Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013 No. 37 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was killed dozens of Americans, and upend- States who wish to carry out adapta- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ed the lives of millions more. But tion projects in order to prepare for the pore (Mr. MCCLINTOCK). Sandy was only one of 11 separate bil- impacts of climate change. Another f lion-dollar extreme weather events last bill is the Water Infrastructure Resil- year. iency and Sustainability Act, sup- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO And not only are things getting porting States wishing to update their TEMPORE worse each time, but these events are aging storm, waste, and drinking water The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- occurring more frequently now than systems in order to adapt for climate fore the House the following commu- they were even a decade ago. And of change. These bills would help our nication from the Speaker: course, the cost of all these catas- local communities to plan and prepare for the impacts of climate change and WASHINGTON, DC, trophes—cost which is borne by the March 14, 2013. taxpayer—is also escalating. increased extreme weather. Our com- I hereby appoint the Honorable TOM One of the first actions of this Con- munities deserve protections from MCCLINTOCK to act as Speaker pro tempore gress was to enact over $60 billion in these potentially devastating events on this day. emergency aid for all those impacted and we have a responsibility to help. JOHN A. BOEHNER, by Sandy. Who knows how much the Mr. Speaker, we have a choice. We Speaker of the House of Representatives. next catastrophe will cost? can continue to spend tens of billions f Mr. Speaker, we cannot afford to sit of dollars annually on emergency aid back and wait for the next Hurricane packages that will only grow in size MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Sandy to devastate American lives and and quantity, or we can spend a frac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- property. Especially in these tight eco- tion of that on planning smarter and ant to the order of the House of Janu- nomic times, I think we can all agree building more resilient infrastructure ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- that reducing the cost of extreme that creates jobs and strengthens our nize Members from lists submitted by weather events is a good idea. And one economy for years to come. I think the choice is clear. Let’s the majority and minority leaders for of the most effective ways to reduce choose to protect our coastlines and to morning-hour debate. these costs is to plan ahead. Regardless fortify our infrastructure. Let’s choose The Chair will alternate recognition of what you think about its causes, ex- to create good American jobs and between the parties, with each party treme weather is happening, and be- strengthen our economy. Let’s choose limited to 1 hour and each Member cause we cannot guarantee that these to plan ahead to protect lives, to pro- other than the majority and minority events will not happen in the future, tect property, and the Federal Govern- leaders and the minority whip limited we can and we must do more to pre- ment itself from the impacts of ex- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall pare. Imagine the lives, infrastructure, debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. treme weather. homes, and businesses that could have I urge my colleagues to join me in f been saved if we’d better anticipated taking action on this critical issue and and prepared for the impacts of these SAFE CLIMATE CAUCUS to help our communities to prepare for events before they occurred. the impacts of climate change. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The By smarter planning and building Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from more resilient infrastructure, we can f California (Mrs. CAPPS) for 5 minutes. reduce storm damages, we can lessen TAKE THE PADLOCKS OFF THE Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise economic impacts, and we can save WHITE HOUSE DOORS today to call attention to the looming lives. And these mitigation and adapta- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The crisis of climate change. The effects of tion measures also create good quality Chair recognizes the gentleman from climate change are diverse, but they American jobs that can help to grow Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. all impact American lives and liveli- our economy for the future. It’s a win- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Sat- hoods, and we are realizing and wit- win that we should all support. urday was the day that Lanier Middle nessing these occurrences in real-time. That’s why last month I reintroduced School students from Houston, Texas, Extreme weather events like Hurri- two bills that would help our local had been looking forward to for a long cane Sandy, severe drought, and major communities implement these cost- time. They were going to get to see flooding are becoming more frequent saving measures. One is the Coastal where the President of the United and growing more intense. Sandy alone States Climate Change Planning Act, States lived. This was even more excit- caused at least $50 billion in damages, which would provide help for coastal ing because it was the first time in 5 b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1401 . VerDate Mar 14 2013 23:39 Mar 14, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.000 H14MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2013 years that Lanier had been successful American idea where the people of the immigrants in this Nation right now. in scheduling a tour of the White country can come see where the Presi- By using 1986 as a yardstick, we can House. Then last week, 2 days before dent of the United States, the most guess that by offering amnesty there they were set to go on their tour, they powerful person in the world, actually might be twice that many. got the bad news. They were no longer lives. Mr. Speaker, we were told in 1986 welcome in the people’s house. b 1010 that none of this would happen. But it Mr. Speaker, I know one of the par- did. Now we’re talking about brand ents of the kids at Lanier Middle This is uniquely American. You go to new expenses at a time when we really School. Here’s what she said: other countries and, whether they’re have no money to spare. This means It’s disappointing. But it is particularly democracies or not, they don’t let you Social Security, Medicare, unemploy- disappointing to me because I think it teach- near the home of where the head leader ment compensation, ObamaCare, wel- es the kids a bad lesson of not keeping your lives. But only in America have we fare, food stamps, you name it. The word. I think that’s bad for the kids. done this. Heritage Foundation projects that cur- Harvin Moore, a trustee from the So, Mr. Speaker, I would encourage rently illegal immigration today costs Houston Independent School District, the President to keep his word. Let the us $55 billion a year, or $550 billion over wrote the White House when he got the people back in. And as students come 10 years. Illegal immigrants today re- bad news, and here’s what he said: to Washington, D.C., they should know ceive $55 billion more in government Next week, 80 students from Lanier Middle that the U.S. Capitol is open for busi- benefits than they pay in taxes, based School will be spending their spring break ness and that Members of Congress, on the 2010 census. Worse, after so- touring our Nation’s capital. their staff, and the tour guides at the They have been planning the trip for a called ‘‘amnesty,’’ the net deficit re- Capitol Visitor Center will be glad to sulting from illegal immigrants will be year. They have completed background take them through the Capitol. In fact, checks and received confirmation that they $75 billion a year, or three-quarters of would be welcomed to the White House and, earlier this morning, there were about a trillion over 10 years. as you can imagine, were very excited about 70 kids from Westchester, New York, We have no guarantee that these new that. seated here before we opened for busi- millions of legalized aliens will not be Now we find ourselves in the position of ness, getting a history lesson from one on the public social programs. Nothing having to explain to them that their plans of our Parliamentarians. in any of these proposals from these have been abruptly canceled and they will Mr. Speaker, the Capitol is open, but ‘‘Gangs’’ or the White House can con- not be welcome at the White House after all. neither the White House nor the U.S. Frankly, that’s a hard thing to do as we vince me otherwise. All told, The Her- don’t understand the reason ourselves. Capitol should ever close its doors and itage Foundation projects that if that’s We don’t understand why, out of a $1.6 bil- ban the people from the people’s true, it will mean $2.5 trillion in new lion Secret Service budget, the administra- houses.