Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Dear parents, students and friends of Cop,

When I first started teaching here in September 1980 I had absolutely no idea that I would still be here in 2019 and as your Headteacher too! There have been some wonderful successes over the years, some marvellous stories to tell and our school is now in a very strong position to continue to move forwards and continue to deliver the high quality of education that you expect of us. I have taught different generations of families and watched 11 year old children become 50+ year old adults and I shall always remember the warmth and support that our community has shown to me. I am almost an honorary Sandgrounder now or as close as an old Mancunian can get!

With our school over-subscribed again, financially stable and with the most fantastic supportive colleagues, governors and parents a Head could wish for, it is without doubt the right time for me to retire from Meols Cop and to hand over to a new Headteacher who can drive Meols Cop upwards and onwards. Our school provides a fantastic opportunity for the right person and I know that the reputation of the school will bring candidates of great quality and potential to interview and the successful applicant will be an extremely lucky person indeed.

I will say more as the final time approaches for me to say goodbye and will keep you up-dated as to who the next Headteacher will be after the interviews have taken place.

Many, many thanks to all of you for your kindness and support over such a long time. It has been my privilege to work in, and lead, a school which has tried its level best to stay true to its inclusive ethos and has made an immeasurable difference to the lives of thousands of children in our local community. Our reputation may have grown but we remain a proud and humble small school with our roots and philosophy deeply embedded in the needs and aspirations of those we serve. Have a great weekend and best wishes.

David Jones

Well done to our teachers!

Much of the news on our bulletins tells our community about student success but I have to say that I was delighted to receive this message about our teachers from Harry Fletcher Wood who visited our school with 15 senior leaders from all around the country [I mentioned the visit on the last bulletin] They had a hectic schedule visiting classrooms all day long and talking to different colleagues on a wide range of topics from CPD and any topics of their choice and interest. Many of their own schools

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

are very different to Meols Cop and they ranged from Free Schools, academy chains, zero-tolerance schools and so on which makes the learning reciprocal experience of all involved a wonderful one.

“Thank you for another brilliant visit to Meols Cop. It left everyone buzzing and thinking hard about how they can give teachers more control over what they do, how they can get them as excited as your teachers are about teaching, and how they can have teachers so keen to stay. There's so few places like Meols Cop and I'm really glad they got to see your work”.

Well done to Miss Francis who organised the day and to all brave colleagues who were observed or questioned [grilled!]

Mr Jones Headteacher

Due to staff training, school will not start for students until 9:45am on Tuesday 29th January. The school day will finish as normal at 3:10pm.

Many Thanks for your continued support.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

On Tuesday 22nd January, the year 9 and 10 dancers completed a dance workshop with a professional dance teacher from LIPA. The workshop was to provide the students with more experience when

Erin Clode Lucy Mercer-Jones Lucy Murray Nicole Helsby Lucy Fowler Charmaine Benito Amy Farquharson Tia Howard Lauren Green Naomi Hall Sophie Lopez Tom Jackson Freya Hargreaves Caitlin Luckett Aimee- Jane Machin Grove Rebecca Kilduff Aimee-Rose Hunt Natasha Moss Cerys Burrows Gabbi Niemen Ellie Marshall Holly Watkins Lilly Flint Megan Inglis-Mason Caitlin Robinson Kayla Heesom Ellie Walker Eddie Whalen

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Naomi Wills Talia Owens-Hunt working on their street dance isolations. Street dance has increased in popularity and is embedded into the new GCSE Dance Spec, so this was a great opportunity for the students to understand the importance of dynamic quality when performing in the style of street. The workshop challenged all students to try new, complex movement material and all students felt inspired with ideas for their future work in GCSE Dance. Thank you for your continued support, Miss Pilling.

As part of the PSD programme of study an upcoming singer, “Jean-Mikhael" has been in school performing for year 7. The main message of the presentation was to empower students to make the right choices in regards to Online Safety & Cyber Bullying, as well as to inform students not to discriminate and to treat everyone fairly. He also discussed mental health and well-being, empowering students with confidence to speak about their state of mind, tools to recognise when to reach out and who to talk to.

Jean-Mikhael is a singer songwriter from London. With his unique style of writing, sound and fashion, Jean-Mikhael is starting to make waves in the music industry. He is currently working on his new EP "Reborn" and is due to support 1 Directions Liam Payne on some dates later this year. A very diverse individual, and previously bullied at school, Jean Mikhael is excited to be promoting such a positive message to youngsters around the UK and feels he is in a great position to inspire and give good advice. Check out a link to his music video below; Jean Mikhael - Deal (Private Video)

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Composer of the month Eva Performer of the month Rebecca Boyle has greatly improved her Tomlinson has recently performed for GCSE composition skills over recent lessons. ensemble performance. Her confidence has She has compose an effectively grown and she has combatted her nerves

melody making use of contrasting to perform an excellent rendition of a

rhythms and developed this into a full Halsey song singing accurately. Well done! musical theme. Well Done! The following students achieved excellent results on Special congratulations to the following their recent keyword recall test. Well Done! students who achieved full marks, a fantastic achievement! Emily Hughes Dominika Brzezinska Abbie King Merry Wylder Scarlet Savage Lucy Peters Olivia Grant Daisy Whitehead Tia Amy Charmaine Benito Matthew Wilson

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

The Hesketh Colts Reds U13 girls have 6 Meols Cop girls in their team and they have just won the Hightown League. This league has been dominated by a team for years, so they are really proud of their achievement. They have gone from winners of the lower tier, to runners up in the upper tier last year and now overall league winners . Congratulations !

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Laura Heslip (C) Gracie Boydell Jasmine Marshall Erin Carr Amanda Hallom Erin Lovegrove

Each week, the English department will be publishing examples of excellent writing in the school bulletin. This week’s writing belongs to Alexander Golding in Year 10. This piece was written in preparation for the upcoming mock exam.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

My Hero Nature’s alarm clock awakes me from my slumber. I wake up to the birds singing, the leaves rustling, and the elk bellowing. All was calm. The cool breeze soothed me and I knew that today was my day, at long last. My life as a lumberjack was… stressful at best (all of the feelings of danger, urgency and jeopardy always came back to me). But, today, all of my stresses seemed to cower away in the back of my head. I look outside and see the sun’s light, slicing through the trees and reflecting upon the meadow of poppies and daisies back into my eyes. The birds’ crescendo was the final kick which energized me; I was ready! And so, as my clothes warmed my skin, a wooden handle splintered my left hand and the crisp, cold barrel of Betsy (That was what my grandfather had engraved on the side of it) took up my right. I walked out feeling complete.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

However, the air became heavier and as the birds singing became an ear-shattering

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

shrieking and the bellowing elk became a demonic chant, I started to become anxious. My stresses supressed by the once beautiful song of the birds had been strewed upon me once more. I felt sick. As I stumbled to the ground, I wished my deafening burden away. An agonising 10 minutes and 34 seconds of pain and torment passed and, to my surprise, my wish came true, although not as I envisioned it. A white noise penetrated the air. It pierced my ears and shattered my conscious but I was relieved. At least I wasn’t being deafened. As I started to pick myself up off of the frostbite inducing ground, a horrible chill shot up my spine. Something wasn’t right, and then it dawned on me. I equipped my shotgun and with two double-aught shells in the barrel, Betsy could slay even the biggest of elephants. With my finger on the trigger I heard the leaves start to rustle again and more violent than ever. My heart was pounding! The light beaming through the forest turned into rain and the cool breeze turned into an intense thunderstorm. I knew it was here. The off and on disturbances in nature were not a coincidence. The birds and the elk deafening me, the rain, the thunderstorm it was all down to one thing. A god perhaps? No, for gods have power of only one or two aspects of our reality… this had many more. I was star-struck, a powerful winds began to weaken. But just as I thought it had stopped again, I soon realised why…

A being of ungodly power stood before me. A hell spawn of destruction and malevolence. A creature capable of anything it could possibly desire. The brown bear. Such presence was greeted only with death of whatever else was present. Brown bears are not a common sight but one of this size was unheard of. Its power shown by the way my burdens go away when it’s eating. (This morning only god knows what it killed).

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

The blood ran down its face and as the bones of a song bird lay fleshless on the floor, I

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

could tell it wasn’t done. It’s scent could track me from miles. And then my heart went up to my mouth as its eyes gazed upon me, with murderous intent. Its speed and size unmatched the ground trembled bellow it. My sights of my gun were drawn upon it. I was ready to pull the trigger. However my sights dropped. The bear slowed, cautious of my steel barrel. It dropped in front of me; it bowed to me… And the discord stopped. It was calm. The bear’s murderous intent turned into respect and acceptance. These things in conjunction made my brain implode. It left and my adrenaline died down. Its steps still trembled the ground but it was softer. Heavy breathing calmed me down. I went inside. My bed welcomed me. My anxiety was still present but knowing that I have the power was very reassuring. And although what happened next has been lost to time, I knew the following day that it would be one heck of a story… So was it?” “I don’t know?”

“Yes you do…”

Alexander Goulding Year 10

Congratulations to Tia Howard for achieving the dance star of the month award; displaying 100% enthusiasm, creativity and commitment to dance in and outside of lessons.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

On Tuesday 22nd January our Year 8 boys football teams played in a 7 aside tournament at Stanley High School . Despite the freezing conditions the lads where upbeat and excited to represent the school.

Team 1 faced Stanley whites in their first game and Team 2 faced Stanley Yellows. We had previously beaten Stanley convincingly in an 11-aside match and I think this was in the minds of our teams as both teams started off slowly. Team 1 were off their normal pace but still managed to play some lovely football with the midfield three of Brandon, Max and Tom linking up well and Elliot was as clinical as ever up front. Despite a slow start the lads managed to come through the game with a 4-2 win. Team 2 faced a much better Stanley Yellow team who were really pumped up for it and they came out of the blocks fast and our lads didn’t know what had hit them. Before they had a chance to find their feet they were already out of the game but rallied well to keep the score down. Ben Copeland was playing in goal (not his preferred position) and if not for some world class saves the score could easily have been worse, the lads lost the game 7-2. Despite the disappointment of the earlier loss, Team 2 showed great character to start a fresh in the second game against Stanley whites, they played with real intensity and put in a fantastic performance, Liam Martin put in a good show in the centre of midfield and Eduardo was commanding at the back. Cody was captain of the team and optimised the energy of the team with a tireless performance. The lads won the game 5-1 but it could have been a much higher score. Team 1 knew they were up for a real battle in the second game against a very good Stanley Yellow team. The game was end to end with both teams showing real quality, combined with some strong physical challenges. Brandon pulled out some outstanding saves from long range efforts and Tom put in a masterclass of passing to repeatedly carve open the Stanley defence. Charlie was making his first appearance for Meols Cop and showed great composure on the ball and made some excellent tackles at times. The game ended 5-3 to Meols Cop and the lads were made up as Stanley really did play well and the lads had to work hard for their win.

The overall score was 16-13 to Meols Cop so please pass on your congratulations to the lads, their behaviour was exemplary and at times the football was a joy to watch. These boys really do have the makings of a great team.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Merseyside Youth Association SPACE has engaged schools and youth groups from all across Sefton to create performing arts pieces for the NOW Festival. This year’s theme is Rise Up: Adverse Childhood Experience, which is showcased through drama, dance, film and music performances. This year, Meols Cop are entering a Year 10 group into the Festival and have prepared a drama and dance piece. If anyone would like to come and watch, please see the details below:

th Date: 12 February

Location: The Atkinson () Time: 6pm start (doors open at 5.45pm)

Tickets are available and can be purchased from the box office at The Atkinson (01704 533 333); priced £8.00 each. Booking fee is £1 per ticket online/ phone.

Any more information please see Miss R Pilling!

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Please find below the payment plan for the 2020 Ski trip. Please ensure payments are kept up to date . A total of £519 should be paid off the trip by Friday 29th March 2019 . The final balance of the trip must then be paid by Friday 29th November 2019 - £850

Payment Plan

Payments to be made each month

Deposit June 2018 - £75

July 2018 - £75

August 2018 - £45

September 2018 - £45 October 2018 - £45

November 2018 - £45

December 2018 - £45

January 2018 - £45

February 2019 - £45

March 2019 - £45

April 2019 - £45

May 2019 - £45

June 2019 - £45

July 2019 - £45

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

August 2019 - £45

September 2019 - £45

October 2019 - £45

November 2019 - £25

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Starting in January, the English Department will be running a series of after school sessions to revise elements of English Language. Come along to E1 each Thursday to boost your skills. 3.20pm– 4.00pm

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Join team science for lunch in S4 each day and get a jump on your revision.

Bring your lunch along, grab an iPad and get revising .

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Random Fact : A group of pugs is called a “ Grumble “

Our school council have chosen to support Animal

Sanctuary this year. The sanctuary are in desperate need of old blankets and towels to be used as bedding for the sick and abandoned animals and the school council members have offered to collect suitable items .

Do you have any unwanted towels or blankets at home ? ( no duvets please )

Collections will be held each Friday until further notice and items can be dropped off at the school office . Thank you for your support .

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Meols Cop High School PE Dept Extra- Curricular Activities

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 25th January 2019