HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES to the United States Coast Guard Academy and to Bring with Him Certain and Sundry for the Year 1955: Hon
1955 ·cONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1215 to serve as members of the Board of Visitors day of February 1955, at 1:30 post meridian HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the United States Coast Guard Academy and to bring with him certain and sundry for the year 1955: Hon. EDWARD A. GARMATZ; papers in the possession and under the con MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1955 Hon. LEONOR K. SULLIVAN; Hon. JOHN J, trol of the House of Representatives: There ALLEN, JR. fore be it The House met at 12 o'clock noon. As chairman of the Committee on Mer Resolved, That by the privileges of this The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, chant Marine and Fisheries, I am authorized House no evidence of a documentary char D. D., offered the following prayer: to serve as an ex officio member of the acter under the control and in the possession Board. of the Ho"use of Representatives can, by the Eternal God, our Father, in these Sincerely, mandate of process of the ordinary courts strange and troublous days, wilt Thou be· HERBERT C. BONNER, of justice, be taken from such control or especially favorable unto our President, Chairman. possession but by its permission; be it fur- our Speaker, and all the Members of ther , Resolved, That when it appears by the Congress, granting them insight and un BETTm M. BACON AGAINST order of the court or of the judge thereof, derstanding, wisdom and guidance. UNITED STATES or of any legal offi-cer charged with the ad Inspire them with a high sense of ministration of the orders of such court or duty and a fearless determination to fol The SPEAKER laid before the House judge, that documentary evidence in the low the ways of peace and righteousness, the following communication from the possession and under the control of the and do that which is well pleasing unto Clerk of the House: House is · needful for use in any court of Thee.
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