1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals

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1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals The lUCN Species Survival Commission 1994 lUCN Red List of Threatened Animals Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre PADU - MGs COPY DO NOT REMOVE lUCN The World Conservation Union lo-^2^ 1994 lUCN Red List of Threatened Animals lUCN WORLD CONSERVATION Tile World Conservation Union species susvival commission monitoring centre WWF i Suftanate of Oman 1NYZ5 TTieWlLDUFE CONSERVATION SOCIET'' PEOPLE'S TRISr BirdLife 9h: KX ENIUNGMEDSPEaES INTERNATIONAL fdreningen Chicago Zoulog k.J SnuicTy lUCN - The World Conservation Union lUCN - The World Conservation Union brings together States, government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organisations in a unique world partnership: some 770 members in all, spread across 123 countries. - As a union, I UCN exists to serve its members to represent their views on the world stage and to provide them with the concepts, strategies and technical support they need to achieve their goals. Through its six Commissions, lUCN draws together over 5000 expert volunteers in project teams and action groups. A central secretariat coordinates the lUCN Programme and leads initiatives on the conservation and sustainable use of the world's biological diversity and the management of habitats and natural resources, as well as providing a range of services. The Union has helped many countries to prepare National Conservation Strategies, and demonstrates the application of its knowledge through the field projects it supervises. Operations are increasingly decentralised and are carried forward by an expanding network of regional and country offices, located principally in developing countries. I UCN - The World Conservation Union seeks above all to work with its members to achieve development that is sustainable and that provides a lasting Improvement in the quality of life for people all over the world. World Conservation Monitoring Centre The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCI^C) is a joint venture between the three partners who developed the World Conservation Strategy and its successor, Caring for the Earth: lUCN - The World Conservation Union, UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme., and WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund). Its mission is to support conservation and sustainable development through the provision of information on the world's biological diversity. WCMC has developed a global overview database that includes threatened plant and animal species, habitats of conservation concern, critical sites, protected areas of the world, and the utilisation and trade in wildlife species and products. Drawing on this database, WCMC provides an information service to the conservation and development communities, governments and the United Nations agencies, scientific institutions, the business and commercial sector, and the media. WCMC produces a wide variety of specialist outputs and reports based on analyses of its data. It Is also actively involved in building the capabilities of other institutions, particularly In developing countries, for promoting and planning their own biological resources. 1994 lUCN Red List of Threatened Animals Compiled by the World Conservation l\/lonitoring Centre Cambridge, UK in association with the lUCN Species Survival Commission and BirdLife International Edited by Brian Groombridge Guest Essay by Georgina Mace and Foreword by George Rabb lUCN - The World Conservation Union 1993 presentation of the The designations of geographical entities in this boolc, and the on the part of lUCN or material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of its authorities, WCMc'conceming the legal status of any country, territory, or area or or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 1994 lUCN Red Use of Threatened Animals was made possible by the generous support of: BirdLife International Chicago Zoological Society DEJA, Inc. National Wildlife Federation Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen (Swedish Society for the Conservation of Nature) NYZS The Wildlife Conservation Society People's Trust for Endangered Species Peter Scott lUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund (Sultanate of Oman) World Conservation Monitoring Centre World Wide Fund for Nature Published by: lUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK lUCN The World Conservation Union WORLD CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTRE Copyright: (1993) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorised without prior permission from the copyright holder Reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Citation: Groombridge B. (Ed.)(1993). 1994 lUCN Red List of Threatened Animals, lUCN Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Ivi + 286pp. ISBN: 2-8317-0194-5 Cover photo: Bufo periglenes (Golden Toad): Michael and Patricia Fogden Cover design by: lUCN Publications Services Unit Printed by: Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd., UK Available from: lUCN Publications Services Unit 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 ODL, UK or lUCN Communications and Corporate Relations Division Rue Mauvemey 28, CH-1 196 Gland, Switzeriand The text of this book is printed on Fineblade Cartridge 90gsm low-chlorine paper CONTENTS FOREWORD vu INTRODUCTION F*urpose viii Structisre of the 1994 Red List viii Sources of status information and opinion ix The extent of status assessment x Sources of taxonomic information x Taxonomy and conservation xii Threatened animals: commentary xiv Acknowledgements xix References xx EXPLANATORY NOTES Notes on the Usts and tables xxiv lUCN threatened species categories xxix TABLES Table 1 . Threatened species: totals for higher taxa by status category xxxi Table 2. Threatened species: country totals by taxonomic group xxxv Table 3. Threatened species: coimtry totals by status category xl Table 4. Threatened species: summary by group and status category xiv Table 5. Threatened species: totals by group in 1990 and 1994 xiv Table 6. Extinct species: country totals by group xlvi GUEST ESSAY The status of proposals to redefine the lUCN threatened species categories xlviii THE 1994 lUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED ANIMALS List 1: Threatened species 1 List 2: Extinct species 189 List 3: Threatened genera (etc) 211 List 4: Threatened and extinct subspecies 215 List 5: Commercially Threatened 237 INDEX 241 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from UNEP-WCIVIC, Cambridge http://www.archive.org/details/1994iucnredlisto94groo FOREWORD Periodically, the Red List forces us to take stock of where we are in our knowledge of the conservation status of species. Our knowledge has changed in expression through the years, as lUCN's small book The Road to Extinction'. pubUshed in 1987 testifies. For some while, members of lUCN's Species Survival Commission have been considering the redefinition of the categories of threatened status of species in order to make them more reaUstic measures. The essay by Georgina Mace that follows is an up-to-date report on this process. We anticipate that the next Red List will reflect the adoption of new and redefined categories by lUCN. In the meantime we look to cooperation from all parties as systematic re-examination of the status of taxonomic groups and surveys of regional and national biotas proceed. To inform conservation actions we will need ever better specification of the population and distributional status of species the world over from people in touch with the real situations of these species. In closing her essay, Dr Mace calls attention to other dimensions, both biological and human, that should be taken into account as we determine the best responses to the threats of extinction. One need is to link a quantitative grid of population and distribution criteria such as outlined in her essay to an assessment of the relative importance of a species. The evolutionary and ecological values of a species should be factored into our prioritization of conservation action. Weighting and decision making systems such as that developed by Williams, Vane-Wright, and Humphries, lend themselves to this purpose." The integration of such systems will, however, require cooperation by systematists and ecologists with conservation biologists to a degree not previously envisaged. Given that we can foresee a three-dimensional assessment of conservation status from a biological standpoint, it remains to factor in the human dimensions. From simple human population impact relationships on a species or its ecosystem to complexities of constunptive and non-consumptive uses of species, we need conservationists to foster collaboration by demographers, economists, and sociologists. The human domain in which issues of extinction generally will be settled is political, at local, national, and international levels. There a balance has to be struck among ethical, financial, socioeconomic, and biological considerations. We need the most cogent information to bring to the decisions in this realm, and we need it organized to best effect. To these ends, the conservation community must encourage the rapid development of systems for not only better categorizing the conservation status of species, but also for deteimining logical priorities for conservation action more comprehensively than we have in the past. In signing off this foreword, it is a pleasure to acknowledge and commend the diUgence of WCMC staff, in particular Dr Brian Groombridge, in compiling this new Red List. They have made i'
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