Françoise BRIQUEL CHATONNET & Muriel DEBIÉ, Le Monde Syriaque
Syria Archéologie, art et histoire Recensions | 2018 Françoise BRIQUEL CHATONNET & Muriel DEBIÉ, Le monde syriaque. Sur les routes d’un christianisme ignoré Sebastian Brock Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/syria.7978 ISSN: 2076-8435 Publisher IFPO - Institut français du Proche-Orient Electronic reference Sebastian Brock, « Françoise BRIQUEL CHATONNET & Muriel DEBIÉ, Le monde syriaque. Sur les routes d’un christianisme ignoré », Syria [Online], Book reviews, Online since 31 December 2018, connection on 25 September 2020. URL : ; DOI : syria.7978 This text was automatically generated on 25 September 2020. © Presses IFPO Françoise Briquel Chatonnet & Muriel Debié, Le monde syriaque. Sur les routes... 1 Françoise BRIQUEL CHATONNET & Muriel DEBIÉ, Le monde syriaque. Sur les routes d’un christianisme ignoré Sebastian Brock REFERENCES Françoise BRIQUEL CHATONNET & Muriel DEBIÉ, Le monde syriaque. Sur les routes d’un christianisme ignoré , Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2017, 15 × 21,5, 272 p., 140 ill. coul. et 11 cartes, ISBN : 978-2-251-44715-5. 1 At a time when a considerable amount of the material heritage of the Middle Eastern Churches of Syriac tradition has been, and is still being, destroyed in the turmoil of current strife in Syria and Iraq, this is a most opportune book, for it provides an excellent overview of the Syriac Christian tradition, generously accompanied by helpful maps and well-chosen illustrations (mostly inset with the text) at least some of which are of artefacts now destroyed. Although a number of helpful guides to the Syriac literary tradition are available, there is very little of a more general nature on the material culture, an aspect which is admirably covered by Le monde syriaque.
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