A Variety Collection of Nut Trees and Fruit Trees in Vanuatu

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A Variety Collection of Nut Trees and Fruit Trees in Vanuatu socie’te’, urbanisation, dheloppement NOTES TECHNIQUES A VARIETY COLLECTION OF NUT TREES No. 15 AND FRUIT TREES IN VANUATU ANNIE WALTER and CHANEL SAM Illustrations by ALFREDA MABON LALA I OCTOBER 1993 0 r . s ETHNOBOTANIQUE Document de travail INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT EN COOPERATlON REPRESENTATION DE L’ORSTOM EN RkiPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU lnstitut franqais de recherche scientifique pour le dkveloppement en coopkation NOTE TECHNiQUE NoI 5 A VARil3-Y COLLECTION OF NUT TREES AND FRUIT TREES IN VANUATU Annie WALTER and Chanel SAM Illustrations by Alfreda Mabon Lala October 1993 Mission ORSTOM BP76 Port-Vila VANUATU LIST OF FIGURES AND PLATES FIGURES Figure 1: Areas visited during the survey .......................................P- 6 Figure 2: Number of specimen trees recorded in the collection . .................................................................................P- 7 Figure 3: Situation of the collections and name of the informants .................................................................................P- 3 Figure 4: Names of Barringtonia spp in Vanuatu ..........................p. 11 Figure 5: Cultivars of Barringtonia spp, according to the colours of the fruits .............................................................. p. 13 Figure 6: List of the bigger sized kernels of Barringtonia ...... p. 14 Figure 7: List of the easy to open cultivars of Barringtonia .. p. 15 Figure 8: List of Barringtonia cultivars with red leaves ......... p. 16 Figure 9: Names of Burckella spp in Vanuatu ...............................p. 18 Figure 10: The fruit shape of Burckella obovata ............................. p. 19 Figure 1 1: Names of Canarium spp in Vanuatu .................................p. 21 Figure 12: Different fruit shapes of CANIND ....................................p. 23 Figure 13: Different fruit shapes of CANHAR ................................... p. 24 Figure 14: List of Canarium cultivars bearing fruits with a big kernel ................................................................................p. 25 Figure 15: List of Canarium cultivars bearing fruits with an easy to open shell .............................................................P. 26 Figure 16: Names of Dracontomelon vitiense in Vanuatu.. .......... p. 27 Figure 17: Fruit size of Dracontomelon vitiense ............................p. 28 Figure 18: Names of lnocarpus fagifer ................................................p. 29 Figure 19: Some cultivars of lnocarpus fagifer ..............................p. 30 Figure 20: Very big or very small cultivars of lnocarpus fagifer ....................................................................p. 31 Figure 21: Names of Pometia pinnata in Vanuatu ...........................p. 33 Figure 22: Names of Spondias d&is in Vanuatu ............................p. 35 Figure 23: Spondias fruit with a tender and small endocarp .... p. 36 Figure 24: Spondias d&is cultivars of special interest.. ......... p. 37 Figure 25: Names of Syzygium malaccense in Vanuatu.. .............. p. 39 Figure 26: White fruits of Syzygium malaccense . .......................... p. 40 Figure 27: Names of the genus Terminalia in Vanuatu.. ............... p. 41 Figure 28: Terminalia catappa morphotypes bearing glossy red fruits ....................................................................................p. 42 Figure 29: Best cultivars of Terminalia catappa.. .......................... p. 43 Figure 30: Species of special interest in each island.. ................ p. 46 PLATES Plate 1: Burckella sp from South-West Bay, Malakula . .. .. .. p. 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURESAND PLATES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS P. 3 INTRODUCTIO N P. 4 CHAPTER 1: LOCALISATIONS OF THE VARIETY COLLECTION P. 7 CHAPTER 2: VARIETY COLLECTION OF BARRINGTON/A SPP P. 11 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMES OF THE CULTIVARS P. 11 2. THE BESTCULTIVARS OF BARRINGTON/A P. 14 CHAPTER 3: VARIES COLLECTION OF BURCKELLA SPP P. 17 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMESOF THE CULTIVARS P. 17 2. THE BESTCULTIVARS OF B~RCKELU P. 20 CHAPTER 4: VARIETY COLLECTION OF CANA RDJM SPP P. 21 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMES OF THE CULTIVARS P. 21 2. THE BESTCULTIVARS OF CANARKIM P. 22 CHAPTER 5: VARIES COLLECTION OF DRACONTOMELON WTIENSE P. 27 CHAPTER 6: VARIEN COLLECTION OF INOCARPUS FAGIFER P. 29 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMES OF THE CULTIVARS P. 29 2. CULTWARSOF PARTICULARINTEREST P. 30 CHAPTER 7: VARIETY COLLECTION OF POUETIA PINNATA P. 33 CHAPTER 8: VARIES COLLECTION OF SPONDIAS DULCIS P. 35 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMES OF CULTIVARS P. 35 2. THE BESTCULTIVARS OF SPONDIAS DULCK P. 37 CHAPTER 9: VARIETY COLLECTION OF SYZYGWM MALACCENSE P. 39 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMES OF CULTIVARS P. 39 2. CULTIVARS0~ SPECIALINTEREST P. 40 CHAPTER 10: VARIETY COLLECTION OF TERMINAL/A CATAPPA P. 41 1. DESCRIPTIONAND NAMES OF CULTIVARS P. 41 2. THE BESTCULTIVARS OF TERMINAL/A CATAPPA P. 42 CHAPTER 11: DISCUSSION P. 45 1. GENERALFEATURES OF FRUITAND NUT TREESCULTIVATION IN VANUATU P. 45 2. THE VARIETYCOLLECTION OF FRUITAND NUT TREES P. 47 CHAPTER 12: CONCLUSIONS P. 49 REFERENCE: P. 51 ANNEXE: INVENTORYOF INTRA-SPECIESDIVERSITY OF FRUITAND NUT TREES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the following people for their help and support during the project: - Local government and Council area office of the visited island, - The custom chiefs of the visited villages - All the men and women who are taking care of the collection, in the islands - Local people of the visited area to have share with us the knowledge they have of edible fruit and nut trees. - Dr Matthew Jebb (Director, Christensen Research Institute, PNG) for his help in determinating Barringtonias - Dr Barry Evans for his help with work on all these edible species and particularly on Canarium - Dr Jean-marie Bompard (Laboratoire de Botanique de Montpellier) for his constant help during the project and for the review he has done on our data. We would like also to thank ORSTOM and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to have supported and funded the project. The names and description of all the cultivars collected during the project is given in a floppy disk (DBase/// plus) with can be obtain from: -Department of agriculture - Department of forestry - Department of National Planning - Environnement Unit The botanical description and the measurement of all the trees tagged during the project will be given further 4 INTRODUCTION The project Trees of The Islands: traditional cultivation of fruit trees in Vanuatu, was initiated in 1991 by ORSTOM and the Department of Agriculture of Vanuatu in order to investigate the potential of local fruit trees and nut trees as smallholder based cash crops. This project was divided into two main parts: 1. Identification and collection of varieties of Navele (Barringtonia spp), N’aduledule (Burckella spp), Nangai (Canarium spp) , Nakatambol (Dracontomelon vitiense), Namambe (Inocarpus fagifer), Nandau (Pometia pinnata), Naus (Spondias dulcis), Nagavika (Syzygium malaccense) and Natapoa ( Terminalia catappa). Identification of other edible species of fruit trees or nut trees. 2. Assessment of traditional maintenance and protection of the edible fruit trees and nut trees ; Understanding how arboriculture overall is integrated to other production methods in terms of space distribution, work time, production and consumption. The main purpose of this project is to find the best cultivars for the development and to coordinate this development with the conservation of the biodiversity of the country. This plant stock represents a rich heritage for Vanuatu and some morphotypes are already rare and endangered. For this reason, all the varieties observed, in each island we visited, where tagged with a reference number and carefully recorded. In each island a person has been appointed to look after the established alive collection . This document is a technical report on the variety collection of fruit trees and nut trees established trough out the islands of Vanuatu. The description of the species studied and their varieties has been given in a previous report’ and will not take place in this document. lnsteed we shall give: 1. The local places where the collection is situated l. WALTER A. and SAM C. (1992): L’Abre dam les iles, exploitation traditionnelle des arbres fruitiers a Vanuatu: rapport interm6diaire. Notes Techniques N” 12; O&STOM, Port-Vila 5 2. The name of the persons responsible for the collection 3. The full range of the varieties recorded for each species (tagged or not) 4. The list of the best cultivars for the development of any cash crops. TORRES , .Hiu %i- BANKS . Vanualava (Mosina) . Gaua -0 . 'Avunatari, ‘ kfALAKULA . South West Bay Lmen Island EMAE+ '& (Marae) Q 0 EPATE ERROMNW D FU!XINA TAANA u . Lenakel43 Figure 1 : Areas visited during the survey 7 CHAPTER 1: LOCALISATIONS OF THE VARIETY COLLECTION Twenty areas were visited during the years 1991, 1992, 1993 and 460 trees tagged (Figure 1 and 2). The variability of data recorded in each island depends upon the availability of fruits at the time, the traditional knowledge of trees varieties and the existence of such varieties. In some islands the farmers are able to recognize and name a wider range of varieties of a given species than in some other islands. Some species, like Barringtonia, have more nam’ed varieties than other, like Burckella. ISLAND BAR BUR CAN DRA IN0 POM SPO SYZ TER TOT AMBAE :, 2 2 : 0 :, $ 4 2218 AMB.A AMB.B 11 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 17 BANKS.A 4 0 ~0000007 BANKS.B 11 2 11 1 6 0 3 1 2 37 EFATE 11 0 9 r, 0 0 1 0 1 23 EMAE 5 r, 82 2 02 0 003 0 4213 21 EP1.A 5 EPI.B 16 2 1 2 4 0 1 0 3 29 ERROMAN. 5 2 3 2 4 0 1 1 1 19 FUUNA 2 0 0 0 0 : 0 1 1 4 MAEWO 13 1 7 0 0 0 0 22 MALAK.A 13 2 10 6 9 3 11 : 9 66 MALAK.B 9 1 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 MALO 14 0 5 1 0 0 3 2 1 26 PENTECO. 22 1 8 2 6 1 0 6 4 50 S4NTO 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 TANNA 6 1 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 22 TCXOA 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 TORRES 7 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 7 26 ---_-------________---_---------____-------_-----~~~~~ TOTAL 170 ,181Ol 24 47 7 26 22 45 460 (Amb. A: Craig-Cove, B: Ulei; Banks A: Gaua, B: Vanua-Lava; Malak.
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