Volume 8, Number 7

November 15, 1926 I I ourndl

dCd DA Mond,hly Publica lion Meuole ,/'. '0 Ih e I nle,ub oj Minneapolis , M'Ion anuJaclu,e,s o~~ M aro,onl November 15, 192~ , Volumevnl Number 7


~ho Are You For? We are tleither I mati as stich J or the rich mati as stich ~or for the poor ttpright man', rtchw,e are or forpoor" the - TIlEO OOR'E ROOS E\'E•LT e are n ' h largeW ma~lt /r for the such nor f~r acturer as manufacture:he small we are c as such' , lor th ' Industry I e whole for the h' arge or small, , on est ' slve and resp "progres- ufacturers, onslve man- \ ", -Nafiollal Ma i'rffl1J11jncturtrs Aarol~;lSOCltltioll


~.,..-. ~I." " :p • • ';; JOG ui.. ..; " ... _. :~ The carefully selected durum wheat from which it is made has gluten characteristics particularly suited for making the highest grade of semolina. Butter is colored artificially to please the eye. The same rich, golden color is obtainable in Macaroni by using 2,4\ semo­ lina without the use of artificial color. DON'T CRO\VD OR OVERLOAD

CAPITAL FLOUR MILLS, Inc. When an Ostrich doesn't wish to be Seen he buries his head in rhe sa nd. MINNEAPOLIS SAINT PAUL When a prospect is not at home: to you, he closes his door. Lct alone awhile, MINNESOTA rhe Ostrich will raise his head and the prospect will upen his door. Of course, you cou ld frighten rhe Ostrich from his retreat, but he would only nee. And you , flUId open the prospect's door before he is relliy and there­ rr======- -====,F======, by lose a sale. OUR NEW BRAND Learn to wait and be patient. The man behind the closed door ma y have Cheraw Box Company,,",. an excellent reason for his seclusion, He may have on his mind 3ny amount of Seventh nod Byrd Streets trouble requiring his attemian, problems involving the ve:ry existence: of hi s business at the moment. Even if you forced yourself into his presen((.·, he 140 Las. Richmond, Virginia would not be a good listener. His mind would be on his problems. He would COLUMBUS be wondering how soon you would leave. The vcry worst time to sell , whh ...... tremendous odds against you! De a good waher. Curb you r impacic.:ncc; bide your rime until you 3re '::i- ~' ..! ,' assured a willing listencr. The prospcCt rna)' grant you onl y five minul cs, bur 1.- , ,) . five minutes of hi s undivided a([codon arc worth an hour's en forced chair~ SATISFACTORY wiggling. ... . ~J9~~Dp J ,I ~..,. VVooden ~acaroni Box-Shooks I SEMOLINA COMMAnDER MILL (0. MINNEAPOLIS, M\1II1. NOTE-Our shooks nrc mnde from tnste­ less and odorless gum wood. Sides, tops and bottoms arc full Numv" Stum of 0 JtritJ of laltrJ eor·triug fiekliJiJ Jiltllllions of1m II riJing Iltlrt'ttfj tlu Homt GIVE IT A TRIAL one-quarter inch thick and one Office and I/JI Fitld Mm. Booldtt cOfllaiuillg filII llrin ma) bt oblail1td /rolll Grollp I nJlIMIIU Di­ piece. All ends nrc full three­ viJ;on of MtlropolirQrI Lift [,uural1u Compll") I Ntw York Cil). Commander Mill Company eighths inch thick. MInneapoliS, Minnesota l • November IS. 1926 THE MACARONI JOURNAL QUALITY SERVICE THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume VIII NOVEMBER IS, 1926 Number 7

Buying Added Moisture U nprofttahle

The Macaroni Manur:t( luring Industry in America with its the alert, has prohably spoken (or Ihe t'utire illtlustry ill numerous, widely scattered plants ami varied in.leresls is i'r ~l1c adopting strong resolution5 al::'ainSI the Ill'W moisture Iimila, to havc. 100 orten, differing vicws on which titl'fC should he tioll al it!> recent meeting in New York city. Once more this J:((alcr accord, In spill' of this there seems to be n better un· urCanizatiol1 has shown its unselfish concern in the induslry's clc rstandillg among us than :1I1l01Ig macaroni manufacturers weHarc. The good to be derived from its :u· tion will fl'duuml dscwhcre in the world. Within the 1),151 fe' weeks there ha!' til the henefil of l'very manuf,.cturer, whether he bclou!:: to tht' arisen a condition that should coordinate all views. interest ~ational A!>suciation or nol, This makes us wonder how en:r)" manufacturer, irrespective of siu or location-a situa· much longer sOllie manufactun'rs will wutinue lu re;lJ ) till' tion that permits of no argument. bendit!> ):aim·tJ through thc imlll!iilry's only organization wilh­ Ueference is made to a rcccnt ruling which permits what out a~sllmilll': tht·ir \'cry ' ma11 share of th e responsibilities of is apparently an undue increase in the moisture wntcnt of IIlaunillg, linancing anti e:

1926. Owner claims use since March 14, made, They were mostly 01 a technical [ Patems and Trade Marks 1926. nature dealing almost entirely with Meeting Reported in Two Languages The trade mnrk is the trade name in methods of analysis. To our industry it TRADE MARKS REGISTERED outlined capit~1 letters. is interesting to know that state officials CONVEGNO SEMI-ANNUALE DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE DEt TilE SE~ II ·ANNUA L CONVENTION OF THE "!\" .'\TI O~A L }o·ADKICANTI AMERICANI OJ 1',\STE AL1~IENTAIU During October the U. S. patent offic( from every state in the union meet an· ~I , \ C ,\J{ONI MANUF,\ CTUHEI(S "S SOCl ,\TIU~ " " San Gullto Introduction Introduction nually to discuss matters of this kind, announced registration of the following The private brand trade mark of Jos­ II con,"eKlIU lemi-annuale den Anoci:uione lid falol'ricanti ameriC:lI\i The semiannual ctJlI'"l'nlion 01 Ihe Nali,m:II ~ 1 "canllLi ~ 1 : lI ll1 iaclurcu trade nmrks,for usc 011 macaroni prod­ . which enables them to handle or di ~lle ahmenlari luogo all'Hulel McAlpin I'S cd il 9 OUoLte, anoci:uiun ...II k t,I:ICl' un OClul.u H :lIitl ') at Ihe ~ 1 (. \II ' 1II IH 'ld. S,"W eph Di Santo, doing business as Oi cull'inlercenlo di molti cospicui CaMIricanti di IIute alimentari, un Jt., adulteration and misbranding by a uni· York, allli \\:I~ alh'II,lctllo)' mall)' n" taM e ma,·ar .." i II1 .UIII'"''''', I "' " .\I ,,,n' ucts: Sanlo & Co., Duluth, Minn., for use on connnutl da varie llarli degli Slati Uniti i non IlOchi dei quali ilalhmi. 35 frllm I""rimn I,arls of Ihe Ullile,1 SI:ltcs; lI "t a ft"W "f Ih'"III. illchhl· e di oriaine ilaliana 10 IlellO S",BrelarO ddl''\nod:uiollt', il signor Kook-Rite a variety of products including maca.­ form procedure In so fnr as the various inJ:t Ille S\'crelar)" III Ihe Anucialion, ~Ir " ~t. J. I )"Im;" "I lwliall state laws permit, M. J. Donna. La noslra Camera dl Commerci u, di cui 10110 lOci ::aleuni ongin. (JUt Cham l,e r 01 Commerce cflll nl s n"'er;11 ,, ' thuse wll •• al ­ A trad/: mark of the Cumberland Mac­ roni. Apt'. lion was filed June 24, dellB inlervenUli at convegllu, cretiel\e 0IIIKlrluno di mand::are, lief len.lcd. the cU II "e"II I ~"1I :lInllllg it. m~" ml ' .~r s . :lIId 11"'l"fdore th n l1l1h~ In appreciation of the consideration muzo del IUU Conlulenle Tunico il Prof. Itouati, UII laluto cordiale CtlUnlllenl til al"all IIH·1i nl Ihe ucc:lSwn lor CUU\·I')"UI)(. I,}" lin-alII til aroni company, Cumberland, Md., was 1926, and published Oct. 26, 1926. Own­ e: ddcrellte alia luddctla AS~Ki :lli()lIe; :lIIche Itc'r ringraliarla della shown the convention of these food o£· ils Tech nical ,\ (II'in r, I'rof. l{uU3Ii. ii, c"nli:ll :11111 .kicreuti .. 1 gfre!' registered Oct. 19, 1926. Application er claims use since March 30, 1926. coollC ruione dOl e:ua Ilreita a menu dd SilO otgano il "Macaroni ill~' 10 Ihe org .. nilallun. The ( ltalul'I"' wdculllcd Ihe ol'loOr lulIIl), III ficials by the macaroni industry and olh­ Journal," nd 101lellcre la caula ddla C;ullera cunlro Ie ticnigrazioni was filed on June 3, 1926, publishcfl in The trade mark is the trade name in Ihanking tht' "ssGcialion lur iu cotllll'ralioll, Ihrnugh ils OIf:an Ih (' ers, the following resolutions of apprt'­ del "Gravhic" di londra lid rif.uuJu dclla fal,bric:uione dellc I~Sle " Macaroni }oUfnaJ" ill ddcndin)( Ihe Chamher's C:lll1e al\::u nsl Ihr the Official G~llcitC July 27, 1926, and in heavy type.. alimenlan, Cio vcr cvitare che IlIIcollllll1a pullLlicazione del "Gn'llhic" allH.·uioIU ul Ihe: 1.111111 11" "{;ral.hic" cUllcrTllill~ Ihe manuf:IClurr of ciation were unanimously adopted: lrelliudicalle il Ilresligil) dell'in,lustria l'll il WnSlIl\IU Iii una drrral:I, the August 1926 issue of the Macaroni Aztec Maid ,"acaroni" Thi, III "wid Ihal Ihc (;r:lI,hie', ulijusli fie.1 lIalemenls :1011 The Association of Dairy, Food anel Ia quale va dh'entando ognor liiu :articolo I'aiieo della diela Iluolidiaml" Iliciu rn IIUII:h1 I'tcjudice Ihe preslig.: alltl cOlunml'tilln ,j l a loud Journal. The company claims usc since The private brand trade mark of • • • • • • • • • Ilrmluct which is IIl'cuminK dail), (flUf f II I a Iotal,le in our ,1i.:1. Drug Officiali of the United States 111 Selrelario dcll'Auodazione Ilruenla,'a Iluindi al rruidenl~ H...... Sept. 28, 192;. Volpe Brothers, Laredo, Texas, for use (The Association of Food Officials) ~Iueller t quuli al convegno il ral'prelenlanle della noslra Camna di The Greetlnll of tbe italian Chamber of Commerce The trade mark is the trade name in on a variety of products including ali­ Commercia, l'rof, G. Itonali, occolt n cardialmen te. Washington, D. C, October 26, 1926. The Srcr~ tar)" 01 11.1' Anoeial;ulI intrll,luu'd 111 l'fCs;.ltnl II. ~Iuelltr heavy IYlk: with the bottom stroke of the mentary pasles. Application was filed 1\ ..Iuto della Camtra dl Commerclo Itallana ;11111 Ihe 1~lcr III Ihe Cl1l1\'clltion Ihe l{rl'rU'"lIIali\"e tlf Ihe Italiau Whereas, the plans for the: entertain- (haml.oer tlf Cornmer(l', I'rof. l;. RUSS:lti, wh o was curdially rcceh'ed" "K" extended to underline the whole July 8, 1926, and pubH.h,d Oct. 26, "Jncanc.alo, clli dille, a purl2n"i iI salulo della Camera di Com­ ment of the guests and delegates of the merdo haliana, che tegue il progello mera"i~ l ioso dcll'indullri2 ddle J aln \'ntrush'd, he said, wilh lite dill)' .,f CIl II\T)"lIIg 10 ) "OU" lI:lnl !. 1926. Owner claims use since Feb. 27. palte alimenlari in Quell'America con inlercsse non mcno \"i,'u tli the grretiulls ul 1111' Italian of (Illnm"rcl' in Nel'o' York, iin 13th Annual Conference of the Associa­ inst ilulinn 'It'hieh fullows Ihe man"dolls I . ru~n'u m:ule I,y Ihe maca· La Perla 1926. queUo the elUo dcdica aile fali dcll'imllOrl.uione :1II3.IOg2 ilaliana, tion of Dairy, Food and Drug Officials lpecie in leruito aile mut:lle condizioni crcale dal conllillo mun diale, roni imlullry ill Ihuc U. S" Ilf Allwri(a wllh no Itu Ii H ly inh:,ul The tr.u..le mark of n. Filippone & Co., The trade mark is thl; trade name in 10110 lielo ed orgoglioso eli cunltatare la grande I,arte al"lila dall'de­ Ihall Ihat which il laku ill Ihe ,"ariulu I,hues of Ihe limil"r imllOrla' were insured by generous donations, and mento italiano lIello Ilabilire cd ulemlrre quul'indullria nelCli Sial; lion Irolll 1t:11)". eSIIl"cia ll y since the changed etl "Iilium I , rull~hl aiioul heav}' black type arranged in 2 lines. It)' Ihr wurM's war. I am Ilkued ami I"uud III reali/e Ihe Iml'orlanl Pass,lie, N. j., wa~ registered Oct. 19, Whereas, The National Macaroni Uniti. DimonSlrando coli la lua ca l ~cita in un'industria die III hali a Ila rl thai Ihe Italian clemenl of our 11O Illllatioil has Ilad ill ulalllis"i",K 1926. Application was filed Feb. 9, Uncle Sam'. eLbe oriline, e diii luol fie:1i nilllJll10 in ol{ni conlriilla, come in Milnufilcturers Association, through Dr_ quest'America. ave fa"are\'oh Ifonno Ie condiuoni 01\ sun incrcmenlo, allli cxh'mling this induslry ill Ihe Ullit~11 Slatu. Thus showiliR thr" 1926, pulJlishcd in the Official Gazette The Quaker Oats company of Chi· D. R. Jacobs i The National Canners As· E' bcnli VttO the in conlegucnza dcllii guerra, dei luoi dh"ieti lirima, cal'acil)" ill :III in.cluslry whicl.1 UriWiUl ll'd in it:al)' a"nll o ..... c~ lu ilS S O I~' t ils de\"clul 'mtrll 111 all counlrlfl, 11" sa nlC as III Ih ll ,' whffe II July 6, 1926. and in August 1926 issue of cago, Ill., has applied for the rcgistm­ tutrlzloni JKli e "milalionl tutlavia, l'imllOrl:tuone delle 11Ol,Ie a imfll­ sociation, thro ugh Dr. W, D. Biglow alltl larl dall'ltalia ando pur !toppa allollig iandoli, al JlUnlo dOl mellrre 10uIIli fan,r:II,le comliliulls lur ;15 I.r ng n'ss :lIlIt I'rol l'eril)" II is a the Macaroni Journal. The company tion of 2 trade marks. One consists of Mr. H. M, Loomis; The Institute oi quad line e lasdare non I{randl IpcranlC~ di ricullCfo i laic eommcrcio. mailer ul cum nw" Im owlr!.lFe Ihal, in CIJIlse'lm·llce III I Ie ..... orld·, war, 01 itl eml,ar.:uCI ('UI, of liS restriclions afu·r ..... arcb and o f il! limi· claims use since July 1924. the tr.1de name "Uncle Sam's" in out­ un tempo invece fl oridiutmOi do che olTrin la 101l1iratii ollllO rl unill Margarine Manufacturers, through Dr" all'indultri:. congenete americana, gia nole,"o le, di afTermarsl definilh"a ' laliCtns Itill Ihr im\'Uflaliuli (If lII:lcaruni h om 1\"ly unlorllmatfiy WCIII The lrade mark is the name "l..:l lined letters armnged in the fonn of an J . 5, Abbott i the Carry Ice Cream Com­ menle in"modo fonnid.1lble ed inCillUgnallile" on dcerl'asing III t Ie I,uilll as \0 ha\"c almon cea scd ...... ilhout le a"iT111: any hOI>( IItal this, once moSI i1 o l!risl !i\l~ lfa,lr, ~i11 e~" ef frCO'·cr. Perla" in outlined capital leiters appear­ eHipse. The other is a youthful picture pany and the Cocoa Products Manufac­ Thele cirClIllul:lllcCI ofTere,1 10 111 Clf Imlliaf :\merecan mdllslr), al· ing above a portrait of a youth sup­ of Uncle Sam. Doth are to be used on turers through Mr. Parker Jones. read)' nOld.ic, Ihe Roldrtl ul'I Klrlllllily 10 cunsuli,laie itlelf definitely in W. a lormidal Ie :11111 uncollilurralole nC;'IlIIl'r" posedly that of John Filippone, son of macaroni, 5paghetti; and egg noodles. have contributed to this program, Ital), il Itol, ho ..... eHt, in tl.e least iealuu, IIf i:. jralolls), is a lenti­ Bartolo Filippone, member of the maca­ Applications were filed Aug. 11, 1926, De It Resolved, That the Association MMa non percio I'haUa ~ aelola. l...3 gclolia ~ un lentimento trollllU menl 100 hw ami a luxury tot' .. 5(1)" lu he harl,,!rt'li in .the 10ul ?' ianobile cd un IUlio troppo COIIOIU \lC r eucre colth'ato nell'animo di Inch:l grN I all ,l generuus na ,a, Ilal),; ~ lIal!OIl. wlnel' e'"rtl . 1n roni lirm. and pL'bli .. hed Oct. 26. 1926, The com­ extend to these Associations and firms una mdone grande e lenerosa come 'halia: la quale anche nclla l otte Ihe IIJlal"oilal,lc alltl e\"rllilul (Ollue (If , II I.rout! iii sremlt flo,n)' ch ~ims use since Sept. I, 1904. ils sincere thanks, and d'inevilaLili vicende, e Hera :lIni di ,"edcre, \lct ollCta princilJalml'lIle powedul I ne l )"oung nati uns like Amt'ri ca a\lam Ihel r maj orit ), and TRAm, MARKS APPLIED FOR de'luoi figll, na.zlom llOtenli e 1I0u,"e come l'America rallRiun~ere la hcc o l\I~, I.) ,"irille IIf Itali:m inilialive, imlqlC lI'lcul e,"c" in their COl!­ Be It Further Resolved, That a copy m.1llliorita, e tendeni, in virtu d'inilialin il.liiina. indil1endrntl anthe s uml' ti on ~ " The Io:H'at It:lli~n m:utt·u ul art '\"t'n ' nnl " ';II "II S "f Ihl'lf Accordih~ to the rules Df the palent FOod Officials in of this resolution br transmitted to Dr" nd conium\' Non gelolirono i grandi masetri ilaliOlni deU'arte nel (lulli 5 when Iht)' laW Ihl'IIISfh'u el)uiilcd allli s:Jmrlunn urn 1I1f­ office objcctiollii 10 rq;istratic!Ils of trade vedeni uluagliati e lah'01l2 anellc IUlletali dOli loto al1i\'i, conlci drl panell I.)" Ihcm. conscious as Ihc), ..... ere of th\' saying tltll Ihe Rlory Jacobs, Dr. Biglow, Mr. Loomis. Dr" prccello, che la ,Ioria dd figli e IIloria lid lum ,la dri. of Ihe Ions is Ihe j;ll ory uf Iht'ir lalhus. muks apillicu for will have to he. made Washington Meet Abbott and Mr, Jones. "1.0 Ileno Ii flpele in allre indU llrie. Tanio PIU che 10 S\'ilu(l(lO me­ The same lt a111tc'11S in o lh~r in,ltn~rin . . The: mute In ",ince Ihe within 30 days of date of publication. On invitation extended by the officials ravlaliolo dl quelto ramo deU'indullli:!, iimericana, che oBHi I.rodllce man"tlnllS ,lel"clul'mclIl of IIIIS Amerecan lfl,hu lf)', l'rtltluclIIg )"earl y Signed nei Iuoi SOO Ilal.ilimenli un -1 50 milioni di lil, diJlas!a all anno, lion (01101)' in ill sro cstaltiishml'IIU altt,ul ·!!\I I milli"" I.nutllis ,,1 nlaear~IlI, Dinnerware of the Association of Dairy. Food and A. D. Sibbald e che I'intvitabile conleguenu, dell'al.lJombnle (lro uzione iii m:lleria is 11111 Ihe inelitalole (1l1lCnme nl the alound:tnl SIlI 'I,I), 01 raw malereal" Drugs Officials of the United States, the Ilrima. TdUI sanno cllc J'America i: ugai il Grande IIranaio llel mondu, All kn ow thaI :\II1l' ri ea is loda), the Ioitanar r tll th e ..... urM. an,1 Ihal The private brand trade mark of Mof­ Sarah Vance Dugan e che I'odierna tendenla delle gr... ndi inllullne si i: di slalJilini la 1I0,'e Imi:l), lII mlcTII greal illiluslri.,s 1l'lUt 10 fSIal.' li ~ h .t"h~m s{' hn in· fat Grocery company, Flint, Mich., for National Macaroni Manufacturers asso­ H. E, Wiedemann C prodolta la miileria prima. Per I'induslria deUe I,asle come 11cr erellce IIrar 10 Ihc ,,,urce of Ihr raw materia\. I hn Ifn , l cllc~' IS no ciation took part in their important con­ quella del cOlone, che dOli New England andn man mano lraderrndo,i less manifesl in Ihe ma ca rnni Ihan ill Ihe c"II"11 illlinstr)" ..-hiel! fr~m usc on cofTee, rolled oats, and alimentary Committee on Resolutions" al Sud deilli Siali Uniti. its oriRin;11 hum.· in Ncw Englallli has gratiu;ltl )" "I ,ee n Irallsffrreng III p.1s tes. The application was filed July vention last month in Washington, D. C. firM of acli."it)' in the Southern Slatrl "f Ihr Unmn. Dr. n. R. Jacobs, Washington rt'presen­ Itall" ~" far :I S tIl e macaroni Ira,1t wilh Ihe Unitrlt St:llu i, con­ 19, 1926, and published Oct, 12; 1926. Filh·for·Food Facti rfTIICI.' th'u IIII\a)', it ma)" I,e said, Illure 011 the rrctlnl !"II. ils I,asl, Owner claims use since August 1919. tative of the association, officially repre- • when il s illll >or laliulI S in Ihi s cOl1nlry 11 ;1,1 U'ache,1 (,,,"r It m,lhon I ,,,~~s sented the macaroni men who are greatly ' \5 proor that the fishermen of till" "Vltalia, nel riguardo del commerciu llallaio cogli Slali Unili, "h"c )" Ihan 1111 Ihe I ' n'lll l~ctl 01 II!r IUlllrr. I ' ~~rl l ':11 Ihe scarcc:ly The trade mark is the trade name ill Z501XXl I'n~u al I ' r c~cnl Iml''''lrl \ mill .hl' Umlt!1 Stalf~ annuall)". country are ~ot seriously objecting It· ani, Ii puo dire, Iliil del riconlo dt'l 1t.a ,Ulu, Ilualldn era :urh":na :111 heavy type. concerned in the work of these food of­ wit~ littlr hut 'c II f\"er I'ein lo: :lltlc lit tfJ:aiu .he I,ulk !If ils ("filler importarc olt re 6 mitioni di canetle all'anno, (he ddle l"Olll(lIi\'e r~llCI rt ~. nllw an irtel,araltlr I" st Ira,I.,. l,uI ' "U "I\ "ul)" th," ~n l ' I , I)" of ficials. the suggestion that our industry sup· del futuro, {ondate lulle 250 mila caslclle imllO rt ale al Ilresenle, colla Memorie somc Sl'fci:lIl)'. " Dr. Jacobs reports that the convention port the UFriday-Macaroni Day" move· ,ola '(lCl'2nza di paler riguiidallniirc nOli nd gros50 ddla lirillina UllUr­ The ""lI'rlcan macaroni in.luslr)" ha~ und.,ul'Ir,iI), un llursIwnaltlr The private brand .trade mark of tuione, armai un commrrcill Irro:miuilJilmcnle ltc'rc lul lI, 'flUi IlIlIallll. alll'ant a!:u in (,mll'arisun wilh 1 .I! r ~." ~ uch as .11,·. :,I ,un,bll' .'"I'I,ly II! acted in the interest of dairy, food an(1 ment, inaugurated last year but not nell2 lommlnhtratlone di Ilualehe If'lecialill. Del ruto I'induslria !.lei Wadhams & Comp;my, Inc., Portland, the ra,," malerial; thf Rffal .\'f1s sll .. I!1tn of a wu lt' , 1 ~'mr5 l1 c l\Iar~el drug law enforcement, for a more uni­ vigorously p~shed, notice is given of llauifido americano ha \"anl3Ggi indilcussi Iulla nOllra, e nell'alillon­ .. I 11f' milli lln C'IIIMlmcrs. Inth a 11I1o(!1 slallllar,l. f Ihe Amencan mal'arnlll m· Jaw enforcing officials. campaign with an annual appropria' cltntry mCall! , I,)' rea,on of lite intcr.lclle,mlence an,1 ~()rrflalion 0.' macaroni products. Application was Cfln.ll1l1di!ir.~ c"nlume.I, a grc:I\rr ,It'mnnl ,f nol ?f Italian ,"!,acnron1{ filed April S, 1926, and published Oct ..26, Many interesting .addresses were tion of $75-· "L°ltalia, ad onla della pel dila m2!erialt luLita coll'ellere lliila 10- of !tlher h :llian food l,w,luClI II" ..... I:tr mure Iml'urlanl Ilrmi 0 -......

• 8 THE MACARONI JOURNAL November 15. 1926 November IS, 19~6 THE MACARONI JOURNAL ttituita dalla IOmmlnlllralione Indiacna lui mtrcato amcric.ano, non Ir::lde Ihan macaroni iuU. Namdy a ireatcr luVVly " JlUD lullavia manure all fcntimcnlo tli innala cOl\';allcria nr! Ltcnt of cheese, of tomato concenlrate, of olive oil, elc,/ ail articles thue ill aU,Ilurare al continuo lucceno dtll'indultria con.orella amcrieana; which Italy cannol usil)' be replaced b), domestiC production. either tanto pit.. O\'C ,i con.idcr! the 10 '~' iluPflO dell'industria paltaia amer­ because no such production exitt. or it is here of a different ehar:leler. icana licnifiea a raJ:lionc dcil'inlrrdipcndcnaa t deillo ~orrtluione dd If h:lly shall no lonaer imlKJrt Inlo this country an~ not:lhle amoun! consumi, una maiilorc richicSla, Ie non dip;ula ilaliana, tli altre of alimentar), pl'lte, it ma)' howe\'er, in all probabllilin, furni,h ill derralr, elgi l/(n Ilit. imllO rlami tli 'luella. lid commercia ilalo­ fulure arealer sUllphes of olher commodities, IUch as the above .Iated, americana: c doc una ognor maggiore lomminillralinnc: dl formalii, which Ire equall)' imJlOrtGnl to italian econom), and will am,dy offlCt di (OIl(.<:I,lralo di pomodoro, til olio d'oli\'a, ecc., anicoli tuni QUuu an), lou which she ma~ experience in Ihe supply of maca rom, in cui I'ltalia non IIUO facilmcnlt eucre 10111lUili dalla protlulionc Althoulli we work 11\ quite differen! and allll:lrently opposite I,ut indigcna, the mana Ollpure C qui di canttere dh' ~no . Se I'halia non never hostile fitld., nanlel), we in the imlKul lrade and you in tht imllOrtera qUai; lliu llaua, lommini.lrcra IlCro in av\'Cnire quantiti domulie production we h.,'e, however. a common ground on which lempre malgiod di a Ire denaIr, come Ie .uindicate, Ie quail Intern­ wr meet, I mun Incl ground of con.tructive work and of constant sano uJualmente I'«onomia ilaliana, e chc la comllCnscnnno Id ulura Ireater endeavor loward the elevalion of our re'llCclh'e Indunfin, di ogm perdita nel camj)O Il:Islaio, toward the Imllfovement 01 our I,roduct, loward the incrcau of con· We Guarantee Each Sack "Dcnchc mil ilanli in campi dh'ersi, ed apll:lrenlcmcnle 0llllO.ti, liam­ sumillinn, as well as toward the eliminatioil of incorrect (lncticu; mai Oltiei, noi eioc neU'imllOrtuionc, ,'oi nella Ilrodulione domnlica, all pro!tleml these in which we can utefully cooperate in Ihe mutual a"hlamo tu\ta\'ia un Icrrello commlr .ul quale inconlrarei: ed c qllella interell, And your Allociation i. the Ilroper wtntlin, Iround to dil­ del Inoro couruuh'o e del continuo 'ma.a:vior douo pcr l'elevanlCnto CUll these proHcms; Ihis i, Ihe battle field for luch CamlG;gns, which della ri,pelth'a noura indultria, pcr il mlalion-menlo del prodolto, per I wish may' IlrO\'e an object lenon to my cO'Jntrymen hy enabli.hing I'allargamenlo del consumo, e IlCf I'eliminuione di Ilraliche .correUe; in lIal), I IIl 'e creditable Issociation as you ha\'e already in Ihil country Iltohlcmi lutti in cui l1ouiamo eoopenre IIlilmentc nel rttillroco inter­ 10 handle Ihe mOlt enarouing and "ilal probleml of the macaroni cue. Ed c quelta della ,'olln Anocluione la palestra do\'e .1 dilcu­ industry, lono tali llroblemi, qunlo "agone ch';o ml auguro nnga imilalo con Hurtfelt thank. I, therefore, exlend 10 your Anociation for Ihe uguale autoru'ole auociazione Ib.i mid connuionali in lealia, per chl\'al1)' Ind lolidarily il has Ihown in our mulual efforll in the de· tnttare dei problemi t1iu. incalzanti e I,iu vilali dell'indunria lliistala. fense 01 the macaroni induslry Irum the ullCuions fll a slanderous "I{ingr:uiamenli qllindi "h'iuimi ala VOltn canllrria, che ICI1JlC e lren, I con.ratulate you fer\'eml)' on )'our succus, wishing .incerely \'olle, .olidale con noi{ diCenderei dalli attacchi della slaml'a deni ..rato. lOf ,fraler acllirvemcnll, until the well wi.het! day .hall dawn of that rh; congratuluioni en'ide quindi al ,'OltrO lucceno; cd augun lin· inlem;alinnal coordinalion ;r,ml consolidation of kindred indu. triel! I~al cui di conquille umpre maniori , finche non lorger1 I'alha au.picata shall ollCn in the world markell, where there is room for everyOOCly, iii quella coordinuione 0 con loliduione intemuionale d'indullne new aod producli\'e fieldl 10 the activity a. well as In Ihe brotherhood conaenrn, che aprira nel mondo, ove ! posto per lutti, nuovi e hcondi of flCollles and nalions,l campi all'alli\'ili, come aUa fralellanza dei JIOpoli e delle nnioni." (-)

~t1 "U_IO Ikt 6 Nowcmb" pubblithtlfmo lalla ltUUI del "(jllpbic" ~~~:::dd:1 7' l::!:o~ i ~~.,~~. ~~If:o .~~:it~~~i I(u~ ..::~il~~~ !,:I~'~kJJ''i!r:'l~r~ dilt .. pllbbhtllU nil "W.tarOIIl Journal."

RESOLVED-That a Committee of SUPPORT OUR RESOLUTIONS thr« be appointed 10 look into the cost of raw materials used in the manufac­ The: coopc: ration of the: e:ntire industry sent to Dr, A. S, Mitchell. Bureau of ture of all Macaroni Products. Chemistry, Secretary of the Joint Com­ is invite:d in carrying out the hc:1p£ul, NOTE__ President Henry Mueller appointed progressive activities outlined by the fol­ mittee on Definitions and Standards, to Ihe following committee which Ihould hne lowing resolutions adopted at the New acquaint that body of' our altitude an!1 the tupporl and coollCralion of e\'cry maa· roni and noodle manufacturer in our As· York meeting of Ihe National Macaroni through it to get the rdid we seck. socialion to enable il to function effrctivtly : Manufacturers association la!t monlh. NOTE-~tanufacluren an add Ilrengih 10 1... M. Skinner Skinner Mi" Co, this Ilrolesl by indi\'idually protntinl alonl G, Guerrili, Keystone Macaroni ~If" Co, RClo)ution-.Againlt Raile in Semo- the same linel, C. S, Foulds, The Foul I, Millin, Co. lina Moisture Relolution-SemoHna Standardl Resolution-Finandng Ac:tlvltiell Whereas, The Joint Committee on Whereas, According to our knowledge Whereas, The cosl 01 managing the E guarantee the quality and the seleCtion of the Durum wheat- and be· Definitions and Standards of the U. S. and to government reports we have no National Association of our Industry in­ Wuniformity of every type of Gold cause of the daily tests we make at Department of Agriculture has recently established standards for Semolina or cre:ascs yearly as its activities upantl, Medal Semolina. We will return every stage in the process of thl mill· increased the maximum moisture limit Farina olher than those generally ac­ and your purchase price of any sack that is ing on flour from 13,5% to 15.0%, and cepled in our trade. and Whereas, Our National Ass~ia tion is not up to ou r quality standard in When you use Gold Medal Semolina. Whereas, We ~lievt that this inrrease Wherras, -fhe Macaroni Industry fmanced from Iwo sources only, tht every way. you can be sure of maintaining the is not justified by tht! differen,' ), in would b'l'featly btnefit from a fair and Membership Dues (which we 'hope will We can make such an unusual guaran· same high Quality in all your finished mclhods of determining moisture in equitable standardiz:ation of Semolina not have to be increased) and the Maca­ tee because of the care we take in the products, nour, particularly as the Vacuum Melh­ and Farina as used in the manufacture roni Journal profilS, therefore be it ad has been in more or Ie:s ~ I!"neral use of Macaroni Products, therdore be it RESOLVED-That in order 10 makl' for the l);lst 18 years, ,lfId RESOLVED-That a Committee of our National Association self support· Tested at the mill-Uniformity guaranteed! Whereas, We feci that this increase in Three Membtrs of this Association bt ing, we scck the cooperalion of the en­ lIIuisture will resuh in our Industry re­ appointed to (onfer with the Durum tire mem~nhip in the following ceiving a deteriorated product 1>«ause Millers and wi)h the Joint Commitlee on ;agenda: PIRST-a COrpl of cheml.ts nnalyz.e Ilnd plAnt emcdy under commercial conditions, flour wilh this increased moisture can· Definitions and Standards, U. S. De­ I, By taking a personal iuterest in in­ test the Ourum Wheat. THIRD-Ihe finished produ!.:t il finally sub· lent will develop "sourness" and "heat," partment of Agricullure, for the pur~se creasing our membership by SECOND-a L1mpte of ,.hellt from every jected to actual boilinG test. will more rapidly hecome infecled with of agreeing upon suitable standards for urging other manuf

pensive m::caroni can be prepared in de­ be the principal dish. One of these the Guarantee of the "KING MIDAS" Name (WritWt tspteiolly for tht Macoro,,; homes will be the White House in Wash­ loumol) cidedly appetizing wa),s, thousands of American families have added thi:; nu­ ington, (or President Coolidge is the l\tacaroni dinners are now in \'cgue at leader among sponsors of t! \C Golden leading hotels throughout the country. tritive dish to their lists of rccllnlllu:nd· able foods. Thus America's taste for Rule movement. In addil :or'i j'h.! day SATISFACTION They are sponsored by Near East Relief will he ohserved in num -: I ~l h [artig-n and attended by representative citizens macaroni was given a considerable in every community for the purpose of arousing interest in International Golden Rule Sunday, December 5, the day set aside (or the cUllsitleration of war or­ ph:ms in Dible lands. This will mark the 4th annual ob· servanc~ of Golden Rule Sunday which is an important factor in promulgating the Gohlen Rule throughout the world as a basis of daily living, To more fully realize the comfort we enjoy in our American homes we are asked to forego our usual sumptuous Sunday dinner and cat a simple meal such as the orphans s have every day in the year and then pro­ Q vide as generously for their welfare as E we would like provided for ourselvcs if U conditions were reverscd. In the care of such large numbers of A R dependent undernourished children it has' naturally .been of paramount importance L V to provide them with food having a ma)(­ imum amount of nourishment at a mini­ I mum cost. Macaroni was found to be I one of the most efficacious foods in re­ T c storing the children to normalcy. This No.2 food 50 easy to prcpar.-: and so df'!::ious y E in taste is the one most g ~ .nerously served by housewives who wish to ob­ "boost" b)' the Americans' SYlIIll.1.thy for coulltries, amI ill such hOllies as those ui serve Golden Rule Sunday, 50 grocers MOL.(" # ", would do well to lay in an extra suppl)'. and charit), toward Neareastem war ref­ the King of Swtllen. the Presillent of France, and ' Former Premier Lloyll The National Macaroni Manufacturers ugees and orphans. Having tried it, they have found it to be a \'er)' palatable, nu­ Grorge of England, association has always cooperated with In commenting on the observance of the Nl'ar East Relief in furthering thl' tritive and economical food. Golden Rule Sunday Presillent Coolid!,:I' ohser\'ance of Golnen Rule Sunda), since On Golllen Rule Sunday, December 5, a great man)' American tables will pre­ writes: its inception in 1923. Extensive advn­ "Practical help is tilt: best expressiull tising campaibrtlS e3ch year h3ve Rrved sent simple meals in which macaroni will of friendship. The aid we may "rive oul the llual purpose of exploiting the merits of our abundance to those less fortu· of the food and of furthering the gos­ nately situated than we should be of pel of Golden Rule Sunday. Similar TRADE WITH A FRIEND great value in bringing about the appli. cooperation also has been given by A real friend is one that dOCs cation of the Golden Rule to the seUle· the Com Products Corporation, whose more than to merel), covel your ment of misunderstandings among na · There I, No Substitute For 'Durum Semolina staple. syrup, accompanies m3.caroni as frienllship. He strivu to cam tiolls as well ;1.5 amollg inllividuals. a food much usell umong the orphans anll to deserve it. We believe that every II dvertiscr in " 1 hope the voluntary observallce of ami refugees, this publication wishes and stnvu to this 1101)' may become incrcasinty pre\'­ In connection with the Golden Rule alent in America and throughout til.:. be the friend of every deserving Il\3.C­ Campaign a booklet. crammed with world." KING' MIDAS MILL COMPANY recipes for tast), macaroni dishes. was aroni nnl! noodle manufacturer. Test MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. prepared by Oscar of the \Valdorf, Mea. them out. You know how, Education Count. Christine Terhune Herrick, Mrs. O,ris­ I f you ~illd that what we say is true, Rastus-Lookee heah, Sambo. hoW Write or Wire (or Samples and Prices and we rlmll), think it is, then GIVE tine Frederick, Miss Bradley. and other you come to teach yo' mule all dem No.3 SEMOLINA culinary experts, This booklet h3s had OUR ADVERTISERS YOUR tricks? I can't te3ch mah mule nothin', No.2 SEMOUNA STANDARD a wide circulation and extensive use, BUSINESS. In th:&t Wil)' we will Sambo-Dat's easy. yo' has to know Observing Golden Rule Sunday, ancl all benefit by rriendship. mo' dan de mule. through it discovering that the inex.- , • Novt'mbcr 15, liP!. THE MACARONI JOURNAL Durums Demand Premiums

Strength, quite intlepcndcnt of and "anced ,'c a lb., the equivalent of 75c "Sure I Dot's de stuff. all right I" far more pronounced than that .appar­ a bbl., the No. :or grade quoted out "You know you need it, don't you?" ent in the market (or hiud bread of Minneapolis at 4Y-lC il lb. or approx· "Sure, 1 should say sol wheats, is making (or some concern on imately $9.50 a bb!. The best family ' "Well, why don't you buy it?" the part of durum wheat millers as well spring whent patents at Minneapo1i~ "Vell, vy don'd you ask me?" as the macaroni manufacturers who were quoted at $8.JO to $8.25, while consume semolinas. While it is not hard patents at Kansas Cit)" surprising that durum wheat is not fol­ were mostly between $7.50 ilnd $8.00, Did You Ever Think of It lowing a similar course to that of the in cottons. A year ago, it is interest­ His Way? hard spring wheats, says the South­ ing to note, semolina No.2 was quoted western Miller, it is rather unusual that around 4C a lb., nbout $8.00 a baTrel, What the vice president of the Amer­ the m:Jcaroni grain displays relatively against $8.50·to $8.60 for family Sprilli;' ican Exchange-Pacific National bank of so strong a tOile. Two years ago, it patents at Minneapolis, and $8.50 to New York city said not so lone ago to is recalled. the season when values $8.65 for hard winter patent in Kansas the members of a trade association is nol soared above the $2 'r ve) in wheat mar­ City. without :iOMe significance to the maca­ roni manufacturers or the country, kets, durums were ~ v ailablc at a shoup Strong Premiums For .Durum discuunt under hard bread spring points out. our good friend, Frank S. No. :I amber durum, used in the mill­ wheats. During the peak marketings Donna, manager of the National Maca· ing of semolina, sold up to $1.6.tY' a or that year the discount on durums roni Co. of Dallas, Texas. bu., Oct. 23, 1926, in Minneapolis, com­ :imounlcd in extremes to 60 and ioc a "The time is not far away when a bu, . pared with $1.51 to $1,56 for No. J busin\'Ss man's membership in his irade dark northern spring. The differential . Buyen Arc Cautious association will be an important factor PUR E on arn~er o urum rilnged from loe to in his banker's judgment of his credit Within the last few days, however, 32C over nuluth December, Ilgainst a rnting. It will be that for 3 reasons: fancy amber durum at Minneapolis has premium raTlge of loe over Minneapolis FRESH First-Trnde association member­ been selling;:lt a premium of 13 to 15c December tor the best types of spring ship is a measure of character be­ a bu. over the choicest types of dark wheat. northern spring. Semolinas now aver­ cause it shows the membc:r's abil­ S WE ET age as much as $1.50 a bbl. over fancy ity to ge~ along well wilh others. spring patents. The materially re­ Razzing a Salesman Sccolld-Trade association member.. CLEAN duced yield of durum wheat in the Specialists in aa.lesmanship are prac­ ship is a measure .of intelligence northwest of course accounts chiefly tically agreed that one of the first and of the member's business meth­ ECONOMICAl . (or the relative strength of the maca­ princip;ll things to learn if one is to bc! ods, because he is trying to elim· roni grain, the crop this year being successs(ul, is to realize when a sale is inate competitive waste and to use more than 18,500,000 bus. short o( a made. Oftentimes the new salesman cooperation as an economical pro­ Unexcelled fOT noodles year ago. Macnroni manufacturers will continue his "spiel" long after the motion weapon. have been hesitant to contract for their prospective buyer should have written Third-Trade association member­ Stocks in principal cities normal requirements o( semolinas, hop­ his name on th ~ dotted line. This is be­ ship is a measure of the sound­ Write for Samples ing for a price reaction. cause he fails to realize that the prospect ness of the industry, because it is Hard Wheat Millen Hopeful has been sold. doing something for the stability, ~ Recent sensational advances in prices efficiency ond economy of produc­ Wonder how many of the macaroni ALSO ALBUMEN for lIurum wheat nnd scmolinas are aa.lesmcn in the country have found tion and distribution." AND WHOLE EGG prm'iding a comparatively new and themselves in the predicament that can· From another authority comes the important outlct for hard winter wheat fronted one who was on the road, selling terse statement that membership in one's flour to the macnroni trade. Anum­ meat-slicing machines? ·trade association is GOOD DUSINESS her of mills in the southwest already Entering a strange city he first can­ POLICY: have shared in the larger buying ~f vassed a Dutch butcher, runs the story. "The trade association organized and hnrd winters by the macaroni manufac­ He started right off with a demonstra· I11 cv ing in the direction of its greatest hirers, the active inquiry which lately tion, slicing diligently at a slab of bacon possit) ;~: tie5 and highest id~als will make STEIN. HALL&CQ,INc. STEIN. HALL MfG.Co. has developed from this trade indicat­ until it had all been cut. Then he you fairer competitors one with tht' 285 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK. 2841 SO. ASHLAND AVE. CHICAGO. ing a probable sh:up increase in pur­ turned to Ihe butcher and asked: "What other, will be the cheapest and best in­ ~ hase s from southwestern mills. do you think of 'er? Some machine, eh? surance . for pennanent business success ~mall Durum Crop Principal Reason TIle butcher, eyes shining and face in which you can inveft, and will in ad­ DIRECT IMPORTERS : Explanation of the relatively high wreathed in smiles, slapped his hauds dition guarantee to the American public ESTADLlSHED Itl66 prices for semolinas is in ~he small out­ approvingly and said: "Py gollies, dot's a better and SJfer suppJy of those prod­ lurn of durum wheat in the north­ fine! Dot's a great t'ingl Effry butcher .ucts that come in y~ur line. In retum ~ ... est this year. The October official .in dis tQwn should hal vun." you l11ay be sure of a greater willingness government estimate of the durum Then earne' a period during which nei­ on the part of 'the public to buy your !\'heat production was 47,1)99.000 bus., ther spoke: 'The S3lesman placed nn­ products, nil of which is certainly a good compared with a final harvest of 66,­ other slab of bacon in the machine and business policy." . 593.000 bus. a year aco. Export de­ repeatetJ the demonstration. Then he N olhing more need be said. The mac­ mand for durum has been brisv turned again to tile butcher. aroni manufacturer who is still uncoq­ Advance of ~c Per Lb. R«orded "Don't you think that's a time saver­ vinced must be hopeless. JOIN tOUR In the past week semolinils ad- a real money saving investment?" TRADE A.SSOC1AT10N. • If THE MACARONI JOURNAL November IS. 1926 Novcmber IS, 1926 THE MACARONI JOURNAL 1& Approves Macaroni Publicity food is of daily interest. We can satisfy the craving for sto­ ries of this kind by creating a craving for our food by well Good, sound pUblicity is the kind that builds up good planned releases by afl authoritative body properly supported will, nrouscs a keen interest and mnkcs a lasting impression by those who stand to benefit most from it. Some day this INTRODUCING 011 the croup at which the publicity is aimed. will be done. The sooner ihe better (or the Ar.,..:rican maca­ Ai the recent New York meeting of the macaroni in· industry. dustry there was rclcnscd a story concerning the styles of the macaroni that will be most fashionable next year. \Vhile it will in no wise affect the kind of products which our in­ Business Slogans "CLERMONT" dustry will market, the story had the reader interest that Good slogans are apparently the latcst thing in businus. FoidiDE MachiDe NF Attached to caused the papers of the countr j to run it and to comment Macaroni manufacturers have realized the value of a good (;l.\'orably thereon. As a result macaroni products were business slogan and many are in use. We would like to list "CLERMONT" brought to the attention of the public in an interesting man­ the different ones that are used in the macaroni industry. Noodle CUUiDE Machiue NA.2. ner. Unquestionahly the effect was beneficial to our busi· Tell us your favorite slogan. ness. Here are a few that have come to our notice. How clocs Professor Leon R Whipple, head of the school of jour­ yours comp3Te ..... ith these? nalism o( the University o( New York, in opening his ad­ "Famous for Good Macaroni." dress to the trade secretaries at the annual meeting o[ the "The House of Qualit)" Courtesy ami Service." America n Trade Association Executives October 16 in \Vest "Trade With Us and Hank the Difference," Poi nt, N. Y., commented on that story. He said in part : "When lIetter Macaroni Is Made, We Will Make It," "There arc two kinds of Jlublicity that I run across. One "The Home of Quality Macaroni," was the newspaper release. 1 really thought I was coming "Macaroni Products of High Quality." up here to talk about newspaper releases because I wield "Manufacturers of High Qualit}· Macaruni Since 1885." a wicked pen and a wicked tongue on newspaper releases "TIle Sanitary Macaroni Shop," (rom trade nssoci3tions, but ] don't hve to do that. 1 "Where You Get Quality, Service and Satisfa ction." must say that some that 1 have leen were pretty rotten. "The Place for Finest Macaroni." "I did see a good one the other day from the macaroni "Noodles Like Mother Made." people. We are going to have (ewer styles in macaroni this "Noodles Like Mother Tried to Make." year. I learned that from the New York Sun. That was a "Vermicelli, Excellent Daby Food." vrry good pita of publicity. I don't know why we should "The Most of the Dest for the Leas!." not have curved and crinkled and upside down macaroni, but "Where You Gel What You Want When Yuu Want It,'· we aren't. It was also good propagrmda for Amtri(o,. maca­ " Home of Healthy, Nourishing and Economical Food." roni against . this Mussolini brand or some other imported ",\ Friendly Firm With a Principle." brand." You arc at liberty to adopt and usc any of these. Pcrhaps Combination type NF-NC-2. l.,vorable comment by so great an authority is pleasing. It you have a hetter one. Send it along. We'll puhlish it. should encourage more cooperative publicity work through the Here's a healthful and a prnfitahlc game we all can play, National association. TIle puhlic craves food stories because Come all, join in the [un.

the tomato and fla\'oring would quick­ Sh"apeoFthe The folded product of If Limited to Six Articles of ly penetrate. noCYIle folded by this machine i8 best ] have an Italian friend who makes suited for the Bulk Food, What Would You Choose? the most wonderful sauce for spaghetti thia machine. Trade. and 1 have notcd that he is very par· By C. P. Walton, President, Capital well prepared with a liberal amount of ticular in scleeting the spaghetti. Flour MilIl, Inc. liquid so that flavoring would penetrate While the sauce is perhaps a little ton the smatl tube of spaghetti. As a macaroni manufacturer you rich for steady diet I have noticed that This is not the sort of dish that is The Clermont Folding Machine NF is a complete and perfect machine in itself and would without hesitancy name a maca­ almost instantly the flavoring per­ sen'cd in a resta.urant or cafeteria can be attached and detached from the Noodle Cutting Machine at any time. roni product, but could you gi\'e such meates the spaghetti tube. The sauc\.' where so little is known about prepar­ reasoning for your choice as would tlo is put over the spaghetti and served With other attachments which are now in a developing stage, this machine will be justice to the product of your manu­ ing macaroni or spaghetti so th3t it is immediately. The first two or three able to fold fidellini, vermicelli and similar products. facture? most palatable. forks it has a slightly flat taste but The manufacture and quality in the after this it is deliciously flavored SCI For a Jleriod o[ more than 20 years spaghetti is a very important part. Spa­ that the flav oring must penetratl' The demand of the trade for such a machine has spurred our every effort to pro. macaroni or spaghetti has been served ghetti should be made from high grade quickly. He uses the so-called long duce it. The accomplishment of our aim as embodied in this machine is a source in our home on an :werage of twice durum wheat semolina milled in such goods and on examination under a of great satisfaction to us, and we are certain that the adoption of the machine by each week and] am sure I would not way as would le:l\'e the sharp granules microscope the tubes show that they hesitate in choosing spaghetti, toma­ of a hard mnty character. 1 would are quite porous which accounts for the trade will be not only a satisfaction to the user but a source of great profit toes and onions with olive oil, coffee want the manufacturer to build these the quick penetration of the fla voring. a. well. and milk ;J.S a stea"dy diet and I belie\'e granules into a small tube in such way ------that. this would be a: wise choice. This is why 1 would be so particular perhaps best described as ha.ving the: in selecting spaghetti made from sharp Write For catalog •.rId detailed information From the best spaghetti the neces­ appearance under microscopic view hard granules by the most skilled man· sary protein and carbohydrates are similar to a cobble stone wall. In ufacturer. 'furnished in· proper balanced form. other words, the dough mixed so that (We welcome short artldu of Ihis kind. CLERMONT MACHINE COMPANY Tomatoes for vitamin,.", c'Iion for fla ­ just enough, paste is in the mix­ Mr Wahon has slarted the ball a-rolling. 77-79 WASHINGTON AVE. BROOKLYN,NEW YORK voring, and olive oil to take the place 'ture to combine the granules in a loose Othen should follow hll example. Who'll of butter. (would want the ration or porous, form. The~ the liquid from \'olunlarily submit the nut?-Editot.) 1 ......


1 .! DEFRANCISCI DEFRANCISCI ;1 n Hydraulic Presses • Kneaders • Mixers • Die Cleaner Machines Hydraulic Presses • Kneaders • Mixers - Die Cleaner Machines

Tlul De Francl&cI Knudlnl Machine

H,.draulle staUona..,. 01. Hydraulic Horlmnt.1 Pr... Tn- "E" StaUona..,. OIa­ The Illustrations Show Our Latest Types of Hydraulic V.rtleal GENERAL FEATURES Pr... Stationary Die Vertical and Horizontal Presses, Type "E" G,ENER,AL FEATURES Dy using Ball Bearings in almost all the rotative Parts of Ihe Kncader the actioa 011 the Dough is very Four Stage Plunger Pump assuring practically Continuous smooth, therefore the Kn ~ad ing cncrgy Whie}l is trans£ormetl into heat is constant and e\'enly distributed. This Pressure of the Hydraulic Medium. avoids local overheating 111 the m~ss, ~nd with a c(:mstant flow of power th rough the Dough, the hcat is lU ore . Simplicity, Lightnell and Durability of the Distribution Vah:e readily absorbed by the surroundmg air, thus keepmg the temperature of the Vaugh much below the limit at and the Control of the 1\f:!.chinc. which fermentation and acidlication may start. Automatic Safety Interlock which Prevents Any Damage to The action on the Dough is sufficiently deep because of the weight of the Kneading Parts the shape of the the Machine caused by Neglectful Operators. Plow, and the shape t,ml lize of the teeth on the Kneading Hollers. ' Automatic ami Rapid lifting of the Principal Piston at the end oj th~ operation, t~u s effecting ~ S;,.\'ing ill Stretching and lacerationl of the Dough arc also avoided by the usc of Ball Bearings in the KneadinG' I{ollers Time. inasmuch as the Rollers, driw:n by the Dough, will never stick or fail to move freely. Exact Fitting of the Dough Cylinder on the Die by menns of the Tension of the Sprinf.::'s. The re\olving PAN docs 1:0t rest on its vertical shaft which is stationary, but is sUl'IJorteti by four conical Mechanical Simplicity of the LUting of the Dough Cylinders. baU bearing Rollefl which arc lo.:-ntcd under the outer circumference of the P,w. Elimination of the Bolts in the Cylinder Head bv mean!; of our new design which assures a High Pressure Pans supported only at .lhe c~nte; arc 5ubject to wobbliug'. we,trinf!' anti cven ~ircular fracture, when a lulUl' Seal and makes it easy to Dismount and Examine the Packing of the Pressure Cylinder. of dough passes under the KneadmJ:: Uollers. Moreover, non-s)'mmetncal stresses 111 the Pan continuously cause Automatic Operation of the Hydraulic Packing Apparatu!i. nexure on the central shah to such an extent that the shaft is often hroken. Ease and Safety of loadin!! the idle Dough Cylinder. This trouble is ablolutely eliminated in the De Francisci Kneader, where the central shaft supports no weight Simplicity of operating the Dilk at the bottom of the idle Cylinder. it being only a guide bearing for the re\'oh'illG' Pan. ' Plate under the DOllJ::h Cylinders which Prevents the Dough from Falling Out when the Cylinders arc lifted. The Kneading RoUen are grounJ and polished on the conica l surface, thus reducing the friction with the The Floor Space under the Horizontal Press can be Utilized for Mounting the Dlower and the 4I5hort Cuts" Dough. Moreover, the size and "hape of the kneading teeth thorouchly assure the requircd work. Conveyor. The Dough Plow's principal characteristic is in its shape. In designing the DOlIgh I'low care llIust Le taken The Die of the Horizontal Prell is dra ..... n into its scat without Any POlllbiUty of Damage. that it will not suddenly twist the DouCh. To avoid this trouble our Plow is \'en' lonc so that it gradually Dy using two Removable Cutting Knives the number of different Lengths which may be Cut" Increaled brings the Dough from the horizontal to the vertical position. . to 28. The Plow is ground ami poli,lhed .like Ihe Kneading Rollers. to reduce the. frh:tion to the minimum pas­ The Knives are Held In the Center thus avoiding trouble due to the ';)ell'Jing of Knife Blades. Ilble and assure a kneaded Dough 10 winch the natural amher color of the Semohna IS retai ned. All PreBlel are constructed for Installation either to the Right or III die Left bf other machinery, such as Various moving Parts sllch as Gear, supporting Rollers. kneading Rollers, etc .• which may injure the operator Kneaders or Mixers, thereby effecting a Saving o f Labor and Securinl! EI:c.Rolmy, arc provided with co\'ers 50 that Safety is one of the features of ollr !l.tachinc. . .


exist in the weighing of packages in the Export Business Improving plant. However, in the enforcement they will prohably use considerable dis· ThUIli,:h the total quantity DC domestic The United Kingdom continues to be cretion and take into consideration tlu' the principal buyer of American maca­ variations in moisture to the extent 01 CEVASCO~ CAVAGNARO &AMBRETTE, Inc. macaroni exported in September shows n large increase over last August and toni products. During September 152,- minimizir.!! any unfair practice that ma~' over September a year nco, the total 000 Ibs. were shipped to that part of result for a too strict interpretation of (or the first 9 months DC 1926 is still the world. The DominiC4ln Republic the law. Designers and Builders below that of 1925. According to fig­ was a close competitor, buying 138;- To these officials it is obvious thM a ures released by the department of 000 Ibs.; Canada received 9UXJO Ibs.; large manufacturer who can 3fford to of High Grade commerce the total exportation for Mexico 75,000 Ibs.; Australia 74,000 have laboratory control of the moisture September 1926 was 766,000 lb5. The Ibs. j Cuba 64,(0) Ibs. and Panama content of his products when packed i~ Macaroni Machinery increase is noted when ..:-omparcd with 48.000 lb •. at a great advantage over the small mall­ 443.000 11;5. in Aueust this year and The appended list of countri'!:s to ufacturer who cannot afford such can· ---0--- 533,000 Ills. in September 1925. which domestic macaroni was shipped trol and who is compelled to make n AT LASTI The Prul Without a Fault. For the 9 month l)criod ending Sept. in September and the ports handling very much drier product than the I:lw fl" 5imille anti economical in opcration; compact anti 30, 1926, the macaroni exports tot:alcd the outgoing macaro1"i products was quirtS in order to be: on the safe silk durallie in eon ~ lrllction . No unneccn ary parts, but cnrythinlt absolutely cuential for the constructiou of 5.994,000 Ills. while for the same period compiled by the foodstuffs division of It is also apparent to these judicious of· a fir st cla ss machine. ia!'lt year the total of 6.309,000 Ibs. the bureau of foreign and domestic ficials that if a strict interpretation of Onl), two controls on entire machinc. One \'alve commerce for September, 1926: the law was enforced, it would merely controls main Illunl: er anti raise s cylintlu, to allow h:uJ been reached. swinltin,!:". Another \'ah'e controls the JlacL:e r. No mean that many manufaclurers wouM MACARONI EXPORTS BY PORTS OF DESTINATION. SEPTEMBER 1926 IlIcchamcal 1Il0\'emenU, allilarts opc rated h),draulically. <1000 IbL) avail them!elves of the limit on moisture Gu:uanletd production in excess of :'5 barrels per N,w N,w Vir- Dahi· Wasil' 52n All to see that their product contained thnt da)'. Iteduces waste to unr·third the usual Iluantit)'. York Orle"II' aillia more inaton Fun- Othrn Total This press h:r.s many important featurcs, a fcw of Exportrd to minimum before shipping it. which we enumrrale herCY.'l1h . Iri.h Frce State_.__ . _ _._ ~ ... __ 6 These officials also realize that il Ncthrrland. ______12 12• LINING. Hoth th c main cylinder and the Ilackcr Unitrd Kinsdom _. 95 IJ 14 JIJ 1'2 would be difficult to convict in a court cylinder arc lined with a brass sler\·e. Dy linin!? these Canada 12 81 ., of law in any case where it could be c),linders, the friction is rcductd anti the possibility of Dr. Hondura, I an), loss of preu ure through ddet U in the sleel C;UI· C05ta Rica __ .______2 2 proved that even though a given package in!.: 5 is ahsolutely eliminated. It is rractically hnpos. Guatemala 2 J was short weight at the time of sale the sible to obtain absolutdy perfect .ttt cylinders. Other Hondura. , , manufacturers either hammcr down these ddects or Nicarasua _ _ .______, 5 reduced moisture content of the package It II them with soldrr. Either o( these methods is at Panama ______• 42 48 more than offset the short weight, anti :i~I~~ . a make· shift and will not lasl (or any lelll:th of Mexico ______" ZI ZZ 75 Jamaica _. ____. _ ____.. I J 4 the consumer was actually getting more Cuha __. ______IZ " PACKING. New Iystem of packing, which abso· SZ .. dry mac.aToni than he was entitled to. hltcly prc\'ents Inka!;c. , 138 Dominican Rdiub. _____ .. _ 4 IJIJ Honest manufacturers who will prop­ Dutch W. In iu._____ I I RETAINING DISK. The rctaininlt disk at the bot· Haiti 2 5 7 erly dry their product, pack full weight 2 2 tOtTI of the itlle cylinder is raised and lowered by Vir~in -i.'j;nd. __ -=== I into their cartons and market it with no lIIeans of a small IC\'c r, which movcs throu~h an arc alie I of len than 45 dcltreu. Colombia J J thought of giving short weight to their I'eru ___=---==- ____ , PUMP. The pump is our illl(lroved four (4) piston Venuurla _ •2 2 customers, will need fear no molestation. type. 11,. India 2 2 An 8 oz. package of mac.afoni should Cerlon .._ ._--- I I DIE PLATEN. Tht die platen or sU(lport is divided Ollna ______• IJ ZJ contain 8 oz. of this product with a iulo three (J) sections for the IJJ/, inch and two (2) • g moisture content of not more than 13 9'0 section5 for the 120 inch press. (We ori~inated this ~a:~I I ;i~ ;; ··=:::====:= ~ •J 5 s),stem of sub·dh·ision of platcn, since cOllltd by COlli' AUItralia _.. __,, ___. __ 7' • at the time of packing. Allowances I' clitors.) New Zealand _._._____ .. _ 11 6 17 should be: made for slight variances in " PLATES. There are platn on front and rur of IIr. So. AfriCL. _____ I I goods s~ipped to high altitudes and 10 IU ~u to !Iu:\'ent dou!;h falling when ey linden are In'lIIl; swu nl;' TOTAL _. __ . ____.. _ .2.. 9 2IfI I. 2h 4J 14' 71» the dry regions. -Leu th,,," SOC), " Full weight packages of proper size JACKS-SPRINGS. No jacks or springs arc uu t.! to Countries im{lOrting leu th:m SOO lb •. omitted. prc\'('lI t leakal:c of doul:h bctwcen cylinder and die. will allay suspicion, g:1in the confidcnce Our spccial systcm of contact pftVrnts this. Sprin~. of the buyer and consumer and build up wil1 105c their resilie nc), from continued usc alltl WIll Vertical Hydraulic PrUi with Stationary Die not function prupcrly. ties whtre a small variance is quite ap­ good will that is so essential to a goin J.;. succesdul business concern. CONTROL VALVE. Both the main (llun.::er and NET PACKAGE WEIGHT preciable. the packer plunger art cOlltrollrtl by our improved These and many other similar ques­ nh·e. The 1II 0nbie Ilart of Ihis \·ah·c rOlatt 5 against a fl at surface. As there is always a thin f\IIII of oil tions are being asked by the trade be­ IIWine" Jelly between the two face s, the,'c can be practically no wear on Ihis Ilari. Vcr), little Ilower relluire,1 to St·t same as th c rnO\'cmcut When ID HI D"",11;l1ed7--O/ SpIC;.1 caus of the bureau of chcmistn"s I. concentric. Grapo growere in lIoutllcrn California I"tertll to Shipper of Products i" lightening up the enforcement of the nel MATERIAL. All cylinder) are of slrei, and han a vcry high safely factor. are pleased with the ruling made hy Cartons-Scml AJvict. weight amendment of the pure food law. QUICK RETURN. "r lII('an) of an iUlllrO\'ed by. pan valvc, we ha\'e rcduccd th c pressure un th e relUrn struke to l'f'I\;· tho governmcnt which permits the wil h· Our Washington f<,presentative, Dr. tinily nothing. lIy reducmg the b:n:' preSS ure, the ralll or pluu!.:e r u·turns to its startin l,' point in Itss than one (I) minutc. What is mc~nt by "net wright"? drawal of 12.000 gallona of wino au· PACKER. While the h)'draulic p3ckcr :las indellendent control, it n·turns autom;!ticall), wllt'l\ thc llIain control \'ah'c is set When is it to be determined? When n. R. Jacobs, has !>ten feeling out the of­ to the return position. ficials on this point. They state that un­ nually to be uacd in mlUlwacturing jel. p..'lckcd? When placed in intentalc com· ly by a proccaa rccently perfccted by CONSTRUCTION, This Ilresl is solidly and i";!.,,,ily con5\ructcd throughout. All material is thc best obtainable. The mercc? When sold to the consumer or der the law they arc not allowed any lat­ bal e i. very rigid and thc Ului"lItl extend to the die platen .upport, th ereby IHc\'cntiul; any \'ibratioll of the press. itude in its enforcement and that a plck­ John La Fourcado of Rivcrside, Cn\. when eaten? EJ:perimenta carried on under govern· While the question of net weights con­ age must be full weight when it enten ment luperviaion abow. tho' praeticabil. ----- in in l ~rstate commerce. ------cems every manufacturer of macaroni ity of tho proecBS. A very fino jelly is 156-166 Sixth St. 159-171 Seventh St. products, whether packed in 4 Ol. or 22 These officials aim to do only what is Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A. fair with respect to net weights. The tbe re8ult. Tbis new process wiH pro· lb. containers, it is of particular inter­ Addr... all communication. to 156 Sixth Str •• t. cst to those manufacturers who market only latitude that they can allow is for vide a new outlet for a portion of the large grape surplus of tbat Itato. their products in cartons in small quanti- variations and tolerances which .may ~======--.======~ ,. 20 THE MACARONI JOURNAL No\,tlllber IS. 1026 THE MACARONI JOURNAL 21

CEVASCO, CAVAGNARO & AMBRErI'E, Inc. On the oppolite page i. ilIuatrated our lat ..t type Kneader. Designers and Builde~ of High Grade Macaroni Machinery. w. have incorporaled In Ihis machine many Impravemen/s. making , ' illhe mOJI efliclenl, as well as Ihe safesl machine In use In a macaroni ------~Cr------faclory. We menllon a few of Ihem herewl/h.

Guard. The cone on the front or working side of the ~an is guarded by a movable guard. which i. self adjusting

Dearth of Dry Durum dicate an additional requirement this the standards do not directly consider The wet weather that has general­ year of about 70,000,000 bus., to be protein content of wheat, whereas mill­ TO THE USERS OF ly prevailed in the durum wheat areas made up by imports, long milling, and ers in the last decade have come to since the harvest has had a serious substitutes. It must be noted in this consider it seriously because their buy­ effect on the durum wheat market, and connection that the French rye crop ers now demand flour of specified pro· good durum now commands n premium this yenr is smaller than usual. Last tein content. Peters 330,842,000 Package Machinery ovcr even the highest quality No. 1 . year, with a crop of bus. of The baker or the macaroni maker northern. The se molina market and wh~at France imported 34,000,000 bus. r~gards the protein content of his flour the durum prospects are thus rC\'icwcd Last year, however, the quality of the as an important index to the quantity wheat was poor and a large percentage by the Minneapolis correspondence of of product he can manufacture from il the Modern Miller. was unmarketable. Carryover is re· gh'en quantity of flour. To streich tI· : ported to be negligible. Semolinas 3rc moving steadily in quantity he often is compelled to re· The Peters Automatic Carton and Liner Feeding modcr.1tc \'olume (or immediate ship· . sort to the use of some added ingredi. ment. There is no forward contract­ The 1926 Wheat Crop ents of a lesser quality than the glutcn Apparatus for Peters Forming and Lining Machine ing worth noticing at prescnt and The United States crop, according to that would be obt:l.ined in high I' buyers still cling to the idea that n the October I estimate, will total tein wheat. much better buying level will develop around 840,000,000 bus. of which about TIle institute Cavors a change in the has been perfected. This device automatically feeds , . some time in the future. As maUers 213,000,000 bus. are spring wheat. This specifications so that wheat witl be val· stand the mills have a hard time get­ spring wheat estimate includes approx­ ued with reference to protein .content. cartons and sheets (from a roll) of lining paper to ting desirable raw material to care (or imately 48,000,000 Lus. of durum In that e\'ent regions that produce their immediate requirement trade and wheat produced in the four north· wheats of high gr:tde witl have reflect­ the Peters Forming and Lining Machine. ndviccs from the country indicate a western states oC Minnesota, the DOl. ed to them the premiums that would dearth of good dry durum to grind. kotas, and Montana. The spring be paid (or those 6rades. It concludes The best durum country is in the wheat crop is about 58,000,000 bus. with the st:\to:ment that "in the inter­ northern third of North Dakota and smaller than last year but Hie winter est of producers, millers and the gen­ wheat crop is about 230,000,000 bus. rainy weather in that section reduced eral public I~ is greatly to be des,ired quality sharply or put 5 to 10% exceS5 larger than last year. that protein content be made an im· moisture into the w~at. portant specification in wheat grad- Tht v~ :look for good milling durum ItaUan Wheat Conlumption ing." . is more than last year, C'specially so The per capita consumption of wheat hecause of the disastrous season in in Italy which amounted to 6.8 bus. in Wheat Crops Sufficient South Dakota, which ordinarily pro· 1915 shows a marked increase over Statisticians in London believe that duces a lot of fine milling quality. previous years, according I to a report Much of the North Dakota crop this (rom J. B. Osborne, American consul the 1926 crop wilt be more than suffi­ year sprouted during the r:liny spell general at Genoa. During the period cient to fill the requirements f~r tile and much of this stufT will move for 1911 . 1913 the 3\'erage yearly consump­ year. They estimate that the wor1d '~ total wheat purchases during 1926 will export :It a cheap price. tion W35 6.1 bus., from J918 to 19M Mills managed to build up a slight it was 6.2 bus., and from 1923 to 1925 reach 84,000,000 quarters, :tpproxi­ reserve of milling durum during the amounted .to 6.4 bus. This increase mately 672,000,000 bus. While the course of a week or two of good weath· has been caused in part by the higher harvest throughout Europe is general· er in the country but in the past week standard of living among certain ly good it is estimated that European hardly a desirable car has arrivd on classes since the war. purchases will amount to 70,000,000 the market, which necessitated the USf: The constant and progressh'e in· quarters or about 560,000,000 bus. Of o( part of the accumulation. The out· crease in the national production o( this Great Britain is expected to pur­ look for durum premiums is bullish and grain has not been found sufficient tn chase 25,000,000 quarters, France 12,- We are now booking orders for the Automatic Carton it docs not look as though there would meet the increased consumption ami 000,000 quarters, Italy 10,000,000 quar­ he an opportunity to contract (or semo­ imports have accordingly increased. ters. Requirements of countries east and Liner Feeding Apparatus. linas at any important· decline under Notwithstanding the exceptional crop of Suez will complete the ~stimated present prices. of 1925, amounting to over 65,000,000 total purchases. quintals (239,01..0,000 bus.), a quantity The total is (0,000,000 quarters, 2,· Full information obtained from our Engineers. France', Wheat Crop i. Light ne\'cr ~dore reached in the history of 500,000 tons larger than that of 1925. The first regular official estimate of Italian wheat cultivation, the importa­ but reports of bumper crops in Unitetl the grain crops of France received by tions of foreign cereals amounted to States, Argentina and Australia indi­ the United States Department of Agti. IR,ooo,ooo quintals (66,000,000 bus.). cate that there will be a margin in culture from the International Insti­ Cavor of the consumer of 20,000,000 tute of Agriculture, places the wheat Protein Content Factor in Wheat quarters, approximatt:ly S,()(X),ooo tons. PETERS MACHINERY COMPANY crop at 248,605,000 bus. in comparison The officials said standards of the with the estimate of 259,633,000 bus . . United States are losing much oC their Revoke. Food Standards made by the Bulletin des Halles in \'alue. because of the changes that are , On recommendation of the food 4700 Ravenswood Avenue September. taking place in the trade practice or standards committee, which consists France's average wheat requirements evaluating wheat, according to the of representatives of the Association of CHICAGO, U. S. A. during the years 1921-22 to 1924-25 Food Research Institute of Stanford American Dairy, Food and Drug Offi­ were 318,000,000 bus., which would in- University, Cal. It is pointed out that cials, Association of Official Agricul- ,. ." • November IS, 1926 THE MACARONI JOURNAL November 15, 19:16 THE MACARONI JOURNAL tural Chemists and U. S. Department hed quantitiCi Is . uitable for the diabetic st3listics, The first estimate of pro­ of Agriculture, the secretary of agri­ patient I, fahe and millcadlng, duction this year wu 320,208,000 bu, culture has definitely revoked the defi­ The final estimate of the 1925 crop was nitions and standards Cor self raising Wheat Crops in Spain 324,875,000 bu. Acrulge this year is "Gluten Flour" and (or "Dinbrtic Spanish wheat production is placed now placed at 30,288,000 acres. The Food." The (ormer is no longer an at 157,335,000 bu. lrom an area ol 10,- final revised estimate of acreage for article of commerce, while the latter 687,000 acres, according to a cable just 1925 was 31,791,000 acres. comes under laws pertaining to drugs received by the Unite;d Slates Depart­ because it is offered (or the mitigation ment of Agriculture from the Interna­ Ecuador Cheap Flour Market of disease. tional Institute of Agr:culture. This is Ecuador 'offers an excellent and con· The text or the rem ked Definitions a decrease of 5,257,000 bu. from the stant mnrket Cor cheap macaroni fl our. and Standards i ~ as (ollows : fin::!.1 estimate of 162,592,000 bu. {rom according to Richard P. Dutrick. Circular IJ6, p3f.(f' 7. 11.:111 'I under G rains 10,722,000 acres last year, but an in­ American consul at Guayaquil. For and Mtah. crease oC 35,557,0IX> bu. over the 121,- both 1924 and 1925, wheat flour Waf' .,. GLUTEN FLOUR. SELF·RAIS· 778,000 bu. (rom 10,379,000 acres the the most important single import into lNG, ;s a f.(IUICII flour conlaininJ{ nol more year before. Production this year Ecuador. \Vheat 110ur constitutes Ihall len prf cenl (IO~) of moisture, and should give an ample supply Cor do­ o\'er 59£t o r the total value of Ecuador's lc.wcninl{ :If.( cnl!l willi or without nil. mestic uses which Cor the period 1921 imports, amounting to about 10,000 Circular IJ6, llage 7. ilelll 8 under Gnin. to 1924 averaged about 140,000,000 bu. and Muh. hbl. monthly. HOURGLASS BRAND \\'heat production in Tunis is plnced 8. "DlAIIETIC" F 0 0 D. - AlthouHh The market is thoroughly dominated lUuSI foods may be suitable under certain at 11,023,000 bu. in comjlMison wi th by American flour, 95% o( the imports contlilhms for III(: use of 1"!r5onl loffering 11,758,000 ill 1925 and 5,181,000 the coming Crom the United Stntes. from diat.u:lu, Ihe lerm "diabelic" al ap­ yenr beCore. The whent crop in AI­ There arc two grades upon the local Illied In fo od indicates a considerable leu­ terin is estimated at 29,762,100 bu. market, known as "primern" and "se­ Semolina and Flour cning of Ihe catboh)'dratel roond in ordi­ compared with 3::!.555,000 in 11)25 and gunda." In these grndes there is a nary products of th e ume dus, and Ihi, brlid is fo stered by lIIany manufa(lurtu 17,156,000 in 19:24. wide variance or quality, although they on ,In:ir !abtl! and in their aduftisinJ{ Iii­ conCorm in general to their classiflca· l'raturt, India Wheat Eatimate Increased tions. Primera is a patent hard wheat A "diabttic" food (nnl3inl nol more Ihan Whent prolluction in India is placed fl our and segunda is a western hard Quality of First Consideration half as much J;1)'(ogtnic carbohydralCJ 3S wheat flour. A chea'l macaroni flour Ihe normal food of Ihe same dan, Any at 323,605,000 bu. in the second esti­ statement on the labd which gives the mate cnilled to the Department of Ag­ is also imported. The best selling illllueuiun th3t any .inRle food in unlim· riculture hy the Indian department or brands are those of the segunda gtilde Milled exclusively from carefully select~ ed Durum Wheat, which eliminates entirely the neceSSIty of artificial From coloring. Am ber Durum Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed STRONG alld UNIFORM and of a WONDERFUL Location Enables Prompt Shipment COLOR Write or Wire For Samples and Prices For Quality Trade " DULUTH-SUPERIOR MILLING CO. Crookston Milling Company Main Office: DULUTH, MINN. CROOKSTON, MINNESOTA NEW YORK OFFICE, FG Produ,. Ex, BOSTON OFFICE: 88 Brood Street PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 458 Bou". Bldg. CHICACO OFFICE: \4 E. J.,k.on Blvd.

,- .. , • 30 THE MACARONI JOURNAL XU\'cmhcr 13. 1\I!6 Novcmber IS, 1926 THE MACARONI JOURNAL :md only a n:ry small quantity of ents ;! inner sacks :Ire placed in a sin­ there be even a small decrease in smut the highest ~rallc tlours fimJs a mar· gle burlap ha~. This latter method rt:: · damage. I,el in Ecuadur. Amcricnn nour comes slllls slightly cheaper. Both Pacifi c from the Pacific coast ports of Port­ coast and Gulf purts ship on direct Hinde & Dauch Expands MALDARI'S INSUPERABLE MACARONI BRONZE DIES lanLl, San Frnnciscn, Seattle, and Ta­ steamers. with removable pins The "Iinde & Dauch Paper company comn and (wm thc Gul( port of Xc\\' of Sandusky, 0., that has long sup· Orleans, the greater part ('HOling from Expect Less Smutty Wheat plied containers to several large maca· the Pacilic (Hast. Marked reduction in the Slllllt lhl1l1 - rani manufacturers of the country, has It is flot cuslnmary for Ecu,ulurians Quality age to wheat in the spring wheal sec· purchased the Kan~as City Fiber nOl( to have hread madc ill their h(Jl1Ic~ . tion of the northwest is expected this company and the Kansas City Packing Tud. Hume co nsulI1ption oj floUf is fn r olher "hr. year by Department of Agriculture nf· Casc company, KanslS City, Mo., allll R ••• purposes. IIrc;1I1 is almost entirely u. s. r.'_nl Olrlu ficials as a result of the recent smut witl 0Jlerate them a~ a part of the 19 made by hakeries and the gcncra1llrac­ pre\'ention l'ampaign conducted in that planls the S:ln

SUCCESS A PERMANENT DEPENDABLE EMPLOYEE in producing and marketing a useful Product In Cartons can be traced to two causes,- A CHAMPION FLOUR HANDLING OUTFIT when once in­ Low Production Cost and Means of Protection stalled in your plant becomes a permanent, reliable, economical and to the Product from the Factory to the Consumer. dependable employee. ---0---01--- IT handles your Semolina without los •. IT sift. and blends carefully and accurately. IT works automatically and will last a JOHNSON life·time. PACI-ii:.AGING lVI.AC..-INERY IT save. lime and material. for Lining Welghlng, Filling, Sealing and Wrapping Cartons-not only offers the most ECONOM­ IT costs little and pay. for itself in savings ICAL method of Packaging In Cartons, ememely LOW cost of maintenance and repairs but­ it accompli.hes. the Lining and,Wu Wrapping methods of protection guarantee the delivery of your Product to the Consumer In PERFEOT OONDITION Calalogue and Quolaliom gladly all inleres/ed Macaroni and Noodle JOD~~ON Manufacture,.. Write loday. Battle Creek, Michigan The Champion Machinery Company A.utomatic Sealer Co., Ltd., Joliet lIIinois NEW YORK, Jf Church St., CIllCAGO. lOS S. LaSaIl. sc., LOS ANGELES. CAL •• 617 "'arlb.Strou8 Bid• • New York RepreaentaUve: Frank P. Murray, 260 W. Broadway, New York City~-Phone Walker 7095 • NO\'C lUb er 15, 1926 THE MACARONI JOUr:NAL Notes of the Macaroni 'Industry

August Imports and Exports Paul, Minn. Almost a hundred grocery Messrs. Halph Ne\'y and A. Clemente products were exhibited at the show, of the macaroni firm welcomed tht: There ha !O heell a steady decline in tlll~ which was gh'cn October 26-30 in the students. Ilu;Intity ;1IIt! value of the macaroni, spa­ IANIERI'S municipal auditorium in cooperation j,(hctli anti IlIKHllc imports this year, 35 with the Pioneer Press-Dispatch man­ Rapid Drying System for Macaroni cvidl'uccd by j;ovcfIlmcn! figures for Au­ Noodle Firm Dillolved agement. gust 1926. Total 'iln llO Tlatioli of maca­ The nood le firm of Martinez y M. drl •• them perfectly without The Minnesota Macaroni company of roni prcl(~UCI S was .1,002,48.\ Ills. \'alucll Ortiz of Havana, Cuba, has been dis­ 51. Paul di splayed its full line of prod­ watching the drying at $267,770 for the g month Jleriod end­ solved for reason not made' known. ucts, the Crcamettc company of Minne· ing Aug. JI. 1926, Of this, 294,004 ItJs. The business is being continued by apolis specialized on its "Creamettes," reached (JUT ()fITI S during August. Th~ Sr. Angel Martinez, former manager, and the Eg-Noos company of Minneap­ value was $2.1,WJ. This is a slight in­ who has taken over the assets and lia­ olis exhibited its egg noodles. The SAVE SPACE and LABOR crease over August 1925 which showed bilitiea and will conduct the business show was successful from practically 243,796 ills. imported at a value of $16.- on an increased scale. every angle. 058. The decline is noted when comparing Economize and increase your daily Maearoni Maker Olea ForeIgn Trade Opportunity it with the imjlorts of the 8 month period. The U. S. Department of Com­ production without enlarging Make it Safe for During the first 8 months of 1925 the im­ A Pagano, senior member of Pagano & Marino of Middletown, Conn., died merce, in its offi cial bulletin, ca lls at­ purts totnled 4.296,629 Ibs. worth $297,- tention to an opportunity for the sale your factory 409. early in November following a short Humpty Dumpty illness. He was a man of high stand­ of macaroni products in foreign coun­ The export husiness is likewise declin­ tries. The prospective purchaser re­ ing. So far this year 5,227,788 Ibs. were ing in his home city where he was :\ sides in Wellington, N. Z. The de­ 'III/li p'), [)WI/ply sui 111111 exporled uplO the end of August, bring­ husiness leader for years. Practically WrJte today to: II"" Jlartment lists the opportunity under I/I//IIP/)' [Jumpty fwd (J /:r.·,lI/,,1I ing our exporters $445,540. For the same all his life was spent in the macaroni manufacturing business, the knowl ­ Trade OPllOrtunity No, 2 1,612. All ,he hl/g's /"lTsrs all,/ (11/ 1/11' period last year WI! exported 5,775,377 Reservcd information may be ob­ 1.:;lIg'$ lill'I/ Ibs. worth $483,513. I!dge of which he first gained in his home in Italy before coming to Amer­ tained from the Bureau of Domestic JOHN IANIERI COMPANY l.:olllJ lIul pilI /lum pt)' ("I:cl/ra Tariff Interests American Firma and Foreign Commerce by duly regis­ II guill. A committee appointed by the Cuban ca. His partner. Mr. Manno, will dis­ 553 NORTH 63rd STREET government to study the question of pose of the plant equipment and will tered America n firms and individuals PHILADELPHIA, PA. proper tariff on imports is about ready give his attention to anoth er line of upo n written request giving opportu­ N I> it llIig'la he thai the kill).:" to make recommendations, which if husiness. nity number. The bureau does not rur­ A new illt o a Il'rrihk rage he ­ adopted will affect .n products within nish credit ratings or assume respl'n­ ('at1~l' ht· had 11 0 egg- fur hrcak· the provisions of the law. According ROlli Builds Annn sibility as to the standing of the fo~ fa::t. Bill if he was a wise ki ll).!" to the September Cuba Foodstuff Rec­ The" Peter Rossi & Son's firm in Draid­ eign inquirer. hl' sil \'ed his \\'rath and madl' SlIre onl great interl!st is being shown by wood, 111 •• has under construction a large American manufacturers and export­ IIial ill the futurl' Ilullipty wa:­ the domestic manufacturers of maca­ addition to its plant that will cost about ers of macaroni products in following pnlt ectl'ci. roni and \'ermicelli in connection with $5,(XX). The building is 4Ox70 and is of up trade oppo rtunities submitted by foreign representatives of the U. S. the new custom house tariff which has fmme with steel pillars and girders. Thai is what lhl' wise shipP"'r government should not fail to furnish been unde r study by this SIJe cial gov­ When complcled, it will he used :L5 a dm's (tu b \,. He kllows brnl.clI the American consul, commercial at­ unment committee for 2 months. garage for the of macaroni trucks 1II l' I'l' halldfsl' is an irn'parallil' tache or trade commissioner who sent In answer tn numerous inquiries which handle pmctically all the output of Inss. Il l' !mows rl'pcilh'c! dalll­ in the report a copy of their If'tter tn reaching us regarding such lariffs we this company that has been in continued :l J!t.' (Il'C\'CS hi s l· l1 s l o llh·r s. :\ 11( 1 the foreign merchant. This practice can say only at th is writing that they existence in the same city for nearly a he kllows Sill'll thill ).:·s sJloil prni· should work out to distinct advantage arc not expected to be put into effect haH century. Henry D. Rossi and Felix USE its and !lIIsilll·SS. for se\'eral weeks and we shall in due J. Rossi are the principal members of of the American exporters, as it will Penza'. Superior Bronze MacarGd time publish e\'crything of interest to the firm . enable consuls and other representa­ tives of the government to follow up Mould. with Perfected and Patented .\II«I"·I'SIIII -'1'l1lh- 1I1itl'arllni I II'Xl· .~ our readers. In the mC:lntimc arrivals arlO hllilt for thl: shippl'f w ho in ­ the matter personally with the (oreign continue from normal sourccs, these Indultrial Cia.. Viait. Plant "Kleen·E·Z" Removable Pins. sists tha t his shipl1ll'lIt s arri\'l' ill merchant. ha\'ing been very Iieht during August Members of the industrial geog­ pl'rfl'cl condition, Thl'\' l'Ii llliliatl' as imports reclJrded through Ha\'ana raphy classes of the high school at thl' ImiSl'S from Ul1lh'cl:ssan' (la111 - amount only to 788 cases compared Seize. Adulterated Goods' SAVE Cumberland. Md., gained first han d ag'l·. \,"c can prU\'l' thai 11 ;l'~ ' arl' with 2i90 cases in July. It is reJlorted The United States Department of impressions of the macaroni manurac­ Power r hcapl'st ill t il l' blllg" filii , I.l· t II :" that local factories are getting ready to turing business by personal inspection i\griculture in its Service and Regula­ quott' you. introduce such impro\,ements in their last month of the Ct.mberland Maca­ tory Announcements reports seizure of Waste of Dough plants as may be necessary to supply roni Manuracturing company's modern alim'entary pastes that were shipped in­ Time in Cleaning the finer grades produced by manufac­ plant. Officials personally guided th: terstate in violation of the federal fo od Give Better Service turers in Spain, United States and students through the plant, eXJ>tainin~ :tnd drugs act. The notice of judgment ANDERSON·TUI.IY CO. Italy, the normal sources of supply for e\'ery process of manufacture and com­ ptrsuant to section 4 of the act, is as A trial will proue the ,uperiority. , , many years. pleting their duty as hosts by serving foU owa : Good Wood Boxei the students with the finished product, '.0:al. Adulteration or .pI.hettl, ell noo­ Macaroni At St. Paul Show prepared in all its tastiness. Miss­ dlel, hominy, ptuut., and mincemeat. Memphis U. 8••• g CUt. or ~pa.httti. et aL De, Frederick Penza & Co. Three firms had extra attractive lian Myers is in charge fOf th e: class rault decree of condemnation. forrelture, booths at the 11th Annual Food Show that will visit practically every indus­ and dtstructlon. (P. & O. No •. 20601, 788 UnIon St. Brooklyn, N. Y. of the Retail Grocers Association of St. trial plant in that aection of Maryland. 206oJ. 2060.t, 20605, 20606. I. S. No •. '- , •,

3' THE MACARONI JOURNAL Novtmbcr 15, 1926 Novell1b~r 15. 1926 THE MACARONI JOURNAL 43J7"., 4ll8-x, 4JJ9-., 4j4o-x, 4341-". S. ucts,' distributed .hou!land!l of booklets ican brands o£ this nour makes their Nos. C-4861, C-486r-a, C-486I-b, C-486I-C, . and in other \\';.,.}s helped to concen­ position in that marl,c( very strong. C'486I-d.) trate the attention of the housewives Meets Every Requirement of "The Ideal Container" On NO\'cmbcr 12, 1925. the United Slatu A considerable proportion of the im· attorney for the E:tslun Di.trict of MI.­ to this fish Cood. ports of wheat flour into Finland rep­ The Stokes & Smith lourl, :acting upon a rcpo rt by the Secret",,), resents durum wheat semolina, the Tight Wrapped Package of Agriculture, filed in the District Courl Noodle Making in. Japan bulk of the consumption of this nour o f the United lor said district l\ libtl heing for household purposes and to praying Iht .tilute and condemnation of 9 Over 40% of the total mon thly con­ casu of spaghetti. 4 cascs of rgg noodlCl, 2 sumption of wheat 110ur in Nagoya, Ja· :!. lesser extent for bread making. The usc I of hominy. 20 cascs of punuls, ilnd :1 pan, is in the form of noodles according medium grist durum wheat semolina usn 01 mincemeat. rcm3ininl; in the origi­ to figures from H. T. Goodier, the is not used. NO.3 semolina forming the nal unbroken pach!:c! at 51. Loui., Mo., Amcrican consul at that port. The Jap­ largest percentage of the demand for alleging thai Ihe arlicles had been .hipped this class of flour. The coarse semolina. by tln~ Renfro Supply Co., Williamsburg, anese are rice caters but wheat nour is No. I, is imported in considerably less Ky.• on or about OC I. I, 1925. and Irans­ annually coming into greater favor with ported from the Siale of Kentucky hzlo the these people. Japan grows considerable volume than NO.3 and is utilized chid­ slatc: o f ~liu o uri. ;'Int! chati;ing adullualion wheat and has several large mills at suit­ ly for milk puddings and in pastry in \'iolalion o f the food and drugs aCI. ahle distributing points on the seaboard. making. Estimate of the precise ex­ The Machin. Adultuatiun nf Ill e articles w;u alleged The figures covering the mon thly con­ tent to which durum wheat semolina in Ihe libel for the reason they con­ '5to11" .. Smith bt.utl, Patu" sumption of wheat nour in the Nagoya enters into Finland's wheat flour trade W,..p1I11M1~ •• sisted in whole or in pari 01 filthy, decom­ c.,.c1tr. , ... ::,b!;.T;:~ IIIcb,.. posed. and l1ulritl \'egclable subslance!. district are as follows: is difficult but at any rate indications The Ti~ht Wmpped Packnge, which hns lont{ bccn On Jan. 9, 1926, nto clair.lant hning ap' Usc Consumption arc that the demand Cor durum is grad­ used for Flour, Cerenls nnd other products, is now pcared for the properly. judgmenl of 1:on­ Noodle makiut{ ...... 35.000 bags ually falling off in fa\'or oC hard spring coming in to usc Cor Mncaroni, Spa~hetti. Noodles. demn:l.lion and f orr~ilu re was entHed, and Cake making ...... 20,000 .. wheat fin e and gra;lular fl ours. etc. The mnny ndvnntat{cs of the Tight Wrapped Package. as wmpped on the Stokes & Smith P.1ck­ it was ord~r e d by the courl Ihat Ihe prod· flread making ...... 10.000 A superficial survey would indicate tlJ!C \\'rnppin,t: l\fnchine. mtlke it the ideal container ucls be tlulroy~tl b)' the United States mar· Starclt making ...... Ihal. 10,000 " that the exportation of Amencan mac­ for food products. 1<. W, DUNLAP, All other purpos{'s ...... IO, .. aroni Ilroducts to Finland will not b'e Acting SCCJelary of Agricullure. greatly increased immediately, though Let us tell ),ou about the Intest packnhl: ami thl' machine for wrapping it. We will send samples if 85,000 h.'Igs there is .a regular, consistent market yo u desire. No obligation on your part whntc\·cr. $1000 Recipe Prizes (or these products in that country, con­ Through the newspapers and the trolled, however. by a few firms that magazines of the country there has STOKES & SMITH COMPANY MACARONI IN FINLAND have Inng heen associated with this Summerd.le Avenue and Roo.evelt Doulevard been offered $1000 in prizes for ac­ trade. PHILADELPHIA, U, S. A. ceplable recipes. For the best recipe 8.111." olfie • • n C..... II R". d. t. C. I, Lond"n the prize is $500. To the second goes Import 0/ Amlfiran ProJllft Dtflinu Better Cost Accounting $100; to the third $40, and so on down -How,,'" Mltt!tlIJ COnJiJltnl, . the line. H,/J hJ F,w Old Firms Progress waits Cor no man, industry No, this is not for a macaroni recipe. ur business-only those who can qual­ The Ilouse Always at in TrilJ,. ify to the public in giving it what it though it might well he. It is being I' OIlT , ' of offered by the Associated Salmon Finland. a country that was former· wants, in quality and at the lowest Perfec/ion Sendee Iy a part of Russia, annual1y consumes cost. receh'e the largest volume of DRYERS Packers from their headquarters at business. Seattle, Wash. To be considered in millions of bushels or durum wheat, a That will dry your macaroni the prize contest, recipes must require large portion oC which is exported The new competition is eliminating Where Others Have Failed, . the use of salmun, "The King of Food from this country, Though the coun· many old, established lines and making perfectly over many others in the strife for pub­ We Have Succeeded. Fish." as the principal ingredient. try is essentially agricultural, 6570 of lic favor. This food is recommended because it the popUlation being engaged directly In determining these changes cost is high in protein or muscle and tissue or indirectly in farming, it has been for accounting is the important measuring building and because it costs much less ye:us a he;I\')' imJlOrter oC grains. as Stop all the waate-acidity­ stick-it shows the executive how than other foods that arc not nearly so well as of grain prcparations, says Ed­ many dollars he must recover before cracked and moulded gaoda nutritious. For the new meal is rec­ \V~rd G. Montgo!"ery, chief of the food­ profits can Olccru~-it restrains pdc\! ommentled a tempting dish of salmon stuff di\'ision, Chamher of Commerce cutting tendencies on the sound basis and macaffJni, a Satisfying dish which of the U!lited States. of knowledge of the line sepOlrating can he prepared at a total cost of about :\ table which compares the im­ 1913 profit front loss. ports with those of recent years shows 35c and sufficient to Ceed about 4 fler­ Cost accounting is the tool of both Save labor 75% sons. th::.t the importation American made oC management and workers when right­ A taule of comparative food values macaroni is now considerably below ly designed and' used - profitable to i!l included in thc ad': cri i ~c ments in normal. The 1913 imports of this food­ bo th. which macaroni is given a rating or stuff cotaled 213 tons. Macaroni im· USING 13.40% or protein. l'\aturally the ad­ port reached its gre::.test height in 1913 WHAT'S IN A NAME? /rhy '101 deal wilh Il reliable hOllIel' \'ertiscr places s~ lm o n at the head o r when the total was 438 tons. In 1924 He had onleretl some chicken soup in a the list. Through the usual practice of it had Callen off to 127 tons, while last restaurant, and having tasted it, said to BAROZZI DRYING SYSTEM adding cheese to macaroni the protein year it registered a little improvement the waiter: . 616-620 Clinton Str ••t HOBOKEN, N. J. percentage or the latter is greatly in­ with a total oC 170 tons. "What is this you have brought me 1" New York City DistrIct INTERNATIONAL creased. Finland is essentially II rye bread " 'Deed, sah, dat's chicken soup," was The salmon packers arc to be con­ c"untfY with Russia supplying the the reply. MACARONI MOULDS CO. cratulated on their ad\'ertising cam­ greater portion of this grain. It is also "Well, there is no chicken in it." Make money and better macaroni 317 Third Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. .I paign through which they ha\fe c~eated i1 good durum Rour market and the "No, sah; dere ain't no dog in dog I considerable new interest in their prod· established reputati ~ n ~r certain ~mer· biscuit., neither."-Map.le Leaflet. • 36 THE MACARONI JOURNAL Novrmbrr 15. 1026 THE MACARONI JOURNAL 37 The Macaroni Journal ooker who permits his balaCIotd Inl'd. r.cked eho n· ~ 1U - ..;. , .~... OLl""'I1I l'Il(IH',1 JoIIIl>TI, '''""1 01 " I'". ,,, ,I V.rlirll I'T.... Pr... (or ACCUnlulllOr a)·,'enl. Ole "'uner, cut Prell lind l'Unll' \'" .. 1,.,,1 ""._. we cnn not b"ing ourselves to feel the ers have long realized that their business 331l1toad.. , - Sao FrandlCO, CaIiI. SOLD WITII TilE ELMES GU .... IUNTEt·_·FJRST CLASo;; M.-\TERIAL AND WORK~L\NSIIII' !\IiJ.:ht('st sympathy toward a 5O-callrd existence vitally depends on the good CHARLES F. ELMES ENGINEERING WORKS, 213 N. Mor~an St .. Chica~(), U. S. '\. • OUR PURPOSE: ASSOCIATION NEWS OUR Mono: Educale '1,.1- .EI.,.le National Macaroni Manufacturers Thelndu.u,), -- -- JOHN J. CAV AGNARO Ora·nlu Association Then- lI.rmonlte Local and Sectional Macaroni Cluhs The Manufacturer Engineers and Machinists ~ OFI"'IClAS, Uzt. lt27 0, QUERRI.I" ...... Dlreotor n ,;on~:{~yJ~~k~n.z~~";:. Con.o!., :e Harrison, N. J. U. S. A. H'NR .... MU.LLI!:R •••. ", •• •• •••.• . •. PNleI.,rn lAbanon. p.., 80n .. 110 Balrtwln tw" In•• , Cit,., N. J. C, .0 ,.OULO •. • •• " ...... DI,' JOHN ""'VARINO •• ... ••. . FlrU Viet p,uldlnt Naw TorI!, N. Y. JO~~" n:~:!~1.t!!:::r~~~ ~~:'~~Id~,m&i, I:r.!~~~ : 8 1. Loute, Mo. ),fo, , M. J , DONNA •• •• • ••• ••• • •• ••••• •• • , ' .1..:,.t.P1' L.ON O. TUJAQU ...... cond VIce Prill.,", " , 0 11 .....r No. 1, Orald , til. • New Orlelln e, I ••. L'D't,"th", and Vlllllin" Co",m'U.. (ll'AIO BI!CKE .... . , . .... ,' .•• •.• . .• • . . T,..IIUf.r CommlUtt on AIII.d Trl." R,IUlon, N , J, DOn"". " . , . . . .. ,. , ...... I.c,' "II IA'rsln .y" Clty,tand, O. Drl.ld"lirood. m . JOHN V. CANEPA •• •••••• • ••• ••• •• ••••• Dlnaor U. GunT'_1. Ke),.tone UaC1lronl Co .. Ltbanon, Dr. it. R. Jltob' .•. ••••• ••••• , ••• Rlpt."ntlll",. Complete Presaes ChlclCO. Ill. ra. . IOU. It. N. W" W ..hln.ton, D. C. Equipment. Kneaders WITH THE SECRET ARY Mixers Mould Cleaners J2 Good Ezamples Mlnneapoli. CaUl Accumulator Some uf the Icading firms or the country have set an ex· Next June the macaroni m:mufacturers will meet in the Systems Cutters ample thilt other m;u.' aroni manufacturers might well fol· city nC·Minneapolis. This is in the great durum wheat pro· low. Since the cnnvention thcy havc voluntarily tentJered ducing sectinn of lIur country and one of the chid .Ulnac· Brakes their applications Cor membership in the National Macaroni tiuns will he a personal inspcction of the leading durum Manufacture rs assuri'ltion .u:d hil.\·e evinced a deep interest mills. Few. if any. macaroni men can alTonl to miss this op· Moulds, Etc. in the w(lrk IIf this Jlfugressin! body. Amung those that purtunity Cur first hand informatino .about Ml important a are warmly wel comed the Cold arc the following : raw material. in Atlantic Macaroni Co ...... Long IIland City Baroni Drying Machine Corp ...... North Bergen. N. J. A Macaroni Prophecy All Sizes Campanella &: Favaro Macaroni Co ...... Jeney City, N. J. Days arc grnwinc- shorter. macaroni demands are grow· N. Y. Office and Shop Carrier Engineering Corp...... New~rk. N. J. ing stronger. and prices arc s tiffening. Every macarClni 255-57 Centre Street up to the De Martini Macaroni Co...... Brooklyn. N. Y. press in the cnuntry should hum with profitable activi:r N.Y.C . Golden Crown Macaroni Co...... Trinidad. Colo. Iluring the Call i1nd winter. \Vc said and mean profitable. largest in use. Independent Macaroni Co., Inc...... Mt. Vernon, N. Y. The manufacturers can make it so. Lino &: Glaviano,...... Je ...ey City, N. J. Naples Macaroni Co...... Brooldyn. N. Y. Spaghctti Galore Prince Macaroni Mfg. Co...... Bo.ton. Mall. Spaghetti houses in New York city feed thousands of Ronzoni Macaroni Co., Inc...... Long Island City puunds of spaghetti to thousands uf patrons daily. Mon' Savoia Macaroni Mfg, Co...... Brooklyn. N. Y. spaghetti houses. more consumcrs, and a welcomed in· They have shown you thc w~y. Mr. r\on·Member. Who'll creased consumption. Encourage the opening of Spaghetti he the next Vnlunteer! Huuses in every I:uge city in the country.

Price. and Quality Uniform Semolina Contract What elTcct will the present high semolina priccs havc .-\menca"s lead ing position as a macaroni manuracturins:­ on the quality of American macaroni? The millers of hard country is entirely due to the high quality oC raw materials wheats other than durum nrc at present making a strong generally u ~ed in making these products. Great uniformity hid for ou r semolina husiness un a Ilrice basis. The new IIf quality would probably result from the adoption of uni· high premiullls nn gno" duruni wheat-a short croll-Cn· furm 'contracting (or the purchase of semolina. The bakers. (Ollrages this activity. cracker makers ami other flour users have long used a uni· form fl our contract and there is a general feeling that our Small Firma Decreasing interest could profit hy something or this kind. The views Prcscnt (,()lHlitions al)parently arc not" healthful for the of the leaders in the industry would I-c interesting. Lct'l< small . poorly financed .and hnph:llilrdIY ,managed lllant:5, have yours. and cvery month word is received oCtheir going out of busi· ness. This is a welcomc trend because a5 a general rule Macaroni Styles thc!'c firms are not easily sUl'en;is(d by the authorities While the general tendency in the 1)lants ca t ~:r jng to thl' No . 222 Pre.. Special whnsc duty it is to enforce the food Some of them American trade is io reduce the number of styles of maca' arc going out of the husiness entirelj whilc others are roni .- thc Italian consumcr will continue to demand the Olll' Specialty of amalgamatiog :Hltl cstablishing more ·teliable business or· humin d or more shapes to which he has been accustomed . ganizations. There is still possibl(: much improvcment Plants catering to the latter trade will continue to manufac· :llong this line. ture the futlline, notwithstanding recent ncwspaper storie!i MACARONI MACHINERY to the contrary. Since 1881 Call a ma caroni man a "Bird" and he:n smile; call him a Manufacturers will wisely produce the shapes and kinds "Cuckoo" and he'll fight. demanded by their particular trade. , . •

• ••••• · ::~: ~ ·s:iji,~ ;.J;~: : • ••• t...... \.... ~ . • • •• ~~ . ',>t...... ~ XXXX ·1··· :0:' SEMOLINA, o~: .... ,...". .. ~.~ ~.. ~:: .:.~ . ~.. • : • ~'" :\1 ,,~ • ~ • · : ~~ ~11)()1\~: : · •• •••••••••••• •

Ask any user of Pillsbury's Semolina No.2 or Pillsbury's Durum Fancy Patent. He will tell you that his ' macaroni has exceptional strength, flavor .and finest amber color. Pillsbury Flour Mills Company "Oldell Miller_ ul Uurum Whlllll'" MlnneapolLt. u. s. A. UANQlOnlCUI H.-York Salat Louw Alban,. ChJcaao Saint Paul ClAdanati Philadelphia Allan.. Pllub.... &Tanton All..... CI...... Sprla&field lIalUmote DaUu rrotldea.'» SJR

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