: Knowledge Organiser Plot Themes Characters Ch. Christmas Eve, afternoon: meets the convict (Abel Magwitch); Pip asked to steal file Ambition & Self Pip Pirrip 1-6 and "wittles" for them. Joe and Mrs. Joe introduced; guns signal escaped convicts; Pip Improvement Felicitous, Timid, Susceptible, Bourgeois, Decrepit, Megalomaniac, Spectral, Affluent, steals food and suffers from “wild fancies” in his guilt. The soldiers; Magwitch and Social Class Improvident, The Fortunatus Prototype Desolate, Disconsolate, Wretched, Evasive, Tacit ; Magwitch "confesses" to Pip's crime. Pip's guilt; Pumblechook describes Crime & Guilt The Bildungsroman's protagonist, Pip is an orphan The wealthy daughter of a brewer, Miss Magwitch's "theft". Innocence & serves as the apprentice of the gentle blacksmith Havisham was abandoned on her wedding day Ch. The reader is introduced to Pip's limited education (from Biddy). This is compared with Justice Joe. When he unexpectedly comes into a fortune, by her fiancée (Compeyson) and, traumatized. 7-13 Joe's lack of learning. Miss Havisham wants Pip to visit; Pip sees Estella, Miss Havisham Familial Pip grows haughty and extravagant in pursuit of a She preserves herself and her house in wedding

at Satis House: the gothic conventions are prevalent throughout Chapter 8. Estella seen Connections lifestyle genteel enough to meet the refined regalia, shutting out the world for over twenty as "a star” is Pip’s eyes and she derides him as he "calls knaves, Jacks" demonstrating Revenge standards of Estella. Confusing personal integrity years. To exact her revenge on men, Miss his poor breeding. Pip lies about Satis House and what he sees. Pumblechook pretends with public reputation, Pip is cruelly disloyal to Joe Havisham adopts and raises Estella to be Redemption Volume 1 Volume to know; Pip tells Joe the truth. Joe Gargey goes to Satis House and is given twenty-fie and Biddy, avoiding them because of their lower beautiful and desirable but completely Avarice guineas for Pip’s time, he is now bound into an apprenticeship with Joe which he feels class. Still, Pip learns to judge people by internal heartless. Miss Havisham is capricious, Setting sullen about. Mrs. Joe feels slighted not to see Miss Havisham rather than superficial standards and redeems manipulative, bitter, and, until novel's end, Ch. Retrospective narrative reflection on Pip's shame and ingratitude – juxtaposed with Vocabulary himself by repenting sincerely and reforming his unable to recognize anyone's pain but her own. 14-19 this, Joe's virtues are described. The half-holiday: Joe fights Dolge Orlick and Mrs. Joe is personal values. assaulted. Biddy moves in to look after Mrs Joe. Jaggers tells Pip of his "great Faded Opulence Estella Biddy expectations" and secrecy of benefactor. Pip undergoes transition point in Chapter 19 Dilapidated Morally Bankrupt, Haughty, Vainglorious, An orphan Pip meets at the village school, Biddy as he visits Mr Trabb’s shop and apparently without “boasting” flaunts his new wealth. Contemptuous, Disparaging, Insolent moves into the forge to help out after Mrs. Joe's Hereditary The adopted daughter of Miss Havisham, Estella is attack and later becomes a schoolteacher. She Ch. Pip lodges with Herbert. Wemmick takes Pip to Barnard's Inn; Pip recognizes Herbert as Privilege 20-26 "pale young gentleman". Herbert tells Miss Havisham's story. Pip takes up rowing and proud, refined, beautiful, and cold, raised by Miss is humble, kind, moral, and fiercely intelligent, Superior living the life of a ‘gentleman’ as he spends his fortune. Mr Jaggers flaunts his Havisham to “wreak revenge on the male sex”. absorbing knowledge without any formal housekeeper, Molly’s wrists in a scene of social power and male dominance. Pip is yet Ostracised Miss Havisham has raised her to lack a true human education. She is also sharply perceptive and to realise Molly is Estella’s mother. heart and she is unable to love. sees through everyone's pretensions, calling Pip Genteel out on his delusions and snobbery long before

Ch. Biddy writes to Pip asking if Joe can visit Barnard's Inn; he calls Pip "Sir" highlighting 27-33 Joe's "simple dignity" that does not fit with the figure of the ‘gentleman’. Pip reads in Reticent Pip can recognize them. Joe Gargery Mrs Joe local paper that Pumblechook is his "patron". Pip visits Miss Havisham; Orlick is Prosperous gatekeeper. Pip declares his love for Estella. Pip waits for Estella who is visiting London. Virtuous, Recitude, Magnanimous, Doleful, “Capricious”, Tyrannical, Condensing, Choleric

Volume 2 Volume Wemmick shows him Newgate (convict motif). Corrupt Obsequious, Uncouth Mrs. Joe is fiery, tyrannical, and false, harping Ch. Pip and Herbert accumulate rather large debts and Mrs. Joe dies. Pip comes of age Woebegone Joe is a father figure for Pip throughout Pip's on her own victimhood even as she abuses Pip 34-39 (November) and becomes responsible for his finances; asks Wemmick's advice for childhood and his tender kindness protects Pip and Joe. She is obsessed with social status and Incongruous Herbert. Pip is to escort Estella and take her to Satis House; quarrels with Miss from Mrs. Joe's harsh parenting. Joe has no formal reputation. Yet, after the attack by Orlick that Havisham and discovers Bentley Drummle as Estella’s suitor. He leaves heartbroken. Pip Paradoxical education but possesses a deep sense of integrity gives her brain damage, Mrs. Joe's personality and an unfailing moral compass. Joe is loyal, changes completely and she becomes patient, is 23 now and Magwitch returns - revealing he is Pip's benefactor. Pathetic Fallacy Ch. The man on the stairs, "Provis" comes to stay; Jaggers confirms his story as Pip’s generous, and kind, and acts lovingly towards Pip compassionate, and docile. 40-44 benefactor. Herbert then meets Magwitch/”Provis”. Herbert advises Pip to take Impudent even when Pip's is ungrateful. Magwitch out of the country; they ask him about his life. Pip tells Estella he loves her Venerate Provis (a.k.a. Abel Magwitch) (a.k.a. the convict) Mr Jaggers but Estella is set to marry Bentley Drummle. The same escaped convict Pip helps in the novel's Supercilious, Judicious, Erudite, Retributive, Disparity Ch. Pip feels he is being watched…He fears Estella is married but will not make sure. Pip opening scenes. Provis' gratitude towards Pip Sagacious, Obdurate 45-50 dines with Jaggers; Estella is married. Pip recognizes Molly as her mother and Wemmick Remuneration inspires him to devote his life-savings to Pip, A famous lawyer in London, Mr. Jaggers is Pip's tells of Molly's trial. Chapter 49 sees Miss Havisham's confession and repentance; becoming Pip's anonymous patron. Cruelly guardian and the middleman between him and Episodic swindled by Compeyson, Provis has lived a life in his patron. Mr. Jaggers also works for Miss Estella's adoption and the fire. Pip says "I forgive her". Herbert tells of Magwitch's child and Pip knows Estella is his. Magwitch said that Pip reminded him of her. Ostentatious and out of prison. Still, his criminal record is Havisham. He is rational, sharp-minded, and largely the result of unfortunate circumstances, intimidating. He prides himself on neither Propitiation Ch. Jaggers explains Estella's adoption and advises that Pip keep it secret. Orlick's not character, for Provis is kind, good-hearted, expressing nor responding to human emotion. Volume 3 Volume 51-59 confession and attempted revenge; Pip rescued by Trabb's boy and Herbert. Benefactor and immensely generous. Magwitch's escape is thwarted; Compeyson drowned and Pip reconciled to his Bentley Drummle Herbert Pocket benefactor, Magwitch. Pip's wealth is forfeited to the crown. Magwitch convicted and Prolix Machiavellian Prince, Guarded Loyal, Aspirational, Invariable, Enduring, sentenced; Pip tells him, before his death, of Estella. Pip becomes ill and is arrested for Revenant Bentley Drummle studies with Pip. He is a wealthy Pip's best friend, Herbert is compassionate, debts but rescued by Joe. Orlick ends up in jail. Miss Havisham's will is read and Pip Malignant heir to a baronetcy, upper class according to the honest, and unpretentious. He and Pip live plans to propose to Biddy. Satis House goes up for auction and Joe marries Biddy. old system of inherited rank. Described as "idle, together in London where he works in a Eleven years later, Pip returns; sees young Pip and meets (widowed) Estella at Satis; "no Portentous proud…and suspicious," Drummle is Pip's nemesis. counting house as a merchant. He cheerfully shadow of…parting". Clemency He pursues Estella. helps Pip through all of Pip's struggles.