JANUARY IS. 1927 Number 9
• r THE MACARONI : ; JOURNAL ! I i . , j , Volume 8, I I I , Number 9 ~ , j, , January 15, i 1 I 1 1927 :1 I ... .. ". - - -~ . A Monlhl y P u hi leollon DMoe eooled I Ih I nlereJ/$ oj , ' t- I .onu/aelurers or~ Macaronl ,'. ' '<II' < I Minneapo1is,• Minn. ." ,. ,JanUary 15, 1927 Volume vin Number 8 , President's New Year Message . , , . •! Mayprofil 1927 b"n~gb . 10 1'1 all ttutillt b .".dtrSta.dob1t i ":.:~d whi,h good f'li:~ ,,!o.ths of To 'hit (lid I I clostr (ooptralion SIIIP, bt"tr 10 tV P tdgt faith! I . guara,d,,. r "y ma~"!a't"'" i "a!,d ".ulfish . '. ,o.".",d a.d ~,""loud th, .. d"supportst,y a.d. u""Iso 1.:11' '! HENRY MUEL National Macaroni M LER. Prtsidtlll anufac:turcra A ••oelation .- -- • A. clly m&n •• II"d Into, fi,ld tnd patted. ,entl, lookln, mul.. When h, nl.lned con.clou.n .... the firmer upl.lned that hi, app,oach .11 wron, Your pl'Gbl.m I, to find the prop..·r "ppro.th to )'our d.btor., Four Mid·Wm CO""gal'" boxu, jil/,d wilh Collection Letter Number One hOlllts of liquid ilmtlicid" Ivm rttmlly sbipp,d A Friendly Approach from Ih, FLY· TaX facl.,,., at Toftdo via freighl 10 Sail Frallcisco; by boat from Ihis pori Ihrollgh Ih, Pmlallla Call, .. 1 10 N,w York Cily; a(ToJS Mmlhallall 10 freij',hl slalioll by Irllck alld from New York Cily bllCk .to Tol,do by freighl. Th, boxtJ arrived ;11 tbe Jpfmdid coudition ,hotl/II ill Ih, illlISlralioll- AND NOT ABOTTLE WAS ~HOMELAND MACARONI BROKEN •• ""Pill lIJu/lip/i," htl/ldlillgs alld rOllgh IlIag' - all tloqllmt Iribm, io Ih, high, slrollg, .
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