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Diamond Jubilee


School Reunion


Wnr+h DaWota St»te Library

Bijmarek, N. D. 58505 North Dakota

Don't lose faith in North Dakota, She's been mighty good to you. She took you when you had nothing Made a landed man of you.

And for years she gave unstinted, Filled our bins with golden grain, So now surely we can't blame her When she did not get the rain.

We sowed wheat, oats, flax and barley, Burned our straw piles stack by stack, Robbed her soil of most its goodness; We took all, gave nothing back.

She's been parched by lack of moisture And was singed by sizzling heat; Most her sub-soil moisture vanished, That's what happened to our wheat.

Why not plant some kind of forage, Let your fields recuperate. She will soon begin to show us That she equals any state.

—Frank Emerson Floyd (Smiley) Johnson and Elton Peterson, Jubilee Co- Chairmen, present the first Diamond Jubilee Booster Button to Mayor Don Preskey.

1981 is indeed a time for celebration! Seventy-five years is a long time for any city to maintain its prosperous existance, and Bowbells deserves to celebrate. The editors of this book would like to thank all persons who contributed material to make this book possible. Remember that it is impossible to include everything that has happened or everyone that has lived in Bowbells for the past seventy-five years. We hope that the' pictures, poems, and articles that we have included will help keep your memories of Bowbells alive. Most of the information received was from people's memories and not actually recorded. May the next years be as profitable, the memories as great, and may you enjoy the last seventy-five as you read this book.

Editors Rosalie Melby and Sandy Siemers • City History and Memories Vi Berg • Cover Design Barb Mclntyre Floyd and Mary Mclntyre • Button Design JonSosalla • Alumni Listing i irol Peterson, Bonnie Cron, Delores Durward and Mildred Nehring • published by Burke County Tribune Present Bowbells City Council. Table of Contents Emerson Poem 2 Owings Poem 5 Bowbells Begins 6 Bowbells History 8 Early Pictures 10 Fire of 1907 16 Rebuilding 18 Early Business 20 Minute Capsules 31 Threshing Time 34 Residences 35 Churches 38 Early Groups 39 Pioneer and Old Settlers 43 Personalities 45 Miscellaneous 53 Memories 54 Eclipse 56 Bowbells School 57 Alumni 59 Alumni Listing 61 Collage 85 Emerson Poem 87 Sir i^RAWMliS * • * -*•***.

An Ode To The Laboring Man By R.A. Owlngs

We have built great cities over this far land, With many mansions, the result of the laboring man. We have built the shipts that sail the seas, And have robbed the forests of the big fir trees. We have sawed the logs built the lumber barons homes Yet we have not a hut we can call our own. Great highways we have built over mountains high, Over which motorists speed and die. Wells we have drilled to a depth of five thousand or more, Installed the machines that pump oil from the core. From miles underground we have brought forth coal While many of our homes are mere shacks and cold. We have produced a surplus of good milling wheat, Yet millions can't afford bread to eat. A surplus of cotton we have on our hands, Unable to ship to foreign lands. We grow and gin the cotton which into cloth we weave, As a result our pants are threadbare at the knees. For producing a surplus we should be given a nod, Instead we find ourselves out of a job. We have been exploited and struck from behind, In a land that was created for all mankind. Wars we have been fighting they say to preserve the peace Inpossible until competition between nations cease. When competition is finally laid on the shelf, We may learn to love they neighbor as thy self. Bowbells Begins.

The Village Board First Village officials elected in 1903 Moved and carried that It. K. Hadwen act Meet, Organize and Get in Shape as street commissioner. to Do Business. Moved and carried that all male dogs be Hurlv as sureties, was on motion accepted. taxed as $1 per year and female dogs $2 per BOWBELLS. N.D.July 17. 1903. Bond of R. F. Hadwen as marshal, in sum year, to hi- paid lo (he city marshal or treas­ The Board of Trustees of the village of of 9300. with G. H. Gjertsen and Thomas urer on or before Aug. 22. 1903. Bowbells met at 9:30 a.m., all mernberN Hunter as sureties, wus on motion accepted. Mo\ed and carried (hat slot machines be present. Bonds of assessor unci treasurer were fixed laxcd $2 per year each, billiard tables #3 per Trustees were sworn and took oath of of­ at the sum of 8300 and #1000 respectively. year, pool tables $3 per vear and bowling fice before A.W. Movius, notary public. The clerk was instructed lo provide sup­ alleys $10 per quarter. Moved by Trustee Landsborough and plies for justice of the peace and clerk. Il was moved and carried that Mr. Hansel) seconded, that G. J. Hanscli act as chairman Board adjourned to Wednesday night. Jul\ aet as committee of one to secure a surveyor of the board for the ensuing year. Carried. 22. 1903. to establish grade for sidewalk on Main street Moved by Trustee Smith, and seconded, F.I. LYON. CLERK. from Railway lo Third streets. that the bond of A. W. Movius, at $300, with Moved and carried that nil persons having P.W. Sharp and J. B. Donovan as sureties, be JULY 22. 1903. manure or filth on their premises and on accepted. Carried. Board met pursuant to adjournment. J. 1). ad joining streets and alleys, or foul weeds Bond of r . I. Lyon as clerk, in the Niirn of Lundshorough. on motion, acting as clerk pro of an\ description, be notified to cut and re­ $300, with Staale Hendrickson and TIIOM. B. tettl., in the absence of the clerk. move the same on or before Aug. 5, or some one will be employed to do the same and the cost incurred will be taxed up to the Minutes of first village council Meeting. properly. Moved and carried that an adjournment be taken until Wednesday evening, Aug. 29. F.I.LYON. CLERK.

Bowbells. Jul> 29. 1903. Board met and was called to order b> Chairman Hansch. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap­ proved. Board on motion agreed to division and naming of the several wards. A sei of bv-laws and nrdinuccs were presented and read, and on motion same were adopted and approved. Motion made and carried to adjourn sine die. F.I. LYON. CLERK. Mike Mertes with his four horse drill and other settlers mark the spot where the City of Bowbells was built. 6 Bowbells . Directory

lj. % B1CKF0RD, Pi-ts. , A. B. BICKFORD, Vide President. RALPH ANDREWS, Cashier. Wmt^Btate Bank of Bowbells Oldest Bank in the City Bowbells, N. D. -r- F. I. I.V'IN IV II. I.. I.VnS. Sf.-T,-,, Jens Peterson —i—i M..' 'i—r—i—;—r Nubinr VuUYw Lyon Land & Loan Company On the Square! DEALER IN General Merchandise We Advise You lo Go to N. D. Farm and Grazing Lands HARDWARE Son r.«*' [MmstoCllHfl THE . CITIZENS . LUlVlfiJER . CO. l/AKEFl'L ATTENTION -POR- BOWBELLS - N. 1>. OR. A. R. FOSTER Q. E. LEE & Co. Square flW^jfo Bowling Alley sHKfc'Dealiug John Shippam & Son Pool Room Buildine ii.-fllrwl of all kinds always^!** hand at Townsite Propreitoflj ee Barber Shop L'p Slain right prices. CBw snd * Farm Loans J DENTIST u«. and •.'.<•'. ouHXHcett be­ Ci|in and tooted ion try fore building, TB' M'lATElJ AT HOWBELLg. Come in and have a sociable 7'l-J Phoenix BIdg . Minneapolis, Minn. time in town. E. A. BllKIOg^Mgr. RuWKEI.l.S. ... N. D. v foils Flaxton Twice a Month. DOSXYBROOK, N. D. BOWBELlfflfclL KI — IX )W Mc KOANE : F. J Glenn : Dealer In —BREKDER OF— All Kinds of Up-To-Date Standard Bred Horses. Owner of BOWBELLS Ihe Celebrated Stallion Furniture

NLTALWOOD A Thriving Town of 500 Population Elcv.tor No. 3 BOWBELLS, N. D. |I irst Class Service Bowbells Tribune Rates S2.00 Per Day

THOS. HURLEY, Ed. and Prop, HUraRICHARDSON OWBELLS, N. D... i* located ..n the Soo railroad II L. miililiiui. Prop. Best Adver.isiog Medium in Ward Coumy in th« northeaMem part of Ward county, and ia one of the most enterprising towns in the State. It ESTABLISHED IN 1900 B was platted in th- fall of HKW by John Shippam, who is the present tottneite owner, and has ever since made HiVNSON & MOE rapid strides cityward, and its future stability is assured, oeing in the midst of one vast, rich farming belt and never exper­ MIHH Mollie Hegseth Billiard Hall and City Restaurant iencing a crop failure. Solt Drinks The soil is of & rich, black loam, and in no way is the A FUSE LINE OF SEASONABLE famous Ked River Valley superior to it. The chief crops are Bathroom In Connection wheat, oats, ilsx and potatoes. Jtlat think of raising from 200 MILLINERY BOWBELLS, *• p' to -100 bushels of potatoes per acre on new breaking without cultivating, with a selling price of 75c per bushel. This is being done right along, and such land win be procured for 115 Just . Arrived to |30 per acre. R. W. PURDY & SON A Fine Line of Up-to-date When you think of Bowbells, located as it )? in a local­ ity like this, you think of it as it t«—a prosperous little city of Hair Cuts And Smooth Shaves at Bakery, Restaurant, Lunch R•>< m -~»00 population, with the following lines nf bu-dner-s repre­ Confectionary, frlftts. John Tibbits Barber Shop sented: Three Banks, b' tieneral Stores, 3 Livery liarns, 1 Meat Market, 4 Hotels, 3 Blac't smith Shop?, 1 Farm Implement Cigars an L Tobacco Come In. kid get one Dealers, 3 Lumber Yard.-. 8 Real E-tate Offices, and 6 Elevators, KOWBELlA - - N IV BOWBELLS, , • . - ' -"•'• D- which will handle over 700,000 bushels of grain this year, Its business men are enterprising and industrious, and most of HIM CUt* Service , Rales »I.S0 Per !>• them own their own buildings. It has a graded school sup­ C. J.ORENTZEN plied with modern equipment and the very best of instructors. THE £ESH HOTEL Bowbells is also a town of Churches, several denominations JOHN LEjSH, Prop. /TAILOR « FURRIER having fine buildings of their own. This town also bOaVta of an BoirjyTy the W«k. up-to-date newspaper, the Tribune, which deserves the pat­ All Ooods uuara'aUed First Class Spcci.. Rale, u Land Seeker* ronage given it by the people, who know u takes a good news­ Give lie a Chance to Please You paper to moke R town. Here i- a good location for a Hour mill and it i- Sadly needed. UOWBELTS, - • • S. !>. For the Best Goods for Your J. D. Laiterell\ Barber Shop :LUMBER: Money. Go to the If y.m intend building, get pricM on LANGWORTHY LUMBER CO IU II HI N't; MATERIAL FROM Everthlnj; First Class. Qlve Us a DEAL, 15 IN ;hance to Please you. The ROGERS LUMBER COMPANY Lumber and Building Materials Right Grades . . Right Prices PETER DAHLOUIST, Mgr. BOWBELLS. N. 1). W. E. KIRSCH, Manager. BOWBELLS. N. D, A. W. HURLEY GJ-. J. HAIVSCIT Manufacturer of and Dealer In Restaurant and Lunch Room Harness and Harness Goods SOFT DRINKS Money to Loan and Invest on Real Estate 1— asj

— GO TO — R. EV ICLSTOAVLTOlSr PIERCE'S PHOTO STUDIO Dealer in Grain and Feed .. Bay and Sell Horses For Photos That Are First Class and Up to Date. and Speculator .Jr. General

BOWBELLS - - - - K. n., _ BOWBELLS

(Copy of Orglnal Poster) '.•'-'•'-•:/ "y'H

Bowbells began to emerge as a village when the first eight blocks were laid out in 1899. John Savage built the History first hotel, Blenkner the first general store, E.C. The Soo Line Railroad was built to the location which Christiansen a hardware, Messinger a cafe, and Lesh a would become Bowbells in 1893. Jimmie Buzzell was post office. Then what was going to be an oft repeated sent here in 1895 as section foreman and built the sec­ problem, a fire broke out, so there was nothing to do but tion house. The name, Bowbells, had already been given rebuild. 1899 was also the year a school had been to this dot on the Soo Line map. The English stockhold­ opened and the first Bowbells Tribune appeared. Church ers were in charge of names and Jimmie told me back in groups were holding services and a late snow in 1901 the days when I was researching my city history, that brought a bumper crop so everything is looking brighter. during a visit from some royalty these members were given the honor of naming the dots and one of the Bowbells was part of Ward County as Bowbells younger members of the royal party said Bowbells, so Township until 1910 when Burke County was organized. the people in North Dakota can also have a Bow Bells. Bowbells was Bowbells Village in 1903, and the first city The Bow Bells of London is not a specific place, but fathers were a busy group getting Bowbells ready to rather an area between three churches and if you live become a city. The order of preferences is interesting- anywhere in this area and can hear the bells you are said streets, sidewalks, nightwatchmen, jail, fire protection, to be cockney. and telephone service. This is the order in which they 1896 found the Federal Survey here to lay out the appear in the minutes of the village. Ordinances that section lines. Now Bowbells is ready to be were established were: Assault, Batteries and Affrays; homesteaded. This was promoted by the railroad with Disorderly Conduct and Vagrancy; Disorderly Houses; the offer of free trips on the railroad to Bowbells. One Houses of III fame; Nuisances; Pounds; Concerning area where the offer of free trips was made was in Dogs; Village Marshall-Power and Duties; Gambling; Indiana. A group of hardy men made the trip to Bowbells Peddlers, Auctioneers and Draying Licenses; Licenses in the fall of 1896 to look over the flat, prairie grassland other than Peddlers, Auctioneers and Draymen; Bowling with the hills off in the distance. The only trees were Alleys, Pool Tables and Shooting Galleries; Intoxicating along the track when the railroad ran close to Mouse Liquor-Nuisance; Regulations to Prevent Fires in the River. Village-Erection of Chimneys and flues; Prisoner's The summer of 1897 brought the families, furniture, Punishment by Work on the Streets; Regulations for and animals in box cars. The railroad provided fuel and Width of Sidewalks; Relative to Construction and Repair side-tracked several cars which the settlers lived in of Sidewalks within the village of Bowbells, North until their sod houses were built. The sod houses were Dakota; Granting Certain Privileges and Franchises to built with the sod from a slough whenever possible. The Bowbells Telephone Company; Granting A. B. Bickford, sod pieces were laid like brick with thicker walls on the A. C. Wiper and T. O. Hunter the Right to Erect and bottom; these would usually go from three feet wide and Maintain Poles, Wires, and Fixtures on the Streets, taper to two feet on the top. This was to keep both the Alleys and Public Ground of Bowbells; Railroads; heat and the cold out and were usually one single room. Curfew (between hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.); Public The first group of immigrants were German Baptists. Health; Establishing and defining the fire limits and 1899 found Norwegian settlers in the area. Bowbells is prescribing the rules and regulations of erection of on its way. The settlers suffered through the cold buildings therein. winters, had both good and bad crops but they stayed These same ordinances were used when the city was on their homesteads. These homesteads were the best established and it is interesting to look at the old1 part of the trip to Bowbells, as the land was FREE and council minutes because the changes are penciled right had no taxes. This was the dream that so many of these in the book. hard working people had when they came to America. By Excerpts taken from the minutes: General Tax Levy the time they had been offered this land, most of them for 1904 set at $1500; Assessor paid $65.40, and had tried to make a living in the bigger cities, but the Marshall was paid $10 for two months; R. E. Knowlton familiar rural life was what they were looking for, and for was paid $125 to build grade across Stoney Creek; 60 this reason they were willing to take a chance on the votes were cast in election of 1905 for $6000 to be used new frontier. to establish water works, well and to purchase a block for City Park; Committee was working on bridge to span being made to the City. The sports program was strong the lake; Quarantine in 1905; Gasoline Lamp ordered for with both boys and girls basketball teams. The boys street light cost was $17. went to the State. Music was strong including the City Election held May 15, 1906 in Quitts Hall which sponsored City Band. Everyone was playing baseball. housed the Western Implement Company, 39 votes are The first Park District was formed with B. L. Wilson, cast, and Bowbells becomes the City of Bowbells by the George Hanson, Jim Uglem, H. A. Kirkelie, and Mrs. vote 32-7, all men voting as women didn't have the right Drinkwater elected to the first board. to vote yet. Jail is moved again, city pays for vaccine, Then the dirty thirties, Roosevelt, CCC Camps, and pays C. A. Masters $200 for building which becomes government projects, and no crops cause many people the City Hall. Marshall is instructed to close place where' to leave the Bowbells area and go somewhere else to get intoxicating liquor is being sold. Fifty cars of gravel a job. The homesteads are abandoned and left to the ordered on Soo Line for streets, and 100 fence posts are dirt and tumbleweeds. placed for Fourth of July hitching conveniences. Next is World War II, men are drafted and leave Bowbells Tribune was designated official paper. singly on the train or bus, very different than the first Minute books are missing for 1907 to 1917. In 1917 the World War when big celebrations were held as groups of water tower was painted, concrete sidewalks were young men left to serve our country. More people leave constructed, streets were graded and graveled. the area to go to work in the shipyards and defense William Schultz was hired for $50 a day-the Schultz plants, most of these being in , Oregon, and outfit was two Maney Self Load and Dump Scrappers, California. Large groups of these people chose to stay eight horses and four men for ten hours a day. A. H. on the coast at the close of the war and the North Miller was paid 20.2 cents a gallon for gasoline. Dakota picnics were always well attended in those Licenses to Frank Kaser for Pool Hall, J.H. Mohn Opera states. House and Virginia Ministrel Show. Dr. Limburg sold As the war is over, patriotism is very high, and house to City for purpose of housing people with everyone is very proud of our servicemen. They return contagious diseases. This became known as the "pest home, and take up farming again with their families, the house". war has advanced technology and the farm machinery City hauled all the coal for the City in 1917. Schultz's improves also, they can farm more land and produce Coal Mine became a busy place and many stories are better crops. The baby boom happens and, Bowbells is told about the trips to the mine. I'm not sure when the growing again. mine was opened but it was operating in 1925. The City Hall is built in 1951 as a Memorial to the In 1921, one of the elevators burned. One of the rules Veterans of the Second World War, the City Park had in the council minutes was that all autos must have been named in 1932 "World War Memorial Park." The more than one headlight burning. fifties find the farmers getting CCC loans from the Electric lights were installed in Bowbells in 1920, I government and through this program are able to keep take this to mean in the residences. There are several their farms and get them built up. The school is the references to the City White Way and in checking with busiest place in town with the new addition being built, several people we think this must have been main street, so the Class of 1952 is the first class to graduate in the and so called because it was the only area that was new gym. The addition also housed a new music room, lighted with street lights. home ec. room, first grade and bathroom. Music is There was another quarantine in 1922. Dance Hall strongly emphasized, sports events are all attended and permits went to the Elstad Brothers and Curly Caldwell many young people are attending college as Bowbells to hold dances in the Royal Theatre. The German provided a strong academic base. Evangelical Church moved a building into town and put Bowbells builds a swimming pool in 1962, good crops it where the Methodist Church is presently situated. strengthen everything, and 1964 another addition is 1925, house rent was $5 a month. Roy Turbett moved added to the school. This is the high school class rooms his Photo Gallery, cluster lamps (street lights) were and lunch room. Coteau has joined the Bowbells School replaced with single lamps. The biggest news was that District as well as the many one room school districts. the Courthouse burned to the ground. It had been Bowbells endured the heartache of the Viet Nam War located in what is now the City Park. with the rest of young people and is evidenced by the | 1926 found the Masonic Temple built. The City joined constant support throughout all the 75 years of the League of North Dakota Municipalities in 1927. The Bowbells for its young people. The most recent years tourist park was in operation. This was located where have found Bowbells on the map for some very nice the Cable TV Tower stands. The park had a small reasons-sportsmanship, Bowbells American Legion building with a stove for cooking and for heat, the first Baseball Team received the Sportsmanship Award at night was free and the second night cost 50 cents. the State Tournament and this past year the Girls Another fire resulted in George Hanson building, the Basketball team went to State for the first time and also present Bowbells Hardware. Bern Peterson, Mads brought home the Sportsmanship Trophy. Ejsing, C.C. Carey and Albert Olson were the police for The population in 1900 was 93 according to an atlas Halloween. recently found, the 1980 Census say Bowbells has 587 Traffic lights were installed in 1928, a new hotel and people, 584 in the 70's, and 687 in the 60's. The main the new brick and marble courthouse were completed. ideals are the same with the people wanting the best for The Courthouse cost $104,000 and was built by Olson their families. Many, many people from this community and Orheim of Minot--the same contractors who built have made their mark, so to speak, in this big world of the new addition in 1979. ours, and I'm sure they all fondly think of their roots in fhe late 20's found many social and business Bowbells. organizations flourishing and many improvements Sincerely, Vi Berg View of Bowbells taken In 1902

A1902 scene of Bowbells Stockyards

10 Snow Scenes September 12,1903

Snow covered the ground, icicles dripped from the windows and frost lingered In the air as the gentlemen of Bowbells posed for a picture in early September.

It never was too cold to hitch up the team and take your sweetheart for a ride on a wintry afternoon.

11 Parades! Parades!


Even in the early 1900's parades were popular in Bowbells, marching bands, waving banners, visiting dignataries and elaborate horse drawn floats can be seen as the parades begin Bowbells' celebrations.

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12 July 4, 1907

Excitement filled the town as the citizens of Bowbells celebrated their National Independence. Fireworks, Speeches, costumes and music added to the festivities.

and more parades

13 Early Street Scenes



First Street prior to 1907

Main Street before the fire of 1907

14 Bowbells, North Dakota 1907

15 Bowbells Businesses Burn. . .

Fire of 1907 Bowbells, a City of promise and prosperity for it's brick building of the First State Bank. The list of citizens, a city officially for only a year, a city where the buildings and business places destroyed was a long business men were enterprising and industrious. The one. future looked bright. Then in November, 1907, tragedy On this list were Donovan Hardware, Miggie Meat struck. Fire brought devasting destruction to Bowbells' Market, Miller Grocery, Binbler building (just erected), Main Street! This caused a real set back to the settlers Krueger Drug, Metropolitan Hotel, Kopriva building with of Bowbells. lunch counter and pool hall. H.C. Blenkner building, Legend tells us that the fire started in the hay mow of Berger Furniture and Machinery, Odd Fellows Hall, Tate the Tate Livery Barn. A "drunken loafer" who fell asleep Livery, Blacksmith Shop, Bowbells Tribune and printing in the hay with his pipe in his mouth was blamed for plant, Hurley Brick Block (post office), Switzer Jewelry, starting the fire. telephone exchange, offices of Dr. Lenfest and Dr. Doe, The fire was first discovered during the supper hour Hunter Hardware, Peck's Livery, Lyon's Barn and the about 6:30 p.m. The Tate barn was past saving when the R.B. Cox Store. Less than two weeks before, the flames were first seen and Tate did not have time to get Hendrekson and Gunderson Store had been destroyed any of the horses out of the stable. At this early date, by fire. Valuations placed on these buildings, furniture Bowbells had not organized a fire department, but every and stock totaled over $125,000, which was no small citizen in town was on the grounds trying to stop the fire sum in a prairie town in those days. Insurance and prevent it from spreading. When word reached coverage far from equaled those valuations. Quite a Kenmare, a special train was made up and a large group number of the losers rebuilt their establishments within of Kenmare men came to aid the Bowbells Citizens. The the next year, and today there remains a number of fire spread fast and it completely destroyed all of the these buildings which rose from the ruins of the great buildings on the west side of main street except the fire of 1907.

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** s i*******^ Main Street is rebuilt



1920'S 18 1930's


North Dakota State Library

Bismarck. N. D. 58505 H.C. Blenkner's first General Store in 1899. This became the Donovan Hardware in 1901.

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CO General store of Guy Kopriva in 1900

T.O. Hunter Hardware Store in the early 1900's.


Albert Miller Grocery Store in 1905. His brother,! Adolph operated a bakery in the same store. Donovan Drug Company advertises 40% off on Japanese ware-a rare bargain.

R.F. Migge's Pioneer Meat Market

Ole and Knute Frosaker's Auto Garage

Local citizens pose in front of picture shop.

Attle Norberg, August and Ernest Anderson hauling insulation for the school gym, 1919-20.

Jewelry store and Land Sale office later becoming First Nat'l Bank. 21 Jens Peterson, early businessman and mayor, stands Mads Ejsing stands in his Blacksmith Shop. He was inside Peterson's Dept. Store. His sons, Louie & Pete also a plumber, tinsmith, furnace man, mechanic, night both clerked in the store. watchman, service station attendant and correspondent for the Minot Daily News.

Harness Shop which was owned by Herman Edreson. He learned the shoe repair and harness making trade and operated the business until his death.

Franklin Realty and Trading Real Estate office in 1913. Notice the ornate potbelly stove.

22 The inside of an elevator was no secret to Joe Wallen, an Albert H. Miller is in his Cream Station in 1928. elevator man for fifty years.

Charlie Frank, Albert Miller and two unidentified men stand inside the Bowbells Imp. Co.

Mertes Imp. in 1939. Fred Hilts and Lawrence Mertes Clarence Hagen, Palmer Nelson, Ray Edwards, Fritz help customers, Clarence Kirkelie and Leo Vick. Spiese and Art Olson survey the parts in Palmer's Bowbells Hardware.

23 Loading freight was Herb Miller's job as he worked for his father's Dray Line.

Dave Landis stands beside the door of his milkwagon Pete Thompson delivered drinking water in Bowbells which he used to deliver milk to Bowbells residents from with a team of horses from 1944-1964. When he started 1911 to 1942. Milk sold for $.05 a quart. the price of water was $.05 for 5 gallons. All the young people in town waited for a ride on Pete's wagon.

Maude Ballard Is pictured at her switchboard, which she and her sister, Minnie Stokes, operated. John H. and Maude Ballard purchased the Urban Telephone Company in 1925, and changed the name to the Bowbells Telephone Co. They owned and operated the business until Nov. 1,1956 when it was sold to Northwest Mutual Aid Telephone Corporation of Ray. A d'-' system was Installed in 1959.

24 Albert Miller, an early Standard Oil dealer, hauls gas with his team of horses.

Ed Drinkwater stands beside the Standard Oil Station that he and Tip Masters operated. This station later became a Mobil Station owned by Durick Bros.

uei ana LII Nenring owned and operated the Standard Oil Station for many years. These pictures depict the progress of the business through the years.

N.C. Magedanz owned and operated the Standard Service Station north of Bowbells in the 30's. This station was located where Art Hanson now operates the Exxon Station.

25 In 1915, Emil Nehring built the Motor Inn and Fred Dilworth, nicknamed "Pickle" or "Pick" was in the garage business until 1937. by his friends, later owned the Motor Inn.

Emil, Del and Alden Nehring are shown in Del Nehring, Ed Siemers and Mel Mather the parts department of the Motor Inn. take a break from their work in the Motor Inn Garage.

Travelers often stopped to spend the night Large overstuffed rockers lined the windows at the Bowbells Hotel. of the spacious Bowbells Hotel lobby. 26 Shoe Repair Shop, owned by Fostman Rohe in the 1940's.

Bowbells Tribune, June 22, 1939. Editor, Walter Owings, helpers, Robert Elstad, Floyd Johnson, Delores Bogus, Linotype operator, John Stenrude.

Roy Turbett Photo Studio, later Wilson Insurance, building was moved to Westhope in 1959. Haley's Barber Shop located in lower level of old bank building, was operated for many years by Bill Haley.

Meat and groceries could be purchased at Ray Siemers owned and operated the Ray's Fairway. Fairway Store. 27 flP

H.F. Magedanz bought R.F. Migge's Meat and Grocery in 1941 and operated it until 1951.

Moore Hardware Company window display with J.W. Moore in the window.

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uispiays could always be seen in windows of the Gambles Hardware Store owned by Acheson and Fairweather. Cyke Masters, Les, a Gambles fieldman, Everett and Lila Fairweather stand in the tool department of the Gambles Store.

Fire again destroyed part of Bowbells' Main Persons view the charred remains of the Roxy Street in 1957 when the Roxy Theater and Theater and Gambles Store. Gambles Store burned. 28 August 30,1925, a large crowd observed the exercises Masons watched as the cornerstone was put in place. at the laying of the cornerstone of the "Bowbells Masonic Temple."

The Masons were proud of their Masonic Temple. Inside the Masonic Temple was the meeting room for Other Masonic groups used the Temple as well. several Masonic organizations. It was also the scene of many family gatherings.

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Employees of AAA in 1935. Front row: Inga (Olson) AAA, a farm relief agency, established during the Farstad, Mildred (Johnson) Nehring, Loretta (Koprlva) depression used the Masonic Temple for offices when O'Rourke, Buhla (Anderson) Grabow, Evelyn the staff became too large for the courthouse. (Ringwail) Mertes, Emma iDilwonh) Siemers; Back row: Harry Wood, Richard Hierath, C.A. Freeman, Arthur Stompro, George Cockran. 29 Smoke escapes from the roof of the Burke County The Burke County Courthouse was always a busy Courthouse as onlookers observe the fire devastated place. H.F. Magedanz, County Auditor in the thirties, is building. at his desk.

The Kopriva Family gathered on the steps of the The Memorial City Hall is the scene of many activities. Burke Abstract Company in 1932. An addition has since been added to house fire and ambulance equipment.

Passenger trains, no longer passing through Many elevators once lined the outskirts of Bowbells. Bowbells, made daily stops at the Soo Line Depot. Some of these were privately owned.

30 Minute History Capsules of Present Bowbells Main Street Businesses

Great Plains: moved from Standard Station: various Crosby in four parts in tenants have been Charles about 1950. Frank, Del Nehring, Dave

Mahlum, Allen Howell and aaaaWr^aaataaat presently, Joe Steffen 13

Burke County Implement: Owners have been Jim Dolan Building: Built 1902 Durick, C.A. Mahlum, jgjjjjjt .^ by Donovan Bros., Jack and Mahlum Brothers and &?'] • .'"~--'-.*V-~ Jerry- Used as hardware presently Wayne Mahlum. —W store and mortuary. Blacksmith Shop was j Purchased by Clifton originally located at this MBM Masters for liquor store. site. ^M\ i93g james Dolan became owner. Operated by Flovd A.J. Bar and Hotel: owned Chrest 1965-67, James Dolan 1967-72, James Sosalla by H.P. Peterson, Mrs. Ole 1972-78. Building now vacant. Elstad, Paula and Raymond Anderson, Corp. of Reinhold Pfeifer, Floyd Mac's Place: rebuilt in 1907 Johnson and Kenny by R.F. Migge as a meat Johnson. Purchased by A.J. market. Operated as a grocery store by Herman and Bonnie LaCrosse who ^-^^^^^^--^^Dja-aaaa^aaa^ai^^aaafjfr' JHk added a bar and motel, sold to Judy Kupser in 1974 and Magedanz. Purchased by recently purchased by Rich Howey. MMMtMmMr^ j/gMt> m tf§ Jens Peterson, leased by Smiley and Kenny Johnson as grocery store. Sold to Bowbells Cafe: from 1917-45 CD CD Russell and Mary Mclntyre as an Antique Shop in 1977. owned by A.C. Wiper, leased to i_ •#—» Ann and George Voss, Ma Heath, tfi Marie Johnson, John Kock, C —^..^ Bowbells Hardware Hank: Margaret and Doug Drew and 1899, first store owned by 9 ra CO Hattie Jenson, connected to hotel Charles Christensen. Sold at this time. Sold to Harry to T.O. Hunter in 1901. Harry Semerud, bought by Raymond and White had an open Air Paula Anderson and Darven and Leora Anderson in 1950 mmsm Dance Pavilion. O.G. Fro- and operated until 1967. Sub-leased by Del Jensons and saker & George Hanson Art Johnsons, sold in 1967 to Joyce Matte and Marian former Bowbells Hwd. Imp. Swenson. Now owned soley by Joyce Matte. Corp. in 1926. Store divided in half, with a Red Owl Store on left, operated by O.J. Fisher. B. Graue opened a Inn Wee Go: L.B. Lodmell, Super Value in 1940. Palmer Nelson purchased in 1945 Ins. agent and Dorothy and remodeled into one store. Purchased by Don Harms, Beautician, share ;"" —Tr—3 Preskey in 1970, continued as Hwd. Store. building. Burke Electric located in building. Bowbells Lanes: Gamble Partnership between Store operated by Elstad Gaylen Pommier & Carl Bros., Achesons, E.G. Nelson. Don Wanner Fairweather and Henning. purchased Nelson's share. Burned in 1957. Rebuilt by Pommier was sole owner from 1951 to 1955. Josie Glenn Wilson in 1958, sold Souther moved Inn Wee Go Cafe from basement of Drug to Albert and Frank Store. Building now vacant. Luckman and purchased by Gerald Pfeifer in 1975. Arctic Cat: Owners have Strike Lounge: Theater managers were Curly Caldwell, been Marshall, Henry O.J. Fisher, Merlin Thompson and John Thies. Burned in Hoffman, Skadrom and R. 1957. Rebuilt by Glenn Wilson, theater leased by J.J. Hultgren, as a meat market, Abraham. Sold to Dwight Pfeifer for Burke County Klassen Variety Store, Joe Tribune in 1970. Gerald Pfeifer purchased in 1975 and and Madeline Klassen; Ron remodelled as a lounge in 1979. Freed, Hardware Store, David Mahlum, Hardware Burke County Tribune: located upstairs, presently and Sporting Goods. Emil Nehring & Sons now lease leased by Rhoda Greenup. building. 31 Rogers Cosmetics & Haley's Barber Shop: Bill Helgindorf, barbershop in Sundries: First owners in —c 1904 were Tim and Jerry half, Post Office other half. Donovan, Al Neumann Guy Kopriva owned owned Neumann Drug, Vic building, leased as cafe to Siemers, Siemers Drug, J.J. Al Westergard, Trengen Abraham, Bow Drug and Bros, Rod Heath and Cark presently Gerald Rogers. Aukerman. Other businesses, Ann Voss, Dry Cleaners; Griffith Launder- mat, Ervin Laundermat and Severson Electric. Presently Haley's Barbershop.

Simonsons: N.L. Simonson opened store in 1912 in east half, and eventually bought 1 mt*M entire store. Was in First National Bank: New business until 1964. Building has since been building was dedicated in ^**fe»8tj 1963 with the new addition used as a warehouse for added in 1975. Other plumbing, furniture, and buildings located on snowmobiles. present lots were B.L. Wilson Law Firm, Red Owl Store and Band Stand. Kozy Korners: 1907, Emil Kruger opened Kruger Drug, Jackwitz Drug until 1920, D.D. Peterson, General Store in 1923, Tony Fisher put in wall and open­ ed Tony's in 1934, Ed Fisher 46-52, Scotty's Tavern run by E.G. Fairweather 53-60, Ed Fisher, Gamble Store 60- 63, Bill Wagner, Furniture Store 64-66, Darven Anderson, Senior Citizen Building: Andy's Clothing 66-74, Jerry & Ollie Pfeifer, Jerry's Some of the owners were Clothing 74-76, M.E. & Allen Ryberg, G & G Clothing 76- Lawyer George Gjertson, CD 79. Presently Kozy Korners, Inc., Bernnie Linster and Cafe owners Eva Heath and Vickie Aufforth. Al Westergard. Byron Graue (f) opened a Grocery Store in c 1952. Ann Voss and Joe CO Wanner used building as Petersons: Original store Dry Cleaners. Bill Wagner and Raymond Rameden was located where purchased in 1966 and operated a recreation center. Memorial Hall stands, Senior Citizens incorporated in 1970 and presently run originally owned by Jens with membership of 65. Peterson 1923, L.N. Peterson moved store from Coteau, kept until 1943, when purchased present

building from Mrs. Ole Elstad. Before fire building was Blenkers and rebuilt as a pool hall. General merchandise was handled by L.N. Now run by Sons, Jens and Elton. Smiley's Jack & Jill: Used as Hunter Hardware, Mahoney and Moore; Hardware and Mortuary, Vee's Beauty Shop: First Elstad's Stage and Dance i-~r State Bank in 1903, Hall, Slim Morton; Men's purchased by A.C. in 1930 Clothing, Gunderson relocating First Nationa Grocery, Hultgren Fairway Bank, sold to Gerald W. and Locker, Ray Siemers, Fairway and now owned by Bryan in 1965 remodelled as Smiley Johnson. L.B. Johnson is Mobil Bulk dealer and a beauty salon and occupies back office space. apartment. 32 North Star Ford and Post Peterson Law Firm: Built by Office: Original site of livery Lyman Abbott for a barn, which burned. R.C. Barbershop, used by Stella Wiper built in 1928, Kenny Spiese, Craft Shop, Pat Mclntyre purchased in 1968, Ankenbauer, Floral Shop Bennie and Jim Hass and and presently owned by Jeff Joyce Mahlum in 1978. Post Peterson, Law Firm. office leases space, in other side of building.

Wilson Office Building: Building built by Glenn Wilson in 1959, house ASCS, Soil Conservation, Jerry's Polaris: Built by J.J. FHA and Anderson Abraham and Sam Insurance. Goodman in 1948 to house Northern Imp. Purchased by Kenny Nelson for Nelson's Plumbing & Heating, bought by Barton Melby as Jerry's Polaris, building not Mobil Oil: Owned by Ed '!' Drinkwater and Tip in use. Masters, George Kirkelie, Durick Brothers, Russ jjBj Mclntyre and not in use. »rt, Joe Steffen Building. Mayors of Bowbells CD CD H.C. Blenkner a. Mertes Implement: Building +-» Jerry Donovan CO formerly housed Electric Jens L. Peterson c nit.** Power Plant for City. July F.Smith 'CO 1939, Lawrence and LaVern George W. carey Mertes purchased Inter­ H.R. Richardson national. Harvester from J.W. Moore CO. Bohn. Operated as co- George Hanson owners until 1942, when L.N. Peterson Lawrence became sole owner. Continued in business to CO. Bohn present time-42 years. Son, Greg, manager since 1976. C.A. Masters since 1976. Fred Dilworth Glenn Wilson H.M. Swenson C.S. Summers • iS»fa Vic Siemers Wilson Law Firm: Built by Jens Peterson Bert Wilson in 1979. Ervin Schultz Building is now Don Preskey unoccupied. Ill

J.R. Moore Threshing Crew

!\ AtffltfM™ «LVORS£ o Halvorson Threshing Crew

Hans Anderson Threshing Crew

HI Mike Mertes, Bob Mertes and Andrew tr Dignan with their threshing rig. Funk Bros. Cook Car x

An oil pun tractor used for threshing by Bill Bill Heth traveled with his tractor and cook Heth. car from Bowbells west to Seattle, WA, in 1910. 34 In 1899, Mike Mertes built the first homestead building in Ward 73 Township. Donald Stewart, Fred Marks, Burt Gee and Ed Marks relax in front of Fred Mark's homestead shack in 1900 m


Main Street looking north from city Hurley Street A resident street park.


Bern Peterson home, now Margrethe Pederson home. O m CO

Rohe house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dilworth house recently demolished. Eugene Rohe. 35 Albert Miller's home, presently owned by Thorsten Gagnum.

P.D. Peterson house, presently owned by Audran Melby.

Guy Kopriva house, later torn down.

T.O. Hunter house, the residence of Jens Peterson.


Home of A.C. Wiper, now owned by Larry Berg.

J.W. Moore home, now the home of Lil Gorman.

36 Peter Jordy farm home, 5 miles SE of Bowbells, home­ Bern Peterson farm later became O.J. Fisher farm. steaded in 1900.

Math Funk farm where Leo and Florence Funk now make their home.

Nick Funk farm, land now owned by Barton Melby.

Charlie Mattson homestead, the Arnold Funk family now resides on this farm.

J.B. Mertes farm, a new home was recently built on this site. 37 The Presbyterian Church was organized in 1901. The Methodist Church was organized in 1900. It officially closed June 6, 1969 and merged with Upon merging with E.U.B. Church in 1968, a the United Methodist Church. parsonage was built at this location.

Altar of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Altar of the St. Joseph Catholic Altar of the Bethlehem Church, that was destroyed by Evangelical Lutheran Church. fire.

UM t ii,. ^mMMBWrf

Present Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Present United Methodist Church

Present St. Joseph Catholic Church. 38 m

> 73

0 3D O

-a c/>

39 Modern Woodmen of America

Henry Boxrud Sivert Burguard H.A. Kirkelle Si vert Bearson Ole Dahl Aided Paulson Jens Peterson Carl Boxrud Ed Drlnkwater George Harms

1/ frrt •*>*!*- /S s+ *""""* *^> —ffriiiti-• l^fir #n A •«:"<» i*

' M % >v

World War I Veterans 40 Orchestra Standing: G.K. Melby and Ed Hovland Steading: Rex Steinchcomb, Ferd Siemers and Mrs. Drinkwater


£?J fzfr* %£* fr*?$ W. W 19 E*

Top Row: Earl Aukerman, Leonard Stefonowicz, Lyman Abbott, Ernest Harms, Milfred (Sleepy) Perring, Lloyd Miller, Harold Miller, Harry White and Herman Aufforth. Middle Row: Bill Kirkelie, Carl Aukerman, Henry Aufforth, Carl Aufforth, Gene Schultz, Carl Redmer, LaVern (Fat) Perring, Stanley Dunlap, Fred Redmer and Ferd Siemers. Bottom Row: Henry Harms, Bill Harms, John Aufforth, Fritz Spiese, Philo Schultz, Roy (Bertie) Moore and Alfred Siemers.

41 4-H Club Convention at Mouse River Park in 1938.

Methodist Ladies Aid meeting in 1909

Back Row: Emma Dilworth, Miss Mork, Mrs. Donovan, Mildred Emerson. Front Row: maty Martin, Ann Uglum, Evelyn Hansen, Amy Norberg. 1924

i r i , i

Methodist Circle Women, May 1955. First Row: Boy Scouts- God & Country Award in 1951. Back Ethel Shanks, Teckla Olson, Josie Martin, Hazel Row: John and Ray Wiper, Dennis Hilts, Larry Berg, Kling. Second Row: Blanche Wilson, Evelyn Johnson, Gary Nelson, Glenn Anderson. Front Row: Felix Maxine Abraham, Mrs. George Hanson. Third Row: Adams, Everett, Dick and Lila Fairweather, Reuben Mrs. Eastburn, Grace Simonson, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Hultgren, Rev. Eastbum. Remington, Helen Woods, Vi Wiper. 42 WnW1^ '•r"

7 04' IJH •MllVBOW Gil hm rMwt

43 ...

44 One of our first settlers was James Buzzell. Of the good old days he loved to tell But old Father Time has waved his wand And James has passed to that Great Beyond. Donovan Bros., Jerry and Jack, Sold the hardware for many a shack. Not only hardware but furniture as well, Some rather cheap but some real swell. John Norlin started a blacksmith shop. He always struck while the iron was hot. He became an expert at sharpening the lays That broke the sod here in early days. Bendixon's Restaurant was clean and neat, A mighty good place for the hungry to eat. Inez did the cooking and baked the bread While Olaf sold booze from his sickbed. John Lesch kept a place called an inn Where the eats were good though the bedding thin But a haven to those who got off the train And to everyone in search for a claim. J.D. Lansboro had the foresight Of starting a bank and running it right. He never ran short of money to loan us At 1256 interest and 10$ bonus. Charles Kopriva was our first auctioneer Who cried the sales both far and near. He finally decided to cry sales no more And put up a neat little grocery store. Mads Ejsing had a secondhand shop Which he filled with junk from bottom to top. When to find space inside got rather hard He proceeded to fill up his backyard. In Jens Peterson's store 'twas a pleasure to meet Good looking clerks both Louie and Bate. Jens gave way to old Father Time While two grandsons now have a grocery line. Tom Hurley started the Bowbells Tribune and Put out the first issue in the month of June. He was the devil himself and worked early and late Setting type for the news from all over the state. H.C. Blenkner bad a good general store With shelves full of dry goods and groceries galore. Blenkner was a cripple and walked with a cane. For any shortage in the till, Ralph got the blame. E.C. Krueger had a large stock of drugs. Had strychnine for gophers and Paris green for bugs. Patent medicine he sold to one and all And to tho se who indulged, he sold alcohol. There is Just one other whom I shall mention Who used to attract a great deal of attention. He drove out all competition, as you all know And finally retired with plenty of dough. 'Twas R.J. Migge, who opened up a shop And started cutting meat upon a block. Choice cuts he sold to everyone And with every package he weighed hie thumb.

45 Wedding of James Buzzed Mr. and Mrs. Jens Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Wiper Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kopriva Mr. and Mrs. John Norlin

Mr. and Mrs. Seb Ross Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Mertes Mr- * Mrs- CarV M«"">n«y Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dilworth

Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nehring Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Robert/ Carey Magedanz Mr. & Mrs. N.L. Simonson Mr. & Mrs. William Johnson. 46 L.N. Peterson Family John Adamson Family Jens Norgaard Family

*i fr JL f I

«*- i»a

Frank Ross Family A.A. Fisher Family


Fostman Rohe Family Jordy Family

Mary Funk & Phoebe Ormlston Gunner Gagnum Family n.lNer ing Family Family 47 /•-%

Will Beck Sena Peterson Dolphin Howard Corey I Frank M. Emerson

Gladys Dilworth Walker Olga Erickson Ellen Donovan

Frank Landls, Claudia J.A. Ormlston Rose Donovan Sperry Lindberg, and Dick Harms Carlie Frank 48 Mervin Anderson, and Mathilda Anderson Burau Myrtle Anderson Ferm, and Gladys Anderson, and Dorothy Anderson Huff Helen Anderson Cron McAlister „_,

LaVerne & Lawrence Ed and O.J. Fisher Mertes

Bessie Ormiston Bitney and Bruce Ormiston. Robert Mahoney Lil Peterson Gorman

• AF *fex:

'il. 'I' «' m Arthur & Elsie Olson Mike & Mary Mertes Carl & Helene Redmer Jake & Mary Engelhard 49 J"*jl E. Andersons R.and H. Magedanz

Kopriva Sisters ' \

H* % *~ISI\ •• J. Gagnums ^k* E., G., J. Owens Myy^, MM

%2 " *v TSJSI^ b

.4* titH. Hoffman & E. Acheso n

S. Lynches D. Osbornes wrWm •mt, AM- wm


51 52 Bowbells Reservoir Des Lacs Lake Bridge c/> o m

> Schultz Grading Outfit Schultz Bros. Grading m O


Coal Mine Tipple West of Bowbells. Building of Guerdette Dam 53 Remember- • • Bowbells City is celebrating its 75th Jubilee, that quickly gets one thinking of many people getting together who have not seen one another for years. All the plans the local people have made to keep these Jubilee days full, fun, enjoyable, but most important, letting everyone have time to sit back and remember. Remember how this community of Bowbells was created in this northwest corner of North Dakota. Remember when your family became a part of this area, remember the good times along witffthe bad. Remember why you left, and in several cases, the recent trend of why you returned. "Remember the sense of values that were instilled in you while you were a member of this community," maybe that very thought is the best product this community has produced. The sense of right and wrong, the religious ideals, the knowing that is you have a problem your neighbor will help you, knowing that Bowbells people care what you are doing. These are all part of your basic makeup and it didn't change when you moved to other parts of the country and the world; somehow you always get around to thinking about the days when you were growing up-Bowbells days. Do you remember... Oil was discovered at Opseth's. Bootleggers, both male and female. Roller skating at Lakeshore. War Bond Savings Stamps. Homer Sink using his Model A for a School Bus. Lyman Abbott gave the kids a nickel when they got their hair cut. Martin Ryan was sheriff. 111 Carnivals at the school. Rev. Cliff Berglund played hymns over the loud speaker. The church bells ringing. Snuggies, garter belts, and brown cotton stockings. Fat Magedanz and Tiny Hilts running the gas station where Art is now. Fox Lumberyard. Pete, the waterman, let you ride on his horse-drawn wagon. Heels Beels, Toothpick, Grasshopper Legs, Capp Woods, Kink, Locks. cc TV came to Bowbells. BL running up the steps. Sonny Beck was a jockey for Johnny Walleen. The gas station was beside the present post office. Frank Emerson, Vivian Larson, and Delia Ryan working in the grocery store. The swimming pool was built. o Battery operated radios. Girl's Basketball team getting the first shorts and were considered risque in 1927 and were asked not to come back to Flaxton dressed like that! When you could call central and ask Maude, Mary Lou, Jean, or Clara where so-and-so was. Hot Lunch started at school. Grasshopper poison was mixed in County Barn where Elstads live now. Josie made the best malted milks in the country. Four Roses whiskey. The electric generator at Mertes Implement. The Class motto for 1932 was "Out of school life, into life's school." LU Dolly Landis had a milk route. Making paste from flour and water, Kids were hopping freight trains to the coast and back. The Halloween someone put a cow in the school. Dorothy Walleen and Shirley Westrum were majorettes. Wartime tokens. The ASC office was in the temple and courthouse. Blackie Martin was the cop. Alfred Thompson tying everyones' ice skates. The ski jump at the lake. White Eagle Station The day World War II was over. The fire escape at the school. Voss's Bakery. Katie Jordy worked in the post office. "Hector" the garbage truck operated by Bobby Ryan and Johnny Fisher. Gas engine washing machines with the hoses stuck out the window. The kids thought Johnny Owens was Santa Claus. Setting pins at the bowling alley above Strand's Creamery. August Anderson's ice house behind Bowbells auto. People milked goats that were kept along the Soo Line. 54 "Silk Stockings" was playing when the theatre burned in 1957. Olger Ferm, Clarence Hagen, Eva Hass, and Tony Schneider were some of the best dancers around. The basketball game between the Red Flannels and the Bloomers in the old gym. The Teen Canteen was at the Odd Fellows Hall. Fritz Spiese, Jesse Schultz, Don Bornstedt, Art Jacobson, Al Sjue all played with a dance band. Remember working for Ralph "Sonny" Knowlton at the Auditor's Office. City Band practice in the fire hall. The bank was robbed and Minnie identified the hold-up man several years later. Ralph Schudar built something, it was so full of nails it never fell down. Bowbells had two Study Clubs. Cora Severson, Grandma Spiese, and Mathilde Schultz assisted at many births. The 14th Annual Banquet of the Bowbells High School Alumni met in 1933. "Galloping Goose" was the passenger train on the Great Northern out of Coteau. The Catholic Hall, the Shoe Shop, Kjos Dental Office, and Paul and Sue Christiansen's cafe were all in the same block on main street. The school kids put on a "Minstrel Show". Rohe's harness shop, P. D. Petersen's Creamery. H. A. Hanson Law Office, and Sonnenberg's Jewelry Store were all in the building across from the City Hall (behind the old bank). Jimmie Buzzell's beautiful handwriting. Mrs. Drinkwater played the piano for the silent movies. The stockyards were a busy place. Ma Heth ran a cafe, also Ann and Geoge Voss with their cafe. Annie Smith had the first curly look. In 1919 when they built the gym on top of the school and they pounded right through class. "The Patsy" was the class play in 1930, Leatha Ridenour, Vic Siemers, Lawrence Mertes, Aldei Nehring, Marjorie Peterson, Calvin Olson, Ellen Albertson, Noble Hansen were members of the cast. The Soo Line quit the passenger cars to Bowbells. The livery stable behind Bowbells Auto in the 40's that housed as many hobo's as it did horses. Charlie Durward, Carmen Immerfall. and Elaine Norlin were cheerleaders. George Immerfall had the drayline. Threshing crews, chavaris, barn dances, and house dances. The Catholic Church Burned. When the streets in Bowbells were so crowded on Saturday night you came to town early to get a place to park. The hospital was on the same block as Smiley's. Lines at the theatre that were over a block long for "Ma and Pa Kettle". Stores gave prizes for weekly talent night. Cream checks and selling eggs were everyone's spending money. Flour sacks were the main source for dress material. Fox, Bair, and Coons all lived on the same block. The City Hall and the Fire Hall were one building behind Smiley's. Lifeguards at the Reservoir. On Halloween a car was put on top of the school. "Playmate" was the most popular song. The showers at the barber shop. When a family of skunks took over the band stand. The big snow banks of '48 and '49. Pickle, Snowball, Jiggs, Dick Tracy, Squeak, Weiner, Beets, Dit, Puss, Fing, Skarney, Pudge. Tito. Smokey, Snooks, The Horse. Charlie Speer hauled ashes. Minneapolis Tribune Paper Routes. Bowbells had a mattress factory, operated by Mel Mork. The fountain at Neuman's Drug (Cherry cokes and limes). Bowbells had the only gym large enough to hold a tournament, and this was on top of the school . Annex of the Methodist Church was used for most large gatherings. Everyone listened to the World Series in the Hardware. Amos Pumerlo skipping down the sidewalk when he was in his 80's. Dick Youngblood playing honky tonk piano. Grandma Neve's beautiful flowers. The big lobby with all the leather chairs in the hotel. When Tip Masters got his new Chrysler. Paul Magedanz playing his trumpet. The Spitoons at Tony's and Dolan's. Ben Toby and Ole Strand were janitors at the school. When the Rainbow Girls stayed at Dolan's cabin at Lake Carlyle. When George Voss played first base. Jack Maschka knew all the baseball players. 55 LU


O On Monday, February 26, 1979 the path of the solar eclipse passed directly through Bowbells. People began arriving on Saturday. A charter bus load came from Nebraska and an expedition from the University of Minnesota led by Dr. Ney was here. He explained the details of the eclipse to the Bowbells LU students. Many other states were represented. WCCO-TV was in Bowbells reporting. The community organized special meal programs and motel rooms were booked several months in advance. At 10:26 the sun was completely blocked. The streetlights came on and the stars came out as • • darkness spread across the area. Just before the eclipse became total, the light became markedly reduced. A thin crescent lingered until one intense region of light remained, producing the "diamond ring" effect. This then broke into a string of spots of intense light called "Baily's Beads", caused by sunlight shining through the valleys at the edge of the moon. As totality approached, darkness fell with great suddenness, and the frosty white corona flashed into view against the darkened sky. The solar corona, 500,000 times fainter than sunlight, flared out millions of miles around the sun in a broad halo surrounding the eclipsed sun. Rimming the dark moon was a pinkish glow, the chromosphere. The prominences, bright pink spots extending from the suns surface were visible. Elsewhere in the darkened sky, a few stars could be seen. After a few minutes, Baily's Beads and the diamond ring reappeared, this time on the opposite side of the sun; totality was over, and the corona quickly faded in the glare of sunlight. Hundred of persons were in Bowbells to watch the awesome sight. It lasted over two minutes, but it will be well remembered as an event which happens on the average only once every 360 years in the same location. The next time it will be in North America will be in the year 2017.

56 . : , *

: W\ O • m .aan&1 o

57 Bowbells School History 1898-The first school opened in the spring of 1898. It was a tar paper shack located across the Soo Line Track. It also was the first school inBurke County. 1902-The original school site was purchased August 27. A two story white, wood building was located there. 1909-First brick building was built in front of the wooden building, at a cost of $15,000.00. The wooden building previously used as the school was then moved to the block where the city park is now located and it became the first Burke County Courthouse. 1909-Many attempts had been made previously, but in 1909 the first regular high school was organized. George Carey, Warren Heath and Jorgen Hanson were directors. The high school faculty was extremely limited. Professor demons shared the duties with Mrs. Durocher (8th grade teacher). Enrollment forthe 1st semester was 12. 1913-Opening of the first school library. Graduation of the first graduating class-4 students. 1919-Harry Polk became superintendent and pursued the building of the gymnasium on top of the brick schoolhouse. 1922-A wooden building was moved from Coteau and used as an annex for grades 1-3. This building was later sold in 1937 and used as a hospital. It has been stuccoed and is still in use. 1923-The "Red and White" made it's debut as the school column in the Bowbells Tribune. 1950-A portion of Woburn School District in Carter Township was annexed to the Bowbells School. Bond issue passed for $71,000.00 to build present gym and two classrooms. Gymnasium located on top of the school building was removed. 1952-First graduating class in the new gym. 1958-Reorganization of district took place to include school districts of North Star, Minnesota, Bowbells and Ward in Burke County, and Denmark in Ward County. 1959-Annexation of Elgie School District in Diamond Township. 1962-Annexation of a portion of Beck School District in Roseland Township. 1964-Additional lot of Block 15 purchased for addition to building. Bond issued passed for $200,000.00 to add administration offices, kitchen, dining room, shop, music room, library, science room and two classrooms. 1966-Lakeside School District annexed into Bowbells. 1979-Shop and Classroom addition 1981-The present enrollment for Grades 1-8 is 124 and the enrollment for High School, 9-12, is 75. Faculty consists of 18 members.

58 1909 Grades 3-4-5.


«r£ *

Bowbells School 1910

Bowbells School 1914 59 8th Grade Class 1912.

About 1916



Bowbells School 1914.

60 Bowbells High School Graduates


Edwin A. Blenkner, deceased. Eva Hurley Ralph Knowlton, deceased

' Kathryn Madden


William Carter, deceased. Mariam Hartman Ida Grams, deceased


' John Hackett

1916 "To Be, Not To Seem"

** Violet R.Alexander, deceased Laura Finke, (Fred Hanson), 747 N. 135th, No Mary J. White (Haas), 2045 Alderson Avenue. 108, Seattle, Washington 98133. Florist School Apartment 5, Billings, Montana, Raymond Emerson, deceased. of Design, 3 children, 5 grandchildren. Mildred Remington, deceased. Dorothy Hurley Alvina Lund (Len N. Allen), 2012 Woods Drive, Arlington, Texas 76010. Graduated Minot State 1918, retired, 2 children, 10 step-children, 6 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren.

1917 "Build for Character, Not for Fame"

Loretta Kopriva Sophus Jessen (Dorothy Ruhnke), 718 South Reginald Colemen, deceased 18th Street, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201. Inez Bendixen, deceased. Infantry S. A.T.C. 1918, retired. Dorothea Knowlton, deceased,

Sylvia Glenn, deceased. Agnes Gorman, (Gene Schultz), 117 27th Avenue . Helen Hagen North, Fargo, North Dakota. Minot State College, ** Sylvia Haberman teacher, 2 children, 6 grandchildren.


George N. Lund (Hertha Lohse), A-24 Sunny Eva Haberman Acres Court, 7807 East Apache Trail, Mesa, Arizona 85207. University of Washington, retired, Sam Colemen, deceased 5 children, 19 grandchildren, 3 groat grand­ children.

1919 "Character is the Only True Diploma"

Helen M. Kopriva (Clarence Summers) Bowbells, '* Charlotte Jessen, 2130 Harrison Street, North Dakota and 1026 Snead Circle South, Sun Quincy, Illinois. BS degree University of North City, Arizona, Minot Teachers College, 3 Dakota, children, 10 grandchildren. Ethel Bendixen * Albert Bogus 1920 "Launched but not Anchored"

Ida Hendrickson Alice Larsen (Samauel Burger). 3333 Pacific * Douglas Campbell (Leona Dennis), 9110 Place Apartment 429, Long Beach, California Flanders Drive, San Diego. California 92126. B.S. Rhoda Chambers 90806, Minot State College, Business School, 1 University of Minnesota, retired, Navy 1924 to child, 1 grandchild, 2 great grandchildren. 1954,1 child. Viola Masters, deceased. Norwald Lund (Ethel Schmld), 410 3rd Avenue Ruby Abbott (Klrkelle), 915 North Olive Street, Dorothy Rhumke, deceased Southwest, Apartment 418, Sidney, Montana Anaheim, California 92805. 3 children, 6 grandchildren. 59270, Minot State College, Business College, Mabel Anderson retired, 2 children, 4 stepchildren, 4 grand­ Esther Remington, deceased. children, 14 step-grandchildren. Thomas Wiper Marguerite Martin

61 1921 "Out of the Harbor, Out on the Deep"

Ruth Bryan Inga Finke (Robert M. Foeller), Roakaway, Cora Clark, deceased. Oregon, Box 547, Minot Normal, University of W.. Clara Kirkelie, deceased. 3 children, 7 grandchildren. Wendell R. Finke, deceased. Omar Larsen * Eugene Schultz (Agnes Gorman), 117 27th ** Pearl Grams, deceased. Avenue, Fargo, North Dakota. N.D.U., Arizonia University, mechanic, 2 children, 6 grand­ children. 1922 "Find a Path or Make One"

Elsie Jessen, (Charles Moore), 428 North 29th Ray Edwards, deceased. Myrtle Lindbald (Harry Haroldson), Bethel Street, Quincy, Illinois. Nursing School. Oliver Abbott, deceased. Lutheran Home, Williston, North Dakota. Minot Teachers College, 3 children, 10 grandchildren. Philo Schultz, Borup, Minnesota 56519. Charles Jessen, deceased. University of North Dakota, Infantry 1941, Naomi Gunter (Henry S. Martin), Des Lacs, North farming, Dakota 58733. 5 children, 19 grandchildren, 6 Florence Marks great grandchildren. Gladys Marks (Tysdal), Flaxton, North Dakota "Cecil Masters 58737. 4 children, 16 grandchildren, 11 great Opal Jensen (Glenn C. Lien), Route 2, Box 90, grandchildren. * Victor Masters, deceased Lindstrom, Minnesota 55045. 4 children, 16 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren. 1923 "Upward and Onward"

** Hilda Bysteadt (Dewey Christenson), Reserve, Mildred Anderson Addie Larsen (Dr. Donald H. Scott), 4404 Howard Montana, Minot Teachers College, Northern Road, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. Dakota Montana College, retired, 2 children, 5 Mildred Bell, deceased. Business College, 3 children, 2 grandchildren. grandchildren. Harry Finke Vera Marks (C.W. Kirkelie), Bowbells, North Irene Kopriva (Melvin Bretzke), 7250 Blue Hill Dakota. 3 children, 10 grandchildren, 7 great Drive Apartment 133, San Jose, California. Minot * Grace Carlson, deceased. grandchildren. State College, 1 child, 6 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild. Alice Hendrickson Freda Migge (F. Burke Bair), 210 Bannard No. 2, Tonawanda, New York 14150. B.S. University of Mildred Bornsteadt (O.E. Soderberg), Kenmare, Frances Marks North Dakota, Nurses Training, retired, 1 child, 3 North Dakota and 235 East Edgewood Place, San grandchildren. Antonio, Texas 78209" Minot Teachers College, W.R. Martin, deceased. University of Oregon, 3 children, 7 grandchildren. Bessie Ormiston (Francis Bitney), 232 3rd Alice Audette Avenue West, Kalispell, Montana. Minot Teachers College, 3 children, 13 grandchildren. Josie Miller (Herman Hermansen), Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Minot Teachers College, 2 Miriam Gunter, 308 Beamer Street, Woodland, children, 6 grandchildren. California 95695. B.S. in School Supervision and 1924 Masters of Arts, University of Iowa. "We Cross the Harbor, The Ocean Yet to Come"

Freda Jordy (Curtis Willyard), Bowbells, North Joe Akers Gladys Dilworth (Paul Walker), Kenmare, North Dakota. Minot Business College, retired, 2 Dakota 58746. children, 2 grandchildren. Willis Bair, deceased. Henry Hendrickson (Agnes Maanum), 1342 Ruth Kopriva, deceased. Helen Bogus, deceased. Broadway, Fargo. North Dakota 58102. Two years college, retired, 2 children, 4 grandchild­ Ruth Little Fred Heckel, deceased. ren. Alice Kirkelie (Richard Cariveau), 537 11 th Street Lillian Norlin (Nicolson), 11 South 20th Avenue Rose Lund Northwest, East Grand Forks, Minnesota 56721. East, Duluth, Minnesota 55812. 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Ebenhardt Neve, deceased. Virgil Schultz, deceased Pearle Lindbald (Stephen Feldmann), 1700 Robin Palmer Nelson, deceased. Lane, Garland, Texas 75042. Rubican Business Betilda Uglum (Ernest Anderson), Bowbells. College, Washington University, St. Louis and Ernest Neve, deceased. North Dakota. 2 years at Minot State, 2 children, Southern Methodist University. 6 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild. * Burke Bair, deceased. ** Lillian Anderson (Orville Swenson) Kenmare. Jens Peterson, Bowbells, North Dakota, Retired. Leonard Sorensen North Dakota 58746. Minot State College. 4 children, 8 grandchildren. 1925 "It's Not Evening, But Dawn"

Ernest Anderson (Betilda Uglum), Bowbells. Carl Blomgren Cecile Bryan (Arthur Linskey), 1995 Regina, North Dakota. Retired. 2 children, 6 grand­ Eugene, Oregon 97402. Minot State College. 2 children, 1 greatgrandchild. Evelyn Dignan, deceased. children, 5 grandchildren. " 62 * Ruth Durward (Gunther Harms), Bowbells, Irene Gerolamy Betsy Grubb (Hardin Stenger). 12119 155th North Dakota. 1 child, 4 grandchildren. Avenue Northeast, Arlington, Texas 98223. Minot Bella Elven, deceased. State College, 5 children, 22 grandchildren.

** Dorothy Heckel (L.B. Curtis), Route 3, Edna Miller Owenton, Kentucky 40359. University of North Marlowe Elven, deceased (Victor Horner), 2482 7th Street, Livermore, California 94550, IBC of Fargo, North Dakota, University of Chicago, 1 child. Doris Jensen, deceased Dakota. Cora Johnson (Philip E. Fender), Hyattville, Wyoming 82428. B.S. Minot State College, Grad Jesse Schultz, deceased. Arthur Willyard (Masel L. Mclntee), 528 North work University of Wyoming, 4 children, 10 Pines Road, Spokane, Washington 99206. grandchildren. Marie Speer, deceased. Retired, 2 children, 3 grandchildren. Mary Sloan (Donald R. Osborne), Wimbledon. John Lindblad (Mae C. Allen), 3946 Lost Creek North Dakota 58492. Retired, 5 children, 15 Drive, Dallas, Texas 75224. Minot Teachers grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren. College, Southern Methodist University of Dallas, Navy 1942-1945. Esther H. Nelson (John Zaharee), Max, North Dakota 58759. College graduate, 1 child, 2 Katy Jordy, Bowbells, North Dakota. grandchildren. 1926 "Out of the Harbor, Into the Deep"

Agnes Albertson, Lignite, North Dakota 58752. Paul Christenson Sadie Grubb (Charles Manley), 426 Jefferson Burnham's School of Beauty Culture and Street, Portage, Wisconsin 53901. 3 children, 7 College of Swedish Massage. Kathryn Dlgnan grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren.

Willis Coons (Evelyn Collins), 425 Sycamore Stanley Donovan Ethel Lodmell (J.D. Barnes), Box 309, Creston. Street, San Carlos, California 94070. BA degree, British Columbia, Canada. University of North retired, Army 1943-1945, 2 children, 2 grand­ Alice Enderson Dakota. University of British Columbia. 2 children. children, 3 grandchildren. William Hilts, deceased. Ellen Donovan (Gerald Eagle), 4455 Nova Drive, Adele Migge Ruby Owings (Glendon Bryan), Bowbells, North Santa Cruz, California 95062. Minneapolis Dakota. Minot State College, 2 children, 4 Business College, 2 children, 11 grandchildren. Carrie Nelson grandchildren, 1 great grandchild. * Lilith Stantorf, Box 197, Powers Lake, North Olga Erickson Gordon Hanson (Ester Garness), 2908 Tuten Dakota. BS Minot State College, College, Dillon, Drive, Yakima, Washington 98902. Jamestown Mt. retired. Irene Schudar College, University of Minnesota Law School. Lawyer, 3 children, 5 grandchildren. Ella Swenson (Hjelmer Sederberg), 2520 22nd Iva Larson Avenue Northeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota Percy Schultz, deceased. 55418. Minot State College, retired, 2 children, 1 Lenier Lodmell grandchild. Fritz Spiese, deceased. Del Nehring, deceased. Walter Owings (Bernice Borsheim), Lignite, Ruby Stantorf (Elden Kimmel). 13835 Dornfield. North Dakota. Farmer, Army, Air Force 1942- Christine Neve, deceased. PL., Sylmar, California 91342. Retired. 10 1945, 5 children, 3 grandchildren. children, 32 grandchildren, 17 great grand­ Walter Norlin children. ** Leander Quanbeck (Anne Collin), Aneta, North Dakota 58212. BA Augsburg College, Madeline Peterson, deceased Mabel Wilson (Troy D. Brown), 28271 Westover retired, 3 children, 1 grandchild. Way, Sun City, California 92381.

1927 "The Door to Success is Labeled Push"

Alfred Chattelberg, 609 Southeast Taylor, Walter Dlgnan, deceased. Bernadine Little (Roy Peterson), Turnwater, Portland, Oregon 97214. Business College, Washington. Minot State College, 4 children, 11 Salesman. Clarence Mertes grandchildren.

"Clara Quanbeck (Ralph Thompson), 5801 John Norgaard, deceased. Thomas A. (Alfred) Dlgnan (Laura Daetzel), 912 Evergreen Highway, Vancouver, Washington Valley Street, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Minot 98661. BS University of Oregon, retired, 3 Norman Peterson, deceased. State Teachers College, retired, 6 children. 12 children, 4 grandchildren. grandchildren. Hazel Sloan, deceased. Kathryn McDonnell, 707 Broadway, Fargo, North O.J. Fisher, 7252 Camino Valle Verde. Tucson. Dakota 58102. Teachers College Minot and 'Robert Wiper, deceased. Arizona 85715. 3 children. 6 grandchildren. Valley City, retired. Edna Nelson Leroy Peterson (Tena Relter), 125 Diamond Drive, Pasco, Washington 99301. Walla Walla Business Luella Siemers, deceased. Wllbert Schultz, deceased. College, retired, 2 children, 1 grandchild. Julius Steften 1928 "Not Learned, but Learning" Buhla Anderson (Walter Grabow), 3920 Ibex Street, Northeast, Salem, Oregon 97303. Alvin Hendrickson, deceased. Evelyn Hansen, 1301 Delaware Avenue Interstate Business College, Fargo, North •Ernest Lodmell Southwest, Apartment N104, Washington, D.C. Dakota retired, 2 children, 5 grandchildren. Graduate University of North Dakota, retired Jack Bryan, deceased. Bernice Buzzell (William Hilts), 1588 Smith Emma Dilworth (Ed Siemers), BowbeTls, North Street, Pomona, California 91766. Minot State Dakota 58721. Business College, 3 children, 11 College, retired, 1 child, 2 grandchildren. 63 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren. Eugene Kopriva (Delores Schweyen), Route 3, St. Jennie Hanson Eugene Rohe (Bernice Lindsay), Bowbells, North Maries, Idaho. Minot State College, University of Dakota 58721. Moody Bible Institute, Seattle Montana, University of Berkeley, Humboldt State Pacific College, Whealon College, National Chester Stewart College, Highlands University of New Mexico, Guard 1925-1928, retired, 7 children, 13 retired, Navy 1942-1945. 5 children, 9 grand­ Mildred Summers, deceased. grandchildren. children. Anne M. Uglum, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721 Mary Martin (Alfred J. Jensen), 620 1st Street Arnold Stompro, deceased University of North Dakota Grand Forks, Northeast, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Oakers Columbia University, New York. Business College, Grand Forks, 5 children 13 Myrtle Swenson, deceased. grandchildren. Amy Norberg (D.D. McChesney), Route 1, Box "Hazel Wilson 178, Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. University of North Helena Mohr (Frank Marsicek), 2317 South 49th Dakota, 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Business College, Minot State College, retired 3 children, 5 Orlin E. Quanbeck, Bowbells. North Dakota grandchildren. 58721. Farmer.

Bruce Ormiston (Helen Holm), Bowbells, North Ottilia Schultz (Al Brevik), 1417 Crabtree Lane. Dakota 58721. Farmer, 2 children, 4 grand­ Portrichey, Florida 33568. Business College, 1 children, 6 great grandchildren. 1929 child, 1 grandchild. "Tonight We Launch, Where Shall We Anchor?" Clarence Albertson (Blanche Dollaire), Kenmare, Inez Donovan "Vivian Grubb (Elsworth Kirkelie), 906 Noil' North Dakota 58746. Retired. Sabina, Anaheim, California 92805. Minot Stat*' John Emerson College, 4 children, 3 grandchildren, Helen Burau (John L. Wagner), 1317 North 12th Howard Elliot, deceased. Street, Bismarck, North Dakota. Business Rodney F. Hansen (Erma Morris), 308 North D Course, Minot State College, retired. Fred Hilts, deceased. Street, Toppenish, Washington 98948. NDSU, retired, 1 child, 2 grandchildren. Lucille Fox (John Bryant), 2135 North Center Edward Heth, deceased. Street, Space 23, Mesa, Arizona 85201. Chicago Carl Migge Reuben Anderson (Edna Martin), Route 4, Box School of Hair Dressers, Fargo, retired, 3 268, The Dallas, Oregon 97058. Retired, 2 children, 11 grandchildren. Othilia Nelson children, 11 grandchildren, 8 great grand­ children. Lillian Norberg (Brice Ray), 481 Twin View Blvd., Hazel Schultz Redding, California 96003. Valley City State Helen Bystedt, 4725 15th Avenue Northeast, Teachers College, 1 child. Lyle Wineman Apartment 28, Seattle, Washington 98105.

Forest Hoenhous (Phyllis Bodeen), 9212 Edith Hermanson, deceased Hulda Jordy, Bowbells, North Dakota. Licensed Northeast 178th, Bothell, Washington 98011. abstractor with Burke Abstract Company. Retired carpenter, 2 children, 9 grandchildren. "Lenore Mohr, deceased Roland Peterson t Geneva Neve (Johnson), 300 16th Avenue Pearl Schultz, deceased Southwest Leigh Apartment No. 4, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Retired bookkeeper, 1 child, 6 Harold Stompro, deceased. grandchildren.

1930 "Not the Sunset, But the Dawn' Ellen Albertson (Dorsey Pence), 527 22nd Avenue Leo Christiansen Marian Gagnum (Don Rohn), 1028 Penrose, Northwest, Apartment 22, Minot, North Dakota Walla Walla, Washington 99362. Minot State 58701. Retired. Rolland Elliott Teachers College, IBC College of Fargo, 1 child, 2 grandchildren. Bernice Hansen (Paul Brownfield), 2401 West Noble Hansen Southern, Box 261, Tempe, Arizona 85282. Leatha Ridenour (Robert Peterson), 117 South Ann Marie Johnson 5th, Warren, Minnesota 56762. B.A. Concordia Esther Jessen (John Graf), 505 North 29th Street, College, 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Quincy, Illinois. 3 children, 8 grandchildren, 5 Ellen Blomgren, deceased greatgrandchildren. Victor Siemers Pearl Christiansen Kathyrn Johnson Eleanore Martin, deceased. Luella Englehard Marjorie E. Johnson (Phil Kippel), 431 Santa Lawrence Mertes (Evelyn Rlngwall), Bowbells, Clara Circle, Hemet, California 92343. Minot Josephine Menges North Dakota 58721. Implement dealer and State College, 2 children. farmer, 3 children, 10 grandchildren. Alden Nehring, deceased. J. Kenneth Wineman (Tudy Stroops), 533 Slgrld Nelson Southwest 317 Place, Federalway, Washington Calvin Olson, deceased. 98003. 2 children, 6 grandchildren. "Marjorie Peterson (Hilton Schuster), Box 391, Genevieve Ross, deceased. 'Helen Wilson, deceased. Dodge Center, Minnesota 55927. Minot State College, 6 children, 20 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren. 1931 "Today We Follow, Tomorrow We Lead

"Doris Bell (Harold Lyle), 127 Waverly Avenue, Mervin Clough, deceased. Alice Melby (Elvin Peterson), 4129 Park Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45405. Concordia College, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407. 2 years college, 2 Business College, 3 children, 5 grandchildren. Lucille Fisher children, 9 grandchildren. 64 Magdalena Jordy, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721 Galen Nehring, deceased. Gladys Jacobson (Edward Schanke), 1026 Sterling Street, Neenah, Wisconsin 54956. 3 Irene Drew children, 5 grandchildren. Harold Burau (Claire Watterud), Larson, North Dakota 58751. Retired farmer, 2 children. Norman Magadanz LaVerne Merles (Marian Orr), Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Retired farmer, 5 children, 9 Alice Peterson (Alvin Hass), Bowbells, North Mary Norgaard grandchildren. Dakota 58721. 2 children. 3 grandchildren. Roy Norgaard, deceased. Marian Simonson (Mervin Clough), 1100 11 'Ann Stromstad (Martin Heide), 2124 East Avenue Northwest, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Dakota Parkway, Williston, North Dakota 58801. Evelyn Rystedt University of Wisconsin, University of Chicago, Graduate Moody Bible Institute, and Bethel retired 4 children, 12 grandchildren, 4 great Bible Series, 6 children, 14 grandchildren. Dorothy Olson, deceased. grandchildren.

Mary Uglum (McCutcheon) Bowbells, North Florence Radenz, deceased. Dakota 58721. Graduate Trinity Hospital School of Nursing, Minot. 1932 "Out of School's Life, Into Life's School"

Edith Albertson (Martin C. Benson), 6759 North "Eileen Donovan Leona Fisher (Harold Tollefson). 7725 Charles Ozanam Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60631. 2 Street, Omaka, Nebraska College of St. children. Ruby Herseth, deceased Scholastia, 5 children, 8 grandchildren. Olaf Berget (Pearl Stompro), Box 194, Watford Eileen Gullickson (Gerald Grandall). Lignite. Erna Martin, deceased. City, North Dakota 58854. Minot State College, North Dakota 58752. 3 children. College of Idaho, County Superintendent of Arthur Jensen Schools, 2 children, 6 grandchildren. Mildred Johnson (Galen Nehring), Bowbells. North Dakota 58721. 2 children, 3 grandchildren. Frank Buzzell (Elsabelle Couttenden), 309 Genevieve Kopriva, deceased. Cowlitz View Drive, Castle Rock, Washington Elizabeth Martin, deceased. Wallace Burau (Linda Feine), Columbus, North 98611. Retired, Army 1941-1945. Dakota 58727 Farmer, grain and cattle. 4 children, 6 grandchildren. Duane Nehring, deceased. Erling Berget (M. Marie Stockland) Bowbells, North Dakota. Minot State College, North Dakota Beulah Toby Stella Christenson (Fritz Spiece), 13608-C. 98th State University. U.S. Marine Corps 1943-46. Avenue, Sun City. Arizona 85351. Retired. 2 Electrical Engineer. 5 children, 5 grandchildren. children. 5 grandchildren

Enid Walters (Ivan A. Cranston), 15060 East Luella Finley (Clark Cranston). 3009 Blackwell Cerecita Drive, Whittier, California 90604. Minot Drive. Vista. California 92083. Minot State State College, Sales Secretary, 2 children, 3 College. San Diego State University, retired grandchildren. teacher,

Jeanne Wood (Melvin Mather), Bowbells, North Cordelia Grubb (Don D'Onolrio), 158 Northwood. Dakota 58721. Green Thumb worker, 1 child, 5 Rochester. Michigan 48063. Business college, grandchildren. retired, 1 child. 4 grandchildren

Albert Norberg (Norma Young), 8001 East Elsie Gullickson (Fred Hagen). 620 4th Avenue Broadway Box 300, Mesa, Arizona 85208. East. Williston. North Dakota 58801. 2 children. 4 University of North Dakota, University of grandchildren. Minnesota, George Washington U.D.C., retired, U.S. Air Force 1941-1965, 2 children, 1 'Don Westrum (Marcella Mertes). 739 Casita grandchild. Way, Los Altos, California 94022, University of North Dakota, retired. Army 1936-1975. 3 children, 2 grandchildren. Martha Neve (Chris Jessen), Kenmare, North Dakota 58746.4 children, 9 grandchildren. Helen Siemers (A.C. Durick), Columbus. North Dakota 58727. 6 children, 9 grandchildren 1933 Harold Westrum (Dora Raumussen), 1467 Petal "Rowing, Not Drifting" Way, San Jose, California 95129. 2 years University of North Dakota, retired, Air Force Harvey Borgen, deceased. Helen Butgereit (Julius Stellen). Bowbells. North 1942-1945, 3 children, 2 grandchildren. Dakota 58721 Thelma Coons, deceased. "Evelyn Quanbeck, Bowbells, North Dakota Ethel Immerfall (George Drollet), 600 Yellow 58721 Leo Spooner stone, Vacaville, California 95688. Calvin Sink (Anna Mae Hansen), 2122 South 49 'Mary McDonnell (Hierath). East 3009 53rd. Jl. Erna Briggs Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68106. National Gas Spokane, Washington 99203 Serviceman, Air Force 1942-1945 2 children. Margaret Doyle, deceased. Marcella Mertes (Donald Westrum), 739 Casita Ben Toby, 947-3an S, Columbia, Montana. Barber Way, Los Altos, California 94022 College of St Ruby Landis, deceased. School, Barber, Navy 1943-1945 3 children, 7 Scholastica, 3 children, 2 grandchildren grandchildren. Leila Manges Jean Simonson (Howard Saterlie). 710 16 Street Walter Wllks (Mary Mason), Wagner Montana Northwest, Minot, North Dakota 58701 Minot Clara Neve, deceased. 59543. Disabled. Army 1942-1945, 5 children, 9 State College, retired teacher. 2 children. 1 grandchildren. grandchild.

65 1934 'Love, Labor and Laugh' Gladys Anderson (Harold McAlister), 957 West Clifford Butgereit (Maryjean Staib), Bowbells Regis, Stayton, Oregon. 4 children, 7 William Fagen, deceased North Dakota 58721. Farmer, 2 children, 3 grandchildren. grandchildren. "Phoebe Howe J. Dominic Buzzell (Doris Larson), Bowbells, Rosamond L. Grabow (Evelyn Hobler), Willow North Dakota 58721. Register of Deeds & County Hazel Miller River, Minnesota. Human Service Tech. Army Judge, Navy 1944-1946. 2 children, 2 grand­ 1941-1945, 4 step-children, 11 step-grand Harriet Peterson children. children. Vera Drew (James Eckert), Stanley, North Lucille Willyard Dakota 58784. 3 children, 10 grandchildren. Alice Knutson (Aimer Dixon), Northgate, North John Doyle Dakota. Concordia College. Florence Sloan (Robert Benson), 1461 West 4th Mabel Berget (Fred Glaspey), 2738 South 3rd Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97402. 4 children, 5 'llene Mary Johnson West, Missoula, Montana, Minot State College, 4 grandchildren. Gladys Wilson children, 9 grandchildren. Vida Walter (Donald Hanson), 9727 48th Avenue Vern Drew (Gerda Woodside), Noonan, North Northeast, Seattle, Washington. Minot State Dakota 58765. Retired Burlington Northern College, University of Washington. 3 children, 5 employee. grandchildren. Fred Glaspey (Mabel Berget), 2738 South 3rd Melvin Hanson (Velma Marsh), 2512 2nd Avenue West, Missoula, Montana 59801. Retired, Army Southwest, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Cenex 1942-1945 4 children, 9 grandchildren. Dist. Marketing Supervisor, Army 1941-1945. 2 children. Claire Simonson (Kary Bartz), 14478 Sobey Road, Irene Melby (Robert Haines), 1721 La Playa Way, Saratoga, California 95070. College, BA, 1 child. Sacramento, California 95825. 1 year college, 1 child. Verna Walter (Clarence Johnson), 36768 Barcus Ct., South, Coorsegold, California 93614. Minot Anna A. Norgaard (Ralph Engelhard), 1844 West State College, University of Minnesota, school Los Polmos, Orange, California 92668. Minot nurse, retired. 4 children, 4 grandchilren. State College, 4 children, 4 grandchildren. 1935 'Build for Character, Not for Fame"

Dorothy Gagnum (Adolph Harms), Kenmare, Robert Bogus Neal A. McClure (Luella G.) 1815 Hanaford, North Dakota 58746. Beauty School, 2 children, 2 Bismarck, North Dakota. North Dakota State grandchildren. Robert Donavan University, Navy 1942-1945, Army 1950-1952. North Dakota Rural Water Association, 2 children, 2 grandchildren. Marcia Hansen (Russell Lenhart), 2415 Taylor Anund Knutson Street, Eugene, Oregon 97405. Retired. Robert Mahoney, deceased. Raymond Olson (Esther Wishart) 7798 20th Edith Swenson (Richard McClure), Portal, North Avenue, Sacramento, California 95820. UCLA. Dental Technician, Army and Air Force 1941- Dakota. Chicago Hairdressing Academy, Fargo. Margaret Shoff Retired. 1946,1 child, 2 grandchildren. Dorothy Engelhard Alan Glaspey (Helen V. Kohn), 3620 1st Avenue 'Mathilda Wilkes (Leonard Patterson), 136 North North, Great Falls, Montana 59401. Farragut Star Trailer Court, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Olive Ihmels College, Army 1945-1946, Retired. 3 children. Business College, Minot State College. 4 children, 6 grandchildren. Melvin Koch "Violet Markes (Foster Song), 201 South Greenfield Road Space No. 361, Mesa, Arizona Vincent Wilkes (Thelma Kalvig), 850 West Etruria Agnes Nelson, deceased. Street, Seattle, Washington. 85206. Rusmussen Business College, Retired. 1 child, 8 grandchildren. Walter Toby Gordon L. Burau (Idella Running), Larson, North Doris Remington (Kenneth Cohoon), 1416 Dakota 58751. Army 1941-1945, 4 children, 2 Raymond Wilkes grandchildren. Normandy Terrace, Corona, California Registered Nurse, Army Nurse Corps 1943-1945. Irene Johnson 2 children, 5 grandchildren. Dorothy Smith (John H. Potee), 7533 Oakdale Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46324. Business 1936 College. 'No Victory Without Labor" "William Freeman (Lucille McCarthy), 715 Ski David Anderson (Marion Johnson), 1309 7th Norman Hanson Bowl Drive, Mt. Shasta, California. BS Minot Avenue, Northwest, Minot, North Dakota 58701. State College, MA University of North Dakota, Assistant Manager Scheels, Air Force 1942-1946. Raymond Stenson Air Force 1942-1945. Retired. 6 children, 12 3 children. grandchildren. Robert Westrum Leone Carlson (Roelf Aufforth), Bowbells, North Bernice Grytness (John T. Lask), 1023 Park Dakota 58721. 6 children, 13 grandchildren. Margaret Drew Place, Western Springs, Illinois 60558 Minot State College, St. Mary's School of Nursing, Arlene Elstad (Donald Ayers), 1034 Burton Street, Erna Grabow, deceased. Rochester, Minnesota. 2 children, 2 grand­ Sheridan, Wyoming 82801. Business College. children. 'Julia Hanson 66 Noreen Herseth (Norman Jessen), 1231 4th Hartley Walter Melvin Berg (Elaine J. Montague), 725 South 12 Avenue East, Williston, North Dakota 58801. 2 Street, Lot 233, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501. children, 2 grandchildren. BS North Dakota State University, Fargo, C.L.U. and Law Degree, Retired, FmHA Bismarck, Army Evelyn Jasperson (John Walleen), 1225 West 8th 1942-1946. 2 children. No. 38, Corona, California 91720. 4 children, 3 grandchildren. James A. Doyle (Doris Anderson), North 5626 Greenwood Blvd., Spokane, Washington 99208, Lucille Johnson University of Minnesota, Mechanical Engineer, Air Force 1942-1945. 3 children, 2 grandchildren. Ethel Mahoney (Ted Borgen), 142 Charlotte Avenue, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Business Lloyd Homiston (Esther Bryant), Bowbells, North School, Los Angeles Beauty College, Dakota 58721. City Maintenance. 2 children. 2 grandchildren. Beautician.

Raymond Pedersen, Bowbells, North Dakota. Arthur Johnson (Betty Ann Wickman), 643 State William Hood Dunwoodie Ind. Institute, Retired. Highway 603, Chehalis, Washington 98532. Air Force 1942-1945. North Dakota State School of Science, Air Corps 1942-1945. Retired. 4 children. Norman Toby (Marvel J. Hamann), 3030 North 6th Street, Wausau, Wisconsin 54401. Retired, Navy Doris Larson (J. Dominic Buzzell). Bowbells. 1939-1945.1 child, 1 grandchild. North Dakota 58721. 2 children, 2 grandchildren.

Irene Wilkes (Roy Burchlll), 462 5th Avenue Richard McClure (Edith Swenson), Portal. North Northeast, Valley City, North Dakota. BS Valley Dakota. Retired, Air Force 1943-1946. City Teachers College, teacher. 3 children, 3 1937 grandchildren. 'Before Us Lies the Timber, Let us Build" Irene Carlson (Garth Hickman), 1703 1st Avenue Gordon Anderson, deceased. Dorothy Watkins (Russell Schroeder), 1212 8th East, Williston, North Dakota 58801.1 child. Street, Langdon, North Dakota. Minot State Kenneth Stenrude, deceased. College, University of North Dakota. 7 chi!dren. 7 'Gladys Coons (John Meade), 742 West Orange grandchildren. Avenue, South San Francisco, California 94080. Myrtle Souther Kahler School of Nursing, Rochester, "Susan Walter (Ken Mclntyre), Hardwood, Minnesota, R.N. 1 child, 1 grandchild. Florence Johnson North Dakota 58042. Jamestown College. 8 children, 19 grandchildren. Ruth Glaspey (Ralph Jenkins), 1635 Covina Blvd. Virginia Coons No. 65, San Dimas, California 91773. Kahler Carmen Borgen (Ruby MacLean), 4801 Cameron School of Nursing, Rochester, Minnesota, Marion Shotf Ranch Drive, Sacramento, California 95841. BS Registered Nurse. 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Billings Polytechnic Intermountain. MBA University of Oregon, College Instructor. Army Violet Mertes (Walter Zorn), 600 11 Street 1942-1944. 4 children, 2 grandchildren Northwest, Minot, North Dakota 58701. St. Joseph School of Nursing, Nurse. 3 children, 9 Charles Hoenhous (Maybelle Berteig), 10517 132 grandchildren. East Puyallup, Washington 98371. North Dakota School of Forestry, Manager of Lumber Alf Sagness (Arlene Nelson), Bowbells, North Company, Army Engineers 1943-1945. 3 children. Dakota 58721. Farmer, Army 1942-1945. 3 7 grandchildren. children, 2 grandchildren. Thelma Knutson (Ray Cambon), 1011 West Raymond Siemers (Maxine Gorman), Bowbells, Marbury Street, West Covina. California 91970 North Dakota 58721. Farmer, Air Force 1941- Jr. College, Real Estate Associate. 6 children. 5 1946. 3 children, 4 grandchildren. grandchildren.

Lauretta Neve (Ralph Walker), Swea City, Iowa 50590. Summer school, newspaper. 3 children, 2 grandchildren. 1938 'Today Decided Tomorrow' Marie Albertson (Clifford Eggen), Lignite, North Guy Kopriva, 1902 South Union Avenue No. 41. Tacoma, Washington 98405. University of Dakota 58752. Corres. Course, clerk. 4 children, 8 Ethel Swenson grandchildren. Montana, Purchasing Agent, Navy 1942-1946,

Helen Doeley (Edward Robeck), 5404 Northeast Edith Briggs Lorraine McClure (Phil Kelly), Bowbells, North 121st Avenue No. 43, Vancouver, Washington Dakota 58721. 5 children, 9 grandchildren. 98662. Minot State College, Trinity Hospital. 3 Mary Doyle children, 4 grandchildren. Dorothy Pedersen (Arthur Johnson), Bowbells, Lorraine Hansen John Elstad (Florence Carlson), 322 3rd Avenue North Dakota 58721. 1 child, 2 grandchildren. Southwest, Jamestown, North Dakota 58401. 'Francis McCardle Carmen Westrum (Homer Nelligan), 409 Denton Post Office clerk, Army 1942-1946. 5 children. Way, Santa Rosa, California 95401. Business Lloyd (Pompy) Johnson (Muriel Peterson), June Shoff college. 3 children. Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Owner Johnson Oil Company, Army 1942-1945. 3 children, 4 Floyd (Smiley) Johnson (Jonette Anderson). grandchildren. Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Owner Smiley's Jack & Jill. 2 children, 5 grandchildren, Charles Simonson (Jeannette Dunn), 1516 11th Avenue Northwest, Minot, North Dakota 58701. "Harold Magedanz (Ruth Stephens), Bowbells. B.S and M.A. Education, Elementary Principal. North Dakota 58721. Concordia College, Army 1942-1945. 9 children, 2 grandchildren. Westmar College, farming and farm insurance. 67 1939 "Today We Launch, Where Shall We Anchor?'

Jonette Anderson (Floyd Johnson). Bowbells Fern Blomgren, deceased. Douglas Drew (Roberta Elstad), Box 320, Hemet. North Dakota 58721. Christies Beauty School. 2 California 92343. Minot State College, Retired. children, 5 grandchildren. Raymond Bogus Army 1941-1945. 3 children, 4 grandchildren.

Pearl Martinson (LeRoy E. Nelson), Route 2. Donald Bogus, deceased. Maybelle Berteig (Charles Hoenhous), 10517 Kenmare, North Dakota 58746. Christies Beauty East 132nd Street, Puyallup, Washington 98371. School, Bismarck. 4 children, 8 grandchildren. Opal Christianson Minot State College, Secretary and Bookkeeper 3 children, 7 grandchildren. Lawrence Simonson (Betty J. Olson), 309 6th Leander Engelhard Avenue Southeast, Cut Bank, Montana 59427. Eva Herseth (Wayne Jessen), Powers Lake, B.A. in Business Administration and M.A. in Generva Frank, deceased. North Dakota. 3 children, 2 grandchildren. Music, banking. Infantry 1942-1946. 6 children, 10 Dana Lund grandchildren. "Viana Knutson (William Sobelman), 3123 Dona Elena Place, Studio City. California 91604, Helen Johnson "Margaret (Polly) Gorman, (Donald Reinarts), Minnesota Business College, Real Estate Rural Route 5, Box 43, Minot, North Dakota School, Office Manager. 1 child. 58701. Minot State College. Business College. 4 Magnus Martinson children, 8 grandchildren. Lucille Larson (Raymond Frederickson), 8726 16th Northwest, Seattle. Washington. Dorothy Rohe (Lyle W. Anderson), 492 Community College. 2 children, 2 step-children, Windmeadus, Alsomonts Springs, Florida 32701. 5 step-grandchildren. Bottineau School of Forestry, Minot State College, Secretarial work. 3 children, 4 Bert Wilson (Beatrice Aune). 1619 4th Avenue grandchildren. East, Williston, North Dakota. BS in Commerce University of North Dakota, LLB from University of North Dakota and JD, Judge, Navy 1943-1946. 5 children. 4 grandchildren. 1940 "TheHigherWeClimb, The Broader the View" "Eveline Berteig Lowell Rohe (John Stenrude) 611 9th Street Robert Elstad (Dorothy Cron) Bowbells, North Northwest, Minot, North Dakota. Banking and Dakota. Army 1943-46, Office manager-Mertes Brlce Horton insurance schools, retired from Union Insurance Implement, 4 children. Agency of Minot, North Dakota. Elizabeth Johnson Jerome Johnson (Stella Farquhar) 6109 Russell Ruppert (Marian A. Mollerud) 1642 7th Jerald Johnson, deceased. Woodland Place, Seattle, Washington. Street North, Fargo, North Dakota. North Dakota Mac hi nest, 6 children, 8 grandchildren. State University, State, School of Science, Army School at Cambridge, Mass., Army 1943-46, Esther Kelly Mary C. Kopriva (Russell Mclntyre) Bowbells. Engineer-Northwest Bell Telephone, 1 son, 1 North Dakota. Knapps Business College, Leila Mclntyre grandchild. Tacoma, WN.. antique shop, 3 children, 5 grandchildren. Harry Siemers (Maxine Walleen) Bowbells, North Erma Sigman Dakota. Diesel School-Ames, Iowa and Donald Olson (Edith Peterson) 2302 North 9'/2 Advanced Diesel-Richmond, VA, U.S. Navy 1943- Street, Fargo, North Dakota. 1 year North Dakota 46, farmer, 3 children, 1 grandchild. State University, retired mail carrier, Army 1941- 1945,1 son. 'Mildred Walleen (Jack Hendricks) 14164 Viburnum Drive, Whittier, California. Secretary, 4 children, 4 grandchildren. Muriel Peterson (Lloyd (Pompy) Johnson) Bowbells, North Dakota. 2 year standard, Minot State College, 3 children, 4 grandchildren. Ardis Walter (Carol Sherwood) 204 Forest, Lisbon, North Dakota. 3 years Minot State College, retired teacher, 3 children, 4 grandchildren. 1941 " In Ourselves Our Future Lies' Wayne Bodeen (Lucille Everson) 17018 14th Irene Bogus Maxine Gorman (Ray Siemers) Bowbells, North Avenue Northeast, Seattle, Washington. Quality Dakota. Minot Business College 3 children, 4 Control Planner. 3 children, 5 grandchildren. Eleanore Carlson grandchildren.

Solveig Olson, (Robert Ostrakl) 5398 Andrew Dorothy Doyle Warren Hansen (Shirley Koch) Rolla, North Drive, LaPalma, California 90623. Minot State Dakota. Army 1942-45, Semi-retired, part time Teachers College and Trinity School of Nursing, 'Maynard Johnson post office, 2 children, 2 grandchildren. Minot, North Dakota, registered nurse, 4 children, 4 grandchildren. Beulah Nelson, deceased. Elda Johnson (Raymond Mattson) 1221 Villa Road, Newberg, Oregon. Business College at Edith Peterson (Don Olson) 2302 North 9Va Shirley Wood Fargo, North Dakota, 3 children, 9 grandchildren. Street, Fargo, North Dakota. 3'/2 years college, retired teacher and receptionist, 1 child. "Marlene Martin (James Teman) 16404 Maplewild Avenue Southwest, Seattle, Beryl Wilson (Fred Molzhon) 744 Sunnywood Washington. Minot State College, Seattle Road, Newport News, Virginia. 2 years Valley Pacific College, teacher, 3 children, 6 City, summerschool Iowa Westeyar College, 1 grandchildren. year at Western Illinois University, 4 children, 4 grandsons. Pauline Wilkes (Wm. Zinnlnger) Foxholm, North Dakota. Business College 1 year. 68 1942 'Upward and Onward" Floyd Bryan, (Delores Geiger) Bowbells, North Dakota. Farmer, 2 children, 1 grandchild. Arnold Funk (Leona Kling) Bowbells, North Myrtle Auckerman Dakota. Army 1951-53, Farmer. 10 children, 3 Arlene Clark (Vernon Register) Sawyer. North "Doris Mae Freeman grandchildren. Dakota. North Dakota State University Bottineau Branch. Ward County Register of Deeds, 3 Mary Weber Eleanor Funk (Vern Olson) Bowbells, North children. 3 grandchildren. Dakota. Dakota Business College at Fargo, 5 LaVern Koch, deceased, children, 7 grandchildren. Elsie Coons (Rudolph Jensen) 506 North 37th Street, Yakima, Washington. Cook-Yakima 'Kathleen Martin James Glenn (Clarice Hibbard) 3216 Perry School Food Service, 4 children, 1 grandchild. Avenue, Bremerton, Washington. Army 1943-46. Leo Peterson retired, 2 sons. Don Dolan 1440 North 54th, Pheonix, Arizona. Army 1943-45. 3 children. Maxine Renner Carol Grendahl (Elton Peterson) Bowbells. North Dakota, Soil Conservation District clerk. 3 Seneva Knutson (Marvin Berry) 908 Jamaica Kenneth Speer children, 4 grandchildren. Way, Bakersfield, California. John Robert Powers Modeling, Real Estate School, real Lucille Everson (Wayne Bodeen) 17018 14th estate broker, owns MYTI-GOOD Realty, 2 Avenue Northeast. Seattle. Washington children. Accounting Bookkeeper, 3 children. 5 grand­ children, Georgianna Mclntyre (Norman Danielson) 3131 Samoa Place, Costa Mesa, California. 3 children, George Hilts (Flora Koch) Cando, North Dakota 1 grandchild. Navy 1943-46. Medical degree State University of Iowa, physician and surgeon. 15 children. 9 Kenneth Walleen (Alice Beck) P.O. Box 266, grandchildren Riverdale, California. Army 1945-46, Operator at Beacon Refinery, Hanford, California, 3 children, Betty Simonson (Kenton Bischke) 2012 Ida Mae 5 grandchildren. 1943 Court. Minot. North Dakota. Minot State Col'ege, "Not on the Heights, 3 children. 3 grandchildren But Climbing"

Beatrice Aune (Bert Wilson) 1619 4th Avenue Carlene Auckerman Delores Johnson (Lyle Sundin) Bowbells North East, Williston, North Dakota. 5 children, 4 Dakota, 2 children 2 grandchildren grandchildren. Alvin Everson Leonard Klein (Leota E. Ogier). Bowbells. North Florence Carlson (John Elstad) 322 3rd Avenue Alta Felch Dakota Minot State Teachers College 1 year, Southwest, Jamestown, North Dakota. infantry-engineers 1945-1947. carpenter, farmer, Stenographer and secretary-The Anne Carlsen Carmen Immerfall 5 children, 7 grandchildren School, 5 children. Tilmer Jacobson Elaine Magedanz (Vernon Sundin) 380 Southwest Ellis Elstad 1380 7th Street Northwest No. 19, 132nd. Beaverton. Oregon 1 yeai Minot Slate New Brighton, Minnesota. BS accounting Vernon Erickson, deceased College. 4 children. 6 grandchildren University of North Dakota, Army 1943-46, Accountant, 5 children, 2 grandchildren. Ruby Nelson Warren Olson (Marion Harris) 518 Putnam Street. Turtle Lake. North Dakota North Dakota Slate "Elaine Norlin (Russ Hutchins) 5345 South Leo, Mary Pederson University Fargo. Colorado School of Banking. Seattle, Washington. Banking, 2 children. Boulder. Colorado. Air Force 1943-46. Executive Vice-President Bank of Turtle Lake. North Dakota 6 children. 2 grandchildren Elton Peterson (Carol Grendahl), Bowbells, North Dakota. Retail store. City Auditor, 3 children, 4 grandchildren. Eileen Dodge (John Richter) 415 North 8th Brainerd. Minnesota 4 children. 8 grandchildren

'Delores Rohe Box 23, Potiskum, Nigeria, West Yvonne McClure (Gaylen Pommier) 3125 Africa. Nurses training, Bible School training, Louisians Street. Longview. Washington 98632 Missionary Nurse and teacher. 1944 2 children. 6 grandchildren.

Janet Berg (Wayne Cllngman) Portal, North Margaret Walleen (Victor Hass) Bowbells North Dakota, 5 children, 9 grandchildren. Irene Rae Holt Dakota. 3 children. 6 grandchildren

George Engelhard (Frances Weaver) Route 1, Betty Lou Ryan, deceased Maxine Walleen (Harry Siemers) Bowbells. North Box 16E, Kanasville, Wisconsin. Navy 1945-46, Dakota, 3 children. 1 grandchild. I.C.S., surveyer, 2 children, 1 grandchild. Inez Sigman, deceased Kenneth Westrum 1030 9th Avenue Northwest. 'Mildred Erickson (Leonard Rue) 1200 2nd West Robert Strand Williston. North Dakota Army 1944 46. Hill Drive. Great Falls, Montana. 3 year dipolma carpenter. 3 children RN. Trinity Hospital School of Nursing, Minot, North Dakota. RN night supervisor at Park Place "June Hansen (Paul Arnold) 1016 West Transit Nursing Home, Great Falls, Montana. 6 children, Avenue. St. Paul, Minnesota, BA Concordia 4 grandchildren. College. BA Bethel College. Music instructor, music director and Christian Service Director. 2 Theodore Freeman (Beverly Kristjanson) 1025 children, Westbury Drive, Anchorage. Alaska, Coe College Floyd Nelson (Dolores Polanco) 1333 Prince at Cedar Rapids, IA, NDSF at Bottineau, North Cres Moose Jaw. Sask. BS Minot State. MA Dakota State University at Fargo. BS degree, University of North Colorado. Navy 1945-46. Army Air Corps 1944-46, USDA Soil teacher, 7 children. 2 grandchildren Conservationist. 3 children. 69 Erna Klein (Charles Filipek) 1316 4th Street Betty Olson (Lawrence Simonson) 309 6th Southwest, Minot, North Dakota. Interstate Avenue Southeast, Cut Bank, Montana 59427. Business College at Fargo, Food Promotions Secretary, 6 children, 10 grandchildren. (demonstrate foods), 3 children, 1 grandchild.

Mean Rohe Nurses training, 2 years Bible School Ruby Knutson (Jack Walker) 7531 Westwood 1 year missionary training Drive, Gilroy, California. 3 children. Clara Lindberg (Bertil Swenson) Bowbells, North Dakota. 4 children, 1 grandchild. 1945 "Give the World the Best you Have and the Best Will Come Back to You" Alice Christianson, Kenmare, North Dakota. 'Verna Carlson, deceased Constance Kistler (Leonard Martinson), Cook and cleaning work. Garrison, North Dakota 58540. BS Minot State "Audrey Kirkelie, deceased. College, graduate study, teacher, 2 children. Louise Durward (Alfred Wolkenhauer), Flaxton, North Dakota. Business College 2 years, 2 Russell Mclntyre Flora Koch (George Hilts), 307 Main Street, children, 1 grandchild, Cando, North Dakota 58324. 1 year Washington Marilynn Larson State College, 15 children 9 grandchildren. Edward Erickson (June Henrichs), 1217 1st Avenue East, Williston, North Dakota 58801. BS, LaVern Nehring Regina Koch (Gerald Bryan), Bowbells, North BA, Minot State; army 1945-46, station agent BN Dakota. 1 year University of North Dakota, Ry., 3 children. Betty Redmer farming, 3children,

Dwaine Nelson (Lois Letebvre), 14 Grosvenor Marian Kosebud (Henry Walter), 1141 Northeast Cresc, Saskatoon, Sask., S7J 2S2. BS Minot Springwood, Albany, Oregon. Domestic State College, MA University of Northern engineer, 2 children, 2 grandchildren. Colorado, Army 1945-47, Professor University of Saskatchewan, 6 children. Betty Strand (Hanson) Box 12, Grantsdate, Montana. Checker in grocery store. 5 children, 8 Henry Walter (Marian Kosebud) 1141 Northeast grandchildren. Springwood, Albany, Oregon. DDS, USMC 1945- 1947, dentist, 2 children, 2 grandchildren. David Peterson, Bowbells, North Dakota. Army 1946 1950-1952, farmer. 'In Ourselves Our Future Lies

Dorothy Cron (Robert Elstad) Bowbells, North Beverly Hansen Elsa Hansen (Obert Kallberg) RR 1, Box 50. Dakota. 4 children. Stanley, North Dakota. 2 years Minot State, 5 Patricia O'Rourke children, 2 grandchildren. Gerald D. Bryan (Regina Koch) Bowbells, North Dakota. Army 1951-53, farming. 3 children. 'Harold Osborne Lugene Jacobson (Bernhard Grueneberg) Route 6, Box 264, Brookside, Minot, North Dakota Carl Milas Aufforth (Gwen Gullickson), 2183 58701. Registered Nurse. Margaret Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55119. Army 1947-48, 50-51; assembler Liquipak Int'l. Inc., 5 Gerald Klein (Erma Cook) 928 Lyman Avenue, children 4 grandchildren. Reno, Nevada. Army 1951-53, Nevada Bell supervisor. 5 children, 2 grandchildren. Charles Durward (Gaynelle Voss), 505 5th Street North, Havre, Montana 59501. 1 year Minot State "Wesley Martin (Donna Schryver) 26859 8th Teachers College, Army 1947-48, 50-51; painting Avenue South, Kent, WN 98031. Degree in contractor. 3 children, 6 grandchildren. engineering North Dakota State, Army 1946-48, engineer at Boeing Company. 3 children, 2 Burt Elstad (Kathryn R. McCulloch) 1621 10 grandchildren. Avenue South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. 2 years printing school State School Science, Glenn Ruppert (Jean Anderson) 4531 Phillip Wahpeton; Army 1947-48, printer at Fargo Street, Billings, Montana 59101. Army 1947-48, Forum. 3 children. Key man, Telephone Company. 2 children, 3 grandchildren. Gaynelle Voss (Charles Durward) 505 5th Street North, Havre, Montana 59501. 2 years Minot Helen Engelhard (Ronald I. Geiger) 135 South­ State Teachers College, bookkeeper. 3 children, 1947 west 85th, Portland, Oregon 97225. Business 6 grandchildren. courses, 4 children. "Ambition Has No Rest" Robert L. Clark (June Aune) Glenburn, North Shirley Burke Shirley Koch (Warren Hansen) P.O. Box 192, Dakota 58740. Army 1951-53, rural mail carrier. 5 Rolla, North Dakota 58367. 2 children, 2 grand­ children, 7 grandchildren. Mary Lou Kennedy children. "Salvern Knutson, deceased. Lois Gorman (Aisenbrey) Newburg, North Melrose B. O'Rourke (Mary E. Ruffing) 507 Dakota. 3 children." Monroe Avenue, Glencoe, Illinois 60022. Doris Leichtnam University of Minnesota, Navy 1951-54, banker. 5 Colleen U. Johnson (Laurence Mickelsen) 5 - children. 27th Street Northwest, Minot, North Dakota. 5 Eula Martin children, 6 grandchildren. Muriel Maschke Norma Redmer (Kenneth Hanson) 535 Lodgepole Road, Whitefish, Montana 59937. 4 children, 10 grandchildren. Ben Sloan (Lorna Blase) 2905 12th Avenue Rodney Nelson Northwest, Rochester, Minnesota 55901. Air Force 1948-52, instructor, programming Beatrice Sigman Dorothy Strand (David Halliday) RR No. 3, Box education. 3 children, 2 grandchildren. 156A, Harvey, North Dakota 58341. 2 children. 70 •Vonee Voss (Douglas Cron) Tioga, North Neil A. Strand Romona Rohe (Colin Dover) Buffalo. Montana Dakota. 2 years Minot State, Bookkeeper, Great 59418. Trinity Hospital School of Nursing, Minot, Plains. 4 childrp"- North Dakota; Lutheran Bible Institute, Minneapolis; Nurse, part-time; 3 children. Clyde Wiper Box 415, Bowbells, North Dakota. 2 1948 years University of North Dakota, farmer. "The Best Today Must Be Improved for Tomorrow"

Duane Beck (Pauline Owens) Puposky, LaVerne J. Hanson (Rose Matte) Bowbells, North Minnesota. BS, University of North Dakota, Navy Dakota. Farming, square and round dance 1948-52, teacher. 4 children. teaching and calling. 2 children.

Adolph Erickson (Mary Ely) P.O. Box 263, Philip, Thomas Kirkelie (Mary Holtz) 5107 73rd Street Ct. South Dakota 57567. School of Banking, East, Tacoma, Washington 98443. Air Force Madison, Wisconsin, MBA Pepperdine 1948-52, truck driver. 2 children. University, Malibu, California, Air Force 1949-50, President, Scotchman Industry. 3 children, 3 Ellen Klein (Leonard Belak) 3026'/i 5th Avenue grandchildren. East, Hibbing, Minnesota 55746. 2 years Hibbing Jr. College. 2 children, 3 grandchildren. 'Dolores Fisher (Strandberg) 3408 West 13th Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058. College of the Eunice Strand (Thomas Kneip) 222 Mustang Holy Names, Oakland, California, Minot State Pass, Brookings, South Dakota 57006. Teachers College, claims adjustor, State of Bookkeeper. 2 children, 2 grandchildren. Oregon employment division. 2 children. Shirley Westrum (Kenneth Johnson) 1504-4th "Mary Wanner Avenue East, Williston, North Dakota 58801. 3 children. 1949 'Work Today, for Tomorrow Never Comes"

Carol Anderson (Robert Slater), 5611 Morro Way, 'Monica Dolan John Berg (Betty Siehrasse), Bowbells, North LaMesa, California 92041. Advertising Art, cake Dakota. Farming, 1 child. decorator at Von's Bakery. 3 children. Carol Fahrnkoph, deceased Elaine Chrest (Smith), 721 Anderson Street. June Aune (Robert L. Clark Jr.), Glenburn, North Raymond Jacobson Castle Rock, Colorado 80104. 3 children, 4 grand­ Dakota 58740. Secretary, Mayor of Glenburn, children. Mary Kay consultant, 5 children, 7 grand­ Paul Magedanz children. Dolores Nelson, deceased. Allen K. Martin (Carolyn Noren), Kenmare, North Dakota. 1 year college, Marines, 3 children. Leroy Heth (Marlene Himle), RR, Box 56, Antler, Donald Powell, deceased. North Dakota 58711. Marine Corp 1952-54, Martha Olson (George McLean), Route 1, Box 1177, Libby, Montana 59923. 4 Quarters Minot farmer, 4 children, 3 grandchildren. Donna Powell State, WAC (Army) 1950-53, 3 children, 1 grand­ Ronald L. Larson (Geraldine Adam) 17 Western Jack Thompson child. Village, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Army, technician, Jim Ryan Chevrolet. "Marjorie Wanner Marie Poline (Chet Masters), 66 Country Club Acres, Minot, North Dakota. 2 children, 2 grand­ Carmen Luckman (Stompro), Bowbells, North children. Dakota. 3 children. Mavis Zacharias (Forrest Bruce), Sherwood, Harriet L. Smith, 705 Northeast 116th Ct., North Dakota 58782. Homemaker, 3 children, 5 Portland, Oregon 97220. Secretary-Treasurer for grandchildren. Buckaroo-Thermoseal Inc. Beatrice Beck (Richard Simpson), 8137 Briar Dorothy Walleen (Bob Hoover), 1508 East Creek, Annandale, Virginia. Dakota Business Hillcourt, Williston, North Dakota. 2 children. College, Fargo. 2 children.

1950 'If you Want a Place in the Sun Expect Some Blisters" Bruce Anderson (Mary Melby), Bowbells, North MaryAnn Briggs Gwen G. Gullickson (Carl M. Aufforth), 2183 Dakota. 1 year college, farmer and insurance Margaret Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55115. agent, 3 children, 1 grandchild. Beverly Durward Customer information representative, North­ western National Bank, St. Paul. 5 children, 4 grandchildren. Hazel Cron (Morris Polrler), 501 Riverview Drive James Fisher Northeast, Great Falls, Montana. Business, Adult Ed. in San Jose, California, self-employed, Doris Jensen Doris Haxton (Clarence Cron), Bowbells, North Poirier's Ice Cream Parlor. 3 children, 3 grand­ Dakota. 2 children, 2 grandchildren. children. Ralph Tafelmeyer Clarice Mastrud (Russell K. Butterfield), Box 645, Charles Dhuyvetter (Deanna Johnson) RR Box Gwen McGillivray Challis, Idaho 83226. 2 years Minot State 54, Noonan, North Dakota 58765. Dairy farming. Teachers College, substitute teacher, 3 children. Schildren 1 grandchild. Burt Redmer Alden Nehring (Eleanor Rice), 123-4th Avenue "Clarence Summers (Madeleine C. Comber) 302 'Norma Siemers East, Ray, North Dakota 58849. Army 1953-1955, Beedle Street, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii Postmaster. 2 children. Shirley Ann Wolen 96818. BS United States Naval Academy, MS Delores Thompson (Lussenden), 2517 Kenosha Oklahoma State University, Ph.D. University of Road, Zion, Illinois 60099. Registered-Nurse. 2 Denver, United States Air Force 1955 to present, children. Colonel USAF. 5 children. 71 1951 "The Mountain of Success Is the Toughest to Climb" Gordon Gullickson (Mavis Kleppen), Box 443, Albert Klein 'Charlotte Koch (Arlen Ronngren), 1534 5 Powers Lake, North Dakota. 2 years State School Avenue Southwest, Jamestown, North Dakota. of Science, Wahpeton, Army 1954-56, Salesman. Lyle Leichtnam Self-employed Dakota Cleaning Service. 5 child­ 5 children, 3 grandchildren. ren. Dennis Lindquist Bette Luckman (Robert Reneker), 4340 Illinois Douglas Larson (llene Nygaard), 815 North Avenue Southwest, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Earl Strand Washington Street, Bismarck, North Dakota. BS Davenport School of Business, Office Work. 5 University of North Dakota, USAF 1956-59, Wylie children, 1 grandchild. Donald Briggs Music Company. 4 children.

"Ronald Martin (Joan Hildred), 20915 Marine View Drive Southwest, Seattle, Washington Bonnie Ryan (Gilbert L. Lindberg), 600 E. 98166. North Dakota State University, BS Weddell, Sp. 251, Sunnyvale, California 94086. mechanical engineer, Air Force 1956-57, Marines 1950-52, Employed Stanford Medical Engineer, 2 children. Center. 3 children, 3 grandchildren. Norman Ormiston (Jean Keezer) 10927 4th Ave. West, Everett, Washington 98204. Everett Community College. ARmy 1952-54. Sheet metal apprenticeship coordinator. 2 children, 2 grandchildren. 1952 "Life is Before Each of Us Only Once Can We Live it" LaDonna Ackerman (Reinhold Pfeifer), 930 17th Darrel Anderson 'Patty Chrest (Jerry McGillivray), Flaxton, North Avenue West, Williston, North Dakota. University Dakota. Postmaster. 2 children. North Dakota-Williston Branch, Co-owner Family Russell Jensen, deceased. Shoe Store. 3 children, 1 grandchild. Harley S. Durward (Delores Ferm), Bowbells, Kathleen O'Rourke North Dakota. Army 1955-56, Postmaster. 3 "Pauline Hermanson (Marlin Jacobson), children (1 deceased), 1 grandchild. Bowbells, North Dakota. 4 children. Darlene Olson (Roy Jensen), Powers Lake, North Harry Herrington (Audrey Olstad), 621 Cotton Dakota. 3 children. wood Drive, Lincoln, Nebraska. Army 1956-58. Superintendent of Agencies Lincoln Mutual Life. Delores Ferm (Harley Durward), Bowbells, North 3 children. Dakota. 3 children (1 deceased), 1 grandchild. 1953 "Not Finished, Just Begun" 'Arliss Borjeson (Wesley Hennix), Kenmare, Shirley Gullickson (Melvin Hoheisel), Bowbells, North Dakota. BS Minot 6tate College, Teacher John Fisher North Dakota. 3 children, 3 grandchildren. Kenmare Public School. 4 children. Luella Hermansen, deceased. Helen Jensen (Edon Nelson), 2413 North 4th Shirley Cron (Robert Gill), 730 Fairmont Street, Street, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501. Clerk at Burley, Idaho 83318.2 children. Laurie Martin Department of Public Instruction. 3 children. Richard Fairweather (Dorothy McLachlan), 2612 Robert Ryan 4th Street Northwest, Apartment 4, Minot, North Gerald McGillivray (Pat Chrest), Flaxton, North Dakota. University of North Dakota-Grand Forks, Mary Fay Thompson Dakota 58737. Construction Company, G.L. Trinity School of Nursing, Minot, Army 1957-60, McGillivray & Sons. 2 children. Registered Male Nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital, "Patricia Whltworth Minot. 1 child. Irene Poline (Harlan Nordloef), Coteau, North Dakota. 2 children Donald Thompson (Judith Cook), 10413 South­ east 174th No. 4356, Ronton, Washington. Army Eunice Tafelmeyer (Alvin Jacobson), RR No. 1, 1957-59, Superintendent of Heckett, Division of Box 110A, Williston, North Dakota. 5 children. HARSCO Corp. 3 children. 1954 "Knowledge is the Passport of Life" Glenn Anderson (Agnes Dixon), 990 South LK Mary Lou Chrest Whatcom Blvd., Sedro Woolley, Wn. 98284. Betty Edwards (Frank Bird), 4160 150th South­ Barber College, Air Force 1957-61, Resort Donald Conlln east, Bellevue, Washington 98006. Employed Manager. 4 children. Federal Reserve Bank, Seattle Branch. Gary Nelson Marlon Nielsen (Gorton "Doc" Stevens), Lignite, North Dakota, Box 591. 1 year Minot State. 4 Mary Jeanne Schultz Lon Haley (Darlene Egger), Bowbells, North children. Dakota. Moler Barber School, Army 1958-60, "Alice Summers Barber. Schildren. 'Caroline Siemers (Paul Hinz), 185 North Bailey, Fallon, Nevada 89406. Standard from Minot, ND, Richard Youngblood Gilbert Klein, 1380 Dogwood Drive, Sparks, BS from University of Reno, Nevada plus 60 Nevada. Nevada Air Guard 1960-66, Telephone semester hours, English Teacher. 2 children. Pauline Owens Repairman, Nevada Bell. 2 children.

George Luckman (Linda Crandall), 1351 Stony Keren Siemers (R. Charles Ely), Route 2, Box 25, Point Lane, Wichita, Kansas 67209. State School 414 Old MoCloud Road, Mt. Shasta, California of Science, Wahpeton, Army 1955-57, U.S. 96067. AA College of the Slskiyous, Weed, Department of Defense, Small Business California, California State University, Chico. 5 Specialist. 3 children. children, 3 grandchildren. 72 Gordon Pederson (Kathleen Berry) Route 2, Box LaVerne Pautz (Donald Benge), Flaxton, North 23, Vida, Montana 59274. Army 1953-55, Dakota. 3 children, 1 grandchild. Combination man. Mid-Rivers Telephone. 3 children. 1955 "Take the World as You Find It But Leave It Better" Edward Allen (Vonnie), 15 Campbell Drive, Shirley Larson "Ronald McClelland (Glenda J. Miller). 648 Billings, Montana. State School of Science, Brenda Lee Drive, San Jose, California 95123. Army 1955-57, Owner, tool repair shop. 2 chil­ Shirley Martin Minot State College. North Dakota State dren. University, BSME degree, General Electric Patricia Zacharias, deceased. Company's Nuclear Energy Business. 4 children. Larry Berg (Viola Kirkelie), Bowbells, North Dakota. University of North Dakota, BS in Carol Nelson (John Rosenquist), Route 3. Box geology, farming. 4 children. 1371, Libby. Montana 59923. BS. teacher 4 children. Richard Buzzell (Ann Christianson), 10710 Northeast 80th Street, Vancouver, WN. 98662. Alvin Olson (Bonnie Anderson). 1630 1 Street Army 1956-58, crane operator Alcoa Aluminum Southeast. Minot, North Dakota. Navy 1955-59. Company. Counter Sales. 4 children.

Kathleen Gullickson (Al Nissila), 2622 Northeast 'Marcella Siemers (Donald Smith). 17523 Glen 30th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97212. Minot Helen Road, San Bernardino. California 92407 State Teachers College, Marylhurst College, Minot State Teachers College. University of Student. 3 children. Virginia. Teacher. 2 children.

'Alice Kirkelie (Robert Ganskop). Flaxton. North Dakota. 1 year Concordia College. Moorhead. Minnesota. 3 children. 1956 "Build for Character, Not Fame' Barbara Fairweather (Henry Ceglowski), 510 17th Richard Anderson •Viola Kirkelie (Larry D. Berg). Bowbelis. North Avenue West, Williston, North Dakota. Histology Dakota 4 children. Bette Conlin Technician. 4 children. Karen McClelland (Harvey Steinberger), Donny Norman Jensen Thomas Thompson (Alice R. Dunn), 1615 brook. North Dakota. 3 children. American Avenue, Bemidji, Minnesota 56601. BS in Pharmacy North Dakota State University, Audrey Ryan DeAnn Powell (Frederic E. Moore). 3519 65!h Pharmacist. 4 children. Avenue Ct Northwest. Gig Haiboi. Washington 98335 Secretary, 5 children. "James Wlllyard, 14204 Notley Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. BS from University of Ardell Rogers (Bruce H. Pollert) 221 Wilrnslow North Dakota, Economic Analyst. 2 children. Lane. Schaumburg. Illinois 60194 3 children

Merlin Rogers (Marjorie M. St. Croix) P.O. Bo» Carol Youngblood (Charles W. Sanders), 1099 135. New Salem. North Dakota 58563 Manager. South Side Drive, Elko, Nevada 89801, Lyon Farmers Union Elevator. 5 children. Country School of Practical Nursing, Secretary, 3 children, 2 grandchildren. •Geraldine Spiese (Pomposo) 21745 Noonan Cl 1957 Cupertino. California 95014. Minot State College "We Have Just Crossed the Bay, Electionic buyer 2 children The Ocean Lies Ahead" Mary Lynne Bryan (Earl Jensen), Bowbells, North Gloria Gullickson (Peterson). Tioqtl North Dakota. 3children, 1 grandchild. Dakota. 2 children. 3 grandchildren

•Cora Lee Chrest (Gary Burgett), 1926 9th Street Hazel Jensen (John Haberlock). 413 Laurmac Northwest, Minot, North Dakota. 3 children. Ln.. Laurel. Montana 59044. Beauty School 2 Gerald Ferm children. Hilbert Pfeifer, Jr. (Joyce Amsbaugh), Route 1, Box 66, Dodge Center, Minnesota 55927. North Roslyn Nielsen, deceased Dakota State University, area extension agent, Elsie Klein (Arthur Ganskop). Flaxton. North farm management. 3 children. Dakota. 6children. 1 grandcnild

Lois Rice (Carl M. Hoglund, Jr.). Mohall, North Dakota. Teller at Gate City Savings and Loan. 3 Leatha Voss (Kenneth Nelson). Bowbells. North children. Dakota. Correspondent courses. program assistant administrating price support, William Schultz (Kathleen Scheffler), Box 98, conservation practices, FSF. Wool & etc at Lidgerwood, North Dakota. North Dakota State ASCS Office. Bowbells. North Dakota University, Owner construction company. 2 children. G.E. (Ed) Zacharias (Betty Wick) 1003 Hopkins "Jerry Siemers , 1210 Camino Village No. 3502 Drive. Bellevue. Northeast 68005 Attending Houston. Texas 77058. BSME from North Dakota Bellevue College. USAF-Retired 1959 1980. State University, project consultant Boeing warehouse manager Allied Van Lines, Omaha. Engineering and Construction. 2 children, NE,3children 73 1958 "Today We Follow, Tomorrow We Lead' "Reid Anderson (Diane M. Damon) 2 Alondra, Ed Kirkelie (Linda Lee Littler), No. 2 Irvine, California 92714. BS degree with credits Meadowbrook Estates, Minot, North Dakota. BA towards MS, supervisor, scientific programing, University of North Dakota, Masters of Ed. program manager, computor-aid design. 1 child. University of North Dakota, USAF 1958-62, Vice Wm. Jacobson President of Operations, Butler Machinery Floyd Chrest, Jr. (Sharon Freed), 100 14th Street, Company. 2 children. Washburn, North Dakota. Associate degree in Edgar Larson criminal justice, North Dakota District Warden Lora Mae Olson (Mick Schultz), 1205 2nd Avenue Supervisor. 4 children. Don Mather West, Devils Lake, North Dakota 58301. BS education/media specialist, University of North Larry Durward (Colleen Olson), Bowbells, North "Lawrence Nelson Dakota; librarian, 3 elementary schools. 2 Dakota. Farming. 5 daughters. children. Marlene Sigman Larry Owens (Judy A. Snider), 20665 South Paul Haroldson (Shirley Brekke), Coteau, North Carlos Wick Lowen Highland Road, Beavercreek, Oregon Dakota. BS agronomy, botany North Dakota 97004. Community College, Air Force 1958-62, State University, Farmer-rancher. 3 children. Die maker. 3 children.

Ronald Owens (Martha Crawford), 12004 Wendell Swenson (Mary Aufforth), Bowbells, Lemoncrest Ln. Little Rock, Arkansas 72209. 2 North Dakota. Farmer, 1 child. years college, 2 years trade school, Air Force- Retired 1960-1980. 2 children. Betty Wick (Ed Zacharias), 1003 Hopkins Drive, Bellevue, Northeast 68005. Office worker- Ralph Wlllyard (Connie Ann Davis), Route 1, Box Columban Fathers, St. Columbans, Nebraska. 3 266, Mead, Washington. Army 1960-63, children. 1959 Burlington Northern. 1 child. 'Not Evening, But Dawn" Lawrence R. Adams (Cynthia Magnuson), 1809 Sharon Durward (Charles E. Murphy), 1844 Comstock Ln., San Jose, California 95124. MBA, Karen Cox Pumice Point, Eagan, Minnesota 55122. San Jose State University, BS, North Dakota Standard teaching certificate, Minot State State University, navy 1966-70; Installation Dennis Gullickson Teachers College, attended Cardinal Stritch Manager of Softwave Company. 4 children College, Milwaukie; Secretary, Safeguard Violet Jensen Systems of Minnesota. 3 children Judy Hass (Tom Fredericks) 844 Spring Drive, Boulder, Colorado 80303. BS Minot State Beverly Thies " Robert Emerson (Barbara Harrison), 6801 Teachers College; Master's University of Cypress Point Cove, Austin, Texas 78746. BS/BA Colorado, Teacher. 2 children. Phyllis Olson University of North Dakota, M.D. Northwestern Medical School; Air Force 1970-1972; Physician. 2 children. Gary Kelly (Patricia L. Miller). 568 West 13517 Russell Opseth Fleetwood Drive, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. BSEE, University of North Dakota, Lloyd Peterson Sharon Freed (Floyd Chrest), 100 14th Street, electrical engineer. 2 children, 2 step-children. Washburn, North Dakota. 1 year Minot State College. 4 children. 'Robert Martin (Charlotte Thompson), 801 South 264th, Kent, Washington 98031. BS aero Sally Ann Steffen (M. Boyde Galgerud), 620 20th engineering, engineer. 2 children. Street Northwest, Minot, North Dakota, data processing course; bookkeeper. 3 children. Theodore Nielsen (Mary Lee Wozniak) 215 West Washington, Milford, Ml 48042. BSEE, University of North Dakota, Electrical Engineer. 4 children. 1960 'We Finish To Begin'

Rose Jensen (Delvin Westby), Tioga, North Emily Berg (Jim Walker), 3006 A. Avenue East, Richard Johnson Dakota 58852 Receptionist at Tioga Clinic. 4 Bismarck, North Dakota 58501. Business children. College. 2 children. Nadine Gullickson (Merle VanderZanden), 1768 Claudia Corey (Dennis Lindberg), Rural Route 1, Northeast Poynter Street, Hillsboro, Oregon Box 46, Stanley, North Dakota 58784.1 child. 97123. 1 year University of Portland, Medical Assistant. 3 children. • Cleo Cron (Linstrom), 263 East 3560 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. Accountant for Utah Girl Richard Harms (Marlene Dunderland), 130 Maple Scout Council. 1 child. Avenue Hillcrest, Glendive, Montana. BS Mayville State College, North Dakota School of 'Carol Erickson (Bob Carlson), Bowbells, North Forestry 2 years, teacher, National Guard 1964- Dakota 58721. Minot State College. 5 children. 1970. 2 children.

Darrell Farland (Shirley Iverson), Box 10, Center Wally Harms (Martha Bly), Lignite, North Dakota Road, Mandan, North Dakota 58554. BS 58752. Hanson Auto Mech., Fargo, farmer, University of North Dakota, Executive Director National Guard 1964-1970. 2 children. Governor's Council on Human Resources, Navy 1960-1963.1 child. "Sharon Hass (Holcomb), 3517 Dorris Circle, Douglasville, Georgia 30135. Interstate Business Mary Fisher (Frank Hoffman), 2448 West Farwell, School, Real Estate School, Secretary. 3 chil­ Chicago, Illinois 60645. Waitress. 4 children. dren.

74 Wayne Mahlum (Gaileen Bague). Bowbells Julie Klassen (Marlin Anderson), Tioga, North Charles Kling North Dakota 58721. John Deere. J.I. Case Sales Dakota. Accountant. 2 children. Robert Mertes and Service Training, Implement Dealer. Army Reserve 1960-1967. 3 children. Ruth Klein (Merlin Pitts), 11647 Southeast 164 Street. Renton. Washington. 2 children. Carolyn Peterson Dwaine Pfeifer (Carolyn Trulson). 2367 West Sandra Mertes (Mark Siemers). Bowbells, North Denise Rogers Paradiseln, Phoenix, Arizona 85023, BS/BA Dakota 58721. North Dakota State University Arizona State University, graduate study Fargo, 2 years, 1 year Ray Vogue School of Sharon Siemers University of Illinois, Systems Analyst. 3 chil­ Design. Chicago, 4 children. dren. Nell Swenson Jolene Neuenschwander (Arnold Hanson), Box Carl Owens (Cora Acosta). 1247 Hickerson Ct 1048 RR. 3. Devils Lake, North Dakota. Business San Jose, California 95127. San Jose City College 1 year, Vocational Rehabilatation College, Engineer for Pacific Telephone. Navy Counselor Aide. 2 children. 1960-1963. 1 child.

Harriet Zacharias (Jerry Heth), Northgate. North Dakota, 2 children. 1961 "Less Than Our Best Is Failure"

'Mary Aufforth (Wendell Swenson), Bowbells, Myrna Cron Merlin Ekstrom (Ireta R. Adams). 29279 Creek North Dakota 58721. 2 quarters Minot State Bend Drive. Farmington Hills. Michigan 43018 College. 1 child. Douglas Holter MD. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree ID. VM.). MS degree University of Minnesota. Bob Carlson (Carol Erickson), Bowbells, North Marie Ihmels Veterinarian. Dir. Div, of Laboratory Animal Dakota 58721. BS Mayville State College. Resources. Major Air National Guaid 1967 Farmer. 5 children. Bill Nehring present 2 children Bonnie Carlson (Mac Petrie), 3018 St. Jude. Julie Ryan •Janice Hass (Richard Hcmiston). 632 School Drayton Plains, Ml. 48020. Macomb Community Street. Kohler. Wisconsin 53044. U W Sheboygan College, Frazer, Ml; Oakland University. Joe Schneider Center, Lakeshore Technical Institute, Secre­ Rochester, ML; Secretary. 2 children. tary. 3children Lillian Wick Beverly Jensen (Bird), 121 New Jersey Street, "Paul Nelson, 8724 Forest Cr.. Warren. Michi­ Bismarck, North Dakota 58501. 3 years Minot gan 48093. BS and MS University ol North State, graduated from Mary College, Teacher. 3 Dakota, Grand Forks. Engineer of GM Tech children. Center, Warren, Michigan

Cheri Johnson (Robert Jessen), Kenmare, North Dennis Ness. Eureka Ranger Station, Eureka. Dakota 58746. Minot State Teachers College 2 Montana Forest service. College in Bottineau quarters, graduated from Minot Business and Wahpeton 2 children. College, Accredited records Technician, Medical Records A.R.T. Kenmare Hospital. 4 children. Alvina Olson (Dennis Overton), Kenmare, North Dakota 58746. Beauty College, 2 children. Colleen Kelly (Gary W. Peterson), 220 Polk Street, Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901. Office Colleen Olson (Larry Durward), Bowbells. North Manager. 1 child. Dakota 58721 5 children

Dwight Pfeifer (Judi Ladendorf), Malta, Montana Gary Owens (Janice Peterson). 9027 31 si 59538. 1 year State School of Science, Vi year Avenue Southwest. Seattle. Washington 98126 Minot State College, Publisher. 3 children. Supervisoi for Boeing Company, Army 1964 1966, 2 children. Mark Siemers (Sandra Mertes), Bowbells. North Dakota 58721, State School of Science at Calvin Peterson (Martha), 250 Vista Place, Green Wahpeton. Farmer, National Guard 1964-1970. 4 River. Wyoming 82901 Manager Sales Drrsspr children. Industries Rocky Mountain Area, 3 children,

Margaret Stewart (Allan Robley), 353 Barrington "Peter Willyard, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721 Circle, North Syracuse, New York 13212. Minot BS University North Dakota. Grand Forks. MS Business College, A.S. degree Valley College, University of North Dakota, University of Iowa Accounting Technician. 2 children. Teacher Judith Mertes (Arthur W. Rice III) 14200 Brandbury Walk. Minnetonka. Minnesota 55343 North Dakota State University. Northwest Orient Airlines School. 2 children.

1962 "Knowledge Comes. But Wisdom Lingers" Sharon Ackerman (Dwayne Menschel), 661 3rd Earl Chrest Jr. (Joan Nehring). Bowbells. North Avenue East, West Fargo, North Dakota, 4 Cherry Fisher Dakota 58721 Farming and ranching. 3children, children Donald Johnson Dean Durick (Jean Schoemer). Bowbells. North John D. Aulforth (Gen Westerness). Bowbells Dakota 58721, Farming and ranching. Army 1962 North Dakota 58721. Farmer and Truck Driver. 3 Gary Larsen 1964 2 children stepchildren.

75 James Harms (Peggy Kollman), 704 7th Avenue Arlene Borjeson (George Schamberger), 814 5th Northeast, Mandan, North Dakota. BS degree Street North, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501. 1 North Dakota State University, Fargo, Research year State School of Science, Wahpeton. Technician, Department of Agriculture. 4 chil­ Secretary. 2 children. dren.

Gloria Harms (Howard J. Kimmet), Box 95, "Rosalie Johnson (Gary Melby), Bowbells, Bagdad, Arizona 86321. Great Falls Business North Dakota 58721. BS degree Minot State College, Librarian. 1 child. College, Teacher. 3 children.

Michael Buzzell, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Richard Kelly (Connie Tweet), 601 8th Avenue Minot State College 1 year, Contractor- Northeast, Hazen, North Dakota. Molor Barber Carpentry. 2 children. College, Coal Miner. 3 children.

"Lonnie Hass (Mary Fischer), Bowbells, North Clarence Knudson, Bowbells, North Dakota Dakota 58721. BS Degree Minot State College. 58721. Kleysen Inc, Northgate. 3 children. MS University of lllionis. Teacher and Carpenter. 3 children. Karen Kristianson (Harvey Schneider), 1133 3rd Street North, Fargo, North Dakota. Wahpeton Donavon Holter, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. State School of Science, Moorhead State, Truck Driver, Army 1962-1965. Bookkeeper. 1 child.

'Richard Homiston (Janice Hass), 632 School Kermit Mahlum (Joyce Hass), Bowbells, North Street, Kohler, Wisconsin 53044. BA degree Dakota 58721. BS degree Minot State College, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, Colorado School of Banking, Banker. 4 children. director of Personnel-Kohler Company. 3 children. Gary Melby (Rosalie Johnson), Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. State School of Science of Wendell Ihmels (Cheryl Bolinske), 750 Olympic Wahpeton, farmer. 3 children. Avenue, Edmonds, Washington 98020. Minot State College for 1 year, Luke Region Jr. College Jerry Melby (Barbara Jonasson), Bowbells. North 1 year, Production Control Manager. 3 children. Dakota 58721. North Dakota State University and Mayville State College, Banking. 1 child. Diane Jacobson (Glenn Jacobson), Underwood. North Dakota 58576. Bookkeeper. 2 chilren. Mary Mundt (James Rohner), Box 94. Greensburg, LA. 70441. Minot State College 1 William (Bill) Jensen (Marlu Rogers), 15553 year. 3 children. Southeast 175 Court, Renton, Washington 98055. BS University of Idaho, United Airlines Flight John Narveson (Karen Amdor), 9321 West 90th Training Center, Pilot for United Airlines, Army Place Westminster, Colorado 80020. North 1966-1969. 2 children. Dakota State University, University of North Colorado, Teacher, Army 1966-1970. 1 child. Gerald Pfeifer (Ollie Ann Folkers), Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. State School of Science, Richard Wilkes, 705 Park Street, Minot, North Wahpeton, Farmer, Owner of Bowbells Lanes Dakota. BS Minot State College. Minot. and JD and Lounge. 2 children. Minot State College, Attorney.

Susan Steffen (Marlowe Olson), Flaxton, North Fred Redmer, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Dakota 58737. 1 year business college, Deputy Register of Deeds, Burke County. 1963 "The Dawn Holds Our Destiny' Linda Aufforth (Owen Enget), Powers Lake, "Joyce Ekstrom (Ronald Swanson), 224 22nd Street Northeast, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402. BS North Dakota. Minot State College. 2 children. Russell Christenson degree in Nursing University of North Dakota. 4 Laurie Chrest, Lignite, North Dakota. Margaret Knudson children.

Gregory L. Mertes (Georgia Hammer), Bowbells, Parm L. Narveson Sandra Fahrnkopf (William Howell), 1124 2nd North Dakota 58721. BS degree in mechanical Street West, West Fargo, North Dakota. Minot engineering, North Dakota State University, Jon Nehring State College. 2 children. Implement Dealer and farmer. 3 children. Larry Opseth Deanne Farland (Ronald Stegmann), 128 Bonnie Street, Glasgow, Montana 59230. 2 children. Arlene Nelson Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. Child Care. David Peterson 'Walter Spiese (Cynthia Whalen), LaMoure, Norbert Nielsen (Pauline Ringen), Kenmare, Judith Siemers North Dakota 58458. BS in Pharmacy at North North Dakota 58746. Lead Lineman Burke-Divide Dakota State University, Pharmacist. 3 children. Electric, Army 1964-1972. 2 children. 'Grant Summers (Pamela Chapman), 4808 Wayne Olson (Clara Mahlum), Bowbells, North Galena Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918. Dakota 58721. State School of Science, B.S.E.E. at North Dakota State University, Wahpeton; Farmer, Army 1965-1967. 3 children. M.S.E.E. at North Dakota State University. Electrical Engineer. 1 child. Larry Swenson (Sharon Hagen), Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. 1 year at State School of Science, Dianne Swenson (Harold George), 204 Lambert Wahpeton; Farmer and rancher. 3 children. Street, Broken Bow, Oklahoma 74728. St. Cloud Beauty College, St. Cloud, Cosmetologist. 2 Edward Wlllyard (Virginia McGarry), Route 1, Box children. 266, Mead, Washington 99021. 3 years vocational training, Plumber. 2 children. 76 1964 "Today We Follow, So that Tomorrow We May Lead" Thomas E. Adams, 7629 Elderwood Ct. Donald Brewster, Bowbells, North Dakota. BS Cupertino, California 95014. BS, MS North Robert J. Anderson Dakota State University in electrical degree Minot State College; Farmer and Government Employee; National Guard 1966- engineering, Electrical Systems Engineer, Air Allan Aufforth Force 1969-1974. 1972. Larry Butgereit (Cindy Smith) 491 South Delwood Sherman Johnson Jack Kelly (Darla Gilbertson), 1803 Loch Ct., Newbury Park, California 91320. State Lamond, Rawlins, Wyoming 82301. BS degree School of Science, Wahpeton; Moorpark "JoAnn Mertes North Dakota State University, Resource College, Manager of a telecommunications firm, Manager, Bureau of Land Management. 3 child­ Army 1966-1968. 2 children. Larry Nehring ren.

Elton D. Christianson (Joan Steffen), Route 1 David Ruhnke Linda Larson (Richard Hinds), Bowbells, North Box 1299A, Libby, Montana 59923. State School Dakota 58721. 2 children. of Science of Wahpeton; Welder. 2 children. Rodney Torkelsen, deceased. David E. Mahlum (Linda Melby), Bowbells, North Sally Corey (Dean Verstrete), No 6 Talbotts Dakota. Carpenter and owner Dave's Sporting Trailer Court, Minot, North Dakota 58701. Dakota Goods, Army 1965-1967.2 children. Business College, Secretary. Barbara Mclntyre (Samuel Floyd), 6692 Drowsy Sharon Gullickson (Carl Jacobson), 68 Ralph Day, Columbia, MD 21045. BS Minot State Park Drive, Crockett, California 94525. Business College, Professional Artist. 2 children. College, Data Entry Assistant Supervisor. 1 child. George Mellon (Mary C. Kesson), 1199 Charrington Drive, Troy, Ml 48084. BS North Phyllis Hanson (Gary Christiansen), Tioga, North Dakota State University, Manager in Charge, Dakota. Minot Business College, Manager of LINA. Legion Club. 4 children. Kathy Ryan (Richard Harris), 3232 Jankee Court, Ron L. Homiston (Tudy Krogen), Bowbells, North San Jose, California 95127. San Jose City Dakota 58721. Pipe Fitter, Army 1966-1969. 2 College, BA San Jose University, Teacher. 2 children. children.

Ronald L. Ihmels (Linda Feiring), 1814 2nd 'Jeffrey Siemers (Janis Johnson), 3613 South Avenue East, Williston, North Dakota. State 10th Street, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. BA MS School of Science, Wahpeton; Master North Dakota State University, Sales Manager, Electrician, Army 1966-1968. 3 children. Burroughs Corp., Army 1969-1971. 1 child. lone Nelson (Mike Howson), West 4921 Londale Gary W. Todd (Bonnie Shelton), 1514 Balmoral Ct., Spokane, Washington. BS University of Drive, BelAir, MD 21014. BA North Dakota State North Dakota, Teacher, Whitworth College. 2 University Rx MBA Loyal University of Baltimore, children. District Manager Pfizer Pharmaceuticals USMC 1968-71. 2 children. Rex L. Redmer (Renee' Llndvall), 3958 Stacker Place, White Bear, Minnesota 55110. BA Minot Jane Wilson (Richard Howard), RR 4, Box 40, State College. Federal Auditor. Brookings, South Dakota 57006. BS North Dakota State University, Instructor-Nutrition & Gerald Rogers, Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. 1965 Food Science SDSU. 1 child. Owner Rogers C&S. "We Bear A cross in Search of Truth" Ramona Olson (Kelvin Ellison), Emmet, North C. Ronald Kinsella (Carol Jean Frederickson) Dakota 58534. Mary College, University of North 1223 6th Avenue Northeast, Minot, North Dakota. Howard Corey Dakota. Housewife. 3 children, 1 set of tw ns. Minot Business College and Minot State B.A. in English, Fine Applied Arts, Army 1968-1970, Danny Ferm Debra Kay Yale (Gerald W. Williams), Golden Wilhelm's Auto Haus (Salesman). 1 daughter. Keys 2, Apartment 207, Bottineau, North Dakota. Lester Hanson Minot State, North Dakota State University- "Susan L. Aufforth (James C. Watson), 13235 Bottineau. Florist. 2 sons. Peacock Drive, Littleton, Colorado 80124. Tom Nehring Homemaker (Excecutive Secretary, Leave of Absence). 1 Son. Linda Ness (Ed Lockwood), Mohall, North Charles Rodenhizer Dakota 58761. BS degree in Secondary Education, Minot State College, Adm. Secretary, Loren Owens (Jane Nypen), Crosby, North Carole Swenson Mohall Public School. 1 son. Dakota. Carpenter, Army 1966-1968. 2 children. Sylvia Severtson, deceased. Edward Lockwood (Linda Ness), Mohall, North Loren Duane Butgereit (Sally Adair Myren), 1408 Dakota 58761. BS degree in Secondary 6th Street Southwest, Minot, North Dakota Donald P. Zacharias Education Minot State College, Physical 58701. Wahpeton State School of Science, Education Teacher, Football coach and Diesel Mechanic, Army 1966-1968.1 daughter. Harold Knudson Activities Director. 1 son. Mary Dianne Johnson (Aldo Bernardl), 5043 East Friess Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254. B.S. Roberta G. Elstad (Douglas Drew), 25895 Columbia No. 808, Hemet, California 92343. University North Dakota (Teacher). 1 daughter, 1 Bookkeeper. son.

Daniel Nielsen (Karen Huwe), Kenmare, North Mary Lee Durick, Bowbells, North Dakota. Dakota 58746. Owner Nielsen's Auto Repair Bernel's Hairstyling College, Grand Forks. Center, Kenmare. 1 child. Hairdresser. 77 Alice Leone Peterson (Arland Nickelson), Rural 'Marvin Allen (Norma Peterson). Bowbells, Route 2, Box 161, Bottineau, North Dakota. Work North Dakota, BA University of North Dakota. at North Dakota State University Bottineau Grand Forks; Federal Law Enforcement Training Branch Food Service. 3 sons. Center. GA; Immigration and Naturalization Inspector. 3 children. Joyce Hass (Kermit Mahlum), Bowbells, North Dakota. Housewife. 4 children. Joan Nehring (Earl Chrest Jr.), Bowbells, North Dakota. 3 children. Clara Mahlum (Wayne Olson), Bowbells, North Dakota. Farmwife. 3 sons. 1966 "We've Obtained a Light To Lead Our Way" Robert Preston Sundin, 2051 Haycock Road, Norris Pfeifer (Rynnene Pasbrig), 409 Stanford, Falls Church, Virginia 22043. BS University of Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201. BA Industrial North Dakota, M.A. University of Illinois. Technology, University of North Dakota Student, Wesley G. Anderson, deceased. University of Minnesota, Intelligence Assistant. Electrical English University of North Dakota, FBI Headquarters, Washington D.C. Army 1972-1978. 3 children. "Richard Aukerman Richard Ekstrom, 1601 East 4th Street, Duluth, Dennis J. Klassen II, 206 The Terrace Wellington, Minnesota 55812. B.S. University of North Linda Erickson New Zealand. College of San Mateo, Ca.. Dakota, M.S. University of Minnesota, Assistant Canada College, Ca. University of Toronto Professor, College of St. Scholastica, Physical LaDonna Lee (Rochdale) Canada 20th Century Environmental Therapist. Designer. Jan Steffen Joan Steffen, (Elton D. Christianson), Route 1, Steven R. Mclntyre (Vickie Hass) 101 1 St. Jeffrey J. Steffen Box 1299A, Libby. Montana Minot State College, Avenue Northeast, Surrey, North Dakota 58785. Homemaker. 2 children. North Dakota State University Bottineau Branch, Salesman, Great Plains Supply. 3 children. Roll E. Aufforth (Vickie L. Clark), Bowbells, North Dakota Wahpeton State School of Science, Ronald Abraham (Claudia Stenrude), 402 2nd Farmer-Cattleman. 4 children. Street East, West Fargo, North Dakota 58078. Ellendale Branch University of North Dakota. Dale Brewster (Debrah A. Nyre), Crosby, North Northern State College, Truck Driver, U.S. Navy Dakota 58730. B.S. Degree Minot State College, 1970-1974. 2 children. D.D.S. Degree University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Dentist, N.D. National Guard. 1 child. Claudia Stenrude (Ronald Abraham). 402 2nd St. East, West Fargo, North Dakota 58078. Minot Alberta Peterson (Donald Haakenson), North­ State College, Secretary Training, Secretary, 2 land Trailer Park, Bottineau, North Dakota. North children, Dakota State University Bottineau Branch. Housewife. 2 children. John W. Kirkelie. Bowbells, North Dakota 58721. BS Degree University of North Dakota. U.S. 'Gail Zacharias, 215 South Duluth, Thief River Customs Inspector. Falls, Minnesota 56701. Westmar College, LeMars, Iowa. Bible School, Mcintosh, Terry Torkelsen (Pam Lee), 2210 Western, Minnesota, Dietary Supervisor. Yankton, South Dakota 57078. BA Degree Business Administration, White Drug. 1 child. Jerald Swenson (Charlotte Baumann), 216 Northwest 22nd Street, Minot, North Dakota Donna Rae Bryan (James L. Jacobson), 58701. B.S. Degree Industrial Technology, Clearbook, Minnesota. BS in Home Economics. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks; North Dakota State University, County Extension Construction. 2 children. Agent. 1 child.

Lois M. Johnson (Clayton Lindahl), Noonan, Bonnie Cron (Norman Nielsen), Bowbells, North North Dakota 58765. Housewife. 2 children. Dakota 58721. Housewife. 2 children. Karen Swenson (Parkinson) 9715 27th Ave Southeast, Everett, Washington. Service Co­ ordinator in children's resource center. 1 child.

1967 "We Go Forth to Lead The Land We Love" Linda Lockwood (Art Genzler), 427 East Davis, Linda Gagnum (LeRoy Christiansen), Box 2095 No. 1 Odds Trailer Court, Minot, North Dakota Rawlins, Wyoming 82301. Minot State College, Donna Hennix, deceased. Housewife. 3 children. 58701. Minot College of Business, Bookkeeper, Reeves Refrigeration & Heating Supply. "Donald Nelson Jul! Ann Eklund (Darrell Brenno), Columbus, Judy Bryan (Petrauskl), 506 Van Buren Road, North Dakota. Beautician, Housewife. 3 children. Steven Redmer Howards Grove, Wisconsin 53081. Minot Business College. Housewife, Gillson Factory 'Linda D. Melby (David E. Mahlum), Bowbells, Jerry Steffen North Dakota 58721. Minot State College, Employee. Cashier, First National Bank. 2 children. Gerard Swenson Dave Elstad, Route 1, Motley, Minnesota Jeanne Mertes (Gary Schumacher), Napoleon, Aircraft Technical School, Crane operator for North Dakota. B.S. Degree, Nursing R.N. Logan Burlington Northern Railroad. Co. Home for Aged. 3 children. 78 "Vickie C. Hass (Steven Mclntyre), 101 1st Jeffery L. Johnson (Jeanne Swenson), 250 10'/; Avenue Northeast Surrey, North Dakota 58785. Avenue West, West Fargo, North Dakota. B.A. University of North Dakota, B.S. Minot State Degree at Minot State, Employed Gated City College, Medical Technologist St. Josephs Savings and Loan. 1 child. Hospital, Minot. 3 children. Mark L. Peterson (Sharlene Rudland), Belfield, Michael D. Melby (Deborah Jacobson), Crosby, North Dakota 58622. Minot State College, B.A. North Dakota. State School of Science, Business Administration. 1 child. Wahpeton, Auto Mechanics and Diesel Mechanic, Commercial Ariel License, Emery Dennis F. Freed (Cheryl E. Anderson), 318 3rd School, Greeley, Co. Diesel Mechanic and Ariel Avenue Southeast, Crosby, North Dakota 58730. Crop Sprayer. 1 son. Minot State College, B.S. Degree. Owner Andy's Clothing Inc. 3 children. Gloria M.Opseth(Doug Ryberg), Bowbells. North Dakota. Minot State College. Housewife. 2 Norma Peterson (Marvin Wayne Allen), Bowbells. children. North Dakota Cosmetology School. Homemaker. 3 children.

Nancy L. Wilson (Dr. David L. McCann), 2937 James G. Hass (Sharon Pranke), Bowbells, North East Branch Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. BS Dakota. Minot State College. University of North Nursing, University of North Dakota, Masters in Dakota, Navy 1969, Farmer and Automobile physciatric nursing, University of Utah. 3 Dealer. 2 children. children. Linda Lee Bryan (Kelly Nordlund), Clearbrook, Minnesota 56634. BS Education Preschool Handicapped Teacher-Farmer. 1968 'We Go On To Do What Is Yet To Be Done" Ella Marie Pfeifer (Jerry Gustafson), Lignite, Frank Fredrickson Cron (Marilyn Ann North Dakota. Beautician School. Owner Supper Mortenson), Bowbells, North Dakota. Heavy Club. 2 children. Kenneth Cox Equipment Operator. Army 1970.

Allan L. Klein (Shirley Hanson), McClusky, North Terri Grenvik Beth R. Peterson (John E. Wentworth), Cogswell. Dakota. State School of Science, Electrical North Dakota 58017. BS Degree in Education, Tech. Communications. 4 children. Eva Ihmels Housewife, 2 children. 2 step-children.

James Allan Swenson, Bowbells, North Dakota. Susan Ness Maureen Sundin (William V. Premro). Box 384 Architectural Drafting, State School of Science, Meadow Lanes. PA. 15347 Minot State College. Employed KBM Well Service, Army 1971-1973. Housewife. 2 children

Virginia Olson (Terry Ellison), Emmet, North Wesley C. Rogers (Corliss Larson). 505 Plum Dakota 58534. Beauty School, Farmwife. 4 Avenue, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 B.S children. Ed. University of North Dakota Math Major. Private (Concrete) Contractor, 2 children. James Gagnum, 408 Linwood Street Southwest, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404. North Dakota State 'Virginia Hanson (Stephen Anderson). 3513 47th School of Science Architectural Drafting, North Avenue North Brooklyn. Center. Minnesota Dakota State School of Science Mechanical 55422. Minot State, Bemidji State, Teacher, 2 Drafting, Sr. Design Draftsman, FMC Cable children. Crane and Excavator Div. Janet Gagnum (Richard Arntzen), Columbus, David Nelson (Barbara Jennen), 8020 Cook Road, North Dakota. North Dakota State University Nashport, Ohio 43830. University of North Bottineau, Minot State, Housewife. 3 children. Dakota BS in occupational therapy, UCLA, Prosthetic & Orthotics program, Manager of a Herman H. Aufforth (Beth Ann Bohnsack) Prosthetic Othotics Facility. Bowbells, North Dakota. County Auditor, U S Coast Guard 1969-1971. 2 children.

"Cindy Nehring (James Galller), Bowbells, "Melissa K. Siemers (Robert Prange) Wells North Dakota. North Dakota State University and Minnesota. North Dakota State University Home Minot State College, FmHA County Office Economics. 1 child. Assistant. 3 children. Beverly Mahlum (Sidney Christiansen), 812 Cypress, Columbia, Mo. Minot State. Mother 1969 wife. 1 child. "Our Determination To Succeed Jeanne K. Swenson (Jeffrey Johnson), 250 10V: Triumphs Over Fai Mildred (Tarn) Aufforth (Allen L. Ryberg) Avenue West, West Fargo, North Dakota. B.S. Bowbells, North Dakota. Airline School. House­ Minot State College, Teacher West Fargo High Dennis Beck wife. 3 sons. School. 1 child. Patricia Melby Rosalie Harms (Clifford Usry), Bowbells. North "Randy Nehring (Debbie Anderson), 822 Dakota. Beauty College. Housewife. 2 children, Hillcrest, Grand Forks, North Dakota. BSDA Willis Swenson University of North Dakota, Certified Public 'Sid Christiansen (Beverly Mahlum). 812 Accountant. 2 children. Cypress, Columbia, Mo. 65201. B.A. Walla Walla. Washington, MD Lorna Linda, Ca. MD, 1 child. Marcia Owens, Bowbells, North Dakota. Larry Allen (Karen Rogers), Tioga. North Dakota Employed at City Cafe. Halliburton Services. 79 Dennis K. Mellon (Linda Luke), J & B Mobile Cheryl Kristianson (Tom Schmid). Kensal. North Home Park No. 8, Sidney, Montana 59270. Dakota 58455. College. 2 children Mechanic for Larson Motors, Army 1970-1972. 2 children. Barbara Yale (Koneczny). 3005 East Calhoun Parkway, Minneapolis. Minnesota 55408 Kenneth B. Owens (Marcia Wendschlag), 2026 Vocational training. Caretaker. 2 children. 1 8th Avenue East, Williston, North Dakota. Police grandchild. Officer, Army 1972-1974. 2 children. Ron Sagness (Alice Hagen). Bowbells. North Jean Masters (Llauren Nelson), Box 272, Dakota. Minot State College. Superintendent for Burlington, North Dakota. Minot State College. Neshem Peterson Inc. 2 children. Housewife. 2 children. Cheryl Anderson (Dennis Freed), Crosby. North Nancy Kirkelie (Pastor Philip Berg), 512 Julie, Dakota. Dental Assistant. 3 children. Willmar. Minnesota 56201. University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota, St. Paul Mankato Teresa Lynn Siemers (Jerry Harmon) Williston. State University Homemaker, Statistician. 2 North Dakota. Minot State College. T and J children. Panasonic Vacuum Sales. 1970 'The Reward of a Thing Well Done is to Have Done It" 'Claudia Redmer (Michael Mclntyre), Towner, Kim T. Sorum (Joanne J. Reede), Northgate, North Dakota 58788. Homemaker. North Dakota. College 2Vi years, Farming and Machinery Sales. 1 child. Michael Mclntyre (Claudia Redmer), Towner, Susan Christianson North Dakota. Minot State College BA Degree in Ron Corey (Clarice Gregoire), Bowbells, North Law Enforcement, Patrol Academy. Bismarck, Stephen Knouse Dakota. North Dakota State University Highway Patrol. Bottineau, Minot State College BS in Biology. Gregory Ross Farming. Vickie L. Clark (Rolf E. Aufforth), Bowbells, North Dakota. Own Clothing Store. 4 children. Debbie Anderson (Randy Nehring), 822 Hillcrest, Grand Forks, North Dakota. Minot State College, Gene Klein, 522 3rd Street Northwest, Minot, Housewife. 2 children. North Dakota 58701. BA and AA Minot State College graduate study MSW at ISU Baton Ron J. Freed (Teresa E. Kolbo), Bowbells, North Rouge, LA. Carpenter. Dakota. Army 1970-1972, Farmer, Veteran Service Officer, 3 children. Robert Swehla (Barbara Mattson), 816 47th Street South, Great Falls, Montana 59405. BS Kathy Swenson, 8822 45th De Northeast, Degree at University of North Dakota. Marysville, Washington 98270. Minot State, Ironworker, 1 child. University of North Dakota, Everett Community College. Bus driver. "Tim Bryan, Casselton, North Dakota. Juris Doctor from University of North Dakota and BA Greg Melby (Debra Peterson), Bowbells, North from University of North Dakota. Lawyer. Dakota. Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Farmer. John Jacobson, 344 6th Avenue South Fargo, North Dakota. North Dakota State School of JoAnn L. Swehla (Ernest C. Boser) Rt. 4 Box 155, Science, Warehouse Manager. Minot, North Dakota. Josef's School of Hair Design. Tim Ganskop (Kathy Williamson), Route 3 Box 95, Kenly, North Carolina 27542. Tulsa School of Aeronautics, Airline Pilot. 1971 "We've Only Just Begun" Karen Abraham (Shean), Route 1, Box 2619-A, Kathy Peterson, Stanley, North Dakota. 2 years Miles City, Montana 59301. 2 years Minot State 'Lynn Allen Minot State Teachers College. Government College, 1 year University of North Dakota, employee. 1 child. Williston Branch; LPN. 1 child. Diana Dixon Teresa Ross (Steve Bressle), Watford City, North Brenda Ferm (John Peterson), Washburn, North Debra Melby Dakota. BS Mary College in Social Work. 4 Dakota 58577. Minot Business College. 2 children. children. Robert Ness Doris Adams (Tim Pfister), 429 Greenspring Mary Hanson (Steve Peterson), Bowbells, North "Patricia Nordloef Place, Billings, Montana 59102. 3 years North Dakota. Part-time First National Bank. 3 child­ Dakota State University, 1 year MSU, Elementary ren. Teacher.

Debt Lee (Curry), Newcastle, Wyoming. National Laureen B. Bryan, 525 Marilyn Drive, Mandan, College, Rapid City, South Dakota; Bookkeeper, North Dakota. BS/M. Education, University of part-time waitress. North Dakota, graduate credits, University of Washington; Educational Child Development Debra Ann Peterson (Greg Melby), Bowbells, Therapist, Memorial Mental Health and North Dakota. 4 years Minot State Teachers Retardation Center. College. Teacher. 'Kathy Steffen (Jim Bonnlchsen), Box 725, LaVern Peterson (Beth Chrest), Bowbells, North Hazen, North Dakota. On the Job Training, Dakota. Farming. Dental Assistant. 1 child.

80 Wayne Greenup (Marsha Hanson), 2108 3rd John A. Emerson, Bowbells, North Dakota. Avenue East, Williston, North Dakota. AA degree University of North Dakota, Williston Center, University of North Dakota Williston; Welder, North Dakota State School of Science, Montana Dakota Utilities. 2 children. Wahpeton; Minot State Teachers College, presently; Army 1972-1980. Student. Brent Melby (Brenda Hoheisel), Bowbells, North Dakota. Roughnecking, rig work, Carpenter. Sheila Hanson (James Aniol), Route 4, 1972 Kaukauna, Wisconsin. 5 children. "Life is a Mystery to be Lived, Not a Problem to be Solved" John Clark, Box 159, Hayfork, California 96041. Patricia R. Anderson Debbie Johnson (John Merles), 1111 Park Drive, AS North Dakota State University Bottineau Apartment D, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201. Branch; BS Forest Management, University of 'Alex Grim North Dakota State School of Science, Idaho; Forester, USDA Forest Service. Wahpeton. Legal Secretary. Roger Anderson LuAnn Elstad (Jerome (Bill) Fay), Rural Route 1, Tom Durlck Shelly Wilson (Kevin Kilgore), 415 Capital, Stanton, North Dakota 58571. Yankton, Sou* Dakota 57078. BS in Nursing, Ranae Melby (Freed), Box 171, Bowbells, North University of North Dakota; Registered Nurse. 1 Dakota. Deputy Auditor Burke County. child.

James Rice (Nancy Siemers), Bowbells, North Annette Funk, 1407 2nd Avenue Northwest, Dakota. 1 quarter Wahpeton State School of Apartment B, Mandan, North Dakota 58554. BS Science. Farmer. 1 child. Social Work Mary College, Bismarck. Social Worker. Kerry Swenson, 8822 45th Drive Northeast, Marysville, Washington 98270. Minot State "Connie Hass (Joe Dempsey), 525 Plum College. Secretary for Mukilteo School District. Avenue, Grand Forks, North Dakota. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Self-employed, John Mertes (Debra K. Johnson), 1111 Park Drive, decorating service. Apartment D, Grand Forks, North Dakota. North Dakota State University, Flight Instructor. Brady Kelly (Laurie Johnson), Box 67, Rolette, North Dakota 58366. BS North Dakota State Wesley Sagness (Julie Nelson), 308 Ladino Lane, University. District Soil Conservationist at Pendleton, Indiana 46064. North Dakota State Rolette County. University, Manager Pharmacist Super X Drugs, Elwood, Indiana. 1973 'What the Future Holds is Ours to Fulfill" Wayne Ness, 601 Riverside Drive, Apartment Vonnie Roness (David R. Brown), 2623 Cardinal, West, Minot, North Dakota. Carpenter. Missoula, Montana. University of North Dakota Williston Center, University of Montana. Denise Anderson, deceased. Rick Owings (Linda Schmidt), Lignite, North Student. "Corrine Schweyen Dakota. Farmer, oil field worker. 1 child. •Katherine Cox, 830Vi North 13th, Bismarck, North Dakota. Bismarck Junior College, legal Dana Grim Jeff Ross, Bowbells, North Dakota. Farming. secretarial certificate; Hydrologic Technician- 'Richard Shefstad (Beverly Mahdik), 103 U.S. Geological Survey, WRD. * Jeanine Aufforth (Stoner) America Street, Lexington Park, Maryland 24653. University of North Dakota, Computer Barbara Melby (Don Gravesen), Kenmare, North Programmer/Analyst. Dakota. 1 year North Dakota State School of Science. 3 children. Mary Ann Swenson (Donald Vlg), Rural Route 2, Box 6, Aneta, North Dakota 58212. 1 year Duane Hanson, Route 1, Box 9, Bowbells, North Concordia College. Dakota. Colorado Aero Tech., Broomfield, CO; U.S. Air Force 1973-1977, KBM Well Service. Jim Anderson, Bowbells, North Dakota. BS North Dakota State University. Farming. Monica Hanson (Brad Kjos), Route 1, Box 99A, Williston, North Dakota 58801. 2 children. 'Carolyn L. Bryan, 525 Marilyn Drive, Mandan. North Dakota 58554. BS in Nursing University of Terrl Durward (Lowell Nelson), Kenmare, North North Dakota, Registered Nurse, Heartview Dakota. Bismarck Junior College, Secretary. 1 Foundation. child.

'Diane Nordloef, 802 University Avenue, 'JoAnn Clark (Daryl Enget), 505 18th Avenue Williston, North Dakota 58801. BS Minot State Southeast, Minot, North Dakota. 2 children. College, Teacher. Debra Cron (Gregory R. Kemper), U.S. Air Force Kirk E. Pandolfo (Nancy Christiansen), 2600 4th 1975 to present. Cryptographic maintenance Street Northwest, Minot, North Dakota. 2 years repair. Minot State College. Retail Sales. Robert Klein (Laureen Goettie), Burlington, North Karen Swehla (John Schwartz), Kenmare, North Dakota 58722. BA Geology Minot State College, Dakota. Associate degree in textiles and Carpenter, Musician, 1 child. clothing North Dakota State University. Secretary, Burke County Extension Agent. Ksith Melby, Bowbells, North Dakota. Bismarck Junior College. Farming and construction. Eunice Rogers (Rodney Landers), Kenmare, North Dakota.

81 1974 "Today is a Moment to be Remembered; Tomorrow a Dream toa be Lived" 'Kent Aufforth, Kenmare, North Dakota. Farm­ Sheila Abraham (Michael Phillips), 1309 North ing. 'Matt Grim 11th No. 12, Wahpeton, North Dakota. North Dakota State School of Science, Minot State JoAnn Swehla (Ernest Boser), Route 4, Box 155, College, MSU, Student at present time. Minot, North Dakota. Josef's School of Hair 'Gregory Jacobson Design, Minot, Hairdresser. James Sorum 'Germaine Ross, 605 Ridgewood Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota. BS in Nursing, 'Betty Redmer (Jeff Gunderson), Kulm, North 'Timothy Schweyen Assistant head nurse of adolescent mental Dakota. 1 year college, Bookkeeper. health. Kermit Knutson (Gail Dixon), Box 38, Bowbells, Larry Shefstad, Bowbells, North Dakota. North Dakota. Burke County employee. 1 child. University of North Dakota. Army 1974-1978. Student. Lowell Nelson (Terri Durward), Kenmare, North 'Nancy Siemers (James D. Rice), Bowbells, Dakota 58746. 1 year Bismarck Junior College. North Dakota. 1 child. Farmer. 1 child.

Janice Owings, 1121 2nd Avenue South No. 3, 'Mardelle Sagness, Box 50104, U.S. Customs, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. North Dakota State Office of Investigation, Honolulu, Hawaii 96850. School of Science, Wahpeton, LSM Oper­ BS Criminal Justice, Minot State College; ator/Clerk Fargo Post Office. Special Agent, U.S. Custom Service. Terry Owens, Bowbells, North Dakota. Army Mary Ann Mertes (Todd Bodine), 605 West Pine 1974-1977. Student-University of North Dakota. Circle, Bottineau, North Dakota 58318. North Dakota State School of Science. Registered Juliana Peterson, 1020 40th Avenue Northeast, Dental Hygienist. 3 children. Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421. North Dakota State University, University of Gail Dixon (Kermit Knutson), Bowbells, North Minnesota, Corporate Computer Application Dakota. 2 children. Specialist, First Bank, Minneapolis. 1975 "Let Us Not Look Back in Anger, Nor Forward in Fear, but Around in Awareness" Ramona Funk, Bowbells, North Dakota. Mary 'Bonnie Masters, 66 Country Club Acres, Minot, College 2 years. Kathy Dodge North Dakota. Minot State College Majoring in Susan Cron Business Adm. Employed Minot Insurance Joyce Funk (Raymond Wald), 509 Mr. B's Est., Agency. Bismarck, North Dakota. Beauty School. Barbara Guerdett Housewife. 3 children. 'Kent Siemers (Shelley Olson), 540 Carleton Maxine Landis Ross Court No. 12, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 Jerome Hoheisel (Janell Peterson), Makoti, University of North Dakota and School of North Dakota. Assistant Elevator Manager. 3 Medicine, Medical Student. children. Kent Melby, Bowbells, North Dakota. Heavy 'Teri Greenup (Randy Baumann), Lignite, North Equipment Operator, Neshem-Peterson. Dakota. University North Dakota Williston, Assistant Cashier First National Bank, 'Scott Johnson, 1027 East 9th Avenue No. 304 Bowbells. 1 child. Broomfield, Colorado 80020. University of North Dakota, Industrial Engineer. Randy Baumann (Teri Greenup), Lignite, North Dakota. University of North Dakota Williston, 'Chad Kourajian, Jamestown, North Dakota. Ward Man-Cities Service Gas Plant. 1 child. University of North Dakota and UNDW, Montgomery Wards Mgr. 'Jim Wilson, Box 131 B Rt. G 2, Grand Forks, North Dakota. Student Unversity of North 'Julie Kourajian (Michael Hollen), P.O. Box 109, Dakota, Degree in Accounting and Business Williston, North Dakota 58801. University of Management. North Dakota-Williston, Homemaker. 1 child.

Brenda Owens, Minot, North Dakota. B.S. in Kevin Dignan (Doreen Skar), Lignite, North Mental Retardation and Elementary Education at Dakota 58752. Truck Driver for Power Fuels. Minot State College working on Masters in Severely Multi-Handicapped, Teacher. Lee R. Anderson, Bowbells, North Dakota. B.S. Degree in Agronomy, North Dakota State Jane Hanson (Alan Peterson), 321 West University. Farming. Highland Drive No. 103 Williston, North Dakota. Bookkeeper. Hal Ross, Bowbells, North Dakota. B.S. Degree 1976 North Dakota State University, Farming. "For Yesterday is but a Dream and Tomorrow is Only a Vision; but Today Well Lived Makes Yesterday a Dream of Happiness and Every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope" Thomas A. Dlgnan (Deborah L. Swenson) Tioga, Mark Nelson, Kenmare, North Dakota 58746. 'Christine Petersen North Dakota 58852. Transport Driver. Northwestern, Partsman, Harris Implement. David Nehring 'Vicki Christiansen (Bruce Dougherty), Box 1121 LeAnn Klein (Dan Goettle), White Earth, North Hettinger, North Dakota 58639. Minot State Dakota 58794. University of North Dakota- College. B.S. Degree, Resource Room Teacher. 'Karen Olson Williston. 1 child. 82 •Debra Beard (Robert Jensen). Powers Lake, Mary Sue Swehla (Traver Knutson). 1818 5th North Dakota. Trigjty School of Nursing, RN. Michael Ross Street Southeast, Apartment B. Minot. North Dakota Moorhead Area Vo-Tech School. Legal Jodi Yale (Dennis Benge), Bowbells, North Jeffrey Hanson Secretary. Dakota. Hair Styling School, housewife. Christine Petersen Bruce Elstad, 113 17th Avenue South. St. Cloud. Brenda Hoheisel (Brent Melby), Bowbells. North Debra Shipman Minnesota 56301. Railroad. Dakota. Hair Styling School, Beautician. David Nehring 'Anne Herman. Bowbells, North Dakota, Minot JoAnn Guerdett (Travis Dethe), 1231 6th Avenue State College, Secretary. First National Bank West, Williston. North Dakota. Licensed Practical Nurse, University of North Dakota- •Wanda Olson (Neil Olaf). Watford City, North Williston, Mercy Hospital, Williston. 1 child. Dakota. University of North Dakota-Williston. Financial Management, Typesetter, Dean Hanson, Cottonwood Place, Beulah, North Dakota 58523. Bismarck Junior College, State •Tony Pandolfo. Northgate. North Dakota 58767 School of Science. Pipefitter. BS in Animal Science. North Dakota State University, Fargo. Farmer. Rancher, Penny Redmer (Randy Jensen), Bowbells, North Dakota. Housewife. 1 child. Traver Knutson (Mary Sue Swehla), 1818 5th Street Southeast, Apartment B. Minot. North 'Janell Peterson (Jerome Hoheisel), Makoti Dakota. Moorhead Area Vo-Tech Institute, North Dakota 58756. Housewife. 3 children. Construction Worker. 1977 "Nothing in Life is to be Feared; it is only to be Understood"

Gerry Knutson, Box 18, Northgate, North Dakota. "David Stompro. Bowbells. North Dakota. North Mechanic. 'Steven Herman Dakota State University Fargo, Electrical Engineering. •Linda Funk, Bowbells, North Dakota. North Kathy Luckman Dakota State University, Fargo, College Student. 'LaVonne (Vonnie) Berg, Bowbells, North Dako­ Jim Mclntyre ta. Biology Degree University of North Dakota. Jerome Funk, Williston, North Dakota 58801. Med school pending University of North Dakota-Williston, Diesel Jeff Bohl Mechanic. Loren Peterson "Scott Greenup (Joette Hass). Williston. North Dakota, University of North Dakota. Williston. Jeff E. Jensen (Dee Dee Peterson), Lignite, North Salesman, Dakota 58752. Operator of Work over Rig (CRC- KBM). 1 child. •Paul Ross. 1501 East Watson. Tempe. Arizona 85283. Mechanical Engineering. Arizona. State Theresa Homiston, 305 17th Street Northwest, University Student. Minot, North Dakota. University of North Dakota- Williston, Secretary. •Judy Jacobson. 505 4th Street Southwest No 15. Minot. North Dakota 58701, Univeisity ol "Steven Melby (Jill Hysjulien), North Dakota North Dakota. Operations Secretary. Fust Bank State School Science Civil Techn., North Dakota Minot. State University Construction Man. and Civil Techn. Option, Construction Manager. •Janice Swenson, Bowbells. North Dakota North Dakota State University. Fargo. Occupa­ Janette Melby 313 West Interstate Avenue No. 8, tional Therapy Assistant Program North Dakota Bismarck North Dakota 58501. University of State School of Science at Wahpeton North Dakota-Williston, Account Technician at Bank of North Dakota. 1'78 "We Dare to do What we Dare to Dream Deb Swenson (Tom Dignan), Tioga, North Todd Shefstad, Tioga. Noith Dakota 58852 Dakota. Housewife. Jerry Mclntyre North Dakota State School of Science. Welding and Machinist Welding. Shaun Sundin, Bowbells, North Dakota Paul Petersen University of North Dakota, Williston, Builder. •Stuart Kourajian, 2510 University Avenue Kimberly Haroldson Grand Forks. North Dakota University ol North Linda Beard, 1441 11 Avenue North, Fargo, North Dakota Student. Dakota. North Dakota State University. Penn Westberg Kevin Dixon, Northgate. North Dakota Line Rebecca Nehring, Bowbells, North Dakota foreman for Fairfield Industries. LA Minot State College, Student. * Kristie Ganskop (Duane Spooner). Rural Route Lori Greenup (Duane Rudland), Palermo, North 1. McKenzie. North Dkaota 58553 1 year Dakota. Housewife. 2 children. Dickinson. Housewife 1 child

Mark Hanson, Bowbells. North Dakota. Daniel L. Pandolfo, Northgate. North Dakota Employed at Harris Equipment, Kenmare. Rancher Steve Knutson, Lignite. North Dakota 58752 1979 "Coming Together is a Beginning; Keeping Together is Progress; Working Together is Success" "Marjorie Ann Olson, Fargo, North Dakota. •Tom Wilson. 1619 4th Avenue East. Williston. College North Dakota State University. North Dakota Student at University of North Dakota 83 Joette Hass (Scott Greenup), Williston. North "Alan Jacobson "Randall Dale Berg. Bowbells. North Dakota. Dakota. University of North Dakota. Williston. University ol North Dakota Electrical Engi­ Legal Secretary. Connie Luckman neering Randy Christiansen •Jim Johns'on, 2510 University Avenue North­ "Perry Bohl. Bowbells. North Dakota Minot east, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201. Univer­ Vickie Gins State College. Minot. sity of North Dakota. Lisa Guerdett "Nancy Jean Olson (Arnold LeRoy Bounting) Alan Jacobson Anita Melby. 313 West Interstate Avenue No &. Watford City, North Dakota. Capital Comm. Bismarck. North Dakoia. Accl Clerk tor North College. Housewife, 1 child. Teresa Knutson Dakota Public Employees Retirement System, Lance Roness Jon A. Mclntyre 502-78-9667 1 558 Mp. Co. PO. Jon C. Petersen, 165th MP Co. APO. New York Box 6696 APO New York 09227. Army in Germany Marty Stewart 09144. 1 year college. Army 1979-1983 Military at present, Military Police. Police. Military working dog handler.

•Janice Funk, 310 B Seike, University of Grand Jeff S. Swenson, Bowbells. North Dakota. North Forks, North Dakota 58202. University of North Dakota State School of Science Student Dakota Student. "Tom Herman. Bowbells. North Dakota North "Tammy Wilson, 1619 4th Avenue East, Willis Dakota State School of Science Student. ton, North Dakota. Student at the University of North Dakota. Curtis Schultz, Room 207 Ordal Hall P.L.U. Tacoma. Washington 98447. Sophomore at "Kurt Aufforth. Grand Forks. North Dakota. Pacific Lutheran University at Tacoma, University of North Dakota Student. "Teresa Knutson. Northgate, North Dakota Student at Minot State College.

1980 "What Lies Behind Us and What Lies Before Us Are Tiny Matters Compared to What Lies Within Us" PFC Jerome A. Heth, Camp Pendleton. Jodi Durward, Minot State Colllege, Cook Hall 3 California. Marie Corps 1980? USMC Tanker. J, Minot State College. Student. "Wayne Jacobson "Julie Marie Klein. Bowbells. North Dakota. David Gins Jon Sosalla, Bowbells. North Dakota Minot Minot State College. Student. State College Student, fencer, Penny Kupser "Melanie Jeni Hass. Bowbells, North Dakota. Tim Stewart Gary Stompro, Bowbells, North Dakota. North Dakota State University Fargo. Student. Minot State College, Student. Walter Knudson John William Petersen, Bowbells. North Dakota. James Funk, Bowbells, North Dakota. Farmer. Rodley Jepsen Soo Line Laborer Tilmer Jacobson Dan-3 Hoheisel, Bowbells. North Dakota. Oil "Vicki Greenup. Bowbeils. North Dakota. Uni­ WorKer. Jeff Kummer versity of North Dakota Williston Student.

1981 'The Dreams of Yesterday are the Promise of Tomorrow'

"Cindy Berg •Diana Peterson "Connie Berg Genevieve Ross Brad Chrest "Jerilyn Schultz Graduation Day Tim Dignan Joy Shefstad Today will start a new life "Melissa Ganskop Kimberly Steffen And we'll say our last goodbyes To all the friends we've grown to love Kristi Greenup Crystal Sosalla With whom we've laughed and cried. Lori Guerdett

Esther Hansen Remembering the fun and laughter, The problems and the fears, Steven Haroldson And watching all our memories grow Jay Hass Throughout our high school years. Elaine Koch RandyKupser The memories of the dances Cindy Mclntyre And the new friends that we've met, Conrad Petersen Vacations, teachers, talking And exams we'd rather forget.

Yes, high school days are precious but brief, Where all your dreams come true; It is not the end, but the beginning Of a life we'll start anew. Joy Shefstad 84 Cl ^,s£#% f*

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Memories are to remember not to live on not to drift on

You can never realize the

precious moments of the past

Remember them Cherish them . ..

and hold those moments

But don't go drifting

on a memory 86 I love the range with its prairie rose, Where the gopher wrinkles his little nose And whistles at me as I canter by, It's a peaceful place, with a cloudless sky.

There the coyote lopes on the range afar, Scouting the herd of the "Lazy Bar," The grouse whirrs by from her sage brush bed, Her keen ears catching the coyotes tread.

An eagle soars in the sunlit sky Nothing shifts on the range as he passes by. He takes in any and every scene For nothing escapes an eye so keen.

As I mount my horse and turn his head, A rabbit jumps from his grassy bed And bounds along as if powered by springs. He's safe from me; I love living things.

The sun sinks down, and I canter home, Just glad that I've had a chance to roam And to watch God's creatures play at will Standing there to see; but not kill. Frank Emerson Bowbells, a descendent of the American poet and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson.

There is no scale on earth To measure what a friend is worth. Ralph Waldo Emerson

87 75 DIAMOND JUBILEE 1906 llwrTT 1981


88 + F 644 .B76 B69 1981 c.l