Farm. Garden and Household. traa afterward astonished to hear that ho was one of* the owners of the Erie Railway. His subsequent bistory is tolerably familiar, and Model Farming. his repetition of seizing tin* sab* in the case of tin* Union Pacific Road will be recalled, together with i From the Sj.rHie lifl.l j his getting possession of the tannerv factory and the safe oftne Patent Leather in Newark. ill. KHl-aere farm of W. 11. Wells of Factory In truth Jay Gould has more nerve and pluck than i.< a notable s.ttlield, Ct., instance of any man who ever entered Wall street, lie ha.' !;• re !trains and scientilie management good common sense, hut ho is to this day careless i..■ reclaimed in a comparatively short „f his account, and :t is understood by his friend.*' that he has no means of how much or ia a worn-out soil to a knowing good state of Republican how little he is worth. His alliance with Fisk \ Journal. ; ation. Four years ago, when the was fortunate for him. as Fisk had those aggressive, n changed hands, it was in neglect, VOLUME 48. obtrusive qualities which Gould lacked, lie could BELFAST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER and scheme, while Fisk could execute: and hating been properly manured or MAINE, 20, 1877. NUMBER 12. plan of course their book-keepers could keep them in mi ;\ ated. brush and briers were oinni- formed about their complex business afi’airs. ■ we The Crops. nt, and one-third of the mow-land Mildred. It is understood that Mrs. Gould is a esti “Good morning, Mrs. I ed little the and ••I know of no I said J. Gould’s Career. very as Bracegirdle,” mullatto—opened door, cure,” smiling, mable aud is now of a fam- hog. rhe buildings were few and I'lie mi is: lady, the mother large gratifying accounts come Mildred with the eoldeu hair, said: and as she closed the door 1 added. was about to 1 was out, when catch- “but to the of { say prescribe young gentleman." York ily. Gould, it is said has amply provided her repair. Since then SPMKIO have irnm all of ihe Mildred with the rare. (tub rare: [New Graphic.] I parts country respecting beauty ■•11 1 thought I could make ing a glimpse of me, he said, loud I heard a merry laugh behind the with means to insure her against the risks of his in go Mildred, ever in your enough veil, The of Gould is little expended improvements, acres i the grain ami the harvest prayer woman I would and liud for me to hear: early history .lay very very business. crops prospects. Kemember me. any happy try and it set me quite at my ease. known risky miner the au.l In acres by the public. Yet it is full of remarkable plow, of hol- From the West the are some one the sex to make me ••lh's !’’ reports mugnili- Mildred with among coming, ma'am walk in ‘•Then, sir. I must take you !" episodes that him to he an me land, of was the eyes so blue, prove extraordinary pari which formerly cent. Illinois is to But this is man. expected yield .'ton,- 1 -kirk as ocean in their hue: happy. marrying- -it a lottery Tim golden gaiters lightly Take me 1 exclaimed. quite apart from the accidents of life, and Cupid at a Camp-Meeting. 1 rud vale two | disappeared grass, gives crops per 000,000 bushels of Iowa must A man as draw a hi the show that he is one who makes events, not one cereals, 175,000,- Angels resemble you. might safely from wheel, i hall. and 1 followed with a palpi- ‘•Yes, doctor. I am in love with you, ar oi in tons of tine The aim ooo In their who is entirely controlled by them. ller skiff was named the Pentecost. ami she timothy. and the other States in similar purity. into which all the and virtuous heart. and have been for a grain pretty tating long time." HI'- I>ABULKS IN* LEATHER. rowed all alone. said that she 7b■ management is in accordance with we People enviously ] iroportion. Mildred, may never meet women's names in New written on It is not often I receive in to York, patients my “Impossible, madam!” Gould was born in muse have a versatile tongue put such a name idea of a In life's converse soft and sweet. Jay Rensselaer County, in Stoekbridge discriminate Of wheat the four states of of had been as draw room, never her boat, but the blade of her oar was more Minnesota, Hut slips paper, poured, and ladies; and the condition “It is true." this State. He has a book the upon ot tertili/er. to may your heart forever heal published giving giving lands the kind Iowa. \\ isconsin and will an i from them met a of of that dexterous than envious tongues. She passed every- Kansas give Stiil as by chance at party, at my apartment with all its confusion, “Why, 1 do not know you !" history county, and containing some bio- --cs.diig the or happily. on lake. As she rowed, the the mil particular element cle- estimated return of bushels. church or in the street. If it is des- old hats, and I graphical details. He was. it seems in early life, thing Wesley 117.000,000 Mildred! Mildred! love life's : my cigar boxes, empty vials, "Yet have often seen heart of were defined. 11 »*r arm some at'- m v giver you. My a an and a lines her form liieh the land has been de- Flic wheat of He will to lie l chaos book-peddler, engineer, speculator in a produce Michigan, indi- take you down the river tiny married, the ight pair of pretty upon my is You alone can heal the wound times was to make men see that, ed To do thi generally,rushed thoughts yours. small way. His lirst important introduction into exposed enough thoroughly requires: anna. Ohio. and That runs forever and forever feet will and and it was round and trim Kentucky, Tennessee by by catch my eye tripping I hesitated whether I should go you have caused!” business affairs was the well-known leath- though muscular, id tt To through ha'll, ill the present case, is will exceed eternity. er He also rowed alone : his boat was called 1 he hap- probably last year's aggregate along and challenge me." boldly in and “take the responsibility of 1 was confounded. 1 feared 1 was the tannery ot General Zadock Pratt, who had made behind his cars not wanting, and in the last tear a fortune in the State of New York in Little Fraud." lie wore his hair by forty million bushels, giving those Thus I took seat all." or withdraw and out of victim of a 1 was tanning 1' soliloquizing, my by quietly keep quiz. perplexed what and his features were of monastic leanness, il I V ill l'erl!li.'Cl'S a lone. leather, but when the chestnut trees became scarce yet expended states an increased ot mil- All’s Well that window in a leather arm-chair, visitor’s Hut to know to or soft as ex export eighty Ends Well. my huge my way. curiosity say how to act. The of it iu his nati' e State he moved to Penn tine He had large, feeling eyes, prayer, Fir hart ma ",1 .■ lb mystery Galesburg, from cows, three lions of bushels. atnl a match across the sole of I was as drawing why thus honored overcame this all piqued my curiosity, while my heart sylvauia. and there established a large tannery. pressive praise. • and lx* is used as a I’ltesc Mrs. .1 moment Here Barbara was struck with his appearance. Saul liogs, top-dress- figures are equalh to Bracegirdle lingered my hoot I lighted a cigar and gave my- and 1 entered the hall. Mrs. and were both Gould became acquainted with him. it seems gratifying hesitancy, imagination ensnared and a mail lu re I would on the boll can mow land, which is with her left hand the door-knob he had mentioned Pratt iu his she: "1 never expected to see of producer and consumer. insure the upon self up to reflection and of the Hracegirdle was a thro' made very pleasantly book, They inspection just ending peep captive by the invisible for and the i< ok at twice. mint is such an incorrigible laud loam, real earc I and with the thumb and beauty, old gentleman took rather kindly to the My ndy is former a full return for the labors of this forefinger of the the door into at 1 but t.» Uiv:m passers- by. ajar myoltiec the lady. beautiful in face 1 knew she must be. young adyenturer. indeed. Gould is Methodist that she would go nowhere 'i to represented 1 secure this manure's full and the losses ot oilier twisting and untwisting her apron "Mrs. is I saw (irovc i hate it She to the meetings, and strength | year proceeding seasons; Bracegirdle right.” ejaculat- her look a little rosy as she said, in a And in love with me ! Who could she he ! as having a strange power of fascination. During goes mixing it in the -tables with sand, in a little, she had 1 Now for tw. they furnish the latter with the first string hesitating way ed at the end often minutes: ■■she fe un- sort of : And 1 rose his career, even before he became known, iie lias go rowing. by wing every day j apologetic way many degrees in my own self I to the life on' li at' orbs all lie Mill'll she wished to been aide to interest some of the rnen in months have muscle enough hug ammonia, thus pre- ni'ivs-arirs of life at a within the say something. She I to take a “I had doctor 1 esteem at leading price doubtedly quite right. ought thought you gone out, the idea of being fallen in love the di tie rent of tha* little fellow if he was spirit d loss or had come in at summons, to re- kinds of business in which lie has yonder, by I'taporaiion soaking reach of his limited means, and the over- just my wife. But whose wife shall I take:’ as l'lwre is a in room 1” with, and t<> tlirt!" young lady your by the owner of sneh prettv been engaged, lie once said t“ a friend—this was enough smii tlie ground, and a ceive the rent for room. 1 “1 She therefore all the devices of her sex securing plus beyond the joint consumption of pro- quarterly my young Sheridan asked his father." saw some one come in. and return- feet. in early lire—••There is no about ‘retting adopted 1 " difficulty to air live li oiu odors of ant am a "mcdcrin." as the French on- when mischief and obstinacy unite siigg'-t | erlectly ducers and consumers so much young As the clouds el azure smoke curled ed," I said, with as if it were “Will me acquainted with any you please. Yoii have represents dignity, you tell who you are. or re- was’set over her Hits as a to set k their them, ller handkerchief flying compound additional to be very appropriately and term above 1 to me were only acquaintance and intevst your tap-dressing | capital employed in the significantly my head, conjured up, peeping nothing the old or move veil shoulder as .-he him. so that he could s*-e lady young. your self in the.r business. |* > as to passed Ffteen ai iof worn-out and then a quite easy know mi]nailed. various arts and industries. physicians, being single man, out of each curl, tile laces of some dozen otlice us looked astern, it there. \ ’ittle t'pon entering my the visitin' “Not now: I have heard that you have noted and rich as t is t*. know her. she place :: .• I people pour people." land, sown tli.- tear to corn, is i Film' an* some facts in hired a front parlor of good Mrs. Brace- fair I had known or still knew. As for more of those line arms wen* espci mlly connection girls arose, Tim had invited her to take a repeatedly said vou would marry me for I'poll this theory Gould has acted all his life. exposed, a the remainder of whose for him, and attracted even tile small hn\>. ; with rich, dark crop, because of i with this increase which tile first girdle, very gen- their features blended with the wreaths chair, and said, in a modulat- the beautiful His lirst conquest, so far as known, was old Gen they qualify charmingly smallness of my feet, and hut that sweet and retined monastic Lice ~ of teel house was her “bread- oral Pratt, whom he induced to take a kind of **::._• loo worth lertili/.er made up thllsly : I of a natural occupied by had in before ed : not impression .superabundant passed retrospection my voice, interrogatively ask to see my face !” in looked a little more respectful nut of iis large 1 and-meat as she termed her partnership Ins business, although without any t"iis of lisli three tons of (ter- In for we boarders,” eves. I “I him. though lie i- scrap, j yield. Minnesota, instance, find deliberately rejected each, pass- “Doctor Itodwell !” 1 was confounded. It was true. 1 bad interest. While m this eyes. believe I've touched proprietary position lie 1 amriale of and a of boarders who took their usual meals at loo to look it Is he married potash, mixture that her thirty-live millions of bushels ing judgment upon them as they ascend- "\es. Miss. Please your seat," I said so to Hamilton and half-a-dozen persuaded Pratt to make a great many speculative saintly keep The also owed his boat with regular! toi:: of hone-lilac k and db . arliot s of I arc the of two millions of acres her table, by way of distinguishing them ed and melted into thin air beneath the with ventures Chance liual y hromrhf C«*m!d D» New stranger produce said, my Sunday how-, and my soft- others. Had sent her hither to a athlete they ’fork, wlere he became aiated the tv. ami scented to he sort of religious .oi. all .-"tt :i broadcast. Hi from mere room like myself. of room. One a nose est. acqi with tirmof separately land under wheat. The average of occupants ceiling my had too lee-receiving smile, which, I believe, me to was no match for Barbara. she rm\ni word It could -** fint he I challenge keep my Loup A Lee, leather dealers iu the Swamp. I. bushels to (la acre is ex- bushels to the acre is not what had taken this parlor for my ollice be- blunt: another a rrtmusn- so far as to is ever around behind him. aid faded him: eiity-live eighteen my blandest. not he that one so lovely and lady-like had just returned from Lurope, having been in had him. dually Irum tins Selection ot tile hsh- cause it was situated and turn a third was too then his wore anion* light. but uul | gmill larming should in; contented with. pleasantly just up: tall: a fourth I glanced to catch another look at the could 1h> a to such a scheme. Yet health. He and Gould soon formed a very intimate eyes cherry party and she heard a full, melodious n;i is The ii-h “hollies" ll indicates lillcd. suited me and my profession -being on had too large a foot: a fifth had bail Cinderella acquaintance. Pratt had iu the mean’time, be quite worldly yd. important. | large holdings pool'd hoots, hut “the mice" were how did she know i had said so ! Per- voice exclaim Sister, n> -re come and wished to rid of asso articulated I a I- i.iiiii s'liuul anil Blocker street and on that a suspicious, get his clearly aught ie, mg .Michigan, which lias been longer settled precise portion teeth: sixth laughed too much : a now nestled out of so I tried to some one 1 afoul! But it must he thv fault. I’m the wor-t sight: haps have told knows her, « iate. but the tannery had become involved and if sr,- tlifir oil. The md where is more thereof cast of Broadway, where physi- seventh talked too an catch a of row «*r of the t wo." tunning systematically loud; eighth had glimpse her face, but the doub and told her, and she is really in love he could not free himself. Here Gould's ingenuity I.- .io row son the cians seem most to I11 Xew You don't want me to take in tow asked n lieil in i'al long practised, gives the excellent average of congregate. big knuckles : a ninth had a moustache : le veil still concealed it like a iron mask. with me. manifested itself. He induced Loup A Lee to ad- you and retined face b.i:v|. 1 iceoine certain streets seem to lie relin- vance the to tins Barbara, coolly. The gentle la- layers husliels to acre. York, a tenth a sweet money tannery, ■ rju- thirty the I5nt even this girl couldn't hear the For the Denotit of my female readers 1 These and other ran buy representing \< Bui -till thoughts rapidly that he held a one-third interest, and. as the storv smiled, and lie -tool: his head, if oil', lain ifi allil make a most to certain as | Vo a leaves something to he desired, as quished professions, tragic smell of assafietida, and, of course, was will describe her that il mind, there was a li’th more ardor in his g'anee. large dress, premising through my she seemed to await runs, he secured the remaining one tlrrd interest ■a fertilize!'. The it is. An of Bond sircet to dental gentlemen and oat of the for a doctor’s was Barbara exclaimed that night- I'm m average from thirty-live to question wife: the month of September near its my decision. Suddenly I clasped her in the tannery, the two thirds advanced by Loup A “Auiny. h ai- : or loss iilecker to medical men. Whether love!" a1.- oily have forty bushels should lie the farmer's stand- (east) an eleventh had a bad breath: and the close. In height she was about that of hand and said, Lee being sutlicmnt to pay for the whole property. earnestly, A •At last!" answered auntv looking over He.- a value of the ard. We note in our Southern so many doctors have got together there twelfth wore abomination the Venus of partnership of course reMilted. Goubl then be upper. spectacles —my which is live feet “Will vou marrv me her !• n exchanges Canova, a member of the and on Bible. have yon > .• because loves or be- ing linn, Pennsylvania Ii., .a always -ei-iiml by contraet- that several farmers have attained this "misery company," in a two inches standard. Her form “1 have been t«* tlirt wit1 young girl. -beauty's “Yes.” soil, his signature committed his partner, ’imme- trying ; 1 Jo in we see cause in the "multitude of counsellors I host- temmine laces all kind : he looks like a Methodist monk, li rows ng- pounds maximum, and no reason why. in- ascended above was slightly but elegantly moulded, in “lint you don't know me 1" diately lie launched out in his daring schemes. ID* a boat called the Little Fraud.' And that -t items iicing and stead of in it there is safety,” 1 know not. The fact head, and into and bought another tannery at Honda. New York, and mealy existing isolated instances, my ilis;i]>peai'ed slowly just poetical proportions with her “Well to know you would make lmait .bin -A H lift enough still another in a dillercnt of what he is! lie's got my should not lie the all only is clear. In old times, a young physi- thin air with the smoke less" stature. part Pennsy lvania. general average of evaporated “beautifully Nothing in me better for me 1 want that n in* happy." He went into all kinds of enterprises, but here was you pray I'i In -: and time to is our States. cian would have set up his “shingle” in a which had them. Vet, some- cheapest huy ; wheat-growing reproduced symmetrical grace could surpass the "The very words of Mrs. Bracegirdle." brought to light the curious limitations of this other." wia-a Iff lisli is a limit slg’ Hut a In unit eons vicinage far from any other; but alt op- how. a sweet face seemed wanted to have Barbara marrn-o. ami per j supply of cereals means to linger in the beauty of her neck, the lovely fall of her I said to myself. “Now, if 1 commit strange and strong man's genius. ID- had m* head Aunty ■ my Barbara's fortune where it would o'-im mo>t .a au k’ i running up to s-ju. abundance in all its it posite policy scents now pursued, perhaps blue cloud that curled from chair. shoulders, the moulded roundness of her self and for details. ID* knew nothing of the obligations put protean shapes, my she proves as ugly as sin ! But good Sim said: Nicce. from Stadtsfelt on the that one in a Hock 01 tn* assumed, and could m-wr 0*11 what became ot perl potash, ((ter- ; includes, in the coining principle Her blue eyes, her smile, her arm, which, her sleeve, ex- that is ! must he some of our meetings.' twelve-months, pleasant betrayed by impossible She beauti- the. monev he without the education young man at c: a birds is more to be one liv- sp<\. Being he laid in the fall a! I likely than head and shoulders, her itself at the a ! I "Then I shan't lind him." >;im Barbara. "lor 1 cheapest cheap stock-feeding, cheap hog-raising, graceful exquisite posed wrist, adorned by ful have full faith in her pretty feet. of a book keeper, he had liom* ».i' the sense which a i the latter ing alone. hate vulgar' Tim last cents, price being half that emanates from the hands and feet all were braclet. Her hands were What I have come to wen small have of lu»w your meetings. They’re cheap everything incomparable simple gold said since she has store-keepers knowing 1 ■ time 1 went a man told three stale ami. dare -a; m higher. I’lie vitriol and bone- farm, not The But leaving this matter for the discus- once more visible to me as I had before like those their accounts stand. For a time all went swim excepting cheap whiskey. just elegant, tapering lingered me. on faith of it, I will abide bv. ! shall iuvented anecdoi«*s. and then slamted at the ot ■ hut tin* sums were top fnrni-h ic which sion of others 1 state that I had i. + i. .■ .■1 i. ming. finally large that drawn we merely seen and we ■ >« piles;.hoi acid, only exception would wish to make is them, almost fallen in love with affairs which have to us .'iui n< nu\r a uraimuu wilt*. iuu ills voice, the initials of Ins own name. presented upon the linn of lamp A Lee. in New York, caused using I nitrogen and form thecssen- labor, of that and the starvation been Mrs. Bracegirdle's merely lodger and their alas I she was month in the of •Jesus died for P. II. Bliss! P. H. Bliss is potash cheap possessor. Hut, my every pictures the ladies "Am 1 to hope that you will redeem alarm. Bills were presented for >l.nun and par flcments ol' the earth's nutriment. tenant for a and three months, and doiied! Thank Hod for the us! II.* died tor us' that brought ii about, all of our manu- year cousin, and 1 had been informed by who illustrate The Fashion.” They your promise, sir said the sweet voice, and no account was ever rendered of the expeudi ■ 11. Bliss is one of us!' Now that." continued a save tares. Mr. Charles .M. was a P. I live acres of ttillat-i’i). set out ill a centers have had more than never "had word” with her in the Puritan mother that it was a were fitted a of elarct-eoi- Loup, who merchant facturing Fanny's nicely by pair the tones of which thrilled through and Barbara, “is •-! Ward li my youm' and sand loam with kindliest manner and tone. As I never of high standing, seiisiiive to his honor, accus worthy cliy gravelly their till. The misery the mechanical mortal sin to marry cousins, for the Bible oreil gloves with gauntleted heart. I was monk that I'll run him under watci wrist-guards. through my captivated by tomed to old-fashioned ways, and u ho. although preaches way. o'i. are fertilized with I.-, ear- our was in arrears, and said so. So 1 wore an and drown him in lake." yearly portion of population has passed always cheerfully let this sweet face also melt She open-work straw, which was the voice and feet too. not a hook keeper himself, had a natural fondness Wesley ls >i New York horse-railroad .stable ! for her rheumatics without Barbara would not go to the meeting, but Fuat through during the last twelve months prescribed away toward the ceiling ascending trimmed with Mowers of some sort, and 1 said ■•on one condi- for balance sheets, and liked to he aide t<> account j (an "Yes,” boldly, and the next sin* rowed the lake, and the a no. Inn barrels of ! was a favorite. for his tinanees. was distressed and alarmed. day air-slacked lime even charge, and and really 1 should teach the dullest that the angel), sighed, half resolving to turn straw, lmds and claret-colored and tion." thee, d nia\ ha\c 1 il«* sent a hook to the at young man was not Light- i I a "W< II. Mrs. have keeper tannery Galesburg .* tons of rci’tB'iau guano, at cost farmer is the best friend, and Bracegirdle, you any Homan Catholic, that I a “dis- lemon ribbons and lace was never a Naim- it she him off" she “What a’miserable country's might get (1 sir," saiil, quietly. to investigate the affairs ot the firm in that quar thought. pmid > hill acre. The horse railroad thing to say from to this lake is without him! I could go sotm-wln-p- per Unit tile first aim of our legislation should pensation” the Pope “to marry! hand describe the bewildering graces ■•That you unveil.” ter. I ho man ot' figures was puzzled and eon mire is valuable. as the Her and ad- s founded. He could lav and cry!" especially lie to emancipate the land and its tiro- eyes .surveyed deliberately cousins." But her mother and the Bible, ill a lady costume), all mingled together I mean shall take me on copied every document he "No, you She did erv. and scolded her aunty. I sled, ; si’.s are fed cm coni, t hie ton to the furnished room, his hands on. but then? was neither head nor tail, duets from every artilicial restiietion. miringly my handsomely how could 1 go against both ! So 1 saw in bewitching confusion, a own of II will she said, ami producing your theory beauty. you nor end to Could’s accounts. Cue ju.-t go up to Long Branch." mar; ■ with its handsome curtains, book- beginning Jay the being sought South. elegant the. features of fair cousin fade hull nisriiihlc that would without doubt one of the stock brokers'' expected. quality [The my away run the risk, there is my hand !” thing, however, was certain—the linn had become those nincompoops. nion tban ilii and a closo cum '. 1 irh sofa and chairs and car- -Ah. child !" said hunt .juantip.. showy with sorrow. have set off the beauty of her face in the And she extended the bewitching little tremendously involved, and it was doubtful whether my aunty. your young she and a monk first at If don't timl him. yon al’oaeh to the I la vaua tobacco is Foreign Insects. pel before replied, then, with “Not one of these will do," 1 said, shak- most manner, her face hand, which 1 had held in like the .V-u York house was not .11 sol vault 0:1 account meeting. you charming provided my palm timl consolation. L'«- hurried lw.. pums 1ms anted on. This land lias borne smile and nod she said: of Jay Could's eccentric aad daring speculations. may always pleasant knowing ing my head and also shaking the ashes ; could have been seen: but that veil, fall- a and bird. I the Lord has w died it tor me to Tin- call attention to the palpitating Muttering grasp- For it seems that in addition to what he did in hands, and may lu* ■ •I 7H .'l."i Kutomologist I do don't tobacco, and the crop sold at wonder, doctor, you get off my cigar. I then eatvlesslv ing from the front, all ed it. it to mv and moved have a third. Blessed be hi- name. 1 shall t rebei. tact that Kui'o|ieaii insects anil weeds are glanced destroyed possible pressed lips, Pennsylvania, he had persuaded the unior part t Ii ir w (in two aeri s of married. Such a nice room, and out of The old snitlled. stuck out ln-r foot as it to !’a]ipers. sugar- you my window preparatory to review effect. Her dress was a greenish brown by a sort of fascination. 1 answered : lier. Lee. to embark in all manner of outlandish lady naturalized in \meriea with tar more on her Bible. iiianuiv i'roni in hens and Ig is could have the one above it for a ventures. It these tllllled out Well would admire it. ami went reading hogs sleep- ing another dozen of marrying acquaint- and claret-plaid silk, very rich, and all "I will that is -if if they ami than ours arc naturalized there, marry you. you immense sum.-of Barbara put on her bonm-t that evening ■ w ill) excellent died. facility room, and I could, know, if ou have realized money, but if they ing you y ances. \t that instant a lovely girl was llounced and and supurb in its can show me evidence of went to She l ad entered tin* ac and even crowd out the insects indige- hooped your respecta- turned out luui’y complete ruin mu.-t result. Among meeting. hardly ! ‘.at the two sta ol the fa rut are to- let have meals : it was to he held, when she saw pies liked, you your private oil tile side of tile street. breadth and over her shoulders she wore -of a c ecssorv tent when* nous to us. Thus we have a native cur- going by opposite bility your position! harden me. other things orner was gotten up on hi Ics. Not •c.» and no like, ofliee the the Little Fraud, lie was among the digiutarn butter, money being object letting your boy Tim, lazy 1 recognized her at once as a mysterious a handsome coral colored merino shawl, but you know that"- only was all the liides in New York bought up, rant worm very much like the one im- of the church. He blushed over his nice -I to do mar- ■ but ali that ware to arrive six the production of the latter. There rogue, with nothing but play and who had so often with a border of needle-work in the I expected within from graceful girl passed perfectly comprehend you. Expect- blushed over her tine, commanding, almost ina.-ei: ported nearly twenty years ago bles ami chalk to set and months were purchased in advance Vltogethcr. hi head of and I < Ciicriisey Ylderney my sidewalk, my window. I had never seen her face, most expensive style. In one hand she this demand, I am to meet line features. Nature uever turned v her p by si : !>ut it lias never done dam- ing prepared tilings seemed to !-e in siieli a state that w hen Air to he increased to go. 1 Kurope any wait on and clear oil' table! I do wonder in her like ock, though hut as it was concealed. Bow. then, did I held a claret-colored wrought bag, with it; and her feticide she handed obtained a ,,f the he cal superior. Health played nampagm- age, while the one lias opening Loup glimpse entanglement, ami m»w it a cows already imported are content to live alone. And such in the form of m- bottie. arc in milk, giving 50 pounds you know she was lovely you ask. Because a cambric handkerchief, em- me a note. It was from unele, the became fairly bereft of reason. quart crystal in Slime almost the cillti- elegantly my ! ami was drawing tin- e*»i!. places stopped a in seemed, the preacher- butter per week. Making it in the pleasant spoken doctor, your habits her feet were the most little broidered. out, half a M. D. There wasno nor tirs ltvn.wfKisK nniNiis iouih v -i h 11 *1. v ation of tin- currant, t Mir onion does captivating peeping revealing mistaking forg- and all her nature bubbling upward. i'ter i- more liy all calculated to make a wife considered happy! members critical e\er rested name, enwreathed, of which 1 de- tliis hand I A who was tells the -tore of a soft and drawn voice read a profitable, any hurt, while the my eyes up- neatly ing oddly-shaped writing. person, present That deep hymn lien 100 week is made I scarcely imported liy, It's a such nice furniture and such a \V remarkable interview with .lav Could. Mr la pounds per pity on. Such feet could only belong to a love- ! tected the letters “Annie —In her read as follows : up. Watchman, tell ns ot tin- night to which it is allied, does stern who de cows is closely great nice room should be thrown so." the honorable, merchant, had been selecting the a great feature. away bod\ a to match in other hand she held a claret-colored "Dear .lark : file hearer is in \Y hat its signs of promise are It is the same with the ly lovely body, sym- par- every iu«led into these unheard-of ventures, whose name damage. just was not i"cow mu. t have a, tine-grained Mrs. Bracegirdle handsome, the faultless feet, must he crowned asoi, closed. she was wav If her Such Barbara had never heard \t- .w imported hark louse of the apple tree, metry Altogether, very your equal. you marry you had been Used by Could for speculative purposes, reading ■rn ol beeswax color, the skin ol a over II, n widow, and (so said rumor) a and head and face. and and was beside himself with and excitement tor could not do it as wcl!. "I'm gone, she said, attired, will not rage Jay '" and the meal worm hectic. Among other by superb lovely fashionably elegantly compromise yourself." of ■ “it's Methodist witchcraft The reading that \y. I’lvani and the teats must had laid up not less than sbttii in the sav- From such there with the most taste. ••So I Could remained cold, calm, collected, betraying tm yellow, cogent argumentation exquisite then, my uncle is in the affair." man pests of Kuropean origin are the Hessian uneasiness of manner, alt to listen was by the young lead aid out at the udder such hank, wit h the of a can no I am hough compelled hymn supplemented corners, ings “good-will'’ popu- (dearly he I had often “Yes, miss, Ibictor Dodwell. Can said friends mean I of it. to a -mall liy introduced nearly one hundred years appeal. laughingly. ".My to .! terrible outburst of wrath from ’lie merchant. mg the singing organ accompani '■ the riicl-st milk and lar These facts forced her to I be of sendee to .'" 1 “if I could giving being the wheat hoarding-house. pointed out some of my friends, any you asked, try- shall put my theories into practice. I Tiie Fnglish language was ransacked for epithets incut. “Oh!" thought Barbara, play ago: midge, lilty years ago: I m-'.et- 1> rcinely docile. Tlie pasture-lands are themselves upon my mind, and looked more than once said 1 would be ing to recall my uncle's instruction about will 1 said with which to characterize his conduct. The in that organ to that voice, he should stop. the her moth, cheese willing marry you!" desperately, arm.-. ”■ maggot, grain see ten iew terminated < build his heel himself to heaven, or faint in my leii’s, ami the cow .-'ablcs and barns now at my hostess to if she was try- to marry her without seeing her face. dignity coolness and perfect self posses- and almost fearing she would change her by turning upon sing weevil, house cockroach, and and the otliee without saving a word. That Some tedious man and. whem-v--- ■ liy. carpet to a snare for me. It is true she .'caving preached, arranged with tin* making of but tor I ing lay The fair now made use of sion. Without doubt, 1 was a little Mut- mind. i le- text was. lb and clothes moths. Among tin? words promenader night Charles M. Loup shot himselt. lie was the stuck, yelled his text aloud. ic \. The stables arc cleaned had on a shade smarter cap than usual, her little feet with tered. There seemed a sort of in hold the mustard seed1" Harkua- a; lit said “it daily j are I oxeve exquisite daintines-. destiny "Ect us exchange rings in mutual owner of what is now known as the Barrett a Man 'annda thi.-t le, mayweed, daisy, j -otto a sand and the walls w bile- and looked unusually attractive, hut when I'heir movements realized old Sir her oftice, and 1 could not ! sb-n.nt :!:•• corner of fifth street and Madi was a noble discourse." Barbara remarked, plaster, j burdock and chess cheat. In fact, the full) entering my pledge," she said behind that horrid veil. Twenty I she had me son \enu This is in ail the voce. -Oh ! aunty, go to grass !" lied, and tile cows are curry-combed reflected that regarded al- John admirable lines: dismiss from my mind the idea that more The was made, and then 1 to-day probability weeds the has to contend with Suckling's exchange liuest house in New A'ork. the After and more -inging tie- Little garden j more with a than Her let beiicntli her private except preaching d washed, and pure water and ! ways motherly feeling petticoat •would nine of it than now said: to had h.-ea ; spring are all On the other i yet appeared Stewart in oision. and i.- certainly the best eon Fraud arose exhort, lie looking pi;. nearly Kuropean. a widowish" one. 1 dismissed the Like little Mice i:i and out. w! of ice insure liuittiT. Some 1 “young peepeil on the surface. now me mv strueted. It was lmiit s re at Barbara during the .-eninm. uty superior an "Will you let seal promise j by day work, without !y particular!; hand scarcely Ameriean noxious weed. cried: "Beliohl tie- nm-tard non loads of dirt were carted in unworthy from my thoughtsand The first day, two mouths before that, 1 “I am desirous of on .’” card to and cost, in those low Brother Stutlinhox away j or suspicion very seeing you, sir, your fair lips expense, priced insect lias been in- I The furniture was ever seed!" “He is not afraid of mustard.' -an! Bar the used to re- plant successfully : saw 1 at once taken some times. >lbt),ono. the finest iking barn .-itc. and , said, smilingly them, was, captive. on private matters,” she said, in a ■A cs;"’ and she removed her I The Little I-"aim irnduccd into Kurope. If the potato ling slowly pia.I iu any mansion up to that time in New bara. “hut it makes him blush!" an The lal'in wall- are ■'And where shall I get a wife, dear '•I at said 1 to Hamilton, like a ;mg. building j length,” Hairy voice flute, soft, tremulous and rich. veil ami 1 started back with horror. 1 were as was neat a.- a mid soft a-a fawn, sincerity succeeds in effecting a. lodgment on Ku- I uric, while the picture.- and statuary rare pin ('.'liit'IH two and three led thiek. non madam my friend, "behold tin- beau ideal of “Are we alone so as could Had lived it is and retim*meMt invested him. ami he wa-eat*m--t to my Never before bail man beheld ugly a \ money purchase. Loup ropean shores he will do much help ! ill not the to heaven a- It in* was : long mi all. substantial to ••Bless me I a handsome young man, imagination. The perfect foot which I 1 wondered vhether it could face! I felt as if I should fall the believ.- l that Could'- cut arcs w ould leave coni' bullying people enough possibly through to liic scli-e balance the account. out all and that lie would have netted an itu dr 1 Illg steels He addressed hitll-elt t mi a small coliseum, and a half a with such white teeth," (Mrs. liraeegirdle have ill vain looked for in Hie Medician be a visit, she seemed the I right, .— Moor. with tie shock, professional fairly staggered uieii-e, inst'-ad of a- lie feared, for of (iivim- love and Barnara li.-tem-d “a horse losing, gratitude. of live fed wide and t wo had teeth) and buggy, Venus, in Power's “Greek Slave," in incarnation of health and for that not to to tone grew to a le mht a- ditching How TO Cl UK V llKAKINl. iluKSK. splendid beauty, only my nerves, hut my theory. Sliding that Loup was alarmed. C on Id had arranged with delight. Ills -light a and some of his work of were he.-eerhmg <1 a hall deep give ample drainage. good practice money ever) art illustrating feminine voice was in tune and the med- “Who, in heaven's name, are A wiih Congressman Alley, of Massachusetts, to take ln* proceeded his tender eye.- I'rive with harness on of the perfect you si-ter' ■ (out buggy) ask where lie shall find a wife. is now the whole oil' hauls. Had "O Slav that careless oar. dear brothm ilia'..- i iriiiiug like ill is certainly a own, to beauty, found ical man knows that any quickening or loud and mirthful and laugh property Loup's Loup a half hour a day, for two weeks, to break triumphant consented. Aliev with the Adminis In* said, ami his were on Bari Mia. i h>- r.ipids at arc. and in the in- There's ladies would to get It was in a close of the relationship eyes pica present fifty jump gaitered fitting gold- ill- from behind caused me to turn on to mind the word whoa! When depression pulse by incipient round, tra*ion the civil war would have enabled are before pause perfectly a 1" en during iu.. linich money, because t he such chance bronze boot, with neat heels like little ness is at once in the voice. and in the wide, doors I ile- I in in them. I»:u*i• •••' pro- broken to on an over-chock apparent open folding him to n alize immense profits by contracts with tlmi'.gM vvlioa, put I lilt loll id. ir, 1 ii in a man ■ if means, “You Hatter me, my dear friend." I an- walnuts, and as she walked I heard their •■But she comes for I the Coverinuelit. It wns ill |S;Vjvvheli com \ ttef the ad«!res> eaine pit .ll’tl lie preferred bil and over-check rein; hitch him perhaps others,” lield my unele. my friend Harry Hamil- Loup tip in the nutlike milled suicide, lie left three all high The in:m walknl ih*w ti the tent lie- tune make extensive uipio\ enienls at once. | swered. secretly rejoicing llattery, "tap. tap" upon the pave. As said to myself, and then aloud, “We are ton, and Puritan aunt, and half a daughter-, young and spin him around in the my ladies. Two of these for to -hum is enme. among t!»«• r rat Ins : iiaa w ait i > buggy twenty as all we vain albeit we she now came she ly accomplished young girls personal appi-al for nil which any bipeds do, pro- opposite my window, alone." dozen friends and relatives, who seetued He i»« fore Baikua. nr times in a circle; then reverse quite are now in Hu rope teaching music, and making a earnest brethren. >b*pj"-L tanner cm thirty fess not to lie taken with it. “A wife is :,il ohtai'.. though a I slight]) (the least perceptible motion in 1 felt, heart tint ter as I said beside themselves with was ami. when ii<> one uotieeil, ii: t:im- t g<-i. reijuiriug and the corner of my this, joy. living for themselves. The youngest daughter stop square up against lie look n r ham! 'in ,ci time. Ni'i'.hlioriiig farmers are! a dangerous risk! One must change one's the world) elevated her skirls to and I walked to the door to see if .Mrs. I I saw I vic- into the of Mr. William B. Arnold, emotion, he ktu-lf before In-r. a fence or room escape stood amazed. had been adopted family high building, leaving •'Sister." lie saiil. "liaW toliml .iee ml'ihing ideas from this example with I habits if one marries! I should lose my possible contact with a patch of coal dust Bracegirdle by chance aught be at hand. timized. 1 the before a niereluint iu this city. The death of Loup was you I enough to turn out if lie will not stand regarded stranger the ruin of Could. All the ••1 to ll ml it." Miih Barbara. micli I can now do as I w hich I >r. vis-a-vis friend temporary jay proper hope personal benefit. independence. please Bung, my and were verified. 1 found her me with as the chief to a con- '<■; -l< still. Never strike with the for not My suspicions anger party tv to Could .- credit was on the hooks of the linn. "Now is the time." the whip wear in had to "tan*1, ng smoke, lounge, my slippers, go rival, carelessly permitted remain gathering shreds anil when, i In the (“state wu- found for the not to 1- somethin:: standing still. Some horses cannot rear very tidily ip spiracy against me, suddenly, winding up enough ly. -Why slay I on three n tween ami rwrlasting love I>.-■ aril it Iron and out as wish, sit chairs and after getting (low his coal I Such ankles smoothing her door-mat, that is all. I saw the which was an ad- creditors, but there was nothing for Could. On the you with a tight over-cheek: some it will ugly visage, heart!" Thinning Fruit. a table too, if I take a notion to of grace and were never before not on she death of Loup, the only chance for Could to save your spread beauty would oath say was listening. mask, fall to the fate lie make rear a little at till mirably fitting ground, himself was in actual of the She looked into the young man's first, they get if I down I beheld ! w ere lit mates to getting possession myself, and lay anything They the twink- Mrs. was, 1 am sure, above the beautiful, te«• 1111 • le-1 .i I'he .Michigan I-'ji hut, in notes of the used to it. It should be used at first with Bracegirdle revealing lovely, laughing, tannery at Calesburg: and then* bis genius tor blushed again, ami bis voiee where to find it! if it makes feet. As I the r.-aruig know 'Why. ling gazed enchanted, fail this weakness of her sex. Nevertheless mischievous face of fair lirst manifested itself. There ,va.-a race be tlie pauses 'a Brother Stutliiib-M- pr..y i.■ hi an caution. charming, my cmif/s Agricultural College Karin. -e. ••‘ an I to cast out that evil from me nervous to see Betsey, the chamber- promenader, whose form was slight, s\ m I resolved to close my door, which 1 had cousin! tw**fii him ami tin* surviving partner. L to oh help you yur \ s : actual and two of men luiml r come into room with that dust- metrical and as became sueli left as I entered. Mrs. tain possession gangs maid, my graceful, modestly ajar When the uproarious excitement had a •• It I .mi u *rt!i Ilow Otto was Deceived by the Mirror. literally fought tortile tannery. Fur Jay Could’s Perhaps, -aid the uiaitleii. Here i> one useful which er of an old torn handkerchief, lest she lovely feet, turned a corner and vanished ! and looked a cv but not here experiment Bracegirdle caught my eye, little subdued and cry body had laughed generalship was superior to that of Lee. He sue saving, you might try again do mischief, what would become 1 am not an man. *• the <-a;«>t iiplilies the elfee! of the thinning of l >tto was a blaek-and-tan, with ears so should usually impulsive little queer out of bets. at me as much as they could. 1 clasped (ceded in holding the place, and in the subsequent I ‘11 see thee again, then." said y«aing me with a wife who would uncli who was a had told he of course had the "Haw la ll till tliell ! in summer, to which we have often tlexibie and <|tiiek they seemed as though of put ‘every- Aly physician, ■•llouisoit i/ ti ini' i/ pmsi," 1 said to the bewitching Ennny, my cousin, (her legal proceedings advantage softly. over rival in hroilght home the "Little Fraud Slu ■■ted is no on in not that me that and were with un- arms by being possession. Amity attention. There part of hung wires, and the saueiest-looking thing order,’ understanding impulse excitability j her. grav'ty becoming my great name was Frances in into tie- Annie), my But Tin- vast affairs of Loup. Lee A Could wen- ami Brother Mil din box went deepl\ para farm that receives lr.-s attention i little tail ever saw. was there exists a certain arrange- fatal to the success of a doctor of modi- cle himself: and not to translate : lu-ai !»«*; than turn-up you lie systematic j waiting and cried not enough tor the latter. He went into another hie <>1 the mustard seed, while Barbara i to own in all that I to cultivate lie eatm- again anu again orchard and its fruit. There is no very bright and could go through so many ment perceptible my eye cine; ought calmness, j for her, as 1 usually did my Latin labels, “Ect him laugh, mv friends, who wins. enterprise of his ow n. lie secured an old charter, mouk diseoui'M'apart, lies on an and cool had been utilized, for Olle lie said "l*dse can save lie smiled round and his to the from blown and-twent\, (lalen (or sir, but I have called to to lined of their profusion of young fruit, | wagged tail, but keep papers being wasquitea gravity bold, ask you than 1 ever saw her ill my life. Confound more. The allairs of this concern did not prosper, in love a month." manner, athletic ami beard tlm ■ ili the intention of trying whether the concluded to go and lie down, when he away. But you know my habits, Mrs. anil ileenrmn of visage and lint prescribe for me that clever mask ! how thoroughly it de- and about the time that Loup committed sui id Then he received the litig woman while lie tried t" di.ia In •• confess of the the in the Patent Lea’ tier called lim* say. iring year could not he changed. discovered a bone, which he seized and liraeegirdle !” I must that upon sight fair "Indeed, miss 1 Then it is a profession- ceived me! partners Company large, upon Could Ibr an additional assessment. Of breath: "For shame, you Little Fraud ['Oaths la"i v other a of fruit was ran with into the hall. There Yes, doctor, and that is the reason possessor of the beautiful feet 1 sprung visit ?” 1 have found that it is not in year prolusion happened “Why, course lie hud no money and was liable to lose his Orean 11rove Ltirrcspomh-ma-. be a it to be for words from arm tossed into "t .adhered, and the oil' year there was a to mirror standing there when' had you ought married, your my chair, my cigar nquestionably," with dignity and the Hible, only in ‘he last part, put in by investment. Here again hi- daring genius came ireity. Well, here in the orchard there been left after cleaning, with its polished show y ou are selfish, and there is no cure the grate, seized my hat and stick a gold ease. knows who, that cousins shan't into play, and one morning, before the other part nobody of \\ i i:i». A for it but a she. said with headed doctor like with name. ners came to the store in Newark. Could had cm Tin-: Kim* 1ii:j.i<;io\ .is .! large number of Northern Spy ap- surface outwards, otto saw another dog wife," emphasis. cane, my This coolness quite put all my philoso- marry,” said her mother: “and only in ployed a gang ot men to crowbar the safe of the tlint hears ml mi of been in it with a and lie was furious with I have no doubt a wife would “Doctor .1. V. S. Dodwell, ,lr.,” in full out of brain. ; so when saw religion heavily, only ple trees, sexeral them had thin- i bone, “Yes, phy my the old English Hihles 1 •■ut on the -nlewalk. hi this safe, it Company ap i. hut mi me out of conceit of I thereon and rushed into the hall and 1 the exceeding sinfulness of si the ned last year, which was thin hearing jealousy, lie (Implied bis bone and rushed quite put myself," ■Tray may ask what is your disease how it was and that Fannie loved you pears, were tlm private securities ot the other of h mg and stealing: ear. livery tree that had been thinned at the mirror, but the other dog did the ; answered with a half sneer. “But to tell made lor the street door, resolved I “(>f the heart, sir." and you would have married her if you members of the tinu. Fortunately for Could exceeding rascality Mrs. I a would this there was some delay, and tlmy arrived on a religion that banishes small measures of its fruit last year, was hearing a fair same, and looked so very fierce, that Ot- I the truth, Bracegirdle, have time follow her to the world's 1 almost bounded two steps backward dared. 1 gav e my consent, and to please partners j the ground before the safe was opened or taken from the counter, from the cotton erage of fruit this and the to back like a little coward. I!ut great desire to be married, but I am the end Init that I discovered who she was! 1 w as so taken by surprise. uncle, and some others, we a pebbles crop year, jumped your got up awav. His boldness, however, intimidated the from to was “t 1 nigs, from the paper, sand the Mees that had not heeii thinned, hut let i seeing the other one drop his tail and most difficult person suit. My wife Mrs. Bracegirdle standing in it, chaf- it the heart ?” little and Mrs Hraeeginlle, be- others, and they to a settlement by which clay deception, agreed the entire, alum from so lie 1 with a woman sort. Could his out of the concern instead of sugar, chiccory from done as is the usual custom of orchard- j jump back (piiekly. he again advanced, must perfection. can't bear ugliness, fering for fruit of some “Ves, sir. I am in love. I am told that ing let into the secret three days ago, let got money paving an additional assessment. But at this time the bread, and water from the milk s'. were standing next to them without and was again repulsed. Then lie danced and a bad feature in a woman J can never As 1 crowded past her she looked at me love proceeds from causes over which us in by the side door into the parlor." lie Was and all his magnificent schemes cans. that istosave the world with amazement, and cried out in alarm. medical men have so “strapped." The religion mi, fruit on them. To Mr. Ileal this backwards and forwards, and seemed forgive." control.” “Yes, doctor, 1 couldn’t refuse ’em, had come to naught. will not all the strawberries mi loved that the could he skirmishing around, as I ••As if, poor woman, it. were her fault," “Who is hurt What, is it, doctor .' Is I felt vcr; doltish, and was for a mo I unlocked the doors and In his visits t<> New York tiouhl had .it put big hearing year though intending folding slipped stopped ones run ?” the Kverett House. a haek room, he tin* top of the box, and all the little hanged, or at least sustained that theory j to get the bone by skilful luameuvering answered Mrs. Bracegirdle. anybody over mcnt dumbfounded. Was this young out the keys. You know I asked you Occupying noticed in an adjoining window a ven at the bottom. Ii will not make out: half some rather than at: attack. It was a “That's not the A woman to lix “No, 1 am after my wife !" 1 answered : me.' I was this if hadn’t better take a pretty shown hy hut still ; open point. beauty quizzing Impossible! morning you He was then a man pomologists: voung lady. young and fully a leather and tin- so must be I and her 1 at too of shoes of would not lie settled until funny sight and thought otto's mis- my attention without fault," leaving mystified, [pursued grave and dignified and self-possess- wife!” alive to tin* tender and this pair good satisfactorily passion, seeing pretty so that the first shall “She must be as beautiful as a the course taken the ed a other half shoddy, ie trees had hat. time to show by their i tress, as she stood in the doorway and said tinnly. rapid step by person for that. The result of this innocent conspiracy girl very often lie took the liberty of howing to her. She returned his salutation, and a flirtation on redound to the maker's credit and the dure that the change had been burst into laughter. At this otto looked she doubtless was in the, beginning, as in- twinkling golden bronzes. I'pnn turning “Pray, explain madam. How can I of my relatives, heartily seconded by tops sued out of the haek windows of the second to his cash. It w ill not .lotivin's ■ as as as let me see! as the corner I met her full in the re- ?” 1 adjoining put Tablished. Hut with such a season as to her though asking help, but kept telligent Lady face, help you Fannie, who knew had loved her from The at houses. acquaintance begun the haek part on kid nor make Jane as musical as as as if she had taken the “Von had sir. It is stamp .Jcnkin’s gloves i when fruits were so his attention on the other bom. The (trey, Jenny Lind, turning, wrong best feel my pulse, boyhood, was that 1 got the best and of the house was eon tinned a chance to year, plentiful, by meeting 1 in the hack room ol a I lost on as as street. 1 was so taken to use a not me I to he *aris bonnets nd orchard and tree bore with a mirror was removed from the wall, and beautiful as Cleopatra, benevolent aback for to describe my disease. most beautiful wife in the world, choos- the front. The lady proved the daughter of every a ol sea term that I still, catue a well known merchant, a Mr. Miller, who. in milliner shop, nor let piece velvet, i"ofuseitess that seemed as universal as | Otto bounced behind and snapped at the Florence Nightingale- as—as" stopped perfectly to consult your skill, and put my- ing her, after all, by her pretty feet, and his time had stood high ill merchantilo circles that to measure twelve yards, ih such a as came over his Rich as Kreestts!” ventured Mrs. confounded by the reeontre, and she glid- self under hands for a cure.” so established favorite that professes here were trees that had bone, but change your perfect my theory in (iould won epidemic, this eitv. fairly the lad)-, and come to an end at eleven and ed me without even at me, miss f” v untimely "•eii cheeked at an date by taking face in an instant I lie seemed to umler- Bracegirdle. past glancing Hless my soul! Indeed, (confound that ugly isaged mask, it she married him without the knowledge of her early ll does not put bricks at oil' one-half of the immature fruit stand the situation at once, and “No,” I said laughing. “I don’t care a slightly deviating to pass me, as she “Ves, sir," and as she spoke, she re- nearly killed me on the spot!) a pair of father. This occurred shortly after the Loiipcatas three-quarters, fully j dropping a thousand into it would have done a barrel that stood moved a After a time her father became reconciled, live dollars chimneys soon alter were formed, and this ; his tail, and hanging his head, rushed tig for money. I want beauty and good- by her glove, displaying charming pretty feet can belong only to a lovely trophe. they ami. having a shrewd son-in-law on contracts to build with seven dollar ma- mistress's loveliness of face and of in her Her face was concealed hand and wrist, and extended the face and on the that unemployed year their crops of fruit were a fair under the table, while his peals ness, symmetry path. by pretty person, principle his hands, he sent him to take of the Kens of charge terial; nor smuggle white into lloors i of mirth seemed to confuse him all form; but" and here 1 spoke with posi- a brown veil, worn, as the fashion member towards me. As I delicately “All's well that ends well.” selear and which connects Troy pine average. hearty Saratoga Railway, for hard nor leave over the 1 was then a that have paid pine: the more. No temptation of bone or tivencss and decision “hut, above all. young girls is, face, clasped it with thumb and linger, lelt with Saratoga. The road under cloud, me can and its securities wen* for a lew cents on yawning cracks in closets when hoards meat could induce him to come out for she must have a little loot." though for the life of how they all sorts of emotions. I never experienc- Seven Massachusetts sewing-machine selling; \Vi:i:i>s. The most the dollar. Hen* (ion Id's genius thoroughly to Tim that is rapid way the Mrs. withdrew her see to walk so blindfolded is a mystery ! ed such sensations in touching a and fourteen hook invaded Jay ought join. religion going j remainder of the day. Bracegirdle slyly patient’s agents agents displayed itself. The bankrupt road, under his to kill woods is not to lot them grow. had me 1 recovered hand to her arm to save tin* world, pays its debts; it does plump foot (No. ,">s) out of sight within Alter she passed tn> before. In order not let this county one day last week. The vigorous management, by his bargains with con- Uteak the white and brittle from not consider that cents returned sprouts Mrs. Sawin ol' Kansas is a plucky the mvsterious peripherv of her black self-possession, which this unprepared fall to the ground, I was under the ne- (iovernor was immediately urged to send necting lines ami his encouragement of local and forty the seeds before are lairlv above tratlie. to he valuable property. from one hundred cents is in ac- they woman who has a farm of tttill acres of silk. for encounter had in a measure deprived cessity of supporting the warm, soft little troops, but he said he had no military at through grew given :round. The oliener ilo tile bet- With the help of his father-in laws money, by cordance with the it yon it, land. “A loot : me and turned to follow resolved hand in own. It felt like a his a (lospel, though may prairie This she harvested pretty of, her, my young, command, lint he would send down of own “cheek, and what little means spring means his on a man ter for the crop. II is ever so much of her until warm he according to law. It looks ten acres of wheat of her own plowing "Two of them, Mrs. Bracegirdle. A that 1 never would lose sight robin-red-breast, and it palpitated couple of lightning-rod men and a chroino he himself had. he secured all the stock and bonds easier and better than big His first who has fallen in trade, and who con- pulling up and sowing, and put down twenty acres pair of prettr feet. 1 could not love 1 knew where she abode, which ascertain- for all the world like a little timid turtle- man, who would talk the invaders to of the bankrupt road. dealings with weeds or them oil' with Vanderbilt occurred at this time. While lie tinues to live in as a thief. by hand, rutting more, besides some and buiom Venus herself if she had a big foot. It is ing, I determined to take steps to become dove. To this day, I have not the least death. Then and paid luxury, sorghum Burlington just got up no one else more than live cents on the dollar for a hoe. In the garden the most expedi- She is but that a with her. idea how times her beat a corn. not a strong-bodied woman ; impossible perfectly beautiful acquainted many pulse went over the river and hid in the woods the securities of the Rensselaer and Saratoga Road tious is to run over the mellow a from way on the contrary, when she began her woman will have small and pretty feet. 1 Instead of continuing along Bleecker minute. I had lost my presence of mind until the sound of carnage died away. Vanderbilt cornered him and compelled him to Here is something about horse, ground with a steel rake, which so lifteen cents. Hi* said then that In* would Star: Miss Char- going plowing she was so feeble that she had am willing to choose a wife by her foot, for street, she crossed, and seemed to be completely that 1 forgot to take out And as the pale moon rose slowly and pav get the Woodford (X. S' ) down an the of even even with Vanderbilt, and those who remember inch, snaps sprouts an easy chair at the end of her 1 in this case, the aphorism that looking for some number. She slowly my watch to time it. 1 think though, I she looked down and saw the cold lotte Thornton, of this place, has an old furrow, accept, calmly his later history will recall how lie has weed. If the ground is hard, skim the ends well.’” on doctor’s window must hand full live frequently black horse which to the and was obliged at every second row to ‘all’s well that read the sign the have held that little corpses of seven sewing-machine agents endeavored to fulfill his threat in Western I nion goes straight mfac.e with a thin light, hoe, ground stop and rest. She chose this life because Mrs. Bracegirdle, after taking half a shutters (if read she could through her minutes, pretending to feel the pulse, all and two lightning-rod men, while the ami Krie, when he issued the convertible stock. blacksmith shop and deliberately walks and then use the rake. In the 1 it is believed that to his death Vanderbilt loses a shoe. •harp, she had more fitness for it than for any- minute to think upon it, was vastly thick barage mask), and passing on, the while revelling in the delightful pos- only living creature that roamed the aw- Hut up in, unattended, every time he the farmer must use the harrow or was still ahead in the various tussles between the him to drive field, thing else that gave promise of a future pleased with this quotation used in such saw her linger an instant to glance at session. ] only wished it had been her ful field was a deaf chroino man, in the A negro boy usually rides to speculative giants. At all events, the final result cultivator often enough keep a perfeet- for two little sons whom she desires to a and the name, on window blind and then little foot! Hut doctors don’t feel tierce delirium of cows to and from the The other relation, laughed heartily. my usually wild, the lock-jaw. was that (iould succeeded in selling the property pasture. h clean surface all the time. Such for come to and good educate to usefulness. Her health im- “Well, well, doctor, you are a droll gen- lightly trip up the steps and ring the bell pulses in a lady’s foot, however beau- [liawkeye. In* had acquired, and come to New York with day the darkey didn’t time, treatment will often double the of £7f>0JMM) m solid the cows to growth proves, and a sheep raiser in the neigh- tleman, to be sure! You have such a not Mrs. Bracegirdle’s but mine ! tiful and small. money. the intelligent horse drove Bricks with three that the mor He met a friend here at a hotel, and of the crop by the constant stirring of the her to ten make woman 1 do not know whether or de- she withdrew her perforated holes, spoke the at another time he went to borhood has engaged plow pleasant temper, you'd any surprise Slowly hand, seeing was pasture; tar may get a good “hold'1 are being used in the his intention of going into Wall street. He soil, independently of keeping the weeds of land for him and take her in But there’s the bell. Good morn- the most in emo- I retained it than was the alone and drove the cows acres pay happy. light predominated my longer necessary, constructien of some buildings in Minneapolis, advised, of course, not to do anything of the kind, pasture from sucking the nourishment. tions at this. Tim—a red-head- but not as if but he did into Wall and the same friend home. [ sheep. ing, doctor.” My boy displeased. Minn. go street, | Maine Historical (Society. Massachusetts Democratic Convention. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. no necessary antagonism between the There certainly appears to be very little THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. Generalities. Nows of the City and County. The Maine Historical its WowKSTun, Sept. Id. .Mechanics’ two, that the recent outbreaks were, as probability of in poli- Society held anything exciting Senators Elected. It is estimated that the various railroads UNDERSTOOD IUM. Hall was well filled this with brought SHE annual held at morning 1877. future ones must be, detrimental to both tics iatho immediate future. The Mex- into Boston day Shoepscot, Thursday. BELFAST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 100,000 people .Monday. A mood came- over me : delegates to the Democratic State Con- ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY, pensive The visiting members arrived at Wiscas- —and that labor and should make ican forth The Dallas Commercial estimates tin* win -at crop 1 remarked with many a sigh. and a number of capital bugbear, brought by Blaine, ltufus Turner. set at d o'clock in the m and were vention, large spectators Prince, of Texas this year at 7,.‘>00,000 bushels. ••The frost and cold will soon he here. ruing, PUBLISHED KVEUY THURSDAY MORNING BY and live in didn’t live to breathe. There J. L. H. Lewiston. received assembled in the gallery. The conven- peace peace. long enough Cobb, The landscape change to brown and sere. by Messrs. K. K. Sewall and W ILLI A M II SI M P S 0 X V. S. Senator (leorge E. Spemvr of Alabama. tion was called to order at i 1.10 Edw. have been some threats of AROOSTOOK CO UN T Y. And all things green will die ol the Hon. E. by Some Democratic Wednesday married Xune/ a New York act Henry Ingalls Wiscasset, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Remarkable Democrats. May of Braintree, chairman of the State Parker P. Linneus. ress. She Wilder Earle', of Newcastle, and a local Avery attacks upon the President at the com- Burleigh, [In doubt.J looked sweet, sympathetic. Central who also acted as Subscription Terms. In advance, $2.00a year: The CUMBERLAND < OUNTY. And the tears stood m her eye. committee, of which Richard Committee, Progressive Age makes the ac- A blasts of a whistle has boon Captain within the $2.50; at the of the ing session of But the South, signal buoy giving As she murmured in a voice divine. temporary chairman. \Y. Clapp of year, expiration Congress. Philander Tolman. Harrison. oil* Moose Peak Head. Maim*, in live lath Tuekei was chairman. The visiting mem- year. $3.00. quaintance of very peculiar classes of placed Placing her hand in mine. was where tile Democratic can James Portland. oms of water. lily bers were J. Framingham, temporary Secretary. Advertising Terms. For one inch strength lies, Bailey, “I'm !*’ President W. Bradbury of square, (one Democrats. For it William (1. Portland. sorry, but---good-by Committees on of in for one week, ami 25 instance, says— be /hun.f, A. S. Packard of credentials, permanent length column.) $1.00 scarcely brought up to such a work, Warren U. Vinton. Henry Butler. Esip. father of Hen. Janm-, 11 Augusta. Secretary a number of the of this Cray. No ind resolutions wore cents for each insertion. A fraction oi quite Democrats eitv, Butler, died at on at tie- ad- trouble this \ car about the corn. Brunswick. .1. E. S. organization prompt- subsequent unless for reasons Hampden Monday, ripening Chamberlain, ,i. a as a one. the issue made the .lour than any that FRANKLIN COUNTY. A motion for the square charged full Monday, accepted up by stronger vanced age of m ly appointed. commit- mil the years. shortens and gas bills Young, 11. !.. Chapman, and A. (1. Ten- upon question of increasing the debt of the are now Wade who James Morrison, Daylight lengthen. tee to nominate twelve members of The for the apparent. Hampton, Jr., Phillips. net of Brunswick, Robert 11. Gardiner of city unnecessary project of bringing water .James Stevens had liis pocket picked of The The following are authorized agents for the HANCOCK COUNTY. potato bug has gone into the ground, and i> State Central Committee at large was into the city, and either refused to vote the Demo may be supposed to know the intentions while viewing the nroccssion "U Washington Gardiner, Rev. S. E. Dike and Arthur Journal: on the eratic ticket and at home, or voted on the William (Jrindle, Penobscot. street in Boston feeding potatoes opposed by Mr. Riley of Boston, who S. R. No. 0, Tremont St.. Boston. stayed of his that “if ex- Monday. sewall of Bath, John M. Brown of Eal- side of the Age. section, says anybody William W. Bragdon, Franklin. thought the committee was snl'li- S. M. Pettengii.l, A- Co., (» State St.. Boston, Jason Carleton. of Whitetield. who was serious As cold weather advances yu;: muv b*ok for tie moutli. ,1. G. Elder of Lewiston, William already pects to use the Southern KKNNEBE*: COUNTY. and 37 Park Row. N. Y. These were queer to to Congressmen a accident. the other is i mold of ciently large. chaps, attempt ly injured by painful day. regular army of tramps. Rev. ,1. T. Horace 1)odd. 121 St.. Boston. to kick a HreeuliefT. Stevens, West Waterville. now considered out of danger. Windham, Champlin, An animated discussion ensued which Washington decide a up rumpus with the President, municipal question in an elec- Considerable mom-; at Rev. C \\. Hayes. Henry 1 leering, T. II. Geo. P. Row ere it Co.. -Id Park Row. New York. J. Manchester Haynes. Augusta. changed hands the trial so much confusion that A- : he will be mistaken. There isn't a cor- The Cuited States 1 ;».-i«>n Ageuev at Co: « .• r. 1. li. W. finally engendered Bates Locke, 31 Park Row, New York. tion held for the choice of State KNOX of on Saturday. Haskell, Richardson of only and COUNTY. the States of engines Portland, the chair was to restore embracing Maine. Xew Hampshire and,l. W. obliged order. poral's guard of Democrats in the whole J. 11. Porter of The officers ! doubtless Martin, Camden. aud Vermont, 11 clerks. lie* sun crs .-.-es the e next Burlington. tug The on Administrators, Executors and Guardians county They believe employes junior Saturday, and 1). committee credentials reported South Henry Hobson had been fitted up for desiring their advertisements published in the Jour- who could be used in such a way. LINCOLN COUNTY. then autumn will coiutm*nee. that 447 towns and wards of cities were that Gov. Connor will issue a proclama- Hon. Biou Bradbury, accompanied by hi> daugh t1h> occasion : a nal will so state to the Court. numper of Wiscas- please The U. IF. Woodn ord, Damariscotta. ter. Airs. C. F will start for soon large tion President will around him Libby, Europe The fruit thiet is abroad, and cultivators set represented by 1041 delegates. The re- commanding all citizens to refrain gather j many people the party. As OXFORD COUNTY. They propose to remain abroad for some time. accompanied SUBSCRIBERS or to the have been of port was accepted. The committee on remitting money desiring from at a water conservative men of all parties.” despoiled choice apples and pears the tug left the wharf she was saluted by have the address of any attempt supply, con- James Hartford. a papers changed, must state the Irish, Mr. Robert Pennell of Brunswick, last Saturday permanent organization made partial It is true that the adminis- Some who had abandoned their scum le guns from tilt' fine ship Richard III. and Post office to widen the paper has been sent, as with a malediction on the certainly Muses S. Moulton, Porter. | mistook a door mid walked down cellar, n people the name of Hon. cluding Muck, night the Idlewild. bothdeeked with bunt- report, presenting well as tin* office to which it is to go. tration is more from which he died cottages eam» back last w eek during the hot yacht and a curse on all than answering the ex- PENOBSCOT CO UN 1 Y. | ceiviug injuries Tuesday day- Charles F. Russell of Cambridge, as Pres- comprehensive streams, ing in honor of the occasion, and with a J. l s e ■ pectations of conservative men. It has Wyman Phillips. Orriugton. During an altercation at Vineland. Y J.. be nele Sam ..Hu n -liters to he happy, ident of the convention. This was adopt- Subscribers are to take notice of the springs and ponds. I'M win B shrill whistle from Hobson's mills. requested Xcalley, Bangor tween a white man named Dick^m and n colored with no ed date on the colored attached to the It the conventions to run and no assessments t« As and applauded. Mr. Russell was con- slips paper. The reader of the is still in the given country peace, and is honestly Lloyd W. man named Frances, the latter was shot dead tile tug came in sight of the lower is the form of now Age Drake,'Springfield. ducted to the chair and only receipt used. For instance, D. F. Davis. Corinth. !‘TV received with 15 and for the next end of the Neck, where traces of an an- May 78. means that the subscription is paid to mazes of astonishment, when he is called earnestly laboring great- lien. Sturgis reports that he encountered the The committee on 1 SC A T AQU IS ('O u NT V. flu wn a-,1 ,!. a that no man with au\ prolonged applause. that date. When a new is made, the date ou pur>ueth cient wharf have been found, a company payment to wrestle with the est Evarts Xez Peives Indians the A ellewstonc. and caj will hi* to upon .sur- need—prosperity. Secretary Jason Hassell. Sebec. success .. u permanent organization presented Un- changed correspond, and SUBSCRIB- following Hired manv horses and killed a number of I '.dimi' rages id down t of Newcastle people oil shore cheered the for balance of their which was ac- ERS VRE REQUESTED TO SEE THAT THEIR announcement— spoke truly the present, and we hope SAGADAHOC A few soldiers were killed. trowsers On r.t the tide report, prising COUNTY leg. company. arriving falls, DATES ARE CORRECT. Subscribers in arrears for cepted. At 14.40 the convention adjourn- An old Democrat who is an man in also the future, in his remarks William Bath. There have fe Newcastle village was found decked with are requested to forward the sums due. intelligent reported Rogers, been twenty deaths from yellow There still remain.-* a scarcity of water in th this and who for or more ed until EBO. city, forty rears had that “the were tired of SOMERSET COUNTY. ver at Fernandiua. Fla., within three weeks. >, dags, and were in to never people politics. city, and it continues to be hauled !« r umnufactu- carriages waiting voted any other than the Demo are down with the in*v \11 The convention re-assembled at 1.45. straight X all uin Totman, Fairfield. enty persons disease lake the -. visitors along the old king's eratic ticket. Monday, went to the polls, ami. on They want good government and a good who can are the eitv. mg pnrpo.-M The committee to receive, sort and count Wendell Phillips on the Labor Questions. D. 11. Bartlett. Harmony. leaving highway, to the extremity of the Neck. tirt-ly unsolicited, cast his vote for the whole lb- administration of the laws: indi- •* Richard i:. dusting in hi- drug stop* votes for candidate for (Jovcrnor was ticket, that he believed we hence, WALDO COUNTY. Davenport, the actor’s death is slid t>< Inn. been Moody \ of the Neele was ap- Mr. is a man <>f No one publican remarking plan exhibited, pre- Phillips ability. caused his aei 1 in v. pointed. Mr. F. W. Bird took the plat- have an hottest President, who was faithftlllv at vidual opinions are not of a shadow of Isaac M. Boardman, Belfast. by having taken lifiy pills rapid Praia} morning hroin- <•;, of hi- oniam«*;;t tl for the occasion Alexander succession, the of a d..ei..r in pared by who has listened to or read his tempting to correct abuses and have an honest Orrin Learned, Burnham. prescription .|uaci; dow bottles that c->t S? form and asked for a moment’s attention, speeches account at the Johnston, Esq., of Wiscasset, from the government. present time. The pres- Boston for the cun of rheumatism and in the interest of withdrew will that, or fail to his WASHINGTON COUNTY. minutes ni an harmony deny acknowledge ent The bark MHiilvery. AH I tons, built i:i Moekt. actual survey of the region, Here is recorded a who de- administration is one tlood tide of W H. Herndon, once the law partner of Vhra the name of Charles Francis Adams as specimen Albert M. Nash. in I marvellous as an orator. He is a Harrington. ham at Sad. m*w at New York, was -..Id t ■xhibiiing the present contours, but des- gifts and Alexander B. Lincoln, attempted to commit, suicide recently candidate It was voted for the prosperity, national greatness will Sumner, Lubee. the of (tremendous applause.) man of and cannot content liberately gubernatorial Springfield. 111 last Sal unlay, by taking ii.d.i Oulto’i. Bt *•! St. Joha. V B ignating only points antiquarian activity, too, III N'TY ■red to to (Jov- characterize its effort. YORK mini. He is ill in o interest, proceed nomination of candidate whose nomination was dictat- every very mse.j'uen.-e positively identified by himself to sit idle when there is work to A new Iaw\ er has hi in- .; h i: _if a..*u physi- ernor. William F. Moody. Kc line bunk port. cal '.races or ed A vessel left a Scotch recent i\ :1b undoubted tradition. Mr. by Blaine, the chief of the John F. porf t he of: te ih :n t a (Jen. P. A. Collins came to he or to he worked out, antagonist The rillemen of this liail an Ferguson. Sliapleigh. egrapi is tlie platform done, problems country hogsheads of wine on board. It is intended t<> Johnston's purpose to construct an ac- and Joseph Hobson, Saeo. seven ut his eiU N and nominated Hon. A Yin. Custom and in President, made by a convention that take a twelve months' vi yage. tin* ohj«-» t being i.. lawyers curate of the old of Corn- the interest of mankind. The great other trial of their skill at Creedmoor, map county the wine a the 1 his election. voted down a resolution the in Roman, in Italic. improve by passage through tn-pbv. In Bancor a buy ha* -oii'e!..-- si wall, exhibiting all that is known of the predicted evil, to the battle with which Mr. endorsing near New York, last week. The Ameri- Republicans, Democrats, Phillips 1 Air. months in for robbim: mi 1 Drew of Cambridge, nominated course of Mr. This the old Demo- Arthur of Portland, drove out iu the jail orchard A ancient settlement there. Rumor indi- gave so of the best of life Hayes. cans won a The skill Bagiev Charles P. and lion. John lv. many years complete victory. Representatives. country, got drunk, assaulted a peaceable farmer, incline out of justice in Belfast would he saint.m cates the sites of a hundred and cellars Thompson, crat that we fifty — did, he believed bit off of ear. was Tarbox of nomi- that of is no more: and he “remarking shown was wonderful, one of them mak- ANDROSCOOOIN COUNTY — to !». half the farmer's brought before Lawrence, seconded the slavery Klltitled Some of 1 Ue ft nit arc on this tract, but Mr. Johnston has mark- ~ >o-|ie it,ails Hon. Charles Levi chair- fully to correct abuses and —A. M. Jones. evidence. One of AYoodbury, attempting to be able to that the Brit- and that the doctors will !:ave at >> these ancient cellars there is waiting a very serious, even a pleasant say -J. S. Gareelon. The N. V. World's that job> pmk-ng man of the committee on resolutions, re- Washington special says laid been Two or three feet be- have an honest government" ! And lie is Lisbon—Charles B. Plummer. \ *■ rcathrm ami announce tlx* national Demo tion of which tlic of this good nature, and confess that have Minot —Gideon Bearee Stockholm was at the ..f Mr. sione lloor. as if on people country they personal request perfect just laid, and Agrioultural Bair will commence at the eratie platform of IX?i> as the authoritative exposi- a paper that a few weeks ago declared Auburn—Ansel Briggs. Blaine. ty Bark one side was a brick foundation of a chim- arc called to give their serious attention. been fairly beaten. The superiority of tion of the ])rincipl»*s of our ]>arty. and wv eongrat that the —Chas. E. Smith. Belfast, ot Man Maine convention had “repudi- By the falling of scats in ;a ney. The bricks, in color and size, re- ulatc our political brethren of the whole country We refer the labor question -to the rela- American lilies is said to have contrib- Livermore Theodore Russell, Jr. squar*- dues. Boston Monday, between !■> and Bit persons wei semble those found elsewhere and known that these principles were endorsed in the nation- ated both the national and na- to 7 tions which arc to he established and platform uted to the AROOSTOOK col niy -Entitled some hut as far !* tilled victory. injured, quite severely, •Mr. Brown, l!»• e. lo al canvass by tin* suffrages of a decided young m 1 iiiewdk. have been from In majority tional administration.” This remarkable J. none Above ‘.'non were on Un- imported England. of the American Hodgdou--Ben. Smith, fatally. persons 1 people. subsist between the man whose muscles at the recent ejection in \N g B«c > .>•••-!;: excav ating the a trowel, lloulton—Eben AVoodlmrv. seats when they gave way. cellar, triangular AV« believe the people elected a majority Democrat voted Gov. The of color in schools has fairly against Williams, question law in this The us t an iron shovel in of and brain arc in all the industries Ashland- James Newland. city inference that he i.a.-n two pieces, riveted at the electoral college in tavor of the Democratic applied A special despatch to the Cincinnati Commer- ■ who stood a which been decided in New Orleans. The col- Lyndon—Charles W. Porter. ! far in bis studies. tli sales, a curious iron bar. a small candidates, and while in tin* high interest of tin* that aid in upon platform ap- cial says that a movement of the democrats m progress grid- creating wealth, and the cap- Alavsville—Elisha E. Parkh urst. public tranquility, we submit r<> the of to make Senator the demo iron, an iron hoc three inches wide, an authority proved the course of President Hayes, in ored children will be provided with sepa- Washington Bayard We were a little premature last week it savin the constituted federal administration, we de italist, who by inheritance or accumula- CUMBERLAND COUNTY -Entitled to JO. eratie candidate for President iu isxu js iron a rapidly ring, rude pitch-fork, the of an nounco the stern the one of his admin- rate school in all that the bark in Cottrell's vurd is sold Such 1-. noi leg upon guilt} Republican party, tion has become the and con- important question houses, regards ample Portland—Jacob S. Winslow taking shape and gaining force. iron possessor •• pot, some nails, an Indian arrow retribution for the great public crime by which istration thus far! and and will Charles the fact. She is still t:i the market and i* If these voters are complete, they be required McLaughlin. coroners a of the were defrauded of their tone troller of wealth invested in the indus- The jury acquitted the Maim c.-ntral head, cup clay, and an old fashioned people right gov- --PosuM! M. PIrhardson. thoroughly built and handsoiim vess. erned hr the rulers of their choice, and tin* elective not creatures of our heated to attend such not into Railroad Company of blame in the death of W11 spoon were found. tries. This foreseen and neighbor's schools, intruding —Edmund Dana, dr. liatn Stimson’s little at Portland. The eliild ■■■ was wounded in its most vital We question, long — girl While moving the Beckeit buildiim Satur principle part. we Laris Pierce, hi thr grove, at the head of the Xecl-.. for it the of imagination, should really like to have others designed exclusively for white was hut 1 old and ran out from under the challenge opprobium history and tin* dreaded, was forced into Gorham—Frederick Kobie. years and when near tin* ■vlum! prominence by 7 I of day. houses tin* idiin the Newcastle people had prepared a indignant judgment of all honest men. their as of the children. Baldwin—Ebcuezer Jr. bridge only feel when tin agine. photographs, specimens Sawyer, root e the great strikes of the summer, so tmy above the fell, hittiim handsome collation, and Dr. Walter L. AA congratulate the country and the support- past Harrison—John M. (’ns,reft. narrowly rseapin. Democrats who are letl close reason- A si ■ ers of Jive when* by practical joker near >1«* a scarecrow the workmen. Job:. S».".iri u, -u: •, Hall, chairman of the committee of government every upon the hap that even the most heedless lias our brother of the Westbrook—Charles F Boodv. Banbury i.mdi: recep- results of restored perceived gentle Bangor from a farmer's cornfield last week and l -am-.i it ]'}' public order and reviving ing and persuasive eloquence to “vote on North Yarmouth—G. Al. Seiilers. the job. tion. formally welcomed the Pres- industrial a new and the of a against the owner's fmiee. 't in- *u n society. prosperity, inaugurating regime acknowledged presence great Commercial read the second resolution Brunswick—Stephen J. Young. up dooryard the side of er saw it. aild it t«» he a snt ident liradhury replied, and General of domestic peace and liberty regulated law in the Age.” M. Adams. supposing burglar. np \ resident of M illcr strei w ho keeps ! is e:otai'C by and issue -one that must be of the Massachusetts Democrats.’ If Peering—John it the southern section of the en growing ap- so, all night waiting for to to miter !.,- Chamberlain moved a vote of thanks. I'nion. that have Elizabeth—It. IF. Phirtt. attempt neat. w as see n11 Cape house. partirularly conirmpiain. sued upon the adoption of Democratic principles preciated and met, to avert its dangers. he will see that the Presiden- A. Davis. I'hc Kev. Mr. ( 'locker of I himariscotta ex- Louisiana Rejoicing. they placed Freeport—George a pile of rocks and rubbi*h wliieha neighbor's cm t and measures of administration by tin* executive Al. Webb. an It is fortunate that the tial fraud neither nor Windham—Lindley At Sargent's Rauche. near Roeklnml. Piae.r hibited oyster bti inches from of the federal in reference undoubtedly upon the States, had deposited Cefore a door \\ WoU t fee. >: long, department government, A New Orleans of Scarboro—Aiu/nstas F. Moult< .c<»l„ twoChiuameii killed twotm to tin* states. We despatch Saturday count) Sunday. the Damariseotta river, some Southern recognize in these of the labor so far the Cumberland—'Calvin S. True. what lu* > lid fragments leadership movement, Electoral Commission but upon "the and a woman for the of obtaining a pa It y results the vindication and an account of and some Indian hones. Gen. auspicious signal prae gives of the celebration of the Tavlor. sum of The murderer-; wer nr pottery as Massachusetts is is vested the Bridgtou—George money supposed The f. S. steam tieal triumph of the constitutional do.-trine so concerned, guilty Republican party" just place William II T,,u. brown of Portland, secured a bushel of of the of Uray— rested, and a mob drove all tie- Chinamen iVoui the contended for the in victory people Louisiana in be- was faithfully by democracy tin- in one who possesses the brain of Wendell to it. Raymond-—Charles A. Wilson. bury in tin* port 'ast week >h : ; live oysters taken from tlie late contests, and the of put vicinity. Sheepseot political statesmanship half of and local the eastern v it:. justice self-government. FRANKLIN COUNTY—Entitled to ... district' tr.ulq art- at Ka river, and setting at rest a much mooted the fathers, which secures tin* welfare of the Re Phillips. Having secured the confidence of The report in Boston papers that R. C. Jewett A 11 but ■■'nice the withdrawal of tl; cutter ]»..!• public, tin* of tin* eo and tin* says— The Lewiston (lazette of Mr. New Sharon Z. A. Dyer. Co. of Auburn have a wrong port question. No oyster lias been planted support equal rights men who are to to conclu- speaks decamped conveys of all the states in prone jump 11. a t bin extends her as u dignities the federal I'nion. W<* Over 4000 troops were in line, composed ; the Strong—William Dyer. impression. Latelv party .-uppos.-,1, to lie cruising far .->t Head there within the memory of man. Dr. Emery's recent raid upon the Democratic L. trust that hereafter there will he no Southern sions, and often unreasonable ■ >l(l white two Louisiana anil tlie Jay—Nathum Phinney. Campbell liired a basement in Auburn a;.-i put p pol- very ones, league, regiments The 1 uita 1 ills Hall is of the that the beds no Al. BaUgol s«-n: n-ud that Ue opinion oyster icy. Northern policy, but one common police Washington and Louisiana artillery ut before Lie parti and its candidates as “attempts to Farmington—Asa Adams. the sign Rufus Jewett A Co. lie ohtaitn-d small he is one whose cool blood and clear bead wanted Belfast ir< mi. in the Damariseotta river have existed for tin* whole I'nion. tin* "quality of the rights war. Low Xieholls reviewed the” at tie- Kiugticld—Thomas S. Jiradbu, ld Palmer Resolved. That we view with concern tin* de- Sheepseot." E. at *i in the himself a man of Here is a state of that rude wave of over Belgrade—Albert Faught. arrested Tyrone. Penn Saturday. Ilntelnn t'esi lien- ‘e. flm a i 1 w as t be t went’• tif:b a was pression under which the laboring interests of the pion present, high tilings every pat- financial distress swept appointed secretary of the county of AVat er vilie— Fran I: Sm Ith. soil was shot ilead while endeavoring to e-rap.-. commonwealth now sutler, and we the riot should a niveisaiy of tlmir married lib- The m ,.| recognize and wealth, he can hold a ■••» pre-mits Cornwall in Misti: so position posi- heartily applaud people the four ago have we re- (1 Cudenrood '1'heir counterfeit coin consisted of -. hnlv the settlement at fact that the condition of labor and the welfare of country years Fayette—Albert qi.artei Winslow—Leslie C. Cornish. and traile dollars Were silver Coins. was then :.. counted tin* men, tin* relation of tion of influence. rejoicing over the victory of and ceived so much in Sheepseot already laboring just eapitol and commanding peace, encouragement regard Pittston Daniel U. labor, are t*» Moody. M e had a n'l *.;i fr..m \| < h u w- •; "old." Mr. Sewall exhibited two other pressing qm*Mi..ns yet hr solved. We the restoration of a common and Il is stated at tie- Treasury that sl-omd thei.r- Monday Mr. has his course country, to the immediate future as is a Horded us col N I V—Entitled to 8. favor such measures as will tend to the eon Phillips already begun KNo.x etit bonded debt of llte I'nited States other than Norri*. M papers dated Misti, one, the record of a great Joseph. Mo former!) ..f ai-j summation, the elevation of labor and the im of instruction to the men with whom he the of a restored union. And S. tin- Paeitic railroad bonds he reduced to ton: ai is bearing Hag to-day.” Rockland II. Bird. p.-r M" trial New for an assault, of the Dartmouth, provement condition of the laboring men. —S W. Kimball, J r. cent, bonds, as .Secretary Sherman is rapidly 'fang there are those who look with s. •. •• the other a letter and we all associated a letter, in which yet rage 'C .b and 1. 1 B.'uiN If- from Secretary Palmer oppose legislation with regard to labor by published The tracks of the and North Washington— A7h>miah Poland. tin aggregate annual interest paid In ;h I : : pl and which European eorm- concerning the seizure of a cargo of wine, capital, gives all unjust pn li-ivnn; to some of the crude ideas so prevalent are upon these things, and demand anew for [contested by Hiram Bliss. Jr | States would la* reduce l I JI!. 1 east fof tl|' pilip-o.- of takitm of,:! a eolipi, either over the other, or tends io make labor dis American and the Bangor and Piscata- A. to Huston for some Camden—Fred A'oru-ood. of new loeouiotivi*s for the belonging owners, honorable. to he corrected. That which lie that people the reign of the robbing car- lu Searhoro Mr. Jacoi- MiiTk- was e.cup,an sought Railroads have been narrowed to Cushing—Pai/nr T. OrtJ. Monday. irregularity. Res.>lvod. That the of quis I at the and east the lir-t D.-m... rat.e -Mr t practice borrowing moil most is backed federal South Thomaston --A athan h l C. Hassle/:. early polls, olleetor l,,.te:.i*r mils! ha-, a i*ad hictiio! emphasizes the injunction that pet bagger, b> bayonets. vote. Mi is six >>! I. an ; i- After the the re-em- ey lor other than those of strict that of the Maine which is now — Mr. Mi ken ninety collation, party objects public Central, Thomaston Joseph E. Moor-. ill recard to taxes, or .1 of hook has there must he no No wonder Louisiana is to the hah* and His lirst vote was tlirown for poor system keep barked on hoard the tug and steamed necessit} generated schemes of extravagant violence, either against grateful Warren—.1 ns/I. Katin,/. hearty. until taxation has the unvarying guage on till New England Thoimis Jetl'ersou. and he Ins eanm d tm- r< :lar mm lb- i*. sending eiivnlar* to u*ki:: expenditure become well nigh and is once more of the people down Hack riverand hack by the property or against those who choose to President, proud HANCOCK col N I Y—Entitled to !*. at election -i Sheep- an intolerable burden. economy and railroads. ! Democratic ticket every them to pay their luck taxes and save costs. scot. the waters Honesty, through visited by Cham- "pay as you go" should be tin* rules in all labor for that them. “In Hag. Ellsworth Arthur Drink water. appropri wages satisfy I On the l'*th of December. K,i;. bos-a In U:a 1) eases tin- individuals address, d }.:*• .due m before the ations of the Tin* of Deer Isle—Seth Webb. Sawyer, plain Ititib, charter people's money. power states, g English the first he “the law is to he At the next election in terri- of Bath, received from Boston tin* mo'iids im- c eeipts for the vears mentioned in tlm h-t'us rare volume of Mild, the of Gen. tnay obeyed enforced in any event and at tory separate her from which sin- was made was .-iamiing in subject to tin* which tin- of gratitude, he will not fail to see that Herrick. put system labor the, Sedgwick—Nelson ■ and the of these New Tin* \JOth ot' .Ini iii i: disbursing about ml.nno in the renovation oft; brown's interesting paper in the last vol- and the fruits of it in a.l any cost. There are which de- ing places, judges polls Castinc—John A. Buck. Hampshire. coming ages appropriates wrongs next of was at sea with ‘kill barrels of oil on hoar ! the State — ume of the vaip-e. which coins the meeting Republican A'ahum Jlinrlle,/. spoken custom house and oilier N«*w furniture, Society's transactions. industry of future genera- mand and justify revolution. This is not will he women. Quite a number of the Surry post tions into cash and snatches Committee does Otis—Charles Otis. tew fnrnai <■. new Ill the the their inheritance from justice to those who aid- "tin- n:a:: of tin- w.. : 1. and and handsome boxes f a* tlm evening, Wiscasset candidates for are “Lon" Hubbcll. strong people children yet unborn. a case of that and. in cir- the legislature women, Eileu—Gideon Atayo. idled the church. Gen. kind, present once well known in tin* circus arena, i- in Tin- post other will be am otic the stm brown gave a That the interests ed in the recent victory in Maine. The improvements Resolved, of this country re and some of them, from indica- LINCOLN COUNTY—Entitled to U. house of Putnam N Y. IP used to oriel'account of cumstances, every resort to violence is present poor county. -•‘Sled A I'eiliteet |.V |-e!; aim !»\ t1 Champlain's exploration quires the removal of the obstacles to an extended of by approved passage commendatory resolutions Whitctield— Koscoe S. Partridge. l»c able to hold hack a span of hois. > and supp-wt on tlie Maine and with countries. The crime. No man has a tions, will be elected. tnent. coast, particularly in reciprocal treaty foreign open right to prevent MrCobb. a weight, of eighte«-n hundred pounds mi hi depart ing of a liberal wit h Canada au.l must act like the distribution of medals Boothbay—Leonard the waters. Mr. Sewall tle- reciprocity treaty Wiseasset—Bradford F. Lancaster while he arched his mi hi- hands Tie* are >.n mg C Sheepseot Mexico would any other man from working when, where body paj.e that 1. B.c 1, f..; "■ribed the promote our productive energies, to meritorious soldiers an com- A Rhode Island Aina—T. J. York. voyage of (iosnohl in Hind, by army paper recently pub- Ot tin town o! \\ aldo. has I.eroUie e||ol' and stimulate our trade land and sea. and for what he sees No an fat nn*r at l.v ma ttlel'Iy the carrying by wages lit. man Waldoboro'—Gorham H. James Lord, aged j first voyage due west, to the New and the markets of all the varied mander. First in the list of merit will lished brief of the bachelors F;,br. rit out ;a 1 bi..r enlarge industries biographies Damariscotta—C. F. Norris. dead in tin- road last Tuesday forenoon P. th. iiemsl)- tdo. It ,s ivporic J tl, <»f has a to or England coast, the route the commonwealth, and give t<> her merchants, right destroy public private in- visited his re-id.-:n-e a.n- he by subsequently occur like this of that created a sensation. S morning has disi oven-d and secured tlm title ,, mi; mariners and laborers a something place. They OXFORD COUNTY —Entitled to lollowcd valuable accession of cm or to business sud- started to return home T< u oi ;iit..t. by English navigators, ('apt. property derange by Resolved. Tlint .Marcellas fur which i> worth from live to tilt- m. ployment Emery. the We should think the editor would Welchville—A. J. Hall sou wen do..,- and found hi-la iwenty 1'uckcr read a Esq., require aft<*war.I the out paper the ad- den refusal to effective aid whieh lie has lent tn the M is illustrating Resolved. That we are in favor of the honest work or plots to effect such Republican Paris—David N. True. thcr dead on tin- road. The cause is though' t.• ell. ii tlmre tliat amount oi si!\ m );. me ,troa: a cause tin- late an office shot and shell if he went outage of passenger route for steam- payment of the debt, and of a on during canvass, by assaults upon the proof, Waterford—.1 S. Kimball. disease. public currency have been heart in the mountains w u add as ... derangement. All these acts are grave Democratic candidate | -liips lr*nil Wiscasset to Galway, Ireland. a gold 1) asis. for Lovernor. and upon in any degree into particulars. Gilead—Jedediah G. Lary. those Clark, Muni. ; an ‘•tired !. D. Mrs, pilie lumber, Maine, tin uur A vote of steamer with loss of log- Tlm and of our «• -ast steam.-: motion of Mr. Gilman of party in our legislature in restricting tin* right of or at ail hazards.” grantude. thanks is hereby P-ndered olina thieves have had serious Sumner—(filbert Tilton. ilist., by Monohansett. captains pilot- punished tu they falling the of a mi 11 The exercise of this him, and the Secretary is instructed* to record mast below eyes the rigging, having Im-.-i have no sniitil atixiet\ and e r. New collided with the Brr :-h -1 !•'<-r no eh.urn.- tbr tlmir lr •* worrh 11 i.11iig \\ recep- the of the laws which are has been for and selfish \ Zealand, p tion making by they gov- unreasoning committ c. and erned. In ;i sense, we can take no le in A. Hanson. est, Lockhart, from London for N>-w Y k last we. u to 1. •:■ iio.ird steamer Kata'- presided, speeches to political pri Lee—Cyrus t'apt. liappetmd were demagogues magnify whatever griev- It is believed that a revival Knox now. Free Press. C. Friend. oil' Portland, and both vessels foiind.-red. N made confidently ;• ... by Messrs, bradlmry, Cham- Resolved. That tin* present depression of the <'minty, just [Ivockland Etna—Henry dim when two in. idea is run rd which ill list ia ted berlain. Packard. industrial, commercial and financial interests of ances existed, and to foster the mob of business in this ('orinna—Stephen Lincoln. j six persons were drowned. Tcn- will commence Neither does Knox > Young, Chapman. spirit, country take any Cm diil'ei'.-iwe between limn wh lmve rare f. ■: the are County F. in".. country largely dm* to our under Kenduskcag—Benj. Higgins. Tin* Lewiston Journal sacs thai t A <;i nan. Haskell and I’orter. inability, of which the lias them ou brown, the to country had such alarm- when the immense of the west in the of the Eree Press. A Coburn. a sai'et and those w a do m,t i; ,. ,t. present laws, dispose of the grain crops pride polities Newport—Aaron shoe are a livelier h i.-iue-s than surplus pro S. factories doing our Exeter—George Hill. csei: ue duets of which ■ < took a m- u industry-—products other conn ing specimens. Hut these influences and seek a market. It is well known that the of six hundred its usual, and the mauufaet un-r- ! I Hat lic-pr. early, s.-at in tbe pilot ho; hi'* tries and which but for majority emphasizes Burlington—Thus. IF. Pocf-e. want, restrictions and in ahead i- better than it has br.-u t•. it was still dark and the st-Miiu-i was t unni: The Turoo-Kussian War. as Glenburn—C. .1. Morrill. pee! up the I'uited States would to a teachings, meritorious do not wheat of is much smaller too. jurious legislation, they are, crop Europe opinion, years. One Auburn mauufaet ur.-i 1 a m-av v extent A'eazie— Wi/att Weed. Boston Bay \far oil'-Imie w.s tip Mima's |.< great produce and sell better and alter all order from a Baltimore linn rec--nli\. with the i cheaper furnish a solution of the main than and that the which D. than usual, supply Orriugton—Charles Chapman. of tragic more other nation. e light, while- :h-, Plevna, in Bulgaria, lias again any II. the Democratic dendutn "We've got over 1»! u -. Bu- m--s memory, near!) proved at that of the com- Joseph Martin, Esq., Milford—Atellcn A. Austin. question issue, proper the countries have drawn double what it vs a- last veara! this ’mi *. tin* great revolving lantern ••!' Boston u, a Turkish Sevastopol and almost a Rus- An additional resolution to grain importing Oldtowu—James Hurry light appealing Senator elect, in Knox county, made a AN'eymouth. the sian Hull Run. the citizen to pensation due from capital to labor. And from the lllack Sea are cut off b\ UJ) goods." opening at..I shutting it* ..f tlaim Occupied originally by support the nominees, was region PISCATAQUIS county—Entitled to V C.,pt run, in his own town the l arks here is splendid receiving A at vilh*. thn 11 "gel's leaned loan t lie u ;• low. A■: !!.: 1r. under Osman Pasha, through presented, and the resolutions then unan- the very kernel of the matter —the the war. There cannot fail tube and Guilford—Geo. W. Pratt. young lady ('ascy Ivy., p, ready her address and a to orre- the unaccountable of the Rus- imously The result of the lad- of 10t» votes ahead of his ticket, lie must Al«>rnll. containing request night. Suddenly from tlm dark watrn- dm-.lf neglect adopted. question questions. For its solution markets for the of Sebee—Joseph with the tinder, into the Ohio riv >-r A Bn; profitable large surplus Dover—John O. pond sians. .-111(1 fortified in such a man- lot was as follows : have friends outside his line,/ess. ahead a little light shone out like a *tit: T.o,.u. hastily Mr. what many party. lard county bachelor found it and a marriage is Phillips proposes diplomatists this country. England alone will need SAOADA1 toe county —Entitled to 1 ner as to make it essential to a Russian " hole number of votes east.| | | j tin-result. The Paducah New s cant i«ms tin-m m-r •1 look at it throi|._d, his night gu,.sses. to a term a mixed or one in million ladies the nav ..ration .f advance that it should he retaken, for a Necessary choice. 7-y* commission, which ninety bushels from some source, Bath—John A. Kimball. young against impeding marked. ■•Tlmie'- .1 : to All Do It,’’ is the title of a new mighty small ohje. hut.: Hasten hail... 11 HO "They Bowker. the rivers throwing tln-ir 'bottle.- m h.-f. -.- tin* whole week it has all interests at stake shall have our Phipsburg—Joseph by lor at a a successfully resisted t represen- and will prove best customer. \ such tinm a tisiierni; in dor l.aulin.- liaries I’, Thompstm. e;tii book by the Danbury News man, of which AVest Bath- John L. Brown Spring rise. the combined assault of a hundred thou- Ins t raw a u Scattering. 7 tation. lie suggests that the employer great advantage to the trade and Richmond—Stephen P Wilson. Is." A old or two to tie- heel n,.,. sand people we, have received a When we get Col. Reuben O recti died a' h Russians, with a loss to them of at copy. Hay. Satuoiay the steamer in The somkkskt iti'N iv- Untitled t«» X. * .-.wept by him 1».t her >, report of the committee was ac- and the employed meet in conference. Or of the United States will be realized. reside lice in Winslow, I ir- «'-•! (ii-.-n safety least PTOIHI men, and to the of surely a leisure we mean to read far aged y< Turks not day, enough vs turn and Mr. moved that Anson—Jam's ./, Fa elm. was born in Dover. N. II \ug I.Ti. as ma h- passage, wliile otf Motihe-au at four mo. far from cepted (Jargon the to state the matter in his own words- 10,(Kill. The lighting on Tues- to ascertain what it is that all do. Sol<>1) —J, born in Ma: l.-n. captured by Russians, committee to a is a man The old Democratic town of Wal- without a The following is the full ticket: meet committee of workmen. Be- Wellesley, Mass., combining good St. Albans—Sail lean Mass., m 17 lb. grailuated at Harvard Colh-g.-. light was disco-.,-re l md.-r tlm and one the was fore Lothrog. recaptured by — such committee should be laid all ■. war as w Turks, Governor William Gaston. joint open wealth with and do horo came up with a of Pal my ra— Mlrhaef /hge, served through the revolutionary Surgeon bows, itU a man in it lying last It,- rouse ! terrific measure the details of the business. great liberality hospital- majority asleep beyond involving at these The price of raw ma- Athens—Charles F. Fore. in the and navy, and died in D.• \.■ r. N 11 Lieutenant army is Ins boat >•« Governor Win. R. Plun- terial. loss of interest in of He is one. of the for and for the ticket in up .era/cd past tlm paddle* and nist points alone a loss of d.lMHl on each process manufacture, ity. sewing machine Williams, county The Forks—John S. Ham. in LS17. aged lol. nearly kett of Pittsfield. interests on dead capital, repairs to keep the stock She is raped them but lm was dangeroasb near to In side, (int of •‘ Russians in the first firm of (trover \ Baker. His eccentric proportion. always reliable. cur via —Untitled t<* S. from of State good. Ac., and the at which the are Circulars issued tin-otliee of Se.-r.-tarv N ail Secretary Weston Howland price goods last sleep. If Im had been killed. tile|e u oil Id ii assault, sixth man was M of the National Turf annoum-e- every killed. of Fairfield. finally sold and in what quantity; all the facts entertainments have heretofore large Belfast Wm. Woods. Nssoeiation the The when he called on Sen- etc been a good deal said about the re, kies-.,, -s ,,| 111. Such desperate lighting on both sides necessary to make up an opinion as to what rate of President, Frankfort—George H Fisher. suspensions, affecting Maine park-or hors.-- Treasurer and Receiver Gen. David the can afford to ly attracted public attention. Me now Prosneet — .V. F Fa, order of the Bath. Me.. Driv Nsso.-iafion. steamer lias rarely been known in any war. Pn- wages company pay—of course ator Mort.m last week, kissed him twice. By ing X. Skillings of Winchester. only such facts. After mutual consultation such Brooks—1 H Jaekson. John Shaw. Nugusta. Me., and the blk. Sliaw'- less the Russians are invites till the Governors of all the Tilt Vi. o| i: N •. I NI Tin-!' L >S e\ ! I I III! re-inlbrced, Mrs. should have insisted on the Burnham— E. K. < 'ain. Knox ; b. A. St. mm <>i speedily Auditor -John E. of linston. committee should decide the amount of wages to Hayes NYing. Albans, for payment is Fitzgerald for loin time -\ there danger that the two Turkish be if cannot agree, an should states, of all the and Freedom—Gardiner G. Sherman. entry of Ymmg NV inthrop Morrill. B\ order ofthe city ii.-iuce;. tii. tu. General Charles P. Thom- paid, they umpire presidents colleges, immediate use of a disinfectant. Attorney be chosen to make Lincolnville— I. .1 Maine State Porihtnd. Me. .1- to armies under Suleiman Pasha and Me- the final decision, Such a the of academies Knight. Agricultural Society. tin* companies whirl! !.-t. I till* best luinli pson of Gloucester. method has been resorted to in New principals prominent F. S. C. K. Drew, brent Palls. N 11 and the I. Im.u la-met to the aid of Plev- occasionally Searsport— Simpson. W it No it Ah, advancing names are under of il ot Recently diiugtoii challenged Hydra England and with good results. But to secure the country, with The for post offices are running WASHINGTON l.’OtMT—Untitled to 10 expelled authority Rule throughout arrange- o > na, will the Russians to N 11 for of *100,00 it side. ami compel retreat, content and harmony this should be the regular es- National Association. play purse and ments to entertain them six so short that the department havn't any- East Macliias—James H. Talbot. thus bring the Russian summer cam- The Mitchell scandal, as it is tablished and recognized method. Such a course days. Many Siitur.l;t\ last was tier designated. No .» i> called, Harrington- George IP. Coffin. day to a came has been followed in in a 1111m better for a new one paign disastrous close. nigh unroofing Milwaukee England very large editors are likewise invited. thing in Aroostook Marion—John K. Andreas. •lellers nt t4 bine and was lirst used in Charlestown society, her of its and wherever it has (len. Skohelotf lost “(IDO men in but it was manufactories, been The Result m Maine. attack- compromised by the husband's than Princeton—.1. //. Wumlcock. .Mii'>.. where it was purehased some II vear> adopted strikes have been for twenty years uu Wytopitlock. tlm redoubt, and .'(IKMI more in hold- father two li. ing selling thousand a year on the known. Thomas well known in The Indian chid' Horse, who Pembroke—Benjamin Murray s IM is Sen »Ui| to no hii’ld fin'll,.- 1!: the -lit,- Hughes, litera- Crazy Columbia Falls—J. 11. Crandon.’ 'I'lh* Kennebec Journal lull ii. There was an publishes ing immense propor- young wife, but not till terrible stories ture, has been chosen as an The of Senator Morton’s condi- record oi more JIM) frequently umpire. was a leader in the Custer massacre, is reports Kastport—George II. Robbins. considerable than feet, and has tion of officers killed or wounded. the Christianity dictates and* sound economy returns from the State, with the r\«vp Only impeaching chastity of ladies political tion are Some Lubec—Oliver M. taken Hutu\ No. ! i- of Hull.-a make, and leading endorses such a How broad to very contradictory. who Reynolds. piiz.-s one commander a in procedure. and sound dead. He pretended be repentant, Calais—G. A. Curran. lion ot II towns of regiment is alive, society had been told, in- small and planlalion> was enumerating must be. in years, the education work to be well purehased liotn Hath tour tears a-.o It i> and a gained by and a with protoss informed say he is liable Deblois—Wm. Li. scarcely head of a battalion left. stances of their conduct at on such sought conference Gen. Crook, Leighton. which last »■ la I hot dls. halls, parties ingmen acting committees and brought to year g;i\ and claimed that she hr n record as tin'll a- tint to die voiiK i'iu ntv to lb. Two stall'officers were killed, (me was and sleigh rides that made the thickest the close, practical consideration of such in to murder him. His any day. -Untitled large intending was Connor '1’he voir, h\ Coimiir is • hunted for N,,. ... She took a at tin- \ under design prize \ arastchagin. a brother of the great ar- painted cheeks hlusli with shame. The forests; acting, too, such grave responsibil- Biddeford—Harden Taylor. was •• trial at Biddclord. flu* t• >r < ities! The effect has been marked in detected, and he arrested. Attempt- —Josh na Moore. as follows: conditions the trim tist, and another brother was wounded. affair threatened to very Eng Why don’t you put out your rooster, disrupt many Mr. — families, land. Mundelia, member ’of the House of Charles H. Cole. 1870. 1877. were that earli should as At Hen. when old ing to escape from the guard, lie was Dayton Satunlay eotnpai have night Skobeleff was quite culm Alexander Mitchell, the banker Commons, assured me ho had known instances Mr. Emery? Didn't you know Williams North Berwick—Frank A. Knight. many men as they could work ; to through and collected. He “1 and railroader and where the workmen on such even a killed by a soldier with a which phn said, have done my Congressman, w ho is proposed great- bayonet, was Acton—Charles W. Collin. defeated? ■jot) feet of and a best: I er reduction of than that named the em- [Rockland Opinion. Cornish—Thomas lira, k 11 ; : morally and Weak and embarrassed The Commercial is tilled with Sept. Kitten*—Dennis M. ami Chief Maddoeks of Bangor. The did the\ refuse you reinforcementsf Who his cup and his women, till he was lost to intellectually. Bangor Shapleigh. Aroostook. j. la a 11.) .ana a i o«. a 11 I Ktfgineer companies would never’be to make such poisoning caused no little excitement here Waterbom—C W. Smith. was to blame he ail sense of and obliged mock lamentations over the fate of the Cumberland. sioi da.7| daa; 11c.> l,' was lo he down Church street, mid tie answered, "I blame decency kicked his wife an exhibit of their affairs. Haifa play paper dozen firms or to-day. John Hubbard, a resi- Buxton—James Meserve. -did ; it is the will of formerly Franklin. 17» 10.70 lad.i ad.» a i was slreh-lietl near hi Flanders' residence. V nobody Hod.” out of doors, it was perhaps well for her, corporations doing so would fix the rate. The rest Democratic in Maine. This South Berwick— Wm. H. FI party brings dent of Windsor, recently removed to gun. Hancock. 1170 aisx anso anxx laa an Skpt. 17. The News for be had rumor would follow, and those unable to San ft ltd —Joh n Fill i am. crowd assembled, and being in London, (Pro- already, says, employed companies pay to ugh Kennebec. 'i «'.*x Idad dOd nnis an| ;d, large everything it must mind the case of the French who Claremont, New His wife article sums the tin show cause why the}" do not or go to the boy, Hampshire. readiness No. J went to the reservoir in Custom Russian) up morning’s assassin to take her off'. The affair has Republicans in Roman. Knox. a#aa ad.»i aidu aniii id i wall. And such a result would be no harm to in a lit of killed his father and spent the summer in Malone, X. V., | in articles as follows: shows two in the rage Democrats in Italic. Lincoln, avdo araa an id aaoi i.» House at I o'eloek in There was little intelligence leading tilings Milwaukee, evil sound business concerns. and last week to Square p. returned her new home. Greenbacks in Small Oxford, lam a Ida dm;, ama '.n;a Capitals. > Looking impartially at the facts as effects of much money and much liquor mother, and was convicted of the crime. on no wind, ami everything favorable. N *J An exposure of their affairs, About II o’clock to-day John left home Penobscot. nasa r.isi dna.7 aras ,»ia ..m : this to the we in file hands of a worthless and resources, made three in her allotted Id minutes. Ho- presented morning public, idle “Have you to before sen- with the Aroostook anno lais l iai» sad Idl Id plays manner of anything say, intention of spending Sunday Probably Democratic. Piscataquis, are unable to form other conclusion young man, and the state of iu markets, conducting business, ado.7 1.77d ln.7.» i»;id a liest of which was HkS feet ami inch. any society tence asked the court. I have,” here. As ho took leave of his wife she Sagadahoc. Her brakes than that the iXe. “Yes, Somerset. i in; a;.7.7 ai is ans.» iaa.7 ia attack on Plevna hits not upper-tendom towards the. profits, would appear to be objection- The Aroostook Times of Tuesday says were broken in this trial. It was evident that Mississippi. was urged him to take a luncheon. She gave so tlie reply. You mit/ht he to Waldo, lire aaai ani atian di ;.i only failed, hut failed that it cannot he The scandal there created as great a sen- able to most business men. merciful the result of the vote in Aroostook for tlmre was the matter with the tub Hut Mr. him a bag of cookies. When within a Washington, Ia7'.» d7.7;» aaoa adds an I something he renewed under sation as a was with the conditions in which the lieecher trial did in the poor orphan county officers then uncertain, .7 or testifies that the works mile and a half of Windsor he ate his York. 7aril d.711 .7077 I'l ing overcrowded over doctored for the overt the Russian commander finds East. Phillips plan the of of both himself exception Register Deeds, sion. No. d's was I well in luncheon and immediately felt bad symp- first trial I'd feet o', inches. At placed. He has attempted what the England, where business secrets The Progressive Age says it believes claiming the election. The returns 7.7.7 isdn.n;.75:1.00511,sa.»;»iss;oa great toms. Seeing a friend in a corn field ho parties tlm second trial of No. *J her scon* was increased Herman commanders never in A letter from Chester. I ft., says farmers through are much more than in the of from the Madatvaska would These returns give the following ligures attempted jealously guarded theory the upon plantations to II J feet It) inches. No. d was the winner with out that region have united to protect themselves, grecnbackors determined to reach him, 1ml had convul- their French campaign and has used with us. It would tend to be necessary to determine the result. For Selden Connor, republican. >a.dd.7 up families amt property from villainous hordes of certainly be- the currency question, and adds “Its ad- sions and was prostrated. Being taken out the second play, but she went to the reservoir his of men witli extra- can- Joseph 11. Williams, democrat. slight superiority trumps. u milk train a few morn Hadley Fairfield, Ksip, independent j They captured that mutual confidence and feel- vocates are to were summoned H. C. •».iss with the determination to make the ditiereitee as a get good among the ablest statesmen Windsor, physicians Munson, greenback. odinary rapidity, ile is liable to he at- ings ago, robbing drover who to be on didate, is elected Register of Deeds by an happened who found the showed a case 7 da great as ami succeeded in water hoard. also broke an which is most desirable between em- symptoms Scattering, possible, throwing tacked at any part of his front by a force Tramps into express ear, ing and financiers of the country.” Put that majority. on of Hubbard is overwhelming '•JO I feet d Saturday, the I’hilodelj •hia and Willmington and poisoning by strychnine. and inches. The best of feeling existed larger than any which lie can assemble. ployer laborer. Certainly the foun- and that and have a smart Total. 101,451 road and threw out large quantities of express together, you now considered out of danger and an in- between the but to that No. \!N Jn a he is Three thousand troops have arrived in Cuba din- Connor's majority over William." Il.san companies, say word, beaten. matter. dation idea is a sound one—that there is the putt’for editor of the Age. vestigation into the case is in progress. ing the last ten days, lauding at different ports. majority over all, o,S7D boys are satisfied would be far from the truth. bviunfhl moonlight And now nights again. hulled corn is in cans for put up ready The Democratic of the stat-j is to the tr the Vi mar now um- press programme already £hv> expect the line gale. Howes <1* t'o. have it. _MARRIED. PROBATE NOTICES. unanimous in its condemnation of the Common was with THE the evening lighted In :«• maples begin to‘bloom out with red leaves. Il.v:v will be a show of horses Thorndike, Sept. 1:1th, hv Ki v. H. K. pood trotting calcium and colored a Mr. Ware, malicious course the lights, making Knott Cates ol' and Miss E. :n the l air next pursued by Bangor Thorndike, Marv To the Honorable Judge of l’robate for the County paper mills. on i!;■ as! side, have resumed week—better, it is said, than ever grand appearance. Knowles ol’ L'nitv. Commercial in the late election. \\'e of Waldo. before. See advertisement. ip Rockport, Aug. 18th, Capt. Oliver P. Shepherd and Miss Nettie M. PARTRIDGE of Stockton, in the Countv some of their Vote on the Constitutional Amendment. Andrews. Tin- copy expressions below— • of Waldo, Administrator of the estate of the Having completed the additions and im- an.! nights are now in long agitated question about the of >*Pt. •■‘til, Mr. Kdwin .7. Oft or LM. CHEAP COUNTER ‘iays Camden, nearly eijual length 11 I"1.1.0!”;. late firm of C. S. & (). Fletcher of in said [From the Rockland **e‘* *’lark of so. Thomaston. Stockton, to >quirt mar now be considered as settled. But that Opinion.j On tin* the. voted In that the provements their -ngth. Monday 10th, people Kockport, .Sept, sth, L. Shaw and Emilv County, respectfully represents good-, chat- 'V bailt in the small vestrv biit mv dvi't m*.- as mv following propositions Kockport. ! aimney being .>{' aiv any more likely t<> get iM-iiu A. Carver, both of answer their just debts ami charges of Administra- 1 the : Kockport. Tim < harlotte rid f Have.-. or the mv constitution of the State In tion, the sum of two thousand dollars. nxr ns baptist church. ship \Y. White, of Belfast, now at prohibitory law. than Ihomaston, Sept. Oth, Cant. Franklin Watts of by should M. Wherefore r >1. .John. _\ B.. haw been ii' lie had been elected. Just F.I.KCTOIIS. <.eorge, and Angie, of Slier- your petition, prays your honor to v' can't lumber for has daughter Alpheus him a lawfully catch trout in loading Liverpool, figure the and scr liou' man, ot Thomaston. grant license to sell ami convey so much of Maine,after up thing much you gained No 1!:111 vote at in this State Fstj., been overhauled in her any election the real estate of said C. >. & «). Fletcher as ill sat- : -l day «•; >< !• .her. thoroughly top gear, in by refusing to vote or voting for Talbot. unless h, has a tax within two years pre isfy his debts and incidental and of '■liuling some new masts and paid ]»(.!! charges, charge* yards. the election in which lie to vote, at or ate sale. house ily. as he realizes the coming of .lack ceding proposes Administration, public pri\ [From the Augusta DIED. L. M. Mr. Sawm. who renovates and Standard.] provided .-aid tax has 1hv legally assessed npou PARTRIDGE. g.-ts blue and repairs clothing, " c haw In.; two Democratic him. despondent. daily papers in ilv noti.vs, .'•as taken up a useful State. (Obituary heiiouil M, Date Yam ami .tar At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and tor occupation, especially for and immediately after the nomination Mas Ml N I ‘!! A I. IXDF.BTNFSS. must br paid 39 Main i'avid Lancaster has moved into his :u-w store for.j the County of on the second Tu .-d tvof Street, bacnelors. v,ho are ii. the matter made one of them attacked the candidate and Waldo, ltclplcss of bn* No or town .-hail hereafter create debt In this i fiomas A. I). Ib77. U adlin blocs. on Main street. j a city any city, Sept. ?th, Clark, aged eti vrs. September, t"ns and kept up constant lire upon him until the election, and ... Would like to have one, whether gt'ease spots. I! does it ! or liability, which, singly, or in the aggregate with months. the every nicely. furnishing tin* M-itli nearly all In Upon foregoing Petition, Ordered, That the 1 were 1«* be l.V.H) at republican papers debts or liabilities, shall exceed live Hoekjiort, Sept. lot h, H. K. A. of notice to supposed persons tile Lx-(iov. ( their for tin- previous per Hutchings petitioner give all persons interested by wishing to or not. call who was ill some capita! campaign, of course the f Rockland, 44 yeai -. purchase rosby. .serious!) centum ot tlie last regular valuation of said aged a copy of said with this order there- j -.u::d on Thursday of last week. Dvt wa> city I" causing petition, '■*" :l-'’■ as so tar recovered very damaging. The personal following or town: 1 i-e of Itoekland, Sept. litli, Allie K., sou of Rev. A. on, to I)-- three weeks and examine the that he lias under- provided, liowver. that adoption *"”a ^ published successively in the Mr. Mas not large enough to make am nnl* " nod, itged 1 vr.,inos.and IS davs. Institution commenc- tin- agent of tile taken ;i Finery tins article shall not be construed as !•» lj Republican Journal, u paper at Belfast, that A;New Sanford voyage to Turtle Head, where he ap;yia^ in barren, William printed enjoys material difference but his coursediscouraged the Sept, loth, Ravis, aged'nJ they may appear at a Probate Court to be held at the tirst took that t!:n-“ any fund received in trust by said city or town, .v‘*ars, -l months and lii position thirty years -1!viir<‘i-al 11)51 air iii' the m..:1 mid the Democracy everywhere and all efforts days. Probate- Office in Belfa-t, aforesaid, on the second hospitality paralyzed nor tu any loan for the purpose of renewing < > is! In South this at LARGEST STORE! top a successful It not Thomaston, Sep!. 1th, Charlie, son of of October next, at ten o’clock in the ing day Aug. 30th. of Dr. Davis' cottage. organization. only discour or for or to to be .lames l; and Tuesday ing loans, war. temporary loans Martha J. Harrington, aged J months. and shew a.’ <[ democrats and their ac in forenoon, cause, if any they have, whv the 1XI) STOCK OF prevented becoming out of reused taxation the /south son t-. o!-. I;. Jhoiiii-r. ot !(o« will At a paid money by during Ihomaston, Sept. >th, Edgar Burpee, same should not be klaiid, preach meeting of the on Satur but iletcrreil from u> 01 an(l granted. city government tiy republicans joining year in which they are made. C. J.. Carver of VinaThaven, aged 1 PHILO M Ii church. lb on " hat induci'iiieiit was 1 HEKSEY, Judge. lfast. Sundae Sept the committee to at there for them to to a year, month and Id davs. A true day evening appointed look go in copy, Attest.—B. P. Field, Register. The Ladies’ minority that were themselves The amendment in to Electors St. George, 4th, Alios I:.. of Exchange. ...dock lb M. ter the matter of urn ijuanx-lling among regard Sept. daughter ollccted taxes for the A h w u m. and Hannah FURNITURE! year did vote with us. but like num- 1 year and 7 davs. nothing the has been rejected. We give below the In Murphy, aged \\ Is. 1 and is;., South lo the Honorable > ei.-..!it\ ot .-.Id.ept. ,»rh. /email S., onlv Judge of Probate for the ’ountv Ever seen in Belfast. ohicial vote receiv ed at the ollicc of the daughter ot A of Waldo. in our ranks. .Joseph and Abigail Ravis, aged :>4 and work in connection with the jail in bc.-n served upon Mr. Ditcher. and a new collector un»ny years. Tlie truth is that Secretary of Slate : II. MOODY, Administrator of the h r simple Alarcellus Fmen de it' The lurt. r will beau on those years will be \ imw com Camden, Sept, nth, Catharine, wife of estate of iuiprovenient appointed. st loved tin* chances of the it Counties. Yes. No. JohnV* 'V^stI WILLIAM David Moody, late of Unitv, in said party by betraying oilman, aged 74 years. i: t<*m ofidleness for mil!.-.-, roii<’M ine <•}' tin* and and County, deceased, respectfully represents that tin- p;i-oncrs. Mayor eoimeilinen ha> done it more harm than lie could do it Yiidroscoggin, l,dd!* .'.ins In Washington. .Mrs. Elizabeth Scpt.lst, Howard, goods, chatties and credits of said are not On H < e-ood if he Mere to live Aroostook. <>!»> h deceased this Counter will be We now the whole of Two H arier a.,d (». \\ him. was to live hundred years aged years. sufficient to answer plac- occupy Large t and aim -s suiloeatim: weather which appointed longer. In his ju>t debts and charges of There is no reasonable excuse or for his Cumberland, Sedgwick, August Aith, Mrs. Lois laki the matter in apology " Barker, aged Administration, by the sum of one hundred and orSix Floors, a w.-. k, terminated with a charge, which includes the set years and 7> Buildings, having nearly rain and a conduct. It has been dishonest from the start. Franklin. d:'- *'xi months. seventy-five dollars. ed GOODS of various 1 lenient with Mr I’iichcfs In Bluehill, .’<[ Leonard kinds, •V wind o.i morning bondsmen. His real was the refusal of the eonwn Hancock, l.oxo Sdl Sept !i, Capt. Ko’-erN, a"vd Wherefore vour Tuesday There is grievance 04 years. petitioner pray* your honor to tion to a s -.M id grant him a license to sell and in ot iiV'i n;! Tin- incorporate license plank in the platform, Kennebec. In convey so much of appearance tin- usual enol la**- warn, weatlicr eau.-ed a Franklin. Aug. _;»tli, after a and tin- real that will insure a EIGHT THOUSAND FEET Sept.-mber and his dissatisfaction M-itli the Knox. odt l...ut long painful estate of said the rever- SQUARE pretended letter of •>- deceased,(including s,,‘ sickness, Mrs. Eunice Whitaker, wur> •uul of v;• -lets and roses.. aged sion ot the V\ idow’- as blossoming wild acceptance was but a false and shallow liineoln. oo7 ii< :> In dower thereon,) will satisfy pretence. Hancock, Sept. "th. F. I i,raves, aged wars his debts and incidental OF FLOOR-BOuM ! Bark Kol -e Las b '<» rule and 4 charges, and ot fa -.-;towed to to load.. Finally he deliberately sought to ruin. Oxford. uii.h i.sdo months. charges in ot Tuesday spoiled tin- reunion of the Bangor Administration, at auction or -ale. The Democrats of Maine should see to it Penobscot. F’.'d/ l.i\ public private i here is .. that he Maim- file bov> squabble over the location of the com WM. IL MOODY. lo-ginn-m didn't collie. never has poM er to inflict such injury again. Ac Piscataquis, ldt> js»i READY SALE! mg town fair, which is to affect nnfavora to all rules of ‘SH.JP e.hit--- i.avi a large stock likely cording war. treachery in time of Sagadahoc. I.SIS did N'HWS. At a Court of Probate, held at Belfast, within and bl\ the contributions and e battle, in the face of the is Somerset. 7 Id I .80" tor the of In addition to our Assortment eh', lobster', »\ <• v. ], ii t h> \ will ]..>e out attendant enemy, punishable with County Waldo, on the second Tuesday Complete death. He has betrayed us i’ll battle, in the lace Waldo iH IF. l.dos PORT OF 8FLFAST. of September, A. D. 1js77. If can't find what t"> >i eash. you you <■; the and them m ith Washiinrtou. Odd enemy supplied ammunition 1.7.'»d 1 Pi»i tlio foregoing Petition, Ordered, Hint tho to he used us and York. d.dOd ARRIVED. b r'L l'i.-r. .•*' against political death should be d.7Sl petitioner give notice to nil persons Interested bv K.'.j this cit\. ha> The Tweed Business. Karl, for wish one the next pur his portion. Cut him off*, class him as ail of M I»ait»T-lia:i, liangur, causing u cop; of said petition, with this order there- day,you may '-Me till a res ;i t!i» ; top of :he North- ally tjnnjuth. Mass,; Acorii, (Hr. ■ fie Blaine's forces, anew around the old Demo do.: 57 0 dd.008 Alcross, Windsor, on, to published I lire., u ei ks suecessi in t lie ib ;;1. n-t b. h.w ! in* < ground. I lie >1 'the law rally vely a.,ip | Prog. strong pressure! upon Wil- Republican .lonniul .1 eratie flag tiiat is sure to float in triumph over all la It, L\ S sclir. p.-ipi printed at Relfast, that Don’t the &C, Total : Karne-t, llawliv, Deer Isle. ir Ago. the vote, IN, majority against they may app. at a Probate t nurt, to be held at forget FURNITURE, M. in issi). CASKETS liam Tweed has him to a con- country Xifl. fall sclirs. .1. I1. 1 brought Minimi, Doan, Boston; the Probate Office in gets tin-!•<-. lie will !>-• a man the 1.0d:>. Orient. Bortbirul Belfast aforesaid, on tlie sec- We up high proposition, Twenty eight Staples. Silver ‘'pray Tcimev ond give below a list of some otic goods dition iu which he is to X.w TacaJay of OcB.f.ei e-u o'clock in the -: ready “squeal," From the Lewiston (duetto. towns and some Vork, Maria Theresa, .i' ill i name. m high lull, lie | J twenty-live plantations Keller, do.' Ma/uka’ forenoon, and -hew cause, il anv Stover, Bangor. they have, whv the that can always lie bought at our as The at its same should not be -ad:. a thieves say when they confess —in fact republican party, conventional Au- remain to la* heard from. granted. pa\ high pr'u-e Sept, Kith, sclirs. Kennedy, I an, New York Wil- CHEAP COUNTER gusta tin* week, had t<* PHI L<> Il Store at L< )A\ PRICKS. previous split nearly pieces The in to liam, Dan tors, Ruth >. ERSEY, Judge. lie i> telling what lie know s in installments proposition regard Municipal Fllswort!i; Ilodgdon.Torrev, A true Ytto.-* —B. at'.oii for this mouth, which is near its full. over tin* issue of support or condemnation of the New 1 ork. copy. p. Fii-a.n, Register. indehtnoss, is by an overwhelm- 1 to a committee \ administration, and the leaders were in adopted Sept, liit-li, sclir. .■-•* liars <->t tiiooii. id adorns oin- ot t in- of New ork aldermen, party great Lillian, Ryan, Boston. China and Glass doubt as t.t vote Id,000 to some 0.000 To the Crockery. what the result of this disagreement ing “yes,” SAILFD. Honorable of Probate for rh. Countv Ware, it til s of i’he Judge The lliooli at record goes hack to is.tit when lie would lead t<>. but awaited the action “no." nneboc Journal. of Waldo they wisely [K Sept. l.Uli, sclir. Acorn, v. ; ]-' !• v. of the (Br.) Alcross, Bun"or a! *..--eiitive night- and four other \ isors combined foi- Democratic party before coming to b!ow> TRIPP, (iiiardian of f. (ilas- Preserve Jars, .-npei >ept. 11th, schrs, Lari, Battsrshall, Wevnouth ; .1. Benj. and 1 themselves. The of Mr. W. Cot ■’••r ! i--a:.i \\ ith unusual among nomination Wil I. Meirian, Dean, M. A. BKXJAMINCeorge hran, minor heirs of franklin A. Bangor; Fol's ,m D. lin' of The Severe Storm. R. purpose controlling the appoint- lianis was a wet blanket for their of Va. Coehrau, late of Sear.-port, in said deceas- CHASE’S.; hopes carry Norfolk, County, Wooden Ware. ing the Blaine without a scut- Sept. L.rli, scht. Orient, ed, respectfully represents that said minors are Feather.-*, ment ol election The hoard through programme < i A !>. Staples, Bangor. inspectors. tle. It was at lvkston, A severe sclirs. Silver possessed of certain real estate situate in said Sears, W if:ii drives thought one time in the Sept. very Sept. Mth, spray, IVmuw, Rockland win the early part port, and about l-'J of > f the canvass wind and rain storm Kennedv, tau, Florence N. containing acre, ami known a- a F R QWIFT ■ a lie were that the administration set visited the entire do; Tower, e supervisors being they only might Adams.’ of the ,. -I.;i; him. iiis Lincoln v He. portion (Vmeterv lot, that tin- interest of said Picture Frames. Picture Cord and Knob pock t‘P business on tlu-ir own account, and tints make cej,t lstli, sclirs. Helen M. Condon, McCarty, 'it of -aid .' h :' ol'the to aw through. But when these gentlemen of patriotic N. minors. Brat on tin* ear Republicans stay ay from the Brooklyn, W. Ruth S. Ilodgdon. Rock- CKiARBASUFAOTUHEa kets, instincts, were increasing in from 7 A. M. Mon- forrey, Wherefore duly liotilicd by the Bangor Com severity land, Maria Theresa, do. your petitioner prays your honor to .»•,-• i o i., b lot the U "iu vv liieli Keller, AND WIUM.KSAI.K DLALEi: IN y. and them the lie men ial that there was until noon. The grant him a license to s» !l and .es- meeting give majority, open rehellion in the ranks day wind blew at the Sept. l‘.*th, I s. coast survey sclir Haw. convey said real Lamest, tate of said from < 'urtains and Fixttli e Ta i ; y a 4. hid. it w as miss "f the saw at a that it was rate of oil miles an ley, for Baltimore. minors, time to time, at private and others also, as early as 1 Stitt, combined Democracy, they glance hour and rain fell in aah‘- no time for them to declare their M*pt. 2(>th, sclir. dames BKXJ. IRIPP. independence of torrents. The water in (Galveston Holmes, Bvder, Fllsworth to bills for a the Blaine and therefore Hay to load for Rondout, New York. approve percentage of the ring, their votes are At a Flower in some reached the Court of Probate, held at Belfast, within and Pots, Lap-board a-r !.’:■• ii...• I,.-eti oinletnned counted lor Mr. Blaine's candidate, when under a places level of the amount, and their combination failed lor the County of Waldo, on tlie second fuesday 1 only more favorable* wharves and I-I d inr has been showing for the Democrats in the the lower or more exposed ot September, A. I). 1.S7 7. AI.So in: A ILL IN when the thieves to over early >tages of the short campaign, would of the wnv I’pou the foregoing Petition, That the ('hildtvn’s h Mi heaen of Perk ins A began quarrel they portions city under water two I Ordered, ('arriages hav e mustered to have been out Wanted petitioner notice t.* all courage spoken in or three hours. give persons interested by ": < O '( the di\ision of the When About noon the wind a l; j where she spoils. they their manifestations of disapproval of his faction.- Men or Women Canvassers Wanted cau.-ing copy of said petition,with this order there Fancy Groceries, course towards moderated and the water to re- To Canvass on, to he published three weeks in the sl'f'il A> Bed and Fable Casters. !•*!.; iti wharf. w ill w ere united never failed to the administration. began every Town in the Countv of Waldo for successively Piling they purchase Republican Journal, a at This we believe to have been the true state of cede, and before the was tic Robbins Little Steam Washer, tin- best paper printed Belfast, that ■ a- U '-id ! night sky clear machine IS-iyarx. ot ;•> keep her ill po-i to °nf- I K’l L they may appear at a Probate Court, to he held at enough Republicans give them absolute the canvass in its stages, and with the dead with a JJRKFN, Stockton, Agent lor the /.••• early strong cold norther There ot the Probate otiice in Belfast on the sec- /V'-.. of blowing. County Waldo. .iwlJ aforesaid, Goods. &c.. 11e ill he -.-I't !■I tin- Pa summarily with by the next Democratic and three blocks were consid- d, Regi-ter. non., and of unoccupied ‘-t iu which .lolin declared that tt'Hrien convention, instead sin h men allow Cement! '< h, -1launeii has sey. being Cement! Sagadahoe that erabh damaged. No loss of life is re- At a 39 Main BELFAST. to Probate Court In Id at !R ,, ,, St.. cd lead the party they should be sent very far '.fast, ,, I |- ! a t■ -11• i• -r to 1m- u u is a and added no the of on hi 1"- in fool, i" tin* rear. A rc.-olution of condemnation ported and disaster to shipping, ex- County Wal.lo, the 'second Tin sda\ of ('auiu-d foods of all Kinds. may September, A. D. ls;r. ii: I't She u hi- taken out at No donlit lie m repair tin* injury, but it may serve to deter cept to the smaller class of coasters. The Dyer's assigned part of his claim M. B S other evil workers from tin* same suicidal MARDK.N, Administrator of the Ks- Dried and Green. O pursuing railroad at ross the bav are W \ Barrels of the Best Brand ever Fruits, to Tweed, and another part to bridge.-- badly offered C1KARKfate ol William ... Piper, late oi-in Connolly. policy hereafter. F\ F 1 a- sale in i'i.liks or l\ ki:y dks« liltion. and it this rit \, just received and tor sl*id ol \\ i-i had damaged, will be several davs be- } “unty aldo, •lecea-md, ha\ t!. :i• 1 v«-rlisenient of lla’! Morrissey sRt.UOII of the mortgages Tin* ruin ac.miplislied was not so sale at the ing presented by Finery ap liis first and final account of Administration lor in the vote of tin* as in tin- fore trains will run A Horseradish, Russett « himself, in of uionev due. pare!:! regularly. special allow mice. Pepper-sauce. Ketchup, i 'i.-ai.-i i mu I UK-lit. «\ e. These part payment Democracy Slippers which he stimuli:*; ii gave tin- Kcpublicans to swell their from says the storm was severe Lowest TPrioe. Ordered, That the said Administrator Citron, Sage. Chocolates, Macaroni, .!"• associated a! the old stand afterwards sold to Senator 11i \ lloekport give notice vote above t!i«- number li.r an "el]"' war. to all ordinary and the Mi grill is A persons intere-ied lo' causing a copy of this Sago, Tapioca, &c. •I' w«•111 Si-c The latter all tin- propeller missing. Hi''' d like to 1 heir friends.. .< aiiti-U! by. bought nearly The articles of tin* Commercial in t > order to he published thret weeks suivessiv ,-iv in the opposition Irom KXTUMTS OF All KINDS At Critchett & Francis. \\ e. despatch lha/.os savs halt 1 o'liricn had. Morrissev savs id a: wen* trad* d i:i Santiago, Republican Journal, at ’> da'ii".- 1 tiller. Scarsuiont. ..Canvassers mortgages p every lb-publican paper FINE printed Belfa-t, that th. from Head of that island is CALCINED PLASTER, may appear at a Probate < ourt, to he held at '! Tweed had tv.o mistresses for one I'as-auiiuiuoddy to'Kitten Point, and ^•ibnierge.l. Belfast’, !”!. Stori;ion. Notice of a years, within and for said Countv, on the second Tm-sdav <>t serve 1 as mi much ammunition to the anus Vv m \ni u ti 1:1:1: ok of whom lived within a stone's throw of supply hite & October next, at ten of tin* W N usli, < -lit ja Mont it!»- Lump Common Lime, dock before noon, ami son mil i \<>, -.lay of ! '• 'i uc.' •i.d. and a. IL-niv \ .’-mart, of her from Maine to ('alifornia and through their organisation as an elfeetive working i.»ivc can’t he beat. September, A. D., l>;r. nnli! see -*k- d t tn-is-'m m Tin- vessel i- tin- streets ol 'fork in K-m. when will mu* of the greatc.-t ('. port. New delianee of they Probate Court. KIA Bib *\\ N, Administratrix ol the K-tate Deinoeratic victories that ever this laud. 'Die l a 1 swept of .1 anics K. Blow Krsi in W. j mu .mi a I: o unfortunate for < ’a j »t. public decern- While he and his band HALL & COOPER. Jl n, iatc of Northport, in -aid Pun... i:-i \ County ot Waldo, deceased, ir-eu 1 ill B. B. I n r. umi,i-1, Si-j.t. ui, l&rr. •ill,i-i having j .1 her Store! .fudge. in, !'d a- In- i- a .if man and i- makim*- to- lit-: of robliers were in he Begi-t* tir-t Variety authority. corrupted BOSTON IN GALA DKiOSS. and li mil account ot Administration for allow *■ ance. u> inasl and e\ from the I- tlu* wlieri* vii will find tor I \ cry body cry thing liigli- The Fit- in. was transacted Linen Glace Starch Polish ! plain* everything Dedication of tlio following at the Sep- Ordered, That thesaid Administratrix to the lowest. He even nunr illed the Army and Navy Menu- | give noti.u to t F KSloNS anil ril'Nh S. rousting ot T >tie 1. id!'••.! ; t !i• M.t -..nie tember I erin oi said < "ui t all person- Interested b\ a < '«** iraieruit’. ment. causing copy i.ft hi- order readily with Starch, hot or cold. Prevents eourls. Waldo to he three weeks n, “biofi 1 1 published succe-sixVlv the R, ring" and tin- iron Saves twi n km k'die ins o.i r. in the ADM1.N1.V1KATION IJRAXTKP ON ESTATES OF County sticking. participated publican at Boston Baked Smoked Dried eimlimieiI : "I llie Journal, printed Bdl'a.-t, that tlie, mav ty live per rent of labor and starch. Beans, a Hot ■>. it t « Morrissey nrytinixuil Boston, 17. Boston i: Eunice Moulton, law of Stockton, W. G. at elam bate tie alii|. around. North Sept. to-day Moulton, appear a Probate Court, to he held a: Bella o', Beef, Canned Ham, Tongue &. Beef, Iinht known as [In voiini? within ami lor said !'l I a ot | ; n.rk V- I.efore :at. d democracy, dedicating oin* of tin* finest and most Administrator; Mercy Hardy. late of Winterport, Countv, ou the second I'm .lav’ of October uni went lo in I,'70 to on Isaac if. next, at ten of the dork before .ii f i'i s/t l nnnh’inils, >n Mb » Sherman, Administrator. Thomas Ste/nt’, o e .on u ,i- ;111• eni \ lift h aiind. of Albany carry eosth of lit,* many monuments which the Cha-e, ami -hew can put n/i PicRled saiis:uT,.Sariliiies er-ar;. e, if am t Imy ha vc, w h v t he -mm’- Tonanes;Bolo£iic the n 11: tin there late of S. i' In., ff sl/ Pnl./nl Lino s, .Yen' Ynf/, ■ e.impaiyn. in?? nearly of the North have erected Monroe, Lydia Porter, Administratrix. should not he allowed. /H dan." *r Ml lb ,... •.! 11,. people in Ofir,s, />i,■/.■/,'1Ans Aim'ointed Sarah E. PIN I 1IKRS1-A Sheaf J)nal /h'e^reeeil i. me r. persuaded Tilden and of the hemic men who laid down Bobbins over Juiho- Apple. 'I'tllilttviHn• / e|: M r. < to minor he ir ofJohn B. ropy. Kil iRegish-r.” ti'celoy j?n there and speak against their lives to maintain the I a de- Bobbins, late of Belfast ; John September 27th. 1877. b d of -. nion, ioiotel I'll and SW ret I li.mUlul for I lie l ine, eharler. 11 was anxious to L. l’anno over minor heir- of Clareiiu B. 1‘anno, past patronage l hope for a continu- * reeley and of which have al- At a Probate Court held at ad- ’Mi n.i-.r. ! Ban Tor. do scription history Belfast, wit bin ami tor al! re of I In- sunn*. These »loud' roust ant! v on hand. Bond’s Boston Bread have an late of < the . ol W oil ^ elect ion law tor 1 lie protection of been The selection of the Stockton; William Frederick over minor onnty aldo, tin s.voml l ue.-dav ol I-. IL SWIM, W ad tin’s Block, IX F.Y IKY W IF. •'I !. i.-lfe .: a f! and i,e toast The ready given. A. D. heirs **i Wm. late of Belfast James September, Is,'?. lyl '■•7 Main stm t, Me. voters, ami the rinsj tiyreeiti}? to yive him was most as it has to Bos- Frederick, ; Belfast, ia-dae o; Mane, was to day fortunate, $500 iN TROTTING PREMIUMS! sAN I S W KK IS responded l.y til over minor heirs of W* KR, widow .f Jeremiah one, he withdrew his to the ton a Staples Frank Staples, late o! oj^ositton peculiar significance. On the 17th j / Sweetser, late of Sear-port, in -aid r.nmtv "I PICKLES-all brands,JARS PICKLES 'd'' !- *d. r• *.. ot lb-!fa i. it was or an harler. ll cost tin* a Stockton. Wal.lo, rim? million dollars of September Boston was founded and deceased, having pre-ented a petition that LADIES’ Fresh for 10 Cents. •mu b» f. rein mb. •>•.-. I rat v Purses 1’iiitl on (lie I’m fata an allowance mav he made by the i emit to that charter the License i*» Si Beai. Estate on i-,si atks . Russell, Belfast, ns. '.r.g. Rockwell. said Countv, on the second At Critchet Sc Francis. •'•■i any way lid.ite inum n s hinisoif witli larly organized has wheeled into line, W. (i. Uk.m. Little uesday ot October next, at ten of the dock he- mont; Jane M. Stevenson, late of Belfast ; James Morrill, Dexter, Nell. | A Ciood Trade in I le I ■ bmc asked what meant by such a ques- while at least new ones have been B. S. laylor, Lewiston, ns. g. Little Fred. noon, and shew can-. if any they have, w hy pyo-it. part; a.nd bims.-ll' with hai fifty L. late of Atherton provides Brown, Xorthport; W. Pendle- Hollis ns. the prayer of said petition should not he tion, and I told him no man eou Id steal and formed for the of Reynolds, Unity, g. Rover. granted •■••'• ;l''‘ I'efson.i: can* a.-ses ire mad*- especially purpose pa- ton, late ot* Lincolnville ; Lydia .Munsur, late of Mon- PH 1 K< II KRSKY’, Judge Coffees and Teas! at the same 1 f arc No. J. Burse of in, open to all, $b'.o,$7d,$ Id & $U0. A <• tiyht time. your hands The are truecopy, Attest B. P. Fiki.d. n at oi 11';. ;i i.<-l.diiior,M.s on and mia h rading. municipal arrangements roe : Bradford Marden, late of Freedom; Jeremiah Register. 1 W. Berry. I*, el Iasi, ns. |. g. Ben starr, clean, said I. yu in and liylit them, lmt if almost The was formerly ALL KIMIS FISH iAl'klF. IHMikX I IM S. He, ■'ini- w a ••! perfect. police force in- late of 22 l-d W!nmt lie nv minor heirs of D. 1). 22 urns foot .Sweetzer, Searsport; “Lexiiigtou,' formerly “Balmer.’’ At a Probate you have stolen so B. M. ns. Court held at wit bin and for ■' anything keep away." creased and cm l and commanded late of Belfast minor heirs of Wm. K. bloody, Belfast, s.g. Sorrel Fred. Belfast, AT b'liud. e\ p| in i\i e individual eases. post Carleton, ; tin- ( ol considers this in ion as Clias. (.‘rocketr, Bangor, ns. g.g. Billy Blatter. omity Waldo, on the second 1 uesdav ol Morrissey vestiyat that perfect order and was guar- Barrows, late of Sarah H. late of A I). ■'• mdodates. a oi.- of thousand.-, do not dispatch Kocklaml; Gray, ( has. Reekards, September, 1*77. a of 's to and he ch.g Anodyne. Geo. G. Well's New job Kelley implicate him, anteed. There are at least to.non st rati Belfast. W. II. .Mathews, ns. h Buchanan PI II \ I.. 1 It X f, widow- of (,. Variety Store, '' b bo- \ote- each other Men will Searsport, Voting u-g. K. | i i.., desires the committee to and late of Belmont, in said Count v ol W AGAIN No. 13 ME. stthpiemi gers in the city. Accounts Allow fa> on Estates of—Ezra Cox, Qv Horses culled at C o’clock, B. M.. a# MA aldo, de High St., BELFAST, lluUeriny i n when the time ar ceased, having a tor an promises, ask him am about the late of B abort C. of presented petition allow mice question liiny. '! lie streets through which the Liberty Gilkev, late Searsport; Tickets 50 Cts. and Seats Free. lrom the estate of -aid w!i• i -to line and tlirow proces- Carriages personal deeea.-.-d. j■:•<•.I tin- straight lie the effects of will minor predicts exposure sion passed are beautifulh decorated and heir of George Gilchrist, late of-; .Tore' w'.’F.MFBV Ordered, That the said .Martha K. give notice Wo have all the Late Novelties BOY’ S f <• s BoARDMAN, Secretary. time tin if into the is the of \\ to all persons interested a of spent jmt iv-eleetion oodin ami others national colors meet the miah Braun, late of Stockton ; John P. Black, minor by causing copy this everywhere eye. order to he three weeks 1"b.-ra! r;iuv.t-- woi; 1.1 .-how muea l.etter results. published surces-iveh in the to the leoislaltire, and the defeat of Tam- Allow an* f. Mahh to Widows on of Since early morning strains of martial Estates Republican Journal, printed at Belfast, that they I TNI Hail this fall. late of William F. may appear at a Probate to he held SCOTCH TIES ;b "U "ii-l a many music have been continuous as the socie- —Abigail Doten, Freedom; Neal, Court, at B.-l- i; hi flit* harbor last, within and for said late of Liberty. BEFORE Oomitv, on the second I'm s. b da'm w bar! !: ve a : ties from the suburbs and other cities day of October and y. 1m.-:. iiia:d■ to find next, shew cause it anv tin y Warrant of v Ki;ti on marched to them. The i:m;h Es have, why tin* prayer of said petition should not be At Critchett & Francis. da ;.! -f ; seems to There has seldom been a ease of mur- positions assigned ipp.i. tates of—-William G. late of granted. and nav are not alone in Piper, Searsport; BONNETS ibumny lire boulders a !arue num military y doing PHI 1.0 II der attended by such shockin'? tiemlish- Joseph W. Matthews, late of Searsport. YOU BUY KRSKY, Judge. honor to the occasion. The Knights of A true copy. Attest—B. P. I- iki.d, Register. removed. Last week tIn y Bli’okt of Commissions of Insolvency Be ness as that for which Hayden has just turned out in numbers. LAIN! ID HID CLOVES I •• I* die mud Pythias strong ■■■!•"- around the ro.-k-. com.w itted <• n Esi at i. of—William At a Probate Court held at within and been tried in The Irish societies are well McGilverv, Belfast, for tarn Vermont, lie was livin'? a represented. the of on the liny pl.uiyhwas taken down to late ot Searsport. Call and See the Finest County Waldo, second Tim-dav of last and life Temperance organizations, school regi- September, A. 1). 1S77. will and pidli. .- attached. which intemperate in Huston, when Wills Piioha fed of—Lydia L. Crockett, late ot ments and a number of trade societies PPIIIA P. MooDY, widow of David THE LARGEST AND rk'',: 1 of whorein \ Moody, spilt! horse- on Lane’s wharf. he met and married an Prospect, she gives to her husband all her 1 1. late of in said < v estimable tunny united with the militia, the Grand Knity, 'ouni of Waldo, deceas- \rmy real ed, having a ion that her •Uolll leld le pi.»\\ and 111 t Ins of property, and personal. presented petit dower mav lady and excellent and veteran associations. Much of these be her from the real estate of property family. Abisha W. hit** of in assigned said deceased. t>• i> w a Last week the Burrill, Waldo, which after are headed a band and Ordered, 1 hat the said Apphi-t P. give notice to ROUND HATS After lie had her fortune and organizations by "■'d- d squandered making .-undry bequests to his children, he gives to of all persons interested a of this around w Stock by causing order Lewis’ copy STOCK was Cloths ! CHEAPEST barf where i1 wear new and beautiful and to he was regalias G. Burii.l the both of the real and published three weeks sm-cessively in the Re- •! !.; it a abused her incredibly, she Elbridge balanc**, a T number of barrels of mackerel compelled publican Journal at badges, while the veterans recall the personal estate. printed Belfast, that they may 1 b* m i to from him. and took in a appear at a Probate ( ourt, to he held at from a lot that was rolled otf the separate rcfiij?e of war old Belfast, days by displaying battle-Hags David Gove, late of Liberty, in which after the within and for said County, on the second ds** were IN fuesday 11ST Y ELE CITY huildinyv hurn--d a number small town in Vermont. He went there, and HKLFAST of October at '• n of the corps badges. payment ot sundry legacies to bis other children, he next, clock before m.oii, Ferguson & Littlefield’s No:h:m: hut a few old ami shew cause, if any they have, whv the r anchors were as lie afterwards declared, for the The scenes along the route show more gives the residue to his Louisa (Jove. pray, pin- daughter, of -:ii.I petition should m : he granted. overed. than else the -Y. T- pose cl murderin'? her, forced his way clearly anything magnitude f o n PI I 11.0 IIP. RSI-A Judge. A tru< copy, Attest B. P. I ti 1 "Ii- sum* little exeituneiit over of the occasion, as in every available u», Register. into the house, and shot her dead in the Tlu* utmost reliance maybe placed in Hint's and also some that are more At a ( Iu1 igeslii11 soon to become vacant l»y the place places l» i:mki>y Ibr I In* prompt cure of Bladder? Probate ourt field at Belf»».-t, v\ ii hill and lor of Kid;u*y the of 22 her sister and .sister's hus- on the St. 22 B. F. WELLS’. .*-i .In-lire Johnson. Linen presence available than comfortable, men, women and I County Waldo, second fuesday ot Boardman, rinary Diseases. Diabetes. Crave! and Drop September, A D. 1 s77. High -,i considered the mo.-t band. He lias never shown a moment's and children have stationed themselves K. available can sy. Ill'st"s lx km ki c cures Diseases <>f the I'rilio GENTLEMEN’S WEAR! (HI.PATRICK, named Kxecutrix in a without the of two or SARAHcertain instrument purporting to he the last will Bar* incumbent will of course be a Hepub remorse, blit allerts to be insane. file heeding fatigue said t hat his interested a of t his order appoint M ti it "on minutes nine 11 i.- Family Physicians. persons by causing copy to pasl ui'iniiiiu tlie the were sold at he three CUFF PINS! ■ '>e t«» procession high prices, published weeks in the French oi.noxious Kid lie* extreme successively Repub- Boots temperance jury in '.in- Harden iiiiinli-rtrial entered tlie eouri. Ci.a uki.'s Tooth Ariu. Dkocsoov m.-iunth/. lican while the number of stands Journal,printed ;lr Belfast, that they may ap- ?* r w Siat reason we don't w Ttie "l-ilereil t" In.-, impromptu A I, S know ho favor judire Hayden lu-uucht in. mni O at a Probate to he held at w erected the route is pear Court, Belfast, ithin Gold Plated and Celluloid Coral. il: l\\" 111 I mil o- lit- elllel-eil ill o*». n ut u v with Slier along innumerable. and for said !"'inum ui <-! Charles Moor.- Mr. Board | County, on the second fuesday ot At IN.p The -Pills, Motions and Octooer CRITCHETT & FRANCIS. NEW STYLES. ill 111.i.iji'tir.-. He looked [ml.- anil careworn. The organizations came to their posi- .Pungencies. next, at ten ol the clock he lore noon, and ■ -i yoiuia. well read and is well shew if lawyer, t|uuli ei-rdirt was cleclaivil as iruilt; uf iiiuriler ill the tions with unusual and re- cause, any they have, why the same should promptness not he and 1 tor t!.-• Mr Moore is a hist il.-ari-'- Abk Yourself These A FINE ASSORTMENT OF proved, approved allowed. PRICES LOW! posih.-n. ven respect to the Chief Marshal. There were Questions. The i-iiui-I aski il what ported PHI l.o II K {SKY, Judge. •' H1/--H. ai Hayden lu- Intel to At HERVEY’S Storo. ehl.-iiy man. with not much legal shj- less Are a A truecopy. Attest —B. P. Fik Jowolry ttavilen rusr ami sail “i have several In mistakes, less grumbling and less you despondent siilferer from Sick Head bn. Register. •riflin' Boar-linan will rei|"est.s ache. Habitual Cost i ,*• undoubtedly be ap mak. your honor. The first is that 1 lie allnwi-.l. dissatisfaction expressed at tile scene of veness. Palpitation of the Heart Have \-■ Dizziness of the Head? Is I877. in with to I877.* on|i"iiy ofljtvrs. visil the "rave proper formation than ever before in the ar- Nervous Notice to Foreclose a of my wife. Tin' that seiitei. lie your System depressed? Does lour Mortg age Jas. W. Claris an my piv of a The seventh anal reunion ot't!,.- fourth Maine rangement large procession in this Blood circulate ? Have a : Low '■n lie- :i 1 one,-, ami that the execution take place badly you Cough ■■ at. \' n ! ii o The is of the food after ? 'Uiliscriln r Has removed his Stock of ad i take plae.- n Bel Iasi. Tues nl ". be fouiel in Waldo beginning, being tie !• 11>iai >> in*** a which was Tuppmi thirty acres more or less. .Said Deed is presided over there is little boro ami uncorded in NEW GOODS 11., has tin* letter from Horace doubt that end will Hueksport. the Waldo of Yol. 1 ''Hi i* lollowing moving Registry Deeds, ?.», 1‘age 11s, of s I--uni's. Lieut Bohert (i Ames of is Kverv dav the I.ATKST ST\ KF.S, ami 1U I < ■ reach the monument at the hour set for and dated March 27, A. D. Is7f», and was In rcelcv, which is thought to be the last Think for given AI.I Y\ All We a.-k i* to call and e in. '■ Yourself. Belfast. QI '-I.-: t.-d President : Fiig'h. St., one S. I*. Haskell of in the ol Capl. Oliver J. letter of the dedication. The is do- lltf Liberty, County Wul confidential which In* signal corps Thousands lead miserable lives, lrom do to me, to keep me harmless from the of I.’orlvlaii.l \ in-President amrrreasurer. friendship sutiering payment Mrs. B. F. WELLS’. ever wrote : ing most effective service. Telegraph dyspepsia, a disordered stomach and liver, produe a judgment note given by said Haskell to one Benj. • Incut C |» 1*. for the sum Chase, of Belfast. Hegimental stations with were biliousness. Iieartburu. weakness, I’pham of $H>7. on interest at eight New ^ «>i:k. Novembers. |S7\.*. signal Hags built ing eostivciiess, which I Our Prices Can't be Beat ! 1 percent, signed with him as bis surety, and *' * h. next reimi-m w ill irregular low food after FOR uudoubt-edly be friend: We have been beaten. I am the and the appetite, spirits, raising FALL & WINTER from costs from the sum and My terribly against lamp posts position and arising the condition Id at eating often ending in fatal attacks of fever. ot Nrarsport. tin* worst beaten man who ever ran for tin* hiirli of the is chalked on a black- said mortgage has been broken, bv reason where- procession 'l’m:v KNOW I IIKV A UK sick, litt li* olliee. And I have been assailed so that I yet get sympathy of I claim a foreclosure of the same. bitterly board so that the as well as the The is REM 1 "i '1 i. crowd, unfailing which restoring RIM S II. ! i'K.M.s. OVAL 1 'I’he nuisance in whether I was for President or the remedy, yearly COun Ladies' French hid Hunts, alt tirades. tramp again hardly running is In the police at the station, can the thousands, PaCosta's Itadieal Cure sold by \\ O. Liberty, Sept, 1.‘1, 1877. :tvvlJ ihr court, and the penitentiary. darkest hour my long suffer tell,just po- polier following who were Poor A Son. side agents for Belfast. A. .1. .Iordan, Ladies’ Misses Ladies' American Kid Hunts, full Line. ing wile left me. none too soon, for she bad sul sition of the line at any moment. This & Boy’s kr.| up in the streets have been of bv agent for disposed tcivd too deeply and too long. I laid her in the and Hueksport. I IIAYK KKMOV'KI) MY STOCK OK Ladies' Sente Hatton and Cnnaress. 1 and fur- KTotice. Johnson prevents crowding pushing A St cent bottle will convince you of its merits. bred Alien, of Boston I I da\ in ground with hard, Well, I am used to dry eyes. up. nishes welcome to the Don't another hour after this, but in forbid all persons from trusting or Gaud Lint' in Men's Lute ('at '• 1 cannot see before me. I have little for very intelligence delay reading go npiIIS Shoes. "fge Oilmore. hailing from New York. slept A, harboring Laura Jane Conant, a pauper ot the and anxious The line of and get a bottle, and your relief is as certain as you Stoves ami Tiis ■ weeks, my eyes are still bard to close, while throng. carriages town of Searsmont, on my account or on accoum of and Childrens' Shoes kai.i- Conners, of Port land, and William Jordan live Will do it. or will continue to suf Shop Haffs at'all Linds. soon no you you VESTS! said for I have more MERINO contracted the they open again. Hut ol this. You. containing distinguished persons is a fea- town, with Overseers 4 \. fer ? Think for of the Poor of To No. 9 High Street, si>nui’held. II.. all sentenced to jail for three my friend, went into this contest for me. You ture of yourself. said town tor her support, and shall the procession and is larger than Professor Parker's Pleasant Worm is SELLING CHEAP AT not The Store I’. where ■ vs knew as I did we Syrup per pay any debts ot her contracting after this lately occupied hytieorge White, JAS. on brejui and water. William that must stop lighting the reb date, I will he W. CLARK. Cunningham. was safe and No re for I have made for her at pleased t*> welcome my old customers. els sometime. Hut il is now settled that we never anticipated. fectly extremely palatable. physic ample provision support Be Iasi, on of his w ife for drunken Costs‘do cents. it. tl'lti. my house. JAMES KELLER. complaint shall. The scenes throughout the afternoon ijuired. Try The Best of Searsmont, Sept. If, 1877. ::wl-?* was on .Momhi\ sent to jail for ten days. rivalled those of the morning. A .smart B. F. WELLS’. * 'Hues I need not of & TIN Aehorn. A J. Andrews and frank Philips speak my wife. You know the shower of fifteen minutes about d o'clock 8ELFAST PRICE CURRENT. STOVES WARE for the Blind. whole of her illness on hand. Eyes ”t Liiu story long and painless death. Constantly oli:\ille, and Moses Cecil Currier somewhat dampened the ardor of the Corrected Weekly for the Journ a l Charles L. Smillcy. Her sufferings have been so that I Sawin, 4!‘d great rejoice To nils. Concave, Convex, John Stetson of Camden, were out. on a lark that they were ended. spectators. Gen. -McClellan a perfect ByC. H. Saiujknt, No Main Street. lilCilAllltS, Repairs ami renovates clothing in the most thorough JOB- 'W’ O B K. Porriseopic, with Uemeliiber to was manner, shop over Swift’s store, foot of Main two teams last After on urn kindly Mrs. I am ovation given the line of Flour $8.0Cal0.50 Toned Href OaOO A N I>— Si and faithfully attended to. Bifocal and Tinted Glasses Sunday. hoisting Tappau. along lwia rrompfcly IIok\7a70Mut on Oao '-slid a mint it of faithfully yours. - | y whiskey, they thought they especially Corn Meal 70 Lamb lOall u"iild The asterisks denote the omission where the crowded around 1.50 attend a baptism, but afterw ards changed ofi spectators the Rye Meal Turkt y HalH MISS SOUTHWORTH passages relating to men now liv- to shake him the hand. Rye 1.00 Chicken 1 fail 8 Stolen. Pure Scotch Pebbles! their minds ami visited the house of John A. Jack public carriage by 75 Barley Fowl K)al5 from house in Winthrop Furnace, and and which it is best-not to Joe’’ I looker also attracted con- Having I{ IvOFKX LI> their Looms, have nowon my Montville Centre, on That such universal Adapted to all atfe.s conditions of the eyes. Von •»ii ot North port, in the absence o| the ing, thought “Fighting Oats lo Geese ooaoo gives satisfaction. proprietor, hand a Id LL ASSOLT.M KXT of the STOI.KNMonday evening, Sept, loth, one Overcoat wortli cannot fail to be suited at u siderable attention as he escorted Beams $2.00a.2.75 Duck oOaOO it is well known lmre held a publish. rode, $-•0. who stole the coat; to save Come and look at my new and examine they carnival. On Jackson .I5a40 LJ.00al5.00 Leading Styles in location, Monday his old The Potatoes, Hay $ trouble ami cost it you will return the coat to me it store. by brigade. size of the pro- 40a45 my b>"cured warrants and had the marauders arrested Apples Straw $(>.00a7.0o shall not be if not von Hervey’s Store. As Miss \ esta Packard, I years of age. was in known, must abide by tIn- FRANK Jewelry h»r cession may be estimated from the fact Dried Apples ♦»a7 Washed Wool 40 law. :iwl2‘ CLARK. drunkenness ami the the rear of her house in Pox boro on *• tiKORUK w. NASH. lielfiist, April lfi, disturbing peace on the Moudav. she that it took three hours Butter aJ5 Unwashed .‘JO Fall was struck with a rifle and twenty min- •Sabbath. Before Justice Wallace. bullet, which entered her Cheese 14al5 Hides 4a5 Millinery Aehorn, An- utes to a A 'bew.s and side, passed through one lung and lodged in her pass given point. strong Kggs 18 Calf Skins 10 -1 X lULEKPiS Philips were sentenced each lit in IIO" 0 MISSES days spine. The physicians were unable to ascertain southwest wind forestalled the four sail- Hound Lamb 75al.00 Situation Wanted! ,il‘l- t his sentence was Pork Bucks 12 Hard Wood afterwards remitted upon the location of the bullet until after her dentil, ors $4.50u5.00 assigned to that in the widow lady, with one would like u situa- ‘heir tines which occurred It duty unveiling Lard l.laHSoft $.{.00a.'l.50 child, paying and costs, to *12 Wednesday night. appears Hats, tion as or some amounting monument. The ceremonies at the mon- Beef 8al0 Shorts per ct. $1.25 Bonnets, A housekeeper, like employment, that the bullet was tired from a ri lie John AND Button lias had ’•aeh. Smilley, Currier and Stetson settled with by Veal «»a7 Lime 00 all the NOVELTIES of the SEASON, i Newport experience, and understands all the econo- son of Patrick who was at ument at 5:15 bv Colts' band of mies care Fine White, White, began of the of a Goat Ties Jackson shooting Dry Cod 5a6 Hotter Salt 25 house, &e. Address Mrs. F. before trial. a near Hartford and were carried out 11. LANF, Belfast. target by. according Pollock 5 Plaster $1.05 At II Main Street, Belfast. Critchett & Francis. Belfast, Sept. l‘J, 1877. liwll* At Critchett & Francis. Passing AN*-4y. A New View of tho Great Dismal Swamp. Mr. Emerson at Home. FOR Tenement to Let. SANFORD STEAMSHIP CO. Passing Just away; passing away; 1 know of no trip more full of excite- outside tiie village of Concord. Mass., at Ayer’s Cathartic Tills, -FOK- The fcwoet summer roses are a\vu\ : the intersection of the old road to Boston with passing ment and varied than a visit to Marked Down! lower portion of the new T!ie:r is pleasure rpiIE beauty wasted, their fragrance has fled, that to Lexington, is the home of Ralph Waldo JL house lately moved and rebuilt A ;ui with ’■.■in their bed the Great Dismal The BOSTON AND LOWELL. ring they' damp, lowly Swamp. strange, Emerson. It stands a little back from the road, by the subscriber, on Pearl street. Everything new, Fur all I hi1 of a fair. [iiirpo.'fs Family Physic, dewy morns in their splendor will rise. the beautiful, the weird and solemn in and tall pines and lirs before it give an air of re- Men’s Fine Calf Button clean and convenient. Apply to Arrangements for the Season of 1877. ■ Great Boot, stars MILTON F. CARTER. pah* glow soft in evening's clear skies: nature are till blended tirement well fitting the home of a 'I together, forming philosopher. Bargains lie $4.00. FormerSPrice 1877.—-iwio cooling dew tail, and the musical rain. The was and $4.75. Belfast, Sept. 0, cttrin a a scenic original house built fifty years ago. 5 But these roses panorama attractive and inter- will brighten, ah, never again ! as it now stands is a .Inn, /> Two Steamers on the Route. to the is large, square building, paint- esting highest degree. There ed white, and furnished with a of Men’s Fine Calf Shoes, generous supply Strap / r'i .. /‘./\. : GO TO Parsing away passing away; nobody who has not actually been through windows and chimneys. A few years since it was $3.00. Former Price $3.50. Mouse for Sale. Bright of F f u.nfi- U..,l FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK. hopes my youth—how they're passing the “Great Dismal” that litis tho slightest badly damaged by tire, hut while the owner was in t-.y. away. subscriber offers for sale his Europe it was carefully restored his friends, lit't'ih. l!>n 1,, Ft II W tth the beautiful of what kind of a it is. by dwelling house and 1-s acre of land visions that gladden my eyes conception place and a few added, the 75 Prs. Men’s & Women’s THE improvements only irrepara- Shoes, on View Street. The house is three /*••••. and as from its name the Bay T-i".. By daytime nighttime, sunlight the skies! Judging popular imag- ble loss some boxes of old sermons stowed A. B. MATHEWS' 1 being Slightly Damaged, years old, two stories high, and finished may come back to sorrowful heart ; F, .s', hope my ination makes it a vast swamp, quagmire away in the- garret, which, having done good ser- is suitable for two small njit. Bright dreams from ther For One-half the usual throughout, chambers mav Price- .. long-silent and unwholesome fen. dark, silent and vice in tin* hands of the Puritan divines, now XEWLY FITTED families. The location, commanding a i: start, from an view of the harbor and cannot be in perished excess of the element they lacked bay surpassed < 7'. in But loose of 1 woo all in damp, where the light of the blessed sun />.•■•/. my youth may vain. before. A roomy barn stands near the house, and At Critchet&Francis. the city. In the summer season cits close proximity For ne'er will return in their 1 never c -a that seems to the salt renders it cool and comfortable. Tumors and Salt llhcum, Worms, (jour, Neuralgia, they beauty again liters, spot cursed, behind lies a little farm of nearly a dozen acres. water, CAMBRIDGE. KATAHQiM. The lot attached is suitable for a city garden Ap- as a Dinner Dill, and the are the and from whose black, murky surface noi- The whole external appearance of the place sug- Purifying blood, Capt. J. P. Johnson, -Capt, Wm. R. Roix, Passing away : : ply at this office. K. <_J. DYER. most passing away some gests old-fashioned comfort and congenial purgative yet perfected. Their el- Will leave Belfast for everv W♦. Friends I have loved—how the're vapors arise that breed disease and hospitality. Belfast, April l'I, 1877.—4:>tf Boston Monday. 1 passing away Within the house the llavor of antiquity is still Look! Look!! Look!!! fccta abundantly show how much they excel all nesday, I'hur- da> saturduv. a’ J o'clock 1* M. 1 have watched them go down to death. Tli s is the and it that cold, solemn popular belief, more noticeable. Old look down trom the will ieuve Boston evert lues- pictures other Dills. They are safe am! pleasant to take, hut Returning, Monday, tide. is ti Xo notion can he walls: day, Thursday and Friday at o'clock I*. M. popular fallacy. (plaint blue-and-white china holds the t<> cure. W bile tin1 silent boatman close to their powerful They purge out the Paul humors pale, kept moi e erroneous. simple dinner: old furniture brings to mind the Farm tor Sale. Fare to side: ol the blood; stimulate t he or di.-order- Goston, $2.50 of the Just at the as FURNITURE they sluggish The Dismal is not a vast generations past. right you 1 vc caught the dull of their muffled oar. Swamp hog hereby offer lor sale the de- ed into and health and Lowell, 3.65 dip deep, enter is Mr. Emerson’s library, a large square room, very organs action; they impart he Fore them to that eeholess shore ! sunk low in the into which all I sirable small farm on which I New York, baggage clu cked through 6.50 away ground, furnished, but made C. W. HANEY tone to the whole being. flay cure not the plainly pleasant by pictures now live. It is most sit- only All tu" t he And my heart crycth’out in its desolate pain, the of the and sunshine. The pleasantly freight accompanied by Bills of Lau draining surrounding country homely shelves which line the uated, contains is under every day complaints of every body, but formidabh in All bill- Hut ne’er will return to bless me Has received his Stock of thirty acres, ing duplicate freight mu-t be paid oi. they again! flows: on the it is walls are well tilled with Kooks. There is a lack of I just Spring- contrary, above the STORES, good cultivation and i> well fenced and dangerous diseases. .Most skilful physicians, delivery of goods. Ji I.AN F, Agent. covers or lieh and each volume I and and in all con- B» IK 7. level some fifteen or showy bindings, watered, respects most eminent and our best 1 fast, Jum away ground twenty feet, venient. It has clergymen, ePizcn \ -end Passing away passing seems to have grown old in constant ser ; HATS, CAPS upon it tirst-class buildings in thor vt 1 know of ;i no as was soberly land where there is decay. demonstrated actual surveys. —A — and an orchard of certificates of cures performed, and of benefit- by vice. Mr. Emerson’s study is a quiet room up ! 70 Granite N D ough repair, engrafted bearing great Where the air's tilled with the richest of Block, fruit trees. Call at office £1, Main Street, or on the balmy per- Instead being a receptacle into which -tails, and there each he is at work, derived from the-o Dills. They are the safest and INSIDE LINE, fume day steadily premises at the intersection <>f tv he Liucolnville and rivers and streams enter and How, it is in despite advancing years. best phy.-ic for children, because mild as well as ef- From sweet, fragrant tlowers. and fadeless their Little River roads in the south part of this citv. <7/.i.yat: <>j v /1//•;/./'.i \ j; i aj.m/. tin Although one realizes it. Mr. Emerson is Dm bloom : reality immense reservoir that in its hardly BELFAST, MAINE. 1. M. BOAR DM AN. fectual. ing sugar coated, t in y are easy to take, getting to he ail old man. Born in 1S03, and a •Wtf Belfast. Pi, ls?r. 4It 1 W here the soul never as it doth here below. vast bulk the waters April and bein<- purely they arecntiiely barm 1877. SUMMER grieves sponge-like gathers of Harvard in 18*J 1. he has seen fatal agitable ARRANGEMENT. 1877. • graduate the FurnishingGoods *Vr tair. vanished dreams, o'er titful less. hope’s glow. which fall from the heav ens, and pours asterisk set t«» the names of ouc after another of W liich In- otter. for Salt* at I'ort Whore linked and forever is love's chain. DDK DA Ml D MV Bangor, I’ortl.iml, mouth, Salem, I.\ nit. golden his classmates, until now I.ou I ;\\ II. e. 11 a\ 1 them into five different rivers, which How few arc left beside him- CEO. F. D.D.S.. hll Boston \. NcW t oi And parting words chill us. 0. never EAMES, again self lie speaks of himself as a man whose work NEW FIRM! Dr. making clu-e cornu c: ion with both the Fa-ti I if owe onward to the sea. one would im- J. C. AYER & CO., Loweli. Mas*., [Annie (Mrs. Any is Prices that Can’t be Beat! ami B-.-omi ,v Maim Railroad- ami Bishop Simpson.) nearlv ended, but the only sign of failing power arriving i agine that the “Dismal” was a veritable noticeable Practical and Analytical Dliemi o-. Bodon at " o’clock 1'. M., in -eason to conne, in conversation‘with him is a slight Those to of charnel house that its miasma hesitation and wishing purchase goods DENTIST, with tin Shore Bum Railroad tor New York whic spreads apparent effort in recalling a needed l alf and •• iti From Scribner for September. Eimriilin. Elm St.. PECKSPupI. ME. 4fo'Sold y Druggists Deal. .Medicine leav* Bosh at H- o'clock i’. .M. the on the word, a name. this kind will lind it throughout country: contrary, especially proper UNDKKSJOXFd) having formed a co for their advantage I'jtr A Portrait. ilis wile—a sister of Dr. rpilH «*n and alter MoND.V 1 it is the healthiest on the American Jackson, the discoverer i nership in business under the name and st\ lc .him- 11th, place of ana to sthctics and a rival claimant with Morse of call and examine his Stock before •' 1 1 "" i.v < i. vur.Nvi: voou. continent. Tho is formed entireiv Inly- ©M l: swamp the electromagnetic telegraph—is a stately lady Hazeltine & Co., G. P. LOMBARD, of green timber : there is absolutely no with beautiful hair, and a dignified but ing here. of 1 know mu wherein lay the charm snowy And leased the store on Main street, formerly oc- Richmond. She is and so. of «*3*9** She had in those remembered decomposed wood : one sees trees lying gracious hearing. proml. justly .1. B. Wadlin, are now prepared to’otlVr lj.Il.liV, M.v-,1 l„ days. her husband's cupied by DENTIST genius and fame. One stock of v The olympian gait, tin* welcoming hand. till around in the forests and swamps. daughter a well selected I am here at No- 54 VV ill e B a lives at home, and devotes herself to care for the myself, (Wurmr C!'p11'h .! UF.LF. I ST. The frank soul from her face. The two in Sf,S' Frida;, mornings at o'clock touching a! ail :« looking principal woods that grow the comfort of the FAMILY GliOOERl KK ! 44tf u-ual family. Main St. Don’t Bandings mi the River and, an i\iti" are In you it i" Tin* manners all her own- place the and which college Mr. Emerson did not him Flour and forgot HuMEOPb THIC SPECIFICS Fort land at about I. o'clock F. M con... t in- manly juniper cypress distinguish Corn, Meal, _ sell as a both the F.astem and Bo-ton \ Nor yet coquette, nor cold, nor freu never lot. fall proneon file ground scholar, lie indulged his fondness for Pork, Beef, Kmihigi'iCt'S! i us« cut y years. .\|:line Railr-.,.! They Sorjvt. 1 literature at which lejive FORT I \.\f) at o F M She puzzled, being each in turn: the expense of lessons. As a class Kerosene Oil, G. W. » here file Ui.. like other trees, lmt instead of the wood C. W. STODDARD. DO.S. Every pruned in Bi »M O.\ ah' ut ;:o I'. .M it Or dazzled, all mat'* remarks. “He was one of the few who made Lard, Hams, HANEY mingling the three. V it turns into MHIbdld <7TaTTm \' li, i iAT iti* B'-e >b(ire Bim B'.nlre;- v. 11:i■ 11 i, u\. B decomposing, petit, and lies He* that was entertain Tea, Coffee, liellnst. ‘Jo, l.-o?. i:{ lM'H discovery Shakspcare very April at o'clock F M !oi \ \\ > out of iiH'diriars Unun n. arc nlia! i|;K those gowns so quaintly rich indissoluble air and water for Novels were then com Tobacco, DENTIST. Sisry ja^l by ages ingreading." ThcWavcrley i e ket. il to and Spices, F.i'-engers tin •■i:-n Bo-h.u ami N. u They grew, unshaped by Milan's shears : sound. mg out. and Scott's magic enchanted him as it Hay ford Block, Belfast, Me. the people \T»n~». *m ing t i .»<=». i^onoT] 1 oik. Hose like a perfectly in a first -class tower, the throat did m-w and all usually kept (irocery ■ lb t II I.. ivory everybody Each volume was goods sicUin—> and is«i>rhiy7 single ning- K a tiro i«I W iot it. There is in tin1 to create quickly at as reasonable rates ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF Office s to Pj am., l.:tn t«» :, p. m. Tlvery luirf, SI Kinged with the the wears. nothing swamp Store, at w holesale and retail, hours, Exami- street, ,*-au.« rings (.’lytic purchased, and In*, with a of friends, Fortiatid, e\.-intig, at 'm or group college as can be had at store in the nations and l.:;o to _\:;o p. m. specific t8io »veTl irD- d y --iiplion of o'clock, no of the tides and de- any City. Consultations, :s rriv al of am v. miasma; all to it. would Ey.iv-- ft tin- Bo-tou v ,. Hut. lace rising eager enjoy sit up far into tin* is lor am! strict in- REAL M when you sought the Homan Our Stock purchased Cash, by ESTATE. ;sn eminent physician. Railroad, which leas • Bo-ton of rank no nit rsh- turns at so d\o’clock F. M on composition vegetables: night, taking reading aloud that all and fair we to merit a fair share That such columns grows! tegrity dealing hope «•*? I ’ll s-ej|gi js c.m t,.k« IIV O | the grew—and hear at once. Nos. Cures. Cent-. earllt ^ on es to the of the sun. might of jK^tiive us a call. from found this wonder in its stead— exposed burning rays patronage. 1. Fevers, Congestion, liuiMir.mutious. 2 Boston over ei; her oi ; he uho\ »■ Rjilroad- oddly enough, was a which lie JOHN HOMER, M. I). Tin- sea shell's curves, the sea shell's rose ! All is fresh and sweet, and the air is la- philosophy study BKX HA/KLTIXK. X. K. K KKN- I stale of 1\ in. t;l 2. M «rms, Wi.i-ru i*V\ er. W.-rm ( ic. disliked and never excelled in. Mathematics, too. laic (lecctisctl. GOING WEST. Belfast, Oec. ‘-i'-l. lsHl.—2S Rb'liiuomi" a,-o conn, ■ \\ ii |, lh-r eyes, the succory's way side blue great stumbling-block. story A. SlinrrSitett, of Children «.:• Am:!!-, .... 1 ortlaml \ Bo-1., month of when sweet tin* best of authorities that a BELFAST, MAINE- anu win- I Fortl-m Her lips, the wilding way-side rose May, tho perfume by only few years ago Will be sold at Public Auction at r*. Dysentery, (h-ipim. Ihlioi-.- C.n;. •" •‘•'••l* M. !•.,-< I i.-k. r. Hu’. dreamed a dream. ofilowers he un wittingly cheated a poor Irishman, when f. flmlii’si-'larlnis, V.-miii;.. i>K<-r- .1 Ileauty prouder mingles with the pungent scent pay N. 1».—Particular attention to and Ion'. so»' I.-. I It:,;, In Hcmt in,I h'.m for some Union H given St/ryi ry 7. d'OUWlis, Colds, P>roHchiii<.2b lisli Throned on her forehead's moonlit snows. ing work, by that seven MOODT’S nil, Ft'inalr Disrast x I of the and In the mdr- calculating Keui-spovt, of long standing. Vl!l I'a I I \ ,r if I pine dogwood. seven were Mf nut cif bi'fnrc Ml rrivatc 8. Y’rill'alu ill. T«>olh:»rh--. •••"'lie. 2 KKMt.N, la si twenty seven, and the was ilispiiscl Sail') it a II < may be found in his office every i:< ll:,-i, Juii" H, is:,. And over all. the wreathed hair Ih'IIiuh till were to Friday if. sick il«•:t:I i* i• •. \b r; igo, days planters anxious : ot detected until Pat. who had ids doubts about and of each week. Other devoted Headache*, That caught tin* sunset’s Hn I I lie Saturday days 1". Dyspepsia, 11: ...'ll- .• streaming gold. hiivtheii slaves to in the tin* matter, consulted a and came back i Pill «f lldober. II. 1^77 •o Surgical and shingle-makers neighbor ! riiliiy, day operations visiting patients residing D. ^nppre’-sci!. or J’aiuful 1-: ic;; Where, now. a crocus hud was set. tor a • in tlie on account of its health. Mr. settlement. At 10 o’clock A. M., tlie described country, etc. ly'.t 12. V* biles. t.»* }'■ ivrii'i;-, 2 ; FOR MT. DESERT & Oi violet, hid in the braided fold swamp following parcels MACKIAS. There were fifty-nine in Mr. Emerson's class, and ot Real Estate 1M. Difficult Pevr hirm. Reddick, a well-known CYiuij). Cough, SUMMER contractor, says commencement were to seven 1-1. fs:slt Kruj n.-ns. ARRANGEMENT. Hut. she. so her conscious parts given twenty The Homestead of said MeHihery, of Itiicum, Erysipelas. deep pride. he worked a of tiitv hands for fifteen o| consisting EMERY 1b. illieiutia I Mb uoiuii. !’ :m>. So gang them. Emerson stood high to have a about two acres of land, with two store French BOARDMAN, i*m, TWO sure her she was fair— enough largo < TRIPS PER VVLEK. knowledge A sene. bib K« ... in the .-hare in a conference—a to roof House with ell and It;. Fever si ml A_-.<. gowns she or or years Dismal, getting shingles, and part usually given the Dwelling long large Stable, What won*, silk, serge. 17. Files, bi nd or hie*-ding. duller men- and In* aiid two others Pure and Chemicals ! (ireen-Ilouse, and Hardener’s House, to a subject at ■ She seemed to neither know, nor ear-*. in all that time there was not a accordingly Drugs COUNSELLOR LAW is. OpIiHialmy, and >•» or \V. :k lives, single conferred “On the character of mortgage of ooo and interest trom 1st, John Knox, Wil January acute or chrome. :•< ease of ague and lever. I have seen num- 1*7.‘>. ami the widow’s dower therein, situated in AND CaiaiM'i), Imlue.i/.a, She smiled oil eat. or frowned on friend. liam Penn ami John After he viol nt .v I! "’ Wesley." graduation Genuine Patent Medicines .Searsport Village. 20. AViinnpiiig-i'mimSi. coucbs. i' t'.UX, ( li«‘«*rin her horse the hand denied. erous affidavits of overseers and agents school with an f.< "'ill •' gave taught older brother in Boston for One undivided 21. .AsfSiiiiti. opprc.-s-d breathing, Railroad 'V ar |, v. r fue.'dax all kinds. A Stock and of half of the Navy Yard, so called, ami I-” To bewitched her sonic lime before Of large great variety 22. i*if bcarin r, r l.i x' t. wni at < > >i1 day. you with wit. who have lived in the their whole he entered the about seven acres with Ear l>isc!i;'» es, impairml itg-> li 11 k, or ii the arrival oft! swamp ministry. containing land, large Wharf, Notary Public, Swe W e are 2M. enlarged 5 "M-»rk I ’i: I u a ii 1 <. »• To morrow snubbed you from her side. never wont to say that at such or such a time and large two double tenement House No. 23 Main .Herofuisi, glands. llings, lain I -1 n « life-time, and knew a deatli story Dwelling Street, BELFAST. ME. 1 -’' they Mr Emerson left tin* TRUSbES ! with two ells and 2 b C«eiiemJ Del i-.- W ', 1 1 rn i.’ai Ko ui for t.'o •klaml, I. \ ministry. But is lie not in two .-'tables, situated in Searsport 1877- 4' tf »'astinc, to caused ora instance April 4, 2b. and Secretions. ... ;V. >. .|-U II a ini Local trulli. yet wed to whim. by miasma, solitary the still ! Dropsy scanty k, SnuiliweM liar IIarI>• a--, \|t. |», „.. ministry [From the Literary World. I'lie best and most durable Village. bt She held in fee her mind. 2)i. Nt*sj«si»ch ness, sic! ■•-.-t rom r; ing. Millf ridg■ .I- i■'■ : .mi Macui.i-. .»r: constant ague and fever. The air is and Eot of Laud containing about one acre, adjoining |■ pure September. 2 ‘ l;.» urn;" I.- a.. M.,| Whatever drove her bark. the Navy Yard. Itidney-Disease, -r: M-mdax ai tempests sweet, ami the water to a faint Shoulder Braces 2*. \ ltui W > akm 1 «• I tinged Ym on* Deoilii y. hiir>.ia\ al .•inn- a- aim, You felt her soul's anchor bind. The Stevens House and Hot, so called, a F. A. Morning- oVIoek. deep In the market. ;.ood GREER, 22. Sure Canker. ft) arm in- in Portland wine hue by the juniper, is as potent a Spotted Tail. storv-and-halt House with ell and Stable, and about Alimtli, same night, connecting wit bn ii > •• Mo. s rinary Wes! U lie**, ••••■!. I *u 11 sin I rain ami arl moniii •• ti iius t ■ In that dark day when, fever driven. medicinal drink as is the one-lourth acre of Laud, subject to the widow’s dow- famous watering Fancy Goods, & Counsellor at Law. Ml. i,2lint • \ !> e I ► MM. Euilepsey S:.--i <;K»> I \ 'i (H I k* t A « losed on It is often used naval vessels on ot called, with about one acre of situated in 10 Main Street, 11. Su; emit'- Store.) her girl-head's glorious crown. by going smiling face remarkable intellectual power. He Land, (o\vM'. Mb :.:••••'•.lied me lie Perfumery in Hulk "earsport Village. Dipniliei'ia, K'aiiroa.l \Vhart. along foreign on account of the is followed by bis interpreter, lie lias none of BELFAST. MAINE. f«m4 Mb. Chronic Conar*l ion* 1 !.. ; 1. t'l Sll I\i,, A>'i