Australian Museum
0 • • 1934. ·--- ;+_• I 0 ,.~ts. - .. ~\¥'· .... ..;. ' .. ~~ ."· ., ... i' - , '. ;\ . .-::,, ..... ~ . .. ..... .. , •• ..·:·":t..· -· J · ·-·· . LEGISLATIVE AssEMBLY. .M,._ ·-.s.-~ ...,, .. ,• • 0 NEW SOU.TH WALES. --------------·------------ AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. (A8NU.AL REPORT. OF TIIE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR E~OED 30rn JCNg, 1933.) [ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, lOTH NOVEMBER, 1933.] 0 0 0 0 -------------------------··--- P1·inted under No. 1 Report from Printing Committee, 3 Jlfay, 1934. To His ExcELLENCY THE GovERNoR, 1'he Trustees of the Australian ~Iu so mn l1 ave the honour to submit to Your Excellency their seventy ninth Annual Report, being thflJt for the year ended 30th June, 1933. 1. TRUSTEES. At the December meeting of the Board, Mr. F. S. Mance was re-elected to the office of President. Dr. T. Storie Dixson, Official Trustee, died on 9th December, 1932. He was elected trustee on 4th October, 1898, and on lOt.h October, 1919, became an Official Trustee on his appointment as President of the New South Wales Medical Board. He was Acting President of the Board in 1918, and on 6th December of that year was elected President, continuing in that office unt il 31st December, 1925. Dr. Dixson took a keen and active interest in the affairs and work of the lVIuseum, and was largely responsible for the initiation of the system of lectures in the institution. By rceolution the Trustees placed on record their high appreciation of the distinguished services rendered to t he Museu1n by the late Dr. Dixson, and their sense of loss sustained by his death. On his appointment as President of the New South Wales Medical Board, Dr.
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