlaa Will Be Waked to the northern shores of to the Sshate a bill to authorise as well as considar- his -Agrlcultnrs Departmsnt aides munitions. the deairabUlty o r^ p U ean ta aa on the problem of sdvsaciog prices Luke Ladoga. expenditure of $300.0i00,000 for ad- prospsettva Amertnli^. cltiaens was published today in the depart­ In Attack on Conye>r- Prepared ^ Dr. Mordeeal Ete- rariztance. Sole Survivor of Fata A copttoutog advance oa tee Im­ Used to Expaad ladhitry oMA visa appUcations Also are M«rduuitmenr"^'^N During ation Given ‘That $300,000,009 would not (OMittaued Oa Pago BgM ) carafu^ exanrined, to prevent the iOoattoasd Oa Fags TWa) portant central front waa claimed Voyage May Be Able to the communique which said entry -^ e How far tea motorized troopa rtesfS ) Wtaa) abla number of cases had bean dis­ By Roosevelt of restoring the memory of Mrs. b ^ Merced beyond tee hlatoric covered were such applicants had official Genaan aews affeney old Ruarian Weatem .baaUon on Author-niBofltator promised to' act as German agents Fern Thompeon,' lost on s starva- Strilto Moratorium Goto' tee upper Dnieper (Dnepr) waa, fer to Quit hare, with their close reUUvea said today 10 British idaaes Kept Now Uon voyage on which she Uved in were shot down over the Bag- ^T^ttees Seen Solu­ not revealed by tee German hita'^ held as hostages to Insure deUvery the reek cf death, was pinned to­ command, but it aaid Soviet*^- of .information desired concerning lish Chaiuiel yesterday and tion to Problem; Suc­ fortat to recapture 'the c l^ had Foreign Posts ttoaaQy kaowa nether lllustiiloi. AnMtlCan defense activities. day on the log of her Wrecked “ “ SJtoftoa aad reftmd rinujam a. akxm. that the Gerpuui Air Force pi been ahattered alnce it feuTwed- Offictals provided no apscUic Wheeler Pointo to Prpm cess in Toledo Told. neaday after a stout today at his henM. Ha was i9 mformatlon and would make pub- Mm. Thompson, 31, is the aria so elaiiaed t wo Rnssiaii bmt ises of Oiinpaj|^ on survivor of a quartet which gaUy (Uaofficial Gsrmsil accounts Envoy to Nankjng and was tea kMBar af Ue no data on the number of visa ehaat shipo as sunk ia the By The Aasodatod Press ^ w l^ read "Baauttful SariM” apiUlcatlona rejected for that Stoying Out of W«r ast out (or the Manmaeas islands Baltic... intimated 20 days tao that a Nazi Vice Minister Submit •f hooka devoiad hugslv ta Me. other reasons.. in the South fleas Hat'Aug. 13. An industrial peace formula— apearhead waa within sight of M prsaoitettlaa ^ They missed Hawaii and Samoa. Smolsask.) ‘ And to Army Draftees. atrlks moratorium commlttoea Rftoignations T(»day to of AaMrtean aad An dodely Scmtliiised Their 38-foet sloop, the Wing On. Beriiu, July 19.—Ko- aoM flagwmlato W touUvs added: ‘"In other wordA I terday. tfou. In Toledo, aaid Mayor John Heat, Blazes noye ip which Yosuke Matsuoka fanlkaor takes wten hoaapBog S m t think it's right that * Q.J. Carey ef that _ city, , the_____ board of lost tea Foreign Mtoiztty post, ■* pSSTof Being Stinfied ■hould puli a Wheeler.” No . British plansa satsred Raich five labor, (iva Industrial and came from Yoehiya Salto and To- The Bleotrie teiat Oompaay, buM- Wheeler predicted In' iulvance Die in Blaze territor>' ysftwday or last night, ■hlo Shlratorl, two Foreign Office •rs of U. fl. Navy eahmerSwolieli tbs Ugh coBupsad hsld. sdraig sight public msmbers. saved many Take Big ToU ^ m m e m ^ of American mIHfasis of doUara to wages and advisera. tjMa Moatlfled by tea F U la bdiciitioiiB Seep No For- teat Pigllsh raldsm striking at Shlratorl, who had been an early Washlagtm darlag aa tsimOgh u i BOtaln'a Prune tea coatiBsatal .coast yastsrday man-hours of production.' ^ >**®Otsr„Churchin ImpUsd later Speetacnlar Oil Refin­ Edmund'Ruffla, director of tea advocate of alUance with the Axis, ^ dwnas J ed af sB yards a ^ m - ^ ther Changefl to Be lost 10 slrcrsR. NaxI pumuR' T^ntiiffr and Grain waa appototsd an adviser last «d la goveraaieat wstk. ery Fire BeUeved Set )laass accouated for ftva, patrol boar^ on tea aama radio program August after having served aa Made in MeBsore. (( Vws) said to aix yaara 181 disputea to- Afferted; ' Hope ' for Mata thrab and artUlaty two, it imbaasador to Italy, attaches at VIoleaea Ftares Anew By Sparks from Auto. ■aid,. ' ■" ' volvtag M,SM woteers had beta Washington and Minister to Swed­ sattlad without work atoppaga. C(M>leriWeatlier $ e ^ Bootan, M y 19——.IM m aa Washington. July lifl—(P>-* Tha Alaxaaflrte Alas Attackad en, Danmark, Iceland and Finland. new $SJKM,000,000 tax program Ssmiaole, Okis., Jifiy \s —u n — Othar Gamaa aarial activity Muto Adapt Itoelf Other RealgBatlsas Expected anew today la tee 91 olfl went before the House Ways and Fail to Find A q y tsculs r oU reflasry Are, hs- la a apqpcb a t Blue Ridge, N. C„ . Seattle, July i»—(g ^ Heat M e iy ditvers' strike whoa tww Othef resignations among aih- trneks were, wnckad la sabaihaa Means Committee today for last Hsvid set off by sparks from sa I Oo rag s IWa)' sad Area hava taken a toU of ba ■aiders and ministers' abroad minute study amid indications that automobile,. kilM two persona. In­ (Oaat (to Page Twa) Uvea, timber and grain to the, Pa­ Oambtldio aad Madfotd. TaBaa' asembars would make no further Glue to Girl jured thms othsm and dsstroyed cific northwest, but tbs weather- « I On Page Twa) mid teat several m m baaidad a tea plant dlstUlery sad aix a ^ - n a n held out hope today o f'ra- truck leaded wlte SjSSS deagB. ShaaFM tn the steeply increased auto, lu.BlodferdMNaatH plm ^ taxes they voted on oerporats and by homes last lUghL Uef^ from the blistertog temper­ Mysteiy .peepens in Hsadlcsppsd hy lack of wstor, atures of the past weak. ' m dividnai Incomes and on luxui^ (>bteg>A*1teNr^Mm tofor lyurehaass. firsmsa from Sszriaols, and flhaw- Indiam.Dance to Wave ^ In Oregon, nine deaths ware at­ J ' Hw commlttss arranged to dls- Disappearance of Bay aaa .devoted tbafo aH-nlght.,alfortB tributed to the heat, four per­ Couple Found Gambrldge pedeo lepertod fear IpM of smotloaa to ravens some Lasfl of 15. 'to'preventlag the sssiTiig flames sons droamed and one was klllad selaed a truck la teat city aad I of Its pievioas deelaioos, partleu- m m spreading to amre ti»»w oo . Sun Up Over Mountains by lightning. WsshtogtMi charged I tee car into the Ckaitao rtv- J ISrly Ob tbs rnsthod of computing temM hear Smelalr*s N a 13 re- two deaths to the beat aad re­ Dead in Vale Raadln^ Maaa., Ju|y 19— loorpmtlon excess pcoflu and on flnary, a mils houtbsast of hers. ported dosena of proatrmtkma. Mera Xelaforcemeata Arrive l b provlalob requhring married per- dMpanad today i n ^ ^ endsagsred. won 18 produc- ^rt>.B ^ Idaha July 19— < kthelr arms ahova tbair »«evds ‘to Break AS-TinM Baeocto - ^**PP*yPoc of Qmstaacs Shipp, Patotad BannoCk Indian bnves aad Woman Shot Throngh .Stogapero, Ja|y Ifl—(dV-Aa af- IhoM to file J ^ t laeoms tax ra- lagoa wans la tea vtctah^. rapsatad movaaMnta. araiva.tha sun Tenmaraturea to the taro sUtes (lelal aahyaariimrat tadm aaid llunui « march fSiS The dead: tealr^aquawB ahufllMI through tea up. ' ' havd Climbed as high as 115 ds- to rsvsalmul tha aUghtest traca of Breast, Man in Hhi I^M am tors-aaid pirfvatoly that if w h a t__, Ifsry EUssbete flschsflsld, ST, ntoBotonous routtoa of thair atto ^ Tbaaaseriet of thraa whlstla gian to reent days, breaking an- lOwy rsvsrasd thamsalvaa oo any topBsaad whila sh was on who was hurlsd from hsr bad by Masta bring! silaaca aad a gaudily teos raeorda Ip sevaral areas. Ths Throat in Fairfield. bar way'sy honw after purchsalag n daaoa today, prepared to wave tbs Itoibtad aad baadad madkina mep attw a sate v m m frew tea te S ■point, tha whola bOl bright have to ana Mast^ Hsr body was r«md ana up over the distaat erast of Weather Bureau aaid tmpsra- Xtogdwa. tha namkv ai In s revised.' Houao-leaders havs ds- la a nearby eraek. Bar' boBM iUpaipa forwardt to pray for tribal tuias should be somewhat lower ■ ast dMaaad. The otwtei I elded tentatively to call up tha bill mngtag from murder was demellahed. the TWackfoot monatatoa. . ilfaiaand______bountiful efopa._ today. Bridgeport, July, 19-(F)—Tho ■for detote the week beginning July sad sbduetloo to -mnsslt were 'nM.anelsnt grsettog to the sun Baaaad for Many .Yaan bodloo of M n, Aadzaw Siakoaie, wotodid a aantear af Army onfo wsighsd by suthoritiss as tesy 8Tank ft, Vaiighn, S8, raflaeky god, symboliasd by a buffalo skull FBas, moot of them sat by 47, and Joaaph Pavlovsky, 48-yaar- cam had a oaily af WataMWam*- 138 amploye, who died of bums. T h a B)m danea, ona .of tha old- Ughtnlng. hava nactad « Udl of ea'e nsyal Naval flmvim). pmpamd to sxtead the search to moimtad oa a tall pola to a willow- aot aad moat deeply religious of aU M machinist, wers found today m m m i^^vsesat bouses is the ResdUig ria a t Bwaagr 91ASSA99 wand aneiokurs, was part of the tenhar and aiteat. by atata policemen to a fog-toroud- President Roosevelt requested . tea plant was sstl- tribal caiamonlsB, waa banned for Tba|RsgionaI Foraat Sarrica traditional tribd ceraanony which nfany years after tbs whits ««en #d vala here. BrntrujMtiey Fnw flhtoa 1 ^ that tee eommlttee re- mated at *$1,000,000 by Seminole the Batmocka cstiy on tor>73 hours offica at Portland reported 964 AuthoHUea aaid both had bean Lmdia. M y Ifc-cty.. n . A,A ito axceas profiu tax provi- . A pcess of huadmds cf parsons Fire C»ief Evemtt Brmutoa^ cams and tha F ort Han iiwii«p« Uitetntog-aet fires -to O r^on and workms, flrsman. Boy w itl^t sating or drinking. uasd to hold their dance sacrlKIy to toot, tea woman through the b tax provisions to conform to ^ One after aaothar. storage It' bMfxn at sundown last night Washington aational forssts to tbs breast aad the man to the throat. foar ahlfie totS ysM tor ^ 'Treasury Dnw rta^t's noom- fleputs sad othar Ttthmfears tanks, each flUad with 1.000 bu^ the mouatatos for from tea enter past four days. Moat of them •w snasd through woodtoads w . aad wU aad Monday svaatog with of tea raaamtleii. Mra. Siakovle was aag to havs Tho Nottottoads tofoty,» rria of hutaaa gaaoBaa, eamlodod abuga (haat. ^ Jw«M eootroUod befors tepy could teorttativoly est teat ^ percentage of return tsrday without uacovsriag say aan ^ temao mom t h a a i ^ -teit teaffaflea has diaagad. Nff do much damaga. operatod^a^roeeryBuMds Chios. . - ^ ^ ■tote Into WhBtog BsiW kiagw do tea hfavaa warfc tesn- * " l^j'^mted tepltal be used as a feet into tha air. As tha first fiagars of dayiigtit Ruadx^ of other Waaoo waM **A prsltoriaaty tovaattgaifea ef * cocpmlttee's faU Ifc o m to saM tea flm. rooultod toto a daagaroua' fraagy ta- 4 by Ughtaiag to atata aM gUfs fiatharTSso^ '** tea darfchaaa from tea oonrttog thair hattia aoloits.'And tho etoepmstaaeoa leads ua to ho- Btalna thio method but also pro- who ysstssrisy Issued h M h B e S (Mas a h r ^ gaaoliaa Baa which e?______of tha tan ton_ teaipau prtvata foraat laads; Meat of thoao Uavo it was a muidsr and aulcida," ■»'?««*htlte test a S ot- ^ from aa ^ ^ y i a r tea ocodluliidiag______(tost. la Oiagoa wara nador.eqatool, Toitoa Oflaf Arthur J. Bosnatt of ratioti ODUM compxiu it# tax re* pea) for teformatioa «»acenifig autoasDbUe. had tea chanttog daaoara h u n t ia- vW chnnateasa lasts for d m It- her whsresboute. sxpreaaed' doubt to thair wafltog auaitaa aoug. kuadrado of m m wara Tutoad to tee raUfMd PuUco DopartaMat. poAtioa of tea He eald Vaugjih saw ^ car driv------win be paid for la awsteea fira liaaa la Washtogtoo. . ^ ikL - \ Formtog a half circls foctog tha toiide-eeUeetSdlMm tourist?^ [Ostgmxmk ^ « I (to IBgs Twsi. ' tha dSacart slip hlaakats Maapowar waa a t ^ proBdpm Tbs hedtea ware fodnd tovFalr- pSMIVtflNIi^ (to ra g s t m x _ \ t n m wh^.spaotol Wssrhsfa aaar tha fMd. a lew yatdo (nsa.tho Oa l i ^ Twak ^pbrt town liaa. . ■ i- ■ V vy ^'


' .✓ T ^ '^ife, G hfld in P a th Jw Officials Plane Output Near Precflcted Rate Bmd Concert Hope Memory KiwaniB /Science Is a Keen Sleuth for FBI Water Major Sees Soa End in Morning Offer to Quit Desert Prize '^iedaalfaa Is Wednesday WiU Be Waked PlansToiu-neyl -Men Rally for Defense First Time in 23 YeaM Of .Soviet-Nazi W ar M widieaM r MaMtodtot CRorch f S t lamaa’a. Roman Oatholto *F1ght' 6i Sonthiern New ^ Foreign Posts Rerv. Eari H. Fargeson* Minister, ' Rov. Wintoai 6. Dunn, Pastor, Frank A. Nickeraon, loOal agm tA gotag and ta Redale Progrtun Which Rev. VtopUit Btoes, Aastotairt B y'^ter Edson By Ship’s Log President Ei^unalian to I ervioA St for/ the Railway B x p i^ Agency, buqr doing thla that ta eouM Man T e l b ^llVagic .Morning .Worahlp, 10:45, the Rev. Bdmuud Barrett, Aaqletont NEA tarvlta Staff Correapoadeut / M exico MRneuvers for « >Om ) Was Rained Out Two Offer Gtipt DoaenI has held that eflloe for 38 years. g e t to tta SoutJi fata a t a «y ttoia About Town (Oiutlsued Froi4 P b o Out) Second -(^gregaVonal church Wamdngton — -\flsitora to • tta , W atei^ole. Much of the express matter tauid- Sioi7 o t Hie Jodrney Sunday maasas: In t ta 38 years ta tta were escpectod, aa Katsuoka had Weeks Ago. MembeiR Entered. unlttol^- ■ ' ' -y . Federal Bureau- qf InVeetlgatlon lOd through tta Office comes from July 1 a change was mada and a ' F^rtHh lithaania; l^ d sea. They had taken oMy 20 days Rrelude — "Andante Ctoritabila" For adulU; 6:00, 7H)0, 8:80, 0:45 carried out .a thorough-gotog re­ 1U4 food supply. ' • ■ - ■ taadquarteni in Washington .^eee ■ W ith the Flrst-Cavslry Divlalon stores and factories at tta South OMhlGT hM bMB GMliBGd tG tlG' St. Margnrat’a Ctarcle, Daughtara organisation of tbe foreign service The band . (Tchalkoweky) Mrs. David M. and 11 A. m. End,, but it was not until this F a m i l y . Taahalia, w ill meat Tuesday eva- concert and W ait Hope to Rastoro Meniory The Klwanis Club wUI hok) a I only an exhibit room of Its techto* in the Desek, July 1*—evio Alr- local offtos. With UUspart of tta'^ To Lei^ when he becama foreign minister 1216 Sides sporU night jirogram of the - Bennett, organist: For chUdren; Downstairs at 8:30 week that Mr. Nickerson visited MW at tha K. of C. clubrooms. R Dr. Samuel C Benadom and go lf tournament fo r a cup to bg ] Offertory—"The Swan" ...... A m .. cal laboratory. But behind, its in­ lane Courier)— OP) — Seventeen btisinasB boUig oonv done ta a j a year ago.. Nuthiag Forest TaU Csdais of lousand soldiers—the new caval­ the South End durlne the morn­ It gave him a n opportuntly to Hla wtfs and the evidence in cases o f sa'bor day lUtd hla Salactive Barvioa t n Tho Tall Cedars Band of Hart­ toembrance by reading excerpts of entry Mn be made with Arthur tags, espionage, or any of the preparednsip. for dsfenoe In a held the poet to the catohet of •00 ford. under the dlrectton of Band­ Postliide—"Reverie'' .. Mansfield qusstlonnalra with tha local draft Mr. and Mra. W . O. Bengston 942 tta^Wtoguio TV ms vnOn* s log. Knofla. X i The Week other Crimea against the national method of warfare In which oil is Baron Kiichlro Hlrianuma, who master Ed O gnm will play A ------.iA -A A,.. MaseSa Sunday 7:S0, 2, 10 hovd. Ithika, a dtlsan of tha Unit, and children Bdgarton street, A toknscrijit of the log ar An effortto being made by th* Willimantlc Camp Meeting defense effort. /' principal prise. But with tta ground in tta viclnty of Flat Tank now is home minister, s m form er­ too hour's concert which will be pre­ and 11 a. cavalry, to the desert, water—15 Charley, s mud-walled water re­ ad autao, has not hoard from bis and Mrs. Bbngaton'a mothar, Mrs. ly waa consul gener^to New York. tfS yesterday after O ratory off i State club to get A-good representaUoo opens Sunday with Dr. Harry N. Last year there were 82,000 ''ex­ Exporting of Art ertta, 6 nattva of Lithuania, since ceded by a general program of Hull hadxjritorvmed^ with BriUahBi from the local Chapter to attend Holnges of New York City preach­ hibits'' handed the la ^ to r examin­ fallon* a day for **:* of 7.000 servoir st the foot of the Organ Churls Andersoo, le ft today fo r aU kinds of sports on tta field. UMses—is a greater prise. lOOU^tslllS. May 6. Har he ma town has boon Mlstoiamicut where they w ill spend officials, t^^oualy, ths British the annual New Itor*****^ Diatriet | ing in the afternoon end evetitog. ation. They were collected in some Works Forbidden boimbod and orarswapt by tba tan days. Policy Toufard China S0O> Including horseshoes, volley ball, had said th ^ .could not releass tho Oonvention at Klwimla tntenw- Study and di;:ci-,aalon groups are 7,000 cases. N o t *11, o f courae,' . Thla simulated warfare, with Half of the flret division held N asla according to newspsper re> tennis sad a baseball game be­ log, says Attorney Robert Nseb. Uonal- to be 'held at Poland | Swiss-Nazi ■ were crimes connected with de­ tl- > First (lUgulsr). Cavalry Divi­ them by tta nose while the other 4 8 tween Jforiartya ' and Pagaala scheduled tor each morning and sion opposing the 'Sfith Brigade half flipped around' during the ports, and try as ha can, Rlnka Pariahlonera of the South Metho­ Is Seen UnaUertMl m d6cU&6

Wiazif^'See p : 'euders Find BY A, W." O'BRIEN .Veaterday: At the Ooart of la- floor—8l9r ground, dogged Red. soldiers To The Lifeboats hole. Ri^lationa prohibited open­ before the German army, many of who ‘acorn dejith” and “tricky Rus­ ing It during hours of darkneaa, sds, indicated that this was tern, sian'defenses CHAPTER VI but Who would know the dlHer- pered by the determination ex­ thehv allies of the British. New pros­ Miraculously, the February wind ence s« long os he didn’t switch pressed, by the President that they pects for allies have become scarcer. Germanl^ften broke through the Idled around midday, and by 3 on the cabin I'ghts? never be occupied by Germany. So wheh'Hitler turned on Red Rus­ first and sbebnd lines of fortifications* 1 o’clock, aummet sunshine bathed He stood on his bulsk and un­ P re se n t Carmona of Portugal $3 sia, Britain chose to sign with the in the Stalin Line and found Soviet I the convoy, now sailing the kindly screwed the heavy clamps. A. Chambers Runs To Whiton Library prepared to make a trip, to the Soviets. pillboxes menaNng their flanks and « lOulf Stream. Like atatues the. of- The cold gust of wind and ling a Trip? C6o k ’s iUores. Spokesmen in Portugal said The two nations agreed to help rear./' Iricers and men aboard ‘T 9” stood spray fairly took hia breath, but Five-Truck Fleet ^ trip Would produce proof that each other and not sign any peace / Line Of ’Enticement’ ■ in formation around the flag-drap- It waa grand. He inhaled deeply; NeW Books Added Are yon going to enjoy yotos?: We saggtpt a Itrategy of the Stalin Line had led coffin nmtalning the murdered then prompted by some impulse '''' “ new Permanent so yon can le t year hair down” atd&its of the islands, 2,000 with Hitler except by mutual, agree­ [body of Captain Tees.;’Only the stuck bis head. out of the port­ in Car oervicing east of New York, want to ment. , sen- Called "enticement defense”— If a man Is known by the and take along n bottle of reconditioning oil ao Igentle murmur of too ocean, hole. .New books rtoently sdded to the stay aloof from the war. Troops have Bashfulness Fades To trap ahd wipe out attacking I swishing along the aides of the He couldn’t tee very far Into the company he keepe, then a concern , your hair wiU not become brittle nnd burned. been reinforced, spearheads sritere they couldn’t be that's In business ought to be For a long time you’ve ^been..Cook and Charles Lucis -are a Whiton MemorisiT llbrarY Include rULMWITD At first Britons termed-The ne |llner, could be heard. night. The waves were mountain­ looking forward to that vacaO^bs^oupl* young men who are the following: 'Sh**<>iing War’ Denied XtatMalA jt\ arrsngement an “association” Ih- immediately follqwed by formidable But the spectacle of the troop- ous and black—all exespt for toe known by the business it gets. o s IT X reinforcements. At. the middle sec­ lohlps, humble freighters and omi- water being cut by the siqp it- Take, for Instance, the Austin A. At last the day arrives, and you^^?’^ experienced in automobile Ih fiction: Helen Ashton, 'Tad­ Berlin newspapers bitterly as­ stead of a full-fledged alliance. Eng­ ■i*rt will It K. ■ trf.. i they’ll give prompt, pole HsII"; Sally Benson>“ Junl6r land and Russia were “co-belRger- tion, the line is abdqt midway be­ InOua men-of-war, ahuffUng Ilka oelf. Little flaohes of light Came Chambers Company, which has start, win It be a pleasant trip, I e(flcient ajtmtioh to your motor- Miss": Phyllis Bentley, "Man- sailed the,President’s policy toward tween the German border and Mos-' Iclumsy dancers through A ' sig- from the whltecapa. That would been engaged In trucking and free from care—or will- you be ing needs: the Portuguese islands. One said he ents” instead of allies. Ruuii Izaggy quadrille, held no glamor to be’ phosphorus. . hold”; Hoffman Blrney, “Ann Gar- cpw. But in the north it passes with­ moving here for the past nine plagued by a series of flat tires,; Cook’* Service SUtions is locat- meny”: Dane Coolldge, “Bear VJJ 99 East Center Street is “eircUng like a vulture” with “ag­ litely called the pact in about 30 miles of Leningrad and I young Lieutenant Gregory RoUin* Toward the bow, it seemed not years and has beto expanding so hirtor troubles, etc ? ed only a short distance from the arms” and a "mighty lu he sadly listened to toe Angll- quite so dark. He could cleaily Paw”; Evelyn Eaton, "Restleaa Teleplione 5009 for Appointment gressive attentions.” in the south 30 miles of Kiev. rapidly that a fleet of five trucks Don t risk spoiling your vatm- Green at 557 East Middle Tum- Are the Salla”; C. 8. Forester, Military observers reaching Lis­ freedom-loving peoples,' Ican padre’s burial prayer. . . “In make out the side of the ship aU and a plek-up are now in' constant tlon by having your car g& “on plk* on the main highway to Bol- By ’Thursday Russians acknowl-^ I toe midst of life we are In death.” toe way to the bow and thrilled "Captaia from Connecticut”; Elis­ bon reported the French were forti­ Within a day, howeydr, Britain’s use. - the bum." Have It thoroughly over- : ton. Here you’ll find the famous abeth Goudge, “Golden Skylark fying Dakar and basing naval units press and public hadysccepted the edged that the enemy had reached Through to* sounding of the at its great strength and tireless- If the Austin A. Chambers Com­ hauled by expert mechai^s, using, Socony and Sunoco gasoline and Oar Staff points in the north and central sec-\ ■ lonely Last Post and Reveille came neea as it plowed through the and Other .Stories”; Zane Grey, there “adequate to meet anything pact as a bona fide alliance. The Lg- pany waanlt giving outstanding the latest type of equipment, oil that gives your engim "Twin Sombrero”; Mra. G, It H. Is Coartcoos Johnson Bfos. except a full-dress attack.” tors which had been considered by ■ the heavy splash of the weighted night. servM* to the public it woyldn't Cook’s Service Station at Man-; a-d vitality needed for perfect and ♦ . IjP^w "tf ,r« <• w- Dorita London Herald derided “sonje observers as beyond the line. |ce) —A “H. V. Morton's London”; G. J. as the British are got Latin America for centuries Allagad Plots Dept. I McGill. Of gay episodes on skiing second he - was frantic. What The AustiiV’'A. Chambers Com­ yers would not be called to work Specialist hi Fo- en Foemtlea. there the Ger­ and now you want to win her proaching your gates in several col­ helped the British frame the armis­ a month old. Reports vary as to the should he do? pany is located at 68 Hollister. school for newly appointed “trust Until the school opens. Many law­ Nathan; "Bachelor life”; W. L. aeral pad Wed-' ood will and her markets in a tice terms to their vanquished coun­ I week-ends In toe Laurentians. Shlrer, "Berlin Dairy”; Mrs, Toni mans have the umns. It is useless to resist... align • In St. Paul, a federal grand jury time he allowed to complete the Job. ■ Their plans for that first leave in Wildly he banked the porthole Sim ply, dial 6360 and you w ill re-. biuters”—*somewhat almig the yers who recently begati lyork ahK> d I a g Arraago- ay.” yourself with your protectors.” charged 29 persons, mostly associ­ trymen. Some say six weeks, some say eight. shut switched on the cabin Ught celve cbtoplete information. , lines of the FBTs training school will be required to take the course. Torrey, ’’Wisdom for Widows”; laeata. — .AMBULANCE SERVICE right to attack I London, blitz or no bUtz. Pierre Van Paaasen, "Time Is g Anderson residents were being • ated with the National Socialist Vichy France balked at having to At any rate, nearly all estimates and began throwing op his over­ for special agent*—is being estab­ An examination will be held at the ^ DAY a n d NIGHT Iceland. Our It waz only hours later, as he lay close, and those who cannot meet Now I” Oat Flewars troops either taught by the simulated invasion the Workers Party, with plotting to deal with the Free French as any­ have his time at least half up. ■ in hia bunk In the lonely cabin, coat over hia pajamas. Jamming Italy la planrilng consiroctlon lished in Thurman Arnold’s Anti- sons would have to tactics of fifth coliunnists. And the overthrow the government. A JUs-, thing but “traitors,” many of whom There was little out of Moscow to ■ that he found himself wondering his feet into hia slippers he swore of a plant to' cover . Trust Diviaion of the Justice De­ the requirements will be dropped. 175Ceater St. Phoa*3069 Whshington invaders — ROTC cadets encamped tice Department official, said the as one refuaeq to receive his foot and bromine from n it water, the partment, officials said today. I>ectures will be given by ex­ \ fight back or . . . had been condemned to death—if indicate the Red Army was half -iLg ■ why he hadn’t told her of hia Me perts on the anti-trurt staff. The Women Discuss „ at itearby Clemson College — were party was composed mainly of caught. But Britain insisted. When ■ before the Court of Investigation, He bent down to tug the slipper U. 8. Department of Commerce The school Is scheduled to open might shot down.” ' ^ 'The Perty Is Over* licked. In fact Soviet spokesmen in­ and pausied, bent over, every report*. about Aug. 1 for approximately schpo) already has a regular text­ General Marshall, chief of staff, In 18 cities. Secretary Perkins re­ being trained in the technique of Trot^yite Communists. the French armistice mission ar­ sisted that most of Hitler’s army had ■ when Ms had said ha was on tha faculty alert book—a compilation of articles by - N told the Senate military committee ported, the price erf (8 staple foods subversion. j • In New York, another grand rived at Acre, Palestine, there sat been slowed to a walk and that in at ■deck tokt night. The thought h*d From oomewhere on the deck Arnold suut 11 o f h is top ranking Defense Action , y - . , ____ w-the representatives of Free France. ■ occurred to him once, but he had aides. that specially' trained Army units rose 1.7% in the last half of June; ury indicted 33 permns rounded up least one section (on the Dnepr I dismissed it on toe grounds that above him had come the unmis­ should have been sent to Iceland in- President Roosevelt opined that Homeward Bound lastast month by the FBI In the na- Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, south of Vitebric) the Germans had I she would think he was putting on takable crack of a rifle....Even Hartford, July , 19—A me*ting ^stead of marines but that it would far-reaching legislation might be Capt. Fritz Wiedemann and Dr. tlon’sj biggest spy hunt. They were Allied force commander, said the been thrown for a 30-mlle losZ. la gallantry act above the noises of the ship and. BUY QUALITY MEMORIALS of women representing the towns mive^been necessary to use some needed not only to place ceilings on Hans Borchers, expelled German accused of conspir'ng to send infor- proceedings were “without acri- The B county women tn connection teers, MarshMl explained, would came from L Day French or be repatriated to Francei planesL and to abandon heavy land overcoats appeired once more. ket os he did eo. But with hia Mra. Dorothy S. Bowlee, mem­ RE FINISH FURNITURE fore it got started. . over” as fw as the retail sales boom i board until the British In a move to save electricity, that Britain was to receive all war id on the door kilM aa ungodly The Beet Stones Pm vMsb Yoa around-the-clock attacks. In 1939, Baron HlranUma’s cabi­ [ Within an hour a aleel-like snow W ith A ferfeet Job. ber of the State Defense Council WITH DUPON^ ENAMEL Marshall made this atgtement in caused by defense spending is con- bad guaranteed safe conduct. When President Roosevelt asked Congress materials. Further, the Russians said Ger­ I was lashing, the decks and labored din ahattered the night . . . It and chalrnfon of women’s activi- t^ m o n y supportink a progosal to net was strongly committed to • was the lUnergency gong in the tie*, wUt preside and explain a cern^. -■ {ho safe conduct ^ I v r t it was too for power to put some sections of Chief of State Marshal Petaln mans were being harassed by be- coRunon front with Germany ageing' [groans were coming from the paaoageway' madly clanging a life­ AM Mmaorials OnnraateodI Tb* faraltora hi year hooM will taka a aow beaaty with a take the one-year rule on. \ ;;^fo re long now,” he said,“ there late. ’They jiacked their folks into „ the country on daylight saving time from Vichy bitterly reported the hlnd-the-line sniping and by Pre­ [ ocean greybound’a beams. The roll similar organization which haa eoat ot Om»aat world Communism. It collapsed im­ [in zigzagging time became ao In- boat alarm. BOTTIMBLU MONUMENTAL CO. OF BIANCHE8TBE been established in Hartford Coun­ Drafteeii’ Fats Studied will be more purchasing power run- c h a rte ^ planes, flew to New York —In some cases as much as two ..Syrian low "as result of unjostlfla- mier Joseph Stalin’s “scorched mediate^ after Hitler struck a bar- (Te'Be Oonftaaed) quality inoasldeted, qoidt drytag, easy to apply. ning around hunting something to* and Joined 464 dther Axis consuls, houri ahead of standard time. '^ble aggression.” eirtb” policy. OrMln too green to' [teaze that tos bridge tournament A. Akaottl. Prop, Telepbon* Msnckestec 62*1 or 7787 ty to coordinato women’s activi- Congressional leaders put aside buy than there are goods available, their staffs and f^U les, aboard the Congressional comment varied Germans in Berlin in with the Communist Russia h* was canceled fog the night Fnrdi QonMc Pearl ood lisrrissn Streeto, Ues with the Local Defense Coun­ the Army’s request for authority to labeled the burn was destroyed > when milk­ d been flaying. Greg waa Just as glad. He wont cils. If that occurs to substantial degree. Navy transport West Point, bound from that of Senator Aiistin (D-Vt.), Free French-British victory as "not maids drove cows and peasants R Bend selectees outside the Western no poiver on earth can prevent in- to ^isb o n . ' who said “we like it In Vermont,” When Hitler back tracked again *d to lie back and think, think, In a letter to town and . dty JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY Hemisphere (Wheeler said this militarily important.” drove tractors and horse-drawn last month and attacked Ruma, think...somewhere in the crazy Quotations officials In New Raven County flatfon. X . .The west Point vfas formerly,the to^that of Senator Nye (R-NJ),): British leaders felt that the blitz­ rollers over fields. pattern must be a clew that would SEKfOR TOUR^ELPI Cdwla Jobaaea, Prop. showed the President had “backed “For thaLYedson the government -America,merica, theu,c nanuna nation’s largest liner.unrr. "X'wonaer“iVonder wnatwhat tnethe ^residentPresident isU go- Nipponese political circles were DEPENDABLE this week. Mrs..Bowles asked that I MAIM S T R U T down” on the idea) but went ahead krieg of Crete had been minimized British Bourees said the Ckrmans lead to a solution. T)m murderer or ftat nhn gn repreeentatlves be named either must sop up some of this extra pur- She will bring back American offl- Ing to want to control next.... The by securing Syria to the allied side, thrown into consternation. The first murderers must be atiU,on toe with the proposal to lengthen ser- had “accomplished nothing that can definite reaction cam* during Um Forty par cant e t the American Moving from within the Local Defcoae chasing power, and it can do so in ejals and newsmen expelled from simplest way to gain an hour of day- and that wavering Turkey might be boat A knock on the door Inter­ Oouncila or, the several -women’s ~ vice. The President said there was many healthy Ways. It must in­ countries. light is to get up an hour earlier.” be reckoned as final* ‘ or substantial 'Week when the yepr-old cabinet of rupted him.' pmuiatlon are not property fed. w ith a no question of breaking faith be­ subjected to less Nazi pressure. advantage.” sickly Prince Fumlmaro Konoye re­ The iU-bealth results msaa a Pm king Otganisationa within the com­ THERE IS crease takes, thus helping to pay for It «raa Ham Mlley. ^ lyiog glabs munities to attend the meeting so cause the law provided for changes sided. He apologized for burstlhg in Blowtog down (d todustrial pro­ LOSE NO LIMIT defense. It can stimulate savings— But Hie Qatmana Said . . . duction, a danger to mUltary Shipping whea’ wa got that all New Haven Ccxmty oom- Congress thought necessary. thus providing a back-log for the In Konoya’s cabinat as foraign I but wanteq^ aok a few questions munltlea vrUl be repreaeute il TO YOUR Headliners: Two Men Between Two Worlds . The Berlin veridon, however, had [ab ou t Tom* background In tha atrenzto, and a lowering of the tkraagb nosT- nias \ Manhall also urged approval of future.... ConsuRter credit must mlnistar was Yosuka Matsuoln, who Because of the interaet a plan to weed out officers who "are h e the Russian army much more than was influential in involving Japan in [hops Mtoa lasd would ba found. monue of mlUlona. Lociff Dtetane* Movvr* M ag It —,ead aoa far yuoraalt is a WARDROBE kept from expanding.” iffdological gulf separating called it “a biasing indiscretions to “peace bombs”: he came put for half llek^. I‘Hia Old Man. Mt^atalad, confi- ^Htoggeen Oensral Tbonou Par- thfoiigboat the state by women's - slowing down the Army.” ^ a imi al Britain and Bolshevik have “the king’s name dragged into total, world-wide dlsarmamenL His the two pacts‘W hich baeama kay- .n o . ' if It doosoA aatlBiy ovary staad- OiTonUktioa*. it U anUeipated m m WlMto Yon Hav* major shake-up several compara­ After almost a full ereek of si­ I danttaUy, sismad sold on tha opln- ard. A Rfth Less G at nussiaT been formidable for* doilitlcs.”; Cripps said he was re- ideas were dismissed as “visionary." stonas of Japanasa policy: tba Axla ; some aqldler had commlt- THE AUSTIN A. that rimOar toeetinfa will be held tively young generals attained new As American as hot dogs and Sat- y®*":/Soviet became, fairing to the"king’s advisors, not lence, the Geiman high command S lign m en t ahd the heutrollty tiwaty in the other cities vRfldn a abort SrOKEI TlwAidOf A prominence. Russia was cold-shouldered at the made spectacular claims. Sritbthe Soviet the crime, due to the nature of This to not tlio flrat tough m—- CHAMBERS GO. tlUML I urday night baths has been the with/Britain, an active foe of Nazi the king. Munich comCirenoe and there were th e w ound TIm i* might toave bean the world has ever knoini . . . COOK’S SERYICK STA. SINGER The President asked Congress tor habit of mbtorists. Just out'for a He appealed to England’s work­ The high command called its cam- With the Oennan attack on Rus­ some man with a gamblfog or per- In the very yeen when ttepdeoa 68 HoUster SL, Maadi**t*r ’ Ol Otganlzatioa ot th e womaa^a SEWING MACHINE $8,093,000,000 more for the Army, ride, to roar up to a filling.station ers, In 1937, to gain control of the paign already a dedsiva triumph, sia, Matsuoka’a critics chugM that oonal Jealousy motive o r... was bringing an had to ths world gnupa la Hartford County haa MISS ANNIE SWIFT Navy and Maritime Commission. and pipe “fill ’er up.” ^ nation by the simple process of re- with the Stalin Lina, Ruoala’a main ba had prasaatad for toe amparor*a *Tf9thlng doinf there, Harry.' thsre wars belag born boy and elbnlnatad much dupUcatlon of Hoars 2 to d^aafjt So g P. M. Sincer Sewing Machla* Ca. The commission plans to build 968 Defense Petroleum Coordinator i fusinlLto make armaments. defense barrier, “^ k e n at all de- approval two international aeeoida alllna rasped. 'Tees lived a deoi girl bnblss dasUaed to ptoducs yoa ho* cM S M tlO R effort, Mra. BOwlea said, and aabtaowBMg. gt«,noeff ^aew cargo ships. daiv* points,” with the great d'tias which proved contradictory,; and I life and only gaipbled occoatanoU; one of tha most zplandld periods NOW bring* eloae eooriUnaticn between Pheoa 4487 '. Ickes warned last weekend that the' He was flnally‘'expelled from the the women's organlzationa and 7*7 flil-’er-up era for Eastern motorists of Mmcow, Leningrad and Kiev now emoarrassing. 1 tm a tenth m a cent In bridge. e t history. . Taimadge's Purge Labor Paily inM939 when he sought virtually doomed by three (lerman Domei, Nipponese news agency, ■Now supposing you ask me what HAYS TOUR SRRU^ the Local DefOnsa Oonnoila; - is closing. Every fifth oil tanker to form a Pqpular Front to defeat lyou reouy came to ask me. ' ■ ‘Tm not going to put up with any bringing fuel'from -Gulf porta has drives, and with the masdve Red heud that Konoya had been asked HElkiES. EVERGREENS, Neville Chamberlain’s Conservative army ntar a bewildered collapse. ’go Harry looked at RoUlns oi Ws must prevent ths destriie- CO aiPLBTE social equality in the university sys­ been transferred to the Britjab ser­ government. to form a new govarnmant “Okay,. Greg, if you don't mind rapolra at low _____ , Fuel ond Rongo tem or the state schools.” vice' and Ickes hinted that (f.ll fur­ After tore* days, however, the Meanwhile Ja|lapan tightened (1) I me repeating myself. ..You were tion of local aelf-govenunaat and AND TREES PROPERLY. prleoa.—o» ^ - s All during the Spring of 1940 he high command w u atiU leporting censorship, (2) re stric...... tl^ on trayslyd tbs eentfollsatlaa of powsr at qMcbly yaa ■■■ mmmmrn Q I L ----- BUILDING Thus exclaimed G^'rgla’s Gov. ther transfers might be made. urged Britain to mend bar barely alone, weren’t you, up there on W asM ngton. TRIMMED. ^ Eugene Talmadge a month ago as he Before adopting gasoline ration “braak-thtpuA opantiona” against by foreigtiars, (3) rationing of such I deck when Tees found you? Or, won’t bo laoeav SERVICE pemptible relations with Russia, to* StaluPUne. And German re- wbra you trying to cover up aome- dMMo* OWM 3 . B sk irts a t Vn- PaMtMg nod V Tdlephofl* 3866 set his.guns on a university dean cards, Ickes said, * test will be made staple foodatuffa u rice, sugu and laaova Oaltaga 'maHasaesaMnt. ^ COAL — COKE when Churchill replaced'Chamber- porters told ruefully of bad weafoar. cooidogoiL I body at the Inquiry this morning?” Co m . Stat* U ccbm No. 884 o- Wportalty. and a state college president who to see if enough fuel can be saved I lain, he promptly dispatched Cripps V jem rnn loobtof ter ffoaSty RANGE AND FUEL OILS he said favored racial equality. Both • through voluntary ratimiing. | Rollins swung his faet out of WDmCB’il AUTO BOOT CO, to Moscow as a trade envoy. the bunk. "What, are; jrou digging It Is clsor that only a degrss of “U IPO Worth PtaMg— / ofl . . . we bave .ltl ^ men. Dr. Walter Cocking, dean of • Canada also faced a crimal Cripps reputedly was on 'good I for? Why should I want to cover prsporsdasss which frightras off JOHN S. WOLCOTT RSON Prompt DaHyarlaa educafibn at the state university, SINKINGS DOWN AGAIN Wo Oon Plx It* shortage of gasoline because of loss terms with Stalin, but Rjnssla I up anybody? Maybe you have attack or Is strong saougb to re­ TelephoM 8597 . li* W. MMAo T9h. XW.4flW Prompt beUTerj At AO Tlm«a and Dr. Marvin-Pittman, president of ocean tanker tonnage. Sale of wouldn’t admit him without d^lo- In Short.... [some idea of whom Tm covering pel any attack that eomaa win ba of South Georgia-College, denied the gasoline and oil to motorists was up—if I am?" adequate. . matie status; Since he w m already Flewt Harry HopkiAs, U.^8. leaae- MANCHESTER forbidden at night apd on Sundays. eh route, Churchill made bhh* full- lend. supervisor, to England in an •120 - "Hold your horaesi:' Mlley cut ■ o tto a W. Bay P irta M * American plane for another oSlctal to. “You needn’t be ao touchy, QUALITY VAN'S LUMBER S FUEL CO. Mexico Cuts Out Axis . f l^ e d ahnbassador. rva got an Investigation Job riwv- PRINTING! SUPPLY OUTLET 427 Bartfori T et I Ihaagh he reportodly complained v id t ' od on me orhlrii you should want SUNSHINE 1189 MaM flt. Bartford When American officials went > Diedi Fred Fisher, eldest of De­ A lthough t apant only a abort Tha priatiag that he had trouble contacting So-' to aoalat My purpose In asking tim e la Um United atateo; I eras shopping in Mexico for metals need­ vlet offidala and was diroouraged troit’s seven famous Fisher brothers that q[uestion is simply that tha 'Jabwodofor tmprenaed by tbs enormoua quan? DAIRY 'p a a will ed for defense they had thnible about results be was producing, he and’ eo-found*r of the Fisher Body sentry on duty saw an - officar titiea of war mateital now M ag making purchases because boetloads Gr^ps: A Sop T* The Seviets laid the groundwork, so convenient Corporation. ' standing In ths shadow of tbs Mfs- produoed. 48 Acadamr St. ToL 8537 frov* ootia- Our lOOth Serin of of the ore were^going to Japan. The . litvlnev: Dosted OS •100 bpat near the murdar soana around ihetory, bo­ U you wear oqy olaa foom 84 to today, for dealing with the Ruasiaiis. Baalghadi AU but three of Nor­ lt wfll 53, here's a. shp which wUl be Nipponese were buying huge- quan' - G m m w , however, the gulf was Heeigned the new alliance for Brit­ way’s 18 provincial governors, be- nitdnight I thought you might DAIRY PRODUCTS titles of mercury, molybdenum, an- quickly-^bridged, rumor* that Litvinov had fallen have asen one of toabOM ont there gnmUfiw your fiiw e. It has poa- O pm . ain last weekend. from Stalin’s go ^ cauu they said tb u could not tol­ when paoBlng with Tees and didn’t IH dlj PeUveiry fow to matoh. flat la froi ‘ timony, tungsten, lead, and copper Both sides, it seemed, had been erate control of dvll service by M*- Ws bare to explain our Inoti- itogr pleaU and gatberod oa . aa Start, a oaTiag oMOMt at prices ’way above the world mar- grooming just the-»i|^t men for the When France and E n i^ d began [want to put him on an awkward tutiona to our people ao that tbar* FflMMl'Of Britain making overtures to R u i^ he pro­ Vldkun Quisling, Norwegian [spot by admitting you left him AkdballF i)eliv*i7 rtaetlc bond la b o ^ A clever four flow and owke payflunta of ... V 1 , emergency. There is no nfore than a Franca’s Clamencaau was ao par* posed a sweeping Britirii-French- iazi leader. I there.” ] ta a pride tn Amartcaa Mfe and gdre eoeottuction . doea the Job of This dilemma disappeared during gully, at most, between England’s th ou gh t IW AiMh>v*r'aad WILLIAM H. 8CHIELDGB making tlila ooe 4C tha omootheat dollar or OMra the week when the U. S. and Mex- Sir Stafford Cripps and ' ~RiiMta’a turbed by the creation o*of theuw owviv*Soviat ouaawiRussian nuuwymilitary ouioncealliance againsiagainst Accepted: By Ecuador and tenta­ RolUna w as rsMAvad but man­ m'flptoe* flMot TM.MM tively 1^ Peru, - an ■ offer by to* aged to hide It. They chatted on ColombU Lokos. littlag sUoa you ever aoade 'for ico reached a notable agreement: Magim Litvinov. and Ruuias Union during World War I that ha Hitler. After it waa rajected by friendly terms for a while bsfors Hew F ofh . youraelf. The topto Just a* abnple atoatli aa desired. The U. S. will buy all of Mexico’s, propoaed that “a barbed wire fonoe' Britain, ha was replaced by Tyache- U nlt^ Statea, Argentina and Bra­ MUsy rose to lekve. —yet It goes together aa a figure surplus war commodities for the of isolation ba eraeted to,ahut Mot- zil to help aattle their old dispute It wfll be a battle of moapower oontroUlag braoriere oactioo. Friend O f Russia alatv Mbiotov, Three months later over ownership of upper At tha cablA door ha paused and next 18 months; Mexico will sell cow off from otfaar eapitalB. Ruaaia mad* iU bugain with Hitiar. asked cosuaUy: ”By the way, Greg, in the end. ' WhMi Y*fl Pattern 8996 la to riaaa 24 to Lanky, aristocratic Sir Stafford It fell to wi&r, robust, oharp- ^unglaland. Flghtlnf w u rtnewad WovaO. now Brtttah Ship By Truck! such commodities only to the U. S. Cripps w u oftian in olBeial Britain’s Litvinov dropped almost com^ who is ths-Bwall nuns you’re in- N**dTir«fl 62. flias 26 takas 8 1-8 yards e t 89- and other nations of the Western ------tonguad iza»ifn Utvinov to break ------— recently. I tereoted In?” ‘ to laCa. DoUf Sorvlc* 1V> M i Fim s SatUtL iaeh fabtfo, l yard rtbboa for Hemisphere. hair ^ ^ g toe decade before Win- through that fence. As a Russian Pletaly out of the public eye. Last Awarded: To NAzi airman Werner RoUlns fait hia muscles tsnss • N*w York ohouMor strapo. T m built up Cocking and Gov. Talmadge ston (ihurchill u w In him a fine ambassador and special envoy he Eebnwry he w u swept off the Corn- but ha managed to show a g ^ We eon havo the fnrs*rilla* ot — Daa* peace Offering to JosepR Stalin...... K . . f Moaldtrt, Germany’s highest deco­ ForwanUag CoMoetkMo la I— How — Oao«- obauldai*. size 8$ takas 2)4 yarth. (Cocking was said spe- Labor Front: Quiet amashed the fcncaa during the twan- muniat Party’s Central Committee ration for bravery, by'Adolf Hitler. *T auppooe you'd Uks to .know, Hfe and all-out dafsaot, too. But Now York for A0> Polat* FaatMa roqutra 1)4 yardo. He w u once Called “to* moat dan- ttifc Than u Paopla% Commissar tor for “foiling in hia dutiei.” Bowtvar, [ buk?’ ww cannot havo tba hnrarioa e t ’ to favor an advancid taach- As a government compilation He w u credited with downing 101 Mfe and oU-oot dsfenas. too. Soath luM Wool For tola attaracUva patteni.____ ool when boto H^poes and showed that the number of workars gerous revolutionary in England.' Fottlgo Aflaira ha eonvlncad many ha w u navar jailed or pt»e»d in planw duHnt the war. |AM. SCI. MAI. Afo. MAY |UNi Even his own Labor Parto turned , Long after MUsy left, Greg et PHONE 8063 100 .la cola, yosnr name', a lir ee a . l.could study.) on s t r ^ in datenaa plahta had de­ P ^ le -o f Ruasta’a reqMcUbUity. diam c^ u'oftan happened to Rua- i aatf sad: Morris Sdiappas, Enc- [motlonlaas on the* aids of the I immber sad olaa to Tba him out. Here are a fow of antiea w u mainly rasponaibla. for. Rrttaia says losam in Jun* mere c k e d 7S% within a month, Sidnay during, t o t thirtiu: •ia’a fallen ofliciala. llah taarhar at the City Collage of- the lowest /or.a year.exeepting the bunk. Why ths crock ------Htar EvaolBg Herald, TO- ofOPM. Now, ’^t h Ruaaia bkek u ah ana- New York and a fohnar Commu­ Winter months of December and about toe naros foUowtng the re­ No asajor war roolly boo aa aeo- Perrett ft GknneY dayO Patten flervlee IM 7th Av- my of Nazism and aoakinf help nist, to an 18-monto to two-year January. The June figure it near the petition of the query toout Ms toe.^ ■ O m s p b ^ f l -----MewYert^H. T. havtof bean ahxta on daek? Was from t o t outside world, 'r^ -p o ly priaiM term for testifying folsi^ b t- eyerape monthly :Iom o ^ t f o d by BMfiilt Ptae* Nationa in 1934. Litvinov la___ being renovated.______Ba h u fore a state leglriatlvf it oeStontol or boss Se^vfee SUtiiMi ^ ooBfoesDees h* ‘ broadeaat airappaal for kelp to Bng< - Ttata* tfartW dM ^taai^ itrnppiag lead. ^ ^ X \ ^______\ / V MANCHESTia BVBtTIKOI CONN. SATURDAY, JULY 19, IM I M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, JULY 19,1941 \ ' X PAQK") glon, pottUos aad only for their good but fo r ours 0>miiig Home , JbMcipatfr ts which make j^iM loa Into that Ws bop* their msldsilm, aad A By Wilgy Padan a eeavoalts atrangth BKIsr, who their Jobs, ass permanent Ws TRUE! Hog Price Is as atrangth only in i^ a a s , like them; w « want theip to Richard Witfliig Close K n tt By Jack BtianoM ^j^ning BoU Sure Cm hldBdduIrsd bodies owned by'the W * like ths new dollars on ^118 payroll, but w* like them most if n jpanri state, will never comprehend. \ Above Parity t« iUMU MNat th ^ can be counted on ten years W('ashlngton—O u^ in^train-feff tbste Iks to . eotopiato, I^val Matinee Idol •/ Rheumatism. He lag may be as aerioi as ail get- "Goefir/d \ n^fSTS^EWSmoH fro ^ how. dossn’t that leave your Eifhtj-Second ScMlon / N X '-. ■ OMratml thuuMr The Open Ejra out but 11' has r Ughter Sid*. tod> hslr a mtss.’’ Another Indication o f V«w4«a OatoWl. tMlt It th f turbulent world. In which r v * M through ^ Women Fire Ee* Boy Senda Aluminumt Of ReligiooB Service* ®^h*. who tibea on taetcam* to hte faithful deg iw iin ThsM's one eaceneat-thlng to be many p^opl* are changing modm, aceres of camp papers— >Ai Fort BUsa one of th* Better Conditio^ .of site of the old shoddly mill'in Bol- tog guard over him UahiM t ^ near th* Andover line pea a ' tora. v adaitrsd about, women window* conditions. And placds ot living. end tnonthliss •. favorites Is shout ths ^ v a | e cipe toi^^lheattmter Drefis* Wants Nation Strong To Begin Tomorrow. shopping; It la an example of the from mlmeojpaphsd (name -..wltbhald) who w u op- Livestock Prodjatien cur* for rheumattem, but x ra m *: Thar* w u eas tWari AU, to the best of their ablUty \ tour to profit;* malting. lu v * obd-wirad, hesdquSrtste: oome to View may not want to ua* it. ’ needed, be fe lt and ta u w ifi aye at its attontlvs best tod dailies, wie I'paid advsr- Tho olghty locond soasten of the Mr. E *< ^ attracted t6 thS-iH* had no telephone, hut l . aUBOCBlPnOM JUTS* aad opportunity, have the decent “ Arrtvtag ia tteM 9:60 p. m. Rove deome AetoP. x Ctoskett. calif.; July" 19— X^lcsgo, July iSXgyiAversge No slgnlfloant detail escapes; no g ..And ' - I- can report that most OI truck pick '■ ms up.*' Tbs tals- (F )r*A ntoe-yaar-old hvf a situation whloh w l^ b* pleaaant ^ \ Ot* same old Jo* Millers that - Bp Veeta Bslliag to r*c*nt/*to*k* th u the com- outt of tha w *y due; when our lady wlndow*shop* til* penciled notatiOR-' “ No action "keep on making u strong” ttoua through Buaday, Jiily pt- The piece, he purchased i t 1MIt*i«4 Od« Tm t not only for today but tor th* tu* were around when th* boys float­ takan." New York, July 19—(A — Ckme h u sent a ptoeo o f alumtoum moqltlea. ns purchases—now is on him u be per turns away, one can be sure ed Mf to Cuba agd th* PhUlp- be the days o f th* matin** morning aanaoa at 10:80 w U be s level" sboye j^ ty along with He- w u troubled with rheums- pey ------it MCHBCR o r tur*. All of us are trying tS And Th* Camp Custer News Mveo tochu long and two to- tisto end on* dey when elon* at weiv - TBS ASsoaATaD ruen she haa missed nothing. Her feml* piaes. But funny situatloa hu­ th* atory o f tbo tratoo* who but voaten^hav* oUmbed tho ohM wlda to Washington ”to daUvamd by DIatriet gupartoten- d l w clsssee of llveatock. thereby axry u the additloiril Th* AiMoaUttd Pr«M U auioitv*. and to work out these things to* M ir |»e piece a taUnder ^ r m cam* bseidu __ _ nlnity telU her. In the beginning, mor is la the saddle and noth­ operating a message atatim afir* aeoap* ^ the Nstkmal theaterholp msko strplsass. dmt Rav. Esrt E. Story, until rs- giving another indication of ta* taa tor It — U tk* BM or ropnbilM* getber, and Manchester is a fin* ing funny bappeas that isn’t given drearing roonis to get a clou up more profitable posltioa^of the ip. He w u in th* yard at th* time L l^ tn ia # Bt strike MB of all Bow* dlopoteho* erodltod maneuvers to Tenneaeea. > lt i ‘ “ I mm just a Uttlo boy nine cu U y of taa South Methodist end during th* storm w u render­ to It or Mt •tbonrio*'' erodltod In that the wlndowyls ot interest place to'do It, if w* can achieve the green lig » for general dr- “Missouri wMthsr,” ths^sw a view of handaome. young Richard yoais old,” Wssloy Bradshaw church at this town, a t 8:80 to th* WAV iStel CW WAlUMflONi livestock producer. ' - / to ta* same - ,,..h u t liKMay xanaioutmitf- ed unconscious by a bolt Whm bs be te going I tkl* paper aad aloe tb* loool now* her; that once acknowledged, she; moderation in spite of boom town culatioa. ports, and along oama “a junior I Waring, who h U been play tog the of Oockett wrote th* chief aftem ou aad again at 7:00 Dr. Market experts sold that sylw to ppbitoaod boroia. is on the alek; she has the pano* The ariay eartooalste ar* sur­ cloudburst.” The tinrinee, seeking Walsh miner protege of School- executive, “ and am sending Harry N. Holmu of New York ■ dl ^ rih . SOMANCF. /idtatviANONtentriio sge cost of hogs, which ■ -All rlib u of ropBbUeattea at temptations. L «t us sip darefuUy UNQOIN mi6mVMS>1; above the $ li mark here hi Chi- ppoMol diopalobos horota or* aloo ramie and the mlcrcMopic eye at prisingly good. Tha on* from th* shelter, spied a , duckac to and miattou Ethel BammorS in ’The you a piece of alumtoum to a t y w ill proaob. Dr. Holmu w u of the wine of prosperity; it leaves Fort N ls^u a Drum showing on Btartod wrtagtok cut his clothes OoR IS'Oraea” on toroadway since help mak* alrplanw to ku p for 20 yeara aaooclatod wlta th* csgo thla week, wra abov* parity caTvxe better then IIS pra cent of biesk fsd atosta ___ one and the same time; it is a high irate bandmaster, shouting at a only to glanu up and find him- last Novsmfaar. for the first time since J9$7. Part. parity xnd Umbs more then 120 turnsd about tbte wsek . rail **m*p olloBt at N. a wicked hangover. our great counliy fru. Young M u’s ChriStiu Aaaoda- per cent of parity. order of seeing. / rookie, playing the drums plenty sra face to face with tM M*Jor I Ons woman flung open his door, ”Aa I am niM old enough to tion, aOrring ta many parto o f the te ta* price for x commodity ty stoers closed 80 t- „ . Soroio* lad which give* it s purchulng pow­ Borne Of the outstanding factors With apologies to our mer* hot aad la th* groove, "I don t GenenU,- \ seruttolaad him tauntiy, murmur­ join th* Army, I will try to do world. He la now osacutivo aoerS- higher xad aU gradu yaoriteBp MMIabora RoproBoatotlToa Tha Indifference Verboten car* if Krupa does play it that Thef* also wu Pvt. fitevs Ko- ed "Hmm, not bad> and departed. my ebare some other Way. er. with respect tti articles that sttributing to tbte tost rise to flight steers advaaosd 38 {dr Aulpa itathow* Bpoeiol Aaopter— chants, theirs alone are not the tary of tho World AUlueS for In­ farmers by. equlyXlent to th* pue- prices, particularly at hogs, In v Tarfe, Chleapa, OatreTt aad way, you’re in the army now,” is iraiteh who humped off to Nash- Mrs. Wsrtog confided hvar her hus­ ^"Deu Presidut,v keep on ternational Friendship Through ta* cents, with ysaritags toppli only fascinating and deserving dis* I f the reestablishment of the national magxsine stuff. ylU* on lu ve, 'Went to a -hotel and band’s proteate.prot4 ' Churches. chulng power Of tae commodity been a more favorable fe«< $1250. Bprtog lambs showed Baataa. making ua strong xnd may in th* base /period of August, position of livestock produoers/to- pUys In life. With gentle o^ n g political commissars seemed a slg* Another, from the Army Umirimim, demanded th* eoftaat bed they Ultra-ardmtVltra-srd( fans of Wartog’s— our God bleu you and keep Teuphiaaultey change lostog 10 to 18 eeate ^ MMOtm A l^ lT BURBAO or Midland Englishman by birth 1909. to Jujy. 1914. creased domestic contomptiim dus tog roost of thotao wask and taaa cScauA'TIO] for most of us, we have the unsee* nlflosnt revelation of the state ot shows X befuddled, train** dsM- bad to th* place. He got It, for W. jrott forever.” * Monday is Tsmpsrsnc* Day wlta tog about after tape and mognlng found it w u so soft be couldn’t and an i Amarieah by adoption- The letter w u signed ” As The U. B. DeiMutmrat of Agrt- to s higher national '' inooma fitim gsintog tbs to « at tlia waaNa Ing, rather than the open eye. affairs inside totelitarlan Russia, are ths giria at Lafayette High a program at two o’clock to chaiu cultur* reported that the average defana* activtttee, and most tin- Tha Herald mntlna . to a llentenant; 'T know it’s after get to sleep and spent th* n i| ^ f ever, ypur friend, W u ley o f Mra. EUa F. Bun of Bouta faoL. aaaamoa ae tlnaaclal r**pon*l> There ate those of us who go the same day's news contained an tops, sir, but I camouflaged on th* floor. school to Brooklyn. Bfadshxw-. 1907 Merchant price of hogs received by fanners lortant at all the govsrnmrat’s We lUnaffeaMOir knitT ter tTpographleal orrera o»- The Dispatch (a t Camp Rob- Windsor, formsriy of Muchsstor. St l(9Csl markets throughrat tha luytog program under th* lea**- ' Boanag la* adroniooBfonM la taa through our day as if in a trance, equally tell*tal* item from - totali­ tent and now I caa’^ ^ d F ~ Wr-rtng consented to addfeu the stru t, CroSkett. OSUf.“ , Mrs. Burr is prssidut of taa Wo­ lend a ct ■Uaahootor Braaiag Borald, arts, Calif.) tolls at a private who I drama ciau thare on* morning at nation on June 15 w u 98 per cent BUfford. Kaa— epmsd lira. w hu hlaTninkmate w u along*! nounoed to th* sxpectant « young- .lOANOnm"■( Aiemii - while prices of commodities which hundredweight before healtaney on aurreadared."Tk*I other _ _ two that we are vacant and hardily conversation cease during the ics. Most of their cartoons are ntog play, ”Th* Watch 'on th* Rev. John J. Buchanu, pastor farmer* by, although rlelng. have the part of .buying totaresta broke Tha vaty.aound and fury of tha sttltey and although not too shock­ aide, he sakf^^^fiay, Boldlor, if w * aters, "L a fa y ette,a r______am here!" at Norwlchtown, u d a student at New York. N Y - “ IT’S TRUBI tiiat iriKn worktog bsfbrc but were captured a ftu a 00 determined to be..^lihimpresirton* broadcast of the coihmuniques of over do have kn easy day, remind j Rhine,” produced by Bhumlin, shown comparatively little change. priCM allghtly at tha week’s rad. an hour . chau l^ sheittra laolatloniat attack upon the policy ing for sotoe o f th* sophlMlcated T h u kept him answering qu*s- the Boston School of Religious the caaxrtt at Mrtro-Ooldwyn-Mayer rtudiot, BUUe Burke gets Beet Above Parity tor Yeu th* Oerman high command. me to stay up and heu taps, w ill tio u for two hours and have been Btudled for Fart ITve Years Average prices were above ta* cars. tha nation la purauinf leada to the abla' / • ' magaxines, not .fit subject for a you? \ Education w ill speak Monday eve up at five o'dodk. When not w o r k i^ she arises at aevea^ saya The average coat of beef cat­ $11 mark for- th* first time since In other words, the Nasls have family newspaper. popping up at th* stag* door ever Although Waring did not know ntog, Norwich aru nlgtri. legittmate question of whether or What rich returns, what mag* Then there wuNthe private onj w asy P h d u tle which h u been above parity late to 1987 and compared' with stoc*. Once so many cam* that it at the time, he studied fo r this Dr. Story In Charge to' more than a year- ia now more ProdiKtioB of the aatiM’a oO not this nation can achieve unity nlflcent eju bargains can be tniss* to order attention for the commu­ K.F., who, asked b ^ th * “ cookl*” | t u management uahared them to pari for five jrurs. That w u when ‘Mao, fT*8TRUBf that durtagUsvacatioot Uond'Horryiaort aboto $8.02 a year ago. reflaertee hu lacreaaed 00 par In th* funny situation depart­ If he had ever had any *xp*ri*ne* | Theaday, July 22 at two o’clock, than 127 per cent o f parity, veal Following last week’s sharp in the crista It is facing. And if it ed! nique* revealing th* progress of ment: . the a t m for an important recep­ a* a child he lived at Cardiff, Dr. Btpry will be to charge of the i ala nsw pMoes for the piaaa” cent to the last tea yean. the battles upon Which the surviv­ peeling potatoes, aaid: ’’Bur*,'11 tion w ioi their Jiero. Wales, where hia father, Tbom u were sound and fury which paid off The unseeing eye can step out The Dhti* (Camp Blandingl paid out a alght club check that I get-together o f tho ministers of al of Hitler’s attempt at world reports, that th* 124th Infantry E. Btepbens, now a New York ta* Norwich District ud their in crisis, misgivinfs would be Jus* of an evening with never a thrill way once.” Veteran theater goers declare portrait painter, was staff artist from that golden galleon coming domination depends. was dellgbted when Pvts. Tliomas wivea In the evening at 7:80, New tilled. W. Arseneau and Arvel Adkins t ^ Waring, who ia whlte-tootEIea. f i ^ a newspaper. London a ru ifight. Rev; N. B. Bur­ down the western s ^ ; it peers This order seems direct coh- Til* stock Joku run' to sndil ***d w k .r ’ reumblM E. H; /Waring (It’s bis legal name ■eU It takes a historian such as Joined up. Th* men had been ani­ things u : “ Sergeant—'Whara ts| ton, pestor at Burnsld* wto be the / dully ahead despite ‘ the sudden flrmatton of the reports o f vari­ mal trainers with Ringltog Bros. Botheni. m attou idol of a now) planned to be an artist, too, speaker. . James Trudpw Adams, writing in th* Dalaac* o f your fu a7‘ Rooktel ara, u a young man. * /■ ous American correspondents, who A Bemam and Bailey’s dreua Sod attended art school ta London Wednesday atl bSo o’clock, the the New York Times Sunday, to flash of a scarlet tanager; it noyer —T teU you, Barge, this Is sU they I W a ^ and Us wife, Florida blit changed bis mind when his have repeatedly said that the Oer- Their flrst assignment was to gava me’.’’ I cottage holdei* win have a meet­ point out that every other crisis knows there is a violet imderfc^ tame th* company’s toughest ser­ Friebii^a r io ^ Girl ani^ a, fatally emigrated to America. He ing u d in the evening at 7:80, tha ' people evince an .almost com­ And. th* one about th* tormarl ii^ tha national history has been or records the flrst leaf in th* geant. who complained to the comman­ sad radio utrus, live in A otae- etui paints, however, and fencea, tndltional Friendship Ctrete and spring, the flrsi co m -ta ^ l in plete lack of intereit la Hitler's Then there was th* wcomtol roam Greenwich VU lag^ aoart- boxu and swims th ru tim u torical pageut win ba pfeerot- aeoompanled by a debate of equal der that ba wanted hia son asatl wukly at th* Y. M. C A. July, or the flrst flaming bush- of wars, ipcelve bis victories with Times Square night. . . , Walt advice of Oorp. Cheater Falls to a horn* right away beeaua* be w u | ed. -Grace Thomaa, F r u c u Mac­ Uttemess. rooU* who flinehed every time he ^ * wfaiu sports a gardm rutau- The Wartoge have just taken a Intyre and Heten I^raon w ill be to toU. lethargy,vajM celebrate them only Disney translated into electrical gattihg soft from easy work and I rant to tha summar. - u n n M ii There were' many good surface pulled th* trigger to rifle prac­ too much loafing. I houu at Westport, (^inn., for tha charge. when ord*i^ do so. eonfle strips. What It Means: UtosUy ^ Waring dou th* faasons for dlaunity when this na* Poignant as are its blindnesses On my desk is a book that says tice: “Stop trying to dodge that That, to one form or aaotber,l ■urnmer and also have , just pur­ Thursday afternoon at 8:00 the .When peopl^^juw flghtlng tor “ Alaska - * The Last American bullet, soldier! It comes out th* h u been used to nearly avaxyl chased an automobile (vtotag* Womu’a Sodsty at ChrU tiu tlon accomplished the miracle of to nature, it is in the fleld of hu* toont end, not th* back.” a b r i ^ tabte. hut aU ah* h U to 1937). Borvlce will m ut, with Mra. Bart its own birth.* The oolonlsa had man reUtions that the unseeing something they c ^ About, no of- Frontiar” . . . and with it is an­ temp. A m a r lc a « Lagioaaalrul f t y »* n * n iv * is run to other that says “ Puerto Rico—A Fort Dlx, N. J- likes tbs story wlU teU you that i t Uk* m anyl Favorite recrution of Dickie E. Story, dlatrtct proaidut. pre­ flcial order Is required, to gain U. S» Labor ‘Shortage pt th* 80 nurses who had to don veranda and and Florida la going to the mov­ aiding. rival interests, even rival clvlllta- eye la most to be mourned. There Guide to the Island o f Borin- others, w u just o r good 84 call^refteahment ordera do«m to a ttona New England threatened to are some things that only a full their attention for the hem -of quen" . . . gas masks and walk throu^ the ago. But ao wert a lot o f ____ ies. They particularly like tha mid­ Thursday evening is reserved victory or defeat The indiffeipnee News Steryi Sidney Hillman,aChannlng Dooley, former Socony* gas chamber. The boys expected being told today by ioma of oarl night onu on Baturday, which for the Danielson area, with aer- secede in 1812. The Civil War look in the face of a friend can tell Books like these on a night like . “ g teunto. Pickle wUI wind up they invariably ettendv after the of the German people may iiiQt this put sand in your shoes. . . . aesoeiate director general pt OPM Vacuum personnel expert, a dti* them to com* out trembling, but hlgh-ast-pald eomediono of rad tol to Bollywood.” aeys Mrs. W a^ mon by Rev. J. L. Butter who is was not only a great attempt at you; the casual glance may never 'annonaoes reorgasdsatlon of . labor lar-a-y*ar man. almost to a eromamt. they, pulled stag* and screen. x *■ t filial curtain cf ’TbeVOorn Is putor of th* Crater Matbodlet mean immediate internal weak*' .Ilhey make you fidgety.. . They several mo­ Green.” ' dlvlislon o f the union, but there note th* deep, welling loyalty that belong to the American Guide, se* dlvlaioa to speM up t{ainlag and This group shows manufactur­ tion metur* o ffen stoc* hie euc- church to East Hartford. .were sub>dlvlsiona on each side of is written there in some moment of ness on the part of^th* Nasi re­ rleaNq^eved under the writers placement ot ~defenso w ork en .\ ers complaining of labor short*' peu to “The Cpr!l le Green”—at Th* annuel meeting c f thg ages how to down-grade their ma­ Campmuttog Aasoclation ia ached- the contest. Our entry into the revelation. Only the eye can fully gime. But It does forecast, very program Of the Works Progress democtscy, bowevor, was only thsi accurately, how quickly the Ger­ Administration. . . . They are. as By Morgan M.. Beatty chine operations and upgrade their prelude to ths reel thing, whlchl uled for July 25 at two o’clock, World War was prefaced by de* catch those precious moments ,^ P Featnre Servloe Writer arorkerS. This means brealting Ftimsy Excuses end to ta* evraiing Rev. Alfred man people may turn against Hit­ good as anything ever written Connecticut' baa^now arrlvod with bate as bitter as that we have when people are happily Innocent about Alaska,Puerto R ico.. . . - Washington—Behind th* vague down complicated machine pro­ Hdrisy’s nppototmsat of Mr. Jo^j. and to Wood of Stafford Springe wm de­ ler and the Naxta^ one* their en­ now. Yet once the dedston had and unprotontioua together. And On* man, or ten men, couldn’t lettering on a door here in Wash­ cesses Into simpler tasks, and pro­ J. ntm trtch of Falrfisld ns chslr-| work EthalBarrymwerWar* Sponsored by W. C. T. U. liver the sermon. It wtu be M u - forced silence times in on the news write a book like t iu ^ It’a the moting Semi-skilled workers to man o f tbs commission. heeauu eh* dou not eheeter and Thompeonvill* area been made, the nation was united what is th* curve of a loved cheek ington lies new and tatensiv* , h a n ^ ole slmpUlled w « O o n .' Yankee Bmootheet eswiu wnkers night. of a defeat pooled talent and sk llref hundreds -* ~ — • * * ' From long yoara in the hisnr •ometteiu taa for victory. _ when it turns unseen and unnoted? of research workers aiu l^^ters. drive by the Office of Production ByA. H. O. Sacs boshten, fnae long ossetoo altsrS manner and tempo, requlr- liquor are tha “traflla” paoptewbe 1$ Charga s f Marie* naaoB^has always bad as What beautl^ ar*. wasted and ^------They give Americans, for the first Management to give the defense Another method of getting no DSmocrsMc town ehahrmaa .toff a cwTasppndtog ch u g* to re- makf profits out o f poddUag a Rsv. aad Mrs. G. Albla Dshl- effort a shdt in the arm at the atsiny opportunities for disunity as forlorn, not In the desert air, or in time, a sharp, detailed picturhs^f highly skilled sind semi-skilled It has been a long, bird fight, ta n town nlwayn BopnhSiwn, teo M from everyone on th* stage nareotie, and tbs addtete, psopte qulst at East Orsanwlcb. R. L.wUl what their country la really ^ke^^ halfway mark. woriters will be quick, intensive ' a -posttion eloso toaldo tho ' u1th her. who hurt thomu lvu and otbara b* ta chart* of music, and tt is *x- Hitler sees edien be notes our free the. dark, 'unfathomed caves of X The lettering says “ Labor Rap* but It would seem that the human­ Man About courses in th* government labor- isation of the Stats Liquor Oon- clrcl*;1 wMeh BusSs Bobsrt A. .La Iterrymor* givu Waring by drinking a nnrebtie. psetod spodsl musical numbers lOmeratlon o f races, religious ocean, but in the contcny>t of a You open “ Alaska” and ' you - ^ Branch, Arthur 8. Flemming, training organisations, such ss th* Harley. govoraoT, Mr> FItapat- valuable pointers shout acting, Anyon* who h u had u yth tog Will be provided by the 'pertid- direttpr,’’ ttel Commission bay" finally been and economic Interesta. Yet these too*casual eye? com* upon old Russian stockades vocstional service of the office of accomplished. rick Is aa aMa aad sympsthstto he aays; and dtsriisses ths war a U to dp with a druakafd—or a day- oourcbM. dividing agents never wwk. Some* and totem poles and prospectors BicmbyHlllman. co-director for education. Btodsat of Inanaa aatars. Ho prlaS tights with him to the after-day “social drinker”—knows Tonight an old-fashioned goiq^ For a richer, happier passage Manhattan labor in the OPM. c ^ t e d the La­ In addition, non-defense indus­ Back in 1988, when Connecticut I f Waring la offstage when thst he's u full of ucuau u bo thing more important , than race, panning gold. . . . You see aston­ once more shouldered th* respon­ knows what makss tho world f * sing w ill be craducted by Rav. through a world which abounds in - By uwsrg* fWeker ishing spring flowers and agricul­ bor Supply 'B fu ch t^ u t in charge tries will be searched for workers remto-Bo wonlda’t wear w hu o sU e on, on tight nlghtsTne eteye ta of rum. Dshlqolst, and ta* Dahlqulata will religion or sectional economic in* young, eneto^c, brown-eyed adapted to nearby defense proj­ sibility of controlling and policing * t ^ rsdloM h *can reUy a blow- The llqm traffte to thst way subtle and bpen color, for th^ full tural magnificence and thriving the dispensation of totoxlcaata to if hs got It far aothiagi wo hao hy-hlew account to her later. arrange for the oonoert Saturday; tsrest always rules; principally it New York.^1 may go out to dties. . . . ’Then you reach for Flemming, a emrsMrvlce commls*. ects and asked to release sklllM aa oarthy ohaekio as ' too, th* W. C T. V, potote otti. July 28. at 7:80. Mvouring of the friendship ' and sioher who^had, ufttU recently, personnel. its tohaUtante, it waS still admit­ Bsriymor* was fit to be W h u a burineu means ssonay ta la tto fact that. When tha chipa are Deep Hollow ranch over th* week­ “Puerto Rico" and you see bread­ ted that drinking was' a sta. The •jw.oya, wlm as flsloo Suday, July 87, Rav. J. L. Bar- the loveliness that la all about you, fruit trees, mangoes, sugar cane supplied -dvfi service w ooers for .Traffic director in this situation a m u’a pocket. hoT And ucneea, fbolomew, formerly of Manches­ down, all realise that American end. It’s out on Long Island, about defense^ in govemment^4epart* great hue and cry of that legisla­ tbe’LotesScro'fr***' ^ waiting to be yours, keep the and rum. . . . You see andent will be J. Douglas Brown, tabor ^ The other Bight ho mads his I whether Itie taa liquor, slot ter wOl toad to th* 8:80 a. m. love freedom is the most important 125 miles' from' here. It’s close to me: X priorities chief in th* OPM under tive session was that the “ return Waring ta a g r u t admirer of ■Chinee, o f nangl^ ptetaiss. open, the seeing, and the cherish­ crumbling walls where Columbus of the saloon’’ must not be permit­ public sppoanneo siaoo John Barrymore^ work, h u a toast Th* ssrmoB at 10:80 wUl b* thing In all the world to t^m . We Montauk Point stood, black robed prleses strolling nting Flemming at the HlUipan. He’ll t r f to place min. aervlco as chairman o f tho Mr. Ordinary Catiau Usually da- by Dr. Weldpn F. Crossland at ing eye. lutaet is a forecast by- the United lorlty groups now restricted by ted. A s a result, th* liquor qcih- fSn eoUaetlon at hts photographs oldu though that rseuees aru *t have always found unity when we Not many have given any through alcoves, and giant tuna trol act finally adopted bent itself Liquor Oontrol.COmmlasioa. It ^ on display to hia apartment end ■ Rochester, N. Y., pastor of the thought to the matter, but Long of Mona Island., It’s th* Arctic States Bureau of Labor Statistics sdxor race in certain Industries worth mdeh whu.thay are otedi- ASbury First Methodist church in Beaded K, alarays plucked H from that the defense program la about slow N to^ for lack of materials, backwards seeing that, even if a precedant-hteaktog appearanoeJ believu that th*V g ru t prafU* Still Island was the first real cattle and the tropics—and It’s all Amer­ for it wao before a formal an ocould ^ heM a mattou idol U be caud *d up agalnet th* ooaMderad ver- that d ty, and member o f’the Gom- Uis midst of the most bItteS de* Boom and Bromo ican, every acre of it, eveiy igloo kte go Into high gear under' the he’ll tev to place unemployed Coanecticut cltlsens could dr|nk dlet at esperU, whou only tatSr- Brianiu aa EvangeUam o f the country America ever had. There handleap o f a shortage of mor* workers. ' legally from, that time bo. they tog of permittee*. The megnlt about it [V bate; Historian Adams predicts we There haa been a general over* were ranched there, or what and trad* wind, every |eei capped of this preeedenVbieahtog was al^ eat Is maaktod’s betterm ut Mataodlst church. Dr. Croaslaad than 1,400,000 workers, .especitily Brown hakN^d much experi­ wouldn’t enjoy It too much. And Wattog*a very atmlter profll* not protita. w ill do It again. tone of prosperity to the week’s passed for ranches, three hundred peak and swaying ptim tree. when it came to th* nsmitfg a leviaM only aUghtly by ths ' w u well coneealed ta aoma of hU win prsach again at th* 8:80 p. Distance, they say, lends en* skilled workers. ence in this fielONHe's a professor at M orgu Cloud, a cu tain o f tha ■ervtoe. His proofs of this American bab* year* ago. Today Deep Hollow is U

Attention, Politicians; File for Lma News df Vets ahd Their Auxiliaries yed Secretaiy ^O^usands Lives Will Traffic Jantf Excitement ■JMtodarfi Ttala « U p w a rd 1^ Be Sqped hy Vitamin a \ F o r A ll china, given by a lad:ly Itring la Around Cambridge Street Greatest Six Months Ac* Manchester OresA_____ W h a t. have n Becomes Blasd] Color T^tevisio^Is Yet / tivity in History of yput If you have no way iof gat’ "ZjOBtoviUt, Ky.r‘— UPh- PreS terop to the blhs, J u s t^ l Nothing Less get moTA Louis E. The Manchester fire department o two pumps to the fire the Veterans of Forrign Warn «tequi w«re. in*de hen today^that be Just as routine a method of State A g e n c y . itlvo aecretary, IdA ’tssi' life^aavlng befor^ during and As Dj^lrase Bodies Co- called on a whistle alarm at reaching 35 Cambridge, Where the Qub (8813) and it wiU bo col- Earthquake Gets man.’t^tobably gets a thfss Uvea of thouwnde of penoiw, O tiia id e the Public View Chapter Ito fl|PM ' after delivery ,ar the administra­ 6:lQ last evening. The call was fire was located, found the occu­ looted.'. Wo have already reeetvod oMuy. Xlgrryl Zonuck'a aoortoaiF aet . Ooprate in Action. pants of Dm house absent' He HoAtotS. July 18 — Tho State many postal cards and, telepbone Out of Girl Working at modiere and their tion of calclunl'to build a baby’s from X^wbrldge street, a residen­ (whci^haaaeontariaa e t _ bones and teethf"X^' forced the dMr and made bis ‘i'/vy.' Ito a B. BattarBaM ' NBO-Bluo .— 6:30 Uttlo Old offloo of the FoderU Houaing Ad* cans, oakiag ua to ooUacted tbelr 's^pes, too. But a T tMkbiea, will be Mved in tial seetkm the town. Before the Studios Ten Years. 8 8 The Uvea of morn than 300 ba­ house to bouse canvass for old at through the heavy smoke lnto.w6 . Now fork, July XS—tm —Ttm a HoUywood; 7 Boy Moots Band; ministration baa Just toborded the YDVA l^tate Meet alunUaUiA -v / weeUy oofisldarad Off- ! yean by uaing a vitamin police couMwrrlve to'take care of kitchen. Our oommlttea mat with (join- which looks like cod live'f bies have'been saved in one ma­ umlhum utensils has been slated, la BO doubt ^ t color tolovlalaa la Jimmy Flynn quia; 8:30 (alao greatest slx*)nontli vMunie of ap* tremely ^ traffic there^waa a Jam as many Undaunted by the amdka he lo­ m ^ o n er Hayden Griswold, Aa- By A Movte Secriitary ternity hospital alone and It in Manchester for Saturday, July advaactag la .tha laboratoiY, but MBS) Hollywood riteo; 9 Summer pUcations of any year In the bU* Set for Bridgeport (As Told to Story Halo) People been, found particularly v a lu e s who owned automobiles ruah^ to cated the source ..ahd carried It from tho pubUc ataa<4)oait It flVBIDhOIlY. X olateat Oonuniosloner Alexia Tan­ boeieea make passes'^ It la tntamin K, one of the 3fi when all Boy Scouts, with ac­ the scene. 8oinb..^of the firemen, tory Of the agency, John F. Oalfey, ner and aU tbe Scoutmsaten of Hollywood, July 19—riatmaa____ prOUinmbln-^rthe substance in the not givenhemorrhages result “and, both bodies is In charge. ers- aim the guns of the nearby briUlanUy, i i ; 00, NBC; 11:80, MBS; 11:55, submitted to tbe Omnectlcut of­ and got a Job in a studio's steno­ Kronstadt Naval fortress are huatf gowns. fice this year baa never been equal* The y. D. V. A. Is, of course, aa Uttle time aa pooelble. You can rve become commerclaL too. Loto Blood whloh causes it to clot further/in case of bleeding from The aluminum drive opens offi­ NBC. CBS. V , strongly in beck of national de­ Monday evening m the Orange hall, graphic department. 1 used to year I got a |100 bonuA 830 ta this uuse Vitamin R therapy Is (Ooatlmidd From Page. Oneb booming w ly , but that cannonad­ Somathlng laaa than a doaen ed In any six month period since help these boys a lot if you will 8 .■Prothrombin deficiency Is due cially today and anyone having Talks—MBS 10 a. m.. Reviewing fense and preparedness for any gather your scrap aad place it in a grand drawing will take place. atare wide-eyed at movie stare__ purebabe ortorA six moatha sfip- to a lack of Vitamin K and bile, spwJDc.” ing from tto land front has no't- sate wsM tunad in, because re- stand "Aluminum Ftofiuetlon;” FHA was started, the FHA offi­ the way tourtate do. aluminuln to donate>nate may leave itIt ^ ^ > --w IB yet been heard. In the city. The eelvani as well as the atudlo cam­ cial disclosed. emergency. That means that rach a pile where the boye can-get It This drawmg will conaiat of a beau­ ply .of hose and enough perfums ' •alts which fall to combine prop- oking may cause many cases at one of the publicubllc bins provided ” the Reiqhswehr troops, surround­ CBS 1:15 p. m., Alfred M. Landon One toy I dropped my puree and ing the city of '"SH." only plane' that attempted to bomb era. raqulra special color discs He said that applications for the one of us ahould do what wa can easily.. tiful afghan and two pUlowa which and cologne to eubmerge a suhaa- mAy to manufacture this Import­ breaking out", on the skin, Dr. for the purpose or may call one of » ” ^ ' i f on "The Defense Program;” NBC- to assiat In the drive for alunfi' Let me remind yeii again, tha have been made by Mrs. Rachel Gary Cooper picked It up for mo. rinA ' . ( E. Barksdale of DanvUle, Va., Bitter Battle FoUowa the city waa shot down. It was operated by synehroaoua motors. first half of 1941 were more than ant blood factor. “It seems now the following numbers on the ^ ^ ^ V 1 ,' Red 1:80, "Should America Clear num materials which la already entire Boy Scout organisation of Munale. Theae artlclea -are being 1 waa aweA 1 could to i^ v snv I barned It. For two weeks tbs .1^ old members of the association. A bitter battle followed during Mid. While tha color did add c which tbe dertnan garrison was ^I^Mk'Beglnaeat Wiped Out month period last year with a gain liver a script to Mariana Dietricb’a Illustrating the lightning char­ the recMvad Images, M i^ rla o n rum. "Draft Service Extension.” of approximately $2,187,000 in the V. F.. W. and approved by the cover the town next Saturday for from the sale will be turned over ChrMmaa shopplag—178 preaentA ■ a failure of the clotting must en> bacco smoke which contains tiny Saturday, the boys making the destroyed. The “partlsane” thm NBC-Red—13 noon, Sammy to the committee for British War d rea^g room my heart pounded acter o l the warfare on the vast with black aad whiter indicated doUar lOIurne. He pointed out. Manchester Defense (Committee. your scrap, aluminum. Have It like thunder. And I wrapped about 60 myself. 1 ‘h. •ue,” the Louisville physician de­ amounts of arsenic, one of the dwelling ^ v a s s will be provided Only a baby-Wsring mayor could appreclste the "InfsntiT’* command of the mayor and mayoress of marched Into the city, where ^ Kayo aertnade; 3:45 p. m., FUght ready, and the boys win take it Relief. Mrs. Munale is a kaen Hampstead, England, smiling nursemaids to a houseful of caterwauls during a recent tea^ at which population -welcomed them with front oiT-which large, roaming that tha oaa-oolar''^ plctUM had however, that the greatiet advance The supply of aluminum for a oven helped him select a fur coat ♦ ' clared. deadliest of poisons, which Is used with re d ^ t^ to Identify them­ Over Pike’s Peak; 8, Chautauqua away. Americaiu m other dtlea worker for this worthy cause and T.*^S*’* ***•****“ for bia wlfA Deed In Preventive T reatnyfat routinely to fpray tobacco and they entertained mothers of babies bom during War Weapons Week. National Savings certificates food and clothing. bodtea of tanka and tnicka con- ^har advaategsairtileb tended to was noted In the number of appli­ number of defense ' Industries la selves.-' .V Symphoiyr, new aartts; 8, It e f^ r ahort of national needs. While the are giving freely. Let’s make we take this opportunity to thank It didn’t take long to looe my One toy he went to San Frsa- other plants to'^ill insects. were presented by Hampstead city officials to babies bom during the seven-day period. Red Star said that In tfiALatvla tlnutoy are surprising one another give It greater detail and maybe cations for mortgage inauranea of Ulualona. Few movie stars are as He added that he has use« r«at of UA Som - rived la Frisco late nlgkt not show up as a factor In caus­ rupting ccimmi^catlons, and that motorized Infantry' and artillery MB8|6:45. NBC-Red; more than 82,000,000. ^ e a I dldn t recognise my favor- Other physlciann adde^ that they W ed d in g s were wiped out. CBS; 9:45. CBS, 11:00, NBC, children's forum; 3, Barlow Sym­ ueefUlneos. Enclosures have been Keith' Furniture Oo„ for an­ Mary’s church last Sunday report witoont even a toothbrush. W b ii ' •re using, it extei^vely with ing akin outbreaks, he declaried. Bombing May Russian. cavalry also was operat­ Thlrteaa Tor p o y Netv Vitamin Dosage May ^ Discovering the Nasi column CBS; 11:30, MBS. phony; 8:80. Spirit of ’41; 6, Ed Tha Fe>leral Housing Adminis­ erected about the town. Just heave nouncing this drive on their broad­ a ^moat enjoyable aervira. The I p h o ^ my boy friend to mothers prior to ' clmdblrth as a However, when it is burned along ing, In one instance capturing Ger­ cast; Manehaster Dairy Ic# Cream R*v>.Mr. Coleman of London, Eng with tobacco some persons prove man officers and 65 motorcycles waa ]>enetrating the Russian lines /Talka—CBS 8 People’s PUtform SiUIlvan program; 7. KMtelaneta tration this year la averaging ap* your bid pana over tpe fence or let why 1 broke out'^^-date, ba preventive measure/and one de<- "Reteatloa of DrafteaF’; 8:10 concert; , Summer hour; 6:80, Oo., who win give enougli Ice land, was m charge of Uie service plenty sore. clared "it will itov be long until allergic to It. Be Blessing and two batteries. a strong Soviet armored fc 8 pItcaUona each working day, aad the ooHaetora pick it up. Oarenoe ’ck, Claudette Colbert and Caron-DowUitff Help to Cut Auto Crashes dashed ahead and concealed itself Matthew Won on "Araarican La- Workshop dramA "Double Clon- WethereU, BUI Leggett, and many cream to supply tho Boy Scouts and prekehed a very Inspiring ser­ 1 5 Eoibaasy Personnel Movba close to 300 applications a month, mon. ReV, Coleman who la In thle Carole Lombard, to mention a few. Every few monthf I got t ^ ^ . Miss Florence Georgina Dow­ Part of the personnel, of the in carefully-camouflaged positions I bo^a Pladga” ; CUM 9:10 Ben. Hen- certo.” he aaid. The blgfeat month this othera are working on this Job. after tbelr drive Saturday; also wye to work In a bqalnees wbers tha Manchester Bottling Works country on a speaking tour, had were Juet as attractive as their ling, daughter of Mr.> and Mrs. United States embassy mean- at a river crossing, the communi­ rtek Bhlpstetto; NBC-Red 0:80 NBC-Blua—11:80 a. m.. Radio year, of the largest number of ap- Battlefreat Cbanges I d have regular hours arsd ray lie enterprises and their assets George E. DowUng of 38 Gerard, I^u l^Ile, Ky.—(D —A new vlt- « the lack Of one of the VlUmlh B Architect Sees Doom o£ who win supply the Scouts with many interesting stories to tell and screen shadowa ' while has moved to Kazan, 450 que aaid. Sea. Gerald F. Nya on "Not Aii- a ty .c o n c ^ ; 3:80 p. m., Week-end -'Ucatlbns for any month In the The great battla'between Rus- bosses wouldn’t act ernsp. Immigr^ion Laws made available to' the various na­ and Francis Walter Otron, son of amln dosage may prove a factor factors, of which 12 have already After the Germana crossed they etbor A.E.F.’'; 8:30 Goo. Meaqy soda; tha Manchester Plumbing held hla large audlenoe thrilled ^ the atudlo tional econom^s. Crowded Oties as Re­ miles from Moacow. “ Afternoon; 5, istory of the FHA office, waa In Bta and Germany shows a picture with hU Btorias of tho bombing Once I ffid quit. Bot after two Mn, Sarah Caron of 8 Chestnut, in reducing automobile ^accidents been Idehtified, causes the eyes to were suddenly charged by motor­ I oa Aid te Brltlah Labor. N a U ^ Musle camp; 7:80, Inner and Supply for thalr donation of ateM ^“fhL** ^ a number of Fears financial Domination All through .the lUght, a Soviet May 1941 when more than 400 ap? to war veterans with many differ­ raids on London, Rav, Colaman ^ tb#lr flrat Ttunaai it weeka I left my Job with an auti-- Tightened will be united in marriage this af­ by correctmg a type of faulty vis­ faU to function normaUy and tis­ sult of War. ized and meebanizedk troops. Hast­ , NBO-Red—8 Defease for Amer­ m etu m mystery; 9, Good WUI pUcatlona representing more than wire for the eneloeuree; alio the He frequently has said that one ion which Is responsible for msiny communique .aalfi, the Red Army ences after twenty odd yearA We Manchester Lumber and Fuel who la vicar of S t Hallows church d a w ^ on mo that t W r a Just mobUe dealer and term ed totb o ternoon. The Rev. P. R. Hayden, sue outbreaks in the skih and ev­ fought stubbornly In the Polotsk- ily recoiUng upon the bridge, Ger­ ica; 7 LaUtude Bero; 7:80 Truth Hour, 83,000,000 wure received In a sin­ old stand. I icouldn’t stand tba of the dgiigers of the world crisis of Houlton, Maine, uncie of the traffic mishaps and deaths. ery organ of- the body. or Ck>nsequeneea; 8 Barn dance. had a battlefront before the Cha­ and the O. E. WUUa ' and Sons in LondoA haa aeon this church prople. UtUo different t r i o my. Nevel, Smolensk and Bobruisk man tanks and tnicka piled up in >*B^ 1 1 A m., Amarica Prefer- gle month. teau Thierry drive of 936 milea, monotony. liar Axis Spies is that/if North American finan­ bride, will perform the ceremony Formerly defective vision has Administration of yeast or ribo­ New York, — Architect Frank CBS—7 Spotlight; 7:80 <31ty Lumber Co., for lumber . for the of his almost demoliohed by tha eelf, except that they got Mgger cial ^Inination of the western Lloyd Wright believes the bombing areas. great confusion when the bridge » ^ 5 m.. ^ t e ’n’ Jammers; 8. "The FHA In Connecticut la wit- shortened after Bt. MIhlel to about anamy ralda. The church was aalarioA Working toiA studio gets you. It using the ^ g l e ring service. been attributed to a lack of Vita­ flavin extracts has proved highly was blown up. Vehicles wera Deak; 8 Hit Parade; 8:48 Bero- naaMng the groateat mortgage to encIosureA heml^here. of European cities may prove in The roar of caimoti. planes and •’ Fashioned ra^ 400. .We had a thinly held frost We would also like to thank Ed packed to capacity and Rev. Cola- Working t o movta diraetois, spoils you t o other Jobs ru neves dnned Prom Page One) The bridal attendants will be min A in the diet. Dr. V. P. Sy­ successful In the treatment of tanks and the cries Of battle came thrown -Into the stream, Soviet . »fobody*a OiiMren. surlng activity In Ite aeveit-year With that reservation, however,, Mias Jeanette Dowling of Rox- denstricker of Augusta, Ga., told one respect to be, a "blessing” by 6 line In trenchea with reserves not Donim for the space In his park­ waa raaponsibla for raiklng a TOtera. produeora and osaeutivoA work anyw^ro else. night blindness and nerve condi­ from the 140-mlle deep salient the shells plunged into the struggling history,” Mr. Oaffey said, "Gefiulna Maybe ITS boeauoo .Pm a Uttlo at* f uture they would be able to be praised the withholding of bury. Mass., aunt of the bride as members of The Southern Medi­ tions, Dr. Sydenstricker declared. doing away with the crowded mass, fires broke out, and a hail much stronger except when troopa ing lot at tha corner of Locust larga sum of money for Bril I loaraed, aataUed drork not in tho United States export and import metropolia Nazi mechanized forces and'speed interest demand for home -were ooneentrated for defense Relief, The Rev. coleman aleo u*tol secretarial routine. eraay,, too. Do you suppoae? approidmately 400 cases w maid at honor, and Lewis Caron cal Association, but recent re­ “ Following the administration of steel awept acatterad and fleck­ ownership has nevar bsSn ’ mani­ and Main’, Mao tha Manchester business from Axis-connected con­ "I Woukl not say that the bomb­ infantry have driven to Smolensk, 4080 against strong attack er to attack Cleaners Branch mt Depot Square epoka in tha old golf lota on Sat­ W lw I warM for aa English ’ and maintain steady progn'eSs of New London, will be best man search has shown that many per­ of riboflavin -^we have observed 330 miles southwest of Moscow, ing Germans.. WTIC fested ' more stroiigly than durina the thousand') of app,ltca- cerns as “excellent. Justified and for his brother. Miss Mary Ha^en sona cannot .see straight, when ing at Europe Is not a blessing,” he KUocyclcs in force. In 1941 the batUe>ia for .their apace for our eerap de­ urday during the Orange celebra­ vnrtter I used to make tea m r y rapid improvement In a group of and the areas on its ffanks. The Russians said a column of tea first half of this year, nor has tions. Tlie membara of tho Mona- pouring in from all oy^ the transcendent.” of Houlton, Maine, cousin of the they .do not eat enough Vitamin 120 patients,” be said. “Inability said in an intenriew, “because at motorised infantry which was fol­ /I DajrtigM liBM the buUding along a constantly shifting front pots; also Marlow’s Department afternoon at 4:80. • One public official here said it least It will give the architects Omitted from the Soviet com­ Kmtmm, OatyUgm TUrn industry reached of 1800 milea, with possibly 9,- Yprea Post thank tbe Rev. Stuart One producer exiMcted me to Bermuda, LaimchiM rid. / bride will accompany Miss Jessie B, which Is carried in whole wheat to stand bright sunUght may be lowing this unit also suffered greater production heights In FHA Store for flage, ate. Jack Dwyer They reported there are was "an intelligent defense move" there a chance to start' all over munique was mention of the op­ 000,000 iBMn engaged, and many has donated the oervlee of his loud NelU for the Intereet ho ahowed m a d my lunch hour walkiar kte pow DowUng. sister of the bride, who flour, yeast and meat. reUeyed within a few days and erations before Leningrad and ert^rmous losses. Batordair. July 18 nlatoiy. The efforts of the builders uproxlmately 400,000 ^fugees in which long had been anticipated will Sing, “I Love You Truly” and Causes Eyes To Fall again. p ^ 8*»wtoy. July ig mites deep to guard against mech­ opeaker which we believe will be and alao to the members of )tia con­ Deltnatlim coach dog. Housing Inquiry dim distant vision and twilight Kiev to the north and south. Tbe Destruction of five oil bargea to provide sturdy new dweUinn In gregation for the many klndneaoea fiiusee alone, a maJo|tty of whom here. "Because.” The condition, which Is known blindness may be cured in the “Concentration of population la and t‘.vo transports in a river of 1:00—News anised panaer unite capable of a Mg help. I had to keep toirto Unto at murder—whether in peace time or Soviet likewise was allent edn- AmertCA key Industrial sections where the ahown during the visit of Rev, Cole- candy—and three Unto of modi- are eager applicant for visas to While the bridal march from as. “ riboflavin deficiency” due to same time.” \ ■ , fire when Red bombera atUcked a l:15-«-Market and Agricultural demand la greatest, haa brought rapid ^netratlon' in forca and Now all wa need is for you to in war.” cernlng Bessarabia. Nawa • ■"2—To be announced. parachute troopa coming down In rive the alummuBil. "Keep Them man. cine—In one director’s deek. In - the United Stateg/ Lohengrin la played by Miss Hay­ Suffering Heavy Oaanaittfa convoy on the lower Danube alao amaalng results. Hamilton, Barmudm July l 9,_ XBstimates of^^ugees in other den, the bridal party will take Point to IdeM a t y Model waa reported. 1:80—Vtaeeat Lopes*a Orchestra 8 :^ M a tln e e at Meadowbrook. tha rear. Pstbapa tha Infantry Flyteg." Bee-El. Tomorrow tha British Amtrican tho mlddlo of the afternoon 1 al­ A House of Aaoembiy Ckms- •iwatrles, a li^ prospective Immi-. Thh noted exi>6nent of modem The soviet forces admittedly 9:00—NewA weather, ■ WeU Ceastrocted • ...... ■■■. ■ C^b will hold Us annual ouUng at ways brought Um a chocolate lea North Coventry their places beneath . an arch of that she will be treated as a snip­ were suffering and indicting very ladtcatea Rapproehnwut 3:00—Oordoa Jeaklna Orckaatra ’WaU conatrueted naw dweHU)gs don't hava to slfL through gas ahd mtttao began today an investiga­ g m ts , IncludM 50,000 in Spain; garden flowers and streamers. architeeture pointed to a model of 3:80—B ^h t Idas aub 9:05—Hedda , H op pes Holly* artillery barragsA hut the Stuka the yuia Louisa In Bolton and most cream sodA He aaid It waa doc­ tion of housing in this Brltlah 0^ ^ Central Russia er. That means probable execu­ heavy, cawiattles in the furious Tbe Soviet Information Bureau are being eoopleted with each tors orders. 13,000 tO.M.OOO in Portugal; 6,000 The bride who will be given In his ideal city of the future, which Issued a statement indicating an 8:00—Nature Bketehaa wood. ^ bembfr is atost likely a pats-h> Emergency Plans every, mamber o f our Poet wUl be haarlag reporta that Starting Monday a house to tion if she la convicted by a mili­ he la setting up for exhibit at the fighting along the broad' nutrahy working day and new subdivlrions present Wa plan to Loka this op- When on4 of my bosaas couldn’t in Switzerland; 2,000 in Japan; marriage by her father will wear tary court. - impending rapproachment with 8:15—PatU CSmpln 9:30—RhytiraierodloA the neck. And you never' know landlords ware -turning out ishrad- ' 81,000 In Shanghai (mostly Jew- house canvass (or aluminum will Wedge Widened Museum of Modem Art, as tha valleys of the Dnieper river val­ and developments are getting un- portunite to gat togethar and plan get sa appointment for a ; scalp a Grecian gown of white slipper ___ the P olM government In exile In 8:80—GoldsB Melodlea Daria and tho N em tor way with a minimum ofdetay, whether you can .nip the other era to ftaaka room t o United tadi refugees from Oermany .who be held In the whole town. Tha satin. Her full length, lace border­ "only bomb-proof city I know of. leys to the west and 'northwest at For Mexico Urged for other nenMlte for BriUah War massage, he asked me to run ■ \ ------^ Moscow. E n gin e The statement aaid "tba 4:00—Waakaad Whiaasay 8.45—Baseball .Scores -ri Tha type of new homes b e l^ con' gaiig In a pocket or your gang la itetes workara paying hlgbsv ■ via Russia); and several thou- North Ehid will be taken care of ed veil wiU be attached to a cap More Itciians Leave. “It Is so spread out that acatet- peopw of tha Soviet union extend 4:88—A Bor. A OM. A Band .World TodM.' the one encircled. Relief. And jroU folks who are In­ tonic on hla thlrmlag hair, I did. rwitfle f (Cootinued From Page One) ly any real damage could be done. 'a new area of heavy engage- ■fructed todajr are, fw the most terested in' Britlah Relief should Bomo Prato Mslas in each of the American re- by Mis. Walter Keller, Arthur J. of Valenciennes lace and pearls. a Mendly hand to the frateriial 8:0O-‘nte World b Toura 7:00—Poople's Platform. BomaTraSle! Maxloo a ty , July i t —CP)— The AilMrleans ara tom iag hors iiblios. Her bridal bouquet will be of For Russian Front This is what the community at the menta devaloped yesterday about part, claoeifled In the lower-cost take a walk down to tho headquar­ A tow axeeutivM prefer mala 'Vinton and Bryon W. Hall, mem­ Smolensk is the last natural bar­ Nevel, on the northern flank of the PfMlah peopia in tha name of a final. 5;80-l>lafia Iteettal Period 7:80—Evening Mooda — WDRC category. Hence these homes tee The serrioe of supply In this Oonfederatloo of Mexican Work- te incitocteg Bumbors to work at Before Institution of the new white roses and gypsophila. New York. July 19— — The future will be like. The trend of victory over the common enemy.” 8:48—VagMoad (Juartet, BYiitmblt. ters on Maple stroot and aee tha werstariee. One reason te becauaa bers from (his end of town on the rier between the Ggrmans and population now la to the country, Smolensk wedge where the Ger­ being made avaUable to tha aver war Is no labor union and no pic­ era prtipoeed today to Preaktent wonderful Improvements which the construction of a United S' •grstem officials estimated that Defense OoimeiL They will ar­ Tbe maid of honor will be gown­ Rome radio said today - another But "Poland can axist as an In­ 9:00—N owa W o ^ e r 8;0O-Oolgate Spotlight tbtrY*0^ bo ffosslp whtn tboy Ifovol B teto base leased from Great between 4,000 and 5,000 Immi­ Moscow. ' unit oMtalian armed forces had and ell the . cities are dying.” mans vldently were trying to gain age income-earner who may be nic party, 34 hours a day and Manud Avila Camaoho a program have been made during the past together. V4ry often men secre­ range for others to take different ed in ice blue silk net and her dependent state only by keeping '9:18—BasebaU Booras and Strict­ 8:80—O ty Deak. playing an important p ^ la the naver mind tha >speed signs. How of "etnargency aeonomlc maaaurca” Britain. grants, most of whom were refu­ The Germans reportM reaching left for the Russian war-front Wright said he would send his elbow room. The Soviet com m i^ ly Iporte two weeks. To me It looks Uka taries get mucl) better Jobs. The eectlona. These will be given an arm bouquet wiU be of pink roses. Smoletuh through a steadily-wid­ said that during the night slnfilar friendly relations with the Soviet “ »• N em great national defense effort. With would you like to be a Marine to meet pocaiUe dtvelopmante m J. B. Outerbrtdge, an aoaembly gees, were entering the United The bride’s mother wiU wear after a send-offi by Adelchl Serena, model to England “as soon as there union,” said the atotement It add­ 9:S(v—Suaaat iafSAAda busy times ahead, ao put your late Irving Thalborg, one of the authorization Jiaper stamped with ened gap In the Stalin defense line is a chance” because. “after the fighting developed In the Bobrui.'l 8:00—Tour Hit Parade. the completion at each new dwell­ M. P. unteagUng traffic , in a the latenuUooal situation, such aa shoulder to tha wheel; Uncle Sam member, suggested yesterdite that States each month. the town seal so be sure they show blue and white chiffon with gar­ Fascist party secretary, and Gen. ed that "the movement for the 7:00—Dafaasa For Amarica most important men In the indus­ an agreement aholild bo reaobod along the land bridge betweemtbe Ugp Cavallero,, undersecretary of bombing over there, England can area on tha aouthem side ..Of the 8:45—Worda and Music from tha ing the houaing eondlUons In the blackout In tUs war. WoU, 'nuff United Statoa entry mto tho.Eu­ la with us 100 per cent and that la try, once was Carl Laemmle’s sec­ their credentials If its some one denia corsage and the bride­ liberation of the Polish peopia T’H^ l aimwy KayA’a Orebeotra ClaaslcA State are being bettered and more aad, but I stfll think the worst ropean war. wlU) tbe United Statea to forbid Dvina and Dnieper rivers.. war and chief a t the Italian army use It.’' wedge. 7:48—H. V. Kalteaborn one fellow that Is worth a foUow- retary. . RooBeveli Acting you are not acquainted with. groom’s mother,,green and white The German account said .the from the German Fascist yoke re­ 10:15—Public AffalrA livabl'i quartera are being made part of tho lost war was those Tbs program tocluded govorn- ing. base workers from bringing their flowered ebiffoh tod corsage of general .-;taff. The des]>crate, determined char­ cently has widened.” 8:00—Latitude 8 oro Some oif tho glrto have done all Mias Clara! Smith left . Friday Red Army suffered heavy'loases in acter of the Russian defense was 10:80—Bob Hannon—Songs. ava^bls.” ^ c t la e hlkta In the cold and wot ment control of importe, ^portA Don’t forgat tha Bingo games famlUas with them unless aooooa- Though in War’ evening for Bridgeport to spend gardeqiaq. They will assist the First detachments, of motorised (Negotiations are. in prograsa in 8:80—Truth Or Omaoquanco right too. Screen Writers Doris mototlons are available. its unsuccessful fight to hold and troops, v.'ere reviewed July 3 by Indicated by the government news­ 10:45—Muaio Patterned for Dahc* ” Tbus with tbe FHA wltnaaslng practise trenchaa without leara* foroigB exchangA prices find rente, Monday evening In the Orange hal)- Anderaon, VlrglnU Van Upp and Berlin, July 1 » —UP)—An au­ tha weekend wlUi relatives. This bridal party in receiving at the re­ regain the city—a milestone Ltoidon for'Soviet recognition at 9:00—Natlodal Bara Daaco ing. tha greatest voluma o t buslntas In Ing anything useful the real upward re vision of taxes various Some landlordA it waa ebarsed ception at the Dowling home im­ Premier'Mussolini before their de­ paper Izveatla which said the ROd the Polish government In exile, 10:00—Grand OM Opiy for Good prises, lota of fun and M for Narguarite toberte ones were thorised German spokesman, epm- la the beginning of her vacation. along Napoleon’s 1813 march to 11:00—N owa waathar. Its history and with tha building thing, except how to get pneumo­ ibUe wori)s prajeqti and atorage before the Hou^, were ' booaraig mediately following the ceremony. parture to fight alongside Adolf O b itu a l'y troops were resorting to trench cancellation of the German-Boviat 10:80 Barry Whitoo'a Orehootra pneuipo* the British. Wni be seeing you. aecretertaA Dorothy Wllaon and on the United States Miss Eloise Ifoehlei^ Is starting Moscow. ';11:09—Sports Roundup. industry progreaaing at Ite teeadt- nia aad fiosra feet m one easy bt at least ona y n r’s supply of Je rente In senie tosea mors the'i'i her vacation today. The decorations are In pale green Hitler’s legions against Soviet warfare, dlggtof individual fox­ pact of 1939 by which Poland waa UffiO—Nowa JeemA Margaret Tauichet graduated per cent /' ■ blacklisting of South American With tbe Luftwaffe stUl steadily Russia. holes where the soldiers waited 11:10—News of the World. ert pace la uore than ten ybars, (? ) leasoA See-Bee. •aatlal foodsUttfA gnns dolng^busineas with Axis The Coventry Fragment Society and white. partitioned for the fourth time, ll:l^ T h a Party Lina Fidal VolaaquoA who filed tha from typing to aetlng. A few aoe- hammering at supply and com­ out the storm of Gorman shell and and freeing of Polish prisoners of Ili2 5 —Musical Interlude. prlvrte toduatey la contributing Faya Attoraoy With Mottos reterios have mirrted tbotr boeosA powers, said last night that Presi- will hold an., afternoon meeting at Mr. Caron and his - bride will munications lines east of the bat- U.OO'oWar Nawa lugelT to tho national deftnss « • the home of the vice president, for a’ motor trip to Nova mortar fin and dive homblnga and war in Ruaaia to fight alongslda I P Jd. ' 11:80—Michael Lorlng*s orches* MrA Bob Buraa and Mna Richard t o Aetten dsBt RpPsevelt was acting “as tlefront, German sources took the tTA fort by jiroridlng adequate bous­ T u c s o a Arix.—(ff^Donald C. Mrs. C. Irving Loomis at 2 p.m. to Sco^. and the eastern provinces. then turned loose sweeping ma­ the Red Army. In an agreement 18:08—The Party lino Dtx, for ttonglf he were already in the view that the Russians are experi­ A b o u t T o w n chine-gun and automatic arms fire 18:00—Unton WsUa N4w a ing In many key sections of tha Anderson- CoA convicted of Impetsonatlng hear reports of the Summ'er Fes- For traveling the bride wlU wear James I- Hardy with the Caecha yeateitoy, Rus­ 18:88—Nawa movement and said his organisa- Tve rU oomplalnte about my Burlington, V t, July 19.. a brown and white sheer with encing ‘ "a repetition of what. led when the/lnfantry advanced. When sia recognised their refugro gov­ 1 :00—SUaat l3:05-rCharila Splval^a orobastra. State. Tha accompUshmaute of the aa Army offlosr, paid bia attorney salary. X started at $18 a 1 ____ Nln4^ty-2i yea Treesing of funds of the firms Uyal. to catastrophe for the French James Leslie Hardy, of 37 Rus­ coordinated effora of private in- tlon would call a iwtUmwide stilka *ith three short atortas written la years old. Till The board of directesses of the matchingx accessories and cor­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will omit sell, died early this morning at the the Germans even then were not ernment In London .and agreed'to 18:80—Tommy Dortoys orchea- Shea N ^ I eollset 847J10 from tba otu- baa registeredregtetered t o elvU was described by the spokesman Armies”—a breakdown of' com­ stopped the Jted soldlqrs faced tlA '/ /' ®“f t ^ te»4 the FHA In £ehoualag for a 80 par cent wage Increase Jail. Otho Books, tha attorney, as -direct interference In the Porter Library Association is ar­ sage of roses. They will be at Its meeting Monday evening, also Memorial hospital following a long permit organization of Czechoalo- ToMorrow'a Pragraia ahould “the Mexican bourgeois” iKo and my boos pay* me 815 a Vermont with this home after August 15 at 8 Chest­ munications and military informa­ them/with the bayonet. It v vak military nnlta to fight undto ! A . M. 18:88—N e m / “ 5? R**" eomnMntoble. said tha romantic storlea “arwH weeA xtghts'of foreign, citizens and the ranging to start some travelling tion.” tbe first meeting In August. The Illness. Bom In North Troy, Ver­ although this eomblaatloii __ V Post offer opposiau). amateurish; 2 hope to sail tham.” "There’a been too much h ot^ rli baskets in the community to earn nut. I next , business session is scheduled mont, 65 years ago, he had lived in salcL the Red Army command with a 8:00—News from Mara and Many aseretarlaa earn leas; a this war. rm ready t o aetton.” Inditect Infringement of the rights Expecting Answers Boon . I T tha first of foreign countries.” mMey for the'library. The bride gave to her maid of for Monday evening, August 18. MancheAter fqr 18 years, and prior / T e Blew eUrmaa Advaaee commander of their oam choice.) Abroad.' T ofitortow*a Program honor, pearia, and tha bridge- After a week of assurances Izveatla Indicated these tactics 8:08—Organ RaMtal by Oourboln. lof this yaar, greater produo* Na : Teaturee BlackUsting News fron t^e high command that all is to his illness was employed by AM. • V.x^W. groom's gift to his best man was . Thomas Faulkner, amploysd by .were designed to alow up the eGr- 8:S5-NawA 8:01)—N am Adolf Hltler’t newspaper, Voel- geclflc annual state convention to be held - If*****" Katherine and fils 'o f Soviet cltlaena, la be­ t:18-Ooap R tw Boys Ihg “Cbt Throat Dollar Warfare Bag Same Deer operations toward Leningrad and DeForest Hardy, he leaves n layad)— —Big refinarlas In Rii- 8:88—la t arm lafio tor Btrtaga ton. The bridegroom attsndsd in Bristol, Wednesday. A t present daughter 3trs. Howard B. «mi»V ing massed behind the front. Many numlal Ploaatl oil fields and taniks 8:80—Worda and Muste. 8:00—Na m o f Burepa Shipping Damage Drive June 21- ^ .Agalnht South American Econ­ Buckley High school In New Lon­ Kiev may be answered soon. he is first vice president. of them SN being Issued rifles. 10:00—aigbltohto of tbe Mbto. omy.” There has been a lack of defi­ DanvUle, Vermont, and taro grand- ccotalnlng.30,000 tons of oil have 9:15—From the Orgaa Lbft Charlotte, N. C. — (D — Grady don and is well known In athletic ahildren; two btothers, Editond U (A dispatch from bdanbuL Tur­ been destroyed by Russian bomb- 10:80—TbaTiriMilaA 8:80—N om aad Waathar Tries to Tame ah Jixdicm— "Roosevelt’s step is directed cl'reles there and In this town. nite news from these fronts for About 90 percent of week-end key, quoUng an A i^ dlploamt but 10:48—Tolebl H lra ^ A Xylopboa- ByPlaneaTold Utodsis , against' citizens o f' free states Cole, BUI Bivens and Charles of Washington, D. -C., and Frank ara,*an authoritative source declar­ 8:4^—Arpay Caravan the past few dairs, while the press operatioa of automobiles is for W. of Orleans, Vermont. He also- 'racently arrived'from tba Boriet ed today. lat lOdW—Chureh ef tto Air 0^ to tl^o ''c \ 'which are 'not engaged in war and Crutchfield, Charlotte radio ' an­ has carried reports of minor vle- nouncers, told this one: CMtcDorHoDaiid bushiess or necessary transports'; ^ v e s three sisters, Mrs. George eapItaL declared a Russian Army Thia Informant aaid that Rus- 11:00—Nam, weather. 10:80-N owa li;oatbor Dommlt- it orlglnatea with a government tories scattered along the entile tlon. ll:18-^Day OreaoiA. which officially alto is neutral, WhUe hunting deer near Hender- Tbe marriage of John Costello Randall of Nashua, N. H., Mrs. Otto 4,<)00,0()0 strong la waiting behind Blan ifianea were swooping Ibw to 10:85—Wiaiffi O ror Jordan bMkS c|o and they adapt- front and descriptive stories from B. Hahn of Berkeley, ( ^ , and Mrs. Moecow, preaumaMy re a ^ to be unload their explosives despite 11:80—The GordooalrtA 11:00—JaekaoB Whoalar—Nom the newspaper said. sonVUle, they spied a choice speci­ and Mias Elisabeth O. Holland of spldler-repbiters, I” * M d a Liberal party eon- men almoM simultaneously and Anna H. W itt of Nqrth Brookfield, thrown forward at tha eritieal heavy anU-aircraft fire. ' 18:00—MuMeal SouvenlrA 11:05—Emory Douteeh Orcbeatra The meiwure has the double Ossining, N. T „ will ba fotemnlaed A British Exchange Telegraph 18:18—Junior Quls Show. Brltlah bombers of bis committes to work with tho without u o raised their guns and In 8t Joseph’s church of that ment) Hags Fire# Btorted 11:80—Whata Now at the 800 ^ "no I M than 800,000 purpose of ‘''bringing important Agency report last night from Is­ The funeral win be held Monday The alowing toaties also ware An Intense raid laat Sunday P. M.*- ' Port’ll committea co tha Mra. .Bouth American raw material blasted away—almost in unison. place tomorrow at 1 p. m. Tbe Skirts Score 13:00—Syncopation Pteeo. tons of- enemy shipping and dam* The <)eer tumbled. tanbul said largo-scale military morning at 9:80 at tbe Thomas (3. deatgnad to permit the guerrilla started huge fires which covend 18:45—N owa weatbor. PJI, W U iia m U M ^ wmiam Pbr- oountrles under exclusive United attendanU WUI be Miss preparations directed by the Ger­ Each hunter said that he had NetUe Holland slater of the bride Dojigan Funeral Home. 59 HoU. armies roalhlng behind the Ger­ the vital MI-region with denae , l:05-diiDvor Strtnga. 13:80—L u t Minute Nowa (gJiSaST ^ u d Prirtdafit Maud Laggatt Look Out States control’’ «nd is “political man general Staff were under way Rev. Dr. Watson Woo0—OOmmentary by Upton taan namod to tha aub oommlttea It asserted Roosevelt thought he teUo; brother of the bridegroom as frontier. and Organ and longer, soimeone suggested officiate and burial wiU be in Dan­ .cated. chiefly on holdings of Tbe Unirea OOM. 1:00—Church of tho Air te charge of the local atumiruim was able “to turn back the wheel best man. Prediet Imgertaet Moves Comntoy, 'm. Britlah-owncd firm 1 :1 ^ - 'Strtmr rrminLln t h ^ r * for that they examine the deer. ’Ibe' ceremony, will be followed ville, Vermont. Tbe funeral boine 11 Nasi Plaasa Daatroyed 1:80—Ton Doeida •toured on tho average more than of jS|y“ « ! » ^ tha week of history and reestablish old eco­ (Travelers entering Turkey will be open fbr friends from three Arfilcn haa beet) operated by Ger­ 8:80—Curtiao BnatmblA nomic iinperlalism.’’ Three buUets had struck It, and by a reception fOr the members of Seventy - one German ph 3:00—^laritatlen to Loaralag ®*7“ *n air­ each had found a vital spot. from that direction were, reported o’clock on tomorrow. were declared to have been de­ man and Rumanian interesta alnea 3:45—Sabbath Meaaago. 3:8<^Nam craft that wo. ouraelveo loot" / Espsess Beoesrtmetit tbe famlliea and doap friends at to have predicted that important laat February. 8:00—Four Comoro, V. 8. A. Thrso bias harra b « ? bunt to So the men decided to divide the the hotee of the brideta parenta. ------stroyed by Soviet a v la t^ the last 8:85—Tour Favorite Hymm TROUBLE! . (Dispatches from Rio De. Ja- meat into three shares. A M aU German moves In Bulgaria could three daya British , aouroaa aaid then still 8:80—R. V, Kalteaboni. teto c y o at the oollection. One On their return from a wedding bit ex]>ected.) w en large crude oU atocks in tha 8:45—Paul Laval’e OrekaatrA 8:45—Radio '^Meo of IMlgton bln Is located on the eoraer of Beira said .that Brazilian firms kept their shirt tails. Now they are The communique said "great ■8:00 — (jnlumbla Broadcaatlag Blaze Destroys blacklisted had expressed resent- arguing about the antlers. trip to Atlantic City thd couple DNB reported tbe Luftwaffe / Public Records Floesti ana because of transport 4:00—Cbauteik|ua Sym^ony Or- Locust aad Mate; aaothar at Do- .will make their home on Oak battles” wero fought throu^toqt Symphony ent. Hie United States embassy heavuy bombed the rail Junction at ipaterday on tbe northern flank tai difflcultlaa and that loss Of tbe cbMbm. pm Squim aad the r third at the street Mr. Ooatellq la manager for reflaeiy would cripple dritveilaa of 4:0 ^W alter Oroos’a Orohoatra Or^MBs Rio De Janeiro eras quoted as Cberkasi yesterday, ripping up rail the Pskov-Porkbov area ^ 0 mll< 8:00—Jot 8iid\ICtbtte 4:84—SpMt ef ’41 Machinery Plant tha t3. R Kinney ahoe stors on beds and leaving eight tro ^ trains gasoline to Germany. 8:80—Roy Sbteld'e OrchoatrA These bins are Jnrt a troma 'ng some of the firms listed The f^ovring property eonvay- from Lsnlngrad and tha mnolensk 8:00—Touag Xdaaa _ at be removed upon tnvestlga Hpspital Notes M ain street aflame. Cherkssl, along £he Dnlo* ■ 9:00—Nom . ^ ftat wldA tea f b s n ^ •noes by warrantee have bam sector. 880 milea wast of Moacow, 8:80 Golden Gate Quartet. and five feet Ugh with ttab hut that otbern might be add- per riVer, Is 100 miles southeast of but faUad to repost racent aaaur- 9:18—Baaaban Soorea and 4:45**41port N om . Kiev. Moorded at tbe office of tbe town B tiM ix Bporte. atrrtehod arooad tt and ws ■oA • ' ' . yesteiwhy: Fred Lsw- clerk: Frank L Phelps to Ernest ancaa that no oiangas In Smoking Worse _ ^ 8:00—Sfltor Tmater Summer (Ib e Argentine government was Soviet airports north and south had Occurred. ' 9:80—Rbytkmte StringA ara going to try aad flU them with iT’ I0» Birch; Mrs. Betty Merrl- Engagemenijf I t Jones; Phelps road; Stanley ( » - Shew'— Ed SuUtvan, /np shuBliiuiB. ■ant, but the pro-Nasi section of fleld, Kensington, Conn., Mrs. df Lake Ilmen, Just south of Nov­ brias to Walter J. (Mbrlas, OxftsnL In addition furious angagemonU Than Lipstick 9:45—Proftoror Andre Bohenker. Bradloy'a Orebeotra lha Bnenos Aires press attacked Geneva HugeS) Windsor Locks. gorod and east of Lake Peipus, ho- devekmsd in a new sector, the TKW—RagTar FOUaiA •«! 5 3 S This scrap elumteum win be ■* r ’ . low Leningrad, also were said to ■Atorialstiatav^ Deed 7:80—Band Wbwoo. 8:80 — (Sem Autry's Melody tho Natloaal Do- the listing as Infringing on Argen- Birth: Yesterday, a son to Mr. By terms of an admlnlstratos's Polotaii-NeTel area north of Smo­ Itea A and "Doar Mom” Up— wamn stud, ^ttee •ovwelgnty. and Mrs. C. Leroy Norris, 41 Rus­ Erkkaoa-Zawigtowdti have been bombed. DNB reported J j s d p i o ^ y M the esUte of lensk aaUant Kansas Oty.—(ff>—Dr. Edward *:0O—Whath If y Name. 7:15—Baaaban Scores OoldoB OMamittos headed hy Moyer sell. 20 planes destroyed on tbe grosmd J. Ryan of Chicago, dental maga- 8:80—Om Man’s FafiUly. LaQuardla ef New Torti aty. ita- (A t Baattago, Chile, a constant Mr. and Mrs. John Zawistoirakl. Nicholas Miroaovttcb on Kanalng- Hard fighting araa reported at Gato»Quaitot Here's a Gay Summer Serial > of representatives of listed Dtacharged yestsrday: Mark at one base, and aeven shot down Polotsk (which DNB, official Oer- slna editor, offered this advice to 8:00— Manhattan IfORy-Go* p o ^ hr Prsaldaat Roooeratt. tt of Union (3oort, armounce the en­ in an air fight. > ton has been conveyed to MleliaM Itonnd. 7:80—WorM Nbm Ibnlght *■ ♦ visited Uw United SUtea Malatian, 165 Adams; Miss Ruth Hassitt. nuui news agency, aaid had been dentists bothered by tba Upatick 8:00—'Iho BKiaa That RefTeMiea krill bo turaod erar-te tbe .pcnpw . , ffwen. 801 Main. gagement of their daughter, Mlaa ' smoking of women patients: 8:^ A lb u m of Familiar Mttato. • A fter tho roof ebllapaad. fira. parsona daslgriatod by tha N ^ yesterday, protesting Jeanatte.M, Zawjatbwakl, to Victor ctotured) on Tburaday, but Naval oa tbe. Air today: Mrs, KamllUe "You can wipe tbe Upatick off 10:80—Hotir of Charm. !B « turaad thote a t t e a £ a t a w ^ loaal Oomafitteo wbaa our drive b M injured unjustly or C. E. Erickson, eon of Mr. and Mra Que$tion Rai$ed Under terms of distifbutlon ef U a new scene of oporatiaas. 8:80'MM bm Doctor . aaring adjoining buUdtegy. is over. how thiqr might be ta- JS^lfwlca. 89 Birch; Arthur the esUU of Jamas B. Douglas, Polotak, on tha banka of tha witk ooarso papar but tha only 10:80—OatboUe Hour. 8:55—Blfflor D aria-N om Full of Laughs and Romance O T fe ^ 67 Parir; Barbara and John V. Ericlmoh ' of Ariington 11:00—N owa waathar. Olhsr CMtas Esg8a Drtra ■r the list) Heights, Maas. On Women Sotdier$ three Iqts In tbe Pinetaurat tract Dvina, la 140 milaa weat of Smo- thing you can do about smokiag la 8:00—Ford Summar Hour Ronald Custer. '79 School; Paul laiMk. whUa Naval Is 60 to atuff a baU of cotton in tha pa- ILl^Aiiaro^teturoe' (SrebaetrA 10:00—^Taka R Or Laavo It Hertford n d other dtlra have Doucette, 108 High. Mlaa Zawlatowskl la a., halr- Berlin, July 19.- SM left to bis widow and ebUdten. 11:80—Paul Whiteman’s Orrhea Btaitad their driTee aad hara the northeast at Polotsk and 1300 tlant's mouth." 10:10—N owa Wtothor lyadonaliMittg l^ t h : Today, J. LesUe Hardy, dreaasr in Hartford, andhCr. Erlek- German'reports of Russian Famous Italian ahtadanm stadmd Ugh sad they aon la an cxperlaMntal machinist being captured on the Action to foreclose a mortgage mUaa northwast of Smolensk. 10:85—Daaco Itttermosao 37 RusseU. on School atreet property is Nasi Waflgs Ortvsn Greaad Oeod ptaea to Boat ora StUl grtttag moTA K a eldUted ¥Urm» employad by the General Electric front with Red «A{my troops have 1 1 :00—HeadUaoa aad ByUaaa Now all we Bsod to moke Man­ _ Discharge today; Mias Shirley in a lis pendens filed totoy by the (It appsarad tM Ctermans had II sI^ —Dedos OrcbMtrft FUer Is Killed rioo Oty, guMafson. 388 Hackmatack; Cha^ company at Its Lynn plant raised the queatlan of when Is a 11:80—W o o ^ Herman’s Orebaa* chester's dHes a aaooeoA to your women a soidia R O ^ against FMderlMr BoMMo driven, a wedge 140 milaa deep, JarimoB, iqch. — (F)—Benjanto 1:80—Sonny Dunham’s Ortoaotra tombardo TViiedaiiet Mbx)- tote KMisy, 875 BldwMl; Lulgl The vfeddliig will take place help. Fveryoae ta town—and In Monday, Beptember l, at Bt John's (The Russlaas have reported wo­ •t sis. with tha Dvtaa to n a ia i part of Ito Bailey. 58, agraaa tba ground Isla UKXV—Chazfb'Bplvak*a Orohoatra i u m d todasr that 334 Oak; Mrs. John P u ^ 13:85—Nawa . 18-iff)-rUoot CbL I g towns — may bate church on Oolway atreet Vrith re- men serving as nurses and ainri- Msthani aidA sad that they now good place to hunt raW U . Whto tontara F s r r a ^ 49. one of tho Ith i-A m erican. govanMaents M d to a r t toughter, Center; Mrs. Application fo r \ maiTtaga U- woM U>inM«lii« A iMw offaaalve at ba cUmbad a tree to get a better l:(>0- « ia n L stoA such ss Bottaa, Wsapaur, iCdward SsnkbsU and Infant sosu ceptioa at Pulaski hall. North Uariea with the Russlsa Araiy but 13:807-00)1 B etro Orektotia the l,iMW finna Martr- atreet not as flghtera) m has bom fltod by Oailsa Naval to threatSB the daftodara of toot at a rabbit, tha reeoU of tho' 18:80—Nowa M Atlaatte. Rtfarea, sta. Look thrwmh yew m tha United Staten gev- rtameo Phtrt F ar Bay waa .klllod yesterday wboB aa an* o o B ^ attiCA gsfegsA ote. sad In general, the Getmaas have Avne of Astoria. L L, and Mary tha northam bank with aoelrela- gun knoekod fSm tram Ua perch, tofteantal plaiM DA was piletlag ove i B ^ t d u ^ to r. South Oovwrtry. Badl, New York city. mant They thus uparanUy gfithsr Iff) sB the semp shrmiaam. Osnsaa: u patients. • taken the krotude that women are Ahd be was taken to a bo^tal. the actloa to pra- Net to wMm toatar aattMt,) Baa Banardtao. CkUf.. July 10 aoldlare If they AM orgaaiasd, Wa M t foot (taeturod. Ra’a not M v a Farrarto, a World War pilot m . aeas faObig Into tha ir aosne form of diael- Dapartura of 13 toaios a sun that he hit tba rabbit .-^F)—Tra-yoar4»M Pater IMrott ^arUtatted 8 t a t « given an eutlag In the Mg nima rw from Romo to Tokyo far S K ow dgpsis (wh4a yon go ohoa- Ogdan. UtolL—iff)—Thoee _ aad wear unUonna with at ' ' of tha U. B. an ML naoaoat, M tiL. July 18-(ff) ooatooMtatho 1919 aad i m ■toafftebachaaef tba Maimed warrants that piled vp to dtetlhguiahiag artlelaa tor waa arnda known aftar Oeto A t r«m teT v^ 30 otoqr b o j i ^ ^ —This Mty had ‘tooth" In tts eol- p M sad throw tt sragths wlra J.-<8»-T w o Con- Imperial. Callt-«*e ■ieMiHm, i S f l L . R bBadly. Ho InusB, apoaMin of tha tolva feoad a ttoaal Ttafraaa. Now to your I pitmged down a isoo toot eltft WpHL ehaaeo te halp. om, wtmak Jocipa Jaat ant fit sot a t tolas teoth, with an atam- M oaolial named Row* •» iBttfil platA SfiM tka caait-offjisrtn Beginning-Monday, July 28 in The Herald oto* aai M aatan taka ito T f f n t o e r , aa Ms A A.I ^ 1

lUW CRC^TCft BVEOTNQ ILO. MANCDESTEB. CONM. SATUBDAY. JULY i » , I M l '< ..... ^ . . . n— ^ yC MAMCHESTEB EVENING ^ERALO, MANCHESTER, COKljl. SATURDAY^ JULY 19, 1941 if?. to Get Home Froiri Plane Crash | Biurmaii H ow ls PAG] ■;'k '■ V aterCo. >t for Sale, Security Law Bug Aperts Dectdre War 'X- C h a n ^ U r j For JHoney Ti^ iE in iF i Oh Dread Japanese Beetk C h a i r m a n ^^^vocate* He o f the DviFiAUj ChiB as New Haven, July 19.—(8^*nieAavor, that oaa spraying will hot be sufflclent Is this taluk year. - of the North End | * D e a f M i ?: Abl§ to Hear Providinc/^of HealUr ]^^ts Shot «t Big bug ehperU te the eaat hava ,de­ \ X clared totte war on the . “Sclratlsto taava obiwrvea tiiat the acUvitloe of ttaa beetle seem .Goncem Tell* of Fu» D is m ia s e d i n l ^ g r a m ^ li^e l^rse. W h e n beetle wb>^ they say, ii leng thening.” he snKl; "They Ernie White Shackles PIm i* to Greatly j ’ ■ 0 y BM oa the greatest oflmslvs la m xnm active Deglnhtrig In June Scout'Eagan Regards D i^ Wmdtlngtnn, July l * — wras\|i deaf- sought Uberidlsatlon of his back to New York’s major fistic ^ e beetle moiace, which cah Dodgers For 6-1 Wakefield 2nd Best J what be terma a nermsl flight or bmtlen may ne. toe inlddle west fbr players for the end of this frame and In fact ABRHPOAH capacity to pay. \ guat 17th at tbe club property on A punch under the bseft finally trumplnf .the Brooklyn' Dodgers, trolt. He currently has nine it had been quite on evening up Msdigon, c f ___ 3 1 3 3 0 0 tM and Howard Keeney, Law- Aldo Ansaldl and Kneeland "suicide squad" te JflO.OOO gruba carried oa clothing, in crates of 8-1, yesterdsy to split the senior Schell—toe lad. Incidentally, who leooe Moonan and william Camp- Altmeyer also s u g gka ted Mile HIU. The eomailttean to have stopped m«- Y’gotto admit It was fruit, vegetables and other pro- broke. B illy ’Ib ylor’s Jaw and forc­ In the.malorii. to this point but it boiled oU over South, 2b ..... ,3 * - * ; Jones. Jr., o f the 36th A ir Base changes In the law to.exteml un­ Rockville charge w ill be announced follow ­ a good show, yet I haven’t been from Infested golf eourae tuit In clreult race wide open agsin',- ps Esan saw in Wpkefleld tha diamond when the gaine w u Martin, 2 b ...... 1 .^bfll were naih'ed to the fire com- the Bridgeport area and shipped dOeP, and even on raapMner^ I TIm 34-yesr-old pride Of Rscolet ed him out te toe fighting game. Squadron, Savannah, Oa., w ill ar­ employment insurance to matwme ing a mcetlng.te the general com­ able'|o gob. a rumble for another hardware and structural oton. \ Billy was s briUisnt waiter before toe ^portuiiity to erase from called. 'The P.A.'s were trailing Zopstka. lb ...,4 wrorkera, to give attention ‘ Lewis a . Chapman mittee next Monday night. inateh with anyope in the big them to New Jersey where they MUIs, 8. C „ was the standout memory hls' disappointment over 4rl fioing Into toe sixth but man­ Medlund, c ..,..4 New Fire Numbers rive home tomorrow on a fur­ will be Inoculated wltb milky dis- They often fly Into motor cars and hurlsr In ths American Association he became a state referee. workers who temporarily le 9*. BoekvlUa league around bare slqoe then. i toe slgnlnfl in 1915 by toe St aged to get three more runs and Murdock. If .L .l 0m voted that the fire com- railroad trains and ride many lough. Jobs covered by the system, to .. told Mik4 Jacobs I’m wlUing. to eaae, a strange malady fatal, ap­ lost year. Louis Browha o f Goorae Steler, tie up the contest. Robinson, r f .. .4 9 • ■4^ . eration with Chief parently, only to Japaneae bsetjea. mUes jM fo n they escape. White Stricken III At all of the local bouts since Army trucka to the number of tend social aecurlty to agrieulkiral take on anybody— Ctem. Nova, Just The fact that birds are imsng the summer eesaon opened, there M lchlgto pitcher and base- . A PA.’s Start CUmMng Cox, BS ...... 4 9.0? Qrlswdld'work out a plan of workers, and t* provide for pay­ Ha won alx of hia first aevtn de- G. May, 2 b ...... 3 •sAgnlng many pew cell numbers 408 passed through the town Stafford SpHngs name a guy and Fm your little After the disease bacteria baa toe natural enemies of toe beetle la e man with s flsahlight camera. mon./George hit. American' league With a three run lead It looked ,31101 0.;S ments to permanently disabled in­ claloos tola season. Then whiln he j : May, p ...... 1 aow needed in p a ^ of the district Wednesday enroutc to Camp. Ed- a n iz e red-bead. multIpHad a mlUlon-fted In tb « doesn't help'mueb. «^ “ Bolton jnsT^Actorta^^r^Fte^ make my bvlng fighting, ro they throughout the badly Infasted ly-lnfected county. In Fairfield, be gets a real action ohpt He aM Ann Arbor. He reported to Frank much baseball and Uist there was In the sixth on some timely Mt- W, S...... 1 0 0 2 1 0 6 ^ . daughter te Mr. and Mrs. ^ ter won’t let me fight for the real toe league lead.; Nsvic, Tiger owner. \ room for Improvement: Mr. Briggs' tlhg. It was Ed Kose's big bat tost * —Batted for Kovte I t k '! newcomers with the n u m - ro^a clear ]>Iayor )^ Ils of Rockville areas, te the state. eald, not only is turf badly Injured W hst happened, asya Manager get acquainted with the boys. They ifi har 'that covers the area where Mrs. John Albaai. a recent pa­ Mrs. C^yde Marshall Panders te the Moneon road and money. I ’m no college man, but States throughout |he east are In many placee, but toe adult con sense when a man is gothg to Branch Rickey,' then manager backed Me up and be should get knotted the score after Obochow- XX—Kovte outbuntad Srd attlk* : Thomas M. Flynn, son te Mr. and even I can see that dm’t add up," Billy South worth, iadhte White stc o f tos Browns, came up with the. toe credit." akl and VIot bond singled In suc­ ^ J l v e . tient the Manchester Memo­ PboM 4051 To Callx Meeting for tryin* tols experimental method In beetles have strippe'd trees, vines something tost didn't agree with be ksyoed. Then he con gat a reel XXX—Hedlund bunted foul Srd rial hospital, U at the home of her Mrs. Michael J. Flynn of 84 Union Red may bate something-tbete. the hope that toe disease WlU be­ and ornamental foliage. Summer action pix. Steler contract Egon was bteme- Y Should W akefield eventually cession. strike. Tto Build Storage Shed Next Tue^ay, street, Rockville were iharrled Uds ’There’s no denylhg he gave Louis a him on S hot .Sunday, June 29, In leaa but It was not pleeaont to become a 845,000 lemon," Egon It seemed os though the P.A.’s ->‘me aawer committee was au- brother-lnkqw and family In come so ytoerel tbrougbout beetle^ fruit In a commercial orchard In Clncinnstl. He couldn’t finish the Two boee MU: 0orreatl,.0. North Covenlify, Mr. aiid Mrs. A l­ Mrs. A. N. Skinner, Sr., heads morning at 9 o’clock In St. Ber­ falr-to-middllng’ raosia back in dom that {bey wlU eventually die reflect that toe first players he un- says he willingly will shoulder had saved their climax for the Sacrifice MU: Bernardl. Btoton thorlssd to prepare plans for a the committee In charge of collect­ Grssnmeb, on toa New York state contest; he loat 13 pounds, and he When toe bouts ofe over there Rockville, July 19.— (S pecial)— nard’s church, Rockville. Rev. February. He walked right into out completely. border, w m attacked. -covered got sway. toe Mume. seventh but Savertek’s men couM bases: VIot; Modlgoa. MurdoelL. atoraga shed at the Sewage DlS' fred Albasl. ing aluminum pots and pans In went onto toe Cords’ sick list, is always a big rush for toe gate. i Rooky Walters Mrs. Maud Woodward and Mrs. Mayor Claude A. Mite has called James O. Dolan, perforaed the the Bomber, not only taking Joe’s - Meanwhile, farmers and home Sections of greens In a golf One toousond persons at' a small Cincinnati Reds; Star It was the' Steler Incident that "N othing te certain In bakeball," not get the winning run over al­ L e ft on basee: Polteta Aroaricana 5, ' pdUU ' plant. Tenatlva working ^Iton. Mrs. Skinner will be as­ which, fo r the semaon, reads Just though they hod it on toipd base Clarissa Nevlns, mempec* of the 'single ring service and"officiated best punches, but actually seeming gardners may continue to wage course near Greenwich look *■ if Uk.c ths S t Louis roster. opening at ths esme time means a started Egon os a talent scout Hte Kgon deelaros. "but I’m ready to Weet SldM. Baae on balls off May. will be prepared by Leon sisted by Mrs. CTharies F. Sumner a meeting of Interest^ persons at^the nuptial mass. Mias. Ethel to bang.out hls chin for them. Fin­ current crop includes Barney Mc- atoke my reputation on this boyte with one sway, (jorrenti batted Thcrp of the committee, Owls, Women Legislatbta Asso­ guerilla warfare with tha tradi­ they had been scorched by firs, he But he looked and acted healthy Jani. Does anybody know tost I have been oakied to describe - 3, Kovte 7. Struck out by May 8; and Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson and for next Tuesday evenite at eight Flynn, sister te the .bridegroom ally, two battering body pimches Ooeky, Harold Newbouser, Pat chances’’^ for Kovte and acratchefl a double, Kovte 3. Time: 1 hr. 47 mfo* Ufti. The Fire Committee was author- ciation attended a meetlng nt Gro­ tional lead arsenate spray. eald. The fairw ays have been rnli^ yesterday in handcuffing the Dod­ there ere two big gates tost con « - . . . M , w » . . ! K '„T .!*ii Jot-S S f ■ ton Long Point at the hoiba, of several others whose names will o’clock in tha, Council ^tember waa bridiesmaid and ^ m e o Pan­ polished him off. But he pleased t)r. Felt, former New York ed by grubs aad by crows and be torawh open to let the crowd Mulllna and Paul Trout of De­ Fgah te one of . basebaU's scores Bernardl put Mm on tolrd. Sav- piree: McCann, O’Leary. ted to Investigate and make rec­ be announced later.. gers. He allowed only six hits and ed my "sinker boll." To me this', and, consequently, IS foi­ erick made two unsucceoaful at­ their president, Mrs. Margaret when a Diefense Council wli^ be or­ ders, Brother of the brlde waa btet the crowd Ip Madison Sqtisre Gar­ State entomologlat, warned, bow- black birds digging for gniba^ became the first aoutopsw to beat out qotckly? They’ve been there troit, Roy ChiUenblne and Chester of scouts, whevtravel, about the ommendation for the improvement All members qf the committee man. A wedding breakfast follow ­ den that night ls my natural fast boll. I throw'Jt Lxabs of the Browns( Mike Tresb tempts to bunt and then struck out of the heating plant In the flre- Hurley of Wllllmantlc. Brooklyn twice this year. John since the Arens was built but country combing the minor that umpiring of balte and atrlkas brUl meet at the home of Mrs. ganised for Rockville. ’ ed tbe ceremony for the bridal Meets Bettfaa Tnmtey have never been opened, to our w ll a three-quarters motion. of toe White Sox, Benny McOoy leagues and college campuses for swinging. This put it up to Obo- .tmuse namely the Installation o f Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woodward Stiteicr near Bolton Center , on Hopp, Johnny. Mice and Enos Occwsleiiany, I throw more dl- chowskl who Mt a lofty fly baU has been off color In toa roceat. were invited to the Villa Louisa PatriotlC'ted service groupVsre party. After a wedding trip to HU tuaale with Bettina from Slaughter eolleeted eight hits be knowledge. naturally. of the Athletics and Maurice Van prospects. Mme form of automaUe heat. Suhdky. evening at 8 p. m. to 'la y asked to send representatives te<^ Winnepsaukee Lake, N. H., the Beacon, the stolid'southpaw who reetly overhanded sod my fast Robsys of toe Pirates. to Msdigon in oenterfield and then Upon the petition of Robert J. last evening In honor of Mnl. tween them and made the Dodgers Scouts sometimes trail a player come the storm. In Thursday night's gaim Bill detailed'Diana for the collection. all interested persona are InvlUd couple w ill live on ’Thompson once won the -Ught-heevywelght Overnight Hews Hogan Lea^s look helpless. Wonder where Pete VendriUbi' boll does not oink. I nsimlly try N ext To doorgo Steler Smith It was voted to extend sew­ Woodward’s birthday. This was <)iiaft^'Ule Methodist ' HiMn I was a third baoeman. it tote when I think it might crone fo r weeks. They Judge not only McCann Onlb Gnme Brennan, another Tw l League uhte a surprise to Mrs. Woodward. to attend. \ street, Rockville. The bride is a title, pertly through the mental As s result St Louie swMt the glcks up hia new ta len t Now wpa aald tkat'toe ball I threw waa ^ But In ^ years of watching hte sM lIty, but hte temperament, age faculties and fire protection to "Overtim e"'tell be the sermon magic te hU manager, M ^clan up the Mtter. Egan never,again saw a player he As Msdigon caught toe boll Mc­ plre. brought toe wrath of tha tfea balance 'of property owned by Many friends were present and ’The Defense Council will have native te Stafford Springs and si­ O f Connecticut two-gome aeries and cut Brook i f boy coUed Jackie Y< "b fjsvy" and aonk. 1 balleve tola to courage, outside acUvlUei and topic of the Relr, Jackson L. But­ charge of the air warden service ded the local schools. Jimmy Grippo, the slelgbt-te-ha«d Chicago Open who looked good In there Thurs" could b^ket with Steler untU Cann coUed the gome and Inci­ SUbTOa OB Mo hoad whan ha called 1^, Smith In the Eliaabeth Park an enjoyable evening was spent. IJm’s load to two gsmM before w lu it. caused Jimmy WUsox to habits. dentally called dpwn * a lot of yie Paganl safe at home. Tbesa ler at the Quan^telle Methodist and othet* defense work. T. and Mra. John C. N etto and expert tops a card which also wUl By iMsdlng for s week-end in Boston. day night But Jackie needs a lo t The only advice I can give to Wakefield came along tote spring. tract and boundea'aa foUowa north- John Rich Is employed In H art­ church Sunday morning at the 9:30 totok I might become a ptteber. A any young pitcher te to develop Scouts take gambles Some wrath not only from both teoma who watehsd say that at ru t than dr^ bv Green Road,'westerly by Observe .\nni\-erMry fahrily, John W. Zeis, MIm Louise show the rest te Old Doc Kearns' Tbe New York Ysnkbes, Ameri­ more mmu before be can be *iito v y " bon te a dteod^-anttoge to It wasn’t whst he did tost im- turned ttaumha down oa Joe Dl- ford. worship. Church schoolN^l follow toilring “clout circus." Patrick Ed­ Lightweight Pro Gets Judged. H e ^ ifita wide open and your strength. For instance. If you Jjreased toe ecout but toe way he but toe fans, also. To tote writer Pongrata. toa SUbros utebar did Pmceton street and adutherly by Claude W. Jones, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hemroann o f AUim, George Grensn, MIm Doro­ Hartford. -V Slxty-alx aelectoea can Lsogue laaderk also were aajli piayer except a pitcher. Mogglo because he was' injured it looked as though McCann had not tag Pagaiil, imf did P a gu d the church service at 10^9(h 57 Davis avenue, are observing thy ^hofleld are attending the ward ComUkey and Lee Savold stopped yesterday oS Bob Feller that Is bod. 'Thoae''boys don’t lost nsturaHy are a feUow who can did it. tbs extension of Henry ''Street state cattle appraiser the past Juvenile Rehearsal^- from several Connecticut toums Card of 33-33 for 66 wMle a Pacific Coast leogup play­ called the gome at the right point. touch boBM plate ah ha later re- gereas Princeton stre et Mr. S'lnith their silver wedding anniversary summM meeting today te the Con- have been the headlinera, along pitched toe Cleveland Indiana to s long./We need more local talent get toe most of a fast boU ^ "I don’t Uke any of toe'credit er. The Yankee scout was w ^ng eight years, has taksn over his Worthy Matron Lillian Huttetn- were inducted Into toe Army here Most of toe pitchers’ fast balls hopa throw It that way oml do for rigning. tola boy." osya Egan. Two yeora ago h« got into hot wa­ turnad aad did Just that ia fu ll lay the aewer in thia sectiob^utles'as commissioner of domes- today at their home. They are nrotlcui Editorial Association at wltb Bettina, In thU .carnival yesterday, one te toem,taking ad- 3-1 victory fo r Ms 19to win against on«f Joe Perrone, that match­ to take a chance and came up with ylaw of toe fans. son has called a rehearsal or the around and about the blnterlanda, . In Second Round Play. maker, we ore sore, would like to have a hop on toem. It te natural not experiment with tr^ng to •T liked Ms power and Ms speed. ter boesuse be allowed a gome to at'hla own expense. He expects• to tje. animals. holding open house this v afternoon Ocean B)^h Park, New London. vantoge te toe Invitation now be- tour defeats.. However, thia still for toem to have that hop when baseball’s greatest ioU-round star. go on when it was dark and test Osas Mtesat Maeh mt another street from Henry members of the cast o f the Juve­ 'teh evening for their relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hsnnqn te and all three will be pltchliig in left-tosn;Yonks with s six-game lead •hatch local boys If he could get make a ball sink. If yob throw a Tdny Ansaldl. Dr. Forbes Bush nile Grange play, "Cabbages and thU second show promote by ihg lasuM to each group te selec­ By Eart Hlllliaa them. they are right. Other pitchers, of natural sinker you vHIi know it year the same thing happened. Tlta outcome of teat night’s sbreet extension norUxcIy to Green nell, James Moynlhan, Jamee friends. The couple were married Haynes stiVel, Manchester are alao tees to volunteer for three yean and s two-one edge, in toe three- whom I am one. have fast balls The fans, however, pointed out gama maaat a lot to both etuba Read in the near future, .z' Kings" at the ITommunUy Mall on July 19, 1916, at St. Bernard’s rec- attending tm meeting and outing. Chick Meehan, Ute te New York Cnilcago.^July 19.—(F) — Goirs gome aeries, SB'weU os nine vic­ soon enough. If your fast boll Prentice ahd Jack Oofden. Jr,, are Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. Thla University and Manhattan football In toe -regular Army with toe 140-pound package o f acoring dyna­ One thing one con be sure of tost sink. When I am at my beat hops, yoir wlll^alao know I t tost three weeks ago whan too and so It w u but utural thag Wllbaro Foulds* Beport enjoying a flahing trip at Pem­ .tory. MiDt Hemmann la the former ■ WlUlsm Jv'Lsbreche of Edge- privilege of chooptofVa branch te tories In 13 encounters with toe 'In- West Sides were playing the Fire toare would ba u uproar ovar th* ' H was announced by President' play will be given with "Among wood street, j^ t commander te coaching departments, mite—slender Ben Hogsn—appar­ dlsiu for toe season. when attending any of toe rights broke, Mnlne. They transported Ua Girls/’ at an entertainment to Lydia Plthcv. They have one son, service. ently le ready to blast out eateber In tote p ^ of the eUte and tost Moriartys Play Loop CMefa O'Leary foroedthforoad tha e to quick tenhluttam ot tho gama, so- WUUam Foulds that the Manches­ their motor boat. Ororge Hen^ann. , the Strazsa PMt, American LiC- DObgglo Coxtomao Hittlag play to toe rato and Under condi­ poelally front tbo PA’a wb> ' ter Water Co. Is not for sale. The be held m the Quarryville Metho­ Starrs.—Charles J. Broad, exec­ big nugget from toe gome's geld Rain and dorkneos halted j^ y In te tost Pop McLaan. of WlUlman- Mias Louise Anderson, baa re­ dist church next Wednesday eve­ Mr. •Gemmate 1* aasiatant su­ gion has been eMorsed as national utive secretary te Tbe National field. tle w ill be In some one’s eornar.: tions that were worse than teat made inich a strong bid te over emnpany la proceeding with plana turned from a trip In Maine. perintendent of '.toe Springvllle delegate-at-large \ by the Fourth Auditorium Use toe lost te toe eighth a fter s douMe n igh t con— tba Wast Sides’ aarly tea^ to'provide a neW reservoir of IS,- ning. Fertiliser Association, told a group The little profeaekmel from Her- by Oscar Oiimea, s safe bunt ^ Old Pop te as good a aeebnd. He Firemen Meet' Mill and is president of the M. T. District, Amerlcart\Legion. Harold te fertiliser 'dealers, manufactur­ ahey, Ps..—whoae power off toe tee has been handling them since Joe Grove Fails to Post Game Hefe Tpmorrow Deaf Ta Faa*a Appaaie aad whoM Mtten war* Sndbg 600,000 gallons capacity coupled Stevens and Sons softball league. W. Bruce of Weetrad avenue has Ray Mock and s fielder’s choice With tote game to mtod, McCann fountain aeiiatlon and It tM The Volunteer Fire Department 1 Denied Wheeler ers’ riepresentatives and scientists le s never-ending aource of wonder­ provided toe deciding run In toe Jeanette days anq those days w e re M aFs Blaata at toe oibu. o f tba held Its regular meeting at the M arriage Annouilined been elected bisttetan fo r the here yesterday. that there woe no ment to the gsUertee—led toe field long, long ago. faUed. to heed toe crowd c f fans gono. ' asd by a leading hydraulic, en- Announcement Is msdexof the Fourth district which comprises asvsnto. who surrounded both he and Jim Ing firm In New Tork that South Coventry horte-Df Fire Chief Robert McKin­ danger te an acute abortage te SB toe 85.000 Chicago Opan Cbsm- Joe DlMsggio, whose hltUng 300th Win Yesterday Aa It reaiatais MeCaaa’a dsetetaa marriaige of Miss Helen Radford, posts In Tolland and Windham O’l—ory at tha refreehmant stand supply aa handled when the ney at'North Bolton on Wednes­ fertiliser In toe United States such pionship headed Into its fsoond atresk was snstmed at 58 games Next week’s MU ought to be hurt iMltoar team’s chancaa ta tfla daughteiJof Mr. and Mrs. Wllte>i> Counties. Tbe'muxiUary o f the local Atlanta. July 18—(te— ’The A t­ round st Elmhurst Country Club good. We never, saw Larry Lovett after toe game. They continued to postponed game playoff, tha paM M ssrvoir la in working order wUI Between 2:50 and 4:30 yester­ day evening.. Nearly a score were post was swarded a naval print for as was experienced during tbe ths night bsfpro, Mt s bonsfids sin^ present to diateM plans for further Radford of North Attleboro, Mate, lanta municipal auditorium Is World War. It would depend on today. Ahd from the way he put in action but in speaking with -W ilkos OP Blanchard H ou s^of D avid point out to both umpires that It up antouaiaam of the b o ^ oon- ba as flna aa there la In the state. day afternoon about 200 people, having the best nstloiisl defense closed to IsolatlonUt Senator Bur­ gle and slap m>t crsdlt for s donbir Aged Portsider Is Ex­ Tbe 'banka' of the new reservoir developments o f'^ e department. and Julian Zadoroxny, son o f Mr^ transportation facilltlM , he said, together s card of 33-33—68 yeb- aporta writere to Hartford tote waa Miiy 7:45 and gan—a of soft- tested gaiM being reeponrtble for mostly women, attended tbe lawn 'p^gram in the district. ton K. Wheeler (D., Mont) for Sn whsn Lorry Roaontosl 1st s fly gst The Standings Tp Pitch for the Gas ball were then -being played on toe will be steep and the water will party at tht Rule home on the Refreshments of botxdogs. ham- and* Mra. John Zadorosny of this whether there would be a mod­ terdsy there were few -wUUng to sway from him tor New Yoto’s week, they tell me that toe colored tended to 10 Inning* as the. desire oa too part of fo u fmd city. The ceremony waa performed address. wager he won’t be in front when ‘Mayywelght te good. He hoe “Moose" Swinay'sX first - Una field, weU after 8 o'clock although tel deep thereby eliminating the west abore ot the lake, carrying burgs ted coffee were se.rved on ■ \ erate shortage or fully adequate only run in the sikto. FsUsr gave House of David team \wlU play players alike to see the gaaw tetlen of iBteim summer aim the lawn. 'The next meeting teU July 12 at Attleboro, Maas. , A seven-man City Cotmcll Com- the 73-hole teat winds iq> tonior- /ought aU toe M g naihas and Juat Error Behind Him Yesterday’s ReeoHe both umpires stuck to toe rule that through to another tnnlng. their contribution of scrap alumi­ m ittee voted unaiUmously yester­ supply. •fat hjts and fanned nine. “Jljggtr’ ForreU’a SavittXGeme in .w^ch will cause any water to be held August 6. >- Mra. Sarah McGinn rew ayenlng. .Lofty. Grove foiled s second tome returnee from a tour o f the south Eaetera they were to absolute charge of the num to the depository provided on day against pennittlng IU use by New London.—A mafi Identlfy- where he went over Mg, so toe CbsU Qiance for Co- West Sides will travel a double blU ot/Bulketey Stodlufii game and woiUd not budge from ha»e' a swampy taste. ^Iton-Briefs Mrs. Sarah Gilmore McGinn, 77, Marlborough Hogan’s five under par perform­ to b x w n the 300th victory o f W ilkes-Barre 6, H artford it Hartford ttenorrow to play the grounds, and were served the senator. No reason waa Ini^ himself as Donald L. Storms, ance mode him s virtue! clnch-'t4 boys told ms. He te fighting Pat on Sunday and the gome Jbe their decision. They staled toot the New Bate 8ui at toe plate demanding toot dole Slid have found how plaln, on the spacious lawn. of Angrio tell be pleased to bear funeral was held this afternoon at Mr. and Mra. RIefliUtI Crockferd Boston eolleeted off Johnny Rlgney, Side a t 1:15 p. m. , can revise their first propoa- clared at yesterday's hM u^ that toe Army-leased municipal pisr prise swords—toe most remark' lAUte Cardinala storm Into town - Scranton 1, Springfield OXnight) moue 1-pper game” \ between *^e gome go on for another Inning. At,, a meeting of the local De­ of his promotion to sergeant. 12:45 p. m. at tbe Lucina Memori­ and two friends, te'-Medla,' Pa., b8d reported finding him training but on error by Ixni Finney let In Joe Zapedko. Honk SmodtetU, gamee. \ T ^ ' Pioneer Parachute ■ « * aehedule very favorably for the al chapel.In Grove HiU cemetery. Wheeler “U taking advantage te able streak the glume ever has toe winning run. Announcer BUly DaHan gener- today looking dam and re- Miss Irma Maasolinl wlU leave Hill cemetery. She leaves her Use te the auditorium w«» Wnttsssaea Cloae Rudy Tork 's 18th home i ^ agalnat. Pittsburgh, hope, to alter hte first consideration, had not pervise collection, of tbe metal The local Grange held itdsan- asked by Granger Hsnsell, Atlan­ GrissroU said Storms was locked One stroke off tbe pace was Bud ing Mm hei. • But~ Tburaday— he those plans. asRlgnment and Robinoon wlU be they defeated 'toe Boston ceder* at their eperialty. g ^ o lr can be constructed, and be Sunday for a vloit to Ft. Perry at daughter^ a son, Howard J. Mc­ counting for Detroit’s only oooro. Cleveland 3,^ew York hte receiver fo r toe Boat Hartford 8cted ao^wMy tone weeks ago feqdy for storaage in six weeks July 21-29, with a ton as their nual piciile 'on Thursday evtoiliig. ta attosney who said be represent- up b e c a i^ .b e could produce no WUllemsen. tall protesslonsl from mixed up BtUy Marcus and Mel Alva Javeiy, toe lanky North ralh) Ootored'Gtente twice. when toe west Sides were pteying The Airmen found goal. Tbe committee includes Plum Island, N, T . Miss .Maaoolihl Ginn. ana three grandchildren, all Tbe Nats mode 18 Mto beforo rain gome. fy^ i the time they -get the OK 'There wiU be-oite meettog during ed a group te local, unorganised Selective Servlee reglstrattcn card F ort Wsyne, ln* hte catching. :^prprrlde ah additional IS,000,000 Mrs. H. W. Stevens, Mrs. R. B. P. Blakeslea’a tbs first te tbs D epari^IM t aanounoed. . oil bad 70's to work oa. with toe n*-6 margin over toe 8L Lonla team'e meagre winning streak. BUI the SaviUo. They ore gro^ play­ McOsna waa umpire to chief. double u d a slngte te ftv* titait’ Bennett. Miss M argaret Jacobaon, son Prescott will leave today fpf churebss will be held st the Meth­ toe rights wUI be baM. Meeers. Vla- / W. L. Pet.GBL ^ Meriar^ Clay Hero gailotu Of storage, a two week’s trip to the mid-west, week with Mr. and Mrs. Beaton P. tost, gltoough the deadltnc for 71 ptsyera belag Hortoo Smith, Browns. Soutoworto expects to depend on .WUUamsportUltemsport ,.- SO 32 filO ers, alL and bave toe reputation iald that last night Planecfa la first ~ ‘ ^ It wraa voted by the directors Mrs. Walter KeUer. Mrs. John odist church on Sunday morning Blakealee of Durham, with whom Will of Hecks|ier Deany Shuts, >AmSteurs John Bar- cual and Hurley hava arranged to Mortertya 'Trl (founty. League ttf holding their own each spring The victory over the where they will visit their S t nine o’clock. \ Ing had baen extended to next Tbs Pittsburgh Plrstss and Bos- Clyde-Sboun for today’s single WUkes-BwTw . 49 34 590 IH there rw en low " g *"g «»iAiv|g tbSt a committee consisting of CummUk. ’They' fncet tomorrow m nuffi aad EUswortb Viaes, Jim Far­ give toe word ,dn such days st entry will play Hartford’a antry at son and hla fam fly. Rev. Frederick W. Rapp, pastor MI Miner la visit^. Wednesday and Aim age Ilnfft toM Braves divided a deuble-beader counter and lead With hte BSmira ...... i 48 40 545 5 playing many major league teams overhead w d that It eras not - a Upded-' toe noneers ta JU*n Raymond Bowers and Leon afternote at the home of tbe Thirty-two people from here Widow Is Missing rier and Ernie Harrison. 8:15 over toe radia This waek, the West.Mde at 8:15. The local to toe south before toa regular perfect night for UxUlght at first place Mr4- Edwin Lawton Is reported te tha RockvUi. Baptist. church raieed from 85 to 40, only 18 men tai the only National League action despite toe weather, rtearty 1.000 toe Suitday cMubte MU. Scranton ..<. . . 44 41 618 7H team haa won seven games and Tporp be appointed to investigate chairman, each to bring In the plan to toko part |n tha- Song and bad thus ter applied to take ex- Tbe two Mgjitte wthaere of tbs' outside Brooklyn. Ken Helntsel- Braves Orsp Biii^bauton . major teague season opens. They when toe gam e^dw ted. and ona teuue ta this, tbe seeoad name of four volunteers having Improving at the Manchester Ms- will be the preacher. , summer found toe gotng rough. ahowed up at toa arena. It is astl- . 43 43 4*4 8H lost 8 in toe loague and has won tba proposed rate change-in the rnorta^ hospital. Danes FoitiMal at tba Unlvsrally awlnarinna ter guards . at tbs n m pitched s teur-hittcr as. toe Tha Braves wore bollledr yroter- Albany ...... 38 49 .487 I4W have beaten the Philadelphia Ato- manager aaldxtoat had toa gama of play, by vlrtuo of th ru ___ _ tUtarest of the taxpayers and wa­ cars, station wagons or other ve­ Ne Bervleee Boniny Craig Wood, National O im king, mated that 600 more w teM have flro and lost throe in thclocal Twl- leUca and'St Loute Browne to ex- Bolton Grange aoftban team There will be no , services on te Oonnectlcut on July SL T w New York, July 18—(te—T8« Wetbsrsflsid prison and CbesOro Firstea begged toe opener,' 6-1. been there on a good nighf ~ day by Ken HelnUdeputoond d i^ Springfield .....85 47 .427 16 light league. |one on foxsiiother inning to on u d nO'loBieo. Breaaaii aad Oathet ter users in the district. hicles suitable for collsctlng alum­ Song and Danes Fostlval la a part retermatovy. Tbe department b ^ s first r m ^ 7s, whlls' Vie PBUburgh pitchers tetbwsd H artford .... MMUon gamee. pitcher Janesko of Jffort. toJ—eak toe tie, there might starred fpr too k—ars. vlattad Columbia on Tburaday eve­ Sunday at the Verate Oenter Oon- wUl te August HecteckeFn widote, Gbssri, who took tbe PGA ebsro- 500 did not know * " ped the opener of a jdpubleheader, . . . 28 48 368 19 ^ NTUm or Cy Btehchard wlU Better-Fire Protectloa inum from all sections o f tbo town te the Farm and Homa Wwk pro­ diaposiag te moat the late ptil- hoped ter at least 180 applicants. 5-1, to that laft-haodw. Their old tba House holding toe Browne to havejteen trouble of a aort tu t The gaiageaMB win try to brsM \ During the* discussion relative to be dumped Into depositories ning and caikne homo with another Aregational churdh. Tbe next m f v - o f ip lost Sunday, kltsd to-s' rights wars to take N allexal . v pitch for .Moriartys In tomorrow’s victory, the final aeore being Bol­ loe at this church wlU be held on gram at tbs eoUege. lanthropist - financier’s Hartford.—Maurice J. Landers, atogte following a walk In ths not want to take Lefty^ Bulttvon, mp- gama. two hits. They took the Athletics occurred on toa field beforo. bock .toto the .win cMuma ntata to the announcement by the Water which will be Iteated at Arthur A nMto Inning sornsd Boston s 4-3 W. L. PetGBL 10-7, alao. Monday filg h t'w h u they meet tMT: ton 11, QDlumbla '2. Sunday, August 17th when tbs Mrs. Lillian Slebeit baa rstum- fortune, is missing and an Khans- East Hartford Demoeratie towir make the trip. ^ to havoy weU In hand Brooklyn .. . . . 56 38 .687 Inddntally. tha win ahd Go. and apropos to the proposal Vinton’s in North Coventry, ted edge. Other teama which tha HooW^ K o u m sad Hols team at the T " church win reopen for tbe season. sd to her honw In Bartford after tive tnaalry has prhducad no cbalrmaa and .town court Judge until < . , of tbe nightcap but S t Louis .. . . . 64 30 .848 3 itea ^ of Moriartys have ____ It,w u pointed out that if Pa- that the towm buy it several im- In the South end, at Mrs. Rulx* spending several days here as has faced are Newark. MctHnaL ganl’s man had cotu to bat to tha a t 6:80. ' tegtsnt and Interesting points Flay la Msrlisn known b3ra or next-te-nn. who was ^pointed deputy state Just a Word for local Twl haae- then, wlthMM old of oome peculiar New Tork^ . . . 48 38 544 lOVi •ItaalaataA the club manager aaya. home and In tha basement o f tbe giieat te Mra. Emma T. Blakes- Wbsn Mm Virgtela h Tc Hock- French Sentence ball from tote lowly ona: Yoah Kin- Unem toiftfaig by Prank Frisch, Rochester, Buffalo and J«aay CRJr o f toe eighth aad pUed up a The eeere; •'? brought out pro and con. In Town Clerk’s Office. Tha RockylBe Keeclussko Bcoijte athletle eommlssloaer Tburaday, CtndnBatl ... 44 39 530 UH toe team won will play in Mertdaa on flundny. lee. , I . . seber ded July 10—Ism than el. after tos SUbroa-Woot Sides to# Bravoe pushed over a brace of Pittatmrgh In toe T ri County loop and of the IhteraaUonal LMgue. To­ lot of runs, taking so much of ftee of the fact that less than a Townspeople afe cautioned not was sworn Into offiee yesterday 1^ . . . 39 39 500 14 e ^ g h t ledo of the AmerteaaxAaaoelation, Peek's supply of water can be stor­ July 30tb when they will meet tbe The annual Library birthday three months sfter her husbeairs Fronds A. Fallotti, attorney gea- Aid^ of De Gaulle nm e Thureday night, stroda to rune to ooUect a 4-S dacisloa. CMcago . . . . 37 47 .440 19 then M two straight, dropping game Ume that a complete in­ to part with their scrap aluminum party win be held Wednesday, Au- death—she left a tastamsnt be­ Local Sport tha bench after hte lobore on toe and New Orleanstans and QhattanoChattanooga ning could not be played, there Modcan, 3h ....5 ed’ in the present resorvoir, ex­ next week unlesa the- collector Is Marldte Dexters. All players are cral. For tha sacond TunrsaelTi tima. Boston ... . . 33 49 .403 31H ^ r lpat game to Middlatinro!^ cluding the Risley reservoir, the asked to meet at the embrootns at .gust A ■ queathing. only n omall p o rto f the mound and said to hte Rbbart Moses Grove waa extandad PhltedelpMa’ o f tha BouthanaAaaocdiUkxi. mlghl have been stalling UcUco, Oonraa, 'im ..,.6 known to them, wtthtet thaahow- Hartford.—^The State Personnel . . 31 80 589 3314 2*?**1*'*® ^ Olbert’a grand hurl- Bwansy M ay FHeh Banaon. af ....4 teidltien of 15.000,000 gallons stor- one o’clock to make the trip. Tbe setote she Inberitod, and rtebrred •vieh y. France, Juiy .iP —s- Job. wbleb piws from .88,000 to ooleatsi lleutensats on tlM assu hmble way we triad to bring out But. Grove egaln pitched weU S t Tioute .... SO 51 570 34V4 the South End clear to Ellington gatiensl church are planning to go to be saaouaeed ebortly. "more than 810,000." - chargee—trossen. fo r aome roualag baaebaU in tha Watetlngteh 80 81 toto troubte oa deeteioas. te propoted ovomlght air 87.300 a yaar, was aaiwuaoed ^ emparison between Aircraft next few weeks. , > eiMnigh to artai aad naturaUy was ^ 0 34H By The Assoeisted Priss The PA’o stormed out from the snare. envolving not on aa outing tomorrow at Ocean Nanw Offleare In Paris speclsl measures wen ou oobm Last Night's Fights a r . sorvics Unldiig west oeast mUl- April 17. but baa bew caqeelled ^ and Buddy Daria. So we .w m dtepleaaed over tha I . Taday'a fodtent — Mnffted bench sad toe stoads were to oa an a 16" or 18" pipe. Baach In Now l«ondon. AH thoM Temporary qftteers )|a^ tory canters with Alaska’s 880.' saaouaeed siroinat peasants ael< told that A1 was net a profaa- S?.-* - t TsL 4*S-S. who axpact to go ara to te at the alected fo r tbe ToUaad County by PeraoBael DIreeter Harry W. to-have cormnltted agriculture! BUI Brennan m g e t Just ^ai Tankaaa on rix Mts in alght-timtaw uproar whea MeOsaa. eolted a VIttner, 8b 000,800 (Wfinsss ovM an all-yasr. Another Red Army MaraK a le ^ . Afid ba prOvsd It Thursday excited as tha managera anc The Sox wind up thF western H artford W ilkes - fam a fo r MS 18th vietoey o f y e a r r tr ^ on oas of thoir players. Tha McCurry, m ....4 pareonage te 1 p. m. unlem traas-. 4-H Tair Aesodatlte tedeb wUI Inland routs wars disclosed today sabotage sad against offlcisls in­ J ^ ^ ^ ln g an awful ahallack- Jaunt today and tomorrow In S t ( n i ^ t ) By The AsBOdsted Prtss pertation has been arranged. For take over the managemeal te tbe volved In protoettng De GsulUsti placer* aftar a daeteion- When ba Krnte White. Cardlaate—Btoppad New —George Martin, 144, ^ d were flghttog ter everythtog TonkowakL M..4 ilor in Lake Tbs Cradle Rte party that waa by Western A ir Tinas “ **• By tba way. oan anyona tell called Pagan! safe Thurada; Louis, usually a Jlnx-rkldto dty Springfield aPScrontoB Dodgers with six-Mt hurling. rurtber details ntembers win call aamial 4-H Club exHUt. A mest- Tim eompaiiy filed aotlos ef sp- Waiting for Nazis or Communleta. Boatoa. ouipototad Vtonie Roaari- they could rot at toe time u Bramilck. lb ...8 ■te hava taken place at the Paieon- tba secretory of the group. Key M w h m ona can'rind a boxar In ha was aurroundad as tolck aa a for them. Mickey Harris’ goto ths WUUamsport at Albany ^^Bob Jelnaan. Athtetica — Hit were hehlno two ruaa. Later. Me- Combor, If .....8 liW teU te held te tbe TeUand pUestKm Tiniisdaar wltb tto Ctolt Ti^edy at End t ^ l^ t e who te not a ptofaa- call In toa first game of toe double no. 147, Brooklyn Tbc months and yaarn—but It wUl nev­ forJL at Detroit (3) to aet up w laaliM marker. too, oa soverol baso ' ' M otio n . gaTy, Edmonton, Grand .Pinlrls stationed hi toe Ruastoa capital er die out Thara’a —wMtoiwg m ®“ *tooI iaC'st Lopte (3) White flmi — Wen ■ Brooklyn, N. J.—Andre Jeasu- "ftff Ailitabiilft JHid tiM Borthsni part of thla town, from Mrs. Emma Uok. proMdete c* axtd W bltabofss. amirlsd LsnIas Arbogast. Aamml- paraats te ll-yesr-old - Cstoerta* Bingfaanfpton, N . Y .— Vaaderbrook A Son, M leum Rugs. 12 Oremera. 5 Ice cottage, water view. Urj^a k>t advertlimem. In our local newe- Lydall atreet - ' papgr Tecently under a local box Victim—rl’m a pmihandler. Tni paylnf Call eral is a product of Cleveland called for and delivered 31.35. 16 Boxen 8 studio Couches. Used, fireplace, seteened v enri^ e a ^ “X^ man,” aaye Uaeto Rastuk, right orderly In the hospital. , Tractor Compahy. See this Gen­ years reilAble wrvlca. CaMtol Raadoinable. Albert’s Furniture fibe a t $8,000.00. uftle Fl^er Aidtp^l^na number for a male partoer to ac- from noar TueeyvUle, “will give MAliF WANTED FOR drtvln eonpany me on a two week’s htk- \ eral today. Dublin Tractor Com­ Grinding Co., 531 Lydall. ‘role- Co., .B artfw d , CotuL Agency, Point o^^'Woode' South two dollam for h ona . driiar / 4 pany, WtUfmantic. phone 7058. ■tekdy work. Apply at once. Hol­ Lyme, Conn., ar^W m Neville, 17 tag trip. thing th at he w ants . . . and It waa the flmt time ah* had AMKranceraenta land (Heanera, 1007 Main street FOR BALE—THOR IRONBR to Peart a tra e t,^ a ttfo rd 7-7992 or ^aria Zone J Blond Otrl—Hew tatorestliig. wrinan will Mve one dollar for a been to dinnar with them, and they be attached only to a ^ior ma­ Did you have many rapIliT smiled Indulgently aa rii* rWusad LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, WANTED--TWO FIRST CLA 2-0476 two dollar thing that ehe don’t IF TOtJ LIRB iro draw, akatth or > Roofing—Siding 17*A cleaned. Oiled, adjuated. 31SD. $8 chine. Reasonable. Call 7173. First Girl—Tee, hundreds—but want” And that mmlnds ua of a a whisky and soda. paint—write for Talent TMt. (No | carpenters. C. Oambolatti, 214 them wi*a k terrible row at home She—I never touched Prompt leliAMa worit, pbona SOS? McKee atreet, Manchester. Epidem ic R aging in muchly harraaaed husband who (aa). Give age and occupationv ROoV r i G a n d s id in g out FOR BALBr—USE b tee box, 100 Real RdUto ^ over It. cried: Ufel - any time for pick-up and da- lb. capacity, and .coal range, hot Box G, Heiald. BpecialtS^ Estimate freely given. livery service.e. 1C A. Karlsissn. MEN FOR INSPECTING, only Y unnan P rovince, R ed I Beobod Girl—Good graeioiie! Husband—You navar ten ' me Hciet—Why not try It? 8 ml If Workmanship guaranteed. Time water front for I Cottage Oaw- ;WANTBa) TO BtlY five or six what ycu buy! Don’t I get any you like tbe taste. WAMI7BD THHEE OR FOUR those seeking steady employment ford 1 ^ . Call 7237. / room house, reasonable. Write OUTOUR WAY ■ meCe orchestra ' two nights a payments an /r Tb b r im s MV EL»i>HANrT Brothers, 336 Summit. Tel. 4506- by Weatmlnatef show winner, suitable Manual D. Carralmi of 34« Broad Nearly 40,000 tons of cargo HAVE TO STO P AotOmobiles f 68 Hollister street. gorgeous blue Peraian kittena, fet genUemen, gentlemi or nurse. atreat, Hartfdrdt''Conn.. have filed Red'CroM to make.plans for Im- | Medical Student—T hai erilage lire .-T don’t look 80, do L wem trans^rtsd to Fme China GONf^9SSrff P S S T .'f Inqun q u l^ :43 EdwardJ 1street, Man- an appllcatlatf' dated llth of July, mediate delivery to 'Yunnan Pro­ nama* atlck. And I’m studying to d i r ? MILK9.' THIS J U 6 6 ERNAUT THIS sn BERNARD 3 M WILLY8 SEDAN, Pon- Belgian rabbits, all colors, and chihmter. ba a doctor. ovtr the. Bnrma Road in a m- show bantams Inelqdlng young near Y. M. C. A. 1941 wlth-tne Liquor Control Com- vince in Southern China of 101)00,.' Mr.—Not any mom, you .don’t e it six-month period. WITH A FlR E PLU S, YKNOW./—. A HOOPLE 'tiac sedan, 1939 Plymouth shdan, Repairing \29 mleelop-Tor a Packase Store Permit OQO quinine tablets and 200,000 I MACK ANO CLVOC 1936 Dodge sedan, 1933 Plymout H e l ^ anted—Female 35 stock. 26 Gardner street. High­ for.-.4l,,e Rale of alcoholic liquor on land Park. .]>rhmlaea of I Walnut etreet. Man- doses of atabrine, according to | A Maa Never F ils Mom A* If coupe, 19^ Pontiac sedan, 1633 ] M OW ERS s h a r p e n e d , repalr- FOR RENT-r-^ROOM. Inquire at 4J cheater. Conn. The huelneee le own­ Chairman Norman Hv Davis. lite Warn A' Total Fallum Than Will c o m b - c r e e p - Ford sedan. Cole Motors—4164. e«L shear grinding, key Htting, e x p e r i e n c e p o w e r machine Wadswo|!th strMt. ^ ' ed by Mhnugl D. Carreira of 949 Flight By cupper W^Mn Ha le Batag Towad To a HOLD BVERYTHINO IN(a IKJ ON YOU IN dfiptlcaUng, vacuum clesners etc. operator, preferably Merrovv or Broad etreet. Hartford;^ Conn., and Chairman Davis - said the Red | Gatega la A Brand New Ckr. > A COOPLR OF PXIR SALE—1635 FORD SEDAN, |, overlte^ed. BrsIthtVaite, 52 Pearl Singer, A)so experienced knitter Live Stock—Vehicles 42 ROOM FOR RENT. GentWman. 26 W)I1 be conducted l>y Mnnuel' D. Cross waa flying the atabrine con­ 1937 Ford coupe, good condition, ktreet.' and knitter'a helper.. Apply Man^ ’ Unden street, oppqsHe Park. Tel. Carreira of 149 Broad alreet. Hart­ FOR S A L E ^E R B E Y COW and S600. ford. 'Conn. aa permittee. signment by plane from Huitolulu I Frtid-^H ai you a garage? Tsasnnable. Inquire 21 Kerry St, qhester Knitting MtHd, .East Mid­ MANUEUD. CARREIRA where It had-been shipped by boat Local Mkn—I don’t know. My Tidsphone 5522. w a n t e d to"'t u n e , repair and dle Turnpike, Monday knd Tues­ and calf, one day old. Telephone .Dated n th of July, 1941. 6^ . ROOMS WIThOUT BOARD—In- from the Pacific coast. The mil- daughter Just went down to got regutete your pigno or player day. - H-7-19.41. the ear out^ of H. I • rrit’* plano\Tel. M anch^er 5U52. quire..49 Coburn Road, Mahehes- nine purchases, he said, were be-1 FOR SALE— GENTLE FARM t?ri Conn. • , Ing made In Batavia, Dutch Ekist . M aaiJiester horse. Inquire Sam Dunlop,* Bol- Indies, and would be rushed aboard I 1 h e G m ter Jewel A Woman Jo, ^ Evenii^ H erald \to n . Tel. 4717. / tbe firat available vessel. I The L ei Jewelry She Needs To V ...... - ■ " . - - Boarders Wanted 59-^ HEALTH AND DIET Malarial conditions appear to be I Ikihance bar Bmuty* Ctanifled AdveHloeBieats REA^ESTATE > centered in the vicinity of'Yunnan I ObsBi su avsrace woras 10 a tma Articles for Sale 45 FOR REWT—Ro o m in pleasant ADVICE Provlncii; Chairman Davis ltd. lasuraaca Adjuaterwls h* ^ a •'M Initiate, aambars and abbreviations NPurchase For Sale family, board If desired. Tele­ Reports terwarded here from Karl recUai driver 7 , _ oaah ooant as a word and eoaipooBd That^om e From i FOR' SALE—MEN’S Eabuilt and phone 3533. \Furalslied by the ttoOey ■ So^rbom , Americaq- Red CroM. Neighbor—Bay, Urban the road words as two words Mlnlmom eoot 7-RGPM HOUSE— Steam .ralaated ahoeA Better than naw . Is *** three lines heat, lights; artesian well; ■filth Servtee representative at Lsahio described tuma tha im a way he doi its a 4 . rates ssr .dar tor traasloat A R T ^ R A. c h i p ' sboea. ’.Sea them. Sam an acute need for medical supplies erinridence. ada * barns and -sheds. At BuckV YiUyM. 701 Main. Wanted—Rooms—Board 62 Addreekuommunleatioi to Tb* for the treatment of malaria. Hla aooetive Mena IT, ISST Frtond—It’s Just as wrong to Cash Charss land. Lot tifi i 200’ feet. FOR SALE—17 FOOT covered E l d e r l y l a d y . receiving oid Health Servli report waa written from a Lashio . '7 ^ KNOFL Price ...... V ,...$2209. Herald. A tteatiea McCoy hospital bed where he ha.d been gamble when you win, as when you s OsaseenUva O ara...| T out t ots wagon house trailer 3425 cash. age' pension would like room and lOM. . 'h t 3 Oosseentive D are...I t ots 11 eu fTS Mnin St. PboiM board with respectable family. taken after coming down with | 1 Oar ...... In eujit ou Ill II .11 'iin,i Janqco Service Station, iCenter fever. RdMus—Yeeaah, De Immorality street. C?anoe wanted. Write Box J, Herald. All ordon tor Irregolar tnssrtloas SINGLE 6-ROQM HOUSE Indigestion Barbara puion has yen for OomUtlona ConUnne Is Jss* 1 great, but de inconven­ FLOOR TH E wilt be ohargsd at the one time ra ts ience ain’t " ■peetal rates ter Ions tena every —On Cooper Hill street. AU men lii uniformi and U dsting Malarial conditions, the Red I BQVB w h e n BUSTER ' a s r sdvsrtlslns slvaa upon rsqueat. ipiprovements; single gar- Honaes for Rent 65 There is probably no. more com­ draftees these days. She’s mem­ C roi learned, are expected to con- [ TELLS THEM SAKE IS ..Ate ordered betere the third or Real Estate . . .Insaranee agf. Lot 60 X 100 feet. F. mon disorder than stomach trou­ ber of Atlanta’s "I Want to Be tinue through September when tha A oommunlst la a person who BORN THIgTY YEARS TOO SOON wftk day will be oharged only tor FOAvRENT—m o d e r n 9 r o o m ble, and this is usually accompan­ Drafted’’ club, girls' group pro­ rainy season comes to an eiid. has given iij hope of becoming s NOW A SC B E R N A R D * the sotual number ot times the ad See riqritaUet aMoarsA oharglng at the rata earn­ H. A^ Mortgage. H. A M . NASH CO. singlV,home, 2 baths, flrst Boor ied by Impaired ability of the dl- viding dates exclusively for Medics), alilpmenta now being ed hst ne allowanee or rotunds oan 19 Headeraoa Road TeL 7183 ISvatoryv.Breplace, kitchen cabi­ gHisUve organs, to break up the service men. rushed to Free CTilna via Rangoon I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES he BMds on ate time ads supped M cKinney BroSe nets. etc., '2. car garage, lai^ge lot, food and make it ready for ab­ and Hongkotig will augment 151 BY EDGAR MARTIN afteTtiie flftth day. SINGLE — Six rooms, on NASH SALES AND SEBVICB enclosed by picket fence. McKin­ sorption. Digestive disorders are tons of quinine shipped this spring ^lu^'eil torhldr: dispisr lines aot First . * I STORIES IN 8 TAMF 8 T9 506 MSIs St. Phone SOdS West Center street. 2-car OBNERVU. REPAIRING ney Brothers, '305 Main street, the most .comnon reason for the to meet anticipated outbrealM of AULTvey T rier eautjk w a AUM ba** garage aniLworkshop. Own­ Manchester, 0>nn;..Tel, 6060-7432. patient’s visit to the doctor’s of­ such as magnesia and bicarbonate malaria. Red Cross purchaathg I ------» a»ms9 n*TW J n » Hemld will not be rasponalble GoteMlMd Oeeg Oar* of soda may be condoned when ^ter amre than one Inoorreet insar-' er anxious \ o sell. Lot fice, and are usually caused by agents in this country are now ' ’/*c ^ ^ a i » s 5 S ' tiew of any advertisement ordered taken occaalonally to relieve indl- buying some 3900,000 worth of ^ •or morn than one time. 120 X n o feet^. continual neglect of the rules of geatlon caused by dietary errors, vA'li»UM« 3t< . ^ The taadvertent omlssloa et la- Summer Homes for Rent 67 eating and living. Many times, other ' medical supplies to meet I eapset pnblleatlon et advertising what starts out as an ordinary In­ but the continued use of guch pre­ ahortages reported by American [ sraAba mulled only M esneeltetlbh f o r RENT—s h o r e FRONT ^»t- parations ia Inadvimble: The best 2 ACRES OF LAI^D — On tage. Lake Oxoboxo. Apply W. J. digestion, ends qp aa stomach or Red CroM representatives. CTiair- a t the ohargs made 4ir the osrvloe dutxlcnal ulcer, ri^ulring many relief in simple Indigestion, is ex­ man Daqta said - Am ^ ca n Red | P it e r IA Buckland Road. HiitiTront- Webster, 8424. perienced when the victim stops ***A tamd Mc« Y. H. tfis, u. i pst. An advertlssmenu must aoatorm age and wonderful bniMing SUBURBAN AND months of treatment before real CroM relief tq China to date' totals | 7-H 'Is copy and typography with recovery becomes poiible. eating and permits tha stomach to more than $3,500,000. ttlons enforced by the pabllsh> site. Also Building Sitih on have a. rest. Dr. Frank McCoy’s “Ym. I^Minted t h ^ citevrona on ihe dqmniy mt'self—* ^ I d they reserve the right-..u L O C A L R E A L c o t t a g e f o r r e n t , at Giants in order for the body to be 90m- special articles on the subject are atet. uvlao er reieet any eopy so*-. Forest street. East Rart- Neck. Telephone 4859. pletely^ nourished and the tissues find it inspires Ihe boj’* to grestw enorl.'*- MMredobJeotlonabls ford, 168 X 700 feet, partly ESTATE FOR SALE and cells of the organism to bq re­ now available, and they are en­ OLOfenia HOURS—cteseiasd a newed due to the wear and tear of titled "Digestive Dlsofdera’’ and AAdchodo d« A u it W m Pe he pnhltahed same day must . wooded, for nice home site. ANDOVER, Honaes for 72 ‘Gaatrieltls’’ and another "Ftetu- Census Gives snsalved 'by it e'olooh ooaa^ Satwpv living,' the dIgegUon iniiat be per­ leitse or Gaa.’’ In order to receive Notsd Brozilion Author days 14:f«. ^ ' ONNECTICUT fect, ao th at the .fuel taken In la FUNNY BUSINESS irSale: FOR SALE—ELRO STREET, n ^ fully used up. In cases In­ theaa^ aand your request 40 the TWeyhsae T««r W aat Alb 4 .room Cape Ood, 2 unfinished adrqe ot McCoy Health Service in care of Baby Figuresl (‘^OMMEItaALtSM la nei the JAM ES J. RO H AN lall Farm. Five to seven digestion, the waste m atter will anly baato ot Pan-Amsriesn Ada ere aeoepted oivsr the tele acroKof clear land. Five-room 2nd floor, oil burner, insulated, actually contain partially digested this newspaper, enclosing a large StiSa at the CHAROH BATH givsi 517 Hartford Road^ brass piping. Te'rma arranged. self-addressed' envelope and 10 Msntehip- A knowladge of tha U f l E shove aa a eonveaelnea te aavar bonae.'\. Small baru. Runalng food, due to some Impairment in cuKum ri South America is site - - May be seen 4:30 to 5 p. m„ or by cents in Ioom stamp*. Q uotes O dds on P arents / M ails hat the CASB.RATBS wlU ha Tel. 743.1 water. 'Eleeirte lights. Beauti­ the gnstro-lntestinal function, such iMcaairy for a true undetatand- W A SH T U B B 8 aaoa^ed aa ruiA< PATmNT H ful %-iew. Xon hard read. Price appointment. Walter E. Friche, • • • It'd thd Pott la Him BY ROY CRANB paid'at the buelaew'aHlea ea ar ba- 54 E ast Middle Turnpike. aa a lack in the amount of secre­ QneeUoaa and AWawers '. H aving Twins and tag. Sstw the aaventh day following the H undreds of Local 3259IL $ 1 ^ cash. Good buy. tion of gastric juices. Other causeb One ot tho g n t writom of Priced for quick aale. Question: Mrs. R. W.' writes: T riplet* B om to T h em .| / \ JtaACflK VHT7IHI _ insertion ot otherwiao HOUSE 2 1-2 S’To RIES, 7 room^ of indigestion include the use of W little boy has impetigo On the Braxtl. Joaqrim Maris Machado ■ n ifliii KiiF MMii MI ^ or THE CHAROB RATH will be oolleet. bad fo<^ mixturea, and In my ex­ ac Jfe rsaponsibillty ter srron I F am ilies E n joy B -B ANDOVER, recently remodeled, newly Installr tea»d chin and iveral patebl 4to Aaris. ems recently honored AHOUT « SAAM H . PBHU fMlAMA OU4M ,ib'oSM 31mu^ t eteShaned ate wfU ha aasamed aa ed plumbing and hot water beat, perience, this is the greS^eat sin­ have appeared oh other parts of , Washington—(d>)—In case you I philatelliUy by his govemmsnt IBItl A UAO t f HHdN* CONNECTICUT gle cause. Overeating'playa an im­ a«n M a u d eventing, the Cenaua their naenraey eanaet ha gaerma For Sale : H itilatbr fireplace, hardwood the body. 'What can be done for In the 1840 stamp abovs commem­ nOOC. ITM tL dO T H H U / (B etter-B ru nn er) floors, sleeping porch, laundry in portant.part also, and ^ excea- thUT" Bureau quotes odds like this: orating tho lOOth annivenry of R C 6 A 0 C Small eouatey home. Slagle baaeinant Larga two story two Biva use ot the starches and su­ The>e is ona ehiMiee in 88 that Ms birth. ' Answer; li'ia generally accepted you’ll h i i twins. JW ONII ■ ease oa,a e o a e a a'a agaaaaaa ^ U s e d C a r s ! dwelltaig. Pive rooma. Hof air car heated gvmgt- Located at 46 gars wrlU u p it a stomach whlcb that Impetigo oontagioi must Critics h a i csllsd Machado do aa-aainaaeasnaess* 9 j For Sale h it. .. Water aad electricity Strickland street,' . near Main would otherwise handle the food run its conn, riUch la usually There ia on* chance in 3,3001 Amis BrasU’s foremost novelist kotisM 'i .•a e a a a a a a sa sea #••#• •• C Why don’t you? Others have available. Good hafu, garage street <^an be inflected any time. with oom{ort. that it wiU bAtjlplats. _ eaea a y a aaaaeaaaa• 9 IN BOLTON — on Main fram t'wo to thiea weeks. How- Aa for quadruptein don’t g ii it He was bom in 1333, enrete poems lennied the economy of n B.B and coop. About fwo aerea of Terms to su it Telephone 7274. I have seen patients who suf­ evei^.-piueh can be dobe. to cut it and plays u well m n o i u . .. TkMllte a a #■» a# eee aaae S (Better Brunner) Used Onr Highway — 2-Acre Place— exoeSmt laad. On hard road. fered from digestive disorders for a thought KeMrUm • . •• • •'i^eeeeeeF SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, 2 short and leain its severity by The b u riu reoordeit 44,118,1471 Stmngriy -enough, literary pur­ Poaad • • ••'Af•••••••e 1 .. .eeoaomicnl to operate; 5-room cottage, garage, Located near Andover Ltim aad years, who, once put oa the right the uM of Ubernl quantities ^ the suits warn only a sideltoe with nniiemnete .< 9 gns, oU, repair bUls reduced. about one half mile from 0 »- rage, large lot well landscapeij. track with a few simpl4-ni|M of btrtha from 1915 to 1933 t a ^ v % 'ha^S • wiven 9 other building suitable for fireplace. 17 Gerard atre et citrons fruit Juice, and isfot and found only 73 cases of q Machado da Aasls. Ha worked as Depend on Brunner for n bet­ hnubla Lake. Priee 8 3 ^ with eating, lost their indigestfotf - and Juice. The eUmmatlon must be ate a typoigmpher in his irly youth, fleUiaitlTie ter used car. See them to­ cabins, trailer aunp and 3500 down paymeat. Terms will have not bem troubled since. With ruplata. -Twins wera a lot 1 jhaiameblea tor Sale ...... a tended to and the taema la recom­ uant with 500,175 p a i r , ___ later ontorod pelltie*. He re^ AwumeMlea tor Bsohenga .m im 6 day i gasoline sUtion. Here is ha arranged for balaaoe. FOR SALE-^MALL FIVE room BOtde. people, the staple ellmliia- mended tor this pnrpiDee. The u i dMa Aseeasortes—Tires d the place you have'" been tion of fried foOds. nom thh diet­ — , riatlatica print with pridq tel . inainod In geveramant for the rest jtepalrlBg—PalaUag T SOUTH COVENTRY, single house, one car garage, of powerful antiaepttea 'in oint­ 5,00fisaets ,0^ trtifieta. life, wrote only in his' spar* looking for. Priced low for built two years ago. 21 Avon ary will eaan indigestion to vah- ment or liquid form faod to loole ••..•..*••••••••• 9—A a Good CONNECTICUT 'Ish, and w ith others, the avoidance yn Than Glri* Ihip f r T ra s h ...... a a fitu tA . quick aale. For Sale: street, steam h i t gaa hot water vAte the eruption, and aailil 34-]raar period, the l Hie early poame and playa at­ ’Tor Hire ' P heater, kitchen cabinets, linoleum, of one partietdar item' or food, cations of white .predpttate __>-^tervloo—Storase ■>. ' td^ U S E D C A U Oue-famlly dwelUag. S e v i such aa garlic' ob-onlons win have toUl b lrtli^ Included 3a,dSdJ81 tracted nib.sttenUan. He started A L L E Y O O P Maas ray elea—Bleyelas ...... 11 partly acreensd, lot 60x140. Price ment are often helpful. This beya^aad 3l,Md48d glria. Among writing novate when he was in his S ^cB Too Soon BY V. T. BAMLniV IN COVENTRY rooms. Eleetrie lights. Lava­ • 34,200. Allen M. B arrett, 33 S t the desired effect.' Flatulanc* Is .W ited' Antoa-^Hgtereyaies .... 1 tory. No permaaent Iwat. Small should be uaad after removing* the the multiple Mrihs, tha dlriatoal terttoe and beteme famouA His *41 Packard 8 Sedan John street Phone 7973. one of the most 'cohunca sym^ crusts. HUT, AILSV. WB TMHridi -ruHNlNH Services OSered ...... 1 4 A em , 6-robm house. ElectH- baru aad garage. Abont 18 a e n toms of digestive upeet;'and thta waa nearly equal ter an comUna-1 best work is "Meiiterias Pbstumas MO TlMB TO ATrTtaH OnNHHT. *41 Pncknrd S Sedan da Bras Cubaa,” written in 1881. THiItt Id Servtsae Offered ....19- city ax-allable. oAid well uad of fated. Well tem ted fai Seuth is often both painful and diatrees- " a n s I WASTV «M an H*W» 'rHHvnx itraetlas .,.••••• I *40 Packard 6 Sedan Coventry abont oe»-fonrth mile Quoailon; Mr. G. X. writes: The twiniwer* aU boyn In ld3.«| It describes lite in Rio de Janeiro HTAKBOAOD ONLY VVAVTB arserlee I *40 Poatise 6 Chib Coupe bum. House needs afme repnira. Lots for add 73 (ng. It may be as bad as to dffect 'Saverit months ago I wraa work­ V J p trse u n ...... 1 fram adteoL Price dSSdd. flddO the heart, due to the pressure, shd 660 eaaea, all. girls ta MS J311 during tho totter part of .the I3th JUST WHCN HATTtKV lUmblag—H eoflas ... 1 *40 Ford Coupe Price: « down; Terms will be arruaged FOR SALE—B U IL O m a lo t cqr^ ing in a logging camp and aprafai- and ona'ef each t e s l63,-| eentuiy. Machado de Aasis died *M Packard, 8 Convrrtibta the patient may think he hsiA * ad toy haok'hfdV- Slnoa tbeo WB*Md WOT for halafce. Good buy for the ner of HoUlater and Bond atceets. heart trouble. 1 814 c a m . Among t)i* trif te 1308. A LIME ON laktng ... Coupe money. For Inforiuatfoa call at 8$ O ak ­ haVa had fnequaB| attacks of him- they ware an boys In e ctn*l stand nndbHed ‘iV r axrtew * iklag—aurasa *30 OldsoaoMIe • SedAa The UM of. alkaline powders bago. Is there iny'way f can atop 'OT Sarvtoa .. tt-A land street ' ’ aU gills In 1,883 ca i a, twp - rlag . a a p sa a a *tt Chryaier 0 Sedan SOUTH COVENTRY, thase from oomiag 00?” and a girt In 1458 eaaea, and r i i | Servtcea .«•....., *n Chevrolet S Coupe CONNECnCl Answer: Ftom your.-'^etocy It v e n 1488 Umaa; ' I r^NERVlLLB FOLKS Ting *M Dodge 0 Sedan Four-Bool Slagle Cape O o ^ would appear that your oriilaal Even the quadruplata wan wntti BY F o n t a i n e f o x rlM—Oyelng—Cleaning .< For Sale; Baby Bears Fqr^Appiique* *30 Plymouth 0 Sedan' Fireplace. Air Conditioned. Oil Two-fha^ dwoMag. (8) back Injury may hq ’rasponalbln X dlvldad. it waa all boys In X*| M Ooote and Service *•7 Bulck 8 Sedan itad—Bnslneea Servlee .w m , H i t . ' Oarage. 3880 Down— Four-room apartinmte. One ear- -would Buggeat th a t you consult; ah caai; an glria in 18 caia; th n | n a " *37 Ford Coupe 8 Beet Monthly Same As B it. garage. WeO located. Price orthopedie apaeiaitat or an satao- Iwya and a glri 10 tinn: thnl W ISEC RA C K ER''W O R TL.E IS STIL l A T ’ T T ] mad Claases eoaeassaas *37 Ford 8 Convertible Coup* path or a doctor aklUod la maatpu- Xaatraetlons eeaasaaase didOp. laceme about $M a girl* and a boy 13. tlmaa, aad a | *38 Ferd 8 Sedan Also One Flva-Boemer, all M iatli traatment draw la the rem alalag 13 cam : e aa e a aaawaaa *34 Dodge 8 Sedan mdnth. SmaB dewu pnyanti <1 ^ y ' w m w w i w ------ee ve ia a w s e ee e a a a S a S # #*0 a one Boer. Attached garage wHh Terms wW ha air enged for bet- Waa tad—last ructions ...... IT ...... glaaMlal Breeteway. Ga|i get F. H. A. aaoe. Beads—ateske—Mortgages ... tl SPECIAL! MANCHESTER, / rT Y ankee Division 0oU ar Bill Left Baalaeee Opportualtlee ...... ts *37 d o d g e 8 PICK-UP CONNECTICUT Money'te Loaa ...... it TRUCK FRECKLES AND H B PRIBNOB ■alg aag PltwaUswa ^ V W ith D ead D eerl W ltat’d tiM R adi? BY MBRRILL BL0B8BII Help Wanted—Pemale ...... Automobile • House For Sale: . M ei| to G et Leave Bsip Wanted—Male ...... Weat Bad. Tw e-fhm ll/ dwells W M vy ■ m e>p o 0 S e 0 a a e a • ! Van B u m , Mo.=—<83—‘n»# lat- ■ateam i Waaited MONEY-BACK lag. Five-room apniliaitili ich , M o w s ■wuirk t h h M s Waatsd—Mala Wanted—r er Feiaele Insurance ExeeBent h«y. Fries dlddd. Camp Edwards, M ai.. July 1$— eat., addition te a THIS. AM. Adour. aoMA egoNTHB nttMT wtarooiAOMT wg Agants Wanted ...... (JPI—The 26th ( T a a k i) Division Is fund" w u atuffed in a shotgun I HkMKf A r«c* or SHitr H kV W ^D MtaaMens Wanted—-romala GUARANTEE! SmeB down p a y n a it. W ei tnad- scheduled to get a nine-day leave ■Mnntlaaa Wnntad—Mala . At Lowest Rates! amped and In exceOit ahhpa ah*n and left beside a dead deor.l A ^ It Agsnolss . .. . In- September to break the routine OoM la c u tlii AB mederu laa- of training. r Edgar Alten. atate conaarvationi United States • Goodrich Ceaaalt tUs oAee tor agent, found the careai at nn*| Wehlrtee MaJ. Gen. Eckfefatt. dhrtilbn aide at Hlgtawi^^ 60 { n r Van K i- ____ Pete ... • Firestone and Goodyear and Real Estate. No OhUgw. MAI^E»TER,. commander, announced *that the ~ r •toek—Tshlelea Tires At'Large Savings! men would got their time off In the ren. Sagplles ... CONNECTICUT Appamtte k motorist atrueki te—P« nltiT—ateeh ■ For Salt: period betwem dept. 1$ and. 28.' the dear with his car. then fin­ jtPMalaa Per Bala ... tt Pnrher and Bast M ished it off with the shotgun. ____ and Aoosaaorles...... pike eecMoa. Six “I guaan" Alton addril, “t|M | ■HHl I i^MsUdlas Materials '...... t hath. Large pereh. O iarity of Ju d ^ dollar cleared hi* oonseteno*.’ —Mite —Watphee - lewelry < STUART' J. iW l AlwUsaaen—Ba«l#.. I BRUNNER^S garaga. Two beanflful lets. To­ and read ..'..'•••4P- tal fiuataga Ud by 148 yarm I Dairy Pfodawe I 'PACKARD' WASLBT Steam heat la* goad 1 Not A ppreciated D m nk Knows His Prieed far quiek at I s t a te T h it w BaWdlag _ Jaatramite SO OAKLAND STREET Dmra paymi t f Iddd. Be GrocnevUla, B. C —(ff)—A man W alking llecklei sad aura Bautpwant Open Evenings! ‘ Up.Ona Flight aad Tour Bight! he bad ei tenced somatlma before ' at tea ateraS'i,.M.*« ai48.7148 ippaial ■ Pats ...... TELEPHONE 3191 WILLIMANTIC. tor druabennei apprcariied Oty CONNECTICUT Judge Jmmm it. Riehardaon on the Charlotte. N. C.—(V)—Tha tlm a: SOORCHY su rra i S R ' te a . IB- *7^ ptoee: PnUoa h i d A lU port W H li A B saff B Y J O B N C F orS ak: The maa fkplaliMd that he had quarters. I. tnthaat Beard • West klahi Stmat—Wia A patrriman brought up a ; era Wanted .....•..*•«••>*- Just finisbad his saatanes aad Said Aj, I tic, Oonaectteat One family h* was buagiy. Tb* Judge gava oner. Tbd prisoner ntwMtwmiioti RawrU ..••••. I dwtfla^.^Naw ham. Ahsiri Id to Mm. Ame Okbet ' blue cotton, hie nightesip of bright tXP8«10|Bi| te ^ *k_ 4..^ Ilk. i ted knd bed of red. Ky<* »te em- him twity-flvo cants to 1^ food, to, the desk, held on, swaying. i broMered in black thread. ButUma Tha nnt oiomfaw the aiaa “What have they got you ter.l _■/ X______KMHUTtC 'tnurv' 1 Weat Mala Stroat Piiead S t ■y kappy ymmgKeri Thata our i_ k_ sleeping suit an of black, ahoa^ up ia.Jodiw-llichardsoa’s buddy?" One of the effle^l AMDl OORT MB 1 'FOR SALE qnlek M ia $4888. $18 l U ^ besur f lg u n ow tew L , ataivllng by, asked. ;.*u. paympnd. BeMnre e n i belYowrchlfalsm wm ^ ^thls *w,** asked the Judge, “you got "Recklai walUiig," iap|>*d I cunalngcunning hsdrbodr OSSon a quilt, or on cur-our- , 2 S i a ^ w T^S^t drunk oa my mono]), did yoir?’’ prisoner, Just Uk* that; qiri^ aa 1 Allen A Hkclitm di, “Part of It,” aald the dsfendaatR liOts on McKee St. Badihsarls .d by 444 InAi i iSlrno of an fOur “Tan doUara or twenty ' days,'*' l a e . Wg-"Slid tham am« four boar to- Baby iBiarflgun (Pattern (Pa Na said the Judge. Dnring atmt) 50 X 182 Fcci. AH ImpravcaitBts la. m iMkIi BMmt area. Ona ia of MBMSBy. Baer with simU8d) i -newlnarhawing inatnictlnsiBinatnietlaa amounU OM oC Mm aa a geod at matartala m d a d , dlraatlBHe ter ekattatU. it. C —(8V--A each Lmg ftw Ttra. iBg Wa toath. tmm ct making quilt aand 10 eant la Oola« srae found dond in hla eall Baby Baar ly in g Ms tiny prayam Tour Rama and M itrH aad tha HaagTiaag, Jaly Id—(Bl—Dr. iMva. The ootonar aald th a t 1 ban aad tha ana WMOWted, B a ^ B air tattarn Numbar to Anna - Oahot Wei Tao-MIag, aaw CUaadt am- atrangted te d i t h b a c a m be un-l ' bewMs on' hii T i l Mawididerar F i’Miag aasald. haasartor to VlChy. aallad te r th e wtttlagly had puahad hi* D fQ U ^ 20.NO. FAIRPlELDRntEBT n ^ t a ltd. aiwMMr'Aveeeealte* verh ■I -•*i'

\ X , SATtJftfiAY. JtJLT If, IMl X ifntl& 3 al rsquasta for dUcharfa. Many of Keporter A i# ConhUble; the men are seeking anUatmsnt la ^ ih aif That His • u t T ( UpMta Ustnl,^roeediirc Is Hurt . LeaveB Watkins Bros. GensjDe Lacour the united fftttas Marins Corps. Wgre ^Ofifi o(t>f ’Tmiblfi Have Trouble ,2 TMi|s discliM iss will be granted at ones, io thgt thaas msnMnay Vasa, oC S3 M iay atoriao hava 'cUitulatad lii^Auto Crash On Way flidme Getting Help .,.T I ia _ — in raiprd. to reporters baiiif follow, np the asrvioo. awaagar' et tks X ^ . X m p tex wtaka TUa ia aided by a polloeman or eon- at fill Maia. is do- ’ aiuixial avcnt 'stable, in gathering the neasi. is a posaibUlty teat tea hishla worlt.^teouit'tes aid of 'Rowavar, the tables were One Car Riuiiff Another Accompanied (sov. Hnc* unite of tee Second Battalion may. iiys«lw — alid'la also tree from SewCT Project ApproTrd Xd«ardAi*UBm KiaSe tumfUa. turned last night when a Her- ley on xHis Visit to ba put on tee rifle range in tea ■beadsebos teat bava been 'trou­ On Deming Street ; Tot IsHk it was iMmsd today. Follow­ bling blm. Fiva ysara ago’ tei But May Be Difficak waat. u 4 he inatructoKto » Rad aid reporter hapiiened to see Cnaa -lit* aaVlnc couna which Ctmstaible Charles Cl Booth of Not Badly Injuit^ Camp Blanding. ing tea officers' atteaaqmisnt, defi­ felt teat cloos ymrkwee la ju i^ To Get WPA Workers* h at ODluBiMh taka thla'aftar. lOghland Park walking alcng nite intormatian rignrteng tela is lag hla ayso and aa a'zasult had expseted to be rsleasSd from Bat­ bis aysa sataminad. H rw a s ad­ . at 3 o’clock. CUaaaa wUl bo Just east o f the Hockanum A serious accident wag aarro^ TMs Adjutant Ofiisral of the A 343,000 WPA prejeet for tee Satwday aftarnoon fOr Brldga. at a fitat rate. talion Headquarters. vised to wear glasaaa. Tm prs- ai'turmy ly averted, and a three months old atnta la enjoying hla trip north on InsteUatlon aewm «n Pine tba iw M m a r of the aummer. Upon investl^tlon, It was ths S. S. Cherdkda. Accompany­ Capt, Mnipkey Hoaas ' acrlptloa teat was wrlttsa^ivas or infant was bruised and shaken last fined and sines teat time, uAlte Boya and cirla ovar 17 wiQ enroll. found that Booth had taken a nl|^t when one car rammed^ the ing OensralDsLaeour is his assist­ , Capt. Horace Murpbsy of Head­ Actm tetesoe baa bam approved Woodland bus instead of the ant, M^jor Sutherland Beckwith, quarters Company, ifiBte Infantry a wsab ago, bp bas bean w si^ to atert July 35, but It ia reported rear of another on Doming street; lag glasses. The haadaebas ICra. Inca R. W olcott. Ubrartan Manchester bus, and hraa con throwing the forward auto ahead and the Brigade Intelligence Offi­ at (^mp Blanding, Fla., is anjoy^ teara may ba 'M m diffieulty in sequently let off at Wo6(Uand. coeUauad gad they botesred at tba Whiten Ifaqtortal Ubra^ about 59 feet by the force of the cer,. Major James L«s. The offi-, ipg bis stay at horns. Tbs captain, ffadlng anougb k ^ WPA work* will spObd tha next tteM waeka In After walking quite a dlsthnce. oers back at their desks who wlDTetum Wednsaday. is waQ him to sucb aa sxteat test he Impact. ara to eomplete tba jOb in tea Mx New Raven, where aha' will take Booth was picked up by the Treated by Doctor Monday morning, at which time knorm by present State Guards­ called a loosl doctor. an Intanaiva aummer courae in Herald reporter and was able Betty Marie Menifleld, Infant important sdmlniatrstlvs work par. men, many of whom have served At the suggest^ of ths doc­ iBOiitha aatlmated it will teka. Tba library work at Teachers' College. to get to his work in Highland daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. taining to the Sjats Otuuxl la ex­ wder him either In tee old Howlt- tor be sgala bad his eyas ex­ ron of yw luoim ' hero on tedaTal Park on time. pected to be dispensed with. . amined by aa eye spertaliat aad L. Merrifleld of Kensington, was ner Company or tee present Head­ aaalatanca projacte bae < And so everyone is happy. The general accompanied the quarters Company prior to ite in­ was t9ld teat be -did aot need Mr. and Mrs. Bugeiia Lehr of the injured person. She was tossed governor on hla tour in Florida and glasses sad teat much' of bis aharply tela aummar aUd 'jitat Summit street, and Mr. and Mrs. The constable got to his job, aroiuw^ln her father’s car by the duction into federal service. about anoughYqwn ara left to keep C B. Wrhman of Church street and the reporter got this story. was much impressed ^ th ^ the To Addreao Moteors trouble aras due to tbs strain on collislon''-pnd was afterward treat­ showing of ths 43rd Division at bis ayes wbsn ba wore glasses jobe now under .m y In an aetlva wtn motor up to Mt. Hermon ed at a phyaldan’s office. The par­ Mrs. Robert A. Hurley, tee atetua. H owava^eom a of theaa aehool, Northflald, Maas., tomor* ths 'revlrtv held In Governor Hur­ First Lady of Connecticut, win ad­ teat ware not nscessary. As a ents were hbt hurt. ley's honor. result ba discontinued ^pauig nearing eomplotlofi\ will bo dona war. Ih ey will leave Mias Louisa In Other Ante dress the mothers of the boys in by tea and oC tea m m te aad men |

Thura^y evening by her former yesterday, it Appeared, through ance at the camp on August 10 W . Harry England It aasocUtea at the Donchian Rug the drafting of a warrantee deed snd will slso receive s check of M a n c h e s t e r g r e e n t o l e p h o n ^ s ^ KEMP'S It company. The party was held at $100 for clothing allowance. ■t the company’s.^ store on Peari under terms of which the lot has been conveyed by Frank L. Phelps Near FufiXstreagth ^ v e Sunday Dinner Widi Us! street;' where a delicious meal was The strength of 0 )e State Guard served and a pleasant aortal time to Ernest M. JOnes et ux; The bas now reached iUK peak, and Joneses bad led the field against C Fun Course followed. Miss Johnson received very few recruits sre^ing taken numerous loVely. gifts, slso m cor­ Phelps who wished to build on bis In. Most of the rompahics In the property which does not come un­ sage of sweet peas to wear dur­ state have their aUoted'^^SO men ^ ROAST TURKEY ing ths evening. der zoning regulations for home- each. Officers are being appointed site purposes. This weSk, after-ttae ' Miss Johnson ia to be married on every week, following their - Or Native August 38 to John W. Havens of Zoning Board of Appeala bad pre­ instion by a Board of Otlicera viously glvsn Phelps a apertal In- le this town, fonnbriy of lows. formed for that ptupese. I ROAST CHICKEN vsaUgation o f hla claims snd np- Peeltem Stte Om ths lot, the Joneses ly proved'VB* o f The vacancy caused by the rp> lla * DINNER 70c lisd sought sn injunction in Su­ signstion of Lieut. Felix McBvltl perior Court that would have held ia still open in O Company. This up building operations. la dus to the fact that CspL John In The _ X FRESH SEA Po6 o ARRIVING TODAY! TAXI? Phelps, the Zoning Appeals L. Jenney (a making every effort ■t *N^ Winea — No Liqtibr^-.* Juat Good Food” /. CALL Board found In giving him ths to put tea right man in the job. In right, to buUd, had laid out hla lot AS soon as CapL Jehney has made It before adoption of- zoning and a selection, the upUesnt will ap­ 6588 I g ttaerefors might use IL pear before an Blxamlning B oard' Market Fot^ l i t Other reatdents in the neighbor­ in Hartford, which will go into ' TH^ TEA ROOM Prtaiptt hood didn't give up the struggle his qualifications, snd make its 887 Mafai Streat 0 pp. St- Jaaiea’a Church Safe! recommsndstiona to tea Adjutant Service! and prepared to go to court. _ The sale of the lot has compro­ OsnsraL Home Site lA im mised the dispute. During tea past week, RsttaUon H Headquarters has rsoelved sever- MANCHESTER TAXI ■t M. OrfltsUt, Mgr. l a (NBoe At The Ten Roocs Or A House ?. iS lo



Free Eolargement It lla With Every Roll of Flka

Devrto^ and Pitatsd * tv C DANTE’S RESTAURANT 10 East Center Street x Odd FcOowa Bnildinff S e 4! J A R V I S l e g i o n e l it e s t u d io

ITALIAN AND ABIERICAN COOKING Featuring Chidten, Sjteaka, Spaghetti iad'^.^RaTioli. For Either. We Have Orders Put Up To Take Oat. i 'No Orchestra D o i^ SoaiBRcr Moatha. ■ BINGO. r . . • ' •

/ Good BdlAig SHet A l

Summer Series


FIRST GAME $10*00 8 1 4 2 * 7 S Organization To Takfi |J

V ^

ISTH GAME $ 15*00 U t a braad new fuUy-fittsd Care Of Yotnr BnilAig Fri^dsire, Modd 3 ** SB great {mtufet-' - - ROTH GAME $ 1 0 * 0 0 |te ProbIem$. > - comanml--

leg 3 Admission Prizes |a

^ ^

1 Door Prize •lt*s ear aloi to da the J t| i right and

C0 0 L» COMFORTABLE AND CLEAN! ''pleeae. oar eostohaers. Their good w il



a We a t e DeliTW BUTTERMILK.


CHEESE, EGGS aad BUTTER. 'QAK GRILL ‘ Let as ^ yoa aa ear ROUTE I *Gay Crowda — SasMtUat Doisa Earary Minute’* LIST. F W iU b i^ d e ir of every IH l

DiNE AND DANCE FHiWre tdb yea ewtty wtel yea gw. bates yea boy. T8E JARVIS REALTY

B i i d i — Modeat Prices! Oww«eeimfl**dhfcw ^ rrteg ■eaSs fa^ S sast TRiMsi . VsalOattets bdtaarfaaW ’ And Construction Co.


RfC- Cm\ Strep! -PfciOaBt 411*,a
