![E Into\ the Flnest Stock We Kave Ever Re for Manebester Women, You](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
tHT\\ ^ - d Saye Before Federal ax Goes Into Effect here Thnrsday to InsiMct Md e into\ the flnest stock we kave ever re for Manebester women, you ^ lf to lay aside bousebold and Hill BriU^ View of Raid on Rotterdam ■J ( turday and be here to see tbese Laws tion of our stock will convineo Warfare fe y want and need s new far cost Will Be Tightened TBar Axis Spies Now Handle 100 Cases I Daily Against Human \Favor Plan s Strike East Backlog of 500,(M)0 \ i To Put Top Gains Also Repoirfed on Refugees Clamoring to I Break Up Armored Co| Enter Nation; Investi­ Northern, Southern Vinson Sees ! umn of Geimans; llpon Prices Flanks; Forces ovi^^ gations Being Made. ture Tanks, Cars/fdld Into Ukraine Cross Naval Ships Administration Farm Bicycles as Well W Mo- Washington, July 19.— (JP) D niester R iver >hi ‘Sev­ —Weeding out Axis spies, Need First nitions; -Na^ Gairb : \ Officials Backing Reg­ eral Places’ as Red subversive agents and propa­ »on, Destroyed in gandists, two inter-depart- ulation iJcgislqtion Ex­ Army Pushed Back on mentai committees establish­ pected to Be Offered. Fears Definite Threat One of Cities Retaken Lake Ladoga Shores. To ShiphnUding ' Pro­ ed to tighten up drastically By' ^^artisan’ Forces. ^ on immigration from Ger­ Washington, July 19,—(P)—Ad- Berlin, July 19.—(/p)_The gram Unless Higher minlstrsUoQ farm offlcislz .were Moscow, July 19.— man-dominated Europe are German wedge past Smo­ Priorities Are Given. now handling 1(K) cases a day reported today to be favorable to­ lensk into central Russia has Russisti detachinOnts waging against a human backlog of ward price-KgulaUng leglaUUon been * widened, with Nazi guerrilla warfare biithijad tha 600,000 refugees clamoring to **P*cted to be offered in CongreM- Waahlngton, July 19. — (JP) '_ German lines reported ' troops astride the road to Ctoalrman Vinaon (D., Ga.) of tee enter the United States. next week. the recapture of two d t The two commlttoez, compoeed , Such a stand would be opposite Moscow tad striking east­ House Naval Affaire Committee identified only aa “SH" and^ «f rvprMwntativM of' tho ztat% that takrii by a numbto of farm ward, the' (jerman high com­ said today he feared there waa a War and Navy department. Feder­ definite threat to the Naval shfo- ‘•Z.r Red SUr, the S01 stats Congressmen oh proposals mand declared today. The war buUdtog program Unless high pri­ al Bureau of Inveat|gation, and Whlra would give the government bulletin also reported, gains Army's newspaper, said Immtjmtton Service of the Jua- authority to eztablizh maximum orities are given vessels Wder tlce Department, were organized n. ,froin l»mb bursts, seen over a portion Of the plane. In this view of a daylicht raid on on the northern and southern construction. dispatch from the frojit titet ^ c e s for conunodiUea, both in­ R- A. F. visit. The plane's gun- the original band ahml to Bupenriae iaauance of immigra­ dustrial and agricultural. ext. erne right. On July 18 the R. A. F. reported smashing 33 ships in a raid' on Nasi-con- flanks. It declared German XVtozon’s fears as tp possible tion viaaa under Preeldent Rooe^ Sharpest criticism of prlce-fix- troUed Rotterdam < Picture by cable from London J ^ m a raia on wasi-con- and Rumanian forces moving hwpertog of the program were only ten men but^ttai p __ velt’a new authority to control tha ;partlcularly with regard to s ^ shared by RCpr^itaUUve Oole were quickly ydeniitm sad itrance or. exit of allena or Am- farm products, has coma from leg- into the Ukraine from Bessa­ (R., N. Y.), a m em b^ of tee com- etkmnz 'In the interest of national rabia had crossed the Dnies­ ^ tte e , who clqdely questioned tteae broko up atf armorsd defebto." - istotors rspreaentlng southern and midwsstetn farming areas. ter river “ip sevei^al places^’ Navy men aa to priority rankinn German cdlumn, • capturing -Xd Xletotariae DerimMUty H o^ Memory of war veaaals during committee three whippet tanka and a StatoBMat M ia yiewa . snd said the Red Army had Officials aqU avsty affort la be­ A fftatffOMDt Mid to ttproM the Nkzis Sink - Freighter ■eaalona last week. of armored"-ears pad ing made by x^talled Invaatlga- Bacretaiy Wlclouri and been pushed back in the north rae. H o ^ baa passed and asnt tiona here and abro^ to determlaa Will Be Waked to the northern shores of to the Sshate a bill to authorise as well as considar- the deairabUlty o r^ p U ean ta aa his -Agrlcultnrs Departmsnt aides munitions. on the problem of sdvsaciog prices Luke Ladoga. expenditure of $300.0i00,000 for ad- prospsettva Amertnli^. cltiaens was published today in the depart­ In Attack on Conye<y dltiouiri ahipbulldtog fa c illti^ The paper described the bands and to kotp foreign agoito from The German and FinnJah drive $13&000,000 for ordnance mami- •• "iMrtlaans.” and said after tea slipping Into the country In. the ment's monthly agricultural rit- By Shipps Log from the north waa aUd to have uatlon report. amaahed through atubbom Soviet foeturing facilities, and $160^000,- attack on the armored colnam guise of inunigrahts. Bombers Hit ____ POO for ship repta works,- they turned against the bulk of Under President Itoosevelt’a >>r- Prepared ^ Dr. Mordeeal Ete- rariztance. Sole Survivor of Fata A copttoutog advance oa tee Im­ Used to Expaad ladhitry oMA visa appUcations Also are M«rduuitmenr"^'^N During ation Given ‘That $300,000,009 would not (OMittaued Oa Pago BgM ) carafu^ exanrined, to prevent the iOoattoasd Oa Fags TWa) portant central front waa claimed Voyage May Be Able to the communique which said entry <Jf peraOtia who leave close Night; Britisli Planes (Oeateiuad p /S a g a ’»toa) relatives ia. Germany, Italy or To' Regain Health H LaboT Peace Nazi forces were puahtog a widen- N ^-conqueihd cduntriea. Fail t(^ Enter, Reii^i- tog ^ e n t beyond Smolenak, 3S0 An official State Department Urges Pledges Shock Cure Works. milea from Moscow, announcement said the- reguMUoa AdvMMe Pclat Net RevmM Flashes! BuDctiBl PlantoC on JapG^ficials (Late I was nscaasBfy bacanae a edaaidsr- Loa Angelea, July 19—(F)—Hope Berlin, July 19,—</P > -^ e How far tea motorized troopa rtesfS ) Wtaa) abla number of cases had bean dis­ By Roosevelt of restoring the memory of Mrs. b ^ Merced beyond tee hlatoric covered were such applicants had official Genaan aews affeney old Ruarian Weatem .baaUon on Author-niBofltator promised to' act as German agents Fern Thompeon,' lost on s starva- Strilto Moratorium Goto' tee upper Dnieper (Dnepr) waa, fer to Quit hare, with their close reUUvea said today 10 British idaaes Kept Now Uon voyage on which she Uved in were shot down over the Bag- ^T^ttees Seen Solu­ not revealed by tee German hita'^ held as hostages to Insure deUvery the reek cf death, was pinned to­ command, but it aaid Soviet*^- of .information desired concerning lish Chaiuiel yesterday and tion to Problem; Suc­ fortat to recapture 'the c l^ had Foreign Posts ttoaaQy kaowa nether lllustiiloi. AnMtlCan defense activities. day on the log of her Wrecked “ “ SJtoftoa aad reftmd rinujam a. akxm. that the Gerpuui Air Force pi been ahattered alnce it feuTwed- Offictals provided no apscUic Wheeler Pointo to Prpm cess in Toledo Told. neaday after a stout today at his henM. Ha was i9 mformatlon and would make pub- Mm. Thompson, 31, is the aria so elaiiaed two Rnssiaii bmt ises of Oiinpaj|^ on survivor of a quartet which gaUy (Uaofficial Gsrmsil accounts Envoy to Nankjng and was tea kMBar af Ue no data on the number of visa ehaat shipo as sunk ia the By The Aasodatod Press ^ w l^ read "Baauttful SariM” apiUlcatlona rejected for that Stoying Out of W«r ast out (or the Manmaeas islands Baltic... intimated 20 days tao that a Nazi Vice Minister Submit •f hooka devoiad hugslv ta Me. other reasons.. in the South fleas Hat'Aug. 13. An industrial peace formula— apearhead waa within sight of M prsaoitettlaa ^ And to Army Draftees. They missed Hawaii and Samoa. atrlks moratorium commlttoea Smolsask.) ‘ Rftoignations T(»day to of AaMrtean aad An dodely Scmtliiised Their 38-foet sloop, the Wing On. Beriiu, July 19.—</P)—Ger­ All spplicstlona are being cloae- Berlto aswt^M rs and military m s ^ was found wrsekad '76 days later compoaad of raprsaantatives cf la-' oommentatcta slaborattog on the New Foreign Minister. u S was eoaoldatsd af u . ^ ly scrutinized to establish the fi Washington. July 19.—)iv-S en­ man bombers sank a 1,600- bor, management and tbs public— ttoa’a leadlag axparta aa Amiri, nanclal reapcnslbiUty of the Am­ —on Nov. S4—in the Fiji Islands. ton freighter aod hit two oth official pfoount, declared a wedge caa aatIquM. '■ ator Wheeler (D., Monk) said to­ Abroad ware Mrs. Thompson, was placed bsfora tbs nation for proba^ hta bM drivm dsm l» Tokyo, July Kumatafo • * erican sponsor of the prospective er merchantmeir during the eeosidaratlon today by Albert W. immigrant day that "if the Ftosidsnt would emaciated by starvation, and the to tha htotariand bsyond tea for- R<mda, ambaamdor to tea Japan- ■mapad Ooavlet Caught , ImmigraUon officiisls said that 'pull a Whsalsr’ he would k c ^ his corpses of Dslton Coniy, 36, of night in waters off England, Tlawkea. preaident of tee UUted tlfled d ty of 1CD,000 population I with tha organization of three sd- Osklaiid, CsBf., snd his wife. Eve. ptates. Chamber of Oomaterce. whils tofanfay sad foUow-up esewroensoraid Chinese government New, Leaden, doly 19 — (gi _ to keep us out of war." the German high command Rointing to sucoeas of tee plan at Nsnktog.e and Vice Mbiistsr (^tabteOimter a Bright M dltlonsl committees in the immedi- 30.
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