The Adair County News.: 1903-02-04
i ! . , 1 THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS. VOLUME 6 00LUMBIA,AJ3AIR COUNTY, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 41903. NUMBER 13 STATE NEWS. SHOVLD PA Y ITS DEBTS. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY TEETWO TURKEY. .1 FEW A THLETIC DON' TS The next, State Fair will held at S. E. LEOMAN be More than two years ago, efforts'were One of the most peculia -.inci- Don't exercise for an hour, at least & SON, Owensboro, begun, under 1 the direction of Gov. deuces that has been bear : : ently, after meals. to «:*> m. youtsey LARGE AND COMPLETE a m. p. STOCK OF jjSJVVll IPi Small pox has made its appearance Beckham, to recover to the State of was told the other day by a iu. wbo,e COURT DIRECTORY. Don't exercise an instant after you •mm *»*<«» in a numoer of places. veracity can not be question* d even iu feel exhausted. Wild geese are damaging the wheat an extreme case like this oue. He DIAMONDS, station i^a year-ThlrU Don't forget to inhale slowly when »oDiTCoo»T-Three Names be due as said that three years ago be had two fields In Christian county. performing any exercises. MflTGHES, The prosecution of the matter was turkeys that he wss fattening for the and Sentinel The Winchester Sun Here are a few "don 'ts" to bear in carried to successful conclusion, and festivities. were newspapers Christmas They have consolidated. mind when performing any athletics: Jim the state will, within the neitfew kept in the back yard of his home on GL0GKS, Howard As Goe- Henry Knox, colored, of Nlcholas- Don't forget that every months, be richer by »l,3t0.000.
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