I . .1


.. Volume XX , . ·Number 12

April 15, 1939· Vol. XX No. 12

• ·Mac.:....nl·N.,.;.n. for bual· ~.xJ~! .~~~ plii .... ,~r. out 01 th.ir , '

Int.r.st.d aIII •.cIs are In· , .?d ~ tIiA ' Colll.r' . l! c:. and to. bring th.ir @D.iii~~~&@!~Iil:~ · li ilsir,.B~ vacation that will b.


OF MACAIIOlll ," "'· Members Appreciate Advisory Service

Food Law Requirements Explained

~tacarnni·NoOillc manu(;lcllll'''rs arc nal­ Fair Labor Standards Act urally perturbed ovcr the (omplicattd provi­ 1.. ,lIor n:1:lIions as they effect the \\ ,ekers ill a plant £Ill olle sions of the ncw Fc ~ ud, [hug ami CUSII'ctk side and the ~atiul1al l.ahor Relalions Buard on Ihe Illht'r, an' Act that ~{}CS into effect ned JUlie, mul t!'1c still "headaches" 10 IItO!'1 emplo),l'rs, They arc partil'ularly regulations pertaining t~lf'rclo, which arc bc­ so to lIlar'\' macaruni-I101Klle manufacturcr!> who wish t(l be ing promulgated hy the Secretary of the f.. ir in their relatiolls 10 their l'l11plllyes and 10 11ll' pruvisi! JI1s United Stales Department of Agrkulturc. uf Ihe Fair J..,bor Standards Act. Memhers or the Nntiounl ).[:lIluinclurcrs ,\5- sociation arc being kept (ully informed or the developments, Helpful sCr\'il:e al,mg this line was ~i\"l'n 10 Ihe IIl t'mllcrs IIf DO YOU KNOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF 11\' a service which is highly apJlreciated hl'Cause it means large thc :\'atiullal ).Iacaroni .\ Iallufacturers A!'sncialillll, Presi· savings in label printing. dent Lester S, Dame, in a special bulletin i!'!'lIcti la !'t 1110lllh, It discusses a \'ol1crcte \'~se uf the I,rcscllt !'tatu!> uf an a..::rcc­ A recent bulletin 10 the Association memhers by P resident 1ke !lew 1oo~, V't.u9 a~~ Cosmetic act l11ent entered intn befurt' Ihc effccth'e dall' IIf the act 011111 Lester S. Dame is ft.' piett.' with infonuativc data, advice and whether or nClt wurkers ilia), cnnlil1ue to bt, l'IllJlIU)'l'll in at'· suggestions on Ihe labeling requirements untler Ihe new pel!­ cordancc wilh the pnwi!Oiolls IIf Ihe agreellleni C\ 'CTI if thc\, eral Food Law, connict with Ihe Ilro\'isiol1!' of the Act, and until Ihc agrw· AS APPLIED TO YOUR LABELS AND PACKAGES points nut the fncl Ihat nil food !>uld in packnged (ann It men!!i expire h)' their OWI1 lenns, musl henr lahels conl tht' bulletin, which )ll1T­ s w.· .. the contents in te OlIS nf weighl, I,'easure nr numerical count. A new act which becom ...ffectlv. June 25. 1939. Certain pro'fiaiona will ports to rc1ic\'1' all cmploycr ur hi s el1lplurt'~ uf any uhliKa' In aU probability require "lila! chaag•• In YOUR lahelo aad packag... You It explains what i,' I1ll'ant by "prilll.';p:tl panel" of a pack­ tiuns he or thc)' lIlay havc a S~ lIlIIcd under a ICJ.:al \'ontr01(1 tIT are invited to take advcmtaq. of th. information we ha.. gained through age. whether it he the :qaJl type, Ihe printeli or plain carton agreement, our invttilgation and cmalyala 01 th1a new law. All of it la yourr. for th. aUia.g. type or the cellollhane wh'dow cartnn type, Cull.'rth'c barJ.::;lininJ.: i!> fully explaincd .IS is Ihc (ontron-r' Individual problema are likely to ariae in connection with each "'",=·hIC: "IOU The status of the "standant. ot idl'lltity" prO\'isions is pre­ sial llIaller IIf who arc Ilona fidc rCl'rc:lcnlalin-s t1t1!l e r Ihc produce. It will be our plecuur. to ad'fiae you to the bell of our ability. sented in languace thai all will H'aclily understand, ;act , It lllakl'S clt'ar the uniul1'!' SlalUS lIndt'r .'cJ,!ulatinns prll­ .uggttting only IUch chang .. la. cartona aDd labeit .blch la. our opinion are mulJ.::ated by thc :\'atint1:l1 Labu. Relatiuns Bo.ml, necouary to comply with the proMona of the ne. law. W.l1 do our I..,.el The bulletin further' designates the tnc of labeling 10 cllm­ The bulletin lli s nl~ ~ e !> intclli~l.'ntly :mulher 'ItII... ~' liulI that ha ~ be.t to hold down your ~ ... ": '.! mla.lmum. ply with the ,)rovisions co\'cring ingredients uscd in the ,.rel'· aratian of macaroni ami 1lI)O(lIe products, been puzzlillJ: nlilnufaclurcrs, II cOl1c\'rns al!nclIl\'IIIS n ln'r· WbJle no manufacturer will at th1a time guarantee hlJ interpretation of the ing hours of clllpluymcnt .. lTectcll by the prll\'i:-.;Ull uf 1IIl' Arl It slales thai Dircctor flf Research. H. R Jacobs, went \U act. or hla recommendation.. yet we're confident of our ability to offer valu­ thai says that "no clllploycl.' shall he t'mplo.\'l,.1 morc Ihan able advice. Up unW now we ha.. not lelt conUdent to properly adm. you Washington the week uf March 26, whl.'re he represented t,(XX> hours or 2,000 IHlurs durin/.: allY peri!NI of 16 or ,;2 of the accurate Interpretation of the ingredient terminology of the aeL the National Associatioll at a hl.'aring called by the Standards wl'd:!', as Ihc ca sc mar h!,'." O \'trlilllc n!> ;t .. 1l\'l'tS aJ.!I't'\" Comlllittee on Mard1 27, Another purpose of Director Jacobs' U you haven't already revie.ed your packages or obtained competent advice lIIenls of this kil1tl, was darifil'd ;n Ihe hclpful hullctin. on the change. neceuary, by all mecma write us NOWI trip is to present perslJllill1y ;'.01 application (ur exemptiun or This al1ll othcr !>crv1cl's hy Ihc ~:ation:d AS~!ll'iati!ln ;In' relief pending adoption uf regulations governing the labding hiJ.::hly :Jpl'rl'l'iatl'll by IllclIlhcrs for Ilwir tilllclillt, ,,!> aud sl'wi ti l' provisions of the al't, 1898 Celebrating 41 Years 0/ Packaging Service 1939 application. Such scrviccs will in~'rea!'e in "aim' In Ihe \\,11 .. 11· * * The bulletin concludes with specific recomlllendations that inllustr), in prupurtiull to Iht' IlwllIl crshil' of Iht' :\':111"11:.1 will mean considcraLle s.wil1gs In manufacturcrs who nrc AssQl'iation that stands rcally tn ~cr\'t' an l'\-Cr inl'Tl:a~ i ll ~ compelled 10 re-ilwc:sl in labels during this transitory periud, number o f sUPINlrting IIIcmbcrs, LITHOGRAPHING COMPA ~~ Y, ?na,iK {JUice a~ " PlaKt. "~ . ~: : ." ~t~ Bet9cK,"~~ d..etscv . BRliN"CH SALES' OFFICE"S "IN PRINCIPAL ' CITIES ' " '" 4 THE MACARONI " • .I\pril IS, 19J9 THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume XX AI'HI LIS, 1939 Number I!!

New Food Law's Drastic Changes

" ,

Every lIlacaroni-noodle manufacturer, ever), I'u ....'cyor of promulgated under the new ael. Thc service anti experience food. is or should be studying seriously the many provisions of the Association's Director o( Rescarch have been placetl at of the new rood. Drug and Cosmetic Act that goes miD effect the disposal u( the rcgulatory commission which welcomes June 2S, 1939. The Secretary o f Agriculture is gh'en author­ the valuable data, the tc..-ehnical research work a11l1 the hell" Ity to prepare and promulgate rules and regulations, including ful in(onnation thus supplied them by the organization direct­ definitIOns and standards, for the (ree and fair enforcement of ly interestcli in the welfare of the macaroni·noodle indush-\·, the Act. The National Association further recommends that in the Therefore, the Secretary of Agriculture has called several c\'ent that dcfinitions and standards o( identity, qualit)' allli confcrt'tlccs o f prodUCCN and manufacturers and distributors ftll of container arc not promulgatc..'(} a.\ o( JUIIC 25, 1939, affected by the law, seeking their advice on definitions amI that the members o( :hc macaroni industry, including nnn· standards that ha\'e been accepted by the industries as (air members of thc National Association, he exempted (rom the and rea¥>n .. ble. Regulations covering se\'eral products have requiremcnts o( thc law (or a reasonable time 10 pennit the atread)' bttn .. dOI)ted and promulgated. While requirements fonnulation, promul~ation and effectivc awlication of rulcs specifically applying to macaroni products ha\'e not ~' et been Ihat 11I3Y be adopted governing macaroni products, ilnnounced, there is a possibility that they soon will be. Howevcr, macaroni, spaghetti, et:g noo!lIes aud ldndretl Time i~ short. The effective date is (ast approaching, and products were not included on the list o( exemptct! products there will be some last minute scurrying by those who I.ave 15sued by Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A, Wallace, Oil given the mailer little thought, Recognizing Ihe importance February 15, 1939. Any likelihood that the Food allli I1ru~ o( the New Food Law ;:uul the nced o( giving' the member­ Administrntion will add macaruni products to the exemllted finns o( the National Macaroni Manu(acturers Association list is vcry remote. This would indicate that the reJ:ulatory nil possible advance in(onnation and helpful advice, the offi­ body hopes to announce definitions anti standards bdore the dais of the Association have been sllldYll1g all developments effective date o( the Act, JUlie 25, 1939. anti issuing regular in(ormath'e bulletins not only with respect Arc your containers properly protectivc: Are they IIi to the genera! provisions o( the law, bUlan the plans that materials that will not render the contents injurious to health? arc being (onnulated (or their en(orccment. Arc they o( the proper shape and {onn so as 1I0t In misle:\tI This sen' icc i!l hiJ:hly appreciatcd, enabling members to lHlyer!! ? Arc the dcscriptiolls UII labels, wrappers and (lackaJ:e~ ill save many' times their yearly association dues. J( is r keeping with legal rl'(luiretllellts? Is your hrand name prop­ nate that so many inquiries (or in(onllation (rom II bcrs coulll not be given the consideration shown ret...... •.. cm­ erly

THE MACARONI JOURNAL 7 RepoI1: oJ t.he,' Direc~or of ;Re!?earc,h, Serve Macaro~ to SlaSh Meat Bills, Quality Counts in El Paso While the macaroni industry is sl ill Says Hodgdon sufTerin!: fmlll Ihe oll:ie of I~iw gratle , For ' Mar~h products encouraged hy the dunllll wheat crnl) failure of 19.'7. Ihe Ireml is haJlllih' Semolina Produd Called Wholesome and Nutritious tnwards higher qualit\' Ilroduc l ~. Thcr'e Dr, SenjanJn R, J,acobs is still ton much low-grade l1Iat'aroni lIIadc in this country, hut man)' manu­ DASIF.L R, HODGOON, Ph.D., J.D. rich in protein is an excell~nt substitute There is considerable int~rest among Size of Type in Statemen ~ establish standards for macaroni prod- ny facturers are treating flour macarnui as Macaroni manufacturers both in and out .• . ucts based on th~ characteristics of the One of the most wholesome and nu· for meat. In these "Ieai, days" when a necessary c\'il, concentralillg their at­ of the Anociation concerning the label­ Concef!1lDg the .slle of .type,. there is manufactured finished macaroni prod­ tritious food products in our present meat is so expensivc, the famil ), can tention on the quality brands. ing provisions of the new Food l.aw, :nc, prescribed rl:9l11r~ent m '!tIS regard, ucts which will include, to some ~xtenl, dietary is macaroni, made from semo­ ha\'e macaroni served a few times a Flour or the cheaper grndes of maca­ which becomes effective June 25, 1939. ,However,.the II~e of ~ype Will be ~on. \ the qll31ity of the qlw material but will lina. And this food product can be used week. Served with a sauce or lixed in roni and noodles have becn JHlpular in Under the Law' there arc three label· , IN1!~d enllrely bY , I~e size of the, pack~ge . a1so include. the craftsmanship of the quite extensivcly as a substitute for meal one of the manv no\'el wavs 1I0W known the South for el'onomic rcasons, though ing rrquirements which the Macaroni a~ welt as by the size of type 10 which manufacturer. We feel, therdore, thai in a well-balanced menu. to the housewife, macaroni make :> a very lIIally of thc consumers Ihcre havc lea nl­ manufacturers must observe: (I) the o,'her !l1atc:mc:nts may appear on th~ same , requirements which cannot be easily en. delicious as well as nutritious main dish . cd fmm experience tlmt the cent or two Mlearoni With Parsnip, Of course, meat should not he cntirely net weight of the product i (2) the name nJe of ,the lab,::1. There .shout~ not be' forced and which' do not convey to the sa\'ed in buying inferior grades will I\ot Half package macaroni and address of the manufacturer, dis- l ~lUC ~ difficulty In cOf!1plymg ~I~h these consumer any idea of quality arc im­ eliminated from Ihe diet as there are compcnsale for the hca,,), loss in hod),­ 2 cups checse sauce specific elements in meat which hell' to , tributor or packer of the product, and I f, qulrem~nts 10 far as th~ poslllon th~y practical and deceptive and wilt result in building clcments that arc missing in the 4 large parsnips, cooked and diced prevent certain diseases caused by an (3) the names of the ingredients u~ in o.:c.upy, as well ~s the SIze of .type. In unfair competition. We should have: a inferior brands. unbalanced di~t. the m'anufacture of macaroni products ~lI hICh . th~y are pnnted, The ~asles! way decision on this matter very soon, prob­ Boil macaroni for nine minutes in 2 The digestion of lIlacaroni is rather Indication of the treml Ihal is bcwlII­ whcn two or more ingredi~nt G are used In which these can be detenmn~ IS f~r ably before thill article appears in the quarts rapidly boiling water in which ing mon.! or less gent.raj Ihroughout the hIS JOURNAL, but if an. exemptIOn is granl. rapid and less than 11 per cent of a in the s:lme product and also until stand­ t~ach manufactu~er wh~n examll!l~g half tablespoon salt has been added. Uniled States comes from th'! countr)"s labels to place himself In the poslhon of fit it will onlf. include plain macaroni I:ood grade of macaroni is lost in the ards of identity for macaroni products One or two minutes more may be most souther!)' large city, EI Paso. Tex· the consumer rather the manufac- products, It Will not include egg noodles nrocesses of di(!'estior. and assimilation. are established. t~an allowed if extra tenderness is desired. as, An article appearinJ: in the March tt,trer a.nd to look at tnt! label from th~ as these are undoubtedly made (rom two It has practicalh' no by-products which Drain. Place: macaroni on hot servinl!' 6, 1939, i$:;u~ of the Til/h'.f Statementl on LD.bell vlewpotnt of wants or more ingredients and every macaroni are injurious to the: system. 11 docs not EI Paso th~ con ,S1 ~ m~r ~ho platter and in the: center put the cook~d se rves t(' point cut this fact. "Macamni to know., fi~st, what tbc= net weight o~ the manufacturer manufacturing egg prod­ cause putrefaction in the intestinal tract. These requirements are in fact very parsnips. Wins F.ecognitiOil As a Valuable Food," product IS. second,. who made the pr~t- tlcts Ihould immediately begin to label Due: to the widespreacl terltlencies to simple. The question is to where on the Pour the: cheese sauce o\'er all, says the article, "becau~e it contains a 'Uct and IS located, third, his products as above indicatfit for (1) cheapen macaroni oroducts, it is neces­ label these required statements must be ~here ~e and~ large !lumber of the chemic.:l!s needed In' what th~ ~ngredlents are from which the and (2). The ingredient rcquirtment But as in all food industries, there are sary that one use (arc when purthasi,,'" made and the size of the type in which the l)()tly." . product. IS If should as follows : "Made from some manufacturers who used fraudu­ this valuable: food uroduct. One must they shall appear are a little more com­ ma~e . a ma!1ufactur~r be does he Will have no dIfficulty In f1our, eggs and salt" or where yolks lent practices in the making of maca­ be assured the macaroni is worth the The article lreats specilieally with the plicated. The Jaw states that the re­ t~IS complymg. are used the statement shou1d read roni. Soine sell macaroni made from price paid for ii, and thM it is reall\' nmdllcts of the EI Paso Macaroni Com­ quired statements must be made in a the cheapest f10ur that can be purchased, macaroni. U:"II)' ~ nd its De~e rt Gold brand made conspicuous place on the label. The d~­ Want .Pnctleal Standard, "Made from flour, egg yolks and (rom No.1 Sel1:olina. Commcnting on salt." Where salt is not used this Instead of buying genuine semolina, they A product is no better than the in­ gree of conspicuousn~ss shall be dder­ the increased sales of the finn's qualitr should, of course, not be declared. Man­ purchase cheap f10ur at lialf the cost and tegrity and hnnesty of Ihe manuf:\cturer. mined by the size of th'e label and other Tada)' i5 AprilS and I have just re­ brand, Emest Ponce, proprielor sa),s, in ufacturers using dried eggs should state add soybean !lour to :t, color the: product It is the duty of even' manufacturer to :,' st;ltements which may appear. ther~o ii. "'" turned from Washington where I have part : this fact as follows : "Made from flour, with tumeric in order to disguis~ the set a definite stanllanl for his product , The Food and Drug Administration in betn discussing with officials of the Food ' fact that it is an inferior chcap maca­ and to insist that this slandard be maill­ "The health value of macaroni, spa­ and Drug Administration exemptions dried eggs and salt." its rtgulations for the administration and roni, and sell it as the genuine food. tained consistcnlly, e\'en though hi$ J:hclli ami ~imilar products is a tiling' enforc~ment of the Food Law holds that which we believe should be extended to Not so long ago, three carloads o( competitors cheapen their product alll l that is just being apprcciated. It is 'II' the Macaroni Industry concerning tile Free Service to Members these statements to comply with the law soybean flour and artificially colored appear to be lI1akinl: a larger nrofit wil exccllent, yet illexpellsi\'e substitutc for must appear on the principal side or declarations of ingredients on the label. macaroni was seiled in warehouses. their adulterated product. The pub meal. Not only that but it can also he For many years the National Macaroni Any member of the National :Maca­ sides of the label. Th~rdore, a package This was destined to be: used as a cheap desen'es to be I.!:iven the best qllalih' used 10 great advantage ill serving mc:..1 Manufacturers' Association has been roni Manufacturers' Association may that has two or more sides or pilOe substitute: of macaroni without any ther will pay for the best. . leftovers. For these, and (or many othcr trying - to get standards for mabroni send me his labels and I will be glad to which may be displayed to the consumer. designation of the fact that adulteration rcasons, it is desirable that macaroni he products which are enforceable. We give him infonnation cotlceming the la­ should have the required statements on was used in the product. On the pack­ served often, several times a week. have not as yet succeeded in this be­ belinJ! requirements as this il one of the each side or pan~1. The law also pm­ ages under questIOn, I actually saw the I {owcvcr, there arc lI1an)' more rca sons vides that these stateme!!ls shall be matll! cau:le: we have always relied on standards funchons of the Association. These words "Made: from Hard Wheat," or New Plant at Wichita fur the usc of lI1acaroni b)' evcr)'lIne. based on the raw materials used in the should be sent to' me at No. 2 Grace in the: English language and the regula· "Made from Semolina." Such a descrip­ Most Ileople do not realile how illlpur­ manufacture of these products. We Court, Brooklyn, Manufacturers Wichita. Kansas, is '" have a new ami tions prescribe that if aUY o( the abo vt N. Y. tion was a misrepresentation, because it tant lIIacaroni can be ill every mcnu. have not succeeded because these raw who are non-members of the Association modem macaroni Illa·'t. It is in the required statements are made in a fO I­ misled the users of macaroni into be­ For one thing, macaroni is rich in I)(H I), materials lose their identity when cor.­ and desire to send these labels may do &0 process of eonstructi( n anti equipment eign language on the label then an sbl,'" lieving" the macamni was made of hanl huilding protein, and also in carhohy­ menls musl appear on the side of th~ ~ verte,l into macaroni products. There­ and will receive the same service but a under the supervision of N, M. Onofrin wheat or semolina. ~lrale s. Macaroni contains, alllOIlJ.: ntht·j· amI L. A, Onofrio, formerly of Kan~a~ lab~1. fore, the Auociation has detennined to charge will be made to them for it. On other ",.. ckages, [ found soybean City, Mo. It will be operated under th e thinJ:s, the precious mineral salt s 1111 had be~n used in egJ: noodles, and in­ firm name of The Macaroni Manufar­ which depend the quality uf the hltllMI. stead of the CJ:~ noodles cOIlI:..ining 5 the heat of the hearl, the reSIHlllse oi tilt' per cent egg solid, they contained about turel'S, Inc. and was expecled 10 he re:..d)' gredients, the common or usual for production early in April, nerves and muscles. Labeling Requirements PrinltrlJ I"" or March 16 repro­ 3 per cent. Soybean flour was used with name of each ingredient must be duced this outline and stated: "This list The new plant is located in the Kan­ Tmpurtant to our systems :..re Sill'll an artificial color to make the: eJ.,~ Under Food and declared, except when a standard is of course an outline and should not be sas National Guard Armory nllihiing al t'llcmicals as calcium, m:..glle ~i ulII, putas, noodles look as if th~y were rich in egJ: sium, chlorinc and sulphur. The jll'r· of id~ntity has been promulgated. used by any manufacturer as a substi· 115-117 South 51. Francis Avenue, lIj,~e Drug Bill content. This racket has been J:oing on rcntagc of magnesium, phosphnrm, till ­ tute for a reading of the law iUeU, or of 50 b}' 140 feet and three ~tories high . TIle fonowing summary of illfonl1l\. 5. Spices, flavorings and colorings for some time, according to the testi­ the regulations issued by the and The founders of the new incluslry ill !OIs siutn, chlorine amI sulphur i~ highl'\' tion required 10 be declared on the prin- . muy be declared as such, without Food mony of merchants who purchased this Wichila have had a long' experience ill 111 macaroni than in milk. Ma.:arolli al so cipal label of :.. food when the Food and naming each. Drug Administration nn December 28, macaroni. 1938." . macaronj-noml\e making', N. M. Ono­ l'IIntriiJules calcium, !'odillm alld ir1l11 -' Drug Act goes inlo effcct on Tune 2.~, 6. Artificial flavoring and :\ ~ tificial On the: packages sold to the Jewish frio frequently represente!1 Ihe Kansa!' all important in our systcms. 1939, has been outlined by Mr, Ole coloring must be declar~d.· The ",me: article reprints Mr. Camp­ trade, rabbinical supervision was iluli­ City Macarc.ni and Manufacturing Com­ It must he rememhcred thac tilt' ll1l1h Salthe, acting as a consultant with the 7. Chemical preservat:"e must be de­ belt's letter or February 28, 1939, 10 catcd. Upon investigation, it was fount! pany of Kansas Cit)" Mo. at confer­ is in constant nccd o( such millt'rals, It Food and Drug Administration : clared. which the Chief of the Food and Drug no rabbinical supervision had been had. ences of the industry. He: resigneel (rom ha ~ not heen unlil lalely thai IH' ha ve 1. Name of product 8. 'If imitation, must be labeled al im· Administration indicat~d the unwisdom Not being content with selling an in­ the latter firm last Fall and with his recoJ.:nizcd tilt, immensc \'alue of lII illcral 2. Name and place of busines's of th~ itation. of manufacturera and diitributors still rerior product, the company had short­ brother will operate the newly cfluipt)Cel matter in th e h'lInan syslcm . The whole manufacturer, packer or distribu­ II the task labels weighted every grocer who purchased Wichita plant. bud)' depcnd:1 on miner;lls 10 kcep it ill tor t,his prtiduct, [n other words, their proper condition. The hcarl, IUllgs, li\'cr 3. Net weight, measure or numnica!' packages w~re short of the actual weight and all other orJ:ans immediatc'" !'ufTer count. . indicated. To bear fruit one needs to plant one'li when mincral matll'r is not illtrothlt'ell If fabricated from two or more in· Maca~ni ma.de of I:enuine hard whe:\t seU. into the sp.tem in ~ ufficicnt amnunts . • .... ~ . .,;--, "- ~ \' . . ' . .


, . Association Pages Progress

The "PARADE OF PROGRESS" th~y ha\'~ produccd men of courage, about which much has been said and ch:.ract~r, vision and with business wriuen durin~ the past few months, is capacity, and S3gncity. on in full swmg. Grocery manufactur­ To be worthy of those pioneers and ers, alt J:rDCcry outlets and man)' con­ of the men following in their footsteps, sumer .organizations are busy with the and to be worthy of the success thus fa r store celebrations fostered by the pro­ attained, three things are necessa!)': moterl;, the Associated Grocery Manu­ First, a ch-:crful optimism which facturers of America of which Paul S. knows that so great an Industry ca.nnot Willis is president. fail to havc a ruture worthy of our The past 30 years during which best effort, . AGMA has nourished, have seen m,my Second, a respect for and correct ch'lnges in the soci'l1 and economic life estimation of the Industry and its obli­ of America. Phenominal progress has gation to the nation it scrves, and been matle in the manufacturing and dis­ Third, the confidence of Mn. America triboting of food and grocery products; in the ability of ma.nufacturers of na­ ur, ques ~ ,ollably the greatest in any single tionally known food and grocery prod­ p'!~lod or t:eneration in recorded histon·. IIctS to give her the best possibl~ "alues Progress In the manufacture of maca­ at the lowest IKlssibtc price. ':oni and egg noodles during the period is symbolic of the progress generally UTE SMITH PAUL S. WIUJS Get Busy, Baby, You made in all foods. Prtsident Willis feels a sense of pride Kate Smith. radio star, and Paul S, Owe 5432.651 The Al ld pleasure in rCt'alling that many of Willis, AGMA President, confer on If ),ou had betn born 21 ycars aJ::o, the country's fine manufacturen who " Pande of ProgreS3." ),our debt would have been onl), $90.59. are atth'c membe'rs of AGMA. were Th-! First Lady of Radio is devoting TIlis spending generation has taken a lot among the charter members of the or­ consider.able time on her regular noon­ of )'our money. Gd bulOY, baby, GET is a VITAL job to ganization. "It is to their cre'dit and day commentary programs over the Co· BUSYI lumLia network during April in dis­ to that of AGMA, that they have can· Ok~h. I'll get busy, I'll accept the ob· sistently and steadfastly worked to­ cussing the benefits of modem food ligation. I'll tighten my belt and do Illy • rur yu"sluko y""rrel",loU""III,lho mlller'.skIIII"IIUI\II,\ I gether, solving difficult and controversial manufacturing, in cooperation with part. If I don't-well, I've heard Illy AGMA's giant consumer-educa.tion proj­ • • problems and gaining new recruits as cJacJ talk about the wickednus of repudi­ WHEAT Selcctlun. SCJlllllInu performance - lllltlihu the years havc gone by." . ect, April 6 10 May 6. ation and the miseries of inflation. So "We women arc too apt to take our quality ury""r l'I'I"loel3 ••• he~I", wllh Iho WHE,\T! These recollcctions arc encouraging I'll Iry 10 pay. grocer f6r granted," says Kate. "and we and refreshing and serve to presage a And 1'1I110t crab. I'll not question tlw nO YOU know that there a;e, roughly, over Iwo Gottral MUll Wlua/ S'lrvr) is the most extensive and thorough future worth)' of those who pioneered. don't realizc what the modem grocer"! manufacturer is doing for us in the in­ eXfcnditures, whether the?' were waste­ wheat research of its kind! flack in 1908, a group of food and gro­ fu or unnecessary. TIley re water over hundrtd different varieties o( WHEAT· grown yellrl)' in the tcrests of quality, scrvice and ecor.o)mv. Therefore it (allows that General Mills is able: to do this cery m,lOufacturers got togelher to sec the dam, anyway. , United States? 1i the Parade of Progress can ,. ucce~d if something couldn't t.e donc about spe­ , . • 200 different kinds o( wheat-spring and , red Ilnd vital joL of Durum wheat selection for the di seriminating n.,king clear to the public 1!le bene­ But, you grown·ups of this spendin;; cialty orders. They found that some­ in . generation, don't P\lt any more burden macaroni nncJ noodle manufacturer ..... ith complete assurance fits 0\ up--to-datc grocery r.lelitolb. it white, hard and sofd thing could be done, not only about spe­ on our shouiders. Cut out this glib talk to the customer ch 3t the wheat scl~cted for GOLD MEDAL will mak~ a real contribut,-;,n not on!',' (0 • , . that, of th~se, Golden Durum is endowed by nature with cialty orders, but about a multiplicity uf how we can stand a $SS,OOO,OCMl,OlX) the industry but the C'~itsumer-pub1i i: ,IS iust the right charactcristic=, (or the manufacture of Macaroni, SEMOLINA and other Dunlm products, has been thoroughly of other things that wen: (Of mutual in­ national d ~bt." Where do )'ou gel that tested ancJ checked for his (ommercial use. terest and \falue to manufacturers of well. I'm for it, one hundrtd p~r cent, Spaghe~ti and Noodles? and I want all my listeners to know all "wc" stuff I footl and grocery {Iroducts. , . • and that the: ultclio" and blending of the proper Durum And n(ter .. II. wouldn't rou expect th ~ General l\lills or­ about it, too!" I.ast year the national income was It seems atlpror.riate to recall the about $490 apiece-not much more than wheat (or a specific tvpe o( product is the 6ilgtJI jo6 iff mil/h't ganization to do tht /JiggtJI juo ;lIl11il/;lIg early·day "ObJects ' of the i\ssociation, ~a ch person's share oi the govcrnment StmolintJ ... and a VITAL job to you? surpassingl)' wet I ) P 'ottCf thequalit), and which have justified the passing years debt. Because this job is so all.important, General Mills is emin­ competiti\'C" :,trength of ),our products by allel which remain unch anged tooa)': priate1y enough, since opportunities for So, I'm already handieappetioneyear's ently well equipped and geared to exa mine aI/ of this nation's rc:l)'in!- upon the resources that set the "(a). To promote and s'lfeguanl the servicc are greater than e\'er before and work. set back 12 months behind the line. standard for w h~nt selection I Remember welfare of the grocery l11anufacturinJ.:" If we count the interest on the debt­ yearly wheat crop • . • from samples taken in tutry important are increasing. . . . Semolina performance, and the industry of America: (b). To elevate Guiding legislati\'c ' J:enius of AGl\fA which experience shows equals the prin' harvesting section I production ami distribution of grocer,· for 25 years has been its General Coun-' cipal before it's finally paul-1'm really Because this job is VITAL to you, General Mills makes a qual it)' of )'our products, bc:gin s with the products tn the highcst plane of effi­ sel. famed lawyer Chades Weslt!v Dunn. set.back almost two yl'US. It's five timr systematic, intensive study o( the total U.S. wheat crop righl WHEAT. cienc)" cffectivcness and public sen'ice." Mr. Dunn has fathered many significant the handicap this .;pcnding generation auring"'t ',QfT)tJli"l period. Membership in AGMA is open only to laws relating to the industry and was had when you wl'; ~ c a baby. Thus General Mills knows the (acts aLout the new Durum "The U.S. Dept. of Al:riculture'. lall V;lrielat onc of the original framers of the pres­ . Sure, I knol';, there are·lots of things Survey (1934) lilted 213 difJeumt wheal \';Hiclirl those 1!1:lnufacturcrs of grocery prod­ wheat crop, before that wheat moves to market. For the grown in the U.S. ucts who satisfactorily reflect good man· ent federal Pure Food and Drug statute. we'd like 10 have, but I notice' that pop agement, sa tisfactory trade alld consum­ Food and grocery product, on shelVe! has to say IINo" to my brothers and sis­ t ~r relations, satisfactory working and throughout the country today have been ters lots of times. lle'm't afford it," he ------A COMPLETE DUAUM SERVICE FOR MACARONI AND NOODLE MANUFACTURERS ------~ nitary conditinns in their manufactur­ made possible through human ingenuity, says. So, you big pops in Washington. in.: establishmcnts, satisfactory wa.:e invcnll\'c, chemical and mechanical skill learn to say IINo'1 to the Ubiotliers anel DURUM DEPARTMENT :111(1 hnur regulations and who confonn thnt have: ·bcen developed by commercial sistt:rs" who want you to buy things with tn the spirit,

Believe It or Not? versify. Two Oxford students discussed going 10 hear him. Isn't success in salesmanship measured "You don't believe what he sa)'5, do by the confidence prospccti\'c purchasers ),ou 1" one asked, have in what the salesman sa)'5? "No," responded the other, "but he A man cOllies in to sell me a gadget he docs and I'd go e,'en farther to hear a says will sa\'(~ me an hour of time ever)' man who believes what he says." business day. My time is worth money, Unquestioned sincerity on the part of more money than the gadget costs. An the salesman is needed to gd hiS sales hour a day willmore thau pay (or it iu i' talk across, The fint thing to influence month. M)' judgment i!i not good if J me to bclit:"c what a salesman says is believe the salesman aud do 1101 buy the the certaint)· that he himself believes it. gadget. No Mlts story the salesman tells with BUI. probably. I d l) lint (ul1y believe his tongue in his cheek gets anywhere. him. H is story m3y !'Olmd too gaOll to 1Il~kc his selling talk so convincing that No slIlesmau can make me believe what he true, or it may be fold in an uncoll­ no doubt of its honesty may cnler m)' he himself docs not believe, . vincing manner. F'or aile reason or mind. . Ripley may sell people on the "Believe another I doubt. and he does not make The story is told that · Dwight L. it or not" basis, but those of us with the sale. Moody. the great evangelist; once was to something tangible to sell will be foolish It is the bllsines~ r f the salesman 10 IITcach in Ihe vicinily of Oxford Uni- to try it,

Sell Yourself and Win Friends Packaging Institute Formed The dosing of the Ninth Annual "Early to Bed. Early' to Rile Sueee.. thcm like it" is another of his fcmlulas Packaging Exposition in New York City brinps official announcement of the for· Theory Is Hooey I" -hut that one seems pretty han! 10 folio\\' through on. malton of the "Packaging Institute," Say. Jame. T. Mangan comprising an amalgamation of two im­ This book is strong meat It's written portant associations in the pa-.:kaging in­ in a fascinating vivid style which is Man­ dustry-the Packaging Machinery Man­ "Dack in school you were taught that gan', own. if you wanted to be a Dig Success the ufacturers Ill5tilute and the Production What worries the writer is this: Mauagcr's Association, thing to do was to foltow the Golden What's goiilg to h

.'.. - Washington's -Macaroni--Law \~ .·1 · j , ,- Unset! on a similar law that has been " tl"llded to co'~fo'rm ~'ith the re"rulntions able. All pemlits will automatically ex· " operating in California with some de· ',\ of the Federal Trade: Commission. pire on December 31. Funds created by grte o( success, the legislature o( the .. : .. ~ ' . such pennils or licenses will be used in State of Washington ~cently adoptro Wuhlrigton Macaroni ~ct of 1939 (ullr. enforcing the provisions o( the act. legislation to govcrn the manufacturt The .\Vashington State Macaroni Act No persons afllicted wilh any conta· and distribution of macaroni products in of 1939. aims to 'regulate: the manu{ac· gicus or infectious disease will be per· 'TRUE that state. This it will do by the Ii~ ture and distribution o( macarolli and mitted to work in any macaroni·noodle cense method or by Ilennits which are . relalN ~roductl by \ defining the\ food, factory unless they ~sscss certificates renewable annually through the office o( ! establishmg standards and providing (or from recognized phYSician !> certifying 10 tile Director of Agriculture of the State permits and certifiQtes. ' the holders' health. Such certificates of Washington. " The primary objective is olio protect shall not exceed $2.00 in cost, and must According to Frank A. Ghiglione, (or- the safety, health and welfare of the be renew~ every six months. E66COLOl mer director of the National Macaroni people of the state; to IIr1=vent or elimi­ I.i'lllng of Price. Manufacturers Association and the chief nate unsanitary, unhealthful, (rnudulent, • executive o( Ghiglione & Sons Macaroni unfair or un«"onomic practices an4 con· , The law also providu for the filing of Corporation of Seattle, Washington, the ditions' in connection with such manu­ prices, etc., and all violators o( filed new );nv was sponsored by the manufac- fadure and distribution which endanger priccs ' an: liable to loss of pennits and EVElY turers of macaroni products of his state {lublic health, defraud CO{lSUmers, and additional fincF. Many of the provisions and in his belief will be given Ihe full Jeopardize the public source and supply in the Trade Practice Rules promulgated 5upport of the leadus Of the industn', of a nourishing, healthful (ood." by the Federal Trade Commission ns The Bakers Dureau, Mr. Brit Fowler, "Macaroni Produqs" are defined as ' sponsored by the National Macaroni Administrator, was also ,'cry acth'e in follows: Macaroni Pfoducts shall mean Manufacturers" Association concerning branding, labeling, advertising, colorin~, TlME.I" promotil.g and in supporting the le~is · macaroni, spaghetti, vennicelli, egg noo· lation for which there is great hoPes (or dies and all related products in what­ and such, are provided (or ill the law relief. . , ever (orm or style the same may be pre- . that· is now in eITed. . A similar law has been proposed to 'pared." " • 1 Interested manufacturers, particularly the legislature of Oregon, with consider- , Permits to manufacture and distribute those from other States whose products able chance of being adopted later in the ' macaroni products in the State of Wash· an: shipped into Washington and dis· preRnt session or early 111 the next. . If ington will be issued by the Dirtttor of tributed there through distributors or Order SPECIAL COLOR Cloverbloom Frozen Eggs nnd when this is done, the entin: Pacific , _ AFriculture to appro,'ed appliQnts. Per­ direct to retailers, may obtain copies of • • • Coast macaroni production and distribu- nllts will cost $25.00 a ),ear and will be the new law by addressing the Director lion will be governed hy slate acts ir.- issued annually. They ar(" not transfer- of Agriculture at Olympia, Washington . , They're packed especially for noodle makers! - . ,1' , T takes specially selected eggs tn I gi,'c your noodles the full rich Salesman Remarries ern in even' other r ;5P'! c ~ ~ IThe sale also that the ' Lpwell plant will he ready for color they need. That's why you includes' an office building and 'about occupanc), nhout May 1, when installa· should usc Special Color Clovcrbloolll His Divorced Wife- 319,000 square (eefof land which can be tion' of the most modem macaroni·mak­ Frozen Eggs. They're high color eggs used (or expansion purposcs as business ing and dTyinl; machines will be com- selected and packed 51H.'Cific:allr for Nathan Dubinsky, a s .. lesman . for necessiiates. ~ , plet~, .. , noodle makers. They're a sure cure Viviano Uros.' Macaroni Compan)', TIle Prince (or \\'hiti5h, wadled·out noodles, he­ March 30, remarried at City Hall his Macar~ni ~ianufactUring cause they put natural, golden egg former wife, Mrs. Clarn Dubinsky, who Company is one o( the largest manufac­ turers of Macaroni Products ' in New color illtn rour JJrtxlucts, Try thcnl ohtained a divorce (rom him in Decem· .. , ;lIld ~ l'C Ihc ifTel'l'nce! her, 1937. England, Its present plant is locatw at Wholesale Trade Commercial Strrtt and Atlantic Avenue They arc living at 1406 Granville place January, 1939 Sptcirt/ Color Cloverhloolll Jo'rnzc ll in Doston, The firm is a Massachusetts Eggs arc packed ill the mid.west, the wilh Iheir three children, Harlan IS, 'corporation and has heen in continuous OmrioHe 12, and· Albert 10. TIle dollar volume of wholes.lle trade • Dclermlllln~hOM.ltil1.euulellt ur eltn"er· egg J)rotlucing center. They're pte • operation lor 25 ),ears. G, LaMarca is iJlOOUI }o'roun • • with Iho Zei .. ,dncto­ JaI'l' onl)' in the spring month!, IU 'His wifc had ohlained the divorct on during January increased about 4 per­ meter. A 1111:(11 teehnlrlue ror the liN! of president of the company. It is expected )C sure or highest quality. Their soliLl ~ a charge o( ccn~ral indignities, Du· cent (rom January 1938 according to Ihll .. dentlfie in'lrumenlin tielemlillil., c'r, I hinsk" .said Ihe nm:Jrriagc was partl)' report, (rom 2,560 whole5:lIers· cooper· .011.1. w.. tin-elupcd I" AmlUur ltelC'ln: • ('ontent Ile\'cr varies. And they' fC l!Ien, .n,1 It nuw u.ed nclultvely In .It Clarifr,·(J', to remove all trace~ o( grit, the result of n recent reconciliation and atmt: in the monthly joint study o( 'the Armour 1,11111" IIhell and fihrous sululallce. Wh), nnt parlly (qr th,e sake of the children. The happy mzdium ultimately comes NatIOnal' Association 'of Credit M~n amI 10 he rt'gardcd as what it is-neither place your ortler now? the Hurcau of Foreign and Domeslic YIIU can Aet :H·llour delivery UII Clo\'er_ nne Ihing nor another. Commerce. bloom FrulCQ £gao Annllur rdriAn.tor can Boston Finn Buys Total sales oC the reporting grollJl Lowell Plant • during January amounted to 169 mil­ .0tI truclu protect qulia)' ri,lilto four door. Better near the bottom' \ ~i th' an, easy lion dollars as compared with 162 mil­ The Ilress (If New England announccd cunscious than up at the top with a lion dollars (or Jnnuarv last yeilr and "'P"'I last month the purchase of a new plant Iroublesome ol)e. ' 189 million dollars in December 1938, in 'Lowcll, MaSs.lclmsctts; hy 'the Prince " The imJlroved sales conditiolls pre' Mac;,troni lIlanu(acturinj; (omran), of • ' vailinJ: in wholesale trade during Janu- Boston. The properly nl\'olvt~ in the . . ar)' is reAc:ctoo in the percentage deal is known as lite I.,owl'11 lIIeachery, The onl)' trouble ,"'llh t~1! ma £!lIn~ r compari6Clns with the last three years. located at Carter, Livingston nml Cham:.. age is thai we ' failed to .thmk, up the 'Whereas Ot.'Ccmlier sales ',i'cre \II) 1 ~ hers Streets, necessary adjustments to. It. . cent from Deeember 19.1"\ January The buildings involved in tht! deal in­ liom last Janu· dude a factory building of (our siories, • were ,down 250 (eet long by 200 (eet wide, with '3 December 1936. but railway siding. TIle building is equipped 8 £Icr with two hydraulic elevators and is mod- , • ! \ 15. 19J? THE MACARONI JOURNAL t7

Chairman Food Standards Committee, In Memoriam hased Oil the possibility that adequate Illanufacturl'r!> whn h,,\·c 1"" 1.' 11 uniu/.: :1 It was al follows: supplies o( certified cO:ll·t:lr colors will It~ilimatc business will sufTer no Ulltlut· The Long and Short of J. Edwards Smith, one of the best not be available for use in m:lnufactur· di sturhance during the period in which Washington, D. C. known journalists in the Northwest, died ing goods which will be shipped dter thc), :Ire continuing efforts. clearly char· Marth 2, 1939 at his home in Minneapolis, March 23. June 25. The new statute prohibits the ach:rized by COllllllon Sensc ami goud To 1<.bnu(acturers of Flour, Whole Since the launching of the MACAROSI shipment of articles cont:lining coal· tar faith, to revise amI print ncw labd ~ Wheat' Flour, 5eft'.:;!;na, Farina, Rye TOURNAL twenty ),e:lrs :lgo, Mr. Smith colors that have not been ccrtified. where thcse arc nl'ccssarr, lu cffect in· Federal Trode ConurtWion Moves to Decide Flour, White: Bread, Whole Wheat had becn actively connected with it in an "A cOlulition of this kind is illcvitabk c:cpcnsc corrcctiolls of present stocks nf editorial cap:lcity. The valuable serv­ in any tr:llbition (rom :In old to a new Brc:-ad,' ~1i1k Bread, and Rai,in Bread: labels, or by othcr cxpl'dicnl to britlgc Questio~ 0; /.ung ~., Sho:t Spaghetti ices which he h:l9 rendered to the editor order of things. Obviously, the Depart­ fiver thc transition perIOd. Manufactur· The Food Standards Committee will 01 this jou:-tl:ll will be s:ldly missed. ment docs not expect the impossible. It l'rs with whom lhis qucstion has been med in Washington. D. C., Monday, In addition to his services to the MAC· has rCJlcatcd!)' advised manufilcturers n( discussed have signified their abilit)· till· its intclltion to give sympathetic consid­ Two actions bv the Federal Trade March 27, ' 1939, in the office. of the AiOSI lOURSAL, Mr. Smith W:lS em­ der such a policy to mcet the situation as: "Spaghetti a la Ruler"; "Inch or Food and Drug Administration. At this ployed or n1:1ny years by the Mjruuop· eration 10 these problems :lnd deal wilh satisfactorily without thc nccessity ror Commission takr.li on March 31, 1939 Yard, It', Spaghetti"; "Short Spaghetti meeting the memben wilr il:ive consider­ them in a manner e(luitable to all. In )lOstp,UlltOll·nt of the effectivc (late uf 11ll" are of wide intr;rest to the spaghetti and Good Too" i "No matter how long, It', olis Journal, Sporks Ma.:adne. and ation to features upon whiclt definitions Finonct and Commcrtt of Minneapolis. followiuJ: this policy It is expectcd that Act. ' noodle manuf.l(:turers of the country. Still Spaghetti." " t. One involves " Chicago finn on the and standaros of identity under the He W:15 widely and favorably. known in question of whether the length of spa­ , Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act the puhlishing field of the Northwest, Must c..... MW • ' (or the following products should be ghetti has My thing to do with its quality .,...;...u..g and numbered his friends by those whn or genuineness and the other concerns Egg Noodln based: knew him. Hill many fine qualities will long live in the memory of all whn a stipuln.tion entered into with the Flour . White bread government by a Brooklyn distributor The sC1:ond action by the Federal "new him. Whole wheat flour Whole wheat bread Mr. Smith W:lS born at Escan:lb:l, to ceare sl!lJing in~redients prohibited .Trade Commission involves a distributor, Semolina OHers the Braibanti Milk bread Michigan, and for :I time resided at L."l by law$' lind regulations. Reuben·RidHml. Company. Inc., Brook­ Farina ". Raisin bread Crosse, Wisconsin. He c:lme to Minne­ ••• tho automatic macaroni machine which Th,: newspapers of the country have I~' n, N. Y. It has entered into a stipula· Rye flour tlon· with the COmmission to cease mis­ ap?lis about a h:llf century ago, :lnd re· mixes. Im.ada and extrude. in one continu- betn enjoying a reo"ll "festa" over the F~ciual and other pertinent informa­ Sided there unlil his de:lth. He was sev· oua operation ••• Produces top qual­ char(e made by the commission ' in its reprcenlation in regards to a coloring material (nature not revealed) for treat­ tion on these schedules wilt be consider­ ent)'-one ye:lrs old, ity goocb at high apeeds and complaint .against the John D. Canepa ed by the committee. For the purpose Funer:lt services were hdtl nt 11 :,10 reduc•• COlli. Cor.IEany• There have been numerous ing noodles to give them the appearance of containing more eg~ incre(hent. than of (onserving time, it is desirable that A. M. Satun!:Jr, March 25 ilt l:ikcwood artic es thereon .md a fine play of words, all such information, n far as possible. Chapel, with Interment Sunday nt L."l a':e actually presw'" Respondent agree. Elme. bClll the IJiclul'", mJstly benefici:ll .to macaroni · products, be submitted in writit.~, addressed to Crosse, Wis. \\ hile humorously discussing the question '.0 discontinue distributing it. pr~ra· United Bioi •• GDd Caaa· the Secretary or the Foo.i Standards clJoa right. on aU Brat· of the merits of long and short spaghdti. rion-"Richards Danish Vegetable Base --For NoodleJ," lor use in noodles and Committee, Food and Drug Administra· beaU Qloc:hJa ... The complaint alleges that the respon­ rtlated products. tion, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Enforc'ement of Food, Drug dent company sells and distributes its Washington, D. C. Since there will be And Cosmetic Act spaghetti In long tontainers and in book­ little opportunity for presenting directly lets and other advertising matter in(era to the members of the committee in· SC1:rctary of A~riculture Henry A. that umacaroni and spaghetti products What li1 Semolina formation which can not be submitted Wallace recently ISSUed the foll owing not made in long lengths are not genuine in the fonn of letters, all requests for statement in response to inquiries con­ and are not of fine quality." nle com­ In order to properly ~ define "semo- appearanc~s before the committe! should ceming the .Iegislative postponement of mission declares that these statement!! lina" and to set up standards for s.\me, . be made 10 advance and appolntment~ the effec.tive d:lte of some of the ill1por· arc ufalse, deceptive and misleading." the Food Standards Committee, United · arranr:ed through the sC1:retary .of the tant provisions of the Federal Ji"()()(l, The manufacturer has until April 28 to St:ltcs Department of A~iculture, held com"!lttee. , Drug. and Cosmetic Act now bein/: pro­ show caUSe why his claims should not an informal conference 10 Washington nus meellng of the Food Standards posed by some representatives of thc he held " (alse and misleading." D. c., on March 27, 1939. Breaa of Com.mittee. is in no sense, the public mdustries affected: different kinds, flollr, farina rye flour, hea."ng which th~ Act req~ures and for "The Department is aW:lre of a senti­ Facdiously, the Washington, D. C. ment among some m:lnufacturers of Nnvs of March. reports the action and whole wheat flour were likewise to whIch formal nollces are Issued· by the 31, be studied Secretary of A~culture: but it is for foods, drugs, and cosmetics {or a I>os t. as follows: • the purpose of informally acquiring in. ponement of the effective date 0 thl' Factual information only was sought fonnation conceming those factors Federal Food. Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Spagbotd'. SIi11 Spagbot' at this infonnal gathering. Said in for- which should be embodied in proJX>:mls This law was enacted June 25, 1938, but mation W:lS l:lter to be studied in an- for discussion at a public hearing 10 only a few of its provisions hec:mle ef­ "Those awkw:lrd creatures who sit in ticipation o( the adoption of definitions be held on some future d:lte. fective at that time. The general provi­ thc darkest comers of Italian restaurants and standards of identity under the sions of the Act do not become effective and slup minestrone while their sad e\'es Federal Food, Drug Ilnd Cosmetic Act. .• \V. n. FRISBI£. until June 25, 1939. st:lre enviously at deft brethren reeling The c:lll issued bv \V. B. Frisbie, Chairman, Food Stal.dards Commiuu "On nun:erou! occasions the Depart­ J,::reat coils of sJl:lghetti into smooth meut has eXllrcssed gr:ltification :It the mouth(ulls, to d:lY are given an offici:ll promptness wilh which most food, drun out. and cosmetic manufacturers ha\'e "The Federal Tradc Commission brought about label revisions and effect­ thoughtfully sheathed its fork and table­ ed other changes in their pr:lcticcs to spoon :lIld spoke out holdh' in defense mcet the terms of the new law. of the l)Qor rumhler who as 'a child never A Label's Importance "In some inst:lnccs the senliment for learne( to master the C:lt's cradIc and . . " . postponement is being fostered by those ~ , , who now is Inle to work nt le:lst once who opposed the enactment of the I:lW n month hecause he gets tancled in his lOA I:lbel is 'more than Ii scrap of paper and a splash of ink: and who nppe:tr to be unrcconciled tn (lwn shoestrings. it is more than a' haphazard combination of type land art·j It compli:lnce with its consumer-protectivc "With clear consciences and unsullied i,. the be:lrer of either tnie or false imputatio1)s it ~qld5 the features. Dut it is de:lr that in most in· chins, So"lid the F.T.C.. thesc butter·fing­ key that unites two realm's-the realm of subitalice,. !t:lllces this sentiment is b."lsed upon a ers can h:lve their meat ha\ls cooked • authenticity, with the realm of thought, : convic- general apprehension rcg:lrding thc fatc of substantial invcstments in stocks of with elhow macaroni and eat the com­ .. tion. :I'o compo$~ ' a label.is a be '" hination with :f I:ldle while the more dex­ ( , labels now on h:lnd, :IS well :IS conccrn trous diners Tassle and entwine the lightly usumed: it about the congestion in labcl-manuf:lc­ strands." it might~ J put turing establishments, which in somc tCutive Socreiarv cases makes it impossible (or orders al· Other newspapers (arried the com- ~. . ready pl:leed for Ilew labels to be filled . mission'~ compl:lint under such h~din~s '-: .. 'before June 25. Apprehension is also 18 TH·E MACARONI April IS, 19J9 April 15, 19J9 ' THE MACARONI JOURNAL l~ Will .1\sE;ume Operations Taxes Take One-Fourth of NARGUS Signs Geauque has been training Rritish grocers alltl Egg Noodles-Tuna Fish clerks for more than thirt), years. Fur After a period of inactivity the maca· th'!l Working Day for Five Years a number of years he was promincntly Casserole roni factory at Pittsburg, Kansas, will identified with the fnod industry UII tilt.' Many and varied are the problems renew its producing operations under a . To Be in Full Charge of National Pacific Coast, servinJ,: for a tillle as lJi· Tn assist millions oi h ou ;;. el\'i \'l' ~ willi (acing ,the American business In.'ln and thcir plauninl: IIf suitahle meah inr new superintendent. Production on a Grocer. Institute reclor of PUblicit;· and Public Relatiun~ by no means the least among them is the (ull time basis started early in April at for the California Retail Grocers allli Lellt, Bett\· Crnckt·r. (am'llIs r:uliu :111 _ apparcntly growing conviction of ol 'r What about la\\' enforcement .on our the plant of Ihe Italian Macaroni Manu­ Edwin P. Geauquc of San Frandsco Merchants Association. Later he was Ilouncer rCprt.'sentiul: \\'ashlmrll Crllsll), PQliticians Ihat the passing of regulatory streets and highways? Do the drunks ' facturing &. Importing Company. For has been allpointed to direct '1\11tional drafted as Sccrctan- of the Alamel la Company, dC\'otell IIIl1eh ni her radiI) legislation is the ultimate solution for all in your community gd by with OJ. small some time the finn that operates the Grocers Institute by officials or the Na· County Retail "iocers Association, time ill the ),Iarch 17 Ilwaticast tn the our eccnolllic ills. These laws cover a fine, anci are they allowed to 1:0 back plant has been giving its whole' atten· tional Association o( Retail Grocers of which includes in its territory the Ca li ­ sUJ,:gestion that a "Ca ss ewl· ~ Ilf ~",)( lI l' s constantly widenill~ ficld but oue thing ou the roads and repeat their offense? tion to the importing o( Italian products the United States. Gcrrit Vander Hoon­ (onlia cities of Oakland, Alameda and ami Tuna Fish" is the answer to the It behooves (\'cry citizen who travels and their distribution throughout the they usually have IR common-thef in­ ing of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Presi­ hou sewh'es' Lcnten wurries, Iler lIIl'S , volve the collection or bigger ami IHgger Ilerkcler' In receut years he has becn Oil our high\lays and who obey the ImC. Southwest. dent oC NARGUS, and Mrs, H.. M. cllf.:agCt in makiul: markcl sun'eys ill sage went Ull t over a 1Ic1\\'llrk oi sixt,· lie laws to :.I1\,cstigatc this. Carlo San Paolo i~ now in charge of taxes. Who pays the taxcs? The husi· Kiefer, newly-appointed Secret31')·~Man· Europe and in the Orient. radio stations that blanketed thc wlllltr\' Fixine tlckcts is 35 bad a violation of production. He first learned the art o( ness mall, of course. ager oC the National Association, made with the soun el ad\'ice that IIlacarolii Although the h,:adquarters o f ~atio n ­ macaroni making in Italy. Since his nr· One Quarter of the working day nf products arc hest for thc IUL'allc ~ s IIlc"l s dccc:ncy nod courtesy as th~ crime itself. the appointment, acting on authority of al Grocers Institute will be in Chicago Spineless enforcement, usually diluted rival in America, he has been employed e\'ery worker and produ.:er is now re­ a resolution passed by thl! Board of which milliuns l'Imose tn scn'c during in the plant of the Domino :Macaroni quired to med the tax demands upon and a large clerical force is now at work that season. with politics, can never reduce highway Directors of the Association at it!: an­ there under Geauque's tlirection, he ex· accidents. It's bad enough (or motorists Company in Springfield, Mo. (or twenty American business, according to figures nual meeting at the Hotel Shennan I:ere A broadcast of this nature is lIeinl: years and with the Viviano Brothers issued by the United States Chamher of pects to spend Illuch of his time in the to wink at the law, hut when the law in January. field in contact with the trade. He will made annually II)' Uetty Crocker (IUrillg winks right back, the people in the com­ Macaroni Company in St. Louis (or ten Commerce. In a striking illustration, us­ National Grocers Institutc is the new C'f) ntinue to maintain his winter re s i~ the pre· Easter anti the Easter $casolls. munity arc not sa(c' on the highway. \'ears. Refore his departure to Kansas, ing the (ace of a clock (or the purpose. infant prodigy of the Association. .. :-.l'at urally." sa}'s the annuunccmeut IIy he served as (oreman m the Faust Maca~ the (act is shown that we all work two de.'ce in California alld his summer Check up on this point and remember Launched only in January to promote home at Pod Auger Fann. his histork the sponsoring (Irm. "macaroni. spaghetti - "It's Smart 10 Om'c Cardully." rani Comp:my plant in St. Louis. hours and twelve minutes of each day the idea oC vocational training' for re· and nOOt.l le manufacturers arc thorough· to pay the tax collector. estate in l\ew England. During April tail J:rocers and clerks, it is already and ),Iay Geauque is scheduled to make ly conscious of thc fact that their I,rnd· TIl3t the bulk oC the funds collected sensationally successful and its influence lI ets come into .their lI\\'n in 110 uncertain Macaroni Rich Food go to various politically administered re. a national speaking' tour on behalf of AWCIl'ded Safety Medal is already heing felt in the entire foot! the Institute. His first official appear­ fa shion uuring Lent, as meat suhstitutl's. lief agencies is common knowledge 3nd industry. Grocers and clerks from e,"en' The fact that her timely mCSs.1f.;cS 1111 Tacoma, \Vashington, housewives who the actual need (or the upenditure of· a alice before the IIIl'mbcrship of the Na· flocked to the Homemakers' School con· state and (rom man)' foreign countries tional Association IIf Rclail Grocers will meatless and one·tlish mcals tic in Sf) Sa(c-rlri\'ing gains due respect 1101 portion of the money is .readily 3dmiuL-.1 ha\'e registered (or the work and the oncll with the usc uf nllodles. mal'arolli only (or the driver hut (or the finn he ducted by Mrs. Ethyl \Varren were by the average business man. But Ihere be at the 42nll anllual cOlwentinn of astonishtd 10 learn, many o( them, that first IlUblished lists of students re\'eals XARGUS at Kansas Cit~· . June 18-22. alld sp.1l:hetti is lIy nn means a coinci­ represents. A truck or car carrying the is an equally firm conviction that the'ap. the 113mes of lIlan), Ilrolllinent grocel":' dence. Her hearty slipport oi sClllolin" name o( a macaroni~noodlc , manu(actur ~ macaroni, spa~hetti and egg noodles plication of sound business methods in make up a famIly DC (oods, since each of and food industry cxecuth·es. Ilroo:lucts is prmnph.'ll both 11)' a sincer(' er and ad\'crtising his brai4Js is 'looked the spending oC these millions would re­ Geauque is one of the two Amcrican respect for thl.'l11 as delicious allli whnll.' ­ Ihem is prepa.~d from the same basic upon'as a traveling spokesman. While it sult in less political patronage and more Fellows o( the Institute of Ccrtified Ha\'ing a partl\' huilt structure fur :'tJlne fOC'MI. and an l'arnest desire tn hell' gots Quietly on its way and about ils ingredient-a hard glutinous wheat ~Ia· efficient results, tively rich in protein. Grocers oC Lundon, the nritish equh'a­ tomorrow beats h:1\'ing only pl:ul5 inr her company's lIIallY goutl fri ends Clf the business, the sponsoring finn is respected The one bright spot in this ot herwise Icnl o( National Grocers Institute. which tomorrow. macaroni industry whcne\'cr plissihle." and its products esteemed, When acci~ "Macaroni Products," says Mrs. \Var ~ , ~ismal picture is the ability oC the Amer. dents happen, an unfavorable reflection ren whose school, was sponsored by the Ican voters to change this situation if results, Here's an interesting iten:' from Taro,,", Nn()1 Tribu,It, "are an excel· they really decide they want to do so. the Toledo press: lent source of food energy (or growin~ For, after all, our elected representatives W. H. (Harry) Kontz, Toledo rep. children , Under normal conditions they . are our servants and wc call turn them arc almost completely digested, leaving LOW COST PACKAGING AT Procino Rossi resentative o( the C. F: Mueller macn~ out o( office at election time as readily as roni·noodle company, Jersey Cit)', N. J ., practically no wasle. Except (or the we put them in. There are still enough has been awarded a gold medal by his addition of eggs to egg noodles the practical, independent business men left members of the Macaroni Family of company for completing 10 years of In the country to make themselves heard with TRIANGLE driving sen'ice without an accident. Mr. foods 'lI'e idmtical in contents. This if-and when-they choose to demand a means that ill many reeires spaghetti or Kontz has driven more than 150,000 return to common sense methods in gOY. e:{g noodle!. may he subslltutro for maca· miles, mostly in Toledo. emment 3nd an end of the squandering roni and vice versa, with satisfactory re­ EQUIPMENT of millions o f dollars by politic3! theo. sults." rists.-Pacific COWl Rrott1(). ROCINO Row Corporation, Auburn. N. Y., is ono 01 tho Stick Pmany firms enjoying the benefits of low cosl packaging Isms and Facts with aimplo, Uoxiblo, economical Trianglo Equipment. Tho STICK-it is the rare quality that unit .hown is tho Trianglo SK Not Weigher and 51 Carton distinguishes geniuses (rom triilers. The well-known American sense of A Pound's a Pound? humor crops out again in a series o( dd· Soaler lor weighing. filling and sealing macaroni products STICK-it's yours if no combination CAMDEN, N. J.-(U.P.) Wh.n i< in cartons. DC circumstances can tear ~'ou loose from initions of "isms." \Vashington is a pound oi :pagheUi not a pound of lnvestigate the complete line of Triangle Equipment lor your conviction that it Will he. chuckling over these definitions attribut· cd by the Nn/J 'York Timu to an anon),· ~Jl,1ghetti? • packaging macaroni products-you will lind thore aro rna· STICK-in addition to whate\'er mous Republican Senator: The answer, according to a l'1orris­ chinos ideally suited to your needa. machinos that will givo other merit the projeCt, undertaking or SOCIALISM-If you own two cows, town, Pol., macaroni products rr.anu(ac. you bollor packagos at .:osts so low you'll havo Iho edgo cause may ha\'e, it must have loyal ad. tUrer, is that it depends on "weather on compotition. herents. . you give one to your neighbor. COMMYNISM-You'givc both cows conditions in the store where 'the spa­ Send samplos of you': packagos and ask lor eompleto do­ STICK-Ihe worthwhileness of doing ghetti is kept." that isn't to be challenged every few to the government and the government tails on Trianglo Equipmont to handlo thom. No obligation. I!ivcs back some of the milk. At Io:;,.:lt, that'. what he told Judge Wrile today, Ilil)'S. It has demonstrated its character FASCISM-You keep the cows, bllt Gene Mariano when he w:\s armiWled ant! nlilnhood buildiun qualities for too in ~lice court to nnswer charges of the ' lIlany generations, to be dOUbted. )'ou Si\'c the milk to the government. The I!0vernment sells some o( the milk weights and measures department thilt STICK-what you want you must his one-pound packages or spaghetti ,..... back to you. J,:ive yourself to. What you would be NEW IDEALISM-You .hoot on. were three'i:ighths oC iln ounce to an ollnce short. rewarded with, you first must serve cow, milk the other, and then pour the TRIANGLE PACKAGE MACHINERY CO. without reward. milk down the sink. '. Judge Mariano dismissed the charges. STICK-when it seems futile throw· 91S NO. inl!' away of yourself to do so. Jt is N.w York: 50 Church St. SPAULDINTGAVENUE, ~.~~.!:~5DI w. I.U.",on Blvd. the only way to be sure of putting, The trouble is that \ we ' think \ there:'s What makes the big difference in men Scm F,andJoeo: 111 Main SL Birmingham: 702 South 28th St. enough of )'ourself into something, to no time like the present; only in con· is whether 'going to work is regarded become something. . D.n.... n 1525 Wynkoop SL Seattle: 3138 ElUolI Avo. ncetion with.! s.oni~thing ~e Wi\Dt 4J: do'., as a daily thrill or a daily grind. _ Clo.olanch 5921 EucUd A.o• Foreign Office: 44 WhUehall St., Now York City . \ ,I . ', • .' • ~' 1 f( 21 20 ' THE MACARONI. JOURNA' L T April IS, 1939 THE MAC'RONI JOURNAl.

.tale commerte and remaining unsold amI ill Atlu1tCt3liun ..... as al1r):fe! ill d,al 311 artifi­ Adulterated. Produc:ts tILe original Ilnbroke,n I.'atkagu, was. fOIl~d ciall ), coloree! product tldldtlll in f):l1 ~ h:1<1 al the time of exammallon to be defiCient III ~ell 5ubsiitutcII wholly lIT ill I,arl fur CJ.:I: Condemned. egg, 10 conlain added eoal-t31 ('Olor, tlml Itl oootll('5, which it purportfil tn be: ami in IIial be .hort weighl, il W3$ colorct! ill a manner wlienl,}' inferiority In its ceaseless fight against artificially was conccaled. cotorrd and misbranded macaroni-noodle 00 AuguII J 1938, th~ United States at­ :\lishr:mdinK W3S allc Kcl1 ill Ihaol Ihe ~ Iaolt' · lome), for Ihe bistrict of Idaho. aclin" upon products. the Food and Admini~. mellh "EIIK NoocllC'S" 3nil "M ul1ncc ~ . " l'UfIll' Drug a rCport b), the Sc

crs continuously informed 011 the lIew York Dl'puty Allmillislratur, 1II\t1c~ tlh' Five Miles to a Bushel of the wheat berry, ground inlo a gminy, developmcnts and to furnish them with ~Ia('arolli Cmle allll was. Ih·J.:llllla l Sel'tl·, yellow bran meal after the bran and ~acaroDi-~oodies llractical sUJ:'gestions un packaJ:'es, their tan' uf Region Xu, 2 during till' Cotl,' germ have been removed. It is a bright contents, labels, etc.: related Federal era', ~Ir. Salthe wns formerly Directnr golden yellow. Flour is used only iu Trade Mark Bureau laws .lI1d parallel state laws. of Ihe Bureau of food and DnlJ:'s, Ol" R~cogniling that macaroni' products the cheaper, compctith'e f,rrades of maca­ The service is edi ted by Ole Salthe, p.lrlment of Health, New York Cily, of the Northwest where the golden No. roni. an: becoming 11I0re and more accepted A review of Macaroni-Noodle Trade spccial consultallt of the Food 011111 DruJ.: Macaroni-noodle manufacturers inter' I amber durum wheat grows in pro- Markl reilitered or pilled ror earl, by Americans as ideal foods for the fusion, . Why the hole in macaroni? Min­ l'eliatnotlon Adminislralioll lIUt! ml\'isnr In Ihe latc eslell in a\'oidinl! trouble under Ihe new meatless days of Lent as well as in de· Dr. Huyal S, Copelaml, U, S, Sl'ualor law, gelling rdid from their w~)rri.c!' 'Hard Grain But nesota Macaroni Co. officials arc TIll. I1l1rnll of Ibt Hilloni ),faNlonl ),Ian· lightful combinations with meats o( all not sure whether it is so sauce can ullellll." ANGelallon oll'tn to aU ml,,"I"t­ from the Slate of New York .11111 au­ uvcr thc acl. n'llm'ing ('''pellse 11\ n~ kinds throughout all other Se3S" of It is this flinty-hard grain that makes run into the' hole or whether some IlIlIn " FREE ADVISORY SERVJCE on thor of the new law, Mr. Salthe is ubservance allli kteping cnlltinut)lIslr lip' the year, the St.. Paul (Minn.) J "u"~tr the best macaroni products. people just like to bite on the. hol- ~~~~f ~;!~I R;r.:~n~~':I'::;:u'~"~I~,l!:: well knuwlI tn the lIlacaroni-lIundle In-dale on the Ill'W law, will lint! Ih(' Prtll of March 6, 1939. devoted a whole manufacturer!>, particularly those in .the Prcntice-Hall Food and DrnJ:' and Cm­ It was nearly 40 )'ears ago that low st.uff. . • D'Ac.' fMlI hi _ill be chr,td nonmtmbell page (or its profusel), illustrated, timely fo, In N~"U" ".,11 01 I". '" . tlilition New York area. He senc" as Ihe )\cw lUetic Sen'iet" an invaluahle ait!, . M. , A. Carleton, little app~ci3ted story on spagheUi and ~g noodles. The The macaroni ~ spagheui family of rnold. 10 dncrmlne I", rcal'lr:Jblhl' .f ~, cer~alist of the United States De­ Tilde ),fllk I"" on. fGlllcml'lIIn adaPI'"!, story is by John H. Lienhard, staff foods is an ancient one, believed to have partment of Agriculture, dug up :::Cr!tt-!!~I~~I ' A~:!.:I:I~~lo~c~bc~. f!'~1 ~I: ",tilt., with iIIustratons by Carl Et­ originated 'in China. One Italian legend ulu prdrrr;d rain lor III nllllnilan lin· durum 011 the plains of the Ukraine misch, Dispatch Photographer, t3ken at attributes spaghetti to the: can:lesmes5 of and brought to America. At his ltelil Tndl ),fllb pauld be r"hlttrd, If the plant of the Minnesota Mac.uoni it a alinese maiden who let strings of Cpmpany, St. Paul, Minn. r«OOlmendatipn a little mill at dough form while she kneaded, anti ::'-:!~'i. N'::I.. Jla~l~,:' l~rr~~~!I~'8::! Oakes, N. D., . milled some and it talked to her lover. on tkl ...abject ,. Th,. article is referred to here as 3n was sent 10 the Minnesota Macaroni An Italian :.ailor, named Spaghetti, )'helnanl,Hoodl" Tnd. Ih,. BW.II cx.u l ~p le of the most· (a\'orablu kind of D,.ld~ lIUnol. Company to lie turned into maca­ sa.w its possibilities and brought some pu ~. licity that manufacturers can get roni. home to Italy, according to the legend. \0 '.en thl')' cooperate with till': press of 5 Reasons Italy still uses sixty-five pounds of mac­ ulcit community. TIle Macanllli Story "It is certainly. beller than any im­ is always intcrl!sting to readers ,.,f news­ ported macaroni I have seen in this aroni products per person per year, Patents and country in recent years," he wrote the compared with 4.K pounds in the United papers aand magazines, particularly States, ' TradeMarks when wrilten the "newsy" way employed compYlr. in April, 1903, after receiving A monlhly u~\'iew of IIOllenls ~rilnletl Why This by the author who referred to the rela. a 13mp e. ' , on macaroni machincry, of a{lpliuliollS for lIOn of the finished product to one of It is the extremely heavy, sticky glu- : and rCRiBtrations or macaroni trade marks the Northwest's principal graiu products, ten of the dunim that makes it a good I Macaroni.Imports and apJII)'ing to macaroni protlucu. In ~hrch, (durum wheat) the liniar measurement$ macaroni wheat, says Dr. Ross .Gortner, 19 9 the foli ow ing wue rcporlc,1 lIy the EXports for January U. S, Patent Officc: of a pound of spaghetti, and the "alue head of the biochemistry department at Hydraulic Pallenls' granled-nonc. of the liole in macaroni, all interest· University Fann. According to the Monthl)' Summary arousing features. of For~ig" Comm~rct, I>ubhshed hy the TRADE MARKS APPLIED POR "The same quality prevents dur~ Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com­ Three a{llllications lar registration of Ten very interestin~ gn:en on ' black urn from producing sati~faclory Macaroni Press I merce ror January, 1939, macaroni im­ mOlearonl Inulc marks were made in March, illustrations were shown tjn (lne of the' bl't!ad," he explains. "The gluten 1939 and puhlished in lite Palent Office leading pages of the Daily Magolzine of ports showed a decrease while: the ex­ sticks so tight that the gas in the I>orts increased slightly, Gaz;Ue to pumit objcctioM Iltercto within the SI, PQul Djspotcl'-PKm~tr Prtls, de­ bread dough cannot force it apart JO da)'s 01 publication. Means Profit picting all the important steps in the and blow it up into a light loaf. Importa See-Mere manufacturing process. The article says, in part: "The housewife demands yellow maca- , Macaroni products amounting to 65,- The Ilth'ale brand trade mark of D;wi,1 for yOU ••• rani but she wants her bread to be 200 pounds with a value of $6,336 were Glan & Sonl \Vholesale Groc er~, Inc;, "The next time you feel inclined to Brookl),n, N. y" for use on lI1a~ar~ul. white. Accordingly, out here at Uni­ imported during the month of January, complain about the mileage ),OU get out ,p:lRhetii :lnd other Rtoceriu, AplJitcatlOn 1. Produces lirat quality macaroni of the old bus, give a thought to the ,'ersitr Fann, the plant breeders de­ 1939, showing a , decrease over the wa~ filed Sept. 9, 1938, and \!ublishttl March 7 19J9 Owner claims use ~i n ce December, macaroni industry, St. Paul macaroni liberately work to get yellow macaroni previous month whose imports totaled Surprisingly low operating cost wheat but white bn:ad wheat." . 149,914 pound, worth $13,714. 1937. Thc trade n:unc is in \'et)· hu\'y 2.. makers get only fi"e miles per bushel. leutting. Large capacity production Yet they never complain-in fact they Vitamins Retained Exportl Save More 3. think they have some pn~tty good ma­ For the month of' January, 1939, the The flriYatc \Jrand tr:ltle mark of Sa\'e 4. Lang service lifo chinery-producing enough to gird the The yellow pigment which is pennit­ report shows 298,498 I>ounds worth More Markets, Inc .. Jamaica, N, y " ror globe each week and to pr.')vide enough ted to remain in macaroni, but is ex­ usc on spawltetti ami miter foo.l IlrOtllltt !>, Precision built throughout, Moots $19,766 exported while in December, 5. the highest engineering standards alphabets for all the soup al,mg the way. cluded from the bn:ad, represents Vita­ 1938. only 254,465 pounds worth $17,- Apflllcation wa!! filtll Dec. l8, JI):l8, :lIul There are weeks when they turn out min A, he explained. publlshcd March 7, \939, Owner clalllu u~e 01 accuracy 500 were exported. !lince No\,. 18, 1938, The Ir:ule !lalUc IS enough alphabets 10 print a dozen Bi­ TIle! fonnula for macaroni and maca~ . During the month of January, 1939, written in large hlack IcU tt!>, bles. roni products is very simple-just semo­ there was exported to our insular' pos­ Gold Sui The macaroni husine~ ~ here is inti- lina and water or flour and water for sessions a total of -137,841 pounds of 11l:l1eh' inlertwinetJ wit'. the great plains the cheaper gmdes. Semolina ' consists this foodstuff: Thc pri\'atc brand tnde mark of AlIltri­ un Storts (OIO P:lII)', l'hilat!c!phi:l: I:a" ,for tile nn fiJl:lJ:he ui and macaronI, Allllhc:,tlon ( ','lIIt " " was filed AuR'. 19, 1938, ~nt t fluhlt~httl .,.... ilk ,"i" ll ll. • SELLERS AND SAVERS Marth l8, 1939, Owner c1 ~ lI11 S lise !Ullce lum;.I /",,1 ••" 1895. The tude na;ne is III "lla tlcd lCI­ Maldari Inel produce smooth. inviting Macarom Producta-Their ualatt'rrupted latisfact0rY performance kee,. down " "lurJI, producUon eOlt.-Their removable pins and renewable cbambe,. hold down repair and replacement cOIta-Try them tcrinA'. and lee for youraelve&. oie Salthe F. MALDARI &. BROS., INC. Edits Service Prentice-Hall. ]nc" New York City, re~entl)' announced the institulion of a new sen,ice to manufaclurers, whole­ s.,lers, and retailers o f food p":,ilucis 178·180 Grand Street · Now York, .New York and others who should he prcp_ulIlJ.: In inect all the rcquin'OIcl}ts of the lIew Food Dru!!' and Cosmetic law that goes into ~fTect June 25, 1939. . The service covers the act and Its U Maker. Macaroni Dlo.'Sluee oj application to rood concenlS: rel>ort b~ll­ letins issued frequently to keep subswlt- , • • J.. , , ' • ' • . .' ••

April 15, 1939 THE MACARONI )OURI'.:AL -",

MACARONI PUBLICITY ... and IT SAVES Place the Macaroni Family in the Spotlight It'. co.t within a shorl time .u .. ,hull ham l".l'" wid e b~ ~~~~~""""'~"""''''''''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''''''''''~ ' ''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~'''''''~~~'''''''''''''''~''''''''''f'a\~ STAR DIES 1".U" I ~ nl . Can b. CCI\li"PCd :'!~:~m~ic ~r:o'O I'h'!~~:!I!:i:~:: COllnl", and SlIner, if dHlud. • ",Ir. III 10 lind 'Oll complct. In · Macaroni Products ill Summer Menus ~t:i:i': I!:~ ::. \:,!:,I::,W:~~::I ";'I'~ b. reduced b, clIlllnl ,ollr own WHY? malerl" hom roll Uod• . Naliona/ Macaroni Im1ilute recommends a cooperalive .aucaliona/ campaign 10 break Br;cause the Following Results Are Assured down present prejudice against serving this fine grain food during the S!JIMIer se

26 T·HE MACARONI JOURNAL April IS, 19J9 'roni furnish~s about 1,600 calories a pound. Egg noodles also hnve th~ sliglit. Hits . Spaghettf CUtting Iy ndded food value of their egg ingn.'1\ ...... 528.m -151 '429 318,690 346,790 SUBSCRIPTION RATES \\'eSlun Divi sion ...... 287,583 ZOO:rn7 1.8$.519 ZSl,J88 Soulhrast ...... 159,101J JS2.46J 2SJ,858 TodDyl United Slate. and Canada...... $1.50 a Year . S I!p1~ I ~ len's . ide~ of moving heaven 303,450 Other Countrie...... $3.00 a Year nnd carlh to get something dOIlt" seems , J'ad6c COll il • '.' " •..•• . . . •••• . •. •••• •••• £91,438 MJ,389 466,8Jl 4S4 j~ to be t9 mo\'e .others to do it. TOla11 28 THE MACARONI April IS, 1939 ..(prit' IS, 1939 THE MACAR ONI JOURNAL Motorcar's Debt to the roni products. Thousands of siogi105 Label Erasure Expensive were submitted by old and new uscrs of • Chemiut this . firm's products an.d judging was rAllleric.,n firms that buy foreign·made ~lJ ALIT ... SEMOLl::J\1 a done by competent authorities who make goods to use as premiums to sell Ameri­ ;$. A section of the American Chemical it a business to handle contests of this can-made products should not be 35ham­ nature. ';":tr .' , Society served as the sounding board (or cd of the foreign-made label to the "-;,; " I a dramatic story of the chemist's role in First prize, a $250.00 bank savings ac· extent of trying to crase it. It's against ,. ,. ' II II the development of the automobile when count, went to Mrs. Julia Glasser, 1645 the law. Commenting on this, the T. A. Boyd of the research dcp:!.flment Grand Concourse, Bronx, N, Y. The II':" ':it~. ' I if Northwtstl'rtI Miller o( March 6 pre­ , . •• t, of General :Motors told how the retail second prize, a $100.00 bank savings ac­ sents Ihe (allowing ease: YOUR MACARONI price of cnrs was lowered between 1925" count went to Mrs. Sylvia Seigel. amI Iii I' .; ~{li and 1937 all an average of $300 per ve­ third prize, a $50.00 bank savings ae­ Libel Erl.ure Ezpenllve --- •• po: • hicle, thus saving the purchaser 30 Ilcr ('ount to Miss Marion Stickney. In addi­ DURAMBER AND SPAGHETTI cent at the same time he was grtting a tion, prizes of savings acrounl!! 500 The Loose·Wiles Biscuit Co. was bi.:cer and a better automohile. NO. I SEMOLINA CARTON foACKAGING went to customers that submitted slogans fined $500 recently by a federal judge of merit. . Tires nrc one of the r.hemist', contri­ in St. Paul for obliterating "Made in bution. Clmrles GoodY'.:ar slarted his ex­ The winning slogan was-"Good­ Japan" from salt and pepper shakers it COSTS ARE . , , periments with rubber by mixing it wilh man's (or Balanced Meals on Balanced lISed (or premiums, a violation of the sulphur and then hcatin~ the mixture Budgets." A close sccond was-"Purity custOI11S laws. ••• TOO HIGH- which changcd gum clastiC from a use­ you desire, Quality you admire, econom\' James J. Giblin, assistant United less stuff, into one of the most useful you rcquire-Goodman's." • States attorney, filed an information 3ntl matuials in the world. The research The sponsoring firm is highly pleased complaint which said the firms New chemist pointed out that each car now with the results o( the contest. TIley York office bought 250,000 salt ami pep­ II wilt pay you 10 InVlltlvol. rETERS has 250 or more parts of rubber and that noted a sizeable increase in the sale o( per shakers in 1932 (rom Japan. They SPECIAL CARTON FORMING AND L1NlNG 80 per cent of all rubber gocs into auto­ their p.,ckaged products during the pe_ were properly stamped under the cus- MACHINES and PETERS CARTON FOLDING AND CLOSING mobiles. riod of the contest, as it was requirCfI toms laws. . GRANULAR MACHINES wblch III up and clo .. ,uplctl... ly 30·60 carloni The chemist and metallurgist hav(' that a p.,ckage top bl! submitted with Some 14,000 sets were stored in a p.r mlnutl. eliminated waste in the iron and steel each slu::an. Twin Cities warehouse. The baking a'ad UI lampll' 01 your carlol\l or th.b dtmlnllon. and WI industry, and encouragw the develoJl' company paid a stamping firm $54. to will bl pllalld 10 'Icommlnd lbl mOlt Iconomical and IWdlnl ment of 41.110), steels as materials of con­ obliterate Ihe "Made in Tapan" whcn modll machln'l to tn.. 1 'Iqulrlmlnt•• struction. The materials with which j:3f!! the sets were used in a sales campaign, are being finished nowaday:. arc almost Being Right Has Giblin said. The maximum penalty is entirely synthetic chemical products, lIB Rl!Ilponsibilities' a $5,000 fine or a year in jail or both. AMBER MILLING (;0. thereby reducing the time n~dcd to Moral: American -made premiullls Miller. paint a car body from the four to nine E~clu.l.,e Duruna Knowing our goods as we do, we should be good enough to offer to Amer­ PETERS MACHINERY CO. days iornlerly required to but a few ican buyers of American-made products, J. ,. D'.,. ... c. l\finnco))olia 4700 Ravenswootl Ave, ChICa go, III. hours. salesmen are preHy much riCht in every­ ",rid,.' thing we say abOut our J.:oods. That trinkets or what-have-you. III Citin~ the chemist's gift in the mailer II would he' a one-hundra-I percent ptr(ed of the investigation of petroleum, back situation if it were not (or the (act in' 1855, and the subsequent develop· that too of len we are wrong in our ments in the refining of gasoline, 1\f r. manner o( bdng right. Boyd explained that while these im- There Are No Good all Knowing that we arc right in what rovements Imve been yielding more and we sa)', we arc apt to bank so much on Reasons for Not Buying .ctter gasoHne, the retail price of gaso­ r. the strength of being rh:ht that we John J. Cavagnaro line, exclusive of 1.lxes, 'has gone down neglect to be tactful in stating our facls. Reasons (or not buying arc things to steadily. 111al might not mailer if our sole ob. fight against. Be so strong for what Every clement of the motorcar, u­ jective were that o( proving oursclves you arc selling, so outright higoted in Engineers cepl a few wooden pieces and possibl); to be right. Dut in our case being right your opinions in favor of buyint=; it, that and Machinists the water in the radiator, is either a and proving it ac1lieves nothing if we any reason (or not buying it Will SQulIIl chemical or metnllurgical product, or lose a sale in the process. unreasonable to you. else it has chemistry involved in ils mall­ In sales work, we need to do some. What determines selling, or (ailing to, U. S. A. ufacture. Harrison, N. 1. thing more than to assert that we arc i:m'l so much how good the reason for Tt is even a chemical reaction. namel\'. rieht. We need 10 plead with people to not buying' sounds to the customer, bUI the burning of gasoline and air, whkh make them see our propositions as we how it sounds to the salesman. If he makes the automobile go. nut other see them, in their own interests. We lackll determination to seH and is in­ Specinlty of factors mentioned. by Mr. Boyd as im­ h;lVe to state our (acts persuasivel)' clined to give up too e:lSily. any reason portant include safeh' glass, aluminum. rather than with the outright ness o( for not buying is apt to sound disas­ hrass, hronze, bearing metals, spark knowing that we arc right. trou~ly logic.al to him. ~acaroni~achinery plu!!s and other items. He (ound tht" Being right in everything we say Reasons (or not buying block s.,lcs so useful information that one-fourth o ( about what we are sellin!! achieves !!eneraHy because most salesmen gh'e up Since 1881 all the industrial research laboratories in nothing i( it prompt!' autocratic state. in the face o( any stated reas!)ns (or not the country arc maintained cither by th,' ment of our facts. The vcr\' situation buying. Such reasons don't at all mean autnmohile industry itself or lIy the ma~­ of our facts beinl::' indisputable makes thai the customer has malIc up his minll ers of materials used in motorcars. it doubh' important 10 state them mod. not '0 buy. Quite generally reasons (or Presses e!llly and in a way th .. t prompts not huying are stated with the hope thaI I\ncilders acceptance of them. the salesman will clear them away. Mixers Bank AccounlB as Slogan Think o( reasons (or not buying that Cutters wa),--3s reasons the customer would likt· Brakes Prizes you to get out o( the way quite as much s.,)'S Mould Cleaners To the fellow who he could usc as you want to demolish them, i( YOII Winners of the Gooc.Iman's Nood le: a raise: the boss could use the ability arc:)' salesman in the real sense o( the Moulds Sloi-!an Contest wcre announced in ad­ that would earn it. wonl. vertisements that appeared on March 20. All Sizes Up Tn Lar~c.rt In Use The contest was sponsored by A. Good­ 2SS-S7 Center St. man & Sons. Inc., 634-640 East 17th St., In business, a good attendance' record chap who wants to make swcep­ N. y, Office nnd Shop NeW York Clay New York City to promote the popular­ is that only ' if it is a good attending to uSl1all), has a new broom ity of their egg noodles ami other maca. business record. ( ·.r . _ an'~.I ~!,.~ t"s tiD' ~s;e it. ; .~ \ r 30 .11 THE JOURNAL Aprit 15, (19J9 April is, 1939 THE MACARONI JOURNAl. Honorary Offic:ers Under in the suggestion. The Ccmmander-Lar­ An Average Plant S. S. Unemployment abee Milling Company,' Minneapolis, Minn. is currently circularizing the bak­ The question has often been asked, STREAMLINED MA(;ARONI DIES Compensatio9 ing trade to get the bakers' slant on the "What is , the average-sile mac:.aroni­ Good Raw Materials and Dependable Dies I_ure QuaUt,. Maearow Produeu t:::sent plan of nour relief. It hopes to The Dureau of rolemal Revenue rt. noodle plant?" brinJ:' the plight of the bakers to the at­ According tel statistics compiled by Prompl and Dependable Service, Work Fully Guaranteed. Write fo r Information. ccntl}· issued a statement with rcsped to tention of the authorities at W .... hing­ the inclusion of officers of an associa­ the American Photo-Engraver! Associa­ 1862 GLENDALE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA ton. Accompanying the questionnaire is tion of Chicago as the basis for present­ tion or corporation in computing the a statement, in pari, as follows: number of employes for the purposes of ing a memorial to the President and the unemployment compensation lax. From our contacts with baker1 all Congress praying some relief from and :LOMBARDJ!'S MA(;ARONI DIES The release slales that the Bureau hl!l over the country we find that bakers changes in the present unemployment generally have sustained a more or less had occasion to reconsider its ruling compen'sation tax law, an average plant the surplus commodities at wholesale averagc man has to wurk fllI,l)' 3 hour~ which held that in dctcnnining the tolal serious loss of business during the past in the Macaroni-Industry would be one Stamps for prices. He sells them in the regular way and 26 minutes to .bu)' a pair ul work few months as the direct result of the number of employes for purposes of the employing twenty people and payin!! Surplus Foods at retail prices. He sends the oranJ!c ami shoes, In Great Hntalll he ha ~ tn wurk distribution or relief flour by the go"­ them an average annual wage of tax imposed by Title IX of the Social blue tickets to the hank like cash. S :14 hours: in Germany, 12 :13 hours ; emment. Reports from some territories Security Act, honorary officers of a cor­ $889.00. Retlefer. will get ticket. instead of The onl)' things the orange stamps in Italy, 39:4S hours, . indicate that this loss has ' bt:en more poration, who (unction onlv as directors This deduction is compiled from the caah-and 50 per cent more, good can't be used for arc liquors, wines, becr The average Amencan can hu)' murl' acute than in others; but appears to and rtcei\'c no compensation as officers it 1935 and 1~37 U, S, Census of Maca­ only for groceries or tobacco, shoes, overnlll1, potatoes, Iluiter-mon' or directors, shocld be included. In so have had an adverse effect on bakers roni Manufacturen, Included in these The blue stamps, heing free and insur­ of everything with an hO!lr's work thall reconsidering the Bureau slates that : ~~nerally all over the country, census figures are the wages and num­ A scheme to induce 6,000,000 families ing the rcliefers $1.50 per person instead in any (Jther country III the wurM . "It has been concluded after further While no one objects to the granting ber of employes in 353 plants, a few on relief to buy the nal.ion's surplus oC the present $1 per person allowi.llce, America givl'~ us more ccnts out of the consideration of the mattcr than an hon­ of relief where needed, and while most of which eml)loy more than 100 work­ foods, to create business for retailers arc the inducement for the clients to take manufacturer's dollar and Ihl'rdfJre our orary officer of a corporation may not, people are sym;athetic to extendinf: this ers and t~e arger number giving only and to do away with the costly Surplus the orange stamps instead of cash, With huying power per hour's wnr~ hits t.h e in any real sense, be T1:Jr.lrded as an relief through governmental agencIes, it oart-time work to five or fewer em­ Commodities Commission is being tried such staple foods as hUller, eggs, pota­ peak here. Men may have their theorlcs officer within the contemplation of See. docs &«101 that it (Quid be done in a wav ployes. by the government. The plan, long un­ toes, canned goods and fresh fruils, and and their dreams but so far the facts lion 1101 (.) (6) 01 Ihe Act. In de­ that would accomplish fully as much It would be interesting to know how der \'onsideralion, went into effect April even beef, often on the surplus list, the prove that llell1(x: rac), \toads the pa rade! tennining whether this conclusion np­ ~ to r~lief client.s, and without the many plants in the country are actually 15, 1939, in six selected cities as an ex­ blue tickets will become desi rahle, -The Silver 1~lfIill !l . plin in any particular instance, how­ injury ((I legitimate bll,ine5s. It would "average" in size. A fair and reasonable periment. If it works as expected, it The stamps will he dctluclible from ever, it is necessary first to decide will be expanded to cover the entire seem that relief extendeci in the form of guess would be that not over 20 per cent WPA as well as from direct relief The J!()()(I loser is invariahly an ulti­ whether the individual involved is in country. food w"uld be much mon° effeeti"e if it to 25 per r.~ t of firms listed as manu­ checks. The plan has the approval of the mate winner, fact an 'honorary' officer. \Vhile this de­ were given in the fonn of .tlREAD than facturers of macaroni products would Surplus stocks or certain commodi­ Associated Grocer)' Mnnufacturers of cision must in tum test upon a con. in the ronn of nour. classify as "a"erage," both in the num­ ties have ,increased alarmingly and thl' America, the Co·Operative FOQ( I Dis­ sideration of the facts in each specific ber of workers emplnyed and in annual Secretary of Agriculture has been seek­ tributors or America, the National National Cereal case with respect to which the question wages p;tid, ing ways and means of disP'!sing or Sol id American Wholesale Grocers Associa­ arises, in feneral it wilt be considered Dy way of comparison, based on the surpluses without demorahzing the'!. nor­ tion, National Association or Forni Product. Laboratorlel that nn officer of a corporation is an compilation referred to, the avera~ mal markets not only of the commOtlities Chains, National Association of Uetail I.Dlcmilil R. Ja"b •. Dlflctor 'honorary' officer within the meaning or Are You Sold? number of wage ~mers per establish­ involved but those of related and ,-=om­ Grocers. National Voluntary Groups Consulting and analytical the forel:uing rule if (l) he is lIpe:cifical. pctitive products. It is felt by the pro­ Are you fulty sold on what )'ou are ment in the 281 industries studied, was Institute and the Independent Food Di s­ chemist, specializing In aU Iy designated an honorarY officer; (2) ponents that the stamp plan will suc­ tributors Council. such oesignation is solely to do him selling? If so, that', all there IS to it. 44 and the a\'eraJre annual wage per mattero involving the exam­ wa/.:e earner was ceed without hardship to ani' trading Ination, production and honor or to have him included in the What has sold you so fully 011111 com­ $1,022, la­ groups. , , . beling of Macaroni and organization because of his name, prom­ pletely on what you are selling is the Comparison by industry groups shows knowlctlge you have regarding it. So that the Food and Kindred Products As outlined, the illan IS tlus: Noodle Products, inence, or standing in tbe community; The governr.:.;;ot will issue two kinds How Much Does (3) it would not ordinarily be necessary all you have to do to make "lles i! to group employed an average of 16 wage Llba'lta,y-N", iO P'''''I St.. B,"lIbn. N, y, see to it that your prospect or customer eamer:l, par.ing them average annual of stamps. ~.Ie ornn~e colored, the other The Employe Get? tn fill his office should he die or resi!,,,"; blue. T.le relief chent may take these Olfi(n-~o,;, ~o~:·i~.C:~'~ .ID.~"~r.'hl:i'o~: (4) as such officer, he docs not actually ~nC?wl as much about what you are sell- wages of $ ,003. From this it is noted that the average number of employes in stamps In lieu of cash. I( he or she docs, Sherman Rogers conducted a survcy D. c. c l.edoml any service and is not required 109 as you do, of his own to find out how much thl' D,"IIlr!! 'Pham W.'hln;\:ro~:· ' the macaroni indU!try is somewhat they will be deducte~ from their relief or upected to pedonn any; and (5) \ Vhat we know we shortly collie to check. ' average employe thinks he grts out of ~~~::~!."d ~:!!: :g~~bIUC .~W as such' officer, he docs not receive, ami higher than the average for the 281 think everybody should know, That is industries surveyed, but the annual The orange colored stamps are worth each dollar of income produced hy the ~;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;~ is not entitled to reeeh'e, remuneration. a mistake we can't afford to make in 25 cents: the blue 12~ cents, For every manufacturer. He spent three wecks r If it is detemlined upon a consideration wages ate considerably lower than even selling. If the customer is not convinced the food group :wengc, ' . orange stamp the reller client accepts he talking to 518 men; 86 men believe.! of these factors that an individual's rt­ it is because he lacks some of the gets free one blue stamp, In each book that they got le ss than one cent out IIf I "CHEESE" lationship to a corporation is in f:lct knowledge which convinced us as sales­ containing $4 worth of orange stamps each dollar; 378, including the 86. The manutac\ure and dl. I,lbulion ot solely that of an hnnorary officer, he men. TIle art of the thing is to get the there will be ~ worth of blue stamps, thought they got less than live cents. italian typo 01 cheOlle lIS our business, is not an employe of the corporatioll for knowledge of our S:oods ,it took us State Ac:cuses Noodle rll'Dl TIms the relief client i5 induced to ac­ Only four out of the entire 518 thouglu GRATED CHEESe Is our specially, purposcs of Title IX of the Social Se­ months or years to acquire, into the cept the stamps in lieu of cash because that they Rot as much as ten cents oul curity Act anel should not be included mind of the customer in from five to Acting for the 5eerttary of State of Are you ulln!J. or plonnln!J to u.o, of the oonus 10 blue script. of each dollar. !Jrated choelo In one way or a nolher in determining whether the corpor.ltion fifteen minutes I Jndiana, Attorney General Orner S. What are the facts? Statistics com­ In your products? 11 you are. you owe is an cmplo)'er of eight or more so as Tackson recently started proceedings ill Blue [or Surplus piled by the present administration show Too cominonly salesmen give a cus­ I! to yourself to wrlto 10 out hood· In be subiect to the tax imposed under tomer ,a little information about what the circuit court to forfeit the corpornte The orange stamps have full cash val­ that these .518 lOen were far wrong in that title," quartera, We may havo Inlormallon they are seUing and Ihen switch to urg­ franchise of Mrs, Hartig's All-Egg Noo­ ue to purchase any food or household .their guesses. Out of all the inl'Otlle re­ which would Interolt you, ing the cu~tolOer to buy. Mere verbal dle Compolny, Inc., Osceola, Indiana. commodity that money might buy, But ceived and paid out by manufacturers of Quality and price will moet your ro o pushing of the customer is a crude way The suit alleges the company h:ts the blue stamps, which the client gets the United States, the employe received Free Bread Not Free f10ur qulremontl!. to try to make a :n.te. n,e customer failed to file corporate reports with the free must be used to buy the commodi­ 84 cents of each dollar! Uclid of the needy is one or the coun­ will act when he has enoug:l reasons ror Secretary of State as required by law ties 'the Department at Agriculture lists No olher system of governmcnt cllualll B'l'EUA CHEESE CO. try'14 gravest problems, The a~cncy in acting: when the rcnSllns for ncting and asks the court to dissolv~ the corpo­ as surplus commodities. the American standard of living, For 851 W'lt Roadolpb St. Chlcaqo, III , l'ilnry.:c of this humanitarian service finds solidlv outnumber reasons for not act­ ration and administer its assets for all Under the plan the retailer buys all instance, here in the United States, the it almost impossible to ple.lse all inter­ ing, They'll feel as ) 'OU do about what that is just and proper. ' ested in the work. The bakers. for in­ your are selling only when and as they The luit lists the following as officers ~tance, arc in full acconl with the relief have a; much knowledge of it as you of , the corporation: Albert DeHaan. work that must necessnrily be done, but have. - Grand Rapids, Michigan, president; for their own protection, they feel that Getting n favorable decision in Mrs. Emma Hartig, OKcola, Ind., vice Macaroni Boxes 0/ Wood Our Specialty the agency should distribute nour in the is almost entirelv a matter of president and, Arthur E. Hartig, Osceo· ramI of bread, reasoning that in so do­ bid for that decision only la,. sccretary-tn:asurcr. KANSAS CITY SnOOK'" lUANUFACTUDING CO. ing they would give relief 10 a burdened sales facts have bo.!en r~i:ii!~~~b:: " ~: bakin£ industry. sure the winning uf la is half A. R. Shearou, Sales Agent ltlarked Tree and Wilson, ArkanOia" Flour millen ha\'e tak~ an interest cision, . .

.32 THE MACARONI April IS', 19JII April IS, 19.19 THE MACARONI JOURNAL .lJ The MACARONI JOURNAL Mineralized Macaroni mental stage and today it is a sound ••__ hi th Old J ...... J-PocrUtl .. , Fred . business policy, that nets n!tums in dol­ Btekw of a.nJu4. ObJo., Ia II'OS : . Macaroni products are generally ac­ lars ,and cents, to appeal to consumers cepted by food experts as (oodl that are through othc:r tMn the stereotyped meth­ high in caloric values . . TIicir mineral ods we have used in this industry, up to ~API'I\"lL PRODU~TS deficiency is often overlooked or con­ this time. f;APITALIZE with sidercd mconsequential. Believing that "Manu(acturers are struggling to share the (ood can be improved by processes in that portion o( the consumer's dollar that compensate (or the deficiencies re­ spent on foods' which they have enjoyed ferred to, President Lesler S. Dame' of ' in yean past. Here, in my. opinion, is PUBLICATION COlnIITT •• NM'MA recently addressed a timely the vehicle which could very well be bulletin to the members concerning this employed to advantage in stimulating AI A No.1 SEMOLINA ~·I~.-:::::::::::~I,~~. ~!.. ~"A:= t.:Y. ::,. Donll ...... E4llar particular merchandising . As added acceptance o( macaroni products. thc Lulldin i:i inlcuJc:d (or supporting "An appeal to the consumer' could members only, it will be referred to \'ery well be made through the thou~ht FANCY DURUM PATENT FLOUR lualC_lnlON RATa here only in part: that, in line with the modem ideas that Valiid Stain .n4 Cu.. a...... 'I.JO $I" fear "The subject of the mineralization o( (ood should contribute to health, maca­ 'onlp CMllltrf., ... ~~.~~i;~ PCI' ,'lat, III .,hue. SI. 1I,Ie CoN...... 11 Ccul • • (oods," says the bulletin, "is becoming roni or. noodle prot'ucts havc been en­ u .1I CopI...... 25 C.U CAPITAL DURUM GRANULAR more important daily. It is a commonlv riched with an impol1ant healthful min­ acceJ.>ted (act that the ' American diet is erai, the mineral mos~ likely to be lack­ low III minerals and that steps are beiDl: ing in our diets, the 'b;tilder-upper' min­ taken by various (ood industries to at­ eral nceded in largest qu.antHiclil by both STANDARD DURUM FLOUR tempt to correct this deficiency at a nom­ children and adults, for more be .. utHul inal cost to Ihe consumer. teeth, stronger boncs and properly work- ing musclC5." . " M'anu(actulers who are adding min­ erals to their products are finding that Aforal-Support the National Ass.xia- tion. ready to help youl . A Quality' Product for Your Every Requirement it gh'es them a feature which stimulates It's sales and builds grtater volume. H. C. Shennan in his book, 'Chemist!), or Food and Nutrition' states as recently He whose onl~' thought is to , buy as 1932 that the ordinary mixed diet cheap probably Will contemplate that as ~APITAL FLOUR ltlILLS o( Americans and Europeans, at least the sole of his purchase, . "OvaRT'IIKO RATU among the dwellers in cities and lawns, IN~ • Dbpla)' Ad"rtl.I., ...... w. _ AfIOl leatl ... omCES W"It Au ...... $O c.oll '!itt U .. is probably mort often deficient in a II II ""rtieular mineral salt .;han in any other BUSINESS CARDS CORN EXCHANGE BLDG. MIllS VoL XX AMUI. U. Ita No. 12 chemical dement. ~.,======d, M1NNEAPOUS. MINN. ST. PAUL. MINN. "Frank L, Gunderson, Ph.D., Bio­ chemist, Nutrition Laboratory, The What's Your Capacity Quaker Oats COIllP,3ny, Chicago, Illinois, stat~s in his paper on 'Nutritional Eco­ A frirnd of the macaroni trade one nomics o( Dictary Salts': 'There are who has contributed much and long to­ acce~sible in commercial quantities a wards the promotion of the trade would number o( strictly edible salts . ... They like infonnalion . that would be 'invalu. includc carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lac­ '1hle, if available. He writes : tMe, phosphate, and bone meal. Any of these salts could be uscd to (ortify (oods. BAROZZI DRYING MACHINE CO., INC. "I wQulel'like very much to secure: a Out of the entire list. howcver, then! list of all the macaroni manu(acturers are many possibilities (or practical (or­ of 1I.'is country, with their present tification of etonomic.'ll (oods. For ex­ 1561 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City, N. J. 011 capacity based a 8-hour production ample, it might step in thc ri~ht NATIONAL CARTON CO. basis." be a direction if such foods as macaroni, JOLi e T ILLINOIS Renowned Manufacturer. TI,e first part of the request was easily spaghttti, tloodtt'S, ric., were moderately coml.licd with, but in the files of neither enriched with (---) at the manu- ' iOF TUE MACARONI JOURNAL nor the head­ (acturing plant where this particula ' MERCANTILE COllECTIONS quarter} of the National Association is salt is a\'ailable at relatively low cost, CWFICIAl. there any data on the present capacity Ir I per cellt of this particular phos­ IUPRUlHTATIVU 'MACARONI-NOODLE DRYERS o( the plants in this country. It would phate were incorporated ill an inexpe:n­ roR be helpful to c\'cry manufacturer in the N,M, M. A. sh'e food, (or example, MACARONI, WRln:.- ' country if such in(ormation were con­ retailing (or 10 cents per pound, each fided confidential"· by everyone in the pound of product would contain 6.38 For BulJ.tine of a.tm. Placed husiness, How can this be brought ' grams o( the particular salt recommend­ by the lodUltr)'. about? . For Pad of Sortlct Foma and c:d, and a gram of this added phosphate IDlonaation.boutourProcalura The information sought is PLANT would cost the consumer but 2 cents.' CAPACITY, 'not PRODUCTION. "Man), food lIlalt~(acturers outside the CREDITORS SERVICE TRUST CO, What harm could result to any firm Macaroni Industry hnc already realized T,lu BuUdln, ONLY! evcn if it hecamc publicly known that the advertising possibilities of the added LOUISVIu.E KENl'UCKY its equipment was sufficient to convert mineralization oC their product, and as 20 or 50 or 125 barrels of raw materials e\·idcnce of this I refer to the retent ad· into fll1ishctl products during 3n 8-hour vertising Ilrograms of General Mills on The Only Firm Specializing In Alimentary Paste Dryers day? their proouct-KOUN KIX, and the CIJUISJrlEI) ADVEBTISEMEIIT As manufacturcrs arc the best judges Cream of Wheat Corporation on their or thc capacity oC their rcs~live /,lanls, products-CREAM OF WHEAT. AI· THE ONLY SYSTEM KNOWN TO BE SPACE-TIME-LABOR SAVING it's up to thclll to help give the in orma­ so the Quakcr Oats Company's new tion wanted. The headquarters' staff cereal, LITTLE KURNELS. • AND GUARANTEED UNDER EVERY CLIMATIC CONDITION \\·ill lie glad to compile ligures volun­ . "It ' is 110t netelsary that.aqnanu(ac· I tarily contributed and to keep 5.'lme con­ lurer be a vc:nturesome t)·pe in order to fOR SA Lt-On~ "'. ..·1 U • 1'4cidutr and On, fidential eXCCI)l as to lotals. Let's all consider using such a product in maca­ r. ),I. Wahva Sen .. FIn."C" cllllpkll 1I'1t" • din. VIlrT fluoalblot. Addr"...... JI ; ., (/0 WaurOlll JOUI. act at ollec. (The Editor). roni or noodles. It is heyon" the cxperi- lUi, Dnld_ood., ilL "

~ -.r'L:'.,- -

. ,. I- . OU~ PURPOSE. " OUR MOTrO • £DllcATE . • . C?yR .. OW~ 'P{\<;;E ~. FI,,'n . The "WONDER TRIO" of today and for tomorrow ELEVATE ~ iNDusrity ' . II National Macaront Manufacturers A Continuous Automatic Proeess from the Mixer to the Packing Table - Association !', -- .at the Rate of 1000 Pounds per hour complete drying process--2! hours ORGANIZE TAI,n'. HARMONIZE Club, I. Local and Sec/ion,ol Macaroni, MANUFACTUIfBR No Baud8 Touch Tbe Product No TraY8 No Truck8 Necc88ary , , .. . I OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS MJ7-/UI P. R. WlNEBIlZHU. OaIna.an .f \lI. Boerd ...... A. C. Kru.. • aoll lIacarvaJ c... ftIla4d~ .. Pa. . LESTE. a. DA"E. , ~t1" P'"'dtlu ••• •. •• ••• •• • ; ...... lfn York. N. Y• , JO!'EPH 'RESCIII, Vk, Pr..ldtlol ...... ll.\lIId Clt,' JlK&rhl c... St. Lout...... W. ,. or,NNA. k<:rttatt·Tr... 1oIur ...... 8ra1d1l'OCld. IlL 8., R. : JACO~ S, i.l!l f~ f .f Rtlcarc" ... ~ ...... , ...... ~~" N. v: . :' . EB. rE:;.~ ..~.I!;..~~ t pL . ' ~.!r ' ~~ g~~k'l'.. ,!~LW .... ' . J ~~~, f.·~~);.f".~trAalll.~ ~. I_nds. Uncola. HI\. · ~.rolll' I. Jrhilf, N.... York. N. Y. Peu, 1. VlriaTi., LA .. U'hltr. D. Rocc: n DlqII, CaL unk Pe~, Wlttlb!:fJ'. ColIn. C. w. w.. r.. I rrlab,u.. . Minimum In _p. Pr'M~I, 5t. [.0"" , )1,0. '; ,. ~lIual. ROII"nl.. ,r., Lon, Idaad Cit" H. ....Y. ,oj F~~ ZUIIID., ILoaa, ld.lll. ~17 ' If. Y. LABOR . " . , ... ,; ., FLOOR SPACE POWER

A Poem .With a Punch. .< Maximum In In the belief that, the macaroni·noodle manufacturers who fetl that thty must cut prices, slash vlllues and lower qualities in order· to "get the business," thereby making a bad situation worse, QUANTITY might listen to reason if ii were stated"poetically,' n member of the trade' submitted the (allowing QUALITY parody to President Lester S. Dame o( the National :Macaroni Manufacturers A!SOCiation. It is .. parody on the childrtn's favorite, "Tm Little Indians," but the numher "ten" is symbolic of a greater numE~r ~f the tribe referred ' to in the: Macaroni Industry: . . • , ,;.,. ... • r .'. The Ten Little Chiseler. . Ten little chiselers, cutting all the time: One cut n little more, then there were nine. Knndlna and s"... t Pormln. JIIth·spftlll r...oodle Cutter

Nine little chiselers, (eeting kinda great: , . One forgot overhead, then there were ~ight. }

"~ Eight little chiselers, looking up to heaven,;/ I lOne tnnk a credit risk, now thert:'s only leven. J T , ,Seven little chiselers thought they wouldn't mix; . One. quit the .business, and. that leave ••ix . ' , , Six little chiselers, all still alive: One cut the: price again, now we h=!.ve ~ve . Perfeer operation under Five little chiselers. crr,ing for more: any climatic condition

1 '~ ~ Write to ," f ,~ • • ...,.. ~,Jy'j 1 .. Commenting on the pointed poem, anonymously sent him: President Dame says: "The man-' ufacturer of a quality product need not re5('rt to chiseling to enjoy a 'greater !aIel volume. ~e .in­ Clermont Machine Co. telligent housekeeper is ,interested, in a qwlity, pipduct at ~ (a\r price. She does not expttt the Wa.labout St. same type of merchandise·j( the price is' low, On .t.he 'other, hani:1;. j( 'the product is standard and I m the cost is reaso~b1e, ),OU Itand a far greater chance that she ..will ,repeat her. order (or the qual- .. Brooklyn N. Y. ity brand.'" . \. I I •. I .. 1 1". , k' , "There's morc truth than poelry," in that observation. • and Continuoul Noodle and Short Cut Dryer gain (or the 6rst cutter a temporary. ahort·lived advantage ,. his cut and go ,him one lietter. Thua ia,atarted tb,, ·· noo!'''.''~i,:b ..... ,1 KEEP HOUSEWIVES ASKING FOR YOUR PRODUCT

WHEN women start specifying the same brand each time, sales zoom upward Women do this when they discover that your product is packed with flavor and quality.

WISE egg noodle and maccu.'oni manufacturers ... men who can't risk the rep1!1tation of their product on cheap Semolina or Durum products ... know that consistent use of the Pillsbury line is "quality insurance."

DON'T take chances. Use Pillsb~ry's complete line and assure yourself of more r(lpeat sales.

Pillsbury's Best No.1 SemolinCl Pillsbury's Best Durum Fancy Patent

Pill~bury's Durum Granular Pillsbury's Durmaleno Patent Flour