Download the Index Page 553 Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:34 PM Index A creating, 163–164 Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), 12–13 cutouts, 167 Acceleration, interpolating, 360–363 description, 153–155 ActionTrigger, 384 destination pixels, 156 Acyclic gradients, 195–197 drop shadow, 167 Add composite, 171–175 Dst rule, 157 Adobe kuler, 547 DstAtop rule, 158 Aerith DstIn rule, 158 blending modes, 542 DstOut rule, 159 coding applications DstOver rule, 159 blending modes, 542 erasing a background, 157, 165 layers, 540–542 picture frames, 167 from screen mockups, 540–544 Porter-Duff equations, 153–154 history of, 531–532 Porter-Duff rules, 155–162 online resources, 550 problems with, 168–170 running, 532–533 replacing existing drawings, 161, 166–168 screen mockups setting up, 163–164 coding from, 540–544 soft-clipping, 168 colors, 545–547 source pixels, 156 gradients, 547 Src rule, 160 guides, 543 SrcAtop rule, 160 required skills, 544–545 SrcIn rule, 161, 166–168 workflow design, 538–539 SrcOut rule, 161 workflow design SrcOver rule, 162, 165–166 with a graphics editor, 535–537 temporary offscreen images, 170 on paper, 533–535, 537–538 translucency effect, 162, 165–166 screen mockups, 538–543 Xor rule, 162 Affine transforms, 63–70, 203–204 AlphaComposite class, 468–470 AffineTransformOp filter, 203–204 Anchor points, 369 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and Animated Transitions, 497–530 XML), 2–3 Animation. See also Motion effects. AlphaComposite. See also Composites. frame rate antialiased-clipping, 168 frame-based animation, 268 Clear rule, 157, 165 minimum required, 289–290 common uses, 164–168 smoothing, 318, 332 553 Page 554 Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:34 PM 554 INDEX Animation, continued time-based frame-based definition, 265 flicker, 269 flicker, 269 frame rate, 268 intermediate steps, 270 intermediate steps, 270 linear interpolation, 273–274 linear interpolation, 273–274 problems, 268–275 overview, 266–268 realistic motion, 272–275 problems, 268–275 speed, 269–271 realistic motion, 272–275 Swing buffering, 269, 271–272 speed, 269–271 timer resolution.
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