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Co- Editors Jerry Fenton, Joyce Andersoi Art Editors Ron Berryman, Kay Yarbrou^ Advkrtising Diane Hawley

Adviser » Miss Mary McK^nna

0 ."~ N G^Rjc^ £ E NJ^ A L H-TG H^Z'GJi'O O L'.-g&P OKANE, WASHINGTON

Many years ago, Indians used the smooth bark of the

Tamarack tree for their writings of tribal history and tradi- tions. In the same way, the Tamarack of 1955 includes, with its presentation of the year's history, the best of North

Central legend and traditions.

For the first time, school colors of Red and Black have been used as the color scheme. A little Indian, adorning the division pages, proudly reminds us that Indians have been symbolic of our school since 1923.

The greatest part of our North Central tradition could not be pictured with paper and ink, however. It is the role which we ourselves have played in upholding the outstand- ing accomplishments of the past and erecting a firm frame- work for the future, the pride and loyalty we feel as wc see our Indian braves in action, hear our Eight songs and our alma mater.

Will these feelings be difficult to relinquish as we move on to new challenges? Or are they mere bits of youthful emotion?

No, these have been the happiest years of our lives steppingstones on wtyjch we will walk to a greater world of tomorrow. /

Administration 8-2 1

Graduates 24-57

Classes 60-79

Activities 82-1)3

Productions 116-131

Sports 134-175

Advertising 178-192


JOHN A. SHAW, city superintendent of schools, ant! W C. SORENSON, director of secondary school curriculum.

SCHOOL BOARD merr.bors for 1954-1955 include, left to right: George E. Fallquist. president: Dr. G. Burwell Mann, Dr. James A. Patton. Clinton M. Perry and Mrs. Mary F. Wurth.

B Principal Joseph M. Tewinkel

It always seems odd to be asked, the middle Instead, you've been given schooling which of November, to write a message to the graduat- easily can yield $ 1 ()().()()(), a quarter million, ing class of the following June. even more, within your lifetime. All for an in- In November our thoughts are centered on vestment of $3,000, which you didn't have! Five tbe grand American holiday of Thanksgiving. years, ten years, fifty years from now, you'll be Perchance "thanksgiving" isn't too remote a thankful for your high school diploma. Grati- theme for the Class of June 1955! tude is a wonderful attribute. Maybe it wouldn't

Twelve school-year calendars and about be amiss to practice a little of it at this com- $3,000 of school-tax money have gone into the mencement time. life of each member of this fine class. It IS a Those are your "folks" out in the commence- fine class. Add to this tax outlay another ment crowd — mother crying just a little, for $10,000 to $15,000 which each family has spent some silly reason, and dad. proud but with a on the son or daughter of its pride, and you have lump in his throat. Over there in the corner are a formidable outlay. some teachers who saw possibilities in you and

America believes in its youth. worked on those possibilities just as much as " 'Three thousand dollars, from the public you'd let them ! It might not hurt to say. "Thank treasury'? Wow. that would have bought me a you," at this exciting time of June graduation. !" swell convertible For we love you and wish you well.

It surely would have. And in five years the convertible would have sagged in value to a bargain-lot "Today Only — $395." VICE-PRINCIPAL AND FACULTY ADVISERS — Seated: Vice-Principal Robert J. Hoesly. Standing: Patricia Damon, ASB and girls' adviser: Lowell C. Bradford, boys' adviser.

OFFICE STAFF — Left to right: Kay Eaton, Clerk; Helen Wayland, Bookroom; Marjorie Jennings, Attendance Clerk; Marjorie Stoner, School Secretary.

Capable faculty advisers uphold our tradition,

10 preparing us with new skills for the future,

The Home Economics Department of- already built house, architectural styles, fers instruction in Child Development. So- color schemes, draperies and curtains, rugs cial Relations, Home Furnishings, Cloth- and upholstery fabrics, furniture arrange- ing, Foods and Advanced Homemaking. ment, and painting and wallpapering — In Child Development, girls study the make up the course in Home Furnishings. preschool-age child. Each girl spends a por- Beginning Clothing starts with simple tion of class time in a nursery school where clothing construction and buymanship and she has an opportunity to watch the age- ranges up to the advanced work in clothing group children about which she has learned and tailoring. in her assigned reading and class discussion. Basic nutrition and preparation of

In Social Relations they study "getting foods are studies in Foods I. The role of

along with people," etiquette, entertaining, hostess is emphasized in Advanced Foods dating, marriage and budgeting. Class along with further knowledge of nu- Planning and decorating homes — the trition and the preparation of food for study of floor plans, the judging of an entertaining.

HOME ECONOMICS — Seated: Joanna J. Reed, Child Development; Christine G. Neuman. Clothing: Elizabeth Killingsworth. De- partment Head. Standing: Helen I. Beaver, Clothing: Joan R. Kopf, Social Relations.

II SCIENCE DEPARTMENT — Seated: Wilhelmlne Tlmm, Biology; Raymond Simonson. Biology: Donald Bonamy, Biology. Standing: Ernest Hix, Department Head: Paul Tobie, Biology; Edward Anderson, General Science; Orval Theisen, Physics; George Smith, Biology.

Over eleven hundred students arc en- radio activity, and the composition of foods rolled each semester in the various sc ienc e and fabrics are taught. courses. These students are in the six sc i- Dealing with electricity, sound, light, ences: General Science, Biology, Chemis- heat, mechanics and other physical aspects

try, Physics, Photography and Geology. of our complicated world is the course in Through General Science, students Physics. Both the chemistry and physics gain an introduction to all fields of science. laboratories are well equipped for experi- Then comes Biology, the study of living ments and demonstrations.

things. The hiology laboratory is well Photography offers the knowledge of etjuipped with movies and specimens to how to take pic tures, how to operate pic- enable the student to learn about the hu- ture-taking devices, how to take better pic- man body, plants and animals. tures, and how to develop, print and en-

Chemistry is the study of what things large them. Geology offers the study of arc composed of and the changes they rocks, minerals, changes in the earth and undergo. Such things as atomic energy, earth composition.

helping us use our m'mds in the uncovering

12 of our civilization's great unchanging secrets.

Mathematics ranges in difficulty from fact that every reputable engineering elementary arithmetic, studied in some school in the country has a prerequisite oi freshman classes, to subjects on the college at least three years of mat hematics and that

level. Although only one year of mathe- nearly all of these schools recommend four

matics is required for graduation, many years. To prepare themselves properly in sophomores elect Plane Geometry. This this age of mechanization and electrifica- year about one hundred twenty juniors are tion, intelligent students know that mathe-

enrolled in Advanced Algebra, and more matics is indispensable. than fifty seniors are taking a fourth year Recent developments in the field of of mathematics consisting mainly of Solid automatic computers demand many more Geometry and Trigonometry. college trained mathematicians than are Most students are aware that the com- available. Each large machine of this type, pletion of two years of high school mathe- requires at least ten or fifteen analytical

matics is required for entrance to many col- experts to program its operations and to leges. Boys, especially, are faced with the control its sequences.

MATHEMATICS — Seated: P. H. Nygaard, Department Head: Dorothy A. Congdon, Geometry; Lowry M. Bennett, Algebra: Standing: Kenneth Moore. Algebra; Burrill Exley. Geometry; Robert F. Barnard, Algebra; R. A. Baldwin. Algebra.

13 ENGLISH — Seated: Mabel S. McLaughlin, English; Helen L. Cleveland, English: John Malterner, English. Standing: Daniel C. Davis, English: Guy L. Griswold, English: Margaret Nistad, English: Margaret Gale, English: Genevieve Oppen, English and dra- matics; Christine L. McRae, Department Head; Mary McKenna, Publications Adviser.

To use English effectively as one of the to organize subject matter, and how to

essential tools of living, it is necessary to present an effective and convincing argu-

learn to read and interpret it and perfect mentative speech. From the Debate Class

it. The Language Arts Course attempts to are chosen the varsity debate squad mem- help young people grow in power of ex- bers. The squad participates in many de- pression, find ease in communication, ap- bales with high schools both within and preciate great values in literature, and en- outside the city and belongs to the North- joy more keenly all life experiences. cast District Debate League of this state. Various courses are offered: for ex- Beginning Drama students gain a brief ample, Debate, Drama, Speech, Journal- study of the history, background and ter- ism, Vocational English, Senior Literature, minology of the theater. Instruction in act- Senior Composition and Vocabulary, be- ing and work on one-act plays are started.

sides everyday English. Then in Advanced Drama the work is con- In Debate, the students learn how and tinued and carried further into the theory where 10 find materials in the library, how and practice of acting and producing plays.

We learn the beauties of our mother tongue

14 ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES — Seated: Robert Wan I. English: Harold E. Skinner, English; Arthur B. Miller, Debate. Standing: Bertha Boehme, Language Department Head; Dorothy S. Chandler, English; Margaret Rawlings, English; Helen Oscarson, English; Imogene L. Knight, English: Edna Lauer, English, Frances W. Theis, Latin; Ruth E. Coon, English.

To solve the problem oi speaking for- cabulary and grammar of the language and

mally or informally, a course in Speech is its relation to modern English especially in

offered. An essential prerequisite is the the matter of English derivatives and Latin willingness to try to speak. roots of English words. Roman life, its in- Open to those with an interest in or a fluence in our own society, in literature,

flair for writing is a course in Journalism. art and architecture, is also stressed. In Advanced Journalism the students work In Spanish, one learns the language, on The North Central News and become customs, and daily living conditions of the eligible for appointment to the Tamarack people of South and Central America as

staff. well as of Spain. Projects in reading both in Foreign Language courses include Spanish and English about the cultures of

Latin I, II, III and IV: and Spanish L II, the Spanish-speaking peoples are engaged

III and IV. in. Classroom conversation in Spanish is a Both the reading and writing of Latin highlight of the course. The effect on our

are practiced. Instruction is given in vo- own speech is a vital consideration.

and are trained to use it easflq and naturally; COMMERCIAL — Seated: Mary Bowker, Shorthand; James O. Griggs. Department Head; Helen Stockdale. Typing. Standing: A. A. Manfred, Typing; Marjorie Collard. Typing; Edward B. Feldhusen. Typing; Alvin Danielson, Typing; Blair Glover. Bookkeeping.

More than eleven hundred students while about sixty continued the study for chose commercial subjects this year, some the second year, hoping to find employ- for personal reasons and some for vocation- ment in the secretarial field. The problems

al. The department offers four semesters of debit and credit occupied six large each of Typewriting, Shorthand and Book- classes of beginning bookkeepers with one keeping, and a two semester course in Of- group studying the more intricate prob-

fice Practice. Beginning Typewriting is the lems of partnerships and corporations. most popular, with about four hundred Four classes in Office Practice studied students learning to operate the machine methods of operation of office machines, by touch. Four sections of Advanced Type- filing methods, arithmetic, spelling, busi- writing were filled by those who wished to ness English and many miscellaneous increase their proficiency in the use of the things that need to be known by office machine. workers. Some two hundred delved into the Six credits earned in the department mysteries of Shorthand for the first time, constitute a major and any lour a minor.

u/e gain practical and vocational experience,

16 and appreciation of the heritage of our land.

The Social Studies Department offers nomics followed by Problems of Ameri- a wide range of subjects to satisfy the re- can Democracy. Students must earn credits quirements of the state for graduation in two subjects for graduation. from high school. These same subjects are Every boy and girl entering North of interest to our students who wish to be Central above the ninth grade must enroll informed citizens of our country. in Northwest History to satisfy the require-

Washington History is a required sub- ment in Washington History. It is an elec-

ject and is offered in the ninth grade, along tive for other students as well. United with English in a unit class. Sophomores States History is required by the state for enroll in World History and World Geog- graduation and must be taken in the senior raphy. year. Juniors as well as seniors may enroll in For graduation a student must have one semester of American Government fol- earned four credits in Social Studies above lowed by a semester of International Re- the ninth grade in addition to Washington lations: or a semester of Consumer Eco- History. INDUSTRIAL ARTS — Left to right: Vern Broadwell, Woodshop; Kenneth Hagen, Plastics; Alvin Olson, Auto Shop; Dale Spurgeon, Metal Shop; Leonard Graham, Electronics; George Theodorson, Department Head.

The Industrial Arts courses provide a Architectural drawing is the study of basic "learning by doing" training out of building and materials, types of construc- which come intelligent and satisfied con- tion, floor plans and elevations. In Ad- sumers, better producers and more useful vanced Architectural Drawing each student

citizens. The six areas of work cover draft- makes a complete set of plans for a resi- ing, woodworking, metal, electronics, auto dential structure of his own choice. mechanics and plastics. About 87 per cent Machine Drawing offers instruction in of the boys in school are enrolled. the various types of fastenings, various Drafting includes three divisions of tonus of power transmissions and the draw drawing — mechanical, architectural and ing of machines. machine. Woodworking teaches the proper use of Mechanical drawing teaches the use of hand tools and power tools.

instruments, lettering, the various types of Metal I is the study of and the work projection, development of surfaces and with sheet metal, art metal, machine shop problems in perspective. practice and forging.

Bq knowing the skilled crafts of our fathers,

18 and hearing of their cultural achievements,

The An Department offers many and reading library books or studying from courses in the visual arts and crafts. The their textbooks. student may enroll in the basic arts fol- A number of students the librari- lowed by illustration, watercolor, oils and ans by checking out books, acting as moni- advanced painting. For variety there are tors and reshelving books and magazines. Crafts, Lettering, Commercial Art, Stage For those interested in music, courses Design and Jewelry. offered include: Orchestra, Choir, Girls' Objectives of these courses are to give Glee Club, Three Fives, Tepee Lighters,

art students an opportunity to experiment Harmony. Music History and Apprecia- in the various art media, to develop a keen- lion. Roys' (.lee Club, Senior Band, Junior er appreciation lor the artistic and to en- Band and Pep Band. courage their creative desires. The Music Department presents a The library seats are filled every period winter and spring festival. Small choral

every day with boys and girls doing reefer- and instrumental groups entertain during

ence work, reading magazines, selec t ing the year at civic and social meetings.

MUSIC. LIBRARY. ART — Seated: Madeline Carroll. Library Head: Mary K. Parker, Art; Mervin Manuel, Art: Lowell C. Bradford. Band Director. Standing: Kenneth C. Mhyre, Art Department Head: Ruby M. Keen, Assistant Librarian: W. Stanley Taft, Music Department Head.

19 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND STUDY HALLS — Seated: William Nye. Study Hall; Jerry Stannard. Physical Education; Elsa Pinkham, Department Head. Standing: Gladys Dunphy, Study Hall; William Diedrick, Physical Education; Eleanor Dixon, Physical Education.

Physical health and bodily well-being tumbling, there is a corrective gym equip- are heritages that one must put forth effort ped with apparatus for developing various to keep. The Physical Education Depart- muscles, and an aquatic program which ment offers the student its fine facilities has the Red Cross standards. and leadership not only for the betterment For girls, the department offers such of his health but also as a source of enjoy- competitive sports as basketball, volley- ment. ball, badminton, , tennis and golf, In the Boys' Physical Education Depart- horseback riding and skating.

ment a vigorous program is offered with or- Sponsored by this department are the ganized play, touch football, basketball, Red Feather group, headed by Elsa M. mass tumbling, volleyball, calisthenics, Pinkham, and the Color Girl group, led softball and handball in the regular gym by Eleanor A. Dixon. The groups sponsor classes. the fall and the spring pageants, appear in Besides the supervised classes of box- stunts, in parades and in other productions ing, wrestling, combatives, stunts and during the school year.

we are able to prepare both mind and bodif

20 for the unending task of building tomorrow.

Acree, Judy Caroi Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 5 times: Red Feathers; Color Girls; Anderson, Norma May Spanish Club. Vice-President; Amores Commercial Librorum; Melody Capers: Girls' Glee ASB Representative. Club: Big Sister; ASB Representative; Red Cross Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield: Library Worker.

Adams, Norma Jean Anderson, Tommy A. Home Economics Industrial Arts Frosh Football: Golf Team; Federation Roll Checker; Library Worker. Representative.

Armani, Adrienne Ann Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 6 times; News, Circulation Staff; Alters, Cliff Red Feathers: Vox Puellarum; Com- mercial Club; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Social Studies League Style Show; Homeroom Treas- urer. Roll Checker; Tamarack Repre- sentative; Red Cross Representative; News Representative; All-School Play. Production Staff; After School Sports: Alberts, Gene Stoddard All-Activity Shield. Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; Debate; B Squad Armitage, Carol Mae Football, Manager; F r o s h Football; Basketball Manager; Baseball Manager; Science Math Club, Sergeant at Arms; Chess Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Club; Melody Girls; Capers; Orchestra : Roll 7 times; Red Feathers; Color Marching Band; Concert Band: Special Aquettes, Vice-President; Amores Li- Band; Federation Representative; Traf- brorum; Latin Club; Doll Shop; Big fic Squad. Sister: Homeroom President; Library Representative: After-School Sports; Anderson, Joyce Marie Ice Skating, Chairman; All-Activity Shield, 2 stars. Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll 7 times; League Honor Roll 7 times; News Staff, Copy Editor; Tamarack Staff, Co-Editor; ASB Vice-President; Junior Senator; Armstrong, Marcia Ann ASB Representative; Girls' State Dele- Science gate: Songleader, Chairman; Color Girls; Vox Puellarum, President; Transferred from Northwest Christian Aquettes, Treasurer; FTA, President: High School. Scholastic Honor Roll: Quill and Scroll; Doll Shop; Winter League Honor Roll; Spanish Club; Big Festival; Honors Board; Dad-Daughter Sister: Library Representative; ASB Publicity, Chairman; Big Sister; Home- Representative. room President; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 2 stars: Gym Office Worker; Restroom Monitor.

Anderson, Judith Astrid Social Studies Arnevick, Patricia Ann Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Roll 7 times; Senior Senator; Red Commercial Feathers, Chairman; Color Girls; Span- Big Sister; League Representative; Li- ish Club: Vox Puellarum. President: brary Representative; Red Cross Rep- Doll Shop; ASB Election Commission; resentative; Study Hall Roll Checker. ASB Nominating Committee; Chair- man of Rally Week; Chairman of League Dad-Daughter Banquet; Mothers' Dessert Committee; B i g Sister: ASB Representative; Gym Of- fice Monitor; All-Activity Shield, 1 star. Babbitt, Eva Arilla Anderson, Karen Bonita Commercial Foreign Languages League Honor Roll 2 times; Commer- League Honor Roll 3 times; Staff. News cial Club; ASB Representative; B i g Reporter; Color Girls: Latin Club: Sister; Homeroom President. Vice- Spanish Club; Doll Shop: Senior Re- President. ception Committee: After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Hall Guard. 25 Backman, James Charles Barnhill, Hugh Wesly Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; Varsity Base- Social Studies ball; B Squad Baseball; Latin Club, B Squad Baseball: Frosh Baseball; Vice-President; Warriors; Pep Band; Frosh Basketball. Special Band; Concert Band; Marching Band: Federation Representative.

Charles Leslie Bahm, Barr, Jeannette Joy Foreign Languages Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; News Staff, League Honor Roll 3 times; Latin Club; Editor-in-Chief, Advertising Manager, Math Club; Melody Capers; Choir; Editor; Tamarack Staff; Quill Copy Three Fives; Big Sister; Library Rep- and Scroll, Vice-President; Amores resentative; Library Worker; Winter Librorum; Latin Club; Spanish Club; Concert; Winter Music Festival. Federation Ticket Committee, Chair- man; Ticket Office Worker.

Barton, Murphy Robert Bailey, Howard W. D. Mathematics Industrial Arts B Squad Track; Latin Club; Federa- Federation Representative; News Rep- tion Representative; Ground Squad; resentative; Tamarack Representative. Homeroom President.

Basquette, Darlene Lorraine Commercial Balcken, Gary Don Transferred from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. League Honor Roll 2 times; Science Big Sister; Homeroom President, Sec- Varsity Football; B Squad Football: retary; After-School Sports; Hall Frosh Football; Basketball; Track. Guard; Gym Office Worker; Main Of- fice Worker.

Battan, Nancy Rae Art Barnes, Jean Margaret Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 4 times; Red Feathers; Thespians, Commercial Secretary; Vox Puellarum; All-School League Honor Roll 2 times; News Rep- Plays; League Representative; Big resentative; Library Worker; Hall Sister; Mothers' Dessert, Committee Guard: Restroom Monitor. Chairman: Dad-and -Daughter Banquet Committee; Homeroom Secretary, Roll Checker; Red Cross Representative;

After-School S p o r t s ; All-Activity Shield; Hall Guard.

Barnes, Joan Marjorie Baxter, Gene A. Commercial Science Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Varsity Football; B Football, Track; Roll; Library Representative; League Frosh Football, Basketball; Warriors; Representative; Hall Guard: Gym Of- Library Representative; Red Cross fice Worker. Representative; News Representative.

Barney, Patsy Erlene Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 7 times: Color Guard; Red Feath- ers; Color Girls; Doll Shop; Melody Capers; Vocational Con Committee; League Style Show; Big Sister; Home- Bays, Carol Frances room Roll Checker; ASB Representa- tive; League Representative; Library Social Studies Representative; After-School Sports; Melody Capers; Choir; Three Fives; All-Activity Shield, 2 stars; Library League Committee; Big Sister; League Worker; Gym Office Worker; Walk Representative; Hall Guard; Winter Slip Collector. Chairman; Senior An- Concert; Winter Music Festival. nouncement Committee. 26 Beals, Donald Gordon Mathematics Berry, Barbara June Math Club; Special Band; Concert Commercial Band; Rally Days Committee; Home- Transferred from Grant High School. room President; ASB Representative; Auto Shop Quartet.

Becker, Janice Arlene Home Economics League Honor Roll 2 times; Color Berger, Christ Girls; Big Sister; Homeroom President; ASB Representative; Tamarack Repre- Industrial Arts sentative; League Representative; After-School Sports; Library Repre- sentative; Roll Checker.

Bishop, Virginia Eleanor

Belden, Phyllis Dawn Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Commercial Roll 8 times; News Staff, Co-Editor, League Honor Roll; Red Feathers; Big News Editor, Exchange Editor; Red Sister; ASB Representative; Tamarack Feathers; Amores Librorum; Quill and Representative; Library Representa- Scroll, President; Commercial Club; tive; Red Cross Representative; League Doll Shop; Homeroom President, Roll Representative; Hall Guard; Library Checker; Big Sister; Red Cross Repre- Worker; Roll Checker. sentative: After-School Sports; All- Activity Shield; League Representa- tive.

Blackwell, Bud Bennett, Clarence Mathematics Industrial Arts Varsity Football: B Squad Football; Warriors; Junior Band; Concert Band.

Blough, Karen Lee Commercial Bennett, George E. League Honor Roll 3 times; Melody Capers: Girls' Glee: ASB Hobby Com- Mathematics mittee; Big Sister; Library Representa- All-School Play; B Squad Football; tive; ASB Representative; Library Homeroom Sergeant at Arms. Worker; Con Deputy; Hall Guard; Gym Office Worker; Roll Checker; Towel Room Monitor. 0 Bennett, Mabel Marie Home Economics Bohnet, Joyce Ann Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Com mercial Style Show; Big Sister; Roll; League Big Sister; ASB Representative; Li- at Arms; League Homeroom Sergeant brary Representative; Ticket Office Representative; Representative; News Worker: After-School Sports. Red Cross Representative; Nurse's Worker.

Boutwell, Dan Wayne Bentley, Philip B. Social Studies Science B Squad Basketball, Baseball; Doll Scholastic Honor Roll; Science Club; Shop: Operetta; Melody Capers; Choir; Homeroom Vice-President. Hall Guard.

27 Bruesehoff, Kay Ann Home Economics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Bowen, Robert A. Roll; Red Feathers; Aquettes, Secre- Science tary; FHA: Doll Shop; Operetta: Transferred from Montana. Tamarack Melody Capers; Winter Festival; Or- Representative; News Representative; chestra; ASB Cleanup Committee. Red Cross Representative. Chairman; League Honors Board; Big Sister: Homeroom President; ASB Rep- resentative; Library Representative; League Representative; Hall Guard; All-Activity Shield. Bowker, Sonya Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 8 times: News Staff, Girls' Sports Brumblay, Robert Editor, Mailing Staff; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Girls' State Alternate; Social Studies Spanish Club, Sergeant at Arms, Treas- Varsity Basketball; Varsity Football; B urer, Fifth Executive; A m o r e I Ll- Squad Basketball; B Squad Football; brorum; Vox Puellarum, Sergeant at Warriors; Library Representative. Arms; Math Club; Quill and Scroll; Future Nurses of America; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Mothers' Tea Committee, Chairman; Tamarack Representative; League Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 3 stars; Li- brary Worker, Chairman: Hall Guard. Brunette, Carol Ann Bradley, Darlene Commercial Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll 3 times; Red League Honor Roll; Big Sister; ASB Cross Representative; Big Sister; Gym Representative; Library Worker. Office Worker; Hall Guard.

Buckley, Betty Brandt, Roberta Anne Art Commercial League Honor Roll; Color Girls; Tama- Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor rack Art Staff; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Roll: Spanish Club; Doll Shop, Lead; Spring Pageant; Library Representa- Thespians; Big Sister; After-School tive; News Representative; After - Sports; All-School Play; League Rep- School Sports; Hall Guard; Nurse's Of- resentative; Grounds Squad; Office fice Worker; Roll Checker; Restroom Worker; Gym Office Worker. Monitor.

Britt, Betty Mae Home Economics Bumgarner, Kenneth Merle League Honor Roll 6 times; 3 C's, Presi- Mathematics dent, Fifth Executive; Girls' Glee; Big Scholastic Honor Roll; News Staff; Sister; Homeroom President: ASB Rep- Spanish Club; Homeroom President, resentative: Library Representative; Sergeant at Arms; Golf Team; Hall Library Worker; Roll Checker; After- Guard. School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Color Girls; Red Feathers.

Bunch, Jackie Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Presi- Brooks, Jack Richard dent; League Honor Roll; Color Girls; Science Songleader; Vox Puellarum; Doll Shop; Winter Festival: Spring Pageant; Operetta; Melody Capers: Choir; Style Show; League Committee Chair- Winter Concert; Spring Concert; Hall man; Big Sister; League Representa- Guard; Homeroom Secretary. tive; News Representative; ASB Rep- resentative; Tamarack Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Gym Office Worker.

Burdick, Esther Diane Social Studies Brown, Barbara D. League Honor Roll 4 times; Red Feath- Home Economics ers; Color Girls, Sergeant at Arms; Tau Chi. Vice-President; Doll Shop: Transferred from Moses Lake Melody Capers; Choir Secretary: Three Feathers. Fives ; Homeroom President. Secre- tary; All- Activity Shield; ASB Dance Committee; Big Sister.

28 Carosella, Dave Anthony Burgess, Barbara Joyce Science Commercial I Varsity Football; B Squad Football: Transferred from Colville, Was Frosh Football, Basketball; All-School ton. Big Sister; After-SShdol Play; Federation Council; Homeroom Library Worker. President: Federation Representative; Intramural Basketball.

Burkart, Bob Duane Carr, Harry James Industrial Arts Com mercial Transferred from Gonzaga. Transferred from Rogers. Tamarack Representative; Doll Shop; Hall Guard.

Buss, Jack Industrial Arts Carrico, Sharon Cross-Country; B Squad Track, Bas Commercial ketball; News Representative. Gym Monitor; Big Sister.

Buzzell, Bob Carriker, Roy Cameron Science Science Scholastic Honor Roll; B Squad Foot Scholastic Honor Roll: Tamarack Staff, ball; Frosh Football, Basketball Photographer; Frosh Football; Spanish Track; Homeroom Vice-President; Li Club; Homeroom Secretary, Treasurer; brary Representative. Federation Representative.

Cadwallader, Barbara Jo Caruso, Phillip Samuel Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Science Roll 2 times; Big Sister; Girls' Golf Latin Club; Chess Club. Team; Hall Guard.

Cannon, Sharol Rae Music League Honor Roll 4 times; Red Feath- Cauvel, Ronald Charles ers; Chess Club; Thespians; 3 C's: Op- Industrial Arts eretta; Melody Capers; Orchestra; - B Squad Football; Tennis Team; Auto Girls Glee; Big Sister; ASB Repre- Quartet: Vocational Con Com- sentative; After-School Sports; Ice Shop mittee: Sports-for-All; Library Rep- Skating: Fencing; All-Activity Shield; resentative. Library Worker; Traffic and Ground Squad.

Carmichael. Dorothy Jean Mathematics Cave, Carol Jean Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Home Economics Roll; Color Girls: Songleader: Doll League Honor Roll; Choir, Assistant Shop; Aquettes; Winter Festival: Big Business Manager; Three Fives, Presi- Sister: News Representative: Tama- dent; Homeroom Roll Checker; League rack Representative: Chairman of ASB Representative; Big Sister; Melody Needy Family Committee; Hall Guard: Capers; Spring Music Festival; Winter After-School Sports; All-Activity Music Festival. Shield; Tennis Team.

29 Christiansen, Joan Home Economics Coe, David George Operetta: Melody Capers; Orchestra; Industrial Arts Girls' Glee; Tepee Lighters; Red Cross Federation Representative. Representative; League Representa- tive.

Coleman, Donna Lee Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Christopherson, Leo B. Roll 8 times; Future Nurses of Amer- ica, Secretary; Red Feathers; Color Science Girls; Homeroom Vice-President; Big Scholastic Honor Roll; Amores Li- Sister; League Representative; League brorum. Treasurer; Chess Club. Honors Board; All-Activity Shield, 3 stars; After-School Sports; Gym Of- fice Monitor; Library Worker: Hall Guard. Coleman, Deanna May Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Chronic, Ryder Wesley Roll 8 times; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Future Nurses of America, Treasurer; Science Big Sister; Dad-Daughter Banquet Amores Librorum; Chess Club; Tama- Committee; League Representative; rack Representative. Tamarack Representative; News Rep- resentative; After-School Sports: All- Activity Shield, 3 stars; Homeroom Roll Checker; Library Worker; Hall Guard; Gym Office Worker.

Clark, Willene Ann Corrigan, Eugene Richard Commercial Social Studies League Office Worker.

Cotterel, Carolyn LaVonne Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Clemmens, Peter James Roll; ASB Secretary; Tamarack Staff: Red Feathers; Color Girls: Thespians; Mathematics Doll Shop; Three Fives; Winter and Transferred from Gonzaga. Chess Club; Spring Concerts; Winter Festival; All- Marching Band; Concert Band; Special School Plays; Christmas Pageant; ASB Band; Pep Band. Nominating Committee; League Style Show Committee, Narrator; Homeroom Treasurer; ASB Representative; Ten- nis Team; After-School Sports; All- Activity Shield; Gym Office Worker.

demons, William Franklin Couper, Robert Dwight Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Transferred from Camas, Washington. Transferred from West Valley.

Cowden, Barbara Dean Clough, Norman Richard Commercial League Honor Roll; Color Girls; Doll Science Shop; Big Sister; Homeroom President, Federation Representative. Vice-President: News Representative; Tamarack Representative; After-School Sports; Library Worker.

30 Craig, Dolores Rae Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Davis, Douglas Albert Roll; League Treasurer; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Aquettes, Historian-Re- Social Studies corder; Doll Shop; ASB Election Com- Varsity Football. Baseball: B Squad mission; League Style Shows; Big Football, Baseball; Homeroom Presi- Sister; League Representative; Red dent; Intramural Basketball; Red Cross Representative; Mothers' Tea Cross Representative; Warriors. Committee; ASB Representative; All- Activity Shield, 1 star; After-School Sports: Hall Guard: Office Worker; Gym Office Worker; League Office Worker.

Davis, Ronald Floyd Crandell, Mike Industrial Arts Science Stage Design. Frosh Football: Tennis.

Crosby, Laura Marie

Commercial Dawson, Shirley Ann League Honor Roll 3 times; Color Girls; Aquettes, Treasurer; Melody Capers; Commercial Choir; Big Sister; Homeroom Vice- Transferred from Oakland High President, Secretary; Tamarack Repre- School. Office Worker. sentative; Red Cross Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield.

Daisley, Carol Jean Home Economics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Delivuk, Raymond L. Roll; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Doll Shop; Aquettes; Big Sister; Dad- Social Studies Daughter Banquet Committee; Home- Frosh Basketball; Tennis. room Vice-President; Red Cross Rep- resentative; ASB Representative; Ten- nis Team; After-School Sports; All- Activity Shield.

Dalzell, Janet Eleanor Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 6 times; News Staff, Fashion Col- Denison, Max L. umn Editor; Tamarack Staff, Home- Industrial Arts room Editor, Senior Editor; Sophomore Band; ASB Representative. Senator; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Spanish Club, Fifth Executive, Presi- dent; Vox Puellarum, Vice-President, Fifth Executive; Doll Shop; Winter

Festival; Honors Board; B i g Sister; Mothers' Tea Committee; League Mixer Committee; Homeroom Presi- dent, Roll Checker; League Repre- sentative; Tamarack Representative; News Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Detrick, Ronald Library Worker; Hall Guard; League Office Worker. Science Con Deputy; Library Worker; Home- Daugherty, Kay Lorraine room Vice-President. Commercial

Dimitroff, Mary Jean Mathematics Davies, Fred E. Transferred from Walla Walla. League Honor Roll; Math Club; Chess Club; Social Studies Science Club; Tamarack Representa- Varsity Baseball Warriors. Manager; tive; Big Sister: Tennis Team; After- School Sports; Library Worker; Hall Guard.

31 Dizmang, Annabelle Foreign Languages Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 8 times; League Secretary; Tama- rack Staff, Assistant Campaign Man- Ehtee, Dick ager, Homeroom Editor; Red Feathers; Industrial Arts Vox Puellarum, Treasurer; Latin Club; Spanish Club; Doll Shop; Operetta; Orchestra; Winter and Spring Music Festivals; Melody Capers: Junior Sym- phony; String Quartet and Ensembles; All-State Orchestra; Honors Board; Mothers' Tea Committee; Style Show; Dad-Daughter Banquet; Entertainment Committee, Chairman; Big Sister; Ellis, Nedra Louise Homeroom Secretary; ASB Repre- Commercial sentative; Tamarack Representative; Honor Roll: League Honor League Representative; All-Activity Scholastic Roll 4 times; Amores Librorum; Future Shield: Hall Guard. Nurses of America; Doll Shop; Big Sister; League Representative; After- Douglas, Charlotte Maureen School Sports; Homeroom President; Commercial Roll Checker; Library Worker; Li- brary Representative: Hall Guard. League Honor Roll 4 times; Color Girls; 3 C's; Doll Shop; Glee Club; ASB Con- cession Counter; Big Sister; Tamarack Representative; Library Representa- tive; League Representative; News Representative: After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield; Library Worker; Roll Checker; Gym Office Worker. Emerson, Ray Ross

Drinkard, F. Derald Mathematics Track; Cross-Country ; Band; Home- Art room President. Thespians, Treasurer; All-School Play; Hall Guard; Stage Crew.

Dunlap, Carol Florence Etchepare, Beverly Ann Science Music League Honor Roll 4 times; Color Girls; Talent Club; Doll Shop; Melody Cap- Big Sister; After-School Sports: All- ers; Three Fives: Tepee Lighters; Big Activity Shield: Walk Slip Collector, Sister; Homeroom Vice-President; Chairman; Library Worker; Senior An- Tamarack Representative; Golf Team; nouncement Committee. After-School Sports.

Duthweiler, Fredrick Carl Evans, Esther Rae Mathematics Home Economics Graduated in V/i years. Varsity Foot- Transferred from Overbrook, Kansas. ball. Future Homemakers.

Fackenthall, Ann Mary Social Studies League Honor Roll 4 times; Red Feath- Dvergsdal, Dale Francis ers; Talent Club; Future Teachers; Doll Shop; League Mixer Committee; Commercial Big Sister; Homeroom Secretary; ASB ASB Representative. Representative: After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Library Worker; Hall Guard; Nurse's Worker; Gym Office Worker; Con Deputy; League Office Worker.

Edwards, Mary Louise Fairfax, Pat Raye Commercial Commercial League Honor Roll 4 times; Color Girls; League Honor Roll 4 times: Red Feath- Amores Librorum, Social Secretary; ers; Color Girls: Doll Shop; Big Sister; Melody Capers: Choir; Big Sister; Li- Homeroom Roll Checker; Red Cross brary Representative; Library Worker. Representative; All-Activity Shield; Bookroom Worker.

32 Foster, Diarne Louise Commercial Honor Roll; League Honor Fanazick, William Lewm Scholastic Roll 2 times: Red Feathers; Art Club; Mathematics Doll Shop; Big Sister; Homeroom Mes- Pep Band; Special Band; Concert Band. senger; Tamarack Representative; Li- brary Representative; News Repre- sentative; After-School Sports; All- Activity Shield, 1 star.

Faris, Larry Dean Fowler, Ronald Vincent Science B Squad Basketball: Frosh Basketball; Science Homeroom Vice-President; Tamarack Federation Representative. Representative.

Felio, Donna Louise Fremstad, Donald Science League Honor Roll 2 times; Rifle Club; Social Studies Mothers' Tea Committee; Big Sister; Frosh Football; Band; Library Repre- Card and Announcements Committee; sentative; Intramural Sports. After-Sohool Sports; All-Activity Shield.

Fenton, Jerry Floyd Science Scholastic Honor Roll; News Staff, Fried, Leslie John Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, As- Mathematics sociate Editor; Tamarack, Editor; Junior Press Club; Spokesman-Review Frosh Basketball; Spanish Club; Math Correspondent; Varsity Debate; Quill Club; Tennis: Concert Band; Marching and Scroll, Vice-President, Fourth Ex- Band; Con Deputy. ecutive; Amores Librorum; Latin Club; ASB Rally Week: Officer and Senator, Nominating Committees; ASB Rep- resentative; Grounds Squad, Captain.

Flynn, Judy Evelyn Home Economics Fuher, David Robert League Honor Roll 6 times; Red Feath- Science ers; Color Girls; Aquettes; Big Sister: Homeroom President; Federation Rep- Homeroom President; Tamarack Rep- resentative; News Representative; ASB resentative; Football Princess Attend- Representative; Grounds Squad. ant; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield; Office Worker.

Fuller, John Wilbur Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; Debate: Amores Ford, Clyde Wesley Librorum, President, Treasurer; Math Industrial Arts Club, Vice-President: Chess Club: Capers; Orchestra; Pep Band; Transferred from L e w i s t o n High Melody School. Stage Crew. Special Band; Concert Band; Federa- tion Department Head; ASB Commit- tee Head; ASB Representative; Federa- tion Representative; Traffic and Grounds Squad.

Forester, Lavina Belle Fulwiler, Rita Ann Commercial Science League Honor Roll 6 times: 3 C's: Doll Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Shop: ASB Concession Counter; Moth- Roll 7 times: Red Feathers: Amores ers' Tea Committee; News Representa- Librorum; Future Nurses of America; tive; League Representative; Assistant Big Sister; Homeroom President: Library Representative; After-School League Representative: Tamarack Sports: All-Activity Shield; Library Representative; Red Cross Representa- Worker; Color Girls. tive; After-School Sports; Library Worker. 33 Glass, Mary Eileen Funk, Merle Leonard Home Economics Industrial Arts League Honor Roll; Glee Club; Melody ASB Representative. Capers: Big Sister; Library Repre- sentative; Homeroom Roll Checker; Gym Office Worker; Towel Monitor.

Fyfe, William Edward Glass, Nancy J. Printing Commercial Frosh Football. League Honor Roll 2 times; Melody Capers; Glee Club; Homeroom Secre- tary.

Gaffaney, Corinne Mary Gleason, Mariann Faye Commercial Big Sister: Gym Monitor. Science Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 6 times; Math Club; Art Club: Latin Club; Big Sister; Library Worker.

Gage, Carolyn Ann Commercial Doll Shop; Big Sister: Hall Guard: Glenn, Gary Sherman After-School Sports. Science Cross-Country; Track; Rifle Club, President; Chess Club.

Gallaway, Warren Allen Gorman, Judith Mary Industrial Arts Commercial Band. League Honor Roll 3 times; Color Girls; Doll Shop; Big Sister; ASB Representa- tive; News Representative; After- School Sports; All-Activity Shield; Li- brary Worker; Study Hall Roll Checker; Gym Office Worker; Conces- sion Counter. Gardner, Charlotte Social Studies League Honor Roll 5 times: Debate: Color Girls; 3 C's, Songleader; Big Sis- ter; Homeroom Secretary; League Rep- Gothmann, William Henry resentative; Library Representative: News Representative; All-Activity Mathematics Shield; Library Hostess; Hall Guard; Transferred from Delafield, Wiscon- Office Worker; Roll Checker. sin. Scholastic Honor Roll; Debate; 3 C's, President, Treasurer; Chess Club, Gerkensmeyer, Darlene Elaine Secretary; Latin Club; Homeroom President; News Representative. Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 8 times; League Secretary; News Staff, Editorial Page Editor; Tamarack Staff, Senior Editor: Red Feathers; Color Girls, Secretary Quill Scroll; ; and Green, Gwendelyn Lorraine Latin Club; Vox Puellarum; Doll Shop; ASB Nominating Committee; ASB Home Economics Election Commission; ASB Honors League Honor Roll 3 times; Color Board, Secretary; Dad-Daughter Ban- Girls; 3 C's; Big Sister; League Repre- quet Committee; Big Sister: Mothers' sentative; Library Representative; All- Tea Committee: League Representa- Activity Shield; Grounds Squad; Hall tive; ASB Representative; All-Activity Guard; Office Worker. Shield. 1 star; Gym Office Worker; League Office Worker. Green, Richard Art Tamarack Staff, Campaign Manager; Thespians, President; Talent Club; Doll Haas, Richard Carl Shop Lead; Operetta; Melody Capers; Winter Music Festival, Dance Lead; Science All-School Plays, Leads; Senior Play; Marching Band; ASB Election Com- mittee; Tamarack Representative; March of Dimes Representative; Yell Leader.

Greening, Carolyn Jean Commercial Hager, Ren Harold Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Commercial Roll 7 times; Amores Librorum; FHA, Tamarack Staff; Winter Music Festi- Secretary, Historian-Reporter; B i g val; Concert Band; Band; Sister; Homeroom Roll Checker, Sec- Special Vice-President. retary; ASB Representative; Tamarack Homeroom Representative; Library Representa- tive; After-School Sports; Library Worker.

Hair, Ronald Ray Griffith, Carl David Industrial Arts Mathematics Frosh Basketball: Concert Band; Spe- Chess Club. cial Band; Marching Band; Intramural Sports.

Griffin, Myrl Eugene Hallin, Arne Harold Social Studies Thespians; All-School Plays; Home- Industrial Arts room Vice-President; Hall Guard; Band; Golf Team. Gym Roll Checker.

Hamby, Mary Jane Guffin, Carolyn Frances Home Economics Commercial League Honor Roll 2 times; 3 C's; ASB League Honor Roll; Color Girls; Home- Senior Reception Committee; ASB room President, Roll Checker; Red Vaudeville Committee; Big Sister; ASB Cross Representative; Aquettes; Golf Representative; League Representative; Team; Hall Guard. Library Worker; Gym Monitor.

Hamilton, Robert Glen Gwiazda, Juanita M. Music Science Band: Concert Band; Special Band: After-School Sports. ASB Representative.

Hammond, Annette Marie Commercial Gwynne, Allen Eugene Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Industrial Arts Roll S times: Red Feathers; Color Girls: Big Sister: League Representa- tive: After-School Sports: All-Activity Shield: Library Worker; Hall Guard; Gym Office Worker.

35 iankel, Evelyn Margret Higgins, Dennis Barry Home Economics Science Big Sister; News Representative; Li- Marching Band: Concert Band; brary Worker. brary Representative.

Hill, Sharon Marlene Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Hannan, Mickey Roll: Three Fives, Librarian; Red Feathers; Latin Club; Math Club; Vox Mathematics Puellarum; Doll Shop; Melody Capers: B Squad Football, Track; Varsity Foot- Winter Music Festival; Spring Music ball, Track; Warriors. Festival; Mothers' Dessert Committee; Dad-Daughter Banquet Committee; Big Sister; ASB Representative; Library Representative; Red Cross Representa- tive; After-School Sports; Gym Moni- tor; All-Activity Shield.

Hass, Liann Alice Hollister, Rosemary Commercial Art Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll S times: News Staff, Editorial Page Roll 4 times; Red Feathers; Amores Editor, Mailing Staff; Tamarack, Art Librorum; Big Sister; Homeroom Sec- Staff; Red Feathers, Historian-Re- retary; Library Representative; Tennis porter; Art Club, Treasurer; Quill and Team; After-School Sports; All-Activ- Scroll, Secretary, President; Doll Shop; ity Shield, 1 star; Gym Office Worker. Operetta Orchestra; Spring Music Festival: Winter Music Festival; North Central String Quartet; Spokane Phil- harmonic Orchestra: Spokane Junior Symphony; Big Sister; ASB Repre- sentative; Library Representative; League Representative; All-Activity Haunschild, Richard Dean Shield; Tennis Team; Roll Checker; Gym Office Worker; Pep Con Com- Social Studies mittee; Dad-Daughter Banquet, Dec- Varsity Track; Cross-Country; B Squad oration Committee. Basketball; Frosh Basketball; Warriors. Holloway, Nancy Jo Commercial Girls' Glee; Big Sister; Golf; After- Hawley, Diane Yvonne School Sports; Nurse's Worker; Library Representative. Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; League Treasurer; News Staff, Assistant News Editor, Circulation Hooper, Gary Woodrow Manager; Tamarack Staff. Advertising Manager; Debate: Red Feathers; Color Industrial Arts Girls; Aquettes; Doll Shop; ASB Nom- inating Committee; League Honors Board; Big Sister; League Representa- tive: Golf Team: After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield.

Hopper, David George Hieb, Alton Industrial Arts Commercial Band; Special Band; Concert Band.

Howard, Georgia Lane Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 6 times; League Vice-President; Hieber, Elaine Ingrid News Staff, Girls' Sports. Mailing Staff: Music Songleader; Girls' State Delegate; Vox League Honor Roll; League Vice- Puellarum, Vice-President; Aquettes; President; Red Feathers; Color Girls, Future Nurses of America; Doll Shop: Operetta; Sergeant at Arms; Aquettes, Pageant ASB Honors Board ; Con Director; Talent Club: Choir, Presi- Scheduling Committee; League Voca- dent, Accompanist; Doll Shop; Oper- tional Committee, Chairman; Tamarack etta; Melody Capers: Homeroom Sec- Representative; Big Sister; Red Cross retary; Library Representative; Red Representative; League Representative: Cross Representative; League Repre- News Representative; Golf Team; Ten- sentative; Tennis Team; After-School nis Team; After-School Sports: All- Sports; All-Activity Shield. Activity Shield, 2 stars; Hall Guard; Gym Office Worker. 36 Jacobson, Janice Laurel Hubert, Ronald R. Commercial Industrial Arts Big Sister; ASB Representative; Li- Red Cross Representative; Stage Crew. brary Representative; News Repre- sentative; Golf Team; Locker Monitor; Towel Monitor. I

Hulberf, Darrel Duane Jacobson, Joy Mathematics Social Studies Band. Transferred from Carbon Junior Col- lege, Price. Utah.

Jenkinson, Deanna Lee Commercial Hundeby, David Gordon Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Mathematics Roll; Red Feathers; Vox Puellarum; Ski Club; Doll Shop: Winter Festival; Fresh Football: Basketball; Band; Ski Big Sister; League Representative; Club; Golf Team. Football Princess; After-School Sports; Tennis Team; Golf Team, Manager; All-Activity Shield; All-School Play, Production Staff; Library Representa- tive.

Inch, Melvin Martin Jennings, Margaret Mary Science Home Economics Representative; Library Red Cross Transferred from Holy Names Aca- Worker. demy. Big Sister; Office Worker: League Office Worker.

Jackson, Francine Elizabeth Jensen, Edward Everett Science Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Industrial Arts Roll; 3 C's, Vice-President, Secretary; Frosh Baseball; ASB Representative; B i g Sister; Library Representative; Library Representative; Federation After-School Sports. Representative; News Representative.

Jacobs, Jacquelyn Rochelle Commercial Jensen, Vern Arnold Graduated in 3'/2 years. Operetta; Big Industrial Arts Sister; Library Representative; Golf Team; Ice Skating.

Jersild, Helen Ann Music Jacobs, Patricia Marie League Honor Roll; Red Feathers; 3 C's. Secretary; Melody Capers; Choir, Commercial Librarian: Glee Club; Big Sister; Transferred from Colvllle. Big Sister; Spring Concerts; Winter Music Festi- League Honor Roll: League Repre- val; Homeroom Vice-President; ASB sentative: Tamarack Representative; Representative; League Representative; After-School Sports. Tamarack Representative; Locker Monitor; After-School Sports; Con- servatory Worker.

J7 Kachinsky, Patricia Louise Jessup, Larry Richard Commercial Industrial Arts League Honor Roll 2 times; Debate; Future Homemakers of America, Sec- Ski Club. retary; Latin Club; Big Sister; ASB Representative.

Keene, Helen Johnson, Bob Eugene Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Industrial Arts Roll 4 times: Red Feathers; Big Sister; Choir; Homeroom Sergeant at Arms. ASB Nominating Committee; ASB Rep- resentative; After-School Sports; Gym Office Monitor.

Kennedy, Barbara Jean Johnson, Cliff Commercial Science League Honor Roll; Glee Club; Big Transferred from San Antonio, Texas. Sister; Homeroom Vice-President; Golf Team; After-School Sports.

King, Marilyn Social Studies Doll Shop; Big Sister; Homeroom Johnson, Gerald Treasurer, President; Tamarack Rep- Industrial Arts resentative; Red Cross Representative; League Representative; News Repre- sentative; Golf Team; After-School Sports; Hall Guard; Nurses' Worker; Gym Office Worker.

Johnson, Roger Boston Knight, Diane Jo Industrial Arts Commercial Stage Crew; News Representative; Doll Shop; Glee Club; After-School Tamarack Representative. Sports; Big Sister.

Joyner, Carolyn Lee Art League Honor Roll; Red Feathers; Knutsonhaydahl, Myrtle Amy Color Girls, Historian-Reporter, Chair- man; ASB Honors Board; League Rep- Commercial resentative; Library Representative; Graduated in 2Va years. After-School Homeroom Roll Checker; Library Sports. Worker; Hall Guard: All-Activity Shield, 2 stars; After-School Sports: Gym Office Worker. Koch, Lee Ann Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 8 times; News Staff, Associate Editor; Spanish Club; Quill and Scroll, Treasurer; Vox Puellarum, Reporter; Doll Shop; Melody Capers; Christmas Kaati, Harold Walter Concert; Spring Pageant: Orchestra; Spokane Junior Symphony, Industrial Arts Concert- master; Spokane Philharmonic Orches- Intramural Sports. tra, String Quartet; Operetta; Voca- tional Con Committee; Big Sister; Li- brary Representative; News Repre- sentative; Hall Guard; Study Hall Roll Checker; Main Office Worker; League 38 Office Worker. Lang, Louie James Kofmehl, Donald Lawrence Industrial Arts Arts Industrial XA Stage Crew.

Kraft, Sheila Marie La Point, Gale Social Studies Science from West Valley. Tama- Transferred from St. Paul's School. Transferred League Representative. rack Representative.

Krell, Diane Louise Lareva, Judy Commercial Commercial Honor Roll; Melody Capers; Big Sister: Red Cross Representative; League After-School Sports; Library Worker. Girls' Glee; Big Sister.

Larsen, Sandra Lee Foreign Languages Kritzer, Margaret Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Commercial Roll; Three Fives, Vice-President; Big Transferred from Holy Names. League Sister: Latin Club; Melody Capers: Honor Roll; Red Feathers; Big Sister; Spring Music Festival; Winter Music Library Representative; Red Cross Festival: Christmas Pageant; Home- Representative; Office Worker. room President; Library Representa- tive; Hall Guard.

Kuhlman, Deanna Mae Larson, Martin Dean Commercial Industrial Arts Squad Baseball; Frosh Baseball; In- Doll Shop; After-School Sports; Hall B Basketball. Guard. tramural

Leona Mae Laface, Bonnie Jean Lawrenson, Home Economics Home Economics Big Sister; After-School Sports Roll League Honor Roll; 3 C's; Library Checker: Gym Worker; Library Representative; Library Worker; Worker. Towel Monitor.

Lamping, Joan Claire Commercial Leingang, Shirley Marie Red Feathers, Sergeant at Arms: Color Commercial Girls: Doll Shop; Homeroom Vice- Transferred from Holy Names. Doll President. Secretary; League Repre- Shop; ASB Nominating Committee; Big sentative: League Honor Roll 4 times; Sister; Homeroom Secretary: ASB Style Show; Mothers' Tea Committee: Representative; Red Cross Representa- Tennis Team, Letter, Co-Captain; All- tive; League Representative. Activity Shield, 1 star: After-School Sports: Library Worker; Gym Office Worker. 39 Lindsley, Darlene Lillian Commercial Leuer, Duane Carl League Honor Roll 2 times; ASB Rep- Industrial Arts resentative; Big Sister; After-School Sports; Tennis Team; All-Activity Shield; Library Representative; Li- brary Worker.

Lewis, Joanne Elizabeth

IT Home Economics Lindvall, Jerry G. Doll Shop; Big Sister; Tennis Team; Homeroom President; After-School Mathematics Sports: All-Activity Shield; Library Latin Club; Library Representative. Representative.

Lightfoot, Richard Clinton Lipscomb, Carole Arlen Science Commercial Varsity Football; Varsity Baseball: B Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Squad Football; B Squad Basketball; B Roll; Red Feathers; Commercial Club, Squad Baseball; Frosh Track; Frosh Fifth Executive; Latin Club; Math Football; Frosh Basketball; Frosh Club; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Red Cross Baseball; Library Representative; Representative; After-School Sports: Homeroom Vice-President: Federation All-Activity Shield: Ticket Representative; Tamarack Office Representa- Worker: Cards and Announcement tive. Committee.

Lightfoot, Robert F. Liptac, Larry Dale Mathematics Science Varsity Football; Varsity Baseball: B Scholastic Honor Roll; Varsity Foot- Squad Football; B Squad Baseball: B ball; B Squad Football; B Squad Squad Basketball: Frosh Football; Track; Latin Club; ASB Representa- Frosh Basketball; Frosh Baseball; tive; Senior Class Treasurer; Ground Frosh Track; Warriors. Squad.

Lillengreen, C. William Lloyd, Robert Gilbert Social Studies Mathematics Frosh Baseball; Homeroom President; Federation Representative. Scholastic Honor Roll.

Lind, Donelle Joy Lofris, Donna Jean Home Economics Home Economics Big Sister; ASB Representative.

Lindberg, Virginia Marie Commercial Luchini, Louie Transferred from Rogers. Big Sister. Industrial Arts

40 Lunde, Albert Robert McDuffie, Daniel Michael Mathematics Industrial Arts Frosh Basketball; Chess Club. B Squad Football; Frosh Football; Frosh Baseball; Ski Club.

McBroom, Roderick McGetrick, Mildred Ruth Industrial Arts Commercial League Honor Roll: Doll Shop; Big Band; Concert Band; Head Con Depu- Sister; After-School Sports; Library ty; Federation Representative; News Worker; Roll Checker; League Representative; Ground Office Squad. Worker.

Mclnelly, Judith Marie McCadam, Edward E. Science Industrial Arts Transferred from Portland, Oregon. B Squad Football; Varsity Football. Homeroom President; Library Repre- sentative.

McKinney, Gary McCarrey, Leon Larry Science Social Studies Latin Club; Homeroom President, Ser- Varsity Football; B Squad Football; geant at Arms; Tamarack Representa- Band; Warriors. tive; Federation Representative.

McNew, Carole Lynn McConnell, Donna Jo Ann Foreign Languages Home Economics Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll: News Staff, Associate Editor, Co- Roll; Melody Capers; Spring and Editor: Varsity Debate Team; Thes- Winter Music Festivals; Choir, Busi- pians, Vice-President; Quill and Scroll, ness Manager, Assistant Business Man- Vice-President, Secretary; Talent Club: ager; Three Fives, President; Tepee Latin Club: Junior Press Club; All- Lighters; Big Sister: ASB Representa- School Play. Lead; League Committee; tive. Big Sister: Homeroom President.

McCoy, Edward Aaron Mann, Doris Jean Science Transferred from Rogers. Scholastic Commercial Honor Roll; Student Court Judge, Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Baliff; B Squad Cross-Country; 3 C's; Roll; Tamarack Staff; Color Girls; Thespians; ASB Election Chairman: Spanish Club: Big Sister: League Rep- ASB Representative; Homeroom Presi- resentative: Library Representative: dent; Federation Quartet; Auto Shop Tamarack Representative; News Rep- Quartet; Tamarack Representative; resentative; After-School Sports; Li- League Representative; Stage Crew; brary Worker. Ground Squad: ASB Fifth Executive.

Marlowe, Linda Carol McCroskey, Mary Lou Commercial Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Roll 5 times; Color Girls; Songleader; Transferred from Rogers. Girls' Glee. Doll Shop; Winter Festival: Big Sister: President. Librarian; Melody Capers; ASB Representative; News Representa- Big Sister; Red Cross Representative; tive; After-School Sports; All-Activity Roll Checker; Office Worker. Shield. Marquette, Noritfl^Darlene Mielke, Richard Norman Commercial Science Scholastic Honor Roll; Chess Club; ramatqek Re: Traffic Squad. atfr

Martin, Wadsworth V. Miller, Barbara Lee Foreign Languages Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Girls; Roll 5 times; Latin Club; Spanish Club; Roll: Red Feathers; Color TalentClub; Choir, Historian-Recorder; Amores Librorum, Secretary; Winter Doll Shop; Operetta; Melody Capers; Festivals; Dad-Daughter Banquet Com- Winter Music Festival; Christmas Con- mittee; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Home- cert; Spring Festival; Big Sister; room Roll Checker; League Repre- League Style Show; Homeroom Roll sentative; News Representative; All- Checker: All-Activity Shield; Nurse"s Activity Shield: Library Worker; Office Monitor. League Office Worker.

Martinson, Ann Charlene Social Studies Miller, Mel Ray Color Girls: Talent Club, Vice-Presi- dent, Historian-Recorder; Thespians. Mathematics President, Sergeant at Arms; Operetta; Transferred from Yakima. B Squad All-School Plays; Doll Shop: Melody Basketball, Football, Baseball: Varsity Capers; ASB Con Committee; Big Football. Basketball; Warriors. Sister; League Representative; News Representative; All-Activity Shield; Hall Guard.

Materne, Ann Louise

Art Mills, Bert William Honor Roll: League Honor Scholastic Mathematics Tamarack Art Staff: Red Feath- Roll: Sophomore Color Girls; Art Club, Secretary: Scholastic Honor Roll; ers; Band: ASB Aquettes; Spanish Club; Doll Shop; Senator; Band; Special Committee: News Representa- Big Sister; League Committee; ASB Election Representative: League Representa- tive. tive; Tennis Team: After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield. 1 star; Hall Guard; Tamarack Representative.

Mayo, Marion Rosilind Moore, Helen Darlene Commercial Commercial After- League Honor Roll 2 times: Big Sister; Transferred from Coulee Dam. Homeroom Roll Checker: Study Hall School Sports; Big Sister. Roll Checker.

Moran, Lee Francis Meek, Juanita Eleanor Social Studies Commercial Varsity Football; B Squad Football; Summer School Graduate. Big Sister; Frosh Football; Homeroom Vice-Presi- Hall Guard: Roll Checker. dent; Intramural Sports; Warriors.

Morford, Myrna Marie Michael, Mervyn Lyle Commercial Social Studies League Honor Roll 3 times; Doll Shop; After-School Sports; Li- Transferred from Coulee Dam High Big Sister: Worker. School. Varsity Football: Warriors. brary

42 Morlan, La Vina Jean Commercial Naccarato, Donice Marie Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor *> Roll; Red Feathers; Doll Shop: Big Sis- Home Economics ter; League Representative; Library Transferred from Lewis and Clark. Representative; Tennis Team; After- Girls' Glee Club. School Sports; All-Activity Shield: Roll Checker. i ^

Nance, Robert Lee Morse, Donald Elmer Social Studies Varsity Football, Track; B Squad Foot- Mathematics ball, Track, Basketball: Frosh Foot- Transferred from Vancouver High ball. Basketball, Baseball; Homeroom School. Intramural Sports. if President; Intramural Sports.

Mossuto, Patty Lou Nance, C. William Home Economics Industrial Arts League Honor Roll; Tamarack Repre- Federation Vice-President; Varsity sentative; Doll Shop; Big Sister: News Football; B Squad Football: Frosh Representative: Ticket Office Worker; Football; Warriors, President; Home- Gym Office Worker; Homeroom Roll room President; Wrestling, Head. Checker. if

Narrance, Nathan Ray Motycka, Marlene Ann Science Home Economics Varsity Football; B Squad Football; Baseball Manager; Representa- League Honor Roll; 3 C's; Big Sister; ASB Homeroom Roll Checker; Bookroom tive: Library Representative; Intra- mural Worker; Gym Office Worker. Sports; Hall Guard; Ground V Squad.

Musser, Jeannemarie Nash, David Franklin Commercial Big Sister; Gym Office Worker; Home- Mathematics room Attendance Officer. Spanish Club.

Nelson, Patty Jean Muzzy, Bob E. Commercial Social Studies Transferred from Colorado. Scholastic Transferred from Sandpoint High Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; News School. ASB Representative; Hall Staff; Big Sister; Homeroom President, Guard. Secretary, Roll Checker; ASB Repre- sentative; Gym Office Monitor.

Nelson, Rebecca Ann Myers, Norman Home Economics League Honor Roll; Doll Shop; Girls' Industrial Arts Glee Club: Big Sister: League Repre- Scholastic Honor Roll: Con Deputy. sentative: News Representative; Hall Guard; Gym Monitor; Homeroom At- tendance.

1 1 4 43 Nestoss, Myrna Marie Nyberg, Carol Norene Commercial Science League Honor Roll; Red Feathers; 3 League Honor Roll 4 times; Aquettes; C's, Secretary; Big Sister; Homeroom Future Nurses of America; Doll Shop; Secretary, President; ASB Representa- ASB Concession Committee; League tive; Library Representative; After- Representative; Big Sister; Red Cross School Sports; All-Activity Shield; Li- Representative; Tamarack Representa- brary Worker; Ticket Office Worker; tive; After-Schoool Sports; All-Activ- Roll Checker; Gym Office Worker. ity Shield: Roll Checker.

Newland, Dale Cecil Mathematics Oakes, Jack Scholastic Honor Roll; Cross-Country; Social Studies Track: Spanish Club; ASB Representa- Varsity Basketball; Homeroom Presi- tive; Federation Representative; Li- dent. brary Representative.

O'Brien, Eileen Ruth Nickel, Bill Social Studies Commercial years. Scholastic Varsity Football; Frosh Baseball; G r a d u a t e d in 3'/a Sec- Choir, Vice-President; Spanish Club. Honor Roll; Big Sister; Homeroom retary. V

Nickerson, Norman Ray O'Hara, Thomas Charles Social Studies Science B Squad Football, Baseball; Varsity Scholastic Honor Roll; Cross-Country; Football, Baseball. Homeroom President; Con Deputy. * 1

Olsness, Diane Carol Nordby, Dave Hyman Commercial Science League Honor Roll; Aquettes; Doll Sophomore Senator; Frosh Basketball; Shop; ASB Con Committee; Big Sister; Homeroom President. Homeroom Vice-President, Secretary; League Representative; After-School Sports.

Overmyer, Willene Nordby, Patricia Foreign Languages Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor League Honor Roll 2 times: Doll Shop; Roll; Color Girls; Latin Club; Spanish ASB Dance Committee; Big Sister; Club; Amores Librorum; Choir; Big Homeroom President; ASB Representa- Sister; Homeroom Roll Checker; Li- tive; Tennis Team; After-School bra r y Representative; After-School Sports. Sports; All-Activity Shield: Library Worker; Restroom Monitor; League Office Worker; Roll Checker. Novak, Janet Louise EL Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 7 times; Red Feathers; Color Girls, Aquettes, Secre- Historian-Reporter; Palmlund, Vernadene Marie tary; Doll Shop; Winter Festival; ASB Dance Committee, Chairman; Home- Commercial room Secretary, Roll Checker; Big Sister; ASB Representative; League Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield: Hall Guard; Locker Monitor. 44 Phelps, Claudia Allene Park, Carol Home Economics Mathematics League Honor Roll; Aquettes, Presi- Transferred from Lewis and Clark. Big dent: Doll Shop: Big Sister: Tamarack Sister; League Honor Roll; Commer- RepresentaUve; Library Representa- cial Club; Latin Club; League Repre- tive; League Representative; News sentative; Library Worker; Hall Guard. Representative: All-Activity Shield; Library Worker.

Park, Donna Jean Commercial Phillips, Lyle Glen League Honor Roll; Doll Shops; Big Art Sister; Red Cross Representative; Con Deputy; ASB Representative. League Representative; League Office Worker.

Paulson, Claudia Ann Phillips, Richard L. Home Economics Social Studies League Honor Roll; Big Sister; Library Homeroom Secretary, Treasurer: News Representative; Golf After- Team; Representative; Tamarack Representa- School Sports; Hall Guard; Roll Checker.

Payne, Nancie Gail Pierson, Anna Home Economics Graduated in 3V2 years. Scholastic Commercial Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; Mel- Transferred from New Mexico. Girls' ody Capers; Girls' Glee Club; Big Sis- Glee Club; Big Sister. ter; After-School Sports.

Pebles, Frank Daniel lantz, Perry LaVerne Science Scholastic Honor Roll; B Squad Foot- Industrial Arts ball; Frosh Basketball; Frosh Baseball; Grounds Squad. Homeroom Vice-President; Spanish Club.

Peterson, Lynda Claudette Plastino, Elaine Eleanor Commercial Home Economics Girls' Glee Club; League Committee; Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Big Sister; Homeroom Secretary, Roll: Color Girls; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Treasurer; Red Cross Representative; League Representative: Tennis Team: After-School Sports; Library Worker; After-School Sports: Library Worker; Hall Guard; Roll Checker. Hill Guard; Roll Checker.

Petruss, Angelo Robert Mathematics Pledger, Dean Lloyd Scholastic Honor Roll; Federation Rep- resentative, Executive Council; Latin Science Club; News Representative; Ground Varsity Football. Squad.

45 Plumb, Roberta Lane Prather, Joan Elaine Home Economics Home Economics Transferred from Cle Slum High League Honor Roll; Red Feathers; School. League Honor "Roll; News Color Girls; Doll Shop; Golf Team, Staff, Typist; Thespians, Historian- Captain: Tennis Team; All-Activity Recorder; Doll Shop; Big Sister. Shield; After-School Sports.

Plumb, Wayne C. Pulver, Donna Louise Mathematics Commercial Varsity Football. Baseball; B Squad League Honor Roll; Doll Shop; League Football. Baseball; Frosh Basketball, Committees; Big Sister; League Repre- Baseball, Track. sentative; Ticket Office Worker; Roll Checker.

Poppe, Carol Jean Pureed, Janice Jeanne Home Economics Home Economics Transferred from Lewis and Clark. Doll Shop; Big Sister; Library Repre- •v sentative.

Por+er, Carmen Marie

Commercial Pyne, Dick Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Homeroom Social Studies Secretary; After-School Sports; All- Band Activity Shield; Library Worker; Hall Guard.

J i dim Quiring, David Samuel Social Studies Porter, Charles Richard Homeroom Treasurer, Vice-President; cs Library Representative; Rifle Club; Industrial Arts Federation Representative; Tennis Team: News Representative; Concert Band: Special Band.

Quist, Linda Lou Ann Afathematics Potter, Prudence Gail Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Commercial Roll; Red Feathers; Color Guard; Vox League Honor Roll; Doll Shop; Big Puellarum; Math Club; Latin Club, Sister; Tamarack Representative; Li- Vice-President: Doll Shop; Pep Band, brary Representative: League Repre- Soloist: Melody Capers; Spring Pag- sentative: News Representative; After- eant; Christmas Concert; Spring Music School Sports; Ticket Office Worker; Festival: Winter Music Festival; Three Hall Guard; Gym Office Worker. Fives, Secretary, Publicity Manager. Historian-Reporter; Big Sister; League Style Shows; After-School Sports; League Dance Committee, Chairman; League Representative. Praetorius, Mike Mathematics ASB President, Treasurer, Fifth Ex- Randall, Miriam Elizabeth ecutive; Sophomore Senator: Boys* Home Economics State Delegate: Latin Club, Vice- Three Fives; Melody Capers; Spring President; Talent Club, President, and Winter Concerts; Big Sister. Vice-President, Treasurer; Doll Shop. Pianist; Marching Band: Concert Band: Special Band: Pep Band Leader. V 46 Riggins, Thomas Jackson Recor, Gordy W. Industrial Arts Social Studies Federation Representative: News Rep- Varsity Football, Baseball: B Squad resentative; News Advertising Staff; Football, Basketball; Warriors; Home- Thespians; Stage Crew; Tamarack room President, Vice-President; Fed- Representative; Homeroom Secretary, eration Representative. Vice-President.

Rizzuto, Elaine Reichert, Donald Dale Commercial Social Studies Big Sister; Tamarack Representative; Frosh Basketball, Baseball; Band; Red Cross Representative: After- School News Representative. Sports; Office Worker; Roll Checker.

Reid, Lawrence Stewart Roadruck, Steve Allen Social Studies Varsity Basketball, Baseball; B Squad Mathematics Basketball, Baseball; Frosh Basketball, Scholastic Honor Roll: Homeroom Of- Baseball; Warriors; Library Repre- ficer; Tennis Team; Golf Team. sentative; Homeroom Vice-President.

Reidburn, Ramona Rae Robb, Gloria Florence Art Home Economics Big Sister; Homeroom President; Li- Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor brary Representative; Red Cross Rep- Roll; Big Sister; Red Cross Representa- resentative; Hall Guard; Roll Checker; tive; Hall Guard. Gym Office Monitor.

Roberts, Prudence Rice, Laramie Lee Commercial Mathematics Orchestra: Big Sister. Homeroom President.

Robinson, Alan M. Mathematics Richardson, Carley Janice Scholastic Honor Roll; Junior Senator; Boys' State Delegate; Varsity Track; Home Economics Cross-Country; Frosh Baseball, Basket- Big Sister; Homeroom President; ball; Warriors, President; Federation Ticket Office Worker. Committees; Spanish Club; Homeroom President: Tamarack Representative; Red Cross Representative; Senior Class President.

Rider, Leslie Robert Science Rogers, Marlene Jean Talent Club, Vice-President; Warriors; Commercial Federation Quartet; Doll Shop; Oper- Transferred from Cheney. Glee Club; etta; Melody Capers; Winter and Spring League Honor Roll 2 times: Melody Concerts; Choir; Marching Band; Con- Capers: Choir: Three Fives: Big Sister; cert Band; Special Band; ASB Honors After-School Sports; ASB Representa- Board, Chairman; Comanche Guard: tive. Federation Decal, Chairman; Home-

room President, Secretary ; Tennis Team; Traffic Squad. 47 Rohrer, Betty Jean Home Economics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Russell, William Merle Roll 8 times; League President; Shi- Mathematics Secretary; Tamarack Staff, dent Court Scholastic Honor Roll; Junior Senator; Editor; Red Feathers; Color Senior Varsity Track, Basketball; Sophomore Vox Puellarum, Girls, Chairman; Class Federation Representative; Fed- Treasurer; Commercial Club; Latin eration Department Head; Warriors; Doll Shop; Dance Commit- Club; ASB Senior Class Vice-President. tee; League Vocational Con Committee; League Cotton-Day Committee, Chair- man; Big Sister; Homeroom President, Secretary; ASB Representative; Li- brary Representative; League Repre- sentative; Tennis Team, Co-Captain: After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 2 stars; Library Worker; Hall Guard; Gym Office Worker; League Ryan, Dale James Office Worker. Industrial Arts Federation Representative; Library Rollo, Jean Margaret Representative. Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; ASB Secretary; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Commercial Club; Vox Puellarum; Big Sister; ASB Nominat- ing Committee; Mothers' Tea Commit- tee; Homeroom President; Library Representative; League Representa- Ryen, Dennis Ray tive; News Representative; After- School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 Science star; Library Worker; Office Worker. Scholastic Honor Roll; ASB Repre- sentative. Rolstad, Lawrence Arian Science Scholastic Honor Roll; Chess Club; Doll Shop.

Rymond, Ann Social Studies osa, Betty Ann Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Commercial Roll; Choir, Publicity Manager; Three Fives, Secretary; Operetta; Melody Big Sister; ASB Representative; Li- Capers; Spring Music Festival; Winter brary Slip Collector. Music Festival; Big Sister; Conserva- tory Worker; Office Worker.

Ross, Darlene Eveline Salmon, Lois Carol Commercial Science League Honor Roll; Big Sister; Home- League Honor Roll; Melody Capers; room President; ASB Representative; Glee Club; Big Sister; Library Worker; Representative; Homeroom ASB Representative; Ticket Office League Worker; Homeroom Treasurer. Roll Checker; Golf Team; Future Nurses of America; Roll Checker.

Sampson, Marjorie Eleanor Science Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll, 8 times: News Staff, Mailing Manager, Exchange Editor; Feature Rowen, Cherry Adele Page Editor, Associate Editor: Red Home Economics Feathers; Vox Puellarum, Secretary; Spanish Secretary; Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Club, Future Nurses of America, Vice-President; Roll; Future Homemakers of America, Vice-President; Glee Club. Quill and Scroll, Fourth Executive, Secretary; A m o r e s Librorum; Doll Shop; Mothers' Tea Committee; Dad- Daughter Banquet Committee; Big Sister: ASB Representative; Red Cross Representative: League Representa- tive; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield; Library Worker; Nurse's Office Monitor. Ruark, June Arlene Commercial Sander, Willis Edward Graduated in 3'/3 years. Con Deputy: Science Hall Guard. Color Guard; B Squad Football, Track; Frosh Football, Track; Doll Shop: Melody Capers; Concert Band; March- ing Band; Special Band; Pep Band; Head Drum Major; ASB Honors Board; Homeroom President. 48 Sandin, Duane H. Scott, Robert James Mathematics Industrial Arts Transferred from Bemidji High School, Transferred from West Valley: Band. Minnesota.

Sayler, Earl K. Seed, Larry Joseph Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Frosh Baseball.

Schaeffer, Jeanette Joan Home Economics Serwold, Nancy Joann Homemak- League Honor Roll; Future Mathematics ers of America, President; Girls' Glee, Transferred from Olympia High. Red Secretary, Sergeant at Arms; Big Sis- Representative; After-School ter; Library Representative; News Cross Representative: Red Cross Representa- Sports. tive; After-School Sports; Library Worker; Gym Office Worker.

Shepherd, Mary Ann Schorzman, Mark H. Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Science Roll; Red Feathers: Color Girls; Math Cheerleader, Chairman; News Staff, Club, Treasurer; Latin Club: Mothers' Circulation Manager: Latin Club; Tal- Tea Committee; Doll Shop; Big Sister: ent Club; Doll Shop; All-School Play: Homeroom Secretary, Treasurer; Red ASB Needy Family Committee; Fed- Cross Representative; Tamarack Rep- eration Pep Committee; Con Deputy; resentative; League Representative; Warriors. News Representative; After-School Sports: All- Activity Shield; Library Worker: Con Deputy; Office Worker.

Sims, Bill P. Schudel, Ben Mathematics Industrial Arts Scholastic Honor Roll; Homeroom President; News Representative; Stage Crew, Manager.

Sleizer, Larry Lee Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; Tennis Team: Schultz, Ted Math Club, President; Spanish Club, President: Chess Club; Warriors; Pep Mathematics Band; Special Band; Concert Band; Homeroom Vice-President. Federation Committee Head; Honors Board: Student Finance Committee; ASB Representative; Federation Rep- resentative; Library Worker: Traffic Squad.

Smith, Betty Jean Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; Red Feathers: After-School Sports: All-Activity Big Sister; News 1; Shield: Hall Guard; Gym Office Hay Guard. Worker.

49 Smith, Sally Kay Smith, Donald Earl Social Studies Mathematics Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; News staff. Girls' Sports Editor; Scholastic Honor Roll; Varsity Basket- Red Feathers, Secretary; Spanish Club; ball Manager; Varsity Baseball; B Doll Shop; Girls' Glee; Big Sister; Squad Basketball, B Squad Baseball; League Representative; News Repre- Concert Band; Pep Band ; Marching sentative; Tennis Team, Co-Caj>tain; Band; Special Band; Homeroom Presi- After-School Sports; All-Activity dent: Auto Shop Quartet. Shield, 3 stars; Gym Office Worker, Point Chairman.

Solseng, Connie Kay Commercial League Honor Roll; Songleader; Doll Smith, Edwin Marvin Shop; Operetta; Melody Capers: Choir, Industrial Arts Historian-Reporter; Glee Club; ASB Stage Crew. Election Committee; Big Sister; Home- room Roll Checker; Red Cross Repre- sentative; League Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield; Library Worker; Gym Office Worker; Ice Skating, Co-Chairman.

Smith, Eileen Phyllis Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Somerville, Dallas B. Roll; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Thes- pians, Secretary; Math Club, Secretary; Mathematics Amores Librorum. Secretary, Vice- Scholastic Honor Roll; Frosh Basket- President; Spanish Club; Doll Shop; ball; Federation Representative; Golf; Big Sister; ASB Representative: After- Tennis. School Sports; League Representative; All-Activity Shield: Library Worker; All-School Plays; Chairman, Totem In.

Sonderen, Clara Marie Art Smith, Gary Donald Transferred from Central Valley. Scho- lastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; Industrial Arts News Staff. Girls' Sports Editor; Red Feathers; Art Club; Commercial Club; Varsity Football, Track ; B Squad Baseball: Warriors; Federation Repre- League Committee; Library Repre- sentative. sentative; Football Princess Attendant; Intramural Sports; Tennis Team; All- Activity Shield; Hall Guard; Gym Of- fice Worker.

Smith, Gary R. Spedden, William R. Art Social Studies B Squad Football, Track; Varsity Bas- Transferred from Rogers. ASB Repre- ketball Manager; Choir; Spring Con- sentative; Scholastic Honor Roll; certs; Winter Music Festivals; Christ- Marching Band; Concert Band; Library mas Concert. Representative; Federation Representa- tive.

Stan, Ron Paul Smith, Gerald Science Social Studies Scholastic Honor Roll; Frosh Track; Latin Club. President. Fifth Executive; Math Club; New Boys' Committee.

Smith, LaVern Vergil Starr, J. L Mathematics Mathematics Transferred fromCoeur d'Alene, Idaho. Transferred from Texas. B Squad Bas- Varsity Football. ketball; Homeroom Vice-President.

50 Steele, Norma Jean Swenson, Harold Commercial Social Studies Choir, Robe Monitor: Doll Shop; Glee Concert Band: Club: Melody Capers: Christmas Con- Scholastic Honor Roll; Special Marching Band: News cert; Spring Festival; Winter Music Band; Representative; Cross-Country; Tennis Festival; Tepee Lighters: Big Sister: After-School Basketball: Study Hall Roll Checker; Tennis Monitor.

Steen, Evelien Florence Science Tatum, Robert L Transferred from Northwest Christian. Industrial Arts Library Representative; After-School Transferred from Florida. Sports: League Style Show; Homeroom President, Vice-President.

Stephenson, Kathryn Louise Taylor, Shirley Ann Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Social Studies Roll 6 times; News Advertising Staff; Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Junior Senator; Red Feathers; Color - 1 Roll 6 times; Red Feathers; Color Girls; Commercial Club, Secretary; Girls; Amores Librorum; Doll Shop: Spanish Club, Secretary; Vox Puel- Winter Music Festival; League Voca- larum. Historian; Doll Shop; Melody tional Con Committee; Big Sister; Capers; Big Sister; Homeroom Presi- League Representative; News Repre- dent, Vice-President, Secretary. Treas- sentative; Golf Team; After-School urer, Sergeant at Arms; ASB Repre- Sports; All-Activity Shield. sentative; League Representative; News Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield: Library Worker.

Thamm, John

Stewart, Bill Art Scholastic Honor Roll; Sports-for-AU: Mathematics Hall Guard; Federation Representative. Frosh Football; Marching Band; Con- cert Band; Special Band.

Sullivan, Janet Martha Thomas, Ruth Marie Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Home Economics Roll 7 times; News Representative; League Honor Roll 2 times; Tamarack Color Girls; Doll Shop; Big Sister; Red Staff; Future Nurses of America; Glee Cross Representative; Homeroom Sec- Club; Melody Capers; Big Sister; News retary, Treasurer; After-School Sports; Representative; Library Worker. All-Activity Shield; Library Worker; League Office Worker; ASB Refresh- ment Counter, Manager.

Sutherland, LaVerle Ann Thompson, Gloria May Home Economics Home Economics

1 Graduated in 3 -j years. League Honor Transferred from Central Valley High Roll; Big Sister; Red Cross Representa- School. tive; League Representative; Library Worker; Hall Guard. f

Throm, Donald Kenneth Sutherlin, LeRoy Edward Mathematics Science Transferred from Central Valley. Varsity Basketball; B Squad Basket- Scholastic Honor Roll; Homeroom ball, Football; Frosh Football. Basket- President; Marching Band: Concert ball, Baseball; Homeroom Vice-Presi- Band: Special Band. dent.

51 Twombly, Janice Louise Commercial Tobin, Jean Transferred from Cheney. Washington. Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll: Red Feathers; Y-Teens President; Roll S times; Big Sister; Homeroom Future Nurses of America; 3 C's; Doll Vice-President; After-School Sports; Shop; League Dance Committee; Big Library Worker; Hall Guard. Sister; Homeroom Roll Checker; Hall Guard: After-School Sports; Library Worker: Study Hall Roll Checker; Dramatics Production Staff.

Tollefsen, Agnes Commercial Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll 7 times; Student Court, Secretary; Tyler, Nona Jay Songleader; Color Girls; Aquettes, Treasurer; Vox Puellarum; Doll Shop; Commercial Winter Festival; Honors Board Com- Transferred from Central Valley. ASB mittee; League Representative; After- Representative. School Sports; All-Activity Shield: Gym Office Worker: Library Repre- sentative; ASB Representative; Senior Class Secretary; Homeroom Secretary.

Tollefson, Joanne Tyler, Sara Jane Commercial Home Economics Roll; Sister; Home- League Honor Big Transferred from Central Valley. room President; News Representative; League Representative. Basketball: Hall Guard.

Torgerson, Roger Stuart Mathematics Boys' State; Federation President; 3 C's; Math Club; Doll Shop: Marching Band, Drum Major: Concert Band; Urdahl, Bob Special Band; Pep Band, Manager; Or- Science chestra; Junior Symphony: Finance Committee; Election Committee; Con Transferred from Froid, Montana. Scheduling Committee, Chairman; Stu- Varsity Football; News Representative. dent Court, Prosecuting Attorney; Con Deputy; Honors Board; Library Rep- resentative; Tamarack Representative; League Representative.

Tregellas, Ralph Edward Valiant, Robert LeRoy Industrial Arts Science Transferred from Lewis Hall Guard. and Clark. Federation Representative.

9 Van Derhoef, Joan Lee Commercial Trost, Paul Richard League Honor Roll; Red Feathers; Doll Shop: Commercial Club, President, Industrial Arts Sergeant at Arms; Melody Capers; Ski Club; Frosh Football. ASB Election Commission; Cotton Day Committee; Style Show Committee; Big Sister; Homeroom President; Ten- nis Team: League Representative; All- Activity Shield; After-School Sports.

Turk, Thomas Warren Science Varnum, Carol Lee Scholastic Honor Roll; Orchestra; Op- Home Economics eretta Orchestra; Melody Capers Or- Big Sister; Aquettes; News Repre- chestra; Band Officer; Marching Band: sentative; After-School Sports; Roll Concert Band; Special Band: All-State Checker. Band; Homeroom President: Tamarack Representative; Hall Guard.

52 Walker, Lee Hollis Mathematics Viehouser, Janice Faye Scholastic Honor Roll; ASB President. Commercial Fifth Executive; Federation President; Senior Senator; Boys' State Delegate; Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Varsity Basketball; B Squad Basket- Roll 2 times; Homeroom President; Li- ball, Track; Frosh Basketball, Baseball, brary Representative; Big Sister. Track; Spanish Club, Treasurer; Con- cert Band; Marching Band; Homeroom President: ASB Honors Board: News Representative.

Vietzke, Joyce Marlene Walker, Phil Wesley Commercial Graduated in 3V4 years. Scholastic Mathematics Honor Roll; League Honor Roll; Red Scholastic Honor Roll; ASB Treasurer; Feathers; Color Cirls; Talent Club; Big Federation Clerk; Varsity Basketball, Sister; Doll Shop; League Style Show; Track, Cross-Country; B Squad Bas- League Representative; After-School ketball, Baseball: Math Club: Concert Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Li- Band; ASB Honors Board; Red Cross brary Worker; Roll Checker. Representative.

Wallick, Janice Lamonde Vietzke, Ronald Paul Commercial League Honor Roll 6 times; Scholastic Industrial Arts Honor Roll: Color Girls; Big Sister; News Representative; Red Cross Rep- Homeroom President; Library Repre- resentative; Library Representative. sentative; Hall Guard: Ticket Office Worker; After-School 'Sports. Voshell, Bobbie Jeanne Commercial Transferred from Lewis and Clark. League Honor Roll 4 times: Aquettes; Latin Club; Doll Shop; Big Sister; ASB Representative; League Representa- Walters, Gary Norman tive; After-School Sports; Ticket Of- fice Worker. Social Studies Transferred from Port Townsend High School. Varsity Football; B Squad Baseball: Intramural Basketball.

Waiting, Bob Industrial Arts Track; Football Manager; Band. Waltz, John Art Walker, Dennie B. Science Rifle Club.

Wash, Evahmarie Commercial League Honor Roll 1 time: 3 C's: Big :er.

Walden, Richard John Science Science Club; Choir; Homeroom Presi- dent, Vice-President; Library Worker; ASB Representative; Federation Rep- Webb, Ray resentative; Grounds Squad. Industrial Arts Williams, Bonnie Weilekes, Ray Commercial Industrial Arts League Honor Roll; Debate: Future Vice-President; Transferred from Missouri. Teachers of America, Girls' Glee; Big Sister: Homeroom Roll Checker; Library Worker; Hall Guard.

Wilson, Erna Jean West, Vianne Lee Home Economics League Honor Roll 5 times; Debate: Home Economics Red Feathers; Color Girls; Future Transferred from Rogers. Art Club; Teachers of America; Doll Shop; Big League Honor Roll: Red Feathers; Sister: ASB Representative: Tamarack Thespians; All-School Play; League Representative: Library Representa- Pep Con Committee; Homeroom Vice- tive; League Representative; News President; League Representative. Representative; After-School Sports; All-Activity Shield, 1 star; Ticket Of- fice Worker.

Wilson, Sharon Commercial Thespians: All-School Plays.

Whitaker, Pamela Edith Wing, Naomi Home Economics Commercial Transferred from Lima, Ohio. Scholas- League Honor Roll 2 times; Doll Shop; tic Honor Roll; Red Feathers; Oper- Big Sister; News Representative; Ten- etta; Winter Music Festival; Big Sister; nis Team; Golf Team; All-Activity Library Representative; After-School Shield; Ticket Office Worker; Gym Sports; Nurse's Worker. Office Worker; Homeroom Roll Checker.

Wiggins, Sally Ann Winton, Martha Frances Social Studies Com menial League Honor Roll; Color Girls: Doll Transferred from Holy Names. League Shop; Melody Capers; Big Sister; Li- Honor Roll 1 time; Tau Chi Talent brary Representative; Homeroom Pres- Club; Doll Shop: Big Sister; League ident, Secretary, Vice-President; After- Representative; Red Cross Representa- School Sports; Roll Checker. tive: After-School Sports; Homeroom Roll Checker.

Wilcox, Beverly Wolford, Sally Commercial Commercial Graduated in 3V2 years. C'.lor Girls; Big Sister; Gym Monitor: Tamarack Representative. Big Sister; Homeroom President, Vice- President, Treasurer.

Wiley, Karen Lea

Science Womack, Ruthie Jean Scholastic Honor Roll: League Honor Roll 5 times; 3 C's; Future Nurses of Art America; ASB Concessions: League Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Mothers' Tea Committee; Big Sister; Roll: 3 C's, Fifth Executive, Treasurer; Red Cross Representative; After-School Big Sister; Homeroom Vice-President, Sports; Teachers' Lounge Committee; Roll Checker. Hall Guard; Library Worker; Library Representative; Ticket Office Worker.

54 Woodard, Jodine Yarbrough, Eleanor Commercial Commercial Transferred from Central Valley. Scho- Doll Shop; Big Sister; Homeroom Pres- lastic Honor Roll; Honor Roll ident; Library Representative: League League 2 times: Math Club; Big Sister; Tama- Representative; After-School Sports; rack Representative; Repre- Gym Monitor; Bookroom Monitor. News sentative; Hall Guard.

Worley, Virginia Marie Yarbrough, Kay Arden Science Art Scholastic Honor Roll; League Honor Transferred from Central Valley. Scho- Roll 2 times; Aquettes; Red Feathers; lastic Honor Roll; League Honor Roll Color Girls: Doll Shop; Red Cross Rep- 2 times; Tamarack Staff, Art Editor: resentative; League Representative; Art Club; ASB Nominating Commit- News Representative; After-School tee; ASB Dance Committee; Big Sis- Sports; All-Activity Shield. ter: After-School Sports; Hall Guard.

Wright, Patricia Darlene Young, Robert Edward Home Economics Industrial Arts Transferred from Marycliff. Big Sister; Red Feathers: After-School Sports; B Squad Tennis; Frosh Football, Hall Guard. Tennis.

Wurth, Thomas Zickler, William Andrew Social Studies Mathematics Varsity Football, Manager; B Squad, Basketball; Club: Home- Frosh, Manager; Concert Band; March- Frosh Math Vice-President. ing Band. room President,

Zumoto, Dorothy Science Wyatt, Janet Elaine Transferred from Havre High School. Commercial League Honor Roll 3 times: News Staff, Nurses of Doll Shop; Melody Capers; Red Feath- Mailing Manager; Future Treasurer; Home- ers; Three Fives; Color Girls: Library America, Future of Treasurer, Presi- Representative; Big Sister; Red Cross makers America, Science Representative; Tennis Team; After- dent of City Council; 3 C's; Representa- School Sports; All- Activity Shield; Office Worker; Tamarack Vice- Gym Office Monitor. Club; Big Sister; Homeroom

' Preside'' . News Representative; Tamarack Representative; Gym Office Worker.

Seniors Not Pictured in the Tamarack:

Bonnie Stills Delbert Rundle

Beverly Jean Lewis Gary Ostheller

55 Seniors Fred Sharp, Diane Burdick and Don Throm look at samples of senior cards and announce- ments in the Vox Puellarum Trophy case. Members of the class choose type and style early in the year.

56 SENIOR COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRMEN — Seated: Diane Burdick, Fat Barney, Kay Bruosehoff, Betty Jean Rohrer, Barbara Cowden. Standing: Mike Praetorius. Georgia Howard. Jerry Fenton, Pat Nordby, Joyce Anderson, John Fuller. Not pictured: Bill Nickell.


Rurdick,* Diane Jerry Fenton,* Lee Ann Koch, Joyce Anderson,* Georgia Howard,* Nancy Bat- Karen Wiley, Francine Jackson, Barbara Miller, tan, Dick Green, Joan VanDerhoef, Bobbie Clara Sonderen, Ann Fackenthall. Voshell, Roy Carriker, Kay Yarbrough, Carolyn Cotterel, Carolyn Joyner.

SENIOR PICNIC SENIOR PROM Betty Jean Rohrer* Bill Nickell ,* Judy Flynn, Connie Solseng, Judy Acree, Larry Sleizer, Mike Praetorius,* Barbara Cowden,* Dolores Rill Zickler. Craig, Darlene Gerkensmeyer, Deanna Jenkin- son, Bob Muzzy, Linda Quist, Barbara Berry, SENIOR BREAKFAST Carolyn Guffin, Kathy Stephenson.

Kay Bruesehoff* John Fuller,* Annette Ham- mond, Mary Shepherd, Margie Sampson, San- SENIOR HOMEROOM TEACHERS dra Larsen, Janet Dalzell, Sonya Bowker.

Mrs. Helen I. Beaver, Mr. Don Bonamy, Mr. Lowell C. Bradford, Miss Marjorie Collard, Mr. SENIOR CARDS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS William Diedrick, Mr. Burrill Exley, Mr. Blair Glover, Mr. Kennetb Hagen, Mr. Ernest Hix, Pat Nordby,* Fat Barney,* Donna Felio, Carole Mrs. Joan Kopf, Mrs. Mabel McLaughlin, Miss Lipscomb, Jean Barnes, Evelien Steen, Sharol Christine McRae, Mr. Kenneth Mhyre, Mr. Al- Cannon, Naomi Wing, Carol Dunlap, Don vin Olson, Miss Margaret Rawlings. Mr. Dale Throm, Margaret Jennings, Elaine Plastino, Spurgeon, Miss Francis Theis, Mr. Orval Thei- Prudy Potter, Backman, Nedra Ellis, Jim Hugh sen, Miss Wilhelmine Timm. Barnhill, Diane Olsness, Sally Smith, Elaine

Hieber, Gary Walters. • Co-chairmen


Students leave homerooms for first-period classes.

Front row: SWrtey Gustafson, Doris Griffith, Virginia Brandenburg, Veva I ml/Alir MR. ANDERSON 418 J Barnes, Caryl Teegarden, Barbara Johnson, \Jlf 1 1 Of S Joan Hively, Bobbie Allison, Janice Perry. Second row: Jim Esmieu, Jack Woodbury, Dick Young, Deanna Koerner, Joan Schweitzer, Virginia Lyng, Roberta Johnson, Gary Wolff, Mr. Anderson. Back row: Chuck Wilkes, Dick Davis, Chuck Moe, Ray Buckholz, Cliff Snow, Buck Foster, George Hicks, Ralph Burlock, Denny Peterson, Bob Adams.

MR. BENNETT 409 Front row: Earlene Quails, Karolyn Unger, Merlee Conrath, Joyce Richter, Kenneth Ide, Anita Zehm, Georgia Hill, Mary Manuth, Frances Ellsworth. Second row: Neil Hoitink, Joe Cyr, Willean Pledger, Charlene Brockel, Marilyn McLaughlin, Marjorie Laue, Sanford Conser, Tom Allen, Tony Caputo, Mr. Bennett. Back row: Douglas Hammer, Jerry Tucker, Jerry Oien. Alan Crisp, James Wallace, Bill Overholser, Gary Payne, Frank Stolp, Tim Nielsen.

60 MISS BOEHME 41 3 Front row: Diane Haugan, Doris Brandt, Martha Lindemann. Betsy Jones, Lois Worthington, Rose Marie Head, Sally Braun. Second row: Bob Burns, Ken Berger, Cliff Denny, Connie Kern, Adele Fothergill, Diane Sharp, Kathy Moran, Darleen Cunningham, Miss Boehme. Back row: Terry Folker. K?ith Keller, Lyle Liptac. Dee Bowker. Philip Keene, Jonnie Ablutz, Del Wood. Don Welch, Bob Bostrom.

Front row: James Johnson, Robert Nordlund. Fred Keen. Newton Skaife. Ray Jeffries, James Bordwell, MR BROADWELL I Robert Knox. Second row: Dennis Koerner. Ken White. Gary Henslee, Bill Wayland, Larry Anderson, Mike Kabush, Gary Reynolds, Mr. Broadwell. Back row: Dan McCadam, Mike McVay, Robert Thomas, Harold Richardson, Robert Drischel. Robert Dickcson, John Regis, Brad Fanning, Joe Mayer.

61 MRS CHANDLER 317 Front row: Anna Pariso, Corrine Walsh, Arlene Pratt, Judy Workman, Lorraine LaPlerre. Cleo Smith, Elaine Dahl. Wilma Uhden. Second row: Frank Dieni. Janet Elliott, Darlene Foreman, David Rainbolt, Gary Schlueter, Fern Lovejoy, Diane Wilson. Bonnie Bright, Mrs. Chandler. Back row: June Hanford, Mike McCollum, Harold Bridgens, Dennis Martin, Perk Randall, Herb Munro. Robert Bowles, Biff Johnson, Ted Westfall, Lloyd Johhson, Lester Wielmann.

MISS CLEVELAND 305 Front row: DiAnneWittstruck.Geraldine Smith. Velda Heine, Mary Adams, Marilyn Schumacher, Joy Decker, Dorothy Maloof. Second rcw: Ron Bartlett. Marnie Meusy. Marilyn Larson. Gary Dutton, Norman Fish, Dave Robnett, Pat Green, Pauline Shelly, Miss Cleveland. Back row: Darrel Gustafson, Daisy Henry. Mel Hamilton, Don Tyler, Paul Quam, By Warinnjr, Bob Dressel, Cliff Jenkinson, Beverly Thompson, Eric Anderson.

MRS. CONGDON 321 Front row: Dorothy Breeden, Beverly Maybee. Verna Lamson. Duane Becker, Louise Meyers. Vicki Beehler, LaDonna Huston, Dixie Johnson. Scond row: Dick Daschback, Floyd Rudnick, Suzanne Frank, Ruth Cooprider. Claudia Field. DeAnne Dunn, Virginia Fuller. Beverly Schuster, Jerry Ledbetter, Mrs. Congdon. Back row: Richard McDonald, Doug McPhee. Bob Allen, Jon Peterson, Roger Maine, Russell Coykendall, Bob Collins, Dick Martin, David Gullidge, Frank Nelson.

62 MISS DIXON — OLD GYM Front row: Darlene Cngtall, Beverly Casselman, Hazel Hall. Lorraine Badt. Evelyn Beldin. Phyllis Gran, Joan Allen. Second row: Marcia Juillerat. Bev Lang, Carole Fromm, Jan Klein, Sally Barnum, Janice Hewitt, Fay Gay. Marcia Looft, Miss Dixon. Back row: Carole Fisher, Jeanne Gilbert, Georgia Bryant, Bon- nie Jackson, Karen Brown, Barbara Camyn, Marilyn Bergman, Frances Castle, Marilyn Blough.

Front row: MR. JONES — 209 Donna Braaten, Patricia Parkison, Sandr.'a Mielke. Sylvia Aschenbrener, Claudia LaPoint, Marilee Greear, Judith Fiskness, Gail Flynn. Second row: William Gariepy, Leonard Hughes Jo Ann Hig- gins, Barbara Ulyndham. Janet Watson, Alice Marie McKenzie, Judith Anderson, Gary Janson, Richard Sandall Mr' Jones Back row: David Loree, Terry Snedden. Roger Brown, Arnold Baltzley, Ned Olsen. Robert Beaudette. Ed Hatcher, Robert Doyle. Ronald Meyer, Royce Gorseth, William Slentz.

MISS LAUER 208 Front row: Claudia Bunge. Margie Ewy. Sally Mills, Diane Foncannon. Diane Buell. Dolores Jesmore, Elea- nor Bro Miss Lauer- - Second row: Michael Sety. Bob Caruso, Betty Jean Lee, Sheila Hanson, Linda Elden- hiourg.r» Alicea i uecKer,r> u r> Deanna Oveson, Charlotte Allen. Back row: John McNee. Robert Kelly, Gene Moore, Pat Mullen. Mike Mlkoski Alvtn DeVore. Charles Martin, Mark Fallon.

63 MR LUDERS 314 Fr ° nt row: Ethel Grant, Lola Nichols. Donald Lewison. Margaret Montour. Sandra Weddlc. Janice Gard- ner. Second row: Carol Noble. Marcia Gross, Sandra Botman. Joan Fox, Elaine Lamb, Lois Smith. Clau- dia Miner. Orville Kirkevold. Mr. Luders. Back row: Gary Stevig, Richard Ralston, Larry Gilbert, Jack Kippen, David Bohart, Alfred Braaten, Eddie Roland, Jerry Strand, Tom VanderWal, Gerald Thompson.

MR MALTERNER 213 Front r °w: Dolly Wolfe, Carol Beam, Erma Lee, Shirley Mullowney, Beverly Forbes, Gail Morgan, Sharon Smyth, LaVonne Peterson, Berlene Davis. Second row: Howard Rowley, Rocky Jordan, Richard Lovejoy, Gary Gillespie, Gordon Nelson, Mike McBride, Phil Rhea, Mr. Malterner. Back row: Darrell Dickey, Laurie Ness. Mike Edmunds, Roland Stahl, Pat West, Jim Lammers, Bob Clark, Roger Warren, Roger Lincoln.

20 Front row: Connie Sutcliffe, Sharon Lewis, Olga Meloslavin, Patsy Rockwell, Alvon Hendricks, Mr. Man- MR MANFRED I * fred. Second row: Stan Morse. Richard Edwards, Shirley Ewy, Marilynn Clark, Pate Quist, Kathleen Ruby, Harry Harbor, John Duncan. Back row: Vern Higbee, Bill Baker, Jim Nickham, Curtis Pearson, Bob Nebergall, Franklin Vawter. George Dupree, James Porter, Edward Holm.

64 Haugan, Joan Front row: Sallv Ramsey. Deanna Monaghan, Janice Bennett. Margaret Hamby. Joyce MD MM I CD ??A IVtK. miLLCH LL1 Breckenridge. Mary Lou Nordby. Lynne Palkman, Janice Bwd] Tom Gallagher . Second row: Howard Madison, Fred Strang. Dick Hancock, Sandra Freeland. Cherre VanAmburgh. Pat Ferguson, Mr. Miller. Back row: Ed Loski, Roy Webster, Richard Lowery. Don Nolan. Tom Montgomery, Bill Burris, Charles Stewart, Tim Rodgers.

McGhan. Gloria Schlenker. OLD GYM Front row: Dee McKinlay, Sharon Syler. Dianna Williams. Deanna MISS PINKHAM — Second row: Carole Page. Jerene Vincent. Marilu Miller, Marilyn Mingo, Gayle Smith, Carol Switzer, Clara Peavy, Anne Fein, Schroeder, Sally Stewart, Marilyn Stauffer. Back row: Anita Sonderen. Betty Quist. Mary Jo Sandra Strand, Gayle Phelps, Miss Pinkham.

Alberta Saunders, Beverly Howlett. Darlene Pankey. Arlene West, Eileen MR. RANDALL — 301 Front row: Barbara Welch, West, Mr. Randall. Second row: Don McCammond. Colleen Burke, Marietta Bundy, Evelyn Maxwell, Vandervert, Mae Urban. Virginia Barnes, Marsha Boam, Larry Hansey, Guy Granger, Steve Provant. Back row: Larry Steorts, Don Large, Ashley. John McDonald, Albert Miller, Pat Kelly, Harold Cave, Robert Jackson, Tom Denholm, Bob Phipps, Bob Bob 65 n «

Front row: K a th 'een Baumgart, MRS. REED — 215 Carol Thompson, Beverly Gormley. Drena Berthiume, Judy Nicholson Billie VanAmburgh, Carol Burk. Second row: Charles Botchek, i . _ . _ George Nikotich. Barbara Walker. Jeniene Poutre, Laura Lee Kepke, Barbara Weishaar. Betty Bridgham, Alice Kejb, Linda Buchan. Mrs. Reed. Back row: Jim Gulliford, Donley Thue Bob Lancaster, ." ' Joe Miller, Ed Todd, Bill Waldby. Bob Johnson, Jim Caudill, Allen Hall, Doug Hohenstein. Tj

MR. SMITH — 408 Front row: Janice Clayton. Carol Ann Tabott, Carol Thompson, Kathy Corrin, Shirley Reiser, Darlene Jack- man. Judie Merica, Carl Toombs, Mr. Smith. Second row: Diane Finlay, Joanne Basquette, John Tallent Lynne Doty, Caryl Heth, LaVerne Belshaw. Loretta Benner, Janice Mellgren, Lynn Riggins, Sharon Isaksen. Back row: Dennis Kyle' Vernon Hayne, James Dearing, Ron Weatherwax, Dan Pederson, Keith Clarno, Gerald Bundy, Edwin Crouse, Jim Whittier, Dale Griffith, Kenneth King.

MRS. STOCKDALE 203 Front row: Ph y' is Tatum, Diana Babb. Shirley Cerenzia, Shirley Christiansen. Valerie Johnson, Janna Merica, Linda Anderson, Geraldine Heier. Second row: Wayne Reichert, Karol Woodbury Jo Ann Hickman, Carol Hurt, Pat Bushnell, Joan Fothergill, Margaret Finlay, Mrs. Stockdale. Back row Dave DeFoe, Bill Burgess, Merlyn Hoover, Larry Swartz, Wayne Lisenbee, John Keegan, Gordon Wilcox, Dick Alberts, Jim Gilbertson.

66 4

MR. THEODORSON— Front row: Richard Nelso Fred Slentz, Paul Watt, Mike Tye, Bill Kroske, Phil Magnuson, Robert VanLeuven, Robert Belair. Second row: LeRoy Sundberg, Fred Rowley, Fred Plastino, Bill Nessler, Joe Marchioro, Mike Mattie, Don Childs, Clayton Ladwig, Mr. Theodorson. Back row: Fred Sharp, Gary Howard, James Bock- struck, Jerry Hollman, Bill Thomas. Andrew Wright. Robert Bean, Lowell Canterbury, Richard Courteau.

kAD TORIF 4|0 Front row: Jackie Humes, Donna Steelman. Carolyn Girdnei, Janice Carlsen. Carol Keller, Audrey Fairfax, Sharon Neuman. Second row: Bob Fulks, Dean Brockmier, Tom Rater. Marilyn Brewster. Barbara S*ridan, Sharcn Hunt. Donna McKinnon, Shari Ann Pliant, Ann Lloyd, Glenna Mullenix, Mr. Tobie. Back row: John Bowen, Wayne Bigham, Bing Johnson. Dennis Hallgarth, Lloyd Pliant, Bob Biel, Ronald Dishno, Hugh Charest. Jerry Miller, Ralph West, Scott Trent.

Bailie. Karen Mabee, Jan- MISS ALLISON — 303 Front row: Pattie French. Barbara ice Aaseby. Lela Johnson, Arlene Noel. Patience Roberts. Sophomores Second row: Art Baltzley. Mary Elden, Joan Morigeau, Lois Barckert, David Shepherd, Dan Garner. Sheila Randall, Tom Paddock, Miss Allison. Back row: Ken Clark. Chuck Turbak. David Acree. Dick Squibb, Zaida Sly, Bob Kienbaum, Ray Mosling, Johnny Raymond, Mike Hammond, Bill Hansen.

67 MR. BALDWIN 308 Front row: John Freeman, Charlene Ogle, Deanna Horn, Nikki Selivanoff, Dorene Hagen, Marilee Syler, Donna Moore, Kent Caudill. Second row: Craig Ladwig, Ray Mason, Marilyn Freeman, Maxine Bower- man, Pat Todd, Sharon Kinder, Connie Brown, Gary Eacho, Earl Simning. Back row: Glen Bradley, Richard Blair, Gerald Jacobsen, Ray Magney, Duane Toombs, George Murphy, Robert Rauch, Mr. Baldwin.

MR. BARNARD 221 Fr°nt row: Janice Tabatt. Karen Randall. Diana Esmieu, Marian Mateer. Gloria Todd, Carol Bowen. C. B. Porter. Second row: Lanny Anderson, Bob Dickey. Carol Gutenberg, Marie Powell, Judy Seymour, Gordon Smith, Donald Biesen, Mr. Barnard. Back row: Wayne Wilson, Robert Parks, Ken Wiedmer, Dennis Kane, Charles Tyler, Gilbert Lowery.

MR. CHANDLER 406 Front row: Russell Bishop. Dennis Beals, Bannie Jean Hoseth. Patty Greear, Sherry Campbell, Judy Oty, Dan Stansbury, Floyd Amsden, Mr. Chandler. Second row: Linda Snyder, Claudette Kuch, Judy Abernathy, Carol Jean Ellis, Clarice Anderson. Elaine Hingston, Gay Anna Gutshall. Linda O'Flynn, Irene Sherwood, Larry McRae, Mike Rypczynski. Back row: Earl Moe, Roger Clausen, Lester Slinkard. Phillip Lorenzen, Larry Hawkins, Bob Shugert, Marvin Novak, Paul Elder, Fred Herrlinger.

68 Howard, Nancy Dauber, MR. DANIELSON — 206 Front row: Viola West, Carolyn Lee, Liz Hassell, Phyllis Stalick, Margaret Lorelei Lang, Carol Edge, Marlene Knight. Second row: Bob Wells, Gene Davis, Shirley Moore, Kathy Howard, Barbara Lussier, Janice O'Conner, Linda Russell, Mary Stevens. Mike Craggett, Ron LaLonde. Back row: Clark Patrick, Ron Turner, Arthur Dunsworth, Gerry Mehlert, Harold Tobeck, Roger Pence, Roger Bass, Larry Merriman, Mr. Danlelson.

Front row: Judy Applonie, Cherilyn Darroch, Lynn Kimberling, Glenys Bowles, Alma Coder, Joayne Oliveri, rvm.MR UMYIODAVI^ LLU990 . Jones, Laura Severn, Marilyn Hundeby, Nanc> Mix Dor i s Fry, Mr. Davis. Second row: Bob Clark. Kenneth Jim Higgins, Janine Gratton, Mary Lindquist, Janice Botts, Larry Vandervert. Back row: Gary Richwine, Kay Anderson, Allan Goetz, Jerry Skogstad. Jack Lindberg. Duff McKee, Steve Sipe, Barry Solem. Gene McMurtrey, Jerry Lobe, Norman Jones. mm

Peterson. Don Boss. Caryl Jackson, Pat MRS. DUN PHY — 316 ^»nt row: Air •llberg, Beverly Tayloe. Joy Schultz. Diane Harris, Janet Brandt, Julie Mickey. Second row: Diane Smith, Bob Leonard, Gwendolyn Hallln, Audrey Thompson, Butts, Gene Erickson, Glenda Gillespie. Judy Barratt, Georgia Horley, Marshall Reynolds. Back row: James Tierney. Phil Anderberg, Fred Mielke. Dennis Collins, Jack Holmes, Raymond Powis, Robert Moore, George Grier, Lance Higgins, Gary

69 MRS. GALE 319 Front row: Kelly Hill, Huberta Kinny, Beverly Mathis, Charlene Renfro, Ann Fernalld, Peg Greenfield, Martha Russell, Dick Throm, Second row: John Bales, Pete Praetorius, David Clark, Iryll Holm, Sandra Sprecker, Rosie Bonnell, Karen Badley, Delia Smith, Ryan Montgomery, Mrs. Gale. Back row: Gerald Swain, Larry Helgoe, George Adams, James McKay, Gary Tewinkel, Kirk Barrow, Farrll Romig, Robert Egger, Douglas Goodrich, Ed Rathbone.

MR. GRAHAM 2 Front row: Sandra Ross, Barbara Applegate, Marcia Neumann, Doreen Camyn, Judy Seden, Nadine Luthy, Judy Plein. Second row: Kay Thompson, Virginia Gomness, Ronald Tipke, Bob Clemenson, Dennis McCoy, Johnny Wright, Lorraine Rothrock, Joyce Rouse, Mr. Graham. Back row: Glen Harbison, Pat Kelley, Pat Coble, Thornton Smith, Gary Smith, Bill Bruce. John Galardi, Bill Tallent, Lonny Ellsworth, Raymond Mayther.

MR GRISWOLD 317 Front rovw: Janice Mast, Judy Stempel, Margie Robinson, Elaine Scott, Sandra Glidden, Doris Smith, Marie Peterson, Muriel Bliss. Second row: Blake Johnson, Beverly Donley, Joanne Olson, Marjorie Stockton, Marilyn Daly, Betsy Noonan, Ruth Bass, Lionel Greenwood. Mr. Griswold. Back row: Don Cox, Frank Flambouras, Harold Thorsen, Ron Smith, Gerhart Harke, Larry Kingen, Dennis Magner, Edward Heinz, James Price, Arthur Plath, Jim Campbell, Norman Harding.

70 7

Front row: Philip Oliver, Larry Christensen. Patricia Davis. Alice Ann Allen, Leila Hacking, Joanne mi\.MR nwumcjHOLMES 41219 Thomas. Myrna Paulson. Carol Mullenix, Mae Raudebaugh, Carol Gates. Second row: Dick Costello. Jacky Gerl, Janice Bixby, Karen Rickett, Kay Kelley, Judy Mead. Donna Ochsner, Dolores Easter, Mr. Holmes. Back row: Jerome Keller, Billy Graf, John Graham, Donald Middaugh, Robert Bjornstad, Garv Brower, David Karn, John Reynolds, Mike McKinney.

uirc 3 Front row: Nancy Selivanoff, Joann Dalton, Leone Gross, Pat Everett, Charlene Slosser, Janet Murken, Mrk'FNIN A I I rvilOO mci^CININ/^ I 13 Richette. Bob McKinney, Judith Beverly Aronson . second row: Barbara Bennett. Karen Clark. Dave Rielly, Irene Bussard. Paul Feak, Gordon Upham, Keith Miller. Back row: Dean Benson, Daryl Bredeson, Jerry Strain, Michael McCoy, Frank Harrison. Gary Hewitt. Marvin Franz, Harold Lyons. Paul Brophy, Johnny Johnson.

Carol Briscoe, Jean Thuejon, Dorothy Rudisile. Gail Gray. Barbara Cox, Flo- lip k/l_MC\A/ A? I Front row: Nancv Johnson, mn. mcMCYY It I rence shanstrom Jackie Brooks. Second row. Jean Min^r, Nancy Roberts, John Schnettler. Darrell Bowen. Tokarz, Dale Al- Rod Miles, George Solandros, Wes Tschirgi, Reign Hoff, Dave Green, Judy Davis, Joelle Lyons. Back row: Frank bright. Gary Nelson, Dale Mickus, Scott Daisley, Tom Hill. Don Kolb, Joe Paulson. Brody Conklin, Mr. McNew.

71 MISS NEUMAN 216 Front row: Dolores Shaw, Georgia Mack. Heather Richardson, Delavena Duty, Jeannie Walters, Phyllis Fix, Donna Lindstrom, Doug Campbell, Frank Pasco. Second row: John Scher, Geraldine Welch, Dorothy Engeldinger. Julie Womach, Lois Morlan. Ronald Barber. Joyce Hegna. Jack Abde. Miss Neuman. Back row: Bill Wilson, David King, Wayne Johnson, Ken Williams, Edmund Evans. Ted Jahn. David Thompson, Jim Franz, Lester Hair, Robert Smith.

MR. NYGAARD 222 Fr° n t row: Judy George, Sharon Wing, Sam Maddux, Gerry Rockwell. Marilyn Lanphere, Shirley Eagle, Bradley Anderson, Douglas Jackson. Second row: Jeffery Ferrier, Joan Young, Sally Woodard, Lyn Sisich, Louise Keene, Sharon Fox. Donna Nichols. Mr. Nygaard. Back row: David Wells. Vern Wolbert. James Zumoto, Frank Clark, Jack Shaw. Daniel Hill, Gary Phillips, Glenn Solverson, Larry Barry, James Halbig.

MRS. OPPEN 319 Front row: BttOM Lang, Luane Huston, Violet Stapleton. Sharon Johnson, Mary Breeden. Kathle Mello, Saretha Hall, Thelma Tollefsen, Carol Knoles. Second row: Larry McGinn, Pat Kofmehl. Dorothy Lein- gang, Maureen Radine, Jotina Johnson, Janet Schuster, Peggy Solinsky, Mary Reed, Henry Proctor. Bill Thew, Mrs. Oppen. Back row: Glen Martin. Vincent Sterritt, Austin Pagnotta, Larri Reynolds, Dennis Anderson, Dave Thompson, Erie Smith, Ray Melcher, Harold Davidson, Bob Bailey, Roger Ives, Jack Fisher. MRS. OSCARSON 315 Fr ° nt r ° w: Lorna Burlock, Dell Gardner, Pat Buck. Marcia Whiteside. Gail Zehm, Sharon Lund, Patricia Moore, Mrs. Oscarson. Seccnd row: Arthur Bousquet. Lloyd Starr, Gary Reinbold, Jo Ann Maxfield, Linda Troupe, Judy Johnston, Larry Duckett, Diane Wood, Tim Pebles. Back row: Jack White, Daryl Heimbigner, Dick Campbell, Howard Culver, Tom Smith, Ronald Restad, Walter Groom, Leonard Davis, Jerry Watkins.

MR. RODKEY 407 Front row: Jim Conrath, Janice Westendorf, Shirley Callahan, Mary Anne Engstrom, Brenda Hewitt, Verlena Hall, Deanne Bullard, Franque Remington. Second row: James Thompson, Don Boden, Kathleen Robinson, Earla Smith. Gary Green, Larry Phelps, Sandra Stowers, Marie Custer, Joyce Littleton, Mr. Rodkey. Back row: Gary Wing, Larry Holloway. Ronald Robinder, Larry Boyd, Paul Knostman, Dave Unger, Bob Miller, Keith Anderson, Terry Toy, Ed Flechsig. Dick Seely.

MR. SIMONSON 414 Fronl rov,: Judith Litten, Donna Murphy. Shirley Davis, Bill Wiggir.s, Dick Griffith, Brian Quanbeck, Carol Jean Snow, Jackie Holder. Second row: Vicki Sorenson, Nancy Lambert, Rosemary Sleizer, Kay Munnick, Susan Savos, Alexandra Chassy, Anna Bjorneby, Florence Thomas, Orville Farrls, Clyde Decker. Back row: Donald Adolf- son, Jerry Bomersheim, Ted Burley, Stanley Woodhurst, Terry Brinson. Dave Rollo, Jim Bickerstaff, Ernie Neuman, Gary Keller, Mr. Simonson.

73 row: Leslie Coghill, Karen Smith, Joan Somerville. Berlene Harless, Barbara Delvechio, Carol mi\.MR oi\imi>ici\'iKINNFR 313 Front Steiner, Robert Thomas. Second row: Richard Rule, Richard Connick, Richard Noren, Jim Kurle, David Alberts, Gary Ballo, Ervin Schaeffer, Kenneth Barrow, Mr. Skinner. Back row: Vernon Daniels. Richard Baker, Marcia Downard, Arlene Turnbull, Margaret Hand, Carol McDowell. Diana Sheridan. Gail Thompson, Kenneth Schonert, James Lankford.

Charles Wallick. Patricia Whipple, Joy Schudel, MR. STANNARD— 104 Front row: Marilyn Hartman, Jeanette Lancaster, George Edmunds, Lorie Myron, Nancy Burney. Judith Lipscomb. Second row: Steve Herbison, Ruth Mongelluzzo, Carol Ann Fair, Marlene Maycroft, Dorothy Davidson, Annette Roberts. Judith VanAllen, Steve Brumble, Nancy Hochne, Mr. Stannard. Back row: Gary Burrus, Jack Wrenn, Roger Patrick, Bill Renter, Dennis Adams, Robert Wagner, Gary Houdak, Eugene Kirchan, Ronald Gies, Michael Vale.

Lemmer, Peggy Kandler, Nancy Thompson, Diana Hill, Evelyn Rieken, TAFT C-l Front row: Carolyn Stewart, Lois MR. — Marilyn Robbins, Thelma Jacques. Second row: David Cramer. Gary Swenson, Carol Lohoefer, Sally Foley, Barbara Brown. Kev Shawley, Roberta Warner. Joan Schultz, Bonnie Chamberlin. Wally Nelson. Back row: John Inch, Richard Bill Clafin. Hanson. Bill Green, Ronnie Daly, Lonny Sander, Jerry King, Errol Sander, Ken Zink, Denny Olson, Bill Bates,

74 Flint, Arlynne Denny, Sonja Anderson, Shirley MR. WHITAKER— 401 Front row: Carole Underdahl, Judith Harris, Roberta Hill, Patsy Evans, Joanne Dalen, Louise Nash. Second row: Joan Kaatz, Roberta Backman, Antone Norman. Wayne Collins, Dale Schultz, Barbara Sampson, Eunice Fuehrer. Shirley White, Mr. Whitaker. Back row: John Killmer, Ronald Derogatis, Ronald Quincy, Richard Martin, Kenneth Northrup, Robert Mayer, Duane Weston, Thomas Forester, Rodger Green, Vern McGee.

MRS. BOWKER — 205 Front row: Nellie Charter, Barbara Bacon, Deona Adams, Linda Hall, Gary Galipeau, Dianna Thiele, Carol Koch, Mrs. Bowker. Sec- Freshmen ond row: Barbara Richardson, Marlene Mastne, Nina Gagnon, Lola Shellabarger, Russell Flint, Carol Jacobson, Teresa Schaeffer, Ramona Tipke, Mike Shay, Dennis Rhodes, Ray Bowen. Back row: Raymond Kafton, James Cooley, Harvey Conrath, Tom Ettenborough, Robert Lambert, Mike English, Gary Sander, Dick Materne. Ivan Payne, Betty Rolfsness, Mary Ann Witt, Jacqueline Heimbigner.

MISS LIBRARY, EAST Front row: Richard Weaver, William Fairfax, Linda Shriver. Carol Urbach, Janice CARROLL— Sipe, Susan Rogers, Donald Lieske, Ronald Cowan, Miss Carroll. Second row: Sheila Fitzsimmons, Patricia Anderson. Beverly Riggin, Linden Lovegren, Merlene Jones, Gary Mix, Teresita Steckler, Dee Louden, Joan Buxton. Sara Lee Wizemann. Buddy Wickstrom. Back row: Erwin Jackson. Dennis Woodhurst. Gary Vtreeide, Adam Deutsch. Frank Sullivan, James Lancaster, Donald Lobdell, Gary McGee, Richard Miller, Robert Ullman.

75 MR. CHRISTENSON 422 Front row: Jerene Appell, Julia Weaver, Darlene Contos, Marilyn Fried, Lorna Overmyer, Alice Collins, Dianne Bakley, Mary Deal. Second row: Harriet Graham, Roxey Glenn, Carol Reick, Sharon Bellmer, Judy Peterschick, Roberta McFarland, Janice White, Inez Steen, Joan Bundy, Mike Barry, Jerry Scollard, Mr. Christenson. Back row: Wayne Thomas, Ray Cottrell, Dick Costello, George Kingen, John McLendon, Don Hood, Fred Buell, Elva Duvall, Dave Peelgren, John Hertzog, Dick Nye.

front row: Dennis Sullivan, Dianne Pence, Arlene Johnson, Patricia McGrath, Patricia Silvernail, Dar- MRS. COON 21 I lene Jurgens, Kathleen Devine, John Hein, Dan Audel, Jerry Barnes. Second row: Benny Starr, Dennis Spurlock, Jerry McBride, William Murken, Carol Fremstad, Virginia Hulick, Patricia Flynn, Kathleen McKnight, Norman Thompson, Mike Keegan, Mrs. Coon. Back row: Ronald Pantzar, Daniel Waldby. Stanley Hood, Judith McVay, Virginia Tobin, Linda Mead, Ina Olsen. Sally Swift, Ronald Pryor, Gary Meek.

MISS DAMON 307 Front row: Larry Lucchesi, Sandra Olson, David Tschetter. Don Brown, John Hartman, Frank Thomas, Joyce Clark, Raeona Potter. Second row: Gary Gibson, Gary Skaife, Robin Rollis, Donna Smelcer, Karen Caves, Carol Charest, Alice Kelley, Dean McGuire, Mary Bonin, Miss Damon. Back row: Kenny Glock, Donna Martinson, Galen Perry, JoAnne Bishop, Bill Robinson, Bill Gibford, Jerry Flanigan, Jerry Morris, Marc Erickson, Leonard Rowicki, Emely Anton, Janice Elvigan. 76 MR. FELDHUSEN CAFE Front row: Chere Steinback, Sonja Peterson. Lorraine Miller. Sandra Phillipson. Jeanne Harter. Sharon Pardun. Merle Walker. Mollie Jo Zimbrick, Dick Shaver, Larry White. Mr. Feldhusen. Second row: Lance Glrnus, Donna Buell. Pat Atkins, Mary Kay Allen. Billie Jo Maloney. Linda Engle, Judith Smith. Janice Reynolds. Duane Munk. Ed Sherwood. Back row: Ralph Reed, Russell Brown, Dennis Banik, Bill Harness. David Jones, John Lewis. Kermit Anderson, Mike Wright, Don Wilson, Pete Freeman, Inky Ingles.

MR. GRIGGS 202 Front row: Jimmy Hobbs, Cheri Jeffries, Sandra Call. Patricia Sallee. Patricia Maycroft, Judy White. Dar- lene Amsbury, Mike Moc. Second row: John Elmors. Darrcll Wolfe, Gene Erickson, Richard Page, Clif- ford Bursch, Donna McChesney, Linda Barnard, Beverly Harris, Judy Chamberlln, Jack Buell. Back row: Gerald Davis. Clive Good- man. Norman Spencer. Larry Sallng. Darlene Dickey, Shar in Quiring. Larry Schiffner, Gary Koeppell, Mr. Griggs.

MRS. KEEN LIBRARY WEST Front row: George Anderson, Carole Olson. Judith Cooper, Daryl Griffith. Richard King. ' Lloyd Wengeier, Larry Wornstaff. Sandra Smith, Mildred Mueller. Second rcw: Toni Tscha- bold. Laurie Laughlin, James o 'Sullivan, Ronald Ingham. Ernest Nye. Floyd Kendrick. Mary Ann Galli. Lynne Heaps. Earlene Clapp Carolyn Unicume, Mrs. Keen. Joyce Robertson. Back row: Michael Huss. Howard Haisley, Patrick Smith, Sharon Ellis, Katherine Whelham, Barbara Troyer, Lynn Hayden, Jerry Harris, Robert Taylor. Robert Janke, Larry Dixon.

77 Stapleton, Kay Sayles. Susan Merrlman, Sheryn O'Malley, MISS KILLINGSWORTH— 105 Front row: Kay Dodge, Darlene Lila Johnson, Barbara Wallace. Karen Winn, Gerald Haun. Second row: John Keen. Margie Caspersen, Sheryl Lynn, Ellen Gardner, Gail Swanson, Darlene Egger, Barbara Dalzell, Gary Miller, Miss Killingsworth. Back row: Ray Goeller, Mike Tachell, Larry Pine, Betty Greer, Joan Peterson, Betty McKinnon, Sandra Hanson, Raleigh Clark. Kenneth Finke. Jim Rooney. Steve Schumann.

Duncan, Kaye Olson, Frances Hiner, Janet Eppley, John ivhojMISS MNiv^niKNIGHT jiw310 Fr ° nt row: Ned Smith, Albert Jacobs, Diane gkelton. Jack Hankel. Miss Knight. Second row: Jack Littlcmore, Bill Mustered, Joyce Eakins, Sally Engstrom, Darlene Shaw, Ardella Stockton. Donna Murray. Sharon Kenny, Pat Sheldon, Tom Weishoor. Back row: Bill Walker, Dick Plumb, Roy Ballard, Chris Coble, Verna Schilling, Carol Thibault, Linda Schatz, Pat Beam, Marlene Smith, Gary Gorremans, James Magstadt, Gary Barton.

Sharron Ott, Wanda Renault, Laurie Vaughn, MR. MANUEL— 108 Front row: Bob McKuhn, Charlene Sampson, Sue Haynes, Dolores Hole, Karrell Peterson, Don Rater. Second row: Randy Battan, Kenny Blossom, Ronald Hed- strom. Ken Wilson, Bill Bassett, Larry Clark, Ronny Reid, Dick Hannan, Wendell Meek, Mr. Manuel. Back row: Benny Corigliano, Joan Banks. Judy Mills, Julia Wilcox, Frieda Lantis, Elaine LeForgey. Sandra Gilkey, Nancy Allgor, Kathy Smith, Delroy Taskey.

78 1

MRS. NISTAD CAFE Fr° nt r ° w: Larry Emerson, Cecilia Stimson, Sharon Williams, Lailla Watson, Carol Perry, Mar- 1 SW garet Hamblin, Ray Schroeder. Second row: Edward Weiss, Dell Williams, Fred Parrish, Marcy Whitten, Morrie Simpson, Diane Morris, Elinor Lee, Carole Gornall, Harry Reetz, Mrs. Nistad. Back row: Bob Stewart, John Pacello, Beverly Shepard. Gerald Byland, Michael Welch, David Munk, Fredene Moran, Ronald Christensen, Roger Neale, Ronald Foreman.

MR. NYE 219 Front row: Lee Riddle. Molly Kromm, Janet Wing. Linda Green, Jeanie Johnson. Nadyne Higbee. Kent Kits- miller, Kent Sleizer. Gary Travis. Second row: Wilda Simpson, Sharon Ripke, Dick Alberts, Bill Wascher, Carl Biesen, Dick Roney, Tim Nye, Connie Darrah, Sharon Cogley. Back row: David Felker, Dan Smelser, Pat Powers, John Mix, Russell Foster, John McGinnis, Gary Bondahl, Neil Williams, Jack Mateer, Mr. Nye.

MISS PARKER AUD. BALCONY Front row: Jack Granger. Sandra Rouse, Kay Newland, Dorothy Miller, Marilee Brooks, Jerry Miller, Patty Morgan, Patricia Altman, Vivian Countryman, LeRoy Schmidt. Second row: Bob Tansy, Dorothy Clark, Gladys Stevenson, Ruth Bentley, Bruce Reid, David Anderson, Sally Akan, Margaret Walker, Fern Barrett, Miss Parker. Back row: James Ryan, Chris Shears, Glen Ellis. James McClintock. Larry Benthlen. Ronald Jess, Rodney Hansen, Erich Luschei. Bill Gottbreht.


SENATE — Front row: Del Jones, adviser; June Hanford, Jean Rollo, Mike Praetorius, Joyce Anderson, Mike Kabush, Miss Patricia Damon, adviser. Standing: Janice Perry, Judy Anderson, Bob Dickey, Bill Nance, Lee Walker, Jerry Strand, Betty Jean Rohrer, Sandra Glidden.

The ASB enacts and enforces regulations.

To promote student interest in school supervision over the joint committees, stu- activities and to increase general school dent court and all student body business, welfare, the Associated Student Body has Student governing bodies consist of the

STUDENT COURT — Front row: Del Jones, adviser: Steve Provant, bailiff: Agnes Tollefsen, secretary: Ed McCoy, judge; Roger Torgerson, prosecuting attorney; Alan Robinson, defense attorney.


House of Representatives and the Senate. with the League and Federation presidents.

Each homeroom is represented in the Five standing committees, each with a House sessions each Thursday; each class faculty adviser, are appointed by the presi- level is represented in the Senate along dent to direct school affairs: Dance, honors

83 GROUNDS SQUAD — Front row: David Karri, Cherre VanAmburgh, Ken- neth Ide, Sharol Rae Cannon, Ruth Bass, Bob Belair. Second row: Gary Gillespie, Richard Hays, Alvin DeVore, Tom Denholm, Mike McCoy, Jim Wallace, Rod McBroom. Art Dunsworth. Back row: Howard Culver, George Murphy, Perry Plantz, Perk Randall, Dick Mielke, James Lammers, Conrad Barnhart.

Student bodq activ/itq

board, convocation scheduling, election and student-faculty finance. aw breaker.' To start the fall off with a bang, the first annual Get-Acquainted Mixer, held

Heading ASB committees in the fall were, left to right: Roger To.-gerson, con scheduling; Ed McCoy, election commission; Les Rider, honors board, and Janet Novak, dance committee.

84 Janice Perry, president cf Latin Club, the school's largest, posts Mike Fraetorius, fnll ASB president, installs his successor, Lee a notice on the new club bulletin board as committee members Walker, in the annual installation convocation. Sandra Glidden and Maritynn Clark look on. is encouraged through project responsibilities.

the opening week of school, had a large convocation, door-decorating contest and attendance. Other fall events included: the Christmas convocation. A new bulletin Sadie Hawkins Dance, Rally Days, talent board was installed in the main hall with

85 Discussing th~ ASE's Sock Hop d?nce are, left to right: Bob Nance, Margie Ewy, Chuck Wilkes and Janet Novak.

Campairner Mark Schorzman and a loyal supporter make friends with a voter at a fall election rally.

wood matching the new trophy case. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, five needy families were given turkey dinners. Pres- Participation in such ents were also provided for the children of these families at Christmas.

86 Pen pals in foreign countries were the concern of this special Spring ASB committees were headed by Alan Robinson, honors ASB committee. Left to right are: Marilu Miller, board; Phil Walker, faculty-finance; Erna Wilson, dance; Larry Vandervert, Sandra Glidden. Ann Charlene Martinson, con scheduling.

activities builds firmli|

The "Sock Hop" in February took place in the new gym. A roller skating party was held in April. The adoption of a pen pal

INSET — "May I see your pass?" hall guard Alice Pratt asks Joanne Olson. BELOW — Hall Guard Monitors Virginia Lyng, Jacky Gerl. Mr. Rodkey, Linda Buchan. Claudia Paulsen, Phyllis Beldon.

87 system, an informative juvenile delin- Marc h, honoring the team, was held at the quency convocation and the adoption of a Spokane Hotel. Korean orphan were other spring events. Joint project of the ASB and athletic The annual basketball banquet in department was the renovation of the aux-

80 the foundation for good student government.

iliary field, and the rebuilding of a score- Pitcher to promote the sports program. A board for the playfield. Spring sports picnic constitutional amendment changed the re- was sponsored again this year at Bowl and quirements for Student Court secretary.

STUDENT COURT — Left to right: Betty Jean Rohrer, secretary: Mike Kabush. bailiff; Jerry Strand, defense attorney; Mike Praetorius. judge; John Fuller, prosecuting attorney; Perk Randall, bailiff; Mr. Jones, adviser.

89 CENTRAL COUNCIL — Front row: Dolores Craig, Darlene Gerkensmeyer, Miss Damon, adviser; Betty Jean Rohrer, Georgia Howard. Second row: Arlene Johnson, Deanna Coleman, Phyllis Fix. Janice Gardner, Linda Qulst, Carol Bays, Willean Pledger. Barbara Delvechio. Joan Schultz. Third row: Inez Steen, Deanna Horn, Mabel Bennett, Linda Green, Joyce Clark, Audrey Fairfax, Shirley Taylor, Judie Merica, Eilene West, Linda Shriver. Fourth row: Joan Lamping, Carole Fisher, Barbara Sampson, Pat Altman, Kay Sayles, Ann Materne, Lailla Watson, Margie Sampson, Leone Gross, Shirley Eagle, Claudia LaPoint. Fifth row: Janet Novak. Eileen Smith. Pat Buck, Claudia Field, Lois Worthington, Marilyn Mingo, Deanna Oveson, Bobbie Allison, Judy Lipscomb, Dorothy Rudisile, Billie Jo Maloney. Sixth row: Lois Salmon, Susan Haynes, Gail Morgan, Velda Heine, Adrienne Tschabold, Jeniene Poutre, Barbara Bailie, Barbara Mathis. Dolores Easter, Vianne West. Back row: Judi Seymour. Betsy Noonan, LaVina Morlan, Brenda Hewitt, Carol Jean Thibault. Darlene Dickey, Betty Rolfsness, Pate Quist, Rosemary Sleizer, Sharon Hill, Nancy Battan.

League members sponsor various projects,

Organized in 1918 by Miss Jessie Gib- Among the many events of the fall se-

son, the Girls' League is a service group mester were the annual Dad-Daughter ban- striving always to attain high ideals—honor, quet and the "Frosti Frolics" mixer. The service and loyalty—as symbolized by the League also sponsored the PTA member- League pin. ship drive, a fall style show and the selling

The ruling body of the League is the of booster hats. Aid was given to a teen-age Central Council, composed of homeroom girls' home at Christmas time. representatives and elected officers.

90 Big Sister Dorothy Zumoto explains some confusing "first Red and white booster hats sell "like hot cakes" when the four day" information to her little sister Alice Decker. League officers step behind the sales table.

Members cf the League sextet practice fcr a coming performance: Georgia Howard. Shirley Eagle. Carol Hoehne. Sherry Campbell. Lois Barker. Delavina Duty and Marilyn Lanphere. accompanist. Miss Marjorie Collord is their adviser.

91 Fall League president, Betty Jean Rohrer (right) hands the Enjoying refreshments after a college panel presented by '54 president's gavel to Jackie Bunch, her successor. graduates are, left to right: Joan Vanderhoef, June Elston, Donna Park and Natalie Johnson.

Gwen Hallin, Diane Wood and Jean Rollo make skirts for Cotton Day. April 5.

92 CENTRAL COUNCIL — Front row: Diane Hawley, Elaine Heiber, Jackie Bunch, Annabelle Dizmang. Second row: Patricia McGrath. Janet Eppley, Gail Flynn, Arlene Noel. Liz Hassell, Sharon Neuman, Shirley Taylor, Janice Twom- bly, Shirley Eagle, Molly Kromm, Vivian Countryman, Nancy Mix. Third row: Lorraine Miller. Janice Hewitt, Barbara Cadwallader, Alberta Saunders, Beverly Maybee, Kay Dodge, Charlene Slosser, Evelien Steen, Sharon Williams, Carol Hurt. Fourth row: Gail Morgan, Janet Novak, Barbara Sa-npson, Kathy Robinson, Linda Barnard, Beverly Riggin, Janice White, Donna Lundstrom, Nancy Johnson. Fifth row: JoAnn Bishop, Charlene Brockel, Kathy Whelham, Bar- bara Walker, Deanna Jenkinson, Julie Wilcox. Janet Dalzell, Marll>nn Clark, Virginia Bishop, Elaine Lamb, Carol Jean Ellis. Back row: Gail Thompson. Kathy Stephenson, Daisy Henry. La Verne Belshaw. Pat Todd, Marge Jennings. Kathy Moran. Nancy Battan, Judl Seymour, Flo Thomas, Mary Ann Witt, Joan Schultz, Pat Moore.

therebif developing their own potentialities.

A Big Sister award was presented for Annual Cotton Day was held April 5, the first time this year to Joy Decker as the highlighted by a mixer in the evening. most outstanding big sister—the evaluation Other spring activities included co-sponsor- being done by her little sister. ship of the voc ational conferences, a style

Awarding pins to honor-roll girls is a show, a Mothers' tea and a college panel for perennial activity of the League. To be on interested junior and senior girls. the League honor roll, a girl must have "C" The League Sextet, chosen early in the

grades or better and have earned League fall, is on call for special occasions. Miss

points by service to the school. Patricia Damon is faculty adviser.

93 New boys await "the big doings" at the annual New Boys' Stag sponsored by the Federation.

The Boi|s' Federation aims to encourage

"To serve the boys of North Central Award, sponsored by the Federation, is and the school as a whole," the Federation presented each fall to the football player was organized by Lowell C. Bradford in voted by his teammates as the greatest in- 1918. An executive council, composed of spiration to the squad. This year the trophy the four elected officers, heads of the four was awarded to Dick Lightfoot.

service departments and two representa- Another annual fall event is the Stag tives meets regularly to transact the busi- party, for new boys, to give them a chance ness of the group. to become acquainted with each other.

The Archie Buckley Inspirational Election of Federation officers is pat-

94 Federation leaders sell N0C0H0S0 decals. Members of the Federation quartet "tune-up." Left to right are Gary Anderberg, Les Rider, Larri Reynolds and Ed McCoy.

Displaying the flag which the Federation purchased for the school are committee heads: Alan Robinson, personal service; John Fuller, school service; Bill Russell, community service, and Bill Overholser, -ports-for-all.

95 ;

Preparing for the Boys' Federation novice debate tournament Spring Federation committee heads discuss semester plans. Left to in May are Vicki Pruitt, Gary Tewinkel, Mr. Miller, right: John Fuller, Community Service; Jerry Strand, Sports-for- All Sally Akan and John Bowen. Ron Stan, School Service, and Bill Russell, Personal Service.

Bill Russell and Mike Praetorius discuss banking with H. M. Richards of the Spokane and Eastern bank during vocational conferences in April sponsored Jointly by the Federation and League.

96 both school spirit and service to community.

were: Per- terned after city elections. Voters must reg- spring semesters, respectively, Bill Russell; ister before receiving a ballot, and two sonal service, Al Robinson and clerks and a judge from each homeroom sports-for-all, Bill Overholser and Jerry Russell count the votes before turning them in to Strand; community service. Bill the election commission. and John Fuller; school service. John The Federation also presented a school Fuller and Ron Stan. a flag featuring No-Co-Ho-So, the North Each month the Federation sponsors Central mascot, to the student body. boys' convocation, featuring entertainment Department heads for the fall and or a prominent speaker.

97 FALL NEWS STAFF — Left to right clockwise: Sandra Weddle, Judy Nicholson, Kathy Stephenson, Marilyn Brewster, Kirsten John- son, Lois Worthington, Carole McNew, Margie Sampson. Virginia Bishop, Bob Rauch, Dan Riegel, Agnes Zimmerman.

Through a u/eeklq chronicle

we are informed of activities.

Fall editor Charles Bahm and advertising manager Marilyn Brewster.

"All news stories are due today." "Start tral News, from making up the page dum- working on next week's features!" mies to seeing that reporters have copy in Student editors have full responsibility on time to meet the all-important dead- for weekly publication of the North Cen- lines.

Fall editors study page proofs at the print shop. Left to right Editor Chuck Bahm interviews School Superintendent John are Chuck Bahm, editor; Margie Sampson, feature page edi- Shaw concerning last November's school election. tor; Dan Riegel, sports editor, and Virginia Bishop, news editor. 98 EDITING THE NEWS — Clockwise, left to right: Janice Perry, copy desk: Karolyn Unger and Adele Fothergill, girls' sports; Dan Riegel, sports editor: Bob Rauch and Marshall Reynolds, sports; Carole McNcw and Virginia Bishop, managingeditors: Marilyn Brew- ster and Marilyn Mingo, news editor: Diane Wood, feature editor; Marjorie Sampson, associate editor; Kirsten Johnson and Sandra Strand, editorial page editor; Karen Kastberg, features. In the background: Charles Bahm, copy desk; Duff McKee, features; Pat Todd, exchanges.

Under the faculty direction of Miss Mary McKenna, the News has been the recipient of many awards, the latest being the Best Paper award presented at the Gon- zaga university press conference last fall. Higli school newspapers from four states were entered in the competition. In March, the News received the medalist or highest award given by Columbia Scholastic Press Marietta Bundy, advertising manager; Virginia Bishop and Carole McNew, spring editors. Association, Columbia University.

NEWS STAFF REPORTERS — Fr;nt row: Janine Gratton, Janice Gardener, Kathy Moran. Charlene Slosser, Sharon Lund, Pat Buck, Marilynn Clark, Marilu Miller, Deanna Oveson, Barbara Welch, Arlene West. Second row: Richard Courteau, Vern McGee, William Pledger. Betsy Jones, Ann Lloyd, Linda Eldenburg. Janice Eden, Peggy Kandler. De Anne Dunn, Sharon Isakson. Bob Wells, Alberta Sanders. Phyllis Sialic k. Royce Gorseth. Back row: Gene McMurtry. Sandra Weddle. Cherilyn Darroch. Vicki Beehler, Dixie Johnson. Lois Worthington, Judy Nicholson, Audrey Fairfax, Sandra Glidden, Ray Melcher, Arlene West. 99 TAMARACK STAFF — Seated: Janet Dalzell. Doris Mann, Dian; Hawley, Carolyn Cotterel, Darlene Gerkensmeyer. Standing: Annabelle Dizmang, Ren Hagcr, Ruth Thomas. Lynne Doty, Betty Jean Rohrer.

Our annual preserves a ifear of events.

School tradition was emphasized by this orama of the year's activities. No one seems

year's Tamarack staff in producing its pan- to know the real reason why former prin- cipal Richard Hargraves suggested the name "Tamarack" for the yearbook, but forty years of annuals bearing that name

have made it an important— if elusive—tra- dition. Resides planning the theme, the color schemes, and the layouts of the book, staff members write and prepare the copy, help arrange and identify pictures, and check printed "proofs." A concentrated sales campaign headed by Dick Green and sparked by senior class members sold an all-time high of 1755

books tli is year. Journalism I and News staff members helped with the campaign in the homerooms. For many years, Tamaracks have won Co-editors Joyce Anderson and Jerry Fentcn prepare pictures and copy for the 1955 Tamarack. high honors. Last year's book, besides re-

100 ADVISERS — Kenneth Mhyre, art adviser; Mary McKenna, PHOTOGRAPHERS — Gary Nelson, Carl Toombs general adviser: Don Townsend, printing adviser; and Lyle Liptac. George Smith, photography adviser. ceiving the usually high ratings from the working close with the editors on the pro- Columbia Scholastic Press Association re- duction of the book are Donald Townsend ceived two top honors at the Gonzaga press of the Technical and Vocational school conference. print shop which prints the book, and Pat- General adviser for all areas of Tama rick Murphy of Spokane-American En- rack work is Miss Mary McKenna, assisted graving. in the fields of art and photography by Joyce Anderson and Jerry Kenton were Kenneth Mhyre and George Smith. Also co-editors of the 1955 book.

ART STAFF — Seated: Sa'ly Stewart, Betty Buckley. Sally Woliord, Glen Michaels, cadet adviser. Standing: Kay Yarbrough, divi- sion page lettering: Billie Van Amburgh, Connie Kern. Not pictured: Ron Bergman, division page cartoonist.

101 PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION BOARD — Left to right: Harvey Edwards, first vice-president and acting president; Mrs. Jacob VanderWal, second vice-president; Floyd E. Fenton, president; Miss Marjorie Collord, program chairman, and Raymond Simonson, treasurer. Mr. Edwards was elected in February to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Fenton, who has taken a government position in Washington, D. C.

Our parents join in both fun and learning.

Highlight of the 1954-1955 season of March 9 and 10. Members of the faculty the Parent-Teacher Association was the and student body made up the cast. Prin- third annual vaudeville show, presented cipal student production was the "Circus Extravaganza," directed by Dick Green, while faculty members participated in two short plays: "The Potboilers," directed by Mis. Genevieve Oppen: and "Liverbache and his relatives," directed by Miss Elsa Pinkham. First event of the year was an open house, giving parents and faculty a chance to become acquainted. Because of time limitations, the open house was split be- tween the October and November meet- ings. Floyd E. Fenton, who was elected presi-

dent of the group in the fall, accepted a position with the Department of Agricul- ture in Washington, D. C. in January; so Harvey Edwards, first vice-president, took lor Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Novak discuss electronic equipment with over the chair the remainder of the teacher Leonard Graham at the Parent-Teacher Association year. open house last fall.


VARSITY DEBATE — left to right: Arthur B. Miller, coach; Howard Emerson, Carole McNew. Mike Praetorius, Duff McKee, Jerry Fenton, Bob Dickey, Kirsten Johnson, Diane Wilson. Not pictured are Diane Hawley and Diane Wood.


Abolition of protective tariffs was the Llieme along which varsity debaters talked their way to victories in the 1955 season.

Besides tieing for first place in the Northeast District round-robin, seniors Carole McNew and Jerry Fenton received the two best-speaker trophies; and first place at the state-wide Pacific Lutheran College Tournament was won by Bob Dickey and Diane Wilson. Twenty-five teams of advanced and beginning debaters entered in the annual Gonzaga Tourna- ment also did well. "We had a fairly outstanding and suc- cessful debating season," Arthur B. Miller, coach and manager of the League, said.

Upper picture: Jerry Fenton and Carole McNew display There is every prospect for an equally three first-place trophies — debate, and men's and women's speaking divisions. successful future." Lower picture: Kirsten Johnson. Diane Wilson and Sandra Williams prepare to leave for Pacific Lutheran College's debate tournament. 104 Boi|s' and Qfr)s' State

Sponsored by the American Legion, outstanding students from every high school in the state are given a lasting lesson in citizenship at Girls' and Boys' Stale. Nominees from the Junior class were in- terviewed last spring by a committee from the Legion who chose two girls and four boys. A district get-together in May helped delegates of this area meet one another be- fore the session on the campus of Central Washington College. Learning by doing gave them practical experience in three levels of government. Campaigning for various offices was an exciting phase of the program. Each dele- gate was assigned to a party and helped promote its platform. By exchanging ideas they can return, as seniors, to their respec- tive schools and be effective leaders. Boys'

State was held for a week in (.iris' June: Top: Joyce Anderson and Georgia Howard look over souvt State in July. iers of Evergreen Girls' State. Bottom: Alan Robinson and Lee Walker admire Roger Torgerson's Boys' State T-shirt.

GIRLS' AND BOYS' STATE DELEGATES — Front row: Georgia Howard and Joyce Anderson. In back are Lee Walker, Alan Robinson, Mike Praetorius and Roger Torgerson.

105 ABOVE — Front row: Chuck Bahm, Donna Braaten, Shirley Taylor, Dorothy Beaty, Llann Hass, Karen Kastberg, Judy Aeree, Rita Fulwiler, Fay Gay, Sandra Weddle, Dolly Wolfe, Margaret Montour, Sandra Mielke, Barbara Miller, Miss Carroll. Back row: Betsy Jones, David Karn. Gary Ballo, Leo Christopherson, Richard Courteau, Jerry Fenton, Carol Armi- tage, John Fuller, fall president; Jerry Ledbetter, Carolyn Greening, Eileen Smith, spring president.

Inset — A mores Librorum Book Week Committee

meets : Carol Armitage, Leo Christopherson, Pat Todd, Richard Courteau and Karen Kastberg. Amores Librorum

Mathematics Club

Inset — Making three-dimension objects are Hileen Smith, Gene Alberts and Larry Sleiser.

BELOW — Front row: Mary Dimitroff, Jeannette Barr, Linda Eldenburg, Linda Quist, Philo Corser, Eileen Smith, Betsy Jones, Beverly Maybee. Back row: Chuck Botchek, Roger Torgerson, Gene Alberts, spring president; Larry Sleizer, fall president; Bill Zickler, Tom Montgomery, Ron Stan, John Fuller, Dale Griffith.

106 ABOVE — Front row: Virginia Brandenburg, Dianna Babb, Carol Park. Marilyn Brewster. Elaine Lamb, Jeanne Gilbert, Carol Armitage, Pate Quist, Anne Pein, Karen Anderson, Dar- lene Gerkensmeyer, Gloria Schlenker. Back row: Sharon Isaksen, Marilyn Bergman, Janice Mellgren, Karen Brown, Tom VanderWal, Richard Courteau, Ron Stan, spring presi- dent; Linda Quist, Agnes Zimmerman, Carole Fisher, Philo Corser. Not pictured: Janice Perry, fall president.

INSET — Newton Skaifc, Jeniene Poutre and Attn Lloyd display Roman models of Caesar's earts and fortifications.



INSET — Latin Club girls play basketball during the intermission of the annual Latin-Math Club basketball game. BELOW — Front row: Phyllis Gran, Lois Worthington, Mari- lynn Clark. Claudia Bunge, Carol Beam, Mike Praetorius, Gordon Wilcox, Dale Griffith, Dick Batdorf. Worth Martin, Shirley Maloney, Mariann Gleason. Back row: Carole Lips- comb, Marilyn Blough, Chuck Bahm, Steve Provant, June Hanford, Jerry Fenton, Dan Riegel, John Regis, Dick Webster, Sharen Hunt, Jim Whittier, Jim Knowles, Adele Fothergill, Carole McNew. 0

107 -

ABOVE — Front row: Jeniene Poutre, Gail Smith, Lois Worthington, Louise Nash, Ken Wilson, Myrna Paulson, Sandra Olson, Lee Riddle, Sharon Pardun. Second row: Janna Merica, Judy Nicholson, Margie Sampson, Linda Eldenburg, Judy Acree, Annabelle Dizmang, Janet Dalzell, fall president; Kathy Stephenson, Eileen Smith, spring president; Marilu Miller, Sally Mills, Judie Merica. Back row: Karen Anderson, Willene Overmyer, Judi Seymour, Diane Sharp, Linda Schatz, Rosemary Sleizer, Pat Mullen, Larry Sleizer, Kathy Moran, Ruth Bass, Bonnie Parr, Worth Martin, Sonya Bowker, Miss Boehme. INSET Ken Wilson and Sandy Olson encounter initiation ceremonies.

Spanish Club

Three C's Club

INSET — Preparing a Three C's worship program are Helen Jersild, Betty Britt and Ron Turner. BELOW — Front row: Lois Smith, Francine Jackson, spring president; Betty Britt, fall president; Helen Jersild, Ron Turner. Second row: Dolly Wolfe, Sandra Weddle, Velda Heine, Marcia Whiteside. Sally Engstrom, Ruth Womach, Berlenc Harless, Myrna Nestoss, Joyce Robertson, Marcia Juillerat, Beverly Maybee, Margaret Montour, Linda Ander- son, Louise Nash, Miss Collord. Back row: Marcia Downard, Cherri VanAmburg, Bonnie Jackson, Lynne Doty, Bob Cle- menson, Erwin Jackson, Jerry Holman, Rod Hansen, Tom Forester, Hugh Charest, Ted Burley, John Johnson, Shari Ann Pilant, Judy Davis, Sharon Cogley.

108 ABOVE — Front row: Lee Ann Koch. Carole McNew, Kirsten Johnson, Sonya Bowker, Margie Sampson. Back row: Dan RIegel, Marilyn Brewster, Rosemary Hollister, fall president; Jerry Fenton, Virginia Bishop, spring president; Joyce Anderson, Chuck Bahm. INSET — Carole McNew buys a plastic Tamarack cover from Rosemary Hollister and Chuck Bahm.

Quill and Scroll (Journalism)

Rifle Club

INSET—Rod Hansen, Gordon Smith, Tom Montgomery and Gary Glenn during rifle practice. BELOW — Front row: Mr. Christenson. David Tschetter. Dennis Beals. Mike Moe, Pat Sheldon. Gary Travis, Bill Nascher. Ray Bowcn, Russell Bishop. Back row: Frank Harrison, Gary Glenn, Tom Montgomery, Rod Hansen, James Cooley, Gordy Smith, Gene Erickson, Gary Swenson.

109 ABOVE — Front row: Shirley Moore, Rosemary Hollister, Mr. Mhyre, Sandra Strand, Daisy Henry, fall president. Back row: Ann Materne, Claudette Kuch, Verlena Hall, Doris Fry, Charlene Slosser. Not pictured: Judy Workman, spring president. INSET — Art Club members decorate old gym for the ASB Sadie Hawkin's Dance.

Future Teachers

Art Club

INSET — Carol Lolwefcr, Pat Mullen and Joyce Anderson arrange a bulletin board with literature on teaching. BELOW — Front row: Sally Engstrom, Charlene Slosser, Vir- ginia Fuller, Carol Lohoefer. Joyce Anderson, fall president; Margaret Ewell, Doris Griffith, Sandra Glidden, Lorraine Rothrock, Carol Olson. Back row: Marlene Mastne, Sandra Williams, Betsy Noonan, Ruth Bass, Daisy Henry, Pat Mullen, Bonnie Williams. Lois Smith, Bonnie Parr, Marcia Downard, Mrs. Congdon. Not pictured: Erna Wilson, spring president.

110 ABOVE — Front row: Mary Lou Nordby. Karolyn Unger, Karen Kastberg, Dorothy Beaty, Barbara Brown, Audrey- Fairfax, fall president; Mary Adams. Kay Featherly, Sharon Neuman, Judy Nicholson, Judie Merica, Lois Worthington, Ruth Cooprider, Mrs. Bowker. Back row: Alexandra Chassy, Virginia Bishop. Carole Lipscomb. Kathy Stephenson. Ann Armani, Clara Sonderen. Caryl Heth. Pate Quist, Ann Pein, Elaine Lamb, Carol Park, Gail Morgan, Betsy Noonan. Not pictured: Joan VanDerhoef. spring president. INSET — Audrey Fairfax, Dorothy Beaty and Judy Nicholson help issue typing books.

Commercial Club

Talent Club

INSET — Dick Green, Ann Charlene Martinson and Mike I'raetorius practice for a Talent Club show. BELOW — Front row: Sally Braun, Ann Fackenthall, Dorene Hagen, Beverly Etchepare, Marilyn Lanphere, Sharon Lund, spring president; Charlene Slosser, Margie Laue, Worth Martin, Kay Sayles. Second row: Miss Lauer, Bob Wells, Jerry Strain, Mark Schorzman, Darrel Dickey, Duff McKee, Les Rider, Bob Dickey, Ray Melcher. Back row: Dick Batdorf, Ted Jahn, Neil Johnson, Don Welch, Ray Goeller, Dennis Anderson, Larri Reynolds, Gordon Wilcox, fall president; Mike Praetorius, Dick Green. Dick Baker.

Ill ABOVE — Front row: Vianne West, Sharol Rae Cannon, Ro- berta Plumb, Carole McNew, Glen Bradley, Ed McCoy. Fred Slentz, Joan VanDerhoef, Ann Charlene Martinson, spring president; Roberta Brandt. Sharon Wilson, Mrs. Oppen. Back row: Sharon Isaksen, Nancy Battan, Kathy Moran, Dick Green, fall president; Jerry Miller, Derald Drinkard, Dennis Anderson, Carolyn Cotterel, Caryl Heth, Eileen Smith, Rosemarie Head. INSET — Dick Green and Roberta Brandt practice make-up fundamentals on Ann Charlene Martinson.

^ v*. Thespians (Dramatics)


INSET— Elaine Hieber and Claudia Phelps in an elementary swimming formation. BELOW — Front row: Janice Clayton, Doris Fry, Lynn Kim- berling. Donna Martinson. Janice Hewitt, Claudia Phelps, president; Janet Novak, Judy Plein, Liz Hassell, Dorothy Carmichael, Mrs. Kopf. Back row: Bobbie Allison. Ann Ma- terne, Joyce Anderson, Marge Caspersen, Elaine Hieber, Carol Armitage, Jean Miner, Dolores Craig, Brenda Hewitt, Kay Bruesehoff, Marilynn Clark, Thelma Tollefsen.

^ m jL 112 ABOVE — Front row: Sonya Bowker, Deanna Jenkinson, Lee Ann Koch, Janet Dalzell. Second row: Betty Jean Rohrer, Georgia Howard, Joyce Anderson, fall president; Margie Sampson, Kathy Stephenson. Third row: Agnes Tollefsen, Janice Perry, Janna Merica, Darlene Gerkensmeyer, Jackie Bunch, Judie Merica, Judy Nicholson. Sally Barnum, Diane Wood, Marilyn Lanphere. Back row: Marilyn Mingo, Jean Rollo, Kirsten Johnson, Sandra Strand, Kathy Corrin, Daisy Henry, Nancy Battan, Pate Quist, Annabelle Dizmang, Judy Anderson, spring president; Marilynn Clark, Sally Mills. INSET — Joyce Anderson, Georgia Howard and Margie Sampson rearrange displays in the Vox trophy case. Vox Puellarum (Girls' Honorary)

Warriors Club (Lettermen)

INSET — Alan Robinson and Bill Nance discuss Warriors' plans. BELOW— Front row: Mr. Diedrick. Bud Black well. Bob Nance, Bob Lightfoot, Gary Smith, Alan Robinson, BUI Nance, Dick Lightfoot, Les Rider, Chuck Stewart, Larry Reid, Lynn Riggins. Back row: Gene Baxter, June Hanford, John McNee, Bob Urdahl, Lee Moran, Larry McCarrey, Bud Davies, Dennis Peterson, Ken Burger, Chuck Wilkes, Ralph Burlock, Mickey Hannan.


Productions plaif a vital role each qear.

Convocations presented in 1954-1955 During the football and basketball were many and varied—pep convoca- seasons, pep convocations preceded many tions, the fund-raising programs, the of the games. These were sponsored by vocational meeting—some inspirational, the ASB, the school clubs, or other some purely entertaining. con- groups. Girls' League and Boys' Federa- vocations allowing the entire student tion sponsored several convocations, body to attend were held for most of some for award presentations and others the events, but there were also several featuring guest speakers and entertain- invitational convocations for specific ers. Special convocations, such as those classes or groups. at Thanksgiving and Christmas were presented by the ASB in the student in- terest. Among other outstanding convoca- tions were those for the Red Cross, the March of Dimes and Rally Day.

NORTH CENTRAL BAND — Front row: Larry Sleizer, Ted Jahn, Steve Hager, Charles Anderson. Second row: Gerald Jacobsen, Mike McKlnney, Bill Baker, Clifton Caldwell, Joe Marchioro. Blake Johnson, Donald Adolfson, Rodger Green, Jack Woodbury, Ronald Robinder. Third row: Glen Hamilton, Ronald Hair, Norman Jones, Bob Rauch, Gary Swenson, Lance Higgins, Don Kolb, Bob Waiting, Don Alberg, Orville Kirkevold, Eddie Shrlver, Dick Batdorf, Tom Hill, Bob Dre:sel. Fourth row. Keith Anderson, Larry Gilbert, Barry Solem, Dell Williams, Roy Ballard, Jeffrey Ferrier, Ronnie Cowan, Dick Costello, Bill Wayland. Jim Wickham, Tom Graedel, Leslie Fried, Tom Wurth, Bill Spedden, Biff Johnson, Los Rider, Del Wood. Fifth row: Pete Praetorius, Terry Toy, Johnny Skelton, Glenn Robinson, David Tschetter, Donald Lieske, Larry White. Back row: Jack Granger, Eddie Weiss, Larry Wornstaff, Kenny Blossom, Bill Fried, Jerry Morris, Elva Duvall, Bill Burris, Lester Hair, Doug Jackson, Bob Mayer, Richard Costello, Ray Emerson, Larry Barry. Paul Quam.

Our band is guided bq experienced hands.

The band, under the direction of year in the Washington State Apple Blos- Lowell C. Bradford, has continued for som festival at Wenatchee, April 28-31; in thirty-two years to add to school traditions. the annual Lilac Parade; and in the Mem- Fall membership this year was 160; and orial Day parade. spring membership 150. A fifty-member special band enter- Marc hing season opened with the band tained at pep convocations, at the Christ- and Red Feathers presenting "Life of an mas convocation, at basketball games, and American Girl" at the Merry-Go-Round presented a concert at Havermale Junior game. These groups participated also in High. half-time stunts in lour other games. On Under the student leadership of Mike the opening night of the new Coliseum, Praetorius, the twenty-member pep band they presented the "North Central Waltz." played at morning dances, convocations, which was featured in Life Magazine. the PTA Vaudeville show, and the legis- Marching band participated again this lative luncheon of United School groups.

118 NORTH CENTRAL BAND — First row: Philip McClintock, Bill Thomas, Marvin Novak, Les Parton. Second row: Gene Alberts, Bert Mills, Dennis Sullivan, Ronald Jess, Dick Plumb, Gary Anderberg, Gary Reinbold. Michael McCoy, David Bohart, Bill Sander. Third row: Bill Stewart, Dennis Higgins, Allan Goetz, Gary Shinkoskey, Paul Knostman, David Quiring, Jim Halbig, Donley Thue, Rod Hansen, Tom VanderWal, Bob Knox, Ren Hager, Don Throm, Harold Swenson. Fourth row: Bob Shugert, Lonny Sander, David Hop- per. Dick Nye, Steve Herbison, David Acree, Fred Sharp, Louis Inks, John Elmore, Ray Kafton, Ronald LaLonde, Harold Davidson. Arthur Bousquet, Bob Moore, Larry Hawkins, Ed Crouse, Gary Henslee, John Fuller. Fifth row: Jim Clemmens, Don Gordon, Bill Fanazick. Back row: Tom Turk, Roger Torgerson, Frank Vawter. Phil Rhea, Rod McBroom, Jerry Strain, Bill Watson, Perry Plantz. Brad Fanning, Brody Conklin, Jack Lindbcrg, Ron Barber, Warren Galloway, Bob Burns, Jim Kurle, Gary Bondahl, Bob Clemen- son, Kent Sleizer, Ron Pryor, Doug Goodrich, Dan Pederson, Jerry Oien, Mike Praetorius. Drama students strive

"The Little Dog Laughed," according to an old rhyme, "to see such sport"; but undoubtedly he had never seen such mirth- provoking sport as was engagingly told in the unique stage story that North Central dramatists presented in the school audi- torium, November 18 and 19, under the direction of Mrs. Genevieve Oppen. Ann Charlene Martinson ably filled the lead part as Laura Huntington, a col- lege sophomore majoring in psychology, who, upon returning home on a summer

vacation, decides her family is "a bunch of psychological knots."

TOP — A jealous business feud between two fathers, portrayed by Dick Batdorf and Jerry Miller, is climaxed in this paint-slinging scene which brought down the house in the all-school play, "The Little Dog Laughed."

UPPER LEFT — The rare Melipius Umbellus Umbellus bird is dem- enstrated by bird lover Mr. Honeywell (Glenn Bradley) to his sweet- heart, the Huntington's m?.id (Sharon Wilson) in this sub-plot of the hilarious story. LOWER LEFT — Psychology major Laura Huntington (Ann Char- lene Martinson) says goodnight to medical student Mark Graham (Dennis Anderson) while little Jamie Davis looks on. Almost hidden by the bottom of the picture is the little dog who "laughed."

120 Laura's method of applying psychology cal Student, portrayed by Dennis Anderson. to her friends and family proves to be very W'ally, Laura's obnoxious but likeable

entertaining. The house soon becomes a brother, is head over heels in love with jumble of note books and strange looking Joan Wood, played by Marilee Syler. The latter romance was a great distress blocks, and everybody is getting word as- to Mr. Huntington, portrayed by Miller, sociation tests, a blood to the brain test Jerry who was having a feud witli Joan's lather and intelligence tests. played by Dick Batdorf. A paint slinging Laura has the whole family— including Fighi between the two men brought the "Gus" the maid, played by Sharon Wilson- house down. running around with various types of ther- Glenn Bradley's characterization of mometers in their mouths, trying to find Horatio P. Honeywell, a bird-loving char- their "energy peaks," or times of day when acter, almost had the crowd rolling in the all their work should be done. aisles. Romance appears in the play when The play was a tremendous success and Laura meets Mark Graham, a young medi- won much acclaim for the drama classes.

to perfect their eagerlif anticipated plaijs.

The little deg's laughter is all but ignored by Laura as she teaches her kid brother Waily (Dick Green) that he can study best with his head down and his feet up. The all-school play was presented in November.

121 to right "Sparkle" is added to the beautiful ballet costumes of these dancers in the Nutcracker Suite of the Winter Festival. Left are Sharon and Marilee Syler, and Eilene and Arlene West.

These and other events instil) in us a respect

for the cultural beauties of the musical arts.

Under the direction of W. Stanley Taft, The orchestra opened the program the Winter Music Festival, presented De- with the "Christmas Carol Fantasy," fol- cember 13 and 14, was one of the "big" lowed by the Tepee Lighters and Three events of the year. Fives presenting religious and traditional Members of the choir, the orchestra, songs. the Tepee Lighters and the Three Fives Assisted by soft lighting and beautiful made up the cast of the production, a com- costumes, the group sang such selections bined replacement of the operettas and as "White Christmas," "Ave Maria" and winter festivals of former years. "The Sleigh." A matinee performance for the student Mike Praetorius, pianist, presented a body was given December 13, and evening solo, "Etude de Concert," which was met performances were on December 13 and 14. with tremendous applause.

122 Highlight of the Festival was the pre- sentation of Fred Waring's arrangement of the "Nutcracker Suite" by Tschaikowsky, featuring the choir, the orchestra, a large group of dancers and duo pianists. Miss Pinkham gave her time before and after school to teach the dancers their routines. Vocal leads in the presentation were Diane Burdick, Beverly Etchepare an< Ann Rymond. Pianists were Elaine Hieber and Merlee Conrath. Forty student dancers were featured. Leads were Ann Charlene Martinson, Larri Reynolds, Worth Martin and Dick Green. The program was closed with a bene- diction and the "Amen Chorus" by Gerald Hartley, North Central graduate and a former member of the music faculty. Costumes for the production were de- signed and made by Mrs. Beaver's costum- ing class.

UPPER RIGHT — Ann Charlene Martinson and Dick Green dance the Toy Flutes portion during presentation of the Fred Waring arrangement of the Nutcracker Suite.

LOWER RIGHT — As lovely as the Christmas trees they represent are these three participants in the Winter Music Festival. Left to right, Deanna Jenkinson, Carolyn Cotterel and Sharon Hill.

BELOW — "Lovely to look at as well as to hear" are the Three Fives, singing in this silvery scene from the Winter Festival. TEPEE LIGHTERS — Front row: Betty Quist, Joan Fox, Mary Jo Switzer. Back row: Joan Christiansen, Sally Braun, Sandra Williams, Beverly Etchepare, Donna McConnell, Mary Gallf.

"It's music, music everywhere!" Com- one ol the finest musical departments in posed of 245 members, North Central has Spokane. The Choir, Orchestra, Tepee

Members of the choir contribute inspiration

CHOIR — Front row: Merlee Conrath, Jeannette Barr, Evelyn Rieken, Mary Lou Edwards, Heather Richardson, Carole Fromm. Sec- ond row: Ken Berger, Dick Walden, Connie Solseng, Velda Heine, Donna McConnell, Carol Cave. Third row: Bill Nickell, Bill Pratt. Darrell Dickey, Gary Houdak. Elaine Hieber, Diane Burdick, Betty Quist, Margie Laue. Back row: Jim Loveioy, Dan Boutwell, Ed Hatcher, Phillip Keene, Ryan Montgomery. Dick Squibb, Ray Powis, Royce Gorseth, George Grier.

124 Lighters, Three Fives and Boys' Glee Club provide excellent outlets for talented siu- dents. Under the direction of W. Stanley Taft, head of the department, and the student

directors, they have completed a busy win- ter and spring schedule. Tepee Lighters provided musk for the Christinas Concert, the YWCA Talent Show, the "Spring Music Festival" and the Veterans' Hospital Christinas Program. Sixty-five voices strong, the Choir — along with the Orchestra, the Three Fives, and the Girls' Glee Club — participated in the "Winter Music Festival" in December and the "Spring Music Festival" in May, both in the school auditorium. The group also sang at the Jefferson Street Christian Church, Whitworth Col- Choir members sing carols in the halls during the Christmas season. lege, Greater Spokane Music Festival; and presented a Christmas radio broadcast lor the Washington Water Power Company. were: President, Elaine Hieber; vice- Choir officers during the fall semester president, bill Nickell; sergeant at arms. both to school productions and church groups,

CHOIR — Front row: Helen Jersild, Norma Steele, Janice Clayton, Delavena Duty, Shirley Eagle. Second row: Worth Martin. Mari- etta Bundy, Lois Smith. Willene Overmyer, Karen Bodley. Sherry Campbell. Jim Knowles. Tony Caputo, Earl Moe. Third row: Marilyn Daly, Carol Bowen, Ann Rymond. Marlene Rogers, Carol Hurt, James Lammers, Richard Seely, Bob Johnson. Back row: Dennis Anderson, Gary Smith, Gary Anderburg, Gary Dutton, Jim Porter, Terry Felker, Jerry Collins, Alvin DeVore.

125 ORCHESTRA — Front row: Kirsten Johnson, Margie Laue, Sharol Rae Cannon. Second row: Joelle Lyons, Marilyn Hundeby, Ro- berta Backman, Kay Bruesehoff, Diane Duncan, Bobby Applegate. Back row: Jim Halbig. Bob Byers, Jackie Holder.

while singing and orchestral groups share

BOYS' GLEE — Fr;nt row: Donald Newcomb, Robert Leonard, Ed McCoy, John Gracio, Kent Kitsmiller, Dick Materne, Gary Miller, Fred Parrish, Ray Schroeder, Frank Thomas. Second row: Allen Gwynne Robert Allen, Robert Byers, Vernon Higbee, Bob Phipps, Bill Harness, David Jones, Larry Lancaster, George Dupree, Bob Stewart, Kay Shawley. Back row: Jerry Flanigan, Mervyn Michael, Ralph Reed, Phil Harris, Dennis Woodhurst, Larry Saling, Charles Langley, Kenneth Finke, Chris Shears, David Monk, Bill Mustered.

126 THREE FIVES — Front row: Carol Bays, Carol Cave, Elaine Hieber Second row: Ann Rymond, Carolyn Cotterel, Sharon Hill, Mi- riam Randall, Sandra Larsen. Back row: Linda Quist, Marlene Rogers, Delavena Duty Sandra Williams, Jennette Barr, Beverly Etchepare, Donna McConnell, Diane Burdick. their talents u/ith community organizations.

Kenny Berger; secretary, Diane Burdick; gram, Eastern Star Banquet, Masonic In- business and publicity, Ann Rymond and stallations, Junior Chamber of Commerce Darrel Dickey; and historian, Delavena Retail Association, Shrine Installation. Mu Duty. Spring officers were: President, Ann Phi Music Honorary, Spokane Auto Show, Rymond; vice-president, Ed Hatcher; ser- and various church groups. geant at arms, Tony Caputo; secretary, Boys' Clee, a new choral society, was Mary Lou Edwards; business and publicity, established the second semester of this year Darrel Dickey and Worth Martin; and under the direction of David Holmes. The historian, Velda Heine. group, composed of 36 members from all Members of Orchestra provided music classes, meets every Fourth period in the for the Christ mas Concert and the Spring auditorium. Music Festival. "Boys' Clee specializes in four-part Three Fives also completed a crowded music, mostly spiritual," said Mr. Holmes. schedule this year. They have participated The major activity undertaken by the in nine PTA programs, the Chronicle Foot- Clee Club was their participation in the ball Rally, the one-hundredth YWCA An- 'Spring Music Festival." David Higbee niversary, the Warriors Banquet, Oeologi- served as president of the newly formed cal Society, Altrusa Club, City Club Pro- group.

127 128 129 Thei| contribute to success of productions.

"We would like five chairs and a speak- er's stand on the stage by tomorrow morn- ing, please." Often a note such as this starts the stage crew on another routine task. Besides stage settings, members of the stage crew handle the curtains and perform backstage tasks necessary to the success of every production. Sound equipment and lighting for morning and evening dances in the old gym, convocations, programs in the audi- torium, football games and meetings are also handled by the stage crew, under the direction of Dale H. Spurgeon of the in-

dustrial arts department. The stage crew is called upon daily to do the possible and many times to do the impossible. Members also work on special projects for other school groups, such as the hair crowns which they made for the Three Stage crew member Ed McCoy spotlights an ASB dance from his position "over the basket.' 1 Fives.

130 To this quartet, North Central owes much of its success in the field of productions. Seated is Miss Elsa Pinkham, producer of the biennial Doll Shop, Red Feather pagean- try, and production dancing. Standing at left is Lowell C. Bradford, who, besides serving as boys' adviser, directs the band. In the center is Mrs. Genevieve Oppen, who coaches the school plays; and at right, W. Stanley Taft, director of the choir, the orchestra, and other singing groups.


c> o Pi

A crowd of 17,000 people jams the stadium for the annual Vic Dessert Merry-Go-Round game. North Central took second place.

On field and track we nev/er lack.

Opening the season with second place in the annual Merry-Go- Round game, the Warriors defeated their MGR. foe. Lewis and Clark's Tigers. But the victories were soon matched with losses, as they tumbled before Walla Walla's Blue Devils and then the league-leading Rogers Pirates. Nor did the concluding game of the first half provide any con- solation, for the Indian Braves there suffered their biggest defeat, 48

to 0, from Gonzaga Prep. Determined now to repeat their midseason comeback of last year, the Indians again flattened the Tigers after losing to Yakima a week

VARSITY FOOTBALL — Clockwise: Bob Adams, Gary Bakken. Gene Baxter. Bud Blackwell. Ken Berger, Bob Bowles, Buck Brumblay, Clinton Burlock, Bob Caruso, Jim Caudill, Bob Doyle, Fred Duthweiler, Mike Edmunds, Doug Hammer.

(35 Indian Bob Urdahl (3) stops the 10-yard of Ron Hare, Gonzaga fullback, as June Hanford (33) steps in to help. Hare fumbled the ball but recovered to make a first down.

before, and rolled up die victory of the year against Rogers. When they Left the field, die Pirate team had a 27-21 defeat, and the state's predic- tors a lesson in statistics. But the season ended just as UN-glaniorously, as Gonzaga's "Bull- preps" rolled up a victory margin of 46 points. That finished the In- dians, according to statistics, in the Columbia Basin league's cellar and the city league's third place.

VARSITY FOOTBALL — Counterclockwise: Bing Johnson. Neil Johnson, Clifford Jenkinson. Neil Hoi- tink, Mickey Hannan, June Hanford, Rockly Jordan, Denny Kyle, Bob Lightfoot. Dick Lightfoot, Larry Liptac, Lee Moran, Mel Miller, Mervyn Michael, Mike McVay, Larry McCarrey, Lyle Liptac.

136 Buck Brumblay (11) races to stop Lewis and Clark halfback Larry Geraghty during the game in which the Indians whipped the Tigers, 16— 12.

When the city newspapers analyzed the season, they found room [or only Five North Central players between them on their all-city teams: Gary Smith and Dick Lightfoot, first team; and Chuck Wilkes, Ned Olson and Ken White, second team. Bui the Warriors, at their banquet, proudly divided their top awards six ways. The annual Ecker Inspirational Award went to Dick Light- foot. Larry Liptac received the blocking award, and Ned Olson and June Han ford, juniors, shared the tackling award.

VARSITY FOOTBALL — Clockwise: Bill Nance. Bob Nance. Nathan Narrance. Laurie Ness. Ned Olson. Bill Overholser, Denny Peterson, Wayne Plumb. Jim Porter, Perk Randall, Gordon Recor, Gary Smith] Vern Smith, Bob Urdahl, Mickey Vale, Chuck Wilkes. Ken White.

1 37 Hours of practice

B Squad Warriors of 1954 had a six- one win-loss record and a championship season, as they tied with the Lewis and Clark junior varsity for the city B league championship. With Norman Harding at the quarter- back position and John Derington, Ron Quincy, Farrel Romig and Mike Ham- mond doing the running, the jayvees av- eraged over 300 yards per game. Opening holes in the opposing team's line were Ron Restad, Ray Mason, Gary Houdak.Joe Mar B Squad football coach, Bill Whitaker. chioro, Dave Ricketts, Jack Wrenn and Ernie Smith. Beginning the season with an 18-0 loss 1954 B SQUAD SEASON to Lewis and Clark, B Squadders continued North Central 0 Lewis and Clark 18 North Central 31 West Valley 0 the rest of the season without defeat. By a North Central 16 Gonzaga 14 North Central 14 Rogers 7 score of 40-13 they avenged their earlier North Central 40 Lewis and Clark 13 North Central 20 Gonzaga 14 loss to the South Side Tigers, to close the North Central 45 Rogers 13 season in a first-place tie.

Dave B SQUAD FOOTBALL — Front row: Jack Wrenn. John Derington. Ron Restad. Joe Marchioro. Norman Harding, co-captain; Barrow. Gene McMurtrey, Michael Ricketts. Gary Houdak, Richard Blair, manager. Second row: Jin Zumoto. co-captain; Kirk Lanny Anderson, Bob McKinney, Erwin Schaeffer, Wayne Collins, Raymond Mayther, Bill Bruce, manager. Third row: Ernest Smith, Donald Cox, Jim Tierney. Rauch, Ken Zink, John Galardi. Harold Thorsen. Ron Quincy. Fourth row: Ronald Derogatis, Barry Roff. Simmng. Jack Holmes, Duane Tim Pebles. Gary Burns. Gary Bower, Craig Ladwig, Michael Hammond. Fifth row: Ray Mason, Earl Bill Thew. Larry Toombs, William Green, Kav Anderson, Ryan Montgomery, Philip Lorenzen. Back row: Tom Smith, Jerry Skogstad. Bennett. Duckett, Bill Claflin. Dan Stansbury, John Raymond, Farrel Romig. Standing: Assistant Coach Lowery

138 precede the thrills.

Coach David Holmes' 1954 freshman

football squad wound up its fall campaign with second place in the city league. Fin- ishing league play with two wins, one loss

to Lewis and Clark, and one tie with Rog-

ers, the Papoosemen defeated Cheney li

squadders, 33-13, and Mead frosh, 1 3-6. Quarterbacking the Injun Creenies was Dennis Spurlock. Chris Schears and Don Lobdell operated from the halfback slots and fullback was Ivan Payne. Scoring leader for the little Papooses and also the Freshman football coach, Dave Holmes. league was Chris Schears. Gary Koeppel and Gerald Davis alternated at left end: Ernie Nye, left tackle; Glen Ellis and Ra- 1954 FRESHMAN SEASON leigh Clark alternated at left guard, and North Central 6 Rogers • David Peelgren and Russell Foster traded North Central 18 Lewis and Clark 20 North Central 39 West Valley off at center. Kent Kitsmiller was at right 0 North Central 38 Gonzaga 0 guard, Larry Saling at right tackle and

Jerry Barton held down the right end slot.

FROSH FOOTBALL — Front row: Ronnie Hedstrom. Del Williams. Benny Corigliano, Ernie Nye. Galen Perry, Jack Alberts, Kent Kitsmiller, Bruce Reid. Clive Goodman. Second row: Ronnie Cowan, Larry Saling. James O'Sullivan, James Magstadt. Glen Ellis, Cliff Bursch, Bill Fairfax, Neil Williams, Jim Rooney. Third row: Gene Erickson, Ron Ingham, Bob Janke, Dick Nye, Gerald Davis, Russell Foster, Don Wilson, Gary Koeppel. Fourth row: Rusty Brown. Don Newcomb, Dick Materne, Don Lobdell, Gary Barton. Ivan Payne. Benny Starr. Back row: Raleigh Clark. David Peelgren, Dick Hannan, Jerry Harris. Chris Shears. Dennis Spurlock. Bill Gottbreht. Standing at right: Coach Dave Holmes.

1 39

Coordinating mind with bodi(, we hear the

cheering crou/ds. The tense minutes pass.

Although starting the season slow, tories. Figured to be one of the top con- Coach Jerry Stannard's 1955 varsity basket- tenders at the beginning of the season, the ball squad came out on the long end of Indian casabamen couldn't seem to put to- some important tilts to tie for second place gether a consistent winning combo and in the city league. The Tribe's finish was wound up sporting a 5-5 win-loss record.

identical to last season, when the dropping Included in the Warrior v ic tories were of two contests to West Valley and Gonzaga a 59-57 upset of Gonzaga's city title holders, also finished the Indians in the bridesmaid highlighted by a record-breaking splurge position. of scoring by Indian Bob Bid; and a 38-37 Re-entrance of Central Valley High victory over highly favored West Valley. School into city league play in the new Opening the season with a 54-50 loss Spokane Coliseum heralded the toughest to the underdog Rogers Pirates in over- race for the city prep basketball champion- time, the Red and Black squad was leveled ship in Spokane history, as demonstrated again by Scpunty Hunter's much-improved by a volley of single and double-point vic- Lewis and Clark Tigers. The third game of

141 mi Indian's Bob Biel makes a point to put the Tribe ahead in their game with Central Valley.

Teamwork and effort combine

the season saw the loc als drop favored West Valley in a top-notch 38-37 upset, and the Tribe next lost a heart-breaker to the then league-leading Gonzaga "bull-Preps" 48-47. The hoopsters penetrated the win column once again by trouncing Central Valley with a convincing margin of tallies, and vanquished the Wellesley Avenue Pirates 60-47 in the first game of the second half. The sec ond game, too, was a reversal, as Lewis and Clark bowed to the In- dians, 47-38, in the rematch of the two rival clubs. The following week's battle saw the more experienced West Valley

Eagles whip a revamped squad of Warriors, breaking its t wo-game come-

From t?p to bottom: Jim Bickerstaff. Bob Biel, Norm Harding, Vern Higbee, Laurl Ness, Larry Reid, Jerry Skogstad. Ernie Smith. Warriors battle for the ball during the tense West Valley game.

to bring v/i'ctorif and recognition,

back; but the fine playing of Bob Biel sparked a two-point vic tory over the title-minded Gonzagans the next week in one of the season's most exciting and perhaps the most outstanding game. The closing game of the season saw the Braves tripped by Central Valley's Bears, and made official Gonzaga's first league title in several years.

At the annual awards banquet, Lee Walker was named captain-of- the-year by his teammates, and junior Bob Biel received the free-throw award. Although North Central failed to place any players on the i ity newspapers' all-city teams, Biel was named to a second-team berth for his record-breaking 27-point output in the Pup-Injun game. The speedy Indian guard, who this year averaged 1 1 .5 tallies per game and placed among the top 10 city league scorers, is figured to be the stalwart of next year's Tribe.

From top to bottom: George Solandros, Bob Thomas. Harold Thorsen, Mike Tye, Lee Walker. Phil Walker, Chuck Wilkes. but, u/in or lose,

B Squad hoopslers f inished their highly successful basketball season in a three-way

tie for first place with West Valley and Lewis and Clark. Sparked by players like Norman Hard- ing, Harold Thorsen, Jim Bickerstaff, George Solandros, Jerry Skogstad and Ernie Smith, the "junior Indians" matched their seven wins with only three losses in an early-season losing streak to Gonzaga, West Valley and Lewis and Clark. All three were by decisive victories in Georgs Solandros jumps for a basket in the junior varsity's game avenged, however, with West Valley. the closing games of the season. Biggest victory margin of the season was a 57-34

1955 B SQUAD SEASON win over the league-leading Lewis and North Central 46 Rogers 27 Clark Javees in the second half. North Central 55 Central Valley 38 North Central 42 Gonzaga 48 "Our team had one of the most success- North Central 21 Lewis 2nd Clark 45 North Central 19 West Valley 44 ful seasons in years," Coach Kenneth Ha- North Central 42 Rogers 39 North Central 49 Central Valley 43 gen commented. "Everyone on the squad North Central 57 Lewis and Clark 34 North Central 43 Gonzaga 34 had plenty of spirit and really wanted to North Central 46 West Valley 39 play basketball, and I am sure there is plenty of potential for future varsities."

B SQUAD BASKETBALL — Front row: Gary Ballo, Lanny Anderson. Bob Rauch, Stan Woodhurst, Ron Smith, Bob Thomas, Don Middaugh. Back row: Norm Harding. George Solandros, Ken Zlnk, Ernie Smith. Jim Bickerstaff. Harold Thorsen, Jerry Skogstad.

1 44 we gain new skills.

Although the one win and eleven loss record achieved by this year's freshmen

basketballers is not impressive, experience gained from playing tough opponents dur- ing the season gives bright hopes for future seasons. The city freshman league this year ex- cluded junior high schools, so a round-robin was played among North Cen-

tral, Lewis and Clark, West Valley, Gon- zaga and Rogers. The papoose squad's to 30. single win was over Gonzaga, 35 Papoose Dick Hannan (6) battles with Spirit Lake basketballers for possession of the ball. Teammate Don Lobdell (14) "This year's team was the smallest in stands by. The freshmen won. several years," commented Coach Bennett. at close of the Winning awards the 1955 FRESH MAN SEASON season were Gary Barton, Gary Gorremans, North Central 18 Gonzaga 32 North Central 24 Lewis and Clark 39 Cliff Bursch, Dennis Spurlock, Bennie North Central 30 Rogers 42 North Central 30 West Valley 49 Corigliano, David Peelgren, Jerry Davis, North Central 22 Gonzaga 43 North Central 19 Lewis and Clark 30 John Lewis, Elva Duvall, Dick Hannan, North Central 34 Rogers 44 North Central 33 West Valley 36 Larry Emerson, Dick Materne, Chris N:rth Central 35 Gonzaga _ 30 North Central 16 Lewis and Clark 36 Shears, Don Lobdell, Dennis Woodhurst, North Central 30 Rogers 39 North Central 23 West Valley 35 Rusty Brown and Ronnie Hcdstrom.

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL — Front row: Gary Gorremans. Chris Shears. Jerry Davis. Benny Corigliano. Dennis Spurlock. Don Lobdell. Dick Hannan. Back row: Gary Barton, Dick Materne. Clive Goodman. Elva Duvall. David Peelgren. Dennis Woodhurst. Larry Anderson. Ron Hedstrom. 146 Varsity baseballers "work out" with exercises before a preseason practice.

We join in King Baseball, a favorite.

With seven returning lcttcrmen to form the nucleus of his squad, and with several of last year's first division B squadders bidding for starting assignments, Coach Al Manfred looked for a successful baseball season. The infield sported five returnees from last year's ball club, with Laurie Ness behind the plate, Bob Lightfoot at first base, Jim Back- man holding down second and Mike Tye "setting up shop" at . Only one returning lctterman, Dick Lightfoot, a stalwart from last season's team, patrolled the "pasture." Chuck Wilkes, Jim Porter and Ralph Burlock were candidates also for first-string berths. Returning pitchers were Gordon Recor and Larry Reid. Bob Bid also worked hard in hopes of landing a starting role. In addition to Laurie Ness, Dick Lightfoot was prepared to take over the backstop duties.

VARSITY BASEBALL — Tcp to bottom: Jim Backman. Bob Blel, Ralph Burlock. Dick Daschbach, Mike Edmonds. Jim Gilbertson, Norman Harding. Bob Lightfoot. Larry Reid attempts a bunt as catcher Dick Lightfoot and "ump" Gordon Recor stand ready.

Tribe baseballers begin their practices as early as March in order to be ready for league games, which begin at the end of April and continue almost until school closes. Most games are played on the schools' own diamonds.

In preseason games, the Indians dropped West Valley, 3-0, in three innings, and edged Gonzaga University's frosh, 11-10. When asked who he thought would be the strongest teams in the '55 campaign, Coach Manfred stated, "I feel that Lewis and Clark and Rogers are the teams to beat. North Central's finish in the league will depend on how the hurling stacks up."

Counterclockwise — Dick Lightfoot. Mike McVay. Dean Morris, Laurie Ness. Jim Porter, Larry Reid. Tom Rizzuto, Mike Rypczynski, Don Smith, Ernie Smith, Mike Tye, Chuck Wilkes, Gordon Recor. B SQUAD BASEBALL — Front row: Farrel Romlg, Vernon Hayne, Gary Burrus, Bill Hansen, Jerry Skogstad, Ron Qulncy. Second row: Ervin Schaeffer, Ryan Montgomery, Wes Tschirgi, Dick Blair, Jack Fisher, Charles Anderson. Wayne Wilson, John Raymond, Philip Lorenzcn. Back row: James Zumoto, Frank Nelson, Winston Langston, Stan Woodhurst, Bob Ranch. Dennis McCoy, Ken Zink, Lanny Anderson, Dan Riegel, Larry Helgoe, Ronald Smith, Don Hill, Duane Weston, George Solandros, Jack Holmes, Larry Barry.

Baseball prospects looked very good lor Freshman baseball players who practice

Future North Central teams as indic ated by and play many of their games at (.an y Park freshman and B basehall squads coac hed by had a heavy schedule to fill, and B squad- William Diedrick and Bill Whitaker re- ders who opened their league season April

spectively. Both teams were dominated by 21 . also played a heavy schedule, including summer park ball players and last year's several out-of-town engagements, to gain second-place Freshmen. experience.



FRESH MAN BASEBALL — Front row: Gary Gorremans. Phil Harris, Dick Hannon. Ron Spurlock, Jerry Davis, Don Lobdell. Dennis Woodhurst. Duane Heard, Coach Diedrick. Second row: Ron Brown, manager: Jerry Miller, Don Materne, Jack Alberts, Fred Parrish. John Skelton, Cliff Bursch, Mick Huss, Gary Mix, Ron Hedstrom, manager. Third row: Lance Girnus, Dick Page. Bob Stewart, Gary Ytreeide, Clive Goodman. Back row: Bill Fairfax, Don Roetz. Jim Hobbs, Ben Starr.

149 150 Track runners John (VtcNec, Bob Nordlund, Ray Emerson and Alan Robinson come in on the "last lap" of a practice race.

We run relatfs and jump hurdles.

Prospects for North Central's track team this season appeared the brightest since 1951, the final year of the Indian's four-year domination of the city cinder loop. At Tamarack presstime, it looked as though the Redskins were assured of placing among the top squads, although first- place chances were slim. "Other schools have too many established stars," Coach Al Danielson said. "With our returning lettermen and our sophomore strength, how- ever, we have a bright future." Most of the stars who paced Havermale's championship last year were on the Warrior roster, as well as North Central freshmen who last year finished second. This combination with the returning lettermen should produce some top-notch performers. Six returning lettermen included broad jumper Bill Russell, shot- putter Ken White, distance men Alan Robinson and John McNee, hurdler Bob Nance, and sprinter Ken Berger. All except White, McNee and Berger were seniors.

VARSITY TRACK — Top to bottom: Bob Adams, Dick Baker, Ken Burger, Ron Barber. Bob Doyle, Ray Emerson. Don Gordon. Bill Overholser and Bob Nordland plummet toward the hurdles.

Top-notch spring prospects were Ron Barber and Harold Thorsen. Hob Doyle, June Hanford and Ron Turner were among the new- comers pushing to the top. Tom Smith carried the load in the high jump, probably the strongest of the field events. Most promising in the pole vault were Larry Hale and Dick Throm. In the mile competition were senior Ray Emerson and junior George Dupree.

Counterclockwise — June Hanford, Doug Hohenstein, John McNee, Bob Nance, George Nikotich, Bob Nord- lund. Bill Overholser, Austin Pagnotta, Larri Reynolds, Alan Robinson. Bill Russell, Tom Smith, Harold Thorsen, Dick Throm, Ron Turner, Phil Walker, Ken White. B SQUAD TRACK — Front row: Don Middaugh, Dick Throm, Larri Reynolds, Ron Barber, Austin Pagnotta, Ron Turner, Dick Baker, Daryl Bredesen, Rick Connick, Ron Derogatis, Ray Powis. Second row- Tom Denholm, Dennis Beals. Dave Shepherd, Guy Granger, Tom Smith, Gene McMurtrey, Jim Hankford, Bob Thomas, Dave King, Wayne Johnson. Jim McKay, Dennis Collins, Gary Henslee. Back row: Darrell Bowen, David Thompson, Gordon Smith, Terry Brinson, Ron Daly, Don Cox, Dave Ricketts, Dan Stans- bury, Mike Craggett, Ryan Montgomery, Jack Holmes, Dennis Collins, Steve Provant.

Freshman and B Squad trackmen the freshmen playing in a relay meet at worked out under the watchful eyes of Rogers one week before their regidar sea-

Coach Al Danielson and his assistant, Bur- son opened. For the first time this season, rill Exley, in preparation for their meets. the "Bees" had a schedule of then own, Both the B and Freshman squads had highlighted by an All-City tilt on the North opening meets after spring vacation, with Central playfield May 17.

FRESHMAN TRACK — Front row: Ed Weiss, Ben Corigliano, Mike Keegan, Neil Williams. Russ Flint, George Kingen. Don Wilson, Gary Koeppel. Back row: Larry Wornstaff. Din Newcomb. Ivan Payne, Chris Shears, Gene Ericksen. Jim Magstadt, Bruce Reid, Tip Williams.

153 Placing second in the city cross-country league, Coach Al Danielson's Redskin hill- and-dalers, completed another successful

season last fall, as perennially strong Lewis

and Clark swept to the title. The Tribesmen were victors over Rog- ers and took second place in the Richland dual meet, to account for a fine squad. Returning lettermen were Alan Robin- son, John McNee, Ray Emerson, Larry Haunschild and Dick Baker. Ron Barber, Bob Thomas, Ron Turner, Austin Pag- notta, Doug Hohenstein, Daryl Bredesen and George Nickotich provided many points for the Red and Black runners. "I was pleased with our showing in the league this year," Coach Alvin Danielson said.

Star cross-country runner Alan Robinson does a few laps.

No matter what the sport, we give everything

CROSS-COUNTRY — Front row: Coach Danielson. Ron Barber. Ron Turner. Bob Thomas. Alan Robinson, Ray Emerson, Doug Ho- henstein, Dick Baker. Second row: Dick Haunschild, Ray Powis. Dave King. Austin Pagnotta, Jack Buss. George Nikotich, Rick Connick. Back row: Gary Glenn, Dean Benson, Russ Flint, George Kingen, Ron Pantzar, Stan Hood.

154 WRESTLING — Front r:w: Richard Gunter. Don Morse. Ray Mather. John McLendon. Larry Rolstad, Don Cox, Wayne Collins. Back row: Harold Kaatz. Bill Sims. Gary Glenn, June Hanford, Ray Mason, Dave Rlckjtts. Doug McPhee.

we hav/e to it.

Intramurals provide a chance to play for boys who would not other- wise participate in school sports, Mentor "Nip" Hagen said. Over 100 boys turned out for intramural basketball. "They worked hard at the game," he stated. Some fine varsity players are discovered following their participa- tion in intramural sports," Head Coach Jerry Stannard commented. Coach Stannard urges high school

boys to turn out for intramural ac- tivities. "A lot of enjoyment can be had by playing in these different fields," he added.

UPPER RIGHT — ••Felling" cnt's opponent ii an important wrestling fundamental.

LOWER RIGHT — Intramural iwimmen plunge into the North Central pool. BOYS' TENNIS — Front row: Gary Tewlnkel, Jim Price, Dale Mickus, Marshall Reynolds, Ed Holm, Dick Selby. Second row: Del Jack Schultz, Bob Large, Les Rider, Jerry Strand, Larry Llptac, Dennis Sullivan. John Hein. Back row: Roy Bell, Raleigh Clark, Brooks. Larry Sleizer, Dave Quiring, Les Fried, Dick Nye.

We u/il) be able to enjoq sports like tennis

Bolstered by several returning letter- men and promising sophomore and junior

prospec ts, Coach Ernest Hix's tennis squad prepared for a strong bid for league cham- pionship this spring. Tribe netters played a round-robin schedule, meeting Gonzaga, Rogers, Lewis and Clark, West Valley and Central Valley one lime each in league play. North Central also entered the Inland Empire and Freshman Tournaments. "With hard work and practice," said Coach Hix, "North Central cotdd give de- fending Rogers a good run for their money, and end their two-year domination of the league." Included in the upper six are seniors, Les Rider and Larry Sleizer; juniors, Ed Holm, Rob Large and Jerry Strand, and sophomore Marshall Reynolds.

Larry Sleizer and Les Rider have a friendly match on a balmy day.

156 Coach Don Bonamy's golf team opened its season with a match against Gonzaga Prep which, although North Central was the loser, may well have been the incentive

needed to raise the team from last year's third-place standing in the city league. Competing in the Inland Empire High School Golf Tournament and the boys' and fills' mixed two-ball tournament again this year, the squad boasted three lettermen — Ron Meyer, Tom Anderson and Pat Ken- nedy — from last season's divot diggers. Oilier linksmen included Dave Ander- son. Floyd Amsden, Bob Caruso, Doug Campbell, Scott Daisley, Mike Hammond, Gerry Mehlert, Jack Obde, Brian Quan- beck, Steve Roadruck, Tim Pebles, Ron Tipke, Bill W iggins, Bob Wells and Bill Zickler.

Tom Anderson drives a long one down the fairway. and golf \r\ leisure time for qears to come.


TWENTY YEARS OF FOOTBALL ROYALTY — Front row: Mrs. Harry A. Duffy. 39. Mrs. Neil Murphv '47, Mrs. Alfred '34, Von Stubbe Miss Deanna Jenkinson '54. Mrs. Norma Homer '41. Back row: Mrs. A. '51, C. Waye Miss Randy Aamot '53, Mrs. D. L. Johnson '52, Mrs. Harry Missildine '42, Mrs. Harold Merdahl '46.

Most girls take keen interest in athletics.

Opportunities in the girls' physical ment activities. Any girl wishing to t ain education program are highly varied. In- points fills out a card in the girls' gym of- tramural sports include volleyball, badmin- fice. Upon reaching 500 points, she receives ton, Softball, basketball, track, swimming a shield: 1000 points, a black star; 1500 and horseback riding. points, another black star: and 2000 points, Ice skating, swimming, tennis and golf a gold star. are also included in the curriculum as well All senior Red Feathers are eligible to as team sports and rhythmic Fundamentals. run lor Football Princess or Spring Sports Tennis and golf are offered, too, as inter- Princess. The three selling the largest num- scholastic competitive sports. A course in ber of tickets to football games or spring first aid is given senior Red Feathers sports games, respectively, are in the final through the physical education depart- running. The Football Princess is pre- ment. sented with the traditional bracelet at a All-activity points arc earned by the half-time stunt in the fall; and the Spring girls through participation in sports, Spoi ls Princess at a playfield convocation special presentations, and other depart- in the spring.


SONG AND YELL LEADERS — Mark Schorzman, yell leader chairman: Doris Brandt, Connie Solseng, Darlene Jackman, Georgia Howard. Glenn Bradley. Marching units

Highlight of the 1955 school year for 120 junior and senior Red Feathers was the

" North Central Waltz" presented in the new Spokane Coliseum during the city- wide program, "Schools on Parade." Under the superb direction of Miss Elsa Pinkham, head of the girls PE department, and Miss Eleanor Dixon, they gave a stupendous performance. Red Feathers was organized in 1938 by Miss Pinkham, starting out with only 18

FALL RED FEATHER OFFICERS — Seated: Sally Smith, secre- girls, who chose the name "Red Feathers" tary; Rosemary Hollister, historian-reporter; Joan Lamping, sergeant at arms. Standing: Judy Anderson, chairman. for their unit.

RED FEATHERS — Firjt row: Phyllis Belden, Ann Fackenthall, D.anne Foster. Ann Materne, Joan Lamping. Sally Smith, Margaret Kritzer, Janet Wyatt, Liann Hass, Pam Whitaker. Second row: Pat Fairfax. Myrna Nestoss, Judy Acree, Rita Fulwiler, Eileen Smith. Dorothy Beaty, Darlene Gerkensmeyer, Claudia Miner, Lois Smith, Janet Novak, Elaine Hieber, Virginia Bishop. Third row: Linda Quist, Deanna Coleman, Betty Britt, Donna Coleman, Carolyn Cotterel, LaVina Morlan, Helen Keene, Sharen Hunt, Vlcki Pruitt, Linda Buchan, Jeanne Gilbert. Marilyn Brewster. Fourth row: LaVerne Belshaw, Caryl Heth. Marilyn Bergman, Daisy Henry, Diane Burdick, Sandra Strand, Dolores Craig, Sharon Hill. Joan Prather, Marilynn Clark, Karen Brown. Back row: Barbara Brown, Anne Pein, Philo Corser, Kathy Stephenson, Clara Sonderen, Linda Eldenburg, Vianne West, Marilu Miller, Betsy Jones, Roberta Johnson.

162 add color and zip

With their unique uniforms, their par- ticipation in football stunts, parades, and as an organized cheering section at all games, the Red Feathers have gained a posi- tion of prominence in the city as a march- ing unit. Candidates for Red Feathers are chosen by Miss Pinkham and the Red Feather officers, according to grades, dancing abili- ty, marching ability, and the interest shown in the girls' physical education department.

Red Feather is A banquet held each SPRING RED FEATHER OFFICERS — Standing: Diane Burdlck, spring. chairman. Seated: Kay Bruesehoff, secretary: Ann Materne, hisistorian-reporter; Joan VanDerhoef, sergeant at arms.

RED FEATHERS — First row: Diane Hawley. Carol Daisley. Betty Jean Rohrer. Rosemary Hollister, Judy Anderson, Judy Flynn. Deanna Jenkinson, Shirley Taylor. Barbara Miller. Second row: Arlene West. Sharon Syler. Sharon Neuman, Judie Merica. Judy Nicholson, Janice Twombly, Janna Merica. Karol Woodbury. Vicki Beehler. Audrey Fairfax. Eilene West. Third rcw: DeAnne Dunn, Joan VanDerhoef, Kay Bruesehoff. Carole Lipscomb, Carol Armitige, Janet Dalzell, Nancy Battan, Annabelle Dizmang. Adele Foth- ergill. Connie Kern. Pat Barney. Fourth row: Marilyn Mingo, Gail Morgan. Janice Hewitt. Kay Featherly, Sally Mills. Wilma Uhden. Deanna Oveson. Virginia Brandenburg, Karolyn Unger, Sharol Ra? Cannon, Marjorie Sampson. Back row: Sandrea Mielke, Sandra Weddle, Carol Beam, Cleo Smith. Ruth Cooprider. Darlenc Graham. Pate Quist. Colleen Burke, Karen Kastberg, Janice Perry. Bobbie Allison.

163 COLOR GIRLS — Front row: Ruth Bass, Kay Kelley, Lyn Sisich. Barbara Delvechio, Agnes Zimmerman, Joan Morigeau, Marilyn Daly, Judith Smith, Sharon Quiring, Virginia Hulick. Second row: Betty McKinnon. Carol Urbach, Carol Edge, Carole Underdahl, Huberta Kinney. Marilyn Lanphere. Barbara Baeon, Linda Shriver, Dianne Pence. Third row: Sharon Kinder, Arlynne Denny, Linda Barnard, Barbara Bailie, Beverley Mathis, Joy Schudel, Kay Sayles, Judy Plein. Janice Botts. Sandra Phillipson. Back row: Elaine Scott, Billie Jo Maloney, Shirley Moore, Jacky Gerl, Karen Pickett, Jo Ann Bishop, Carol Jean Ellis, Annette Roberts, Nancy Johnson, Brenda Hewitt, Linda Engle.

to parade, pageant,

Under the direction of Miss Eleanor Dixon, assistant girls' physical education director, the Color Girls, an organization lor the promotion of school spirit, attend

all the sports events thereby adding color and zest to the North Central varsity sports program. Organized in 1930 by Miss Bertha lioehme for 20 freshmen and sophomores, the number has since grow n to 80. FALL COLOR GIRL OFFICERS Front row: Barbara Delvechio, — Girls in their secretary; Agnes Zimmerman, chairman. Back row: Sally Braun, The Color uniforms of historian-reporter; Sheila Hanson, sergeant at arms; wine sweaters, black skirts and arrowhead Janice Mellgren, sergeant at arms.

164 COLOR GIRLS Front row: Judy Lipscomb, Georgia Horley, Susan Merriman, Sally Braun, Janice Mellgren, Sheila Hanson, Sharon Lund, Janice Mast, Lorraine Miller. Second row: Janice Aaseby, Sandra Glidden. Roberta Flint, Franque Remington, Dorothy Rudi- Fry, sile, Phyllis Stalick, Lynn Kimberling, Carol Knowles, Nikki Selivanoff, Dorene Hagen. Third row: Thelma Tollefsen. Doris Donna Murray, Judy George, Charlene Broekel, Beverly Shepard. Willean Pledger, Sharon Cogley, Carol Jean Thibault. Back row: Marjorie Stockton, Alexandra Chassy, Roberta Warner. Rosemary Sleizer, Janet Schuster, Gail Thomp- son. Beverly Donley, Judi Seymour. Kathy Howard. Jotina Johnson.

community events.

emblems, have participated in stunts at the stadium, marched in the Lilac Day Parade, collec ted lor charily drives, and sold Softball and spring sports tic kets. On opening week of the Coliseum, the Color (.iris participated in the "Schools on Pa- rade" by joining with the Red Feathers in the North Central Waltz. Any freshman or sophomore B girl with a C average or better is eligible to try out SPRING COLOR GIRL OFFICERS — Front row: Janet Schuster, for Color Girls. An annual banquet honors chairman; Lyn Sisich, sergeant at arms. Back row: Shirley Moore, secretary: Judy Lipscomb, historian-reporter; Miss Dixon and Miss Pinkhain. Nancy Johnson, sergeant at arms.

165 GOLFERS — Front row: Joan Prather, captain; Barbara Walker, Myrna Paulson, Caiol Lohoefer, Shirley Taylor, Cleo Smith, Deanna Jenkinson, manager; Janice Jacobson, Mary Lou Nordby, Dianne Buell, Gail Flynn, Kathy Corrin, Margaret Ewell. Back row: Neil Christian, instructor; Leone Gross, Marilyn Daly, Sally Ramsey, Suzie Frank, Virginia Lyng, Dolores Easter, Glenys Bowles, Karen Pickett, Roberta Michlitch, Claudia White, Claudia Bunge, Julia Wilcox, Miss Timm.

Golf and tennis prove popular sports.

GIRLS' TENNIS — Front row: Karen Kastberg, manager; Gail Zahm, Anita Zehm, Betty Jean Rohrer, Carol Daisley, Joan Lamping, co-captain; Sally Smith, Claudia Miner, Clara Sonderen, Joan VanDerhoef, Karol Woodbury, manager. Second row: Anita Son- deren, Arlene West, Liann Hass, LaVina Morlan, Darlene Lindsley, Elaine Hieber, Carolyn Cotterel, Deanna Jenkinson, Margie Ewy, Mary Dimitroff, Lyn Sisich, Ann Materne. Back row: Eilene West, Dorothy Beaty, Karolyn Unger, Janice Hewitt, Joan Young, Philo Corser, LaVerne Belshaw, Karen Brown, Miss Pinkham, Barbara Walker, Vicki Pruitt, Elaine Scott, Sharon Wing, Dixie Johnson.

166 Golf

Thirty girls who turned out for golf this year were given free lessons each Tin s clay, period 6 and after school, by Neil Christian, Downriver pro, from January through March at Highbridge. Then the group moved to Downriver golf course where they continued to play and to re- ceive instructions. This season they com- peted only against Lewis and Clark. They are coached by Miss Wilhelmine Timm. Most of the girls, according to Miss Timm, were relatively new at the sport this season. Mary Lou Nordby was captain of the team and Shirley Taylor was man- ager. Medal and two-ball foursomes are played in the spring.

Joan Prather, captain, on the green.


Girls' tennis team, coached by Miss Pinkham, took second place in the city championship this year. Four games were played, one with each of the four schools- Rogers, Central Valley, West Valley and Lewis and Clark. The girls practiced every Monday and Wednesday during period 6 and after school, and sometimes Saturday mornings. Sally Smith and Joan Lamping were co-captains of the team for the fall semes-

ter; Karol Woodbury and Karen Kastberg, managers. Co-captains for the spring semester were Carol Daisley and Betty Jean Rohrer; managers were Karol Woodbury and Karen Kastberg.

Carol Daisley in action on the court.

167 Basketball

Taking first place in the girls' basket- ball tournament in December with eight wins and no defeats were the "Spazie's Spa- zers," captained by Joan Lamping. "Solseng's Senior Sinkers," captained by Connie Solseng, captured second place after a run-off with the Spazers. Other teams and their captains were: "Sophomore Squaws," Bev Donley; "Alley Cats," Kay Sayles; "Dribblin' Fools," Sally Akan; "Fouling Fools," Janice Mast; "Drib- blin' Dolls," Adele Fothergill; "Jolly Jun- ior Jump-Ups," Sally Mills: "Mambo Mamas." Joan Somerville; "Sophomore Baskettes," Marjorie Stockton, and the "Bouncing Bloomers." Ardella Stockton. Captain of the winning team, Joan Lamping, shoots for a point.


Volleyball play opened in November with Kit) girls turning out. They were di- vided into six teams, each playing live games. The tournament was held on Tues- days and Thursdays after school.

Team I, captained by Liann Hass, took first place in the tournament by five wins and no defeats. Captains of the other teams were; Team II, Dorothy Carmichael; team III, Sally Smith; team IV, Barbara Miller; Team V, Jeanette Schaeffer; and team VI, Carolyn Greening. Fundamentals of volleyball are taught in the regular gym classes to prepare the girls for their after-school teamwork. LLEYBALL CAFTAINS — Dorothy Cr-.rmichael, Barbara Miller, Jeanette Schaeffer, Carolyn Greening. Liann Hass. Sally Smith. Basketball and volleqbal), annual favorites,

VOLLEYBALL WINNING TEAM — Front row: Jacky Gerl. Janic_> Sipe, Connie Solseng. Liann Hass. captain: Carol Charest. Marian Mauney. Deanna Horn. Carol Jean Snow .Back row: Dotty Breeden. Wlllean Pledger. Maxine Bowerman. Jean Miner, Fredene Moran. Joanne Olson, Virginia Hulick, Alice Rae Collins.

169 Arlynne Denny, Janice BADMINTON — Front row: Betty McKinnon, Virginia Hulick, Marietta Bundy. Eilene West, Connie Solseng. Bobble Allison, Doris Fry. Bixby Brenda Hewitt. Ardella Stockton. Second row: Marilyn Bobbins. Sharon Neuman, Lorraine Miller. Burke, Roberta Warner, Rosemary Thelm'a Tollefsen, Carol Edge. Beverly Harris. Back row: Arlene West. Claudia Miner. Colleen Sleizer, Kay Minnick. Linda Schutz, Maijorie Stockton, Gail Thompson. also build toward that precious shield.

AFTER -SCHOOL SWIM — Frcnt row: Ruthie Bentley, Evelyn Rieken. Donna Martinson, Fern Barrett, Linda Schatz, Judy Mills. Jeanne Huber, Doreen Camyn. Morrie Simpson, Rosemary Martin. Back row: Mae Raudebough, Kathleen McKnight, Alice Rae Col- lins, Nikki Selivanoff, Cheri Jeffries, Joelle Lyons, Sharon Pardun. Susan Rogers, Joy Hallin, Janet Wing, Merle Walker, Dianna Williams, Jeanie Johnson.

170 Badminton

"Watch the birdie!" Badminton doubles were played every Tuesday and Thursday after school and Monday and Thursday morning in both the new and old gyms. In the singles divi- sion, following the doubles tournament, one loss eliminated a player. The tournament was divided into four divisions. Capturing first place in their division were: Deanna Coleman and Caro- lyn Joyner; Lynn Kimberling and Gail Thompson; Sally Smith and Joan Vander- hoef; and Anita Sonderen and Anita Zehm. Students managers were: Carol Jean Ellis, Liann Hass, Shirley Hill, Connie Solseng, Dianna Sheridan and Eileen West.

Manager Connie Solseng barely tips the birdie over the net for a point.


To a group of 150 girls, who, regardless of aquatic ability enjoyed swimming, Mon- day night after school was swim night. Throughout the year, activities of this group included perfecting Red Cross tests — beginning, intermediate and advanced — racing and "free" swimming. Gym points for all-activity shields were earned by those who turned out for swim- ming. One gym make-up was given for each time a girl participated in the swim class. Assisted by Adele Fothergill, chairman, the class met under the supervision of Miss Elsa Pinkham and Miss Eleanor Dixon in the North Central pool. Practicing the Australian crawl are Donna Martinson, Joy Hallin, Alice Rae Collins and Linda Schatz. Skating

Every Wednesday at 2 p.m., from No- vember through March, the skating class leaves for the ice arena. The only qualifi- cations necessary to be a member of this

class is that one owns a pair of skates and

has period (i free. Thirty-eight girls and sixteen boys participated this year. The skaters learned spirals, inside mo- hawks, three turn, figure eight, pivots and the Dutch waltz. Girls earn points for attendance and tests. Gym make-ups may be earned for one gym day a week. Transportation to the arena was by Indian wagon. Miss Pinkham, Miss Allison and Miss Timm are the direc- tors. Carol Armitage was chairman.

Linda Barnard displays her skating ability.

Horseback Riding

"Oh . . . I'll never be able to sit down again!"

This is a common ailment the first few weeks of horseback-riding each year. Every Monday after school from early fall to late spring, for one hour students may go horse- back-riding at the Seven Mile Riding

Stables. Transportation is provided by the

Indian wagon. Adviser for the group is Miss Eleanor Dixon, who drives them out to the stables.

Delight of i lie season is a two-hour riding class and a picnic at the Bowl and Pitcher. This year twenty-five boys and girls were enrolled.

Margaret Montour, chairman of horseback riding. SKATING — Front row: Carol Lohoefer, Phyllis Fix, Vern Hayne, Bob Nordlund, Frank Pasco, Ray Webb, Judy Mclnelly, Carol Armitage. Second row: Miss Pinkham, Pattie French, Marilyn Hartman, Dixie Johnson, Joanne Dalen, Myrna Paulson, Mamie Meusy, Earlenc Quails, Ethel Grant. Janet Murken, Karen Pickett, Miss Timm. Back row: David Thompson. Doug Hohenstein, Bill Nessler, Larry McCarrey, Austin Pagnotta, LaVcrnc Belshew, Gayle Smith, Ann Lloyd.

Wide vanetif offered encourages participation.

HORSEBACK RIDING — Roy Baxter. Ruth Bass. Sandrea Mielkc, Sandra Wcddle. Margaret Montour, Miss Dixon.

173 GIRLS' SOFTBALL — Front row: Mary Breeden, Anita Sonderen. Viola West. Audrey Fairfax, Carol Hurt, Jan Klein, Margie Ewy, Charlene Broekel. Marlene Knight. Second row: Patty Morgan, Mildred Muelki. Olga Meloslavin, Judy Plein. Sharon Kinder. Beverly Aronson, Wilma Uhden, Janna Merica, Sally Smith, Judie Merica, Joan VanDerhoef. Third row: Verlena Hall. Sally Mills. Kay Sayles, Janet McGeorge, Kathleen McKnight, Mary Stevens, Julie Wilcox, Billie Jo Maloney, Sherry Campbell, Julie Mickey, Pat Green, Karen Bodley, Janet Schuster. Back row: Dotty Breeden. Charlene Ogle, Judy Mills, Judy Davis, Janice Carlsen, Jeanne Gilbert, Sharon Hunt. Joan Ewell, Joyce Haugan, Dorothy Rudisile, Valerie Johnson.


"Strike three — You're out!" These words are heard often on early April mornings. From 7:30 to 8:15 on Tuesday and Thursday, three diamonds are kept busy by activities of over one hundred softball enthusiasts. This year's six teams were supervised by Miss Dixon, with the help of managers Judie Merica, Marilynn Clark, Pate Quist and Dorothy Rudisile. The teams play a single round-robin, an equivalent of five games, during the three weeks they compete for first place. At the annual intramural track meet, May 23, girls participated in the basketball and baseball throw, broad and high jumps, shot-put, distance running and relay races. ' > f. . 1 GYM OFFICE WORKERS — Front row: Joyce Anderson, Willean Pledger, Deanna Coleman, Donna Coleman, Joan VanDerhoef, Kay Minnick. Second row: Sharon Syler, Janna Merica, Marilyn Mingo, Wilma Uhden, Connie Solseng, Gayle Phelps, Bobbie Allison, Agnes Tollefsen. Back row: Marilu Miller, Sally Smith, Judy Anderson. Rosemary Hollister, Claudia Miner, Liann Hass, Eilene West.

Gym office workers check attendance Locker monitors guard the locker daily, help keep individual records of each room to protect articles from intrusion and girl taking physical education, and assist disorder, while towel monitors distribute Miss Pinkham and Miss Dixon when fresh towels each period. Supervising those needed. taking rest are the restroom monitors.

TOWEL, LOCKER, RESTROOM MON ITORS — Front row: Charlene Brockel, Diane Finley. Diana Sheridan. Maxine Bowerman. Marie Powell. Nancy Lambert. Mary Reed, Jean Barnes. Second row: Thelma Jaques. Carole Fisher, Darleen Cunningham, Prudy Potter, Joan Barnes, Judi Seymour. Joan Schultz, Darlene Jackman, Marilyn Blough, Roberta Johnson, Joan Hively. Back row: La- Donna Huston. Betty Buckley, Bobbie Johnson. Carol Schroeder. Shirley Moore. Elaine Scott. Mae Raudebaugh, Sandra Glidden. Dorene Hagen.


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