sre Slate that RESOLCTIOSS or t-ntion a id of the The Senatorial Election. Governor Letcher’s messages paper* IHqUIRT. LATEIOMERN NEWS. powar fiovc-nnen: elsewhere, Tft HHj trusted tha was hut for a few honor to time or man. Thsy are Resolutions were offered and th delay date. The terv liberally proposed tli&t th< would do any any adopted, instructing i^HB iutfeirtr baring to The C,ertn.iDs then irtired. -nth HHB no mea- appropriate committee* inquire into the Xertb«rn paper, of t Ith and 3th ef Jannart cen- pr«vly pleased -fee ahall be of the old able, firm aud decided. He advocate* half-aay axpedi Senator to be elected Whig party — 9 Utview. ardent cney taiu torae n The? are at length farced ihould make the eelec sures. manifest patriotism and interesting and that the Whig* themselves They glowing By Mr. NEW MAX—Of mg the Star *a » modify Law, to admit the were at his connected with it. to that Tank def.ated Viekaburg, smut -ornoi ai. new nr unDUTtoa. in Ita issue, reliefea them, ef this re devotion to State, and everything allow collections to he made from all debtors net 4 ttea, yesterday's after a aad ed ceuld net be abler or tlm or whoa* home* are uat inside efrere prat Tha Washing- Tha ,, and the Seaatar itself. This ii 1 am ftillv persuaded that Virginia army, the line* af ib< | struggle Wndiinjton RtyuU’ra genera'ly recognized HB sponsihltity desiguataa ton ta m- better In the Seaste and I trust it will be public essay. Chronic!# saje that artaan was aomp/llad f. 1 ■ 't.iitralion >hia iU"lf >ua. The Allea- repreaented ; Olg.ia eipreasct. Oter prae geutleman uamsd—Judge Mr. COGHILL—Of further th* onrnrj^^S him with the By legielatioa fWr tap tira hafore ta o.arwhi forea af the and ntd to aid weuU the of the Legislature te honor ng lehala, Wig aiioo : ie personally and politically acceptable ae, pleasure preasioa of gamisg, sad af th* trst sad aw ameadiag that the ana o be take* after a »nd wi As Easts us ViaaixiAX. cond sections af t* petiiiea disparate We are eoafideut that we are an the are of at any time make a worthy Senator. But wa, appointment. thsptsr lug, prarid* far the farfail hard* r fareiri There are of liaasei pausua ia andblaode The Terk Herald ears “Ticks- deTeiap-anu yuxpeetiag Halation. belief* a of the auothar, aot be tecupiad h;, aagtgtd kwapiaj ajH| majority Whigs, prsfer hu.vTWM. IMITH. ■ aay ilriwa whiak -4ia.ua haw lha wind it tarn ar exhibiting far# basks ar other {.st ag feblw au hat aitnemad anot aad (hi* time a verr aarera t^RU or a more estimable hurg ha ia ator* of a Whig gentle tianad in the irst eactian af said To the Editor the TTAtp .- hill. Wale* defeat, /a (art. fheueaed satiat- has besa of arm/ mea, The KJah-aad iiaa data mail; bat the boainaas ef bis life legisiatioi G*v«r- By Mr. CARBON—#f with sailBhli D••/•tail aa'.J, aince, As the Urm *f our and werthy ra-taaatiaf, ed a form*labia Caet war after a weak', — * proseg'Vohlo th* sat b/ tamale, C'aa kiltie af AaUaut paya> «t al pwaoa iHH and and ue mat, wa halier#, sau reader amaadaaata, p.isead Oataaar 1777, aatiBad, “si ought aer draw* near It* we •* leek l am Ware heal aide: taalhata «. eat! l taaa h*T« diplomacy, elose, natnraiJy hegia act t* prevtat aai l hie dgbtlag, bare ft ta mka this ttreng held.— yui much and sarfiees le the Ceafederaey as Mr faraatalliag, rsgratiug, sagrassiag, aageed as for a suitable fueceeser. In over a/ ihii altar* win pwifeal 'areand glMeing puhlia readuaa.” Ale* aa eat passed Maaeasbar 97,1792 Tha failara taw, aaemt ta a bad ana. We hare ear- prepaihii prapnelf R. is net naw ia the ear Taa Naw ha* a Aires. Besides, Mr. public aa “aa aat di» af Ami I Tark Tr,ku.n* wali-aotuidattd leeg eaulega* of Xbleand experieeeed 8lei*> titled, against elgsr. falsa saws." last lira tkeu*a< aa, and raJaahla ofl- n'td^H his e* Virginia', uial/ tauap tea a ul' and aleotiea we make a clear gain of th# 7th saatiea af «a act aa uyea ihjeet f'uraiga laadiatioi, prapoaing flee, by Aia 1 e*n think ef no cue mere to IU that p**«*d h'ahraary 21, 1119, tk^HH mea, competent eeca, aad tha troape *ar< la»t .acetate at tend the Uwi.a I.11 hi u the It Jum lot find Abilities to the public cause, titled, “aa aat t* raduaa iata aa* th* •*?»*> a*M fai —edia'ery paver. s>W^Kjs| perieece end than Hen. Wio. tfaulh of — an elevated konered positiee, ardiaarie* and haaaas af trwaiperte, ia aa eeedilit > renew the jaa- ta ilia krauau liararuiaeai making affart ia w# should that regulatiag prirat* aotartaia eagigtamt tbi^W Clit Oe preler politieJani 10 principles, diroalioi' Wat ia ml woh a&iefled w.th ^liflrnurab $!t|ig. general Fauquier. Modest and uauaaumiug, he ha* sought no p* mtnt, nad far the catmint af hacaca. the Taakee allot killed aim Oeaeral Buglitnd. ihi | lipplieg Aiaeng Morgan ao more be ia ne satiated wdk ilia iuterfeiuuoe Or and mingled together, in Mr. X MW MAX—Of aa paapla gin JAN. 1S«3. judge#should eitieu daring war, Imt having early volunteered By au«|)ending iatereit al aid Colonel J. It. Vff/mai The lloiIis^HB Tk290.4T HORNING, IS, man t# lia# c j^bis papera expreee appro- lion of lae iv.aa or e»ea of ar rule ic a one ; to hold s tha bond* or claim* which era da*, th# • Cantona, franco, English goed defence ef bis and liberties he line **- open prndaatioa of Uioa^HS ceuatry'e rights hceaioae far ibaaafet/ acral Uoruv, wha waa sent artamly of Uiu«ia, but into with which he has deliberately cbeeea. One# a judge aaliefactary proof that tli# party owing auah hand ai /xrtiJiou* Afny/ii«./^E| life, and faead the and ahowa as usuoh aut on a in con it. GO CORRK9PONORNTS. bly gallaatly euesuv, claim has'sad* a tea iai of aotaa ia epceial miteioa la I boa Late, aid had not if htlp he must net t'anfsderat* pay V^H always a is, expect premetiei Oliiar indication* Are nianifeil ll.at iu t(T lot*m on bmotmo*- m tot to tddrooood to tko "tutor judge—that sagauity and ability ia military affairs as ia lbs cosacils rntut for tha a.naa, aaaoiupaaied with Mtialiclury *«> beta heard frota at luet a jute.* lomalldng Uo^HB he a time, u or of t\o Wtif." on the bench. Sew weuld geed deuce that the sum* has h*«a • tape iA iaterlorence medial.on n aoon to uxe except of his eoualry. tho ire* to raiao tho .toodard rafeced By Gi* balder *: A from Wsahi in that it ia place^^H irOtrloo .■ .'«** »a both Among diepatub .a/a poiitire!/ All In re <ud atill we mdoooftk* pmfor Mill mot to fob. eur to set tbe hoad *r lliii ia»y pramali unfounded, the beginning ef (seferuuieut, precedent shared all aay suoh elaha. ati^B; Ito.’ioJ. r.U <4 rt‘’o of lima v*jit to bo knotom to of rosi.tana* io he, unlike maty, bo* aeewtaiatd ia the cirdae thul (ieamal a cri.u ui our national nUiira knotting, te «s Virgiaia Mr. UAKXMTT—Of ao highwe ilitarf doublliwa appi oictiiug £?r. onH snltt ix no ass* he motto** 0*r prate Constitution, it would sseai, iatsaded lly tatiijiag ibeliih <««ti*i JoparOod /vm. Obttmary and toils of the dofeaders of his diets.-— not bo with ilia our Arse Unto mrt ao the privatioaa of 10th af th* aad* of in Aurntide hue dnallf the command oftbe ITn may pleased complexion 4r:*:Jtng cAmrp*d for mdoortiummt*. It declares, that n< chapter Tirgiaia, that cut retlgi Arm/ pnlt^J tabliab this principle. expressly is ia- lie alfhira ilia mill we know thu utter folly j£T V* ommmot undortuio to rotmm r+*ct*d it ii iiiiihIii And now whaii tho soil of this Old Covmouwooltb teaiad alactioua for. Justices af th* l’cac* ami af thi ed' the Potentae, aud that nerai Hooker is aboal to aaauminj O^HP twelfe mouths after hi; rein of t-runls. If we too*. State ahall be for th# now lag lb* inaiorabla logic Judge elligible vaded a cruel and barbarose and o trailer county oiliaers caiaplaint require to b# bled is lake hie It ie eeid th hie ba follow- c*nuot.^H| by enemy, piece. ohaage map of hare down tint we cannot satfice te olMce. It is conteudct the clurb'a ollic# within tea froia th* of alec not, put rebellion, oxpo w ™MS99BSBBHHB term of any political dares himself Governor of the end seek* day* day the t^Hj proclaim omte, ed b? reaigaatioa <4 taia general otMeers well aitiaai wliicu aulTcr m ica by o to look on t-BB TO TUB PATRONS a State has ae to define the tioa sIihII not he raquirad to b* glad *«o*er thsa 40 quarrel OP THE WHIG. on ond aide,-that right quali re- Jayi to rob of a portion of her territory, wo alder aueli election. kaowa to the eauutrf. * diainiereaiail apeatatora torarer. For t«iu months This be fount Tirgieia put ad ranee payment from all new Sab dcations for a Confederata officer.
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