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AI the News of AI the Point.. Every .' { Thul'ld.y'Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete .Netv. Coverage of A.U the Pointe. .'. Vol. 34-No. 33 SRO:-'S-S-E-P-O-I-N-T-E,-M-IC-H-I-S-A-N-.T-H-U-RS-D-A-Y-,-A-U-S-U-S-T-16-,-I.-9-73----~-~80-Pp-e:r-~-:I-ft---2-6-P-.-g-es---Tw-o-S-e-ct-io-n-s---=S=-e-c-:tio-n--=O=-n-e- G_P_,Woods HEADLINES Summer Figure Skating Program : ICongressional .. die Approves At G.P. Community Rink ReViewed Record Cites Eigllt Items WEEK By Len Singer Mr. Rivard noted 8. school many years as a judge. Her teaches at the 51. Clair When the grass turns of this t)'PC is not designed children also are involved in Shores Skating Club during As Compile« 21)' &be Y h B Voters to Consider Eac:h Grolle Poll1te Ne•• green, flowers bloom and for people who have nev\!r the sporl. the winter. ou't ureau temperatures soar into the skated before, but rather {or "Besides the professional Jack Turney, of Windsor, on November b Election 80's and 90's, it's time to people who know how to instructors at the school, has received a gold medal in Ballot hang up the ice skates and skate and are interested in Mary Kay Baben and my dances. He belr-ugs to the ", 'I1l\lflda)', August t pull out the summer sports learning figure skating tech. daughter Cathi volunteered Windsor Skating Club. Speech on Schools Can Do about Drug By Roger A. Waha :.; VICE PRESIDENT Spiro What gear. Rigbt? niques. to help teach basic skills," Terry Viviani, of Dearborn Problem Mentions Division's 'Counseling At 'this time, eight T. Agnew denied accusations Not neceuarily. A- number "We tea~h all the basic Mrs. Abela said. Heights, is a member of the a men d men t s to The at a press conference Wed. of skating enthusiasts kept figure skating techniques," "They are sub.pro's, but Detroit Skating Club. He Oriented Approach to Dealing with Woods' City Charter will np.sday he had received the blades sharp during the he said, "but we don't tellch are taught to teach and teaches both in Windsor, and Juvenile Offenders' be on the ballot Novem. We,al payments from Mary. warm weatber and Jttended people how to skate." judge basic skills. There in St. Clair Shores. ------ ber 6 for voters to con. :tand contractors. Agnew had l! figure skating scbool at "First. students start out were about 10 beginners and Need Audience R Wah d been notified on ,Monday by the Grosse Poinu: Commu. on the patch, which is a 16- Cathi and Mary Kay helped Other guest skaters came By oger A. a si er. U; S. Attorney George Bean nlty Rink. by-42 square of ice. Here them." _ in for the "pop concerts," The Youth Service Division, (YSD), had no idea Five were approved by the in Baltimore be was under Ray Rivard, manager of they practice the basic fig. There were five profes: where the students were it was mentioned ill the Congressional Record of the Pension Board and foelll investigation for possible the rink, said abCiut 2SOstu- ures, then progress to the slenal instructors teaching:lt given the chance to perform U.S. Senate. Not until last week when an ombuds. upon voluntary retirement for :Violations of criminal sta- dents between the ages of dance and the free style. the school, all at varying in front of an audience. man from the New Rochelle, N.Y., school district non. covered members, (pub- hites, covering bribery, tax seven and 19 took part. In the "We obtal'ned most of our degrees of profl'ciency. "We charged a SO.cent ad. sent a letter to t h e YD"S inqUlrmg a bout a re ference lieI safetyh departmentt I' em."ble 'fraud, extortion and con. 1 h. h f M students from the fl'gure Fine Credentials ml'ssl'on ~or the two concerts, R d p oyes w a are nc. e Igl ~hoo , W Ie ran rom on. • to. the division in the June 15 ecor. f' 1 'ty) tire 'sPirac)'. Agnew called the day, June 18, to Friday, skating clubs at local arenas. Bebbie Bartolotto, of Wal. which were July 7 and July I . --,-_1 or socIa securl ,re d- 'contract allegations "damned Au....st 3. Since this was the When the program was laeeburg, Ont., has received 28," Mrs. Abela said. The o~budsman req~este,d ment allowances for covere lies." No indictments have fir~~year of the program, it thought up back in January, a gold medal in figures and "It's really.important for ~nformahon o~ the. .SD sF- d p members, (general employes been issued. did not gain immediate we promoted it through the in free styles, and is working the children to have someone i approach. to J~vemle drug r"en s ay who a're eligible for s~lal . - . recognition. local clubs." on her gold in dances. She to perform in front of. They users wh~ch" diverts t~em SEcurity). retirement allow- Teach TeehDiques . Jadge SIdJLi trained in Canada and at really enjoyed it." (rom t~e Justice system mto Tr,,-bute to ance for a non.covered memo Frlelay, Aqlllt II "During' the first two The school was the 'brain. the Detroit Skating Club, and The students learned their counseling." berand a cost.of.living a~~ ...'HOUSTON, TEXAS police weeks of the school, people child of Clementine Rice, has been a pro for five lessons well and showed it [n his leiter, the ombuds. R b 0 justment for both general and '(ound 19 bodies of murdered t 1'''' M years. on the test dates, June 30 man was referring to a public safety employes. lieys on a tip from two teen. stood arouneS the ice watch. who began a ,;:mg to r. 0 ert rr The other three amend- died ing the instructions, but most Rivard at the beginning of Car 0 I Ann Farrell is a and August 3. speech by Paula D. Gordon, ments are {or compensation .age boys. The boys am: of them didn't really know the year. In January, she triple gold medalist, receiv. "On the last test day," co.ordinator at the Washing. d f of the mayor and councll- ,they had been bivalved 2S wbat was going on," Mr. had instruct?rs lined up, but ing medals In figures, free Mrs. At-ela said, "we only ton, D.C., Police Foundation, Boar 0 Directors Passes men, compensation of the ~ 30 murders over the last Rivard said. they backed out. New in. style and, dance. She lives had five failures out of 50 on what schools can do about Resolution Establishing municipal judge and ellgibil • .ree years along wi af "Then later, word got structors were found and and teaches in Windsor. being tested." the drug problem. This Fund in His Memory ity for office in tbe city. homosexual friend. Most 0 around and we bad more Mrs. Pat Abela was obtained Jackie Locknescar, of De. The scbool may expand speech was entered in the Special Muting the victims had been dsh~ in people signing 'up. Next year as the school's secretary. troit, is in her fifth test fig. next year if possible. Mrs. Record. In her address to the At a special council meet. tbe head; two haled en we hope to have them Mrs. Abela has been In. ures. She is a member of Abela said she would like to Delaware drug educators' The Board of Directors ing Friday evening, August strangled. Those invo VEl are through the first week." volved in figure skating {or the Detroit Skating Club, and (Continued on Page 2) retreat on j'une 4, she made of the Friends of the 10, (wbl'ch ran ~our and a David. Brooks, 18; mer ------------------------------------------ f t th YSD G P . bI' L,i .' Henley, 17, and Dean Corn, a .re erence 0 e .' ros.se. omte Pu lC .• half hours), the solons ap. 34. 'Henley admitted.to police Park's Loss P k t E d $148734 'F 1 ' I which .has had an. actlye branes held a speCIal proved the eight items. How- 'dlat he bad abot Corn to ar 0 xpen , •. enla e ,s counseling program smce Its 1 meeting on Thursday ever, the wording of tbree death at a Wednesday paint- organization in July 1970. August 9, in honor of Iamendments, approved by sniffing Qrgy':and claimed Is CI,,-nton For PaVI-IlO' of St Paul Nabbed for Personal Wortb IRobe'rt M. Orr. ~e Pe!1sion Board for c~un. CorU was responsible for ~ - ~. In discuSliing the general The board passed a resolu. cil actIOn, w!,s substantia~y the murderi '!be pollee are La ' G - N A - I L dd' T k Sh I-h- need for a reorientation of tlon establishing a fund at changed mamly ~or dUlty looking for other ,bodies of OpS atn ew erla a er rue op I lug the education experience, she the library, The Grosse pudrpOAsesN'(coluncliidma~IfCtohn- victims, . cites "the single most im. Point!: L i 'b r a r 'I Memorial ra " a~ge sa , e - • .' ------- E I " po-tant thing" as helping F nil . - M f R be t people don t understand it, Virginia Bruce, 10, Helps Resurfacing of Thoroughfare to Start in ar y Fa : Woods, Farms Officers "n~rture in youth a concern M~Da~fel oer~orzs °an ~iti~l they will vote 'no' ").