A Bibliography of the Literatvre About New Zealand's Marine and Freshwater Commercial Fisheries 1840-1975
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Fisheries Research Bulletin No. 16 A Bibliography of the Literatvre about New Zealand's Marine and Freshwater Commercial Fisheries 1840-1975 by L. J. Paul Fisheries Research Division New Zealand Ministry of Agriculnrre and Fisheries A Bibliography of the Literature about New Zealand's Marine and Freshweter Commercial Fisheries 1840-1975 t:&ì:-'"#r'- -ú : \ =-='--)i-ia:-J;2).-_.¿ - -'- r': * -.<o E- --¿ ) s.kitr (4ShO slea$es th_e net as a 3-tonne load of skipjack tuna is brailed aboard a pursc seiner. American- g$tered vessels, in addition to n'holly New Zealand boats, began catching this migrätory pelagic species off in the mid 1970s. Fisheries Research Bulletin No. 16 A Bibliography of the Literature about New Zealand's Marine and Freshwater Commercial Fisheries 1840-1975 by L. J. Paul Fisheries Research Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, \Tellington, New Zealand Fisheries Research Division, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 1979 Published by the New Zeal¡nd Minlstry of Agriculture and Fisheries Welllngton tn9 rssN 0110-1749 FOREWORD THE major developments in New Zealand's commercial fisheries have taken place over the shof period since the early 1960s. frowever, the fisheries have been of interest and concem to the community for a much longer time. Those who wish to understand the basis of the present fisheries, or to look for appropriate early and more recent references to particular species or techniques, will find Larry Paul's wide-ranging and detailed bibliography an invaluable entry to the literature. G. DUNCAN WAUGH, Director, Fisheries Research Division CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 9 NEW ZEALAND FISHERIES, GENERAL REVIEWS 10 DEMERSAL (MAINLY TRAWL) FISHERIES 11 PELAGIC FISHERIES t6 IN-SHORE NET FISHERIES 19 ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF NEW ZEALAND FISHERIES... 19 TERRITORIAL FISHING ZONES 20 GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS, INCLUDING FISH NOMENCLATURE 21 FTSHERIES RESEARCH.. 23 CRUSTACEANS... 25 Rock Lobsters ... t< Other Crustacean Species 26 MOLLUSCS 27 General 27 Rock Oysters 27 Dredge Oysters 28 Scallops 29 Mussels 29 Toheroa 30 Paua (Abalone)... 31 Squid ... 32 ECHINODERMS 32 Sea lj¡chins 2 FRESI{WATER EELS JJ WHITEBAIT 34 SEAWEEDS 35 WHALES AND WHALING 36 FOOD TECHNOLOGY 37 q 42 FIGURES L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries¡ L899-LE27 A. E. Hefford, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, 1y274 J. H. Soreusen, Assistant Di¡ector of Fisheries,79û-67 R. M, Cassie, Scientist, N.Z. Marine Dêpartment, 7948-55, and N.Z. Oceanographic Institute, 1955-63;Professor,Universityof Auckland, T9&-74 .., Lz The si{e trawler Nora Nioen 74 -Shinkai Maru, a 3400-tonne Japanese stem trawler 15 The fishing fleet at Greymouth ... 16 D. H. Grahan, Biologist, Pofobello Ma¡ine Fish Hatchery and Biological Stztion,793O-32 2L G. M. Thomson, staff member of Otago High School, L871-7902, and later a Member of Parliament 22 K. Radway Allen, Biologist, 1938-60, Di¡ector of Research, 1960-64, N.Z. Marine Department ... 23 W. J. Phillipps, Ichthyologist, Dominis¡ l\.fuseum, 192G'utB .. 24 A. W. Pa¡¡ott, Biologist, North Canterbury Acclimatisation Society and Canterbury Museum; Curator, Cawthron Institute Museum, Nelson 24 Tailing arock lobster catch at sea 26 Oysters fattening on trays at a ¡ock oyster farm X Commercial gathering of toheroa on Dargaville Beach 3l A Wellington fish ma¡ket in the eafly 1900s 38 INTRODUCTION THE need for a comFrehensive bibliography on single year can be regarded as a turning point and so New Zealand's commercial fisheries has been for practical reasons 1975 has been chosen as the end increasingly felt during the 1970s. Three develop- date for this bibliography. ments, in particular, have produced a need for easy access to the existing infonnation. Apa¡t from short lists of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (formerly Marine Department) Firstly, though foreign exploitation of New publications, this is the first bibliography of New 7-ealand coastal waters (which was started about Zealand fisheries literature since Hamilton (lW2)'. 1960 by Japanese snapper long-line vessels) dectined Perhaps the increasing tempo of fisheries research in the late 1960s when a l2-nautical-mile fis¡¡ot and development will stimulate the production of was claimed, Japanese tuna long-liners continued"ott" to subsequent bibliographies at more frequent work in off-shore waters. Subsequently, other large intervals. fishing vessels began arriving to fish in coastal waters just outside the 12-mile zone: Japanese and Russian Papers and articles on the New Zealand fishing trawlers, Japanese squid-fishing vessels, and in 1975 industry are scattered through many different New Tnaland-registered, but American-owned, publications. This bibliography is a guide to the skipjack purse seiners. Foreign fishing vessels called available info¡mation on New Zealand's fisheries for frequently into New 7*aland ports. This partly fish (marine and freshwater), crtrstaceans, molluscs, reflected continued exploration of the world's and seaweeds and on the food-processing industry fishing grounds, but also resulted from the need of which depends on them. these larger fishing nations to establish a presence and claim traditional fishing rights on af¡ many Papers a¡e included if they mention at least one grounds as possible before the declaration of 20G aspect of the fishing industry or its management, or mile fishing zones. This visible activity prompted a fisheries research, or if they deal with the biology of considerable expansion in the New Zealand fishing a commercially important species. Biological papers industry, stimulated by the apparent discovery of on fish or shellfish not supporting a commercial rich off-shore resouroes, as well as a widespread fishery are not included. Papers on the management public concern that these resources be properly of introduced freshwater fishes a¡e not included. managed and exploited by New Zealanders. The ea¡liest item listed here is dated 1&lO (No. Secondly, during the 1970s several of New 277). F;arllier papers or notes may exist, but no Zealand's in-shore fisheries began showing signs of references to any were found during the compilation (General, overe4ploitation, and some were placed under closer of this bibliography. usually brief, govemment control througb licence limitation or references to the "great potential of the fisheries of catch quota. The debate intensified between those this colony" in the nnitinæ of early explorers and who regard aquatic enimals as a oommon property settlers have not been included. resource, with any person having a right to take them, and those who consider it more appropriate to Papers on marine fish have been grouped by manage these resources to maximise yields (or some subject, and those on freshwater fish, molluscs, and other measr¡rable value). crustaceans have been grouped by species. Several papen, indicated with an asterisk, have Thirdly, aquaculture of rock oysters and green not been formally published, and only a few copies mussels, which began experimentally in the mid exist. 1960s, became a comnercial reality in the early 1970s. The abitity to fa¡m aquatic animals, as opposed to simply hunting or gathering them, is a Much additional information is oontained in the significant achievement. annual Reports on Fisheries. issued by the Ma¡ine rFlan"m-rox, These three developnents make the 1970s a A. 1902: List of fishi¡9. Transactions a significant decade in New 7-ealand fisheries. No 7:5394. Inset 2' Department from 19û2 to 1972 and from 1973 specific inquiries have, of necessity (there are onwards by the Ministry of Agriculture and several hundreds), been omitted. Fisheries, and in the annual Reporß of tln Fßhing There is also much information on New Zealand's Industry Boa¡dfrom 1965 onwa¡ds. Th¡ee magazines fisheries in the published Parliamentary debates or newsletters are ooncerned specifically with the (Hansard), accessible through the annual indexes, New Zealand fishing industry: Cammercíal Fishing but this has not been incorporated here. Reports (Trade Publications Auckland), Fßhing Ltd., printed as appendices to the Journals of the House Industry Boa¡d Bulletin (Fishing Industry Board, of Representatives are, however, included. Wellington), arLd Hshcries Newslcttcr, subsequentþ Carch (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, J thank all who brought fisheries references to my rWellington). Siped articles and some anonFnous attention. I cannot çlaim that this bibliography is reports in these magazines are included in this complete or free from errors; undoubtedly some bibliography, but some news items of value to references have escaped my notice. I\EVy ZEALAND FTSHERTES, GENERÄL REVTEWS 1. A¡¡o¡.¡. 1885: Development of colonial indusEies. I. Fistreries. Appendix ø tlæ loumaß of thc llousc of Representathrcs of N.2., H.-15. 9 pp. 2. A¡ox. 1938: Sea Fisheries Investigation Committee. Appndix ø tlle Joutuß of tlle House of Representatiues of N,2., H-44A. 123pry'. 3. ANoN. 1956: Report of Caucus Fisheries Comnittee 1956. Appendix ø tlu Joumals of tlle House of Representatioes of N.2., H.-15a,. 12pp. 4. Avsor:1, L. F. 189: New Zealand fisheries and acclimatisation. Part I. Marine fisheries. Appendix to the foumaß of thc llouse of Representathses of N.2., H.-27: t-12. 5. _ 1913: Fisheries of New Zealand with recommenda_ tion for organization and administation. Appendix to tlw Joumals of the House of Represmtatiues of N.2., H.-15n. ?5 pp. 6. *Cnr"æ¡e[, J. S. 1970: "The New Zealand fishing industry." Add¡ess to the New Zealand Institute of Public Administation convention May 1970. [N.2.] Fishing Industry Board, Vr'elington. 3ó pp. 7. CUNND.IcI{AM, B. T. 1966: Fishing industry. InMcl-intock, A. H. (Ed.), "AnEncyclopaediaof NewZealand", Vol. I, pp. 67ß7. Government Printer, rüellington. 8. Dn¡ dy of the fishing thesis, lodged in 9. FlslÐlc Ixousrny BoARD. I92: "1\e Fishing Industry in New Zealand." tN.Z.] Fishing Industry Board, Wellington. 2ó pp. Hnn'roN, W.