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73rd Annual Convention 1984 Homecoming Date institutions Sabbath afternoon.... As Roger of Southern Self-Supporting Workers Goodge, chairman, called on the Several have been inquiring about the Harbert Hills Academy, Savannah, TN. representatives, he asked them to tell how date for the 1984 Homecoming. It is Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 1983 many acres were owned by each. (If totaled scheduled for June 22-24. Honor Classes are up this would undoubtedly amount to quite a The 73rd Annual Convention of Southern 1934, 1944. and 1959. Do plan to be present; sum.) whether you are in an honor class or not. Self-Supporting Workers was held at Harbert Whispering Pines, Gruetli, TN., was Hills Academy near Savannah, TN. during the represented by Jonathan Wilson, head of distributed. In the several prisons and jails of last two days of September through October education, and Steve Greentree. Birmingham 1200 Bible studies were given in 1. After the death of E. A. Sutherland the Wildwood Medical Missionary Institute, a 12-month period, and baptisms resulted. name was changed to Laymen's Extension Don Johnson spoke of the worldwide work of League (L.E.L.). Note how many years these Sabbath Services In Savannah Church Wildwood, and the plan to expand to an R.N. annual meetings have been held — seventy- degree. three! Has any other organization such a On Sabbath morning everyone left the Laurelbrook School and Sanitarium, continuous record? Starting in 1910, the Harbert Hills Campus and drove to Savannah Dayton, TN., Eric Schoonard, in charge of the meetings were held at Madison until the for Sabbath School and Church. John dairy where they milk 75 cows. They have college closed in 1964, then in rotation at the Freeman, president of Maranatha Flights 1000 acres, 45 patients in the sanitarium, and several institutions large enough to provide International, had the missions feature at 75 students in the academy. A workbee and acommodations. Sabbath School. Pastor of the church, Elder trip to Belize, Central America, is planned. Beginning Thursday evening, Elder Ben Davis, had the morning sermon. Hylandale Academy, Darrel Brown Conn Arnold, A.S.I. director for the After a bountiful potluck dinner at the reporting. Industries are picture frames, Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, gave the church the folk returned to the school tapes, and steel sales (through Linden keynote address. campus and heard reports from the McNeilus). They have 21 students this year On Friday morning Randy Dickman (only ten last year). spoke on Energy Conservation — a vital COMING EVENTS Pine Forest Academy and Sanitarium subject these days when it costs so much to (started 1937). Doug Flynt reporting. The heat our homes and buildings. (See 5th Annual Agriculture Seminar hospital is full. Industries — sawmill and elsewhere) Stone Cave Institute. Dunlap, TN. dairy; 385 acres. (Raymond and Betty Harold Also on Friday morning Roger Goodge Feb. 22 - 25, 1984 were also present.) spoke on "Agriculture." Smithville Academy, Jack Harrison, On Friday afternoon David Lee spoke on Madison Academy Homecoming principal. They have 9 students, going to 11th "School Industry Marketing," throwing out April 14, 1984 grade this year; 40 to 50 acres. A doctor several ideas that might be used to bring in friend helped them get a 50 x 100 building Madison College Homecoming funds for schools. Also Dr. Bill Palmer, a next to them. They got a number of items at June 22 - 24, 1984 dentist at Corinth, Miss., who is one of the few very low cost from a surplus company. doing something to help people get out of the ASI Convention, Sept. 5 - 8, 1984 Little Creek School and San. has almost cities, spoke on "Rural Living." Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Mich. full occupancy in new sanitarium; 60 students Robert Santini was the speaker for Friday in academy. No smoking in San. Holding up L.E.L. Convention, Oct. 11 - 13, 1984 evening vespers. He spoke on "Miracles of health standards. Fletcher Academy and Hospital, N.C. Prison Ministry." Bob had been longing to Pine Hill Sanitarium. Robert Santini, get a vegetarian cafeteria started in administrator, spoke of the 40 to 50 units Birmingham where he is administrator of • At the L.E.L. business meeting at Harbert started by Madison. . . . The Beaumonts Pine Hill Sanitarium. He became acquainted Hills, officers elected for 1984 were Herbert started Pine Hill in 1921 on 90 acres. The old with a black couple, Richard and Carolyn Coolidge, president; Roger Goodge; farm house is still there as part of the old Bland, and thought they would be the ones to executive secretary; Mable H. Towery, sanitarium. It is too close to the city of carry out his dream. They tried to find a recording secretary; Norman E. Peek, Birmingham for a school. Vication, but were unable. treasurer. The first vice president is Harbert Hills Academy and Nursing Then Richard Bland got greatly involved Raymond Harold, administrator of Pine Home, L. L. Dickman reporting. The school in prison ministry, with strong support by Bob Forest Sanitarium. It was voted to have the got its name from a local judge by the name of Santini, the local churches, and the prison meeting next year at Fletcher Hospital and Harbert. The late William E. Patterson, who officials. Literature, Casettes and Bibles were Academy Oct. 11-13, 1984. had a dream to start a self-supporting school was the founder. It started out with 270 acres, the nursing home; and weather stripping their enjoyed the March SURVEY and the and later got 500. Patterson helped raise doors. All these measures they implemented. wonderful news of the Madison farm and all funds for the academy, and in recent years Of course it took an initial investment of the other news. Enclosed is our check for the the nursing home. Harbert Hills has the money and time, but the results were SURVEY. May God continue to bless you in distinction of being the only Adventist fantastic. the good work you are doing for the Academy to have a radio station. Madisonites, of which we are proud to be The Dickman family has been involved in • Randy submitted 11 pages going into numbered. the institution. "Louie" was the first principal detail regarding the various methods of • Frank Judson and his assistant, Nicolae of Harbert Hills Academy, and is now energy conservaiton, and a 4-page energy Coman ("Nick") have been digging holes for president of the institution. (Bob Wint is resource list of names and addresses in fruit trees in the area back of the maintenance principal of the academy.) Mrs. Dickman various States. He says the three most building. (Geraldine), an R.N. from Madison College, is expensive ways of heating are propane gas, These trees will probably be planted administrator of the nursing home. The three electricity, and oil. Lower cost alternatives before you get this SURVEY. (Incidentally Dickman children have grown up and left the are natural gas, coal, and wood. If you would this young man "Nick" and his family came nest. Randall and his wife Pam live on like to get the complete document, send $5 to over from Rumania. He is a hard worker and campus. He was seriously injured in an Randall Dickman, Rt. 2, Box 214-C, is employed for the winter months by accident some years ago, and confined to an Savannah, TN. 38372, and ask for a copy of academy maintenance.) electric wheelchair. He has continued his his paper, "Energy Conservation." education at Southwestern College, and will • Other practical training courses are soon receive a B.S. in Social Science in the • From Poinsettia of Groveland Academy going on at Madison Academy. Computer off-campus program. He is teaching in the we learned that Groveland Academy in Programming is being taught by Ken Shaw to academy. Stephen got a B.S. in Engineering Florida celebrated their 25th anniversary at a academy students, also evening classes for at WWC, and is now a civil engineer with the special Thanksgiving service Nov. 27, 1983. hospital employees and the community. Army Corps in Oregon. Pamela Dickman is Bernie Sheffield, a founder of Laurelbrook, Dennis Stirewalt, in charge of the cabinet assistant dean of girls at Cedar Lake also founded Groveland, in 1938. shop, a new thriving industry, is teaching Academy in Michigan, and teaches Home Ec cabinet making. Darold Edwards teaches • Pat Seibert, daughter of Elaine Tucker there. Auto Mechanics and Ceramics in the old food '35, and husband, Martin Seibert, of Veronia, factory, and his son Ritchie is teaching Auto Saturday Night, M.F.I. by John Freeman OR., have joined the Laurelbrook staff. She is Body work nearby in the old laundry building. serving as dietitian and kitchen supervisor of At the closing meeting, Saturday night, the sanitarium, and he is working in • The academy laundry business has John Freeman, president of Maranatha Flight maintenance. Their little daughter Laurie is greatly increased with the addition of some International, spoke in his usual enthusiastic in school there. Metro hospital contracts, which helps manner, and showed slides of his students on their expenses, also brings a tidy organization's work all over the world. Midwest Self-Supporting Workers Meet sum of profit for the school. Churches, schools, hospitals, and other Orchard of 433 Trees buildings are constructed in a very short time The July, 1983, Self-Supporting Worker (usually in two weeks or less). Volunteers announced a special weekend meeting at An orchard of 433 trees was scheduled to came and donated their time and skills for Alpine Springs Academy, Fountain City, be planted in December — six varieties of projects in the U.S. and overseas. Many are Wisc. on Oct. 21-23,1983, and listed program peaches, three of cherries, three of plums, retired Adventists, however young people are topics and speakers. Linden McNeilus, editor and one nectarine; and a grape vineyard of getting involved too, such as a group of of the Self-Supporting Worker was the four varieties. In the spring of 1984 it is Andrews Univesity students and staff who program director. A few months ago he planned to plant strawberries, blackberries, went to Belize, Central America during called the SURVEY editor and asked for my blueberries, and raspberries. Also in the Christmas vacation. They built a church and picture and information. The whole front spring around 14 acres of truck garden will be school on the grounds of Progresso page of his July issue was about Madison and planted. A generous donor, who does not Vocational and Health Institute. Mable. wish to have his good deed known. has given The project was led by John Youngberg, We appreciate Businessman McNeilus $4,000. to be used to purchase an irrigation a former student of Laurelbrook School, and his paper. He says he sends out 1500 to system. Dayton, TN., but at the time a senior industrial 2000 copies each quarter, and includes each technology student at A.U. and president of conference office in the U.S. If you are not From the Editor the Andrews Chapter of Maranatha Flights receiving the Self-Supporting Worker, write and newly elected executive secretary of the and ask for it. Although he will send it free, a Time is rapidly passing, and I wanted to parent M.F.I. Organization. check of $2 (or more) would be appreciated. write much more for this issue — especially Address is P.O. Box 700, Dodge Center, M.T. include more about the Madison reunion in Energy Conservation 55927. Loma Linda in June, and the ASI convention at Lake Gunterville, Ala. in October. I have A most important presentation for today Have You Donated for the Farm? fairly well covered the L.E.L. meeting at was given by Randall Dickman at the L.E.L. Harbert Hills, which started at the end of Convention. Saving on heat and air Donations and letters have still been September, but with great difficulty this time conditioning bills is quite necessary these coming in for the farm. Have you sent yours? as there was a break down in getting tapes. days. Randy told how they saved $10,000 at (At this writing I have not been able to get a Harbert Hills by conservation measures in • LOUISE KUIKEN '51, Bethel Sanitarium, summary of the keynote address, and may their buildings in one year! Evansville, IN., was glad to hear about the have to postpone it until the next issue.) The first step was to get an energy audit farm, and wrote this personal note: "You done by the Tennessee Valley Authority, deserve much credit for your hard work and • Please do send a change of address when which was done without charge. This audit stick-to-itiveness." you move. We can't imagine why when revealed a number of measures where people move they don't notify the post office. thousands of dollars could be saved. • Elder H. R. BECKNER, former president They have change-of-address cards for free Recommendations were increasing ceiling of M.C., wrote from Knoxville, TN. which make it convenient. It's bad enough to insulation; changing their electric resistance We are thrilled over the Farm Program take care of the change when we get it, but heating system to a water-to-air heat pump; and have sent $50. for same. We will be now and then we are notified that the installing a new hot water heating system; praying for you and "Mr. Agriculture," a SURVEY is not being delivered, but no new installing solar film on the west windows in beloved friend, Frank Judson. We thoroughly address at all.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 2 Two New Self-Supporting Units retirement, but said her husband was ALUMNI NEWS restless. He called up a friend of his former • Elder James Lee of Banning, CA. was company, and was working part time. We 1930. ALFRED A. ROCKE (N '30) sent given a few minutes at the Madison reunion to noticed the following items in the A.U. Focus: SURVEY renewal and change of address to tell about Oak Glen Outpost, an education "John Thiel (EMC '43) has retired from work Riverdale, CA. He wrote as follows: and health center in Southern , with the federal government in Public Health "I am not one to do much writing etc., but which he and others are starting. It is located Service / Food and Drug Administration. His I really enjoy the SURVEY. I'm not in the best on 220 acres on the southern slope of Mt. San wife, Stella, is a retired, registered nurse, and of health — many of the students that were Gorgonia. Lee calls it "a Madison-type they are living in Redlands, Calif. Their there when I was there (1924-30) have died. laymen's training school," a "four year, non- children are John, a doctor in Redlands, CA., Also those on the faculty. accredited secondary program," where and Don, a computer systems analyst for the "My sister, Irma Rocke, and Laura Winn agriculture and vocational education will be General Conference." (A.U. Focus 7/83 p. keep me posted. Thank you for sending me emphasized." The name and address given 22.) on the brochure is Pacific Outpost the SURVEY. I enjoy the letters from the 'old- times.' Foundation, P.O. Box 1844, Loma Linda, CA. 1942. Dr. U. D. REGISTER is chariman of 92354. 1932 & 1942. From time to time we hear of the Department of Nutrition of the LLU accidents our alumni have suffered. This School of Health. His wife Helen is assistant • Elder James Lee gave us news of his son letter from Edith Sauer, of LeMoore, CA.. may professor of nutrition. They are frequently David and his correct address. He is now with top them all. called on to lecture and participate in health Country Life Farm, as a part of the team for "On Aug. 12, 1983, on my way back from related activities at churches, campmeetings, their city mission in where they North Dakota, I lost control of my car on a etc. Recently they sent life dues and wrote: have a bakery and health food store. David gravel road. My car rolled over a time and a "Thanks for the SURVEY all these years." Lee's address is Box 324, Lake Hughes, CA. half, totaling the car, and almost finishing me. They have three married daughters, all in 93532, in case some may wish to get his price I was in ICU for 5 days. ... in the hospital six California — Betty Kinscher, Dottie Downs, list of books and literature on self-supporting, weeks. I had a fractured left knee, fractured and Debbie Mateer. Medical Missionary work. ribs on left side, left shoulder out of place, a • Did you notice the two articles in broken collar bone. and a whiplash.... I was • While in Loma Linda this editor called at Adventist Review sent home by ambulance from Elgin, N.D. to titled "Jasper Wayne — the LLU alumni office of the School of Adventist Innovator"? Did you know that Bismarck, then by plane to Fresno, CA., then Medicine at the L.L.U. School of Health at the by ambulance to Hanford Community Jasper Wayne, the originator of the Harvest Heritage Room of the L.L.U. Library. I also Hospital.... I still have a lot of pain. The Lord Ingathering idea is the father of DOROTHY saw President Olsen of L.L.U. briefly, was good to spare my life. He must have a WAYNE BOWES. Written by Pastor Richard presenting him with the famous tape of E. A. Bowes, grandson of Jasper Wayne, the work yet for me to do." (Edith said she was 77 Sutherland's talk to medical students in Loma years old in October 1983.) author relates many interesting sidelights Linda in 1946. I told him it had been regarding his grandfather as an innovator of suggested that this be played to freshman 1935. Southern Tidings, Sept. 1983, reports other ideas. medical students each year. how Dr. Oliver Anderson '35 of Hialeah, FL., is • 1942. John Jensen. M.C. student 1955- using an effective evangelistic approach of 42, is the new administrator of Castle Valley Madison Nurses, Take Notice reaching his patients. In a monthly Institute, Moab, Utah. He and his wife Louise newsletter he invites them to attend a Health went to Utah in 1970 with a group of workers Nurses 70 Years Old or Older. Seventh- Yourself Seminar at Hialeah Hospital. to start this self-supporting unit. After three day Adventist nursing is 100 years old. Lectures in exercise, rest, weight control, years he was called to Zambia, Africa, to head ASDAN is planning a celebration of this and vegetarianism, and other health principles the work at Riverside Farm Institute. Later he wishes to give recognition to you. Send name were presented by a couple from Miami spent two years in Okinawa in the work there to Elizabeth Sterndale, Associate Director, Temple Church. A Breadmake was before returning to the States. The past two Health and Temperance Dept., 6840 Eastern conducted and a vegetarian dinner served at years he spent at Wildwood Medical Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Include the end of the series. There was a good Missionary Institute. school and year you graduated, and short attendance and response. Dr. Anderson is resume of work experiences. ASDAN's planning another series for fall and winter. • JO BENGSTON '43 fulfilled her promise celebration to be held at the Walla Walla to come and help a few days in the alumni School of Nursing, Portland, Ore., June 1984. 1938. Ralph Martin, Jr., son of RALPH office. She drove over from Fayetteville, TN., MARTIN '38, former Ministerial Association and stayed in the guest room of the Heritage Self-Supporting Academy in Oklahoma director of the Northern California House. Conference, was recently elected president Oklahoma now has a self-supporting of the Nevada-Utah Conference. • Arlene (George) Bailey is working at academy located at the town of Harrah. Elder Huguley Hospital, Fort Worth, TX. She and Jim Hiner is the president and Lee Davidson Erma (Long) Series, Hinsdale, III. her husband, Ernest Bailey, live in Keene, TX. the principal. Carl Alessandra. formerly at Pine Forest Academy, has transferred to Erma Series (N '38) called long distance Oklahoma Academy. from Hinsdale to give us the correct address Update on Victor Seino Family of TOM and SHIRLEY MINO, both of whom Addresses and Information Wanted graduated from Nursing at M.C. in 1956. VICTOR and RUBY (Kataoka) SEINO They are now in Hawaii. Tom has made a met at Madison while students in the early Mr./Mrs. Lloyd Bailey. Mr./Mrs. Conrad career in the Army Nursing Corp., and is now 40's. They were married in 1953. Ruby was in Chipman, Mrs. Marie Holland; Bereket a Lieutenant Colonel. college here in 1943-4. Victor went to C.M.E. Michael, Dr. Leonard Ramey; Mrs. Maureen Erma remarked that she was glad to have and got his M.D. in 1950. He is practicing Watson, Dr. Lindsay Winkler, Jean (Moore) this editor at the helm of the alumni medicine in west Los Angeles, a Japanese Ryder, the Cheevers brothers. association. Community, and is elder of the Santa Monica SDA church. Ruby has been very active in • For a long time we've been puzzled over Update on John and Stella Thiel LLU Women's Auxiliary. She was president two Ruth Nelson names of M.C. graduates. of that group 1980-81. One gaduated in 1940. and the other was here While in L.L. for the Madison reunion in Of the Seino children, son Robert is 1948-50. The latter may have gone by name June I called Stella (Williams) Thiel (N '41) working for a Doctor of Health Science at of Nichols and/or Soloman. We'd appreciate who had moved to Redlands, where she and LLU. Son Kent is interested in business after information on these two Ruth Nelsons. husband John had retired. She was enjoying finishing LLU. Son James graduated recently

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 3 from LLU Dental School and is looking for a daughter. Steven is taking computers at The first and third Tuesdays of the month good place for practice. Dalton Jr. College and working nights at the are "boat clinic days," when some of the In answer to our inquiry about his hospital here. P.V.H.I. workers pack up their medical gear brother, Yoshio Seino, Victor wrote: "My My parents had their 50th Wedding and a lunch in a hollowed-out log canoe to brother Yoshio went back to Japan after Anniversary last Dec. All their children were cross the lagoon to nearby Chunox and the finishing Theological Seminary in here. Evelyn Meyer (Nursing '57), myself, Mennonite settlement of Little Belize. Washington. D.C., worked for the church as Carl Moore from Lincoln, Ark., Barbara Link If you are interested in helping this self- editor of the Japanese Signs of the Times, from Pennsylvania and Patsy Post (M.A. supporting missionary work, mark your gift was secretary of the MV Department, teacher about 1960) from Dallas, TX. It was a lovely "Belize, Central America" and make it at Japan Missionary College in Chiba, and reception held in the fellowship room of the payable to Wildwood Sanitarium Inc., translator of Ellen G. White's books.... He Dalton, Georgia, Adventist Church. More Wildwood, GA 30757. came to the U.S.A. as a Japanese delegate to than 50 friends came by to wish them attend the G.C. Session in 1980. His wife, happiness. My father, A. R. Moore, was Jerry and Carolyn Shilling Masako (Yamagata) has been very active in gardener at Madison about 1948. My mother, Stoneham, Mass. organizing a ladies group and teaching at our Opal Moore. is an LPN and worked at the school in Chiba, Japan." Madison Hospital. It is always a pleasure to receive our (Imogene Shepard (N '59) Avon Park, FL. newsletter. We always like to read the news 1950. Dr. RALPH P. BAILEY sent alumni wrote that she planned to attend about our friends. I have enclosed a check to dues and a contribution for the farm project Homecoming but did not come. She also keep the newsletter coming. from Nairobi, Kenya, Africa, where he has tried to help us with the address of Joanne Jerry is currently enrolled in an external been serving as director of education for the Smith Walker.) degree program, working towards a health Eastern Africa Division. At the recent Annual We plan to be at homeocming in June. administration degree. I will be graduating Council at G.C. headquarters the Eastern Joanne (Smith) Walker has moved so will get Sept. 15, 1983, from Northeastern University Africa Division was merged with the Trans- her new address.... here in Boston with a B.S. in health record Africa Division. Dr. Bailey was elected I'm on vacation after working over four administration. educational consultant of the new Eastern years on a private duty case in a patient's Our son Jerry is 15 this September and Africa Division. home. My husband, Hugh, is still painting will begin attending Greater Boston with Walker Memorial Hospital here. My • When Bailey's former teacher, Mrs. Sarah Academy. oldest son, Mike, born at Madison, is in Stuyvesant, learned that he was educational Savannah, TN. My daughter, Durienda. lives secretary of the Eastern Africa Division, she RUBY WINTERS (M.R. '65) here and just had her first baby, a boy. My wrote from Loma Linda, CA. "Isn't that Portland, TN. youngest daughter, Marcella is still home and fantastic! I had him in my Bible Literature we plan to spend the summer visiting my class. He said that was the best class he ever Our daughter, Debby, passed her parents here in Florida. and also babysitting had, and still uses it." specialty boards for Diplomat of American and taking care of our new grandson. Board of Radiology and is currently working We always enjoy the SURVEY. My • Floyd 0. Arnold. pastor of the Startup, with a radiology group in Bakersfield, Ca. husband reads it too. We were married the Wash. Church, was recently ordained to the She really loves her work. Her husband, last two years of my course there, so he gospel ministry. Announcement of the Clyde Marlin is a medical technologist. knows a few people. ordination and a picture of himself, his wife Son James Winters is director of the Beulah (Vickers) appeared in the North computer department at Volunteer State Pacific Gleaner of Oct. 17, 1983. "Vickie" and Beth (Gober) Carter '62 Gallatin. Son Danny graduated Magna Cum Floyd were married in Penaleton, OK, in 1958. Belize, Central America Laude from M.T.S.U. in Information Systems They have two children — Kristopher, at in May. He is now employed as a systems home, and Pamela Penee (Mrs. Dan Eight years ago my husband, C. D. analyst for J. C. Penney Company in Atlanta, Tomezek). At the ordination ceremony their Carter, and I went to Laurelbrook Academy to Ga. Son Mark, has his CPA and five years daughter played a piano solo which she work for four years.. From there we spent two auditing experience, and is an internal composed and arranged. years at Wildwood, he as farm and I auditor at LLU hospital, Loma Linda. as nurse-anesthetist. Then we were called to (Ruby has been busy with homework and help here in the pioneer mission station of a big garden this summer. Husband Wesley LETTERS Progresso Vocational and Health Institute in has been working at Wilks Publishing Bobby Jean Harrison (M.R. '57) Belize. Central America. In January, 1983, Company at Portland, TN. They have been Dalton, GA. my husband was made director. building a duplex for rent adjacent to their The Lord has really blessed and guided own home near Highland Academy. (Bobby Harrison sent life dues and such in the work here. The greatest blessing so far good family news, neatly typed, that we did is the beautiful new church in the nearby Marjorie Illingworth (M.R. '65) not have to edit or type it over. Such a joy to village. Maranatha Flights International Loveland, Colo. an overworked editor!) came and worked so faithfully to erect this We now live in Dalton, Ga. where we have memorial of God's love.... (Marjorie wrote in answer to our inquiry lived for the past 20 years. My husband Gene The nurses' work load is made much as to her correct address, and sent a donation Harrison (X-ray '57), is administrator of Wood more complicated as they walk the 3-mile for the farm project.) Dale Heatlh Care Center. I (Medical Records round trip to give treatments in the village, We bought a house a year ago this '57) do medical records and am social worker present health lectures, or have clinic in the February — so that may be the reason for the for Wood Dale and do some consulting with government clinic... . SURVEY not reaching me, especially second several other homes in Georgia. The water situation on campus had class mail. I'm so glad you have taken the We have three children. Sherry just become critical, so Wildwood land trouble to investigate the problem as I do graduated from Medical Technology at Loma management donated three new holding enjoy the paper. I always learn news about Linda and is now working at the University tanks that provide showers and water people I had lost track of. Hospital. Our twin sons, Thomas and storage. Also pipe has been secured to I'm well, and as usual very busy with my Timothy. live here as well as our youngest son furnish the clinic with water. . . . The farm volunteer activities. I spend three hours a day Steven. Tom went to Dalton Jr. College, continues to provide many of the fresh five days a week as site manager for a senior finished Diesel Mechanics, and he is now vegetables and all the fruit we need to have citizen center, also am a hospital volunteer.... working at North Georgia Toyota here in for institutional use and some tropical fruits We had a three-week trip to Nova Scotia and Dalton. Tim is married and has a son and a to sell.... the New England states and Canada this fall.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 4 Rochelle Philmon Kilgore fine. My doctor-husband is enjoying Academy, where she graduated in 1923 she S. Lancaster, Mass. retirement from his OB-Gyn practice. He is received the Alumnus of the Year Award. At keeping our four lots beautiful. Atlantic Union College she was the Today's mail brought a copy of "The David is still the pastor at the A.U.C. Commencement speaker. She clocked up 50 Madison Survey," and this evening I have College Church. Son John is pastor at years in educational work before retirement. read every bit of the long ago. It was my Naples here in Florida. He's just starting a She has received several awards, including a privilege to see P. T. Magan, E. A. Sutherland, T.V. ministry. Our daughter Pat has moved to Certificate of Excellence from the G. C. and M. Bessie DeGraw at Madison. I have Hagerstown, Md. Her husband, Bill Kirstein, Department of Education in 1972 and Woman always been interested in Madison. I knew just got called to the Art Department of the of the Year certificate in 1975. Arthur Spalding and his wife at Madison. He Review and Herald. Our other daughter was the secretary (amanuensis) much before Judee is in Sacramento with her preacher that for Elder Robert M. Kilgore, who became husband Jim Crabtree, youth pastor of the Thelma Hansen Reed (M.C.A. '38) my father-in-law. Sacramento church. Judee is taking classes Kailua, Hawaii I am glad Madison Academy is trying to on counseling, and wants to get her masters. make good use of the Madison College farm. We love the SURVEY and all Madison The MADISON SURVEY just arrived and I am enclosing a check for $10. to renew does. I can never praise our school enough.... has been read from cover to cover. You do a my sbuscription to the SURVEY and another Love you all. fantastic job in making it so informative and one of the same amount as a gift to Madison • Irene Osborne saw that we needed an interesting. Academy. address for Mary Donesky. She gave us the I'm wondering if you really have me as a Love and happy memories address of Mary and John Donesky in Lake MCA '58 graduate in your records or if it was Placid, Fla., where they are key personnel in just a typographical . It was '32 or '33 (Mrs. Kilgore was my English teacher at when we (my brother Elton, sister Doris, and the new hospital there. Union College. It was thrilling to me, while I) graduated from the 12th grade there at However we were asking for information taking her Journalism class to have a Madison Academy. I took two years of on John Donesky's sister Mary, not his wife Christmas story printed in the Lincoln, NB., college work and left during the summer of Mary. Someone thinks his sister Mary had newspaper, titled "Wanderer Returns." '37 and finished my B.A. at PUC. You don't married and lives in Canada. Anyone have M.H.T.) further information? need, for my sake, to put a "correction" in the next issue. Just let folks think I'm younger than I am! (Our mistake! — Ed.) P. E. Iverson, Oroville, Ca. "Singles" in Missionary Service (P. E. Iverson and wife were Madison An article by Don A. Roth in Adventist College students and workers at the The Scotts and the Ownbys Review (7-28-83) "Singles in Missionary vegetarian cafeteria in Louisville in 1927-33. Featured on Sand Mountain History Service," lists a number of missionaries, He is author of "Jesus Christ and God's mostly single women in the Far Eastern Remnant Church," and "Christ All and in A delightfully interesting bit of Madison Division. Among those mentioned was Betty All.") history appeared in Southern Tidings of Fleming, a former M.C. student, also Marion November, 1983, pages 28, 29, titled, "Not Far Simmons. A picture of the latter appeared. The December, 1982 SURVEY was From Home," by Alice Robertson. At the 5th with this caption: especially interesting to me. Dr. Graves' long annual North Alabama Campmeeting, held "Since returning to the article on his experiences of getting out of on Sand Mountain, Bryant, AL., there were Guatemala, as I had not heard from them from regular mission service in the Far three people who had passed the 90-year Eastern Division in 1974, Marion Simmons since they left there. We were at Madison mark. Lucian Scott and Dr. Roscoe Ownby when he came there and I knew his uncle was has served as a volunteer worker in Sri Lanka, were two of these. Brother Scott, born in Thailand, and Guam. She now resides in out at Union Hill. 1887, and his wife Cora started a school on Hendersonville, N.C." The other article of interest was the one Sand Mountain. She was the teacher, and he Marion Simmons, educational by Dr. J. T. Wheeler. We stayed at the Pewee was the country preacher and funeral consultant and supervisor, completed three Valley San when Olga and I worked in the director. Sometimes he even had to build the volunteer assignments overseas after Louisville Vegetarian Cafeteria. I would like caskets... . retirement. to get his address. Later Lucian went to work as a truck I am sorry I did not know Dr. Lew Wallace driver for Dr. Ownby. He is still active in Other "Singles" in Other Countries was living in the Paradise, Ca. area as Oroville growing fruits and vegetables, walks to is just 22 miles south of Paradise, CA. The • Wilma Gill, our intrepid missionary nurse church and prayer meeting. Nivisons were in our church several years to Kendu Hospital, Kenya, East Africa was not • Dr. Roscoe Ownby was 90 on Sept. 2, ago, but I lost contact with them. We did not mentioned. Also going farther back there 1983. His initial medical training was at know them too well as they came to Madison were valiant missionary nurses to various Kurksville, MO. In 1918 he went to a short while before we left there. hospitals in Africa — Ruth Carnahan and City to take advanced work. There he noticed Marie McCall who each served for long periods of time. Ruth is retired in Loma Linda two devout men, and asked to have Bible Irene (Felice) Osborne studies, and was baptized in 1924. He learned and we're not sure where Marie McCall is. Avon Park, Fla. Can someone write in and tell us? of the work of E. A. Sutherland and came to visit. He agreed to work for a few days in the (The June SURVEY for Dr. and Mrs. • Carolyn Stuyvesant served in Ethiopia, lab and pharmacy. Sutherland invited him to Wesley Osborne came back from Avon Park, Shelia Robertson in Kenya; Basutoland, and take charge of the work at Madison two weeks FL., for lack of proper address. We got the Tanzania, Africa. Rae Anna Brown served in while he went to campmeeting in California, correct address from Carol Wickham who is Benghazi, Libya, Kanye, and Botswana, but remained here for five months. Later he now an accountant at Walker Memorial Africa. Petra Sukau went to Burma, Hallie and his wife Grace, an R.N., settled on Sand Hospital, and wrote Irene for address and Thomas to India, Dorothy Rudisaille to Mountain, and took care of the people who update on the Osborne family. She gave us Ethiopia, and Louise (Leeper) Bowman to often had little to pay. The conference information on all but herself, but we heard Kamagambo, Kenya, Africa. furnished them with a horse and cart to use in she was deep in Pathfinder work as she used going to their patients. Sometimes they to be at Boulevard Church in Madison. • Marion Simmons attended two other traveled by horseback. Dr. Ownby has jus: Dear Mable: Thanks for taking the time Homecomings, where she was in an honor completed his 56th year of practice on Sand to down our address. You're such a class, before coming to Madison where she Mountain. He and Grace (R.N. from Madison faithful pioneer. God bless you! We are all was in Honor Class of 1943. At Union Springs in 1928) have delivered about 3000 babies.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 5 RALPH and DOROTHY DAVIDSON 50th Wedding Anniversary A Memorable Occasion Ralph and Dorothy Ralph and Dorothy (Foote) Davidson Davidson at their 50th celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Wedding Anniversary. June 12, 1983, at the Lion's Club Building in Flanked on the left by Virginia Sellars and Woodbury, TN. Hostesses were their four Joan Rouse, and on daughters who kept the plans secret from the right by June their parents. Virginia Sellars and family Littner and Anne came from Dayton, OH; Anne Pettey and Pettey. family from Eureka, CA; June Littner and family from Troy, ID; and her twin, Joan Rouse and family from Grange Ville, ID. Each of the four families presented musical numbers on the program. The final HERITAGE HOUSE ACQUISTIONS As I stood there, a young man came by numbers were three choral presentations by Posthumus Gift from Jeanette Sego and asked, "What are you so concerned all the relatives, about 75 people. A total of via Geraldine (Wisdom) Zimmerman about?" I told him about the sign, and he said, 175 from all over the U.S. were present for the "That is the N.R.A." I didn't know what the joyous occasion. Through a series of circumstances the N.R.A. was. We didn't have any radios, and A longtime friend, Nora Melendy, baked Heritage House has acquired a complete set didn't know what was going on. One thing I the beautiful 4-tier cake. Lou Ann Hyde of all the Cumberland Echoes, 1948 through knew, I was going to be faithful. Dr. presented the "This Is Your Life" part of the 1964 (16 volumes), plus one of those rare Sutherland had always drilled into us that we program. valued 50th anniversary albums. were students of the school of the prophets, Also a paper back edition copy of the and we should act like them. 1948 annual of Mt. San-Hosp. with a picture I fell in love with one of the nursing Surprise for the Straws of Jeanette Sego on page 7 listed as students, Roland Zimmerman and we were 50th Wedding Anniversary supervisor and instructor of Obstetrics; and married. He passed away two and a half years on page 8 a picture of Gladys Lowder listed as ago. He was of the class of '36. He too, Previous to their anniversary date on director of nursing service. believed in the school of the prophets, Sept. 3, 1983, Rogene Goodge slipped in an About two years ago a nephew (Leonard everything in it, and when we started our extra note in the Little Creek Newsletter Hearin) of St. Louis was in Madison Hospital home, that is the way we had it. He worked for regarding her aunt Alice and "Prof." (Leland) on a business trip and as he passed by the the church 20 years, I had the kindergarten Straw's 50th Wedding Anniversary. She volunteer desk he told Velma Jeffus that there for campmeeting in Missouri. asked the "Ex Creekers" to send letters and were some items from "Aunt Nettie's" effects At Madison, in the nursing field, we didn't cards and pictures to her to put in a that might be available. He left his phone and have anything to work with, as during the war scrapbook. Many friends and former we called a number of times. He gave us the boys had everything, medicines, etc. We students complied and came. A big names of another aunt who was to sort out even made our own bandages and fluids. I scrapbook, running over, was presented to and dispose of Mrs. Sego's things, and we often wonder how we did it. Miss Florence the happy couple. also flowers and phone phoned several more times. Dittes would always say, "We must represent calls came in abundance. When we learned Geraldine Zimmerman the Lord, we must always be nice and clean, of St. Louis and her daughter Susan were because we are SDA's. We must act like we driving through to Homecoming we asked are." Geraldine to see what they could bring, and I worked in St. Louis Jewish hospital for 60th Anniversary for Fred Motes sure enough it all worked out. We are very 50 years, and they would say, "That is Mrs. grateful to all concerned. Zimmerman. She is an Adventist." I always Elder and Mrs. Fred A. Mote, of Jeanette Sego, a graduate of the class of kept my cap clean, with my shoes polished, Coalmont, TN., celebrated their 60 years of '51, died in St. Louis in June, 1973. and everything. marriage at the home of their son, Dr. Fred Now that we have an extra set of the In the meantime, my husband and I Mote in Portland, Ore. Their daughter annuals we may be able to supply an annual bought property. Of our three children, our Ardena, wife of Elder R. E. Parks, helped with to some of you who may have lost your class son, Roland Jr. is a graduate of Loma Linda the occasion. annual. Also we do have several extra copies with a degree in oncology. Our oldest girl, Fred Mote and Florence Blake were of the 1957, 1960, and 1964 annuals, which Rosemary Baugher, is a graduate of Union married on July 7, 1923, in Cicero, IN. They may be ordered at $3 each. College. She is an R.N. Susan Jane, who is spent 18 years in the Far Eastern Division, • Also we have extra 8 x 10 pictures of the here with me is a graduate of Loma Linda in and he was president of the Australian college class of 1958, the Nursing Class of education. She teaches at Union College. Division six years. He retired in 1964 after 1958, the Nursing Class of 1962, and Madison I had a beautiful experience just before I serving six years in the G.C., making a total of Academy Class of 1958; and in addition a few retired in September. I was called in by the over 41 years for the denomination. other years. Write if you need your class doctors at the hospital in regard to Isolation Shortly before retirement Elder Mote picture. technique... . acted as liaison between the G.C. and I went through that every step of the way. Madison College, striving to keep the college I remembered when I worked at Madison we from closing. He has been a member of the had a room right across from the nurses Layman Foundation board for some years. Geraldine (Wisdom) Zimmerman '34 St. Louis, MO station where we kept our isolation cases, and Miss Dittes would watch us, and I was When I came to Madison, I didn't know going to do it just right. Beckners Celebrate 50th Anniversary anything about nursing, but I listened to what The doctors listened very intently, and they said and studied hard. I didn't know one of them turned to the other doctors and From the Atlantic Union Accent we learn anything about the mark of the beast. One said, "Mrs. Zimmerman did It just right. In fact that Elder Horace Beckner and his wife Vida day in 1932 I was really surprised to see over she is the only one that did it right." (Tomlins) celebrated their 50th Wedding the hospital a big red sign "N R A." I looked at I walked away and said, "Thank you, Anniversary. Elder Beckner formerly was my hands. I felt of my face. I thought, has Dr. Madison College and Sanitarium! And thank president of M.C. Sutherland put the mark of the. beast on us! you for listening to me today.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 6 College Class of 1944 My husband is at present in Japan LETTERS shouldering a task of converting a non- We have assembled pictures of the Adventist private school to an Adventist Lois Barker (Prat. Physical Therapy) college class of 1944 — a "missing link" on school. A few years ago Shirou baptized the Holdrege, Neb. the "picture tree". Thank you who sent in founder of this school and this elderly pictures. It wasn't easy. A few in the class did gentleman, who is 94 years old, has offered Dear Madison School Friends: The June not answer, but Ruth (McElhany) Viel saved the school to the denomination. Please issue of the SURVEY telling of the the day by sending in a good picture of 7 remember him in your prayers as we shall Homecoming brought me much joy. It was so members who were taking Nutrition and remember you in our prayers for your good to learn where some of you are and what Dietetics — Annabelle Brooks (now at Cave success in completing your task. God bless you are doing. How good it is to learn that Springs Home as dean of girls, Pegram, TN.) and give you health to carry on. the original plan for Madison is being revived! Evelyn Beeler Ruggles of Loma Linda, Ella That really pleases me, and I believe the Lord Yamamato, of Honolulu, Hawaii, Ruth Viel of Dr. Bill Palmer of Corinth, MS. is certainly pleased. Rochester, N.Y., Shirou Kunihara of Loma Speaking at Homecoming Vespers It would be so nice to be there at Linda, Tairo Shinohara of Los Angeles, and Homecoming, but I had planned to go to Ichiro Tabuchi of Japan. I didn't know it when I was growing up, Indiana to see my grandchildren whom I've We were able to obtain a picture of Dr. but my step-grandmother, Cora Rathbun not seen for three years. ... Albert Dittes, Portland, TN., Ella Lillie Hutchins and Elder Frank Hutchins had a As soon as my trip there is over, then our Edmister of Jasper, TN., Chaplain Robert L. sailboat along the Bay Islands and did campmeeting begins. Just hope I can be Mole, chief of chaplains services, V.A. medical missionary self-supporting work equal to all of it! Besides, I've started some Hospital, Loma Linda, and Dr. Other F. from 1890 to 1900. Elder Hutchins died, of garden again this spring. All this on top of Speaker of Ellijay, GA.—two were actual Malaria there. Then Cora Hutchins came cataract surgery. Had an implant. graduation pictures and two improvised (Mrs. back and married Edwin R. Palmer, my Occasionally I help the health food store here Lily Gleyse of Chattanooga sent a picture of grandfather, who had lost his wife at Battle In Holdrege, NE.... May the Lord bless every her son, the late Vergil Jenkins.) Creek. one of you. My grandfather went to Australia and Dr. & Mrs. Shirou Kunihira started a work there. My father, Clarence E. Cecil and Mary Ellen Hopps Loma Linda, CA. Palmer started his career with the Review & Temple, TX Herald by mowing the grass around the (In answer to our request for pictures of building as a 9-year-old boy. At age 14 he CECIL (N '58) and MARY ELLEN (Anes. the Madison College class of 1944, so we worked in the bindery. He became assistant '58) HOPPS were not present at could make up a missing "leaf" in the "picture manager of the book department, then Homecoming, but we have news of them tree," Dr. Kunihira's wife. May sent a beauti- circulation manager, next treasurer, and through Bernard Bowen who passed on this ful colored picture of her and Shirou, and finally general manager in 1958 until he note a while back: wrote as follows.) retired in 1971... . "Cecil and I moved to in March, In the group picture of those who took I went into the Army, then continued my 1982, and are both working at Scott and White dietetics and nutrition course, Shirou is on education, before we had the dental school at Hospital and Clinic. It is the teaching hospital the right end. He majored in Chemistry and Loma Linda, taking dentistry at the University for Texas A & M University Medical School. minored in Nutrition. Taira Shinahara did the of California. I came back to Loma Linda and Cecil has finished his thesis and has his same. taught the first three years of the new school Master's degree. Our son Gary stayed in I don't know what Ichiro Tabuchi, center, of dentistry. Avon Park, and is going to school there." is doing now, but he was teaching at I had a burden for dental work in the Hiroshima San-ikee Academy for some mission program. At that time one had to be Hazel (Cocke) Reins, Oklahoma City, OK. years. an M.D. to do anything in the health line in the I was at Madison for a couple of years but mission field. The G.C. didn't seem to realize Hi! Here is a letter for the MADISON never graduated. We were married the day that a dentist could do frontline work. In the SURVEY — I do enjoy it much and do after graduation in 1944. 50's I was the first one to take a group of appreciate your efforts in getting it put out. I am Hazel (Cocke) Reins, a former student of years ago and recognize many names in the news. Sorry I missed you when I was in Madison last year in June, on my way to World's Fair. It was a fast trip. But I did see some former Madisonites there in Knoxville where we stayed at the Little Creek school. Alberi DONS

My family has grown up and scattered — other SP... Texas, Kansas City, and Minnesota, but I prefer Oklahoma. So I am staying here and working, part time. I plan on traveling more now. May make it back that way.

A Note of Appreciation

After Homecoming Marion Simmons '43 wrote: "You've done it again Mable! I'm sure you are glad the alumni weekend activities Jar are over. Now I hope you can take a bit of a rest, but knowing you I can visualize your COLLEGE CLASS OF 1944 getting back to work immediately on the next CENTER: Nutrition Students, I to r. Annabelle Brooks, Evelyn (Bealer) Ruggles, Ella SURVEY. You have done well. God bless Yamamoto, Ruth (McElheny) Viel, Tairo Schinohara, Iricho Tabuchi, Shirou Kunihira. you. . . . "Both Helen Sandborn and I were AT LEFT: Albert Dittes, Robert Mole AT RIGHT: Other Speaker, Vergil Jenkins glad we came." CENTER BOTTOM: Elfa (Lillie) Edmister

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 7 dental students from Loma Linda into the there will be no buying or selling and great Self Supporting College in the South? mission field for service. We went to Lima, restricitons. . . . Peru. In a river boat down the Amazon we Let's back every institution of the church. by Charles Gallimore, Church Hill, TN. worked on the launch and did our dental Let's get ready for the time when those In the June 1983, MADISON SURVEY surgery up and down the river. institutions will be closed down or out of our the question is asked on page 2, "With Weimar in Soon after I returned from mission control. the West, Hartland in the East, and Black Hills service in South America I went to Chunky, We will be glad for you to come by and MS. in self-supporting work at Pine Forest. In see what the Lord is doing. I'm not asking you in the Mid-West, why can't we have a self- supporting college in the South again?" 1969 we took our program into the South to move to Corinth. I am not trying to start a The answer to that question is, "We Can!" Pacific, going to Sidney, Australia, and other Jerusalem center in Corinth. We are trying to We can, if we work together, give together, places. Always in my mind I wanted to get make a demonstration of what can be done by sacrifice together, and pray together. It must, back into "dark county" work. I called the any layman. We started as carpenters, as of necessity, be the result of a joint endeavor Alabama-Mississippi Conference and told farmers, as mechanics, as booksellers, and of many individuals with varied talents and them of my desire. They replied that they when those of us who are professionals abilities. That's as it should be, in order to didn't have a place in their budget for this started, we started on a mission salary. fulfill Gods desire, that we come together in work. I told them not to worry. I knew how it We are right on Highway 72, halfway unity. Working together in unity glorifies His could be done. We had started the work in between Memphis and Chattanooga. Corinth name and purposes. Corinth, MS. is about the biggest little city in the world. If you believe that God desires our youth At present I am a commissioned minister That is where the National Geographic is to receive a training that promotes a balanced in the conference, running a program on self- published. That is where Wurlitzer organs are development, physically, mentally and supporting style in our Better Living Center. made, and it is where ITT telephone and spiritually, now is the time when your support All that Dr. Bill Seasly and I earn from our telegraph equipment is made. It is where is sincerely needed. dental practice goes to the conference. In Kimberly Clark Kleenex and disposable If you believe that now, as never before, turn we are on the conference payroll with surgical drapes are made. That's where the the youth of today need a practical education conference credentials. After we close our second Mississippi will open next year when with a spiritual emphasis, now is the time to office at 5:30 we go out to work on the houses. the Tom Higbee Canal goes in. So we are a act upon that belief. Six years ago when we started here, we had crossroads town — a little town which I If you believe these are the last days of no church, nor organized work. Now we have believe will be a place where God will make a the earths history and that what we do must about 60 people coming out to church and we real witness. be done quickly and thoroughly, then now is are engaged in a 21 house building project. the time for decision and action. We have established a clinic, a full service An Idea (Charles speaks of "young people," but I better living center, and a beautiful church. Whose Time Has Come (Again)? believe adult education should be included. God helped us get started. A bridge was It is time people in the cities should be torn down which isolated some property and Charles Gallimore and his wife Beverly, learning how to grow their own food and brought it down in value. I got a nice home for of Church Hill, TN., came to this editor's door getting out of the cities. They need to learn half price and 80 acres for a sixth of the in June. He had a great desire to see a gardening and get other practical courses.) market price. A year later the government Madison type institution started again, came along and gave us money to build a new suggesting the name, Sutherland College • We would like "feedback" or your ideas— bridge. Now we have this lovely center just (although he would not be adverse to calling should another Madison type school be across the road from the clinic. We went to it an Institute). I asked him, "What about established, and where? Curriculum? Your Corinth, got this land, cut down trees, cleared Hartland Institute, just starting in Virginia, support? Write or call Charles Gallimore, the forest, planted gardens, and we have and Weimar College?" He still thought there Box 621, Church Hill, TN. 37640 (Tel. 615- beautiful crops coming in with excess of was a need for a school like Madison used to 357-3818). Also write or call the alumni office food. We have building methods that have be in the early days. — see back page for address and telephone. been thrilling. Although Charles is not a former student If I understand the Testimonies properly, of M.C., he has had connection with we are coming to a time of trouble when all Wildwood and Wytheville S-H in Virginia. At AN OUTSTANDING COLLEGE our institutions will be closed. I used to Wytheville he was thoroughly innoculated A DISTINCTIVE PROGRAM believe this meant some officer would come into the "self-supporting" concept by W. R. up and put a lock on the door of the Zollinger, who talked with him by the hours. THE MISSION OF MADISON COLLEGE institution. I no longer believe that. As I study Presently Gallimore is administrator of is to train mature young men and women to the take-over of the government in China, in Life Care Nursing Home facility in Church go forth and to establish themselves in some Ethiopia, and in Cuba where the facilities of Hill, TN. (near Bristol). form of sustaining endeavor that will the church have been taken over by the new Since our conversation in June we have contribute to the welfare of mankind — government; most of our people go ahead talked on the phone and corresponded. He physically, mentally, and spiritually. and work for the government. They go with has done a lot of research, talked with a (Quoted from back of a small M.C. the stuff instead of going with the vision, number of people and visited at several Notebook.) for the most part. places in his quest for answers. He believes We are coming to a time of trouble when fully in the Spirit of Prophecy, and in harmony all our institutions will close. When this with E. G. White's instructions believes we QUOTE FROM E. G. WHITE happens, God will do his last rescue should have short courses. A quick Written long ago operation with what he said would work. He preparation. He mentioned Bible, how to but so applicable today. said, Out of the cities—don't build institutions speak and write, voice culture, deep in the cities. He said, Get a small piece of breathing, bookkeeping, physiology, • "The signs of the times give evidence ... land, where you can gather your children industries and trades, how to do medical that the day of the Lord is at hand. The daily within your borders, raise your own missionary work, and hydrotherapy — all papers are full of indications of an intense provisions, educate your children, free from important subjects. They used to have a conflict in the future. Bold robberies are of interference. . . . These are families well course in Practical Physical Therapy here at frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. rounded in Christian living, grounded in Madison. I have heard that hydrotherapy is Thefts and murders are committed on every health reform, dress reform, educational not taught in our denominational college hand. Men possessed by demons are taking reform, recreational reform, and financial nursing schools now. What a shame! Follow- the lives of men, women, and little children. reform. They have written in their hearts the ing is an article prepared by Charles All these things testify that the Lord's coming methods God said would work in a time when Gallimore. M.H.T. is near." Prophets and Kings, P. 717.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 8 Mary Ann (Voss) Mitchell Heritage House Visitors Olga Speers to be Included in Book, Sent Scrapbook for Heritage House Personalities of America • ED BISALSKI '46 of Bancroft, Mich., Last year MARY ANN MITCHELL (N '42) visited his son Hampton and spent some time Olga Burdick Speers sent a full-page sent an interesting scrapbook with many in the Heritage House looking up the story of newspaper clipping from The Daily pictures, clippings, and memorabilia of her E. A. and Sally Sutherland's 50th wedding Ardmorite of Sept. 6, 1983, which included a days at Madison. It was viewed by many who anniversary. It was a grand occasion, with Ed picture of herself and her 93-year-old mother, came to Homecoming and afterwards, and as program chairman. We are interested to Clara Burdick. The story was titled "Olga's has a valued place. along with other find pictures and newspaper clippings. A Way." scrapbooks in the Heritage House. Mary Ann telephone hookup was set up in front of the After Olga graduated from M.C. in 1941, wrote as follows: Sutherland house and people called in from majoring in Nutrition and Dietetics she "I was so impressed with the 1942 all over. (Ed says he prays daily for M.C. to worked for a time as director of food service Homecoming and class reunion, and had reopen, and believes it will.) at Ardmore Hospital. The patients liked her such a lovely visit with many.... I am sending • Mr. and Mrs. BILL HOWARD '58. of whole wheat bread. "Word spread aoout my scrapbook to put in your reception room Loveland, Colo., visited the Heritage House. Olga's homemade bread, and we began for the Class of 1943 to see, and of course getting requests from the community for • Mr. and Mrs. LARRY SUFFICOOL, of anyone else." special orders." One of her customers was Troutdale, OK., visited their friends, the Ben Ralph Speers, who later became her • BERNARD BOWEN brought a large Brosts of Portland, TN., and also saw the husband. She quit her hospital job. She and number of back numbers of the SURVEY, Heritage House. Mrs. Sufficool is the former Ralph went into baking and a health foods Madison Hospital Pulse, The Madisonlan, Norma Kiger (N '43). business full time. He died in 1971. A few Newspaper and other clippings. Included • HENRY KNAPP '50 called at the editor's years later her mother came to live with her. was a page clipping from the Nashville apartment briefly. His wife PAULINE BURKS The store became a meeting place for Tennessean Magazine, titled "Madison's '41 was also on campus but touring the both customers and friends. People come Swap." (Can you guess what the "swap" hospital at the time. Sorry not to see her. The and go to buy, to talk, to get advice on a was? The subtitle of the article reveals the Knapps live in Milwaukie, OR. healthful diet. answer: "50 years of bartering work for • While in California at the Retirees The story of her country store came to learning have built a Nashville College into a Convention this editor met Henry Knapp's the attention of Editor Mills of the book $1,500.000 institution, debt-free and brother Robert Knapp and wife Marion. They Personalities of America, and he wrote her as growing." Pictured were four students have a home and citrus orchard on a few follows. stepping briskly along, going to work— acres in Riverside. CA. Robert is a tree "Your name has been recommended to Barbara Meinardus of New Jersey; Otis surgeon. Marion is a graduate nurse from the Institute's Governing Board of Editors for Detamore. with garden tool in hand; Martha M.C., semi-retired. They gave me a warm biographical inclusion in the third edition of Tinnon (Berger) in Nurse's uniform; and reception at their place. Their daughter Mary Personalities of America. This Ernest Plata in lab uniform. gave me a ride over to Loma Linda. recommendation was brought forward by our Research Division after their review of the • Also pictured were Madison College Leslie V. Morris enclosed news article. Personalities of Founders in front of the old original sani- Riverside, CA. tarium in 1910: P. T. Magan, Nellie Druillard, America recognizes thousands of out- standing Americans in various fields of E. A. Sutherland, Ellen G. White, two of her Just a little up-date on our family. Our sons (W. C. White and Edson White), also oldest daughter Mary. who had polio, is with endeavor. Each year, a copy of the volume is three of her secretaries C. C. Crisler, Minnie us, also her two daughters, Theresa. 11, and placed in the Library of Congress and in all state libraries throughout the United States. Hawkins and Sarah Mclnterfer. Julia, 9. She is working in the special education department on the La Sierra Personalities of America has been nationally acclaimed a valuable research document for CAMPUS VISITORS campus. The two girls are in church school. business leaders, genealogists, biographers, David works in maintenance at Loma historians, librarians, and journalists." (Following are names of some campus Linda Foods. He has his commercial pilot's visitors since last reported. Doubtless there license, his ham radio license, is a member of are others that we missed.) the Riverside Astronomical Society, and lives Can You Help? • FLORA (JONES) VALLORE of Knox, IN., in Loma Linda, commuting every day to • Can you help us acquire one or more stopped by briefly on her way through Riverside. extra copies of the Golden Anniversary Madison. She was a student at Madison Sharon finally obtained her RN, passing Album (1904-1954), either as a gift, or at a Academy in 1929 to 1933. While here she and her State Board exams on the first try. She price? We are not interested in obtaining Miss Wheeler started the "Family Exchange," works from 3 to 11 p.m. in the Loma Linda these for individuals, but for libraries, an early version of Dorcas. For many years Medical Center. She has a daughter. institutions. etc. Flora has been prominent in Community Christina, 5, and lives in an apartment near • Can you help us get one or more copies of Services work in her church where she is the hospital. Louis A. Hansen's book, From So Small a director. Viola Carlson, retired M.C. nurse is My wife Doris still works in the insurance Dream, either as a gift, or at a price? one of the Dorcas leaders also. division of the Southeastern California Published in 1968 by the S.P.A., it is now out Conference office, and I am still working as a of print. It gives a rich, interesting history of • Elder and Mrs. John Mathews of Mobile, chemist at Loma Linda Foods. The Lord has the self-supporting work in the South, and AL., and Elder and Mrs. Kenneth Mathews of greatly blessed us and we all enjoy good portrays its great influence on the Montgomery, AL, visited their aunt and sister, health and adequate living conditions. educational and medical work. Dorothy. Thought you might enjoy these issues of • Madison—God's Beautiful Farm. The E. • Dr. and Mrs. ADRIAN WRIGHT of Tampa, Vox Collegium to add to your displays there. A. Sutherland Story, is out of print. (We FL.; Charles and Alice Webster, of Newport, • Leslie Morris gave us a valuable managed to buy up a few copies. A copy of KY.; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colliiis and Missy of contribution for the Heritage House in this book by Dr. Ira Gish was given to each Cedar Lake, MI.; Gerard and Judy Griffin of sending the first six issues of the A.S.I. member who attended the A.S.I. Hancock, M.D.; Michael Butler of Country mimeographed student paper, Vox convention at P.U.C., Angwin, CA., in 1982, Life Restaurant, Nashville, BOB and PAT Collegium (Volume I, Numbers 1-5, January and this really cut down on the supply. SILVER, of Collegedale, were other visitors. to April 1942). We looked in vain for name of • Does anyone have a copy to donate or • OTTO and ARTINE KINGSFIELD and editor. Only clues are initials B.A.M. on Vol. sell of The Invincible Irishman (an other relatives were here in connection with I, No. 1, and M.K. on Vol. I, No. 6. Please Class abbreviated version of the life story of Percy the funeral of E. E. Schlenker. of '42. please let us know who the editor was. T. Magan.)?

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 9 The Golden Anniversary Album Madison started a vegetarian cafeteria Dalline (Colvin) Devlin and treatment rooms at Louisville, Ky., in Corrales, N.M. We were especially pleased to acquire 1921. J. T. Wheeler and wife Florence and her another copy of the Golden Anniversary sisters, Helen and Phoebe Hackworth, Dalline Devlin wrote in answer to our Album, of which we have very few, from the Elizabeth Barnes, Harvey Bean, and Roy inquiry for an update on herself, husband personal effects of Jeanette Sego. Hunter all worked together there. Winfield ("Skip"), and children, Dalline, Ever so often we are asked about the I had just joined the Adventist Church named after her father Dallas Colvin, had possibilities of having this book reprinted, after learning about the state of the dead. It nicely typed her letter and gave the and we are interested. How about you? Our was such a relief to me as my mother had information we needed — all greatly idea would be a paper back cover (to save died. Phoebe and Helen were very kind to me. appreciated. expense); to add ten more years of I thought anyone that came from Madison Skip and Dalline (Colvin) Devlin have graduation classes (1955-1964); also include was an angel and I wanted to go and take up lived in Corrales, N.M., (a suburb of people who didn't graduate.) nursing. But I had to have an appendectomy Albuquerque) for over 12 years. Dalline At times someone tells us his picture was and that took all my money. So they asked me returned to college (East Texas Baptist omitted in a class because of being drafted to join them. University) for her degree in English (magna into war or other reasons, and these could be Harold came from Madison to visit, and cum laude). included. Please do tell us of your interest. he decided to stay and work there 1921-2. In After working at Sandia View Academy in "Miracles Happen Every Day" the meantime we were married and since Corrales for four years (Dalline teaching Harold's folks were in Lawrenceburg, TN., we English and Piano, Skip in maintenance and New Book in Self-Supporting Work went to help them with the farm and grounds), Skip went into' highway work, A new book by former G. C. president, sanitarium that Madison had started there. where he is now a construction Robert H. Pierson, is titled Miracles Happen Harold's sister Violette was teaching superintendent; and Dalline went back to Every Day — a story of self-supporting school. Her husband Elmer Willie was injured work for Civil Service (Kirtland Air Force workers (Published by Pacific Press in 1983 seriously and died. Violette decided to go to Base), where she is now an editor. but printed by Mountain Missionary Press, Madison to take up Nursing. She had one Skip and Dalline have four children: Lisa Harrisonville, N.H. 03450). Among the child at that time so Harold's folks moved to Downey, (SAC '77; BS in Med. Tech., cum institutions covered are Wildwood, Little Madison too, along with Dale and Lucille. We laude), lives in Ukiah, CA., with husband Creek, Laurelbrook, Yuchi Press, Stone went back to Louisville. The cafeteria and Mark and son David. Skip, Jr., who also Cave, Living Springs, Fletcher, Castle Valley, treatment rooms had moved to Pewee Valley, attended SAC, is a professional musician Eden Valley, Pine Forest, and several Ky. This was also where Phoebe and Helen's based in Dallas, TX. Nora Alice Scoby, is a overseas, and of course "Madison, the sister Fern and her husband Bill Hampton nuclear engineering graduate of the Mother of Them All." were living. University of New Mexico, living in Midland, At the end of the ten-page chapter in Harold and I went back to Madison in TX, with husband Greg, also a UNM Madison the author answers a question after 1925. We had two children. In 1926 I became Engineer; and Lorraine (18), a senior at asked, --Why did Madison College close?" with child and Miss DeGraw said we had Cibola High school. He quoted six contributing factors by Ralph better leave. In 1931 Harold's dad told us of • Skip's father and brother Bob are living in Davidson, former M.C. president. To these some property that Madison had been given, Keene, TX. this editor could add, loss of accreditation for along with a grist mill, in Dahlonga, GA. They the nursing, program, lack of vision and wanted someone to oversee it. We were there Ann VanArsdale Hayward '46 support by the local and union conference. four years, then Harold had a chance to do Dayton, Ohio Others named add other reasons. more nursing for a Mr. Thum who was visiting Near the end of the chapter note what in Tennessee. Harold's brother, Dr. Dale Dear Mable and My Madison Friends: I'd Elder Pierson says: "Still many declare with Putnam and wife, are now living in love to be with you this alumni weekend but fervor, 'Madison will live again.' Only a few Hendersonville, N.C. His sister Lucille am just welcoming a new granddaughter, so days ago a letter came to my desk outlining a married Dr. Kenneth Mathiesen and they live am needed with my youngest daughter, plan to launch a new 'Sutherland College' at Bryson, N.C. His sister, Violette Willie, Becky. in Atlanta. where the philosophy and traditions of passed away in 1964 . . My son Tom is pursuing another degree Madison might once again pervade the We had four boys. The oldest, Edward, is so will be with me this next school year classrooms and the campus of a new junior 60 and lives at Salmon, Idaho. Harold Jr., attending Kettering College of Medical Arts. college." lives in Tecumseh, NE. He has his own (His wife died in December....) My daughter business there — a garage and filling station. Diane has returned to college and is studying Donald lives here in Lancaster. He is a nursing. LETTERS builder. Our youngest boy, Charles, works in I have accepted some new work the sheriff's department. He has been there responsibilities. Am now personnel Oscar L. Pembroke '26 over 20 years. We also have a daughter who coordinator for Sycamore Hospital, a satellite Hot Springs, Ark. lives in Keene, TX. with her family... hospital of Kettering (120 beds and are now Thank you for the picture card of the old We had started a health food store and adding 70 more.) Sanitarium. That is a real treasure to me. bakery the last of 1959 but we were just too I'm definitely planning to attend You are doing a great work to keep the early for health food stores. The health Homecoming next year. Special greetings to Madison folks in touch with each other and bakery did well but no one knew how to bake my friends Stella and Bob, and Vel. the changes that have had to take place. I with unbleached flour, and it got to be too have always felt that it was wrong the way much baking and delivering. . . . We love Mary (Mowry) Wilson Leesburg, Fla. they closed the college. I think that it was baking and I love quilting. unnessary to close it. May the Lord continue I am enclosing a check for my to bless you in your work. Nellie (Peck) Price 1934 membership fee in Madison Industries. Alma Putnam, Lancaster, CA Ft. Lupton, Colo. I enjoy and look forward to getting the SURVEY. I thank God for preserving your My husband, Harold Putnam, went to Thank you for the SURVEY. As you know health and giving you strength to carry on this school at Madison in 1918 due to the fact his from our phone conversation I no longer great work. cousin Gladys Robinson was going to school affiliate with the S.D.A. church, but do have I'm so glad Madison is going ahead with there. Lew Wallace, Harvey Bean, and Robert memories of my days there. It was a time plans to provide farm work for its students. Shepley were his roommates. All three when I followed what I had been taught and Our prayers are with you. May God richly roommates have passed away.. .. did not think for myself. bless you and the work at Madison.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 10

Hallie L. Thomas '42, Okeechobee, FL. John W. James, Bandon, OR. Louis; and one from Dorothy Aikman. The latter said that she and husband James have Just a note to say I am still in the land of (John is one of the James children who moved from Collegedale to Lincoln, NE., the living and enjoying fairly good health. were students at Madison in the late twenties. where he is factory superintendent of the Not traveling so fast, but I get most of what I He wrote.) Christian Record Braille Foundation. have to do done on time. "I have bought property here in Bandon, Dorothy is office manager of the Smith Ridge I live alone, have a home on four lots Ore. to be with my widowed sister, Maudine Dental Clinic. which keeps me moving. Have a garden, Waggoner. I went to Madison in the fall of Doubtless there will be other cards and chickens, fruit trees, citrus, banana, 1927 and was there for five years (good years) letters as the days go by. If you have a pineapple, etc. and gave my best to my work. The last year I duplicated letter for the year 1983, send us Seems I am as busy now as when I was was there I ran the clinical laboratory alone. one; also wedding and anniversary working out, but I take on too many jobs. Am Enjoyed all of it.... Hope you can find good announcements. etc. treasurer of our church, do blood work and help in your work before long." blood pressures on our vary, teach classes for Red Cross and do blood pressures, as well, Turnbulls to Return to Africa OBITUARIES once a month for them. I am also takihg Gerald & Althea Turnbull '57 upholstery and floral designing through the Willowdale, Ontario, Canada Mary Eads (Gammon) Burkin Junior College here. Plan to start care of house plants this next week through My wife and I enjoy receiving the Mary Eads (Gammon) Burkin attended extension office. I have wanted to take these MADISON SURVEY very much and being M.C. 1951-4, taking the nursing course. She classes for years but have always been on call able to catch up with news from our Alma was a new convert as the result of a Mr. and or working. Mater. Althea has been working for some Mrs. James, school teachers at the I have told you about me; now I want to years now for several Adventist doctors in the Fatherland Street Church in Nashville. She talk about you and the wonderful work you Toronto area. I have been responsible for came to Madison as a divorcee and with a 3- have been doing at Madison and for us who Nursing Service at North York Branson year-old son, Ray, and a burning desire to win have such fond memories of Madison. I love Hospital for the past 12 years. her brothers, sister, and other loved ones to you for your faithfulness and wish I were near We have decided to go back to the the truths that she loved so much. This so I could help if ever I qualified. mission field where we feel we would like to affected and interrupted her studies on many spend more time in our work before occasions. Lucy (DePas) Zetko (N '49) retirement. We will be spending a month at In 1954 she left Madison and went to Crestwood, Ky. Loma Linda for Mission Institute before Detroit to be near her father, but only stayed leaving for Southern Africa on New Year's there for about a year. She then went to (Lucy Zetko wrote a year ago but we Day 1984. We will be joining the staff of the W.M.C. and resumed her nursing course, failed to get her letter in.) Maluti Adventist Hospital in Lesotho, graduating with a B.S. in nursing. While there How we wish we could get to Southern Africa. she met Robert Burkin, a nurse from Canada. Homecoming, but we can't make it. Would so There my wife Althea will be in charge of They were married and had two children— much like to be there this year because I went the school of nursing where I understand Mary Ann and Andrew. Robert adopted to school with Ken Livesay at Broadview they have an L.P.N., R.N., and B.S. program in Mary's son Ray, and he became David Burkin. Academy, I feel sure. nursing. My task will be to try and build up the Around 1964 the Burkins moved to In July I'll start my 17th year at Pleasant nursing service program in the hospital plus Willowdale, Ontario, Canada. Robert worked Grove Hospitals as 11-7 supervisor. Joe is other responsibilities. in emergency room and Mary worked in retired, but is still working some at carpentry May the Lord continue to bless in the fine another area in Branson Hospital. Domestic and does most of the gardening. He's very work you are doing with the SURVEY. problems ensued and they moved to Ann well preserved for his 70 years. Arbor, MI. The marriage dissolved. Mary We, too, really appreciate the SURVEY. • CHRISTMAS CARDS and LETTERS are went back to school and earned her master's We pray it will always be published. Thanks coming in. One from Wilma Gill away over in degree from the University of Michigan on for your most important work. I'm sure all Africa; one from Geraldine Zimmerman of St. Environmental Health. In 1975 she received a Madisonites really do appreciate your faithfulness. COUPON

Mary Catherine Noble M.C. ALUMNI ASSOC., Box 1303, M.G. Sta., Madison, Tenn. 37115 Johnson, KS. I am sending $ for THE MADISON SURVEY for year(s) Miss Mary Noble, former director of (at $3 a year) (New? Renewal? Physical Therapy at Madison Hospital, wrote as follows: "I have been here since April, self I am sending $ for alumni dues ($10 annual; $50 life) employed as a contract physical therapist for (Alumni dues include SURVEY sub. price) three county hospitals in Southwest Kansas. They have had only minimal physical therapy (You may have a tax-deductible receipt if you send $3 or more) previous to my arrival. One can go 80 miles East, South, or West Other to find an Adventist church, but there are none closer. So the Lord may reveal some NAME and ADDRESS people who are interested in studying God's Word. News Note or Remarks:

• In our September SURVEY we gave the address of Hartland Institute as Locust Dale, Va., but since have learned that it did not work out to use that address for mailing out their paper, Breakthrough. The correct address is Box 1, Rapidan, Va. 22733.

Madison Survey, Dec. 1983, p. 11 call to W.W.C. to teach Environmental She began her education in the first SARAH (Kendall) CRUICKSHANK Control and Safety. She was so happy to be grade at Madison, graduated from the in God's work. nursing course, then received a B.S. degree Sarah Cruickshank was born in 1916 in In March, 1975, Mary's sister Betty and from the college in 1937. Upon her Kensett, AR., and passed away suddenly at two teenage children came to live in the graduation she was placed in charge of the home, Sept. 19, 1983, in Spotswood, N.J. She basement apartment. Betty's husband was in surgical building at the hospital where she was the daughter of the late Charles L. a mental institution, incurably ill. On May 20, worked for 9 years. She was then made Kendall, who came from Arkansas to 1975, Betty moved out. The next day her assistant to Mrs. E. R. Moore, nursing director Madison in 1906. Prof. Kendall headed up the husband was let out and came to Mary's of Madison S-H. Agricultural work here for many years. home looking for his wife. He shot Mary and In 1946 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sarah met Stanley E. Cruickshank on the she lived only 32 hours, Andrew was killed B. King, she moved to Pine Forest Academy Madison Campus while they were taking pre- instantly, Mary Ann survived by a miracle; to take charge of the small sanitarium there. med. They were later married in New Jersey David was shot and blinded in the left eye. After 3 years the family moved to a country in 1938. They were all shot in the head. David and place outside Meridian. During the 34 years They had four children. Surviving are: Mary Ann are still in Walla Walla. An SDA of residence there she was director of nurses daughter Sandra C. Rovira of Spotswood, family is caring for Mary Ann. at Rush Memorial Hospital for nine years. N.J. and son Kendall Cruickshank of (Excerpts of letters to Clara Clark from At a change in personnel at East California; a sister, Edna Kendall Manzano of Mary and Robert Burkin. Mississippi State Hospital she was invited to Madison, TN, and two brothers — Dr. Cyrus be director of nursing service. At the time of Kendall of Hendersonville, TN. and Dr. John AUDREY E. KING her retirement in 1978 she had served in this Kendall of Clinton, N.C. position for over 21 years. She was a very outgoing, friendly person (Miss Hazel King sent a very well written Audrey was active in the state and local and deeply loved by all who knew her. obituary of her sister Audrey, which we Nurses' Association, first as treasurer and (Obituary information furnished by appreciate. She wrote the following personal then as president of the district for a number Sarah's sister-in-law, Olive Cruickshank note.) of years. Snapp of Madison, TN.) "We lived 27 years at Madison and came She was a member of the Meridian, MS. to know many there through the years when S.D.A. Church for 35 years where she served GEORGE NEWTON FULLER Madison was small but very active. So we as organist. Surviving is her sister, Hazel always read the SURVEY with a high degree King, of Meridian. (Information furnished from a of interest. We both worked in the printshop, newspaper clipping and a letter by Myrtle and at different times, and did whatever was BEA ANNA BROWN Fuller.) needed. The work was an education as well George N. Fuller. 84, a well known as the school subjects." Mrs. Bea Anna Brown was born in Collegedale businessman and executive, Audrey King was born in Portland, TN., Albany, Mo. in 1896 and died June 14,1983, in died at his residence in Ooltewah, TN., July Oct. 23, 1914, and died in Meridian, Miss., Portland, Ore. 14, 1983. Sept. 18, 1983. Among the survivors is her daughter, Rae He founded the Fuller State Farm Anna Brown, of Portland, Ore., who Insurance Agency in Collegedale 50 years Statement of Ownership and Management graduated from anesthesia here in 1964. ago, and also founded arid was the first MADISON SURVEY and ALUMNI NEWS is a president of the Collegedale Credit Union. non-profit publication. published quarterly by the Virginia Gregarius He was a native of Hamilton, Ontario, Madison College Alumni Association, Madison, Canada. but lived in the Collegedale area Tenn., with headquarters at Madison, Tn. Virginia, wife of Fred Gregarius '29 was most of his life. He had served Southern Name and address of editor: Mable H. Towery, born July 5, 1911 at Oakland, CA., and died, Junior College as an accountant and Box 1303, Madison College, Madison, Tenn. 37115. March 19, 1983 at Stockton, CA. She is assistant business manager. He had also Name and address of owner: Madison College survived by her husband Fred of Lodi, CA., served as Collegedale postmaster from 1930 Alumni Association. Madison, Tenn. and son Karl, an M.D. in Balboa Island, CA. The known bondholders, mortgages, and other until his retirement in 1965. security holders owning 1 percent or more of total Survivors include his wife, Myrtle (West) amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: EDWIN CUNNINGHAM Fuller; daughter, Mrs. Georgene Meyer, None. MADISON SURVEY and ALUMNI NEWS Collegedale; four sons, Dr. George V. Fuller, carries no advertising. (We are indebted to Mrs. Louise Warner Robbins, GA.; Dr. Forrest Fuller, Cunningham for this obituary of her Bonita, CA.; Frederick W. Fuller, Collegedale, husband, Edwin. The Cunninghams were and Glen Fuller. Ooltewah; 21 grandchildren M.C.A.A. OFFICERS great friends of Vera (Dortch) Honeycutt and 29 great-grandchildren. President Robert Sutherland '48 while here at Madison. Ed.) State Farm Insurance sent 12 of their Vice-president Herbert Hewitt '39 Edwin Cunningham attended Madison agents as honorary pallbearers. Mrs. Fuller's Vice-president Don Rebman '51 College 1940-2 when he was called to war. He Treasurer Katherine Marshall '37 brother (Don West) played his violin and a Assistant Treasurer Edith Johnson '58 served in England with the U.S. Army Air granddaughter sang at the funeral. Executive Secretary, Director, and Custodian Force as a radar technician. At Madison he George spent two years at Madison and Mable H. Towery met his wife Louise Gavaerts. They were one at Fountain Head, now Highland, then Other Board Members: Bernard Bowen '56, married by Elder Howard E. McClure in was called to Collegedale. Dr. Sutherland William V. Campbell '53, Dorothy Mathews '37, Madison, Wis. in 1943. insisted George come to Miss DeGraw Velma Jeffus '46, Clara L. Clark '55. After the war he went to work for the in the business office there at Madison. We prime contractors — A.E.C. at Hanford, were there two years, but Collegedale's MADISON SURVEY & ALUMNI NEWS Wash., until he retired. He settled in Santa President Klooster made two trips to Madison Box 1303, M.C. Sta., Madison, Tenn. 37115 Barbara, CA., until his death Sept. 21, 1983, at and persuaded George to return. Heritage House & Alumni Office age 71. • From the SURVEY index we learned that 307 Sanitarium Rd., Madison, TN. Edwin is survived by his wife, Louise, and George Fuller built the first of the teacher Subscription Price, S2.00 a year a married daughter, Phyllis Coates, a teacher, cottages on Madison campus in 1928. December. 1983 living in Keenewick, Wash. Editor: Mable H. Towery Campus Address: 204 Sanitarium Drive, Apt. 2 Tel. 615-865-1615 (res.) or 865-2373. Ext. 4626 Published Quarterly by 6OI6t fl 'sods W3IlaA9 Madison College Alumni Association S3WVNI8V8UI1 Second Class postage paid at Madison, TN AINn M38ONV RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED 6VS0000I0EZO