Workshop on Establishing Protected Areas for Freshwater Cetaceans
Final Workshop Report: Establishing protected areas for Asian freshwater cetaceans Penetapan kawasan perlindungan cetacean air tawar Asia “Freshwater cetaceans as flagship species for integrated river conservation management” “Cetacean air tawar sebagai simbol spesies dalam manajemen konservasi sungai terpadu" Samarinda, 19-24 October 2009 Edited by Daniëlle Kreb, Randall R. Reeves, Peter O. Thomas, Gillian T. Braulik and Brian D. Smith Published by Yayasan Konservasi RASI/ Conservation Foundation for Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia 2010 Sponsored By Copies of this report are available at Front cover photographs: Left top, Irrawaddy dolphin in Mahakam River ©YK-RASI -Danielle Kreb; Right top, Yangtze finless porpoise ©Wang Ding; Left below, Ganges River dolphin in Sundarbans ©BCDP/WCS-Elisabeth Fahrni Mansur; Right below, Indus River dolphin in Indus River ©Albert Reichert Back cover photographs: Left, Ganges River dolphin in Sundarbans ©BCDP/WCS-Rubaiyat Mansur; Right, Irrawaddy dolphin in Mekong River© FiA-WWF Copyright: The contents of this paper are the sole property of the authors and cannot be reproduced without their permission. Editors’ note: The information shared in this report represents the opinions of the individual workshop participants and contributors. Citation: Kreb, D., Reeves, R.R., Thomas, P.O., Braulik, G.T. and Smith, B.D. (Editors). 2010. Establishing protected areas for Asian freshwater cetaceans: Freshwater cetaceans as flagship species for integrated river conservation management, Samarinda, 19-24 October 2009. Final Workshop Report. Yayasan Konservasi RASI, Samarinda, Indonesia, 166 pp. ISBN: 978-602-97677-0-4 Yayasan Konservasi RASI or the Conservation Foundation for Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia, is a local NGO established in 2000, based in Samarinda, East Kalimantan.
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